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Natural Remedies for Type 2 Diabetes


I’m not sure if anyone has told you this yet, but type 2 diabetes is not a
genetic disease and this condition does not have to be permanent!

We used to believe that our inherited DNA and genetic weaknesses were the most important
determining factor in our health, longevity and disease. We also believed that we had very little control
over the chronic illnesses that we suffered from and that our path was essentially pre-determined
based on our cells and the unique code they passed on through the generations before us.

Today, our knowledge of the human body has expanded and our views on how to address disease
reversal has evolved. Throughout the last several decades, less mainstream health pioneers, the natural
health industries and numerous holistic researchers have been studying the role of nutrition, stress and
lifestyle choices on genes. What they have found is both shocking and extremely empowering!
Unlike what we were taught to believe, we are not slaves to our genes and we have so much more
control over our health and healing than we ever thought possible!

It turns out that what we eat, think and do every day plays the biggest role in our health, and that by
modifying our diet, stress levels, sun exposure, sleeping habits, activity levels and thought patterns, we
cannot only protect ourselves from any genetic predispositions we may have, but we can also
manipulate our genes, turning off the bad ones and create the optimal environment within our body to
reverse disease. This ground-breaking concept is called epigenetics, and in the last decade, even the
more conventional approaches to health, like allopathy, modern and integrative medicine, have been
embracing the importance of epigenetics in treating disease.

The American Diabetes Association

published an article in 2009 on
epigenetics and its relevance and
benefits in treating type 2 diabetes:
We now know that our less-desirable
genes are just reacting to the
circumstances we place them under and
they can only be triggered or cause
disease if we make improper lifestyle and
dietary choices long-term.
So what
does this
mean for
Basically, it means that you are fully in control WAYS YOU CAN START
of your health, pain and destiny. It means you GETTING YOUR DIABETES
do not need to settle for poor health, a lifetime
of prescription medications and their side AND BLOOD SUGAR UNDER
effects, or fear about decreased quality of life CONTROL NATURALLY SO
and shortened longevity.
It also means that you are the master of your WASTE ANOTHER MINUTE
beautiful body and can make powerful choices
today that can support your body in healing
itself of diabetes and transform your health for
the better!
When we mix sugar-rich carbohydrates with
high-fat foods and oils, we create congestion
in the bloodstream and this can make it hard
for insulin (your sugar regulating hormone)
to do its job. When we eat most foods (carbs
and proteins), our blood sugar rises and a very
important hormone gets released by the
pancreas into the body. This amazing
hormone is called insulin. Insulin’s main job is
to regulate your blood sugar levels by
accompanying the abundant blood sugar into
your cells where it can nourish and energize

The problem is that when we have too much

fat in the bloodstream, insulin becomes less
effective and instead of directly placing the
sugar in the cell, the high fat causes
prolonged and elevated blood sugar levels,
which, over time, can lead to insulin
resistance, weight gain, chronic poor health
and the development of diabetes.

When we think about the most unhealthy
foods, we find that they all combine very high
levels of sugar/starch and fat. This is
disastrous for health, and especially the

DO NOT Let’s take a look at our favorite foods:

processed and junk foods, sugary bars and
COMBINE FATS snacks, chips, pizza, macaroni and cheese,
nachos, tacos, fried chicken and fries,
burgers, grilled cheese, sandwiches, desserts,
& CARBOHYDRATES baked goods, even lattes and sweetened,
fatty beverages. We can clearly see how they
IN A MEAL! contain both sugar and fat and how they may
be so harmful for us.
I know this sounds a bit
confusing and you might
not even know which
foods fit into the
carbohydrate or fat
categories, so let’s take a
look at the most common
dietary fats & carbs:

Oils (including spreads, margarine,
mayonnaise, hummus, pesto, etc.) Beans/legumes
Avocados Fruits/dried fruits
Olives Starchy vegetables like squash,
Coconut potatoes (even fried), 
Nuts, seeds and their butters yams, sweet potatoes, corn, etc.
Fatty meats, eggs and fish Sweeteners/sugar/honey
Dairy/cheese Jams, sweetened spreads
Fried foods
Creamy sauces (rose, alfredo, aglio *Vegetables (greens, sprouts and
olio, etc.) non-starchy) are neutral and can be mixed
Processed foods with either group to form complete meals!
Baked goods
Basically, all you have to do to protect your pancreas is to not mix the fatty foods with
the carbohydrates and instead eat meals using food items from either one group or the
other! Remember that fats are not bad for you, and having enough essential quality fats
in the diet is very important for overall health, so aim to structure some of your meals
around loads of fresh vegetables and healthy, whole-food fats like sprouted nuts and
seeds, raw nut and seed butters, avocados and coconuts!

Cinnamon and chronium-rich foods.

I know what you’re thinking, what on earth is chromium?! Well, this critical, micro-nutrient might
not be a part of everyday conversations, but it is very important for anyone with insulin resistance,
weight issues, chronic hunger, carbohydrate intolerance and diabetes. Chromium is a trace mineral
that helps us regulate blood sugar and supports insulin’s proper action in the body, helping to lower
blood sugar naturally.

We have seen epidemic levels of type 2 diabetes over the last 60 years, and though part of the
problem is the modernization and manipulation of our food supply, the processed and junk food
industries and our shift away from more traditional whole food meals and food preparation
techniques, an equally big issue is the nutritional depletion of our commercial/agricultural soils.

The best way to obtain proper levels of chromium is to use pure, organic Ceylon
cinnamon a few times a day, especially when consuming carbohydrates or along with
meals. You can sprinkle ¼ to ½ teaspoon of cinnamon in tea on your breakfast quinoa,
or in salad dressings. Other excellent foods to boost chromium levels are:
- Broccoli (especially broccoli sprouts)
- Leafy veggies and greens like kale, spinach, spirulina, sprouts and romaine
- Nuts and seeds (ideally soaked and sprouted!)

Be sure to include plenty of these foods into your meals for optimal blood sugar
regulation and because unstable blood sugar is one of the main causes of cravings and
overeating, by eating more chromium-rich foods, you just might notice your cravings
for sweets disappear and weight loss becomes effortless! 

& Vegan  Diet!
It’s no big surprise that eating more, whole-plant foods, abundant
vegetables and less meat will benefit your health, but there are a few critical
reasons why you might want to seriously consider ditching the animal foods
and go vegan. If you’re still eating conventional meat, poultry, dairy, eggs or
farmed fish, you are unfortunately exposing yourself to dangerous levels of
antibiotics and the resistant bacteria they breed, genetically modified foods
and their by-products, toxic drugs and chemicals given to the animals, scary
amounts of heavy metals and many other unwanted contaminants. These
poisons cause damage to the organs, especially the liver, kidneys and
pancreas, which can all contribute to increased levels of disease and
diabetes, but even if you are eating grass-fed, local, organic animal foods,
they are still very acid forming and exceedingly hard to digest.
Animal foods are made up of complex protein structures that the body
struggles to break down, assimilate and digest. They also leave behind a lot
of acid after digestion, which can congest the body and weaken the kidneys
and glands, including the pancreas.

One of the roles of the pancreas is to make sodium

bicarbonate (baking soda - an alkaline substance),
which neutralizes incoming acids in food, and helps to
buffer our stomach acid so that we can absorb our
digested food without burning our intestines, which are
not built to withstand the same level of acids as the
stomach lining.
We also tend to cook our animal products for bacterial
and safety reasons, which means the fats and proteins
in the food have been denatured and damaged by heat,
giving the pancreas a lot of work to produce the
necessary enzymes to break down these foods. Over
time, this stresses the pancreas, making it harder for it
to effectively produce insulin and balance your blood
There is a lot of research that suggests that the
healthiest diet for humans is a whole-foods, plant-
based diet, with minimal exposure to animal protein and
a special emphasis on fresh produce such as fruits,
sprouts and vegetables, so be sure to make plant foods
the foundation of your healthy diet!
There are many amazing reasons why eating a raw food diet is superior to consuming
processed, heat-treated or cooked food, but most notably, raw foods are the richest
source of natural untampered enzymes! As we mentioned earlier, the pancreas is
responsible for making insulin, but it also has the essential job of producing baking soda
so that we can protect our intestines from the acid from the stomach and our incoming
food AND it is our body’s main source of making digestive enzymes so we can break
down our food and use it for fuel.

Heat destroys the critical enzymes in food and when we eat cooked foods, we
demand a lot of effort from the pancreas to pump out more enzymes and make up
the difference. The more complex and processed the meal, the harder it is on your
poor exhausted pancreas!

Since raw foods naturally contain a ton of beneficial enzymes, and are not treated with heat before
ingestion, they basically digest themselves, placing virtually zero pressure on the pancreas and
allowing it to focus on balancing your blood sugar instead!

Raw foods also feed good bacteria in the gut and help to discourage yeast and bacterial overgrowth
in the body, which can help us overcome food cravings, reduce systemic inflammation and help our
organs of elimination to work more efficiently. Ideally, you want to aim for 10-12 cups of fresh raw
vegetables, sprouts, fruits and other fiber-rich, raw, plant foods per day.

There are many amazing reasons why eating a raw food diet is superior to
consuming processed, heat-treated or cooked food, but most notably, raw
foods are the richest source of natural untampered enzymes! As we
mentioned earlier, the pancreas is responsible for making insulin, but it also
has the essential job of producing baking soda so that we can protect our
intestines from the acid from the stomach and our incoming food AND it is
our body’s main source of making digestive enzymes so we can break down
our food and use it for fuel.

Heat destroys the critical enzymes in food and

when we eat cooked foods, we demand a lot of effort
from the pancreas to pump out more enzymes and
make up the difference. The more complex and
processed the meal, the harder it is on your poor
exhausted pancreas!

Since raw foods naturally contain a ton of

beneficial enzymes, and are not treated with heat
before ingestion, they basically digest themselves,
placing virtually zero pressure on the pancreas and
allowing it to focus on balancing your blood sugar

Raw foods also feed good bacteria in the gut and

help to discourage yeast and bacterial overgrowth
in the body, which can help us overcome food
cravings, reduce systemic inflammation and help
our organs of elimination to work more

Ideally, you want to aim for 10-12 cups of fresh

raw vegetables, sprouts and other fiber-rich raw
plant foods per day. 
With all of the conflicting approaches to

health and wellness online, it can be hard
to know the best way to eat for blood-
sugar stabilization. The good news is that
there is one way to optimize the health of
your pancreas no matter what diet you are
on. This incredible tool is called
INTERMITTENT Intermittent Fasting (IF).
FASTING (IF) If you’ve never heard of this concept, IF
 A MUCH-NEEDED basically refers to a program of eating less
REST FOR YOUR often and shortening your eating window
to 8-10 hours or less per day. There are
PANCREAS! countless benefits to Intermittent Fasting,
such as easy weight loss/maintenance,
What we have found most helpful for improved immunity and healing, the
people starting out with IF is to: reversal of insulin resistance, more
efficient and optimized digestion,
For breakfast, have a raw alkaline, protein-
reduction or elimination of inflammation,
rich green vegetable juice each morning
around 9-10 am as well as a small bowl of quicker recovery time from exercise,
quinoa and cinnamon. For the juice, think improved libido and better quality sleep.
leafy greens, lemons, cucumber, ginger,
celery and other non-starchy veggies like Most importantly, by practicing IF, you
broccoli or sprouts and if you go for are giving your pancreas and gut a break.
broccoli, you’ll also be getting loads of that You are allowing it to take a vacation from
chromium we spoke about earlier! working so hard at digesting multiple
A plant-based lunch can be eaten around meals and snacks a day and you are
allowing your body the chance to catch up
Have another green juice or raw snack
around 3-4 pm. on detoxifying and rebuilding itself.
 Have a plant-based dinner at 5:30-6 pm. In order to get the best results from IF, it
No more eating or juice after that! Only is best to avoid eating food before 9-
water and unsweetened herbal tea until 10 AM, and finishing your last meal of the
bed. day by 6-7 PM. 
It is also ideal to leave four hours
between meals and try not to eat
when you are not feeling hungry!
Of course, it’s hard to include everything you need to know about how to
stabilize your blood sugar and overcome diabetes with diet in one article, but
if you separate fats and carbs, include more cinnamon and other chromium-
rich foods into your meals, adopt a plant-based, vegan diet, with an
abundance of raw, local and organic, fresh vegetables AND incorporate
intermittent fasting into your life, you can expect to not only see dramatic
improvements in your health and diabetes, but you can look forward to
having improved energy levels, while looking and feeling better than you
ever have before!

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