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 Estar en ingleé s

 Incluya quieé n estaé informando y de doé nde

 Incluir informacioé n de antecedentes sobre el problema social
 Cuerpo principal (Narrativa de eventos 5ws)
 Declaracioé n final sobre la situacioé n
 Reafirmar el nombre del reportero y de doé nde reportan (cerrar el artíéculo)
 Hablar por 2 minutos
 Utilice apoyos y ayudas visuales para que parezca un informe de noticias

1) Muy buenas tardes, Soy Matias Urzua de Canal Sur. Hoy estoy reporteando
desde Curicoò sobre el arresto de un universitario que portaba drogas en su

Good afternoon, I'm Matias Urzua from Canal Sur. Today I am reporting from
Curicò on the arrest of a university student who carried drugs in his bag

2) Este anñ o, han muerto 10 estudiantes universitarios por el consumo de drogas

en Chile
This year, 10 university students died due to drug use in Chile

5) This problem is caused by increased use of drugs in the university stage, For

6) every month, the national police detain 5 college students for drugs

Good afternoon, I'm Matias Urzua from Channel South reporting from curico,
where national police arrested yesterday to a university student for drug. For
instance, this year ten university student died due to drog use in Chile. The
origin this problem is for increased use of drug in the university stage. In
addition, every month the national police detain 5 university student for drug.
On October 8, the nacional police arrested in central square to a university
student for having two thousand doses drug in his bag. I believe that the state
must change his polities of helps for young people , in special to university
Remember, I'm Matias Urzuas from Channel South reporting form Curico, back
to the study

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