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Course Content
Lessons Page Number
Lesson 1- Asking Questions 3-18
 Common Question Words
 Common Adverbs
 Common Pronoun
 Some Common Verbs
 10- feet Wide Concept
 10- feet Deep Concept
Lesson 2- Basic Sentence Structures (Syntax) 19-24
 I’m
 I’m in/at/on
 I’m good at
 I’m + (verb)
 I’m getting
 I’m trying + (verb)
 I’m gonna + (verb)
 I have + (noun)
 I have + (past participle)
 I used to + (verb)

Lesson 3- Conversational Sentences 25-30

Lesson 4- Tenses 31-42
Lesson 5- Newspaper Vocabulary 43-45
 ‘For want of a law’ article published in ‘The Indian Express’ on 3 December 2018.
 ‘Letting them flee’ article published in ‘The Indian Express’ on 4th December 2018.
 ‘France Vs Paris’ article published in ‘The Indian Express’ on 5th December 2018.
 ‘Welcome Truce’ article published in ‘The Indian Express’ on 10th December 2018.
 ‘Exit Lines’ article published in ‘The Indian Express’ on 11th December 2018.
 ‘Momentum & a Reality Check’ article published in ‘The Indian Express’ on 11th December 2018.

Lesson 6- Vocabulary 46-48

Lesson 7- Role plays- Parents Teacher Meeting, Interview BPO 49-55

About The Book & Mission
It gives me immense pleasure to present before you the e book that has the potential to change the way you learn
English. But it will require some doing & spoken English is all about doing. ‘Learning & knowing’ is only one facet of the
coin; the other, and perhaps the more important one, is speaking. I would strongly recommend two reads of the book-
first, to know & learn & second, to put your learning into action. If you think you are comfortable doing both the acts
simultaneously, go for it.

The objective of writing this e book is to help you start your journey of learning, not to make you a perfect speaker of
English. If being a perfect speaker of English is your long-cherished goal, this e book will prove to be a spark that you
needed to start walking towards that goal. But to become a good speaker you need to do much more than finish this
e book. We have a lot of free resources waiting for you on our website www.zitaenglish.com & a huge collection of
videos on our YouTube channel ‘Learn English With Zita’(Click the link for quick access Learn English With Zita)

If you want a full-fledged online course on English speaking, you can get enrolled for the same on the website
mentioned above.

For me, teaching English is a passion & one of my life goals is helping minimum ten million people be a speaker of
English. You will do me a huge favor by sharing this e book with your friends & relatives who want to learn English &
be a part of the mission.

I would be happy to get your suggestions & feedback. You can write me at zitaeducation@gmail.com.
Wish you a great learning experience!

Vinit Kapoor

मु झे आपके समक्ष एक ऐसी ई बुक को प्रस्तु त करते हुए अत्यंत हर्ष की अनु भूतत हो रही है जो आपके इं ग्लिश सीखने के अंदाज़ को बदल
सकता है । ले तकन ऐसा करने के तलए आपको इं ग्लिश बोलना पड़े गा और बोलचाल की इं ग्लिश बोलने से ही आती है ।इं ग्लिश के बारे में
जानना तसर्ष एक पहलू है ; दू सरा, और शायद उससे ज़्यादा महत्वपूर्ष है इं ग्लिश बोलना। मैं चाहं गा तक आप इस तकताब को दो बार
पढ़ें - पहली बार सीखने के तलए और दू सरी बार जो सीखा है उसे कायाष ग्लित करने के तलए। अगर आपको लगता है तक आप दोनों
काम एक साथ कर सकते हैं तो ज़रूर कीतजये। इस ई बुक को तलखने का उद्दे श्य है आपको इं ग्लिश की शु रुआत कराना ना तक
आपको एक धाराप्रवाह वक्ता बनाना। अगर आपका सपना कमाल की इं ग्लिश बोलना है , तो यह तकताब आपके तलए एक तचंगारी की
तरह काम करे गा। ले तकन इं ग्लिश का एक अच्छा वक्ता बनने के तलए आपको इस ई बुक को समाप्त करने के अलावा भी बहुत कुछ
करना पड़े गा। हमने अपने वेबसाइट www.zitaenglish.com पर आपके तलए इं ग्लिश सीखने की बहुत सी सामग्री दी है जो आपकी
इं ग्लिश सुधारने में मदद करे गी। इसी प्रकार आप हमारे YouTube चैनल ‘Learn English With Zita’ पर इं ग्लिश सीखने की ढे रों
videos का लाभ उठा सकते हैं । (इस तलं क से हमारे YouTube चैनल पर पहुं चा जा सकता है Learn English With Zita)

अगर आप इं ग्लिश सीखने का पूरा कोसष करना चाहते हैं तो आप ऊपर दी वेबसाइट पर जा कर एडतमशन ले सकते हैं ।

इं ग्लिश सिखाना मेरा जूनून है और मेरे जीवन का एक लक्ष्य है कम िे कम 1 करोड़ लोगों को इं ग्लिश का एक अच्छा वक्ता
बनने में मदद करना। आप मेरे इि समशन का सहस्सा बन िकते हैं इि ई बु क को उन लोगों तक पहं चा कर जो इं ग्लिश
िीखना चाहते हैं ।
आप अपने सुझाव और प्रतततिया zitaeducation@gmail.com पर दे सकते हैं ।

सीखने की एक सुखद अनु भूतत की कामना के साथ,

तवनीत कपूर
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Lesson 1- Asking Questions

Some Question Words -

What क्या
आपका नाम क्या है ?
To watch videos on
What is your name?
the art of asking
Why क्यों questions, click here.
आप अंग्रेजी क्यों िीख रहे हैं ?
Why are you learning English?

When कब
आप Zita कब आते हैं?
When do you come to Zita?

Where कहााँ
आप अभी कहां हैं ?
Where are you right now?

Who कौन
आप कौन हैं?
Who are you?

Whom सकिको/ सकििे

आप सकििे समलना चाहते हैं ?
Whom do you want to meet?

Whose सकिका/ सकिकी

यह सकिकी सकताब है ?
Whose book is this?

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Which कौन िा
यह कौन िा रं ग है?
Which colour is this?

How कैिे
आप Zita कैिे आते हैं ? How to ask
How do you come to Zita? questions with
यह अब कैिा है? HOW MUCH and
How is it now?
Question Phrases- Click here.

How much सकतना (Uncountable)

आपको तकतना पानी चातहए?
How much water do you need?

How many सकतना (Countable)

आप वहां तकतनी बार गए हैं ?
How many times have you been there?

Which one कौन िा

तुम्हें कौन िा पिंद है ?
Which one do you prefer?
For video on UNTIL
Until when कब तक
तुम वहााँ कब तक रुकोगे ?
Until when will you stay there? WHEN, click here.
Since when कब िे
आप अंग्रेजी कब िे िीख रहे हो?
Since when have you been learning English? (Asking a fixed time)
For how long कब िे/सकतने िमय िे
आप सकतने िमय िे अंग्रेजी का अभ्याि कर रहे हैं ?
For how long have you been practicing English? (Asking a period of time)

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With whom सकिके िाथ

आप सकिके िाथ अंग्रेजी का अभ्याि करते हैं?
With whom do you practice English?
For whom सकिके सलए For video on WITH
आप सकिके सलए यह गीत गा रहे हैं ? WHOM, FOR WHOM,
For whom are you singing this song?
Whom are you singing this song for?
WHOM, click here.
About whom सकिके बारे में
यह सकिके बारे में है ?
About whom is this? OR This is about whom?
To whom सकिकी तरफ
तुम सकिकी तरफ इशारा कर रहे हो?
Whom are you pointing to?
By whom सकिके द्वारा
यह सकिके द्वारा सलखा गया है ?
By whom is this written?
From where कहााँ िे, जहााँ िे
आप कहााँ िे आ रहे हैं ?
From where are you coming?
For what सकिसलए
आपको कैंची सकिसलए चासहए ?
For what do you need scissors?
How far सकतना दू र
तुम्हारा घर सकतना दू र है ?
How far is your house? For video on HOW FAR,
How good सकतना अच्छा HOW GOOD, HOW LONG,
यह इमारत सकतनी अच्छी है ? HOW SOON, CLICK HERE.
How good is this building?

How long सकतना लम्बा/ कब िे/ सकतना िमय

इिमें सकतना िमय लगेगा?
How long will it take?

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How soon सकतनी जल्दी

आप यह काम सकतनी जल्दी िमाप्त कर िकते हैं ?
How soon can you finish the work?
आपको सकतनी जल्दी चासहए?
How soon do you need it?
How old सकतना पुराना/सकतना बड़ा (उम्र में )
यह इमारत सकतनी पुरानी है ?
How old is this building?
आपकी उम्र क्या है?
How old are you?
In what way सकि तरह िे
इि िवाल को आप सकि तरह िे हल करते हैं ?
In what way do you solve this question?
What else और क्या
आपको और क्या चासहए?
What else do you want?
What then तो क्या/तब क्या/सफर क्या
मैं वहां जाऊंगा, सफर क्या?
I will go there, what then?
मैंने यह कहा, तो क्या?
I said this, what then?
What type of सकि तरह की
आपको सकि तरह की सकताबें पिंद हैं ?
What type of books do you like?
Which type of + Noun सकि तरह/प्रकार का
यह सकि प्रकार की सकताब है ?
Which type of book is this?

Exclamatory Sentence-

How Beautiful सकतनी िुन्दर

यह तस्वीर सकतनी िुंदर है !
How beautiful this picture is!

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Some Important Parts of Speech-

Here यहााँ
हम यहां एक िाल तक रहे हैं।
We have lived here for a year.

There वहााँ
मैं वहााँ गया था।
I went there.

Now अब
अब मैं िोने जा रहा हाँ।
Now I am going to bed.

Then तब
मैं तब सदल्ली में रह रहा था।
I was living in Delhi then.

Some कुछ
कुछ गलती अवश्य हई है ।
There must be some mistake.

Many (adjective) कई
मेरे पाि कई आम हैं।
I have many mangoes.

Somewhere कही ं (पर)

मैंने तुम्हें पहले कही ं दे खा है।
I've seen you somewhere before.

हम पहले कही ं समले हैं।

We have met somewhere before.

Nowhere कही ं नही

मैं उििे कही ं नही ं समला।
I met him nowhere.

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Anywhere कही ं भी
वह कही ं भी नही ं समला।
He could not be found anywhere.

Something कोई चीज (कुछ)

मुझे खाने के सलए कुछ चासहए।
I want something to eat.

Nothing कुछ नही

मेरे पाि आपको दे ने के सलए कुछ भी नही ं है।
I have nothing to give you.

Anything कुछ भी
मेरे पाि आपको दे ने के सलए कुछ भी नही ं है।
I don't you have anything to give you.

Somebody कोई भी
कोई कुछ कहना चाहता है।
Somebody wants to say something.

Nobody कोई नही

कोई भी कुछ नही ं कहना चाहता।
Nobody wants to say anything.

Anybody कोई भी
वहााँ कोई भी नही ं है।
There is nobody there.

Whatever जो कुछ भी
जो कुछ भी तुम्हे चासहये।
Whatever you want.
जो कुछ भी यह लेता है।
Whatever it takes.

Whenever जब कभी
जब भी आप चाहो।
Whenever you want.

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Whereas जबसक
मेरे भाई को सिकेट पिंद है , जबसक मैं िंगीत िुनना पिंद करता हं।
My brother likes cricket whereas I like to listen to music.

Wherein सजिमें
सजिमें अंतर है।
Wherein lies the difference.

Whichever जो भी
जो भी असिक हो, उि पर सनशान लगाओ। ।
Mark whichever is greater.

Whoever जो कोई भी
आप जो कोई भी हैं, आपको सनयमों का पालन करना होगा।
Whoever you are, you have to follow the rules.

Some Important Question Phrases-

From which + Noun सकि Noun िे
आपने यह सकि दु कान िे खरीदा?
For which shop did you buy from this?

From whose + Noun सकिके Noun िे

सकिके फोन िे आप बात कर रहे हैं ?
From whose phone are you talking?

With which + Noun सकि Noun के िाथ

आप सकि पै न िे सलख रहे हैं ?
With which pen are you writing?

Towards which + Noun सकि Noun की तरफ

आप सकि कॉलोनी की तरफ जा रहे हैं ?
Towards which colony are you going?
For which + Noun सकि Noun के सलए
आप सकि उद्दे श्य के सलए यहां आये हैं ?
For which/what purpose have you come here?

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By which + Noun सकि Noun िे

आप सकि कार िे जाएं गे ?
By which car will you go?

In which + Noun सकि + Noun+ में

आप सकि कंपनी में काम कर रहे हैं ?
In which company are you working?

With whom सकिके िाथ

आप सकिके िाथ जा रहे हैं?
With whom are you going?

For whose + Noun सकिके Noun के सलए

सकिके दोस्त के सलए आप यह कर रहे हैं?
For whose friend are you doing this?

What kind of + Noun सकि तरह की Noun

आप सकि तरह का काम करते हैं ?
What kind of work do you do?

How come सकि तरह/कैिे

तुम यहााँ कैिे ?
How come you are here?

At what time सकि िमय

आप सकि िमय Zita आते हैं?
At what time do you come to Zita?

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Summary Question Words-

Who- कौन- Subject और Object का पता लगाने के तलए (व्यग्लक्त के तलए)

Whom- तकसको, तकससे - केवल object का पता लगाने के तलए (व्यग्लक्त के तलए)
What- क्या, कौन-सा (Things/Profession के तलए)
Whose- तकसका, तकनका (Profession के तलए)
Which- कौन-सा (People/Thing चुनने के तलए)
Where- कहााँ (Place के तलए)
When- कब (समय के तलए)
Why- क्यों (कारर् के तलए)
How many- तकतना (Number के तलए)
How much- तकतना (मात्रा के तलए)
How far- कहााँ तक (Distance के तलए)
How long- कब तक (Duration/Distance के तलए)
How often- तकतनी बार

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Some Pronouns & Possessive Adjectives-

Posse Posse
Objec ssive ssive Reflexive
Person inati
tive Adjec Prono Pronoun
tive un

1st Person I
Me My Mine Myself

1st Person
We Us Our Ours Ourselves

Singular, You You Your Yours

3rd Person
Singular He Him His His Himself

3rd Person
Singular She Her Her Hers Herself

3rd Person Themselve

They Them Their Theirs
Plural s

3rd Person
Singular It It Its - Itself

For detailed explanation of PRONOUN through video, click here.

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Some Common Verbs

Ask (पू छना) - Ask Asked Asked
Drink (पीना) - Drink Drank Drunk
Laugh (हं िना) - Laugh Laughed Laughed
Speak (बोलना) - Speak Spoke Spoken
Walk (चलना) - Walk Walked Walked
Buy (खरीदना) - Buy Bought Bought
Eat (खाना) - Eat Ate Eaten
Open (खोलना) - Open Opened Opened
Study (पढ़ना) - Study Studied Studied
Want (चाहना) - Want Wanted Wanted
Close (बं द करना) - Close Closed Closed
Play (खेलना) - Play Played Played
Swim (तैरना) - Swim Swam Swum
Watch (दे खना) - Watch Watched Watched
Come (आना) - Come Came Come
Get (आना) - Get Got Gotten
Read (पढ़ना) - Read Read Read
Take (लेना) - Take Took Taken
Wear (पहनना) - Wear Wore Worn
Cook (पकाना) - Cook Cooked Cooked
Give (दे ना) - Give Gave Given
Run (दौड़ना) - Run Ran Run
Talk (बात करना) - Talk Talked Talked
Work (काम करना) - Work Worked Worked
Dance (नाचना) - Dance Danced Danced
Go (जाना) - Go Went Gone
Sing (गाना) - Sing Sang Sung
Teach (पढ़ाना) - Teach Taught Taught
Worship (पू जा करना) - Worship Worshiped Worshiped
Do (करना) - Do Did Done
Help (मदद करना) - Help Helped Helped
Sleep (िोना) - Sleep Slept Slept
Use (प्रयोग करना) - Use Used Used
Write (सलखना) - Write Wrote Written

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Formula- QUASM

QUASM- Question Word + Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Main Verb + ?

Question Auxiliary Subject Main Verb

• What • has • he • done?

Where do you live? आप कहााँ रहते हैं ?

What does your father do? आपके सपता क्या करते हैं ?
Where are you going? आप कहााँ जा रहे हैं ?
Whom should (modal) I ask? मुझे सकििे पूछना चासहए?
Question Word + Be + Subject + ?
What is your name? आपका नाम क्या है ?
Where was he yesterday (adv)? वह कल कहााँ था?
Why is he here (adv)? वह यहााँ क्यों है ?

 Whose + Object + Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Action Verb +?

Whose book has he taken? उिने सकिकी पुस्तक ली है ?
 Whose+ Object+ Be+ Subject + ?
Whose book is this? यह सकिकी सकताब है?
 Who + Auxiliary Verb + Main Verb + ?
Who is going to market? बाजार कौन जा रहा है ?
 Who + Verb(II) + Object + ?
Who taught Ravi? रसव को सकिने पढ़ाया?
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ASM- Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Main Verb + ? (For asking confirmation.)

Auxiliary Verb Subject Main Verb

• Has • Ravi • gone?

Has Ravi gone? क्या रसव चला गया है ?

Should (modal) he stay? क्या उिे रुकना चासहए?

Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Main Verb+ Object + ?
Is he helping you? क्या वह आपकी मदद कर रहा है?
Did he go to school yesterday? क्या वह कल स्कूल गया था?
Are you coming to party? क्या आप पाटी में आ रहे हैं ?
Yes, I am coming to party. हााँ , मैं पाटी में आ रहा हाँ।

1- ‘To be’ as the main verb

a. Are you tired?
b. Is he ready?
c. Is he a clerk?
d. What was your stream in class X?
2- Subject Questions
a. Who came to meet you yesterday?
b. Who took my pen?

For detailed explanation on ASM through video, click here.

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10 Feet Wide Concept-

10-feet Wide

Where do Tell me What are

What’s your What do you
you live? about your your
name? do?
family? hobbies?

For detailed explanation through video, click here.

10 Feet Deep Concept-

10-feet Deep

Introduction Family Education

May I have your introduction?

What’s the meaning of your name?

What is your nick name?

Who gave you this name?

Would you like to give yourself some other name?

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10-feet Deep- Education
Where do you study? In which class did he teach you?

Where is your college located? What was your stream in class 10th?

How far is your college from your house? Which subject do you like most?

What do you like most in your college? Which subject do you dread most?

Do you study in Hindi medium or in

Who is your favourite teacher? English medium?

Which subject did he teach you? Do you miss your college days?

For detailed explanation on EDUCATION through videos,

Click here.
Do you live in a joint family?

How many members are there in

your family?
How many siblings do you have?
Are you the eldest among your
Members Who is closest to you in your
For detailed explanation on FAMILY through videos, click here.
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What does your father do?
What does your mother do?
What do your siblings do?

Members Whom are you closest to in your


Do you and your siblings study in

the same college?

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Lesson 2- Basic Sentence Structures (Syntax)

I'm Don’t only read but also speak aloud below given sentences.

“I'm” is an abbreviation for the word 'I am.' It is used in combination with other words to tell
someone about yourself or to describe something you are doing.

Here are some examples:

“I’m so tired.” मैं बहुत थक गया हाँ ।
For video on
“I’m confused.” मैं उलझन में हं ।
“I’m” stucture,
“I’m twenty three years old.” मैं तेईस साल का हाँ ।
“I’m hungry मैं भूखा हाँ । CLICK HERE.

You can also add descriptive words with 'I'm' such as:

“I’m extremely tired.” मैं बेहद थक गया हाँ ।

“I’m very happy.” मैं बहुत खुश हाँ ।
“I’m terribly hungry.” मैं बहुत जयादा भूखा हाँ ।
“I am super excited.” मैं बहुत उत्सातहत हाँ ।

I'm in/at/on

Describes an action you are doing.

Most commonly, you would use the word 'in' when entering a physical location such as a room or
Here are some examples:

“I’m in the shower.” मैं स्नान कर रहा हाँ । For video on

“I’m in the lobby.” मैं आं गन में हाँ । “I’m in/at/on”
“I’m in a car.” मैं कार में हाँ । stucture, CLICK HERE.
“I’m in a house.” मैं घर में हाँ

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Using the word 'at' helps tell someone where you currently are. The difference between 'at' and 'in' is
that the physical location is general.
Here are some examples: For detailed
“I’m at the grocery.” मैं तकराने की दु कान पर हाँ । explanation,
“I’m at the mall.” मैं मॉल में हाँ । CLICK HERE.
“I’m at the doctor’s clinic.” मैं डॉक्टर की ग्लितनक में हाँ ।
“I’m at the park.” मैं पाकष में हाँ ।

However, in some cases you can use 'at' and 'in' interchangeably.
हालां तक, कुछ मामलों में आप 'at' और 'in' का उपयोग एक दू सरे के स्थान पर कर सकते हैं ।

Here are some examples:

“I’m at the mall.” OR “I’m in the mall.”
“I’m at the park.” OR “I’m in the park.”
“I’m at the grocery.” OR “I’m in the grocery.”

Using the word 'on' is referring to a non physical location such as your time being utilized by something else.

Here are some examples:

“I’m on the phone.” मैं र्ोन पर हाँ ।
“I’m on my computer.” मैं अपने कंप्यूटर पर काम कर रहा हाँ ।
“I’m on a bus.” मैं बस में हाँ ।

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I'm good at

Again, 'i'm' is used here as 'i am'. 'Good at' informs someone what you excel at and are comfortable
Here are some examples
“I’m good at drawing.” मैं डराइं ग में अच्छा हाँ । For video on
“I’m good at swimming.” मैं तैराकी में अच्छा हाँ । “I’m good at”
“I’m good at driving.” मैं डराइतवंग में अच्छा हाँ । structure,
“I’m good at sports.” मैं खेल में अच्छा हाँ । CLICK HERE.
“I’m good at writing.” मैं तलखने में अच्छा हाँ ।
I'm + verb (I) + ing
I'm' is a contraction of the words 'I am.' By adding a verb to 'I'm' this lets you express an action or
occurrence about yourself.

Here are some examples:

“I’m eating lunch.” मैं दोपहर का भोजन कर रहा हाँ । For video on
“I’m scared.” मुझे डर लग रहा है । “I'm + verb (I) + ing”
“I’m typing an email.” मैं एक ईमेल तलख रही हाँ । stucture, CLICK HERE.
“I’m cooking dinner.” मैं रात का भोजन पका रही हाँ ।
“I’m combing my hair.” मैं अपने बालों में कंघी कर रहा हाँ ।
“I’m hanging a picture.” मैं तस्वीर टां ग रहा हाँ ।

I'm getting + adjective

When combining the words 'I am' and 'getting' you are telling someone that 'you' are gaining
possession, being affected by or have plans to seek out and obtain a particular thing.
Here are some examples:

"I'm getting better." मेरी हालत बेहतर हो रही है ।

"I'm getting a toothache." मेरे दां त में ददष हो रहा है ।

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"I'm getting a cold." मुझे सदी हो रही है ।

"I'm getting married." मेरी शादी हो रही है । For video on
"I'm getting tired." मुझे थकान हो रही है । “I'm getting + adj”
"I'm getting good at reading." मैं पढ़ने में अच्छा हो रहा हाँ । stucture, CLICK HERE.

I'm trying + (verb)

"I'm trying" informs someone that you are attempting to accomplish something using bodily, mental
or spiritual strength. By adding a verb to 'I'm trying' you are pointing out exactly what it is you are
attempting to do.

Here are some examples:

“I’m trying to get a job.” मैं नौकरी पाने की कोतशश कर रहा हाँ ।
“I’m trying to call my family.” मैं अपने पररवार को र्ोन करने की कोतशश कर रहा हाँ ।
“I’m trying to enjoy my dinner.” मैं अपने खाने का आनंद लेने की कोतशश कर रहा हं ।
“I’m trying to educate myself.” मैं खुद को तशतक्षत करने की कोतशश कर रहा हं ।
“I’m trying to explain myself.” मैं अपने आप को समझाने की कोतशश कर रहा हं ।

You may also hear the word 'trying' used to express a way someone in feeling. In this manner, it
expresses strain or distress.
For video on “I’m
trying + verb”
Here are some examples: structure, CLICK HERE.

“Learning new things can be trying on you.” नयी चीजों को सीखना मुग्लिल भरा हो सकता है ।
“That project was very trying on me.” वो प्रोजेक्ट मेरे तलए बहुत भारी था।

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I'm gonna + (verb)

The word 'gonna' is incorrect grammatically. The equivalent in proper grammar would be 'going to'.
When using the word 'gonna' you are telling someone what you are planning to do at that moment
or in the near future.

Here are some examples:

“I’m gonna have some coffee.” मैं कॉर्ी पीने जा रहा हाँ । For video on
“I’m gonna go to work.” मैं काम पर जा रही हाँ । “I’m gonna”
“I’m gonna send out my resume.” मैं अपना रे ज़्यूमे भेज रहा हाँ । structure,
“I’m gonna run a marathon.” मैं मैराथन दौड़ने वाली हाँ । CLICK HERE.
“I’m gonna stop smoking.” मैं धूम्रपान बंद करने वाला हाँ ।

I have + (noun)

By using the word 'I have' you are informing someone of something you have possession of or have

Here are some examples: For video on “I

“I have a cat.” मेरे पास एक तबल्ली है । have + (noun)”,
“I have a nice car.” मेरे पास एक अच्छी कार है ।
“I have a house.” मेरे पास एक घर है ।
“I have a computer.” मेरे पास एक कंप्यूटर है ।

You may hear the words 'cannot' and 'won't' used with 'I have'. By adding these you can express what
you will not put up with or allow.

Here are some examples:

“I cannot have this behavior in my house.” मैं इस तरह का व्यवहार अपने घर में बदाष श्त नहीं करू
ं गा।
“I cannot have you over tonight.” आज रात आप मेरे यहााँ नहीं आ सकते ।
“I won’t have it any other way.” मुझे इसमें कोई र्ेर बदल नहीं चातहए।

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I have + (past participle)

Again, 'I have' shows possession or something acquired. By adding a past participle you are informing
someone of past or completed action done by you.
For video on “I have
Here are some examples: + (past participle)”,
“I have done it.” मैंने यह कर तदया है । CLICK HERE.
“I have heard that before.” मैं ये पहले सुन चुका हाँ ।
“I have forgotten the words.” मैं शब्ों को भूल गया हाँ ।
“I have read that book,” मैंने वह पुस्तक पढ़ी है ।
“I have flown in an airplane.” मैं हवाई जहाज में सफ़र तकया है ।

I used to + (verb)

'Used to' expresses something that was done in the past, and is not usually done now.

Here are some examples:

“I used to develop websites.” मैं वेबसाइट बनाया करता था।
"I used to jog everyday." मैं हर रोज़ जॉतगंग तकया करता था।
"I used to paint." मैं पेंट तकया करता था।
"I used to smoke." मैं धूम्रपान तकया करता था।
"I used to work from home." मैं घर से काम तकया करता था।
"I used to live in Lucknow." मैं लखनऊ में रहा करता था।
"I used to go to the park every day." मैं हर रोज़ पाकष में जाया करता था।

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Lesson 3- Conversational Sentences To watch video, click here.

Meri maa mujhe 6 baje jaga deti My mother wakes me up at 6 O'

1) मेरी मााँ मुझे 6 बजे जगा दे ती हैं । hai. clock.
2) वह न तो स्कूल गया न तो घर Vah na to school gaya na hi ghar Neither did he go to school nor
आया। aaya. came home.
3) या तो समय पर आओ या मत Either come on time or don't
आओ। Ya to samay par aao ya mat aao. come.

4) मैं दोनों में से कोई भी ले लूंगा। Mai dono me se koi bhi le lunga. I will take either.

5) मैं कोई भी ले लूंगा। Mai koi bhi le lunga. I will take any one of these.

6) या तो चाय या तो कॉर्ी चलेगी। Ya to chay ya coffee chalegi. Either tea or coffee will do.

7) वह िास मे तपछड़ रहा है । Vah class me pichhad raha hai. He is lagging behind in class.

8) वह पूरी तरह भीग गया था। Vah poori tarah bheeg gaya tha. He was completely drenched.
9) पुतलस मेरी गाड़ी उठा कर ले
गयी। Police meri gadi utha kar le gayi. Police towed away my vehicle.

10) मेरे दोस्त पहले से ही वहााँ थे। Mere dost pahle se hi vaha the. My friends were already there.
Mai sanyukt pariwar ke paksh
11) संयुक्त पररवार के पक्ष मे हाँ । me hu. I am in favour of joint family.
12) वह जाने को उतावला हो रहा
है । Vah jaane ko utavala ho raha hai. He is itching to go.

13) मैं घर पर अकेला हाँ । Mai ghar pe akela hu. I am home alone.
14) आपको बहुत सारी सुतवधाएाँ दी Aapko bahut sari suvidhaye di You have been provided many
गयी हैं । gayi hai. conveniences.

15) अगर आज वह तजन्दा होते। Agar aaj vah jinda hote. If he were alive today.

16) उसने मुझे सां त्वना दी। Usne mujhe santvana di. He consoled me.
17) हमें बच्ों की बड़ी गलततयों को Hume bachho ki badi galtiyo ko We should not condone big
नज़रअंदाज़ नहीं करना चातहए। nazarandaaz nahi karna chahiye. mistakes of kids.
18) मैं उसे सजा तदलाये तबना नही Mai use saza dilaye bina nahi
जाने दू ं गा। jaane dunga. I will not let him go scot free.

19) उसने मुझे बेवकूर् बनाया। Usne mujhe bewkoof banaya. He befooled me.
20) उसने मुझे अं दर नहीं आने Usne mujhe andar nahi aane
तदया। diya. He didn't let me in.

21) मुझे तनराश मत करो। Mujhe nirash mat karna. Don't let me down.
22) यह भारत की तरर् से Yah Bharat ki taraf se It was a disappointing
तनराशाजनक प्रदशषन था। nirashajanak pradarshan tha. performance by India.

23) दू सरों को भी बोलने दो। Doosro ko bhi bolne do. Let others speak.

24) उसे अपनी बात रखने दो। Use apni baat rakhne do. Let him put his point.
25) मैंने सारी संपति दां व पर लगा Maine apni sari sampatti daanv I have put all my wealth at
दी है । par laga di hai. stake.
26) मैंने अपनी सारी सम्पति बैंक में Maine apni sari sampatti bank I have pledged all my property
तगरवी रख दी है । me girvi rakh di hai. to bank.
27) उसने अपना हार तगरवी रख
तदया। Usne apna haar girvi rakh diya. She pawned her necklace.
28) वे मुझे अपने साथ नही ले Ve mujhe apne sath nahi le
जायेंगे। jayenge. They will not take me along.

29) साथ चल रहे हो या नही। Sath chal rahe ho ya nahi. Coming along or not.
30) मुझे नही लगता कल िास Mujhe nahi lagta kal class I doubt if the class will run
चलेगी। chalegi. tomorrow.
31) मुझे नही लगता तक उसके पास Mujhe nahi lagta ki uske paas ab I wonder if he is left with any
अब पैसा बचा है । paisa bacha hai. money.

32) वह वहां खड़ा है । Vah vaha khada hai. He is standing over there.
33) उसका नशा अभी तक नही Uska nasha abhi tak nahi utara
उतरा है । hai. His hangover is still not over.

34) पायदान कहााँ है ? Payedaan kaha hai? Where is doormat?

Mai tumhare pair ki jooti nahi
35) मैं तु म्हारे पैर की जूती नही हाँ । hu. I am not your doormat.

36) अब मैं चलूाँ ? Ab mai chalu? Should I make a move?

37) चलो चलें। Chalo chale. Let's make a move.

38) मैं चाय पी चुका हाँ । Mai chay pee chuka hu. I have had my tea.

39) चाय में तबस्कुट मत डु बाइये। Chay me biscuit mat duboiye. Don't dunk biscuit in tea.
40) तुम्हारा कभी कुछ करने का Tumhara kabhi kuch karne ka You don't feel like doing
मन नहीं करता। man nahi karta. anything ever.
41) मेरा तु मसे बात करने का मन Mera tumse baat karne ka man
नही कर रहा। nahi kar raha. I don't feel like talking to you.
42) तपछले सप्ताह लगातार बाररश
हुई। Pichhle saptah lagatar barish hui. It rained incessantly last week.
43) लगातार बाररश के कारर् मैच Lagatar barish ke karan match The match was cancelled due to
रदद कर तदया गया। radd kar diya gaya. incessant rain.
44) मुझे उसकी इं ग्लिश से जलन Mujhe uski English se jalan hoti
होती है । hai. I envy her English.

45) उसके सर में चोट लगी है । Uske sar me chot lagi hai. He got a head injury.

46) आगे से मैं ध्यान रखूंगा। Aage se mai dhyan rakhunga. I will take care in future.
There is no love lost between
47) उनकी आपस में नही बनती। Unki aapas me nahi banati. them.

48) यह कंघी काफ़ी नुकीली है । Yah kanghi kafi nukili hai. This hair brush is quite spiky.

49) उसके बाल खड़े - खड़े हैं । Uske baal khade-khade hai. He has spiky hair.
50) उसने मेरे प्रयासों की सरहाना Usne mere prayason ki sarahana
की। ki. He applauded my efforts.

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Agar mai ZiTA nahi aaya hota to Had I not come to Zita, I would
51) अगर मैं ज़ीटा नही आता तो English bolna nahi seekh paya not have learnt English
इं ग्लिश बोलना नही सीख पाता। hota. communication.
52) अगर तु मने मेहनत की होती तो Agar tumne mehnat ki hoti to If you had worked hard, you
सर्ल होते। tum safal hote. would have succeeded.

53) बात तु मने छे ड़ी । Baat tumne chhedi. You broached the topic.

54) शुरुआत कौन करे गा ? Shuruat kaun karega? Who will break the ice?
55) उनकी आपस में झड़प हो
गयी। Unki aapas me jhadap ho gayi. They exchanged hot words.
56) मोहन चालीस से कम की उम्र Mohan chalis se kam ki umar ka Mohan is on the right side of
का है । hai. fourty.

57) वह चालीस से कम का है । Vah chalis se kam ka hai. He is on the right side of forty.
58) मोहन चालीस से ज्यादा की Mohan chalis se jyada ki umar ka Mohan is on the wrong side of
उम्र का है । hai. forty.
59) मेरा आज का तदन ख़राब चला Mera aaj ka din kharab chala I got up on the wrong side of
गया gaya. bed today.

60) आराम हराम है । Aaram haram hai. Rest is to rust.

61) वह अपने अध्यापक की नज़रों Vah apne adhyapak ki nazaro me He is in the good books of his
में चढ़ गया है charh gaya hai. teacher.

62) मेरा ज़मीर इजाज़त नही दे ता। Mera zameer ijazat nahi deta. My conscience doesn't permit.

63) वह मेरी जासूसी कर रहा है । Vah meri jasoosi kar raha hai. He is spying on me.
64) अपना फ़ोन साइलेंट मोड पर Apna phone silent mode pe Keep your phone on silent
रखो। rakho. mode.

65) ये हुए न बात Ye hui na baat. That is more like it.

66) क्या तु म्हे मेरी बात समझ में आ Kya tumhe meri baat samajh me
रही है ? aa rahi hai? Am I making sense to you?

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67) अपना हाथ दे ना मुझे। Apna hath dena mujhe. Lend me your hand.
68) तु म उसे लाड़ प्यार से तबगाड़ Tum use laad pyar se bigad rahe
रहे हो। ho. You are pampering him.
69) वह लाड़ प्यार से तबगड़ा हुआ Vah laad pyar se bigda hua
बच्ा है । bachha hai. He is a pampered child.

70) वह आज कल चचाष में है । Vah aaj kal charcha me hai. He is in limelight.

Vah galat karano se charcha me He is in the news for wrong
71) वह गलत कारर्ों से चचाष में है । hai. reasons.

72) क्या ग्लखचड़ी पक रही है । Kya khichadi pak rahi hai? What is cooking?

73) मैं उसे शां त करा लूाँगा। Mai use shant kara lunga. I will placate him.

74) बच्े को शां त करो। Bachche ko shant karao. Placate the child.
Bachcha poori tarah soya hua
75) बच्ा पूरी तरह सोया हुआ है । hai. The child is fast asleep.

76) मैं चुप रहा। Mai chup raha. I kept mum.

77) आज के तलए पयाष प्त है । Aaj ke liye paryapt hai. Enough for the day.

78) तुम शादी कब करोगे? Tum shadi kab karoge? When are you getting married?
Mai jaise taise gujara kar raha
79) मैं जैसे तैसे गुजारा कर रहा हाँ । hu. I am living from hand to mouth.

80) वह भरी जवानी मे मर गया। Vah bhari jawani me mar gaya. He died in the prime of his life.

81) धोनी में अब वो बात नहीं रही। Dhoni me ab vo baat nahi rahi. Dhoni is past his prime.

82) वह दलबदलू है । Vah dalbadalu hai. He is a turncoat.

83) मेरी जेब कट गई। Meri jeb kat gayi. My pocket was picked.

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Neither a borrower nor a lender
84) न उधार लो न उधार दो। Na udhaar lo na udhaar do. be.

85) वह चश्मा पहनती है । Vah chashme pahanti hai. She wears glasses.

86) मैं सोता रहा। Mai sota raha. I kept sleeping.

His house is going under the
87) उसका घर नीलाम हो रहा है । Uska ghar neelam ho raha hai. hammer.
88) तुम अपना गुज़ारा कैसे करते How do you earn your
हो। Tum apna guzara kaise karte ho? livelihood?
89) वह मुग्लिल से गुज़ारा करता Vah mushkil se gujara kar raha He is hardly making both ends
है । hai. meet.
90) उसने कम उम्र में ही बहुत नाम Usne kam umar me hi bahut He earned a lot of recognition
कमा तलया। naam kama liya. in the prime of his life.
91) उसने कम उम्र में ही बहुत नाम Usne apne maa baap ka naam
कमा तलया। roshan kiya. He made his parents proud.

92) तुम मुझ पर दोर् लगा रहे हो। Tum mujh par dosh laga rahe ho. You are accusing me.

93) यह उसका अपराध है । Yah uska apradh hai. He is the culprit.

94) वह एक शाततर जेबकतरा है । Vah ek shatir jebkatara hai. He is a notorious pick pocket.
Will you lend me a helping
95) क्या आप मेरी मदद करें गे? Kya aap meri madad karenge? hand?
96) क्या तु म मुझे 50 रुपये उधार दे Kya tum mujhe 50 Rs udhar de
सकते हो? sakte ho? Can you lend me 50 rupees?

97) मन से सीखो। Man se yaad karo. Learn by heart.

98) दे र से आने के तलए खे द है । Der se aane ke liye khed hai. Sorry for coming late.
99) अगर र्ेल हो गये हो कहना
मत। Agar fail ho gaye to kahna mat. Don't blame if you fail.
100) उसकी आतथषक ग्लस्थतत ठीक His financial condition is in a
नहीं है । Uski arthik sthiti theek nahi hai. tangle.

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Lesson-4 Tenses

Time Action Tense

Fact, Habit,

Completed Present
Action Perfect

with time

For video on TENSE

Present Indefinite Tense- INTRODUCTION and
Tells- A fact, a habit or a regular action.
बताता है- एक तथ्य, एक आदत या सनयसमत सिया। TENSE, CLICK HERE.
Affirmative- Sub + verb 1st /s,es + obj
Fact- Virat Kohli is a cricketer. सवराट कोहली एक सिकेटर हैं।
Habit- He takes a balanced diet. वह एक िंतुसलत आहार लेता है।
Regular Action- He goes to gym daily. वह रोज़ सजम जाता है।
Negative- Sub + do/does not + verb 1st + Obj
He doesn’t take a balanced diet. वह एक िंतुसलत आहार नही लेता है।
Interrogative- Do/does + sub + verb 1st + Obj ?
Does he go to gym daily? क्या वह रोज़ सजम जाता है ?
Do they support him? क्या वे उिका िमथथन करते हैं ?
Common Adverbs of Present Indefinite-
Often, Always, Frequently, Regularly, Rarely, Daily, Every morning etc.

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Practice Questions and Answers –

Q- Do you drive a scooter daily?

Are you drive a scooter daily? X
A- Yes, I drive a scooter daily.
No, I do not drive a scooter daily.

Q- Does your brother often drive a scooter?

A- Yes, my brother often drives a scooter.
No, my brother does not often drive a scooter. For video on ‘PRESENT
Q- Does Rita drive a scooter every day? CONTINUOUS TENSE’,
A- Yes, she drives a scooter every day. CLICK HERE.
No, she does not drive a scooter every day.

Present Continuous Tense-

Tells – A temporary action in progress at present.

बताता है - वतथमान में एक अस्थायी सिया प्रगसत पर है।
Affirmative- Sub + is/am/are + verb 1st(ing) + obj
He is learning English nowadays. वह आजकल अंग्रेजी िीख रहा है।
Negative- Sub + is/am/are + not + verb 1st(ing)+ Obj
He is not listening to me. वह मेरी नही िुन रहा है।
Interrogative- Is/Am/Are + sub + Verb 1st(ing)+ Obj?
Are you driving right now? क्या आप अभी गाड़ी चला रहे हैं?
Common adverbs of Present Continuous-
Right Now, Nowadays, Currently, etc.

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Practice Questions and Answers –

Q- Is he singing?
A- Yes, he is singing.
No, he is not singing.

Q- Are you singing?

A- Yes, I am singing.
No, I am not singing. For video on
Q- Are they dancing?
A- Yes, they are dancing.
No, they are not dancing.

Present Perfect tense-

A) With an action verb: A completed action without a specified time in the past.
He has already paid his due. उिने पहले िे ही अपना बकाया दे सदया है।
B) With a state verb- Be (also with ‘know’ & ‘have’)

Since a state verb doesn’t take continuous form, ‘Present Perfect’ replaces ‘Present Perfect
क्योंसक एक स्थाई सिया के िाथ ‘ing form’ नही ं लगती, ‘Present Perfect Cont’ को ‘Present Perfect’ िे
प्रसतस्थासपत कर दे ते हैं।

It shows a state that continues from the past to the present.

यह अतीत िे वतथमान तक की ग्लस्थसत बताती है ।
He has been (been being)X here for more than 20 minutes.
वह यहााँ 20 िे असिक समनट तक रहा।

I have known (been knowing)X him since 2012.

मैं उन्हें 2012 िे जानता हाँ ।

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Affirmative- Sub + has/have + verb 3rd + obj
I have taken my lunch. मैंने अपना दोपहर का भोजन कर सलया है ।
Negative- Sub + has/have + not + verb 3rd + obj
You have not completed your work. आपने अपना काम पूरा नही सकया है ।
Interrogative- Has/have + sub + verb 3rd + obj?
Has he finished his work? क्या उिने अपना काम पूरा कर सलया है ?
Common Adverbs of Present Perfect-
So far, Recently, Already, Not yet, Just, Ever, Never, In the last few years, In the past week.

Practice Questions and Answers –

Q- Have you ever gone to Delhi?

A- Yes, I have gone to Delhi many times.
No, I have never gone to Delhi.

Q- Has your mother talked to the principal?

A- Yes, she has talked to the principal.
No, she hasn’t talked to the principal.
For video on ‘PRESENT
Q- Have they reached home?
A- Yes, they have reached home.
No, they have yet not reached home.

Present Perfect Continuous-

Tells – A temporary action began in past & in progress at present.

बताता है - अतीत में शुरू हई एक अस्थाई सिया जो वतथमान में जारी है।
Affirmative- Sub + has/have +been + verb 1st(ing) + obj + Since/For + Time Adverb
He has been learning English since 2015. वह 2015 िे अंग्रेजी िीख रहा है ।
He has been learning English for many years. वह कई िालों िे अंग्रेजी िीख रहा है।

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Negative- Sub + has/have + not + been + verb 1st(ing) + obj + Since/For + Time Adverb
He has not been learning English since 2015. वह 2015 िे अंग्रेजी नही िीख रहा है।
They have not been singing for many years. वे कई िालों िे गाना नही गा रहे हैं।
Interrogative- Has/Have +Sub + been + verb 1 (ing) + obj + Since/For + Time Adverb?
Has he been learning English since 2015? क्या वह 2015 िे अंग्रेजी िीख रहा है?
Have you been singing for many years? क्या आप कई िालों िे गाना गा रहे हैं ?
Common adverbs of Present Continuous-
2015, many years, last month, 2 years, 2days etc.

Practice Questions and Answers –

Q- Has your friend been dancing since morning?
A- Yes, my friend has been dancing since morning.
No, my friend has not been dancing since mourning.

Q- Have they been painting for three days?

A- Yes, they have been painting for three days.
No, they have not been painting for three days.
For video on ‘PAST
Past Indefinite Tense- INDEFINITE TENSE’,
Tells- A fact or a regular action of the past.
बताता है- अतीत का एक तथ्य या कोई सनयसमत सिया।
Affirmative- Sub + verb 2nd + obj
My father went to Delhi last night. मेरे सपता कल रात सदल्ली गए।
Negative- Sub + did not + verb 1st + Obj
He did not take me seriously. उिने मुझे गंभीरता िे नही सलया।
Why didn’t you agree to him? तुम उििे िहमत क्यों नही थे ?
Interrogative- Did + sub + Verb 1 + Obj?
Did he go to college yesterday? क्या वह कल कॉलेज गया?
Did they support him? क्या उन्होंने उनका िमथथन सकया?

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Common adverbs of Past Indefinite-

Yesterday, Last week, Last night, In my childhood, Few days ago

Practice Questions and Answers –

Q- Did you finish your work on time?
Were you finish your work on time? X
A- Yes, I finished my work on time.
No, I did not finish my work on time.

Q- Did your brother drive a scooter?

A- Yes, my brother drove a scooter.
No, my brother did not drive a scooter.

Q- Did she fix food last night?

A- Yes, she fixed food last night.
No, she did not fix food last night.

For video on
Simple Past Tense- ‘SIMPLE PAST
Tells- An action completed in the past.
बताता है- अतीत में पूरी हई कोई सिया।

Affirmative- Subject+ was/were + object
I was in the party. मैं पाटी में था।
Negative - Subject+ was/were + not + object
I was not in the party. मैं पाटी में नही था।
Interrogative- Was/Were + subject + object?
Were you in the party? क्या आप पाटी में थे?

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Practice Questions and Answers –

Q- Was he in the class?
A- Yes, he was in the class.
No, he was not in the class.
Q- Were they in London last year?
A- Yes, they were in London last year. For video on ‘PAST
No, they were not in London last year. CONTINUOUS TENSE’,
Past continuous Tense-
Tells- Past Continuous and Simple Past are used together when new action happened in the
middle of a longer action.
बताता है - The Past Continuous और Simple Past का एक िाथ प्रयोग होता है जब एक लम्बी सिया के मध्य
में कोई नयी सिया आती है ।
Affirmative - Subject+ was/were+ verb 1st+ing+ object
We were watching TV all evening. हम पूरी शाम टीवी दे ख रहे थे।
Negative - Subject+ was/were not+ verb 1st+ing+ object
He was not studying last night. वह कल रात अध्ययन नही कर रहा था।
Interrogative- Was/were+ subject+ verb 1st+ing+ object?
Were you reading novel yesterday? क्या आप कल उपन्याि पढ़ रहे थे?

Practice Questions and Answers –

Q- Was he studying last night?
A- Yes, he was studying last night.
No, he wasn’t studying last night.
Q- Was he paying attention in the class?
A- Yes, he was paying attention in the class.
No, he was not paying attention in the class.
Q- Were you taking medicines on time last week?
A- Yes, I was taking medicines on time last week.
No, I was not taking medicines on time last week.

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Past Perfect Tense-

Tells- An action completed before a certain moment in the past.

बताता है- अतीत के एक सनसित िमय के पहले पूरा हआ कोई कायथ।
Affirmative- Subject+ had+ verb 3rd+ object
I had done my exercise when Suresh came to see me. For video on ‘PAST
जब िुरेश मुझिे समलने आया तो मैं अपना अभ्याि कर चुका था। PERFECT TENSE’,
Negative- Subject+ had not + verb 3rd+ object CLICK HERE.
I had not written the letter before he arrived.
उिके आने िे पहले मैंने पत्र नही सलखा था।
Interrogative- Had+ subject+ verb 3rd + object
Had I been memorizing the answers for the past three hours?
क्या मैं सपछले तीन घंटों िे उत्तर याद कर रहा था?

Practice Questions and Answers –

Q- Has he been writing essay since 5 O’clock?

A- Yes, he has been writing essay since 5 O’clock.
No, he has not writing essay since 5 O’clock.
Q- Has he gone to market for shopping?
A- Yes, he has gone to market for shopping.
No, he has not gone to market for shopping.
Q- Had you had your dinner? For video on ‘PAST
A- Yes, I had had my dinner. PERFECT CONTINUOUS
No, I had not had my dinner. TENSE’, CLICK HERE.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense-

Tells- An action that began before a certain point in the past and continued up to that time.
बताता है- अतीत में एक सनसित िमय के पहले शुरू हआ कोई कायथ जो सकिी सनसित िमय तक जारी था।

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Affirmative - Subject+ had been+ verb 1st+ing+ object
At that time he had been writing a novel for two months.
उि िमय वह दो महीने िे एक उपन्याि सलख रहा था।
Negative - Subject+ had not+ been + verb 1st+ing+ object
Had you not been listening to the instructions told by the teacher?
क्या आप सशक्षक द्वारा सदए गए सनदे शों को नही िु न रहे थे?
Interrogative- Had+ subject+ been+ verb 1st+ing+ object
Had you been watching TV for two hours when your father scolded you?
क्या आप दो घंटे िे टीवी दे ख रहे थे जब आपके सपता ने आपको डांटा?

Practice Questions and Answers –

Q- Had you been playing for two hours when your father scolded you?
A- Yes, I had been playing for two hours when my father scolded me.
No, I had not been playing for two hours when my father scolded me.
Q- Had you been walking in the morning for last 5 years?
A- Yes, I had been walking in the morning for last 5 years?
No, I had not been walking in the morning for last 5 years?

Simple Future Tense-

Tells- An action which we cannot control. It expresses the future as fact.
बताता है- एक सिया सजिे हम सनयंसत्रत नही िकते। यह भसवष्य को एक तथ्य की तरह दशाथता है ।
Affirmative-Subject+ will/shall + verb 1st+ object
I shall be twenty next Saturday.
मैं अगले शसनवार को बीि का हो जाऊंगा।
Negative- Subject + will/ shall+ not+ verb 1st+ object
I'm not sure Sunita will get a first class.
मुझे नही लगता सक िुनीता को प्रथम श्रेणी समलेगी।
Interrogative- Will/ shall+ subject+ verb 1st+ object
We will know our exam results in May.
हमें हमारी परीक्षा के पररणाम मई में पता चलेंगे।

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Note- Earliar only ‘SHALL’ was being used with ‘First Person Singular’ but now
we can use even ‘WILL’ with ‘First Person Singular’ barring few exceptions.
नोट- पहले केवल 'SHALL' का इस्ते माल 'प्रथम व्यग्लक्त एकल' के िाथ सकया जाता था, ले सकन
अब हम कुछ अपवादों को छोड़कर 'प्रथम व्यग्लक्त एकल' के िाथ 'WILL' का भी उपयोग कर
िकते हैं ।

Practice Questions and Answers –

Q- Will you go to the market tomorrow?
A- Yes, I will go to the market tomorrow.
No, I will not go to the market tomorrow.
Q- Will she throw a party on Monday?
A- Yes, she will throw a party on Monday.
No, she will not throw a party on Monday.
Q- Will you appreciate her for her achievements?
A- Yes, I will appreciate her for her achievements.
No, I will not appreciate her for her achievements.
Future Continuous Tense-
Tells- An action which will be in progress at a time in the future.
बताता है- एक सिया जो भसवष्य में सकिी िमय पर जारी रहेगी।
Affirmative - Subject+ will be+ verb 1st+ ing+ object
They will be making preparations for their exams.
वे अपनी परीक्षाओं के सलए तैयारी कर रहे होंगे।
Negative - Subject+ will not be+ verb 1st +ing+ object
He will not be listening to the music.
वह िंगीत नही िुन रहा होगा।
Interrogative - Will+ subject+ be+ verb 1st+ ing+ object
Will you be helping the poor?
क्या आप गरीबों की मदद कर रहे होंगे।

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Practice Questions and Answers –

Q- Will he be waiting for me?

A- Yes, he will be waiting for you.
No, he will not be waiting for you.
Q- Will the kids be making a noise?
A- Yes, the kids will be making a noise.
No, the kids will not be making a noise.
Q- Will the boys be having their meals?
A- Yes, the boys will be having their meals.
No, the boys will not be having their meals.

Future Perfect Tense-

Tells- An action that will be completed by a certain future time.
बताता है- एक सिया जो भसवष्य में सकिी सनसित िमय तक पूरी हो जाएगी।
Affirmative - Subject+ shall/ will have+ verb 3rd+ object
She will have started a new job. उिने एक नया काम शुरू कर सदया होगा।
Negative- Subject+ shall/ will+ have+ not+ verb 3 + object
He will not have reached his home. वह अपने घर नही ं पहंचा होगा।
Interrogative- Shall/ will+ subject+ have not+ verb 3rd+ object
Will she have gone to Lucknow? क्या वह लखनऊ चली गई होगी?

Practice Questions and Answers –

Q- Will they have helped him?
A- Yes, they will have helped him.
No, they will not have helped him.
Q- Will she have started her journey?
A- Yes, she will have startd her journey.
No, she will not have started her journey.

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Future Perfect Continuous Tense-

Tells-An action which will be in progress over a period of time that will end in the future.
बताता है- एक सिया जो भसवष्य में सकिी सनसित िमयांतराल के सलए जारी रहेगी और भसवष्य में पूरी होगी ।

Affermative- Subject+ shall/ will have been+ verb 1st +ing+ object
They will have been living in Paris for five years.
वे पेररि में पांच िाल िे रह रहे होंगे।
Negative- Subject+ shall/ will have not been+ verb 1st +ing+ object
He will not have been working in the mall for 7 months.
वह मॉल में 7 महीने िे काम नही कर रहा होगा।
Interrogative- Shall/ will+ subject+ have been+ verb 1st + ing+object
Will she have been studying in the new college since June?
क्या वह जून िे नए कॉलेज में पढ़ाई कर रही होगी?

Practice Questions and Answers –

Q- Will they have been working for you since February?

A- Yes, they will have been working for me since February.
No, they will not have been working for me since February.
Q- Will you have been fixing food for 3 months?
A- Yes, I will have been fixing food for 3 months?
No, I will not have been fixing food for 3 months?
Q- Will she have been living in this apartment since Friday?
A- Yes, she will have been living in this apartment since Friday?
No, she will not have been living in this apartment since Friday?

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Newspaper Vocabulary
‘For want of a law’ article published in ‘The Indian
Express’ on 3rd December 2018.
Reluctant (adj)- Unwilling, disinclined असनच्छु क
Collaboration (n)- Alliance, partnership िाझेदारी
Consortium (n)- Syndicate, association िंघ
Nexus (n)- Connection, linkage िंयोजन
Dampen (v)- Discourage, diminish उत्साहहीन करना
Skeletal (adj)- Lacking in detail, superficial ितही
Lax (adj)- Slack, slipshod, lackadaisical ढीला-ढाला
Dreadful (adj)- Frightful, awful खराब, घसटया
Gratify (v)- Satisfy, please, oblige कृताथथ करना
Thwart (v)- Foil, prevent रोकना
Countenance (v,n)- Tolerate, permit होने दे ना
Patchy (adj)- Shoddy, scrappy, poor खराब, घसटया
Prop up (phr v)- Support िमथथन दे ना
Archaic (adj)- Obsolete, old-fashioned पुराना, सघिा-सपटा
Folly (n)- Foolishness बेवकूफी

‘Letting them flee’ article published in ‘The Indian

Express’ on 4th December 2018.

Flee (v)- Escape, get away, run away भाग जाना

Game (v)- Manipulate sth in an unfair way हेरफेर करना
Bogus (adj)- Fake, not genuine, fraudulent फजी
Dubious (adj)- Doubtful, uncertain शक पैदा करने वाला
Red faced (adj)- Awkward, Embarrassing शसमिंदगी भरा
Mount (v)- Initiate, organize शुरू करना
Fugitive (n)- Absconder भगोड़ा
Brazen (adj)-Bold, shameless, unabashed बेशमी भरा
Statutory (adj)- Enacted by a statute वैिासनक
Protocol (n)- Code of conduct; set of rules तौर- तरीका
One-upmanship (n)- Feeling of superiority प्रिानता
Foster (v)- Nurture, promote, encourage बढ़ावा दे ना
Enabling (adj)- Supportive िमथथकारी

‘France Vs Paris’ article published in ‘The Indian
Express’ on 5th December 2018.
Cleavage (n)- A sharp division; split दरार
Unrest (n)- Agitation, turmoil उपद्रव

Epicentre (n)- The central point केंद्र-सबं दु

Immigrant (n)- People coming to live in a country आप्रवािी

Envelop(v)- Surround, cover घेरना

Descend(on)(v)- Arrive in big number बड़ी िंख्या में आना

Ponder (v)- Think about, mull over, reflect on सवचार करना

Backlash (n)- Adverse reaction सवपरीत प्रसतसिया

Fuel by (phr v)- Spark by कारण बनना

Swathe (n)- Large area(or number) बड़ा सहस्सा/िंख्या

Boil over (phr v)- To go out of control असनयंसत्रत होना

Alienation(n)- Isolation अलगाव की भावना

‘Welcome Truce’ article published in ‘The Indian

Express’ on 10th December 2018.
Truce (n)- Suspension of hostilities शांसत िमझौता
Roil (v)- Cause upheavel हलचल मचाना

Counterpart (n)- Equivalent in post िमकक्ष

Tariff (n)- Tax, duty कर, चुंगी

Barrier (n)- Hindrance बािा

Vis-à-vis (prep)- In relation to की तुलना में

Intrusion (n)- Trespass, encroachment िीमा लांघना

Ceasefire (n)- Armistice, truce युद्ध सवराम

Retribution (n)- Punishment as revenge सकये की िजा

Spinoff (n)- By-product, consequence पररणाम

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‘Exit Lines’ article published in ‘The Indian Express’
on 11th December 2018.
Disquieting (adj)- Dreadful, worrying सचंता िे भरे
Autonomy (n)- Independence स्वायत्तता

Imperil (v)- Endanger, jeopardize खतरे में डालना

Unprecedented (adj)- Unparalleled, unmatched अभूतपूवथ

Unveil (v)- Reveal दशाथना, िामने लाना

Green shoots (phrase)- Signs of revival बेहतरी के िं केत

Aftermath (n)- Repercussions, after-effects पररणाम

Fraught (adj)- Anxious, worried सचंता िे भरे

Saddled (adj)- Burdened बोझ के तेल

Spat (n)- quarrel about an unimportant matter झगड़ा

Augment (v)- Increase, strengthen मजबूती दे ना

Broach (v)- Raise(an issue), bring up मुद्दा उठाना

Explicit (adj)- Stated clearly and in detail िाफ़-िाफ़

‘Momentum & a Reality Check’ article published in

‘The Indian Express’ on 11th December 2018.
Savour (v)- Enjoy(the taste of sth) आनंद उठाना
Futility (n)- Pointlessness or uselessness सनरथथकता

Unambiguously (adv)- Clearly िाफ़ तौर पर

Invincibility (n)- Quality of being unconquerable अपराजेयता

Resonant (adj)- Signalling clearly िाफ़ इशारा करना

Trample (v)- Trounce कुचलना

Manoeuvering (n)- Strategem, ploy, trick पैंतरे बाज़ी

Unsubtle (adj)- Obvious ज़ासहर

Defy (v)- Openly resist or refuse to obey प्रसतरोि करना

Wrest (v)- Capture हसथयाना

Incumbent (n)- Office-bearer पदिारी

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1) Abandon(v)
Pronunciation- /əˈband(ə)n/ अबेंडन
Meaning- Give up or leave behind छोड़ दे ना, पररत्याग करना
Example- He abandoned his car & hired a taxi.
उदाहरर्- उसने अपनी कार छोड़ दी तथा एक टै क्सी तकराये पर ली।
2) Abandoned (adj)
Pronunciation- /əˈband(ə)nd/ अबेंडनड
Meaning- Having been deserted or lef छोड़ा हुआ, लावाररस
Example- An abandoned car was found by the police.
उदाहरर्- पुतलस को एक लावाररस कार तमली।
3) Ability(n)
Pronunciation- /əˈbɪlɪti/ अतबतलटी
Meaning- The quality of being able to perform क्षमता, योग्यता
Example- He is a man of extraordinary ability.
उदाहरर्- उसमे कमाल की योग्यता है ।
4) Able(adj)
Pronunciation- /ˈeɪb(ə)l/ एबल
Meaning- Having the necessary means or skills to do sth समथष
Example- He was able to convince his brother.
उदाहरर्- वह अपने भाई को मनाने में समथष रहा।
5) About(prep)
Pronunciation- /əˈbaʊt/ अबाउट
Meaning- A little more or less than; a little before or after लगभग
Example- He arrived (at) about ten.
उदाहरर्- वह लगभग दस बजे आया।
6) Above(prep)
Pronunciation- /əˈbʌv/ अबव
Meaning- In or to a place that is higher ऊपर
Example- The plane was flying above the clouds.
उदाहरर्- हवाई जहाज़ बादलों के ऊपर उड़ रहा था।

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7) Abroad (adv)
Pronunciation- /əˈbrɔːd/ अब्रॉड
Meaning- In or to a foreign country तवदे श में
Example- She worked abroad for a year.
उदाहरर्- उसने एक साल तवदे श में काम तकया।
8) Absence (n)
Pronunciation- /ˈæbsəns/ एब्संस
Meaning- The state of being absent अनुपग्लस्थतत
Example- The decision was made in my absence.
उदाहरर्- तनर्षय मेरी अनुपग्लस्थतत में तलया गया।
9) Absent (adj)
Pronunciation- /ˈæbsənt/ एब्संट
Meaning- Not present अनुपग्लस्थत
Example- He was absent yesterday.
उदाहरर्- वह कल अनुपग्लस्थत था।
10) Absolute (adj)
Pronunciation- /ˈæbsəluːt/ एब्सल्यूट
Meaning- Total and complete पूर्ष
Example- She said this with absolute certainty.
उदाहरर्- यह बात उसने पूर्ष यकीन से कही।
11) Absolutely (adverb)
Pronunciation- /ˈæbsəluːtli/ एब्सल्यूटली
Meaning- Used to emphasize that sth is completely true पू री तौर से, पूर्षतया
Example- You're absolutely right.
उदाहरर्- तुम तबलकुल ठीक कह रहे हो ।
12) Absorb (verb)
Pronunciation- /əbˈzɔːb/ अब्ज़ॉब
Meaning- Take in sth सोखना, अवशोतर्त करना
Example- Plants absorb carbon dioxide from air.
उदाहरर्- पौधे वायु से काबषन- डाई- ऑक्साइड लेते हैं ।
13) Abuse (noun)
Pronunciation- /əˈbjuːs/ अब्यूज़
Meaning- Use of sth in a wrong or harmful way; misuse दु स्र्पयोग करना
Example- He was found guilty of abusing his position.
उदाहरर्- उसे अपने पद का दु रूपयोग करने का दोर्ी पाया गया।

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14)Academic (adjective)
Pronunciation- /ˌækəˈdemɪk/ एकेडतमक
Meaning- Connected with education तशक्षा- सम्बन्धी
Example- The students return in July for the start of the new academic year.
उदाहरर्- छात्र नए शैक्षतर्क सत्र के तलए जुलाई में वापस आते हैं ।
15) Accent (noun)
Pronunciation- /ˈæksent/ एक्सेंट
Meaning- A way of pronouncing the words of a language उच्ारर्
Example- She speaks English with an accent.
उदाहरर्- वह इं ग्लिश एक खास उच्ारर् के साथ बोलती है ।
16) Accept (verb)
Pronunciation- /əkˈsept/ एक्सेप्ट
Meaning- To take willingly something that is offered स्वीकार करना
Example- She's decided not to accept the job.
उदाहरर्- उसने जॉब स्वीकार न करने का तनर्षय तलया।
17) Acceptable (adjective)
Pronunciation- /əkˈseptəbl/ अक्सेप्टबल
Meaning- Approved of by most people in a society स्वीकायष
Example- Children must learn socially acceptable behaviour.
उदाहरर्- बच्ों को सामातजक रूप से स्वीकायष व्यवहार सीख लेना चातहए।
18) Access (noun)
Pronunciation- /ˈækses/ एक्सेस
Meaning- A way of entering or reaching a place पहुं च
Example- There is easy access by road.
उदाहरर्- सड़क से पहुं चना आसान है ।
19) Accident (noun)
Pronunciation- / ‘æksɪdənt’/ ऐक्सीडें ट
Meaning- Something that happens unexpectedly दु घषटना
Example- He was killed in an accident.
उदाहरर्- वह एक दु घषटना में मारे गए।
20) Accidental (adjective)
Pronunciation- /ˌæksɪˈdentl/ एक्सीडें टल
Meaning- Happening by chance; not planned आकग्लिक, संयोगवश
Example- I didn't think our meeting was accidental.
उदाहरर्- मुझे नहीं लगता तक हमारी मुलाकात संयोगवश थी।

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Role Plays
For the video on Parents teacher
meeting, click here. 1) How are you doing?

Aap kaise hain?

Parents Teacher Meeting आप कैसे हैं ?

A- Hello sir. 2 What brings you here at this
B- A very good evening Mrs. A. How are you doing? hour?

A- Pretty good, sir. What about you? इस समय आपका यहााँ कैसे आना
B- Great. What brings you here at this hour?
Is samay aapka yahan kaise aana
A- Actually sir, I need your help. Tomorrow, there is a
parent teacher meeting in my daughter’s school. And I
3 I am feeling a bit hesitant.
am feeling a bit hesitant because of my not so good
Mai thoda sankoch mahasoos
English. So it would be great if you could accompany kar raha hoon.
me to the school for the same.
मैं थोड़ा सं कोच महसू स कर रहा हाँ I
B- Ok, Let me check my schedule for tomorrow…. Ok, I
4 I can spare some time.
think I can spare some time tomorrow morning. At
Mai kuch samay nikal sakta hoon.
what time is the meeting?
मैं कुछ समय तनकाल सकता हाँ
A- It’s at 9 in the morning and we’ll be free by 11. Will it
5. I got stuck in traffic.
be ok for you?
(Next Day at the school gate) Mai yaataayaat mein phans gaya.

B- Hey Mrs. A, I hope I am on time & didn’t keep you मैं यातायात में र्ंस गया।

waiting. I got stuck in traffic. 6. You made it on time.

A- Absolutely not, sir; actually you made it on time. Aap samay per aaye hain.
B- Good morning dear. आप समय पर आये हैं I
C- Good morning sir.
B- She is such a cute child. What’s your name dear?
C- Thanks for the compliment, sir. My name is ‘C’.
(At C’s school)
B- Wow, what a majestic grandeur this school building
7 We can have your inputs too.

Hume aapki bhi raye milegi.

A- Yes sir, and the architecture of the building is also हमे आप की भी राय तमलेगी I
great. Let’s get in.
8 It’s a pleasure to meet you.
D- Hello, I am Sebi, Vobi’s class teacher.
Aapse milkar khushi hui.
A- Hello ma’am, I am Mrs. A, C’s mother. And he is my
आपसे तमलकर खुशी हुई।
sir, Mr. B.
9. Does she act up in class?
D- I’m glad that you brought Mr. B along… We can
Kya vo kaksha mein nakhre
have your inputs too, Mr. B.
dikhati hai?
B- It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. D.
क्या वो कक्षा में नखरे तदखाती है ?
A- Does she act up in class, ma’am?
10. On the contrary, she is quite
D- Not at all. On the contrary, she is quite obedient obedient.
& disciplined.
Iske vipreet, vah kaafi aagyakari
A- That’s a relief…. Hope she isn’t messing up in the hai.
class? इसके तवपरीत, वह कार्ी आज्ञाकारी
D- Of course not.. Your daughter is smart and very well है ।

behaved. 11. Hope she isn’t messing up in

the class.
A- I’m so glad to hear that she’s doing well.
B- What are her strongest and weakest subjects, Ummeed hai ki vah kaksha mein
gadbad nahin kar rahi hai.
उम्मीद है तक वह कक्षा में गड़बड़ नही
D- She is quite good at English but needs to improve in
कर रही है ।
12. Maths was my Achilles’ heel
A- Oh, Maths was my Achilles’ heel as well. as well.
B- Well done dear C. It feels good to hear that you are Ganit meri bhi kamzori thi.
doing well in English. गसणत मे री भी कमज़ोरी थी।
A- But, what should we do about Mathematics?
D- Look, Mrs. A, every child has got some grey areas &
some strong points. And we should accept the child in
its current state & should work together to improve its
weak areas.

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A- Thanks for the nice piece of advice Ms. D. I will try to
follow your suggestion. 13. She is a gifted painter.

D- Don’t worry, I had a word with her mathematics Vah ek pratibhashaali chitrakar
teacher and I discussed her problem with her.
वह एक प्रसतभाशाली सचत्रकार है ।
A- Thank you so much.
D- Please don’t mention that. 14. She has a long way to go.

B- And what about her extra curriculur activities? Abhee use bahut kuchh karna
baaki hai.
D- Sir, she is a gifted painter. And apart from that she
अभी उिे बहत कुछ करना बाकी है ।
has got a lovely voice.
15. If you could please update
A- Yes ma’am, and she loves singing.
me with her progress in the last
B- Hmm… that means she is quiet creative also. month.
A- How are my child's test-taking skills? Yadi aap mujhe uski pichhle
D- Her test-taking skills are good. She always maah ki pragati ke bate bata
completes her exam in time.
B- Has she missed any classes other than her excused क्या आप मुझे उसकी तपछले महीने की
प्रगतत के बारे में बताएं गे ।
16. Don’t sweat over small
D- Absolutely not. things.
B- Do you think she is reaching her full potential?
Chhoti-chhoti baton par
D- Looking at her age she has done exceedingly well. pareshan mat hoiye.
Yet, she has a long way to go. छोटी-छोटी बातों पर परे शान मत
A- Ms. D, I trust you and this school to keep getting the होइए।

best out of her.

D- We surely will, Mrs A.
A- I have one more request. If you could please
update me with her progress in the last month.
D- Sure, you can have a word with me anytime or we
can also fix a meeting.
A- Sure.
D- Don’t sweat over small things. She is under our
guidance and we will take good care of her.

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A- Thank you so much ma’am for instilling good
values in my child & taking extra care of her. Your 17. Thank you so much ma’am
for instilling good values in my
words have given me a lot of confidence. child & taking extra care of her.
D- You’re welcome. Thank you for bringing Mr. B. Meri beti me achchhi baatei
B- It was a pleasure talking to you Ms. D. And I think daalne aur us pr jyaada dhyaan
dene k liye aapka bahut bahut
C’s future is in right hands. Though she seems to be a
dhanyawad ma’am.
child prodigy, it requires a good teacher to bring the
मे री बे टी में अच्छी बातें डालने और
best out of a child & you are doing that wonderfully उि पर ज़्यादा ध्यान दे ने के सलए
well Ms. D. आपका बहत-बहत िन्यवाद, मै म।

A- Thank you Ms D. Now we must take your leave. 18. Now we must take your
D- You’re most welcome. leave.

A- Thanks a million sir, for culling out some time for us Ab ham aapse ijazat chahte hain.

from your busy schedule. अब हम आपसे इजाज़त चाहते है ।

B- Please mention not Yebi. I too enjoyed the meeting.

C- Thank you so much uncle for appreciating my
efforts and speaking highly of me.
B- Ohh… so cute of you. I wish you a very bright future
& a Happy Dussehra.
C- Happy Dussehra.

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Interview – BPO
A- As promised earlier, so I’ll take Tobi’s Mock interview today. Tobi, are you ready?
B- Yes sir.
A- So let’s start.
(Interview starts) For videos on
B- May I come in, sir? interview,
A- Come in, please. click here.
A- Please have a seat gentleman.
B- Thank you so much sir.
A- Please tell me something about yourself.
B- Good morning, sir. My name is Tobi. I have done graduation in science from
Lucknow University and I have also done CCC in computers.
Nowadays, I am doing a part time job at Aviton in LKO.
A- What are your hobbies?
B- My hobbies are playing badminton and making new friends.
A- Tell me something about your family?
B- Sure, sir. There are five members in my family-my parents and two siblings other
than me. My father is a government employee in BSNL at Mahanagar in Lucknow. My
mother is a homemaker. My brother is doing a job & my sister is still studying.
A- Where do you belong to & where are you living currently?
B- I belong to Lucknow & I live at engineering college in Lucknow.
A- What is your ambition?
B- Sir, my ambition is to become a successful BPO manager & reach the top of the
corporate ladder.
A- What are your short term & long term goals?

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B- Sir, in the short term, I would like to have a clear understanding of the business.
In the long term, I would like to get promoted with my hard work & dedication. I
would like to see myself at a higher position in this organization.
A- Describe your personality?
B- Sir, basically I am an ambitious person. I am quite industrious too. I give 100% to the
task I take on & don’t relax until I finish the task in hand. I also have fairly good
communication skills.
A- What do you dread most?
B- I dread not giving my 100% to any task.
A- How did you come to know about this job?
B- Sir, I came to know about this job through newspaper.
A- Why do you want to join this company?
B- Sir, Crypton is a very reputed company which is known for its size of operation &
growth. I would like to join Crypton & grow in this organisation. I would also like to
learn new things on the way.
A- Are you joining this company or joining BPO sector?
B- I am joining both, sir. I want to join BPO Sector in a company like Crypton.
A- Why do you want to join BPO sector?
B- I want to join BPO sector since I see myself learning a lot in this industry. I love to
communicate with people & tell them about something in an interesting manner. I
think I can use both of these skills to good effect & be successful in this sector.
A- What is the full form of BPO?
For video on BPO
B- BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing. interview, click here.
A- What are the qualities required in a BPO employee?
B- Sir, the first thing required for the job of BPO is communication skills & second skill
required is convincing power & last but the most important is patience.

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A- Are you comfortable handling customers on the phone?

B- Very much, sir. In fact I am looking forward to the opportunity.
A- Are you comfortable working night shifts?
B- Yes, sir. I can work both day & night shift as per the requirement of the company.
A- Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
B- Sir, I see myself working at a middle management level in this company five years
from now.
A- If you get better opportunity outside, would you not shift?
B- Sir, I believe I will get enough opportunities to grow in the same company. I would
like to grow vertically rather than horizontally.
A- What are your salary expectations?
B- Sir, right now I am looking for a decent job in a good company & since you have a
uniform HR policy, I know you will not change your salary structure for me.
A- Ok. Do you have any questions?
B- Sir, I would like to know what the next step in selection process is.
A- Ok. If we find you suitable you will soon hear from our HR manager. He will tell you
the next step. All the best!
B- Thank you so much sir.
A- Well done Tobi. So this is how an interview is conducted.
B- Thanks a lot, sir.

For video on
BPO interview,
click here.

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