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“Estrategia E-Marketing- Página Web”



FICHA 1565130

SENA 2019
Estrategia E-Marketing- Página Web



The Design and Implementation of a Virtual Store has as its resulted in

a Web application from which a company could expand your sales
through electronic commerce in an easy way, fast and simple In this way,
customers are given the option to make their shopping without leaving
home or simply, visualize the articles available or check the status of any
order placed previously.
On the other hand, authorized personnel (store employees) may perform
actions such as the modified orders placed through this route, the
insertion of new items in the database or the correction of erroneous
data that may appear in the registration of some customer.
The language used to implement the virtual store is PHP that As we have
mentioned before, it will allow us to create a Dynamic web page. On the
other hand, the base management system of data that will contain all the
necessary information to be shown on the website is MySQL.
Once this is decided, we need a Web server that allows us to execute
the code in PHP while allowing us to access the base of MySQL data.
The Web server used is Apache.
With all this and adding that the operating system used for the TV
programming and the execution of your code is Mac OS X, we will use
MAMP to execute it. MAMP is the acronym of Mac OS X, Apache,
MySQL and PHP. This Web platform of code open built for Mac, is the
perfect solution for this task already which is an "all in one"
The protocol used for the transmission of data between networks of
computers is the TCP / IP protocol. In addition, the http protocol will be
which allows us access to the Web page.

In the following image you can see an image general design of TV

As already mentioned at the beginning of this document, the interface

of user has been designed in such a way that it is pleasant, intuitive
and easy to use. In this way, all the pages of the TV are composed of
four easily distinguishable phases:
- A header in which the logo is shown and a space is left to add
- A horizontal menu from which you can access all the functions of the
Web page from which in certain functions, there may be a submenu.
- The left column with the window of the cart in which shows a
summary information of the current content of the trolley
. - The main window where all the information is displayed user and the
data that you enter is collected

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