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5S Plus One Grading Criteria and Score Sheet

5S Plus One inspecting personnel shall grade the shop/office in accordance with the following

1) Determine the current 5S Plus One Score in each of the categories on pages two through five of this form

2) Add the scores calculated in all the categories to establish a total score

3) Divide the total score by the number six to establish 5S Plus One Score

Place the 5S Plus One Score (determined in step three) in the appropriate block on page six “5S Plus One Audit
4) Scoreboard” of this form

5) Complete the remaining blocks on page six “5S Plus One Audit Scoreboard” of this form

6) Complete page seven “5S Plus One Audit Results (Improvements Needed)” of this form

7) Place pages six and seven of this form on the 5S+1 Board

8) Repeat this entire process on a weekly basis and maintain records of historical scores in 5S+1 Binder
5S Plus One Level of Excellence Criteria and Achievement Audit Checklist
(Below Must Be Completed to Achieve Level 2 Rating)
(1.0) Necessary and unnecessary items are mixed together in the work area.

(1.1) 5S Plus One training (sorting) has been provided (Evidence: training records)
(1.2) It is understood that sorting is separating necessary items from unnecessary items

(1.3) CPI 5S Plus One board has been established (Evidence: physical proof)
(1.4) Boundaries and area owners have been established to show boundaries of responsibility

(1.5) Before and after pictures have been taken and posted on the 5S+1Board
(1.6) A list is being developed to identify items needed in the area
100% (1.7) Initial red-tagging has taken place

(2.0) Necessary and unnecessary items are separated (including excess inventory)

(1.0) Tools, supplies and materials are randomly located
25% (1.1) It is understood that straightening is creating a place for everything, keeping in mind frequency of use
50% Locations are being established and cycle times considered placing items needed in the area according to frequency of use
(1.2) (Evidence: PEBs, shop tools)
100% (1.3) Temporary labeling is in progress

(2.0) A designated location has been established for items

(1.0) Work center/office equipment is dirty and disorganized
25% (1.1) It is understood that regular physical and visual cleaning identifies potential problems
50% (1.2) Everyone is involved in developing physical and visual shine checklists
100% (1.3) Guidelines for usage of common areas are being developed (Evidence: cleaning schedules in break areas)

(2.0) Work/break areas are cleaned on a regularly scheduled basis

(1.0) No attempt is being made to document or improve current processes
25% (1.1) It is understood that standardization requires documentation of current processes

(1.2) The standard 5S Plus One format is being used for the communication board
(1.3) Visual controls are being standardized for the area (signboards, shadow boards, outlining, etc.)
75% (1.4) Standard labeling and outlining methods are being developed for the work center
100% (1.5) 5S Plus One methods are being used to improve work processes

(2.0) Methods are being improved, but changes have not been documented

Sustain (Self-Discipline)
(1.0) Minimal attention is spent on housekeeping and safety
25% (1.1) It is understood that sustainment is following through on 5S Plus One agreements
50% (1.2) Involvement in 5S Plus One activities is evident (Evidence: 5S action items)
100% (1.3) 5S Plus One rules for Sorting, Straightening, Shining, and Standardizing are being followed

(2.0) A recognizable effort has been made to improve the condition of the work area

(1.0) Minimal attention is expended on Safety Issues

(1.1) OSHA requirements are understood for the area

Marines are familiar with OSHA HAZMAT and HAZ Waste storage requirements for the area (Evidence: MSDS Sheets/Training
(1.2) Records)

(1.3) Frequently used tools and supplies are stored with safety and ergonomics in mind
(1.4) Exit signs are located above doors

(1.5) Fire grids are posted in shop/office area

(1.6) Fire escape and muster information is posted in shop/office area

(1.7) 911 grids are placed on all phones

(1.8) Fire extinguisher is located in shop/office area and inspections are current

(2.0) A recognizable effort has been made to improve safety/ergonomic conditions in the work area
5S Plus One Level of Excellence Criteria and Achievement Audit Checklist
(Below Must Be Completed to Achieve Level 3 Rating)
(2.0) Necessary and unnecessary items are separated (including excess inventory)
25% (2.1) Necessary items identified as unsafe have been repaired

(2.2) Red-tagged items have been evaluated

(2.3) Marines understand procedures for disposing of unnecessary items
75% (2.4) Unnecessary items have been properly disposed of
100% (2.5) A list of items required to accomplish the job has been developed and documented

(3.0) Unnecessary items have been removed from the area

(2.0) A designated location has been established for items
25% (2.1) There is a visually marked specified place for everything

(2.2) Everything is in its specified place when not in use

(2.3) Lead times for replacement of daily usage supplies have been established
(2.4) Minimum and maximum supply levels have been established and marked (Evidence: physical proof)
100% (2.5) Contents of storage areas, cabinets, binders, files, etc. have been marked/labeled

(3.0) Designated locations are marked to make organization more visible

(2.0) Work/break areas are cleaned on a regularly scheduled basis
25% (2.1) All Hands are familiar with daily 5S Plus One activity responsibilities and expectations

(2.2) Area cleaning guidelines and schedules are posted

(2.3) Outlining (taping) is being maintained. Worn or torn tape is replaced

(2.4) Tools, machinery and office equipment are clean and in good repair
(2.5) Work/break areas, offices, and conference rooms are clean and orderly
100% (2.6) Everything in the work area has been included on the cleaning activity lists

(3.0) Work/break areas, machinery, and office equipment are cleaned daily
(2.0) Methods are being improved, but changes have not been documented.

(2.1) It is understood that standardization defines the "best way" to accomplish a task
(2.2) 5S Plus One agreements are being documented and stored

(2.3) Visual control standards have been documented for the area
(2.4) 5S Plus One activities are being discussed in group meetings (Evidence: meeting minutes)

(2.5) Documentation of current work processes has begun

(2.6) Existing documentation of current work processes is readily available
100% (2.7) A schedule for periodic rotation of 5S Plus One checklist responsibilities is being developed

(3.0) Changes are being incorporated and documented

Sustain (Self-Discipline)
(2.0) A recognizable effort has been made to improve the condition of the work area

(2.1) Changes have been documented

(2.2) A daily 5S Plus One activity checklist is posted in the area

(2.3) Current established agreements are being followed

(2.4) Personnel listed as responsible are updating the CPI 5S Plus One board regularly

(2.5) Personal items are stored neatly

(2.6) It is evident that visual/physical checklists are being used
100% (2.7) The work area is being kept neat and clean

(3.0) 5S Plus One agreements and safety practices have been developed and are being utilized

(2.0) A recognizable effort has been made to improve safety/ergonomic conditions in the work area
25% (2.1) OSHA awareness is promoted and mandatory training is documented. (Evidence: training records)
50% (2.2) Machine guards are installed on machines
75% (2.3) Aisles are marked
100% (2.4) Noise hazard areas are marked. All safety equipment is labeled

(3.0) Safety/Ergonomic practices have been developed and are being utilized
5S Plus One Level of Excellence Criteria and Achievement Audit Checklist
(Below Must Be Completed to Achieve Level 4 Rating)
(3.0) Unnecessary items have been removed from the area
25% (3.1) Schedule for periodic sorting has been documented
50% (3.2) Dependable, documented method is in place to sort items as they come into the area

(3.3) Dependable, documented method is in place to safely and appropriately dispose of outdated material
100% (3.4) Dependable, documented method is in place to adjust supply levels as work processes change

(4.0) A dependable, documented method has been established to maintain the work area free of unnecessary items

(3.0) Designated locations are marked to make organization more visible
25% (3.1) A dependable, documented method for visual controls is in use
50% (3.2) It is easy to identify items that are out of place
100% (3.3) A dependable, documented method is in place to adjust minimum and maximum supply levels
A dependable, documented method has been established to recognize, with a visual sweep, if items are out of
(4.0) place or exceed quantity limits

(3.0) Work/break areas, machinery, and office equipment are cleaned daily
25% (3.1) Cleanup rules are applied throughout the day
50% (3.2) Manuals, labels, striping tape, and tags are in good condition

100% A dependable, documented method is in place to train Marines in effective and efficient work
(3.3) methods

(4.0) 5S Plus One agreements are understood and practiced continually

(3.0) Changes are being incorporated and documented.
It can be verified that Marines understand a dependable, documented method is one that produces
(3.1) predictable results every time the task is performed
A dependable method is in place to ensure each Marine in the work area is familiar with standardized
(3.2) procedures for the area
A majority of current work processes have been documented (process flow charts, check sheets,
(3.3) etc.)

(3.4) Documented work processes are available to everyone

(3.5) Labeling systems have been standardized throughout the area
100% (3.6) Filing systems have been standardized throughout the area

(4.0) Information on process improvements and documented methods is being shared

Sustain (Self-Discipline)
(3.0) 5S Plus One agreements have been developed and are utilized
25% (3.1) Marines are performing 5S Plus One reviews on a regularly scheduled basis

(3.2) Assignments for area reviews are rotated regularly

(3.3) All Hands are taking responsibility for 5S Plus One activities
75% (3.4) Management is performing periodic educational and informational 5S Plus One tours
100% (3.5) Gains have been documented, maintained , and shared with all hands

(4.0) Follow through with 5S Plus One agreements is evident

(3.0) Safety/Ergonomic practices have been developed and are being utilized

(3.1) Items are stored ergonomically with special attention to the strike zone and the 45 degree rule
A dependable method is in place to ensure each Marine in the work area is familiar with standardized
(3.2) procedures for the area

(3.3) Unsafe conditions are addressed as they become evident

(3.4) A dependable, documented method is in place to reduce hazardous waste

(3.5) A dependable, documented method is in place to minimize chemical products usage

(3.6) Safety inspections are performed on a regularly scheduled basis. Corrective actions are documented
Checklists, training records, and other documentation, as required, document compliance with OSHA
(3.7) requirements

(4.0) Follow through with 5S Plus One safety/ergonomic practices is evident

5S Plus One Level of Excellence Criteria and Achievement Audit Checklist
(Below Must Be Completed to Achieve Level 5 Rating)

(4.0) A dependable, documented method has been established to maintain the work area free of unnecessary items
25% (4.1) Goals are in place to improve existing inventory levels
50% (4.2) The work processes are controlling inventory levels
100% (4.3) A system is in place to measure improvements of inventory levels

(5.0) Marines are continually seeking improvement opportunities

A dependable, documented method has been established to recognize, with a visual sweep, if items are out of
(4.0) place or exceed quantity limits
25% (4.1) Marines continually seek to reduce cycle times
50% (4.2) Visual controls are in place to ensure proper stock reorder points
100% (4.3) Responsibility has been assigned and posted for reordering supplies
A dependable, documented method has been developed to provide continual evaluation, and a process is in
(5.0) place to implement improvements

(4.0) 5S Plus One agreements are understood and practiced continually.
50% (4.1) A plan for implementing preventive cleaning and maintenance is in place
100% (4.2) Preventive maintenance checks have become part of daily work activities and practices

(5.0) Marines have devised a dependable, documented method of preventative cleaning and maintenance
(4.0) Information on process improvements and documented methods is being shared
25% (4.1) There is a detailed plan in place to document the balance of currently identified work processes

(4.2) There is a detailed plan in place to reduce variation of similar work processes
Similar work processes are being performed per documented methods, and are being shared with
(4.3) others doing similar work
An environment exists for Marines to seek and improve customer satisfaction through quality, cost,
75% (4.4) delivery, safety, and morale
Documented work processes and 5S Plus One agreements are being reviewed on a regularly
(4.5) scheduled basis and improvements are being shared
100% (4.6) Documents are updated as changes are adapted or new processes are developed

(5.0) Marines are continually seeking the elimination of waste with changes documented and information shared

Sustain (Self-Discipline)
(4.0) Follow-through with 5S Plus One agreements is evident.
50% (3.1) 5S Plus One activities are a part of daily management and daily work activities
100% (3.2) Work process agreements are being performed from customer input/feedback

(5.0) There is a general appearance of confidence, understanding of, and adherence to the 5S Plus One principles

(4.0) Follow-through with 5S Plus One safety/ergonomic practices is evident
25% (3.1) Goals are in place to improve workplace safety and ergonomics
50% (3.2) The area is free of recognizable hazards
A documented process is in place to continually evaluate new processes, materials, and equipment
100% (3.3) to ensure that OSHA requirements are being met

(5.0) Employees are continually seeking ways to improve safety/ergonomic practices

5S +1 Involvement Level Audit Checklist
(Below Must Be Completed to Achieve Level 5 Rating)
Level 1
25% (1.1) Understands basics of 5S+1 methods
50% (1.2) Supervisor has been provided training in 5S+1
100% (1.3) Supervisor has assigned NCO to manage each 5S+1 element

Level 2
25% (1.1) Lead one 5S+1 event within 6 months
50% (1.2) Ensures 90% W/C is trained in 5S+1 principles
75% (1.3) Conducts & tracks 5S+1 training by individual Marine
100% (1.4) Establishes supervisor turnover jacket

Level 3
25% (1.1) Sets measurable 5S+1 goals for W/C

(1.2) Utilizes event findings to make corrections and improve sustain efforts
(1.3) Keeps turnover jacket & W/C KIOSK current
75% (1.4) Developed thorough 5S+1 SOP for w/c
100% (1.5) Level 3 complete across all 5S+1 elements within w/c

Level 4
25% (1.1) Recognized subject matter expert, champions 5S+1 event
50% (1.2) Develops or enhances LOGMAT inspection criteria
75% Demonstrates an advanced level of 5S+1 knowledge acquired through formal training or
(1.3) reading
100% (1.4) Driver/spearheads department or higher level projects

Level 5
(1.1) Level 1 through 4 have been completed for the 5S+1 areas and the Involvement section.
5S Plus One Audit Scoreboard
(Improvements Needed)
Location: NCOIC:

Task Tracking # Reasons for not achiving a higher 5S+1 Score Date Due Date Completed
5S Plus One Audit Scoreboard W/C

This 5S Plus One Score

Last Audit Score


Date of Audit
Date Evaluated Evaluator

5S's Sort Straighten Shine Standardize Sustain Safety Involvement
Anything not required for immediate All items can be easily retrieved by Anything not required for immediate Tools & material layout, assembly & Marines routinely implement and Safety awareness is evident by W/C supervisor champions 5S /
production is removed from the work anyone; they are clearly labeled production is removed from the work communications are documented, track improvements and are action, knowledge and visuals in Kaizen
area area standardized, and followed documented work place. Metrics and HazMat
rigorously procedures in place
Level 5 and working
Lean Way

Non-utilized cabinets, benches, A place for everything. Shadow Anything not required for immediate Establish & follow standard Marines take ownership and Marines properly use safety W/C supervisor teaches and
tables, etc. identified and removed boards & locations utilized production is removed from the work procedures. They are clear, up to standards are followed equipment and adhere to safety manages 5S / Kaizen
from area specifically for individulal items area date and displayed in work areas practices while working.
Discrepancies fixed
Level 4 and or reported

Unneeded materials, tools & Needed items have dedicated Anything not required for immediate Labeling of items with required Daily and weekly checks are Safety and QA reps roam thru W/C supervisor leads 5S / Kaizen
personal items removed from work locations which are clearly labeled production is removed from the work quantities are standardized performed by area leaders; hanger and work areas observing
spaces; not stored away area standards are regularly safety practices while maintenance
reviewed & is
Level 3 updated conducted

Needed and unneeded, tools, parts Needed tools and equipment have Anything not required for immediate Procedures are documented but not Weekly and daily checks are W/C equipment is in compliance with W/C supervisor actively participates
& personal items identified and been safely stored and organized production is removed from the work consistantly followed implemented and performed by safety regs per mfg codes and local in 5S / Kaizen
separated area leaders orders. Cabinets properly marked
per OSHA regs
Level 2
Old Way

Needed and unneeded materials, Items are placed randomly Work areas are unkempt; no visual Written standard procedures not in No area checks are performed; Training conducted on all new joins W/C supervisor has little to no
tools, parts & personal items are throughout the work place controls in place. Information is place standards are not established covering Orders, OSHA manuels involvement in 5S / Kaizen
mixed in the work 'hidden' in and other
area computer safety info.
Level 1 systems

Steps of Implementation

Reference: 5S+1 Levels of Excellence Criteria and Achievement Checklist

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