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Venue: Ritz Carlton or Shangri La or another hotel (tentative)

When: October 2019 (tentative)
Time: 8:30am-2pm
Format: Half-day conference consisting of 6 panel discussions (1-hour each)
2 3



• Learn about the impact of ongoing US protectionism, the impact of fintech and AI on Corporate Treasury,
China’s emergence on the global stage post-Indonesia 2019 elections and how best to prepare
• Hear from leading Indonesian companies on funding strategies
• Network with 300+ of the Indonesia’s top financial executives

3 back-to-back Panel Discussions with an Audience Q&A

Instead of 1 large ballroom, this event will have 2 side-by-side ballrooms so that a given CFO or Corporate Treasurer
will have the choice of attending the most relevant panel discussion based on his or her needs/interests; and
have the choice of moving around.

1st ballroom will focus on the challenges from Fintech & AI for Corporate Treasurers & CFOs, cybersecurity,
e-commerce platforms & evolving technology for CFOs as well as adapting change for greater efficiency.

2nd ballroom will focus on the makings of a sustainable CFO/Corporate Treasurer in Indonesia, managing local
challenges & global headwinds and an interactive brainstorm session on boosting exports intra-Indonesia & globally.

The event is unique in the following ways


1 Full-day conferences events are ineffective i.e., 8:30am-5pm since most people tend to leave after lunch and
the number of attendees often dwindle to less than 1:00 by 4pm. Therefore, the format of this conference is
to start at 8:30am and end at 12:30pm with 6 back-to-back panel discussions.
CFO/Chief Financial Officer Finance Director SVP/VP Finance
Controller Corporate Finance Corporate Secretary

2 Instead of lining bankers and economists as speakers and panelists, 80%+ of

the panelists at this event will be Corporate Treasurers, Accountants and/or
Head of Treasury
Tax Officer
Finance Head
Finance Manager
Auditor Risk Officer
President VP Chairman

3 Each panel discussion will have 5 panelists including 1 from a bank; MD Chief Compliance Officer Head of Compliance
1 Fin-tech or regional IT company and 3-4 Corporate Treasurers, * Complimentary places are on a first-come first-served basis.
Accountant or CFOs. Alpha Southeast Asia reserves the right of admission

4 Instead of getting for e.g., Adaro, Indofood, Astra, etc., to dominate the
panel discussions, the aim is to get 2nd tier companies to speak and
share their Corporate Treasury, Cash Management, etc., experiences so as to make it relatable to the vast
majority of attendees.
The Sponsorship cost is US$150,000 net to be evenly split between five leading cash management banks or

5 The target is to attract 300 to 500+ attendees i.e., Corporate Treasurers, Accountants and CFOs from across leading (wholesale, corporate & commercial banks in Indonesia i.e., US$30,000 net each.
4 5



The projected number of delegates will be about 300-500+ from across Indonesia. Instead of monologue The working language of the conference is Bahasa Indonesia as well as English.
speeches, the style of this conference will be structured as a tight half-day series of 2 parallel concurrent sessions.
Each of the 2 side-by-side ballrooms will host 6 panel discussions, with 4-5 people in each panel discussion, along
with an independent moderator for each discussion. In total there will be 6 panel discussions with live/interactive
Audience Q&As. The conference/workshop will start at 830am and end at 1230pm. Attendees can then either
stay for lunch or leave for their office, meetings, etc.,


All attendees (CFOs & CORPORATE TREASURERS) will be awarded a certificate (conditions apply)
for their attendance, at the end of the event. 1. How Corporate Treasury, FX & Cash Management is changing in Indonesia?
2. Reacting to market developments, adapting investment policies and balancing the trade-off
between yield, liquidity and counterparty risk.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? 3. Ongoing changes in the market structure, platforms and tools available for Corporate
Treasurers and CFOs.
In order to attract senior level attendees, 80% of the conference/workshop will predominantly feature:
4. Identifying optimisations & cost savings via structural transformations.
Corporate Treasurers CFOs and Treasury executives Financial controllers from SOEs
Private-Sector companies Trading Companies Shipping Firms
5. The impact of AI and FinTech on the Corporate Treasury & CFO functions.
E-Commerce giants FinTech Companies Insurance Specialists 6. How the Corporate Treasury function is likely to become highly digitalised and partially,
Market Experts Government agencies. virtually-enabled in 3-5 years.
The remaining 20% is reserved for the event 5 Sponsors to utilise the event as a business development platform. 7. Where is the rest of Corporate Asia when it comes to e-commerce platforms and what is
being done to in the realm of cybersecurity against cybercrime?
8. How prepared is Corporate Asia, the regulators and banks for the evolving eCommerce
9. What can Indonesia learn from Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and others - countries that are
dominant players in Asia’s supply chain, especially given its economy size, strategic location
and access to natural resource?
10. Key factors that will influence the evolving demand/supply of the Indonesia-global trade in
light of the evolving US-China Trade relationship, era of Iran-Russia sanctions, etc.,
6 7


8:00 - 8:40am: REGISTRATION and morning refreshments 10:15 - 11:15:

8:30 WELCOME ADDRESS from Alpha Southeast Asia Focus panel discussion 2A Focus panel discussion 2B


1. The pressure for greater efficiency requires
A market update from the Ministry of Finance or Ministry of Trade or Bank Indonesia or OJK, including insights into finance executives to get better visibility into 1. Why Indonesia needs to move away from
newly launched initiatives and the latest developments and trends for Indonesia. their company’s operations. How best to identify spreadsheet-based processes to better navigate
potential optimisations, cost savings and financial data and reduce error?
structural transformations?
9:00 - 10:00: 2. Using interactive visuals and contextual analytics
2. Ongoing changes in the market structure, to shorten collections cycle and improve cash
platforms and tools available for Corporate flow.
Focus panel discussion 1A Focus panel discussion 1B Treasurers and CFOs.
3. Designing and implementing remediation plans
3. Reacting to market developments and adapting and sustainable process improvements.
THE CHALLENGE FROM FINTECH & AI FOR CYBERSECURITY, E-COMMERCE PLATFORMS & investment policies and balancing the trade-offs
CORPORATE TREASURERS & CFOs EVOLVING TECHNOLOGY FOR CFOs between yield, liquidity and counterparty risk. • Audience Q&A
1. Waves of regulatory requirements and technology 1. What are the unobvious risks in the realm • Audience Q&A
start-ups have necessitated banks to rethink of cybersecurity and potential solutions to
their liquidity and capital frameworks. What is the cybercrime?
impact of the structural evolution and key take- UP TO 5 PANELISTS PER SESSION:
aways for Corporate Treasurers & CFOs? 2. How Corporates & SMEs are using e-commerce
platforms in Indonesia as a key distribution Corporate Treasurer CFO
2. How can Corporate Treasurers & CFOs leverage channel to boost sales? Bank Sponsor FinTech, AI, Cybercrime Specialists
the lessons learnt to transform their own treasury Big 3 Consultancy Law Firm
functions? 3. How e-payments channels among SMEs and
micro-enterprises have substituted pricier card Bank Indonesia OJK
3. How have Corporate Treasurers & CFOs in Hong scanners with printable quick response (QR)
Kong & Singapore adapted their finance functions codes. What is next?
for the evolving eCommerce revolution? 11:15 - Coffee & Networking Break
• Audience Q&A
• Audience Q&A


Corporate Treasurer CFO
Bank Sponsor FinTech, AI, Cybercrime Specialists
Big 3 Consultancy Law Firm
Bank Indonesia OJK

10:00 - Coffee & Networking Break



Joint Lead Sponsor Fee – (US$30,000)

Five Leading Cash Management Banks–
1. One 30-minute panel discussion participation.
2. The opportunity to chair a roundtable discussion.
3. 100-150 complimentary delegate invitations, which Alpha Southeast Asia will invite & follow up.
4. Name and logo on all promotional information associated with the conference
5. Name and logo prominently displayed on all signage at the conference
11:30 - 12:30pm:
6. Name and logo displayed on in the conference section

Focus panel discussion 3A Focus panel discussion 3B 7. One-page write up of your institution in the conference brochure
8. Exhibition space in the conference foyer
HEADWINDS GLOBALLY: BRAINSTORM 9. Opportunity to give press interviews

1. Agility: Reacting to market developments and 1. What can be done to boost non-minerals and 10. One full-page advertisement within Alpha Southeast Asia magazine (worth US$16,000 net)
adapting investment policies. mining exports from Indonesia?
2. What can Indonesia learn from Thailand, Malaysia, 2. The role and absence of export insurance in We would like to confirm our Sponsorship of the CORPORATE TREASURY & CASH MANAGEMENT, tentatively scheduled in October
Vietnam and others - countries that are dominant Indonesia as an impediment to growing exports. 2019, to be held in Jakarta, Indonesia, following the 2019 elections.
players in Asia’s supply chain, especially given its
economy size, strategic location and access to 3. How best to meet the growing under-served
demand for trade financing in Indonesia? Option 1: Sole Sponsorship: US$150,000 net
natural resource?
• Audience Q&A Option II: Joint Sponsorship with 5 other banks: US$30,000 net
3. Key factors that will influence the evolving
demand/supply of the Indonesia-global trade in
light of the evolving US-China Trade relationship, The projected number of delegates will be about 300-500 from across Indonesia. Instead of monologue speeches, the style of
era of Iran-Russia sanctions, etc., this event will be structured as a half-day 6 concurrent panel discussion conference, with 3-4 people in each panel discussion,
• Audience Q&A along with a moderator per discussion. There will be 2-3 ten-minute coffee breaks as well as one-hour+ lunch break (free for

UP TO 5 PANELISTS PER SESSION: This event will be a by-invitation only event, with each of the 5 Sponsors controlling the bulk allocation of these 300-500 seats.
Corporate Treasurer CFO 5% of the seats will be reserved for the media, officials, experts, lawyers and accountants, specialists from possibly across the
Bank Sponsor FinTech, AI, Cybercrime Specialists region. No wholesale, corporate, commercial bank or cash management bank that does not sign up as one of the five 5 Sponsors
Big 3 Consultancy Law Firm will be allowed to participate at this event, as a delegate.
Bank Indonesia OJK
As soon as this formal confirmation is signed, the agenda as well as list of target speakers will be exchanged for cross-consultation.
12:40 - 2:00: Summary, Action Plan, Closing Remarks & Lunch
We, have agreed to sponsor this event and 50% of the Sponsorship amount net needs to be settled within 2 weeks of signing this
confirmation. Specific matters in relation to the scope of Sponsorship and execution of this event shall be further regulated into
terms and conditions - agreed in writing by both parties. The second final payment needs to be settled within 1 (one) week prior
to the event i.e., tentatively scheduled for October 2019 or bit earlier. In the event that the written terms and conditions are not
complied with, and the event is cancelled, the down payment shall be refunded to the respective 5 Sponsors (after deducting all
expenses [at cost] incurred by Alpha Southeast Asia to cover investments made by Alpha Southeast Asia to-date organising the
event including hotel deposit, travel, ticketing, etc.,) within two weeks of the written cancellation.

First Name (Mr /Ms ):_______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Family Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Job Title:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Company Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Postal Address (including Postal code):________________________________________________________________________________________
Mobile Number:__________________________________________ Email:_______________________________________________________________

Thank you for agreeing to sponsor. The cost of Sponsorship is US$30,000 net per bank. Please sign this form and return it to us via email to Asia sets the hours of the Exhibit and the 5 Sponsors agrees to open by opening time and close at closing time. The 5 Sponsors will provide at your earliest convenience. If you have questions regarding the Sponsorship agreement, please contact the dates and times for the Exhibit set up and take down. No exhibits, advertising, or other promotional materials are permitted beyond the
Siddiq Bazarwala at perimeter of the designated sponsor space, unless agreed in writing prior to the event. Alpha Southeast Asia reserves the absolute right to
remove, relocate, or restrict any objectionable exhibits, events, promotions, persons, advertisements, or any features which detract from
the decorum of the Conference. Alpha Southeast Asia retains sole discretion and authority in the placement, arrangement of all Exhibit
I. CONFERENCE DATES AND HOURS: October 2019 (Tentative) 8:30am-2pm space. No attachments of any kind may be made to the walls or designated space without prior written permission from Alpha Southeast
Asia. Should the Hotel provide additional Regulations for these using hotel premises, the 5 Sponsors will abide by those regulations.
II. CONFERENCE LOCATION: Ritz Carlton, Pacific Place Jakarta, Indonesia or another hotel (Tentative)
8. Authorised representatives: The 5 Sponsors shall provide the name and contact details of the Authorised representatives in advance
(1) CORPORATE TREASURY & CASH MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE website (, (2) the appointment of a PR agency, (3) on-
with the name, title and mobile number of the person(s) who will act as the sponsor’s designated on-site representative for all of the
site materials to be distributed to attendees; (4) 100-150 complimentary full-day passes for each bank and its staff and clients; (5) Advertisement
sponsor’s functions or exhibits held pursuant to this Agreement. This representative shall be authorised to enter into such service contracts
in Alpha Southeast Asia magazine showcasing the conference, after the event; (6) Rotating Banner Ad on (
as necessary, for which the 5 Sponsors shall be responsible. All sponsor’s personnel shall wear proper badge identification, prominently
III. PAYMENT displayed, plus have corporate identification available for viewing by Alpha Southeast Asia, at all times.

Each of the five 5 Sponsors have agreed to sponsor this event for US$30,000 net and 50% of the Sponsorship amount US$15,000 net (down 9. Security: Alpha Southeast Asia will not be responsible for the loss of any of Sponsor’s property or materials by or for any cause. Sponsor(s)
payment) needs to be settled within 2 weeks of signing this confirmation. Specific matters in relation to the scope of Sponsorship and execution must make provisions for safeguarding their goods, materials, equipment, and display at all times, and 5 Sponsors are urged to carry their
of this event shall be further regulated into terms and conditions - agreed in writing by both parties. The second final payment of US$15,000 own insurance through their own sources at their own expense. No package may be removed from the conference while the conference is
net needs to be settled 1 (one) week prior to the event i.e., tentatively scheduled for October 2019, following the 2019 Presidential elections. in session without a written pass supplied by the Authorised representatives and supported by proper credentials. All packages, cases, etc.,
are subject to examination before removal.
1. As a condition of sponsoring the CORPORATE TREASURY & CASH MANAGEMENT, the Sponsor, hereby expressly acknowledges and agrees 10. Failure to open Conference: In the event that the premises of the hotel are destroyed or damaged, or the CORPORATE TREASURY & CASH
to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in these Sponsor Regulations (points 1-15). MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE fails to take place as scheduled or is interrupted and/or discontinued, or access to the premises is prevented or
interfered with by reason of any strike, lockout, injunction, act of war, act of God, terrorism, emergency declared by any government agency,
2. Payment and Cancellation: Each of the 5 Sponsors, shall pay the amount indicated in the Total line item on the first page of the Agreement. or for any other reason, this contract may be terminated by Alpha Southeast Asia. In the event of such termination, the Sponsor waives any
In the event that the written terms and conditions are not complied with, and the event is cancelled, the down payment shall be refunded and all claims for damages and agrees that the sole liability of Alpha Southeast Asia shall be to return the Sponsorship fee, less Sponsor’s
to each of the 5 Sponsors (after deducting all expenses [at cost] incurred by Alpha Southeast Asia to cover investments made by Alpha pro rata share of all costs and expenses incurred and committed during the planning and execution of the event.
Southeast Asia to-date organising the event including hotel deposit, travel, ticketing, etc.,) within two weeks of the written cancellation. Alpha
Southeast Asia reserves the right to require payment from the Sponsor, for all past due amounts owing to Alpha Southeast Asia prior to the 11. No endorsement: This Agreement confers only a limited license by Alpha Southeast Asia to the 5 Sponsors to use conference space to be
not, and shall not be construed, interpreted, or described in any way to, constitute an approval, endorsement, or recommendation of the 5
3. Sponsor(s): This event will be a by-invitation only event, with each of the 5 Sponsors controlling 100-150 seats per bank. The bank is Sponsors - or its products or services, or in any manner to create an agency relationship between Alpha Southeast Asia and the 5 Sponsors.
responsible for inviting its clients. 5% of the seats will be reserved for the media, officials, experts, lawyers and accountants, specialists
from possibly across the region. No wholesale, corporate, commercial bank or cash management bank that does not sign up as one of the 5 12. Licenses, permits, and insurance: Alpha Southeast Asia’s sole responsibility and obligation under this Agreement is to permit the 5 Sponsors
Sponsors will be allowed to participate at this event, as a delegate. to use the assigned conference space and any associated space for the purposes and under the terms and conditions described herein. The
assigned conference space, and its installation, maintenance, and breakdown shall be solely the responsibility of the respective Sponsor. The
4. Panel Participants: While Alpha Southeast Asia will be spearheading the effort of recruiting panel speakers/panelists (including central 5 Sponsors warrants that it shall, at its own expense, obtain any and all necessary or appropriate licenses, permits, and insurance required
bank representatives, officials, Corporate Treasurers & CFOs etc.,) for the event from across Indonesia. However, the 5 Sponsors will be fully for the installation, maintenance, and breakdown of its conference space and for any of Sponsor’s employees or agents associated with the
responsible for persuading specific guests from the MoF, BI & OJK to attend as a VIP delegate although Alpha Southeast Asia needs to be conference space and sponsor’s events held in such space and that it shall pay all taxes, fees, and costs incident thereto.
kept informed by the 5 Sponsors of any panel participant/speaker confirmations or changes.
13. External-sponsored Meetings and social events: In the interest of the success of the CORPORATE TREASURY & CASH MANAGEMENT
5. Protection of premises: The 5 Sponsors, hereby acknowledges and agrees to adhere to and be bound by all applicable fire, utility, and CONFERENCE, the 5 Sponsors agree not to extend invitations, call meetings, or otherwise invite or encourage the absence of attendees
building codes. All decorative materials used by 5 Sponsors must be flame retardant. 5 Sponsors shall leave any hotel space it uses in the from the CORPORATE TREASURY & CASH MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE area during the official hours of the Alpha Southeast Asia event.
same condition as it was when the 5 Sponsors entered upon the premises and shall not cause or permit others to cause any damage or Hospitality events shall also not conflict with the Conference sessions.
disruption to the space or the facility.
14. Use of trademark and logos: (I) Names of confirmed Sponsor(s) may be used by Alpha Southeast Asia for promotion and publicity; (II) For
6. Displays: Alpha Southeast Asia retains sole discretion and authority in the placement, arrangement, and appearance of all displays. promoting the Conference, including without limitation the right to use Sponsor’s logo or other identifying symbols (“Trademarks”).
7. Exhibit regulations: Exhibit space will be assigned by Alpha Southeast Asia., depending on the sequence of 5 Sponsorship confirmations 15. Miscellaneous: (A) If any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid and unenforceable, such holding shall not invalidate or render
received. Exhibit space size shall consist of space size discussed and agreed at least fourteen (14) days before the conference with the unenforceable any other provision hereof; (B) This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, and all
sponsor(s). If this matter is not discussed at least 14 days in advance, Alpha Southeast Asia reserves the right to allocate the relevant space it of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument; (C) This Agreement represents the complete understanding between 5
deems best. Allowable fixtures in exhibit area include exhibit stand or banner, computer, video screen and brochure rack. Exhibitors will not Sponsors and Alpha Southeast Asia, and no amendments, deletions, or additions hereto shall be binding without written approval from both
be permitted to store packing crates and/or boxes within their exhibit space. Exhibitors may set up exhibits twelve hours prior to the event parties, unless otherwise specifically provided herein.
i.e., after 9pm prior to the date of the event. Any area assigned to the 5 Sponsors/Exhibitors must be staffed by an employee or representative
of the sponsoring company at all times during conference hours. Exhibits and/or 5 Sponsors, which, in the sole judgment of Alpha Southeast Please contact the organiser, Alpha Southeast Asia should you have any questions.
Asia, produce excessive noise or otherwise are in poor taste shall not be permitted. All aisle space is under the exclusive control of Alpha
Southeast Asia and shall not be used for the purpose of exhibits or demonstrations. The 5 Sponsors may distribute literature regarding its
Date ______________________________________ Name, Bank Name & Signature_____________________________________________________________
products and services only from within its assigned area(s) or functions. The 5 Sponsors shall keep the space clean and in good order at
all times. The 5 Sponsors shall secure packing crates and/or boxes, size permitting, out of view of attendees under fully draped tables or in
storage at the Exhibit location. The 5 Sponsors shall mark all its boxes and crates with its name and address. Alpha Southeast Asia reserves Date ______________________________________ Signature - Siddiq Bazarwala, ______________________________________________________________
the right to send loose crates and boxes to storage and the respective 5 Sponsors will be responsible for any storage fees. Alpha Southeast (CEO, Alpha Southeast Asia)

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