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TCXDVN 104 : :2007


No.22/2007/QD - BXD
Hanoi, May 30, 2007


On issuing Vietnam Standard 104: 2007 "Urban Road – Specification for Design"


Pursuant to Decree No. 36/2003/NĐ-CP dated April 4, 2003 of the Government on stipulating
functions, duties, competences and organizing structure of Ministry of Construction;

At the proposal of Director General of Science & Technology Dept.,


Article 1. Enclosed by this Decision is 01 Vietnam Standard:

TCXDVN104 : 2007 "Urban Road –Specification for Design"

Article 2. This Decision takes into effects after 15 days since the date of the government
Official Gazette.

Article 3. Chief of Ministry Office, General Director of Science and Technology Dept, and
Heads of relevant agencies take responsibility for the enforcement of this Decision./.

- As in Article 3
- The Government Website Signed
- Official Gazette
- Judicary Ministry Nguyen Van Lien
- Ministry of Science & Technology
- Legislation Dept.
- Office Archive, Science & Tech Dept.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007

TCXDVN 104 : 2007



Hanoi – 2007

TCXDVN 104 : :2007

TCXDVN 104: 2007 “Urban road-Specifications for Design” is composed to replace TCXD 104: 1983
“Specifications for Urban road, Square”.
TCXDVN 104: 2007 “Urban road – Specifications for Design” is to regulate the specifications for
planning, design, new construction, improvement and upgrading of urban road and enclosed by the
issuing of Decision No.22/2007 /QĐ-BXD dated June 30, 2007.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007



1. Scope of Application

1.1. This standard sets out requirements for the planning – design, new construction,
improvement and upgrading of urban road, street.

1.2. In the case of urban road design involving other works such as railway, irrigation work,
water supply and drainage, lighting and ect… the design must be in compliance with the in-force
regulations of the State and integrated with the concerned agencies.

1.3. This standard takes the place of Vietnam Standard 20TCXD 104 – 1983: Specifications for
Urban road, Square

2. References and Source Materials

- Vietnam Construction Standard

- TCVN 4449- 1987 Urban Construction Plan – Standards for Design

-TCVN 4054 - 2005 Highway – Specifications for Design.

- TCVN 5729 - 97 Expressway – Specifications for Design
- 22 TCN 273 - 01 Highway – Design Standard (Bi-lingual Vietnamese – English)
- 22 TCN 223 Rigid Pavement Specifications
- 22 TCN 211 Flexible Pavement Specifications
- TCXDVN 259 Specifications for Artifical Lighting Design of road, street and square
- TCXDVN 362 Green treen planning for urban public use – Specifications for design
- 22 TCN 237 Roadway traffic signal regulations
- 22 TCN 262 Highway embankment on soft soil design survey standard
- 22 TCN 171 Specifications for surveying geological conditions and designing stablized
method for embankment in the landside and settlement area.
- 22 TCN 221 Standard for transport network design in seismic zone
- 22 TCN 277 Standard for testing and evaluating pavement surface by international
roughness IRI
- 22 TCN 332 - 05 Testing specification for determining CBR of soil, crushed Stone in lab
Note:If soucre materials remarked the year of issue, applying the year-mentioned version.
If source materials non-remarked the year of issue, applying in-force version (current).

3. General Regulations
3.1. Urban road network must be in line with the approved construction plan of different
infrastructures to avoid wastes of construction and overlapped administration.
3.2. The urban transport system design plan must be placed in the urban spatial comprehension
including center area (inner city) and subregion (suburban, outskirt, satellite urban….); be in line
with the urban road design plan as its right functions and specifications.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007

3.3. In addition to complying with the regulations of this standard, the urban road design could
be referred to specifications for highway design, expressway design and other in-force
specifications and guidelines.
3.4. When designing the urban road, investment phasing needs to be considered, and the
phasing alternative is based on the future option. Investment phase could be made for sub-grade,
pavement, drainage, intersection and other traffic facilities on the principle of non-reducing
technical grade, utilizing existing facilities, construction landmark and red landmark management.
The selected alternative will be the one which have higher advantages in the economic and
technical aspects than others.

4. Interpretation of Terms
In this specification for design, the terms are interpreted as follows:
Urban: comprises of city, town and small town authorized to establish by the state agency.
Urban Category: is categorized into 6 classes: special class, Class I, II, III, IV and V.
Urban area: is the territory including the boudary of core-urban, influenced area such as
suburban, outskirt, sattelite urban and ect...
Infrastructure system: includes transport system, communication system, energy supply, public
lighting system, water supply and drainage, waste treatment and other facilities.
Socio-infrastructure system: includes housing works, health-care facilities, cultural and
eductional facilities, sport and trading facilities, public service, gree trees, parks, water surface
and other other facilities.
Construction planning: is the organization of urban space and rural residential areas,
infrastructure system and socio-infrastructure system; to formulate a desirable living-environment
for local people in order to ensure the harmonization between national interest and public interest,
to satisfy the socio-economic development target, national defense, security, environment
protection. The construction planning is shown by the construction planning design including map,
drawing, model and presentation.
Urban Construction Master Plan ( the comprehensive plan on urban construction): is the
organization of urban space, infrastructures and socio-infrastructures, in accordance with the
socio-economic development master plan, setoral plan to ensure national security and defense of
the entire region and the country in each period of time.
The detail urban construction plan: is the specification of the gernal construction plan, as legal
base for the management of construction works, information supply, provision for construction
license, land allocation, land rental to develop the construction projects.
Urban Design: is the specification of the general plan, detail plan on urban construction in terms
of urban architecture, landscape of functional zone, streets and other urban public spaces.
Urban road (or street): is road in urban, including streets, ordinary highways and other dedicated
Street: is urban road with most of civil works constructed along the roadside.
Highway (in urban): is urban road with none or few of housing along the roadside. Highway is
mainly for transport (expressway, national highway, connective road between factories,
warehouses and terminals....)
Sidewalk: is dedicatedly designed for pedestrian or a part of border line.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007

Red Landmark: is the line identified on the planning map and on the field, to define between the
land for construction and the land for traffic or other facilities, public space.
Construction landmark: is the line that limits the construction works.

5. General requirements for design

5.1. Design Vehicles:
Three main design vehicles in the urban road network are:
a/ Car: including small-sized cars (< 8 seats) and cover trucks, symbolized PCU.
b/ Truck:
- Single truck, symbolized as SU.
- Truck with trailer, symbolized as WB
c/ Bus:
- Single bus, symbolized as BUS.
- Bus with trailer, symbolized as A-BUS.
Design vehicles and Vehicle size are described in Figure 1 and Table 1.
d/ 2-wheel vehicles:
- Bicycle
- Motorcycle (cylinder capacity is 100cm3)
Selection of design vehicle is based on type of road, traffic demand and economic-technical

TCXDVN 104 : :2007

Table 1. Dimension of Designed vehicle (Unit: m)

Dimension Overhang

Minimum turning radius



Type of Design Vehicle

Length (L)
Height (h)

Width (w)

Front (f)

Rear (r)
Car PCU 1.3 2.1 5.8 0.9 1.5 3.4 7.3

Single truck SU 4.1 2.6 9.1 1.2 1.8 6.1 12.8

Single bus BUS 4.1 2.6 12.1 2.1 2.4 7.6 12.8

Bus with trailer A-BUS 3.2 2.6 18.3 2.6 2.9 5.5 1.2 6.1 11.6

Truck with one trailer WB-12 4.1 2.6 15.2 1.2 1.8 4.0 8.2 12.2

WB-15 4.1 2.6 16.7 0.9 0.6 6.1 9.1 13.7

WB-19 4.1 2.6 21.0 1.2 0.9 6.1 12.8 13.7

WB-20 4.1 2.6 22.5 1.2 0.9 6.1 14.3 13.7

Truck with 2 trailers WB-35 4.1 2.6 35.9 0.6 0.6 6.7 12.2 0.6 18 13.4 18.3

Note :

- WB1, WB2 is effective distance between the front axle and rear axle.

- S is the distance from the rear axle to trailer point.

- T is the distance from trailer point to the front axle.

W r WB f

TCXDVN 104 : :2007

1,5 3,4 0,9

xe thiÕt kÕ p

12,1 18,3
2,4 7,6 2,1 2,9 5,2 2,1 5,5 2,6

xe thiÕt kÕ BUS xe thiÕt kÕ a-BUS

9,1 16,7
1,8 6,1 1,2 0,6 9,1 6,1 0,9

xe thiÕt kÕ SU xe thiÕt kÕ WB-15
1,5 18,3
0,9 12,8 6,1 1,2

xe thiÕt kÕ WB-19

2,6 12,6 6,1
0,9 20,4 1,2

xe thiÕt kÕ WB-20

13,4 1,5 12,2 6,7
0,6 34,7 0,6

xe thiÕt kÕ WB-35

Figure 1. Type of Design vehicles

5.2. Design Traffic Volume
5.2.1. Traffic volume
Traffic volume is number of vehicles and persons (physical unit) through a road cross-section in
one unit of time at the examined moment.
Vehicles here can be one type of vehicle or various types on the road.
5.2.2. Design Vehicle Volume
Design vehicle volume is converted number of vehicles through a cross-section in one unit of time
at the future year.
Equivalent Passenger Car is normally understood as caris converted car (abbreviated
PCU), passenger car equivalent factors are referred to Table 2. In special cases when
carriageway is dedicatedly designed, designed vehicle will be dedicated vehicle.
Future year is the last year in the duration of road operation. In the urban road design, it is
defined by type of road:
- 20 years as for expressway and urban road.
- 15 years as for new urban roads and improved roads.
- From 3 years to 5 years as for traffic organization and road maintenance

Table 2. Passenger Car Equivalent Factors (convert all vehicles to car)

TCXDVN 104 : :2007

Design speed, km/h

≥ 60 30, 40, 50 ≤ 20
Bicycle 0,5 0,3 0,2
Motorcycle 0,5 0,25 0,15
Car 1,0 1,0 1,0
2-axle trucks and mini bus (< 25 seats) 2,0 2,5 2,5
3-axle truck or more and big bus 2,5 3,0 3,5
A-BUS and WB 3,0 4,0 4,5
1. If accommodation lane or accommodation road (bus, truck, bicycle…), it requires no conversion
2. It is not advised to operate bicycle and car on the same lane on the roads with high design speed
(≥ 60 km/h)

5.2.3. Design vehicle volume:

a) The average vehicle volume per day and night in the future year (counted year) is
abbreviated Naverage year , defined from volume of counted year dividing number of days in that year
(Unit: design vehicle/year)
This volume is forecasted by different methods and referred to select road hierarchy and calculate
other elements.
b) Hourly Design Vehicle Volume (abbreviated Nhour) is peak-hour vehicle volume in the future
year. That volume is utilized to designate number of lanes and to examine the quality of vehicle
flows (level of service) and traffic organization…
Hourly Design Vehicle Volume is determined by:
- Computing from Naverage year through the variation factor by period of time if available
- Using 30th (40th) peak-hour traffic volume examined for the future year if available
statistics of one-year peak hour volume.
- If there is no special research, it could be computed: Nhour = (0,12-0,14) Naverage year
5.3. Design speed
5.3.1. Design speed is a kind of speed used to compute main geometric elements in limited
5.3.2. Proposed design speed must be relevant to type of road, topographical conditions, land-
use along the roadside. Expected design speed is advised to use in feasible locations. In
disadvantageous urban areas, acceptable value could be applied. Refer to Article 6.2-6.3 for
detail regulations.
5.4. Urban Road Traffic Possibility and Level of Service.
5.4.1. Urban Road Traffic Possibility (abbreviated: KNTH, sybolized: P)
Urban Road Traffic Possibility is the biggest flow of vehicles by time through a layout (lane or
group of lanes) under road condition, traffic condition and certain environment.
The biggest flow of vehicles by time: is the biggest volume of vehicles in peak hour through 15
peak-miniutes of that hour (volume of vehicles in 15 peak-miniutes *4) (PCU/h).
The highest traffic possibility (Pln) is the traffic possibility identified by given converted ideal
conditions. Highest numeric value of traffic possibility is used to define computed traffic possibility
and actual traffic possibility. Different ideal conditions result in different highest numeric value of

TCXDVN 104 : :2007

traffic possibility. It is able to apply foreign conditions for computing and as in Table 3.
Table 3. Highest numberic values of traffic possibility (Unit: car/h).
Highest numberic value of
Type of urban road Unit
Traffic Possibility

2-lane road, two-ways PCU/h.2 lanes 2800

3-lane road, two-ways PCU /h.3 lanes 4000 - 4400 (*)

Multi-lane road, non-separator PCU /h. lane 1600

Multi-lane road, separator PCU /h. lane 1800

: The minimum value is applied when center lane is used to be through lane, left- turn lane, U-turn
lane.; The maximum value is applied when organizing lane offset (1 direction-2lanes, 1direction-1

Computed Traffic Possibility (Ptt) is the traffic possibility defined under common condition of
designed road. Computed traffic possibility is determined by reducing the highest traffic possibility
according to the Common adjustment coefficient and the unattainable design parameters.
Main concerned parameters are: Width of a lane, level of roadside obstacles, components of the
vehicle flow. Preliminarily, Ptt = (0,7 ÷ 0,9)Pln
Computed Traffic Possibility is used to estimate number of lanes and level of service of designed
urban road.
5.4.2. Level of Service (Abbreviated: MPV).
Level of Service is a measure of the quality of traffic flows, which drivers and passengers is
Level of service is divided into 6 different levels, symbolized as A,B,C,D,E,F. A Level means the
best quality- F Level means the poorest quality. Traffic Possibility Factor is one of the criteria
attached to level of service in one road section. (Refer to Article 5.4.3).
Different levels of service:
- A – Free flow, high speed, using traffic possibility factor Z < 0,35.
- B – Partially free flow, high speed, using Z=0,35÷0,50.
- C – Stable flow, however drivers are influenced if freely selecting expected speed, using
- D – Initially unstable flow, drivers have few choices of speed selection, using Z=
- E –Unstable flow, any challenge can cause to congestion, using Z=0,90÷1,00.
- F – Fully unstable flow, vehicle congestion.
When designing, a level of service for a route or a section must be given to operate effectively
and in right function.
5.4.3. Traffic Possiblity Factor (Symbolized: Z)
Traffic Possiblity Factor (Z) is a ratio between design vehicle volume (N) and Computed traffic
possibility (Ptt). Traffic possibility factor is a figure to specify level of service of designed road.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007

The higher quality of vehicle flow is, the lower Z factor is. On contrary, if Z increases, the average
speed of vehicle flows decreases and at a certain value, vehicle congestion will occur (Z~1).
Design level of service and Z factor is used in urban road design in Table 7.
6. Urban road classification and hierarchy
Urban road is classified and hierarchized by purpose
6.1. Urban road classification by function
Classification by function is a basic framework and a tool for urban construction plan. Urban road
is classified by 2 funtions: traffic function and spatial function.
6.1.1. Traffic function is performed by traffic quality and traffic indicators such as speed, density
and factor of traffic possibility. The traffic funtion is shown by two contrary sub-functions: mobility
and accessibility.
- High mobility of road requires high speed of vehicles. This is for superior road with high
traffic volume, a vast length and low traffic density.
- High accessibility of road requires no high speed of vehicles but this kind of road must be
advantageous to accessibility (Origin – Destination).
According to the traffic function, urban road is divided into 4 types with specifications as can be
seen from Table 4.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Table 4. Urban road Classification
Trafic nature Prioritirized
No Function Urban road (*) Vehicle flow Proposed volume branch to
Type Nature of flow Speed
component (**) residental area
1 Urban expressway High mobility traffic
To serve express and constant traffic. To satisfy high traffic
volume and traffic possibility. To provide the connectivity Expressway All cars and 50000
Uninterrupted, High and super
between big cities, urban centers and industrial centers, Main urban street motocycles - Unallowed
no interchange high
ports, terminals, satellite urban and so on. Transport road (limited) 70000

2 Main urban road High mobility traffic

To serve express traffic and overall urban traffic. To satisfy
a-Primary urban road high traffic volume and traffic possibility. To provide the 20000
connectivity between big residential centers, big industrial High -
excluding All vehicles
centers and urban facilities. Expressway 50000
intersections –separate Except big
Main urban road
where traffic lane for residential areas
To serve inter-regional traffic with high speed. To provide the Access urban road control signals bicycle 20000
b-Secondary urban street connectivity between residential areas, inter-regional public are allocated High and
centers. moderate
3 Access urban road Intermediate accessibility – mobility traffic

To serve regional traffic as in bid residential areas and district Main urban road 10000
a-Regional road areas Access urban road Moderate All vehicles - Allowed
Internal road 20000
To be collector road for cargo transport in concentrated Expressway
b-Transport road industrial zones, providing connectivity to ports, stations and Main urban road Access urban Discontinued Truck and
Moderate - Unallowed
trunk lines. road traffic bus only

To be road of large scope, functioning traffic and spatial Main urban road All vehicles
Low and
c-Avenue balance but satisfying spatial function at high level. Access urban road (except - Allowed
Internal road truck)
4 Internal road High accessibility traffic
To be connectivity in precincts, residential areas, industrial Access urban road Car, 2 wheel
Low Low
a-Internal road zones, public facilities or trading facilities… Internal road Interrupted car
b-Sidewalk To be dedicated roads providing connectivity in internal Internal road traffic - Pedestrian - Priortirized
c-Road for bicycle quarters, roads parallel to main street and access road Low Bike -
Note: (*): Urban road connectivity relation in Figure 2.
(**): Values of traffic volume are references only. Unit: vehicle/day.night per automobile

TCXDVN 104 : :2007

Urban cao
®−êng expressway
tèc ®« thÞ Access
®−êng road
phè gom Interchange
nót giao th«ng kh¸c møc
Main phè chÝnh ®« thÞ ®−êng phè néi bé kh¸c møc kh«ng liªn th«ng
urban street Internal Road Grade-Unseparated
Hình 2. Road network map by function
6.1.2. Urban ring roads are classified into urban expressway and main urban street
6.1.3. Spatial function of road is illustrated by scope of width of landmark. In this scope, each part of
cross section clearly shows its spatial function
such as landscape architecture, environment, allocation of ground and underground facilities....
6.1.4. In the urban road network plan, road density by type could be reviewed through road length
by type, and shares of road by type are as follows:
Table 5. Road length by function and traffic volume
Road system by function
Traffic volume Road length
Primary urban road system 40 - 65 5 - 10
Main urban road system 65 - 80 15 - 25
(Primary and secondary)
Access road system 5 -10 5 - 10
Internal road system 10 - 30 65 - 80
6.2. Technical Classification of Urban Road.
6.2.1. Urban roads are categorized into technical classes matching to given indicators. Technical
class is named after speed design 20, 40, 60….(km/h) and used for street design.
6.2.2. Technical classification is defined by function of urban road, construction condition,
alignment condition, urban classification. Reffer to Table 6

TCXDVN 104 : :2007

Table 6. Selection of technical class by road type, urban type, topographical condition and
construction condition
Urban Category Special urban, Class II, III Class IV Class V
Class I
Topography (*) Plain Mountain Plain Mountain Plain Mountain Plain Mountain
Urban 100, 80 70, 60 - - - - - -
Main Primary 80,70 70,60 80,70 70,60 - - - -
urban Secondary 70,60 60,50 70,60 60,50 70,60 60,50 - -
Access urban 60,50 50,40 60,50 50,40 60,50 50,40 60,50 50,40
Internal road 40,30,20 30,20 40,30,20 30,20 40,30,20 30,20 40,30,20 30,20
1. Selection of urban road class is in line with road design duration but it must be attached to the
long term urban development plan (30-40years)
2. High value is applied to construction condition- Class I,II; low value is applied to construction
condition-Class II, III (**).
3. As for internal road, it must be from lower to higher speed
4. Road for bicycle is designated at 20km/h or higher if highway is planed to improve.
: Topographical condition is classified by horinzontal gradient (i), specify:
- Plain i≤10%.
- Moutainous i>30%
- Hilly:
Slope hill (i=10-20%) applied by plain topography,
High hill (i=20-30%) applied by moutainous topograhy
: Classification of construction condition
- Class I: less influenced by ground clearance problem, houses and other sentitive issues.
- Class II:An intermediate between Class I and III..
- Class III: facing difficulties in terms of ground clearance, housing and other sentitive issue.
6.2.3. Urban road design and planning by function must be sticked to levels and factor of traffic
possibility as in Table 7.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Table 7. Level and Traffic Possibility Factor of Designed Urban Road
Technical class Design Speed Factor of Traffic
Type of road Level
(km/h) Posibility
100 100 0.6-0.7
Urban expressway 80 80 C 0,7-0,8
70 70 0,7-0,8
80 80 0,7-0,8
70 70 0,7-0,8
Main urban road C
60 60 0,8
50 50 0,8
60 60 0,8
Access road 50 50 D 0,8-0,9
40 40 0,8-0,9
40 40 D 0,8-0,9
Internal road 30 30 0,9
20 20 0,9

6.2.4. Urban road sections must be in the same class in the same minium length. At class of 60 up
to, the minium length is 1km. The design speed difference of continuous sections in the same route
must be less than 10km/h.
6.2.5. Distance between intersections is short and visibility is limited. Therefore, the selection of
relevant design speed is to avoid wastes and non-standardized technical criteria, particularly sight-

6.3. Urban Road Management Hierarchy

6.3.1. Urban road is classified into different management hierarchy to serve rpad maintenance and
6.3.2. Management hierarchy must comply to the specific regualtions of urban management
agency based on road function, road type and road technical classs.

6.4. Control of Access ( refer to Figure 3)

6.4.1. In order to operate its right function, entry and exit control needs to be included in the stages
of planning, design and operation, refer to Table 8

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Table 8 Control of Access by Road Type
Urban road by type
Technical Access
Speed Urban Main urban Internal
class urban
(km/h) Expressway road road
100 100 FC - - -
80 80 FC FC, PC - -
70 70 FC, PC PC - -
60 60 - PC PC -
50 50 - PC NC -
40 40 - - NC NC
30 30 - - - NC
20 20 - - - NC

- FC = Full Control of Access
- PC = Partial Control of Access
- NC = No Control of Access

6.4.2. Full Control of Access

a. Only allow continuous traffic, full control of road network connectivity
b. Separate local traffic from continuous traffic, only allow detach or joint in some given locations; no

6.4.3. Partial control of access:

a. To provide priority for continuous traffic, limit local access.
b. Need to allocate separator and only allow U-turn in which gap between separator is allowable.
c. Allow intersections in some locations but it limits the entrance access.

6.4.4. No control of access:

6.4.5. Other cases, not under Article 6.4.2, 6.4.3, considered as no control of access.

6.4.6. The land-use planning must comply with the principle of road connectivity and control of

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
1A. kiÓm so¸t nghiªm ngÆt lèi ra vμo.

1B. kiÓm so¸t nghiªm ngÆt lèi ra vμo, cã sö dông ®−êng song song
3 2

2. kiÓm so¸t mét phÇn lèi ra vμo, cã sö dông ph©n c¸ch ngoμi
4 4

3A. kh«ng kiÓm so¸t lèi ra vμo, giao c¾t kh¸c møc t¹i mét sè nót giao chÝnh

3B. kh«ng kiÓm so¸t lèi ra vμo. 5

1- Description of control of access.

1A- FC; 1B-FC, using parallel road; 2-PC, using outside separator; 3A-NC, interchanges at some
main crossings; 3B- NC
2. Parallel road.
3. Separator
4. Sub-lane
5.Residential road ,alley.
Figure 3. Control of Access.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
7. Square
Square, a large area of land with opening space, an outstanding point of the urban while combing
between architecture works and transport system; surrounded by large streets and large-scale
construction works with different functions. Traffic speed in square area is not so high.

7.1. Square classification by functions in Table 9

Table 9. Classification of Square

Type Functions and Features

1.Center Square Spatial function is important.
(Main Urban Square) To be a space in front of urban classified structures. To be place
for meetings, celebration ceremonies, festivals….
Access roads to square are in large scale, high volume of
pedestrians, and medium speed of vehicles.
It’s possible to restrict traffic when necessary.
2. Square in front of public Spatial function and traffic balance
works (stadium, cultural house, Mainly for social, cultural, service and commercial activities.
theatre, gallery, trading center….) Public car parking is planned nearside the square and in a
relevant location of the square.
The roads to square do not have high speed of vehicles; high
traffic volume and high volume of pedestrians.
To reduce the influences of activities in square on surrounding
3. Traffic Square (square, in front To perform traffic function mainly.
of stations, airport, river and Surrounding facilities make impression on scenery element,
seaports, large-scale enabling social and cultural activities and car parking.
Vehicle speed on access roads to square should be considered.
High vehicle volume and high pedestrian volume.
Non-traffic activities are not allowed to make influences on traffic

7.2. Center square and squares in front of public works

7.2.1. Scale and structure of center square and squares in front of public works are identified
through the urban plan design upon square functions, urban scale, land fund, socio-economic
condition and architecturer’s idea.
7.2.2. Main road surrounding the square (if available) is designed according too the specifications
for regulations on urban road and intersections corresponding to those of avenue. Internal road for
yards is designed as internal road of this standard and referred to parking specification. Materials
and facilities…must be screened, relevant to general space of the square.
7.2.3. Other square’s facilities such as green tree, drainage, lighting, and yard….and so on must
be in compliance with the in-force related standards and guidelines.

7.3. Traffic Square

Scale and structure of traffic square are identified through the corresponding intersection planning
design. In the scope of square, in addition to ensuring traffic criteria, it is required to have the
planning design of other facilities that are able to serve the spatial function of square.

7.4. Traffic Organization in Square Area

Traffic in square area must be organized simply, clearly, at low-medium speed, and smooth. It is

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
advised to organize the traffic flows in one direction and rotation. Islands are only advised to use
with marking and only when necessary, channelization by fencing or mobile seaparator will be

8. Cross section

8.1. General requirements for design of urban road

8.1.1. Layout of urban road components including: carriageway, pavement, shoulder, separator
(median separator, side separator …), tree section, auxiliary lanes…Appearance of those
component depends on urban road by type and its location, however, carriageway and shoulder is
8.1.2. Selection of typical cross-section’s shape and scale must take considerations on type of
urban road, its function, combination with construction condition, natural condition, urban
architecture and construction method by period, particularly traffic safety and principle on
connectivity of the road network.
8.2. Carriageway
- Is traveled way for vehicles, including main lanes and auxiliary lanes (if any).
- By different purposes, lanes can be arranged on the same way or separated.
8.2.1. Width of Carriageway
Width of carriageway directly influences on the quality of vehicle flows, speed, traffic possibility and
safety traffic. In general, carriageway is a set of lanes, number of lanes and a lane width need to be
determined in the design.
General formula to define the width of carriageway : B = ∑ bi , m
i =1

In which: n is a number of lanes (including separated or non-separate lane for motorised and non-
motorised vehicles)
bi is the width of lane no.i
Note : - If non-separated lane, all vehicles are converted to car : B=n.b
-If separated lane, carriageway is organized into dedicated lanes, carriageway is a set of
accommodation lanes.
8.2.2. Number of lanes
Number of lanes on the cross-section is integral, number of lane is determined by type of planned
N yc
road and use the formula as follow: nlx = to calculate the construction phase and check traffic
Z .Ptt
In which :
- nlx : required lanes
- Nyc : designed volumen of vehicle by hour in accounted year according to the article 5.2.3
- Z : Traffic posibility factor, Article 6.2.3
- Ptt : Calculated traffic posibility of one lane (vehicle/h, PCU/h) in article 5.4.1
- Z.Ptt : service volume : means vehicle volume matching with given level of service while

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
- As for accommodation lanes, for example lane for bus, vehicle volume and traffic possibility
are indentified by bus.
8.2.3. A lane width ( see Table 10)
In urban, width of lane varies from 2.75 to 3.75m, 0.25m is multiple relating to type of road, speed
design and traffic organization using carriageway.
Table 10. Lane width, and a minimum number of lane

Design speed, km/h Mnimum Expected

Type of road 100 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 number lanes

Urban expressway 3,75 3,50 4 6-10

Main Urban Primary 3,75 3,50 6 8-10
Road Secondary 3,50 4 6-8
Fontage road 3,50 3,25 2 4-6
Internal road 3,25 3,0(2,75) 1 2-4
1. Lane width 2,75m is advised to apply to internal roads.
2. If internal roads in functional areas only have one lane, minimum width of lane should be
4.0m, excluding drainage.
3. Minimum lanes are advised to apply in advantageous cases or invesment phasing; in ordinary
case expected lanes are suggested; in special case , calculations on economic and technical
should be considered.

8.2.4. Auxiliary lanes

Auxiliary lanes have different functions, arranged next to main lanes such as: turn -right lane, turn-
left lane, speed accelerated lane, diverging lane, merging lane,by-pass, bus stopping lane, parking
lane...Refer auxiliary lanes width in Table 11
Table 11. Auxiliary lane width
No Type of auxiliary lane Width, m
1 Right-turn lane Not 0.25m smaller than next lane and ≥3m
2 Left-turn lane near central reservation ≥3,0m
3 Left-turn lane is not near central reservation Not 0.25m smaller than next lane and ≥3m
4.0m for 60km/h
4 Continuous left-turn lane
3.0m for =< 60km/h
5 Acceleration and diverging lane Not 0.25m smaller than next lane and ≥3m
6 Climbing lane KNot 0.25m smaller than next lane and ≥3m
7 Passing lane Not 0.25m smaller than next lane and ≥3m
8 Turning lane Not 0.25m smaller than next lane and ≥3m
9 Refugee lane Not 0.25m smaller than next lane and ≥3m
Other auxiliary lanes and arrangement condition, detail design are shown in the next part of this
standard and other speciality document.

8.2.5. Crossfall
Pavement’s Crossfall with two-side sloping is needed in the cases:

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
- Both direction road, without separator, 2 lanes up to, the highest point is in the centre of
- On-way road, 4 lanes up to, the highest point is in the centre of carriageway or border point of
lanes upon lane-using traffic organization design.
- Road with wide separator, 4 lanes up to for each direction, the highest point is in the centre of or
carriageway or border point of lanes upon lane-using traffic organization design.
- Other cases, cross slope (single pitch) will be used
Table 12. Crossfall of carriageway

Type of pavement Crossfall rate (%0)

Concrete cement and asphalt concrete 15-25

Other asphalt roads 20-30
Macadam, gravel stone 25-35
Gradation, reinforcing earth 30-40
If stiff longitudinal grade, the cross slope is suggested from 5 -15‰ but it must be more than 15‰. If
the longitudinal grade is low, cross slope is designed to vary 1.5-2.0m in width of shoulder and
pavement, with side ditch to enhance the pavement drainage and collect water to catch basin.

8.3. Shoulder
8.3.1. Function
Shoulder is structured border with carriageway to protect pavement structure, improve sight
distance, intensify traffic possibility, safety, drainage, emergency parking strip and place materials
when maintaining…
8.3.2. Structure.
Width of shoulder must function as its design, Table 13 definesthe minimum width of shoulder, from
margin of carriageway to margin of curb.
Minimum width of shoulder must include safe line (speed >= 40km/h) and side ditch (if any).
Safe line is a narrow line , close to the margin of carriageway to protect pavement, safety guide (see
8.4.1). Shoulder close to carriageway is marked by paint according to “ road signal regulations
Table 13. Minimum width of Shoulder and safe line, m

Technical classification, km/h 100 80 70 60 50 40 30 20

Shoulder width, m 2,5 ÷3 2,0 ÷ 3 2 ÷2,5 1,5÷2,5 0,75÷1 0,5 0,5 0,3
Safe line width if:
- Construction condition I 1,00 0,75 0,75 0,50 0,25 – – –
-Construction condition II, III 0,75 0,50 0,50 0,25 – – – –
1. High value is obtained for advantage construction condition (class I), low value is for disadvantage
construction condition (class II, III) (see construction condition classification in article 6.2)
2. Speed design ≥ 60km/h takes width enough for emergency parking

8.3.3. Structure and slope of shoulder are designed the same as those of carriageway. As for other
roads, present road specification for design of transport sector will be applied.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
8.4. Separation section
8.4.1. Function and clasification
Separation section includes:
- Median separation section: to separate reverse traffic directions
- Side separation section: to separate high speed freeway from local traffic, motorized from non-
motorized vehicles, and accommodation vehicles from others.
Separation section could include (figure 4): separator and safety line. Safe line is formed if design
speed ≥50km/h, according to the requirements in article 8.3.2.

PhÇn xe ch¹y
Carriageway PhÇn ph©n
Separation c¸ch
section PhÇn xe ch¹y
D¶i an
Safe toμn
line Separator Safe
D¶i line
an toμn
ph©n c¸ch

Figure 4. Typical structure of separator section

In addition to separating flows, separator funtions others (if required) such as: land reservation for
future expansion, auxiliary lanes, bus lane, metro; anti-daling for reversed lanes; facilities
arrangment , for example: light system, decoration, signs, advertisement, underground works,
Safe line is the distance between separator and carriageway. Safe line is marked to instruct
carriageway for drivers and enhance traffic safety. Structure of safe line is designed the same as
that of carriageway. Width of safe line is based on design speed of urban road (Table 14). Safe line
is structured differently (mentioned in 7.4.2) Separator is required to fit urban architecture and
8.4.2. Separator Structure (see Figure 4)
a) Design of separator width is based on its position and expected funtions. Encourage the land
resevation for future expansion but relevant to carriage width, side walk and urban scenery. Refer to
Table 14.
b) Separator is diversified by different structures (refer to Figure 5). Such structures allow surface
cover, trees, grass cover, decoration and so on. A large safe line can be arranged in types of
barrier, road marking depending on differect requirements and construction conditions.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Table 14. Minimum width and type of separator

Minimum width and type of separator (m)

Type of road Construction condition Type of

I II III line

a2, a3, b2,

Urban expressway 4,00 (12,00) 3,50 (9,00) 3,00 (6,00)
a2, a3, b2,
Primary 3,00 (9,00) 2,50 (6,50) 2,00 (4,00)
Main urban road
a1,a2, a3,
Secondary 2,50 (7,50) 2,00 (5,00) 1,50 (3,00)
Regional road 2,00 (6,00) 1,50 (4,00) 1,00 (2,00) a1, a2, b1

Internal street - - - -
1. Specifications for the boulevard’s separator are also applied to main urban road but it is
impossible to use simple separator.
2. ( ) is the expected minimum value which can meet any functions (such as scenery structure,
land reservation, and street traffic…)
3. Side separator can be applied by width numeric data at low level in construction condition III.
Note :
1. Classification of construction condition in section 6.2
2.Types of separator in figure 5.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
a) Ph©n c¸ch ®¬n gi¶n
phÇn ph©n c¸ch
v¹ch s¬n

cïng cao ®é víi phÇn xe ch¹y, cã sö dông v¹ch s¬n

b) Cã bã vØa (lo¹i A,B,C)

phÇn ph©n c¸ch phÇn ph©n c¸ch

w w

lo¹i a lo¹i b
d¶i ph©n c¸ch bo bã vØa vμ ®−îc phñ mÆt d¶i ph©n c¸ch bo bã vØa vμ trång c©y, th¶m cá, thu n−íc 2 bªn

phÇn ph©n c¸ch


lo¹i c
d¶i ph©n c¸ch bo bã vØa vμ trång c©y, th¶m cá, thu n−íc ë gi÷a

c) kh«ng bã vØa (lo¹i d,e,f)

phÇn ph©n c¸ch phÇn ph©n c¸ch
w w

lo¹i d d¶i ph©n c¸ch phñ mÆt ngang b»ng kÕt hîp víi barie phßng hé.

phÇn ph©n c¸ch

lo¹i e d¶i ph©n c¸ch phñ mÆt ngang - h¹ thÊp thu n−íc, trång c©y th¶m cá

phÇn ph©n c¸ch

lo¹i e d¶i ph©n c¸ch lμ kho¶ng ®Êt gi÷a 2 nÒn ®−êng

phÇn ph©n c¸ch

lo¹i f d¶i ph©n c¸ch lμ m¸i ta luy gi÷a 2 nÒn ®−êng

1. When 2 side separator is designed in special cases, it is necessary to avoid being
misunderstood by drivers that each side is separate side.
2. The minimum width of paint line seperator is 0.5m.
Figure 5. Types of separator.

8.5. Border Area

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
8.5.1. Border area is a part from the side curb to red landmark. Border area as sidewalk, tree
allocation, electricity post and signals…The most important part of border area is sidewalk and curb.
Border area not formed for highway but only for streets.
8.5.2. The width of Border area:
- The width of border area is determined by its planned functions.
- By type of urban road, spatial planning for both sides of urban road is required to harmonize
width of urban roads and height of buildings. Table 15 regulates the minimum width of
sidewalk and lighting
Table 15. Minimum width of border area

The minimum width of border area, m

Types of road Construction condition


Urban expressway - - -

Primary 7,5 5,0 4,0

Main urban
Secondary 7,5 5,0 4,0

Region roads 5,0 4,0 3,0

Internal roads 4,0 3,0 2,0 (1,0)

1. Requirement about boulevard border area is applied as main urban roads.
2. Width in the table is applied for ordinary roads. In urban area, commercial streets,
sidewalk must be wider, convenient and better scenery.
3. Classification of construction condition in section 6.2

8.5.3. As for border area sections used for expansion (bus stop, bus parking…), border area width
must be wider than 2m.
8.6. Sidewalk
8.6.1. Sidewalk is for pedestrians. Sidewalk is an indispensable part on the urban road layout.
In some cases, sidewalk is separated from border area such as: parallel to carriageway or
sidewalks in residential and commercial areas, parks, path along rivers and lakes, woods, cultural-
historical structures...Sidewalk with two lines of tree are so-called avenue. Sidewalk is geometrically
structured the same as carriageway.
8.6.2. In residential, industrial, culture-sport areas , it is necessary to arrange specific sidewalk; as
for main urban roads, regid separator is needed to separate continuous traffic and local traffic,
sidewalk should be placed close to the lane for local traffic or separated from express traffic by
buffer line (range of trees or barrier...).
8.6.3. Sidewalk must be covered by rigid materials or designed for convinience and better
8.6.4. Sidewalk width is defined as pedestrianized traffic.
Formula: Bwalking = nwalking . bwalking
In which:

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
N tk
- Number of walker lane: ndibo =
- Ptt: one walker lane’s continuous capacity (people/lane.hour).
- b: one walker lane’s width, normally b = 0,75 – 0,8m (1 suitcase in hand); at railway station,
b = 1 – 1,2m (2 suitcases in hand).
8.6.5. Sidewalk slope:
- Advised to be less than 40%, with slope length less than 200m.
- If slope length, longitudinal grade are larger than the above-mentioned, a terrace road is
needed. It at least must have 3 steps, shorter than 15cm and wider than 40cm for each, and
the longitudinal grade must be less than. Every 10-15 steps , there must have a rested mat,
wider than 2m. In such sections, sidewalk for chilren and disables must be designed
- Facility ultilisation (up –down way...) should be installed for elders, disables and sightless.
8.6.6. Cross slope of sidewalk can be from 1% - 3%, depending on width and sidewalk materials.
8.7. Tree belt
8.7.1. Tree belt can be placed on the pavement, separator or tree land on the both side. Tree belt
normally includes others facilities (electric post, transformer post, signals system and underground
work…). The allocation of these facilities is not allowed to make negative influences on the vehicle
and pedestrian traffic.
8.7.2. Width of tree belt
Width of tree belt on the cross section are applied as in Table 16
Table 16. Width of tree belt

Forms of tree planting Minimum width

Shade tree: in 1 line.
Shade tree: in 2 lines.
Shrup plot, grassplot.
Orchard in front of 1 floor building.
Orchard in front of more than 2 floor building.
1. If we do not use all spit to plant tree, we can plant tree in area which have different size and form. It
is also applied to sections which have specific structure.
2. We should plant continuous planted spit in full control of access and partial control of access.

8.7.3. The distance from tree belt to other structures can be referred in table 17.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Table 17. The minimum distance from tree belt to other structures

The minimum distance (m)

From infrastructure
To the center of shape tree To shrub plot

From the outer edge of housing wall, 5 1,5

facilities wall 2 1
The outer edge of canal, ditch and slot.
Stand slope footing, gound floor. 1 0,5
Footing or inside edge of barred wall. 3 1
Below 2m fence
Electric post, viaduct-electric post 2 1
Outer edge of pavement, sidewalk 1 1
Water supply and drainage pile 0,75 0,5
Electricity cable, telecommunication cable
Outer edge of cariageway, reinforced 1,5 -
pavement 2 0,5
2 1
Values in table are applied to trees (diameter < 5m).

8.7.4. The distance between trees is identified by type of tree or specific position on roads. Note
that trees should be planted in front of barred wall between 2 houses, not placing in the center or
straight of the house gate in which street width is < 5m.
8.7.5. Refer to section 17.1 for regulations on green trees
8.8. Curb.
8.8.1. Curb is used to transit elevation of road parts. Curb is installed in the outer of pavement,
separator and traffic island…
8.8.2. Curb, with traffic function, is divided into 3 types:
- Type 1: impassable for vehicles: straight surface and high.
- Type 2: intermediary: slight slope and passable for vehicles when necessary.
- Type 3: passable and sloping, easy for vehicles to pass.
Curb is structured by different types can be combined with drainage ditch to the local, sectoral
specification, but it needs an agreed model for a route.
Materials to make curbs are concrete cement or high compacted stone (250daN/cm2)
8.8.3. The elevation of top curb of pavement, traffic island must be at least 12.5m higher than the
shoulder, if separator, it must be 30cm.
8.8.4. At feeder roads to office buildings, residential houses where motorized vehicles are < 10
vehicles/h, or temporary parking place, cars are =< 25, it is not allowed to expanded to roadbed as
intersection design, only enable to partially reduce the pavement elevation. In this case, structures
must be desirable both pedestrians and vehicles.
8.9. Bicycle track
8.9.1. General regulation
Traffic organization of Bicycle (and other non-motorized vehicles if allowed by the urban
management agencies) can be as follows:

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
a). Using the carriageway of the furthest lane (on the right side) with motorize vehicles. This method
is only applied for low-level road or lane for local traffic.
b). Using apart of pavement or shoulder create lanes for bicycle by road marking. This method is
possibly applied to urban roads by all types, except urban road with speed >= 70 km/h.
c). Separate bicycle track from carriageway and shoulder; some protective solutions: different
elevation, barrier, tree belt…
d). Track for bicycle is an independent and accommodate lane.
- Case 1, 2 is Bicycle Path
- Case 3, 4 is Bicycle Track
8.9.2. Width of Bicycle track
Number of bycicle lanes in one direction is defined as formula:
n= , lane.
In which: N is number of bicycles in peak hour (unit/ h)
P is number of bicycles in one lane, it may be 1500vehicles/hour. lane.
With of Bicycle track in one direction is:
B = 1,0 x n + 0,5 , m.
For bicycle track design, minimum width should be 3.0m, to enable cars to enter if necessary or it
will be more economic when reorganizing traffic.
8.9.3. Specification for design of bicycle track
- Geometric design for bicycles is required flat, cross sloping, super-elevation equivalent to the
car lane (as for bicycle path) and other technical figures is similar to urban roads-20km/h (as
for bicycle track).
- Pavement structure is designed for small cars and service cars when necessary.
8.10. Crosswalk
8.10.1. Cross the urban road
Crosswalk is formed by 3 types: At grade , grade-separated ( overpass or undergound). It depends
on numbers of walkers, design speed – traffic volume on road, control of access, traffic possibility,
intersection and other conditions such as schools, offices, trading centers, cultural areas......... To
select relevant crosswalk, refer to Table 18.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Table 18. Selection of crosswalk by traffic volume
Traffic volume
Number of walkers at
(one direction) at rush- Forms
rush- hour, people/h
hour, PCU/h
<50 <1000 At-grade crosswalk
50-100 100 – 2000 At-grade crosswalk with traffic color
>100 >2000 Grade separated

8.11. Clearance
8.11.1. Clearance is defined as a safe distance as for above-mentioned space. In the clearance
areas, no obstacles, even road facilities such as signals, lighting poles, ect is allowed to be placed.
8.11.2. The minimum clearance is 4.75m from the highest part of carriageway, excluding space
reservation for enhancing roadbed and special cases. In the case that tunnel crosswalk has
limitations, the clearance numeric value applied to improved road or internal road can be 4.50m.
8.11.3. If Bicycle traffic (or crosswalk) is separated from the carriageway, the minimum clearance of
bicycle track and crosswalk are 2.5m in height and 1.5m in width.
9. Sight Distance
9.1. General Regulations
9.1.1. Sight distance is one of the important elements to help drivers have safe operation
corresponding to determined design speed.
9.1.2. In the field of vision, sight distance must be unhidden (removing obstacles …). Only in
advantageous case, traffic organization solutions (speed restriction, instruction sign, marking or
overtaking restriction….) will be applied. Sight distance at intersections and small radii curvature
must be examined. Obstacles must be removed under 0.30 m for driver’s sight distance.
9.1.3. When estimating the length of sight distance and the field of vision, the height of driver’s
sight is 1.20m from the carriageway’s surface, 1.5m from the margin of the right-side carriageway.
Stipulations on challenging object: if it is inactive object, the elevation will be 0.01m from the surface,
if it is opposing vehicle, the elevation will be 1.20m from the surface.
9.2. Regulations on Minimum Sight Distance
Minimum values of stopping sight distance, opposing sight-distance and overtaking sight-distance
are stipulated in Table 19.
Table 19.Minimum Sight Distance (m)
Design Speed Minimum stopping-sight Minimum Opposing Minimum overtaking
(km/h) distance sight-distance sight-distance
100 150 - -
80 100 200 550
70 85 175 450
60 75 150 350
50 55 115 275
40 40 80 200
30 30 60 150
20 20 20 100
10. Horizontal alignment
10.1. General regulations

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
10.1.1. Major regulations on horizontal alignment design:
a) To follow the approved urban planning, especially master plan on the urban transportation
network system.
b) To consider all components and construction of road when planning and designing such as:
auxiliary lane, crossing structure, separator openness… to ensure construction landmark, redline
landmark of long-term planning.
c) To ensure the outer line to be designed and combined harmoniously: with terrain, geography,
urban scenery architecture, simultaneously ensures interior line combination design: combine
among horizontal alignment, cross section, longitudinal section.
d) Control points must be considered when designing alignment: crossing, railway crossing, big
bridge position…, suggested and compulsory point to avoid: cultural and historical monument,
crowded residential zone, important works…
e) To have the urban road route position projects on horizontal alignment: elevation or low, large or
small scale…to compare technology economy and other targets. Selected project must meet
technology, economy and traffic, architecture functions and urban planning management.
g) When urban road planning and design encounter disadvantageous construction conditions, there
should have a solution attached to the selection of traffic organization model of designed roads and
the consideration on related areas to ensure a smooth traffic system operation as usual.
10.1.2. Urban road alignment includes: common route alignment (specify: position, elevation,
dimension…); intersection alignment (designed to be a separated item, in the case that it is a low
classified road or simple intersection, a separated design is unnecessary).
10.2. Tangent
The length of the tangent is based on the planning roadmap, features of urban area, distance to
urban centers and road density. Minimum distance must secure vehicle technical operation on that
section. In addition, it must have a strict control on the connectivity principle as mentioned in Article
6 of this standard
10.3. Curve (Horizontal Curve)
10.3.1. It is advised to select the curves close to terrain, construction condition to reduce land
acquisition but still ensuring technical criteria. It is encouraged to utilize the minimum radius of
horizontal curve
10.3.2. With the angle less than 0030’, it is not necessary to place horizontal curves. Where radius of
horizontal curve is small and large turning angle, it should be planed to be an intersection.
10.3.3. Specifications for circular curves are given in Table 20.
Table 20. Specifications for Horizontal Curve

Design Speed, km/h

Radius of Horizontal Curve
100 80 70 60 50 40 30 20

- Limited minimum, m 400 250 175 125 80 60 30 15

- Common minimum, m 600 400 300 200 100 75 50 50

- No need superelevation, m 4000 2500 2000 1500 1000 600 350 250

10.4. Carriageway Widening on Curves

10.4.1. Carriageway widening in the curve is identified relevant to horizontal curvature radius, type
of road and design speed. As for 2lane-road, widening is as shown in Table 21.
Table 21. @ lane-carriageway Widening

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
7.0m 6.5m 6.0m
Radius Design Speed Design Speed (km/h) Design Speed
(m) 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100
1500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5
1000 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5
750 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8

500 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1
400 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1
300 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1

250 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2
200 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4
150 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.4

140 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.4

130 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.4
120 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.4
110 0.7 1.0 1.3
100 0.8 1.1 1.4
90 0.8 1.1 1.4

80 1.0 1.3 1.6

70 1.1 1.4 1.7

- Values are used below the deep outline in Table. Values are less than 0.6m can be omitted.
- 3-lane road multiplied by 1.5.
- 4-lane road multiplied by 2.0.
- If volume of semi-trailer truck is high (WB15), values in Table 21 will be multiplied by 0.2 as
for the curve with radius from 110 – 175 m and 0.3 as for the curve with radius less than
10.4.2. Widening part is apart of carriageway and it is placed at the sage of curve. When necessary,
it will be placed on crest or both sides. Widening section is placed along superelevation-runoffs. Full
widening is structured in the area of curve.
10.4.3. Without transition curve and super elevation runoff, widening section is placed as follows:
- Length of widened tapering section has scale of 1:10 – 1:20 depending on construction
conditions and tapering by the fist rule.
- Length of widening section is a half on the curve and a half on the tangent. Super elevation –
Superelevation Run-off – Transition Curve
10.4.4. Superelevation is one-side crossfall of traveled way grading toward the sag dise of the
curve. When traveled way is separated by separator or pavement, superelevation is designed for
separated parts.
10.4.5. Superelevation of shouder and safe line (edge line) is structured the same as of
10.4.6. If design speed of urban road is ≥60km/h, there must have superelevations placed
coincidently with transition curves. Without transition curve, the superevelavtion run-off will be half
on the curve and half on the tangent.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
10.4.7. On the superelevation run-off, superelevation shall be done by revoling the carriageway on
the crest side of the curve about centerline profile to the cross slope of carriageway, and then
continue revolving about the centerline profile to the full rate of superelevation. In case of divided
highway, superelevation is attained by revolving about the inside and outside edges of pavement.
10.4.8. Transition curve is normally a clothoid curvature, third-degree parabolic curvature or
compound circular curves (difference of continuous radii is not bigger than 2 times).
10.4.9. Superelevation rate and tangent runout (maximum value of tangent runout (if available) and
length of transition curve (if avaible)) depend on design speed and horizontal curve as stipulated in
Table 22.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Table 22. Superelevation (isc) and Length of tagent runout (L)

Design Speed, Vtk, km/h

100 80 70 60
R, m isc L, m R, m isc L, m R, m isc L, m R, m isc
400 ÷ 450 0,08 120 250 ÷ 275 0,08 110 175 ÷ 225 0,07 90 125 ÷ 150 0,07 70
450 ÷ 500 0,07 105 275 ÷ 300 0,07 100 175 ÷ 250 0,06 80 150 ÷ 175 0,06 60
500 ÷ 550 0,06 90 300 ÷ 350 0,06 85 250 ÷ 300 0,05 70 175 ÷ 200 0,05 55
550 ÷ 600 0,05 85 350 ÷ 400 0,05 70 300 ÷ 400 0,04 65 200 ÷ 250 0,04 50
600 ÷ 800 0,04 85 400 ÷ 500 0,04 70 400 ÷ 500 0,03 60 250 ÷ 300 0,03 50
800 ÷
0,03 85 500 ÷ 650 0,03 70 500 ÷ 2000 0,02 60 300 ÷ 1500 0,02 50
1000 ÷
0,02 85 650 ÷ 2500 0,02 70 − − − − − −
Design Speed, Vtk, km/h
50 40 30 20
R, m isc L, m R, m isc L, m R, m isc L, m R, m isc
0,06 35 0,06 35 0,06 33 0,06 20
80 ÷ 100 65 ÷ 75 30 ÷ 50 15 ÷50
0,05 30 0,05 30 0,05 27 0,05 15
0,04 25 0,04 25 0,04 22
100 ÷150 75 ÷100 50 ÷ 75 50 ÷ 75 0,04 10
0,03 20 0,03 20 0,03 17
125 ÷
0,02 12 100 ÷ 600 0,02 12 75 ÷ 350 0,02 11 75 ÷ 150 0,03 7
1. Value L in the table is applied to dual lane road. The value will be multiplied by 1.2 as for 3-lane
road, 1.5 as for 4-lane road, 2.0 as for +6 lane road.
2. The table is generally applied to all types of road, feeder roads; urban streets could be by applied
by Article 10.5.7.

10.4.10. In order to ensure urban architecture and landscape relevant to construction

elevation….superelevation values of urban road are commonly to be smaller than ordinary highway.
Super elevation’s gradient could not exceed 4% and must be more than designed pavement
crossfall. This regulation is not applied to urban expressway and transport road.

11. Longitudinal Section

11.1. General regulations
11.1.1. Red line of the urban’s longitudinal section shows the design elevation of the carriageway’s
pavement through a longitudinal layout; normally is attained to the carriageway’s centerline. This is a
simple case for road which have symmetric cross-section through the centerline. Other cases are
specified by specific conditions:
- If urban road has many carriageway or asymmetric carriageway, the longitudinal section will be
designed to the centerline of carriageway or the edge of pavement.
- If urban road comprises of railway and highway, red elevation will be designed to the top of the

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
side rail (bordering with highway traffic).
11.1.2. Design elevation of red line must comply with controlled elevation:
- Elevation was identified in the general urban construction plan, the detail urban construction
plan approved by the competence agency.
- Clearance controlled elevation or underground works.
- Other requirements on economic and technical aspect, urban landscape and architecture and
urban and relevant request of urban management agency….
11.2. Longitudinal grade
11.2.1. Maximum longitudinal grade
Maximum longitudinal grade is reviewed basing on design speed, type of road, vehicle components
and traffic volume. Maximum longitudinal grade with different design speed could be referred from
Table 24.
Table 24. Maximum longitudinal slope

Design speed, km/h 100 80 70 60 50 40 30 20

Maximum longitudinal
4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9
slope, %
Refer to the followings for the selection:
- On residential road or various bicylcle road, maximum longitudinal grade is 4%
- On gradient of 3% or less than, car will be affected to a very small degree and truck is only
influenced onlong grades.
- On gradient of 5% or more than, in general it causes fewer difficulties to the operation
effectiveness of car, but trucks will experience significant loss of speed and may have
difficulty when roadways are wet, consequently the traffic possibility will also be affected.
- If the bus is the traffic dominant, it needs analysis and Table 24 should be utilized relevantly
for economic-technical aspect and traffic safety.
- If it is devided road or devided pavement, independent profile for each roadway, the
maximum values for downgrades can be exceed by up to 2% more than imax. In mountainous
terrain, the maximum values for grades can be increased by 2% but are never to exceed
- If it is urban railroad crossing, the longitudinal grade must be less than 4%, in the railway
right of way, the maximum longitudinal grade must be less than 2.5% (excluding gap
between two rails).
11.2.2. Minimum grade
Standard minimum grades for urban road are given in Table 25.
Table 25 Minimum Grades
Grades, ‰
Design elements
Desirable minimum Minimum grade

Curbed Road 5 3 (*)

Uncurbed Road Applying the specification for highway design: TCVN4054
(*) : Grades may reduce by 1‰ if paved roadbed and effective drainage

On roadways with curbs, drainage is generally adjacent to the curb and parallel to road grades. In
special cases hydraulic analysis shall be made to determine where water might spead onto adjacent
travel lane.
In plain terrain, if minimum pavement’s grade can not desire, it needs to design saw-tooth shaped

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
grade along the gutter basing on the planning drawing on urban height by constantly varying the
gutter grades and pavement crossfall within 1-1.5m from the gutter edge.
11.2.3. Length of grade changing
In urban area, there shoud have a close coordination between grades, length of grade changing and
drainage (position of inlet well).
a) Length of longitudinal grades can not exceed stipulated length in table 26.
Bảng 26. Maximum length of grade section

Longitudinal Computed Speed (Km/h)

% 100 80 70 60 40 30 20

3 1000 1100 1150 1200 - - -

4 800 900 950 1000 1100 1100 1200
5 600 700 750 800 900 900 1000
6 - 500 550 600 700 700 800
7 - - - - 500 500 600
8 - - - - - 300 400
9 - - - - - - 200
b) Length of urban road’s longitudinal grade can not be lower than stipulated lengths in table 27. ()
shows values used for improved urban roads.

Bảng 27. Minimum length of grade section

Computed Speed, km/h 100 80 70 60 50 40 30 20

Minimum length of grade 200 150 120 100 80 70 50 30

changing section,m (150) (120) (80) (60) (50) (40) (30) (20)

11.2.4. On the curve radius of 50m or less than, the maximum grade must reduced as shown in
Table 28.
Table 28. Reduction on maximum grade

Radius of horizontal curve, m 50-35 35-30 30-25 25-20 ≤20

% reduction 1 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

11.3. Vertical curve

11.3.1. Vertical curve is needed when grade changing rate is more than 1% (it is 20% for roads with
design speed from 20 to 40 km/h)
11.3.2. Curvature radius is selected basing on terrain, to create traffic convenience, not less than
values in table 29.
11.3.3. Vertical curve can use circular curve or parabol curve or parabol curve –grade 2. The
minimum length of vertical curve is given in Table 29 as follows:

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Tabel 29. Minimum Radius and Length of Vertical Curvature
Standardized Minimum Desirable Minimum Standard minimum
Design Speed
Type of Curve Radius of Vertical Radius of Vertical length of Vertical Curve
Curve (mm) Curve (mm) (m)
Convex 6500 10000 85
Concave 3000 4500
Convex 3000 4500 70
Concave 2000 3000
Convex 2000 3000 60
Concave 1500 2000
Convex 1400 2000 50
Concave 1000 1500
Convex 800 1200 40
Concave 700 1000
Convex 450 700 35
Concave 450 700
Convex 250 400 25
Concave 250 400
Convex 100 200 20
Concave 100 200

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
12. Intersection

12.1. General
12.1.1. The intersection design aims at solving traffic conflicts to get the followings:
- Level of intersection traffic possibility at given level of service.
- The highest safety level by reducing conflict points and level of conflicts, controlling speed…
- Socio-economic effectiveness
- Ensure environment and scenery.
12.1.2. Intersection planning and design must comply with the current standards related to 22TCN
273 – 01. In this standard, only some basic contents of intersection are mentioned.
12.1.3. General Provisions
a) Elements should be counted in the planning and design as follows:
- Traffic elements: including specifications at intersection: traffic volume, present and future
vehicle flow, design speed, traffic control and organization, traffic possibility…
- Geometric elements (physical): including functional access road to intersection,
specifications, design of lanes, geometric formation, slection of intersection model, land-use
- Economic elements: including land-use cost, construction cost, operation cost, construction
phasing…Estimation on economic targets and interests.
- Social and human element: including convinience for drivers and traffic participants such as:
clear instruction of direction, satisfying expected values, benefiting pedestrians and disables;
harmonizing to area landscape and facililties.
b) Intersection planning and design must be in line with the land-use planning and urban
construction plan. The intersection planning and design is at the same time with the planning
formulation and the road design. The duration for traffic organization and traffic revision under
operation is 3 years or 5 years.
c) Intersection legs contrary to the planning principle are not allowed to open. The existing
intersection legs contrary to the planning principle need to be redesigned and reorganized too
ensure traffic safety at intersection and reduce the traffic obstacles in the main way.
d) The planning and geometric design of intersections must be in line with traffic organization design
not only within scope of intersection but also needs considerations on traffic organization in directly-
related intersections and sections.
e) The planning and geometric design of intersections must be in line with the planning of drainage,
lighting, and santination environment. A need is to design and plan intersection height to create the
traffic convenient at maximum level, surface drainage and urban structure.

12.2. Intersection Traffic Control and Organization

Each of the following traffic controls and organizations must be sticked to the intersection design-
planning alternative and the intersection traffic possibility calculating method.
- Intersection non-control: there is no equipment, instruction (marking, sign, and color) at
- Sign, stop-marking control at intersection (*)
- Island roundabout traffic control: is the way that an island will be placed in the center of
intersection to instruct vehicles roundabout the island in the anticlockwise direction. (**)

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
- Color traffic control at intersection.
: Traffic is controlled by combining between markings, danger sign, and restricted sign.
: Central island is diversified by many types, but 2 main types: island roundabout traffic control or
priority traffic control at the entrance of intersection.
12.3. Intersection by design
It is divided in to 6 intersections as follows:
12.3.1. Simple intersection: is an intersection with the same width of intersection legs, tapering the
crossing angle by simple curvatures. Such intersection is advised to use for sections with low vehicle
flow and limited land acquisition; low volume of right-turn or left-turn vehicles, same level of feeders
and low speed.
12.3.2. Open Throat Intersection: is an intersection at which carriageway is expanded by various
forms such as: widening carriageway in the curvature, arrage the auxialary lanes to accelerate of
reduce speed at the intersection access to serve right-turn vehicles or left-turn vehicles with
separated lane, waiting lane. Expanded lane and its design depend on using-purpose, demand and
12.3.3. Channellized intersection: is an intersection in which vehicle flows are divided to use
separated chanel and lane. While division, island is used to hide empty space on the road. Island is
structured by its functions, vehicle flow orbit, including Triangle Island, Central Island and ect…
12.3.4. Rotary intersection: is an intersection with a central island or additional lane-separated
islands at the merge. The central island differs from lane-separated islands in shape and size so that
traffic organization and control are also different. That could be considered as chanellized
12.3.5. Signalized Intersection: is an intersection to settle fully or partially conflict by orgainzing
signals controlled by time.
12.3.6. Interchange: is to handle traffic conflicts by using separated elevations such as: viaduct,
overpass or tunnel (*)
: 2 main types:
- Interchange is grade-separated intersection with assigned legs for vehicle to change the
- Direct interchange (Grade-separation) is an interchange without transitted legs.
12.4. Intersection in the urban road network
12.4.1. Urban roads in at-graded intersection
- Urban roads should be crossed at the angle of 90% and try to avoid the angle of 600, if the
angle of 600, it is advised to improve the alignment for better cross-angle.
- On the plan, it should be a straight alignment at intersection, limiting intersections on the
horizontal curvature, particularly curvature with radii smaller than the ordinary minimum
numeric value of corresponding road class.
- At-graded intersections should be placed in advantageous locations for transport and
drainage such as flat areas or gently sloping areas
12.4.2. Distance between intersections
- Large distance between intersections makes convenient operation of vehicles.
- Minimum distance must be higher than the following numeric values (if designed):

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
o Length of weaving section
o Length of vehicle line in front of intersection
o Length of right - turn lane, acceleration and decelaration lane
o Visual limitation of drivers.

12.5. Intersection’s scope of use

12.5.1. In principle, selection of intersection type should be based on classification and grade of
road by function and other factors, including traffic volume, topography, site area, traffic safety,
construction and operation cost and satisfaction of al principles given in section 11.1.1 and following
Table 30 Scope of use of intersection by road type
Urban road Expressway Main urban road Feeder urban road Local road
Expressway a b c d
Main urban road - e e f
Feeder urban road - - e g
Local road - - - g

1) In the above table, signs indicate as follows
a - At-grade intersection
b- grade-separated intersections
c- Grade-separated intersection with access relation control
d- Grade-separated intersection without relation (no turning movement).
e- Following problems normally occur upon using at-grade intersection, intersection with signals
or grade-separated intersections:
+ Slower traffic
+ Greater number of serious accidents.
+ Construction cost for at-grade intersection is higher than that for grade-separated
f) Connection is allowed only in special cases. In such cases, arrange entering volume with
acceleration and deceleration lanes, not causing cutting conflicts with main movement.
g) Simple and expanded at-grade intersections can only use signals when justified.
2) It needs to consider building grade-separated intersections if topographical condition is
favorable and in line with approved general plan of the road

12.5.2. Engineering and planning concept is subject to traffic system and future road network plan
approved. Initial intersection option should be based on complete future engineering plan so as to
take use of existing facilities and facilitate management of land use for construction, enforcement of
road development policies without breaking principles provided in Article 12.1.2 and 12.5.1.

12.6. Designed capacity

Intersection must be planned and designed in accordance with designed volume in all directions.
General estimate should be based on provision in section 5.2. Designed volume must be presented
in data with organizational structure for traffic alignment for the designed intersection. This will be the
important foundation for proposing and designing concrete geometric drawings of the intersection.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
12.7. At-grade intersection
12.7.1. Designed speed
Designed speed for the road section in the intersection (VTK) is taken from designed speed of the
road section outside the corresponding intersection. This speed is used for measuring visibility,
vertical slope, and width of roadway. In some special cases, the intersection located in curving
section or with traffic island or combined type, it is recommended to use designed capacity ≤ (0.6 ÷
0.7) comparing to designed capacity of the section outside the intersection.
Designed speed for turning directions (left and right) is selected by taking into account: construction
condition, existing and operational conditions of the intersection in use, traffic, etc. In all cases, it is
not recommended to take more than 0.7 of designed speed of the road section outside the
intersection and not smaller than 15km/h to secure general movement of the whole intersection.
12.7.2. Curving radius
For the sake of traffic safety for intersections from hamlets to road and streets, local road should
have designed capacity of 20km/h with curving radius not big. I is possible to make the curve have
radius of 3-10m or equaling width of the pavement.
Main urban road, turning radius identified by designed turning speed.
In remaining cases (local urban roads with V> 20km/h), minimum curving radius is 7.5 m. For
dedicated roads where vehicles are not conventional cars, it is needed to review section 5.1 to
decide design specifications which are subject to bigger than specification of the minimum turning
12.7.3. Internal visibility
Plan and design of an intersection should secure visibility for drivers to respond safely to situations.
The most basic drawing for identification of visibility, right of way from a corner of the intersection is
the drawing for one-way visibility from two lanes (see Figure 9)

VËt c¶n
tÇm nh×n




®−êng phè da
®−êng phè

tr−êng nh×n

- Va , Vb – designed speed of urban roads by corresponding directions.

- da , db – One-way visibility by corresponding directions.
Figure 9 Visibility at the intersection for directions
In practice, specific conditions viewed upon designing include
a) the intersection is without traffic control
b) the intersection is controlled by yield signs
TCXDVN 104 : :2007
c) the intersection is controlled by stop sign.
d) the intersection is controlled by signals
e) the intersection cuts railway.
When organizing and controlling traffic for each specific case at the intersection, it is possible to
apply visibility drawings introduced in 22TCN 273 – 01 nad TCVN 4054-05.
12.7.4. Right turning lane (see Figure 10)
a. Right turning lane is provided in following cases:
- Where favorable, at the corner intesecting with branch road < 600.
- High right turning volume (>= 10% of total traffic volume moving to the intersection of >= 60
vehicles per hour)
- Right turning direction is yielded in the intersection. Designed speed for right turning is
relatively high (>= 40km/h)
- Pedestrian volume crossing the exit of the right turning volume is relatively high.
b. Geometrical design






d¹ng song song

lμn gi¶m tèc

d¹ng vuèt nèi

lμn t¨ngtèc

lμn rÏ ph¶i cã ®o¹n chuyÓn tèc lμn rÏ ph¶i cã ®o¹n chuyÓn tèc lμn rÏ ph¶i kh«ng cã ®o¹n chuyÓn tèc
d¹ng song song d¹ng vuèt d¹ng nèi trùc tiÕp

Figure 10 Designs of right turning lane

12.7.5. Lelf turning lane (see Figure 11)
a. Left turning lane is provided in following cases:
- Straight directions are yielded due to big volume and high speed but showing signs of
congestion, accident hazards due to turning right.
- Intersection is provided with large median to provide left turning lane.
- Left turning traffic volume is relatively big (>= 10% of total traffic volume of vehicle moving to
the intersection or > 30 vehicles per hour)
- The intersection is controllbed by signal with a separated phase for left turning traffic.

b. Geometrical design:

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
lμn xe rÏ tr¸i
lμn xe rÏ tr¸i
§O¹N chuyÓn lμn - L V ®o¹n chê rÏ tr¸i - LX
§O¹N chuyÓn lμn - L V ®o¹n chê rÏ tr¸i - LX

cÊu t¹o lμn rÏ tr¸i cã c¸ch li cÊu t¹o lμn rÏ tr¸i kh«ng c¸ch li

Figure 11 Designs for left turning lane

Length of turning lane can be:

L=Lx + Lv, m.
Where: Lx – length of vehicle queue for turning left, m.
Lv – length of lane changing section, m.
Lv is taken with value bigger when comparing two values: length of section changing from straigth
lane to the lane for turning left (lc) and length of deceleration section (lg).
lc =V x d / 6, m
where: V – design speed for the road, km/h.
d – equals width of left-turning lane.
Length of deceleration section (lg) is calculated to secure minimum requirements presented in table
Table 31. Minimum length of the deceleration section
Designed speed, km/h Minimum length of the Minimum length of lane
deceleration section, m shifting section, m
80 45 40
70 40 35
60 30 30
50 20 25
40 15 20
30 10 15
20 10 10
Note: value of the lane shifting section in the table is measured for width of the left turning lane is 3.0
Length of queue waiting for turning left id measured by :
Lx = 2 x M x d, m.
Where: 2 – maximum time as 2 minutes for per wait in peak hour;
M – Average number of vehicle waiting for turning left per minute (vehicle/minute);
d – distance between vehicle in the waiting queue, m. value of d is taken from 3-6m,
depending on percentage of bus and truck in the waiting queue.
In signalled intersections, length of waiting queue is taken as 1.5 times of number of vehicle in the
waiting queue per cycle:
Lx =1,5 x N x d, m.
Where N – number of vehicle turning left per signal cycle, car/cycle;
d – distance between two waiting vehicle, m. For car, d = 6-7m, truck d = 12m .

12.8. Grade-separated intersection

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
12.8.1. When planning and designing grade-separated intersections, it should select type, number
of grades structural design by taking into account following factors: general plan of the network, type
of road, road grade at the intersection, topography, construction condition, urban land use, traffic
condition (volume, speed, circulation capacity, composition of traffic and traffic safety), economic,
environmental social and urban beauty aspects..
12.8.2. Analyzing to select grade-separated facilities, which road to be upper and which road is
lower by taking into account following factors:
- Economic factor is measured in the design so as to fit existing topographical conditions. Then,
it is to consider various intersecting options so as to compare and decide to use flyovers or viaduct.
- Viaduct makes it easier for drivers to realize grade-separated intersections and pay attention to
relations inside the intersection.
- When direction-changing volume is significant, the flyover will be favorable for arranging
connection branches in the intersection.
- Flyover will be better in terms of landscape.
- Preference as to viaduct or flyover should be based on the option providing better visibility for
the main road.
- Flyover option is suitable for phased constructions, for both road and other structures with
minimum initial investment cost.
- When main road is upper without changing speed of the crossing road, it is marginal to change
drainage and sewerage system of the area.
- When taking into account operation of oversized vehicles, the upper option will produce no
restriction in terms of vertical clearance.
- It is suitable if using flyover with a new road crossing an existing road with big traffic volume.
- Road with biggest traffic volume should be arranged in the direction with smallest number of
bridges to secure good operation and reduce obstructions in cases of repair, maintenance or
- In some cases, it is needed to build roads with bigger traffic volumes on the grade lower than
the road with smaller volumes so as to abate noise.
12.8.3. Geometrical design for connection branch should take into account following factors:
- Type of connection branch: left turning or right turning;
- Type of connection: Direct, semi-direct, indirect;
- Handling conflict: at-grade intersecting cordner, etc.
- Designing geometrical structure of connection branch includes:
1) Identifying designed speed for the connection branch, see more in Table 32.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Table 32 Identifying designed speed on connection branch
VTK on the Designed speed on connection branch (km/h)
intersecting road
High Medium low
100 80-70 60 50
70 70 55 45
80 70-60 50 40
60 50 40 30
50 40 30 25
- Right turning connection branch is normally applicable with medium or high speed
- Indirect connection branch is normally applied with low speed
- Semi-direct connection branch is applied with medium or high speed
- If length of connection branch is short, one lane, it is possible to take <= 60km/h
2) Designing components of a connection branch: top section, central section and ending section of
connection branch.
3) Identifying cross-section of connection branch
- 1 lane, 1 direction with overtaking reserve or without overtaking reserve.
- 2 lanes, either one direction or two directions
Cross-section of the connection branch includes roadway, sidewalk and median (if any). See in the
Table 33.
Table 33 Cross-section of connection branch
One-way, one-lane road Two-way, two-lane road
- Roadway width, m 4.0 (straight) 7,0 (straight)
- Expanded on curve of R<100m
- Sidewalk, m 50/R 2x50/R
+ embanked roadsides on Right
and left 2.0 1.0
+ Roadsides without embankment - 1.0
on right - 0.75
And left 1.0 0.75
If connection branch is on the flyover or viaduct, sidewalk width is taken as equal to embanked
sidewalk as earlier stated.

4) Designing …and examining conditions for deployment of connection branch (slope, length,
clearance and number of lane).

13. Road foundation

13.1. General provision

13.1.1. Width of road foundation includes components in the horizontal cross-section in the right of
13.1.2. Following provisions are applied for foundations of urban roads. For urban expressways, it is
to refer to TCVN 5729 applicable, automobile road specifications normally follow TCVN 4054 in

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
13.1.3. Road foundation in weak land area follow 22TCN 262. Road foundation in areas with
complicated geological conditions follows 22TCN 171. Road foundation in earthquake-prone area
follows 22TCN 211 in place.

13.2. Road foundation elevation

13.2.1. Design elevation of road foundation is presented with vertical alignment consistent with
horizontal alignments and other parts..
13.2.2. Designed elevation of urban road foundation should match controlled construction height in
approved construction plan. In the absence of construction plan, it is possible to base on
requirements provided in TCVN 4054 in place while taking into account existing conditions, natural
conditions, flood frequency, height controlled by underground structures and ground structures.
13.2.3. Elevation of road foundation in area with round gutter should secure minimum thickness of
structured layers and embanked soil as 0.5meters and not smaller than thickness of pavement

13.3. Pavement embankment

13.3.1. In the city, soil for embankment is taken from soil mines, excavated sites. It is prohibited to
take land and soil from two roadsides, except for cases with plan for taking soil for specific purposes.
13.3.2. Specifications for road foundation embankment follow applicable regulations and technical
specifications on construction and acceptance or otherwise regulated.

13.4. Foundation treatment prior to embankment

13.4.1. When natural foundation has horizontal slope of less than 20%, it is needed to excavate the
organic soil layer prior to embanking. If natural foundation has horizontal slope from 20% to 50%, it
is needed to …prior to embanking. If natural slope is over 50%, it is needed to build supporting
structure (retaining walls, stone embankment, etc)
13.4.2. It is necessary to engineer drainage measures for bottom of the embanked foundation to
prevent water flowing into the foundation.

13.5. Foundation compactness

13.5.1. Road foundation should achieve compactness level provided in Table 34

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Table 34 Required compactness of the road foundation (following 22TCN 333 - 05)
Type of structure Depth from Compactness k
bottom of the Main urban road Local urban
pavement, cm Feeder urban road
Embanked Thickness of upper pavement 30 ≥0,98 ≥0,95
foundation 60cm
Thickness of lower pavement 50 ≥0,98 ≥0,95
Below Newly ≥0,95 ≥0,93
mentioned embanked soil
depth Natural Up to 80cm ≥0,93 ≥0,90
Excavated foundation and original foundation 30 ≥0,98 ≥0,95
30-80 ≥0,93 ≥0,90
Body of the foundation is affected by inundation or ground water therefore subject to minimum
compactness of 0.95

13.5.2. After compacting, it must secure that affected area of the foundation meets following
- 30 cm of the top layer can tolerate the minimum load CBR of 8 for main urban road, feeder
road and 6 for local roads.
- The next 50 cm must tolerate minimum load of CBR of 5 for main urban road, feeder roads
and 5 for local roads
In which: CBR is the rate for load tolerance identified in laboratory with sample soil compacted at
standard level and left submerged for four days, following 22TCN332

13.6. Slope Designing

13.6.1. Embanked road slope depends on the geological conditions and the slope height (refer to
Table 35).

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Table 35. Slope of Embanked Road
Slope Elevation
Soil Type and Condition
≤6.0m >6.0m
- Soft soil or medium to loose soil 1:1.0 1:1.25
- Loose soil 1:1.50 1:1.75
- Light-weathered stiff rock 1:0.3 1:0.50
- Strong-weathered stiff rock 1:1.0 1:1.25
- Light-weathered soft rock 1:0.75 1:1.00
- Strong-weathered soft rock 1:1.00 1:1.25
1. The slope height of the excavated soil foundation shall not exceed 12 m. For soft stone foundation
the designed slope is equally to the slope of the rock layer if the grade inclined toward the outside area
and is over 250.
2. When the slope runs through different rock and soil layers the relevant slope shall be designed for
each foundation condition properly.
3. When the slope elevation is high the terraces shall be designed at the interval of 5 – 6 meter.
Note: the terrace is – 3 m wide, 5 – 10% gradient toward the inside gutter. The gutter in rectangle or
triangle shape shall be built to ensure water discharge from the higher slope terrace.

13.6.2. Slope of the embanked road depends on the filled materials and the height of the slope
(refer to Table 36).

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Table 36. Slope of Embanked Road
Slope height
Rock/soil type
<6m 6 - 12m
- Light weathered rock 1:1 ÷ 1: 1.3 1:1.3 ÷ 1: 1.5
- Large-dimension rock (25 cm) 1 : 0.75 1: 1.10
- Gravel, pebble, gravel-mixed sand, slag 1: 1.3 1:1.3 ÷ 1: 1.5
- Rough to medium sand, sandy clay, weathered rock 1 : 1.5 1:1.75
- Dust and fine sand 1:1.75 ÷ 1: 2 1:1.75 ÷ 1: 2
1. In the flooding areas, the slope of embanked road shall be increase to 1: 2 or the slope shall be
2. If the slope is high the terraces shall be designed at the interval of 5 – 6 m.
3. The height of the embanked road slope shall not exceed 12 m.
13.6.3. High slope elevation is not recommended in urban areas. The slope in urban areas shall be
covered by grass, brush tree, pre-casted concrete block, etc. to protect the urban environment and
landscape as well as to prevent land erosion.
13.6.4. The slope foundation shall be strengthened if the slope height exceeds 12 m or in other
cases (heavy load, weak foundation, etc.) .
13.6.5. TCVN 4054 and other approved construction plans shall be enforced when designing crown-
and foot-gutters.

14. Pavement

14.1. General Regulation

14.1.1. All carriage lanes, including motorized and non-motorized lanes, auxiliary lanes, sidewalk
and bus stops shall be paved properly.
14.1.2. The pavement shall be designed appropriately depending on the traffic volume, vehicle
composition, road category, use property, material and natural conditions, and existing regulations.
The pavement shall be designed with proper load bearing capacity, stability and surface
characteristics (roughness, flat, water-discharging easily, clean) to serve smooth traffic economically
and environmentally.

14.2. Pavement Category and Standard Load

Pavement category and standard load shall be complied with provisions of 22 TCN 211 “Soft
pavement designing procedure” or “22 TCN 223 – Stiff pavement designing procedure”.

14.3. Designing of pavement structure

14.3.1. The pavement structure comprises:
- Surface layer: that is directly affected by transport vehicles.
- Foundation layer: that divides the vehicles’ load to the road foundation.
These layers are divided into sub-layers where the top surface sub-layer shall be strong, flat, and
rough, soft-deformation prevention, non-dust generated and non-hazardous. Proper materials shall
be selected to pave the urban roads to protect the urban environment during the construction and
operation process.
14.3.2. Pavement surface is selected as described in Table 37.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Table 37. Pavement Surface Sub-layer
Calculated Accumulated
Category Road Type Material and structure period Vehicle No.
(Year) (PCU/lane)
High - Access road - Concrete or reinforce concrete ≥20 >1*106
standard A1 - Collector street - Fine to medium asphalt concrete for
the upper sub-layer or rough to medium ≥10
asphalt concrete for the underneath
sub-layer (1)
High - Collector street - Cool asphalt concrete, asphalt coated. 8 >2*106
standard A2 - Local street - Bituminous seal 5-8 >1*106
- Bituminous seal (gravel, standardized 4-7 >0.1*106
gravel, bituminous-coated consolidated
soil) (2)
Low - Collector street - Gravel road, macadam, or Natural 3-4 <0.1*106
standard B1 (initial phase) Gravel with protective cover or fine
- Local street gravel cover
- Temporary road
Low - Collector street - Consolidated soil 2-3 <0.1*106
standard B2 (initial phase) - Local soil, rock, industrial waste
- Temporary road material
1. (1): total minimum thickness of the asphalt concrete sub-layers is 12 – 18 cm in case of arterial
urban road and avenue; that of local road is 7 to 12 cm.
2. (2): collector street: multi-asphalt layers coated; local street: one or multi-asphalt layers coasted.
3. Accumulated vehicle number in the calculated period is a reference.
4. Based on the economic conditions the local street could be paved by cement concrete or asphalt
concrete but the load shall be equivalent to high standard pavement A2.
5. Bituminous material or bituminous seal, B1, B2 pavements are not recommended in densely
populated urban areas.
14.3.3. Selection of foundation material for A1 Pavement
Processed Soil, rock or sand shall be used to build the foundation layer. Regarding to non-reinforced
concrete pavement (arterial road or avenue) the minimum thickness of consolidated foundation layer
shall be 15 cm.
For asphalt concrete pavement gravel or void asphalt concrete could be used to develop upper
foundation layer and gravel class II, 22TCN334, macadam or natural pebble could be used to
construct lower foundation layer.
The foundation layer width shall be 20 cm larger than that of the surface layer.
14.3.4. Bottom foundation layer (bottom pavement layer)
For A1 category soil or proper materials (pebble, cement consolidated soil) layer shall be at least 30
cm thick to meet the requirement on k compactness and CBR indicator of the roadbed as defined in
Provisions 15.5.1, 15.5.2. The bottom foundation layer width shall be 15 cm wider than that of other
foundation layers in each side.
14.3.5. Thickness of Layers of Pavement Structure
The minimum thickness shall be 1.5 times of the largest material particle dimension. The compacted
thickness of asphalt concrete shall not exceed 8 to 10 cm; the thickness of other materials shall not
exceed 15 cm (strengthened materials) or 15 cm (non-strengthened materials).
14.4. Road Pavement Designing
TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Road pavement shall be designed in complying with 22TCN-211 – Soft pavement and 22TCN-223-
stiff pavement. Other methods could be referred upon the investor agreement.
15. Drainage and Height Planning
15.1. General Provision of the Surface Water Discharge System
15.1.1. Planning and designing of the drainage system is a component of the urban road designing,
which shall be in complying with the approved drainage system and the outside drainage network
designing standard.
15.1.2. The urban drainage system shall meet the following requirements:
- Quickly collect and discharge water on the street and surrounding area, preventing flooding
in the locality.
- Transfer water to culvert system to discharge into the general drainage system.
15.1.3. Drainage components and facilities include: longitudinal grade and cross fall – gutter, gutter
inlet and catch basins, culverts, flow regulation, pumping station, etc.
15.1.4. Type and structure of drainage culvert are as follows:
- Combined drainage system or separate local drainage system linking to the general drainage
- Drainage culvert could be open-culvert, close-culvert or mix; round, rectangle or trapezium
shape; underground or elevated culvert, etc.
The type and structure shall be selected depending on the approved construction plan, local
conditions and in complying with the sectoral specific standards.
1. The separate drainage system is designed only for discharging of rainwater and clean
wastewater (road/vehicle cleaning wastewater or clean production wastewater). The
combined drainage system is designed to discharge all wastewaters.
2. Close drainage system is the culvert system (including longitudinal gutter) while open
drainage system is the cover or non-cover canal/ditch system.
15.1.5. Completed urban drainage system shall be designed to operate properly following the below
process: gutter => gutter inlet => collecting culvert => secondary culvert => primary culvert =>
(wastewater treatment) => discharging. In developing urban areas the system is simpler: gutter =>
culvert => discharge but the environment sanitation requirement shall be secured.

15.2. Crossfall
15.2.1. Crossfall of roadbed and roadside shall be designed properly to meet requirements of water
discharge and safety vehicle operation.
15.2.2. The typical crossfall of the road surface could be selected in complying with the above
provisions and Table 12. In the elevation planning the crossfall cold be smaller that the value in this
15.3. Gutter
15.3.1. Gutter (longitudinal gutter) shall be designed on both sides of the roads or on the road
depending on the designed cross-section. The street gutter is usually made from concrete block or
curbed structure.
15.3.2. Normally the longitudinal gutter is parallel to vertical alignment of the road (the depth of the
gutter is constant). However, in case where the longitudinal grade of the slope is below 0.1% the
gutter depth shall be varied from 0.3 to 0.5%.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
15.3.3. For conventional automobile road, the gutter is designed in complying with TCVN4054. In
urban area, the gutter shall be consolidated and covered.
15.4. Culvert (round, rectangle or trapezium shape)
15.4.1. Culvert system could be classified into three categories as follows:
- Primary culvert: large-size culvert, discharging water from large basin to reservoir or the
planned receiving areas. (*)
- Secondary culvert: medium-size culvert, collecting water of small areas in the sub-zones and
housing blocks or in unplanned area to the primary culvert. (**)
- Branch culvert: small-size culvert, collecting water from longitudinal gutter and roadside
through the gutter inlet to discharge into the primary/secondary culvert.
: This category is usually built along arterial streets and avenues. Inclining direction and the
primary culvert map shall be in complying with the specific drainage plan.
: This category is usually developed along local streets. The inclining direction shall be based on
the spatial plan and the drainage plan in the locality to minimize the culvert length.
15.4.2. The culvert could be in round, rectangle, trapezium shape; close or open; and mix. Water
and power supply and telecommunication systems could be combined with the culvert system but
the specific pipe is required (see Article 8.4 – Underground facilities).
15.4.3. In low building to land ratio open culvert (canal and ditch) could be introduced. When the
construction and the discharging basin are small the cover shall be designed to improve the safety
and urban environment landscape.
15.4.4. The minimum dimension or diameter of the culvert shall be designed in accordance with the
existing specific standard and shall meet the following requirements:
- d ≥750mm along arterial roads and avenues.
- d ≥500mm along local streets.
Note: The minimum dimension is related to the maintenance and repairing works during the
operation stage. The large-size culvert shall be built in case where the upper structure is large.
15.5. Gutter Inlet
15.5.1. Gutter inlet shall be designed to collect rainwater from the gutter to the drainage system.
15.5.2. The gutter inlet shall be located on the water-flowed place and shall be designed on long
slope section. The distance between two consecutive gutters is 30 to 80 m (refer to Table 38).
Table 38. Average Distance between Gutters
Street slope (%0) Conventional distance (m)
<5 50
5-6 60
6 - 10 70
10-30 80
>30 90
1. If width of single-slope road width is over 14 m and that of double-slope width is over 24 m the
distance shall not exceed 60 m.
2. If the road is the water basin median or the road is narrow the distance could be 100 m to 200
15.5.3. The inlet shape shall be quadrant or rectangle to collect and discharge wastewater..

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
15.5.4. Depth of the inlet bed shall be suitable to the minimum selected depth in order to secure
proper connection of the culvert. The minimum selected depth shall ensure that the culvert joint
could bear the load of the bulldozer during the road surface construction process. Garbage storage
hole shall be equipped, having the minimum depth of 30 cm.
15.5.5. The inlet structure could be as follows:
- Horizontal inlet: It is usually made from cast iron to ensure vehicle operation, comprising
screen to separate the garbage. This type is usually applied when the culvert is located
under the road carriage or the road curb is low.
- Vertical inlet: it is usually made from reinforce concrete, equipped with screen and xyphon to
separate garbage and to prevent odor dispersion.

15.6. Inlet Well

15.6.1. Inlet well shall be equipped to control the wastewater discharge, to maintain and to connect
- The inlet well shall be designed at the following locations: turning culvert or slope/dimension-
changed culvert.
- The normal distance between inlet wells depends on the culvert diameter (refer to Table 39).
Table 39. Distance between inlet wells
Distance, m
Culvert diameter ( m)
Normal Maximum
<0.3 50 55
0.4 - 0.6 50 60
0.7 – 1.0 60 70
1.1 – 1.5 75 85
>1.5 Depending on the designing; the maintenance and dredging
conditions shall be taken into account
If the diameter is < 0.6 m and the slope is <4% the distance shall not exceed 50 m.
15.6.2. The inlet well cover could be made from reinforce concrete or cast iron, meeting load
bearing requirement. The average dimension is 0.7 m. Cast iron cover is preferred to enhance the
urban landscape.
15.6.3. The inlet well wall and bed structure is similar to the manhole structure. If its dimension is
large stairs shall be designed.

15.7. Regulation well

15.7.1. Regulation well shall be designed to regulate the water flow at the place where the elevation
different of culverts is over 50 cm. It shall be considered when the terrain slope is large which makes
the water flow running after or when the culverts have two differ elevations.
15.7.2. To reduce the water energy the regulation well could be designed as the spillway or energy-
consumed stair type.

15.8. Planning of Embankment Level of Roads and Crossings

15.8.1. Identification of embankment level for road and crossings is important for drainage system
planning and design as well as leveling work. The embankment level of road and crossings must
facilitate roadway drainage and traffic safety, as well as townscape of the area.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
15.8.2. Road and crossing embankment level must be in line with the levels identified in previous
plans. It is encouraged to plan road and crossing embankment level in all design stages. Road and
crossing embankment level planning is compulsory in the following cases:
- During engineering drawing preparation, for main urban roads, avenues; during engineering
design stages for all crossings of these roads when longitudinal grade is ≤0.5%.
- During engineering drawing preparation for local roads with longitudinal grade of ≤0,5% and
for all crossings of the roads
15.8.3. Embankment level drawing, to support drainage planning, needs to show design contour
line; for the case of construction work and load calculation, even the black (existing) contour line is
needed. Two adjacent red contour lines show a difference of 5-20cm, depending on the drawing
scale (1/200, 1/500, 1/1000) and on required details and grade.
15.8.4. Major principles for identification of road and crossing embankment level
a) For roads:
- Embankment level must comply with the control red line and approved elevation.
- Close coordination is required with drainage system to prevent water pooling in roadway.
- It is important not to create great cross fall, which is dangerous for traffic flows.
b) For crossings:
- For the case of crossings among roads of the same class, longitudinal grades are retained,
while only cross falls are modified in the range that cross drainage is ensured.
- For the case of crossings among roads of different class, higher-class road is prioritized, and
grades are modified only for lower-class roads.
- To facilitate drainage, it is necessary to provide an outward ditch. In case of concave terrain,
all incoming collectors must be provided with underground culvert and gutter inlets
- In any cases, it is imperial to avoid water pooling in crossings, or water flowing across road
crossings and pedestrian crossings.

16. Underground Facilities

16.1. Overall Provisions

16.1.1. Within the red-line coverage, it is to deploy full or part of underground facilities, such as
culverts, water pipes, utility lines, power lines, pedestrian tunnels, vehicle tunnels, among others.
During the stage of planning and design, it is to take into account development of the underground
facilities in the future as shown in approved urban development plans.
16.1.2. Underground culverts should be deployed within right of way, under sidewalk, median,
shoulders, plantation strips etc.. to make it easier to construct, maintain and repair with as little
obstruction to traffic as possible. In special cases and major tunnels, they can be under carriageway,
taking into due account the structure of the underground facilities and road pavement.
16.1.3. Underground facilities can be separated or put together in a common utility tunnel/ditch,
depending on local technical and economic conditions. The utility tunnel/ditch system must be
designed to meet existing requirements and changes in the future. It is advised to apply sufficient
size to prevent possible interaction among the facilities and easier repair condition. If there is a
problem of affordability and/or class of roads, semi-underground concept (covered utility ditch) is
advised under highly recoverable parts of roads, such as tiled sidewalks.
16.1.4. For main urban roads and urban expressways, utility tunnels are indispensable. Utility
tunnels are considered for local roads on a case by case basis.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
16.2. Provisions of Underground Facilities/Utilities
16.2.1. Technical solutions for underground structure must follow existing sectoral technical
guidance and standards.
16.2.2. Regulations on locations of a number of underground facilities are shown in tables of
Table 40. Minimum Depth for Underground Structure.
Minimum Depth for the underground
Type of Underground Facilties
facilities, from top of covered structure (m)
Water pipe under sidewalk 0.5
Water pipe under carriageway:
Pipe diameter ≤ 300mm 0.8
Pipe diameter ≥ 300mm 1.0
Cable under sidewalk 0.7
Cable under carriageway 1.0
Table 41. Minimum distance from edge of underground facilities to others (m)
Underground Water Supply Water drainage Utility lines, cables
Others Pipe pipe

Edge of building foundations 5 3 0.6

Edge of power/utility pole foundation 1.5 3 0.5

Nearest rail track 4 3

Tram track (to outmost track) 2 1.5 2

Wall or pier of viaduct/tunnel 5 3 0.3

Outer edge of side ditch or bottom of 1 1 1

TCXDVN 104 : :2007

Table 42. Minimum distance between outer edges of underground facilities (m)
Facilities Water supply Water drainage Power cable Utility line
pipe pipe
Water supply pipe 1.5 - 0.5 0.5
Water drainage pipe - 0.4 0.5 0.5
Power cable 0.5 0.5 0.1-0.5 0.5
Utility line 0.5 0.5 0.5 -

1. When network elevation in comparison to building foundation in earlier table shows a big
differential, the distance must be reconsidered, taking into account natural rest angle of
foundation soil.
2. If it is hard to place the network, the distance can be reduced while case structure
3. When water supply pipe is placed in parallel to drainage pipe, the distance between them
must not be less than 1.5m if the water supply pipe is smaller than 200mm in diameter, and
must not be less than 3.0m if the diameter is bigger than 200 mm. In this case, the supply
pipe must be metal.
4. Distance between electricity cable and water supply pipe is 1m in minimum in parallel
configuration. If a ditch contains two pipes or more, the minimum distance of clearance
among them is as follows:
- For pipes with diameter less than 300mm, it must not be less than 0.4m.
- For pipes with diameter more than 300mm, it must not be less than 0.5m.
16.2.3. Vertical and horizontal distance when there is a transverse of underground network, water
supply pipe with roads and other pipes:
- The distance between water supply pie or cable lines with roadway (pavement to pipetop),
surface of power line is 1.0m.
- The distance between water supply pipe with cables, including power lines and utility lines, is
- The distance between walls of pipes of the same functions (except for drainage crossing
water supply and other pipes with toxic liquids, organic ordor) is 0.2m
- The distance between domestic water supply network and drainage network when water
supply pipe is place above drainage pipe is 0.15m.
- The distance between 2 water supply pipe is 0.15m.
1. For installation of cased metal water supply pipe, it is to calculate the distance to sides of the
cased sections of each crossings:
- In clay, not less than 5m
- In watery soil, not less than 10m
2. If at the crossings, water drainage pipe is placed above cased metal water supply pipe, for
the length of the cased section, the distance to sides is:
- In clay, not less than 5m

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
- In watery soil, not less than 10m

17. Service Facilities

17.1. Street Trees

17.1.1. Street trees include shadow trees, bush trees, flowers, color-leaf trees, grass, and creepers.
They are planted in “lines” as connection to “points” (public flower gardens, etc.) and “areas” (parks,
etc.) to complete urban greenery network.
17.1.2. Green trees are planted along roads with various purposes, such as shadow generation,
improvement of urban townscape, environmental protection, noise reduction, dust reduction, heat
absorption, carbon dioxide absorption, improvement of traffic conditons, reduction of flares for
opposite flows, direction guide, other economic purposes: fruits, logs, flowers ...
17.1.3. Green trees are planted as follows:
- As lines along sidewalks.
- On median, reserve land, slopes.
- As fences and bush trees
- As flower gardens.
17.1.4. General Principles:

a) Selection of types and plantation methods must take into account purposes, cross section, road
class, local identities, local climate and soil suitablity, features of townscape, traffic safety, urban
environment and sanitation, risks for nagative impacts on on-ground, underground and elevated

b) It is not advisable to mix too many types of trees on a single midblock section. It is best to plant
one or two types of trees on a midblock section of less than 2km, while three types can be accepted
on a section longer than 2km, depending on particular cases .

c) For median with width less than 2m, only grass, low bushes and vased trees are planted. For
medians wider than 2m, higher and bigger trees can be planted but their branches must not be
obstacles to traffic, and they are planted away from ends of the median, enough to provide sufficient
sighting and traffic safety.

d) At a number of artificial structure such as bridge piers, vidaducts, walls, slopes etc. creepers are
encouraged to apply more greenery patches to urban townscapes using suitable string materials to
protect, as well, the structure. At important road crossings, apart from regulations for traffic safety
protection, grass, bushes and flowers are also to improve greenery patches and urban townscape.

e) Deployment of green trees must be rationale and trimming of branches for ensured traffic sighting
is a must, especially at road crossings and during rainy/stormy seasons.
17.1.5. Planted green trees must be at least 3.0m high with respective trunk diameter of 6cm.
17.1.6. Other regulations are based on local regulations (if any) and provisions in 7.7.

17.2. Lighting
17.2.1. Roadside lighting is a part of urban infrastructure system, including voltage transformation
station, control boxes, electricity cables, wires, poles and lamps.
17.2.2. Calculation and detail design are described in TCXDVN 259 – “the Standards for Design of
Artificial Lighting System for Urban Roads and Square” with horizontal distance requirements shown
in Table 39.
Table 39. Minimum horizontal distance from edge of roadway to light pole, m

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Roads Expected minimum value Absolute minimum value
Urban expressway 2.0 1.0
Urban main road 1.0 0.75
Collectors 0.75 0.5
Local roads 0.5 0.5

17.3. Bus Stops

17.3.1. There are two types of bus stops:
- Simple bus stop: buses stops for passenger boarding on driveway (possibly stops on a part
of sidewalk). Buses decelerate and accelerate on the right-most lane (and sidewalk).
- Turnout bus stop: bus stops are placed on a separate section with or without partition from
the main road. Buses decelerate and accelerate at connection sections to the main road.
Selection and location of bus stops must be clarified in detail planning stage.
17.3.2. Design of Bus Stop.
a. Simple bus stop: carriage way of the road is not expanded; bus stop area is identified by road
markings, signs and other amenities (if any).

lμn ngoμi cïng

MÐp phÇn xe ch¹y
lÒ ®−êng
MÐp lÒ ®−êng

bÕn lÊy kh¸ch

Figure 12 . Layout of Simple Bus Stop

b. Turnout bus stops:
Turnout bus stop, like bypass lane: Roadway is expanded. Stop area is at least 3 meters wide
from the edge of roadway (if area is enoughhi, expanded width is at least three meter from edge of
the pavement), loading berth is 15 meters long toward two sides. Length varies by type of road, as
indicated in table 39.

MÐp phÇn xe ch¹y


MÐp lÒ ®−êng

a 15.0 b
bÕn lÊy kh¸ch

Figure 13 Design of turnout bus stop.

Table 39. Numeric number of two sides of bus stop

Roads a (m) b (m)
Major urban road 25 35
Collector 15 25
Local roads 10 20
Turnout bus stop, like isolation form: Widened roadway, bus stop area is at least 4 meter wide,
isolated from roaway and pavement by a median. Entry and exit is designed with acceleration and
deceleration lane. Boarding area is at least 15 meters long.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
Note: Consider expanding area of bus stop to provide multipe loading and unloading at the same
time if number of bus is big.
17.3.3. Scope of bus top use.
a. Turnout bus stops:
- On urban highways (if possible), on key urban arterial roads with designed speed of 80km/h
in the periperal areas is necessary to provide Turnout bus stops in isolation form. Pedestrian
crossing should be grade-separated.
- On key streets in urban core area, if area is enough, it is encouraged to provide isolation bus
- On key streets (except earlier mentioned cases), boulevards, local roads and internal roads
with high traffic of busses (headway of five minutes) is necessary to provide turnout bus stop
of stop and bypass.
b. Simple bus stop:
- It is only used in cases not earlier regulated.
17.3.4. Placement of bus stop.
- Location of bus stop is provided on the right side of operating direction, from 300 to 700
apart. It is banned to provide on curving sections with curving radius smaller than
conventional horizontal curve.
- Except the case median is provided, bus stop on two roadsides should not be symetric.
Starting point should be at least 10 meters apart.
- Stop point can be provided on the nearside or farside of the traffic intersection. Distance
from the intersection should take into account the acceleration section, observation time (if
placing before the intersection), deceleration (if placing after the intersection) and influence
of each stop on operating capacity of the intersection. When stopping after the intersection,
the bus stop must be at least 50 meters from the center of the intersection. When stopping
before the intersection, it should be at least 40 meters from the road with Vtt = 60km/h; 60m,
or with road of Vtt >60km/h.
- If intersection is provided with pedestrian markings, bus stop should be at least 10 meters
from the marking.
17.3.5. On bus shelter, seats, shelter should be provided to secure amenities and aestheticic

17.4. On-street Parking

17.4.1. For urban expressways and main roads, it is only to consider design of emergency parkings.
It is encouraged to place these parkings on parallel roads (roads for local traffic). For other roads,
parking is only allowed when traffic volume is still lower than design capacity, or if the roads are
17.4.2. Modes of On-Street Parkings:
- Parallel parking: is a popular mode (especially for narrow or under-improvement streets…)
thanks to less use of roadway and less obstacles to traffic, but less vehicles can park per
1km length.
- Perpendicular parking: is the least popular mode because of its road space occupation and
obstacles to traffic flow, especially with long vehicle, though more vehicles can park per 1km
- Angle parking: is the intermediate mode of the two, which can be applied to wide roads or
new roads.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
17.4.3. Parking space: in urban areas, if possible, roadside and curb can be used for parking
purposes, but it is best to widen given section for exclusive parking lots.
17.4.4. In case of parallel parking, minimum width of parking lane is 2.5m, but not bigger than 3.5m.
17.4.5. Parking spaces should be marked for identification; parking is not allowed at certain
locations, such as fire hydrants, bus stops, etc. ....
17.4.6. It is not adviable to design parking lanes near road crossings. This situation should be
eliminated by establishing a transition section of at least 6m from the road crossing (see Figure 14)


6.0 7.5 7.5 6.0 7.5 6.0 7.5 6.0

Figure 14. Transition to Parking Spaces near Road Crossing

17.4.7. Details on planning and design of on-street parking spaces are stipulated in existing sectoral

17.5. Public Bus Terminal

17.5.1. The last stop of public passenger transport route must be developed into a terminal, which
includes waiting hall, loading/unloading area, administration area, service area, separate lot for
parking and u-turning, toilets, restaurants...
17.5.2. Major indicators for design of public bus terminal are shown in Table 44.
Bảng 44. Major indicators for Public Bus Terminal Design
Indicator Value
Minimum turing radius for bus and air-wheel tram 13m
Allowed number of vehicles parking at the same time on bus and 30% of total operated
tram parking lot vehicle
Area of a parking space 40m2
Maximum grade of the lot 2%
17.5.3. Public bus terminal must be separated from roads and streets. Development of access roads
must take into account acceleration and deceleration factors. Guide boards, sign boards, markings
etc. are needed on main road as stipulated for in 22TCN 237 “Road Signal Code”
17.5.4. Detailed design of public bus terminal must follow existing provisions of laws with reference
to “Highway Design Standards TCVN 4054”.

18. Other Road Devices.

18.1. Other road devices are under provisions in TCVN 4054 “Highway Design Standard” and
other existing design standards.

18.2. On-road traffic safety facilities include signboards, road markings, road markers, fences etc.
are stipulated by TCVN 4053 and 22TCN 237 “Road Sign Code” and other existing codes.

TCXDVN 104 : :2007
18.3. Other type of service areas are stipulated in TCVN 4054.



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