Capturing Data Requirements: Expense Budget

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Capturing Data Requirements

Functional Area Cubes

Xchange GL Data
Master Budget
Expense Budget Budget GL
Budget GL Details
Projected Actuals

Master Budget
Budget Revenue
Revenue Budget
Hires and Attritions
FTE and Headcount

For Revenue Forecast add: Hires & Attritions Matching

Budget Cash Cycle

Cash Cycle Parameters By Office
Revenue Cash Cycle Cash Cycle Parameters By Office PG Dept
Cash Cycle Parameters Firm Wide
Projected WIP & AR

Master Budget
Budget Compensation
Hires and Attritions
Compensation Budget
FTE and Headcount
Xchange Employee Data
Hires & Attritions

Forecast Compensation
For Forecasting add:
Hires & Attritions Matching

Asset Management Office

Capital Expenditure Depreciation Schedule
New Assets

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