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AN Ed TASCHEN anlage Calatrava, Born in 1951 near Valencia, Spain, educated here ard atthe ETH in Zurich, Santiago Calatrava is a9 otstanding figure ofthe world of contemporary architecture ‘and engeneering. His best known work, inthe form of bridges snd towers, i closely related to his own drawings of the human bod, and to his sculptres of geomeic forms, Inspired by he dynamics of movement and tension. More recently, he has been recognized for the spectacular rms of the railway stations he has designed in Zurich and. lyon. New projects ofthis type are underway in Liege and lUsbon, His work s situated at the junction between art, architecture and engineering, and he has become one of the Teading figures of s new generation which determ ning the shape of architectural design forthe Future. His new projects [:: United States and Europe. at likely to change the way look at contemporary architecture. Philip Jodido was born in New jersey in 1954, He studied art (ory and economics at Harvard, and has been editorn-chiel ofthe French art magazine Conmaissance des Arts in Pars ‘since 1980. He has published numerous studies on contemporary architecture ‘Santiago Calatrava est né en 195) non loin de Valence en spagne, ol il fit ses etudes, ainsi qu’a ETH de Zurich. lest ujourd hus Vune des personnalites les plus exceptionnelles de architecture et de Ingénierie contemporaines. Devens bre grice 2 ses ponts et ses tours enste une relation Hndeniable entre ses constructions, ses dessins du corps human et ses sculptures aus formes geomatriques inspirdes Ju dynamisme du mouvement et dela tension, JRécemment. aspect spectaculate de ses gates de Zurich et de lyon a de nouveau attire latention sur lus, D'autres projets de ce genre sont en cours de realisation a Liege et Lisbonne. Son travail se situe entre art, architecture et Fingénvevie alatrava savére ainsi une des figures les plus importantes ‘une nouvelle generation qui déterminera & Vavenir Varchitecture moderne. Ses projets actuels aux Etats-Unis et en Europe sont censés changer entigrement notre perception “accoutumée de architecture contemporaine Philip Jodidio est ne en 1954 dans le New Jersey et 2 étudié [histoire de art et les sciences economiques & Harvard ie ‘980, est directeur dela redaction et rédacteur en vee ae pacar vg in der Nib vr lenin Selec: eeeeemtcneitiocen {Seen Spon neon So Ween este feat te baeieie token gon elt tees sit ah teed teande ie eens See Ne omeyghonen Eaters pent pecs ced Gracinhounentansen herd Scams ile Todas eagerness Front Cover > Cover » Untchegrorder © Pate Hemch Hellensew tack Cover > Dos > Umclagricheie Drawing by Satage Calatrava © santnge caove

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