Observation Feedback 2

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Teacher Performance Feedback

Mahidol University International Demonstration School

Teacher: Jamie Schelz Subject: Grade 12 English

Observer Matt Allsopp Date of Observation: Monday 11th February 2019

Section 1: Following the observation, rate whether the following elements were observed. Additional comments by both
teacher and evaluator may be written on the last page.

1. Subject Area Content Knowledge: The teacher possesses the depth and breadth of knowledge required to teach the
subject effectively.

Element Efficiency level

Head of Department
Observation: Observed  Partially Observed Not Observed


It was observed that Jamie shows knowledge of the content area to teach the subject effectively through evidence
regarding the resources used, i.e. The Cigarette from ‘Persepolis’ and writing memoirs. He instigated some discussion
and successfully asked students to examine and contrast 2 images shown on the projector, which was the last
question in a quiz. Formerly to this, students undertook a pop quiz by answering six questions, and then Jamie went
through the answers as a whole class discussion. Toward the end of the lesson, he showed that he had an in-depth
appreciation of what a memoir is and its goals, and how it should be used to identify areas associated with the skills
needed, and Jamie did this quite well.

Additionally, he highlighted the use of some complex words from the quiz to assist students with any difficulties that
they may have had. Furthermore, this led to a reflection on any associations with Thai politics. As Jamie and I had
spoken about, speaking about a topic like this is dangerous territory, however, Jamie is confident that he will only
ever let a discussion of this nature go so far before interjecting and ceasing the discussion.

2. Knowledge of Effective Teaching Strategies in the Subject Area: The teacher understands what students need to
know and be able to do and plans for or adjusts teaching accordingly.

Element Efficiency level

Head of Department
Observation: Observed  Partially Observed Not Observed


It was observed that Jamie shows knowledge of effective teaching strategies to the subject area through evidence
regarding what students need to know by structuring his lesson successfully. As the lesson progressed, Jamie began
by undertaking an informal discussion about students’ weekend and current news, which led to the topic of Thai
politics again. To be precautious I would avoid any discussion related to Thai politics, as this could lead to some
unknown issues. Anyway, this initial discussion was a good example of a strategy to build on relationships with his
students, and I noticed that Jamie was successful in doing this.

The lesson then moved into a pop quiz whereas students completed six questions, and subsequently Jamie went
through the answers. Maybe the students themselves could have come to the front of the class and presented the
answers instead so as to encourage more speaking. In addition, maybe the use of a points scheme could ensure that
all students will actively participate, however, all students appeared to complete each task set.

The final part of the lesson was by examining memoirs. As Jamie and I had discussed, a good strategy to solidify
student understanding would be to get students to investigate and research the meaning of a relatively new concept
to them by themselves, either individually, or in groups. Maybe more time spent on that activity would produce more
active participation and would also be easier to evaluate if students really understand what a memoir is. Nevertheless,
I’m aware that it’s a fairly easy topic to understand, and it seemed to not impact the learning.
3. Selecting Instructional Objectives: The teacher establishes appropriate learning objectives that clearly state what
diverse students will learn as a result of engaging in the lesson activities.

Element Efficiency level

Head of Department
Observed Partially Observed  Not Observed


It was partially observed that Jamie established appropriate instructional objectives that were clear through evidence
regarding what students need to know. As the lesson progressed, he made it somewhat clear what each activity was
intended for. In addition, all activities were easily accessible for majority of the class, which were understood and
simple to follow, and as a result completed with little confusion.

At the start of the lesson it was not too clear what the objectives were, but this became evident as the lesson
proceeded. As the pace of the lesson was steady, it wasn’t confusing where the lesson was at, but using outlined
objectives either verbalised, or better still written on the board, would hopefully ensure lucidity. This is an area that I
know Jamie is aware of, as we had subsequently discussed it. Hopefully, using more obvious advertised objectives will
maintain a level of clarity and solidify learning, but as this class completed the tasks at hand, this is just an area for
slight adjustment.

4. Assessing Student Learning: The teacher demonstrates that each learning objective can be assessed appropriately
and uses assessment results to improve teaching and learning.

Element Efficiency level

Head of Department
Observation: Observed  Partially Observed Not Observed


It was observed that Jamie demonstrates that he assesses student learning, and each learning objective, through
students completing varied activities. These were completed with consideration for the skills needed, and the level of
student understanding proved that they were met.

It was evident that the instructed activities had been designed to ensure that students have an understanding of the
skills needed to complete each task. Moreover, some students had the opportunity to actively participate through
class discussions. It was however observed that some students could slip below the radar and not always participate,
maybe the use of more cold calling and a points scheme for answering questions could be more widely used.
However, I’m aware that Jamie does use a points scheme method, but maybe it’s predominately for other varied
activities. I would suggest the use of awarding points to become part of any open discussion, and that Jamie holds a
clipboard and awards points as students contribute. This would show students that Jamie is recognising their efforts,
and as a reward they can see the points being allocated. In turn, this is an effective strategy to assess student

As students completed many parts of the lesson, Jamie was actively rewarding students with verbal positive
comments and feedback for active contribution. This was an effective strategy in assessing levels of student learning
with some positive recognition too, which should additionally assist Jamie to alter or improve his teaching if needs

The final activity was for students to begin a homework task on Edmodo by reading a memoir example, which was,
‘Teaching the Personal Essay.’ This was for students to grasp the idea of memoirs, and examine the skills needed to
complete one. Finally, students completed an exit slip by answering the question ‘What experience will you write
about for your practice memoir?’ This will lead them into the next series of lessons by completing their own memoirs.
Maybe more time at the end of the lesson to consider this question would result in more in-depth considerate
examples, which would support them in more thoughtful work.

Section 2: This section is an appraisal from your HOD regarding outside-of-class obligations. This measure will be scored as
either being observed, partially observed, or not observed

1. Punctuality: The teacher arrives at school on time and stays in school until at least the contracted time.

Element Efficiency level

Head of Department
Observed Partially Observed Not Observed


2. Collaboration: The teacher actively contributes during late start Wednesday, department collaboration, grade level,
and subject-specific collaboration sessions.

Element Efficiency level

Head of Department
Observed Partially Observed Not Observed


3. Meetings: The teacher promptly attends and is actively engaged during all meetings, such as one-on-one, department,
and faculty meetings.

Element Efficiency level

Head of Department
Observed Partially Observed Not Observed


4. School Event Participation: The teacher actively participates, including taking leadership, in school events (e.g.
International Day, Sports Day, Vichakarn Day, etc), and sponsored field trips such as Week Without Walls (WWW).

Element Efficiency level

Head of Department
Observed Partially Observed Not Observed


5. Collegiality: The teacher volunteers to cover lessons, completes delegated tasks, promptly reads/responds to emails,
and generally takes initiative in assisting their colleagues and/or students.

Element Efficiency level

Head of Department
Observed Partially Observed Not Observed


6. Social Responsibility: The teacher fulfills additional duties that aids in the organization of student monitoring and the
students’ experience, supervises students during school (e.g. hall monitoring, canteen monitoring, escorting students,
etc.), and enhances and maintains school spirit.

Element Efficiency level

Head of Department
Observed Partially Observed Not Observed


7. School Policies: The teacher enforces and follows school-wide policies such as Teacher/Student Dress Code, ESLOs,
Language Policy, Hall Passes, Weekly Lesson Plans.

Element Efficiency level

Head of Department
Observed Partially Observed Not Observed


Teacher’s comment:

Observer’s comment:

By signing this document, I acknowledge that its contents have been shared with me. I understand that signing does not
mean agreement or disagreement with any of the statements.

Teacher: Date:

Observer: Date:

Deputy Director: Date:

Director: Date:

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