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Fidic Contract Terms


Generated by Eng. Ahmed Ibrahim for
Contracts:Accepted Contract Amount 1
Contracts:Accepted Subcontract Amount 3
Contracts:Advance Payment Certificate 4
Contracts:Advance Payment Guarantee 5
Contracts:Agreed Compensation 6
Contracts:Agreement 7
Contracts:Annex 9
Contracts:Appendix to Tender 10
Contracts:Appendix to the Subcontractor’s Offer 11
Contracts:Asset Replacement Fund 12
Contracts:Asset Replacement Schedule 13
Contracts:Auditing Body 14
Contracts:Background Intellectual Property 15
Contracts:Bank 16
Contracts:Base Date 17
Contracts:Bill of Quantities 19
Contracts:Borrower 20
Contracts:Claim 21
Contracts:Client 22
Contracts:Client’s Representative 24
Contracts:Commencement Date 25
Contracts:Commercial Risk 28
Contracts:Commissioning Certificate 29
Contracts:Commissioning Period 30
Contracts:Compliance Verification System 31
Contracts:Conditions 32
Contracts:Conditions of Contract 33
Contracts:Confidential Information 34
Contracts:Construction Documents 35
Contracts:Consultant 36
Contracts:Consultant’s Programme 37
Contracts:Consultant’s Representative 38
Contracts:Contract 39
Contracts:Contract Agreement 42
Contracts:Contract Completion Certificate 44
Contracts:Contract Completion Date 45
Contracts:Contract Data 46
Contracts:Contract Period 47
Contracts:Contract Price 48
Contracts:Contractor 50
Contracts:Contractor’s Documents 53
Contracts:Contractor’s Drawings 55
Contracts:Contractor’s Equipment 56
Contracts:Contractor’s Instruction 59
Contracts:Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance 60
Contracts:Contractor’s Personnel 61
Contracts:Contractor’s Proposal 63
Contracts:Contractor’s Representative 64
Contracts:Contractor’s Risks 66
Contracts:Contractor’s Subcontract Representative 67
Contracts:Cost 68
Contracts:Cost Plus Profit 71
Contracts:Country 72
Contracts:Cut-Off Date 75
Contracts:CV System 76
Contracts:DAAB Agreement 77
Contracts:DAB 78
Contracts:Date of Completion 80
Contracts:Day 81
Contracts:Daywork Schedule 84
Contracts:Defects Liability Certificate 85
Contracts:Defects Liability Period 86
Contracts:Defects Notification Period 87
Contracts:Defined Risks 89
Contracts:Delay Damages 90
Contracts:Design-Build 91
Contracts:Design-Build Period 92
Contracts:Dispute 93
Contracts:Dispute Avoidance/Adjudication Board 95
Contracts:Document 96
Contracts:Drawings 97
Contracts:Dredging Works 99
Contracts:Effective Date 100
Contracts:Employer 101
Contracts:Employer-Supplied Materials 104
Contracts:Employer’s Drawings 105
Contracts:Employer’s Equipment 106
Contracts:Employer’s Liabilities 108
Contracts:Employer’s Personnel 109
Contracts:Employer’s Representative 111
Contracts:Employer’s Requirements 112
Contracts:Employer’s Risks 114
Contracts:Engineer 115
Contracts:Engineer’s Representative 118
Contracts:Exceptional Costs 119
Contracts:Exceptional Event 120
Contracts:Extension of Time 122
Contracts:Final Certificate of Payment 123
Contracts:Final Payment Certificate 124
Contracts:Final Payment Certificate Design-Build 126
Contracts:Final Payment Certificate Operation Service 127
Contracts:Final Statement 128
Contracts:Final Statement Design-Build 130
Contracts:Final Statement Operation Service 131
Contracts:Financial Memorandum 132
Contracts:Force Majeure 133
Contracts:Foreground Intellectual Property 135
Contracts:Foreign Currency 136
Contracts:Form of Agreement 138
Contracts:Form of Sub-Consultancy Agreement 139
Contracts:General Conditions 140
Contracts:Golden Principles 141
Contracts:Goods 144
Contracts:Gross Misconduct 146
Contracts:Intellectual Property 147
Contracts:Interim Payment Certificate 148
Contracts:Invitation 150
Contracts:Joint Venture 151
Contracts:Joint Venture Agreement 152
Contracts:Joint Venture Shares 153
Contracts:JV Undertaking 154
Contracts:Key Personnel 156
Contracts:Laws 157
Contracts:Leading Member 159
Contracts:Letter of Acceptance 160
Contracts:Letter of Subcontractor’s Offer 163
Contracts:Letter of Tender 164
Contracts:Local Currency 166
Contracts:Local Representative 168
Contracts:Main Agreement 169
Contracts:Main Contract 170
Contracts:Main Contract DAB 171
Contracts:Main Contract Tests on Completion 172
Contracts:Main Works 173
Contracts:Maintenance Retention Fund 174
Contracts:Maintenance Retention Guarantee 175
Contracts:Materials 176
Contracts:Member Representative 179
Contracts:Members 180
Contracts:Month 181
Contracts:No-objection 182
Contracts:Notice 183
Contracts:Notice of Dissatisfaction 185
Contracts:Operating Licence 186
Contracts:Operation and Maintenance Plan 187
Contracts:Operation Management Requirements 188
Contracts:Operation Service 189
Contracts:Operation Service Period 190
Contracts:Part 191
Contracts:Particular Conditions 192
Contracts:Parties 193
Contracts:Party 194
Contracts:Payment Certificate 197
Contracts:Performance Certificate 198
Contracts:Performance Damages 200
Contracts:Performance Guarantees 201
Contracts:Performance Security 202
Contracts:Permanent Works 204
Contracts:Plant 206
Contracts:Programme 209
Contracts:Project 210
Contracts:Project Director 212
Contracts:Project Manager 213
Contracts:Proposal 214
Contracts:Provisional Sum 215
Contracts:QM System 218
Contracts:Rates and Prices 219
Contracts:Retention Money 220
Contracts:Retention Period 222
Contracts:Review 223
Contracts:Risk of Damage 224
Contracts:Risk Transfer Date 225
Contracts:Schedule of Guarantees 226
Contracts:Schedule of Payment Currencies 227
Contracts:Schedule of Payments 228
Contracts:Schedule of Performance Guarantees 230
Contracts:Schedule of Prices 231
Contracts:Schedule of Rates and Prices 232
Contracts:Schedules 233
Contracts:Section 235
Contracts:Section Commissioning Certificate 237
Contracts:Services 238
Contracts:Services Agreement 240
Contracts:Services Manager 241
Contracts:Site 242
Contracts:Special Provisions 245
Contracts:Specification 246
Contracts:Statement 248
Contracts:Steering Committee 250
Contracts:Sub-Consultancy Agreement 251
Contracts:Sub-Consultancy Services 252
Contracts:Sub-Consultant 253
Contracts:Sub-Consultant’s Programme 254
Contracts:Subcontract 255
Contracts:Subcontract Agreement 256
Contracts:Subcontract Bill of Quantities 257
Contracts:Subcontract Commencement Date 258
Contracts:Subcontract DAB 259
Contracts:Subcontract Defects Notification Period 260
Contracts:Subcontract Drawings 261
Contracts:Subcontract Goods 262
Contracts:Subcontract Performance Security 263
Contracts:Subcontract Plant 264
Contracts:Subcontract Price 265
Contracts:Subcontract Programme 266
Contracts:Subcontract Section 267
Contracts:Subcontract Specification 268
Contracts:Subcontract Tests on Completion 269
Contracts:Subcontract Time for Completion 270
Contracts:Subcontract Variation 271
Contracts:Subcontract Works 272
Contracts:Subcontractor 273
Contracts:Subcontractor’s Documents 276
Contracts:Subcontractor’s Equipment 277
Contracts:Subcontractor’s Offer 278
Contracts:Subcontractor’s Personnel 279
Contracts:Subcontractor’s Representative 280
Contracts:Taking-Over Certificate 281
Contracts:Temporary Works 283
Contracts:Tender 285
Contracts:Tests after Completion 288
Contracts:Tests on Completion 290
Contracts:Tests on Completion of Design-Build 292
Contracts:Tests Prior to Contract Completion 293
Contracts:Third party 294
Contracts:Time for Completion 295
Contracts:Time for Completion of Design-Build 298
Contracts:Unforeseeable 299
Contracts:Variation 301
Contracts:Variation Notice 304
Contracts:Variation Order 305
Contracts:Works 306
Contracts:Works Contract 309
Contracts:Written 310
Contracts:Year 311

Article Sources and Contributors 313
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 319
Contracts:Accepted Contract Amount 1

Contracts:Accepted Contract Amount

Term Info
Accepted Contract Amount

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-11

Accepted Contract Amount means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The amount accepted in the Letter of Acceptance for the execution of the Works in accordance with the Contract.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The amount accepted in the Letter of Acceptance for the execution of the Works in accordance with the Contract.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

The amount stated in the Agreement for the execution of the Works.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The amount accepted in the Letter of Acceptance for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying
of any defects.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Accepted Contract Amount 2

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The amount accepted in the Letter of Acceptance for the Design-Build of the Works and the provision of the
Operation Service, including the amount of the Asset Replacement Fund.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The amount accepted in the Letter of Acceptance for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying
of any defects.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The amount accepted in the Letter of Acceptance for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying
of any defects.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Accepted Subcontract Amount 3

Contracts:Accepted Subcontract Amount

Term Info
Accepted Subcontract Amount

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Accepted Subcontract Amount means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The amount accepted in the Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance for the execution and completion of the Subcontract
Works and the remedying of any defects.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Advance Payment Certificate 4

Contracts:Advance Payment Certificate

Term Info
Advance Payment Certificate

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-14

Advanced Payment Certficate means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A Payment Certificate issued by the Engineer for advance payment under Sub-Clause 14.2.2 [Advance Payment

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A Payment Certificate issued by the Engineer for advance payment under Sub-Clause 14.2.2 [Advance Payment

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Advance Payment Guarantee 5

Contracts:Advance Payment Guarantee

Term Info
Advance Payment Guarantee

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Advanced Payment Certficate means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The guarantee under Sub-Clause 14.2.1 [Advance Payment Guarantee].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The guarantee under Sub-Clause 14.2.1 [Advance Payment Guarantee].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The guarantee under Sub-Clause 14.2.1 [Advance Payment Guarantee].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Agreed Compensation 6

Contracts:Agreed Compensation
Term Info
Agreed Compensation

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-07-04

Agreed Compensation means :

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

Additional sums as defined in Appendix 3 [ Remuneration and Payment ] which are payable under the Agreement.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3rd edition 1999)

Additional sums as defined in the Particular Conditions which are payable under the Agreement.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement (1st edition 1992)

Additional sums which are payable under the Agreement

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Agreement 7

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Agreement means :

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The agreement entered into between the Client and the Consultant for the performance of Services in relation to the

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The Form of Agreement together with the Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (General Conditions and
Particular Conditions), Appendix 1 [Scope of Services], Appendix 2 [Personnel, Equipment, Facilities and Services
of Others to be Provided by the Client], Appendix 3 [Remuneration and Payment], Appendix 4 [Programme] and
Appendix 5 [Rules for Adjudication] and any letters of offer and acceptance attached to any of the above.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

The Conditions of the Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (General Conditions and Particular Conditions)
together with Appendix 1 [Scope of Services ], Appendix 2 [Personnel, Equipment, Facilities and Services of Others
to be Provided by the Client], Appendix 3 [Remuneration and Payment], Appendix 4 [Time Schedule for Services ],
and any letters of offer and acceptance, or otherwise as specified in the Particular Conditions.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3rd edition 1999)

The Conditions comprising the Conditions of the Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (General Conditions
and Particular Conditions) together with Appendix A (Scope of Services), Appendix B (Personnel, Equipment,
Facilities and Services of Others to be provided by the Client), Appendix C (Remuneration and Payment), Letter of
Acceptance and Formal Agreement if completed, or otherwise as specified in the Particular Conditions.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Agreement 8

Sub-Consultancy Agreement (1st edition 1992)

This Sub-Consultancy Agreement between the Consultant and the Sub-Consultant including Schedules 1,2,3 and 4
attached hereto and made a part hereof.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Annex 9

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Annex means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The document entitled annex attached to the Particular Conditions of Subcontract, completed by the Contractor
and/or the Subcontractor, as included in the Subcontract. “Annex A” means the document entitled Annex A attached
to the Particular Conditions of Subcontract, and similarly for “Annex B”, “Annex C”, and so on. All the annexes
attached to the Particular Conditions of Subcontract are referred to jointly as the “Annexes”.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Appendix to Tender 10

Contracts:Appendix to Tender
Term Info
Appendix to Tender

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-07-04

Appendix to Tender means :

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The completed pages entitled appendix to tender which are appended to and form part of the Letter of Tender.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The completed pages entitled appendix to tender which are appended to and form part of the Letter of Tender.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The completed appendix comprised in the Tender.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The appendix comprised in the form of Tender annexed to these Conditions.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Appendix to the Subcontractors Offer 11

Contracts:Appendix to the Subcontractor’s Offer

Term Info
Appendix to the Subcontractor’s Offer

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Appendix to the Subcontractor’s Offer means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The completed pages entitled appendix to the subcontractor’s offer which are appended to and form part of the
Subcontractor’s Offer.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Asset Replacement Fund 12

Contracts:Asset Replacement Fund

Term Info
Asset Replacement Fund

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

Asset Replacement Fund means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The fund provided for under Sub- Clause 14.18 [Asset Replacement Fund].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Asset Replacement Schedule 13

Contracts:Asset Replacement Schedule

Term Info
Asset Replacement Schedule

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Asset Replacement Schedule means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The schedule referred to in Sub-Clause 14.5 [Asset Replacement Schedule] prepared by the Contractor covering the
identification and timing of asset replacements.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Auditing Body 14

Contracts:Auditing Body
Term Info
Auditing Body

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Auditing Body means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The independent and impartial body appointed to conduct the Independent Compliance Audit in accordance with
Sub- Clause 10.3 [Independent Compliance Audit].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Background Intellectual Property 15

Contracts:Background Intellectual Property

Term Info
Background Intellectual Property

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Background Intellectual Property means :

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

In respect of each Party, the Intellectual Property owned by or otherwise in the possession of that Party at the
Commencement Date.

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

In respect of each Party, the Intellectual Property owned by or otherwise in the possession of that Party at the
Commencement Date.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Bank 16

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-25-07

Bank is means :

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The financing institution (if any) named in the Contract Data.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Base Date 17

Contracts:Base Date
Term Info
Base Date

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Base Date means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The date 28 days before the latest date for submission of the Tender.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The date 28 days before the latest date for submission of the Tender.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The date 28 days before the latest date for submission of the Tender.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

The date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of the tender.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of the Tender.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Base Date 18

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of the Tender.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission and completion of the Tender.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of the Tender.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission and completion of the Tender.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of the Tender for acceptance by the Employer.
“Effective Date” means the date on which the Contract entered into legal force and effect.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Bill of Quantities 19

Contracts:Bill of Quantities
Term Info
Bill of Quantities

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-07

Bill of Quantities means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The document entitled bill of quantities (if any) included in the Schedules.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The documents so named (if any) which are comprised in the schedules.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The documents so named (if any) which are comprised in the schedules.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The priced and completed bill of quantities forming part of the tender.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Borrower 20

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-25-07

Borrower means :

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The person (if any) named as the borrower in the Contract Data.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Claim 21

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Claim means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A request or assertion by one Party to the other Party for an entitlement or relief under any Clause of these
Conditions or otherwise in connection with, or arising out of, the Contract or the execution of the Works.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A request or assertion by one Party to the other Party for an entitlement or relief under any Clause of these
Conditions or otherwise in connection with, or arising out of, the Contract or the execution of the Works.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
A request or assertion by one Party to the other Party for an entitlement or relief under any Clause of these
Conditions or otherwise in connection with, or arising out of, the Contract or the execution of the Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Client 22

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-06

Client means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The person, firm, company or body named as such in Appendix 1 [Particular Conditions], its legal successors or
permitted assigns.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The entity named in the Form of Sub-Consultancy Agreement and legal successors to the Client and permitted
assignees, who has engaged the Consultant to carry out Services in respect to the Project.

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The Party named in the Form of Agreement and legal successors to the Client and permitted assignees.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

The Party named in the Agreement, who employs the Consultant, and legal successors to the Client and permitted

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3rd edition 1999)

The party named in the Agreement, who employs the Consultant, and legal successors to the Client and permitted

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The person, firm, company or body named in Schedule 1 and none other, except its legal successors and permitted

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Client 23

Sub-Consultancy Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The person, firm, company or body named in Schedule 1 that has appointed the Consultant to provide consultancy

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Clients Representative 24

Contracts:Client’s Representative
Term Info
Client’s Representative

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-10-21

Client’s Representative means:

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The person referred to in the Particular Conditions, or appointed from time to time by the Client, and communicated
by Notice to the Consultant to be its representative for the administration of the Agreement.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Commencement Date 25

Contracts:Commencement Date
Term Info
Commencement Date

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Commencement Date means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The date as stated in the Engineer’s Notice issued under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Works].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The date as stated in the Engineer’s Notice issued under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Works].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The date as stated in the Employer’s Notice issued under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Works].

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The date stated in the Particular Conditions or where no date is identified then the Commencement Date shall be 14
days after the Effective Date.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Commencement Date 26

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The date identified in the Particular Conditions; where no date is identified then the Commencement Date shall be 14
days after the Effective Date.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

The date specified in the Contract Data.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The date notified under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Works].

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The date notified under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement Date].

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

The date stated in the Particular Conditions.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

The date 28 days after the date the Agreement comes into effect or any other date agreed between the Parties.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The date notified under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Works].

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The date notified under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Works], unless otherwise defined in the Contract

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Commencement Date 27

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The date notified under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Works].

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

The date 14 days after the date the Agreement comes into effect or any other date agreed between the Parties.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The date on which the Contractor receives the notice to commence issued by the Employer’s Representative under
Sub-Clause 8.1.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

1. The date specified in the Preamble as the date for commencement of the Works, or
2. The date when the Contractor receives such payment in advance of the commencement of the Works as may be
specified in the terms of payment, or
3. The date when the Contractor receives notice of the issue of any import licence necessary for commencing
performance of the Contract, or
4. The date when the Contractor receives notice that any legal requirements necessary for the Contract to enter into
force have been fulfilled, or
5. The date when the Contractor receives notice that any necessary financial or administrative requirements
specified in Part II as conditions precedent to commencement have been fulfilled.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The date upon which the Contractor receives the notice to commence issued by the Engineer pursuant to Clause 41.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Commercial Risk 28

Contracts:Commercial Risk
Term Info
Commercial Risk

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Commercial Risk means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
A risk which results in financial loss and/or time loss for either of the Parties, where insurance is not generally or
commercially available.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Commissioning Certificate 29

Contracts:Commissioning Certificate
Term Info
Commissioning Certificate

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Commissioning Certificate means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The certificate issued by the Employer’s Representative to the Contractor under Sub-Clause 11.7 [Commissioning
Certificate] marking the end of the Design-Build Period under Sub-Clause 9.12 [Completion of Design-Build] and
the commencement of the Operation Service Period.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Commissioning Period 30

Contracts:Commissioning Period
Term Info
Commissioning Period

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Commissioning Period means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
That period of time when commissioning tests are being carried out.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Compliance Verification System 31

Contracts:Compliance Verification System

Term Info
Compliance Verification System

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Compliance Verification System means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The compliance verification system to be prepared and implemented by the Contractor for the Works in accordance
with Sub-Clause 4.9.2 [Compliance Verification System].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The compliance verification system to be prepared and implemented by the Contractor for the Works in accordance
with Sub-Clause 4.9.2 [Compliance Verification System].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The compliance verification system to be prepared and implemented by the Contractor for the Works in accordance
with Sub-Clause 4.9.2 [Compliance Verification System].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Conditions 32

Term Info

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-04-04

Conditions means :

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The Preamble to and these Conditions of Contract, Parts I and II.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Conditions of Contract 33

Contracts:Conditions of Contract
Term Info
Conditions of Contract

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Conditions of Contract or "these Conditions" means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

These General Conditions as amended by the Particular Conditions.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

These General Conditions as amended by the Particular Conditions.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
These General Conditions as amended by the Particular Conditions.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Confidential Information 34

Contracts:Confidential Information
Term Info
Confidential Information

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2017-11-02

Confidential Information means:

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

All information, specifically identified by the disclosing Party (or the Client under the Agreement) as confidential at
the time of disclosure or information that a reasonable person would consider from the nature of the said information
and circumstances to be confidential, including without limitation confidential or proprietary information, trade
secrets, data, documents, communications, plans, know-how, formulas, designs, calculations, test results, specimens,
drawings, studies, specifications, surveys, photographs, software, processes, programmes, reports, maps, models,
agreements, ideas, methods, discoveries, inventions, patents, concepts, research, development, and business and
financial information.

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

All information specifically identified by the disclosing Party as confidential at the time of disclosure, or information
that a reasonable person would consider from the nature of the said information and circumstances to be confidential,
including without limitation confidential or proprietary information, trade secrets, data, documents, communications,
plans, know-how, formulas, designs, calculations, test results, specimens, drawings, studies, specifications, surveys,
photographs, software, processes, programmes, reports, maps, models, agreements, ideas, methods, discoveries,
inventions, patents, concepts, research, development, and business and financial information.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Construction Documents 35

Contracts:Construction Documents
Term Info
Construction Documents

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-06-04

Construction Documents means :

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

All drawings, calculations, computer software (programs), samples, patterns, models, operation and maintenance
manuals, and other manuals and information of a similar nature, to be submitted by the Contractor.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Consultant 36

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Consultant means :

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The professional firm or individual named in the Form of Sub-Consultancy Agreement and legal successors to the
Consultant and permitted assignees.

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The professional firm or individual named in the Form of Agreement and legal successors to the Consultant and
permitted assignees.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

The professional firm or individual named in the Agreement, who is employed by the Client to perform the Services,
and legal successors to the Consultant and permitted assignees.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3rd edition 1999)

The party named in the Agreement, who is employed as an independent professional firm by the Client to perform
the Services, and legal successors to the Consultant and permitted assignees.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Consultants Programme 37

Contracts:Consultant’s Programme
Term Info
Consultant’s Programme

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Consultant’s Programme means:

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The Consultant’s Programme submitted to the Client under the Client / Consultant Agreement.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Consultants Representative 38

Contracts:Consultant’s Representative
Term Info
Consultant’s Representative

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2017-11-02

Consultant’s Representative means:

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The person referred to in the Particular Conditions, or appointed from time to time by the Consultant, and
communicated by Notice to the Sub-Consultant to be its representative for the administration of the Sub-Consultancy

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The person referred to in the Particular Conditions or appointed from time to time by the Consultant, and
communicated by Notice to the Client to be its representative for the administration of the Agreement.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contract 39

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Contract means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The Contract Agreement, the Letter of Acceptance, the Letter of Tender, any addenda referred to in the Contract
Agreement, these Conditions, the Specification, the Drawings, the Schedules, the JV Undertaking (if applicable) and
the further documents (if any)which are listed in the Contract Agreement or in the Letter of Acceptance.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The Contract Agreement, the Letter of Acceptance, the Letter of Tender, any addenda referred to in the Contract
Agreement, these Conditions, the Employer’s Requirements, the Schedules, the Contractor’s Proposal, the JV
Undertaking (if applicable) and the further documents (if any) which are listed in the Contract Agreement or in the
Letter of Acceptance.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contract 40

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The Contract Agreement, any addenda referred to in the Contract Agreement, these Conditions, the Employer's
Requirements, the Schedules, the Tender, the JV Undertaking (if applicable) and the further documents (if any)
which are listed in the Contract Agreement.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

The Agreement and the other documents listed in the Contract Data.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The Contract Agreement, the Letter of Acceptance, the Letter of Tender, these Conditions, the Specification, the
Drawings, the Schedules, and the further documents (if any) which are listed in the Contract Agreement or in the
Letter of Acceptance.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The Contract Agreement, the Letter of Acceptance, the Letter of Tender, these Conditions, the Employer's
Requirements, the Schedules, the Contractor's Proposal, the Operating Licence, and the further documents (if any)
which are listed in the Contract Agreement or in the Letter of Acceptance.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

The Agreement and the other documents listed in the Appendix.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The Contract Agreement, the Letter of Acceptance, the Letter of Tender, these Conditions, the Employer's
Requirements, the Schedules, the Contractor's Proposal and the further documents (if any) which are listed in the
Contract Agreement or in the Letter of Acceptance.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contract 41

Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (1st edition 1999)

The Contract Agreement, these Conditions, the Employer's Requirements, the Tender, and the further documents (if
any) which are listed in the Contract Agreement.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The Contract Agreement, the Letter of Acceptance, the Letter of Tender, these Conditions, the Employer's
Requirements, the Schedules, the Contractor's Proposal and the further documents (if any) which are listed in the
Contract Agreement or in the Letter of Acceptance.

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

The Agreement and the other documents listed in the Appendix.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

These Conditions of Contract (Parts I and II), the Employer’s Requirements, the Tender, the Contractor’s Proposal,
the Schedules, the Letter of Acceptance, the Contract Agreement (if completed) and such further documents as may
be expressly incorporated in the Letter of Acceptance or Contract Agreement (if completed).

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The agreement between the Employer and the Contractor for the execution of the Works incorporating the
Conditions, Specification, Employer’s Drawings and Contractor’s Drawings, priced and completed Schedules,
Tender, Letter of Acceptance and such further documents as may be expressly incorporated by the Letter of

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
These Conditions (Parts I and II), the Specification, the Drawings, the Bill of Quantities, the Tender, the Letter of
Acceptance, the Contract Agreement (if completed) and such further documents as may be expressly incorporated in
the Letter of Acceptance or Contract Agreement (if completed).

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contract Agreement 42

Contracts:Contract Agreement
Term Info
Contract Agreement

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2017-11-17

Contract Agreement means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The agreement entered into by both Parties in accordance with Sub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The agreement entered into by both Parties in accordance with Sub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The agreement entered into by both Parties in accordance with Sub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement], including any
annexed memoranda.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The contract agreement referred to in Sub- Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contract Agreement 43

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The contract Agreement (if any) referred to in Sub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement].

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The contract Agreement (if any) entered into in accordance with Sub-Clause 1.3 [Contract Agreement].

Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (1st edition 1999)

The contract agreement referred to in Sub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement], including any annexed memoranda.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The Contract Agreement (if any) entered into in accordance with Sub-Clause 1.3 [Contract Agreement].

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The contract agreement (if any) referred to in Sub-Clause 1.5.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The document recording the terms of the Contract between the Employer and the Contractor.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The contract agreement (if any) referred to in Sub-Clause 9.1.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contract Completion Certificate 44

Contracts:Contract Completion Certificate

Term Info
Contract Completion Certificate

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Contract Completion Certificate means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The certificate issued by the Employer’s Representative under Sub-Clause 8.6 [Contract Completion Certificate].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contract Completion Date 45

Contracts:Contract Completion Date

Term Info
Contract Completion Date

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Contract Completion Date means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The date contained in the Contract Completion Certificate as being the date on which the Operation Service has been

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contract Data 46

Contracts:Contract Data
Term Info
Contract Data

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Contract Data means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The pages, entitled contract data which constitute Part A of the Particular Conditions.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The pages, entitled contract data which constitute Part A of the Particular Conditions.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The pages, entitled contract data which constitute Part A of the Particular Conditions.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The pages completed by the Employer entitled contract data which constitute Part A of the Particular Conditions.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The pages completed by the Employer entitled Contract Data which constitute Part A of the Particular Conditions.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contract Period 47

Contracts:Contract Period
Term Info
Contract Period

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-06-04

Contract Period means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The Design-Build Period plus the Operation Service Period.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The period from the Commencement Date to the date 365 days after the date on which the whole of the Works shall
have been completed as certified by the Employer’s Representative under Clause 10 (or as extended under
Sub-Clause 12.3).

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contract Price 48

Contracts:Contract Price
Term Info
Contract Price

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Contract Price means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The price defined in Sub-Clause 14.1 [The Contract Price].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The price defined in Sub-Clause 14.1 [The Contract Price].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The agreed amount stated in the Contract Agreement for the execution of the Works, and includes adjustments (if
any) in accordance with the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The price defined in Sub-Clause 14.1 [The Contract Price], and includes adjustments in accordance with the

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contract Price 49

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The price defined in Sub-Clause 14.1 [The Contract Price], and includes adjustments in accordance with the

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The price defined in Sub-Clause 14.1 [The Contract Price], and includes adjustments in accordance with the

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The agreed amount stated in the Contract Agreement for the design, execution and completion of the Works and the
remedying of any defects, and includes adjustments (if any) in accordance with the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The price defined in Sub-Clause 14.1 [The Contract Price], and includes adjustments in accordance with the

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The sum stated in the Letter of Acceptance as payable to the Contractor for the design, execution and completion of
the Works and the remedying of any defects in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The sum stated in the Letter of Acceptance as payable to the Contractor for the execution of the Works.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The sum stated in the Letter of Acceptance as payable to the Contractor for the execution and completion of the
Works and the remedying of any defects therein in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractor 50

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-14

Contractor means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The person(s) named as contractor in the Letter of Tender accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title
of such person(s).

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The person(s) named as contractor in the Letter of Tender accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title
of such person(s).

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Projects (2nd edition 2017)
The person(s) named as contractor in the Contract Agreement and the legal successors in title of such person(s).

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractor 51

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

The person named in the Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The person(s) named as contractor in the Letter of Tender accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title
to this person(s).

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The person named as contractor in the Appendix to Subcontractor’s Offer and the legal successors in title to such
person, but not (except with the consent of the Subcontractor) any assignee of such person.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The person named as Contractor in the Letter of Tender accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title to
this person.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

The person named in the Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person, but not (except with the consent
of the Employer) any assignee.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The person or persons named collectively as Contractor in the Letter of tender accepted by the Employer and the
legal successors in title to such person or persons.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractor 52

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The person(s) named as contractor in the Contract Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person(s).

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The person or persons named collectively as Contractor in the Letter of tender accepted by the Employer and the
legal successors in title to such person or persons.

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

The person named in the Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person, but not (except with the consent
of the Employer) any assignee.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The person whose Tender has been accepted by he Employer and the legal successors in title to such person, but not
(except with the consent of the Employer) any assignee of such person.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The person whose tender has been accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title to the Contractor but
not (except with the consent of the Employer) any assignee of the Contractor.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The person whose tender has been accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title to such person, but not
(except with the consent of the Employer) any assignee of such person.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

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Contracts:Contractors Documents 53

Contracts:Contractor’s Documents
Term Info
Contractor’s Documents

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Contractor’s Documents means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The documents prepared by the Contractor as described in Sub-Clause 4.4 [Contractor’s Documents] , including
calculations, digital files, computer programs and other software, drawings, manuals, models, specifications and
other documents of a technical nature.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The documents prepared by the Contractor as described in Sub-Clause 5.2 [Contractor’s Documents], including
calculations, digital files, computer programs and other software, drawings, manuals, models, specifications and
other documents of a technical nature.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The documents prepared by the Contractor as described in Sub-Clause 5.2 [Contractor's Documents], including
calculations, digital files, computer programs and other software, drawings, manuals, models, specifications and
other documents of a technical nature.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The calculations, computer programs and other software, drawings, manuals, models and other documents of a
technical nature (if any) supplied by the Contractor under the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Documents 54

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The calculations, computer programs and other software, drawings, manuals, models and other documents of a
technical nature supplied by the Contractor under the Contract; as described in Sub-Clause 5.2 [Contractor's

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The calculations, computer programs and other software, drawings, manuals, models and other documents of a
technical nature (if any) supplied by the Contractor under the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The calculations, computer programs and other software, drawings, manuals, models and other documents of a
technical nature (if any) supplied by the Contractor under the Contract; as described in Sub-Clause 5.2 [Contractor’s

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The calculations, computer programs and other software, drawings, manuals, models and other documents of a
technical nature supplied by the Contractor under the Contract; as described in Sub-Clause 5.2 [Contractor's

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Drawings 55

Contracts:Contractor’s Drawings
Term Info
Contractor’s Drawings

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-04-04

Contractor’s Drawings means :

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

All drawings, samples, patterns, models and operation and maintenance manuals to be submitted by the Contractor in
accordance with Clause 6.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Equipment 56

Contracts:Contractor’s Equipment
Term Info
Contractor’s Equipment

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Contractor’s Equipment means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

All apparatus, equipment, machinery, construction plant, vehicles and other items required by the Contractor for the
execution of the Works. Contractor's Equipment excludes Temporary Works, Plant, Materials and any other things
intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

All apparatus, equipment, machinery, construction plant, vehicles and other items required by the Contractor for the
execution of the Works. Contractor’s Equipment excludes Temporary Works, Plant, Materials and any other things
intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
All apparatus, equipment, machinery, construction plant, vehicles and other items required by the Contractor for the
execution of the Works. Contractor's Equipment excludes Temporary Works, Plant, Materials and any other things
intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

All apparatus, machinery, vehicles, vessels, facilities and other things required for the execution of the Works but
does not include Materials or Permanent Plant.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Equipment 57

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
All apparatus, machinery, vehicles and other things required for the execution and completion of the Works and the
remedying of any defects. However, Contractor’s Equipment excludes Temporary Works, Employer’s Equipment (if
any), Plant, Materials and any other things intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
All apparatus, machinery, vehicles and other things required for the execution and completion of the Works and the
remedying of any defects. However, Contractor's Equipment excludes Temporary Works, Employer’s Equipment (if
any), Plant, Materials and any other things intended to form or forming part of the Works.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

All apparatus, machinery, vehicles, vessels, facilities and other things required for the execution of the Works but
does not include Materials or Plant.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

All apparatus, machinery, vehicles and other things required for the execution and completion of the Works and the
remedying of any defects. However, Contractor’s Equipment excludes Temporary Works, Employer’s Equipment (if
any), Plant, Materials and any other things intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

All apparatus, machinery, vehicles and other things required for the execution and completion of the Works and the
remedying of any defects. However, Contractor’s Equipment excludes Temporary Works, Employer’s Equipment (if
any), Plant, Materials and any other things intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
All apparatus, machinery, vehicles and other things required for the execution and completion of the Works and the
remedying of any defects. However, Contractor's Equipment excludes Temporary Works, Employer's Equipment (if
any), Plant Materials and any other things intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Equipment 58

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

All apparatus, machinery, vehicles, facilities and other things required for the execution of the Works but does not
include Materials or Plant.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

All machinery, apparatus and other things (other than Temporary Works) required for the execution and completion
of the Works and the remedying of any defects, but does not include Plant, Materials, or other things intended to
form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

All appliances or things of whatsoever nature required for the purposes of the Works but does not include Plant.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
All appliances and things of whatsoever nature (other than Temporary Works) required for the execution and
completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein, but does not include Plant, materials or other
things intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Instruction 59

Contracts:Contractor’s Instruction
Term Info
Contractor’s Instruction

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Contractor’s Instruction means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

An instruction given by the Contractor’s Subcontract Representative in accordance with Sub- Clause 3.1
[Contractor’s Instructions].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Letter of Acceptance 60

Contracts:Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance

Term Info
Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The letter of formal acceptance signed by the Contractor of the Subcontractor’s Offer, including any appended
memoranda comprising agreements between and signed by both Parties.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Personnel 61

Contracts:Contractor’s Personnel
Term Info
Contractor’s Personnel

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Contractor’s Personnel means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The Contractor’s Representative and all personnel whom the Contractor utilises on Site or other places where the
Works are being carried out, including the staff, labour and other employees of the Contractor and of each
Subcontractor; and any other personnel assisting the Contractor in the execution of the Works.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The Contractor’s Representative and all personnel whom the Contractor utilises on Site or other places where the
Works are being carried out, including the staff, labour and other employees of the Contractor and of each
Subcontractor; and any other personnel assisting the Contractor in the execution of the Works.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The Contractor's Representative and all personnel whom the Contractor utilises on Site or other places where the
Works are being carried out, including the staff, labour and other employees of the Contractor and of each
Subcontractor; and any other personnel assisting the Contractor in the execution of the Works.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The Contractor’s Representative and all personnel whom the Contractor utilises on Site, who may include the staff,
labour and other employees of the Contractor and of each Subcontractor; and any other personnel assisting the
Contractor in the execution of the Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Personnel 62

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The Contractor’s Representative and all personnel whom the Contractor utilises on Site, who may include the staff,
labour and other employees of the Contractor and of each Subcontractor; and any other personnel assisting the
Contractor in the execution of the Works and provision of the Operation Services.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The Contractor’s Representative and all personnel whom the Contractor utilises on Site, who may include the staff,
labour and other employees of the Contractor and of each Subcontractor; and any other personnel assisting the
Contractor in the execution of the Works.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The Contractor´s Representative and all personnel whom the Contractor utilizes on Site. who may include the staff,
labour and other employees of the Contractor and of each Sub-contractor and any other personnel assisting the
Contractor in the execution of the Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Proposal 63

Contracts:Contractor’s Proposal
Term Info
Contractor’s Proposal

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-14

Contractor’s Proposal means :

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The part of the Tender stated or implied as being the Contractor’s proposal for execution of the Works, as included in
the Contract. Such documents may include the Contractor’s preliminary design.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The document entitled proposal, which the Contractor submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included in the

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The document entitled proposal, which the Contractor submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included in the
Contract. Such document may include the Contractor's preliminary design.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The preliminary design submitted with the Tender, as included in the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Representative 64

Contracts:Contractor’s Representative
Term Info
Contractor’s Representative

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Contractor’s Representative means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The natural person named by the Contractor in the Contract or appointed by the Contractor under Sub-Clause 4.3
[Contractor's Representative], who acts on behalf of the Contractor.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The natural person named by the Contractor in the Contract or appointed by the Contractor under Sub-Clause 4.3
[Contractor’s Representative], who acts on behalf of the Contractor.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The natural person named by the Contractor in the Contract or appointed by the Contractor under Sub-Clause 4.3
[Contractor's Representative], who acts on behalf of the Contractor.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Representative 65

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The person named by the Contractor in the Contract or appointed from time to time by the Contractor under Sub-
Clause 4.3 [Contractor’s Representative], who acts on behalf of the Contractor.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The person named as such by the Contractor in the Contract or appointed from time to time by the Contractor under
Sub-Clause 4.3 [Contractor's Representative] who acts on behalf of the Contractor.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The person named by the Contractor in the Contract or appointed from time to time by the Contractor under
Sub-Clause 4.3 [Contractor’s Representative], who acts on behalf of the Contractor.

Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (1st edition 1999)

The person named by the Contractor in the Contract or appointed from time to time by the Contractor under
Sub-Clause 4.3 [Contractor's Representative], who acts on behalf of the Contractor.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The person named by the Contractor in the Contract or appointed from time to time by the Contractor under
Sub-Clause 4.3 [Contractor's Representative], who acts on behalf of the Contractor.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The person (if any) named as such in the Contract or other person appointed from time to time by the Contractor
under Sub-Clause 4.3.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Risks 66

Contracts:Contractor’s Risks
Term Info
Contractor’s Risks

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-04-04

Contractor’s Risks means :

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The risks defined in Sub-Clause 37.3, i.e., The Contractor´s Risks are all risks other than those identified as the
Employer´s Risks.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Contractors Subcontract Representative 67

Contracts:Contractor’s Subcontract
Term Info
Contractor’s Subcontract Representative

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Contractor’s Subcontract Representative means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The person named by the Contractor in the Appendix to the Subcontractor’s Offer or appointed from time to time by
the Contractor under Sub-Clause 6.3 [Contractor’s Subcontract Representative], who acts on behalf of the

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Cost 68

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Cost means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

All expenditure reasonably incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor in performing the Contract, whether on or
off the Site, including taxes, overheads and similar charges, but does not include profit. Where the Contractor is
entitled under a Sub-Clause of these Conditions to payment of Cost, it shall be added to the Contract Price.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

All expenditure reasonably incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor in performing the Contract, whether on or
off the Site, including taxes, overheads and similar charges, but does not include profit. Where the Contractor is
entitled under a Sub-Clause of these Conditions to payment of Cost, it shall be added to the Contract Price.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
All expenditure reasonably incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor in performing the Contract, whether on or
off the Site, including taxes, overheads and similar charges, but does not include profit. Where the Contractor is
entitled under a Sub-Clause of these Conditions to payment of Cost, it shall be added to the Contract Price.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

All expenditure properly incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site, including
overheads and similar charges, but does not include profit.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Cost 69

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
All expenditure reasonably incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site, including
overhead and similar charges, but does not include profit.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
All expenditure reasonably incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site, including
overhead and similar charges, but does not include profit.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

All expenditure properly incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site, including
overheads and similar charges, but does not include profit.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

All expenditure reasonably incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site, including
overhead and similar charges, but does not include profit.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
All expenditure reasonably incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site, including
overhead and similar charges, but does not include profit.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

All expenditure reasonably incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site, including
overhead and similar charges, but does not include profit.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Cost 70

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

All expenditure properly incurred (or to be incurred ) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site, including
overheads and similar charges, but does not include profit.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

All expenditure properly incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site, including
overhead and similar charges, but does not include profit.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
All expenditure properly incurred or to be incurred, whether on or off the Site, including overhead and other charges
properly allocable thereto but does not include any allowance for profit.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Cost Plus Profit 71

Contracts:Cost Plus Profit

Term Info
Cost Plus Profit

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Cost Plus Profit means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

Cost plus the applicable percentage for profit stated in the Contract Data (if not stated, five percent (5%)). Such
percentage shall only be added to Cost, and Cost Plus Profit shall only be added to the Contract Price, where the
Contractor is entitled under a Sub Clause of these Conditions to payment of Cost Plus Profit.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

Cost plus the applicable percentage for profit stated in the Contract Data (if not stated, five percent (5%)). Such a
percentage shall only be added to Cost, and Cost Plus Profit shall only be added to the Contract Price, where the
Contractor is entitled under a Sub-Clause of these Conditions to payment of Cost Plus Profit.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
Cost plus the applicable percentage for profit stated in the Contract Data (if not stated, five percent (5%)). Such
percentage shall only be added to Cost, and Cost Plus Profit shall only be added to the Contract Price, where the
Contractor is entitled under a Sub-Clause of these Conditions to payment of Cost Plus Profit.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
Cost plus the applicable percentage agreed and stated in the Contract Data. Such percentage shall only be added
where the Sub-Clause states that the Contractor is entitled to Cost Plus Profit.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Country 72

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Country means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The country in which the Site (or most of it) is located, where the Permanent Works are to be executed.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The country in which the Site (or most of it) is located, where the Permanent Works are to be executed.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Projects (2nd edition 2017)
The country in which the Site (or most of it) is located, where the Permanent Works are to be executed.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The country named in Appendix 1 [Particular Conditions] where the Project or work to be carried out is located.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The country named in the Particular Conditions or, where no country is mentioned, the country where the Project
site, or the main project site as the case may be, is located.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Country 73

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The country named in the Particular Conditions or, where no country is mentioned, the country where the Project
site, or the main project site as the case may be, is located.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

The country in which the Site (or most of it) is located where the permanent works are to be executed.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The country in which the Site (or most of it) is located, where the Permanent Works are to be executed.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The country in which the Site (or most of it) is located, where the Permanent Works are to be executed.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

The country to which the Project (or most of it) relates.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

The country in which the Site is located.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The country in which the Site (or most of it) is located, where the Permanent Works are to be executed.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The country in which the Site (or most of it) is located, where the Permanent Works are to be executed.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Country 74

The country in which the Site (or most of it) is located, where the Permanent Works are to be executed.

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

The country in which the Site is located.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The country in which the Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The country named in Schedule 1 where the Project is located.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The country named in Schedule 1 where the Project is located.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Cut-Off Date 75

Contracts:Cut-Off Date
Term Info
Cut-Off Date

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Cut-Off Date means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The date, at the end of a specified period stated in the Contract Data, after the Time for Completion of the
Design-Build or any extension thereto granted under Sub-Clause 9.3 [Extension of Time for Completion of

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:CV System 76

Contracts:CV System
Term Info
CV System

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2016-25-02

CV System means :

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The compliance verification system to be prepared and implemented by the Contractor for the Works in accordance
with Sub-Clause 4.9.2 [Compliance Verification System].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:DAAB Agreement 77

Contracts:DAAB Agreement
Term Info
DAAB Agreement

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

DAAB Agreement means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The agreement signed or deemed to have been signed by both Parties and the sole member or each of the three
members (as the case may be) of the DAAB in accordance with Sub-Clause 21.1 [Constitution of the DAAB] or
Sub-Clause 21.2 [Failure to Appoint DAAB Member(s)], incorporating by reference the General Conditions of
Dispute Avoidance/Adjudication Agreement contained in the Appendix to these General Conditions with such
amendments as are agreed.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The agreement signed or deemed to have been signed by both Parties and the sole member or each of the three
members (as the case may be) of the DAAB in accordance with Sub-Clause 21.1 [Constitution of the DAAB] or
Sub-Clause 21.2 [Failure to Appoint DAAB Member(s)], incorporating by reference the General Conditions of
Dispute Avoidance/Adjudication Agreement contained in the Appendix to these General Conditions with such
amendments as are agreed.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The agreement signed or deemed to have been signed by both Parties and the sole member or each of the three
members (as the case may be) of the DAAB in accordance with Sub-Clause 21.1 [Constitution of the DAAB] or
Sub-Clause 21.2 [Failure to Appoint DAAB Member(s)], incorporating by reference the General Conditions of
Dispute Avoidance/Adjudication Agreement contained in the Appendix to these General Conditions with such
amendments as are agreed.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:DAB 78

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-24

DAB or "Dispute Adjudication Board" means :

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

The dispute adjudication board referred to in Clause 15 [Resolution of Disputes].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The person or three persons appointed under Sub-Clause 20.2 [Appointment of the Dispute Board] or Sub-Clause
20.3 [Failure to Agree on the Composition of the Dispute Board].

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The person or three persons so named in the Contract, or other person(s) appointed under Sub-Clause 20.3
[Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board] or Sub-Clause 20.4 [Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication
Board], or Sub-Clause 20.10 [Disputes Arising During the Operation Service Period].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:DAB 79

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

The dispute adjudication board referred to in Clause 15.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The person or three persons so named in the Contract, or other person(s) appointed under Sub-Clause 20.2
[Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board] or Sub-Clause 20.3 [Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The person or three persons so named in the Contract, or other person(s) appointed under Sub-Clause 20.2
[Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board] or Sub-Clause 20.3 [Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The person or three persons so named in the Contract, or other person(s) appointed under Sub-Clause 20.2
[Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board] or Sub-Clause 20.3 [Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The person or persons named as such in the Contract, or other person or persons appointed from time to time under
Sub-Clause 20.3.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Date of Completion 80

Contracts:Date of Completion
Term Info
Date of Completion

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Date of Completion means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The date stated in the Taking-Over Certificate issued by the Engineer; or, if the last paragraph of Sub-Clause 10.1
[Taking Over the Works and Sections] applies, the date on which the Works or Section are deemed to have been
completed in accordance with the Contract; or, if Sub-Clause 10.2 [Taking Over Parts] or Sub-Clause 10.3.
[Interference with Tests on Completion] applies, the date on which the Works or Section or Part are deemed to have
been taken over by the Employer.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The date stated in the Taking-Over Certificate issued by the Engineer; or, if the last paragraph of Sub-Clause 10.1
[Taking Over the Works and Sections] applies, the date on which the Works or Section are deemed to have been
completed in accordance with the Contract; or, if Sub-Clause 10.2 [Taking Over Parts] or Sub-Clause 10.3.
[Interference with Tests on Completion] applies, the date on which the Works or Section or Part are deemed to have
been taken over by the Employer.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The date stated in the Taking-Over Certificate issued by the Employer; or, if the last paragraph of Sub-Clause 10.1
[Taking Over the Works and Sections] applies, the date on which the Works or Section are deemed to have been
completed in accordance with the Contract; or, if taking over of part(s) of the Works is permitted under Sub-Clause
10.2 [Taking Over of Parts of the Works], the date on which such part(s) are taken over or used by the Employer.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Day 81

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Day means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A calendar day.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A calendar day.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
A calendar day.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

A calendar day.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

A calendar day.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Day 82

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

A calendar day.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

A calendar day.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
A calendar day and “year” means 365 days.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
A calendar day.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

A calendar day.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Day 83

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

A calendar day.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3rd edition 1999)

The period between any one midnight and the next.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

A calendar day and “year” means 365 days.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
A calendar day and "year" means 365 days.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

A calendar day and "year" means 365 days.

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

A calendar day.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

A calendar day and “year” means 365 days.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The period between any one midnight and the next.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
Calendar day.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Daywork Schedule 84

Contracts:Daywork Schedule
Term Info
Daywork Schedule

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Daywork Schedule means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The document entitled daywork schedule (if any) included in the Contract, showing the amounts and manner of
payments to be made to the Contractor for labour, materials and equipment used for daywork under Sub-Clause 13.5

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The document entitled daywork schedule (if any) included in the Contract, showing the amounts and manner of
payments to be made to the Contractor for labour, materials and equipment used for daywork under Sub-Clause 13.5

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The document entitled daywork schedule (if any) included in the Contract, showing the amounts and manner of
payments to be made to the Contractor for labour, materials and equipment used for daywork under Sub-Clause 13.5

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The documents so named (if any) which are comprised in the Schedules.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The documents so named (if any) which are comprised in the Schedules.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Defects Liability Certificate 85

Contracts:Defects Liability Certificate

Term Info
Defects Liability Certificate

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-04-04

Defects Liability Certificate means :

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The certificate to be issued by the Engineer to the Contractor in accordance with Sub-Clause 30.11.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

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Contracts:Defects Liability Period 86

Contracts:Defects Liability Period

Term Info
Defects Liability Period

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-04-04

Defects Liability Period means :

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

One year or the period stated in Part II following taking over, during which the Contractor is responsible for making
good defects and damage in accordance with Clause 30.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

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printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Defects Notification Period 87

Contracts:Defects Notification Period

Term Info
Defects Notification Period

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Defects Notification Period or DNP means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The period for notifying defects and/or damage in the Works or a Section or a Part (as the case may be) under
Sub-Clause 11.1 [Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects], as stated in the Contract Data (if not
stated, one year), and as may be extended under Sub-Clause 11.3 [Extension of Defects Notification Period]. This
period is calculated from the Date of Completion of the Works or Section or Part.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The period for notifying defects and/or damage in the Works or a Section or a Part (as the case may be) under
Sub-Clause 11.1 [Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects], as stated in the Contract Data (if not
stated, one year), and as may be extended under Sub-Clause 11.3 [Extension of Defects Notification Period]. This
period is calculated from the Date of Completion of the Works or Section or Part.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The period for notifying defects and/or damage in the Works or a Section (or a part of the Works, if Sub-Clause 10.2
[Taking Over of Parts of the Works] applies), as the case may be, under Sub-Clause 11.1 [Completion of
Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects], as stated in the Contract Data (if not stated, one year), and as may be
extended under Sub-Clause 11.3 [Extension of Defects Notification Period]. This period is calculated from the Date
of Completion of the Works or Section (or part of the Works).

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Defects Notification Period 88

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The period for notifying defects in the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 11.1 [Completion
of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects], which extends over 365 days except if otherwise stated in the
Contract Data (with any extension under Sub-Clause 11.3 [Extension of Defects Notification Period]), calculated
from the date on which the Works or Section is completed as certified under Sub-Clause 10.1 [Taking Over of the
Works and Sections].

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The period for notifying defects in the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 11.1 [Completion
of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects], as stated in the Appendix to Tender (with any extension under
Sub-Clause 11.3 [Extension of Defects Notification Period]), calculated from the date on which the Works or
Section is completed as certified under Sub-Clause 10.1 [Taking Over of the Works and Sections].

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The period for notifying defects in the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 11.1 [Completion
of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects], as stated in the Particular Conditions (with any extension under
Sub-Clause 11.3 [Extension of Defects Notification Period]), calculated from the date on which the Works or
Section is completed as certified under Sub-Clause 10.1 [Taking Over of the Works and Sections]. If no such period
is stated in the Particular Conditions, the period shall be one year.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The period for notifying defects in the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 11.1 [Completion
of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects], as stated in the Appendix to Tender (with any extension under
Sub-Clause 11.3 [Extension of Defects Notification Period]), calculated from the date on which the Works or
Section is completed as certified under Sub-Clause 10.1 [Taking Over of the Works and Sections].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Defined Risks 89

Contracts:Defined Risks
Term Info
Defined Risks

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

Defined Risks means :

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

Those matters listed in Sub-Clause 6.1 [Defined Risks].

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

Those matters listed in Sub-Clause 6.1.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Delay Damages 90

Contracts:Delay Damages
Term Info
Delay Damages

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Delay Damages means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The damages for which the Contractor shall be liable under Sub-Clause 8.8 [Delay Damages] for failure to comply
with Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The damages for which the Contractor shall be liable under Sub-Clause 8.8 [Delay Damages] for failure to comply
with Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The damages for which the Contractor shall be liable under Sub-Clause 8.8 [Delay Damages] for failure to comply
with Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Design-Build 91

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Design-Build means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
All work to be performed by the Contractor under the Contract to design, build, test and complete the Works and
obtain the Commissioning Certificate issued in accordance with Sub-Clause 9.12 [Completion of Design-Build].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Design-Build Period 92

Contracts:Design-Build Period
Term Info
Design-Build Period

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Design-Build Period means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The period from the Commencement Date to the date stated in the Commissioning Certificate.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Dispute 93

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

Dispute means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

Any situation where:
(a) one Party makes a claim against the other Party (which may be a Claim, as defined in these Conditions, or a
matter to be determined by the Engineer under these Conditions, or otherwise);
(b) the other Party (or the Engineer under Sub-Clause 3.7.2 [Engineer’s Determination]) rejects the claim in whole or
in part; and
(c) the first Party does not acquiesce (by giving a NOD under Sub-Clause 3.7.5 [Dissatisfaction with Engineer’s
determination] or otherwise).
provided however that a failure by the other Party (or the Engineer) to oppose or respond to the claim, in whole or in
part, may constitute a rejection if, in the circumstances, the DAAB or the arbitrator(s), as the case may be, deem it
reasonable for it to do so.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

Any situation where:
(a) one Party makes a claim against the other Party (which may be a Claim, as defined in these Conditions, or a
matter to be determined by the Engineer under these Conditions, or otherwise);
(b) the other Party (or the Engineer under Sub-Clause 3.7.2 [Engineer’s Determination]) rejects the claim in whole or
in part; and
(c) the first Party does not acquiesce (by giving a NOD under Sub-Clause 3.7.5 [Dissatisfaction with Engineer’s
determination] or otherwise),
provided however that a failure by the other Party (or the Engineer) to oppose or respond to the claim, in whole or in
part, may constitute a rejection if, in the circumstances, the DAAB or the arbitrator(s), as the case may be, deem it
reasonable for it to do so.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Dispute 94

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
Any situation where:
(a) one Party makes a claim against the other Party (which may be a Claim, as defined in these Conditions, or a
matter to be determined by the Employer’s Representative under these Conditions, or otherwise);
(b) the other Party (if the Employer, under Sub-Clause 3.5.2 [Employer’s Representative’s determination] or
otherwise) rejects the claim in whole or in part; and
(c) the first Party does not acquiesce (if the Contractor, by giving a NOD under Sub-Clause 3.5.5 [Dissatisfaction
with Employer’s Representative’s determination] or otherwise),
provided however that a failure by the other Party to oppose or respond to the claim, in whole or in part, may
constitute a rejection if, in the circumstances, the DAAB or the arbitrator(s), as the case may be, deem it reasonable
for it to do so.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
Any situation where:
(a) one Party makes a claim against the other Party;
(b) the other Party rejects the claim in whole or in part; and
(c) the first Party does not acquiesce, provided however that a failure by the other Party to oppose or respond to the
claim, in whole or in part, may constitute a rejection if, in the circumstances, the DAB or the arbitrator(s), as the case
may be, deem it reasonable for it to do so.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Dispute Avoidance/Adjudication Board 95

Contracts:Dispute Avoidance/Adjudication
Term Info
Dispute Avoidance/Adjudication Board

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-17

DAAB or Dispute Avoidance/Adjudication Board means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The sole member or three members (as the case may be) so named in the Contract, or appointed under Sub-Clause
21.1 [Constitution of the DAAB] or Sub-Clause 21.2 [Failure to Appoint DAAB Member(s)].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The sole member or three members (as the case may be) so named in the Contract, or appointed under Sub-Clause
21.1 [Constitution of the DAAB] or Sub-Clause 21.2 [Failure to Appoint DAAB Member(s)].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The sole member or three members (as the case may be) so named in the Contract, or appointed under Sub-Clause
21.1 [Constitution of the DAAB] or Sub- Clause 21.2 [Failure to Appoint DAAB Member(s)].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Document 96

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-06-04

Document means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

Written, drawn, typed, printed, magnetized or photographic material which is capable of being copied.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Drawings 97

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-08

Drawings means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The drawings of the Works included in the Contract, and any additional and modified drawings issued by (or on
behalf of) the Employer in accordance with the Contract.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

The Employer’s drawings of the Works as listed in the Contract Data and any Variation to such drawings.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The drawings of the Works, as included in the Contract, and any additional and modified drawings issued by (or on
behalf of) the Employer in accordance with the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Drawings 98

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

The Employer’s drawings of the Works as listed in the Appendix, and any Variation to such drawings.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The drawings of the Works, as included in the Contract, and any additional and modified drawings issued by (or on
behalf of) the Employer in accordance with the Contract.

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

The Employer's drawings of the Works as listed in the Appendix, and any Variation to such drawings.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
All drawings, calculations and technical information of a like nature provided by the Engineer to the Contractor
under the Contract and all drawings, calculations, samples, patterns, models, operation and maintenance manuals and
other technical information of a like nature submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Dredging Works 99

Contracts:Dredging Works
Term Info
Dredging Works

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2016-10-31

Dredging Works means :

Form of Contract For Dredging And Reclamation Works (2nd edition

Those works defined in the Contract Data.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Effective Date 100

Contracts:Effective Date
Term Info
Effective Date

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Effective Date means:

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The date on which the Sub-Consultancy Agreement comes into force and effect pursuant to Clause 4.1
[Sub-Consultancy Agreement Effective]

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The date on which the Agreement comes into force and effect pursuant to Clause 4.1 [Agreement Effective].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employer 101

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2017-11-17

Employer means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The person named as the employer in the Contract Data and the legal successors in title to this person.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The person named as the employer in the Contract Data and the legal successors in title to this person.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The person named as the employer in the Contract Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

The person named in the Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The person named as employer in the Contract Data and the legal successors in title to this person.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employer 102

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The person named as employer in Part A of Annex A and the legal successors in title to, or assignees of such person.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The person named as Employer in the Contract Data and the legal successors in title to this person.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

The person named in the Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person, but not (except with the consent
of the Contractor) any assignee.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The person named as employer in the Appendix to Tender and the legal successors in title to this person.

Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (1st edition 1999)

The person named as employer in the Contract Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The person named as employer in the Appendix to Tender and the legal successors in title to this person.

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

The person named in the Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person, but not (except with the consent
of the Contractor) any assignee.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The person named as such in the Appendix to Tender and the legal successors in title to such person, but not (except
with the consent of the Contractor) any assignee of such person.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employer 103

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The person named as such in the Preamble and the legal successors in title to the Employer but not (except with the
consent of the Contractor) any assignee of the Employer.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The person named as such in Part II of these Conditions and the legal successors in title to such person, but not
(except with the consent of the Contractor) any assignee of such person.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employer-Supplied Materials 104

Contracts:Employer-Supplied Materials
Term Info
Employer-Supplied Materials

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Employer-Supplied Materials means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The materials (if any) to be supplied by the Employer to the Contractor under Sub-Clause 2.6 [Employer-Supplied
Materials and Employer’s Equipment].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The materials (if any) to be supplied by the Employer to the Contractor under Sub-Clause 2.6 [Employer-Sup- plied
Materials and Employer’s Equipment].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The materials (if any) to be supplied by the Employer to the Contractor under Sub-Clause 2.6 [Employer-Supplied
Materials and Employer’s Equipment].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employers Drawings 105

Contracts:Employer’s Drawings
Term Info
Employer’s Drawings

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-04-04

Employer’s Drawings means :

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

All the drawings and information provided by the Employer or the Engineer to the Contractor under the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employers Equipment 106

Contracts:Employer’s Equipment
Term Info
Employer’s Equipment

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2017-11-19

Employer’s Equipment means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The apparatus, equipment, machinery, construction plant and/or vehicles (if any) to be made available by the
Employer for the use of the Contractor under Sub-Clause 2.6 [Employer- Supplied Materials and Employer’s
Equipment]; but does not include Plant which has not been taken over under Clause 10 [Employer's Taking Over].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The apparatus, equipment, machinery, construction plant and/or vehicles (if any) to be made available by the
Employer for use by the Contractor under Sub-Clause 2.6 [Employer-Sup- plied Materials and Employer’s
Equipment]; but does not include Plant which has not been taken over under Clause 10 [Employer’s Taking Over].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The apparatus, equipment, machinery, construction plant and/or vehicles (if any) to be made available by the
Employer for the use of the Contractor under Sub-Clause 2.6 [Employer- Supplied Materials and Employer’s
Equipment]; but does not include Plant which has not been taken over under Clause 10 [Employer's Taking Over].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The apparatus, machinery and vehicles (if any) made available by the Employer for the use of the Contractor in the
execution of the Works, as stated in the Specification; but does not include Plant which has not been taken over by
the Employer.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employers Equipment 107

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The apparatus, machinery and vehicles (if any) made available by the Employer for the use of the Contractor in the
execution of the Works and/or the Operation Service, as stated in the Employer's Requirements, but does not include
Plant which has not been taken over by the Employer.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The apparatus, machinery and vehicles (if any) made available by the Employer for the use of the Contractor in the
execution of the Works, as stated in the Specification; but does not include Plant which has not been taken over by
the Employer.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The apparatus, machinery and vehicles (if any) made available by the Employer for the use of the Contractor in the
execution of the Works, as stated in the Employer’s Requirements; but does not include Plant which has not been
taken over by the Employer.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The apparatus, machinery and vehicles (if any) made available by the Employer for the use of the Contractor in the
execution of the Works, as stated in the Employer's Requirements; but does not include Plant which has not been
taken over by the Employer.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employers Liabilities 108

Contracts:Employer’s Liabilities
Term Info
Employer’s Liabilities

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2017-11-07

Employer’s Liabilities means

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

Those matters listed in Sub-Clause 6.1.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employers Personnel 109

Contracts:Employer’s Personnel
Term Info
Employer’s Personnel

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Employer’s Personnel means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The Engineer, the Engineer’s Representative (if appointed), the assistants described in Sub-Clause 3.4 [Delegation by
the Engineer] and all other staff, labour and other employees of the Engineer and of the Employer engaged in
fulfilling the Employer’s obligations under the Contract; and any other personnel identified as Employer’s Personnel,
by a Notice from the Employer or the Engineer to the Contractor.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The Engineer, the Engineer’s Representative (if appointed), the assistants described in Sub-Clause 3.4 [Delegation by
the Engineer] and all other staff, labour and other employees of the Engineer and of the Employer engaged in
fulfilling the Employer’s obligations under the Contract; and any other personnel identified as Employer’s Personnel,
by a Notice from the Employer or the Engineer to the Contractor.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employers Personnel 110

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The Employer’s Representative, the assistants described in Sub-Clause 3.2 [Other Employer’s Personnel] and all
other staff, labour and other employees of the Employer and of the Employer’s Representative, engaged in fulfilling
the Employer’s obligations under the Contract; and any other personnel identified as Employer’s Personnel, by a
Notice from the Employer or the Employer’s Representative to the Contractor.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The Engineer, the assistants referred to in Sub-Clause 3.2 [Delegation by the Engineer] and all other staff, labour and
other employees of the Engineer and of the Employer; and any other personnel notified to the Contractor, by the
Employer or the Engineer, as Employer’s Personnel.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The Employer's Representative, the assistants referred to in Sub-Clause 3.2 [Delegation by the Employer's
Representative] and all other staff, labour and other employees of the Employer's Representative and of the
Employer; and any other personnel notified to the Contractor, by the Employer or the Employer's Representative, as
Employer's Personnel.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The Engineer, the assistants referred to in Sub-Clause 3.2 [Delegation by the Engineer] and all other staff, labour and
other employees of the Engineer and of the Employer; and any other personnel notified to the Contractor, by the
Employer or the Engineer, as Employer's Personnel.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The Engineer, the assistants referred to in Sub-Clause 3.2 [Delegation by the Engineer] and all other staff, labour and
other employees of the Engineer and of the Employer; and any other personnel notified to the Contractor, by the
Employer or the Engineer, as Employer's Personnel.

Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (1st edition 1999)

The Employer's Representative, the assistants referred to in Sub-Clause 3.2 [Other Employer's Personnel] and all
other staff, labour and other employees of the Employer and of the Employer's Representative; and any other
personnel notified to the Contractor, by the Employer or the Employer's Representative, as Employer's Personnel.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employers Representative 111

Contracts:Employer’s Representative
Term Info
Employer’s Representative

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-06-19

Employer’s Representative means :

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The person named by the Employer in the Contract Data appointed by the Employer for the purposes of the Contract,
or any replacement appointed under Sub-Clause 3.1 [The Employer’s Representative].

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The person appointed by the Employer to act as Employer’s Representative for the purposes of the Contract and
named as such in the Contract Data, or other person appointed from time to time by the Employer and notified as
such to the Contractor under Sub-Clause 3.4 [Replacement of the Employer’s Representative].

Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (1st edition 1999)

The person named by the Employer in the Contract or appointed from time to time by the Employer under
Sub-Clause 3.1 [The Employer's Representative], who acts on behalf of the Employer.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The person appointed by the Employer to act as Employer’s Representative for the purposes of the Contract and
named as such in the Appendix to Tender, or other person appointed from time to time by the Employer and notified
as such to the Contractor.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employers Requirements 112

Contracts:Employer’s Requirements
Term Info
Employer’s Requirements

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Employer’s Requirements means :

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The document entitled employer's requirements, as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to
such document in accordance with the Contract. Such document describes the purpose(s) for which the Works are
intended, and specifies Key Personnel (if any), the scope, and/or design and/or other performance, technical and
evaluation criteria, for the Works.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The document entitled employer’s requirements, as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to
such document in accordance with the Contract. Such document describes the purpose(s) for which the Works are
intended, and specifies Key Personnel (if any), the scope, and/or design and/or other performance, technical and
evaluation criteria, for the Works

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The document entitled Employer's Requirements, as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications
made thereto in accordance with the Contract. Such document specifies the purpose, scope, and/or design and/or
other technical criteria for the execution of the Works and provision of the Operation Service.

Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (1st edition 1999)

The document entitled employer's requirements, as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to
such document in accordance with the Contract. Such document specifies the purpose, scope, and/or design and/or
other technical criteria, for the Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employers Requirements 113

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The document entitled employer's requirements, as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to
such document in accordance with the Contract. Such document specifies the purpose, scope, and/or design and/or
other technical criteria, for the Works.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The description of the scope, standard, design criteria (if any) and programme of work, as included in the Contract,
and any alterations and modifications thereto in accordance with the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Employers Risks 114

Contracts:Employer’s Risks
Term Info
Employer’s Risks

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-04-04

Employer’s Risks means :

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

Those risks defined in Sub-Clause 37.2.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Engineer 115

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-15

Engineer means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The person named in the Contract Data appointed by the Employer to act as the Engineer for the purposes of the
Contract, or any replacement appointed under Sub-Clause 3.6 [Replacement of the Engineer].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The person named in the Contract Data appointed by the Employer to act as the Engineer for the purposes of the
Contract, or any replacement appointed under Sub-Clause 3.6 [Replacement of the Engineer].

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

The person named in the Contract Data, or other person appointed from time to time by the Employer and notified to
the Contractor.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Engineer 116

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The person appointed by the Employer to act as the Engineer for the purposes of the Main Contract and named in
Part A of Annex A, or other person as appointed from time to time by the Employer and notified to the Contractor
under the Main Contract, and notified thereafter to the Subcontractor by the Contractor.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The person appointed by the Employer to act as the Engineer for the purposes of the Contract and named in the
Contract Data, or other person appointed from time to time by the Employer and notified to the Contractor under
Sub-Clause 3.4 [Replacement of the Engineer].

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

The person named in the Appendix, or other person appointed from time to time by the Employer and notified to the

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The person appointed by the Employer to act as the Engineer for the purposes of the Contract and named in the
Appendix to Tender, or other person appointed from time to time by the Employer and notified to the Contractor
under Sub-Clause 3.4 [Replacement of the Engineer].

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The person appointed by the Employer to act as the Engineer for the purposes of the Contract and named in the
Appendix to Tender, or other person appointed from time to time by the Employer and notified to the Contractor
under Sub-Clause 3.4 [Replacement of the Engineer].

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The person appointed by the Employer to act as Engineer for the purposes of the Contract and designated as such in
the Preamble.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Engineer 117

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The person appointed by the Employer to act as Engineer for the purposes of the Contract and named as such in Part
II of these Conditions.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Engineers Representative 118

Contracts:Engineer’s Representative
Term Info
Engineer’s Representative

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-15

Engineer’s Representative means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The natural person who may be appointed by the Engineer under Sub- Clause 3.3 [Engineer’s Representative].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The natural person who may be appointed by the Engineer under Sub-Clause 3.3 [Engineer’s Representative].

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

Any representative of the Engineer appointed from time to time by the Engineer under Sub-Clause 2.2.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
A person appointed from time to time by the Engineer under Sub-Clause 2.2.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Exceptional Costs 119

Contracts:Exceptional Costs
Term Info
Exceptional Costs

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Exceptional Costs means:

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The costs, not otherwise compensated under the Sub-Consultancy Agreement, arising out of any necessary work,
cost, expense or delay incurred by the Sub-Consultant which is additional to the Sub-Consultancy Services (or
Variations) and which is necessarily and unavoidably performed under the Sub-Consultancy Agreement and in each
case identified as such in the Sub-Consultancy Agreement.

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The costs, not otherwise compensated under the Agreement, arising out of any necessary work, cost, expense or
delay incurred by the Consultant which is additional to the Services (or Variations) and which is necessarily and
unavoidably performed under the Agreement and in each case identified as such in the Agreement.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

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printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Exceptional Event 120

Contracts:Exceptional Event
Term Info
Exceptional Event

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Exceptional Event means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

An event or circumstance as defined in Sub-Clause 18.1 [Exceptional Events].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

An event or circumstance as defined in Sub-Clause 18.1 [Exceptional Events].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
An event or circumstance as defined in Sub-Clause 18.1 [Exceptional Events].

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

An event or circumstance which is (a) beyond a Party’s control; (b) which such Party could not reasonably have
provided against before entering into the Sub-Consultancy Agreement; (c) which having arisen, such Party could not
reasonably have avoided or overcome; and (d) which is not substantially attributable to the other Party. An
Exceptional Event may include, but is not limited to, events or circumstances of the kind listed below, subject to (a)
to (d) above:
• war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies;
• rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or civil war;
• riot, commotion, disorder, strike or lockout by persons other than the Sub-Consultant’s personnel and other
employees/consultants for which the Sub-Consultant is responsible;
• munitions of war, explosive materials, ionising radiation or contamination by radio-activity except as may be
attributable to the Sub-Consultant’s actions; or
• natural catastrophes such as earthquake, hurricane, typhoon or volcanic activity.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Exceptional Event 121

An Exceptional Event shall not arise or be constituted under the Sub-Consultancy Agreement unless the same
circumstances also give rise to an Exceptional Event under the Agreement.

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

An event or circumstance which is (a) beyond a Party’s control; (b) which such Party could not reasonably have
provided against before entering into the Agreement; (c) which having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have
avoided or overcome; and (d) which is not substantially attributable to the other Party. An Exceptional Event may
include, but is not limited to, events or circumstances of the kind listed below, subject to (a) to (d) above:
• war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies;
• rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or civil war;
• riot, commotion, disorder, strike or lockout by persons other than the Consultant’s personnel and other employees
of the Consultant and Consultant´s sub-consultants;
• munitions of war, explosive materials, ionising radiation or contamination by radio-activity except as may be
attributable to the Consultant’s actions;
• natural catastrophes such as earthquake, hurricane, typhoon or volcanic activity.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

An event or circumstance which:
• is exceptional and beyond a Party‘s control;
• such Party could not reasonably have provided against before entering into the Contract;
• having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have avoided or overcome; and; and
• is not substantially attributable to the other Party.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
An event or circumstance which is:
(a) beyond a Party’s control;
(b) which the Party could not reasonably have provided against before entering into the Contract;
(c) which having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have avoided or overcome; and
(d) which is not substantially attributable to the other Party.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Extension of Time 122

Contracts:Extension of Time
Term Info
Extension of Time

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Extension of Time or EOT means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

An extension of the Time for Completion under Sub-Clause 8.5 [Extension of Time for Completion].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

An extension of the Time for Completion under Sub-Clause 8.5 [Extension of Time for Completion].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
An extension of the Time for Completion under Sub-Clause 8.5 [Extension of Time for Completion].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Final Certificate of Payment 123

Contracts:Final Certificate of Payment

Term Info
Final Certificate of Payment

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-04-04

Final Certificate of Payment means :

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The certificate to be issued by the Engineer to the Employer in accordance with Sub-Clause 33.10.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Final Payment Certificate 124

Contracts:Final Payment Certificate

Term Info
Final Payment Certificate

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-15

Final Payment Certificate or FPC means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The payment certificate issued by the Engineer under Sub-Clause 14.13 [Issue of FPC].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The payment certificate issued by the Engineer under Sub-Clause 14.13 [Issue of FPC].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The payment certificate issued under Sub-Clause 14.13 [Issue of Final Payment Certificate].

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The payment certificate issued under Sub-Clause 14.13 [Issue of Final Payment Certificate].

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The payment certificate issued under Sub-Clause 14.13 [Issue of Final Payment Certificate].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Final Payment Certificate 125

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The payment certificate issued by the Employer’s Representative under Sub-Clause 13.13.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The certificate of payment issued by the Engineer pursuant to Sub-Clause 60.8.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Final Payment Certificate Design-Build 126

Contracts:Final Payment Certificate

Term Info
Final Payment Certificate Design-Build

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Final Payment Certificate Design-Build means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The payment certificate issued for the Design-Build under Sub-Clause 14.12 [Issue of Final Payment Certificate

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Final Payment Certificate Operation Service 127

Contracts:Final Payment Certificate Operation

Term Info
Final Payment Certificate Operation Service

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Final Payment Certificate Operation Service means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The payment certificate issued for the Operation Service under Sub-Clause 14.15 [Issue of Final Payment Certificate
Operation Service].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Final Statement 128

Contracts:Final Statement
Term Info
Final Statement

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Final Statement means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The Statement defined in Sub-Clause 14.11.2 [Agreed Final Statement].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The Statement defined in Sub-Clause 14.11.2 [Agreed Final Statement].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The Statement defined in Sub-Clause 14.11.2 [Agreed Final Statement].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The statement defined in Sub-Clause 14.11 [Application for Final Payment Certificate].

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The statement defined in Sub-Clause 14.11 [Application for Final Payment Certificate].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Final Statement 129

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The statement defined in Sub-Clause 14.11 [Application for Final Payment].

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The statement defined in Sub-Clause 14.11 [Application for Final Payment Certificate].

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The agreed statement defined in Sub- Clause 13.11.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Final Statement Design-Build 130

Contracts:Final Statement Design-Build

Term Info
Final Statement Design-Build

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Final Statement Design-Build means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The Statement defined in Sub- Clause 14.11 [Application for Final Payment Certificate Design-Build].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Final Statement Operation Service 131

Contracts:Final Statement Operation Service

Term Info
Final Statement Operation Service

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Final Statement Operation Service means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The Statement defined in Sub-Clause 14.13 [Application for Final Payment Certificate Operation Service].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Financial Memorandum 132

Contracts:Financial Memorandum
Term Info
Financial Memorandum

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Financial Memorandum means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The document which details the Employer's financial arrangements and is attached to or forms part of the Employer's

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Force Majeure 133

Contracts:Force Majeure
Term Info
Force Majeure

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-25-07

Force Majeure means :

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
Defined in Clause 19 [Force Majeure].

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

An exceptional event or circumstance which is beyond a Party‘s control; which such Party could not reasonably have
provided against before entering into the Contract; which, having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have
avoided or overcome; and, which is not substantially attributable to the other Party.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

Is defined in Clause 19 [Force Majeure].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Force Majeure 134

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
Is defined in Clause 19 [Force Majeure].

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

Is defined in Clause 19 [Force Majeure].

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

An exceptional event or circumstance: which is beyond a Party's control; which such Party could not reasonably
have provided against before entering into the Contract; which, having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have
avoided or overcome; and, which is not substantially attributable to the other Party.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

Has the meaning assigned to it under Sub-Clause 44.1.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Foreground Intellectual Property 135

Contracts:Foreground Intellectual Property

Term Info
Foreground Intellectual Property

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Foreground Intellectual Property means:

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

All Intellectual Property created as a result of the Sub-Consultancy Services performed by the Sub-Consultant.

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

All Intellectual Property created as a result of the Services performed by the Consultant.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Foreign Currency 136

Contracts:Foreign Currency
Term Info
Foreign Currency

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2017-11-19

Foreign Currency means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A currency in which part (or all) of the Contract Price is payable, but not the Local Currency.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A currency in which part (or all) of the Contract Price is payable, but not the Local Currency.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
A currency in which part (or all) of the Contract Price is payable, but not the Local Currency.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, 2nd edition (2017)

Any other currency (than Local Currency).

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

Any other currency (than Local Currency).

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Foreign Currency 137

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
A currency in which part (or all) of the Contract Price is payable, but not the Local Currency.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
A currency in which part (or all) of the Contract Price is payable, but not the Local Currency.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

Any other currency (than Local Currency).

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

A currency in which part (or all) of the Contract Price is payable, but not the Local Currency.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
A currency in which part (or all) of the Contract Price is payable, but not the Local Currency.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

A currency in which part (or all) of the Contract Price is payable, but not the Local Currency.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

A currency of a country other than that in which Plant is to be installed.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
A currency of a country other than that in which the Works are to be located. (iv) “writing” means any hand-written,
type-written, or printed communication, including telex, cable and facsimile transmission.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Form of Agreement 138

Contracts:Form of Agreement
Term Info
Form of Agreement

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2017-11-01

Form of Agreement means:

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The document entitled Form of Agreement which forms part of the Agreement.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Form of Sub-Consultancy Agreement 139

Contracts:Form of Sub-Consultancy Agreement

Term Info
Form of Sub-Consultancy Agreement

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Form of Sub-Consultancy Agreement means:

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The document entitled Form of Sub-Consultancy Agreement which forms part of the Sub-Consultancy Agreement.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:General Conditions 140

Contracts:General Conditions
Term Info
General Conditions

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

General Conditions means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

This document entitled “Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering Works designed by
the Employer”, as published by FIDIC.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

This document entitled “Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build for Electrical & Mechanical Plant, and
for Building and Engineering Works, designed by the Contractor”, as published by FIDIC.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
This document entitled “Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects”, as published by FIDIC.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Golden Principles 141

Contracts:Golden Principles
Term Info
Golden Principles

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2018-12-14

Golden Principles means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

General considerations underlying FIDIC´s Contract Golden Principles (GPs):
In order to promote acceptance and understanding:
• the GPs are formulated at a conceptual level to encapsulate the essence of a FIDIC Contract;
• each GP expresses a single, readily understood and generally accepted concept;
• the GPs are limited to the minimum number necessary for completeness.
The GPs provide guidance on how to modify the General Conditions (GCs) in the Particular Conditions (PCs). By
definition, the provisions of a Contract that are based on unamended GCs will comply with the GPs. However, if
such provisions are administered incorrectly, the intent of the GPs will not be achieved.
The Golden Principles (GPs) are as follows:
Golden Principle 1 (GP1):
The duties, rights, obligations, roles and responsibilities of all the Contract Participants must be generally as implied
in the General Conditions, and appropriate to the requirements of the project.
Golden Principle 2 (GP2):
The Particular Conditions must be drafted clearly and unambiguously.
Golden Principle 3 (GP3):
The Particular Conditions must not change the balance of risk/reward allocation provided for in the General
Golden Principle 4 (GP4):
All time periods specified in the Contract for Contract Participants to perform their obligations must be of reasonable
Golden Principle 5 (GP5):
Unless there is a conflict with the governing law of the Contract, all formal disputes must be referred to a Dispute
Avoidance/Adjudication Board (or a Dispute Adjudication Board, if applicable) for a provisionally binding decision
as a condition precedent to arbitration.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Golden Principles 142

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

General considerations underlying FIDIC´s Contract Golden Principles (GPs):
In order to promote acceptance and understanding:
• the GPs are formulated at a conceptual level to encapsulate the essence of a FIDIC Contract;
• each GP expresses a single, readily understood and generally accepted concept;
• the GPs are limited to the minimum number necessary for completeness.
The GPs provide guidance on how to modify the General Conditions (GCs) in the Particular Conditions (PCs). By
definition, the provisions of a Contract that are based on unamended GCs will comply with the GPs. However, if
such provisions are administered incorrectly, the intent of the GPs will not be achieved.
The Golden Principles (GPs) are as follows:
Golden Principle 1 (GP1):
The duties, rights, obligations, roles and responsibilities of all the Contract Participants must be generally as implied
in the General Conditions, and appropriate to the requirements of the project.
Golden Principle 2 (GP2):
The Particular Conditions must be drafted clearly and unambiguously.
Golden Principle 3 (GP3):
The Particular Conditions must not change the balance of risk/reward allocation provided for in the General
Golden Principle 4 (GP4):
All time periods specified in the Contract for Contract Participants to perform their obligations must be of reasonable
Golden Principle 5 (GP5):
Unless there is a conflict with the governing law of the Contract, all formal disputes must be referred to a Dispute
Avoidance/Adjudication Board (or a Dispute Adjudication Board, if applicable) for a provisionally binding decision
as a condition precedent to arbitration.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Golden Principles 143

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
General considerations underlying FIDIC´s Contract Golden Principles (GPs):
In order to promote acceptance and understanding:
• the GPs are formulated at a conceptual level to encapsulate the essence of a FIDIC Contract;
• each GP expresses a single, readily understood and generally accepted concept;
• the GPs are limited to the minimum number necessary for completeness.
The GPs provide guidance on how to modify the General Conditions (GCs) in the Particular Conditions (PCs). By
definition, the provisions of a Contract that are based on unamended GCs will comply with the GPs. However, if
such provisions are administered incorrectly, the intent of the GPs will not be achieved.
The Golden Principles (GPs) are as follows:
Golden Principle 1 (GP1):
The duties, rights, obligations, roles and responsibilities of all the Contract Participants must be generally as implied
in the General Conditions, and appropriate to the requirements of the project.
Golden Principle 2 (GP2):
The Particular Conditions must be drafted clearly and unambiguously.
Golden Principle 3 (GP3):
The Particular Conditions must not change the balance of risk/reward allocation provided for in the General
Golden Principle 4 (GP4):
All time periods specified in the Contract for Contract Participants to perform their obligations must be of reasonable
Golden Principle 5 (GP5):
Unless there is a conflict with the governing law of the Contract, all formal disputes must be referred to a Dispute
Avoidance/Adjudication Board (or a Dispute Adjudication Board, if applicable) for a provisionally binding decision
as a condition precedent to arbitration.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Goods 144

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Goods means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

Contractor's Equipment, Materials, Plant and Temporary Works, or any of them as appropriate.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

Contractor’s Equipment, Materials, Plant and Temporary Works, or any of them as appropriate.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
Contractor's Equipment, Materials, Plant and Temporary Works, or any of them as appropriate.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
Contractor’s Equipment, Materials, Plant and Temporary Works, or any of them as appropriate.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
Contractor's Equipment, Materials, Plant and Temporary Works, or any of them as appropriate.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Goods 145

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

Contractor’s Equipment, Materials, Plant and Temporary Works, or any of them as appropriate.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
Contractor's Equipment, Materials, Plant and Temporary Works, or any of them as appropriate.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

Contractor’s Equipment, Materials, Plant and Temporary Works, or any of them as appropriate.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Gross Misconduct 146

Contracts:Gross Misconduct
Term Info
Gross Misconduct

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-04-04

Gross Misconduct means :

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

Any act or omission of the Contractor in violation of the most elementary rules of diligence which a conscientious
contractor in the same position and under the same circumstances would have followed.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Intellectual Property 147

Contracts:Intellectual Property
Term Info
Intellectual Property

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Intellectual Property means:

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

All intellectual property rights including, without limitation, any patents, patent application, trademarks, trade
secrets, registered designs, registered design application, copyrights, design rights, moral rights, process, formula,
specification, drawing, including rights in computer software and data bases howsoever arising in any part of the

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

All intellectual property rights including, without limitation, any patents, patent application, trademarks, trade
secrets, registered designs, registered design application, copyrights, design rights, moral rights, process, formula,
specification, drawing, including rights in computer software and data bases howsoever arising in any part of the

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Interim Payment Certificate 148

Contracts:Interim Payment Certificate

Term Info
Interim Payment Certificate

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-15

Interim Payment Certificate or IPC means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A Payment Certificate issued by the Engineer for an interim payment under Sub-Clause 14.6 [Issue of IPC].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A Payment Certificate issued by the Engineer for an interim payment under Sub-Clause 14.6 [Issue of IPC].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
A payment certificate issued under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment], other than the Final Payment

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
A payment certificate issued under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment], other than the Final Payment

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

A payment certificate issued under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment], other than the Final Payment

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Interim Payment Certificate 149

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

A payment certificate issued under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment], other than the Final Payment

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

Any payment certificate issued by the Employer’s Representative under Clause 13, other than the Final Payment

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
Any certificate of payment issued by the Engineer other than the Final Payment Certificate.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Invitation 150

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2017-11-06

Invitation means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

Client’s invitation to a Member or Members to submit a Proposal for the provision of professional engineering and/or
other services for the Project.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The invitation of the Client to a Member or Members to submit a proposal for the provision of professional
engineering services for the Project.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Joint Venture 151

Contracts:Joint Venture
Term Info
Joint Venture

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Joint Venture or JV means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A joint venture, association, consortium or other unincorporated grouping of two or more persons whether in the
form of a partnership or otherwise.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A joint venture, association, consortium or other unincorporated grouping of two or more persons, whether in the
form of a partnership or otherwise.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
A joint venture, association, consortium or other unincorporated grouping of two or more persons, whether in the
form of a partnership or otherwise.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The joint venture formed between the Members in accordance with this Agreement.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The joint venture formed between the Members in accordance with this Agreement.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Joint Venture Agreement 152

Contracts:Joint Venture Agreement

Term Info
Joint Venture Agreement

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-06

Joint Venture Agreement means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The document headed Agreement together with Appendices 1 to 9 attached thereto and such other documents as may
be specified in Appendix 1 [Particular Conditions] to form part of this Agreement.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Joint Venture Shares 153

Contracts:Joint Venture Shares

Term Info
Joint Venture Shares

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-06

Joint Venture Shares means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The respective percentage financial interest of each Member in the Joint Venture as stated in Appendix 1 [Particular

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:JV Undertaking 154

Contracts:JV Undertaking
Term Info
JV Undertaking

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

JV Undertaking means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The letter provided to the Employer as part of the Tender setting out the legal undertaking between the two or more
persons constituting the Contractor as a JV. This letter shall be signed by all the persons who are members of the JV,
shall be addressed to the Employer and shall include:
(a) each such member’s undertaking to be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for the performance of the
Contractor’s obligations under the Contract;
(b) identification and authorisation of the leader of the JV; and
(c) identification of the separate scope or part of the Works (if any) to be carried out by each member of the JV.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The letter provided to the Employer as part of the Tender setting out the legal undertaking between the two or more
persons constituting the Contractor as a JV. This letter shall be signed by all the persons who are members of the JV,
shall be addressed to the Employer and shall include:
(a) each such member’s undertaking to be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for the performance of the
Contractor’s obligations under the Contract;
(b) identification and authorisation of the leader of the JV; and
(c) identification of the separate scope or part of the Works (if any) to be carried out by each member of the JV.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:JV Undertaking 155

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The letter provided to the Employer as part of the Tender setting out the legal undertaking between the two or more
persons constituting the Contractor as a JV. This letter shall be signed by all the persons who are members of the JV,
shall be addressed to the Employer and shall include:
(a) each such member’s undertaking to be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for the performance of the
Contractor’s obligations under the Contract;
(b) identification and authorisation of the leader of the JV; and
(c) identification of the separate scope or part of the Works (if any) to be carried out by each member of the JV.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Key Personnel 156

Contracts:Key Personnel
Term Info
Key Personnel

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Key Personnel means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The positions (if any) of the Contractor’s Personnel, other than the Contractor’s Representative, that are stated in the

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The positions (if any) of the Contractor’s Personnel, other than the Contractor’s Representative, that are specified in
the Employer’s Requirements.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The positions (if any) of the Contractor’s Personnel, other than the Contractor’s Representative, that are specified in
the Employer’s Requirements.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Laws 157

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Laws means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

All national (or state or provincial) legislation, statutes, acts, decrees, rules, ordinances, orders, treaties, international
law and other laws, and regulations and by-laws of any legally constituted public authority.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

All national (or state or provincial) legislation, statutes, acts, decrees, rules, ordinances, orders, treaties, international
law and other laws, and regulations and by-laws of any legally constituted public authority.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
All national (or state or provincial) legislation, statutes, acts, decrees, rules, ordinances, orders, treaties, international
law and other laws, and regulations and by-laws of any legally constituted public authority.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Laws 158

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

All national (or state) legislation, statutes, ordinances and other laws and regulations and by-laws of any legally
constituted public authority.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
All national (or state) legislation, statutes, ordinances and other laws, and regulations and by-laws of any legally
constituted public authority.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
All national (or state) legislation, statutes, ordinances and other laws, and regulations and by-laws of any legally
constituted public authority.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

All national (or state) legislation, statutes, ordinances and other laws, and regulations and by-laws of any legally
constituted public authority.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
All national (or state) legislation, statutes, ordinances and other laws, and regulations and by-laws of any legally
constituted public authority.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

All national (or state) legislation, statutes, ordinances and other laws, and regulations and by-laws of any legally
constituted public authority.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Leading Member 159

Contracts:Leading Member
Term Info
Leading Member

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2017-11-06

Leading Member means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The Member who will take the lead in the management of the Joint Venture’s affairs, the Member Representative of
which, as Project Director, will represent the Joint Venture for liaison with the Client. Unless otherwise agreed by
the Members, the Leading Member will provide the Project Manager for direction of the conduct of the Services;

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The member which will take the lead in the management of the Joint Venture’s affairs and which will provide the
Joint Venture’s Representative for liaison with the Client and, unless otherwise agreed by the Members, the Services
Manager for direction of the conduct of the Services.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Letter of Acceptance 160

Contracts:Letter of Acceptance
Term Info
Letter of Acceptance

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-15

Letter of Acceptance means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The letter of formal acceptance, signed by the Employer, of the Letter of Tender, including any annexed memoranda
comprising agreements between and signed by both Parties. If there is no such letter of acceptance, the expression
"Letter of Acceptance" means the Contract Agreement and the date of issuing or receiving the Letter of Acceptance
means the date of signing the Contract Agreement.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The letter of formal acceptance, signed by the Employer, of the Letter of Tender, including any annexed memoranda
comprising agreements between and signed by both Parties. If there is no such letter of acceptance, the expression
“Letter of Acceptance” means the Contract Agreement and the date of issuing or receiving the Letter of Acceptance
means the date of signing the Contract Agreement.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Letter of Acceptance 161

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The letter of formal acceptance, signed by the Employer, of the Letter of Tender, including any annexed memoranda
comprising agreements between and signed by both Parties. If there is no such letter of acceptance, the expression
“Letter of Acceptance” means the Contract Agreement and the date of issuing or receiving the Letter of Acceptance
means the date of signing the Contract Agreement.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The letter of formal acceptance, signed by the Employer, of the Letter of Tender, including any annexed memoranda
comprising agreements between and signed by both Parties. If there is no such Letter of Acceptance, the expression
"Letter of Acceptance" means the Contract Agreement and the date of issuing or receiving the Letter of Acceptance
means the date of signing the Contract Agreement.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The letter of formal acceptance, signed by the Employer, of the Letter of Tender, including any annexed memoranda
comprising agreements between and signed by both Parties. If there is no such letter of acceptance, the expression
“Letter of Acceptance” means the Contract Agreement and the date of issuing or receiving the Letter of Acceptance
means the date of signing the Contract Agreement.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The letter of formal acceptance, signed by the Employer, of the Letter of Tender, including any annexed memoranda
comprising agreements between and signed by both Parties. If there is no such letter of acceptance, the expression
"Letter of Acceptance" means the Contract Agreement and the date of issuing or receiving the Letter of Acceptance
means the date of signing the Contract Agreement.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Letter of Acceptance 162

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The formal acceptance by the Employer of the Tender.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The formal acceptance by the Employer of the Tender incorporating any adjustments or variations to the, Tender
agreed between the Employer and the Contractor.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The formal acceptance by the Employer of the Tender.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Letter of Subcontractors Offer 163

Contracts:Letter of Subcontractor’s Offer

Term Info
Letter of Subcontractor’s Offer

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

Letter of Subcontractor’s Offer means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The document entitled letter of subcontractor’s offer, which was completed by the Subcontractor and includes the
signed offer to the Contractor for the Subcontract Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Letter of Tender 164

Contracts:Letter of Tender
Term Info
Letter of Tender

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-15

Letter of Tender means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The letter of tender, signed by the Contractor, stating the Contractor’s offer to the Employer for the execution of the

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The letter of tender, signed by the Contractor, stating the Contractor’s offer to the Employer for the execution of the

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The document entitled letter of tender or letter of bid, which was completed by the Contractor and includes the
signed offer to the Employer for the Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Letter of Tender 165

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The document entitled Letter of Tender, which was completed by the Contractor and includes the signed offer to the
Employer for the execution of the Works and provision of the Operation Service.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The document entitled letter of tender, which was completed by the Contractor and includes the signed offer to the
Employer for the Works.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The document entitled letter of tender, which was completed by the Contractor and includes the signed offer to the
Employer for the Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Local Currency 166

Contracts:Local Currency
Term Info
Local Currency

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Local Currency means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The currency of the Country.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The currency of the Country.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The currency of the Country.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The currency of the Country.

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The currency of the Country.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Local Currency 167

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The currency of the Country.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The currency of the Country.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

The currency of the Country.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3rd edition 1999)

The currency of the country where the Project is located and “Foreign Currency” (FC) means any other currency.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The currency of the Country.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The currency of the Country.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The currency of the Country.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The currency of the Country. “Foreign Currency” means a freely convertible currency, named in the
Appendix to Tender as a currency in which part of the Contract Price is payable, but not the Local Currency.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Local Representative 168

Contracts:Local Representative
Term Info
Local Representative

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-06

Local Representative means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The person appointed by the Member in the locality where the Member is to work, who is responsible for
undertaking the obligations assigned to it by its respective Member in that locality.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Main Agreement 169

Contracts:Main Agreement
Term Info
Main Agreement

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-06-04

Main Agreement means :

Sub-Consultancy Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The Consultancy Agreement between the Consultant and the Client.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Main Contract 170

Contracts:Main Contract
Term Info
Main Contract

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Main Contract means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The contract entered into between the Employer and the Contractor in respect of the Main Works, brief particulars of
which are given in Part A of Annex A.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Main Contract DAB 171

Contracts:Main Contract DAB

Term Info
Main Contract DAB

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Main Contract DAB means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The DAB as defined under the Main Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Main Contract Tests on Completion 172

Contracts:Main Contract Tests on Completion

Term Info
Main Contract Tests on Completion

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Main Contract Tests on Completion means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The tests which the Subcontractor is to carry out on completion of the Subcontract Works in accordance with
Sub-Clause 9.1 [Subcontract Tests on Completion] which constitute Tests on Completion under the Main Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Main Works 173

Contracts:Main Works
Term Info
Main Works

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Main Works means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The Works as defined in the Main Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Maintenance Retention Fund 174

Contracts:Maintenance Retention Fund

Term Info
Maintenance Retention Fund

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Maintenance Retention Fund means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The fund and guarantee respectively provided for under Sub-Clause 14.19 [Maintenance Retention Fund].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Maintenance Retention Guarantee 175

Contracts:Maintenance Retention Guarantee

Term Info
Maintenance Retention Guarantee

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Maintenance Retention Guarantee means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The fund and guarantee respectively provided for under Sub-Clause 14.19 [Maintenance Retention Fund].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Materials 176

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Materials means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

Things of all kinds (other than Plant), whether on the Site or otherwise allocated to the Contract and intended to form
or forming part of the Permanent Works, including the supply-only materials (if any) to be supplied by the
Contractor under the Contract.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

Things of all kinds (other than Plant), whether on the Site or otherwise allocated to the Contract and intended to form
or forming part of the Permanent Works, including the supply-only materials (if any) to be supplied by the
Contractor under the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Materials 177

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
Things of all kinds (other than Plant), whether on the Site or otherwise allocated to the Contract and intended to form
or forming part of the Permanent Works, including the supply-only materials (if any) to be supplied by the
Contractor under the Contract.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

Things of all kinds (other than Permanent Plant) intended to form or forming part of the permanent work.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
Things of all kinds (other than Plant) intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works, including the
supply-only materials (if any) to be supplied by the Contractor under the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
Things of all kinds (other than Plant) whether on the Site or otherwise allocated to the Contract and intended to form
or forming part of the Works, including the supply-only Materials (if any) to be supplied by the Contractor under the

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

Things of all kinds (other than Plant) intended to form or forming part of the permanent work.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

Things of all kinds (other than Plant) intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works, including the
supply-only materials (if any) to be supplied by the Contractor under the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Materials 178

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
Things of all kinds (other than Plant) intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works, including the
supply-only materials (if any) to be supplied by the Contractor under the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

Things of all kinds (other than Plant) intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works, including the
supply-only materials (if any) to be supplied by the Contractor under the Contract.

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

Things of all kinds (other than Plant) intended to form or forming part of the permanent work.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

Things of all kinds (other than Plant) to be provided and incorporated in the Permanent Works by the Contractor,
including the supply-only items (if any) which are to be supplied by the Contractor as specified in the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Member Representative 179

Contracts:Member Representative
Term Info
Member Representative

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-06

Member Representative means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The person nominated from time to time to the Steering Committee by each Member, as set out in Appendix 1
[Particular Conditions].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Members 180

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-06

Members means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The entities who have agreed to enter into Joint Venture in connection with the Project and their legal successors or
permitted assigns.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The individuals or firms which have agreed to Joint Venture in connection with the Project.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Month 181

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Month means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A calendar month (according to the Gregorian calendar).

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A calendar month (according to the Gregorian calendar).

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
A calendar month (according to the Gregorian calendar).

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3rd edition 1999)

A period of one month according to the Gregorian calendar commencing with any day of the month.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

A period of one month according to the Gregorian calendar commencing with any day in the month.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:No-objection 182

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

No-Objection means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

That the Engineer has no objection to the Contractor’s Documents, or other documents submitted by the Contractor
under these Conditions, and such Contractor’s Documents or other documents may be used for the Works.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

That the Engineer has no objection to the Contractor’s Documents, or other documents submitted by the Contractor
under these Conditions, and such Contractor’s Documents or other documents may be used for the Works.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
That the Employer has no objection to the Contractor’s Documents, or other documents submitted by the Contractor
under these Conditions, and such Contractor’s Documents or other documents may be used for the Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Notice 183

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Notice means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A written communication identified as a Notice and issued in accordance with Sub-Clause 1.3 [Notices and Other

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A written communication identified as a Notice and issued in accordance with Sub-Clause 1.3 [Notices and Other

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
A written communication identified as a Notice and issued in accordance with Sub-Clause 1.3 [Notices and Other

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Notice 184

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

A written communication identified as a Notice and issued under Clause 23 [Notices and Other Communications].

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

A written communication identified as a Notice and issued in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1.3 [Notices
and other Communications].

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

A written communication identified as a Notice and issued in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1.3 [Notices
and other Communications].

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
A written communication identified as a Notice and issued in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Clause 1.3
[Notices and Other Communications].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Notice of Dissatisfaction 185

Contracts:Notice of Dissatisfaction
Term Info
Notice of Dissatisfaction

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Notice of Dissatisfaction or NOD means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The Notice one Party may give to the other Party if it is dissatisfied, either with an Engineer’s determination under
Sub-Clause 3.7 [Agreement or Determination] or with a DAAB’s decision under Sub-Clause 21.4 [Obtaining
DAAB’s Decision].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The Notice one Party may give to the other Party if it is dissatisfied, either with an Engineer’s determination under
Sub-Clause 3.7 [Agreement or Determination] or with a DAAB’s decision under Sub-Clause 21.4 [Obtaining
DAAB’s Decision].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The Notice one Party may give to the other Party if it is dissatisfied, either with an Employer’s Representative’s
determination under Sub-Clause 3.5 [Agreement or Determination] or with a DAAB’s decision under Sub-Clause
21.4 [Obtaining DAAB’s Decision].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The notice given by either Party to the other under Sub-Clause 20.4 [Obtaining Dispute Board’s Decision] indicating
its dissatisfaction and intention to commence arbitration.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Operating Licence 186

Contracts:Operating Licence
Term Info
Operating Licence

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Operating Licence means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The licence referred to in Sub-Clause 1.7 [Operating Licence] by which the Employer grants a royalty-free licence to
the Contractor to operate and maintain the Works during the Operation Service.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Operation and Maintenance Plan 187

Contracts:Operation and Maintenance Plan

Term Info
Operation and Maintenance Plan

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Operation and Maintenance Plan means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The plan for operating and maintaining the facility, submitted by the Contractor, and agreed and included in the

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Operation Management Requirements 188

Contracts:Operation Management Requirements

Term Info
Operation Management Requirements

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Operation Management Requirements means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The set of procedures and requirements, provided by the Employer, included in the Employer's Requirements for the
proper implementation of the Operation Service.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Operation Service 189

Contracts:Operation Service
Term Info
Operation Service

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

Operation Service means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The operation and maintenance of the facility as set out in the Operation Management Requirements.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Operation Service Period 190

Contracts:Operation Service Period

Term Info
Operation Service Period

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

Operation Service Period means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The period from the date stated in the Commissioning Certificate as provided for under Sub-Clause 10.2
[Commencement of Operation Service] to the date stated in the Contract Completion Certificate.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Part 191

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-15

Part means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A part of the Works or part of a Section (as the case may be) which is used by the Employer and deemed to have
been taken over under Sub-Clause 10.2 [Taking Over Parts].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A part of the Works or part of a Section (as the case may be) which is used by the Employer and deemed to have
been taken over under Sub-Clause 10.2 [Taking Over Parts].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Particular Conditions 192

Contracts:Particular Conditions
Term Info
Particular Conditions

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Particular Conditions means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The document entitled particular conditions of contract included in the Contract, which consists of Part A - Contract
Data and Part B – Special Provisions.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The document entitled particular conditions of contract included in the Contract, which consists of Part A - Contract
Data and Part B – Special Provisions.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The document entitled particular conditions of contract included in the Contract, which consists of Part A - Contract
Data and Part B – Special Provisions.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Parties 193

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Parties means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

Both the Employer and the Contractor.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

Both the Employer and the Contractor.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
Both the Employer and the Contractor.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

The Client and the Consultant.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3rd edition 1999)

The Client and the Consultant.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Party 194

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Party means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The Consultant and/or the Sub-Consultant as the context requires.

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The Client and/or the Consultant as the context requires.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Party 195

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

Either the Employer or the Contractor.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The Contractor or the Subcontractor, as the context requires. The Contractor and the Subcontractor are referred to
jointly as “the Parties”.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

The Client and the Consultant.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

Either the Employer or the Contractor.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3rd edition 1999)

The Client and the Consultant.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.

Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (1st edition 1999)

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Party 196

The Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

Either the Employer or the Contractor.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Payment Certificate 197

Contracts:Payment Certificate
Term Info
Payment Certificate

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-15

Payment Certificate means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A payment certificate issued by the Engineer under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A payment certificate issued by the Engineer under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
A payment certificate issued under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment].

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

A payment certificate issued under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment].

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

A payment certificate issued under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Performance Certificate 198

Contracts:Performance Certificate
Term Info
Performance Certificate

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Performance Certificate means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The certificate issued by the Engineer (or deemed to be issued) under Sub- Clause 11.9 [Performance Certificate].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The certificate issued by the Engineer (or deemed to be issued) under Sub-Clause 11.9 [Performance Certificate].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The certificate issued by the Employer (or deemed to be issued) under Sub- Clause 11.9 [Performance Certificate].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The certificate issued under Sub-Clause 11.9 [Performance Certificate].

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The certificate issued under Sub-Clause 11.9 [Performance Certificate].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Performance Certificate 199

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The certificate issued under Sub-Clause 11.9 [Performance Certificate].

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The certificate issued under Sub-Clause 11.9 [Performance Certificate].

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The certificate issued by the Employer’s Representative under Sub-Clause 12.9.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Performance Damages 200

Contracts:Performance Damages
Term Info
Performance Damages

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Performance Damages means :

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The damages to be paid by the Contractor to the Employer, for the failure to achieve the guaranteed performance of
the Plant and/or the Works or any part of the Works (as the case may be), as set out in the Schedule of Performance

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The damages to be paid by the Contractor to the Employer, for the failure to achieve the guaranteed performance of
the Plant and/or the Works or any part of the Works (as the case may be), as set out in the Schedule of Performance

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Performance Guarantees 201

Contracts:Performance Guarantees
Term Info
Performance Guarantees

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-07-04

Performance Guarantees means :

Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (1st edition 1999)

The documents so named (if any), as included in the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Performance Security 202

Contracts:Performance Security
Term Info
Performance Security

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Performance Security means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The security under Sub-Clause 4.2 [Performance Security].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The security under Sub-Clause 4.2 [Performance Security].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The security under Sub-Clause 4.2 [Performance Security].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The security (or securities, if any) under Sub-Clause 4.2 [Performance Security].

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The security under Sub-Clause 4.2 [Performance Security].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Performance Security 203

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The security (or securities, if any) under Sub-Clause 4.2 [Performance Security].

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The security (or securities, if any) under Sub-Clause 4.2 [Performance Security].

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The security (or securities, if any) under Sub-Clause 4.2 [Performance Security].

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The security to be provided by the Contractor in accordance with Sub-Clause 10.1 for the due performance of the

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Permanent Works 204

Contracts:Permanent Works
Term Info
Permanent Works

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Permanent Works means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The works of a permanent nature which are to be executed by the Contractor under the Contract.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The works of a permanent nature which are to be executed by the Contractor under the Contract.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The works of a permanent nature which are to be executed by the Contractor under the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The permanent works to be executed by the Contractor under the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The permanent works to be designed, executed and operated by the Contractor under the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Permanent Works 205

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The permanent works to be executed by the Contractor under the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The permanent works to be designed and executed by the Contractor under the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The permanent works to be executed by the Contractor under the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The permanent works to be designed and executed in accordance with the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The permanent works to be executed (including Plant) in accordance with the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Plant 206

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Plant means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The apparatus, equipment, machinery and vehicles (including any components) whether on the Site or otherwise
allocated to the Contract and intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The apparatus, equipment, machinery and vehicles (including any components) whether on the Site or otherwise
allocated to the Contract and intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The apparatus, equipment, machinery and vehicles (including any components) whether on the Site or otherwise
allocated to the Contract and intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Plant 207

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The apparatus, machinery and vehicles intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works, including vehicles
purchased for the Employer and relating to the construction or operation of the Works.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The apparatus, machinery and vehicles intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

The machinery and apparatus intended to form or forming part of the permanent work.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The apparatus, machinery and vehicles intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The apparatus, machinery and vehicles intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The apparatus, machinery and vehicles intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

The machinery and apparatus intended to form or forming part of the permanent work.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

Machinery and apparatus intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works, including the supply-only items
(if any) which are to be supplied by the Contractor as specified in the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Plant 208

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

Machinery, apparatus, materials and all things to be provided under the Contract for incorporation in the Works.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
Machinery, apparatus and the like intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Programme 209

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Programme means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A detailed time programme prepared and submitted by the Contractor to which the Engineer has given (or is deemed
to have given) a Notice of No-objection under Sub-Clause 8.3 [Programme].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A detailed time programme prepared and submitted by the Contractor to which the Engineer has given (or is deemed
to have given) a Notice of No-objection under Sub-Clause 8.3 [Programme].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
A detailed time programme prepared and submitted by the Contractor to which the Employer has given (or is
deemed to have given) a Notice of No-objection under Sub-Clause 8.3 [Programme].

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

(It) shall have the meaning given to it in Clause 4.3 [Programme].

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The Programme to be submitted by the Contractor in accordance with Sub-Clause 12.1 and any approved revisions

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Project 210

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-06

Project means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The undertaking or proposed or actual works described in Appendix 1 [Particular Conditions] in connection with
which the Client requires professional engineering and/or other services.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The project named in the Particular Conditions for which the Services are to be provided.

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The project named in the Particular Conditions for which the Services are to be provided.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

The project named in the Particular Conditions for which the Services are to be provided.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Project 211

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3rd edition 1999)

The project named in the Particular Conditions for which the Works are to be provided.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The undertaking or proposed or actual works named in Schedule 1 in connection with which the Client intends or has
commenced to proceed and requires professional services.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The project named in Schedule 1 for which the Works are to be provided, and, in connection with which, the Client
has appointed the Consultant to provide consultancy services.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Project Director 212

Contracts:Project Director
Term Info
Project Director

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-06

Project Director means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The Member Representative of the Leading Member. The Project Director shall act as chairman of the Steering

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Project Manager 213

Contracts:Project Manager
Term Info
Project Manager

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-06

Project Manager means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The person appointed from time to time by the Leading Member to manage and supervise the performance of the
work under the Services Agreement.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Proposal 214

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-06

Proposal means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The proposal to be prepared and submitted by the Joint Venture to the Client in response to the Invitation, and which
shall include any changes agreed thereto by the Members;

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The proposal to be prepared and submitted by the Joint Venture in response to the Invitation.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Provisional Sum 215

Contracts:Provisional Sum
Term Info
Provisional Sum

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Provisional Sum means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A sum (if any) which is specified in the Contract by the Employer as a provisional sum, for the execution of any part
of the Works or for the supply of Plant, Materials or services under Sub- Clause 13.4 [Provisional Sums].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A sum (if any) which is specified in the Contract by the Employer as a provisional sum, for the execution of any part
of the Works or for the supply of Plant, Materials or services under Sub-Clause 13.4 [Provisional Sums].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
A sum (if any) which is specified in the Contract by the Employer as a provisional sum, for the execution of any part
of the Works or for the supply of Plant, Materials or services under Sub- Clause 13.4 [Provisional Sums].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Provisional Sum 216

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
A sum (if any) which is specified in the Contract as a provisional sum, for the execution of any part of the Works or
for the supply of Plant, Materials or services under Sub-Clause 13.5 [Provisional Sums].

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
A sum (if any) which is specified in the Contract by the Employer as a Provisional Sum, for the execution of any part
of the Works or for the supply of Plant, Materials or services under Sub-Clause 13.5 [Provisional Sums].

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

A sum (if any) which is specified in the Contract as a provisional sum, for the execution of any part of the Works or
for the supply of Plant, Materials or services under Sub-Clause 13.5 [Provisional Sums].

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
A sum (if any) which is specified in the Contract as a provisional sum, for the execution of any part of the Works or
for the supply of Plant, Materials or services under Sub-Clause 13.5 [Provisional Sums].

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

A sum (if any) which is specified in the Contract as a provisional sum, for the execution of any part of the Works or
for the supply of Plant, Materials or services under Sub-Clause 13.5 [Provisional Sums].

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

A sum (if any) specified in the Contract and designated as such, for the execution of any part of the Works or for the
supply of Plant, Materials or services.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Provisional Sum 217

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

A sum, described as such for the execution of work or for the supply of goods or services, to be used in accordance
with Sub-Clause 36.1.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:QM System 218

Contracts:QM System
Term Info
QM System

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Quality Management (QM) System means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The Contractor’s quality management system (as may be updated and/or revised from time to time) in accordance
with Sub-Clause 4.9.1 [Quality Management System].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The Contractor’s quality management system (as may be updated and/or revised from time to time) in accordance
with Sub-Clause 4.9.1 [Quality Management System].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The Contractor’s quality management system (as may be updated and/or revised from time to time) in accordance
with Sub-Clause 4.9.1 [Quality Management System].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Rates and Prices 219

Contracts:Rates and Prices

Term Info
Rates and Prices

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Rates and Prices means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The rates and prices inserted in the Schedules for the design, execution and completion of the Works and for the
provision of the Operation Service as incorporated in the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Retention Money 220

Contracts:Retention Money
Term Info
Retention Money

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Retention Money means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The accumulated retention moneys which the Employer retains under Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Interim
Payment] and pays under Sub-Clause 14.9 [Release of Retention Money].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The accumulated retention moneys which the Employer retains under Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Interim
Payment] and pays under Sub-Clause 14.9 [Release of Retention Money].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The accumulated retention moneys which the Employer retains under Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Interim
Payment] and pays under Sub-Clause 14.9 [Release of Retention Money].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Retention Money 221

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The accumulated retention moneys which the Employer retains under Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Interim
Payment Certificates ] and pays under Sub-Clause 14.9 [Payment of Retention Money].

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The accumulated retention monies which the Employer retains under Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Advance and
Interim Payment Certificates].

Conditions of Contract for Construction Contract (1st edition 1999)

The accumulated retention moneys which the Employer retains under Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Interim
Payment Certificates] and pays under Sub-Clause 14.9 [Payment of Retention Money].

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The accumulated retention moneys which the Employer retains under Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Interim
Payments] and pays under Sub-Clause 14.9 [Payment of Retention Money].

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The accumulated retention moneys which the Employer retains under Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Interim
Payment Certificates] and pays under Sub-Clause 14.9 [Payment of Retention Money].

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The accumulated retention monies retained by the Employer under Sub-Clause 13.3.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The aggregate of all monies retained by the Employer pursuant to Sub-Clause 60.2(a).

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Retention Period 222

Contracts:Retention Period
Term Info
Retention Period

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Retention Period means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The period of 1 year after the date stated in the Commissioning Certificate for the completion of outstanding work.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Review 223

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Review means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The examination and consideration by the Engineer of a Contractor’s submission in order to assess whether (and to
what extent) it complies with the Contract and/or with the Contractor’s obligations under or in connection with the

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The examination and consideration by the Engineer of a Contractor’s submission in order to assess whether (and to
what extent) it complies with the Contract and/or with the Contractor’s obligations under or in connection with the

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The examination and consideration by the Employer of a Contractor’s submission in order to assess whether (and to
what extent) it complies with the Contract and/or with the Contractor’s obligations under or in connection with the

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Risk of Damage 224

Contracts:Risk of Damage
Term Info
Risk of Damage

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Risk of Damage means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
A risk which results in physical loss or damage to the Works or other property belonging to either Party, other than a
Commercial Risk.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Risk Transfer Date 225

Contracts:Risk Transfer Date

Term Info
Risk Transfer Date

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-04-04

Risk Transfer Date means :

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The date when the risk of loss of or damage to the Works passes from the Contractor to the Employer in accordance
with Sub- Clause 39.1.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Schedule of Guarantees 226

Contracts:Schedule of Guarantees
Term Info
Schedule of Guarantees

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-07-04

Schedule of Guarantees means :

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The documents so named (if any) which are comprised in the Schedules.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Schedule of Payment Currencies 227

Contracts:Schedule of Payment Currencies

Term Info
Schedule of Payment Currencies

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-25-07

Schedule of Payment Currencies means :

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The documents so named (if any) which are comprised in the Schedules.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Schedule of Payments 228

Contracts:Schedule of Payments
Term Info
Schedule of Payments

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Schedule of Payments means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The document(s) entitled schedule of payments (if any) in the Schedules showing the amounts and manner of
payments to be made to the Contractor.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The document(s) entitled schedule of payments (if any) in the Schedules showing the amounts and manner of
payments to be made to the Contractor.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The document(s) entitled schedule of payments (if any) in the Schedules showing the amounts and manner of
payments to be made to the Contractor.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Schedule of Payments 229

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
Those Schedules (if any) incorporated in the Contract showing the manner in which payments are to be made to the

Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (1st edition 1999)

The documents so named (if any), as included in the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The documents so named (if any) which are comprised in the Schedules.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The Schedule designated as such (if any), referred to in Sub-Clause 13.4.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Schedule of Performance Guarantees 230

Contracts:Schedule of Performance Guarantees

Term Info
Schedule of Performance Guarantees

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Schedule of Performance Guarantees means :

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The document(s) entitled schedule of performance guarantees (if any) in the Schedules showing the guarantees
required by the Employer for performance of the Works and/ or the Plant or any part of the Works (as the case may
be), and stating the applicable Performance Damages payable in the event of failure to attain any of the guaranteed

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The document(s) entitled schedule of performance guarantees (if any) in the Schedules showing the guarantees
required by the Employer for performance of the Works and/or the Plant or any part of the Works (as the case may
be), and stating the applicable Performance Damages payable in the event of failure to attain any of the guaranteed

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Schedule of Prices 231

Contracts:Schedule of Prices
Term Info
Schedule of Prices

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-04-04

Schedule of Prices means :

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The completed and priced Schedule of Prices, or any part or individual schedule thereof, submitted by the Contractor
with his Tender and forming a part of the Contract documents.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Schedule of Rates and Prices 232

Contracts:Schedule of Rates and Prices

Term Info
Schedule of Rates and Prices

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Payment Certificate means :

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The document(s) entitled schedule of rates and prices (if any) in the Schedules.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The document(s) entitled schedule of rates and prices (if any) in the Schedules.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Schedules 233

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Schedules means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The document(s) entitled schedules prepared by the Employer and completed by the Contractor, as attached to the
Letter of Tender and included in the Contract. Such document(s) may include the Bill of Quantities, data, lists and
schedules of payments and/or of rates and prices, and schedules of guarantees.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The document(s) entitled schedules prepared by the Employer and completed by the Contractor, as attached to the
Letter of Tender and included in the Contract. Such document(s) may include data, lists and schedules of payments
and/or rates and prices, and guarantees.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The document(s) entitled schedules prepared by the Employer and completed by the Contractor, as attached to the
Tender and included in the Contract. Such document(s) may include data, lists and schedules of payments and/or,
rates and prices, and guarantees.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The document(s) entitled schedules, completed by the Contractor and submitted with the Letter of Tender, as
included in the Contract. Such document may include the Bill of Quantities, data, lists, and schedules of rates and/or

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Schedules 234

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The document(s) entitled Schedules, completed by the Contractor and submitted with the Letter of Tender, as
incorporated in the Contract. Such documents shall include the Asset Replacement Schedule, and may also include
data, lists, Schedules of Payments and/or prices, and guarantees.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The document(s) entitled schedules, completed by the Contractor and submitted with the Letter of Tender, as
included in the Contract. Such document may include the Bill of Quantities, data, lists, and schedules of rates and/or

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The document(s) entitled schedules, completed by the Contractor and submitted with the Letter of Tender, as
included in the Contract. Such document may include data, lists and schedules of payments and/or prices.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The information and data submitted with the Tender, as included in the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

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printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Section 235

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Section means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A part of the Works specified in the Contract Data as a Section (if any).

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A part of the Works specified in the Contract Data as a Section (if any).

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
A part of the Works specified in the Contract Data as a Section (if any).

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

A part of the Works specified in the Contract Data as a Section (if any).

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
A part of the Works specified in the Contract Data as a Section (if any).

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Section 236

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
A part of the Works specified in the Contract Data as a Section (if any).

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

A part of the Works specified in the Appendix as a Section (if any).

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

A part of the Works specified in the Appendix to Tender as a Section (if any).

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
A part of the Works specified in the Particular Conditions as a Section (if any).

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

A part of the Works specified in the Appendix to Tender as a Section (if any).

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

A part of the Works specifically defined in the Appendix to Tender as a Section (if any).

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

A part of the Works specifically identified as such in the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
A part of the Works specifically identified in the Contract as a Section.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Section Commissioning Certificate 237

Contracts:Section Commissioning Certificate

Term Info
Section Commissioning Certificate

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

Section Commissioning Certificate means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
A certificate issued by the Employer’s Representative to the Contractor under Sub-Clause 11.7 [Commissioning

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Services 238

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-06

Services means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

All the services to be performed by the Joint Venture as defined in the Services Agreement.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The services to be provided by the Consultant under the Client / Consultant Agreement.

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The services defined in Appendix 1 [Scope of Services] to be performed by the Consultant in accordance with the
Agreement which includes any Variations to the Services instructed or arising in accordance with the Agreement.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

The services defined in Appendix 1 [Scope of Services ] to be performed by the Consultant in accordance with the
Agreement which comprise Normal Services, Additional Services and Exceptional Services.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Services 239

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3rd edition 1999)

The services to be performed by the Consultant in accordance with the Agreement and comprise Normal Services,
Additional Services and Exceptional Services.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

All the services to be performed by the Joint Venture in accordance with the Proposal or the Services Agreement, as
the case may be.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The consultancy services to be performed by the Consultant under the Main Agreement and as briefly outlined in
Schedule 1.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Services Agreement 240

Contracts:Services Agreement
Term Info
Services Agreement

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-06

Services Agreement means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The agreement between the Client and the Members for the provision of professional engineering and/or other
services for the Project.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The agreement between the Client and the Joint Venture for the provision of professional services for the Project.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Services Manager 241

Contracts:Services Manager
Term Info
Services Manager

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2016-26-02

Services Agreement means :

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3Rd edition 1999)

The person appointed from time to time by the Leading Member to manage and supervise the performance of the
work under the Services Agreement.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Site 242

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Site means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The places where the Permanent Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered, and
any other places specified in the Contract as forming part of the Site.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The places where the Permanent Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered, and
any other places specified in the Contract as forming part of the Site.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The places where the Permanent Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered, and
any other places specified in the Contract as forming part of the Site.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Site 243

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

The places provided by the Employer where the Works are to be executed and any other places specified in the
Contract as forming part of the Site.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The places where the Permanent Works are to be executed, including storage and working areas, and to which Plant
and Materials are to be delivered, and any other places as may be specified in the Contract as forming part of the

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The places where the Permanent Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered, and
where the Operation Service is to be provided, and any other places as may be specified in the Contract as forming
part of the Site.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

The places provided by the Employer where the Works are to be executed, and any other places specified in the
Contract as forming part of the Site.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The places where the Permanent Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered, and
any other places as may be specified in the Contract as forming part of the Site.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The places where the Permanent Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered, and
any other places as may be specified in the Contract as forming part of the Site.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Site 244

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The places where the Permanent Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered, and
any other places as may be specified in the Contract as forming part of the Site.

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

The places provided by the Employer where the Works are to be executed, and any other places specified in the
Contract as forming part of the Site.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The places provided by the Employer where the Works are to be executed and to which Plant and Materials are to be
delivered, and any other places as may be specifically designated in the Contract as forming part of the Site.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The place or places, provided or made available by the Employer where work is to be done by the Contractor or to
which Plant is to be delivered, together with so much of the area surrounding the same as the Contractor shall with
the consent of the Employer use in connection with the Works otherwise than merely for the purposes of access.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The places provided by the Employer where the Works are to be executed and any other places as may be
specifically designated in the Contract as forming part of the Site.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Special Provisions 245

Contracts:Special Provisions
Term Info
Special Provisions

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Special Provisions means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The document (if any), entitled special provisions which constitutes Part B of the Particular Conditions.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The document (if any), entitled special provisions which constitutes Part B of the Particular Conditions.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The document (if any), entitled special provisions which constitutes Part B of the Particular Conditions.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Specification 246

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-09

Specification means

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The document entitled specification included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to the
specification in accordance with the Contract. Such document specifies the Works.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

The document as listed in the Contract Data, including the Employer’s design and his requirements in respect of
design to be carried out by the Contractor, if any, and any Variation to such document.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The document entitled specification, as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to the
specification in accordance with the Contract. Such document specifies the Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Specification 247

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

The document as listed in the Appendix, including Employer’s requirements in respect of design to be carried out by
the Contractor, if any, and any Variation to such document.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The document entitled specification, as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to the
specification in accordance with the Contract. Such document specifies the Works.

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

The document as listed in the Appendix, including Employer's requirements in respect of design to be carried out by
the Contractor, if any, and any Variation to such document.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The specification of the Works included in the Contract and any modification thereof made under Clause 31.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The specification of the Works included in the Contract and any modification thereof or addition thereto made under
Clause 51 or submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Statement 248

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Statement means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A statement submitted by the Contractor as part of an application for a Payment Certificate under Sub-Clause 14.3
[Application for Interim Payment], Sub-Clause 14.10 [Statement at Completion] or Sub- Clause 14.11 [Final

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A statement submitted by the Contractor as part of an application for a Payment Certificate under Sub-Clause 14.3
[Application for Interim Payment], Sub-Clause 14.10 [Statement at Completion] or Sub-Clause 14.11 [Final

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Statement 249

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
A statement submitted by the Contractor as part of an application for payment under Sub- Clause 14.3 [Application
for Interim Payment], Sub-Clause 14.10 [Statement at Completion] or Sub-Clause 14.11 [Final Statement].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
A statement submitted by the Contractor as part of an application, under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment], for
a payment certificate.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
A financial Statement submitted by the Contractor as part of an application, under Clause 14 [Contract Price and
Payment], for a payment certificate.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

A statement submitted by the Contractor as part of an application, under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment], for
a payment certificate.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
A statement submitted by the Contractor as part of an application for payment under Clause 14 [Contract Price and

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

A statement submitted by the Contractor as part of an application, under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment], for
a payment certificate.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Steering Committee 250

Contracts:Steering Committee
Term Info
Steering Committee

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-06

Steering Committee means :

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The group of Member Representatives established under Clause 7 [Executive Authority] for the management of the
Joint Venture.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Sub-Consultancy Agreement 251

Contracts:Sub-Consultancy Agreement
Term Info
Sub-Consultancy Agreement

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Sub-Consultancy Agreement means:

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The Form of Sub-Consultancy Agreement together with the Sub-Consultancy Agreement (General Conditions and
Particular Conditions), Appendix 1 [Scope of Sub-Consultancy Services], Appendix 2 [Equipment and Facilities to
be provided by the Consultant], Appendix 3 [Remuneration and Payment], Appendix 4 [Consultant’s Programme],
Appendix 5 [Rules for Adjudication], and any letters of offer and acceptance attached to any of the above.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Sub-Consultancy Services 252

Contracts:Sub-Consultancy Services
Term Info
Sub-Consultancy Services

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2017-11-02

Sub-Consultancy Services means :

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, ´(2nd edition 2017)

The services defined in Appendix 1 [Scope of Sub-Consultancy Services] to be performed by the Sub-Consultant in
accordance with the Sub-Consultancy Agreement which includes any Variations to the Sub-Consultancy Services
instructed or arising in accordance with the Sub-Consultancy Agreement and which form part of the Services to be
provided by the Consultant under the Agreement.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement (1st edition 1992)

Those Services which are to be provided by the Sub-Consultant and such other services to be provided to the
Consultant by the Sub- Consultant which are specified in this Agreement as outlined in Schedule 2.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

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printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Sub-Consultant 253

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Sub-Consultant means:

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The professional firm or individual named in the Form of Sub-Consultancy Agreement and legal successors to the
Sub-Consultant and permitted assignees.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Sub-Consultants Programme 254

Contracts:Sub-Consultant’s Programme
Term Info
Sub-Consultant’s Programme

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Sub-Consultant’s Programme means:

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The programme referred to in Sub-Clause 4.3.2.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract 255

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontract means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The agreement between the Parties comprising the documents listed at Sub-Clause 1.5 [Priority of Subcontract

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Agreement 256

Contracts:Subcontract Agreement
Term Info
Subcontract Agreement

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontract Agreement means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The subcontract agreement referred to in Sub-Clause 1.9 [Subcontract Agreement].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Bill of Quantities 257

Contracts:Subcontract Bill of Quantities

Term Info
Subcontract Bill of Quantities

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

Subcontract Bill of Quantities means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The document entitled bill of quantities, completed by the Subcontractor and submitted with the Subcontractor’s
Offer, as included in Annex C.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Commencement Date 258

Contracts:Subcontract Commencement Date

Term Info
Subcontract Commencement Date

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

Subcontract Commencement Date means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The date notified under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Subcontract Works].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract DAB 259

Contracts:Subcontract DAB
Term Info
Subcontract DAB

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

Subcontract DAB means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

Either one or three persons as stated in the Appendix to the Subcontractor’s Offer, or other person(s) appointed under
Sub-Clause 20.5 [Appointment of the Subcontract DAB].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Defects Notification Period 260

Contracts:Subcontract Defects Notification

Term Info
Subcontract Defects Notification Period

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontract Defects Notification Period means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The period for notifying defects in accordance with Sub-Clause 11.2 [Subcontract Defects Notification Period].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Drawings 261

Contracts:Subcontract Drawings
Term Info
Subcontract Drawings

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontract Drawings means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The drawings of the Subcontract Works as included in the Subcontract, and any additional and/or modified drawings
issued by the Contractor in accordance with the Subcontract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Goods 262

Contracts:Subcontract Goods
Term Info
Subcontract Goods

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontract Goods means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The Subcontractor’s Equipment, Subcontract Plant, the materials intended to form or forming part of the Subcontract
Works (including supply only materials (if any) to be supplied by the Subcontractor under the Subcontract) and the
Subcontractor’s temporary works, or any of them as appropriate.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Performance Security 263

Contracts:Subcontract Performance Security

Term Info
Subcontract Performance Security

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontract Performance Security means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The security (or securities, if any) under Sub-Clause 4.2 [Subcontract Performance Security].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Plant 264

Contracts:Subcontract Plant
Term Info
Subcontract Plant

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontract Plant means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The apparatus, machinery and vehicles intended to form or forming part of the permanent works to be executed by
the Subcontractor under the Subcontract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Price 265

Contracts:Subcontract Price
Term Info
Subcontract Price

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

Subcontract Price means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The price defined in Sub-Clause 14.1 [The Subcontract Price], and includes adjustments in accordance with the

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Programme 266

Contracts:Subcontract Programme
Term Info
Subcontract Programme

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontract Programme means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The programme defined in Sub-Clause 8.3 [Subcontract Programme] and Annex F.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Section 267

Contracts:Subcontract Section
Term Info
Subcontract Section

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontract Section means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

A part of the Subcontract Works as defined in the Appendix to the Subcontractor’s Offer.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Specification 268

Contracts:Subcontract Specification
Term Info
Subcontract Specification

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontract Specification means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The document entitled specification, as included in the Subcontract, and any additions and /or modifications made in
accordance with the Subcontract. This document specifies the Subcontract Works and may include calculations and
technical information of a like nature.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Tests on Completion 269

Contracts:Subcontract Tests on Completion

Term Info
Subcontract Tests on Completion

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontract Tests on Completion means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The tests which are specified in the Subcontract or agreed by the Parties which the Subcontractor is to carry out on
completion of the Subcontract Works in accordance with Sub-Clause 9.1 [Subcontract Tests on Completion] which
do not constitute any Main Contract Tests on Completion.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Time for Completion 270

Contracts:Subcontract Time for Completion

Term Info
Subcontract Time for Completion

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontract Time for Completion means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The time for completion of the Subcontract Works under Sub-Clause 8.2 [Subcontract Time for Completion], as
stated in the Appendix to the Subcontractor’s Offer (with any extension under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of
Subcontract Time for Completion]), calculated from the Subcontract Commencement Date.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Variation 271

Contracts:Subcontract Variation
Term Info
Subcontract Variation

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontract Variation means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

Any change to the Subcontract Works which is instructed or approved as a variation under Clause 13 [Subcontract
Variations and Adjustments].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontract Works 272

Contracts:Subcontract Works
Term Info
Subcontract Works

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

Subcontract Works means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The permanent works to be executed and completed by the Subcontractor under the Subcontract, and the
Subcontractor’s temporary works required for the execution and completion of these permanent works and the
remedying of any defects, or either these permanent works or temporary works as appropriate.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontractor 273

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Subcontractor means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

Any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, or any person appointed by the Contractor as a subcontractor
(or designer, if any) for a part of the Works; and the legal successors in title to each of these persons.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

Any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, or any person appointed by the Contractor as a subcontractor
or designer, for a part of the Works; and the legal successors in title to each of these persons.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
Any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, or any person appointed by the Contractor as a subcontractor
or designer, for a part of the Works; and the legal successors in title to each of these persons.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontractor 274

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The person named as subcontractor in the Appendix to Subcontractor’s Offer accepted by the Contractor and the
legal successors in title to that person, but not (except with the consent of the Contractor) any assignee of that

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
Any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, or any person appointed as a subcontractor, for a part of the
Works; and the legal successors in title to each of these persons.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
Any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, or any person appointed as a subcontractor, for a part of the
Works; and the legal successors in title to each of these persons.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

Any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, or any person appointed as a subcontractor, for a part of the
Works; and the legal successors in title to each of these persons.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
Any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, or any person appointed as a subcontractor, for a part of the
Works; and the legal successors in title to each of these persons.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

Any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, or any person appointed as a subcontractor, for a part of the
Works; and the legal successors in title to each of these persons.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontractor 275

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

Any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, manufacturer or supplier for a part of the Works or any person
to whom a part of the Works has been subcontracted in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.5, and the legal successors in
title to such person, but not any assignee of such person.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

Any person (other than the Contractor) named in the Contract for any part of the Works, or any person to whom any
part of the Contract has been subcontracted with the consent of the Engineer, and the Subcontractor’s legal
successors in title but not any assignee of the Subcontractor.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
Any person named in the Contract as a Sub contractor for a part of the Works or any person to whom a part of the
Works has been subcontracted with the consent of the Engineer and the legal successors in title to such person, but
not any assignee of any such person.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontractors Documents 276

Contracts:Subcontractor’s Documents
Term Info
Subcontractor’s Documents

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

Subcontractor’s Documents means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The calculations, computer programmes and other software, drawings, manuals, models and other documents of a
technical nature (if any) supplied by the Subcontractor under the Subcontract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontractors Equipment 277

Contracts:Subcontractor’s Equipment
Term Info
Subcontractor’s Equipment

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontractor’s Equipment means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

All apparatus, machinery, vehicles and other things required for the execution and completion of the Subcontract
Works and the remedying of any defects. Subcontractor’s Equipment excludes the Subcontractor’s temporary works,
the Contractor’s Equipment (if any), the Employer’s Equipment (if any), the Subcontract Plant, materials and any
other things intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontractors Offer 278

Contracts:Subcontractor’s Offer
Term Info
Subcontractor’s Offer

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontractor’s Offer means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The Letter of Subcontractor’s Offer and all other documents which the Subcontractor submitted with this offer
including the Appendix to the Subcontractor’s Offer, as accepted by the Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontractors Personnel 279

Contracts:Subcontractor’s Personnel
Term Info
Subcontractor’s Personnel

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Subcontractor’s Personnel means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The Subcontractor’s Representative and all personnel whom the Subcontractor utilises on Site, who may include the
staff, labour, and other employees of the Subcontractor and of the Subcontractor’s subcontractors (if any), and any
other personnel assisting the Subcontractor in the execution of the Subcontract Works.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Subcontractors Representative 280

Contracts:Subcontractor’s Representative
Term Info
Subcontractor’s Representative

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

Subcontractor’s Representative means :

Conditions of Contract for Subcontract for Construction (1st edition

The person named by the Subcontractor in the Appendix to Subcontractor’ Offer or appointed from time to time by
the Subcontractor under Sub-Clause 6.4 [Subcontractor’s Representative], who acts on behalf of the Subcontractor.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Taking-Over Certificate 281

Contracts:Taking-Over Certificate
Term Info
Taking-Over Certificate

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2017-11-19

Taking-Over Certificate means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

A certificate issued (or deemed to be issued) by the Engineer in accordance with Clause 10 [Employer’s Taking

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

A certificate issued (or deemed to be issued) by the Engineer in accordance with Clause 10 [Employer’s Taking

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
A certificate issued (or deemed to be issued) by the Employer in accordance with Clause 10 [Employer’s Taking

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

A certificate issued by the Engineer under Sub-Clauses 8.2 [Taking-Over] or 8.3 [Taking-Over Part of the Works].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
A certificate issued under Clause 10 [Employer’s Taking Over].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Taking-Over Certificate 282

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

A certificate issued by the Engineer under Sub-Clauses 8.2 or 8.3.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

A certificate issued under Clause 10 [Employer’s Taking Over].

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
A certificate issued under Clause 10 [Employer's Taking Over].

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

A certificate issued under Clause 10 [Employer's Taking Over].

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

A certificate issued under Clause 10. “Tests after Completion” means the tests specified in the Contract and
designated as such, which are to be carried out after the Works or any Section are taken over by the Employer.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The certificate to be given by the Engineer to the Contractor in accordance with Clause 29.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
A certificate issued pursuant to Clause 48.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Temporary Works 283

Contracts:Temporary Works
Term Info
Temporary Works

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Temporary Works means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

All temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor's Equipment) required on Site for the execution of the

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

All temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor’s Equipment) required on Site for the execution of the

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
All temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor's Equipment) required on Site for the execution of the

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
All temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor’s Equipment) required on Site for the execution and
completion of the Permanent Works and the remedying of any defects.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Temporary Works 284

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
All temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor’s Equipment) required on Site for the execution,
completion and operation of the Works.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

All temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor’s Equipment) required on Site for the execution and
completion of the Permanent Works and the remedying of any defects.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
All temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor's Equipment) required on Site for the execution and
completion of the Permanent Works and the remedying of any defects.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

All temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor’s Equipment) required on Site for the execution and
completion of the Permanent Works and the remedying of any defects.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

All temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor’s Equipment) required for the execution and completion of
the Works and the remedying of any defects.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
All temporary works of every kind (other than Contractor’ Equipment) required in or about the execution and
completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Tender 285

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Tender means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The Letter of Tender, the JV Undertaking (if applicable) and all other documents which the Contractor submitted
with the Letter of Tender, as included in the Contract.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The Letter of Tender, the Contractor’s Proposal, the JV Undertaking (if applicable), and all other documents which
the Contractor submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included in the Contract.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The Contractor’s signed offer for the Works, the JV Undertaking (if applicable) and all other documents which the
Contractor submitted with the Tender (other than these Conditions, the Schedules and the Employer’s Requirements,
if so submitted), as included in the Contract.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Tender 286

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The Letter of Tender and all other documents which the Contractor submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included
in the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The Letter of Tender and all other documents which the Contractor submitted with the Letter of Tender, as
incorporated in the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The Letter of Tender and all other documents which the Contractor submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included
in the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (1st edition 1999)

The Contractor's signed offer for the Works and all other documents which the Contractor submitted therewith (other
than these Conditions and the Employer's Requirements, if so submitted), as included in the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The Letter of Tender and all other documents which the Contractor submitted with the Letter of Tender, as included
in the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The Contractor’s priced offer to the Employer for the Works, as accepted by the Letter of Acceptance.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Tender 287

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The Contractor’s priced offer to the Employer for the execution of the Works.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The Contractor’s priced offer to the Employer for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of
any defects therein in accordance with the provisions of the Contract, as accepted by the "Letter of Acceptance".

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Tests after Completion 288

Contracts:Tests after Completion

Term Info
Tests after Completion

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Tests after Completion means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The tests (if any) which are stated in the Specification and which are carried out in accordance with the Special
Provisions after the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over under Clause 10 [Employer's Taking

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The tests (if any) which are specified in the Employer’s Requirements and which are carried out under Clause 12
[Tests after Completion] after the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over under Clause 10
[Employer’s Taking Over].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The tests (if any) which are specified in the Employer’s Requirements and which are carried out under Clause 12
[Tests after Completion] after the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over under Clause 10
[Employer's Taking Over].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The tests (if any) which are specified in the Contract and which are carried out in accordance with the Specification
after the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over by the Employer.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Tests after Completion 289

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The tests (if any) which are specified in the Contract and which are carried out in accordance with the provisions of
the Particular Conditions after the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over by the Employer.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The tests (if any) which are specified in the Contract and which are carried out under Clause 12 [Tests after
Completion] after the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over by the Employer.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The tests (if any) which are specified in the Contract and which are carried out under Clause 12 [Tests after
Completion] after the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over by the Employer.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Tests on Completion 290

Contracts:Tests on Completion
Term Info
Tests on Completion

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Tests on Completion

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The tests which are specified in the Contract or agreed by both Parties or instructed as a Variation, and which are
carried out under Clause 9 [Tests on Completion] before the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over
under Clause 10 [Employer's Taking Over].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The tests which are specified in the Contract or agreed by both Parties or instructed as a Variation, and which are
carried out under Clause 9 [Tests on Completion] before the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over
under Clause 10 [Employer’s Taking Over].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The tests which are specified in the Contract or agreed by both Parties or instructed as a Variation, and which are
carried out under Clause 9 [Tests on Completion] before the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over
under Clause 10 [Employer's Taking Over].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The tests which are specified in the Contract or agreed by both Parties or instructed as a Variation, and which are
carried out under Clause 9 [Tests on Completion] before the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over
by the Employer.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Tests on Completion 291

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The tests which are specified in the Contract or agreed by both Parties or instructed as a Variation, and which are
carried out under Clause 9 [Tests on Completion] before the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over
by the Employer.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The tests which are specified in the Contract or agreed by both Parties or instructed as a Variation, and which are
carried out under Clause 9 [Tests on Completion] before the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over
by the Employer.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The tests which are specified in the Contract or agreed by both Parties or instructed as a Variation, and which are
carried out under Clause 9 [Tests on Completion] before the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are taken over
by the Employer.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The tests specified in the Contract and designated as such, and any other such tests as may be agreed by the
Employer’s Representative and the Contractor or instructed as a Variation, which are to be carried out before the
Works or any Section are taken over by the Employer.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The tests specified in the Contract or otherwise agreed by the Engineer and the Contractor to be performed before the
Works are taken over by the Employer.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The tests specified in the Contract or otherwise agreed by the Engineer and the Contractor which are to be made by
the Contractor before the Works or any Section or part thereof are taken over by the Employer.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Tests on Completion of Design-Build 292

Contracts:Tests on Completion of Design-Build

Term Info
Tests on Completion of Design-Build

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Tests on Completion of Design-Build means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The tests which are specified in the Contract or agreed by both Parties or instructed as a Variation, and which are to
be carried out under Clause 11 [Testing] before the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are deemed to be fit for
purpose as defined in the Employer’s Requirements.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Tests Prior to Contract Completion 293

Contracts:Tests Prior to Contract Completion

Term Info
Tests Prior to Contract Completion

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Tests Prior to Contract Completion means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The tests (if any) which are specified in the Contract and any other such tests as may be agreed by the Employer’s
Representative and the Contractor or instructed as a Variation and which are to be carried out under Clause 11
[Testing] before the expiry of the Contract Period.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Third party 294

Contracts:Third party
Term Info
Third party

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date = 2015-05-04

third party means :

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

Any other person or entity as the context requires.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3rd edition 1999)

Any other person or entity as the context requires.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Time for Completion 295

Contracts:Time for Completion

Term Info
Time for Completion

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Time for Completion means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The time for completing the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion],
as stated in the Contract Data as may be extended under Sub-Clause 8.5 [Extension of Time for Completion],
calculated from the Commencement Date.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The time for completing the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion],
as stated in the Contract Data as may be extended under Sub-Clause 8.5 [Extension of Time for Completion],
calculated from the Commencement Date.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The time for completing the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion],
as stated in the Contract Data as may be extended under Sub-Clause 8.5 [Extension of Time for Completion],
calculated from the Commencement Date.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

The time for completing the Sub-Consultancy Services as stated in the Particular Conditions, or as may be amended
in accordance with the Sub-Consultancy Agreement, calculated from the Commencement Date.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Time for Completion 296

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

The time for completing the Services as stated in the Particular Conditions, or as may be amended in accordance
with the Agreement, calculated from the Commencement Date.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

The time for completing the Works or Section as stated in the Contract Data (or as extended under Sub-Clause 7.3
[Extension of Time]), calculated from the Commencement Date.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The time for completing the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion],
as stated in the Contract Data (with any extension under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion]),
calculated from the Commencement Date.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

The time period stated for this purpose in the Particular Conditions.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

The time for completing the Works or Section as stated in the Appendix (or as extended under Sub-Clause 7.3),
calculated from the Commencement Date.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The time for completing the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion],
as stated in the Appendix to Tender (with any extension under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion]),
calculated from the Commencement Date.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Time for Completion 297

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The time for completing the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion],
as stated in the Particular Conditions (with any extension under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for
Completion]), calculated from the Commencement Date.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The time for completing the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion],
as stated in the Appendix to Tender (with any extension under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion]),
calculated from the Commencement Date.

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

The time for completing the Works as stated in the Appendix (or as extended under Sub-Clause 7.3), calculated from
the Commencement Date.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The time for completing the Works or a Section (as the case may be), and passing the Tests on Completion, as stated
in the Appendix to Tender (or as extended under Sub-Clause 8.3), calculated from the Commencement Date.

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

The time stated in the Preamble for completing the Works or any Section thereof and passing the Tests on
Completion calculated from the Commencement Date unless extended in accordance with Clause 26.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The time for completing the execution of and passing the Tests on Completion of the Works or any Section or part
thereof as stated in the Contract (or as extended under Clause 44) calculated from the Commencement Date.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Time for Completion of Design-Build 298

Contracts:Time for Completion of Design-Build

Term Info
Time for Completion of Design-Build

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

Time for Completion of Design-Build means :

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The time for completing the Design-Build or a Section thereof (as the case may be) under Sub- Clause 9.2 [Time for
Completion of Design-Build], as stated in the Contract Data (with any extension under Sub-Clause 9.3 [Extension of
Time for Completion of Design-Build]), calculated from the Commencement Date.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Unforeseeable 299

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Unforeseeable means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

Not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the Base Date.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

Not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the Base Date.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
Not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the Base Date.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
Not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the Base Date.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
Not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for submission of the Tender.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Unforeseeable 300

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

Not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for submission of the Tender.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

Not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for submission of the Tender.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Variation 301

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Variation means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

Any change to the Works, which is instructed as a variation under Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments].

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

Any change to the Employer’s Requirements or to the Works, which is instructed as a variation under Clause 13
[Variations and Adjustments].

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
Any change to the Employer's Requirements or to the Works, which is instructed as a variation under Clause 13
[Variations and Adjustments]

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Variation 302

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

Any change to the Sub-Consultancy Services instructed or approved as a Variation under Clause 5.1 [Variations].

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

Any change to the Services instructed or approved as a Variation under Clause 5.1 [Variations].

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

A change to the Specification and/or Drawings (if any) which is instructed by the Engineer under Sub-Clause 10.1
[Right to Vary].

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
Any change to the Works, which is instructed or approved as a variation under Clause 13 [Variations and

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
Any change to the Employer’s Requirements or the Works, which is instructed or approved as a Variation under
Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments].

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

A change to the Specification and /or Drawings (if any) which is instructed by the Engineer under Sub-Clause 10.1.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

Any change to the Works, which is instructed or approved as a variation under Clause 13 [Variations and

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Variation 303

Any change to the Employer's Requirements or the Works, which is instructed or approved as a variation under
Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments].

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

Any change to the Works, which is instructed or approved as a variation under Clause 13 [Variations and

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

A change to the Specification and /or Drawings (if any) which is instructed by the Employer under Sub-Clause 10.1.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

Any alteration and / or modification to the Employer’s Requirements, which is instructed by the Employer’s
Representative or approved as a variation by the Employer’s Representative, in accordance with Clause 14.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Variation Notice 304

Contracts:Variation Notice
Term Info
Variation Notice

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Variation Notice means:

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, 2nd edition (2017)

A written communication identified as a Variation Notice and issued in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1.3
[Notices and other Communications].

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

A written communication identified as a Variation Notice and issued in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1.3
[Notices and other Communications].

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Variation Order 305

Contracts:Variation Order
Term Info
Variation Order

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-04-04

Variation Order means :

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

Any written order, identified as such, issued to the Contractor by the Engineer under Sub-Clause 31.1.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Works 306

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

Works means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

The Permanent Works and the Temporary Works, or either of them as appropriate.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

The Permanent Works and the Temporary Works, or either of them as appropriate.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
The Permanent Works and the Temporary Works, or either of them as appropriate.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2nd edition

All the work and design (if any) to be executed by the Contractor including temporary work and any Variation.

Conditions of Contract for Construction - Multilateral Development

Bank (MDB) Harmonised Edition (1st edition 2010)
The Permanent Works and the Temporary Works, or either of them as appropriate.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Works 307

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
The Permanent Works and Temporary Works or either of them as appropriate and the facility to be operated by the
Contractor during the Operation Service Period.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

The permanent works (if any) to be executed (including the goods and equipment to be supplied to the Client) for the
achievement of the Project.

Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (1st edition

All the work and design (if any) to be performed by the Contractor including temporary work and any Variation.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (3rd edition 1999)

The permanent works to be executed (including the goods and equipment to be supplied to the Client) for the
achievement of the Project.

Conditions of Contract for Construction (1st edition 1999)

The Permanent Works and the Temporary Works, or either of them as appropriate.

Conditions of Contract for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey Contract (1st edition 1999)
The Permanent Works and the Temporary Works, or either of them as appropriate.

Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (1st edition 1999)

The Permanent Works and the Temporary Works, or either of them as appropriate

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Works 308

Short Form of Contract (1st edition 1999)

All the work and design (if any) to be performed by the Contractor including temporary work and any Variation.

Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (1st edition 1995)

The Permanent Works and the Temporary Works or either of them as appropriate.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The permanent works to be constructed, including the goods and equipment to be supplied to the Client, for the
achievement of the Project.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement (1st edition 1992)

The permanent works to be constructed (including the goods and equipment to be supplied to the Client) for the
achievement of the Project

Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works (3rd edition

All Plant to be provided and work to be done by the Contractor under the Contract.

Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction (4th

edition 1987)
The Permanent Works and the Temporary Works or either of them as appropriate.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Works Contract 309

Contracts:Works Contract
Term Info
Works Contract

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-02

Works Contract means:

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

A contract for the performance of permanent and temporary works (if any) to be carried out by a contractor
appointed by the Client for the achievement of the Project.

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

A contract for the performance of permanent and temporary works (if any) to be carried out by a contractor
appointed by the Client for the achievement of the Project.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Written 310

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2015-05-04

written means :

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

Hand-written, type-written, printed or electronically made, and resulting in a permanent un-editable record.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Year 311

Term Info

Category Contract Terms

Last Edit By FIDIC

E-Mail suggestions [at]

Last Edit Date 2017-11-19

year means :

Conditions of Contracts for Construction (2nd edition 2017)

365 days.

Conditions of Contracts for Plant and Design-Build (2nd edition 2017)

365 days.

Conditions of Contracts for Engineering, Procurement & Construction

(EPC) / Turnkey (2nd edition 2017)
365 days.

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

A calendar year.

Sub-Consultancy Agreement, (2nd edition 2017)

A calendar year.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Contracts:Year 312

Clients/Consultants Model Services Agreement (5th edition 2017)

A calendar year.

Conditions of Contract for Design Build & Operate (DBO) Projects (1st
edition 2008)
365 days.

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (4th edition 2006)

365 days.

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Article Sources and Contributors 313

Article Sources and Contributors

Contracts:Accepted Contract Amount  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccauthor1, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Accepted Subcontract Amount  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Advance Payment Certificate  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Advance Payment Guarantee  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Agreed Compensation  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Agreement  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Annex  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Appendix to Tender  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Appendix to the Subcontractor’s Offer  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Asset Replacement Fund  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Asset Replacement Schedule  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Auditing Body  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Background Intellectual Property  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Bank  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Base Date  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Bill of Quantities  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Borrower  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Claim  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Client  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Client’s Representative  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Commencement Date  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Commercial Risk  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Commissioning Certificate  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Commissioning Period  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Compliance Verification System  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Conditions  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Conditions of Contract  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Confidential Information  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Construction Documents  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Consultant  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Consultant’s Programme  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Consultant’s Representative  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Contract  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Contract Agreement  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Contract Completion Certificate  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Contract Completion Date  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Contract Data  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Contract Period  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Contract Price  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Contractor  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Contractor’s Documents  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Contractor’s Drawings  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Contractor’s Equipment  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Article Sources and Contributors 314

Contracts:Contractor’s Instruction  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Contractor’s Letter of Acceptance  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Contractor’s Personnel  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Contractor’s Proposal  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Contractor’s Representative  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Contractor’s Risks  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Contractor’s Subcontract Representative  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Cost  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Cost Plus Profit  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Country  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Cut-Off Date  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:CV System  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:DAAB Agreement  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:DAB  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Date of Completion  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Day  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Daywork Schedule  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Defects Liability Certificate  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Defects Liability Period  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Defects Notification Period  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Defined Risks  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Delay Damages  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Design-Build  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Design-Build Period  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Dispute  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Dispute Avoidance/Adjudication Board  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Document  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Drawings  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Dredging Works  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Effective Date  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Employer  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Employer-Supplied Materials  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Employer’s Drawings  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Employer’s Equipment  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Employer’s Liabilities  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Employer’s Personnel  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Employer’s Representative  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Employer’s Requirements  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Employer’s Risks  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Engineer  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Engineer’s Representative  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Exceptional Costs  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Exceptional Event  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Extension of Time  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Final Certificate of Payment  Source:  Contributors: Admin

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Article Sources and Contributors 315

Contracts:Final Payment Certificate  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Final Payment Certificate Design-Build  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Final Payment Certificate Operation Service  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Final Statement  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Final Statement Design-Build  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Final Statement Operation Service  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Financial Memorandum  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Force Majeure  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Foreground Intellectual Property  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Foreign Currency  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Form of Agreement  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Form of Sub-Consultancy Agreement  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:General Conditions  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Golden Principles  Source:  Contributors: Ccauthor1

Contracts:Goods  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Gross Misconduct  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Intellectual Property  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Interim Payment Certificate  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Invitation  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Joint Venture  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Joint Venture Agreement  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Joint Venture Shares  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:JV Undertaking  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Key Personnel  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Laws  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Leading Member  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Letter of Acceptance  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Letter of Subcontractor’s Offer  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Letter of Tender  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Local Currency  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Local Representative  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Main Agreement  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Main Contract  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Main Contract DAB  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Main Contract Tests on Completion  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Main Works  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Maintenance Retention Fund  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Maintenance Retention Guarantee  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Materials  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Member Representative  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Members  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Month  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:No-objection  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Notice  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Notice of Dissatisfaction  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Article Sources and Contributors 316

Contracts:Operating Licence  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Operation and Maintenance Plan  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Operation Management Requirements  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Operation Service  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Operation Service Period  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Part  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Particular Conditions  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Parties  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Party  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Payment Certificate  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Performance Certificate  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Performance Damages  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Performance Guarantees  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Performance Security  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Permanent Works  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Plant  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Programme  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Project  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Project Director  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Project Manager  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Proposal  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Provisional Sum  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:QM System  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Rates and Prices  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Retention Money  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Retention Period  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Review  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Risk of Damage  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Risk Transfer Date  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Schedule of Guarantees  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Schedule of Payment Currencies  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Schedule of Payments  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Schedule of Performance Guarantees  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Schedule of Prices  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Schedule of Rates and Prices  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Schedules  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Section  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Section Commissioning Certificate  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Services  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Services Agreement  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Services Manager  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Site  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Special Provisions  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Specification  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Statement  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Article Sources and Contributors 317

Contracts:Steering Committee  Source:  Contributors: Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Sub-Consultancy Agreement  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Sub-Consultancy Services  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Sub-Consultant  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Sub-Consultant’s Programme  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Agreement  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Bill of Quantities  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Commencement Date  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract DAB  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Defects Notification Period  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Drawings  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Goods  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Performance Security  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Plant  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Price  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Programme  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Section  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Specification  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Tests on Completion  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Time for Completion  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Variation  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontract Works  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontractor  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Subcontractor’s Documents  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontractor’s Equipment  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontractor’s Offer  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontractor’s Personnel  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Subcontractor’s Representative  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Taking-Over Certificate  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Temporary Works  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Tender  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Tests after Completion  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Tests on Completion  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Tests on Completion of Design-Build  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Tests Prior to Contract Completion  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Third party  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Time for Completion  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Time for Completion of Design-Build  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Unforeseeable  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Variation  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Variation Notice  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Variation Order  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Works  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

Contracts:Works Contract  Source:  Contributors: Admin

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Article Sources and Contributors 318

Contracts:Written  Source:  Contributors: Admin

Contracts:Year  Source:  Contributors: Admin, Ccgatekeeper

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 319

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

File:CCC2017.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:CCPD2017.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:DR01.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:PMDB.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:DBO08.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:Red.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:Yellow.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:SC11.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:CCEPC2017.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:CCMS06.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:CCMS99.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:SC92.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:SC2017.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:CCMS2017.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:DBT95.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:CEC87.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:Silver.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:JV2017.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:JV92.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:SF99.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin
File:EMW87.png  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Admin

DISCLAIMER : FIDICTerms have been compiled to provide general guidance only for users of FIDIC publications. they are not, and are not intended to

be, any type of legal authority on the use of terminology used in FIDIC publications. While FIDIC aims to ensure that the FIDICTerms represent the best in

business practice, the Federation (FIDIC) accepts and assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any adverse consequence, claim, damages, loss or

expense (including legal fees and expenses) that may or may not arise as a result using the FIDICTerms website, or using any of the information and materials

provided on the FIDICTerms website, including this printout! Please read the FIDICTerms website for the full FIDICTerms disclaimer that shall apply to this

printout. (This printout has been extracted on Wed Apr 3 06:15:26 2019 from FIDICs glossary of terms -

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