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1 _________________ 3 __________________

___________________ ___________________
B0001 B0001

Periodic Functions ___________________ Sinusoids ___________________

Periodic Function — if a constant T exists
___________________ A
___________________ ___________________

such that
0 θ
f (t + T ) = f (t ) for all t 2π
T T 2T 3T t

f (t + nT ) = f (t ) for all n ∈ I
___________________ –A
f (t ) = A sin( ωt − θ ) ___________________
 Cycle — the shortest repeating segment ___________________  Sinusoid — a function that can be written ___________________
___________________ ___________________
 Period T —length of a cycle [sec] in the form
f (t ) = A sin(ωt + θ )
 Frequency — rate of repetition or

___________________ ___________________
 Linear Frequency f — in cycles/sec f (t ) = A cos(ωt + θ )
1 cycles where
f = Hertz, Hz =

___________________ ___________________
T sec  A is the amplitude
 ω is the angular frequency
 Angular Frequency ω —in radians/sec

1 cycle = 2π radians
___________________ ___________________
ω = 2πf ω = 2πf =

= θ is the phase angle

___________________ ___________________


Fourier Series * Property of STI Fourier Series * Property of STI

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B0001 B0001

Sample Periodic Signals ___________________ Properties of Sinusoids ___________________

___________________ Sinusoids of different frequencies are
___________________ ___________________

mutually othogonal.
[ A1 sin(ω1t + θ1 )][A2 sin(ω2t + θ2 )]dt
0 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 t 1 T
T ∫0
___________________ ___________________
 1, 0 < t ≤1

f (t ) =  0, 1< t < 3  0, ω1 ≠ ω2
 f (t + 3), for all t =  A1 A2


___________________  2 cos( θ1 − θ 2 ), ω1 = ω2
0 1 2 3 t
___________________  A linear system with a sinusoidal
excitation will have a sinusoidal response
of the same frequency.
 t,
f (t ) = 
0 < t ≤1
 f (t + 1), for all t
___________________ x(t )
Linear y (t ) ___________________
___________________ ___________________
f (t ) = 5 t
___________________ then
x(t ) = A sin(ωt + θ )

y (t ) = B sin(ωt + φ)
Fourier Series * Property of STI
___________________ Fourier Series * Property of STI
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B0001 B0001

Fourier Series ___________________ Fourier Series Example ___________________

Certain periodic functions can be
___________________ 10
___________________ ___________________

expressed as a sum of sinusoids
f (t ) = C0 + C1 cos(ω0t + θ1 ) + C2 cos(2ω0t + θ2 ) 0 2π 4π 6π t

+ C3 cos(3ω0t + θ3 ) + C4 cos(4ω0t + θ4 ) + 

___________________ 
f (t ) = 

0 < t ≤ 2π
 f (t + 2π ), for all t
= ∑ Cn cos(nω0t + θn )
n =0
___________________ = 5 − 10π sin t − 210π sin 2t − 310π sin 3t − 

___________________ = 5 − ∑ 10
 Fundamental Frequency ω0 — frequency sin nt

of the original function. n =1
 Harmonic Frequencies nω0 — integral
multiples of the fundamental frequency.
___________________ 10
___________________ 5
___________________ 0 2π ___________________
Fourier Series * Property of STI
___________________ Fourier Series * Property of STI
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B0001 B0001

Dirichlet Conditions ___________________ Frequency Spectrum ___________________

Each period of the function should:
___________________ Frequency Spectrum — set of graphs
___________________ ___________________

1. Have a finite number of discontinuities, showing the properties of the harmonics

2. Have a finite number of maxima and as a function of the frequency.
minima, and
3. Be absolutely convergent. ___________________  Amplitude Spectrum — plots the
magnitude of the coefficients Cn. Also
called the line spectrum.
___________________ ___________________
f (t ) dt < ∞  Phase Spectrum — plots the phase angle
Average value should be finite.

___________________ ___________________
 For convenience, the plots are typically
1 T shown against the summation index n.
T ∫0
f (t ) dt < ∞

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________
0 1 2 3 4 5 n


___________________ ___________________
t π

1 2 3 4 5 n

___________________ ___________________
T= 2π
ω0 –π

Fourier Series * Property of STI Fourier Series * Property of STI

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B0001 B0001

Trigonometric Form ___________________ Fourier Analysis ___________________

The Fourier series may be expressed in
___________________ Fourier Analysis — the determination of
___________________ ___________________
 
the trigonometric form the Fourier series
f (t ) = 12 A0 + A1 cos ω0t + A2 cos 2ω0t +   In the trigonometric form

+ B1 sin ω0t + B2 sin 2ω0t + 

∞ ∞
___________________ 2 τ +T
A0 = ∫ f (t ) dt
T τ ___________________
= A0 + ∑ An cos nω0t + ∑ Bn sin nω0t
___________________ ___________________
2 τ +T
n =1 n =1 An = ∫ f (t ) cos nω0t dt
T τ

___________________ ___________________
2 τ +T
 At n = 0, Bn = ∫ f (t ) sin nω0t dt
T τ
C0 = 12 A0 or A0 = 2C0

 Using the trigonometric identity at n > 0

Cn cos(nω0t + θn )
___________________  In the exponential form
1 τ +T
c n = ∫ f (t ) e − jnω0 t dt
= Cn (cos nω0t cos θn − sin nω0t sin θn )
= Cn cos θn cos nω0t − Cn sin θn sin nω0t
___________________ T τ
An = Cn cos θn Cn = An2 + Bn2 ___________________ ___________________
Fourier Series
Bn = −Cn sin θn θn = − tan −1
* Property of STI
___________________ Fourier Series * Property of STI
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B0001 B0001

Exponential Form ___________________ Waveform Symmetry ___________________

The Fourier series may also be expressed
___________________ Even Symmetry
___________________ ___________________
 
using complex exponentials. f (−t ) = f (t )
f (t ) =  + C−1e − jω0 t + C0 + C1e jω0 t + 

___________________ ___________________

= ∑C e
n = −∞
jnω0 t
–T 0 T

( )
___________________ ___________________

= C0 + ∑ Cn e jnω0 t + C− n e − jnω0 t
n =1
 Odd Symmetry

___________________ ___________________
If f(t) is real, f (−t ) = − f (t )
C− n = C∗n = Re[Cn ] − j Im[Cn ]
 Using Euler’s identity,

Ce jα + C∗e − jα ___________________ –T 0 T
= C (cos α + j sin α ) + C∗ (cos α − j sin α )
= 2 Re[C] cos α − 2 Im[C] sin α ___________________  Half-wave Symmetry
f (t ) = − f (t ± T / 2)
An = 2 Re[Cn ] Cn = 2 C n Cn = 12 ( An − jBn ) ___________________ ___________________
Bn = −2 Im[Cn ] θn = arg(Cn ) = 12 Cn e jθ n
___________________ ___________________
–T 0 T

Fourier Series * Property of STI Fourier Series * Property of STI

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B0001 B0001

Waveform Symmetry and Half-Range Expansion

Fourier Series ___________________ (cont’d) ___________________
 Even Symmetry
___________________ Even Symmetry
___________________ ___________________

The sum of even functions is an even 4 T /2
T ∫0
An = f e (t ) cos nω0t dt

f e (t ) = A0 + ∑ An cos nω0t
n =1

Bn = 0 and Cn is pure real

___________________ Bn = 0
Odd Symmetry

___________________  Odd Symmetry
An = 0 ___________________
The sum of odd functions is an odd

___________________ Bn =
4 T /2
T ∫0
f o (t ) sin nω0t dt ___________________
f o (t ) = ∑ Bn sin nω0t
n =1

An = 0 and Cn is pure imaginary

___________________  Half-Wave Symmetry
 Half-wave Symmetry ___________________ A0 = 0
4 T /2 ___________________
T ∫0
Only odd harmonics are present. An = f o (t ) cos nω0t dt

f (t ) = ∑ C2 n +1 cos((2n + 1)ω0t + θ2 n +1 )
n =0
___________________ 4 T / 2
Bn = ∫ f o (t ) sin nω0t dt
___________________ ___________________
T 0

Fourier Series * Property of STI Fourier Series * Property of STI

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B0001 B0001

Half-Range Expansions ___________________ Amplitude Shifts ___________________

Consider the Fourier analysis of an even
___________________ Affects odd symmetry but not even
___________________ ___________________
 
function. symmetry
 Choose τ = —T/2. ODD EVEN
2 T /2
An = ∫
T −T / 2
f e (t ) cos nω0t dt
___________________ ___________________
 Segment the integration at τ = 0.

An =  ∫
2 0
T  −T / 2
f e (t ) cos nω0t dt ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
–T 0 T –T 0 T
f e (t ) cos nω0t dt 
T /2
0 

___________________ ___________________
 Change the variable of integration of the
first term from τ to —τ.  Shifts the average component without
affecting the other quantities
An = − ∫ f e (−t ) cos(−nω0t ) dt
2 0

T  T / 2
___________________ ___________________

f (t ) = C0 + ∑ Cn cos(nω0t + θn )
+ ∫ f e (t ) cos nω0t dt 
T /2
n =1
___________________ ___________________
0 ∞

 By symmetry f (t ) + K = K + C0 + ∑ Cn cos(nω0t + θn )
n =1
4 T /2
An = ∫ f e (t ) cos nω0t dt
___________________ ___________________
C0 → C0 + K
T 0
Fourier Series * Property of STI Fourier Series * Property of STI
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B0001 B0001

Example 1: Fourier Analysis

Time Shifts ___________________ — Trigonometric (cont’d) ___________________
Affects both odd and even symmetries
___________________  Odd symmetric if shifted down by 5
___________________ ___________________


∫ ( t )sin nt dt

Bn =
___________________ ___________________
2 10
2π 0 2π

= 5
[− 1
t cos nt + 1
sin nt 0 ]

___________________ =− 10

___________________ ___________________
 Shifts the phase angle without affecting  Frequency Spectrum
the amplitudes C0 = 5

f (t ) = C0 + ∑ Cn cos(nω0t + θn )
n =1

___________________ Cn = 0 + (−
= 10
10 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 n
f (t + t0 ) = C0 + ∑ Cn cos(nω0 (t + t0 ) + θn )
___________________ ___________________

n =1 − 10 / nπ π
θn = − tan −1
∞ 0
= C0 + ∑ Cn cos(nω0t + (nω0t0 + θn ) )
___________________ ___________________
= π2
1 2 3 4 5 n
n =1
θn → θn + nω0t0

Fourier Series * Property of STI

___________________ Fourier Series * Property of STI
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B0001 B0001

Example 1: Fourier Analysis Example 2: Fourier Analysis

— Trigonometric ___________________ — Trigonometric ___________________
___________________ Consider
___________________ ___________________
 
10 5

___________________ ___________________
–2π 0 2π 4π t –10 –6 –2 0 2 6 10 t

 10 t , 0 < t ≤ 2π  5, −2<t ≤2

___________________ ___________________
f (t ) =  2 π 
 f (t + 2π ), for all t f (t ) =  1, 2<t ≤6
 f (t + 8),
 for all t
 Period and Frequency
T = 2π and ω0 = 2π

=1 ___________________  Period and frequency ___________________
___________________ ___________________
T = 8 and ω0 = 2π
= π
 Average value
C0 = 12 A0  Average value

= 12  22π ∫ 210π t dt 
 0

 ___________________ C0 = 12 A0

= 18  ∫ 5dt + ∫ dt 
2 6 ___________________
___________________ ___________________
2π  − 2 
= 1 2 2

[ ]
2π 2 2 0

[(2π ) ] = 18 5t − 2 + t 2
2 6

= 5 2

___________________ ___________________
4π 2
Fourier Series * Property of STI Fourier Series * Property of STI
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B0001 B0001

Example 2: Fourier Analysis Example 3: Fourier Analysis

— Trigonometric (cont’d) ___________________ — Exponential (cont’d) ___________________
 Even symmetric
___________________  For n > 0
An = 82  ∫ 5 cos nπ4 t dt + ∫ cos nπ4 t dt 

 − 2

2  ___________________ Cn = 1

 0 ( 1 t + 1)e − jnt dt − π 1 t e − jnt dt 
 ∫− π π ∫0 π  ___________________
[ ] e − jnt [nπ1 + j ( π1 t + 1)]− π − 2 nπ1 2 e − jnt [ jt + ]
___________________ ___________________
1 π
2 6 1 0
= 1 20
4 nπ
sin nπ4 t − 2 + 4

sin nπ4 t 2 2 nπ n 0

= 1
(9 sin nπ2 + sin 3nπ2 ) = 1
2 nπ
( 2

+ j1)(1 − cos nπ )

___________________ ___________________

= 1
(9 + cos nπ )sin nπ2 
=1 2
0, even n
 nπ ( nπ + j1), odd n

Bn = 0
 Frequency Spectrum
C0 = 3 |Cn|
___________________  Amplitude and phase angle equivalent
Cn = 2 C n
___________________ ___________________
 0, even n  0, even n
Cn =  8 = 1
 n 2 π 2 4 + n π , odd n
___________________ ___________________
 nπ , odd n 2 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n
 0, even n π θn = arg(Cn )

θn =  0,
___________________ ___________________
even n2-1  0, even n
π , n -1
=  −1 nπ
 odd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n
 tan , odd n

___________________ ___________________

Fourier Series * Property of STI Fourier Series * Property of STI

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B0001 B0001

Example 3: Fourier Analysis Example 4: Fourier Analysis

— Exponential ___________________ — Exponential ___________________
___________________ Consider
___________________ ___________________
 
1 V

–2π –π π 2π

___________________ ___________________
0 t
–1 –2π –π 0 π 2π t
 t + 1, −π <t ≤0
 V sin t , 0<t ≤π

___________________ ___________________
 
f (t ) =  − π1 t , 0<t ≤π f (t ) =  0, π < t ≤ 2π
 f (t + 2π ),  f (t + 2π ), for all t
 for all t 
 Period and Frequency ___________________  Period and Frequency ___________________
T = 2π and ω0 = =1 T = 2π and ω0 = =1
___________________ ___________________
2π 2π
2π 2π

 Average value  Average value

___________________ ___________________

C0 = 21π  ∫ ( π1 t + 1) dt − ∫ π1 t dt 
C0 = ∫
0 1
f (t ) dt
 − π 0  2π 0

( ) ∫ V sin t dt
___________________ ___________________
= 1  1
t2 + t
− 21π t 2 π  = 1
2π 0
2π  2π −π 0 
= 1
[(− π
+ π)− π
] = − 21π V cos t 0

___________________ ___________________
2π 2 2

=0 = π1 V
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Example 3: Fourier Analysis

— Exponential (cont’d) ___________________
 For n > 0
Cn = 1

2π 0
(V sin t ) e − jnt dt

Ve − jnt (cos t + jn sin t )
2π (n 2 − 1) 0

( )
V e − jnπ + 1 V (cos nπ + 1)
2π (1 − n 2 )
2π (1 − n 2 ) ___________________
 V
 , even n
=  π (1 − n 2 )
 0, odd n, n ≠ 1

 Use L’Hopital’s Rule for n = 1 ___________________

( )
V e − jnπ + 1
C1 = lim dnd
n →1
2π (1 − n 2 )

− jπ Ve − jnπ
= lim
n →1 − 4πn
= − j 14 V

Fourier Series * Property of STI

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26 ________________

Exercise: Fourier Analysis ___________________

Find the Fourier series, both exponential

and trigonometric of each of the following


–4 –3 –2 –1
 − 1,
0 < t ≤1
1 2 3 t
 1,

f (t ) = 
 2,
1< t ≤ 2
2<t ≤3
 f (t + 3), for all t

–3π –2π –π 0 π 2π t

f (t ) = 
0<t ≤π
π < t ≤ 2π
 f (t + 2π ), for all t

Fourier Series * Property of STI
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