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Addition Comparison Contrast

Furthermore In the same way Yet

Moreover By the same token And yet
Too Similarly Nevertheless
Also In like manner Nonetheless
In the second place Likewise After all
Again In similar fashion But
In addition However
Even more Though
Next Otherwise
Further On the contrary
Last, lastly In contrast
Finally Notwithstanding
Besides On the other hand
and, or, nor At the same time
Second, secondly,

Exemplification or Clarification in order that
so that
Illustration that is to say
to that end, to this
in other words
to illustrate end
to explain
to demonstrate for this purpose
i.e., (that is)
to clarify
for instance
to rephrase it
as an illustration
to put it another way
e.g., (for example)
for example

Summary Conclusion
to summarize in conclusion
in sum to conclude
in brief finally
to sum up
in short
in summary

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