Present Continuous Worksheets

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Present Continuous Worksheets

The present continuous is used to talk about what is happening at the

moment, as well as for future scheduled events and takes the following
Present Continuous Positive Form
Subject + to be (am, are, is) + present participle (ing form of verb) +

Peter's working in the garden at the moment.

We're meeting Tom at five o'clock.

Present Continuous Negative Form

Subject + to be (am, are, is) + not + verb + objects

Mary isn't watching TV now. She's outside.

They aren't working at the moment. They're on a break.

Present Continuous Question Form

(Question Word) + to be (am, are, is) + subject + present participle (ing
form of verb)?

What are you doing?

Where is Tim hiding?

No Present Continuous with Stative Verbs

The present continuous, and continuous forms in general, are used with
action verbs such as talk, drive, play, etc. The continuous form is not used
with stative verbs such as 'be', 'seem', 'taste', etc. Some stative verbs can be
used as action verbs so there are some exceptions. For example: 'smell' - It
smells good. (stative verb) / He is smelling the roses. (action verb)

He seems happy.
This tastes very sweet.
It doesn't appear to be difficult.

Time Expressions with Present Continuous for Present

Now / At the Moment
'Now' and 'at the moment' refer to the moment of speaking. These two
expressions are often used with the present continuous. It's also possible
to use the present continuous without these time expressions depending
on the context.

She's taking a shower at the moment.

We're having dinner now.
Daren is studying for the test.

Currently / This Week - Month / Today

'Currently', 'this week / month' and 'today' are used to speak about what is
happening around the present moment. These forms are often used in
work to speak about a project in progress.

Jason's taking the day off today.

They're working on the Smith account.
Are you developing plans for the new project?

Time Expressions with Present Continuous for Future

Scheduled Action
Next / On / At
The present continuous is also used for planned events in the future such
as meetings. Use future time expressions such as 'next', 'tomorrow', 'at +
time', 'on + day', 'in + month' etc.

We're meeting next Thursday to discuss the issue.

I'm presenting at two o'clock tomorrow.
She's having lunch with Peter on Monday.

Present Continuous Worksheet 1

Conjugate the verb in parentheses in the present continuous tense. In the
case of questions, use the indicated subject as well.

1. Alexander _____ (study) for his exams at the moment.

2. Where _____ (you meet) Tim next week?
3. She _____ (not play) Golf tomorrow.
4. They _____ (make) dinner now.
5. The company (not finish) the plans this week.
6. She _____ (eat) oysters for lunch right now.
7. David _____ (not fly) to Chicago next week.
8. I _____ (work) on a special report today.
9. We _____ (not cook) dinner this evening because we're eating
10. _____ (Tom drive) to work right now?
11. Alice _____ (read) a new book at the moment.
12. They _____ (not prepare) for the science exam at the moment.
13. When _____ (you have) lunch tomorrow?
14. We _____ (joke)!
15. _____ (they give) a party this weekend?
16. Susan _____ (make) the decision at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
17. People _____ (play) tennis golf on a beautiful day like this!
18. What _____ (you do)?!
19. He _____ (bake) a cake at the moment.
20. Which motel _____ (they stay) at now?
Present Continuous Worksheet 2
Choose the correct time expression used with the present continuous

1. They are cooking dinner (on the moment / now).

2. The company is preparing a report for their most important
client (last / this) week.
3. My sister is studying for a test (at the moment / in the moment).
4. We're meeting Brian (on / at) three o'clock.
5. (Currently / Current) we're working on the Anderson account.
6. They aren't coming for dinner (this / at) evening.
7. Susan is playing tennis with Tim (now / then).
8. What are you doing (this / next) afternoon?
9. They're enjoying dinner (at / next) the moment.
10. What are you doing (tomorrow / yesterday) afternoon?
11. Henry is making the presentation (at / on) Wednesday.
12. Our teacher is helping us with grammar (that / this) morning.
13. My dog is barking (at the moment / in the moment).
14. We're finishing the business report (today / yesterday).
15. The clock is striking twelve o'clock right (now / soon). It's time
to go!
16. Frank is flying to Chicago (this / that) morning.
17. We're reading that book (at the moment / on the moment).
18. Thomas is presenting at the meeting (on / in) April.
19. She's mowing the lawn (now / moment).
1. They're developing a new product (this / last) month.

Present Continuous Worksheet 3

Decide whether the following sentences use present continuous for action
at the moment (NOW), action around the current moment in time
(AROUND), or for a future scheduled action (FUTURE).

1. We're working on the Smith account this month.

2. Just a moment, I think he's working out in the garden.
3. Jennifer's meeting with Tom later today.
4. I'm looking for a new job currently.
5. We're discussing the issue on Wednesday.
6. Jake's finishing his homework right now.
7. Alan's working with Tom later today.
8. They're making dinner for us tonight.
9. I'm sorry I don't have time. I'm mowing the lawn.
10. She's looking for a new home as she'd like to move soon.

Present Simple Worksheets

The present simple takes the following forms:
Present Simple Positive Form Review
Subject + present simple form of verb +

Alison often watches TV after dinner.

They play golf on Saturdays.

Present Simple Negative Form

Subject + do/does not + verb + objects

Jack doesn't spend much time on reading.

They don't eat meat on Fridays.

Present Simple Question Form

(Question Word) + do/does + subject +

What do you do after work?

How often do you eat out?

Important Notes
The verb 'to be' does not take the auxiliary verb 'do'
in the question or negative form.

She is a teacher.
I am from Seattle.
Are you married?

Time Expressions With Present Simple

Adverbs of Frequency
The following adverbs of frequency are often used
with the present simple to express how often
someone does something habitually. Remember
that present simple is used to express daily
routines and habits. These adverbs of frequency
are listed from most frequent to least frequent.
Adverbs of frequency are placed directly before the
main verb.

Days of the Week and Times of the Day

Days of the week are often used with 's' to indicate
that someone does something regularly on a
specific day of the week. Times of the day are used
to express when someone usually does something.
Notice that 'at' is used with 'night', but 'in' with
other periods during the day. Finally, 'at' is used
with specific times during the day.

I play golf on Saturdays.

She gets up early in the morning.
Tom catches the bus at 7.30 a.m.

Present Simple Worksheet 1

Conjugate the verb in parentheses using the form
indicated. In the case of questions, use the
indicated subject as well.

1. I usually _____ (get up) at six o'clock.

2. How often _____ (she go) to the gym to
3. They _____ (be) from Holland.
4. Jack _____ (not work) in the city.
5. Where _____ (he live)?
6. Alison _____ (visit) her friends on
7. They _____ (not eat) meat on Fridays.
8. _____ (you play) tennis?
9. Susan often _____ (drive) to the beach
when the weather is nice.
10. Eric _____ (not read) in Japanese.
11. When _____ (she have) dinner?
12. I _____ (take) a shower before I leave for
13. How _____ (you start) this machine?
14. He _____ (not work) on Sundays.
15. Sharon rarely _____ (watch) TV.
16. We occasionally _____ (take) the train to
17. Peter _____ (not like) buying food in
18. Why _____ (they leave) work so late on
19. You sometimes _____ (do) housework.
20. _____ (she speak) Russian?

Present Simple Worksheet 2

Choose the correct time expression used with the
present simple tense.

1. I sleep in late on (Saturday / Saturdays).

2. How (much / often) do you visit your
friends in Chicago?
3. Jennifer doesn't catch the bus (in/at) 8 in
the morning.
4. Henry enjoys playing golf (in/at) the
5. Do they eat fish (in/on) Fridays?
6. I usually have my meetings (on/at) 10 am.
7. Susan doesn't like going out (at/on)
8. Our class (usually/usual) takes tests on
9. The teacher gives us notes (after/while)
10. Sharon doesn't go to be before 11 pm
(in/at) night.
11. Where do they usually hold meetings
(at/in) the morning?
12. Tom (rare/rarely) gets up early on
13. We don't enjoy eating breakfast before six
(at/in) the morning.
14. Our parents (occasion/occasionally) catch
a train to the city.
15. She doesn't use a computer (at/in) night.
16. Alexander has lunch (on/at) noon.
17. David doesn't work (at/on) Tuesdays.
18. They listen to classical music (in/at) the
19. Mary answers her e-mail on
20. How often do you travel (in/on)

Past Simple Worksheets

The past simple takes the following forms:
Past Simple Positive: Subject + past simple
form of verb + objects

Jason went to camp in Florida last week.

We had dinner at that new restaurant two
days ago.

Past Simple Negative Form: Subject + did not

+ verb + objects

Mary didn't attend the meeting last week.

They didn't pass the exam yesterday.

Past Simple Question Form: (Question Word)

+ did + subject + verb?

What did you do yesterday?

When did they meet Tim?

Important Notes
The verb 'to be' does not take the auxiliary verb
'did' in the question or negative form.
The regular past simple form of verbs ends in '-ed',
irregular past simple form of verbs vary and must
be studied.

I was on time to the meeting yesterday.

Alexander wasn't born in April. He was born
in May.
Were you at the party last night?
Ago / Last / In
'Ago' is used at the end of a sentence preceded by a
specific amount of time such as: three days ago,
two weeks ago, one month ago, etc.
'Last' is used with 'week', 'month', and 'year'.
'In' is used with specific months and years in the
Practice Worksheet 1
Conjugate the verb in parentheses using the form
indicated. In the case of questions, use the
indicated subject as well.

1. Tom _____ (visit) his mother last

2. We _____ (not buy) that TV yesterday
because it was too expensive.
3. _____ (you / be) at the meeting on
4. Where _____ (Sheila / stay) in New
5. Alan _____ (understand) the situation
two days ago.
6. They _____ (not finish) the project on
time last month.
7. When _____ (Mary / fly) to New York?
8. Henry _____ (read) Harry Smith's latest
book last month.
9. I _____ (not write) that letter to him last
10. What _____ (you do) yesterday
11. You _____ (think) he couldn't win, didn't
12. She _____ (not win) the prize two weeks
13. Where _____ (Andy / go) last week?
14. Thomas _____ (come) to visit us in May.
15. Susan _____ (not telephone) in time to
get a ticket.
16. How _____ (you meet) him?
17. David _____ (get up) early on Saturday
to play golf.
18. Betty _____ (not draw) that picture.
19. _____ (Peter forget) his books
20. She _____ (give) him a present for his
birthday yesterday.

Practice Worksheet 2
Choose the correct time expression used with the
past simple tense.

1. Cathy left on holiday (last / ago) week.

2. I played football (when / last) I was in
high school.
3. Were you able to go to the meeting (ago /
in) May?
4. She didn't think about those problems
two days (last / ago).
5. There weren't any children at the party
(last / when) Saturday.
6. Jennifer wanted us to come and help
three weeks (ago / when).
7. Peter went to a meeting in Chicago (last /
ago) Tuesday.
8. Alexander made a number of mistakes
(yesterday / tomorrow).
9. Tom was born (at / in) 1987.
10. Our teacher helped us understand the
problem (this morning / tomorrow
11. I bought a new chair for my office (last /
next) week.
12. Did you finish the meeting on time
(yesterday / last) evening?
13. Susan visited her aunt in Seattle (last /
ago) Sunday.
14. My father took me to the zoo (when / last)
I was a child.
15. They opened a new store (in / on)
16. She drove to New Mexico (in / on)
17. We enjoyed a lunch with our friends
(yesterday / tomorrow).
18. Annabelle played the piano for two hours
(on / in) Tuesday.
19. Fred didn't attend the meeting (last / ago)
1. Anne opened a bottle of wine two hours
(ago / last).
Worksheet 1 Answers

1. Tom visited his mother last weekend.

2. We didn't buy that TV yesterday because
it was too expensive.
3. Were you at the meeting on Tuesday?
4. Where did Sheila stay in New Orleans?
5. Alan understood the situation two days
6. They didn't finish the project on time
last month.
7. When did Mary fly to New York?
8. Henry read Harry Smith's latest book
last month.
9. I didn't write that letter to him last
10. What did you do yesterday afternoon?
11. You thought he couldn't win, didn't you?
12. She didn't win the prize two weeks ago.
13. Where did Andy go last week?
14. Thomas came to visit us in May.
15. Susan didn't telephone in time to get a
16. How did you meet him?
17. David got up early on Saturday to play
18. Betty didn't draw that picture.
19. Did Peter forget his books yesterday?
20. She gave him a present for his birthday

Worksheet 2 Answers

1. Cathy left on holiday last week.

2. I played football when I was in high
3. Were you able to go to the meeting in
4. She didn't think about those problems
two days ago.
5. There weren't any children at the party
last Saturday.
6. Jennifer wanted us to come and help
three weeks ago.
7. Peter went to a meeting in Chicago last
8. Alexander made a number of mistakes
9. Tom was born in 1987.
10. Our teacher helped us understand the
problem this morning.
11. I bought a new chair for my office last
12. Did you finish the meeting on time
yesterday evening?
13. Susan visited her aunt in Seattle last
14. My father took me to the zoo when I was
a child.
15. They opened a new store on Tuesday.
16. She drove to New Mexico in February.
17. We enjoyed a lunch with our friends
18. Annabelle played the piano for two hours
on Tuesday.
19. Fred didn't attend the meeting last week.
20. Anne opened a bottle of wine two hours


● Guide to Past Simple and Past Continuous Verb Tenses

● Learn how to use the present, past and future simple tenses in English

● Here Are Some Tips on How to Teach Past Simple Verbs

● Simple or Progressive Perfect Forms

● Try These Present Simple Worksheets for ESL Students

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