RRC Water Samples 1

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DANNY SORRELIS DIRECTOR, OIL AND GAS DIVISION CLAY Wooput, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, FIELD OPERATIONS CCuiristt CRADDICK, CHAIRMAN RYAN SITTON, COMMISSIONER WAYNE CHRISTIAN, COMMISSIONER RAILROAD COMMISSION OF TEXAS OIL AND GAS DIVISION April 10,2019 ‘The Honorable Ty Prause Colorado County Courthouse 400 Spring Street P.O. Box 236 Columbus, Texas 78934 RE: Analytical Data ~ Skull Creek, Colorado County, Texas Dear Judge Prause: Please find enclosed analytical data associated with a water sample collected from Skull Creek near its crossing with HWY 71 (approximate coordinates N 29 32 36.75, W 96 27 03.72), taken on March I, 2019. The sample, identified as SK-1 in the attached laboratory report, was collected by Terracon field personnel at the request of Railroad Commission (RRC) staff. A summary table of the SK-1 analytical results is included for your convenience. As shown in the table, while analytes were detected, none exceeded protective concentration levels (PCLs) established by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for groundwater ingestion For clarification, the attached laboratory report also includes sample results collected from monitor wells and a pond located on the former Boundary Ventures stationary treatment facility. The additional samples are identified in the laboratory report as MW-I through MW-13, PSW-I through PSW-4, and PS-I through PS-5. The facility is situated approximately four-tenths of a mile north of the SK-1 sample location. The analytical results for the other samples contained in the report were taken as part of an environmental investigation being performed by Terracon for the RRC and are not representative of, or related to Skull Creek. Regarding the history of operations at the Inland and Boundary Ventures facilities, RRC staff sealed in the disposal well on the property on June 6, 2018, meaning it cannot operate. The last reported injection was June 2017, therefore, the RRC is also pursuing enforcement of our inactive well rule, which requires operators to plug wells or obtain plugging extensions for wells that have been inactive for greater than 12 ‘months, Additionally, the RRC returned the permit renewal application to operate the stationary treatment facility on April 7, 2017, meaning it cannot accept any waste under RRC jurisdiction. As such, neither the injection well nor stationary treatment facility should be receiving or disposing waste under the jurisdiction of the RRC. Any information to the contrary should be reported to RRC staff as soon as possible, The RRC and its contractor, Terracon, initiated an environmental investigation of the stationary treatment facility in January 2019 as part of the RRC’s ongoing efforts to address environmental concerns and RRC violations associated with the facility, and to gather information for the development of a remediation 1701 NORTH CONGRESS AVENUE * POSTOFFICE BOX 12967 # AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711-2067 4 PHONE: 12463-6765 & FAX: 51263-7328 "TDD 800/735-2989 OR TDY 512/463-7284 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER hpi x38. The Honorable Judge Ty Prause 47102019, Page 2 plan for any wastes and associated contamination remaining under the RRC’s jurisdiction, full report of the RRC’s environmental investigation is expected to be available later this month. Sinces (pf Gee (ete Pope, a Enclosure: Summary Table, Laboratory Report Mr. Michael Miller, Texas Department of Emergency Management (email) Mr. Jason Ybarra, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (email) Cynthia Guajardo-Echols, CFE, Sgt. Game Warden, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (email) Colorado County leer docs

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