Socialbakers Analytics User Guide

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Socialbakers Analytics

User Guide
Table of Contents ANALYTICS GUIDE

Getting Started 03 Analyzing Facebook 18 Content Newsfeed 60

Multiplatform Dashboard 04 - Promoted Post Detection 25 Reporting 63

Pages/Profiles/Channels Overview 05 - Community Analysis 31 Settings section 65

Comparative Analytics & Benchmarking 06 - Facebook Insights 33 Numbers & Time 66

Visualization of data 17 Analyzing Twitter 47 General setting 67

Analyzing YouTube 52 User Rights Management 69

Analyzing VK 54 Teams 71

Analyzing Instagram 56 Social Visit 74

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Activate all three ways of logging in by going to Settings and picking Users,
and then selecting a particular user profile.

Welcome to Socialbakers Analytics!

Log in or use your or profile and let’s get started!

Then click on Manage Your Socialbakers Account and connect your Facebook
Profile, Twitter Profile or email address.

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Multiplatform Dashboard ANALYTICS GUIDE
The first thing you will see when you log in will be the multiplatform dashboard. Here
you can see how the social media performance of your monitored Pages is evolving 2
on each platform in a single cross-platform view. You can see what’s going on with KPIs, 1
like best post types, top performing posts on Facebook, along with the evolution
of interactions, fan bases, fan posts and questions and average response times
and rates – all at the same time and across all platforms.

1 Standard and Labeled view

Using the standard view, you can look at the summary metrics across platforms for all of your monitored
pages, profiles and channels, or for the pages with a label only. Having two views gives you the option
between looking at the general picture, or at a targeted, important subgroup of your choice!

2 Set the time range

For which you’d like to see data at the top of the page.

3 Export
To get the data in a report (either PDF, PNG or XLS), click the export button at the top of the page.
You can also set up the platform to send you automated reports periodically.

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Pages / Profiles / Channels Overview ANALYTICS GUIDE
The navigation bar on the left hand side lists all of the platforms which are covered in Socialbakers Analytics.
Click on any one to get to the Pages / Profiles / Channels Overview – an overview of the monitored pages
for a particular social media platform and the basic metrics for the Pages you monitor.

1. Adding a New Page 4. Organize the Pages with Labels 7. Compare the Pages
2. Delete Pages 5. Select between Standard and Labeled views 8. Sort and order the Pages by particular metrics
3. Customize the Metrics 6. Set the Time Range 9. Search

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Pages / Profiles / Channels Overview ANALYTICS GUIDE
1. Adding a New Page
To monitor new Pages, simply click the green button at the top of the page.

To add a Page simply paste the URL or type in the name of a social media profile (1). While you are typing
in the name, our intelligent auto-complete function will recommend a list of matching Pages. For all suggested
Pages, you’ll see the number of the profile’s fans, subscribers, or followers. You can add multiple Pages at 3 4
once also by pasting their URLs from the clipboard and you can set a default timezone (2).

You can also add Pages by simply importing the profiles that you have bookmarked on 1
(3) and see all of the profiles which you administer and that are linked to the Facebook account, under
which you are logged in (4).

While adding a Page you can also apply labels and set the timezone for Facebook Pages (5). 6
You can easily delete a page you added by mistake (6).

To finally confirm the selection of Pages that you want to add, click the ‘Add’ button (7).

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Pages / Profiles / Channels Overview ANALYTICS GUIDE
2. Delete Pages
Delete your Pages by simply selecting one or more profiles and clicking on Delete button.
Contact your Account owner or our Support at and request more Delete credits.

3. Customize the Metrics

The Pages will be displayed with tab sets of metrics. These are basically groupings of four metrics which
are shown together. You can select the order and which metrics are grouped together by clicking the button
at the end of the metrics line.

Once you click on this button,

the next menu will appear.

Here you can choose which metrics are grouped into tab sets and and the order in which the tab sets are in.
You can choose from Socialbakers and Facebook Insights metrics at the right hand side of the menu.
To be able to add Facebook Insights metrics please make sure to activate Facebook Insights integration
for the pages you administer.

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Pages / Profiles / Channels Overview ANALYTICS GUIDE
4. Organize the Pages with Label
Socialbakers has a custom labelling system that allows users to tag the monitored pages using your own labels.
You can create any label you want – “Airlines”, “Auto Manufacturers”, “Restaurant Chains”, etc. – and then choose
any Page you’d like the label to apply to.

Go to the Pages Overview, select the Page you’d like a label to apply to, and click on Label at the top of the page.

What’ s the value?

This allows you not only to better organize the Pages you monitor but also to create micro segments of monitored
Pages, for example for specific competitors, whom you can group by location, industry, product category or for your
own Pages.

This feature is helpful

when filtering data in the multiplatform dashboard and the platform specific dashboards.

or in benchmarking, as the 1:1 benchmarking possibilities include Page to Label, Benchmark to Label and Label
to Label comparisons. In the multi-comparisons you can also compare up to 10 custom labels.
Using custom labels gives you the power to make competitive analysis with targeted groups of your competitors.
This way the analyses are tailored maximally to your needs.

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Pages / Profiles / Channels Overview ANALYTICS GUIDE
5. Select between Standard and Labeled view
Here you can either view all the Pages, Profiles or Channels you monitor or you can select to view only the Pages Click on the Filter by button at the top of the page. The drop down menu will show you the Labels which you’ve
with certain labels you have created. already created. Click on the Label by which you would like to filter and and then the Apply button.

Labeled view
Use the labelled view to see the data and groups of Pages by particular Labels you’ve created.

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Pages / Profiles / Channels Overview ANALYTICS GUIDE
Review your labels 6. Setting the Time Range
You can set the time range for which you see data within Socialbakers Analytics in every section.
Click on the drop down menu at the top of the page to pick a suggested range, like here:

See the list of your labels with number of pages, channels and profiles using the particular label.
Click on custom time
Convert any of your labels to Global and benefit from this label being visible to your colleagues.
range to choose your
own range.

You can set the custom time range or see data for the last 7, 30 and 90 days. The history of data depends on your
purchased package: it can be either 30 or 90 days. If you would like to access historical data beyond 90 days, please
contact us at and provide your data request.

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Pages / Profiles / Channels Overview ANALYTICS GUIDE
7. Compare the Pages
Select two or more Pages, Profiles or Channels and then click the Compare button at the top navigation menu.

8. Sort and order the Pages by particular metrics

You can sort your pages by the desired metric. All you need to do is to click on the Sort by button,
select the metric of your choice and choose between the ascending or descending order.

9. Search
Search the pages by typing their name in the Search box at the top of your Dashboard.

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Comparative Analytics & Benchmarking ANALYTICS GUIDE
Why is it important? 1:1 Comparisons
To fully understand your social media metrics it is essential to benchmark your performance against others. The head-to-head (or 1:1) comparison allows you to compare
This can be your competitors, any others competing for the attention of your audience, or your industry
as a whole.

Without the competitive analysis you are unable to objectively evaluate your performance and know where a a Page to another Page
you are on a spectrum with your competitors. On top of this, it is crucial to be able to optimize, and therefore
continually improve your performance over time.

Benchmarking is not only the best practice for measuring performance, it’s one of the most powerful features
in Socialbakers Analytics.

What kind of comparisons can I make?

There are two major types of competitive analysis in Socialbakers Analytics: 1:1 comparisons
and multi-page comparisons.

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Comparative Analytics & Benchmarking ANALYTICS GUIDE
b a Page to a Label c or a Page to Benchmark
to see the performance against the targeted micro-segment of selected competitors, In Socialbakers Analytics you can find a broad scope of various benchmarks created
which you tagged using your own label. by specific industries and across geographies.

d It is also possible to compare Benchmark to Benchmark, Benchmark to Label

and Label to Label.

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Comparative Analytics & Benchmarking ANALYTICS GUIDE
Why use benchmarks?
Marketers can immediately act on these insights, understand how their KPIs are performing – or outperforming
– relative to the industry average. Any comparison with a Benchmark is available only for Facebook Pages, though.

The other type is the multi-comparison which lets you compare the performance of up to 10 different profiles
or labels - custom groupings against our full set of advanced metrics – simultaneously.

The central benefit of this feature: you can have a quick competitive overview of your most important KPIs and
several of the most important Pages side by side and in one place. You can see what Pages are performing best,
which are lackluster, and which Pages are performing over or below the average for a selected group of Pages.
Those KPIs are grouped into 4 key areas:

Fans Overview Post Overview Engagement Socially Devoted

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Comparative Analytics & Benchmarking ANALYTICS GUIDE
How do I create a comparison?
There are three ways you can create comparisons in Socialbakers Analytics.

1 You can select Pages / Profiles / Channels and then click the compare button at the top of the page. 2 The second way is to choose a Page, Profile or Channel and then click the Compare button at the top
right corner of the page. Here you can choose whether to compare to another Page, Label or Benchmark
of your choosing.

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Comparative Analytics & Benchmarking ANALYTICS GUIDE
Save it for later!
You don’t need to set up a comparison every time you login. After you select what you want to compare, 3 All of your saved comparisons are kept in one easy-to-find place. Just select Comparison from the vertical
save the comparison for later, and you will save yourself valuable time. navigation menu at the left hand side of the page. Here you can create a new comparison (the third way of
creating comparisons) or select a saved comparison.

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Visualization of data ANALYTICS GUIDE
After selecting the comparison, you can access different categories of metrics - Fans, Content, Engagement, 5
Socially Devoted, Promoted Post Detection and Community Analysis.
The metrics are presented in the form of charts, which you can switch between an evolution column-chart (below), 3
and a distribution pie-chart (1), where you can see a metric broken down into components by percentages.
For example, you could see the breakdown of Interactions into Likes, Comments, and Shares.

For the metrics, which can be broken down into components, like interactions, the number of posts, responded vs.
unresponded fan questions and others, evolution charts are also available in the form of stacked column charts (2).

The platform allows you to look at the data visualized and aggregated for particular time periods, per hour, day,
day of the week, week, or month (3). Below these graphs you will see the maximum, minimum and average
of the metric for the chosen time aggregation (4).
This will help you easily spot averages, peak times for Interactions, posted questions by users, and other metrics,
and their evolution over time – month by month or week by week. These are especially useful while running
comparisons, because you can see where a page is excelling or under-performing.Finally each graph
is downloadable (5).

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Select Facebook from the vertical navigation bar
on the left hand side of the page and the Page
you want to have a closer look at. The menu will
give you these categories.

Analyzing Overview
visualizations for overviews of all other sections, like Fans, Content,
Engagement and Socially Devoted.

Facebook Fans
fan growth and fan distributions.

admin and fan posts and the sources from which they were posted.


with how many interactions a Page has had over the selected time range
and when fans are most actively engaging with content.

Socialbakers Analytics Socially Devoted

how many questions were responded to vs. left unresponded
to and the response times.

Promoted Post Detection

share of post types and Promoted posts efficiency depicted
by the number of the interactions received by them.

Key Influencers
the fans that interact with a Page’s content the most.

Facebook Insights
metrics from Facebook Insights.

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Analyzing Facebook ANALYTICS GUIDE
Fans & Fan Growth Analyzing Posted Content part 1

Use this section to understand how your fanbase has grown over the selected time This section will show you what type of content a Page posts and when (over the selected
range, where your fans come from, and to see when a Page has spikes in user growth. time range), the amount of Fan Posts on a Page’s wall and the sources from which both
the admins and the fans post.

Total Fans Number of Page Posts with Post Types - Distribution

The total number of a page’s fans. The number of posts made by the Page’s administrators. Offers data about the count and share
of the particular post types - links, statuses, photos, or videos.
Distribution of Fans
Distribution of fans in different countries. With the metric Distribution of Fans, you can easily find out from which
countries your audience is from and which markets are experiencing the greatest fan increase. This should
help you to decide how to tailor posts and the time of posting so that the majority of your fans find your content

Growth of Total Fans

This graph shows the increase or decrease in fans by day, day of the week, week or month, during a selected
time range. In a stacked column chart are displayed the top five countries fans are from.

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Analyzing Facebook ANALYTICS GUIDE
Analyzing Posted Content part 2

Number of Page Posts with Post Types - Evolution

The number of posts made by the page’s administrators. The graph is in the form of a stacked column chart
with individual post types. Offers data about the number of posted links, statuses, photos, or videos.

Number of Fan Posts

The number of fan posts a page received.

Page Post Sources

This graph shows the different applications the profile used to post and the number of times those particular
applications were used.

Fan Post Sources

The sources from which the fans make their posts.

This section ends with the content newsfeed, which allows you to filter out the page and fan posts,
or only page posts, or only fan posts.

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Analyzing Facebook ANALYTICS GUIDE
Use this section to see how many interactions a Page has had over the selected time range,
which content types are the most engaging, during which days and times of day users are
most active, and more. Likes + Comments + Shares
on the date of the post
Number of Interactions
Number of Interactions per 1000 Fans
Every post has the metric Number of interactions per 1000 fans that identifies how engaging the post is. It is the sum per 1000 Fans
= x 1 000
of interactions (likes, comments, and shares) divided by the number of fans a page has on the day of the post and Number of Fans
multiplied by 1000. The daily, weekly and monthly values for this metric are then calculated as the sum of this metric
for all posts made on a particular day, during a particular week or month. on the date of the post

Here is a visualization of this metric by day over a 30-day period. You can also see the 7-Day and 30-Day
Moving Average for the metric merged into the same graph. This allows you to see days when the Page’s
performance is below or above average for this metric.

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Analyzing Facebook ANALYTICS GUIDE
7-Day Moving Average and 30-Day Moving Average
Shows the ’Number of Interactions per 1000 Fans’ averages for a 7 or 30 day time range. It is calculated
by summing up all daily values for the ’Number of Interactions per 1000 Fans’ in the last 7 or 30 day period.
Days with a zero value for the ’Number of Interactions per 1000 Fans’ are excluded.The moving averages
are a great way to see the evolution of the metrics’ trends.

Most Engaging Post Types

This shows the average interactions per 1000 fans by post type (Status, Link, Photo and Video) during
a selected time range.

Number of Interactions By Posts - Evolution

The number of interactions (likes, comments, shares) by day of the week, day, week and month.
The interactions are shown on the day the post they relate to was published.

Number of Interactions By Posts - Distribution

The distribution of interactions (likes, comments, shares) during a selected time range.

User Activity
This graph shows the total number of all user posts (user posts and comments) by day of the week and also
by hour of the day during a selected time range.

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Analyzing Facebook
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Socially Devoted SOCIA

This section will show you how Socially Devoted your monitored Pages are: how
quickly a Page responded to user posts, how many posts or questions were
responded to or left without a response.
Response Rate for User Questions / Response Rate for User Posts
This graph shows the percentage and the number of user questions the monitored page responded
to versus didn’t respond to. A user question is a user post on the company’s page or a user post
mentioning the company’s Facebook page that contains a question mark in one of several possible
languages (English, Armenian, Arabic, Japanese, and others). User questions that were either marked
as spam, hidden, or deleted by the admin are not included.

Responded vs. Unresponded User Questions / Responded vs. Unresponded User Posts
This graph shows the daily, the day of the week, weekly or monthly number of responded and unresponded
questions/posts and the response rates. A user question is a user post on the company’s page or a user
post mentioning the company’s Facebook page that contains a question mark in one of several possible
languages (English, Armenian, Arabic, Japanese, and others). User questions that were either marked
as spam, hidden, or deleted by the admin are not included.

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Analyzing Facebook ANALYTICS GUIDE
Response Time Segments for User Questions / Response Time Segments for User Posts
This graph shows a breakdown of the time it took the monitored page to respond to a user question/post
during a selected time range. This graph shows the relative distribution of page responses to user
questions/posts according to the time needed for the page to reply. The following time intervals are used:
under 10 minutes, 10-30 minutes, 30–60 minutes, 60–120 minutes, 2 hours - 5 hours, 5-12 hours, 12-24
hours, 24-48 hours, 48-72 hours, or more than 72 hours. A user question is a user post on the company’s
page or a user post mentioning the company’s Facebook page that contains a question mark in one
of several possible languages (English, Armenian, Arabic, Japanese, and others). User questions that were
either marked as spam, hidden, or deleted by the admin are not included.

Response Time for User Questions / Response Time for User Posts
This graph shows the average response time for user questions/posts by hour of the day, day, week and
day of the week. The response time is fixed to the day of the original question/post. A user question is
a user post on the company’s page or a user post mentioning the company’s Facebook page that contains
a question mark in one of several possible languages (English, Armenian, Arabic, Japanese, and others).
User questions that were either marked as spam, hidden, or deleted by the admin are not included.

Filter between Responded / Unresponded User Posts and Questions

and see what Posts and Questions wait to be answered

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Analyzing Facebook ANALYTICS GUIDE
Promoted Post Detection
Promoted Post Detection analyses page’s posts with focus on the promoted content.
This section provides detailed summary of post types shares and interactions
received by Promoted, Organic and Undetected posts and determines Promoted
posts efficiency.

Share of Posts
Share of post types (promoted, organic, undetected) in selected time period, where type depends
on whether the post has been promoted or not.

Share of Interactions from Posts

Number of interactions acquired by post types (organic, promoted, undetected) in selected time range.

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Analyzing Facebook ANALYTICS GUIDE
Promoted Post Strategy
This chart shows the strategic position of a given page according to the relative amount of Promoted posts
(horizontal axis) over the relative amount of interactions accumulated by Promoted posts (vertical axis).
Mostly organic pages are placed in the lower left corner, and paid pages are in the upper right corner.
Refer to the efficiency curves labeled in the background of the chart. These can help estimate the ratio
of interactions acquired via average promoted posts compared to average organic posts.

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Analyzing Facebook ANALYTICS GUIDE
Posts in Time
This graph shows the total number of page posts (promoted, organic, undetected) published in selected
time range and total number of interactions received by these posts.

At the end of this section we show the complete list of organic and promoted posts which can be filter down
by Date, Likes, Comments, Shares, Number of Interactions per 1000k Fans or by the post type - Album,
Status, Event, Video, Link or Photo.

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Analyzing Facebook ANALYTICS GUIDE
Promoted Post Detection Multicompare
Facebook multicomparison also shows how well are the Pages performing in the Promoted
Post Detection area. Select up to 10 different profiles or labels and see the competitive
overview of The Promoted Post Detection KPIs.
Number of Posts by Post Type
Number of post types (promoted, organic, undetected) in selected time period, where type depends
on whether the post has been promoted or not.

Share of Posts by Post Type

Share of post types (promoted,organic,undetected) in selected time period, where type depends on whether
the post has been promoted or not.

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Analyzing Facebook ANALYTICS GUIDE
Number of Interactions by Post Type
Number of interactions acquired by post types (organic, promoted, undetected) in selected time range.

Share of Interactions by Post Type

Share of interactions acquired by post types (organic, promoted, undetected) in selected time range.

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Analyzing Facebook ANALYTICS GUIDE
Promoted Posts Strategy
This chart shows the strategic position of a given page according to the relative amount of promoted posts
(horizontal axis) over the relative amount of interactions accumulated by promoted posts (vertical axis).
Mostly organic pages are placed in the lower left corner, and paid pages are in the upper right corner.
Refer to the efficiency curves labeled in the background of the chart. These can help estimate the ratio
of interactions acquired via average promoted posts compared to average organic posts..

Interactions by % of Promoted Posts

This shows how many promoted posts, by the percentage of total analyzed posts, that were published
by a page in selected time range. It also displays the total number of interactions received by these posts
compared to the number of interactions received by organic, and undetected posts

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Analyzing Facebook ANALYTICS GUIDE
Community Analysis
The Community Analysis section provides insight about your most active fans. This section Distribution of Engaging Creators
Distribution of Engaging Creators according to their activity and interactivity of the posts they created. For each
details the number of interactions each Content Creator has with your page and the time
Engaging Creator, ratio of types of interactions (likes, shares and comments) is calculated for all interactions
of their last activity with your page. Additionally, you can see who are the most engaging acquired via all posts he or she published in selected period of time. This ratio is compared to average of ratios
Content Creators and what is their share of voice. of all known Engaging Creators and type of interaction that differs most from the average ratio is assigned
to the Engaging Creator as a category - Greatly Liked, Greatly Shared or Greatly Commented.
Productivity of Community
The total number of Facebook users posting on the page’s wall compared to the number of fans during Most Engaging Creators
a selected time period. Ranking of Most Engaging Creators by a total number of Interactions acquired by all user posts published
by a particular Most Engaging Creator during a selected time period.
Content Creators
The total number of Content Creators whose posts on the page’s wall received likes, comments or shares
vs. number of Content Creators whose posts published on the page’s wall during the selected time period
received no interactions.

Activity of Engaging Creators

The total number of Engaging Creators posting on the page’s wall broken down by the frequency of their
posting activity during the selected time period. Regulars - users posting on the page’s wall more than once
and One-timers - users posting on the page’s wall only once during the selected time period.

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Analyzing Facebook ANALYTICS GUIDE
Share of Voice
Shows Top 20 Engaging Creators based on their share of interactions out of the total number of interactions
received by the user posts published by all Content Creators.

Total Share of Voice

Distribution of total interactions received by user posts published by Top 20 Engaging Creators and total interactions
received by the user posts published by the rest of Content Creators during a selected time period.

Evolution of Share of Voice

The evolution of a number of interactions received by the user posts published by the individual Top 20 Engaging
Creators compared to the number of interactions received by the posts published by the rest of Content Creators
during a selected time period.

List Of Content Creators

List of Content Creators (Regular and One-timers) with the number of posts published by them and total interactions
(likes, comments and shares) received by these posts during a selected time period.

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Analyzing Facebook Insights bring the page administrators valuable perspective

Facebook Insights on the performance of the Pages they manage. Socialbakers Analytics
allows integration of the Insights data to offer greater detail of Page analysis
for the Pages you admin.This can be done easily. Select the page you
administer and monitor in Socialbakers Analytics and ...

Socialbakers Analytics

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Analyzing Facebook Insights ANALYTICS GUIDE
a b

...either click on the section Insights and click on Enable Insights. ...or in each section there is a possibility to click on the link Enable Facebook Insights next to the icon

If you have trouble with these steps, don’t hesitate to contact our support team at

Once you click on Enable Insights, they should be fully operational within Socialbakers Analytics.
On the left hand menu, Facebook Insights has the following categories: Likes, Reach, Visits, and People.
After clicking on the ‘Posts’ tab, you will see Facebook Insights metrics for each post.

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Analyzing Facebook Insights ANALYTICS GUIDE
In this section, you can find the following metrics

Total Page Likes

The total number of people who have liked your Page

Net Growth
(Organic Likes + Paid Likes) - Unlikes

Where Your Page Likes Come From

The number of people who liked your Page, broken down by the most common places where they can like your
Page. In the pie chart, after clicking on the section ‘Other’, you will see a new pie chart with the distribution
of sources that are included in the category ‘Other’

External Connect
People who liked your Page from an external site using a Facebook social plugin (your website, blog etc.) The common sources of page likes are

Fan context story

People who like your page through the hover over context part that pops up when their friend mentions the page.

Mobile ads
People who clicked ‘Like’ on an Ad or Sponsored Story pointing to your Page from a mobile device

Page browser
People who liked your Page using Facebook’s Page Browser

Page profile
People who liked your Page on the Page itself

Page suggestion
People who liked your Page through an invite from an admin

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Analyzing Facebook Insights ANALYTICS GUIDE
Timeline Search
People who liked your Page from the Likes section of their own Timeline or someone else’s People who liked your Page from their search results

Ads Ticker
People who clicked ‘Like’ on an Ad or Sponsored Story pointing to your Page People who liked your Page from a story they saw about it in ticker like-story a story they saw about a friend
liking it
People you added to your Page as admins Feed Chaining
People who liked your page, after they interact with the public content in the news feed. For example after liking
Mobile the page there is displayed a feed with recommended related pages that users can like.
People who liked your Page from a mobile device
Other possible sources
Wizard suggestion Reminder Box Recommendation, Like Story, Timeline Collection, Sponsored Story, Mobile Page Browser,
People who liked your Page in the New User Wizard when registering for Facebook Mobile Page Suggestions On Liking, Needy Page Suggestion Megaphone, Reminder Box Invite, Photo Snowlift,
Unconnected Story
Profile connect
People who liked your Page on the Page itself or in a News Feed or ticker story

Recommended pages
People who liked your Page from a Recommended Pages unit on the right column of Facebook

Other Pages that have liked your Page

People who liked your Page through an app developed by a third party

People who liked your Page from the popup window they get when they hover over a link that leads to your Page

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Analyzing Facebook Insights ANALYTICS GUIDE
Engaged Users
The number of people who engaged with your Page. Engagement includes any click or story created. It includes
liking, commenting, sharing the content and also stories that weren’t the result of a click on your content –
Liking your page, any User post that tags/mentions your Page and was not written on your Timeline, Checking
executed via mobile device without navigating to your Page, and Liking your Page from a user-generated story –
not from your Page or Page content.

Total Page Impressions

The number of impressions seen of any content associated with your Page.

Organic Page Impressions

The number of times your posts were seen in the News Feed or Ticker or on visits to your Page.
These impressions can be Fans or non-Fans.

Paid Page Impressions

The number of impressions of a Sponsored Story or Ad pointing to your Page.

Total Page Reach

The number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page.

Organic Page Reach

The number of people who visited your Page, or saw your Page or one of its posts in News Feed or Ticker.
These impressions can be Fans or non-Fans.

Paid Page Reach

The number of people who saw a sponsored story or Ad about your Page.

Reach Engagement Rate

This graph shows on average how many unique users were reached and have interacted with a page.
It is calculated by the number of Total Page Reach on a given day, divided by the number of Engaged Users
on a given day.

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Analyzing Facebook Insights ANALYTICS GUIDE
Frequency of Page or Post Reach
The number of people your Page or your Page posts reached broken down by how many times people saw
any content about your Page or Page post.

Total Page Post Impressions

Impressions are the number of times the posts from your Page are displayed in the users’ News Feed, whether
the post is clicked on or not.

Total Page Post Reach

Reach is the number of people who received impressions of a Page post. Reach might be less than impressions
since one person can see a post multiple times.

Page Positive Feedback

The number of times people liked, shared, and commented on the posts.

Page Negative Feedback

The number of times people took a negative action. There are following types of negative actions – unliking
the page, hiding all posts from the page, hiding a post or reporting the post as spam, and x button clicks

Page Consumptions
The total number of clicks. Stories generated without clicking on Page content (e.g. liking the Page on Timeline)
are not included.

Post Consumptions
The number of clicks on your posts, by type. The clicks can be from following sources: Link clicks, Photo views,
Video plays, or Other. Clicks generating stories (including Likes, Comments and Shares) are included under
‘Other Clicks’.

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Analyzing Facebook Insights ANALYTICS GUIDE
Page & Tabs Views
Tabs on your Page that were viewed by users on your Page. The Tabs can be Timeline, Info, Photos, Events, or

External Referrers
Top referring external domains sending traffic to your Page. After clicking on the “Show 5 More “ button, you will
see more sources that are included in the category ‘Other’.

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Analyzing Facebook Insights ANALYTICS GUIDE
Fans & Engaged & Reached by Country
Aggregated Facebook location data, sorted by country, about the people who like, have been reached, or
engaged with your Page

Fans & Engaged & Reached by City

Aggregated Facebook location data, sorted by city about the people who like, have been reached, or engaged
with your Page

Fans & Engaged & Reached by Language

Aggregated Facebook location data, sorted by language about the people who like, have been reached, or
engaged with your Page

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Analyzing Facebook Insights ANALYTICS GUIDE
Fans & Reached by Demography Evolution of Fans & Engaged & Reached by Demography
Evolution of the growth of Fans and Reached, based on the age and gender information they provide Evolution of Fans & Engaged & Reached on the age information they provide in their user profiles
in their user profiles

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Analyzing Facebook Insights ANALYTICS GUIDE
Video Audience Retention
Views of each of your Page’s videos for the selected time period, displayed as a percentage of all views
for each moment of the video.

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Analyzing Facebook Insights ANALYTICS GUIDE
Video Views Unique vs Repeat Views
The number of times your Page’s videos were viewed for 3 seconds or more during a selected time period. The number of Unique and Repeat videos views on your Page lasting for 3 seconds or more during the selected
time period.

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Analyzing Facebook Insights ANALYTICS GUIDE
Auto-played vs Click to Play Views 30-second Views
The number of Auto-played and Click to Play video views on your Page lasting for 3 seconds or more during The number of times your Page’s videos were viewed for 30 seconds or more during the selected time period.
the selected time period. If a video is shorter than 30 seconds, viewing 97 percent of it counts as a complete view.

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Analyzing Facebook Insights ANALYTICS GUIDE
30-second Unique vs Repeat Views 30-second Auto-played vs Click to Play Views
The number of Unique and Repeat views on your Page lasting for 30 seconds or more during the selected The number of Auto-played and Click to Play video views on your Page lasting for 30 seconds or more during
time period. If a video is shorter than 30 seconds, viewing 97 percent of it counts as a complete view. the selected time period. If a video is shorter than 30 seconds, viewing 97 percent of it counts as a complete view.

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Analyzing Facebook Insights ANALYTICS GUIDE
Useful tips

1 You can download every metric in the form of an image.

2 The majority of metrics can be displayed in the form of the evolution

or distribution chart. Distribution is displayed in the form of a pie chart.

3 Some of these metrics are in real-time and updated every 15 minutes.

You can easily check the trends for the metrics from the section - Reach from
last Day, 7 Days, 28 days. This is not possible in Facebook Insights.

Statistics Product & Solutions Blog Social Media Resources Company


Select Twitter from the vertical navigation bar

on the left hand side of the page and the Profile
you want to have a closer look at. The menu will
give you these categories.

Twitter Overview
visualizations for overviews of all other sections, like Followers,
Content, Engagement and Socially Devoted.


with follower and following growth and distributions.


Socialbakers Analytics Profile posts, Tweet sources and the Content Newsfeed.

how many Interactions a Profile has had over the selected time range
and when fans are most actively engaging with content.

Socially Devoted
how many questions were responded to vs. left unresponded
to and the response times.

Key Influencers
the followers that interact with a Profile’s content the most.

Statistics Product & Solutions Blog Social Media Resources Company

Analyzing Twitter ANALYTICS GUIDE
In this section you will see data on your Followers and Following: how many total
Fans a Profile has, how that number has grown, the amount of public lists a Profile
is included in and more.
Total Followers
The total number of followers on the last day of a selected time range.

Growth of Total Followers

This graph shows the increase or decrease in followers by the day, the day of the week, the week
or the month, during a selected time range.

Total Following
The total number of users the profile is following on the last day of a selected time range.
Growth of Total Following: This graph shows the increase (or decrease) in the number of users a profile
is following by the day, the day of the week ,the week or the month, during a selected time range.

Total Listed
The total number of public lists the profile is a member of during a selected time range.

Growth of Total Listed

This graph shows the increase (or decrease) in the number of public lists the profile is a member
of by the day, the day of the week, the week or the month, during a selected time range.

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Analyzing Twitter ANALYTICS GUIDE
This section shows you data on the content posted: number of Tweets, Tweet sources
and Profile activities.
Number of Profile Tweets
This graph shows the total number of tweets made by the profile daily, on each day of the week, by hour
of the day, weekly, or monthly, during a selected time range.

Profile Tweet Sources

This graph shows the different applications the profile used to post a tweet and the number of times those
applications were used.

Number of Profile Activities - Evolution

This graph shows the total number of profile activities (Retweets - Replies - Other Mentions) that the profile
made daily, on each day of the week, by hour of the day, weekly or monthly during a selected time range.

Number of Profile Activities - Distribution

The distribution of profile activities (Retweets - Replies - Other Mentions) during a selected time range.

This section ends with the content newsfeed, which allows

you to filter the feed by tweets, or only retweets or mentions.

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Analyzing Twitter ANALYTICS GUIDE
Here you will see information about engagement of Followers, calculated by the metrics Number of Interactions per 1000 Followers per Period
Calculated as the sum of all daily numbers for the number of interactions (replies, retweets, favorites)
Number of Interactions (total interactions), Number of Interactions per 1000 fans, user per 1 000 fans during the selected time range.
activity and others.
7-Day Moving Average and 30-Day Moving Average
Number of Interactions - Evolution By Tweets Shows the ’Number of Interactions per 1000 Followers’ averages for a 7 or 30 day time range. It is calculated
The number of all interactions (replies, retweets, favorites) by day of the week, day, week and month. by summing up all daily values for the ’Number of Interactions per 1000 Followers’ in the last 7 or 30 day period.
The interactions are shown for the time of the tweet. Days with a zero value for the ’Number of Interactions per 1000 Followers’ are excluded.The moving averages
are a great way to see the evolution of the metrics’ trends.
Number of Interactions - Distribution By Tweets
The distribution of followers’ interactions (replies, retweets, favorites) during a selected time range. Number of Mentions
This graph shows the total number of mentions the profile received daily, on each day of the week, by hour
Number of Interactions per 1000 Followers of the day, weekly or monthly during a selected time range.
Every tweet has a metric Number of interactions per 1000 followers that identifies how engaging the tweet is.
It is the sum of interactions (replies, retweets, favorites) divided by the number of followers a page had at the time User Activity
of the tweet, and multiplied by 1000. The daily, weekly and monthly values for this metric are then calculated This graph shows the total number of user mentions by day of the week and also by hour of the day during
as the sum of all values for this metric for all posts made on a particular day, during a particular week or month. a selected time range.

Replies + Retweets + Favorites

on the date of the tweet
Number of Interactions
per 1000 Followers
= x 1 000
Number of Followers
on the date of the tweet

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Analyzing Twitter ANALYTICS GUIDE
Socially Devoted
This section will show you how Socially Devoted your monitored Profiles are: how quickly a Profile responded to user
posts, how many posts or questions were responded to or left without a response.
Response Rate for User Questions/Response Rate for User Mentions
This graph shows the percentage and the number of user questions/user mentions the monitored profile responded to versus the percentage and
the number of user questions/mentions that did not receive a response during the selected time range. A user question is identified when a mention
contains a question mark in one of several possible languages (English, Armenian, Arabic, Japanese, and others). A mention is a tweet containing
f C
meerr CCa
another user’s Twitter username, preceded by the “”@”” symbol. How do I become a user?@Socialbakers,’ would be considered a mention and o
o f iinn
a question, as well. rrdd


Responded vs. Unresponded User Questions/Responded vs. Unresponded User Tweets

w SSt
This graph shows the daily, by the day of the week, weekly or monthly number of responded and unresponded questions/mentions and the response

ll M
rates. A user question is identified when a mention contains a question mark in one of several possible languages (English, Armenian, Arabic,

Japanese, and others). A mention is a tweet containing another user’s Twitter username, preceded by the “”@”” symbol. How do I become a user?

@Socialbakers,’ would be considered a mention and a question, as well.

Response Time Segments for User Questions / Response Time Segments for User Mentions
This graph shows a breakdown of the time it took the monitored profile to respond to a user question/mention during a selected time range. This graph
shows the relative distribution of page responses to user questions/mentions according to the time needed for the page to reply. The following time
intervals are used: under 10 minutes, 10-30 minutes, 30–60 minutes, 60–120 minutes, 2 hours - 5 hours, 5-12 hours, 12-24 hours, 24-48 hours,
48-72 hours, or more than 72 hours. A user question is identified when a mention contains a question mark in one of several possible languages
(English, Armenian, Arabic, Japanese, and others). A mention is a tweet containing another user’s Twitter username, preceded by the “”@”” symbol.
How do I become a user?@Socialbakers,’ would be considered a mention and a question, as well.

Response Time for User Questions / Response Time for User Mentions
This graph shows the average response time for user questions/mentions by hour of the day, day, week, day of the week and month. A user question
is identified when a mention contains a question mark in one of several possible languages (English, Armenian, Arabic, Japanese, and others).
A mention is a tweet containing another user’s Twitter username, preceded by the “”@”” symbol. How do I become a user?@Socialbakers,’ would
be considered a mention and a question, as well.

Statistics Product & Solutions Blog Social Media Resources Company

Select YouTube from the vertical navigation bar
on the right hand side of the page and the Channel

you want to have a closer look at. Here you can
see the overview of all of the Channels you monitor
with customizable tab sets. For a more in-depth

look at a Channel, select one. The menu will give
you these categories.

visualizations for overviews of all other sections
(Subscribers, Content, Engagement).

with Subscribers
subscriber growth.

Socialbakers Analytics Content

total number of videos and a content newsfeed.

how many Interactions a Channel has had over the selected time range
and the total number of views of the videos.

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Subscribers Engagement
Here you will find data on the Subscribers of a Channel and the growth of Subscribers Here is data for the engagement of a Channel’s Subscribers, video views, the Number
over the selected time range. of Interactions per 1000 Subscribers and the total Number of Interactions, and more.
Total Subscribers Number of Interactions per 1000 Subscribers
The total number of a channel’s subscribers. Every video has a metric Number of interactions per 1000 subscribers that identifies how engaging the video is.
It is the sum of interactions (likes, comments, dislikes) divided by the number of subscribers and multiplied by 1000.
Growth of Total Subscribers The daily, weekly and monthly values for this metric are then calculated as the sum of these metrics for all posts
This graph shows the increase or decrease in the total number of subscribers to the channel by day/day made on a particular day, during a particular week or month.
of the week/week or month during a selected time range.

Likes + Dislikes + Comments

Content on the date of the interaction
Number of Interactions
This section shows information on how many videos a Channel posted. per 1000 Subscribers
= x 1 000
Number of Subscribers
Total Videos
This graph shows the total number of videos a channel has day by day during a selected time range. on the date of the interaction

Number of Videos
The number of videos uploaded by the channel per day/week or month during a selected time range.
Total Uploaded Video Views
This graph shows the total number of Video Views a channel has on a given day during a selected time range.

Number of Interactions
The number of interactions (comments, likes, dislikes) by day of the week, day, week and month. The interactions are
calculated on the day, when the interaction was made by the user.

Number of Views
This graph shows the absolute daily, weekly, monthly or by the day of the week - the number of Video Views during a
selected time range with the 5 most viewed videos in the stacked column chart.

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Select VK from the vertical navigation bar on the
right hand side of the page and the Page you want

to have a closer look at. The menu will give you
these categories.

visualizations for overviews of all other sections, like Fans, Content,
Engagement and Socially Devoted.

fan growth and fan distributions.


with admin and fan posts and the sources from which they were posted.


Socialbakers Analytics how many interactions a Page has had over the selected time range
and when fans are most actively engaging with content.

Socially Devoted
how many questions were responded to vs. left unresponded to and the
response times.

Key Influencers
the fans that interact with a Page’s content the most.

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For explanation of individual metrics, please check the Analyzing Facebook section, as
the calculation of the metrics is the same. The difference is only in in the Content section.
Instead of Post Sources , VK shows the Distribution of Attachments.

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Select Instagram from the vertical navigation
bar on the right hand side of the page and

the Page you want to have a closer look at.
The menu will give you these categories:

visualizations for overviews of all other sections
- Followers, Content and Engagement.

followers’ growth and followers distributions.

with Content
admin posts and Photo and Video filters distribution.

Socialbakers Analytics Engagement

how many interactions a Profile has had over the selected time range.

Profile Settings
labels and color settings.

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Analyzing Instagram ANALYTICS GUIDE
Followers Content part 1

In this section you will see data on your Followers and Following: This section shows you data on the content posted: number of Posts,
how many total Followers a Profile has, how that number has grown and more. Post Types and Post Types distribution.
Total Followers Number of Profile Posts with Post Types
The total number of followers on the last day of a selected time range. The number of posts made by the page’s administrators, broken down by post-types during a selected time range.

Growth of Total Followers

This graph shows the increase or decrease in followers during a selected time range. The data is aggregated
and can be visualized per day, day of the week, week, or month during a selected time range.

Total Following
The total number of users the profile is following on the last day of a selected time range.

Growth of Total Following

This graph shows the increase (or decrease) in the number of users a profile is following during a selected
time range. The data is aggregated and can be visualized per day, day of the week, week, or month during
a selected time range.

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Analyzing Instagram ANALYTICS GUIDE
Content part 2

Distribution of Photo Filters

Shows the distribution of Photo filters of published Posts during the selected time period.

Distribution of Video Filters

Shows the distribution of Video filters of published Posts during the selected time period.

This section ends with the content newsfeed, which allows

you to filter the feed by Photo or Video.

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Analyzing Instagram ANALYTICS GUIDE
Engagement Profile Settings
Here you will see information about engagement of Followers, calculated by the metrics In this section you will be able to create and apply Labels to a Profile
Number of Interactions (total interactions), Number of Interactions per 1000 followers, and change Profile color.
Most Engaging Photo Filters and Most Engaging Video Filters.
Number of Interactions per 1000 Followers
Every post has a metric Number of interactions per 1000 followers that identifies how engaging the post is.
It is the sum of interactions (likes and comments) divided by the number of followers a profile had at the time
of the post, and multiplied by 1000. The daily, weekly and monthly values for this metric are then calculated
as the sum of all values for this metric for all posts made on a particular day, during a particular week or month.

Number of Interactions - Evolution By Posts

The number of interactions (likes and comments) during a selected time range. The interactions are shown
on the day the post they are for was published.

Number of Interactions - Distribution By Posts

The distribution of interactions (likes and comments) during a selected time range.

Most Engaging Photo Filters

This shows the average interactions per 1000 followers by photo filter during a selected time range.

Most Engaging Video Filters

This shows the average interactions per 1000 followers by video filter during a selected time range.

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Content Newsfeed ANALYTICS GUIDE
In each platform-specific section, you can see a newsfeed of all the posts
for the monitored pages for that platform.
You can filter the posts by post-type (1) or by date, likes, comments, shares and the number of interactions per
1000 fans, in descending or ascending order. (2)

Another useful feature in the Content Newsfeed is assigning labels to posts. (3) You can create your own
labels, either by strategy, post sentiment or any other label of your choosing.

1 4 2

3 5

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Content Newsfeed ANALYTICS GUIDE

Click on the Show Details button (5) at the bottom of any post
to see a breakdown of engagement for that post. You can see
also comments (Facebook) or replies (Twitter) related to the post.

You can see how the number and distribution of Interactions

are evolving in real-time (for Facebook and Twitter) – from the
publication of the post in the first 3 days or lifetime Interactions
(from the date and the time of publishing until the current date
and time).

You can filter posts by Page labels. (4) You will also see these Facebook Insights metrics for the pages
you administer

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Content Newsfeed ANALYTICS GUIDE
Paid and Organic - The number of people who saw any of your Page posts.

Unique Reach Engagement

calculated by dividing unique consumption (people who interacted with or just clicked on your
post) by reach (the number of people who saw your post).

Engaged Users
The number of people who engaged with your Page. Engagement includes any click or story
created. It includes liking, commenting, sharing the content and also stories that weren’t the result
of a click on your content - Liking your page, any User post that tags/mentions your Page and was
not posted on your Timeline, a Checkin executed via a mobile device without navigating to your
Page, and Liking your Page from a user-generated story – not from your Page or Page content.

Negative Feedback
includes unliking, hiding a post, unliking page or reporting the post as a spam.

Lifetime Post Stories

broken down into Total Likes, Total Comments, Total Shares – including those from shared posts.

Post Consumers
The number of unique users who clicked on your post.

Post Clicks
broken down into Photo Views, Link Clicks, Other Clicks.

Statistics Product & Solutions Blog Social Media Resources Company

You’ve gathered your metrics and insights, now you need to show your analysis to your
colleagues and co-workers. Analytics has several capabilities for creating, storing and
automating reports.
Powerpoint Reports
There are also available PowerPoint reports with preset metrics for particular pages. The Powerpoint Report
focuses only on the metrics of one monitored page , and so is the most thorough observation of that page.
It can be sent via email, and has a minimum of options – so you will get everything you need to know about
one page – and nothing more. These are perfect for the on-the-fly report, when you need to get something
together with no warning time. One click, and you are on your way to a business meeting. Best of all, these
reports are fully customizable, so you can add comments and data as necessary.

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Exports in every section Save time with automated reports How do I access past reports? Use the Archive!
• To create a report, use the Export button, which you will see • If you tick the “I want to receive this export on a regular basis” box, Your past reports will be saved in the Archive, which you can access by clicking
at the top of the page, either in the multiplatform dashboard you will see the next menu. the Reports button just right of the Monitor New Page button.
or in the analysis of a particular Page, Profile or Channel.
• Pick how frequently and on which day the report will be sent and
• Then choose the format you’d like to receive the report in and input create your report.
an email address you’d like the report to be sent to. Reports Help

• The reports are available for these sections: Overview, Fans,

Content, Engagement, Socially Devoted, Multi Comparison and
You can switch the view between your past reports and the automated reports.
Facebook Insights.
Sort by date and name and filter by platform or type of report.

How do I access past reports? Use the Archive!

Your past reports will be saved in the Archive, which you can access by clicking
the Reports button just right of the Monitor New Page button.

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Settings section ANALYTICS GUIDE
The settings section is available after clicking on the tab in the right corner. Here you
can review the usage of your package - the available number of users and social media
profiles. You can log out here. You can set the number and time format, create and
admin the users and teams and switch between accounts, if you are a user of more
than one account.

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Get to this section by selecting it from the Settings drop down menu right next to your
account name.

After you’ve clicked on it you will be taken to the next page. Customize how the data
you see looks according to your preferred format.

You can customize the Number Format and the Time & Date Format

To confirm the settings, click the Save button.

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General settings ANALYTICS GUIDE
Edit your account, profile and change details about you in the General Settings section.
My profile
Use this option to change your details, like name or contact email.
Click on Edit my profile and update your changes.

Confirm your settings by clicking on the Save button.

Decide which functions available from our General settings help your team to optimize their workflow.

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General settings ANALYTICS GUIDE
Globally define and set the order of metrics displayed in the Profiles overview in the
form of tabsets by enabling Global Metrics Settings for Network Overview Sections
(1). Limit access of private Facebook Insights metrics to page administrators only (2).
Organize Users by enabling and creating Teams (3). Save your preferences by clicking
the Save button.

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User Rights Management ANALYTICS GUIDE
You can manage user rights in the settings section, in the dropdown menu at the top Here an admin will be able to add and delete new Users and edit their permissions.
of the page. Click on Users and you will be taken to the page below. Users will have the role that admins assign to them.

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User Rights Management ANALYTICS GUIDE
There are two types of roles: User and Administrator.

An administrator automatically has the right to assign permissions to other users.

Users will have the capacity that admins assign to them.

1 Managing profiles 3 Global tabsets

• Adding New Profiles – a user can add social media profiles. Without this permission, a user can monitor Only admins and users with this permissions can Globally define and set the order
only the profiles that are assigned to them. of metrics displayed on the Profiles overview in the form of tabsets

• Deleting Profiles – the user can delete social media profiles.

4 Editing general settings

2 Global labels
Only admins and users with this permissions can Globally define and set the order
In the new Socialbakers Analytics, there are two kinds of labels – global and private. Assign global labels to a profile of metrics displayed on the Profiles overview in the form of tabsets.
and benefit from the profile being labeled as such across the whole account. If you assign profiles to particular users
and teams, they will automatically see those profiles labelled with this global label. Editing global labels
is accessible only for Administrators and Users with the Permission to Edit Global Labels.
5 Editing other Users and Teams
• Editing global labels – If a user has the permission to edit global labels, they can create, rename and
delete the global labels. The change will be reflected across all the users under this account. If a user does • Editing Other Users – create and edit users, assign Pages, give permissions
not have this permission they can can only edit private labels. to other users

• Assigning global labels – The permission to assign global labels to particular profiles. If a user does • Edit Teams – create, rename, delete teams and assign the team members and monitored profiles
so, the label will be assigned automatically to the particular profile across all the users under the account. for them
If a user does not have this permission the user can only assign their own private labels.

Statistics Product & Solutions Blog Social Media Resources Company

You can also create Teams and define the team members. The Admin and Users with
the Edit Other Users permission will be able to assign the monitored pages to particular
users. The other option is to create the teams and assign the pages to them. This option
will be available to Admins and Users with the Edit Teams permission.

After clicking on the Teams section, you will see the overview of all teams that you have
within the account.

After clicking on Create New Team you can assign the Name and Team Members.

Statistics Product & Solutions Blog Social Media Resources Company

After clicking on a particular team you can see the overview of team-members and
the profiles that are accessible to this team. You can easily add and delete both the team
members and the profiles accessible to the team. A user creating the team can choose
only from the profiles he/she has access to.

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By clicking on the icon of LinkedIn or G+, you will be redirected to a landing page
where you can access the application for monitoring these 2 platforms. You just need
to add the company social profiles you desire. After that, you will be able to receive

visually appealing PowerPoint reports with powerful social media metrics.

If you are interested in accessing either of these applications, please contact your
account manager or

Statistics Product & Solutions Blog Social Media Resources Company

Social Visits is an add-on tool to Analytics that monitors the correlation between website
traffic and social media interactions on Twitter and Facebook. The tool helps you to see
how your social media performance affects the number of visits to your website from
Facebook and Twitter, and therefore helps you to better optimize your social media activities.

Click on the Social Visits tab. Once in the tool, connect to your Google account.

After you’re connected, you can add your Facebook and/or Twitter accounts
as well. Your accounts will be authorized and added. Up to three graphs will
be available, depending on whether you’ve connected to Facebook, Twitter,
or both. At the top of the dashboard, click on the Social Visits tab.
Once in the tool, connect to your Google account.


Facebook & Twitter visits are calculated by the number of times a user visits a website via
one of these social networks.

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We trust you found this guide useful.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further questions.

You can reach our support team at

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