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Some people think this is an incorrect phrase, maybe because it’s a more recent, casual-sounding

phrase, but I find it to be one of the most natural ways to tell an audience to applaud.

You can say, Give it up for (name of the performer), Let’s give it up for…, Everyone, give it up
for…, Everyone, please give it up for…, etc.

 Our next performer is a local singer-songwriter who adds her own unique twist to R&B.
Let’s give it up for Danielle Pasquier! (Audience applauds)

3. Put your hands together for…

This is another good expression to use when introducing someone onto the stage, maybe in more
casual settings. You could also Please put your hands together for…, Everyone, puts your hands
together for…, Everyone, please put your hands together for…, etc.

 Our next guest speaker is someone I know you’ve all been waiting for. Everyone, please
put your hands together for James Park! (Audience applauds)

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4. Let’s give a warm welcome to…

This might be a good phrase if you want to emphasize that you’re not only introducing but also
welcoming someone onto the stage. It’s very appropriate for more formal situations.

 Let’s give a warm welcome to our special guest conductor of the night, Alex Solis!
(Audience applauds)

Since this is a set expression, it’s best to say warm instead of any other adjective.

5. Let’s hear it for…

I guess in this expression, “it” refers to the applause. This is also a nice expression to use in a
more informal environment.

 Thank you for that wonderful performance. And now, let’s hear it for our main act of the
night, Mouse Rat! (Audience applauds)

6. Another round of applause for…

It’s normal to ask for applause before a performance, but you can also ask for applause after the
guest leaves the stage, even after the audience already applauded the performance! In that case,
you can ask for another round of applause for someone.
 (The audience applauds and the performer leaves the stage. The applause dies down.)
Alright, that was fantastic. Another round of applause for Olivia, please! (The audience
applauds again)

Let’s give a (big) round of applause for…

Give it up for…

Put your hands together for…

Let’s give a warm welcome to…

Let’s hear it for…

Another round of applause for…

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