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SULIT 03 Nama: Skor % Kelas : 6 ( ) Tarikh UJIAN PENCAPAIAN SEKOLAH RENDAH 2018 (PERCUBAAN) BAHASA INGGERIS - PEMAHAMAN (BAHAGIAN B) 013 Julai 1 1 qiam i KERTAS JAWAPAN OBJEKTIF BAHAGIAN A Tntuk Regunaan Pemeriksa conch: © © @ @® BAHAGIAN B 12> oe » ES 22 ® OO ®D ~ 32 © OO — 41® ® Oo ” se ee © 2 fo 6® ®oOoo® 12 @®@O oD (d) sD oOo ®@ {) 5D eo ® a = no ® Oo ® “ A 1®® OO {) n®eooe oe (dy n@®® © ® (e) 1 @®® © ® (f) s@® ® Oo ® 24 @ 6D oO ® (b) 1® ® OOD (a) no Go Oo ® 25 (b) 1® ® OO ® © 0n® eee Jumlah 30 Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 7 halaman dan | halaman tidak bercetak di bahagian A, 9 halaman bercetak dan 3 halaman tidak bercetak di bahagian B at sebelah 0130 2018 (KEDAH) SULIT SECTION B [30 marks } Question 21 Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences. Woite your answers in the space provided. Berdasarkan gambar-gambar, berikan Jawapan dalam ayat yang lengkap. Tulis jawapan di tempat yang disediakan, a) Answer ~ (2 marks) ») Answer — (2 marks) Sony Fuswitch toffaow. || ‘What should we do? “Answer (2 marks) SULIT Be SULIT Question 22 Read the story below and answer the questions that follow. Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnys. ‘The Hidden Treasure A farmer had three sons. They were strong and young. However, they were too lazy to do any work. (One day, the farmer said to his sons, "My sons, | buried a box of treasure in our field @ long time ago. | have forgotten the exact spot. Dig the field to find the treasure. Then, share it among the three of you. The three sons started digging the field. They worked hard for a week. Unfortunately, they failed to find the treasure. They told their father about the failure. The farmer said, 'Im sure you will find the treasure one day. Now that you have dug the field . Let's sow it with corn.” They sowed the field with com. After some time, the field was filled with ripened com. The farmer looked at the field and said, "My sons, hard work is the treasure | wanted you to find. I'm happy that you have found it.” Write True or False in the space provided. Tulis Betul atau Salah di ruang yang disediakan. a) The three sons were strong but lazy. [1 mark] b) The farmer buried the treasure many years ago. [1 mark] c) _Doyou think the sons found the treasure? Which sentence in the story tells you this? Answer [1 mark] Sentence [1mark] Lihat halaman sebelal Liss BB SULT

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