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Laporan Praktikum

Pengukuran dan Metrologi

Kelompok 24

1. Hadyan 1706022514
2. Fachryal Hiltansyah 1606870521
3. Nanang Eldira 1606907581
4. Hasbi Mahdy 1606870686
5. Muhammad Yusuf Qordhowi 1706104281

Modul 4

Nama Percobaan : Strain gage, Pressure sensor, Temperature

sensor Hari/Tanggal
Percobaan : Minggu / 5 Mei 2019
Asisten : Asisten Lab AHTRG, MRC lt 6

Departemen teknik Mesin

Universitas Indonesia

STRAIN GAGE WITH FLEXIBLE LINK ........................................................................................ 4

1 Background ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Strain Virtual Instrument .......................................................................................................... 4
2 In-Lab Exercise .............................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Collect Data .............................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Calibrate Sensor ........................................................................................................................ 8
2.3 Natural Frequency ..................................................................................................................... 8
3 Pengolahan Data ............................................................................................................................ 9
PRESSURE SENSOR ......................................................................................................................... 10
1 Background .................................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Pressure Virtual Instrument .................................................................................................... 10
2 In-Lab Exercise ............................................................................................................................ 12
2.1 Collect Data ............................................................................................................................ 12
2.2 Calibrate Sensor ...................................................................................................................... 13
3 Pengolahan Data .......................................................................................................................... 14
TEMPERATURE SENSOR............................................................................................................... 15
1 Background .................................................................................................................................. 15
1.1 Temperature Virtual Instrument .............................................................................................. 18
2 In-Lab Exercise ............................................................................................................................ 20
2.1 Collect Data ............................................................................................................................ 20
2.2 Calibrate Sensor ...................................................................................................................... 21
3 Pengolahan Data .......................................................................................................................... 22
ANALISIS............................................................................................................................................ 23
1. Analisis Strain Gage ........................................................................... 23
1.1 Analisis Hasil .......................................................................................................................... 23
1.2 Analisis Kesalahan .................................................................................................................. 23
2. Analisis Pressure Sensor ........................................................................................................... 23
2.1 Analisis Hasil .......................................................................................................................... 23
2.2 Analisis Kesalahan .................................................................................................................. 24
3. Analisis Temperature Sensor ................................................................. 24
3.1 Analisis Hasil .................................................................................................................... 24
3.2 Analisis Kesalahan ............................................................................................................ 24

1. Background
A strain gage measures strain, or deflection, of an object. As shown in Figure 1.1,
in the QNET Mechatronics Sensors Trainera strain gage is used to measure the deflection
of a flexible link. As the link bends, the resistance of the strain gage changes.

Figure 1. 1: Strain gage measuring deflection of flexible link on QNET Mechatronics Sensors Trainer

1.1 Strain Virtual Instrument

The virtual instrument used to collect data using the strain gage is shown in
Figure 1.2. The virtual instrument used to calibrate strain data is shown in Figure 1.3. The
virtual instrument used to determine the natural frequency of the flexible link is shown in
Figure 1.4.

Figure 1. 2 Collecting flexgage data

Figure 1. 3 Calibrating the strain gage sensor

Figure 1. 4 Finding natural frequency of flexible link

2 In-Lab Exercise
2.1 Collect Data
1. Ensure J7 is set to Strain Gage.
2. Open and configure the
Make sure the correct Device is chosen.
3. Run
4. Move the flexible link to 1 cm.
5. Enter the strain gage voltage reading in the Sensor Measurement (V)
array (indicated in Figure 1.2).
6. Repeat for 0:5 cm; 0 cm; 0:5 cm; and 1:0 cm. A linear curve is automatically fitted
to the data being entered and its slope and intercept are generated.
7. Enter the measured voltages in Table 2.1 and capture the Sensor Readings scope.

Table 2.1: Strain gage results

8. Click on Stop to stop the VI.

2.2 Calibrate Sensor

1. Run the
2. Using the obtained data from the previous laboratory experiment, calculate the slope
(cm/V) and intercept (cm) of the flexgage. Select the Calibrate Sensor tab and enter
your results into the Calibration Gain and Offset controls shown in Figure 1.3 below.
When the link is moved, the slider indicator in the VI should match up with the actual
location of the flexible link on the QNET Mechatronics Sensors Trainer.
3. Click on Stop button to stop the VI.

2.3 Natural Frequency

1. Run the
2. Select the Natural Frequency tab.
3. Manually perturb the flexible link and stop the VI when it stops resonating (after about 5
seconds). The spectrum should then load in the chart, as shown in Figure 1.4 (the value shown
is incorrect).
4. Enter natural frequency found and capture the resulting power spectrum response.
Hint: You can use the cursor to take measurements off the graph.
5. Click on Stop button to stop the VI.
3 Pengolahan Data

Parameter Value Units Notes

Sensor Measurement at
-2.5 V
-1,0 cm
Sensor Measurement at
-1 V
-0,5 cm
Sensor Measurement at
1.2 V
0 cm
Sensor Measurement at
3 V
0,5 cm
Sensor Measurement at
4.8 V
1 cm


y = Gain x + Offset
y = 0,274x - 0.319

Parameter Link Error (%)
Sensor Measurement at
-1 -1.16 16
-1,0 cm
Rata-rata Error 16

Cursor 0 Freq Amplitudo

Spectrum 6.1753 -52.226

Slope = Gain = 0.274 cm/V

Intercept = Offset = -0.319 V


1 Background
A pressure sensor is attached to the plunger on the QNET Mechatronics Sensors Trainershown
in Figure 1.1. This is a gage pressure sensor and its measurements are relative to the
atmospheric pressure. The voltage signal generated is proportional to the amount of pressure
in the vessel of the plunger. So as the plunger is pushed further, the air inside the vessel
becomes more compressed and the reading increases

Figure 1.1: Pressure sensor on QNET mechatronic sensors trainer

Pressure sensors can also be used to indirectly measure other values. For example, in the QNET
Mechatronics Sensors Trainerthe position of the plunger head is measured. It can also be used
to measure the amount of volume in a reservoir or the altitude of an aerial vehicle.

1.1 Pressure Virtual Instrument

The virtual instrument used to collect data using the pressure sensor is shown in Figure 1.2.
The virtual instrument used to calibrate strain data is shown in Figure 1.3.
Figure 1.2: Collecting pressure data
Figure 1.3: Calibrating the pressure sensor

2 In-Lab Exercise
2.1 Collect Data
1. Ensure J9 is set to Pressure.
2. Open the Make sure the correct Device is chosen.
Caution Completely remove the plunger from the tube and re-insert it. This will ensure the
chamber is pressurized enough. Caution
3. Run
4. Push the plunger up to the initial 1 ml mark on the tube and measure the resulting voltage
using the Pressure (V) scope (or the digital display). Enter the measured value in Table 2.1.
5. Enter the result in the Sensor Measurement (V) array, as indicated in Figure 1.2.
6. Repeat for when the plunger is at 0:8 ml; 0:6 ml; 0:4 ml; 0:2 ml, and 0 ml. The pressure
sensor is quadratic. The coefficients for the second-order polynomial are generated and the
fitted curve is automatically plotted.
7. Enter collected results in Table 2.1 and capture the Sensor Readings scope.
Table 2.1: Pressure sensor results
8. Click on Stop button to stop the VI.

2.2 Calibrate Sensor

1. Run the
2. In the Calibrate Sensor tab, enter the polynomial coefficients, as illustrated in Figure 1.3, to
measure correct position of the plunger. Verify that the sensor is reading properly, e.g. display
should read 0:5 ml when plunger is placed at 0:5 ml. What values for a; b and c did you obtain?
3. Click on Stop button to stop the VI.
3 Pengolahan Data

Parameter Value Units Notes

Sensor Measurement at
1.23 V
0,8 ml
Sensor Measurement at
1.47 V
0,7 ml
Sensor Measurement at
1.76 V
0,6 ml
Sensor Measurement at
2.69 V
0,5 ml
Sensor Measurement at
2.52 V
0,4 ml
Sensor Measurement at 0
2.88 V

x^2 x c
Polynomial Curve Fitting 0.06 -0.52 1.36

Parameter Plunger Error (%)
Sensor Measurement at
0.8 0.81 1.25
0,6 ml
Rata-rata Error 1.25

1 Background
There are several different types of transducers available to measure temperature: the
thermocouple, the resistance temperature detector (RTD), the thermistor, and the integrated
circuit (IC). Each have their own advantages and disadvantages. The Thermocouple has a wide
temperature range and is easy to use but is the least stable and sensitive. The RTD, on the other
hand, is most stable and accurate of the sensors but is slow and relatively more expensive. The
IC is the only linear transducer, has the highest output, but is slow. The thermistor responds
very quickly but has a limited temperature range. The thermistor on the mechatronic sensors
board is shown in Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1: Temperature sensor on QNET mechatronic sensors trainer

The thermistor is a resistor that changes value according to the temperature. The relationship
between the resistance of the thermistor and the temperature, T, can be described using the B-
parameter equation

The resistance is R0 when the temperature is at T0. For the thermistor on the mechatronic
sensors trainer, the sensor resistance is

R0 = 47000
when the temperature is at 25 degrees Celsius, or

T0 = 298,15 K

Thermistors are typically part of a circuit. In the QNET mechatronic sensors trainer, the
thermistor is in the circuit shown in Figure 1.2 and labeled by R.

Figure 1.2: Thermistor circuit on QNET Mechatronics Sensors Trainer

Using the voltage divider rule, the voltage entering the negative terminal of the second
operation amplifier, i.e. the offset op amp, is

The output voltage of the circuit is

where voff is the voltage adjusted using the Offset potentiometer and Av is the amplifier gain
that can be changed externally using the Gain potentiometer. The Gain and Offset
potentiometers are on the QNET mechatronic sensor trainer and shown in Figure 1.3.
1.1 Temperature Virtual Instrument
The virtual instrument used to collect temperature data is shown in Figure 1.4. The virtual
instrument used to calibrate temperature data is shown in Figure 1.5.

Figure 1.3: Thermistor Gain and Offset potentiometers on QNET Mechatronics Sensors
Figure 1.4: Collecting temperature sensor data
Figure 1.5: Calibrating the temperature sensor
2 In-Lab Exercise
2.1 Collect Data
1. Ensure J9 is set to Temperature.
2. Open the Make sure the correct Device is chosen.
3. Run the
4. As discussed in the Background section, the thermistor is part of a circuit and the output
voltage can be varied using the Gain and Offset potentiometers on the QNET mechatronic
sensors board. Rotate the Gain knob on the counter-clockwise until it hits its limit.
5. Adjust the Offset knob such that the Temperature Sensor (V) scope reads 0 V. This is the
voltage measured at room temperature, T0 = 298 K.
Note: For this step, assume your room is at 25:0 degrees Celsius ( ◦C) even though it's probably
warmer or cooler.
6. Gently place your fingertip on the temperature sensor and examine the response in the
Temperature Sensor (V) scope. The surface temperature of the fingertip is approximately 32
◦ C. Enter the voltage read at room temperature and with the fingertip.
Note: The thermistor is very sensitive. Do not press down too hard on the sensor with your
finger when taking measurements. Otherwise, the measurement will not be consistent.
Note: After releasing the sensor it takes a a while for the temperature reading to settle back to
0 V. You can bring the temperature down faster by gently blowing on the sensor.
7. Click on Stop button to stop the VI.

2.2 Calibrate Sensor

1. The voltage being measured on the QNET Mechatronics Sensors Traineris the output
voltage, vo, of the circuit discussed in the Background section. Using the circuit and its
corresponding equations, derive the formula that can be used to find the thermistor resistance
from the output voltage of the circuit, R.
2. Find the thermistor resistance at room temperature, R0, and at the fingertip, R.
3. Derive the equation to find the exponential parameter, B, and compute it based on the
obtained results.
4. Run the
5. Enter the B parameter that was found in the previous part of the laboratory experiment in the
Temperature Sensor VI, as shown in Figure 1.5. Place your fingertip on the sensor and capture
the obtained response in Temperature Sensor (deg C) scope.
6. Based on the measured response in Step 5, is the temperature sensor reading correctly?
7. Click on Stop button to stop the VI.
3 Pengolahan Data

Parameter Value Unit

T ruang 30.1 °C
T badan 34.6 °C
Vi 1.2 V

Parameter Value
Ro 47000
To 298.15
B 1922

T ruang 34.6
T badan 47.1

Parameter Digital
T ruang 30.1 34.6
T badan 34.6 47.1
Error 14.9501661 36.127168

1. Analisis Strain Gage

1.1 Analisis Hasil

Pada percobaan Strain Gage ini, kami mendapatkan hasil akhir berupa persamaan garis lurus
(y=mx+c), dimana m adalah Gain dan c adalah Offset. Hasil didapat dari perhitungan value
dari parameter yang telah ditentukan, yaitu dari -1.0cm s.d 1cm dengan interval 0.5cm. Value
yang didapat tidak selalu constant atau memiliki interval yang tetap, kemudian diformulasikan
dengan aplikasi untuk dicari persamaan garis dari hasil percobaan. Dari percobaan, Gain
didapat 0.274 dan Offset didapat -0.391. Lalu, persamaan tersebut di cek apakah merupakan
persamaan yang merepresentasikan hasil dengan baik menggunakan error calculation, dimana
saat parameter sensor measurement pada -1.0cm, flexible link pada -1.0cm dan software pada
-1.16cm sehingga dapat disimpulkan error 16%. Dari perhitungan tersebut didapat spectrum
dari frekuensi 6.1753 dan amplitude sebesar -52.226.

1.2 Analisis Kesalahan

Pada percobaan ini, kesalahan dapat ada akibat praktikkan tidak konsisten dalam
membengkokkan flexible link sehingga hasil yang didapat memiliki kemungkinan tidak
sempurna. Tidak hanya itu, apabila terdapat kesalahan pada rangkaian elektronik maka
pembacaan dapat berubah sehingga harus di cek apakah sensor berfungsi dengan baik dan
benar. Terakhir, kesalahan dapat terjadi akibat human error dari praktikan yang salah mencatat
atau memformulasikan pada aplikasi.

2. Analisis Pressure Sensor

2.1 Analisis Hasil

Pada percobaan ini, hasil akhir yang dicari adalah polynomial curve fitting (y=x2+x+c). Hasil
akhir didapat dengan memformulasikan value yang didapat dari setiap parameter dari
perhitungan tekanan pada injeksi plunger dengan volume 0.8ml s.d 0.4ml dengan interval 0.1ml
dan pada 0ml. Hasil akhir yang didapat adalah x2=0.06, x=-0.52, c=1.36. Lalu, error dihitung
dengan membandingkan pembacaan volume pada parameter sensor measurement 0.6ml,
dimana pada injeksi plunger hasilnya 0.8ml dan pada software 0.81ml sehingga rata-rata error
2.2 Analisis Kesalahan

Pada percobaan ini, kesalahan dapat terjadi akibat praktikkan tidak menahan injeksi plunger
ketika melakukan pengukuran karena semakin kecil volume yang dibaca maka semakin tinggi
pressure didalam sehingga dapat mendorong kembali injeksi plunger. Lalu, kesalahan lainnya
dapat terjadi akibat human error, yaitu kesalahan pada pembacaan atau kesalahan
memformulasikan pada aplikasi.

3. Analisis Temperature Sensor

3.1 Analisis Hasil

Pada percobaan ini, hasil akhir yang diinginkan adalah error pada digital dan thermistor ketika
mengukur suhu ruangan dan badan seseorang. Hasil yang didapat adalah pada digital, suhu
ruangan adalah 30.1 derajat celcius dan pada badan salah satu praktikkan adalah 34.56 derajat
celcius. Lalu, pada thermistor untuk suhu ruangan adalah 34.6 derajat celcius dan suhu badan
salah satu praktikkan (sama dengan ketika mengukur dengan digital) adalah 47.1 derajat
celcius. Maka, error pada digital adalah 14.95% dan pada thermistor adalah 36.12%.

3.2 Analisis Kesalahan

Pada pengukuran ini, kesalahan dapat terjadi akibat sensor yang membaca tidak konsisten
(berubah terus dengan cepat) sehingga praktikkan harus menentukan nilai yang diambil yang
dapat berujung pada human error.

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