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THE WICKER A Screenplay by Anthony Shaffer EXT: MAIN SEASIDE STREET OF ULLWATER = DAY We follow the rrogress of a postman as he walks down tie main street distributing his letters to people who wait for him outside their houses, In two or three cases we notice in close up that one of the letters in a bundle are official police lette: a) A householder opens a parking fin b) A Butcher opens a summons for keeping meat in an insanitary manner. c) A lady publican opens a summons for late closing. All are signed Weil Howie, Sergeant West Highland Police, Camera cranes up as the postman walks on down the Street and turns in to the police station. This angle allows us to see the iead grey rooves and white walls of the town, crowding down to the har- bour. INTs OUTER OFFICE POLICE STATION - DAY P.C, McTaggart stands behind the desk as the Post- man comes in prominently holding an unofficial, handwritten envelope. POSTMAN Morning Hugh. MCTAGGART Morning Postiel What have you got there? POSTHAN It's for his nibs, It's only fair I suppose, seeing I've been distributing his billetdoos all the morning, The camera moves into a close up of the letter which we note is addresaed to Sergeant Howie West Highland Police Uliwater, The stamp is franked with an elaborate Apple over the words Sunmerisle Apples. POSTMAN It's postmarked Summer Isle, Got a piece of skirt over there, 7 shouldn't wonder, 2 couTD he Postman glances in the direction of a door marked Sergeant Howie, Private. MCTAGGART What hin? The only woman in his life is the Virgin Mary, POSTMAN I thought he was going steady with Mary Bannock. cr MCTAGGART te Steady's right. In two years he hasn't so much as tickled har fancy. £ (affected voice) ~ He's Keeping himself pure for the wedding. & POSTHAN Poor old Mary. I don't know what she's doing going around with him, When they're married she'll he on her knees in church more often than on her back in bed... Conversation trails away, Sergeant Howie stands in the doorway of his office looking coldly at the two men. He i3 a well built, shortish Scot, neat and dour. ‘The Postman takes his shoepish leave. f POSTHAN ! Morning all. ic The door to the street closes behind him, McTaggart fu holds out the letter, MOTAGGART There's a letter for you, Sergeant. Howie moves slowly to the desk and takes the letter from MeTaggart, In silence he returns to his own room ie closing the door. E 3° «INT: HOWIE'S OFFICE ~ DAY Howie outs open his letter, and sitting down, xeads it through slowly. He thinks for a monent, looks at it C again, then rises and opens his door. o KO HONIE E Hugh, come in here please,

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