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Journal of Constructional Steel Research 73 (2012) 1–11

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Journal of Constructional Steel Research

Mechanical properties of G550 cold-formed steel under transient and steady

state conditions
Chen Wei, Ye Jihong ⁎
Key Laboratory of Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Structures of the Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Material properties at elevated temperatures are the important factors in the fire safety design and numerical
Received 25 April 2011 analysis of cold-formed steel structures. Most of the previous research on material properties at high temper-
Accepted 28 December 2011 atures has adopted the steady state test method. However, the transient state test method is more realistic for
Available online 15 February 2012
actual fire conditions. This paper presents a detailed experimental investigation of G550 steel with a thick-
ness of 1 mm under both transient and steady state test methods. The test results obtained from transient
Cold-formed steel
and steady state methods are discussed, and the results show that the steady state method is not equivalent
Transient state test to the transient state method for G550 steel. The steady state test results of G550 may result in an overesti-
Elevated temperature mate of the fire resistance of cold-formed steel structures. In addition, the test results were also compared
Mechanical properties with those obtained from other researchers and the current design rules. The comparison shows that the
Fire safety design yield strength predicted by BS5950 agrees well the transient state test results of G550 and is conservative
for the steady state test results. However, BS5950, AS4100, and Eurocode 3 provide nonconservative predic-
tions in other cases. Finally, a unified equation for the reduction factors, including the yield strength, elastic
modulus, and ultimate strength of G550 at elevated temperatures, is proposed by the numerical fitting tech-
nique. A stress–strain expression of G550 at elevated temperatures is also given based on the Ramberg–
Osgood model. The proposed equations are in good agreement with test results and meet the requirements
for engineering.
© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction is greater than in hot rolled steel at elevated temperatures [4], and
the current design rules are unreasonable.
Cold-formed steel structures originate from traditional timber Both steady and transient state test methods are currently used to
structures and have been used extensively in low-rise residential, in- investigate the mechanical behavior of steel at elevated temperatures.
dustrial, and commercial buildings. In recent years, a growing number The steady state test method is based on a constant temperature
of mid-rise buildings have been framed with cold-formed steel as the under increasing static loading, and the transient state test method
primary load bearing structural components. The corresponding fire is based on temperature variations under a constant load. The steady
safety problems concerning cold-formed steel mid-rise buildings are state tests are easier to perform than the transient state tests because
becoming increasingly conspicuous. This paper focuses mainly on of the lower requirements of experimental conditions. In addition,
the mechanical properties of cold-formed steel at elevated tempera- the steady state tests give the stress–strain curve directly whereas
tures because mechanical properties are considered the primary the transient state tests give the temperature–strain curve, which
factor that affects the performance of steel structures during fires. must be converted to a stress–strain curve. Approximate values of
The mechanical properties at elevated temperatures recom- the mechanical properties cannot be avoided in the process of con-
mended by Eurocode 3 [1], AS4100 [2], and BS5950 [3] are based on version. However, the transient state test method is more realistic
investigations of hot-rolled steel. Compared with hot rolled steel, because it simulates real fire conditions.
cold-formed steel has a higher section factor and thermal conductiv- Most of the previous research on mechanical properties at elevat-
ity. At the same time, the strengthening effect of the cold-forming [1] ed temperatures adopted the steady state test method [5–11]. How-
process of cold-formed steel is progressively reduced at high temper- ever, the steady state test results are not very satisfying and differ
atures. Hence, the loss of mechanical properties in cold-formed steel among each other, probably because of the inadequacy of test facili-
ties and differences in the chemical composition of cold formed steels.
The test results obtained by Lee [5], Ranawaka [6,7], and Heva [8]
⁎ Corresponding author at: School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University,
show a clear oscillation in the elastic phrase of stress–strain curves.
Nanjing, 210096, China. Tel.: + 86 02583795023. The oscillation could easily lead to errors in the determination of
E-mail address: yejihong@seu.edu.cn (Y. Jihong). the elastic modulus. Chen and Young [9,10] conducted steady state

0143-974X/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 C. Wei, Y. Jihong / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 73 (2012) 1–11

tests of cold-formed steel grades G450 and G550 by using the MTS810 was used in this study, as shown in Fig. 1. The loading device was
material test system. Because of the advanced test device, the stress– an MTS 810 Universal testing machine with an integral actuator up
strain curves obtained by Chen and Young [9,10] are sufficiently to a capacity of 100 kN, which was calibrated before testing. The heat-
smooth without oscillations, but the heating rate was set to 100 °C/ ing device was an MTS 653.02 high temperature furnace with a max-
min, which was much faster than the heating rates adopted by imum temperature of 1400 °C. The furnace had two heating elements
other researchers (10–25 °C/min) [5–8,11–14]. The fast heating rate and two thermal couples, as shown in Fig. 2. The furnace temperature
may have resulted in a significant difference between the tempera- was controlled by an MTS model 409.83 temperature controller. The
ture of the specimen and the inside of the furnace and led to unstable measuring equipment included LVDT and force transducers mounted
test results. with a loading machine, an MTS model 634.25F-24 axial extensome-
Limited research has considered the mechanical properties with ter with a gauge length of 50 mm and an MTS model 632.53F-11
the transient state test method [9,12–14]. Outinen [13,14] conducted high temperature axial extensometer with a maximum working tem-
both steady and transient state tests using S355 steel. His results perature of 1200 °C and a gauge length of 25 mm. In addition, Fig. 2
showed that the difference in the yield strength was small. However, shows that there is a distance from the specimens to the two internal
the elastic modulus determined by transient state tests seems much thermal couples of the furnace. Thus, the temperature detected by the
lower than that determined by steady state tests at high tempera- internal thermal couple was not the real temperature of specimen but
tures. Chen and Young [8,9] conducted experiments using both tran- the air temperature of the furnace. The difference between the tem-
sient and steady state methods for G450 cold-formed steel and EN peratures of the specimen and furnace may not be neglected. Thus,
1.4462 stainless steel. They did not compare the transient and steady an external type-K thermal couple connected to an AZ88378 temper-
state test results in terms of the yield strength. Their results showed ature meter made in Taiwan was used to measure and record the
that the elastic modulus of G450 according to transient state tests temperature of the specimen. The difference between the tempera-
was much lower than that determined by steady state tests, while ture detected by the internal and the external thermal couples will
the values of the elastic modulus of EN 1.4462 obtained from the tran- be given in the next section.
sient and steady state tests were similar. These test results do not
agree, and the corresponding conclusions are not sufficient. First, 2.2. Test specimens
the number of transient state tests conducted by Outinen [13,14]
and Chen [8,9] is not adequate, and the errors in the elastic modulus The test material was taken from the same batch of G550 cold-
cannot be neglected. Second, they did not discuss the differences in formed columns with a nominal thickness of 1 mm, which was sup-
the direct test results between the transient and steady state plied by BlueScope Lysaght Shanghai. All of the test specimens were
methods, such as the reduction factor of the ultimate strength or cut in the longitudinal direction of the cold-formed steel columns
stress–strain curves. by a wire-cut EDM machine. The dimension of the test specimens
This paper presents a detailed experimental investigation of the was determined by AS2291 [15], as shown in Fig. 3. All of the required
material properties of G550 steel with a thickness of 1 mm. Both the dimensions of specimens were measured by a micrometer before
transient and steady state methods are considered and a careful dis- testing. The zinc coating of the specimens was removed by hydro-
cussion of the test results is presented. Finally, the reduction factors chloric acid (acid to water = 1:3), and the base metal thickness was
of the mechanical properties and the stress–strain curves of G550 used in the calculations of cross sectional area.
steel are fitted based on numerical fitting techniques.
2.3. Test procedure
2. Test procedure
(1) Tension test at ambient temperature
2.1. Test device
In the normal tension test, strains were measured by using an MTS
The tests were performed in the Rheological Mechanics and Mate- model 634.25 F-24 axial extensometer, and the sampling frequency
rial Engineering Experiment Center of Central South University of was 10 Hz. The loading process was divided into two stages and
Forestry and Technology in China. An MTS810 Material Test System met the requirement of AS 1391 [16]. First, the elastic modulus and

Fig. 1. MTS810 material testing system.

C. Wei, Y. Jihong / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 73 (2012) 1–11 3

Specimen couples

Grip Insulation

Fig. 2. MTS653.02 high temperature furnace.

yield strength were determined, and the strain rate was controlled
below 0.001 s − 1. Then, the strain rate was increased to 0.0025 s − 1
until failure, and the tensile strength was determined.
(2) Steady state tests
Fig. 4. Time–temperature curves for steady state tests of G550 steel.
In the steady state test, the heating rate was 20 °C/min. The tem-
perature detected by the internal and the external thermal couples
is presented in Fig. 4. Fig. 4 shows that the temperatures of the spec- 600 °C. The transient state tests had 20 stress levels, including
imen are similar to those detected by the internal thermal couples, 0.075fy,30, 0.1fy,30····(an interval of 0.05fy,30)····1.0fy,30, in which
and the temperatures inside the furnace were uniformly distributed. fy,30 represents the average yield strength of G550 steel at ambient
However, a sensible difference between the temperatures of the temperature. All of the experiments were repeated two or three
specimen and the inside of the furnace would have been found if a times except for the thermal expansion test and the transient state
much faster heating rate was used. Thus, it is recommended that test at the 0.1fy,30 stress level, which were repeated 7 times. A total
the heating rate of the MTS 653.02 furnace may not exceed 30 °C/min. of 80 tests were performed in this study, as shown in Table 1.
At the beginning of the steady state test, the specimen was first
heated up to a pre-selected temperature and was held for 15 min at 3. Discussion of the test results
this constant temperature. During the temperature heating and
holding process, the thermal expansion of specimen was allowed by 3.1. Steady state tests
setting zero tensile load. Then, a tension load was applied at a con-
stant rate until failure while maintaining the pre-set temperature. 3.1.1. Load–displacement curves
Displacement control was used with a displacement rate of Because of the limited measurement range of the high tempera-
0.15 mm/min, and the strain rate obtained from the extensometer ture extensometer, the complete load–displacement curves are
was approximately 0.0025/min, which is within the range of given instead of the stress–strain curves, as shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 6 pre-
0.0012/min to 0.003/min as specified by AS 2291 [15]. An MTS sents the typical failure modes during the steady state tests for G550.
model 632.53F-11 high temperature axial extensometer was used, Figs. 5 and 6 indicate the following.
and the sampling frequency was 10 Hz.
(1) For temperatures below 200 °C, a relative long process of plas-
(3) Thermal expansion test
tic flow occurs when the load reaches the ultimate strength.
In the thermal expansion test, one end of the specimen was Then, the load decreases rapidly. For temperatures beyond
gripped, and the other end was relaxed. The temperature was in- 300 °C, the plastic flow of the load–displacement curves almost
creased at a heating rate of 5 °C/min [17]. The strains of thermal ex- disappears, and the load decreases slowly after the ultimate
pansion were measured by the MTS model 632.53F-11 axial strength is reached.
extensometer, and the sampling frequency was 0.5 Hz. (2) The ductility of the specimens decreases with increasing tem-
perature below 200 °C, but the ultimate strength at 200 °C is
(4) Transient state test
higher than that at 100 °C and approaches the ultimate
In the transient state test, the specimen was first stressed in ten- strength at 30 °C. It is most likely that a chemical reaction,
sion to a pre-selected load at a loading rate of 3.0 kN/min. Then, the blue brittleness, occurs at approximately 200 °C. Referring to
temperature was raised at a heating rate of 20 °C/min while main- Fig. 6, the fracture position at 200 °C is the closer to the end
taining the pre-set load until failure. The strains were measured by of specimens than at other temperatures. The failure mode is
the MTS model 632.53F-11 axial extensometer, and the sampling a brittle fracture with no necking at this temperature.
frequency was 2 Hz. (3) The load–displacement curves have a similar shape and ulti-
The steady state tests had 11 temperature levels: 100 °C, 200 °C, mate deformation at temperatures from 300 °C to 527 °C. Re-
300 °C, 400 °C, 430 °C, 450 °C, 483 °C, 500 °C, 527 °C, 550 °C and ferring to Fig. 6, the fracture position and fracture shape of

Table 1

Number of tests performed in this study.


Type of tests Number of tests

94.4 15.6 60 15.6 94.4 Normal tensile test 3

280 Thermal expansion 7
Steady state test 25
Transient state test 45
Fig. 3. Coupon specimen dimensions unit: mm.
4 C. Wei, Y. Jihong / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 73 (2012) 1–11

Fig. 7. Ratios of the yield strength based on different strain levels to the ultimate
Fig. 5. Typical force–displacement curves according to steady state tests for G550 steel.
strength at elevated temperatures.

the specimens are similar in this range. Some necking in the researchers use 0.5%, 1.5%, or 2.0% of total strain, where the yield
direction of the thickness and transverse cracks appear and strength is the intersection point of the stress–strain curve and the
increase with increasing temperatures. vertical line specified at a strain level of 0.5%, 1.5%, or 2.0%. The cur-
(4) Compared with that below 527 °C, the ultimate strength of rent AS4100 [2] rule determines the yield strength by the 0.2% proof
load–displacement curves for temperatures beyond 550 °C strength. Eurocode 3 [1] gives the yield strength at 2.0% total strain.
deteriorates greatly, and the ultimate displacement increases BS5950 [3] provides the yield strength at three strain levels of 0.5%,
significantly. At the same time, the load decreases very slowly 1.5%, and 2.0%.
after the ultimate strength, and the failure mode changes to Fig. 7 shows the ratios of the yield strength at different strain
ductile transverse fracture with clear necking. levels to the tensile strength at high temperatures. The yield strength
for 0.5% total strain is close to that for 0.2% proof stress, while the
3.1.2. Determination of the yield strength and elastic modulus yield strengths corresponding to 1.5% and 2.0% strain levels are higher
In general, the elastic modulus was determined from the stress– than that for 0.2% proof stress and approach the ultimate strength of
strain curve on the basis of the tangent modulus of the initial elastic G550 steel. Therefore, the 0.2% proof stress was used in this study at
linear curve. The yield strength of cold-form steel at ambient temper- ambient and elevated temperatures. However, the yield strengths at
ature was determined by the 0.2% proof stress method, which uses the other three strain levels are also given in the following table for
the intersection point of the stress–strain curve and the proportional the purpose of completion.
line offset by 0.2% strain. However, no method has been universally Table 2 shows the tensile test results of 1.0 mm G550 at ambient
accepted for determining the yield strength at elevated temperatures. temperature. E30 and fu,30 represent the elastic modulus and ultimate
Most researchers adopt the 0.2% proof stress method, but some strength at ambient temperature. fy0.2,30, fy0.5,30, fy1.5,30, and fy2.0,30
represent the yield strength at four stress levels at ambient tempera-
ture. Table 3 presents the average results of the reduction factors
according to steady state tests for 1.0 mm G550 at elevated tempera-
tures. The reduction factors were defined as the ratio of the material
properties at elevated temperatures, including the yield strength,
elastic modulus and ultimate strength, to those at ambient tempera-
tures. ET and fu,T represent the elastic modulus and ultimate strength
at elevated temperatures. fy0.2,T, fy0.5,T, fy1.5,T, and fy2.0,T represent four
kinds of yield strength at elevated temperatures. Table 3 shows that
the reduction factors of yield strength and ultimate strength of
G550 steel at 600 °C are less than 0.1. Thus, there is no engineering
significance for steady state tests of G550 steel above 600 °C.

3.1.3. Comparison of reduction factors with the results of

other researchers
The reduction factors for the 0.2% yield strength of 1.0-mm-thick
G550 according to steady state tests are compared with those found
by Lee [5], Ranawaka [6,7], and Chen et al. [9,10] and are also com-
pared with the current AS4100 [2] and BS5950 [3] rules, as shown
in Fig. 8. The curve for the reduction factors of yield strength provided

Table 2
Test results for G550 steel at ambient temperature.

E30(Gpa) fy0.2,30(Mpa) fy0.5,30(Mpa) fy1.5,30(Mpa) fy2.0,30(Mpa) fu,30(Mpa)

218.8 669 670.8 680 682 685

Fig. 6. Typical failure modes during steady state tests for G550 steel.
C. Wei, Y. Jihong / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 73 (2012) 1–11 5

Table 3
Material properties of G550 steel based on steady state tests.

Tem ET/E30 fy0.2,T/fy0.2,30 fy0.5,T/fy0.5,30 fy1.5,T/fy1.5,30 fy2.0,T/fy2.0,30 fu,T/fu,30


30 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

100 0.975 0.986 0.988 0.987 0.986 0.994
200 0.992 0.961 0.963 0.994 0.995 1.022
300 0.909 0.925 0.922 0.994 1.003 1.015
400 0.826 0.710 0.720 0.783 0.779 0.779
450 0.738 0.580 0.599 0.653 0.646 0.650
500 0.632 0.531 0.532 0.582 0.577 0.580
527 0.516 0.354 0.367 0.397 0.390 0.396
550 0.435 0.108 0.114 0.121 0.120 0.121
600 0.281 0.057 0.058 0.060 0.060 0.061

by BS5950 corresponds to the 0.5% total strain level because the yield
strengths of the 0.2% and 0.5% strain levels of G550 steel were close to
each other (Fig. 7). Fig. 8 shows that:
Fig. 9. Comparison of reduction factors of elastic modulus for G550 steel according to
(1) All of the test results are similar below 300 °C. The test results steady state tests with the current design rules.
of the present study agree well with those from Ranawaka for
temperatures between 350 °C and 527 °C and agree well with the present research are between those of Chen and Lee and
those from Chen for temperatures between 500 °C and Ranwaka. The recommended curves of the reduction factors of elastic
600 °C. However, the number of temperature levels given by modulus provided by Eurocode 3 [1] and AS4100 [2] are also given in
Ranawaka is not adequate. The test results obtained from Fig. 9. The curve of AS4100 agrees well with the present research
Lee are too high beyond 500 °C, and the maximum difference below 450 °C but is overestimated beyond 450 °C. On the contrary,
between the results of Lee and the present research is up to the curve from Eurocode3 agrees well with the present research
650%. In addition, the results of Chen are far lower than the beyond 480 °C but is somewhat conservative below 450 °C.
other results for temperatures between 450 °C and 500 °C,
and the maximum difference between the results from Chen 3.2. Transient state tests
and the present research is about 65%.
(2) The reduction factors predicted by A4100 agree well with the 3.2.1. Coefficient of linear thermal expansion
present research up to 430 °C but are nonconservative beyond Fig. 10 shows the temperature–strain curves of G550 steel. The
450 °C; the reduction factors predicted by BS5950 are also strains increase linearly at the initial stage of the curves and become
overestimated beyond 500 °C. nonlinear beyond 500 °C. For temperatures from 650 °C to 750 °C,
the strains change slightly, and a chemical reaction involving G550
Fig. 9 shows the reduction factors of elastic modulus for G550 steel occurs. Some white crystalline powders are precipitated and
according to the steady state tests proposed by the present study, burn violently in air. Then, the strains continue to increase beyond
Lee [5], Ranawaka [6,7], and Chen [9,10]. The elastic modulus from 750 °C. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion describes the de-
the present research is pretty close to that according to Chen below gree to which the material will expand for each degree of tempera-
400 °C and is much higher than those from the results of Lee and ture increase and can be obtained from the strain–temperature
Ranawaka. The maximum difference between Ranawaka's results curves. Fig. 11 compares the coefficient of linear thermal expansion
and those in the present research is about 50%. For temperatures of G550 steel with Eurocode 3 [1] and AS4100 [2] design rules. The
above 400 °C, the reduction factors of elastic modulus according to reference temperature is 30 °C. Although the coefficient of linear

Fig. 8. Comparison of the reduction factors of yield strength for G550 steel according to
steady state tests with the current design rules. Fig. 10. Temperature–strain curves for thermal expansion tests of G550 steel.
6 C. Wei, Y. Jihong / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 73 (2012) 1–11

Fig. 11. Comparison of the linear thermal expansion coefficients obtained from the test Fig. 14. Comparison of the reduction factors for the ultimate strength for G550 steel
results and current design rules. between the transient and steady state tests.

the present test results and meet the requirements of engineering


−1:799  10−7 T3 þ 1:673  10−4 T2 −4:174  10−2 T þ 14:59; 100C≤T≤350C
αT ¼ −8 3 −6 2 −2
4:14  10 T þ 4:196  10 T −2:174  10 T þ 18:08; 350CbT≤650C

where αT is the coefficient of linear thermal expansion at a given

temperature with units of 10 − 6 °C − 1.

3.2.2. Discussion of the reduction factors of ultimate strength according

to the transient and steady tests
Fig. 12. Typical failure modes during transient state tests for G550 steel.
In the transient state tests, the failure modes of tensile specimens
change from ductile to brittle fracture with increasing stress levels, as
shown in Fig. 12. A ductile transverse fracture with some necking oc-
thermal expansion varies with temperature, AS4100 [2] adopts a con- curs in the transient state tests with a constant stress below 0.2fy,30.
stant value of 11.7 × 10 − 6 °C − 1, which is underestimated for G550 Then, the necking in the transverse and thickness directions disap-
steel. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion from Eurocode 3 in- pears with increasing stress levels, and the failure mode changes to
creases linearly with the temperature and is also underestimated for brittle transverse fracture at a stress level of 0.8fy,30. Continuing to im-
temperatures beyond 550 °C. Eq. (1) is the fitting equation of the co- prove the stress levels, some inclined cracks appear in the fracture
efficient of linear thermal expansion of G550 from 30 °C to 650 °C. As surface of specimens, and brittle fracture occurs along the direction
shown in Fig. 11, the results from Eq. (1) are in good agreement with inclined at 45° to the tensile stress axis for a stress level of 1.0fy,30.

Fig. 13. Temperature–strain curves according to transient state tests for G550 steel.
C. Wei, Y. Jihong / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 73 (2012) 1–11 7

between the ultimate strength reduction factors according to the

transient and steady state tests for G550 steel below 525 °C. However,
the results of the transient state tests become much greater than
those of the steady state tests beyond 550 °C, and the maximum
difference between the results of the transient and steady state tests
is about 66%.

3.2.3. Discussion of stress–strain curves according to transient and

steady tests
In transient state tests, the temperature–strain curves are con-
verted into stress–strain curves as shown in Fig. 15. The initial points
of the stress–strain curves represent the average results of thermal
expansion strains, and the other points of the stress–strain curves
correspond to the average results of the repeated transient state
tests. As shown in Fig. 15, the stress–strain curves of the transient
state tests are not sufficiently smooth because every datum of the
stress–strain curves is obtained from the average values of different
specimens. Fig. 16 gives the stress–strain curves under both steady
Fig. 15. Stress–strain curves of transient state tests for G550 steel. and transient state tests for G550 steel, and the thermal expansion
strains have been subtracted from the total strains. The results show
the following: (1) The strains during transient state tests for G550
Fig. 13 shows the typical temperature–strain curves of transient steel are higher than those during steady state tests under the same
state tests for G550 steel. The ultimate temperature–load curves can conditions of temperature and stress, especially for the inelastic peri-
be obtained from the temperature–strain curves by defining the ulti- od of stress–strain curves. (2) After 0.25% of strain, the stresses of the
mate temperature as the temperature at which the constant load can- transient state tests become much greater than those of the steady
not be maintained in the transient state tests. Essentially, the ultimate state tests at 550 °C under the same conditions of temperature and
temperature–load curves of the transient state tests are the same as stress.
the ultimate load–temperature curves of the steady state tests. Both
can be expressed as the variation of the reduction factors of the ulti- 3.2.4. Comparison of the other results between the transient and steady
mate strength with temperature, as shown in Fig. 14. For tempera- tests
tures from 200 °C to 300 °C, blue brittleness of G550 occurs, The stress–strain curves obtained from transient state tests are
resulting in an increase of the ultimate strength and a decrease of discrete and not sufficiently smooth, which has little influence on
the ductility with increasing temperature. At other temperatures, the yield strength and ultimate strength because the present tran-
the ultimate strength of G550 decreases with temperature. Thus, sient state tests have 20 stress levels. However, the errors in the elas-
there are no results from the transient state tests from 200 °C to tic modulus cannot be neglected. If the elastic modulus is still
300 °C in Fig. 14 because of the process of increasing the temperature determined by the initial slope of stress–strain curves, more transient
with a constant load. As shown in Fig. 14, there is no difference state tests with low stress levels should be taken, and the number of

a) 100 oC b) 200 oC c) 300 oC

700 700 700
600 600 600
Stress (Mpa)

Stress (Mpa)

Stress (Mpa)

500 500 500

400 400 400
300 300 300
G550 steady state test 200 C o G550 steady state test 300oC
200 o 200 G550 transient state test 200oC 200 G550 transient state test 300oC
G550 steady state test 100 C
100 G550 transient state test 100 C o
100 100
0 0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Strain (%) Strain (%) Strain (%)

d) 400 oC e) 500 oC f) 550 oC

600 400
500 200
Stress (Mpa)

Stress (Mpa)

Stress (Mpa)

400 150 G550 steady state test 550oC
G550 transient state test 550oC
300 200
G550 steady state test 500oC 100
G550 steady state test 400oC
200 o
G550 transient state test 500oC
G550 transient state test 400 C
100 50

0 0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Strain (%) Strain (%) Strain (%)

Fig. 16. Comparison of stress–strain curves for G550 steel between the transient and steady state tests.
8 C. Wei, Y. Jihong / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 73 (2012) 1–11

Fig. 18. Comparison of the reduction factors of elastic modulus for G550 steel from
Fig. 17. Temperature–strain curves of transient state tests with a stress level of 0.1fy,30.
transient and steady state tests and current design rules.

repeat tests should increase as well. However, the total cost of exper-
iments would also increase. The results show that the yield strength reduction factors according
Thus, this paper gives the elastic modulus of G550 steel according to the transient state tests for G550 are a little lower than those
to transient state tests at the stress level of 0.1fy,30 and the thermal according to the steady state tests from 300 °C to 500 °C but become
expansion tests. A detailed description is as follows: the average much higher than those according to the steady state tests beyond
values of the stresses and strains during transient state tests with 550 °C. The maximum difference between the results of the transient
the 0.1fy,30 stress level are σ1,T and ε1,T, respectively. The average and steady state tests is about 64%. In addition, the reduction factors
value of strains of thermal expansion tests is ε0,T, and the elastic mod- of yield strength in BS5950 [3] are in good agreement with the tran-
ulus according to the transient state tests at a given temperature can sient test results, but AS4100 [2] provides nonconservative values
be represented as ET = σ1,T / (ε1,T − ε0,T). Fig. 17 shows seven temper- beyond 350 °C.
ature–strain curves resulting from transient state tests with a stress Thus, it can be concluded that the steady state test method is not
level of 0.1 fy,30. The test curves are almost coincident, and the dis- equivalent to the transient state test method for G550 steel. Most of
crepancy is very small below 550 °C. The elastic modulus of transient the material properties for G550 by steady state tests are higher
state tests for G550 is presented in Table 4. than those by transient state tests. Given that the transient state
Fig. 18 compares the reduction factors of elastic modulus obtained tests better approach actual fire conditions than the steady state
from the steady and transient state tests and the current design rules. tests, the steady state test results of G550 may lead to a nonconserva-
The results show that the elastic modulus reduction factors of tran- tive fire resistance for cold-formed steel structures. In addition, the
sient state tests for G550 are clearly lower than those of steady yield strength reduction factors in BS5950 [3] agree well the transient
state tests, and the maximum difference between transient and state test results of G550. However, in other cases, the reduction fac-
steady state test results is 225%. In addition, Eurocode 3 [1] and tors for the mechanical properties in BS5950 [3], Eurocode3 [1] and
AS4100 [2] provide nonconservative predictions for the elastic modu- AS4100 [2] are unsuitable for G550 steel. To be easily used in engi-
lus of G550 steel beyond 300 °C. neering practice, both the steady and transient state tests results of
The yield strength of transient state tests for G550 steel was also G550 are fitted in the next section.
determined by the 0.2% proof stress method, as shown in Table 5.
Fig. 19 compares the yield strength reduction factors obtained from 4. Fitting of the test results
the steady and transient state tests and the current design rules.
4.1. Fitting of reduction factors of material properties

A unified equation to predict the material properties of G550 is pro-

Table 4 posed, as shown in Eq. (2). The coefficients a, b, c, and d were calibrated
Elastic modulus of transient state tests for G550 steel. with the test results and are presented in Table 6. The comparison of the
Tem./°C Transient state test Thermal ET/Gpa fitting results with the test results is shown in Figs. 20 and 21. The
(0.1fy,T) expansion results of this equation are in good agreement with the test results
σ1,T/Mpa ε1,T/% ε0,T/% and meet the requirements of engineering practice.

50 66.93 0.05832 0.02656 210.7

100 66.79 0.1185 0.08428 195.2 y ¼ aðT−bÞ þ d ð2Þ
150 66.94 0.1735 0.1394 196.3
200 66.72 0.2287 0.1935 189.5
250 66.90 0.2946 0.2602 194.5
300 66.77 0.3758 0.3371 172.5
350 66.89 0.4550 0.4076 141.1 Table 5
400 66.86 0.5268 0.4718 121.6 Yield strength of transient state tests for G550 steel.
450 66.85 0.6140 0.5441 95.6
Tem./°C 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
500 66.82 0.7372 0.6327 63.9
550 66.94 0.9678 0.7389 29.2 fy,T/Mpa 635.5 634.2 622.8 611.5 570.0 512.5 448.9 370.0 278.3 202.0
C. Wei, Y. Jihong / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 73 (2012) 1–11 9

Fig. 19. Comparison of reduction factors of yield strength of G550 steel from transient Fig. 20. Comparison of reduction factors for G550 steel predicted using the proposed
and steady state tests and current design rules. equation with the steady state test results.

in which T is the temperature in degrees Celsius and y represents the >
> ET ε; ε≤εp;T
> h  i0:5
reduction factors of elastic modulus, yield strength and ultimate >
> −c þ ð Þ a2 − εy;T −ε ;εp;T bεbεy;T
> f
> p;T b=a
strength (ET/E30,fy,T/fy,30,fu,T/fu,30). >
f y;T ; εy;T ≤ε≤εt
σT ¼ ! ð4Þ
> ε−εt;T
4.2. Stress–strain model >f
> ; εt bε bεu;T
> y;T 1−
> εu;T −εt;T
: 0;
An accurate stress–strain model is necessary for the simulation of ε ¼ εu;T
cold-formed steel structures. Ramberg and Osgood [18] first devel-
oped a stress–strain model at elevated temperatures, which included and εp, T =fp, T/ET;εy, T =0.02,εt =0.15,εu, T =0.20;a2=(εy, T −εp, T)(εy, T −
three parameters, the yield strength, elasticity modulus, and temper- 2
f y;T −f p;T
ature, as shown in Eq. (3). Various researchers have modified the εp, T +c/ET);b2 =c(εy, T −εp, T)ET +c2; c¼   
value of the coefficients β and ηT in Eq. (3) with their test results. εy;T −εp;T ET −2 f y;T −f p;T
For example, Ranawaka [6] considered the coefficient β as a constant where σT is the stress at a given temperature, fy, T is the yield strength
value of 0.86, and ηT was determined as a function of temperature. corresponding to 2% of the total strain at elevated temperatures, fp, T is
Lee [5] took ηT = 15 and β varying with temperature. In addition, the proportional limit at elevated temperatures, εp, T is the strain at the
the current Eurocode 3 [1] design rule also gives a stress–strain proportional limit at a given temperature, εy, T is the yield strain at a
model of cold-formed steel at elevated temperatures, as shown in given temperature, εt, T is the ultimate strain for the yield strength at a
Eq. (4). Eq. (4) is somewhat complicated, but it includes the complete given temperature and εu, T is the ultimate strain at a given temperature.
stress–strain curve. Fig. 22 compares the predicted stress–strain curves at different
temperatures according to Lee [5], Ranawaka [6], and Eurocode 3
  !η [1] with the results of the present steady state tests of G550. The com-
fT f y;T fT T

εT ¼ þβ ð3Þ parison indicates that stress–strain curves from Eurocode 3 are quite
ET ET f y;T different than the tests results because of the fast deterioration of the

Table 6
Coefficient values of Eq. (2).

Type of Reduction Tem. (°C) a b c d

tests factors

Steady fy,T/fy,30 [0, 300] − 4.511 × 10− 7 − 140 2 1.013

state test [300, 525] − 2.297 × 10− 9 − 164.5 3 1.156
[525, 600] 1.404 × 104 491 − 3 4.58 × 10− 2
ET/E30 [30, 450] − 3.298 × 10− 9 21 3 1
[450, 600] − 3.057 × 10− 3 0 1 2.115
fuT/fu30 [30, 300] 7.000 × 10− 5 0 1 0.9979
[300, 525] − 4.577 × 10− 9 − 25 3 1.176
[525, 600] 4.004 515 − 1 1.41 × 10− 2
Transient fy,T/fy,30 [30, 100] − 6.843 × 10 30 1 1
state test [100, 400] − 7.518 × 10− 9 64 3 0.953
[400, 550] − 2.465 × 10− 3 265 1 1
ET/E30 [30, 100] − 1.557 × 10− 3 30 1 1
[100, 250] 0 0 0 0.891
[250, 550] − 1.488 × 10− 6 − 450 2 1.621
fu,T/fu,30 [30, 350] − 2.138 × 10 30 1 1
[350, 600] − 5.374 × 10 185 2 1.078
Fig. 21. Comparison of reduction factors for G550 steel predicted using the proposed
[600, 650] − 1.555 × 10− 3 54.8 1 1
equation with the transient state test results.
10 C. Wei, Y. Jihong / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 73 (2012) 1–11

a) Eurocode 3 Table 7
800 Coefficients values of ηT.
Test results
Type of tests Temperature (°C) a b c
700 Eurocode 3
Steady state test [30, 300] 2.823 × 10− 4 − 1.071 × 10− 1 26.02
[300, 527] 3.466 × 10− 4 − 3.195 × 10− 1 83.97
[527, 600] 1.485 × 10− 3 − 1.497 388.4
Transient state test [30, 450] 5.929 × 10− 5 − 8.998 × 10− 2 34.97
Stress (Mpa)

500 [450, 550] 6.212 × 10− 4 − 5.484 × 10− 1 127.47


300 Eurocode 3 and Lee, but the difference at the inelastic parts of
stress–strain curves cannot be neglected.
200 On the basis of the Ramberg–Osgood model [18], this paper gives
the simulation of the stress–strain curves of G550 during both steady
100 and transient state tests. Eq. (5) is the corresponding fitting equation.
In Eq. (5), the elastic modulus is zero when the stress reaches the ul-
0 timate strength, corresponding to the plastic flow of the stress–strain
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 curves. The values of ηT in Eq. (5) are shown in Table 7. Figs. 23 and 24
Strain (%) compare the stress–strain curves obtained from these tests with the
predicted equation. In Fig. 24, the continuous curves represent the
b) Lee model predicted stress–strain curves, and the discrete data are the transient
Test results
700 Lee model

Stress (Mpa)






0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Strain (%)
c) Ranawaka model
Test results
Ranawaka model
Fig. 23. Comparison of stress–strain curves for G550 steel predicted using the proposed
equation with steady state test results.
Stress (Mpa)






0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Strain (%)

Fig. 22. Comparison of stress–strain curves obtained from the present steady state tests
of G550 with the results of other researchers and Eurocode 3.

elastic modulus at the inelastic parts of the stress–strain curves. There

is also a significant difference between the stress–strain curves
according to Lee and the tests results. In addition, the accuracy of Fig. 24. Comparison of stress–strain curves for G550 steel predicted using the proposed
the stress–strain curves from Ranawaka is better than those from equations with transient state test results.
C. Wei, Y. Jihong / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 73 (2012) 1–11 11

state test results. The stress–strain curves from Eq. (5) are in good Acknowledgments
agreement with the tests results and meet the requirement of the
numerical simulation of cold-formed steel structures. This research is sponsored by the Priority Academic Program De-
velopment of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions, and the Scholar-

fT T
fT ship Award for Excellent Doctoral Student granted by the Ministry
εT ¼ 0:002 þ ; f T ≤f u;T ð5Þ of Education, China. The authors are grateful to BlueScope Lysaght
f y;T ET
Shanghai for supplying the test material. They also would like to
where ηT = aT 2 + bT + c. thank Teacher Chen Shengming and Teacher Ying Shuiping for pro-
viding the experimental devices.
5. Conclusions

This paper reports a detailed experimental investigation of the References

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