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Action Plan ​for:  

Future Career:Biotechnologist  
● June 2019   
​Receive El Capitan Diploma 
● Summer 2019  
Start taking General ed classes at merced jc 
● Fall 2019  
Continue taking general ed classes while 
applying for jobs to help with expenses  
● Spring 2020 
Visit universities to plan which one to go after 
finishing ged (biology Associate's Degree)  
● Fall 2020 & Spring 2021 
Begin applying to universities to transfer 
● Fall 2021  
Attend uc berkeley & start taking classes to 
obtain bachelor's degree   
● Fall 2021 
Get involved with hands on experience in 
laboratories (work with biotech companies & get 
● Spring 2022 
Start looking at biotechnologist job 
● Fall 2025  
Begin classes for Master’s degree  

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