5 Year Plan

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5 year plan

Since I was a little girl I always knew what I wanted to do when I graduated from high

school, which is being a veterinarian. Although I never knew how much it was going

to take financially and mentally. Once I got to high school I did the research and I

know exactly what my plan is going to be. When I graduate i’m going to Merced

College to get my associates degree in Animal science, I’m then going to transfer to

my dream school which is UC Davis since they have the number one best vet school

in the United States. I am then going to major in veterinary medicine, during or after

that I am going to shadow an actual veterinarian to see how its like and to see the

things I am going to do which I already have an idea of but this is going to be in my

face stuff. After this I will get a job at a veterinary clinic to help any animal that

needs it. I will also be a traveling vet maybe for some time because I love big

animals like cows, horses and farm animals. This will help me gain more

experiences with all types of animals. Hopefully after I gain all this experience and

have the knowledge and the financial income I want. I would love to open my very

own Vet Clinic. This has always been a dream of mine and I hope I am able to

achieve it. In order to pay for all of this I am going to be an EMT during my first two

or more years of school. The EMT program I want to go to only takes two weeks

which i’m probably going to do in the summer and during the career day MHS had

EMT’s came and talked to us about how they go to school and work and the

company they work for and I really liked it. Being an EMT and going to school will not

be easy but I know that if i work hard enough ad manage my schedule I will be able

to achieve this. This will be one of my major sources of incomes if I go through with it

, which I hope I am able to. It takes a total of nine years to be a veterinarian in some
cases and so I thought what if i had a minor career before my major one. Although I

am a undocumented and I know this makes everything ten times harder I really do

hope that in these next years they make it easier for us to be able to achieve our

dreams. I have applied for my residency but this can take more then ten years to

finalize. I will still be living with my family but hopefully once I get my financial

situation out of the way I will move in with one of my close friends, since she wants

to follow the same career I do it will be easier to do this together and support each

other. Being able to accomplish this would mean the world to me, like I mentioned

this has always been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. I don't know why there

has just been this passion in my heart about helping animals and caring for them so

much. I’m also a vegetarian so that should say more about me wanting to be a

veterinarian. I know most people change their minds about their careers but I feel

that I am 100% going to stick with this because I wouldn’t have put so much thought

in this if I didn't really want it. I have had many people who have helped me

throughout my four years in highschool and I know that they will be there for me after

high school to help me through it all if i ever have a question or just need support

through anything. I will put all my faith in God these next years and leave my future

in his hands of course I will be putting my all into it to. If God has to change anything

for any reason or to help me out more i’m going to trust in him and know he is doing

it for my good.

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