Transcript Attendance Reflection 1

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Transcript/attendance reflection

Coming from Mexico at a very young age I was raised with a mindset that I need to

work harder than everyone else if I want to succeed. That was exactly what I did. I

always put in 110% into my grades and having a bad grade wasn’t an option for me.

All through elementary and middle school I worked had because I knew that what I

learned there was going to benefit me when coming into high school, and it did. My

freshmen through sophomore year I had straight A’s. During my junior year I went

through a rough patch and I had to move schools and cities I was devastated. I had

to leave my entire life behind and move away from everything I knew, from all my

friends who I grew up with. I disliked it so much. I didn’t try because I just felt like

there was no point but what I didn't realize was that it was going to affect me very

much. I had no energy to do anything I sometimes didn’t even feel like going to

school and I would just not go which is something I regret a lot. About 4 months of

me moving I got diagnosed with depression because the move you can say broke

me and brought the worst out of me. That went on for the first semester of my junior

year. Then I got the news once again that I was moving to Merced and from what I

wrote about my first experience of moving you can tell how this went. I was even

more sad but I realized this is another chance for me to get it together and so that's

exactly what I did I moved said to myself “God is not going to leave you alone and if

you ever need help remember that he is ALWAYS going to be there, he is doing this

for a reason and one day you will see”. So I worked even harder and I eventually

made friends which is something so hard for me to do and my grades were amazing

the end of my junior year. My senior year I came into MHS with the same mindset,

and from my grades now I have kept them up and my first semester I had 2 B’s and
the rest were A’s, and currently I have all A’s which i’m so proud of and I have come

a long way from the start of my junior year. Now attendance has alway been

important especially for my mom I always wanted to have perfect attendance and

when I was younger I would get sad if I missed a day. I was that child. Starting high

school they told us that attendance was very important and so I took it very serious

Although my junior year like I mentioned I struggled with even getting up to go to

school and my attendance at that school was really bad, I made it up with saturday

schools though. Now my senior year I have not missed one day of school which for

me is amazing. Having depression can really take all of your energy out and it's just

a huge achievement for me that I haven't missed even one day of school.

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