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Jl. Sadang Luhur No. 33 Bandung 40134, Jawa Barat - Indonesia
E-mail : /
Mobile : 0811 991 0407 / 0812 1216 8558

02 - 03 : Short Course of Basic Corrosion Control
09 - 14 : INDOCOR Coating Inspector Level I - Training and Certification
16 - 18 : Material of High Temperature; Application and Problems
16 - 21 : INDOCOR Cathodic Protection Level II – Training and Certification
23 - 25 : Failure Analysis of Industrial Equipments

06 - 08 : Short Course of Basic Corrosion Control
06 - 15 : INDOCOR Corrosion Inspector Level I - Training and Certification
07 - 09 : Material of High Temperature; Application and Problems
13 - 15 : Metallurgy and Material Analysis
20 - 25 : INDOCOR Coating Inspector Level II - Training and Certification

01 - 03 : Failure Analysis of Industrial Equipments
06 - 08 : Short Course of Basic Corrosion Control
13 - 18 : INDOCOR Cathodic Protection Level I - Training and Certification
20 - 25 : INDOCOR Coating Inspector Level I - Training and Certification

03 - 05 : Short Course of Basic Corrosion Control
03 - 12 : INDOCOR Corrosion Inspector - Training and Certification
17 - 22 : INDOCOR Coating Inspector Level I - Training and Certification
17 - 22 : INDOCOR Coating Inspector Level II - Training and Certification
26 - 28 : Corrosion Control for Boiler and Heat Exchanger
26 - 28 : Corrosion Control - Inhibitor Selection and Application
27 - 29 : Failure Analysis of Industrial Equipments

03 - 05 : Short Course of Basic Corrosion Control
15 - 20 : INDOCOR Coating Inspector Level I – Training and Certification
15 - 24 : INDOCOR Corrosion Inspector - Training and Certification
22 - 27 : INDOCOR Cathodic Protection Level I – Training and Certification
22 - 27 : INDOCOR Coating Inspector Level II – Training and Certification
25 - 27 : Corrosion Control - Inhibitor Selection and Application
29 - 31 : Corrosion Control for Boiler and Heat Exchanger

05 – 07 : Short Course of Basic Corrosion Control
05 - 07 : Failure Analysis of Industrial Equipments
12 - 14 : Corrosion Control for Boiler and Heat Exchanger

03 - 05 : Short Course of Basic Corrosion Control
10 - 15 : INDOCOR Cathodic Protection Level I – Training and Certification
10 - 19 : INDOCOR Corrosion Inspector - Training and Certification
17 - 19 : Failure Analysis of Industrial Equipments
24 - 29 : INDOCOR Cathodic Protection Level II - Training and Certification
07 - 09 : Short Course of Basic Corrosion Control
07 - 09 : Material of High Temperature; Application and Problems
07 - 12 : INDOCOR Coating Inspector Level I – Training and Certification
21 - 26 : INDOCOR Cathodic Protection Level I - Training and Certification
21 - 30 : INDOCOR Corrosion Inspector - Training and Certification

04 - 06 : Corrosion Control for Boiler and Heat Exchanger
11 - 13 : Short Course of Basic Corrosion Control
11 - 16 : INDOCOR Coating Inspector Level I – Training and Certification

02 - 04 : Short Course of Basic Corrosion Control
09 - 11 : Metallurgy and Material Analysis
16 - 21 : INDOCOR Cathodic Protection Level II – Training and Certification
23 - 28 : INDOCOR Coating Inspector Level II – Training and Certification

01 - 03 : Short Course of Basic Corrosion Control
06 - 15 : INDOCOR Corrosion Inspector - Training and Certification
20 - 25 : INDOCOR Cathodic Protection Level I – Training and Certification
21 - 23 : Short Course of Basic Corrosion Control
27 - 29 : Failure Analysis of Industrial Equipments

04 - 06 : Short Course of Basic Corrosion Control
06 - 08 : Material of High Temperature; Application and Problems
11 - 16 : INDOCOR Coating Inspector Level 1 – Training and Certification
11 - 16 : INDOCOR Cathodic Protection Level I – Training and Certification
18 - 20 : Failure Analysis of Industrial Equipments

Note : * We received training outside of calendar events

- Regular training minimum participants 5 persons, venue in Bandung.
- In-house training minimum participants 10 persons, the implementation of
appropriate by request of the company.

* Payment : CASH
* Registration : 2 weeks prior the implementation of training.

Please contact us :
Eni Murtini

0811  991  0407  /  0812  1216  8558  


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