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Faculty Publications in the Biological Sciences Papers in the Biological Sciences


The Tree-Thinking Challenge

David A. Baum
University of Wisconsin - Madison,

Stacey DeWitt Smith

University of Nebraska - Lincoln,

Samuel S.S. Donovan

University of Pittsburgh - Main Campus,

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Baum, David A.; Smith, Stacey DeWitt; and Donovan, Samuel S.S., "The Tree-Thinking Challenge" (2005). Faculty Publications in the
Biological Sciences. 105.

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Published in Science (November 11, 2005) 310: 979-980. Copyright 2005, the American Association for the Advancement of
science. Used by permission. DOI: 10.1126/science.1117727

The Tree-Thinking Challenge
David A. Baum, Stacey DeWitt Smith, Samuel S. S. Donovan
In 2005, D. A. Baum and S. D. Smith were in the Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin, 430 Lincoln Drive, Madi-
son, WI 53706, USA. E-mail:;
S. S. Donovan is in the Department of Instruction and Learning, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA. E-

The central claim of the theory of evolu- At the outset, it is important to clarify that position. The prevalence of such cluster dia-
tion as laid out in 1859 by Charles Darwin tree thinking does not necessarily entail grams may explain why phylogenetic trees
in The Origin of Species is that living species, knowing how phylogenies are inferred by are often misinterpreted as depictions of the
despite their diversity in form and way of practicing systematists. Anyone who has similarity among the branch tips. Phyloge-
life, are the products of descent (with mod- looked into phylogenetics from outside the netic trees show historical relationships, not
ification) from common ancestors. To com- field of evolutionary biology knows that it similarities. Although closely related spe-
municate this idea, Darwin developed the is complex and rapidly changing, replete cies tend to be similar to one another, this
metaphor of the “tree of life.” In this com- with a dense statistical literature, impas- is not necessarily the case if the rate of evo-
parison, living species trace backward in sioned philosophical debates, and an abun- lution is not uniform: Crocodiles are more
time to common ancestors in the same way dance of highly technical computer pro- closely related to birds than they are to liz-
that separate twigs on a tree trace back to grams. Fortunately, one can interpret trees ards, even though crocodiles are indisput-
the same major branches. Coincident with and use them for organizing knowledge of ably more similar in external appearance to
improved methods for uncovering evolu- biodiversity without knowing the details of lizards.
tionary relationships, evolutionary trees, or phylogenetic inference. The reverse is, how- But what does it mean to be “more closely
phylogenies, have become an essential ele- ever, not true. One cannot really under- related”? Relatedness should be understood
ment of modern biology (1). Consider the stand phylogenetics if one is not clear what in terms of common ancestry— the more
case of HIV/AIDS, where phylogenies have an evolutionary tree is. recently species share a common ances-
been used to identify the source of the virus, The preferred interpretation of a phyloge- tor, the more closely related they are. This
to date the onset of the epidemic, to detect netic tree is as a depiction of lines of descent. can be seen by reference to pedigrees: You
viral recombination, to track viral evolu- That is, trees communicate the evolution- are more closely related to your first cousin
tion within a patient, and to identify modes ary relationships among elements, such as than to your second cousin because your
of potential transmission (2). Phylogenetic genes or species, that connect a sample of last common ancestor with your first cousin
analysis was even used to solve a murder branch tips. Under this interpretation, the lived two generations ago (grandparents),
case involving HIV (3). Yet “tree thinking” nodes (branching points) on a tree are taken whereas your last common ancestor with
remains widely practiced only by profes- to correspond to actual biological entities your second cousin lived three genera-
sional evolutionary biologists. This is a par- that existed in the past: ancestral popula- tions ago (great-grandparents). Nonethe-
ticular cause for concern at a time when the tions or ancestral genes. However, tree dia- less, many introductory students and even
teaching of evolution is being challenged, grams are also used in many nonevolution- professionals do not find it easy to read a
because evolutionary trees serve not only ary contexts, which can cause confusion. tree diagram as a depiction of evolutionary
as tools for biological researchers across For example, trees can depict the cluster- relationships. For example, when presented
disciplines but also as the main framework ing of genes on the basis of their expression with a particular phylogenetic tree (see the
within which evidence for evolution is eval- profiles from microarrays, or the clustering figure, left), people often erroneously con-
uated (4, 5). of ecological communities by species com- clude that a frog is more closely related to
a fish than to a human. A frog is actually
more closely related to a human than to a
fish because the last common ancestor of a
frog and a human (see the figure, label x)
is a descendant of the last common ances-
tor of a frog and a fish (see the figure, label
y), and thus lived more recently. [To evalu-
ate your tree-thinking skills, take the quiz-
zes (6)].
Why are trees liable to misinterpretation?
Some evolutionary biologists have pro-
posed that nonspecialists are prone to read
trees along the tips (1, 7), which in this case
yields an ordered sequence from fish to
Which phylogenetic tree is accurate? On the basis of the tree on the left, is the frog more closely related frogs and ultimately to humans. This incor-
to the fish or the human? Does the tree on the right change your mind? See the text for how the common rect way to read a phylogeny may explain
ancestors (x and y) indicate relatedness.
980  Baum, Smith & Donovan in S c i e n c e (N o v e m b e r 11, 2005) 310

the widely held but erroneous view that is implied is that humans and mice shared References
evolution is a linear progression from prim- a common ancestor. Thus, for all its impor-
itive to advanced species (8), even though tance, tree thinking is fraught with chal- 1. R. J. O’Hara, Syst. Zool. 37, 142 (1988).
a moment’s reflection will reveal that a liv- lenges. 2. K. A. Crandall, The Evolution of HIV (Johns
ing frog cannot be the ancestor of a living Tree thinking belongs alongside natu- Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, 1999).
human. The correct way to read a tree is as ral selection as a major theme in evolu- 3. M. L. Metzger et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
a set of hierarchically nested groups, known tion training. Further, trees could be used U.S.A. 99, 14292 (2002).
as clades. In this example, there are three throughout biological training as an effi- 4. D. Penny, L. R. Foulds, M. D. Hendy,
meaningful clades: human-mouse, human- cient way to present information on the dis- Nature 297,197 (1982).
mouse-lizard, and human-mouselizard- tribution of traits among species. To this 5. E. Sober, M. Steel, J. Theor. Biol. 218, 395
frog. The difference between reading branch end, what is needed are more resources: (2002).
tips and reading clades becomes appar- computer programs (10), educational strat- 6. See the two quizzes on Science Online.
ent if the branches are rotated so that the egies (11, 12), and accessible presentations 7. S. Nee, Nature 435, 429 (2005).
tip order is changed (see the figure, right). of current phylogenetic knowledge (13-15). 8. J. L. Rudolph, J. Stewart, J. Res. Sci. Teach.
Although the order across the branch tips Phylogenetic trees are the most direct 35, 1069 (1998).
is different, the branching pattern of evo- representation of the principle of common 9. M. D. Crisp, L. G. Cook, Trends Ecol. Evol.
lutionary descent and clade composition is ancestry—the very core of evolutionary the- 20, 122 (2005).
identical. A focus on clade structure helps ory—and thus they must find a more prom- 10. J. Herron et al., EvoBeaker 1.0 (SimBiotic
to emphasize that there is no single, linear inent place in the general public’s under- Software, Ithaca, NY, 2005).
narrative of evolutionary progress (1, 7). standing of evolution. As philosopher of 11. D.W. Goldsmith, Am. Biol. Teach. 65, 679
There are other problems in reading rela- science Robert O’Hara (16) stated, “just as (2003).
tionships from trees (9). For example, there beginning students in geography need to 12. S. F. Gilbert, Nat. Rev. Genet. 4, 735
is a common assumption that trait evo- be taught how to read maps, so beginning (2003).
lution happens only at nodes. But nodes students in biology should be taught how 13. J. Cracraft, M. J. Donoghue, Assembling
simply represent places where popula- to read trees and to understand what trees the Tree of Life (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford,
tions became genetically isolated, permit- communicate.” Among other benefits, as 2004).
ting them to accumulate differences in their the concept of tree thinking becomes better 14. R. Dawkins, The Ancestor’s Tale: A Pil-
subsequent evolution. Similarly, living spe- understood by those in the sciences, we can grimage to the Dawn of Evolution (Houghton
cies may be mistakenly projected back- hope that a wider segment of society will Mifflin, New York, 2004).
ward to occupy internal nodes of a tree. But come to appreciate the overwhelming evi- 15. Tree-Thinking Group (www.tree-think-
it is incorrect to read a tree as saying that dence for common ancestry and the scien-
humans descended from mice when all that tific rigor of evolutionary biology. 16. R. J. O’Hara, Zool. Scripta 26, 323 (1997).

Supporting Online Material
Tree-Thinking Quizzes I and II

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