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There are a number of fairly common techniques available that allow grass to be incorporated into a pavement to
provide 'the best of both worlds', ie, the appearance of grass but the load bearing capability of a well-constructed
pavement or driveway. They can be utilised in those areas where the hard permanence of a typical pavement might be
undesirable, such as in conservation areas, roadside verges, emergency services access, canal towpaths, farm tracks or
rural settings, and they are also used for erosion control in some situations, although the specification and type of
system(s) used can be completely different to that outlined below.

Different proprietary systems provide varying ratios of hard-pavement to grass, and the best system for any given project
will need to take into account these differences. Some systems can only be installed by specialist contractors, while
others can be installed by competent workmen or even diy-ers. It should also be noted that special grasses ought to be
selected for planting the various systems, as most ordinary seed mixtures are unlikely to be sufficiently hard-wearing to
withstand being trafficked. A few suggested seed mixtures are given further down the page.

The 5 techniques considered on this page are:-

o Hopsack Paving
o Spaced Paving
o Cellular Paving
o Reinforced Turf
o Mesh Protected Turf

All these techniques rely on a sub-base to give the paving its strength, although the types of sub-base recommended will
vary with type of system chosen, existing ground conditions, and anticipated usage. A typical construction detail for each
technique is given below.

Hopsack Paving

This is the simplest of the 4 techniques, and utilises readily-

available, plain rectangular concrete paviors, laid to a pattern
that leaves significant 'holes' or 'pockets' that are filled with soil
and seeded.

This technique can be used for residential driveways, or in the

garden. For path use in a garden with reasonably firm and stable
soils, the sub-base can be omitted, but be prepared for the bricks A Hopsack pattern created from standard
to move. 100x200mm block pavers, giving 50x50mm pockets
for soil.

Any rectangular blocks can be used to create a hop-sack pattern resulting in varying sizes of 'pockets' in the finished
pavement. The edges of a hopsack pavement sill need to be solid, either against an existing sound structure, such as a
wall, or with an edging unit or soldier course laid on concrete, as described on the Block Paving Page.
For residential driveways, patios and paths, a 100mm sub-base is
usually sufficient (see Sub-base Page), but heavier loads, such as
large vans, may need 150mm thickness. For trackways, car-
parking areas etc., consult a paving contractor or civil engineer
for specific advice.

Once the blocks have been laid, the pockets should be filled with a well-draining, friable soil, or soil/sand loam, and
compacted as for normal block paving. It's worth spending a few quid, if necessary, to get a decent planting medium, as
the grasses will have only this small pocket of soil to survive upon for the next few years. The soil in the pockets can be
seeded immediately with the selected grass mixture, although the soil will settle over the ensuing weeks and may need
'topping-up', or it can be left to settle for 4-6 weeks and topped-up prior to seeding.

The relatively small proportion of grass to each

square metre of this type of grass paving make it
less reliable than other techniques, and there is a
tendency for the grass to die off within a couple of
seasons, but it does have its uses, and, if fed with a
liquid fertiliser and watered in dry weather, it can
look quite attractive in the right situation.

Typical Hopsack Paving construction detail

Spaced Paving

This technique again relies on commonly available block paviors,

that are laid on a prepared sub-base and bedding layer, with
'spacers' between adjacent blocks giving a wide, but consistent,
joint, that is then filled with the selected soil prior to seeding.
Different manufacturers have different proprietary systems, but
they all utilise a square or rectangular 'standard' block with some
form of spacer, often plastic, approximately 30-45mm wide. The
number of spacers per block is determined by intended usage
(more spacers used on trafficked areas) and type of block. Full
instructions will be supplied by the spacer/block manufacturers.

Aquada Paving System by Marshalls

Again, this technique can be used for driveways, paths, patios, and, with a more substantial sub-base, for trackways, car
parks and other large-scale, low traffic-speed sites.

The choice of block, and the width of the joints,

determine the ratio of grass:hard-paving, and this
allows this ratio to be manipulated, by choosing
larger or smaller blocks, to suit individual site

For example, using 240x160mm blocks with 35mm

joints results in approx 29% grass by area, whereas
using 160x160mm blocks, this ratio becomes 33%
grass joint by area.
Typical plan layout of spaced paving showing spacers being used
to create 30-45mm joint between 240x160mm blocks

Again, soil and seed need to be carefully selected, before filling the joints, and the grass should be allowed to establish
itself before allowing vehicular traffic to use the pavement.

Grass does seem to survive better in the joints of spaced paving than it does in the small 'pockets' of hopsack paving, and,
along with feeding and watering in dry spells, it may even need the occasional attention of a mower.

Cellular Paving

See also Cellular Systems Page

This is the most widely used type of grass-paving, and is claimed to be structurally sounder and stronger than other forms.
Basically, specially-shaped, interlocking 'cell' pavers are laid on a prepared bedding layer over a sub-base, and the 'cells'
filled with the chosen soil and seed. There are a good number of proprietary systems available, in 3 formats; pre-cast
concrete cells, plastic cells, and cast in-situ concrete cells.

Different proprietary systems have

differing bedding layer
requirements, and you will need to
check with manufacturers whether
their system requires a granular, a
grit sand, or a sand/soil bedding
Sigma block from Brett

Generally speaking, these pre-cast concrete units are laid using

the same methods as outlined on the block paving page.
Turfstone by Tobermore
This technique is suitable for all but the very heaviest applications. The scale of the project, and its intended use,
will determine the best system to be used. Some manufacturers are not equipped to cope with orders of less than
300m², although it may be possible to arrange for a local builders' merchant to obtain a smaller quantity. These
systems are quite popular with local authorities looking to provide hard-standing or emergency access to
otherwise 'green areas', such as pumping stations on residential estates, and access trackways for service vehicles,
fire engines, etc..

12 month old GrassGuard system Established GrassGuard system

Grasscrete® is a proprietary system that relies on placing disposable plastic 'pots'

at equal spaces over a prepared base and then pouring concrete to fill the spaces
in between the 'pots', which act as temporary formers for the eventual pavement.
Once the concrete has hardened, the flimsy plastic pots can be removed, and a
selected soil mix used to fill the resulting voids. The soil can then be seeded.

Grasscrete Paving
Grasscrete slab with temporary plastic formers

Some systems allow gravel, decorative aggregates or bark to be used to fill the cells in place of the more usual grass,
and some manufacturers will supply cells ready-turfed if required. Filled with a gravel, these plastic cells can bring
stability to an inclined access way, and help minimise the inevitable drift of the gravel to the bottom of the slope.
Plastic cell matrices (as they are sometimes known) are considered in more detail on a separate page.
Grass-filled plastic cells Gravel-filled plastic cells

The type of system chosen dictates the grass:hard-paving ratio, with some thin-
walled plastic cells, offering up to 94% grass surface, rendering the structural
elements virtually invisible, while others, such as the pre-cast concrete units that
are available, make a feature of the cell shape, which is usually rectangular or

All of these cellular systems have been specially developed to ensure that the
grass can and does survive, so much so that they can sometimes become
overgrown if not tended regularly. Indeed, some systems are so successful at
nurturing a natural overgrowth that they have been used on SSSI and sensitive
heritage projects.

Grass paving at Stirling Castle

One 'plastic' system that is particularly suitable for heavy usage sites, including trucks, coaches, helipads and the like,
is CellPave HD from GroundTrax of Harrogate.
Cellpave HD unfilled Cellpave HD infilled with grass

This is an exceptional product in that it is unlike the usual plastic cell pavers. It is far chunkier, far more robust, and fully
capable of carrying commercial vehicles. Its beefy cell walls measure a whopping 35mm thickness but its specifically
designed structure ensures grass is given the best possible opportunity to thrive. It offers a low-cost, fast-installation, and
fully-recycled alternative to the mmore usual concrete systems.

Read more about Cellpave HD on this page.

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