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Disposition Formatted: Centered

Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold
Christine Oszust
Grand Canyon University: ELM 590 Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold

February 25, 2019 Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold

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Professional Dispositions Assessment
Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement listed below using the
response scale of 1-5. Use this assessment to inform your Professional Dispositions
1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Undecided 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree

Professional Dispositions Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

I believe a teacher must use a variety of instructional
strategies to optimize student learning.
I understand that students learn in many different ways . x

I demonstrate qualities of humor, empathy, and warmth. x

I am a thoughtful and responsive listener. x

I assume responsibility when working with others. x

I believe that all students can learn. x

I believe it is important to involve all students in


I believe the classroom environment a teacher creates

greatly affects students' learning and development.

I view teaching as an important profession. X

I understand that teachers’ expectations affect student


I view teaching as a collaborative effort among educators. X

I understand that students have certain needs that must be

met before learning can take place.

I am sensitive to student differences. x

I communicate caring, concern, and a willingness to

become involved with others.

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I am punctual and reliable in my attendance. X

I maintain a professional appearance. X

I believe it is my job to create a learning environment

conducive to the development of students’ self- X
confidence and competence.

I respect the cultures of all students and am sensitive to

cultural norms.

I honor my commitments. X

I treat students with dignity and respect at all times. X

I am willing to receive feedback and assessment of my


I am patient when working with students. X

I am open to adjusting and revising my plans to meet

student needs.

I communicate in ways that demonstrate respect for the

feelings, ideas, and contributions of others.

I believe it is important to learn about students and their


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Personal Disposition

All students can learn in their own way with different needs and ability levels.I believe all

students can make academic growth no matter what their current abilities are. Students come to

us at varying levels and it is our duty to find out what they are. We can guide them in their

learning process by building on what they already know. We do this by offering students a

variety of materials giving them different ways to access the information. Not only should The

materials give multiple routes to the information it should celebrate the uniqueness that all

students bring to the classroom community. This is one step to making the By doing this the

classroom becomes a place that students feel safe engaging in lessons and takinge chances. This

allows mMistakes to beare okay and a wonderful part of learning. Students are held to a high

expectation as well as the teacher. We allStudents are to try their best at all times. Students are

held to a high expectation as well as the teacher. It is always possible to do better. We as

teachers need to model to students that learning happens everywhere and it is also a lifelong

process. There is always something new to learn and can. Learning goes beyond the classroom

too. I can meet those needs by providing students with multiple ways to access the content.

These academic differences along with cultural differences need to be celebrated since it makes

us each special. It takes a community to help students achieve their bestThe community needs to

be part of students’ academic development.Students growth takesneeds a collaborative effort

among the teacher, student, parents, colleagues, and community. I hold students to a high

expectation and give them the same. I expect students to try their best at all times but to know

that mistakes are a wonderful part of the learning experience. We can learn from those mistakes

to make more academic gains. I will continually reflect on instruction to see if there are any

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improvements that can be made. It is always possible to do better. Students need to see that

learning is a lifelong process that happens anywhere not just in the school setting.


My Personal Disposition Assessments supports my statement above. I understand that

each student is an individual with different strengths, weaknesses, needs, and learning

preferences. It takes a team effort of the community to work collaboratively to help students

make the most academic gains they can. I understand that communication is an important factor

in this. I feel I was honest in my assessment with what I think teachers need to be and my


Growth During Course

While I still have plenty of areas to show improvement I have grown during the course of

my schooling. My understanding that all students needs are different has strengthened. These

differences are an opportunity to strengthen my instruction for all students. I now see that

meeting the needs of these students can be done and will strengthen the understanding of all

students in the process. I have grown to understand strategies to meet these needs. I have also

grown a fascination with children’s developmental stages.

Steps to Improvement

I will always have areas that I can improve upon. This assessment shows I need to work

on seeing teaching as an important profession. With all the negative attention on teaching in

Arizona currently I feel looked down upon for choosing this career. I also need to continue to be

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more patient with students during difficult times. It can be difficult to keep a clear head respond

to situations in the best way possible. In the same lines there are times I could listen more

tentatively to students. I will continue to focus on ways to improve my teaching.

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