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Marketing on the Internet Assignment

Dashab E Rehman Mansoor/BBA 2K15 B/146337

Nousherwan Khan/BBA 2K15 B/125714

1) Classifying the metrics

Identification: Type, Post Month, Post Week, Post Hour, Paid
Reach: Page total likes, Lifetime Post Total Reach, Lifetime Post Total Impressions, Lifetime Post
Impressions by people who have liked the page, Lifetime post reach by people who have liked
the page,
Engagement: Lifetime Engaged Users (Page), Lifetime Post Consumers, Lifetime Post
Consumptions, Lifetime people who have liked your page and engaged with your post,
Comments, Likes, Shares.
2) Best Indicator
For user feedback, the most important metric is engagement since it shows how many people
have actually found out the post to be meaningful or intriguing enough to click on it, or interact
with it. Reach metrics is not accurate for user feedback because of one person sein a post multiple
times, leading it to be counted as separate impressions. Moreover, just because someone sees a
post doesn’t really mean that they’ve interacted with it or not.
3) Calculate the percentage of people who saw each post as compared to the total
number of people who engaged with it.
Percentage = Lifetime Engaged Users/ Lifetime Post Reach
Percentage = 285,266/4,225,391 * 100
Percentage = 6.75%
4) Calculate percentage of Consumers who shared your content.
Percentage = Total Shares/Lifetime Post Consumers * 100
Percentage = 8665/241,829 * 100
Percentage = 3.583%
5) Calculate the Virality Rate
From, Virality Rate = People Talking About This/People Reached * 100
PTAT is the number of unique people who have created a story about your page. A story is
created whenever someone:
Likes your Page, Likes, comments on, or shares your Page post, Answers a question you’ve asked,
Responds to your event, Mentions your Page, Tags your Page in a photo, Checks into or
recommends your Place
Thus, PTAT = Sum of No of Page Likes over the time period, No of post likes, comments and
PTAT = 17901 (New Page Likes) + 60,579 (Post Likes) + 2655 (Comments) + Shares (8665)
PTAT = 89,800
Virality Rate = People Talking About This/People Reached * 100
Virality Rate = 89,800/4,225,391 * 100
Virality Rate = 2.12%
6) How is each post’s reach and engagement affected by the company paying to
Facebook for advertising?
Reach: As per the data set, 91 paid posts led to a total reach of 1,802,997 and an average reach
per paid post of 19813.15. On the other hand, 235 unpaid posts led to a total reach of 2,422,394
and an average reach per organic post of 10308.06. This clearly shows that paying Facebook for
its posts leads to almost double the reach than a page might get from just an organic post. As per
the calculations made in Sheet #6 of the Metrics Excel WorkSheet, Average Reach for Paid Photo
and Status is greater than Average Organic Reach. However, for Links, Organic Reach (16957.83)
actually has a higher average than Paid Links (8177.25). Moreover, for videos, Organic Reach
(61058.67) is greater than Paid Videos (43816). This anomaly may be due to a lower sample size
which does not factor in the Post Month, Weekday and Hour adequately. Nevertheless, it is an
interesting trend to notice.
Engagement: As per the data set, 91 paid posts led to a total engagement of 92,709 and an
average engagement per paid post of 1018.78. On the other hand, 235 unpaid posts led to a total
engagement of 192,557 and an average engagement per paid post of 819.39. This shows that
engagement from paid posts is more than organic posts. If we go down to the specifics as per
calculations made in the Excel WorkSheet under the Name Question 6, Paid Photos, Status, and
Video have more engagement than Organic Photos, Status and Videos. However, Organic Links
(310.83) still have more average engagement per post than Paid Links (242). This can also be
attributed to the lower sample size.
7) In which months are most shares done? Please summarize this data by the type of post.
As it appears, a total of 8665 shares happened in these 6 months. The 7 th month showed the
most activity in the number of shares, with 2114. These 2114 shares are further divided into 1862
shares on Photos, 176 on Status, and 76 on Video. The detailed breakdown is mentioned in the
Work Sheet.
8) Calculate the click through rate for each post. Identify the posts with the highest click
through rates. What implications can we draw from such posts?
The working for Click through Rates is done on the Excel Work Sheet under the Sheet named
Question 8. We have identified the Top 5 posts sorted by Click Through Rate of 47.01%, 46.404%,
41.03%, 40.878 %, and 36.143%. What is interesting to notice is that all these posts are photos,
which have more Click Through rate than Videos, Status or Links. All these posts came in the 10th
month, which coincided with the increase in the number of page likes, as well as total post likes
as well. The timing of the posts varied from 7-10, but it never dipped below that. Interestingly,
most of these posts were organic instead of paid
9) Construct a pivot chart to show the trend of likes, comments and shares trend over the
12 months.
The Chart has been constructed in the Work Sheet under the Sheet named Question 9. The
number of likes increased dramatically in the 7th Month, while decreasing again in the coming
10) Do the number of people who have liked a page and engaged with a post change with
the type of post?

Yes, it does. If we look at the total sum of Lifetime users who have liked our page and engaged
with our post, we might believe that Photos had the highest engagement rate for these people.
However, once we calculate the average, we realize that we are mistaken. Interestingly, Page
Status got the highest amount of engagement per post for this category of people (1754.475).
That was followed by videos with an average engagement rate of 979.4.

11) Describe other (at least 3) insights that you may get from the data provided.

A very interesting insight is that the highest Virality came from Photos, with the highest amount
of likes, shares and comments. Links, on the other hand, tend to have the least virality and thus
the least amount of likes, shares and comments.

There is a decrease by 100% between Sum of Lifetime Post Impressions by people who have liked
our page versus Sum of lifetime Post reach by people who like our page. However, there is no
correlation between these values and the type of post. This leads us to wonder whether people
who like the page see the same post again and again, keeping the reach same whilst increasing
the number of impressions. This might also mean that people who like our page actively search
for the page for updates, leading to more impressions than reach.
An interesting trend that was noticed was that on Paid Posts, the number of likes, shares and
comments were significantly higher than Organic Posts. For Paid Posts, average number of
Comments was 12.19, Likes were 256.153, and Shares were 32.98. For Organic Posts, the number
decreased, with average comments being 6.57, likes being 158.6, and Shares were 24.1

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