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These legends were inspired bl' the

single most striking feature of the Coda

Gigas. If, by accident or design. tbe
book falls open at a certain place. the ruo
facing pages will show a pair of unerll
compelling, full-page illustrations.
On the left-hand page is a _crezf,
walled city-the New Jerusalem-rhe
Heavenly City that will descend frcm
God at the end of time, according lo
the Revelation of St. John. On the riehr-
hand page crouches the Prince of HelI
himself, poised to leap right out oi the
page and seize the reader. That dread
being is clad only in a loincloth made of
royal ermine fur. His long, sharp horns
and claws are red with blood. His eles
Codex Gigas are beady and their pupils, too. are red.
His face is green. He bares his teeth. and
The Devil's Bible from his mouth protrude two long red
tongues. Surely the Devil had a hand in
THE LARGEST MEDIEVAL booK wondered at its size it began to ask
the Giant Book's making and placed hi_r
ever wdffen weighs an astonishing 165 themselves whether that monk might
frightening portrait there as a signarure.
pounds. It stands 36 inches tall and is 20 have had supematural help from God...
The flve pages directly before rtre
inches wide. It is almost nine inches thick. or, just maybe, from someone el,se.
illustration of New Jerusalem conrain
No wonder it is known as Codex Gigas, And so legends gathered around
a detailed ritual for a monk to contess
which is Latin for "The Giant Book." It the Giant Book. In their flnal form,
all his sins, written in letters much
was written in a monastery in Bohemia they told of a monk, a scribe, who had
larger than the rest of the manuscript,
(now the Czech Republic) in the early committed some very great sin, and
The six pages directly following ttre
i200s CE. Except for a few later notes, had been sentenced to be walled up
illustration of the Devil, also wrirten in
every word in this gigantic manuscript alive. He bargained with his judges:
large letters, contain five magic spells.
was written by the hand of one and the "Will you spare me if in a single night
The first three spells are for healing-
same scribe, who was surely a monk. It I write a manuscript containing all the other two are for identiff in_s a
has been estimated that this monk spent knowledge, to glorify our monastery
thief (by scrying in the first spell and
some twenty orthirty years of his life writ- forever?" Thinking this impossible, his
revelatory dreaming in the second l.
ing out the Codex Gigasby hand, from its judges agreed. Alone in his prison cell
Apart from these pages, the Code-r
first page to its last. that night, the monk called on the Prince
Gigas contains the following. all in
The Codex Gigashas another name as of Hell and made a pact. With Lucifer's
Latin: (1) the Old Testament, Q) Tht
well The Devil's Bible. Since it seemed aid, the monk wrote out the entire Giant
Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus
an almost superhuman task for a single Book by hand in the course of a single
Flavius, (3) The History of the Jarish
monk to have written every word of so night. Thereby he escaped punishment,
War, also by Josephus Flavius. r4r
gigantic a book by hand, people who but lost his sou1.
Isidore of Seville's Etymologiae. a l-ar-
-tele oanrSototuKifl s.ellrles Jo eJoprsl
(y) 'snr.telg snqdesol [.q osle '"ru1y 'Inos srq tsoJ r
tlslwaf aqt to tto4stq aqJ (g) 'snr,re1g 'lueruqsrund pedecse eq ,{qeraql .rqf1
e18urs e Jo osJnoJ erp ur pueq ,(q
snqdesol Kq sual aqt {o sa4mbtryy t,rc
aLtJ ((,)luerue1sel pIO oqt (1) :urte1 luerc eJrlue eq] lno eloJ, d )uotlI aw .p
s.raJrcn.I q1r16 'lced e apetu pue
ut 1e '8ur,l,ro[oJ eql sum]uoc soBrg II:H J
xapo) eq] 'se8ed aseqi uror; uudy oruud aql uo poller {uour eq} tz
'(puocas eql ur Surueerp,(ro1e1o.,ler gec uospd srq ur euolv.peer8e safp
srq 'elqrssodurr srql BunlurqJ
pue geds lsrg aqt ur ?ur.(rcs {q) leUt .(uJa.\aJo.
,{relseuoru rno ,(guo18 ol .e8pel.tou
e Sur,tg4uepl JoJ eJ? Joqlo oril
'?urpeq roJ oJB slyeds eerqt lsrg eqJ
ge Surureluoc lducsnuuur e e1u \r
'sgeds cr8eur elg ur?luoo 'srepey e8rel
tq8lu e18uls E uI JI eur ereds no,{ 1p-11.
:se8pnl sH WIt\ peure8req oH .a.rr;
uI ueIrJ,^a osle 'Ir^oc oqlJo uorlBJlsnlF
eql 8ur./ilo[o; .{11cerrp se8ed xrs eq1 dn pe11e.u eq ol poJuoluos ueeq puq
'ldrrcsnuuru eql Jo lseJ aql ueql re8rel pue 'urs leer8 drea, ouros pallrurruoJ
p€q oq,ta 'aqucs e .quour e;o plol .iatrt
q3nu sJollol uI uellrJ. A 'surs srq il?
ssoJuos ol {uou e JoJ len}rJ polrs}op B
'urroJ leug rreql uJ .{oog ]uEIc aq
punoJe pererile8 spue8al os pry-
urBluoc IuaFsruef ,^doN Jo uor]8Jlsnllr
'asp auoalaos uro{ ,eq^,(eur
eql oroJaq ,(ltcerrp se8ed errg eq;
'erruuu8rs e se oJarll tleruod Suruelq8u;
"'pog uro"g dleq p;ryeruedns peq a\Eq
N:ISSIHIVIA IUEBOU- srq peceld pue ?ur>pur s.{oog luelD eql tq8nu luoru leqj Jeqleq..ta soliostu3rll
'eurTuo s33€ld snorJB./\ ur eles JoJ q puuq u puq Ir^eg eqi.(1ern5 'sen8uol TSB olueSeq 1l ozrs slr le peJepuo.rl
se?ed oq] Ilu Jo so8"tul illl1!\ s(If, pug per 3uo1 o,{\l opru}ord qlnou sq ruor;
osIB uuc eug 'arurl e 1e e8ed euo 'o{q pue 'qloal srg seJ€q eH 'uaer? $ eceJ srH
alqlg s,
no,( se se8ed ,(ueru s€ puolu,rop puu 'peJ em 'oo1 'spdnd Jroq] pue ,(pueq em
'peurlcur os eJe no.( gr e?ed fq e8ed se.(e sr11 'poolq qll^\ peJ ere s.a\€lc puu seErg
alqlg s,f^ae oillue eqt q8norql ;ee1 suroq d-ruqs '3uo1 s41 :ry eunu-re p,(ot
osle ueo no,t ereql '3ue7se?r3-xepoc Jo apstu rpolculol e ur,(po pelc sr Sureq
/os'q{/i:d}}q :lulowlcols ur uepe,{\s pmJp letll repeeJ er11 ozres pue e8ed
go ,&erqr1 IuuorleN oqi Jo olrsqa^\ aql eqt Jo tno tq8u deel o1 pesrod gesturq
yil^'alqrg s.p^ae rc so8rg xapo) eqt IIoH Jo ecuud eql segcnoJ, e8ed pueq
1noq3 uorle[uJoJur eJolu qcnru Jog -lq8u eqr uO 'uqof ']S Jo uoqela^eg eq]
'apruo.tqJ s,an8er4 o1 Surprocce 'erur1 go pue eql rc pog
Jo seluso] pue lue{uE}soJ A\eN eq} ruoq puecsep p^A 1eq1 -&13 .(pe.tee11
uoo,rleq peceld eru s11eds cr8eru aq1 eql-Iuepsruef eqt-,t1c pelle^t
pue 'lIoH Jo esurrd eql pue luelBsruel luet? e sr e8ed pueq-$ol eql uO
Jo suortu4snllr e8ed-11n9 eql 'suorlu4snlI eSedlng'Suqleduoc
'uorsse;uoc go IenllJ eql 'Jupueles d1-re11n;o rred e .^6.ogs pm se8ed Surcuy
uu (g) pue 'en8er4 ;o 0.441eql 'ece1duregec e te uedo slluJ {ooq
seruso3 Kq onaatyog {o a1cruo"tq3 et4 eql 'u8rsep ro ]ueprme {q lt 's03tg
(1) 'tueueisel ,&\oN aqi (9) 'sesrlee4 xapoJ aqiJo orqueJ Surlus lsoru e18urs
Iecrparrr euru (E) 'erpedolc,(cue Sur8uer eql ,(q perrdsur e"rem spue8el eseqJ
'p11 'ceueurlv.saqclr eql
'Jeuu€ru plo eql ur selrl rreql e.,lordur 01 peor oqt\
IIE Buqqeue
e8pelnoul lpcro;o slcedsu snouul pue eruoc o1 ree,( eqi;o quegod
1uc6o1or1sz ]noq? uoq€ruroJul qtll\ reipesot uool I eqj Jo soseqd lecr8eu
eqt Jo suorteou[ep tlcldxo pue lerrolcld DNINIVJNOJ
OZOZSwtdS-6I02 Suudg
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