Model 2 Assessment: Question 1 Your Answer Was

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Model 2 Assessment

Question 1 Your answer was CORRECT

Why do line managers have an advantage when recruiting for their own team?

Your answer

All of the given answers answer

They know the job as the manager may have had that role at some stage previously

They know what skills and qualifications are required to perform that particular job

They know what personality type is required to complete the work to the appropriate standard and fit in
with the team

Question 2 Your answer was INCORRECT

Which of the following is not a type of reference employers should ask to receive from potential employees
during the recruitment process?

Your answer

Recommendation from their landlord answer

Personal recommendations x

Documentary evidence supporting a resume

Written or verbal statements from a previous employer

Question 3 Your answer was CORRECT

In 2011 how many companies were using social media networks for recruitment?

Your answer

89% answer


One quarter


Question 4 Your answer was INCORRECT

What has NOT been identified as a factor why employees stay in their current job?

Your answer

Having friends at work answer

Job satisfaction

Job security

Career advancement possibilities x

Question 5 Your answer was INCORRECT

Which of the following personal details is NOT one that can be included in a job application form without the
existence of a genuine relevance to the position?

Your answer

Sex answer

Name and previous names

Education or qualifications held

Previous employers x

Question 6 Your answer was CORRECT

Which of the following should you avoid doing when conducting interviews?

Your answer

Talk too much answer

Encourage candidates to talk

Plan the interview and specific questions to ask candidates

Be clear about the next steps

Question 7 Your answer was CORRECT

Which of the following is generally NOT a sign that a candidate’s resume may be fraudulent?

Your answer

Different size text answer

Conflicting details

Gaps in dates

Providing excessive detail may be an attempt to draw attention away from key areas
Question 8 Your answer was CORRECT

What should NOT be included as a necessary piece of information when providing a written job offer?

Your answer

Staff benefits answer

The position and job title

Starting date

Wage or salary

Question 9 Your answer was CORRECT

Which of the following is NOT a direct cost to early staff turnover?

Your answer

Decline of employee morale answer

Initial job advertising expenditure

Loss of productivity

Cost of temporary replacement

Question 10 Your answer was CORRECT

What should organizations avoid doing in the process of attracting good employees?

Your answer

Use only one attraction technique for all positions answer

Find out what their potential employees want

Ensure that job advertising addresses what their potential employees want

Ensure that they intend on delivering their attraction promises to employees

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