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Going to three different schools in only four years of course you’re going to meet many

different staff and teachers and to me building relationships with adults means a lot and

it can determine whether you enjoy your high school experience.It is also a very hard

thing for me to do because of how quiet I am but for me the teacher who has made my

high school experience was from my hometown school in Sacramento her name is

Isabel Acosta and she was my freshmen and sophomore high leadership teacher. She

has done so much for me and my family I don't think i’ll ever be able to express the

amount of gratitude that I have for her. Moving away from her wasn’t easy, I thought to

myself now who is going to help me when I need it the most, who is going to give me

hugs when I feel like crying and who is going to do everything possible for me to

succeed and push me to do better in school. I knew she was one of a kind and she has

the biggest heart ever and cares so much for her students. Before I met Mrs. Acosta I

was so scared to start high school I didn't know if I was going to do good or if I was

going to fit in. I joined leadership my freshmen year and at first I was a little intimidated

by her because she has such a scary face to her and she just seemed really strict.

Once I started getting the hand of leadership and everything the class does I started

getting more comfortable with her and I started to realize I can count on her with

anything. She has this carisma about her that you don’t see much. When I found out I

was moving schools and cities she gave me this really meaningful talk that has stuck

with me since I moved. Since my move I lost contact with her and it breaks my heart but
I think about her all the time and I plan on reconnecting with her soon because if i’m

honest with myself I miss her a lot.

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