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TEFL Methodology

Think of who you are as a learner based on the categorizations: Sensory preferences, personality
types, Desired degree of generality, and biological difference!

As a learner, I realize that in line with sensory preferences, I am a kind of the learner for four areas.
It means that I could be a visual learner (I like it when teacher use some interesting pictures or
video related to the topic discussed), an auditory learner (it doesn’t matter for me to hear some
explanations from the teachera without any teaching aids), a kinesthetic learner (I like sports such
as swimming, athletic, volley ball, kasti, badminton, etc.) and also a tactile learner (I would enjoy
the learning process if I could touch the objects that I have to study about such as in science
subject). I could learn in any kind of learning situation as long as it is meaningful and I could
achieve the learning objectives.
For personality types, I feel that in some case (learning situation), I could be an extrovert student
and in another case, I could be an introvert. In addition, in some learning situation, I could be a
thinking student and in another situation, I could be a feeling learner. Moreover, I could be a
closure- oriented student in some situations because I like to learn seriously. I also could be an
open student in other situation because I would like to enjoy the learning process without worried
about so many things. It depend on the classroom’s atmosphere.
For desired degree of generality, I could be a global learner because I like to express my idea about
the subject I learned. I like to make a conclusion based on my own thought. In other situation, I
could also be an analytic student if the learning situation need me to concern for precision.
In line with biological differences, I like to learn when I feel it is the appropriate moment for me
to learn. It could be in the morning, noon, afternoon and evening. It relates to my mood. The place
will also influence my learning process. Sometimes, I could learn in crowded place (if I really have
to learn) and in another time, I could learn in the quite place. Sometimes I like to do my task while
‘snacking’. And in other time, I would not eat anything if I have to really focus on my deadline
task. . Still, it depend on the need.

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