Q2. Ans:: 1. Principles of Management

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Q2. Write a brief summary on each paper that you have listed in the first question?

This course provide student with a broad and integrative introduction to the theories and practice of
management. This courses also focus on the areas like management process, planning, organizing, leadership and
control from an organization viewpoint. This course also enables us to understand the roles, challenges and
opportunities of management. It also includes various topics like introduction to management, definition,
characteristic, principles, functions, hierarchy and levels. Under the topic of management theories, the classical,
behavioural and management science.

This course is to acquaint the students regarding various accounting concepts and its application in
managerial decision making. This paper include various topics such as financial accounting- concept, importance
and scope, accounting principles, journal, ledger, cashbook- nature and types- single column, double and triple
column cash book, petty cash book. In trial balance, final accounts and statements, construction of trading, profit
and loss a/c and balance sheet of sole proprietorship and partnership, concerns and depreciation. In analysis and
interpretation of financial statements, there are meaning, importance and techniques, ratios analysis, fund flow
analysis, cash flow analysis (As-3).

This paper is to enable students to identify and explain principles theories of behaviour in organizations, to
analyse how individual differences in values, attitudes, personality and emotions can impact upon job satisfaction,
perception and individual decision making.
In this paper there are so many topics
Introduction to behaviour- under this topic are a prelude to organisational behaviour, historical background,
fundamental concepts and OB model.
The individual- it includes introduction, factors influencing models, values attitudes and job satisfaction,
personally, perception, basic motivation concepts.
The group- it includes foundations of group behaviour, introduction, defining classifying groups, stages of group
development, understanding work team, communications. And the organisation system includes foundations,
human resources policies and practices.
Lastly, the organisation dynamics includes organizational change and development.

This subject helps us to understand the basic concepts of both descriptive and inferential statistic, to
analyse data using statistical methods, to understand based on correlational data, and to interpret statistical
results present in professional reports. In this course several topics are included such as introduction to statistic,
sources of data, functions of statistic, and types. Under the variable there are two types: discrete and continuous
variable. We also learned about the method of sampling, census, measures of central tendency- advantage of
arithmetic mean and disadvantage, Group data and ungroup data-mean, median, mode and quartile, dispersion,
range, skewness, kurtosis, correlation and regression.

This paper is to enable the students to analyse economic theories and their application within the business
environment, to apply economics concepts when making decision for an entrepreneurial venture, examine the role
of markets and prices in the economy. It represent a complete and in depth study of concepts, tools, principles and
theories of microeconomics. It gives us knowledge about nature and scope of managerial economics, economics
contribution to management, business decision and economics analysis, micro economics and macroeconomics.
Under demand function- consumer demand, law of demand, demand scheduled- exceptions in the laws of demand,
meaning and nature of indifference curve, indifference map- managerial rate of substitution, properties of
indifference of indifference curve, demand forecasting, and price elasticity of demand.


This paper helps us to understand about the basic computer skills and knowledge to enhance the usefulness
of information technology tools for business operations. In this course several topics are included such as
introduction to Ms Word, features, document window, components of document window, tool bar buttons, display
other toolbars. Under the formatting document, they are formatting text, character formatting. The adding borders
and shading and their importance, page setup, keyboard shortcuts, print preview, font and size selection. Spacing
under this line spacing and paragraph spacing, indenting text, bullets and numbering.

In this particular subject various topics we have learned environment of business finance. Under this topic
there are finance concept and other discipline, factor affecting the finance organisation, financial management.

This paper is to provide the student the required knowledge regarding strategic management so that they
will be able to understand the strategies adopted by the companies or business organizations in the business world,
and to analyse, formulate, implemented and evaluate the strategies for their own business or the organization in
which they work. This paper contents the concept of strategies management process, views/model of industrial
organisation model and resources based view, strategic intent, vision, mission and objectives. Strategic analysis of
internal and external, general environment analysis (PESTLE/PEST Analysis), industrial analysis competitive
analysis. Resources, capabilities and competences (Resources based view), value chain analysis, SWOT analysis.

Entrepreneurship is to a large degree a mind-set, always striving to do new things in an innovative and
better way. This subject helps student to motivate students to start a new business, to build consciousness of
entrepreneurial traits and awareness of entrepreneurial supports system and to help in opportunity identification
and project report preparation. We also learned about dynamics of entrepreneurship with its concept and
definition, importance, characteristics, theories of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial development, challenging the
unknown, entrepreneurs/ small business owners and a mind-set the environment for entrepreneurship-development
(corporate entrepreneurship). This subject is also about enterprise start up process and procedures. It includes the
steps in setting up an enterprise, registration and licensing and small business policy for small business, women
entrepreneurs, small industrial programs and schemes.


Research methods are generalised and established ways of approaching research questions. Research
methods are divided into qualitative and quantitative approaches and involve the specific study activities of
collecting and analysing research data in order to answer the particular research question. Research methodology
subject helps to develop knowledge and skills in research, and to be able to design and implement a research
project. We also learned the introduction of research, meaning of research, significance, types, quantitative and
qualitative, method and methodology, criteria for a good research, research process. It also gives the idea how to
identify the research problem, setting objectives, operational definitions, hypothesis, variables, literature review
reasons for reviewing literature citing references and reference list using APA style. We also learned about
research design which includes types, of research design, implications to sampling design, study population,
probability sampling methods and non-probability. We also study about presentation of finding like graphical,
tabular and narratives, interpretation of primary data and secondary data (health, statistic, vital statistics,
techniques, precaution in interpretation, writing research report).
Thus subject helps us to acquaint the basic principles of human resource management. In this paper, there
are several topics like introduction to HRM, its concepts, relevance and functions and human resources
development. In recruitment and selection there are HR planning, quantitative and qualitative dimension, job
analysis, job description and job specification. There are also training and development which includes its
concepts, importance, identifying training and development needs, designing training and development needs,
designing training programme, evaluating effectiveness, training process outsourcing. It also includes HRM issues
and challenge like employee health and safety, employee welfare, social security, social security and quality of
work life.


This course helps us to understand the concepts and the tools used in cost accounting. In this topic of cost
accounting there are cost concepts, classification, objectives. Under the elements of cost inventory control, pricing
of materials, accounting for labour, labour cost management, cost and effect of labour turnover. Accounting for
overheads- overhead classification, distribution of overhead. Under the system of cost determination there are unit
costing, job costing, contract costing, cost analysis for managerial decision includes marginal costing, break even
analysis and CVP. In cost analysis there are standard costing and variance analysis- material variance, labour


This course helps students to understanding about the maintaining a complete and systematic record of all
transactions and analysing the financial position of a business. There are several topics in this course which
includes accounting for financial instrument, types, purchase consideration, amalgamation, realisation account,
debentures holding company, redemption of debenture, discount to be written off, Difference equity shares and
preferences shares, public and private company


This subject helps us to understand the basic principles of marketing management. It includes several
topics such as introduction, nature, scope of marketing, marketing mix, marketing management process. Under the
market and product there are consumer behaviour, market segmentation its concepts, importance, target market
selection, positioning concept. Products – meaning, importance, classification, features, packaging and labelling.
Under the pricing it includes significance, factors affecting, policies and types, geographical pricing, product line
pricing and promotion includes its nature and importance, communication process, promotion mix, advertising,
personal selling, publication and sales promotion.


This subject helps to understand the distinguished between value and skills, and understand the need, basic
guidelines, contents and process of value education. And also help to understand the meaning of happiness and
prosperity for human being, to facilitate the students to understand harmony at all the levels of human living, and
life accordingly. In this subject we learned about important of human value in this topic it includes defining,
prominent, significance of values based education, love, respect, honesty, sharing, forgiveness, and justices,
characteristic of good and bad person. Under tribal values there are social equality, community solidarity, signify
of labour, conservation of environment, tribal spirituality, and respect for traditional culture. This course includes
Christian values like compassion, love and justice, forgiveness and peace. There are also ten MLCU values which
include Respect, honest, humanity, discipline, commitment, sincerity, humility, sustainability, equity, leadership,
and team work.


In this course it helps us to understand, identify and promote good practices in the design development and
used of financial services. In this paper there are topics like objective of financial services, characteristic, types,
problems. It also provides the analytical framework for a range of financial products and services offered by
various financial institutions and agencies. Under the market related financial service there are merchant banking,
merchant banker code of conduct, banker to the issue, register to an issue, share transfer agent, debenture trustee,
functions, portfolio manager, roles and responsibility of portfolio managers and its functions. We also get to study
about credit rating, custodians, and depository, demat services, lease, venture capital, merger and acquisition,
factoring and forfeiting, hire purchase, securitisation and asset reconstruction.


A financial institution is an establishment that conducts financial transactions such as investments, loans
and deposits. Financial institutions, otherwise known as banking institutions, are corporations that provide
services as intermediaries of financial markets. In this topic there are various topics such as the basic theoretical
framework, the financial system and its technology, factors affecting the stability of the financial system, financial
intermediaries and financial innovation. Under the topic of financial institution include a brief of historical
perspective of IDBI, ICICI, IFCI and SFCS, LIC and GIC. Under the banking institution, commercial banks the
public and the private sectors, structure and comparative performance, the problem of competition, interest rates,
spreads and NPAs. The non-banking financial institution control by RBI and SEBI, unit trust of India and Mutual
funds, reserve bank of India framework for/ regulation of bank credit, commercial paper, features and advantages,
framework of Indian commercial paper.


This course enables us to enhance the theoretical and practical knowledge relating financial accounting
and to provide thorough understanding and enhanced the computational ability of students in the areas of financial
accounting. This course includes different topics such as depreciation, provision and reserves funds, hire purchase,
instalments and lease accounting. Under the topic of accounting for not for profit organization, there are receipts
and payments account, preparation of Income and expenditure A/c, receipts and payment A/c. We also learn the
valuation of goodwill and shares includes valuation of goodwill, need, components, and general factors affecting
goodwill, methods for valuating goodwill.


This paper helps us to know the theoretical characteristic, morality and business ethics, ethics influence on
the economy, opposed business, models- st0ckholders and stake holders and corporate social responsibility, ethics
leadership and so on. It also include the topic introduction to ethics, meaning, types, component, sources,
importance, factors influencing ethics, business code of conduct, characteristic of business ethics, significance of
business ethics, principles of business ethics. Ethical issues in business, ethics in management, ethical
communication system. Business ethics also include the corporate social responsibility, theory of social
responsibility, characteristic and basic constituents of corporate social responsibility, components of corporate
social responsibility, ethics in accounting and finance, ethical issues in accounting.


This course helps to provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in
financial position of and enterprise that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions. This
subject provide requirements of corporate financial reporting in India, corporate financial reporting meaning,
various requirements of corporate reporting practices, types of corporate reporting practices, components,
characteristics of corporate reporting practices.
This course helps to understand the various financial investment avenues and efficient portfolio
management techniques and to provide the skills required to take correct investment decisions, selecting the best
securities and efficient portfolio management. Under this courses the basic information and infrastructure
description its process of investment, financial market participants and their role. Investment objectives constraints
of the different groups of investors, its private investors, pension funds, insurance companies, foundation and
endowments, banks, risk, return, classic portfolio composition its various return measures, risk measures.

This courses provides us the knowledge of the primary purpose of taxation to raise revenue to meet huge
public expenditure, and to know that most governmental activities are financed by taxation and its effect of the total
volume of production, consumption, investment, choice of industrial location and techniques, balance of payments,
distribution of income etc. this course provide several topics, such as income tax, meaning and definition of
taxation, wealth, corporate tax, property tax, direct and indirect, gift tax, characteristic of salary, etc.


This paper helps to know about the invest money for short or long term period with the aim of deriving
profitability, to maintain their investment to buyers who wish to increase those specify investment.


This subject helps us in developing a wide range of skills, language development, which involves grammars
and extensive vocabulary learning, writing skills, reading skills. It also helps in developing a solid of
understanding of oral English communication, as well as basic structures. In this subject several topic that are
included from the first semester to forth semester are- grammar, comprehensive, logical arrangement, story
writing, sentences, present tense, direct and indirect speech, dictation.
In this topic recruitment process there are resume writing, cover letter, written exam, group discussion, interview
and offer letter.


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