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PV Elite 2016 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 1

FileName : LINEAS ALQUILATO 0225/0620/0621/0622 2019 y-4m-8d-28s-1h-5

API-579 Calculations : Step: 8 12:22pm Apr 11,2019

INPUT VALUES, Damage Description: Flaw#:[1 of 1] From : 140 /440 NODES

Inside Diameter Di 6.065 in.

Thickness tnom 0.280 in.

Internal Pressure P 530.000 psig

Design Temperature T 377 °F

Allowable Stress, Design S 20000.000 psi

Allowable Stress, Ambient Sa 20000.000 psi

Joint Efficiency E 1.00

Flaw Type General Metal Loss (Part 4)

Assessment Level Level 1 and 2

Future Corrosion Allowance FCAml 0.125 in.

Allowable Remaining Strength Factor RSFa 0.90

Measurement Method Point Thickness Readings

Number of Rows 15

Layout Angle 0.00 deg.

Rlife Thickness Approach included ? Yes

Rlife MAWP Approach included ? Yes

Rerate MAWP ? Yes

Corrosion Rate Crate 0.0080 in./year

Previous Average Measured Thickness tam_prev 0.256 in.

Effective Corrosion Allowance CAe_user 0.004 in.

Using design MAWP ? Yes

Using overriding values ? Yes

Moment MOM 2186.00

API 579 / ASME FFS-1, 2015 Edition

Part 4, General Metal Loss

Level 1 Assessment
PV Elite 2016 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 2
FileName : LINEAS ALQUILATO 0225/0620/0621/0622 2019 y-4m-8d-28s-1h-5

API-579 Calculations : Step: 8 12:22pm Apr 11,2019

Point Thickness Readings

Cylindrical Pipe

STEP 1 - Take point thickness reading data and determine

minimum measured thickness, average measured thickness and coefficient

of variation.

Minimum Measured Thickness, [tmm]:

= .256 in.

Average Measured Thickness, [tam]:

= Sum of points/N

= 3.997/15

= .266 in.

Sum of Squares, [S]:

= SUM(trd, i - tam)2

= .000

Coefficient of Variation, [COV]:

= ( 1 / tam )( S / ( N - 1 ) ) 0.5

= ( 1/.266 )( .000/( 15 - 1 ) ) 0.5

= .020

STEP 2 - Determine viability of the point thickness readings

through the coefficient of variation criterion.

Coefficient of Variation < 0.1

.020 < 0.1


The coefficient of variation is within the recommended values.

STEP 3 - Level 1 Criteria

PV Elite 2016 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 3
FileName : LINEAS ALQUILATO 0225/0620/0621/0622 2019 y-4m-8d-28s-1h-5

API-579 Calculations : Step: 8 12:22pm Apr 11,2019

Minimum Measured Thickness Criterion

Minimum Required Thickness from Circumferential Stress, [tmin_C]:

= ( P * R )/( S * E - 0.6 * P )

= ( 530.000 * 3.171 )/( 20000.000 * 1.00 - 0.6 * 530.000 )

= .085 in.

Minimum Required Thickness from Circumferential Stress, [tmin_L]:

= ( P * R )/( 2 * S * E + 0.4 * P )

= ( 530.000 * 3.171 )/

( 2 * 20000.000 * 1.000 + 0.4 * 530.000 )

= .042 in.

Minimum Required Thickness, [tmin]:

= max( tmin_C, tmin_L )

= max( .085 , .042 )

= .085 in.

Limiting Thickness [t_lim]:

= max( 0.2 * tnom, .1 in.)

= max( 0.2 * .280 , .1 )

= .100 in.

( tmm - FCAml ) >= max( 0.5 * tmin, t_lim )

( .256 - .125 ) >= max( 0.5 * .085 , .100 )

0.131 >= 0.100


The minimum thickness criterion passed.

Average Measured Thickness Criterion

(tam - FCAml) >= tmin_C

(.266 - .125 ) >= .085

0.141 >= 0.085

PV Elite 2016 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 4
FileName : LINEAS ALQUILATO 0225/0620/0621/0622 2019 y-4m-8d-28s-1h-5

API-579 Calculations : Step: 8 12:22pm Apr 11,2019


Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Criterion:

Note: Level 1 calculations assume that all supplemental loads are negligible.

Rerated MAWP, Circumferential [MAWPrC]:

= ( S * E( tam - FCAml ) )/( R + 0.6( tam - FCAml ) ) - Pstatic

= ( 20000.000 * 1.00 ( .141 - .125 )/

( 3.171 + 0.6( .141 - .125 ) ) - .000

= 868.983 psig

Rerated MAWP, Longitudinal [MAWPrL]:

= ( 2 * S * E( tam - FCAml ) ) )/( R - 0.4( tamc - tsl - FCAml ) )

= ( 2 * 20000.000 * 1.000 ( .266 - .125 - .000 ) )/

( 3.171 - 0.4( .266 - .125 ) )

= 1816.909 psig

Option 1: If the original design conditions have not

been changed and t nom - LOSS - FCA >= tmin,

the MAWP provided in the original documentation can be used.

( tnom - LOSS - FCA ) >= tmin

( .280 - .014 - .000 ) >= .085

0.141 >= 0.085


Maximum Allowable Working Pressure, design [MAWP]:

= 530.000 psig


868.983 >= 530.000


The maximum allowable working pressure criterion passed.

Summary of Level 1 Assessment:

PV Elite 2016 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 5
FileName : LINEAS ALQUILATO 0225/0620/0621/0622 2019 y-4m-8d-28s-1h-5

API-579 Calculations : Step: 8 12:22pm Apr 11,2019

Minimum Measured Thickness Criterion: PASSED

Average Measured Thickness Criterion: PASSED

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Criterion: PASSED

This analysis passed the API 579 Part 4, Level 1 Assessment.

Part 4, General Metal Loss

Level 2 Assessment

Average Measured Thickness Criterion

Determine tmin_C and tmin_L using P * RSFa.

Minimum Required Thickness from Circumferential Stress, [tmin_C]:

= ( ( P * RSFa ) * R )/( S * E - 0.6( P * RSFa ) )

= ( ( 530.000 * .90 ) * 3.171 )/

( 20000.000 * 1.00 - 0.6( 530.000 * .900 ) )

= .077 in.

Minimum Required Thickness from Circumferential Stress, [tmin_L]:

= ( ( P * RSFa ) * R )/( 2 * S * E + 0.4( P - RSFa ) )

= ( ( 530.000 * .90 ) * 3.171 )/

( 2 * 20000.000 * 1.000 + 0.4( 530.000 * .90 ) )

= .038 in.

( tam - FCAml ) >= max( tmin_C, tmin_L )

( .266 - .125 ) >= max( .077 , .038 )

0.141 >= 0.077


The average measured thickness criterion passed.

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Criterion:

PV Elite 2016 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 6
FileName : LINEAS ALQUILATO 0225/0620/0621/0622 2019 y-4m-8d-28s-1h-5

API-579 Calculations : Step: 8 12:22pm Apr 11,2019

Option 1: If the original design conditions have not

been changed and t nom - LOSS - FCA >= tmin,

the MAWP shown in the original documentation can be used.

(tnom - LOSS - FCA) >= tmin

( .280 - .014 - .000 ) >= .085

0.266 >= 0.085


Maximum Allowable Working Pressure, design [MAWP]:

= 477.000 psig

min( MAWPrC, MAWPrL ) / RSFa >= MAWP

min( 868.983 , 1816.909 )/.90 >= 530.000

965.537 >= 530.000


Maximum Allowable Working Pressure criterion passed.

Summary of Level 2 Assessment:

Minimum Measured Thickness Criterion: PASSED

Average Measured Thickness Criterion: PASSED

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Criterion: PASSED

This analysis passed the API 579 Part 4, Level 2 Assessment.

Rerating MAWP Using the Average Measured Thickness

Corroded Wall Thickness Based on tam [tamr]:

= tam - FCA

= .266 - .000
PV Elite 2016 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 7
FileName : LINEAS ALQUILATO 0225/0620/0621/0622 2019 y-4m-8d-28s-1h-5

API-579 Calculations : Step: 8 12:22pm Apr 11,2019

= .266 in.

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure from Circumferential Stress [MAWPrC]:

= ( S * E * tamr )/( R + 0.6 * tamr ) - Pstatic

= ( 20000.000 * 1.00 * .266 )/( 3.171 + 0.6 * .266 ) - .000

= 1599.962 psig

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure from Longitudinal Stress [MAWPrL]:

= ( 2 * S * E * tamr )/( R - 0.4 * tamr )

= ( 2 * 20000.000 * 1.00 * .266 )/

( 3.171 - 0.4 * .266 )

= 3478.170 psig

Rerated Maximum Allowable Working Pressure [MAWPr]:

= min( MAWPrC, MAWPrL )

= min( 1599.962 , 3478.170 )

= 1599.962 psig

Remaining Life Assessment

Thickness Approach

Level 1

Assessment Factor, [K] = 1

Remaining Life, [R_life]:

= ( tam_prev - K * tmin )/Crate

= ( .256 - 1 * .085 )/.0080

= 21.3 years

Thickness Approach

Level 2

Assessment Factor, [K]:

= RSFa

= .900

Remaining Life, [Rlife]:

= ( tam_prev - K * tmin )/Crate

PV Elite 2016 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 8
FileName : LINEAS ALQUILATO 0225/0620/0621/0622 2019 y-4m-8d-28s-1h-5

API-579 Calculations : Step: 8 12:22pm Apr 11,2019

= ( .256 - .900 * .085 )/.0080

= 22.4 years

MAWP Approach for a Single Iteration

Thickness Based on User-Defined Effective Corrosion Allowance, [t_CAe_user]:

= tnom - CAe_user

= .280 - .004

= .276 in.

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure from Circumferential Stress [MAWPC]:

= ( S * E * t_CAe_user )/( R + 0.6 * t_CAe_user ) - Pstatic

= ( 20000.000 * 1.00 * .276 )/( 3.171 + 0.6 * .276 ) - .000

= 1654.362 psig

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure from Longitudinal Stress [MAWPL]:

= ( 2 * S * E * t_CAe_user )/( R - 0.4 * t_CAe_user )

= ( 2 * 20000.000 * 1.00 * .276 )/

( 3.171 - 0.4 * .276 )

= 3607.096 psig

Effective Maximum Allowable Working Pressure [MAWP_CAe_user]:

= min( MAWPrC, MAWPrL )

= min( 1654.362 , 3607.096 )

= 1654.362 psig

Metal Loss, [t_loss]:

= tnom - tam_prev

= .280 - .256

= .024 in.

Remaining Life with User-defined CAe, [Rlife_CAe_user]:

= ( CAe_user - t_loss )/Crate

= ( .004 - .024 )/.008

= -2.50 years
PV Elite 2016 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 9
FileName : LINEAS ALQUILATO 0225/0620/0621/0622 2019 y-4m-8d-28s-1h-5

API-579 Calculations : Step: 8 12:22pm Apr 11,2019

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2016

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