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Recent graduate from ABET-accredited BSME program seeking a full-time mechanical engineering position to gain
more hands-on experience and utilize foundation in design, engineering principles and collaboration skills for
successful project deliveries
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering May 2019
GPA 3.47/4.00
Community College
Associate of Science, General Sciences May 2015
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts May 2015
GPA 3.43/4.00
Intermediate proficiency: AutoCAD, MATLAB, SolidWorks, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel
Beginner level: Python, C++, ROS, LabVIEW
Engineering Intern, Small Company June 2018 – May 2019
 Aided in design process and component selection for weight-carrying assistive robot prototype
 Performed research on customer base, travel restriction, and carried out surveys to determine customer
requirements as well as engineering characteristics
 Assisted in the drafting of the prototype device in SolidWorks
Parachute Deployment System for Submarine, Group Project - Mechanical Design Synthesis
 Collaborated with other team members to design the parachute deployment system to interface with a
compact submarine deploying from an aircraft
 Assisted in the drafting process of the deployment system in SolidWorks for 3D Prototyping with
dimensional tolerances in mind
 Selected the parachute to safely slow the payload’s descent out of various form factors, characteristics,
and sizes to fit within project’s restrictions. Verified the selection’s performance with calculations in
 Improved on the design iteratively throughout the timeline and assembled the deployment system for
field testing
Modified Dijkstra’s Path Planning Algorithm, Group Project - Robotics and Unmanned System
 Implemented Dijkstra’s algorithm to plan efficient paths for a robot to follow while avoiding obstacles in
a pre-generated ROS Gazebo simulation environment in Python
 Modified the algorithm to push obstacle out of the way if the new path generated would be more efficient
than pure avoidance
 Successfully tested the robustness of the modified algorithm in three scenarios with varying map
complexity levels
PID Controller for Quadcopter, Group Project - Mechatronic System Design
 Implemented a proportional-integral-derivative controller feedback mechanism on school-built
quadcopter to adjust system’s response with minimal delay and overshoot in C++
 Tuned three controller term constants iteratively to improve quadcopter’s flight behavior
 Piloted the quadcopter and achieved stable and controllable flight in no-wind condition
Dean’s List Fall 2017 – Fall 2018

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