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Vol-1 & 2

Assignments in

(Based on NCERT Textbook: BEEHIVE & MOMENTS and as per the latest CBSE Syllabus)


(Progressive Educational Publishers)

Full Marks Pvt Ltd

New Delhi-110002
MRP: ` 80.00
(Inclusive of all taxes)
Volume - 1 Volume - 2
♦ Type - I : Factual Passages Assignments – 1 to 12 .......... 3 – 6 Literature Reader — Beehive ....................................... 29 – 61
♦ Type - II : Discursive Passages Assignments – 1 to 12 .... 6 – 9 ♦ Prose ........................................................................... 29 – 51
1. The Fun They Had ......................................................... 29
SECTION - B: WRITING & GRAMMAR 2. The Sound of Music ...................................................... 31
[As per the 2018-19 CBSE Syllabus Newly included topic] 3. The Little Girl ................................................................ 33
♦ Descriptive paragraph (person/place/event) ............ 9 – 10 4. A Truly Beautiful Mind ................................................. 35
Part - I : Writing .............................................................. 9 – 25 5. The Snake and the Mirror .............................................. 37
♦ Integrated Exercise for Practice ................................. 11 – 16 6. My Childhood ............................................................... 39
• Composition-I ................................................................ 11 7. Packing .......................................................................... 41
A. Diary Entry .............................................................. 11 8. Reach for the Top .......................................................... 43
B. Article ..................................................................... 12 9. The Bond of Love ......................................................... 45
10. Kathmandu .................................................................... 47
• Composition-II............................................................... 14
11. If I Were You ................................................................. 49
Short Story ..................................................................... 14
♦ Poetry ......................................................................... 52 – 61
♦ Assignments – 1 to 12 ................................................. 16 – 25
1. The Road Not Taken ...................................................... 52
Part - II : Grammar ....................................................... 25 – 28 2. Wind .............................................................................. 53
♦ Integrated Exercise for Practice ................................. 25 – 27 3. Rain on the Roof ........................................................... 53
1. Cloze (Gap-Filling) ....................................................... 25 4. The Lake Isle of Innisfree ............................................. 54
2. Editing Task (Error-Correction) .................................... 25 5. A Legend of the Northland ............................................ 55
3. Editing Task (Omissions) .............................................. 26 6. No Men Are Foreign ..................................................... 56
4. Sentence Re-Ordering ................................................... 26 7. The Duck and the Kangaroo .......................................... 57
5. Sentence Transformation ............................................... 26 8. On Killing a Tree ........................................................... 58
♦ Assignments – 1 to 12 ................................................. 27 – 28 9. The Snake Trying .......................................................... 60
10. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal ...................................... 60
Supplementary Reader — Moments ............................ 62 – 77
1. The Lost Child ............................................................... 62
2. The Adventures of Toto ................................................. 63
3. Iswaran the Storyteller .................................................. 65
4. In the Kingdom of Fools ............................................... 66
5. The Happy Prince .......................................................... 68
6. Weathering the Storm in Ersama ................................... 69
7. The Last Leaf ................................................................ 71
8. A House Is Not a Home ................................................. 72
9. The Accidental Tourist................................................... 74
10. The Beggar .................................................................... 75
Unit Assignments ........................................................... 77 – 80
Unit Assignments – 1 ............................................................ 77
Unit Assignments – 2 ............................................................ 78
Unit Assignments – 3 ............................................................ 79
Unit Assignments – 4 ............................................................ 79

  Note: Please note this Teachers’ Handbook contains the Solutions for the Assignments/ Diagnostic Test/ Unit Assignments
given in the book Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature - 9 published by Full Circle Education Pvt Ltd.
  © All rights reserved with the Author.

Type - I : Factual Passages
ASSIGNMENT – 1 (vi) Due to economic reforms and liberalisation Indian
1.1 (i) Bats come out at night to find food. economy grew at an average rate of around 6%.
(ii) Many people used to think that bats had unusually (vii) The government is determined to improve the
keen eyesight and could see by light too faint for condition of rural India where the major portion
human eyes to detect. of our population lives.
(iii) Scientists have now discovered that a bat’s ability (viii) Proper infrastructure can attract Foreign Direct
to navigate depends not on its eyes, but on its ears Investment, which is required for economic
and vocal organs. growth.
(iv) He found that the bats flew through the maze (ix) Inequalities — disparities.
without touching the threads. When he plugged ASSIGNMENT – 3
their ears, they became entangled in the threads.
He felt that bats used their ears rather than their 1.1 (i) A good night’s sleep can help one in stress
eyes to find their way in the dark. management. When one does not get enough sleep,
(v) In 1920 a scientist suggested that the bats sent one becomes victim of more stress.
out signals that were beyond the range of human (ii) According to experts, deep sleep enables our
hearing. nervous system to function well. Without it,
(vi) The new electronic instrument showed that the we lose our ability to concentrate, remember or
bats were uttering high-pitched cries, and that they analyse.
were constantly squeaking as they flew through a (iii) Proteins are essential for cell growth and repair of
maze of wires that had been set up in the dark. damage caused due to stress. Thus, one is able to
(vii) When the scientists taped the bats’ mouth, they manage stress more effectively.
found that the animals blundered badly. (iv) Activity in the area of the brain that controls
(viii) Bats use echoes to locate things in the dark. emotions and social interactions lessens during
(ix) Found — detected. deep sleep. This helps people to be emotionally
and socially adept when awake.
ASSIGNMENT – 2 (v) The study in Canada revealed that students
1.1 (i) Agriculture sector is important in India because deprived of sleep after learning a complex logic
it sustains much of the rural population as well game showed a 30% learning deficit when tested
as industrial sector and service sector. We can’t a week later compared with students not deprived
imagine Indian economy without agriculture. of sleep.
(ii) Since 1991 the Indian economy has been growing at (vi) The common ailments found in insomniacs are
an average annual rate of around 6%, as compared chest pain, arthritis, depression, etc.
to 5.4% in the 1980s and 3.5% prior to that. This has (vii) Even temporary loss of sleep can affect our body’s
led to a growth in GDP and reduction in poverty. ability to break down carbohydrates, interfere with
(iii) According to the planning commission estimates, the function of various harmones and worsens the
the percentage of India’s population living below severity of diabetes and high blood pressure.
poverty line has declined substantially from 51.3 (viii) The author suggests the reader to sleep well to
per cent in 1977-78 to 26.1 per cent in 1999-2000. avoid problems caused by not getting good sleep.
(iv) The country needs large doses of infrastructure (ix) Sleeplessness — Insomnia.
additions such as roads and highways, power
plants and distribution of networks, airports and ASSIGNMENT – 4
ports in order to sustain rapid growth and attract 1.1 (i) The Christmas tree is an evergreen tree, usually
Foreign Direct Investments. a balsam or douglas fir decorated with lights and
(v) Indian economy is one of the fastest growing ornaments. These people treated the wreaths and
economies in the world. garlands of this tree as a symbol of eternal life.

(ii) The Christians decorate their houses and barns ASSIGNMENT – 6
with Christmas tree in the new year to scare away
1.1 (i) Safflower has inhibitory effects on hypertension
the devil and to set up a tree for the birds flying
and many other diseases. It is anticholesterolemic,
around this time.
purgative, diaphoretic, laxative, emmenagogue,
(iii) The modern Christmas tree originated in West sedative and stimulant. It is good for skin.
Germany. The religious feast of Adam and Eve is
(ii) It contains a higher percentage of essential
observed on 24th December.
unsaturated fatty acids and a lower percentage of
(iv) Christmas pyramid is a triangular construction of
saturated fatty acids than other edible vegetable
wood, with shelves to hold Christmas figurines,
seed oils. It lowers the cholesterol.
candles and a star. By the 16th century the
Christmas pyramid and the paradise tree had (iii) • It is used to treat rashes and mild inflammation
merged which gave the concept of modern of the skin.
Christmas tree. • It is known to reduce fever by boosting the
(v) The tree worship was common among the pagan immune system.
Europeans. They were converted to Christianity. (iv) It was used to treat measles before the vaccination
(vi) They were set up for birds in the new year. These was developed. It is a good supplement of
birds were flying around. pharmaceutical harmones, especially in case of
(vii) In the famous medieval play a fir tree was women having irregular menstrual cycles.
hung with apples. It was the paradise tree and (v) Lower cholesterol help reduce the risk of
symbolised the garden of Eden. cardiovascular diseases.
(viii) 24 December was celebrated as the religious feast (vi) Safflower reduces fever by boosting up the
day of Adam and Eve. This practice was popular immune system.
in Germany. (vii) Because it has a high quantity of linoleic acid
(ix) Drive away — scare away. which functions as a natural moisturising agent.
(viii) It is used in ‘Macassar’ hair oil and Bombay sweet
1.1 (i) The two activities of man which are closely (ix) Collected — accumulated.
associated with energy generation are — rapid
industrialisation and modernisation of technology ASSIGNMENT – 7
from field to factories. 1.1 (i) The Indus Valley civilisation was probably ousted
(ii) An increase in the average global temperature is by an invasion of Aryan people from the Iranian
known as global warming. plateau after about a thousand years.
(iii) Carbondioxide is the main greenhouse gas. The (ii) Aryan people built towns and cities along the
source of this gas is from fossil fuel combustion Ganges plains. They spread their culture and made
like coal, petroleum and natural gas. Sanskrit language popular.
(iv) Other greenhouse gases are methane (CH 2 ), (iii) Buddhism became popular in southern and eastern
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrous oxide Asia.
(N2O). (iv) • Chandragupta Maurya
(v) The sources of these gases are biomass • Ashoka
burning, fumes emitted from refrigeration and
Chandragupta Maurya established the Magadha
airconditioning plants, industrial fumes etc.
kingdom and expanded its boundaries. Under
(vi) The ever-rising temperature of the earth will
Ashoka, this empire reached its peak.
disturb its (earth’s) ecological balance, its normal
cyclic seasons, melting of polar ice caps and the (v) Hunnish invasions in the 5th century led to the
ultimate rise in sea level. downfall of the Gupta dynasty.
(vii) Melting of polar ice caps will be dangerous (vi) The powerful Sultanate of Delhi was established
for mankind because it will lead to widespread by a Turkish Sultan, named Mahmud.
flooding in coastal regions all over the world and (vii) The Sikh religion came into existence in the 14th
large part of world’s civilisation may disappear century.
beneath the sea. (viii) Babur laid the foundation of the Mughal empire.
(viii) Scientists are searching ways and means to fight His grandson Akbar extended it in northern India
this impending danger under the guidance of and in the Deccan.
ICSU. (ix) Attack — invasion.
(ix) Vanish — disappear.

4 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

ASSIGNMENT – 8 (iii) Lacto-vegetarians are those people who use dairy
1.1 (i) Clammy skin, fatigue, nausea, dizziness and products of the animal kingdom.
profuse sweating. (iv) The Western science of food considers food
(ii) The victim is laid down by raising the feet 8 to 12 as something to sustain only the human body,
inches. His body is covered with cool, wet clothes. whereas the Indian science considers food as
He is given sips of salt water. something that sustains not only the body but also
maintains purity of heart, mind and soul.
(iii) High body temperature; a rapid pulse; hot, dry
skin; and a blocked sweating mechanism. (v) Food which is injurious to the mind is not
considered fit for consumption.
(iv) The victim should be placed in a tub of cold water
(vi) Indian food science gives importance to food that
or repeatedly sponged with cool water until his/
increases the strength of body and its virility.
her temperature is sufficiently lowered.
(vii) Non-vegetarian foods lack taste of their own
(v) If a large amount of water and/or salt are lost by
because these foods have to be seasoned with
way of sweating, heat exhaustion occurs.
ingredients from the vegetable kingdom to make
(vi) Because it is an absolute life-threatening situation.
them tasty.
(vii) Body temperature may reach 106 º F or more than
(viii) It is an old saying which means it is the food that
makes the man. To lead a healthy life, we should be
(viii) After heat stroke when the victim is chilled, the particular to the food we eat, its quality, quantity,
temperature should not fall down below 102 º F. its timing and combination.
(ix) Wipe out — eliminate. (ix) Support — sustain.
1.1 (i) After the collapse of communism in the former 1.1 (i) The term ‘Bhoodan’ means ‘donate land’.
Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the cold war (ii) His mission in life was to improve the condition
ended and several new nations emerged in the of the landless peasants.
(iii) He appealed to them to donate one-sixth of their
(ii) There are now 15 republics in place of the Soviet land for the landless families of the farmers.
Union. Czechoslovakia has split into two and
(iv) In eighteen years he was able to collect 4-2 million
Germany has reunited.
acres as land gifted from 6,00,000 donors. This
(iii) In the Balkans and some of the former states of shows that his appeal had a tremendous response.
the Soviet Union age-old hostilities between ethnic
(v) Talks on the Gita is Vinoba Bhave’s best known
groups have re-emerged in the form of outright
work. It is a collection of discourses which he
civil war.
delivered to prisoners during his imprisonment in
(iv) The speed and degree of our exploitation of British jails.
global resources have increased dramatically and
(vi) He was the favourite disciple of M.K. Gandhi. At
threatened the very future of the planet.
the age of 10 years he decided to remain unmarried
(v) • The world is growing smaller. and serve the country.
• A truly global economy has been created. (vii) The Bhoodan movement opened the way for many
(vi) We gather superficial information on a daily basis. land reforms. Ceiling on land was imposed finally.
(vii) Despite having better forms of communications we (viii) It was started from Pochampalli, which is a village
fail to gain insight into and understand different in Andhra Pradesh.
customs, religions, languages and lifestyles of (ix) Pledged — vowed.
many nations of the world.
(viii) ‘Impacts of Modern Communication’. ASSIGNMENT – 12
(ix) Broke into parts — fragmented. 1.1 (i) Sewage is a watery mixture of all wastes that come
from various sources. It includes human wastes,
soapy and dirty water from sinks and bathrooms,
1.1 (i) Vegetarianism spreads across the world the food scraps and other garbage washed down the
message of universal love and non-violence. drains.
(ii) Leading a vegetarian lifestyle helps the animal (ii) Two ways of disposing the sewage are — (i) it
kingdom to coexist with man. The animals supply can be stored in underground septic tanks until it
milk, manure and energy. Such a lifestyle is gets soaked into the soil, and (ii) it can be dumped
natural, multifaceted and helps self-preservation into rivers and oceans. The second method is not
in a healthy way. a good option because it causes serious pollution.

Vol - 1 — Section - A: Reading 5

(iii) Under primary treatment level, the solid wastes (v) A single house generally produces hundreds of
are removed and allowed to sink to the bottom of gallons of sewage every day.
a large tank. The liquid sewage is drained off the (vi) Sewage is generally stored in underground safety
top. The solid sewage is then collected from the tanks. Gradually it is soaked by soil and then can
bottom and burnt. be dumped into rivers or oceans.
(iv) Under secondary treatment level, the harmful (vii) The liquid sewage is poured into rivers.
germs and the floating wastes are removed. The (viii) Chlorine kills germs and other micro-organisms
sewage is then mixed with those bacteria that present in water.
breakdown the wastes into harmless products. (ix) Deposit as rubbish — dump.

Type - II : Discursive Passages

ASSIGNMENT – 1 snake.
2.1 (i) Swami Vivekananda used to shed tears because (iii) The farmer was a greedy man. His greed took the
of the poor condition of his countrymen. While life of his son. He also lost his friendship with the
travelling to the cities of Europe he observed that snake.
even the poor people were well-educated there and (iv) One day the farmer went to a nearby city for
led a life of comfort. But here in his own country a a few days and told his son to place the milk
vast section of people were illiterate and they were bowl near the ant hill everyday. His son did the
bound to lead a very tough life. same everyday to find a gold coin the next day.
(ii) The Irish colonists were downtrodden, haggard- Eventually he became greedy. He thought that
looking, destitute of all possessions at home and the ant hill must be full of gold coins which
penniless. They were wooden-headed. Their only he could take by killing the serpent. The next
belongings included a stick and bundle of rags day he stabbed the snake with a club. The
hanging at the end of it. There was fright in their snake escaped and bit him. He was dead at
steps and alarm in their eyes. once.
(iii) Right from his birth Pat was told that he was born (v) Because the farmer regarded the snake as a deity.
slave and would remain so. When he landed in He also got a gold coin the next morning.
America, he was told that he was a man like them 2.2 (i) under the shadow of a tree
and he could do everything. (ii) gold (iii) sharp fangs
(iv) The keynote of Veda and Vedanta is the Shradha 2.3 (i) Toil (ii) Guarding
which emboldened Nachiketa to face Yama and (iii) Foolishness
question him. Self-knowledge is important as it
helps one to free oneself from the bondage of ASSIGNMENT – 3
worldly existence. 2.1 (i) Man is bestowed with the power of concentration.
(v) Education helps people gain freedom from the He can learn things and can keep them in his
bondage of worldly existence and bring prosperity mind for a longer period of time. But animals
in life. lack this power. They constantly forget what is
2.2 (i) hypnotised (ii) the shout going up told them.
(iii) remedy (ii) It means difference in power of concentration. A
2.3 (i) Inherent (ii) Gradually child’s face would be the most beautiful face in the
(iii) Spectacle world when everyone could concentrate his mind
on that same face.
ASSIGNMENT – 2 (iii) A child loves lively music because the rapidity of
2.1 (i) The farmer thought that it was the snake that the notes gives the mind no chance to wander. A
guarded his field. He was filled with regret for not man having great love for common music dislikes
paying respect to it. One day he left a bowl of milk classical music, because it is more complicated
near the ant hill in his field and went back to his and requires a greater degree of concentration to
house. The next morning he found that there was follow it.
a gold coin in the bowl. So the farmer regarded the (iv) The trouble with the concentration is that we
snake as a deity. do not control the mind, it controls us. When
(ii) One day the farmer’s son decided to take all the someone speaks to us well upon a subject we like,
gold coins hidden in the ant hill by killing the it becomes easy for our mind to concentrate upon

6 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

what that person is saying. care the rainfall and goes to watch the sunset
(v) The animals forget what is told to them. They aarti.
cannot concentrate their mind on anything. (iii) As soon as temple gong announces the start of
2.2 (i) concentration (ii) attracts the ritual, priests come down the steps of the ghat
(iii) controls bearing large-branched oil-lamps and stand with
2.3 (i) Degree (ii) Fastened their feet in the river. They wave their clusters
(iii) Trouble of lamps in a circular motion touching their base
to the stream. Then begins the chanting which
ASSIGNMENT – 4 resounds the whole atmosphere.
2.1 (i) In failures, people usually do not like to confess (iv) The author feels highly elated. The scene of the
their own faults and weaknesses. They try to ritual leaves hypnotizing effect on him. Although
hold themselves faultless and lay the blame upon he calls himself agnostic (atheist), very happily
somebody or something else, or even on bad he joins the people who raise the cry Bolo Bolo
luck. When heads of families fail, they should ask Ganga Mata Ki Jai. His enthusiasm lasts so long
themselves, why it is that some persons manage a the bells tinkle.
family so well and others do not. (v) The author has a liking for the ritual of sunset
(ii) A man’s personality plays an important role in worship. Besides, he has immersed the ashes of
his life. If he owns an impressive personality, his grandfather here.
he gets success everywhere. It is the personality 2.2 (i) unknown orphanages, gowshalas or for guru-ka-
of the man that is counted throughout his life. langar.
One may be known for one’s high thoughts, but
(ii) hailstrom (iii) agnostic
what makes one different from others is one’s
personality. 2.3 (i) Accost (ii) Cluster
(iii) The aim of education should be man-making in (iii) Reluctantly
the real sense of the term. It should make the man ASSIGNMENT – 6
grow naturally. It should sharpen his personality
and intellect. 2.1 (i) The common opinion is that happiness involves
(iv) The man who influences, who throws his magic, fun activities, good living and plenty of wealth.
as it were, upon his fellow-beings, has been called But in reality happiness has no association with fun
‘a dynamo of power’. When that man is ready, activities or wealth. These are superfluous things.
he can do anything and everything he likes; that Happiness is a stronger, deeper and more abiding
personality put upon anything will make it work. emotion.
Such a man influences his fellow-beings through (ii) Man’s ultimate goal should be attainment
his outstanding personality. of true happiness. But the way to attain this
(v) Men are made up of two-thirds of personality and happiness is not easy or smooth. It is, rather,
one-third of intellect. very tough and complicated. In such a situation
2.2 (i) faultless (ii) thoughts if one is determined to reach that goal, one
(iii) grow in their life should be hard working. Happiness earned
2.3 (i) Weaknesses (ii) Genuine through constant efforts gives real joy and it lasts
(iii) Dynamo life long.
(iii) The sources of true happiness involve some
ASSIGNMENT – 5 amount of pain. People usually avoid the very
2.1 (i) He sees there are a large number of beggars and endeavour that is the source of true happiness.
ash-smeared sadhus who are eager to receive Difficult endeavours such as raising of children,
dakshina from the pilgrims. He also comes establishing worthwhile in life are some of the
across innumerable well-dressed men carrying sources of true happiness.
receipt books who are impatient to come to the (iv) One who is engaged in some kind of work is
visitors and speak to them for donations for happy. ‘Work is worship’ is an old saying. Of
unknown orphanages, gowshalas or for guru- course, work holds the key to happiness as doing
ka-langar. Pandas are also seen busy in money- something which increases confidence and self-
making. worth. It brings a feeling of satisfaction, of doing
(ii) The author has come to Haridwar to watch the something, of contributing.
ritual of sunset worship. The sunset worship (v) Money cannot give job satisfaction. Actually it
is very interesting time. The author does not comes from the challenge of jobs.

Vol - 1 — Section - A: Reading 7

2.2 (i) experience (ii) great happiness cannot”, and with a look of perfect resignation and
(iii) to reach our goal peace he fell asleep and never again opened his eyes.
2.3 (i) Intangible (ii) Industrious (v) Vallery Radot was a great biographer the said that
(iii) Satisfaction Pasteur practised the Gospel virtues.
2.2 (i) his determination (ii) fathers
ASSIGNMENT – 7 (iii) injured children
2.1 (i) The author felt small and inadequate in Muscat 2.3 (i) Abandoned (ii) Ostentation
because he found the city more beautiful and (iii) Contemplate
lovable than Delhi, his home town. Fifteen
years ago, Muscat was a barren waste of stocky
mountains on which nothing grew. It was just like 2.1 (i) Tonga symbolised Delhi heritage. It also symbolised
a dusty waste land with extreme temperatures. tradition on the roads of the 21st century capital.
(ii) There came several changes in Muscat overtime. (ii) The Municipal Corporation decided to stop the
Today, the city has broad highways running along plying of tongas on the Delhi roads to ease traffic
its extensive coast and into the interior. Potable congestion.
water distilled from the sea irrigates lawns, date- (iii) The decision of the Delhi Municipal Corporation
made all the tongawallahs unemployed. The plight
palms and flowering bushes along the roads.
of these unemployed tongawallahs spurred Bhamini
Where there were no trees to be seen for miles are
Rautela-Pahwa and four friends to start a signature
avenues of casuarina and gulmohur.
campaign. She is critical of such a decision. She
(iii) The author was suprised to find the spotless says it is disrespect to a sacred thing. Tongas are
cleanliness everywhere in Muscat. He found no Delhi’s heritage and they should not be lost.
litter, no stains of paan spit anywhere. Besides, (iv) She suggests that the unemployed tongawallahs
the buildings were designed beautifully. The should be educated so that they act as tour-guides.
mosques, homes and stadia all looked elegant. The Organisations like Itihaas and students can be
author didn’t see a single ugly building in Muscat. helpful in this regard.
These things inspired him to suggest a slogan (v) In Mumbai, there are Victoria tongas that ply on
like that. Marine Drive and around the Gateway of India.
(iv) The Indian community manage most of the city’s They provide immense joy to the tourists. In
trade and commerce, run its schools and hospitals Kolkata too the Victoria tonga plies round and
and as labourers, raise new buildings, lay its about the Victoria Memorial. It reminds the tourists
roads and maintain its greenery. They have earned the days of the British Raj.
goodwill among Omanis. 2.2 (i) magic and liveliness
(v) The author visited Muscat. He found that the (ii) spectacular (iii) ancestral identity
Indians were doing everything for the country. 2.3 (i) Congestion (ii) Spectacular
2.2 (i) inadequate (ii) litter (iii) Thrilling
(iii) property ASSIGNMENT – 10
2.3 (i) Inadequate (ii) Litter
2.1 (i) Eating out leads to excessive calories, fat, sugar,
(iii) Contribution
salt and unhealthy lifestyle.
ASSIGNMENT – 8 (ii) According to the author, while eating out we
should prefer fish and chicken grill instead of the
2.1 (i) In his boyhood days Pasteur wanted to be a great
fried ones to avoid oil and fat. We should always
artist. But after his sixteenth year he stopped
try to avoid stomach upset.
wishing to be a great artist.
(iii) Because they do not cause trouble to the stomach
(ii) He viewed the fight against hydrophobia as a
and keep the body detoxified.
battle. The sight of injured children moved him
(iv) Vegetarians are suggested to have tandoori roti and
greatly. He felt that he himself was suffering with
mixed vegetable for dinner.
pain. And he decided to find its cure.
(v) When we are on tour, we should avoid flour-based
(iii) Pasteur used to say, “The more I contemplate the
food, fried foods and sugar in all forms.
mysteries of nature, the more my faith becomes like
2.2 (i) whole wheat grain
that of a peasant”. He would reiterate to his pupils
his life’s principles: “work, never cease to work”. (ii) healthy and light (iii) a good dish
2.3 (i) Frequently (ii) Awkward
(iv) On September 27, 1895, when someone leant over
his bed to offer him a cup of milk, he said sadly, “I (iii) Appreciate

8 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

2.1 (i) Man could fly, levitate, change his form at will. 2.1 (i) We have won our freedom with great struggle and
He could take on a new identity and make himself sacrifice after centuries of servitude to the foreign
invisible. He could also enter any place and slip rule. So, we can’t take this freedom for granted and
away unnoticed. we need to maintain and strengthen it.
(ii) Like the mythological era, the technological era (ii) The power of the youth can be mobilised to
also does not defy belief. Man was able to change strengthen our integrity and capacity to resist
his form at will and take on a new identify with aggression. They can help in safeguarding the twin
the help of social networking. He could also make ideals of secularism and democracy.
himself invisible during chat session. Besides, he (iii) Merely a desire of service is not enough. The desire
was enabled by hacking to enter any place and slip of serving the nation must be backed by the ability
away unnoticed. to do so effectively.
(iii) In the technological era man had devised magical (iv) We can defend our democracy from predatory
mantras that could open locked doors. With the aggressors by being physically strong. Only being
help of google, he could search and locate things with the muscles of iron and the nerves of steel we
in a second. can defend our nation.
(iv) In the illogical era the past was a myth. Everything (v) According to the author, our youths require a
related to the past was illogical. heavy burst of idealism and energy. They have to
(v) They gave human beings power. With the help of safeguard the nation and the ideals of democracy.
this power they could see things at far off distances. 2.2 (i) to strength
2.2 (i) the evolution of men (ii) secularism and democracy
(ii) invisible (iii) Skype (iii) the routine of adult life
2.3 (i) Progression (ii) Locate 2.3 (i) Huge (ii) Desire
(iii) Allowed (iii) Dimensions


Part - I : Writing
[As per the 2018-19 CBSE Syllabus Newly included topic] no separate building. Only a bed-room will serve
the purpose. The teachers will not be living human
beings. There will be no printed books. They will
Under this head you may be asked to recount an event/ become irrelevant. TV screens will have millions
incident that you have experienced. It is a first person books on it. The mechanical teacher will have a slot
account of the event or incident. where homework and test papers will be put. Only
Format : Heading the punch-code language will be used. All students
Writer’s name and class will not learn the same thing. Hence, they will not
Language : Should be semi-formal. Try to be simple but be able to help each other.. The mechanical teacher
attractive and appealing. Avoid displaying will be adjusted according to the mental level of each
your linguistic ability student. Without grand buildings and human teachers
Hints : • factual information about incident/ the so called ‘schools’ in future will lose the fun and
experience • date, time, venue of the incident/ romance of the good old schools.
experience • sequence of actions/incidents 2.
Taking the information given below in the input,
• reaction to the incident develop it into a paragraph (100-150 words). You
1. Taking the information given below in the input, can invent your own details.
develop it into a paragraph (100-150 words). You
can invent your own details. Hints: Einstein—migrated to USA in 1933—Nazi
in Germany—could make atom bomb—letter to
Hints: story ‘The Fun They Had’—year 2157—no Roosevelt—warning of destruction-atom-bomb dropped
separate buildings—no human teacher—no printed on Japanese cities —Einstein deeply shaken—advocated
books—e-books—TV screen—mechanical teacher—slot a world government—against war—campaigned for
to put homework— no fun & romance of old schools— peace and democracy—a great scientist—a visionary
not same leanings.
A Einstein Great Visionary-a World Citizen
A Future Schools
Einstein had to leave Germany. The Nazis came to
The story ‘The Fun They Had’ deals with the ‘schools’
power. He migrated to the limited States of America
that will function in the year 2157. They will have

Vol - 1 — Section - B: Writing & Grammar 9

in 1933. Discovery of nuclear fission is Berlin shook into mirror—admiring own beauty—crept on to the
the World. The Nazis could develop an atom-bomb table—snake unwound and slithered out of doctor’s
that could cause utter loss of human lives and property. lap—doctor, a man of flesh and blood again.
The USA developed the atomic bomb and dropped it
Ans. The Snake & the Mirror
one Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Einstein was
The doctor heard a dull thud. He felt as if a rubber
deeply shaken by the extent of destruction caused by
tube had fallen on to the ground. No sooner did he
the bomb. He campaigned for peace and democracy.
turn than he had the greatest shock of his life. A fat
He hated war and arms build-up. He advocated for the
snake wriggled over the back of the chair. It landed
formation of a world government. He was not only
a scientific genius but a great visionary. This world on his shoulder. He didn’t jump. He didn’t tremble.
citizen breathed his last in 1955. He did not cry either. There was no time to do any
Taking the information given below in the input, such thing. The snake coiled round his left arm. Its
develop it into a paragraph (100-150 words). You head was spread out. It was three or four inches away
can invent your own details. from his face. The doctor remembered God and felt
His presence. He felt some pain in his left arm. It was
Hints: Bismillah learnt from uncle Ali Bux—Vishnu drained of all strength. The snake turned and looked
temple of Benaras—Balaji and Mangla Maiya into the mirror and saw its reflection. Perhaps it was
temples on Ganga—favourite places for Bismillah— admiring its beauty. The snake unwound itself from
selected for All India Radio (1938)—honour of the doctor’s arm. It crept on to the table and again
playing shehnai on 15th August 1947—‘Gung Uthi moved towards the mirror. Perhaps it wanted to enjoy
Shehnai’ film—songs famous—performed in USA, his reflection at close quarters. Then a dull thud again
Canada etc.—Fond of Benaras—Symbol of India’s and the snake disappeared at once the way it had
composite culture—Awarded Bharat Ratna in 2001.
appeared. The doctor was a man of flesh and blood
Ans. Bismillah Khan again.
Bismillah Khan was the greatest shehnai player India 5. Taking the information given below in the input,
has ever produced. He was fascinated by the ‘shehnai’ develop it into a paragraph (100-150 words). You
playing of his uncle at the Vishnu temple in Benaras. can invent your own details.
He became his disciple. Balaji temple at the bank of
the holy Ganga was his favourite place. He played Hints: Months rolled on — Bruno — the bear cub
shehnai there. Mangla Maiya temple also attracted grown in size — fed well on porridge, meat, rice,
him. In 1938, he was selected for the All India Radio, sweets — like Alsatians — sweet, mischievous —
Lucknow. He was the most popular shehnai player on playful—loved Kenneth’s wife — she loved him
radio. When India got independence on 15th of August too — obeyed commands — chained because of
1947, Bismillah Khan became the first Indian to greet tenants’ children — getting too big — sent to a zoo
the nation with his shehnai. Famous film directer Vijay — missed — Kenneth’s wife inconsolable — wept
Bhat was so much impressed by him that he named and fretted.
a film ‘Gunj Uthi Shehnai’. The song ‘Dil ka khilona Ans. Antics of Bruno
hai toot gaya’ became a nationwide superhit. Bismillah Bruno was like a spoiled child. He was well taken care
Khan was recognised and honoured by many of. He was fed on porridge, vegetables, fruits, nuts,
countries. He gave his performances in the USA, sweet and meat. Months rolled on. The bear cub had
UK and at various places. He was totally devoted to grown many times. He was equal to the Alsatians in
Benaras and the river Ganga. He missed them when height and even outgrown them. Kenneth’s wife loved
he was abroad. Bismillah Khan was a symbol of rich Bruno and he was devoted to her. She had changed
and composite culture of India. He was awarded the his name from Bruno to Baba. He could do a lot of
highest civilian award the ‘Bharat Ratna’ in 2001. tricks too. At the command, ‘ Baba wrestle’, or ‘ Baba
4. Taking the information given below in the input, box’, he would tackle anyone who came forward for a
develop it into a paragraph (100-150 words). You rough and tumble. Say ‘Baba hold gun’ and he would
can invent your own details. point a stick at you. Ask him ‘Baba, where’s baby?
He would cradle affectionately a stump of wood. But
Hints: The doctor—heard a dull thud—a fat poor Bruno or Baba was kept to be chained most of
snake—wriggled over—landed on his shoulder— the time because of the safety of the tenants’ children.
didn’t jump, cry or tremble—snake coiled around He was getting too big to be kept at home. At last, was
left arm—sat holding breath—remembered God, packed off to a zoo in Mysore. Kenneth’s wife was
his presence—pain in left arm—drained of all in consolable. She wept and fretted. For the first few
strength—death lurked inches away—snake looked days she would not eat anything.

10 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

INTEGRATED EXERCISE FOR PRACTICE nearer and asked the mob to take the old man to nearby
hospital. Two young gentlemen helped me and we took
COMPOSITION-I him to the nearest clinic. In the meantime the police
A. Diary Entry patrol van reached there and took the car and the driver
in its control. The boy who was driving the car had no
1. Monday, 10th December, 20×× driving license. The police called his father, obviously
10:30 p.m. an influential personality. The father seemed to be not

Today I was really shocked to know that our maid’s repentant for this. I was shocked to see how people
three daughters don’t go to school but her only son is have lost their conscience and promote such crimes.
a student of class 4. The daughters also work as maids
in households in our colony. Today one of them came
to my house in place of her mother as her mother was 4. Saturday, 25th December, 20××
9:30 p.m.
sick. When I asked her if she goes to school, she very
innocently replied, “I don’t go, but my brother goes Today I am very happy that I have got a new friend. He
to school”. She had no complaint for it as it was her is one of the best and talented students of school. He is
destiny to work like maid and her brother is destined very humble and everyone appreciates his behaviour
to go to school and be educated. This is the way our and submissive nature. He is cooperative. He is always
society lives and work. It is a patriarchial set up. ready to support weak students. Not only in study but
Nobody wants to promote girls, allow them to move also in extra curricular activities, he takes part actively.
freely. Even in this age we nurture this view. It is not He is champion in speech, debate, drama and in games
at all a good sign for society. We must change it and and sports. All teachers praise him. Today, he helped
promote female education to make a perfect society. me in preparing a project. I was puzzled as it was
Females can do wonders if given opportunity. not of my interest. But he made me feel very easy in
understanding it. He is helpful to all. The great thing

Sanjana about him is his submissive and open nature. I feel
2. Sunday, 20th December, 20×× proud to be his friend.
10:00 p.m. Swati
I am a winner today. It is a very successful day for 5. Sunday, 9th January, 20××
me and I feel great. I could convince my parents who 9:00 p.m.
had been against the wish of my younger brother who
It was a very tough day for me. My father became very
wanted to join hockey. My parents were not ready to
serious due to chikungunya. I took him to a hospital,
allow him because they thought, it is a risky game.
but the doctor refused to admit him saying that there
My brother was very much inclined to join it as he
was no bed. I tried in some other hospitals but none of
thought it very exciting. Whereas our parents thought
them accepted to admit him for the same reason. They
it outdated and dangerous. But I told my father that one
all advised to keep him at home and not to worry. But
should always be given opportunity to choose one’s
his condition was deteriorating. Finally, I contacted one
career according to one’s interest and motivation. My
of my friends whose father is the local MLA. He asked
father wanted that my brother should take a government
one of the hospitals where I had already visited to get
job or run his own business. We argued everything and
my father admitted. To my surprise, the hospital not
finally my parents were convinced. They allowed my
only admitted him but also provided him quick service.
younger brother to go for what he likes. Hurrah!
I really pity on the state of such affairs and think what
Bhargavi a common man can do where such a system prevails.
3. Wednesday, 26th November, 20×× Rehan
10:00 p.m.
6. Thursday, 10th November, 20××
Today I had been to market at about 11 a.m. It was 8:00 p.m.
the busiest hour. People were rushing for office.
Today, I took part in a cleanliness drive organised by
Shopkeepers were in hurry to open their shops. Traffic
the Lion’s Club. We were a team of 10 students from
was heavy on road. Suddenly I was alarmed at a loud
our school. We were taken to a nearby market area.
screeching sound. I saw a speeding car stopped just
We cleaned the roads, streets and spread the message
at a few meters away from me. It had hit an old man
of cleanliness. We educated the shopkeepers how they
who was crossing the road. The driver was a teenager
should store the garbage so that the garbage pickers
of about 18. He lost balance and got nervous. As it
can segregate the biodegradable and non-biodegradable
was rush, he couldn’t escape. The old man was badly
garbage. Most of the people don’t know it. Our
injured and his head was profusely bleeding. I came
efforts were well appreciated by the people. The way

Vol - 1 — Section - B: Writing & Grammar 11

we convinced them was also praised. Awareness to 10. Sunday, 9th November, 20××
cleanliness is more important than cleaning an area. 09:00 p.m.
Cleanliness should be made a habit of our life. Today the whole school was mystified to see the

Aryan generosity of Robin. Robin who has a very bad
reputation in school appeared to be a very generous
7. Monday, 28th November, 20××
9:00 p.m. one. Today, one of the maids working in school told
that her husband has been diagnosed of bone TB and
Today Yuva Cricket Club organised a tournament in
she has no money for his treatment. Robin was also
the Subhash Park Stadium. It was a 20-20 cricket
there and without any second thought he offered
match. Eight teams from different cities were invited.
to provide all his support to her. He immediately
Some of the teams were very good and demonstrated
very high quality game. The team from Rampur and took details of the hospital and reached there. He
the team from Azimabad came in the final. Suhail was deposited the required amount there and instructed
the captain of Rampur team and Rana was the captain the hospital to inform him if anything more was
of Azimabad team. Suhail’s team performed well, needed. It was all his savings from pocket money.
specially the captain himself played well, and scored Nobody had ever thought of such a missionary
190 for 2 whereas Azimabad team scored 188 for 4. attitude of Robin. This act of Robin changed the
Azimabad team also performed well. Rampur team entire misconception about him in school. Even his
was the winner. The Cup was given by the Minister of parents felt proud of this step. They too promised to
Sports and Culture. bear all expenses of hospital.

8. Wednesday, 10th December, 20×× B. Article
8:30 p.m.
1. Value of Games
Red Cross Society organised a free health check — Xyz
up camp in association with Samarpan, an NGO
Games are as important as education. They make mind
of our locality. Some eminent doctors of different and body sound. It is often said that a healthy mind lives
branches like medicine, dental, dietician, nutrition, in a healthy body. Creativity and productivity can be
ophthalmology and ENT participated in it. Hundreds enhanced by making the students healthy. The students
of local people came for check up. Basic check up can actively take part in all the activities if they have
was done and tips for good health were taught to no ailment. It is possible only when they play regularly.
them. Some of the visitors were advised to visit the Physical fitness makes the human beings active,
hospital. People felt that they need such camps from energetic, enthusiastic and decisive. They become
time to time. Volunteers were rewarded by the district alert and accomplish all assignments. Those who are
administration. unhealthy cannot enjoy life. ‘All work and no play

Rupesh makes Jack a dull boy’ is a popular saying. Team games
9. Saturday, 15th July, 20×× give us lessons in coordination. Sportspersons become
09:30 p.m. disciplined and supportive. A sportsman easily adjusts
himself even in trying circumstances. Victory and defeat
Today, it was an exciting day for me. I came back must not be given importance. What is important is team
to Delhi. I had accompanied my parents in a trip work and persistent efforts to grow. Games have our life
to Mumbai. My elder brother is posted there. He skills. They are necessary for all round development.
doesn’t get time to visit us. So we decided to go They develop team spirit. It is unfortunate that most of
there. We went by train but returned in a flight. It the parents do not allow children to play. They force
was my first flight trip. I was mesmerised to see them to study round the clock. Such parents should
the airport. After getting entry inside the airport, change their mind-set and encourage children to devote
we reached the check-in counter of the Jet Airways some time in playing some type of games.
flight services. We got the boarding pass and left
our baggage to be carried by the airlines. Then we 2. Air Pollution
came to the gate designated for our flight. I was — Xyz
very excited as I got the window seat. It was like The major problems of environment are recognised as
flying in sky. Sea view was fantastic. On the way, we global climatic change, ozone depletion, water pollution,
were provided food. It took around 2 hours to reach air pollution, deforestation and resource degradation.
Delhi. About 23 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide is released in
the air by burning fossil fuels. This has aggravated the


12 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

problem of air pollution. Air borne particulate materials prosper. The youth of the country should fight for equal
contain both solid and liquid particles such as dust, rights. They should work for empowering the masses.
sprays, mist and smoke. Smoke is emitted by chemical Their active involvement in social issues will make
and paper factories, brick kilns, refineries and smelting them responsible citizens of the country. There is also
plants. Toxic gas leaks can be very hazardous with long- a need of equal participation of women in all fields.
term effects. Vehicular sources also pollute air to a great 5. Saving Our Earth is the
extent. We must not forget that air pollution adversely Crucial Challenge for Us
affects human health, animals, plants, buildings and the — Xyz
atmosphere as a whole.
Our country is progressing fast. We can see growth

Air pollution can be minimised by adopting some
in almost all fields. Fast urbanisation gives way
preventive methods. Use of public transport should to industrialisation. But at the same time growing
be encouraged. Smoke can be reduced by using oil or population at an alarming rate has also increased our
gas instead of coal in factories. The industries are to needs and requirements. To meet these needs and
comply with such emission and effluent standards as requirements we exploit our natural resources. This has
may be notified in a time-bound manner. posed problems such as deforestation, environmental
3. Trees are Good Friends of Humanity degradation, depletion of ozone layer, global warming,
— Xyz etc. In such a situation saving our earth is the crucial
Trees are essential for life. They play a major role in challenge for all of us. It is high time to be alert. We
enhancing the quality of environment. The more are the should not be greedy and selfish. We must use natural
trees, the more healthy environment we will get. Hence, resources judiciously for the sake of our earth. We
afforestation is essential to keep our environment fresh should believe in sustainable development and think
and lively. Lack of trees makes the air impure. It is about the younger generation. Measures like population
unfortunate that we never pay serious attention to the control, afforestation, rainwater harvesting, pollution
need of afforestation. We cut trees recklessly for our control will help us save our earth.
selfish purposes. We have become so selfish that we 6. Our Country Needs to
always think about our immediate benefits but never Check Poaching of Wild Animals
think about our coming generation. It is high time — Xyz
to check the felling of trees. There is need to spread The forest is the home for wildlife. It is an integral
awareness among people. We should plant more and part of the ecosystem. But human beings influence this
more trees for the sake of our own life. Deforestation ecosystem through their selfish acts. They utilise the
will endanger the very existence of mankind. We should vegetation and wildlife. The greed of human beings
not forget that trees are more than friends. They give us
leads to over utilisation of these resources. They cut
numerous things and support us like good friends. We
trees and kill the animals which results in ecological
can’t imagine our life sans trees. Hence, we too should
imbalance. Every species has a role to play in the
adopt friendly attitude towards trees and increase their
ecosystem. But our greed and selfishness have crossed
number by planting more and more trees.
all the limits. There are several species which are
4. The Role of Youth in Realising the Dreams of endangered and some have become extinct. The main
Dr. A.P.J Kalam causes are hunting by greedy hunters for commercial
— Xyz purposes. Rare species are being killed fast. It is high
Dr. Abdul Kalam’s speech on “Youth Dynamics and the time to take action. Our government should check
Nation” underscores the role of the youth in shaping poaching of wild animals. This will help in maintaining
the destiny of a country. He presents his vision of an balance in the ecosystem.
empowered, self-sufficient India that shines in its full 7. Self-Awareness
glory. The path to this glorious future can be paved by — Xyz
the youth of the nation. Dr. Kalam emphasised that
Self-awareness is important for self development.
qualities like knowledge, creativity, righteousness and
The more we know about ourselves, the more we will
courage help us retain our integrity. So, we should
prosper in life. Knowing our strengths and weaknesses
pursue these qualities to realise the dream of Dr.
will help us in a number of ways. If we are aware of
Kalam. Young minds hold abundant possibilities and
our strengths, we can easily assess our capacity to do
potentials. We need to unlock it with knowledge and
something and with or without the support from others.
creativity. But our means to achieve this must be honest
It gives us a sense of well being and we are able to
and just. Our righteousness and courage will pave our
learn new skills and develop assets, thereby developing
way to bear all the responsibilities. The more we will
our confidence. Slowly and steadily we become able
be responsible and dutiful, the more the country will

Vol - 1 — Section - B: Writing & Grammar 13

to accept challenges of life boldly. Not only this, we diverse background it will inculcate scientific approach in
also become able to help others in their difficulties by their thought. Their working style of any problem will be
boosting up their morale. If it is important to know a little bit different from other people. But nowadays there
our strengths, it is equally important to know our is a steep decline in reading habits among children. One
weaknesses. It helps us in accepting our limitations and of the major causes of this sort of decline is television.
developing a willingness to take help when offered and They devote their precious time on television and they
enabling us to overcome our deficits. In this way, we watch the programme which is of no use in their life. It
can be able to develop our skills and qualities. just affects their impressionable and imaginative mind.
One must realise one’s potential. It helps one to tackle So the children must be inspired towards reading. If it is
tough phases of life in a more amicable way. One developed properly their future will be bright.
should be fully aware of one’s likes, dislikes, feelings, COMPOSITION-II
emotions, choices, values and attitude towards life.
• Short Story
8. Computers are a Boon for Children
— Xyz 1. Rohit Falls Down While Flying Kite
We are living in the age of technology. Everything has Rohit is fond of flying kites. One day while he was
been changed in a new perspective. Everything has been standing on one of the roof of his house and flying a
transformed due to the advancement of technology and kite, his legs slipped and he fell down. It was his luck
development of science. Computer is one such invention that he was stuck in a small tree which was adjacent to
that has completely transformed our living. Our life now his house. He began crying. Some of his neighbours
has become a slave of computer. Computer responds gathered there. His elder brother climbed on the tree
and helped him come down. Rohit had got some
to our need very fast. Computer can manage anything
injuries over some part of his body. He had also got
anytime. Children can learn a lot in just a click. They can
some cuts which were bleeding. He was taken to the
search any solution using internet. They can get broader
hospital. The doctor dressed up his cuts and he was
knowledge through it. Any difficult mathematical
asked to remain in the hospital for two days. Rohit’s
problem, scientific queries, astronomical questions can
father was very angry. He asked Rohit to promise not
be solved without any strain. Computer has become the
to fly kites so negligently in future. Rohit was ashamed
most important need in their life. Hence, we can’t deny
as he did not obey his parents who repeatedly warned
the fact that computer is a boon to children and also to
him against flying kites carelessly.
the new age human being.
2. Rohit Drives Rash
9. The Mounting Pressure on Students
— Xyz Early in the morning, there was a call from my uncle.
My father became upset as my uncle has informed him
Our education system has become a complete mess. Every
that my cousin Rohit has met with an accident. My
day, there is a new experiment. Surveys are conducted,
father wanted to go to the hospital where Rohit was
policies are mend and then amended too. Students are
admitted. I also accompanied him. When we reached
compelled to study a lot of subjects under different
there we found uncle, aunty and my another cousin
schemes. There are different modes of evaluation. A
were standing outside the emergency ward. My uncle
few years back a new CCE scheme was introduced. The
told my father that Rohit was coming back from his
periodic tests in the form of Summative Assessment and
college on his bike at high speed. Suddenly on a turning
Formative Assessment were put in practice. Students as
point a car hit him from behind. His bike dashed with
well as the teachers got confused. As a result, in place
the divider and he fell down. He was badly injured and
of putting no burden on students a lot of burden was put
the bike was also damaged. People gathered there and
over them. Expectation of parents and teachers is always
one of them took Rohit to hospital. They also informed
high. So students suffer under pressure. If they fail to
the police and a case was registered against the car
do better, they attempt suicide too. It is all due to the
driver. However, the situation was out of danger.
pressure. It must be checked and a uniform fool proof
education system must be enacted. Otherwise it will spoil 3. Late for Final Exam
the children’s future instead of giving them new life. It was the day of my math’s final exam. I was very upset
as I was a bit late. I missed the school bus. It added to
10. Way to Promote Reading
my worries as it was raining too. It was very difficult for
— Nirmal
me to reach school. But anyhow I had to go to school.
Reading habit is not inborn. But it is developed among I came back home and requested my elder brother to
children simultaneously as they grow. This habit must drop me to school. But he didn’t know how to drive
be maintained because it develops their thought and a car and to go on bike was not possible. Finally he
approach towards life. If they go through various topics of suggested me to get a taxi. I tried to book a taxi through

14 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

my mobile App but I found there was no taxi available. mother had stroke. However she was taken to the
In the meantime one of my brother’s friend came to hospital in the ambulance. We all went there. She was
meet him. I requested him to drop me. He helped me admitted in the ICU and the doctors advised us not to
reach the school on time. I got entry and took my math disturb her. It all happened so quickly that I couldn’t
exam. I was a little bit nervous but I could do fairly. understand and my journey was halted. We don’t know
4. Outcome of Rash Driving what will happen.
One day while I was returning from the school, I 7. Don’t Yield to Your Greed
saw a huge crowd on the middle of the road. I rushed One day a little fish saw a fly floating under water.
towards the crowd and shocked to see a major road His mouth watered out of greed. He couldn’t resist his
accident that had taken place between a truck and a temptation and decided to go for the fly. But his mother
van. The van was fully packed and some passengers warned him not to go. She said, “It is only a bait to
were standing. In spite of that it was plying at a very hide a hook. So, my dear child, don’t go after it.” The
high speed. All of a sudden a truck came from the little fish was curious to know whether his mother was
other side and within seconds it collided with the right. Hence, he went near the fly disobeying her. He
speeding van. There occurred a great hue and cry. played round about the fly looking at it with watered
The drivers of both the vehicles ran away for fear of mouth. Suddenly he gave a little pluck at the fly just to
public wrath. Some passengers had bleeding injuries. prove that there was no hook there. As it was destined,
The two of them were unfortunate who died before the hook stuck through his gill. Now, the little fish was
getting medical help. All the injured passengers were helpless. The more he tried to get free, the more did the
immediately taken to a nearby hospital. It was really a hook go through his gill. Ultimately he died struggling
bad day. I had never seen such an accident. It haunted hard to save his life. If he had obeyed his mother, he
me for a long time. would not have lost his life. He was punished for
5. My House is Burgled disobeying his mother.
When I entered my house, I saw the household items 8. A Lover Donated His Eyes to His Beloved
scattered on the floor. I was sure that my house has been There was a blind girl who hated herself just because
burgled. I immediately informed the police and they she was blind. She hated everyone except her loving
reached there. They started investigation. They made boyfriend. The boy also loved her and was always there
a list of missing items. They took photographs of the by her side. One day the blind girl said if she could only
objects and other state of the room. They also took the see the world, she would marry her boyfriend. Days
fingerprints on the door-handles, windows, tables, etc. passed on as usual. One fine day, someone donated her
They also asked for the CCTV footage. It was through a pair of eyes. She was extremely happy. Now she could
the CCTV footage they could notice some suspicious see everything including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend
persons. Next day they released the photos of those asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you
suspicious persons. Three days later I was informed marry me?”.
that the burglars were arrested and were put behind The girl was shocked when she saw her boyfriend
the bars. Some of my missing objects were recovered was blind too. She refused to marry him. The boy got
but not all. The police were prompt enough to do their disheartened and walked away in tears. Later he wrote
duty. a letter to her advising her to take care of his eyes.
6. My Friend’s Mother Had Stroke 9. The Emperor’s Flowerpot
I was sitting at the window seat in the train and talking A Japanese Emperor possessed a set of twenty
to my friend and said him something which I couldn’t flowerpots. Since it was a rare collection of its kind,
hear. My friend appeared to be restless. I couldn’t he felt proud of it.
understand what had happened. I asked my friend One day it so happened that one of his courtiers broke
the reason. But without answering he followed that a flowerpot by mistake. The Emperor lost his temper
strange man. I was not known to that man. I suspected and instantly passed death sentence to him. An old man
something wrong. Though my train was just to start, I came to know about it. He thought to do something to
couldn’t restrain myself getting down fast and followed save the ill-fated courtier. He went to the Emperor’s
my friend. By that time my friend along with that court and saw that the courtier was about to be put
strange man had gone out of the gate. I saw them sitting to death. Very cordially he said to the Emperor, “I
in the car and going out. I also took a taxi and followed know that art of repairing a broken flowerpot. Once I
them. I reached my friend’s house. I saw my friend was have repaired it, it will appear to be original. So, first
already there and an ambulance was standing outside. you see my art and then put the man to death”. The
After coming out I came to know that my friend’s Emperor agreed and told the old man to show his art

Vol - 1 — Section - B: Writing & Grammar 15

without a moment’s delay. He also promised to pay him shop. The tailor soon understood why the elephant had
handsome amount. behaved so rudely. But it was too late.

What happened the next moment was really shocking. 13. The Stag is Proud of his Beautiful Horns
Instead of repairing, the old man broke all the nineteen It was a hot summer day. A stag went to a pool to drink
flowerpots with his stick. The Emperor’s anger reached water. While drinking, his eyes fell on his reflection
its peak. He cried out, “You old man, what have you in the water. He felt proud to have beautiful horns.
done?” The old man boldly replied, “Each of these Soon afterwards he looked at his legs which appeared
flowerpots would have taken one human life. So, I so ugly. He felt gloomy and disheartened. “My horns
broke them all in one go. Now you can give death are so beautiful but why are my legs so ugly?” the
sentence to only one man, and that is me”. stag said to himself. “I wish my legs were as beautiful

The Emperor was pleased to hear the old man. He as my horns!” again he said to himself. Suddenly the
forgave him as well as the courtier. stag heard the bark of the hounds. Seeing his life in
10. Smith: A Good Natured Boy danger he ran fast. But all of a sudden his beautiful
Smith was a good-natured boy of fifteen. He was kind horns got stuck in the bushes. He tried his best to get
to all and always helped the needy. His good behaviour his horns free but couldn’t do so. His ugly legs were
and helping attitude won the heart of all. Everyone who ready to help him but his beautiful horns became the
know him appreciated him whole-heartedly. One day it cause of his death. The stag could do nothing except
so happened that he fell into a river and was about to be standing helplessly at the same spot. As it was destined
drowned as no one was there to save him. He felt quite the hounds reached there soon and pounced upon him.
helpless. He was trying his best but all in vain; only a They killed him and devoured him in no time.
miracle could save him. And that miracle happened by 14. The Selfish Dog and the Ox
the grace of God. Suddenly weather changed and strong A dog was sleeping in a manger filled with hay.
winds began to blow. As a result of which a strong Suddenly he was awakened when an ox started braying.
wave emerged that pushed Smith to the side of the The ox was tired and hungry from working in the filed.
river. Smith took some time to regain consciousness. But the dog would not let the ox get near the manger
He thanked God from the core of his heart. and snarled and snapped as if it were filled with the
11. A Dove and A Bee best of meat and bones, all for himself.
It was a hot summer day. A bee felt thirsty. It flew to a The ox got terrified. Soon a farmer came in. He noticed
stream to drink water. By chance it fell into the stream. the dog’s activities. He decided to teach the dog a
Since the current was very strong, the bee was washed lesson. He seized a stick and drove him out of the stable
away. It was quite helpless to save itself. with many a blow for his selfish behaviour.
Sitting on the branch of a tree a dove was watching all 15. Reckless Driving
this. She was very kind and so she decided to save the Today I visited a place in the Civil Lines area where
life of the little bee. She plucked a leaf and dropped it an accident took place last night on Friday. During the
near the bee. The bee mounted on it. Soon its wings last 24 hours, 3 persons have been killed in different
dried and it flew away. A few days later a hunter came road accidents in Delhi. One of them was a 43-year
there. He targeted the dove. Luckily the bee saw it. It old person who was crushed down by an unknown
came to dove’s help. It flew to the hunter. It stung him vehicle. He died instantly on the spot. In another
on his hand. The hunter lost concentration and failed accident, a Darjeeling based young man was hit badly
to shoot the dove. In between the dove flew away. She by a speeding Scorpio. He had come to Delhi in search
thanked the bee for the help of job. It was very pathetic to see these spots. Reckless
12. The Elephant and The Tailor driving has become a general trend in Delhi. Many of
A king had an elephant. He was daily taken to a canal for the motorists and bikers don’t follow the traffic rules
a bath. There was a tailor’s shop on the way. The tailor and speed limits. Despite many efforts of the traffic
was a gentleman. The elephant stopped at his shop and police, accidents occur frequently. There is a need to
the tailor gave him something to eat. This continued enforce stricter rules.
for a long time. One day the tailor had a quarrel with
one of his customers. So he was in a bad mood. The ASSIGNMENT – 1
elephant arrived there as usual and put in his trunk to 1. Monday, 10th July, 20××
take something. The tailor pricked his trunk with a sharp 10:00 pm
needle. The elephant felt pain. He withdrew his trunk Today morning my friend Ramesh called me and
and went away. The elephant filled his trunk with muddy informed that there was a burglary in his house the
water. On his way back he threw it into the tailor’s previous night. I immediately rushed to him. There I

16 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

found everything was scattered. Ramesh had informed The child was badly injured and so was taken to the
the police and so the police had arrived with a search hospital immediately. The biker’s father also reached
team. Ramesh told the police that the burglars entered the spot and was very demoralised for allowing his son
the house at about midnight. They had entered the to drive at this age. However, he agreed to bear the cost
house by cutting the window pane of the back door. of treatment of the injured child. Parents should be alert
They frantically searched the entire house. They also not to allow young children to drive.
broke the lock of the almirah case and took away Or
cash and valuables. The burglars had overpowered
the family members. They were armed with guns. Raju Disobeys his Parents
So, nobody could catch them. Police made the list of Raju is an 8-year-old child of my neighbourhood. He
missing things and recorded other details. They also is sportive by nature and very naughty. He is a little
collected the finger prints on the doors and almirah. bit careless. So his mother is always alert about him.
They have assured to solve the case very soon. Everyday there happens something that makes her
annoyed. Last week there was a fair in the village. Raju

was eager to visit it. He asked his mother but she did not
Or agree. Raju tried much but for no outcome. Finally he
Deepa’s Performance in Summer Olympics decided to go to the fair without informing his mother.
— Xyz So one day along with his friends he went to the fair. But
after sometimes he was lost. In the evening his friends
Deepa Karmakar won the hearts of everyone watching
came back home. They tried to find Raju but failed.
the Summer Olympics this year. The 23-year-old from
They informed his mother. His mother went to the fair
Tripura, the first woman gymnast from India to qualify
and informed the police and the security. After a long
for the Olympics, didn’t win a medal, but she has been
search Raju was found. He was very nervous because
ranked an impressive fourth position in the women’s
he had lost his way. He was very sorry and promised
vault finals in Rio de Janeiro on August 14th. American
his mother never to disobey her. Children should not
Simone Biles took the top prize with a final score of
disobey their parents as they are not their enemies.
15.966. So far, India is yet to win any medals in this
year’s Olympics. Karmakar received a final score of ASSIGNMENT – 2
15.066 for executing one of the most dangerous feats
1. Tuesday, 20th November, 20××
in gymnastic, the Produnova vault. This move, named
10:00 p.m.
after Russia’s Elena Produnova, who first performed
it in 1999, has been performed successfully by only It was my 10th day in my new school in this city.
five people in the world. Deepa Karmakar is one of Recently my father was transferred to this city. So, I
them. It’s considered one of the riskiest routines in had to shift here and got admission in Modern Convent.
the sport, often referred to as the “vault of death.” It It is one of the prestigious schools of Delhi, located in
is one of the most glorious moments for India and we the Preet Vihar of East Delhi district. I was very upset
must feel pride for having Deepa, an Indian. But that to see the big school in such a big city, as previously I
doesn’t scare Karmakar who spent years preparing was in Rohtak, a district in Haryana. It was not as big
for this day. She began her training at the age of six, as Delhi. But soon I found this school very friendly.
unfazed by the flat feet she was born with. In the years Teachers are very good. My classmates are also very
leading up to her stellar performance in Rio, Karmakar good and helpful. They are always ready to help me.
racked up a total of 77 medals in various domestic Just in a week, I have made many friends. A nice
and international competitions, including a bronze at experience. I liked my new school very much.
the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Scotland. All that
hard work has paid off though, as India now has a new
sporting legend. Or
2. A Young Biker Hits a Child Mother Teresa
It was Sunday. I was solving some ticklish mathematical — Xyz
problems. Suddenly I heard a noise in the street. I
Mother Teresa was one who came to India to serve
rushed to the spot and found that an accident had in a convent in a remote area of Bengal. She was
happened. A biker had hit a child. The child was playing pained to see the condition of the people living in a
on the road. As the bike came there the child rushed slum area behind the convent building. She started
from one side of the road to another side and the bike visiting that poor area and was deeply pained to see
hit him. The biker was a boy of about 16 years. He their living. She later left the convent and established
was a new to driving and so could not control the bike. her Mission of Charity and dedicated her life to the

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service of humanity. She helped the ailing people who plants- all make this premise worth-seeing place. Till
were discarded by their own family. They became the a few days back, this was beyond the reach of public
members of Mother Teresa’s family. So Mother was but now it has been allowed that public can visit it. Its
seen as a prophet of God by all those who got shelter structure is unique. It was built on the Raisina Hills area
in her house. There are a lot of stories of her miracles. and is still the most secure place. There are huge rooms,
She was not a magician but people saw her actions as dining hall, library hall etc. The structure mesmerises
miracle. She has recently been established as Saint. I the visitors. It is really a grand palace and still reminds
think service to humanity is the greatest real worship. us the imperial living.
All others are just a show off. Mother Teresa-like
people are the real Gods on earth.
2. Rahul Gets a Sister
Rahul while travelling in metro comes across a middle- Self Medication May Kill
aged woman and gets busy in talking with her. The — Xyz
woman resembled her elder sister who died last year
It has become a habit of people taking medicine without
in an accident. Raju was very close with his sister as the prescription of physicians. A recent case is from my
there was a big gap of age and therefore his sister was area where two brothers took some medicine bought
motherly to him. In fact, Raju was brought up by that from the medical shop without consulting a proper
sister. She was married in the same city. So, Raju spent doctor. They were affected by severe allergy and were
most of the time with her. While talking to that lady Raju rushed to hospital on time so that their lives were saved.
revealed it to her. Raju told her that his sister’s death What does it tell us? If we can take any medicine on
was the biggest shock for him. For years, he couldn’t our own why should there be doctors and pharmacies?
pacify himself. The lady was very impressed with Raju’s We need to think with in to avoid such disasters.
behaviour. So, she assured Raju that he can think her
Medicine is prescribed to cure or fight infections,
like that sister. Raju was excited to get his sister back. prevent such severe infections and to save ourselves,
They are now very intimate with each other. from fever and diseases. Physicians, or doctors, have
Or undergone a long period of study and training to treat
Two Friends meet a Tiger people with such infections after proper diagnosis and
dialogue with the patients. They understand the history

Two friend, Raman and Sarthak, were passing through
of the patient’s health and the problems. But what we do
a dense forest. Suddenly they heard a loud roar of a
when we have get fever we just go to any pharmacist,
tiger. They were afraid. They began trying safe place
get some medicine and take it without even reading
to hide. But there was no such hiding place. In the
what the medicine contains. This causes trouble. How
meantime, they saw the tiger coming nearer to them.
can we avoid this problem? Also not all medicine suits
Suddenly Sarthak found a tree and he climbed on
everyone. We need to know what we are allergic to and
it. But Raman couldn’t climb in hurry. He applied
not all fevers need to be treated with same medicine.
his trick. He thought to lie down on ground posing
We need to take some rest and cure by disciplining out
lifeless. The tiger came there and found Raman there.
The tiger circled the lying Raman and thinking him

We, as students, should be aware of what to do and not
lifeless went away. After that Sarthak came down. He
to depend upon the temperature of the season. When
was amazed to see how tiger left him. Sarthak asked
we get fever or any symptoms of any disease, better
what the tiger do with him. Raman replied, “The tiger
to consult with a doctor and have our body thoroughly
went around me and became my friend. He has given
diagnosed and checked for any ailment. Taking the
me an advice to beware of the friends who leave you
medicine prescribed by the doctor ensures that we take
in danger.” Sarthak was ashamed. He said sorry and
genuine medicine. Pharmacist also should be cautious
promised that he will never leave him in any danger.
not to sell any medicine without prescription. Beware,
ASSIGNMENT – 3 self medication can be dangerous.
1. Friday, 9th July, 20×× 2. Don’t let your Minor Child Drive
8:00 pm Suddenly a car hit the divider and overturned. It was
It was a very exciting and memorable day for me today. driven at a great speed. The driver was of a tender
I had a chance to visit Rashtrapati Bhawan along with age. The traffic was busy. A rickshaw came before the
the school team. What a marvellous place! The grand car and just at the same time a biker tried to overtake
building, the sprawling park, many rare plants, a lot the car. So, the novice driver got nervous and hit the
of varieties of flowers, and so many herbal medicinal divider. The car’s speed was so fast that it couldn’t be

18 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

controlled. While overturning, it hit another car and a
Teachers and students in school should aim at learning
vegetable vendor’s cart. Several vehicles were hit and without burden and learning has to be seen as an
damaged. Many passers-by were injured. The driver enjoyable activity, not a stressful exercise as it happens
was caught. The police reached the spot and took today. The reasons for this undesirable problem are many.
the driver in custody. He was charged with driving First and the foremost is the heavy syllabus and textbook
without valid licence and rash driving. His father was which compels teachers to complete in a hurry and test
also arrested for allowing a minor to drive which is every one chapter or a concept once it is completed.
punishable crime now. Students who have no say in the way the schools plan and
conduct their classes and examinations have to undergo
the burden of writing many examinations. Second is the
Two Friends Find a Bag parents’ pressure on the school and students. Parents

It was a holiday. Two friends Raju and David planned expect that students should perform very well and get
to visit the market. It was busy hours. They were into premier institutions. This increases the burden on
walking with pleasure. Suddenly Raju found a bag. students who are naturally different from one another.
He was excited. He lifted the bag and cried, “I got Third is the students themselves somehow want to get
something”. The bag was heavy. He opened it. There very high percentage of marks in order to be successful,
were some valuable items and some cash. David they feel otherwise they can’t do anything in life. This
said, “It is not only you but I too, means we both is a wrong notion.
have got the bag”. In the meantime the police van
How can we overcome the problem of burden of
arrived there. One policeman came out and caught examinations? We need a plan to solve the issue from
Raju because he was holding the bag. Seeing David the point of view of teachers, students and parents.
silent Raju said, “It is not I but we have got the bag”, One possible solution is coming together of these
and he reminded David to say as he had told earlier. three along with the curriculum and textbook writers.
However, the police took away the bag and freed the We need to ask the question, ‘Do we need too many
boys. The bag was earlier reported to be lost and the examinations?’ Examinations are not always a tool
police was searching for it. to measure how much has been learnt. Project work,
assignment and class room presentation can be part
of the examination. If such ways should adopted for
1. Monday, 10th July, 20×× teaching and learning in school, examination would not
10:00 pm be a burden for students.
Varanasi is a holy city. It is famous for its religious
2. Grandmother is Left Alone
values. The sprawling river Ganga adds to its beauty.
My grandmother slipped in the washroom during my
Today I was very happy to get a chance of boat riding
tuition hour. When I came back I knocked at the door
in the Ganges. I was in a group of ten students from my
class. A teacher was also with us. We started at 10:00 but there was no response. I was worried. I tried to see
a.m. We visited several ghats and several other temples from windows and back door but there was no trace of
along the river. We were very excited when we came in grandmother. Then I peeped through the ventilator of
the middle of the Ganges. It was very nice to see water washroom and saw her lying on the floor unconscious.
all around us. We also experienced how to row a boat. She might have slipped on the wet floor. I was getting
Then we came back, after having lunch in a restaurant. nervous what to do. Then I came out and called the
security guard. I told him everything. He managed

Rohit to call a carpenter who cut the door. Thereafter they
Or helped me getting my grandmother out. Thank God
she had got no injury. Then I decided never to leave
The Trauma of Examination
her alone in the house.
— Xyz

Examination has become a troublesome problem for Or
most of the students as every student becomes tensed of Late for Final Exam
examination as she moves to high school. Examination
It was the day of my math’s final exam. I was very
is necessary and essential for knowing one’s level of upset as I was a bit late. I missed the school bus. It
learning in comparison to other students in the class. added to my worries as it was raining too. It was very
But the development in the recent years has made difficult for me to reach school. But anyhow I had to
school more and more examination centric and learning go to school. I came back home and requested my
is becoming much stressed and burdensome. We can elder brother to drop me to school. But he didn’t know
notice students committing suicide when the board how to drive a car and to go on bike was not possible.
result is announced. This is a dangerous trend. Finally he suggested me to get a taxi. I tried to book a

Vol - 1 — Section - B: Writing & Grammar 19

taxi through my mobile App but I found there was no till morning twenty people were evacuated. Some of
taxi available. In the meantime one of my brother’s them were in a very critical condition. They were
friend came to meet him. I requested him to drop me. sent to hospital. Search was still going on. The police
He helped me reach the school on time. I got entry has registered a case of fraud and cheating against the
and took my math exam. I was a little bit nervous but builder. The charge of using inappropriate and sub-
I could do fairly. standard material was also added in the complaint.
1. Friday, 5th September, 20×× A Boy Snatches a Chain
8:00 pm Last evening I was in the market. Suddenly there was
Today it rained heavily the whole day. The rain caused some noise. A lady was shouting pakado! pakado!!
water-logging in several parts of Delhi. Roads were People were alerted and turned to her. Just at that
over-flooded. At many places roads caved in. It caused time another lady was crossing the road. The lady
a mess. Traffic almost halted all around Delhi city. told the people that she had seen a boy running
The most affected areas were Aurobindo Marg, Lajpat away in a certain direction. Some people ran in
Nagar, Vikas Marg, Lodhi Road etc. People had faced that direction. A boy was running fast. Suddenly
very critical situation as they were completely stuck someone caught hold of him and brought him to the
in the jam. A fifteen-minute drive took almost five-six lady. He had snatched a gold chain from her neck.
hours. It shows the poor drain management and poor Some people began beating him. In the meantime
preparation for rainy season by the MCD. I was also police picket van arrived there and the situation was
caught in this jam. We felt helpless and cursed the brought under control. The boy was arrested. But
government. the lady decided to leave him. She forgave him but
warned him not to do it again. The boy felt ashamed

Akshita and promised not to repeat it.
Deforestation: A Threat to Our Life 1. Sunday, 2nd October, 20××
— Xyz 8:00 pm
Our country is making progress. We see growth in every Today morning along with a group of twenty students
field. Fast urbanisation gives way to industrialisation. from my school I visited a slum colony. It is just a few
On the other hand the population of our country is also metres away from my school at the back side. It was the
growing fast. So in order to meet the requirement of occasion of cleaning the colony area as we were observing
growing population, we are destroying our forest areas. the Swachhata Abhiyan organised by my school. We took
But we forget that the forest is a part of the ecosystem. equipments like brooms, spades, big dustbins, etc. Three
If we destroy or disturb any of the components of the teachers also accompanied us. We reached and started
ecosystem our life is put in danger. Due to deforestation collecting waste materials and garbage at one place. Then
we see global warming, depletion of ozone layer, dry we swept the road. We also put cover on some open drains.
monsoon, cloud burst, unnatural rains or floods, etc. In the second half we collected the people of the area
These many instances of recent disasters like floods and taught them the lessons of cleaning, good habits and
in Uttarakhand, earthquake in Nepal. It is high time healthy life. It was a part of our awareness programme.
to think over these problems. Otherwise it would be People were very happy. We returned back at 5:00 p.m.
beyond our control and our life would be doomed. It was a very nice experience.
2. Building Demolition Caused Loss
of Lives and Property
A newly built four-storeyed house collapsed in our
neighbourhood. As we heard the explosive sound, we How Important the Environment Is
rushed to the scene. We saw people crying. There was — Xyz
crowd from the neighbouring areas. Some people were We live in environment. We breathe in it and grow
trying to get the injured out from the debris. Although within it. So our life depends upon it. It has become
it was a newly-built building and many families had the most vital topic of discussion these days. Its
started residing in it. It was not sure how many people prime reason is that it is getting polluted extremely
were there at the time of the collapse. Someone and so affecting our life badly. The rising pollution
informed the police and the Fire Brigade. The Fire is caused by fast increase in the number of vehicles,
Brigade team started evacuating people. Debris was industrialisation, growing townships, depletion of
being cleared with great caution. After many attempts forests. All these cause global warming. We also

20 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

lack in waste management. Scanty rains cause global People ran towards the building when they heard an
warming. We are responsible for all these. In the race of explosive sound. It was a very pathetic scene. Fire
urbanisation, we forget that there is an eco-system and Brigade was called. People were evacuated carefully.
a balance is maintained due to the equal distribution of Many were injured. Ten people were found dead on
each and every element in environment. If we disturb the spot. Police registered a case and began searching
any of these it affects us and our life is in danger. We the builder who had already escaped. The building
must be alert to check the environmental degeneration, collapsed due to the use of sub-standard materials. The
or else we are doomed to die soon or live in pains. MCD officials were equally responsible for this tragic
2. Outcome of Rash Driving incident.
One day while I was returning from the school, I
saw a huge crowd on the middle of the road. I rushed Or
towards the crowd and shocked to see a major road
accident that had taken place between a truck and a van. Mental Ability is Greater than Physical Ability
The van was fully packed and some passengers were — Xyz
standing. In spite of that it was plying at a very high It is true that physical ability is prime requirement of a
speed. All of a sudden a truck came from the other side human being. But sometimes we see even physically
and within seconds it collided with the speeding van. disabled can do wonders. Its recent example is the
There occurred a great hue and cry. The drivers of both Para-Olympic Games 2016. It is a world game in
the vehicles ran away for fear of public wrath. Some which only physically disabled men and women take
passengers had bleeding injuries. The two of them were part. This year many Indians too brought laurels for
unfortunate who died before getting medical help. All the nation. So, mental ability matters most. Our Prime
the injured passengers were immediately taken to a Minister has given a new name for physically disabled
nearby hospital. It was really a bad day. I had never men and women. He has said we should call them
seen such an accident. If haunted me for a long time. Divyang i.e. magnificent body. Previously they were
Or called differently abled. By calling them Divyang the
My Friend’s Mother Had Stroke Prime Minister intends to glorify their mental ability,
courage and their determination to win. Society must
I was sitting at the window seat in the train and talking
recognise them and honour them.
to my friend who told me something which I couldn’t
hear. My friend appeared to be restless. I couldn’t 2. My Cancelled Outing
understand what had happened. I asked my friend Yesterday my father promised me to take me for
the reason. But without answering he followed that outings. A car was hired and programme was set. I
strange man. I was not known to that man. I suspected was very excited. Suddenly a phone call disturbed
something wrong. Though my train was just to start, I everything. It was a call from my father’s elder brother
couldn’t restrain myself getting down fast and followed who lives in another town. He informed that his wife
my friend. By that time my friend along with that had an heart-attack and her condition was very serious.
strange man had gone out of the gate. I saw them sitting So we had to go there. There was no way to escape.
in the car and going out. I also took a taxi and followed We cancelled the tour programme and diverted the car
them. I reached my friend’s house. I saw my friend was to my uncle’s place. We directly reached the hospital.
already there and an ambulance was standing outside. My uncle was very upset. However, he got some relief
After coming out I came to know that my friend’s when he saw us. He had already informed his son who
mother had a stroke. However she was taken to the is abroad. He will be arriving by the next flight. It
hospital in the ambulance. We all went there. She was becomes very difficult for lonely parents to face such
admitted in the ICU and the doctors advised us not to situations.
disturb her. It all happened so quickly that I couldn’t
understand and my journey was halted. We don’t know
what will happen. A Woman Steals Jewel
Today I visited a jewellery shop. There were some
ASSIGNMENT – 7 policemen investigating the customers. It appeared
1. Wednesday, 9th September, 20×× that something had happened. Later I came to know
9:00 pm that two ladies entered the shop. They were looking
Yesterday a newly constructed four-storyed building in highly cultured and rich. They asked the staff to show
my neighbourhood collapsed. There were sixteen flats, some jewellery. The salesman started showing them
four on each floor. It was no sure how many people different items. He was busy in taking the items from the
were there in the building at the time of accident. shelves and displaying on the counter one by one. In the

Vol - 1 — Section - B: Writing & Grammar 21

meantime, one of the ladies slipped a gold bangle in her and driving has become the culture of the roads in
purse. Then showing dislikes for the items they left the India. The condition of roads is far from satisfactory.
shop. When the salesman arranged the jewellery boxes Pits and potholes cause many accidents. Haste and
he found one bangle missing. He searched everywhere overtaking ultimately result in accidents and deaths.
but he couldn’t find. Then he informed the manager Better roads with adequate road signs and warnings
about the missing item. First the manager thought that are the need of the hour.
the staff had done wrong. So he called the police. The 2. Three Friends Dig the Earth to find Wealth
police team asked everyone about the missing gold Three friends went out in search of wealth. They
bangle. But it was still traceless. Then the CCTV camera happened to meet an old man. The old man told them
footage was checked thoroughly and the real thief was that he had buried a treasure under a tree. If they can,
detected. The police traced out the ladies soon and they may take it. They were confused but finally
caught them. It was an embarrassment for them. decided to dig the earth under the three. After three
ASSIGNMENT – 8 days’ digging, they found nothing but they dug the
entire field. They came back to the old man and asked
1. Sunday, 26th November, 20×× him why he had cheated them. The old man replied
9:00 p.m. patiently, “No my sons, I have not cheated you. As you
Today I was pained to see the failure of law and order in have laboured hard and dug the barren land, now the
our city. The anti-social elements are becoming smarter field is ready for agriculture. You can sow the seeds of
and dare to do any unlawful deed even in the wee-hours. a crop. After some time you will get crop which will
I had to face it today when I went to a bank at about 11:00 give you wealth.” The friends realised their mistake
a.m. It was peak business hour in the bank. Suddenly and started doing hard labour in that field. After a few
some unruly young men with covered faces entered the years, they were the richest men of that area.
premises. They were armed with weapons, guns etc.
They began threatening the customers and asked them Or
to stand still and silent. They took the cash-counter Fingerprints Help the Police Catch Thieves
and the Manager’s cabin in their control. Everyone One day when I came back from school I saw a
was frightened. We were helpless and praying to God. huge gathering at the door of my house. I entered
Suddenly we saw that a security guard pounced over the my drawing-room and was shocked to see a scene
criminal. As the criminal had never expected such an of confusion over my writing-desk. Now it was clear
attack he got nervous and fell down. The guard grabbed that burglars had forced an entry in my absence. I
the criminal tightly and asked him to surrender putting hurriedly went to fetch the porter from the basement
him at his gunpoint. The other criminals got clueless who telephoned the police. Then with the porter’s
to handle the situation. So they had no way other than assistance I began to search for intruders who might
surrendering. At last police reached and we were rescued. be still lurking in my flat. We went through the rooms,
I felt if we have courage we can do miracles. being careful not to touch nothing as we did not want

Nisha to hinder the police in their searching for fingerprints.
Then a police inspector arrived with a constable. I
Or told them of my discovery of the ransacked flat. The
Driving India Crazy inspector began to look for fingerprints, while the
— Renu constable checked how the burglars entered the flat.
Driving is no more a pleasure on Indian roads. Soon the inspector got the trace of fingerprints. After
Death stalks on the roads of major metros of India. a few days we came to know that the police caught the
Ironically, the capital of India has the dubious burglars on the basis of their fingerprints.
distinction of causing maximum deaths on its
roads. About two thousand people lost their lives
in accidents on the roads of Delhi. Bengaluru and 1. Monday, 10th August, 20××
Chennai are gradually catching up with Delhi. 490 10:00 pm
people in Mumbai, 223 in Ahmedabad and 148 people It was a great day for me today. My school had
died in road accidents in Kochi. Many persons may organised a Swachhata Abhiyan drive. The students
not be as lucky as Sehshadri who has survived more undertook cleaning the mohalla and the roads adjacent
than 25 major accidents. The major cause of so many to our school. A closing function was organised and
road accidents is the lack of road culture in India. the Prime Minister was invited as the chief guest. The
People don’t follow the rules of the road. Rash and Prime Minister reached on time and we welcomed
drunken drivers are the merchants of death. Drinking him. He explained the purpose of Swachhata Abhiyan

22 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

launched by him. He emphasised the need of being He asked the bus staff to check. The staff found the
clean and keeping our country clean. Students were fire caught in the CNG Kit and it began spreading.
awarded for their contributions in the programme. I The driver and the other staff informed the students
was also awarded for the best management. It was an cautiously. They also asked them not to panic. The
honour for us to meet the Prime Minister. students began crying. The driver and staff managed to

Himanshu bring all the students out of the bus one by one safely.
By that time the fire had spread inside the bus. They had
Or already informed the Fire Brigade. The Fire Brigade
Even a Child Can Teach reached the spot and controlled the fire. Everyone was
A Better Lesson of Humanity safe. It was all due to alertness of the driver and his
— Xyz staff.
Nowadays we often see that advertisements have taken ASSIGNMENT – 10
a new turn. Messages are conveyed mostly through
children. We see it in traffic awareness, dangers of 1. Wednesday, 20th November, 20××
smoking, good hygiene, using toilets, Swachhata 9:00 p.m.
mission, etc. It appears that children are more aware I had gone to attend a family function at Patna last
and alert than the older generation. In a way conveying week. After attending this function I decided to visit
message through children puts an emotional and moral my previous school i.e., St. Michael’s Sr. Sec. School
pressure on the violators of the rule. If one drives where I had taken my education upto class V. I had
carelessly a child reminds not to do so as the child gone there after a gap of five years, but nothing had
says someone is waiting for you. Similarly a child changed. I met my old teachers and class-fellows. They
reminds how smoking kills their future. The child asks welcomed me with great enthusiasm. The teachers
the older generation not defecate in the open as it is asked me about my current school and my studies. I
unhygienic and pollutes the environment. This trend spent sometime with some of my old class-fellows and
has become very effective as the older generation enjoyed past memories together.
always thinks for the future of a child.
2. Work done in a Haste is often Waste Or
It was my examination day. I was very upset. It was Education of the Girl Child is a Necessity
maths exam. I was getting late. In fact I woke up by — Xyz
2 o’clock the previous night and practised the maths
Our society has awakened now as girls’ education is
problems. So I woke up very late in the morning. It
being given much importance. Most of us now think
was around 7:00 am. My maths exam was to start at
that girls’ education is no less important than boys.
8:00 am. It is about 40 minutes way to our school by
By educating a girl we educate the whole family.
a bus. Hurriedly I brushed my teeth, took a bath and
Needless to say that an educated woman would be
after taking breakfast, I wore my school uniform. Now
more aware about her rights and she can also help
it was 7:30. I was overanxious. I had no option but to
in checking the family size. An educated mother can
tell my elder brother to take out the father’s car and
always bring positive influence on her child, because
take me to the school. My brother took out the car. I sat
during their early years, children are more close
with him. He drove the car at the speed of 80 km per
to their mothers. Girls’ education is also important
hour. As I was getting late, I told him to accelerate the
for gender equality. Women constitute half of the
speed. He ran the car at 120 km per hour. Unfortunately
population. Their proper education can play a big role
a few meters ahead a truck stopped on the road all of
in country’s development. Hence, girls’ parents should
a sudden. My brother applied the brake but our car hit
shed their narrow mindedness and pay full attention to
the truck. Consequently I got a fracture in my hand and
their education. They should not discriminate against
my brother was seriously injured. We were admitted to
their daughters.
a hospital. After a month we got well. Then we pledged
to be ready with much advance time and never drive 2. Our Principal: Strict but Good
the car at so much speed. Our Principal is a strict disciplinarian. Still students
Or love him. He always wants welfare of the students. He
tries to make his school an ideal one and his students
The School Bus Catches Fire all perfect. It is his efforts that our school is number
Today on the way to school my bus caught fire. All one in all fields. Every year there is hundred per cent
the children began crying for help. The driver smelt results of the school. This school is also champion
something unusual and stopped the bus immediately. in cricket, football and other games and sports in the

Vol - 1 — Section - B: Writing & Grammar 23

whole region. Teachers as well as students are very play may lead to more obesity, insomnia, indigestion
punctual. Teaching is so perfect that no students get of food and many other problems in our body. That’s
any private tuition. Nor is any teacher allowed to why we need to spare some time to devote to games
give tuition. There is also arrangement for remedial and sports. Playing in open gives us fresh air which
classes for slow learners. Students of our school also contains more oxygen than the air in a confined room
participate in social service and community works. It and improves our immunity. We also develop our
is all due to our Principal. He himself takes classes of personality and acquire qualities such as leadership,
moral science. Sometimes he becomes angry if anyone team-spirit, cooperation, etc. Games and sports also
breaks the rule. But he also listens to the problems of instil in us a sense of responsibility.
every student very patiently. 2. A Fire Caused by Short-circuit
Or Last night there was a fire in the apartment opposite
Punctual and Benevolent Grandmother my residence. The security guard rang the alarm at
midnight after seeing the fire. The fire had already
My grandmother is a social activist. She is more than
spread over three floors. There was a panic situation.
sixty. Even at this age she gets up at four and gets
Fire Brigade was called immediately. The police also
ready. First she does some yoga and then after some gap
reached the spot. People were crying and jumping out
takes breakfast. After that she starts her journey of the
of the windows. Many vehicles also caught fire. It was
day. She visits some officer for the works of the local
detected that fire was caused due to the short-circuit
people. She visits various welfare centres run by her
from an e-rickshaw which was put on charging. First
NGO. Most of the time she does not get rest. She comes
the fire spread in the parking area and then it went up.
back home at around 4:00 p.m. Again in the evening
Fire Brigade men rescued the residents safely. But some
she becomes busy with the local helpless and needy
of them were injured who were taken to hospital. The
people. We wonder how she can manage everything
police registered a case against the e-rickshaw owner.
so well. But she says it is the secret of her healthy life.
She is fit and fine. It is her passion to help the needy. I Or
am proud of my grandmother. My Uncle Dies of a Stroke
ASSIGNMENT – 11 Today early in the morning someone knocked at the
door. My mother opened the gate. Someone was there
1. Monday, 10th November, 20×× and he told my mother something. My mother suddenly
11:00 pm began crying. All of us became very disturbed. We got
Sports Day was celebrated today in my school. Sakshi up and came to the door. We found Rakesh, a neighbour
Malik was the chief guest. We were very excited to of my maternal uncle there. He told us that my maternal
meet her. She is an Indian freestyle wrestler. She uncle has expired. He was in hospital under treatment.
recently won the bronze medal in the 58 kg category Last week he had a stroke and the doctor advised him
at the 2016 Summer Olympic. She has become the first to be put under observation. My mother was trying to
Indian female wrestler to win a medal at the Olympic go there but she herself was not well. So my father
and the fourth female Olympic medallist from the didn’t allow her. However we got prepared and started
country. She was very excited to share her experiences for my maternal uncle’s house. Mother was annoyed
about her training and about her ambitions with us. It as we didn’t go there earlier.
was really a very proud moment for us to have such a
great personality among us. She has proved that we can ASSIGNMENT – 12
achieve all success if we dedicate ourselves to our goal. 1. Tuesday, 08th August, 20××
Her life is very inspiring. It became a very memorable 10:00 pm
day for me and for many in our school.
It’s a great day for me. Being a member of the hockey
Shreya team of my school, I got an opportunity to play for my
Or school today in an inter-school hockey tournament.
In the beginning I was a little bit nervous, but soon I
The Role of Sports and Games in Our Life
controlled myself. I played excellently and so did the
— Xyz
other players. As a result our team won. It was a matter
Games and sports are important part of our lives. of great joy for us. We made our school proud. Our
That’s why most of the doctors advise us to do yoga, Principal and teacher congratulated us heartily when
exercise, playing games and sports, etc. to be fit. When we came back to school with the trophy. I was feeling
we don’t play games and sports, we really don’t know greatly elated because it was my nice performance that
how badly we are doing for our health. All work and no mattered a lot in our victory. So I was given a special

24 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

prize by the Principal. My class teacher was so happy request. Eklavya in his heart had already accepted
that she gave me a hearty hug. My parents and my Drona as his Guru. Over the following years, with
sister too were very happy. My mother cooked delicious sincerity and practice, he learnt archery and became
dishes for me and my friends. We enjoyed a lot. It was better than the state princes at the art.
really a great day. I can never forget it.
One day, Arjuna came to know about Eklavya’s

Sakshi skill in archery. He went to Eklavya and asked him,
“Who taught you archery?” “Dronacharya”, said
Eklavya. Arjuna became furious. He went up to
Let the Child Follow His Passion Dronacharya and acknowledged him about Eklavya.
— Xyz Dronacharya could not believe Eklavya welcomed
There is a proverb “child is the father of the man”. It his Guru with great honour. He led both of them to
means whatever a child learns in the beginning, keeps the statue he had made of Dronacharya. Eklavya had
lifelong. We can say — a man is just a transformation practised archery over all the years, believing the
of his childhood habits and lessons. So parents should statue to be his Guru. Dronacharya was surprised.
let the child do what he/she wants to do. Sometimes He said, “Eklavya, you must give me some Guru
parents try to make the child as per their own wishes. Dakshina. You must give me the thumb of your
But it is not healthy for a child. If a child wants to right hand”. Although Eklavya knew that he could
study History, he must be allowed to do. If a child not practise archery without his thumb, he gave it
has a passion for music, he should not be compelled to his Guru.
to play tennis. This message has been truly picturised Or
in the latest movie MS Dhoni — The Untold Story.
In this film Dhoni is interested in playing cricket, My Friend is a Good Player
but his father doesn’t like it and puts pressure on him My friend is fond of cricket. Last week he
to do something to get a government job. However participated in an inter-school tournament. He was
when Dhoni gets a chance to play cricket he excels elected the captain of the team. So this time he had
in it and becomes a superstar of the cricket world. great responsibility in the team. First he had to
All parents should take a lesson from this film. It is manage the team tactfully and fix the batting and
very inspiring. bowling order for the team members. After winning
the toss he decided to bat first. He himself was the
2. Eklavya Gives His Thumb to His Guru
opener. He played very well and scored a century
In the epic Mahabharata, Drona or Dronacharya was by himself. His partner also played well and added
the royal preceptor of the Kauravas and Pandavas. He 48 runs. It was a twenty-20 match. In all 20 overs
was the master of advanced military arts, including the his team scored 180 runs. It was a huge score. His
divine weapons or astras. bowlers also did very well and the other team could
Eklavya, the son of a poor hunter, wanted to learn score only 120 runs. It was all due to his skilful
archery from him. One day he went to him and management and decision of fixing the batting order.
requested him to teach him archery. Since Dronacharya His team was the winner and everyone applauded
was the teacher of the royal family, he refused his him.

Part - II : Grammar
INTEGRATED EXERCISE FOR PRACTICE 6. (a) (ii) when (b) (iii) and
(c) (i) in (d) (ii) to
1. CLOZE (Gap-Filling) 7.  (a) (ii) be (b) (ii) to
1. (a) (ii) who (b) (iii) for (c) (ii) with (d) (iii) are
(c) (iv) against (d) (ii) of 8.  (a) (iii) do (b) (ii) of
2. (a) (ii) has (b) (iii) the (c) (i) to (d) (ii) of
(c) (iv) of (d) (i) is being done
3.  (a) (i) also known as (b) (iv) in 2. EDITING TASK (Error-Correction)
(c) (iii) the (d) (iii) covers 1. (a) and ... or (b) of ... to
4.  (a) (iii) lifting (b) (ii) and (c) could ... can (d) is ... are
(c) (ii) due to (d) (ii) has (e) when ... which
5. (a) (i) where (b) (i) of 2. (a) are ... is (b) into ... in
(c) (i) from (d) (i) on (c) give ... giving (d) for ... to
(e) but ... and

Vol - 1 — Section - B: Writing & Grammar 25

3.  (a) locate ... located (b) was ... is (d) There are over a hundred chemical elements and
(c) it ... its (d) liked ... like about 50 of these are metals.
(e) call ... called 2. (a) An elephant excels most other animals in
4. (a) call ... called (b) the ... a intelligence.
(c) has ... have (d) mostly ... most (b) A candidate in order to be elected as a President
(e) was ... is must be a citizen of India.
5.  (a) achieved ... achieve (b) are ... is (c) He must have completed the age of 35 years.
(c) an ... the (d) would ... wouldn’t (d) He must be qualified for election as a member of
(e) from ... by the Lok Sabha.
6. (a) from .... to (b) but ... and 3. (a) For ten months Ravi Sir came to teach her.
(c) to ... for (d) was ... is (b) Most of India was forested in early historic times.
(e) while ... and (c) Factors like grazing, clearing for cultivation, etc.
7. (a) a ... an (b) less ... least have reduced the forest area.
(c) have ... has (d) doing ... do (d) We need to increase the forest area by afforestation.
(e) and ... or 4. (a) Hard work is a key to success.
8. (a) is ... has (b) By ... During (b) Football is a household name round the world these
(c) have ... has (d) to ... by days.
(e) to ... of (c) It is one of the most entertaining games.
(d) Nobody is sure how the game originated.
3. EDITING TASK (Omissions)
5. (a) Water contained in an earthen pitcher becomes
1. (a) ground in Delhi (b) Maidan means ground
cool in a few hours.
(c) It was constructed (d) is a huge
(b) The spleen lies in the left side of the body.
(e) situated beside the
(c) It is the largest lymphatic gland in the human body.
2. (a) physician and surgeon (d) It plays a role in the development of immunity in
(b) lived in the (c) he was a the body.
(d) It was he (e) operation of the 6. (a) Jaro started for work even earlier than morning
3. (a) began to use (b) drawing to illustrate before.
(c) to provide amusement (b) He carried with him the largest pitcher he owned.
(d) be called cartoons (e) series of drawings (c) He intended first of all to go to the waterfall.
4. (a) Constitution was prepared (d) On reaching there he found all his neighbours.
(b) of the Constitutions 7. (a) On the occasion of Eid, there was a fair in our
(c) countries Many good village.
(d) borrowed and included (b) Eid was celebrated only one day but the fair lasted
(e) according to the many days.
5. (a) Railways is now (b) covering the whole (c) Tradesman from far and wide came there with all
(c) They are all (d) managed by the kinds of goods to sell.
(e) Board is also (d) You could buy anything from a small pin to a big
6. (a) socialist was a (b) partition had dislocated buffalo.
(c) life of the (d) country, the most 5. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION
(e) that of the 1. (a) wanted to spend some time in leisure activities
7.  (a) consists of the (b) Himalayas in the (b) wouldn’t allow them unless they finished their
(c) and in southern (d) plains in the assignment
(e) mountains in the (c) were about to finish it
8. (a) is the process (b) individual to choose (d) to complete and submit it within 15 minutes.
(c) prepare for it (d) progress through it 2. (a) what she was doing
(e) experience with regard (b) she was knitting a sweater for her
4. SENTENCE RE-ORDERING (c) to let her try if she could knit also
(d) that she should first learn it
1. (a) Most of us tend to worry about the risks we take
3. (a) what the matter was with her. She looked so sad
in life.
(b) that her sister was ill
(b) Pure metals are chemical elements.
(c) what the disease was
(c) This means that they cannot be broken down into
other substances. (d) that it was a case of typhoid

26 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

4. (a) he had gone to watch an English play the previous 2. (a) lead in organising (b) It was a
night (c) in which 500 (d) object of spreading
(b) he had thought so and enjoyed it a lot (e) brotherhood among the
(c) which play it was 3. (a) Good men live for others like trees.
(d) he had never seen it before (b) Comets are strongly influenced by the gravitational
5. (a) whether it was tea or coffee pull of the planets.
(b) what it tasted like (c) Comets which appear at fairly regular intervals are
(c) it tasted like kerosene known as periodic comets.
(d) then it must be coffee (d) But some comets disappear forever.
6. (a) where he was
(b) he was going ASSIGNMENT – 4
(c) when he would 1. (a) (ii) when (b) (i) by
(d) he couldn’t say (c) (iii) The (d) (iii) who
7. (a) why he had been absent all those days. 2. (a) and ... but (b) can ... could
(b) he had gone to his aunt’s home (c) in ... to (d) his ... my
(c) he had not sent (e) feel ... felt
(d) had spoken to the principal on phone. 3. (a) if she had heard of the Bermuda triangle
8. (a) to show him the ticket (b) it is a stretch over the Atlantic Ocean where a
(b) he did not have a ticket number of aircrafts and ships are said to have
(c) he had boarded the train without a ticket (c) the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle remained
(d) it was the last southbound train that night unsolved
ASSIGNMENT – 1 (d) that it is a very big challenge for the scientists
1. (a) (iii) an (b) (ii) from ASSIGNMENT – 5
(c) (ii) to (d) (ii) of 1. (a) (iv) who (b) (i) at
2. (a) cinema is 100 (c) (iii) the (d) (iv) to
(b) film was pundalik 2. (a) Most of us (b) light from the
(c) directed by Nanabhai (c) fungi and bacteria (d) settled on the
(d) Toney and P.R. Tipnis (e) skin produces a
(e) lovers of Marathi 3. (a) Wool wax from wool-bearing animals is called
3. (a) Olive oil comes from olives, which grow on the lanolin when it is purified.
olive tree. (b) It is used in some ointments, cosmetics, and soaps.
(b) It is used for many purposes since ancient times. (c) More than 90 per cent of all commercial wax used
(c) Wealthy Greeks and Romans had the custom of today is petroleum wax.
anointing the body with olive oil. (d) Philosophy is the base of life.
(d) Honesty is the best policy.
1. (a) (ii) in (b) (i) to
1. (a) (ii) being (b) (i) for (c) (ii) an (d) (iv) but
(c) (ii) to (d) (i) by 2. (a) an ... the (b) was ... is
2. (a) to ... of (b) in ... at (c) to ... of (d) but ... and
(c) to ... with (d) into ... in (e) that ... which
(e) an ... the 3. (a) what brought him there
3. (a) what had happened to him as he seemed worried. (b) his aunt was coming by the Patna Rajdhani Express
(b) his daughter was very sick and he had asked his and he was there
boss for leave (c) Then he would have to stay on for a long time
(c) how his boss could be
(d) trains are always late
(d) that they should not leave hope
1. (a) (ii) to (b) (ii) have
1. (a) (iii) have (b) (ii) in
(c) (iii) has been (d) (ii) through
(c) (ii) the (d) (i) we

Vol - 1 — Section - B: Writing & Grammar 27

2. (a) collocations are alternative ASSIGNMENT – 10
(b) ways of expressing 1. (a) (ii) to (b) (iii) apart
(c) flexibility in its (c) (iv) over (d) (iii) causes
(d) speaker with a 2. (a) India ... India’s (b) have ... has
3. (a) I asked my father to buy me some crayons and (c) a ... the (d) while ... when
drawing paper. 3. (a) that he had won
(b) The very next day my room was full of the required (b) it had been a very tough victory
material. (c) she was so happy on his success
(c) Day in and day out I kept drawing whenever I (d) that he had been practising hard
found time.
(d) I now have a mini art room of my own at home. ASSIGNMENT – 11
1. (a) (ii) was (b) (iv) for
ASSIGNMENT – 8 (c) (ii) were (d) (i) had
1. (a) (iv) of (b) (i) is 2. (a) used to cover (b) faces with very
(c) (iii) that (d) (ii) An (c) still do it (d) practice of tattooing
2. (a) for ... of (b) an ... a (e) landscapes has gone
(c) The ... A (d) causes ... cause 3. (a) These days ice cream is a very popular dessert.
3. (a) where Netaji was born (b) Earlier people used to have it only during the
(b) Netaji was born in Calcutta summer.
(c) what she knew about him (c) Now, it is consumed even in the winter.
(d) that she knew little about him (d) An elephant excels most other animals in
1. (a) (ii) that (b) (i) called ASSIGNMENT – 12
(c) (iii) round (d) (i) of 1. (a) (iv) set out (b) (i) some
2. (a) was a dense (b) softly through it (c) (iv) after (f) (iii) is
(c) on the bank (d) foot of the 2. (a) knew ... know (b) to ... of
(e) lived an ant (c) tries ... tried (d) a ... an
3. (a) The automobile was not dug out of the ground like (e) for ... to
a nugget of gold. 3. (a) when he would meet the doctor
(b) First of all men dreamed of a self-driven vehicle (b) he would meet the doctor next evening
to travel with comfort and speed. (c) there would be heavy traffic in the evening and he
(c) Some practical minded engineers worked day and might get late
night to realize that dream. (d) that he would use metro service the following day
(d) Thus the poet weaves around a golden dream and
scientists consolidate it.

28 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

1. The Fun They Had
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 not only teach us different subjects but they also teach
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) us to live in discipline and to live together. Teachers
resolve the students problem and doubt and if they
1. (i) It was right next to her bedroom.
aren’t in schools the students don’t study enough. As
(ii) Margie’s mother said that a teacher had to be in the lesson Margie does not like her school. She finds
adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl. it tedious as she does not have opportunity to be with
(iii) Margie’s mother reminded her of her school. other students and to do every work together. Modern
(iv) Because she was interested in the book. technologies can be taken as an aid to improve the
2. (i) Margie’s mechanical teacher was waiting for her standard of studies but the schools without books and
in the school room. teachers will never be preferred.
(ii) Margie’s mother said that little girls learned better
if they leaned at regular hours. DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2
(iii) He was always punctual. Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
(iv) She learnt addition of proper fractions. 1. (i) ‘She’ is referred to Margie.
Short Answer Questions (ii) Margie’s grandfather read in the old school.
1. Tommy found the ‘real book’ a waste as once read, it (iii) Because children came laughing and shouting.
did not seem interesting and useful. The words were (iv) They helped one another with homework.
fixed on it and not any other thing can be printed on it. 2. (i) It was about the teacher of old school.
2. Margie hated schooling by the mechanical teacher as (ii) They live in a special building.
there was no fun in it. She was not able to perform well (iii) All the kids learnt the same thing.
in her Geography test. She could not catch up with the (iv) It was a special building.
fast speeding Geography teacher. Short Answer Questions
Value-Based Long Answer Questions 1. The country Inspector was the man who repaired the
Margie hated school because she had a mechanical mechanical teacher. He adjusted the level of the teacher
teacher. It was in her house. She was supposed to as per the child’s requirements and intelligence.
sit in that room alone to complete her home task or 2. Tommy pronounced the word carefully because he
assignments. The part Margie hated most was the slot wanted to lay stress on the fact that the school was very
where she had to put homework and test papers. old and it was quite different from theirs.
She thought that the old schools must have been Value-Based Long Answer Questions
fun because the students used to sit together in the Teachers play a very important role in the life of a
classroom. They enjoyed, laughed and shouted in the student. They not only provide bookish knowledge
schoolyard. Children needed company to enhance but also inspire their student to live a meaningful and
their skills. If they are isolated, they get depressed and successful life. They burn themselves like a candle
dejected. throughout their lives to remove the darkness and
Or ignorance from their student’s life. This can be done by
No one can deny the role of modern technologies in human teacher only. A mechanical teacher can provide
our life and in our studies. Nowadays education is ample knowledge on various subjects but he/she can not
changing but schools without teachers and without boost up their student to do something distinguished.
books are beyond imagination. Without teachers There is a single mechanical teacher having various
teaching would not be good because no one would sectors geared up according to the level of the child.
be there to explain and to teach us well. No student There is no companion, no playground and no fun at all.
would like the environment, it would be like an office. The teaching is mechanical and monotonous. Thus the
Teachers are very important for education. Teachers human teachers are better than the mechanical teachers

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 29 29

in many ways. They know individually intellect of their subjects. They don’t have such classrooms where
students which help them to guide them individually students sit together. They study from the telebooks.
according to the mental level of students. So they don’t require books and exercise books.
Or The examination system is very different. They do

The ancient schools consisted of Gurukuls in which homework in a different way. Margie has to write
the students stayed in the building with the guru. Then them out in a punch code which she learnt when she
with the change of time Gurukuls changed into schools. was six years old. So the system of their education is
Hence the teacher and the student have a formal technologically advanced and not based on printed
relationship. In these schools teachers are the human books.
beings and books are real ones made of paper. Now
with times modern generation is getting books replaced
by e-text and computers. The future generation would Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
envy when it comes to know about the old system of 1. (i) ‘They’ are Margie and Tommy here.
education in which all the kids went to school together. (ii) Tommy found the real book.
They studied together, played together. They could (iii) Because they were printed on paper.
have better innovative minds as they got a chance (iv) Because the real book was very old and lost shining
to discuss things with each other. The old system of in the dust.
education in which ‘man’ as a teacher could influence 2. (i) ‘He’ is the country inspector here.
his students by the charisma of his personality. Future (ii) Because he is a computer mechanic.
generation would utter what a fun the schools were long (iii) He had to check if it was functioning properly.
long ago.
(iv) The mechanic would not put the teacher together
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) Short Answer Questions
1. (i) ‘I’ is referred to the Inspector. 1. He says that the old teachers did not live in the house.
(ii) She was Margie’s mother. They had a special building and all the kids went
there. They gave homework to students. They were not
(iii) Because she wanted to get free from the teacher.
mechanical teachers, but human beings.
(iv) It was geared up little .
2. The County Inspector was a little round man. He had
2. (i) They were printed on paper. a box of tools with dials and wires. He was called to
(ii) They were yellow and crinkly. adjust the mechanical teacher. The geography sector
(iii) Because they stood still. had been geared a little too quick. And he slowed it
(iv) They were supposed to move like ones move on a down to the average ten-year level.
screen. Value-Based Long Answer Questions
Short Answer Questions The real book was an old book. It was quite different
1. Once Tommy’s teacher was away for about a month. from the e-book. Tommy was surprised when he had
There was the history sector in the computer. So, seen the real book. It was very old and the words were
Tommy did not do his work in history. still. They were not moving. He was well aware that
2. Margie’s grandfather told her that in his time there were the words of e-books move on the screen, and he can
real books with pages in it. The stories were printed on see thousands of books on the computer screen. It was
the paper. It was awfully funny to read the words in the a waste for him. So, he wanted to throw it away. But
book. when Margie saw the real book, she became curious to
Value-Based Long Answer Questions know about it. Her grandfather often told her about the
The old school had several characteristics — the schools of his days. So, she wanted to read this book
children went to a big building. The man worked as to know more about the old schools.
a teacher and taught the boys and girls. The teacher Or
gave them homework. He also asked them questions. The schools of that era are quite different from the
They sat together and studied the same subject. In the schools we have these days. They have a mechanical
old school, children studied and played together. It was teacher. So they do not go to school. The mechanical
quite opposite to the school talked about in the chapter. teacher teach them all the subjects. A student could
Or learn sitting at home only. But schools of these days
Margie and Tommy have mechanical teachers. They have special buildings. Here boys and girls are taught
need not go to school for getting a formal education. by teachers, who are human beings. The students enjoy
The mechanical teacher is placed in one of the rooms each other’s company. To Margie, all this appears to be
of the house and they can get the knowledge of various a fun which is completely missing in her school.

30 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

2. The Sound of Music
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
1. (i) Evelyn confesses that she is something of 1. (i) ‘He’ is Ron Forbes here.
workaholic. She works harder than classical (ii) She realised it with the help of waist up.
musicians. (iii) She should realise the notes of music through her
(ii) She gave free concerts in prisons and hospitals. body parts.
(iii) She gave classes to young musicians. (iv) He encouraged Evelyn when other teachers
(iv) She was an inspiration for the deaf children. discouraged her.
2. (i) She was Evelyn Glennie. 2. (i) He was a percussionist.
(ii) She was nervous but excited. (ii) He taught Evelyn to sense music through her body
(iii) She appeared a little younger than her age. parts.
(iv) She was absolutely deaf. (iii) She learnt to open her mind and body to sounds
Short Answer Questions and vibrations.
1. Evelyn sensed the sounds and vibrations of the music (iv) Her sheer determination and hard work helped her
by opening her mind and body to sense them. She felt rise in her field.
different notes through different parts of her body. Short Answer Questions
2. Though deaf, Evelyn was able to express music 1. Forbes played a crucial role in shaping Evelyn’s
beautifully as she could feel far more deeply than many musical talents. He asked her to sense the sounds and
of us. That is why she expressed music so beautifully. vibrations through her different body parts. He tuned
Value-Based Long Answer Questions two large drums to different notes and asked her to feel
Life is not a bed of roses. It has many hurdles and the different notes and sounds.
challenges. Those who face these hurdles with firm 2. Ron Forbes created Evelyn’s interest in music. She
determination and will power become winner. No never looked back from that point. By the time she
hurdle can defeat them in getting their target. Evelyn was sixteen she had decided to make music her life.
who is deaf wanted to pursue her interest in music. She auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music and
She made a clear vision and strong determination and scored the highest marks in the history of the academy.
these are the secrets of her success. Her disability Value-Based Long Answer Questions
could not stop her in getting her right on the top. Evelyn was a deaf child. But she accepted her
She is an inspiration to the handicapped because she challenges of life and got her potentiality recognised.
herself is deaf. Being handicapped, she has brought She became dedicated to music and worked day
percussion to the front of the orchestra. She created and night. Then she was auditioned for the Royal
history by scoring one of the highest marks in music Academy of Music. There she scored the highest
at the academy. The deaf children find a role model marks. She performed free concerts in prisons and
in her. They feel that if Evelyn can do it, why they hospitals. She had accomplished more than most
can’t. She has given them an idea to progress in their people twice her age. Hence, she proved that physical
life. disability is not a challenge if we have strong will
Or and devotion.
A determined and positive thinker breaks all the Or
barriers or hurdles in the path of his destination. Evelyn’s music teacher, Ron Forbes, was a great person.
No failure can mar their confidence. Furthermore He taught Evelyn how to feel music in the different
it adds lustre in their confidence and one day their parts of the body. But it depends on our individual
determination blesses them with amazing feat. In the interest. Her music teacher developed her deep interest
story of Evelyn Glennie who lost her hearing power in music. Her deafness did not become obstacle in the
but challenged her handicap and remained determined way of success. Obviously, her teacher played a great
to get her goal. She decided to make music her life. role in her life. He inspired her to become a renowned
She discovered that she could sense certain notes in percussionist.
different parts of her body and by promoting these
senses she got wonderful feat in the field of music. DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3
When she was auditioned for the Royal Academy of Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
Music in London, she scored one of the highest marks 1. (i) The sound produced through his instrument was
in the history of the Academy. sonorous.

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 31

(ii) The instrument was produced in Shah’s chamber brought him good fruits. He was awarded the greatest
and it was made by a ‘Nai’ so it was named as civilian award, the Bharat Ratna for his contribution
Shehnai. to music.
(iii) The barber or nai played the instrument first.
(iv) With these holes, the instrument produced soft and
melodious sounds. Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
2. (i) He used to play gilli-danda and sing in the temple. 1. (i) He was Ustad Bismillah Khan.
(ii) It was a big laddu given by local Maharaja. (ii) He promised him to recreate the atmosphere of
(iii) A big laddu weighing 1.25 kg was selected for the Benaras in the U.S.A.
‘Bhojpuri Chaita’. (iii) He never desired to leave the Ganga.
(iv) The Maharaj of Dumraon gave the first prize to (iv) He always remembered Hindustan in the foreign
Bismillah Khan. countries.
Short Answer Questions 2. (i) A barber improved it.
1. Shehnai is different from Pungi. It is longer and broader (ii) It was played in the Shah’s chamber first.
than Pungi. It is made of natural hollow stem. It has (iii) Because it is played on wedding ceremony.
seven holes in it. It is played by opening and closing (iv) Because its sound is considered auspicious.
some of the holes. Short Answer Questions
2. With the opening of All India Radio in Lucknow in 1. Traditionally, the Shehnai was played only in temples
1938, Bismillah Khan got a big break. He became an and marriages. It was confined to Royal palaces alone.
often heard Shehnai player on Radio. When India got But Bismillah Khan changed it. He made it popular and
independence on 15th August 1947, Bismillah Khan brought it on the classical stage.
became the first Indian to greet the nation with his 2. Bismillah Khan played the Shehnai from the Red Fort
Shehnai. on 15th August 1947. It was a historic event because
Value-Based Long Answer Questions he became the first Indian to greet the nation on the
Music is the voice of soul. It is sacred beyond the occasion of first Independence Day. This programme
religons. It is eternal and acts as source of insipiration was attended by Nehru, the first Prime Minister and
for everyone A musician never plays music for any many stalwarts of the nations.
perticular religion. Bismillah Khan who belonged to Value-Based Long Answer Questions
the muslim traditional community played shehnai Film director Vijay Bhatt heard Bismillah Khan at
in temples. He was deeply attached with holy city a festival. He was so much impressed by Bismillah
of Benaras and the holy river Ganga. The river Khan that he named a film after the instrument
Ganga and its flowing water were the main source of ‘Gunj Uthi Shehnai’. The film was a huge hit. One
inspiration for him. He could never think of leaving of Bismillah Khan’s compositions “Dil ka khilona
Benaras and holy river Ganga. Since his childhood he toot gaya”, turned out to be very popular. Inspite
was fond of music. As a five year old child he used of his great success in the film world, Bismillah
to visit Bihariji temple at Dumraon to sing Bhojpuri Khan’s film music was limited to two. Vijay Bhatta’s
Chaita. His love for music was so deeply influenced ‘Gunj Uthi Shehnai’ and Vikram Srinivas’s ‘Sanadhi
by Benaras and Ganga that once a student from the Aparna’.
USA wanted him to head a shehnai school there. He Or
promised him to recreate the atmosphere of Benaras Ustad Bismillah Khan was a great shehnai player. He
in the USA by replicating the temple. But Bismillah was born in a village of Bihar state. He belonged to
Khan refused saying that he couldn’t take the Ganga a family of professional musicians. He made shehnai
there. a famous musical instrument in the world. The
Or government of India gave him the greatest civilian
Bismillah Khan teaches us a very remarkable lesson of award – “Bharat Ratna”. He was a true patriot. He
life. People make advancement in life by dint of hard never showed his desire to settle abroad when he was
work and devotion. He was very interested in music offered several chances. Bismillah had great passion for
as he was born in a musician family. He used to sing shenai. He took lessons from his maternal uncle Ali Bux
Chaita in the Biharji temple. When he was in Benaras, and practised hard on the peaceful banks of the river
he was greatly influenced by his maternal uncle, who Ganga. Infact his life is motivating for students. He
himself was a great Shehnai player. He copied his uncle teaches them that human beings should give up narrow
in the true spirit and practised Shehnai in the peaceful mindness. They should take values from different
environment of the Ganga. His hardwork and devotion religions.

32 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

3. The Little Girl
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 Macdonald. He never played with Kezia. He was very
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) strict and harsh with her. This made Kezia decide that
there are different kinds of fathers but later she realised
1. (i) The little girl was afraid of her father because he
the love of her father and understood that the work and
was aggressive and always spoke loudly.
circumstances have made her father different from
(ii) She felt a sense of relief when her father went to Mr. Macdonald. Thus we can say that fathers who
his work. seem different are same from inside, a source of love,
(iii) The fainting noise of the carriage gave her a sense inspiration and guidance for children.
of relief.
(iv) The little girl was obedient. DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2
2. (i) She went to her mother’s bedroom because she Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
wanted something to stuff the pin cushion. 1. (i) She wanted to tell her father that she tore papers
(ii) She discovered a great many sheets of fine paper to stuff the pin-cushion.
on the bed-table. (ii) The girl screamed and tried to hide herself under
(iii) Because the great speech for the Port Authority the bed clothes.
was missing. (iii) Because she had wasted her father’s great speech.
(iv) She needed them to fill the pin-cushion. (iv) She wanted to gift it to her father.
Short Answer Questions 2. (i) Kezia saw a butcher, with a knife and a rope in his
1. Before going to his office, Kezia’s father used to hands.
visit her room. He would give her a casual kiss. She (ii) He asked her to rub her feet against his legs to
responded with “Goodby, father.” Since she was afraid make them warm.
of him, she always felt relieved after his departure. (iii) She saw him in the nightmare.
2. Kezia was a normal girl but whenever she was in front (iv) He behaved with love and affection.
of her father she felt nervous. She would try hard to Short Answer Questions
speak words but would end up in stuttering. She was 1. Kezia’s grandmother advised her to make a pin-cushion
too afraid of her father. for her father on his birthday. She made it out of a
Value-Based Long Answer Questions beautiful piece of yellow silk. She wanted something
Fathers are not alike. Some play with their children to fill it with. She found some sheets of paper lying on
while others love and care for them. This love they the bed table. She tore them up and filled in the pin
show to them by working hard and giving them all cushion.
facilities as well as instructions. Though they never 2. Kezia wanted to give a pin-cushion to her father on his
express their love but they have deep love for their birthday. She filled it with some papers. These papers
child. Kezia’s father belong to the second type. He did contained an important speech for the Port Authority.
not believe in showing off his affection for his daughter. When her father came to know about it, he punished
He believed in showing his love by making her future Kezia.
more secure. When she tore his papers unknowingly, Value-Based Long Answer Questions
he beat her harshly. But in the end we find him a very While popular psychology typically focuses on the role
loving and caring father. Thus it is true that every father of mother in child rearing, fathers are also immensely
loves his child’s but the way of love is different from important in bringing up balanced, well adjusted and
one person to other. Most of the fathers live their dream happy children. Both have complementary parenting
in their children. Their strictness is also a kind of their styles and strengths to give children love, support and
love. guidance they need for healthy development. Fathers
Or in particular, influence a child’s emotional, social
No other one but fathers are the most caring person in a and intellectual grounding. An activity involved and
child’s life. But as they belong to different professions, reliable father helps to instill security and confidence in
different circumstances and different background so his child. Father helps to promote independence and a
they seem different to the children but in real all father healthy view of the outside world and their children are
are alike. As in the story Kezia compared her father more likely to be sociable, friendly and popular with
with Macdonald. She found Mr. Macdonald a more their peers. In real father’s involvement in child rearing
loving father than her father as he played with his enhances brain development and learning. In the lesson
children. He used to run round and round the flower Kezia does not like her father due to his strictness but
beds laughing. Kezia’s father was just opposite to Mr. later she realises that her father is a great source of love

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 33

and support for her. She finds him protective and calls father. If her father beat her, he only wanted to teach
him the best father. her that she should value the important things in life.
Or So his punishment had a lesson for Kezia and before

Parents’ contribution in shaping and framing the life doing any work, she would think twice whether the
of their kids cannot be compared with anything. The work that she was going to do was right or wrong.
values, courage, and virtues are all implanted by parents Or
at young age. The early years of man’s life is very
One day, when Kezia was kept indoors due to cold, her
delicate, his future is made or marred at this age. For grandmother suggested her to make a pin-cushion for
cultivating good qualities, for making their kids better her father. She stitched three sides of the cushion and
than them, they have to chide, scold or show their went to her mother’s bedroom to look for scraps with
strictness but in reality a spring of love remains behind which she could fill the cushion. On the bed-table she
it. As in the story ‘The little girl’ Kezia’s father appears discovered a great many sheets of fine paper, gathered
strict to her and she makes her opinion about him as a them up, tore them into tiny pieces and stuffed her case
strict and hard-hearted father but when she realises the and then sewed up the fourth side.
warmth of love she understands the love of her father.
That night there was a huge hue and cry in the house
because those papers were very important. It was a
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3 great speech for the Port Authority. So her parents were
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) in search of those sheets. This was the reason that her
1. (i) Kezia’s father made a hue and cry in the house. father got agitated and punished her with a ruler.
(ii) They were questioned to know about the great
(iii) She asked her about the speech in a polite manner. Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
(iv) She needed scraps to fill her father’s gift. 1. (i) ‘You’ is Kezia the little girl here.
2. (i) ‘She’ is referred to Kezia. (ii) She is talking with her mother here.
(ii) She should make a pin-cushion and gift it to her (iii) She never stuttered with the other people.
father on his birthday. (iv) Because she was afraid of him.
(iii) It was to fill the pin-cushion with stuff. 2. (i) ‘He’ is Kezia’s father here.
(iv) It symbolises her love and affection for her father. (ii) She made it to present her father on his birthday.
Short Answer Questions (iii) Because his great speech was missing.
1. She stitched cotton cloth three sides and looked for the (iv) She had great love for her father.
things that could be stuffed into the stitched cloth. Soon Short Answer Questions
she found out many sheets of paper. 1. Kezia had a horrible dream. She got frightened.
Actually they contained her father’s speech for the Port Her father caught up the child in his arms and lay
Authority. She tore them into pieces and stuffed her down beside her. She found that he was harder than
case. One day when her father looked for the papers, Grandmother, but it was a nice hardness. She thought
he did not find them. After some time, he came to that he was working hard for the family’s comfort. So
know that Kezia had torn them into pieces to make a she changed her opinion about her father.
pin-cushion. He got infuriated and beat her with a ruler. 2. Kezia expected that her father should play with her and
2. Kezia was a sensitive little girl. Her grandmother speak politely. She needed love and affection. She felt
suggested her that she should present a pin-cushion as alienated from the mainstream of life due to her father’s
a birthday gift for her father. She found nothing suitable behaviour.
in the house which she could use to make a pin-cushion. Value-Based Long Answer Questions
So she used her father’s papers for this purpose. She Kezia was a very sensitive child. She got dejected
tore them into pieces and stuffed the cushion with them. because of her father’s indifference towards her. She
When her father came to know about it, he felt very needed attention and affection. The Macdonalds lived
much annoyed and beat her with a ruler. Thus Kezia’s next door to her house. They had five children. Looking
birthday present proved a disaster. through a gap in the fence the little girl saw them
Value-Based Long Answer Questions playing ‘tag’ in the evening. The father with the baby,
Parents are very fond of their children. They always Mao, on his shoulders, two little girls hanging on to
desire to see them on the top. If they punish them, it his coat pockets ran round and round the flower beds,
does not mean that they want to hurt them. Kezia had brimming with laughter. Once she saw the boys turn
stuffed the pin-cushion with the papers that contained the hose on him—and he tried to catch them laughing
important speech, which was a great damage for her all the time. The incident made Kezia think that there

34 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

were different sorts of fathers. She compared her life her. But in the end of the story he shows his love and
to the lives of those children and found them fortunate affection towards Kezia when she is in dire need of
because they could spend time with their father. her father’s protection. He makes her feel comfortable
Or and lies beside her so that she may enjoy sound sleep

Kezia’s story is very touching. It shows that Kezia and she may not feel frightened due to a nightmare.
misinterprets her parents’ attitude and behaviour The author intends to say that parents never do wrong
because of her innocence. She thinks that her father with their children. They always think and act for the
does not love her. She concludes that he is rude and wellness of their children. They persistently strive
arrogant. He punishes her with a ruler. Moreover, hard for accumulating wealth to provide all the basic
he never plays with her and never spends time with necessities to their wards.

4. A Truly Beautiful Mind

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 this enemy of humanity. Because of his tireless efforts
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) for the humanity he was considered both as a visionary
and a world citizen.
1. (i) Albert Einstein’s parents left him with their
relatives when they had moved to Milan.

In fact, Albert Einstein was a peculiar child. He was
(ii) Mathematics was his favourite subject.
unable to behave like other children. His thinking was
(iii) Because it was more liberal than Munich.
also different. He did not talk for about two and a half
(iv) He was interested in Science but highly gifted in year. Besides his head seemed too large and he uttered
Mathematics. everything twice.
2. (i) Einstein became a university graduate in 1900 at
Einstein did not prove a good student when he was
the age of 21. quite young. But he was interested in Physics. He was
(ii) Einstein was supposed to be assessing other also highly gifted in Mathematics. He worked as a
people’s invention but he was secretly developing technical expert in the patent office in Bern. There he
his own ideas. was developing his own ideas in secret. He jokingly
(iii) It was the job of technical experts. called his desk the “bureau of theoretical physics.” In
(iv) He assessed the other people’s inventions. 1905, one of his famous papers was ‘Special Theory of
Short Answer Questions Relativity’. In 1919, his theory of gravity was proved
1. Einstein knew that his invention would be misused. right. He was now called a scientific genius. He was
He was deeply shaken by the extent of destruction awarded Nobel Prize in 1921 for Physics.
in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He immediately wrote a
letter to the U.N. and proposed the formation of a world
government. Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
2. Einstein is remembered as a world citizen because he 1. (i) Einstein got married in January 1903.
cared for the whole mankind. Using the popularity as a (ii) His married life was not a success. They divorced
renowned person, he campaigned for world peace and in 1919.
democracy. People admired him for his good ideas. (iii) Because she lost her intellectual ambition.
Value-Based Long Answer Questions (iv) It was the years of constant fighting with his wife.
Einstein was a great man of high calibre. Nobody can 2. (i) Einstein emigrated to America in 1933, because
deny his contribution in the scientific field. In the the Nazis came to power in Germany.
year 1905, his famous paper called Special Theory (ii) The American physicists were worried because
of Relativity was published. It specified that time the German scientists had discovered the nuclear
and distances are not absolute. He also established fission in Berlin.
a relation between energy and mass. He proved the (iii) Because he knew that single bomb could destroy
interchangeability of energy and mass that became the the world.
basis of use of nuclear energy. Unfortunately, some (iv) The discovery of nuclear fission in Berlin was the
people used this energy destructively. Mass destruction reason of his emigration.
caused by bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki touched Short Answer Questions
his heart. He pioneered an agitation to end the arms 1. Einstein published his General Theory of Relativity in
build up. He was against this destruction and atom the year 1915. His theory gave a new interpretation of
bombs. He dedicated rest of his life to fight against gravity. His theory was proved accurate in 1919.

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 35

2. Einstein was a peace loving person. He feared that 2. During childhood, Einstein was sent to school. There he
Nazis could make an atom bomb and would use that failed to show any sign of progress in his studies. The
against the USA. He wrote a letter to the President headmaster too had a poor opinion about him. He told
Roosevelt warning against the approaching threat. Einstein’s father that he would never make a success
Value-Based Long Answer Questions at anything.
Teachers and schools play an important role in the lives Value-Based Long Answer Questions
of students. Neither teacher, nor school authorities Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 in the
should underestimate a student because of his less German city of Ulm. At the age of two-and-a-half,
interest in any particular subject. On the other hand the Einstein did not start speaking. When he finally did
taste of the students must be identified and promoted to learn to speak, he uttered everything twice. He did not
get better performance. Albert Einstein as an unusual know what to do with other children and his playmates
child was quite good at studies but he was not interested called him “Brother Boring”. He loved mechanical toys.
in learning dates in history because he did not find any Einstein did not get appreciation from his teachers. A
logic in that. This made a great difference between him headmaster told his father he would not succeed in any
and his teacher. His headmaster thought that he would field. But he was a talented violinist and maintained
never succeed in his life. He could not adjust himself this skill throughout his life. When Einstein joined a
in the school and left it at the age of 15. He went to the school in Munich, he did well in studies. But he hated
university in Zurich for higher education. He did his the school’s regimentation and left the school at the age
graduation and became one of the leading scientists of of 15. Einstein was highly gifted in Mathematics and
the world. interested in Physics.
Or Or
Einstein was a scientific genius. When the Nazis Einstein did not prove a good student when he was
discovered the nuclear fission, the American scientists quite young. But he was interested in Physics. He was
feared that the Nazis could build an atomic bomb. also highly gifted in Mathematics. He worked as a
Einstein wrote a letter to the American President, technical expert in the patent office in Bern. There he
warning against the misuse of atomic power. Einstein was developing his own ideas in a secret. He jokingly
was shocked when America dropped an atom bomb called his desk the “bureau of theoretical physics.” In
over Hiroshima. He joined politics and decided to 1905, one of his famous papers was ‘Special Theory of
work for world peace and democracy. Being deeply Relativity’. In 1919, his theory of gravity was proved
shaken by the extent of the destruction, he wrote a right. He was now called a scientific genius. He was
public letter to the United States advocating for the awarded Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
formation of a world government. He was against the
arms race. DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3 1. (i) He wanted to continue his education in Switzerland.
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) (ii) They were Physics and Mathematics.
1. (i) According to him, time and distance are not (iii) He found school there more liberal than that of
absolute. Munich.
(ii) It was published in 1905. (iv) His moustache is compared with that of a walrus.
(iii) He was twenty-six years old. 2. (i) ‘He’ is Einstein here.
(iv) The most famous formula describing the (ii) As a professional he would not get success.
relationship between mass and energy followed (iii) In high school in Munich, he scored good marks
after this special theory. in every subject.
2. (i) He worked over a decade in politics. (iv) Because he did not like strict discipline of high
(ii) He agitated to end arms build up. school.
(iii) He proposed the formation of a world government. Short Answer Questions
(iv) He used his popularity for peace and democracy. 1. When Einstein was two-and-a-half years old, he still
Short Answer Questions wasn’t talking. When he finally learnt to speak, he
1. Einstein called his desk drawer at the patent office spoke everything twice. His playmates called him
the “bureau of theoretical physics”. Einstein was ‘Brother Boring’. So Einstein played by himself much
actually developing his own ideas in a secret and his of the time.
drawer had all the evidences which could reveal the 2. Albert wanted to marry Mileva right after finishing
secret. his studies. But his mother was against it. She thought

36 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

Mileva, who was three years older than Einstein, looked technology was considered as sin. So he felt moved
too old for him. She was also bothered by Mileva’s and that destruction shocked him. It made him write a
intelligence. Einstein’s mother said, “she is a book like public missive to the United Nations.
you.” So Einstein put the wedding off. Or
Value-Based Long Answer Questions
Einstein hated the regimented environment of his
The Americans developed the atomic bomb in a secret school in Munich. He always argued with his teachers.
project and dropped on the two major cities of Japan His mind was not made for the normal strict and
i.e. Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. Einstein disciplined environment of a school. That is why he left
knew the aftermaths of dropping the atomic bomb. So school to enjoy his independence. It shows like every
he warned the American President Franklin Roosevelt human being he also believes in the independence. He
in 1939. But he did not heed his advice and decided to wanted to study in Switzerland as he thinks there is less
devastate Japan and humanity at large. Einstein was a stifling environment in Switzerland compared to that in
scientist who wanted that science should be used for Munich. Einstein always liked to take his own decision
the welfare of the society and not to destroy mankind. which is evident from his insistence on leaving Munich
Killing of human beings using the modern scientific for a better future.

5. The Snake and the Mirror

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 but he knew that nothing like jumping, trembling or
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) crying would be of any use. He held his breath and sat
still like a stone. He felt God around him. His mind was
1. (i) The narrator lived in a small rented house.
active but all other parts of the body were at a stand
(ii) The sound of movements of rats was the familiar
still. He only moved after the snake had unwound itself
sound in the room.
and had crept on to the table. He slowly got up without
(iii) The narrator had just set up medical practice and disturbing the snake. The snake was busy in admiring
his income was not enough. its own beauty. Then he ran out of the room. In this way
(iv) Because he had just started his profession. he avoided being bitten by the snake.
2. (i) He was a bachelor. Or
(ii) According to the doctor, one is always tempted to
A good story should have humour to entertain the
look into a mirror when it is near. readers because it arouses interest of readers in the
(iii) Because he was a great admirror of beauty. story. In the story the ‘The Snake and the Mirror’, the
(iv) He decided to make his presence felt as an author has a great sense of humour. He creates humour
unmarried man. in the middle of a horrifying incident. He presents the
Short Answer Questions main characters of the story in a humourous way. He is
1. The doctor encountered the snake which had landed a learned doctor but his life style and thinking and the
on his shoulder. He was scared but showed a great way he presented himself before his friends are all full
presence of mind. He neither jumped nor cried. He sat of laughter. He shared the room with rats, his ideas to
on the chair holding his breath. His mind was active read the snake’s mind and his detailed description of the
though his body was still. final insult, all these make it a great humourous story.
2. The snake left the doctor and sat in front of the mirror. In this way we can say that the story writer should have
He looked into it. The doctor thought that the snake was skill to add some humour in the story either tragic, full
admiring his beauty. If it was a male snake, he might of climax or on the basis of historical event.
be thinking of growing moustache. If it was a female,
it might be thinking about using eye shadow, mascara
or wearing vermilion on her forehead. Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
Value-Based Long Answer Questions 1. (i) The doctor was thinking about the snake.
Life is full of hurdles. It is veiled. No one can tell about (ii) The doctor found a snake on his shoulder.
the next moment. Everyone has to face threat or danger (iii) He was sitting in front of the table.
in life but those who shows courage and presence of (iv) Because there was no snake in the roof above.
mind easily come out of the danger. In the story ‘The 2. (i) The doctor ran because he was afraid of the snake
Snake and the Mirror’ it was doctor’s presence of mind that landed on his shoulder.
which helps him to save his life. The doctor was shocked (ii) The doctor found that all his belongings were
to find the snake coiling up on his arm. He was shocked stolen.

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 37

(iii) Because a snake had fallen on his shoulder. Short Answer Questions
(iv) The thief left behind his vest. 1. The doctor took two decisions while he was looking
Short Answer Questions into the mirror. First, he would shave daily and grow
1. The doctor was unmarried. He was a great admirer of a thin moustache to look more handsome. Second, he
beauty. He believed in making himself handsome while would always keep an attractive smile on his face.
looking into the mirror, he adjusted his hair many times. 2. When the snake landed on the doctor’s shoulder, he
He also decided to shave daily. didn’t jump or tremble. He didn’t even cry out. He
2. The next day when the doctor came back to his room knew that at the slightest movement, the snake would
with some people to take his luggage away, he found strike him. Because its head was spread and its head
that some thief had cleaned his room completely but the was hardly three or four inches from his face. Then he
thief had left his vest behind. It was dirty. It appeared said, “Death lurked four inches away.”
that the thief had a better sense of cleanliness than the Value-Based Long Answer Questions
doctor. The thief left the vest behind which was the The doctor got terrified when the snake landed on his
‘final insult’ for the doctor. shoulder. He remembered the Almighty and sat there
Value-Based Long Answer Questions like a stone image in the flesh. He had pain in his left
Most of the people lose their courage and get nervous arm. It was as if a rod of molten fire was powerfully
in difficult situations but those who use presence of crushing his arm. The arm was beginning to be drained
mind and a balanced behaviour in difficult situation of all the strength. He felt that his end was near. The
can make the situation in favour. In the story when snake spread its head and its head was hardly three or
the doctor confronted with the snake he behaved in a four inches from his face. So, the doctor got afraid of
balanced way. He did not jump or tremble in fear. He the snake and prayed to God for his safety.
sat like a statue. He retained his presence of mind as Or
well as his sense of humour. Soon the snake unwound The author uttered these words. He was right in using
itself from his arm. The doctor got up from the chair, these words. His financial condition was not sound. He
went out quietly and ran away to his friend’s house. was living in a rented room and had no facility there.
Thus his presence of mind saved his life from the snake. He endured the company of rats. When the snake was
Or about to strike him, he thought about medicines. But
Generally animal and creatures are not as selfish as he did not have any medicine at home. So he cursed his
human beings. These animals only want to live freely poverty and declared himself foolish for not keeping
without any restrictions or interference in their way of any medicine. The house he was living in, was not
living. Animals or creatures attack only when they find electrified. He had just set up medical practice and his
that they are going to be attacked. In most cases humans earnings were meagre. At first he did not heed the sound
attack on animals for no purpose or fun. Animals only in the room and took it casually. The fat snake wriggled
lose their head and are compelled to harm humans over the bank of the chair and landed on his shoulder.
when they find their life in risk. In the story ‘The Snake It shows that the author acted in a stupid manner.
and the Mirror’ the snake enters the room of doctor. It
tightened itself around his arm but its intention was DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4
not to harm the doctor. It crept and moved towards the Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
mirror. If doctor would have made some violent effort
1. (i) ‘I’ is the speaker here.
to remove the snake, it might have harmed the doctor.
(ii) He would shave daily and grow a thin moustache.
Thus it is true the animals harm others only when they
are harmed. In general the creatures like snakes are shy (iii) Because he was a bachelor doctor.
and will simply leave if they are given chance. (iv) He would also keep an attractive smile.
2. (i) It was a hot summer and there was no air.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3 (ii) He practised as a homeopathic doctor.
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) (iii) He was tempted to look his face in the mirror.
1. (i) ‘I’ is the narrator who is a young doctor. (iv) Because he was unmarried.
(ii) Because he was young and unmarried. Short Answer Questions
(iii) He will shave daily and grow a thin moustache. 1. The doctor got up from his chair and quietly went out
(iv) He would keep an attractive smile on his face. through the door. He reached the verandah, jumped into
2. (i) ‘I’ is the narrator here. the yard and ran as fast as he could. He kept on running
(ii) Because a thick snake was coiled around his arm. till he reached a friend’s house. There he smeared oil
(iii) It refers to a black cobra. all over himself and took a bath. He changed into fresh
(iv) The speaker’s arm had drained of all strength. clothes.

38 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

2. When the snake landed on the doctor’s shoulder, he earnings were meagre. At first he did not heed the sound
didn’t jump or tremble. He didn’t even cry out. He in the room and took it casually. The fat snake wriggled
knew that at the slightest movement, the snake would over the bank of the chair and landed on his shoulder.
strike him. Because its head was spread and its head It shows that the author acted in a stupid manner. Thus
was hardly three or four inches away from his face. we can say that the words used by the author for himself
Then he said, “Death lurked four inches away.” are justified.
Value-Based Long Answer Questions Or
The author uttered these words. He was right in using
The doctor got terrified when the snake landed on his
these words. His financial condition was not sound. He shoulder. He remembered the Almighty and sat there
was living in a rented room and had no facility there. like a stone image in the flesh. He had pain in his left
He endured the company of rats. When the snake was arm. It was as if a rod of molten fire was powerfully
about to strike him, he thought about medicines. But crushing his arm. The arm was beginning to be drained
he did not have any medicine at home. So he cursed his of all the strength. He felt that his end was near. The
poverty and declared himself foolish for not keeping snake spread its head and its head was hardly three or
any medicine. The house he was living in, was not four inches away from his face. So, the doctor got afraid
electrified. He had just set up medical practice and his of the snake and prayed to God for his safety.

6. My Childhood
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 school authorities or teachers should never support any
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) religion. In other words schools are the best places of
foundation of secularism. Students study, play, entertain
1. (i) ‘I’ is Abdul Kalam here.
and learn different things from each other. There should
(ii) Speaker’s father was a simple man who avoided
not be discrimination on the basis of caste or religion.
inessential comforts.
In the lesson Abdul Kalam and his friend were told
(iii) His childhood was safe and secure. His father to sit on different benches because of their religions.
provided him all the essential comforts. It was quite against the humanity. So such type of
(iv) His father avoided all inessential comforts and discrimination should never be allowed in schools and
luxuries. educational institutions.
2. (i) The speaker is Abdul Kalam. Or
(ii) He used to collect tamarind seeds.
Parents play a vital role in making their child a good
(iii) His brother-in-law, Jalluluddin, told him stories of human. They should provide good values which are
war. given in every religion. This non-religious way means
(iv) Because it was an isolated area. focusing on education without religious bias and in
Short Answer Questions corporating humanist and free thought values. The
1. During the world war an emergency was declared. The parents should provide their child with the opportunity
stoppage of trains at Rameshwaram was suspended. His to have love for learning and passion for discovering
cousin Samsuddin needed a helping hand who would new information from a secular point of view. In the
catch the bundle at the station thrown from the train. case of Abdul Kalam, his mother was a very kind and
Abdul offered his help and earned his first wage. sincere domestic lady. She filled Abdul with qualities
2. Abdul’s parents were simple but full of wisdom. His of life. Thus he inherited the qualities of faith in
father avoided all inessential comforts and luxuries. goodness and deep kindness. At bed time she even
Abdul inherited honesty and self-discipline from his told the events from the ‘Ramayana’ and from the
father and faith in goodness and deep kindness from life of the Prophet. It was due to his parents’ specific
his mother. characteristics, Abdul developed all the good qualities
Value-Based Long Answer Questions of head and heart.
Schools or other educational institutes are the places
where students come from every religion. In schools or
institutions there are students whose motive is to gain Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
knowledge. There should be good relationship between 1. (i) ‘My’ is Abdul Kalam here.
the students of different religions. Schools should be (ii) The newspapers had to be thrown out of the
places where minds are opened. The students should moving train because of the suspension of train
have regard for the good values of every religion. The halt at Rameswaram.

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 39

(iii) Because it was his first work when he had earned DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3
his own money.
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
(iv) The speaker feels pride in his first earning.
1. (i) ‘He’ is the speaker’s science teacher.
2. (i) His father’s virtues were honesty and self discipline.
(ii) His science teacher invited him.
(ii) All his three friends belonged to orthodox Brahmin
(iii) She is an orthodox lady.
(iv) He was invited by his science teacher to have a
(iii) They similarly inherited honesty and self-discipline
meal at home.
from their father.
(iv) He learnt goodness and deep kindness from her. 2. (i) He is Kalam’s father here.
Short Answer Questions (ii) He had to get his permission to leave Rameshwaram
for study.
1. His society and neighbours were all Hindus. His
friends, his elders, and his teachers were all orthodox (iii) The speaker wants to go to Ramanathapuram.
Hindus. He had his father, mother, his friend’s relatives (iv) We should give respect to our parents.
and his teachers around him. He was impressed with Short Answer Questions
all of them. 1. His mother was a noble and kindhearted woman. She
2. Kalam’s science teacher’s name was Sivasubramania used to feed a large number of people. She had all the
Iyer. He influenced Kalam with his broad outlook on attributes of a typical Indian mother.
the problem of social differences based on religion. He 2. The author describes his father as a wise and generous
urged Kalam to fight this social evil. person. He felt happy when he helped others. He didn’t
Value-Based Long Answer Questions have much formal education and riches. He was a man
The system under reference is the system of of confidence. He avoided inessential comforts and
discrimination on the basis of religion. The Indian luxuries. The author’s mother was a noble and kind-
society suffered from narrow-mindedness. The poison hearted woman.
of social inequality and communal intolerance was Value-Based Long Answer Questions
widespread. In some parts of the country the orthodox One day when Kalam was in the fifth standard at the
Brahmins did not allow the Muslims to enter their Rameswaram Elementary School, a new teacher came
kitchen. They were served meal, if necessary, outside to his class. He could not endure a Hindu priest’s son
only. Abdul Kalam’s science teacher, Sivasubramania sitting with a Muslim boy. The author was asked to
Iyer was a rebel by nature. He was deadly against the sit on the back bench. He felt very sad and so did
prevalent system. When he invited Abdul Kalam to his Ramanadha Sastry. They communicated this matter to
home, his wife refused to serve him food. But Iyer not their parents. Lakshmana Sastry summoned the teacher
only served him food himself but also invited him next and told him that he should not spread communalism
week. He told Abdul Kalam that when one decides to and the feelings of inequality. He bluntly asked the
go against the social custom, one has to face numerous teacher to apologise or quit the school and the island.
problems. He proved that if one is determined to face
The teacher regretted his behaviour and changed his
problems and change the system, one succeeds. He
attitude also.
convinced his wife, who served Abdul Kalam food the
next week.
Or Abdul Kalam asked his father for permission to leave
Rameswaram and study at the district headquarters
India is the land of many religions, castes and creeds.
in Ramanathapuram. His father did not get upset. He
Many festivals are celebrated here with pomp and
show, which gives India a multicolour look but said that he knew Kalam was to go away to grow. He
even after so much diversity India is full of unity. was a wise man and was aware of the harsh reality
Though people are aware about their castes yet of life. He knew a seagull crosses the sun alone and
they share natural friendships and experiences. In without a nest. He was well acquainted with the fact
the lesson “My Childhood”, Kalam’s mother used that life is not easy. We have to make tremendous
to tell him events from the ‘Ramayan’ and the life efforts to face the hardships of life. The sons and
of the Prophet. Even the parents hated the poison daughters live their own lives as it is the dire need
of communalism. During the annual Shri Sitaram of time.
Kalayanam ceremony Kalam’s family used to DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4
arrange boats with a special platform for carrying
the idols of the Lord from temple to the marriage Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
site. The site was situated in the middle of the pond 1. (i) ‘I’ is Abdul Kalam here.
called Rama Tirtha. (ii) He studied at the Rameswaram Elmentary school.

40 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

(iii) Because he was wearing a cap. Value-Based Long Answer Questions
(iv) He was his friend. The narrator’s science teacher invited him to his home
2. (i) ‘He’ is Sivasubramania Iyer here. for a meal. His wife was horrified at the idea of a
(ii) He invited the narrator to his home for a meal. Muslim boy being invited to dine in her ritually pure
(iii) He was supposed to have his meal in the ritually kitchen. She refused to serve him food in her kitchen.
pure kitchen. Sivasubramania Iyer was not perturbed, nor did he get
angry with his wife. But he served him with his own
(iv) She was a conservative woman.
hands and sat down beside him to eat his meal. When
Short Answer Questions he visited his house the next week, he found that the
1. The author describes his father as a wise and generous teacher’s wife had changed her notion about casteism.
person. He felt happy when he helped others. He didn’t She took him inside her kitchen and served him food
have much formal education and riches. He was a man with her own hands.
of confidence. He avoided inessential comforts and Or
luxuries. Abdul Kalam asked his father for permission to leave
The author’s mother was a noble and kind-hearted Rameswaram and study at the district headquarters in
woman. She used to feed a large number of people. Ramanathapuram. His father did not get upset. He said
2. Sivasubramania Iyer was Kalam’s science teacher. He that he knew Kalam had to go away to grow. He was
invited him to have food at his house though his wife a wise man and was aware of the harsh reality of life.
was an orthodox Brahmin. He sat beside his teacher to He knew a seagull crosses the sun alone and without a
eat his meal. His teacher invited him to the meal the nest. He was well acquainted with the fact that life is
next time also. He observed Kalam’s hesitation but told not easy. We have to make tremendous efforts to face
him that such problems had to be faced once we decide the hardships of life. The sons and daughters live their
to change the system. own lives as it is the dire need of time.

7. Packing
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 physical trouble and they prevent it while others who
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) do not have time to think before their simple ailment
become complex, have to face a long struggle to cure
1. (i) ‘I’ is Jerome here.
their ailment. The same saying is fit in every aspect
(ii) It was the issue of packing.
of life. Any problem can be curbed in beginning.
(iii) The author would pack everything for them.
In the story “Packing” all three friends think that
(iv) The speaker has a good knowledge of packing. they are suffering from this or that ailment, so they
2. (i) ‘I’ is Jerome here. decide to bring a change in their routine by going on
(ii) His friends misunderstood his offer of help. They a journey. Their way to get back their healthy attitude
made him work while he wanted to act as their towards life is justified as this is necessary to bring
boss. some change in routined monotonous life to make
(iii) The author did not enjoy his packing work. it happy.
(iv) He was locking his legs on the table. Or
Short Answer Questions
Everyone longs for more breathing space, fresh
1. Jerome offered his ability to pack with an intention to stimuli, new ideas different perspectives not only
superintend his friends. But George and Harris thought to get success but also to make more positive social
that Jerome would do the entire job. They sat idle. It impact in the world. A journey provides one all these
irritated the narrator. pleasures as one has to go completely outside one’s
2. When Jerome offered to pack his real intention was normal environment. One not only enjoys the nature
to supervise their work. He wanted to act as a boss but also learns from individuals and context that one
only. But his offer was misused by his friends who did would otherwise never get the chance to meet and
nothing but to spoil the things. be a part of those learning which is often surprising.
Value-Based Long Answer Questions One learns different cultures and bundle of things
The saying ‘prevention is better than cure’ is a way from others during journey. Furthermore journey
of saying that it is easier to prevent an illness than provides us time for self reflection. In hectic routine
to treat it. Everyone has to face this or that ailment of life one never gets time to think about oneself.
but some people get aware in the beginning of any Away from the routine environment one has ample

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 41

time to know one self and to plan for the future. One DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3
learns something unexpected and dynamic during Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
1. (i) ‘I’ is Jerome here.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 (ii) He wanted to boss packing.
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) (iii) He wanted Harris and George to work under his
1. (i) The author was looking for his tooth brush. direction.
(ii) He found it inside the boot. (iv) He is a great packer.
(iii) When he reopened his bag to search for his 2. (i) ‘They’ are George and Harris here.
tooth brush there was utter chaos. He had to get (ii) ‘I’ is Jerome here.
everything out but did not find his tooth brush. (iii) How packing is done.
(iv) Packing is an art otherwise it creates choas. (iv) He waited patently.
2. (i) ‘I’ is Jerome here. Short Answer Questions
(ii) ‘They’ are George and Harris. 1. When Jerome told George and Harris to leave the job
(iii) They are packing. of packing on him, they accepted his advice. George
(iv) They were confused while packing. put on pipe and sat over the easy-chair and Harris lit a
Short Answer Questions cigar. Now they were sitting idle and watching Jerome
1. The author remarks that he can’t sit idle and see other packing the things which irritated Jerome.
people slaving and working. He wanted to get up and 2. After packing everything in the bag, the author realised
supervise his friends in packing. But his offer was taken that he needed his toothbrush. So he reopened his bag.
otherwise and his friends left the entire work of packing He had to turn everything out of the bag to find it but
to him. he could not find it. He held everything up and shook
2. George and Harris were not good packers. They were it but still he could not find it. At last, he found it inside
nervous and excited. In excitement, they stepped on the a boot. Then he put all things back again one by one
thing and messed up everything. Jerome tried to help into the bag.
them when they got irritated. Value-Based Long Answer Questions
Value-Based Long Answer Questions The author packed things into the bag and strapped
Montmorency’s contribution to the packing cannot be it. Now there remained some hampers (baskets) to be
forgotten. His ambition in life was to disturb others packed. So George and Harris started packing them.
and be abused by them. He came and sat on things, just They had to pack plates, cups, kettles, bottles, jars,
when they were going to be packed and he put his leg pies, stoves, cakes, tomatoes, etc. into the hampers.
into the jam. He disturbed everything. He pretended the When they started packing, they broke a cup. Then
lemons to be rats and got into the hamper and killed Harris packed the strawberry jam on top of a tomato
three of them. and squashed it. They picked up the tomato with
Montmorency wanted to be a perfect nuisance and a teaspoon. Then George trod on the butter. They
make people mad. If things are thrown at his head, he stepped on things and put things behind them.
feels his day has not been wasted. To get somebody When they needed them, they could not find them.
to stumble over him, and curse him steadily for an Thereafter, they packed the pies at the bottom and
hour was his highest aim and objective. When he got put heavy things on top and smashed the pies. They
succeeded in accomplishing it, his conceit became quite upset salt over everything. And then they looked for
unbearable. the butter on which Harris sat. They looked for the
Or butter all over the room before he found it on the back
A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend is an oft of Harris.
saying. Lazy friends most often remain burden as they Or
do not want to do any work and one has to do the whole Volunteering sometimes causes a headache when the
work for the sake of one’s friendship. In the story, the person who are guided are not capable to follow the
author has two friends—Harris and George. They are indications. In the story, the author volunteered his
lazy. They irritate the writer who has volunteered to expertise in packing. He just wanted to act as a boss and
pack for them. This service becomes a headache for superintend them. But they sat leisurely and watched
him. George and Harris are not only lazy but worst the author doing their packing. It just irritated him as
packers also. Though Jerome makes a few minor he himself had to pack the things. In his irritation he
mistakes while packing. This is the reason why he likes had made some mistakes and he had to pack and repack
to pack and repack many times but ultimately it is he the things many times. When he found Harris and
who has finished packing in a better way. George made a lot of mess while packing, he himself

42 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

had to pack the things. Thus it is true that volunteering Value-Based Long Answer Questions
sometimes becomes a burden. The author reopened the bag three times while packing
things in it. After packing the things. The author
thought that he had put all things into the bag but soon
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) after the packing Harris told him that he had forgotten
1. (i) ‘He’ is Montmorency here. to pack his boots. So he reopened the bag and put the
(ii) He sat on things ready for packing. boots into the bag and just was going to close it, then he
(iii) He got there in search of rats. thought about his toothbrush. He again opened the bag
(iv) Harris landed him with the help of a frying-pan. to find his toothbrush. And again he opened the bag to
2. (i) They are George and Harris. look for his pouch. Finally, he completed his packing
(ii) They tried to put it in the kettle. at 10:05 pm.
(iii) Because it did not come out of the kettle. Or
(iv) Because he sat on it. The three friends were getting ready to pack for their
Short Answer Questions camping trip. While packing and putting the boots
1. After packing the things in the bag and hampers they in, the narrator wondered whether he had packed his
went to sleep. They were deciding on what time they toothbrush. Whenever he went on a journey, he was
would wake up in the morning. In the meanwhile, always so obsessed about his toothbrush that it made
George slept on the floor. They placed a bath tub beside him miserable all the time. Once the narrator thought
George so that he could tumble into it on getting out in that he hadn’t packed his toothbrush and woke up in
the morning. a cold perspiration and got out of his bed to hunt for
2. Montmorency was an ambitious dog. He always desired it. And, in the morning, he packed it before he had
to get in the way of others and get solved. When George used it. He had to unpack the bag again to take out
and Harris were packing he came and sat on things. He the toothbrush. Then he repacked the toothbrush and
pretended that lemons were rats. He quickly got into forgot it. Then he had to rush upstairs for it at the last
the hamper to kill the rats. Unfortunately he had spoiled moment and carry it to the railway station wrapped up
three lemons. in his pocket handkerchief.

8. Reach for the Top

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 2. During her successful mission of 1992, Santosh Yadav
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) found herself to be the member of Indo-Nepalese
Women’s expedition. It was her strong will, concern for
1. (i) The girl was not contented due to the presence of
others and other qualities that she joined the expedition
the traditional ways of life.
and conquered the Everest for a second time. She set
(ii) She wore shorts rather than traditional Indian
a record as the only woman to have conquered the
Everest twice.
(iii) She preferred to wear shorts to the traditional
Value-Based Long Answer Questions
Girls are blessed with courage, patience and
(iv) The correct and rational paths influence others for
determination. If they are given chance they prove
themselves in every field. I am in favour of the
2. (i) It was the custom of the family that Santosh had statement that if girls like Santosh Yadav are allowed
to go for her education in the local village school. to go to school in village, it will bring a change
(ii) She was under pressure for marriage at the age of in the society. Girls are talented and if they get an
sixteen. opportunity, they can excel in all the fields. Overall
(iii) They were landowners. an educated girl can educate the entire family. It is
(iv) At the age of sixteen she faced the pressure of time that girl’s power must be identified and it must
marriage from her parents. be promoted by all means. In India there are many
Short Answer Questions social customs like early marriage, looking after
1. In 1992 expeditions, she saw one climber lying dying household chores, social insecurity etc. which do not
at the south pole. She tried her best to provide him allow them to get proper education in rural areas. Girls
all possible help but she was unsuccessful. In another are expected to lead a traditional life. These social
event she saved Mohan Singh in the same condition. taboos must be eradicated to get a Santosh Yadav in
She shared her oxygen with him. every family.

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 43

Or her room, going up the hill and suddenly vanishing after

Life is not a bed of roses. In every step one has to a while. One day she decided to check it out herself.
struggle for making his or her place. Those who are She found nobody except a few mountaineers. She
determined and optimist are rewarded with wonderful asked if she could join them. To her pleasant surprise,
feat. Santosh Yadav was quite determined to choose her they answered in the affirmative and motivated
correct path. She knew what she had to do. Born in a her to take to climbing. Then there was no looking
traditional family, she had to face many difficulties and back for this determined girl. She saved money and
oppositions from her own family. Her parents wanted enrolled in a course at Uttarkashi’s Nehru Institute of
her to get married at the age of sixteen. She firmly Mountaineering.
opposed it and warned that she would never get married DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3
unless she got proper education. She went to Delhi and
got herself enrolled without her father’s permission. Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
Her firm determination and hard work put her on the 1. (i) Maria had to leave for the United States at the age
top of the world. of nine.
(ii) Yuri was her father.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 (iii) She was sent to the U.S. to get training in tennis.
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) (iv) Her mother suffered a heart wrenching two year
1. (i) Santosh joined the Maharani College in Jaipur after separation for her.
her high school. 2. (i) Her pronunciation indicates American accent.
(ii) She saw the villagers going up the hills and (ii) She says that she belongs to Russia and has
suddenly vanishing after a while. Russian citizenship.
(iii) It is in Jaipur. (iii) In Russia she was born in Siberia.
(iv) They encouraged her to take up climbing. (iv) She has deep love for her country.
2. (i) ‘I’ is Santosh Yadav here. Short Answer Questions
(ii) The semester in Jaipur was to end in April but it 1. Maria Sharapova was sent to the U.S.A. for tennis
ended on 19th May. training when she was hardly ten. She knew that her
(iii) She did not go to her house lest she should be late tennis excellence would come at a price.
even her parents might disagree with her. 2. Maria Sharapova was a girl with strict mental toughness
(iv) Because she joined the training without his and determination. Her competitive edge would begin
permission. before she attained the age of nine years. She had not
celebrated her tenth birthday when she was to go to
Short Answer Questions
the United States of America for her tennis training.
1. Santosh Yadav’s name was recorded in the record book Her sacrifice, determination and tolerance helped her
both the times because – firstly she was the youngest to reach the pinnacle.
woman to scale the Everest and secondly, she was the
Value-Based Long Answer Questions
only woman to scale it twice.
One can fill colours in one’s dream with hard work
2. Santosh at Kasturba hostel was inspired to join but hard work without firm determination cannot
mountaineers while watching them to take to climbing. bring fruit according to one’s expectation. We can see
She thus went to Uttarkashi to join the course at this in the story of Maria Sharapova. When she was
Uttarkashi’s Nehru Institute of Mountaineering. She only nine years old, she had to live alone in the U.S.A.
got herself enrolled at Uttarkashi. She was the youngest player and was constantly
Value-Based Long Answer Questions humiliated by fellow players. But Maria never gave
Santosh went on expedition every year. Her climbing up. Her strong determination made her mentally
skills matured rapidly. She developed a remarkable tough. It was her determination which blessed her
resistance to cold and the altitude. She had an iron will, with number one position in women’s tennis on 22
physical endurance and a wonderful mental toughness. August, 2005. It was not an easy journey for her. She
She also had the qualities of hard work and sincerity. had a life full of struggle and sacrifices. She suffered
When she was hardly twenty years of age, she scaled from insults and humiliation from her fellow players.
Mt. Everest. Her climbing skills, physical fitness and But all this made her mentally tough and she became
mental strength impressed her seniors. more determined with clear vision to succeed in her
Or life.
Santosh passed the high school examination and went to Or
Jaipur. She joined Maharani college and got a room in If one has to live it is quite impossible to detach the
Kasturba Hostel. Santosh used to watch villagers from values of her own land. In other words, somewhere

44 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

the imprints of our motherland remain alive. Maria 2. Maria belonged to a middle-class family. Her father
Sharapova is a Russian citizen. She belonged to a poor Yuri was not well-off. He had to work as much as he
family of Siberia. Her father recognised her potential could to keep Maria’s tennis training going on. But
in tennis and sent her to Florida for training. She was he could not see her either. Her mother Yelena had to
determined to acquire excellence in tennis. She paid stay in Siberia because of visa restrictions. Two years
the price for it by living alone without her mother and separation from Yelena troubled Maria very much. It
bearing insults and humiliation at the hands of fellow was her father who launched her on the path to success
students. She was only non-American in the camp. She and stardom.
acquired mental and physical toughness. She is highly Value-Based Long Answer Questions
competitive and is not sentimental at all. She loves Maria took just four years as a professional to reach
singing, dancing; reading and wearing sophisticated the pinnacle in women’s tennis. She had not yet
clothes. She is proud of being Russian. celebrated her tenth birthday, when she was sent
to the U.S.A. for training. The trip to Florida with
her father launched her on the path to success and
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) stardom. She had to bear a two-year separation from her
1. (i) Maria is fond of fashion and singing. mother.
(ii) She loves pancakes with chocolate spread over and It is her mental toughness, determination and sacrifice,
fizzy orange drinks. which helped her to pursue her dreams. These are the
(iii) She reads novels written by him. real keys of her bagging the Ladies Singles crown at
(iv) Like teenagers she also likes fashions, singing and Wimbledon in 2004. Then she ran like a meteoric star
dancing. and rose to the world’s number one position in the next
2. (i) These are (i) her unwavering desire to succeed year.
(ii) readiness to sacrifice. Or
(ii) Maria says that tennis is a business and a sport. Maria was packed off to train in the United States.
(iii) Her talent, unwavering desire to succeed and She had not yet celebrated her tenth birthday. That
readiness to sacrifice lifted her to top of the world. trip to Florida with her father Yuri launched her on
(iv) According to her, money is the biggest motivation the path to success and stardom. But it required a
but the most important thing is to become number heart wrenching two-year separation from her mother
one in the world. Yelena. Her mother was forced to stay back in Siberia
Short Answer Questions because of visa restrictions. She terribly missed her
1. Her tennis pupils used to order Maria to tidy up the mother. But she did not feel depressed. She became
room. She did not take it to heart but became mentally more determined and mentally tough. She learnt how
tough and determined. She learnt caring herself and to take care of herself. She used to say that when one
never thought of quitting. She said, “When you come comes with nothing and has nothing, then it makes one
from nothing and you have nothing then it makes you very hungry and determined. In this way her alienation
very hungry and determined.” became a boon for her.

9. The Bond of Love

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 Short Answer Questions
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) 1. On the first occasion, Bruno ate Barium carbonate
which was kept in the kitchen to kill rats. He was
1. (i) The rats and mice had entered the library. So, he
paralysed and had to be taken to a vet.
had put down poison.
On the second occasion, he drank engine oil. However,
(ii) Bruno could not stand on his feet. It was a case of
the engine oil did not have any ill effect on him.
2. Yes, Bruno was a loving and playful pet. He entertained
(iii) The writer rushed to the residence of the vet. everyone by his tricks. But he had grown in size and
(iv) He took him to the vet’s residence because he had was getting too big to be kept at home. He could be
eaten poison. dangerous for children. He was always kept in chains.
2. (i) ‘You’ is the speaker here. So it was decided that he should be sent to the zoo.
(ii) ‘His’ refers to the vet here. Value-Based Long Answer Questions
(iii) The cub seemed to be suffering from paralysis. Yes the company of an animal can give undiluted
(iv) He ate it in the library. pleasure to a human being. The author captured a

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 45

baby bear from a sugarcane field. His wife named it Value-Based Long Answer Questions
‘Bruno’. It was lovingly called ‘Baba’ by her. The cub The author’s wife missed him greatly. She was
became friendly even with dogs and the children. Bruno inconsolable. She wept and fretted. For the first few
became a source of delight for the entire family of the days she would not eat anything. Then she wrote a
author. Baba entertained them by his tricks and playful number of letters to the curator. For three months
activities. He developed an emotional attachment with the author managed to restrain his wife from visiting
the wife of the author. When he was sent to the zoo, Mysore. But one day she said that she would go to
he missed her and did not eat for many days. She wept see Baba by bus. So the author took her by car. She
and fretted and ultimately she brought him back. They nourished the bear like her son. Her motherly affection
were constant source of pleasure for each other. In our forced her to meet Baba. And Baba also reciprocated
surrounding we notice so many people who are deeply the same feelings. They kept sitting together in the
attached with their pets and they can’t imagine to live cage for three hours. She gave him eatables and tea.
without their pet and the pet also seems quite concerned Undoubtedly, she felt sad and depressed when Baba
to the owner. was transported to the zoo.
Or Or

Animals know love well. Though they cannot speak The author took his wife to the zoo to see Baba. She sat
they express their love in their own way. Being sensitive with Baba for three hours and gave him tea, lemonade,
the animals also feel the pleasure of love and the pains cakes, ice creams, etc. Then, ‘closing time’ came and
of separation. In the story, ‘The Bond of Love’, the they had to leave. His wife cried bitterly. Baba also
relationship between the bear and author’s wife proves
cried. The curator and the keepers felt depressed. She
it. Bruno, the bear, was loved by the author’s family.
requested the curator to return Baba to her. He felt
He was equally attached to them. When he grows up in
sorry and sent her to Bangalore to the Superintendent’s
the author’s family he is sent away to a zoo. In the zoo,
bungalow. He permitted them to take Baba home. The
‘Baba’ or ‘Bruno’ looked sad and refused to eat. When
author engaged a squad of coolies for special work
the author’s wife visited the zoo after a gap of three
in their compound. An island was made for Baba. It
months, he recognised her and expressed his pleasure
was twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide and was
by standing on his head. Thus, we see that animals also
respond to love and separation like human beings. surrounded by a dry pit, or moat, six feet wide and
seven feet deep.
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
1. (i) ‘We’ refers to the speaker, his wife and son.
(ii) The lady was inconsolable because Baba had been 1. (i) ‘She’ is the speaker’s wife.
sent to zoo. She had utmost affection for him. (ii) Baba slept on a straw bed.
(iii) In order to console herself, she wrote a number of (iii) Baba means a small boy. She loved him like her
letters to the curator about Baba. own son.
(iv) Baba was sent to the Mysore zoo. (iv) He could make it a gun and point it at someone.
2. (i) The friends visiting Mysore were urged to see Baba 2. (i) ‘He’ is the curator here.
at the zoo. (ii) Because he was getting too big to keep at home.
(ii) She forcefully said that she must see Baba. Either (iii) Because he was very big and the zoo was far away.
the author should accompany her or she would go (iv) Because Baba cold be safe in the zoo.
there herself. Short Answer Questions
(iii) He had become very thin and sad. 1. The narrator’s wife was inconsolable after the bear
(iv) She was implatient to visit the zoo and see Baba. was sent to the zoo. She wept and fretted. For the first
Short Answer Questions few days she would not eat a thing. Baba too could not
1. Bruno had grown in size. It was too difficult to keep bear separation from the narrator’s wife as both were
him in the house. So it was decided that Bruno would attached to each other very much. So, he too fretted
be sent away to the zoo at Mysore. A letter was written and refused food too
to the curator who agreed to the proposal. Thus, Bruno 2. Some coolies were engaged to make an island for Baba
was finally sent to Mysore. in the author’s compound. It was twenty feet long and
2. The author’s wife went to see Bruno at the zoo in fifteen feet wide. It was surrounded by a moat, six feet
Mysore. When she was a few yards away from his cage, wide and seven feet deep. A wooden box was provided
he recognised her. Baba howled with happiness. She in which Baba could sleep at night. Straw was placed
also ran towards him and patted him within the cage. inside to keep him warm.

46 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

Value-Based Long Answer Questions Short Answer Questions
Bruno was a baby bear. But he soon took to drinking 1. The narrator’s wife was inconsolable after the bear
milk from a bottle. He ate porridge, made from some was sent to the zoo. She wept and fretted. For the first
ingredients, vegetables, fruits, nuts, meat (especially few days she would not eat a thing. Baba too could not
pork), curry, and rice regardless of condiments and bear separation from the narrator’s wife as both were
chillies, bread, eggs, chocolates, sweets, pudding, ice- attached to each other very much. So, he too fretted
creams, etc. As for drink : milk, tea, coffee, lime juice, and refused food.
aerated water, buttermilk, beer, alcoholic liquor and, 2. Some coolies were engaged to make an island for Baba
in fact, anything liquid. He relished everything that a in the author’s compound. It was twenty feet long and
human being enjoys to eat. He did not leave any eatable fifteen feet wide. It was surrounded by a moat, six feet
that the mortals eat. wide and seven feet deep. A wooden box was provided
Or in which Baba could sleep at night. Straw was placed
The bear, Bruno, was very dear to the author’s wife. inside to keep him warm.
They spent many hours together and loved each Value-Based Long Answer Questions
others company. But when he had grown very big ‘The Bond of Love’ is a story of emotional bonding
and heavy, he was dangerous. He was very playful between a woman and a bear. The author’s wife had
and mischievous. There were small children of the pet bear called Bruno. She loved him deeply. She put a
tenants’ family. So they had to chain him most of the coloured ribbon around his neck. She cooked a variety
time. The author felt that he was depriving Bruno of dishes for him. He also performed many playful
of his natural freedom. So he decided to send him tricks which gave pleasure to her. They enjoyed each
to a zoo. But his wife could not bear his separation. other’s company. When the bear grew big in size, he
The author consoled her for three months, but at last was dangerous for children in the house. The author
he took her to the zoo. On seeing her Baba howled decided to send him to the zoo. His departure was
with happiness. They spent many hours together. She very painful for the author’s wife. Finally she asked
wanted to take him back to home. She requested the her husband to visit Baba in the zoo. Both of them felt
superintendent who allowed her. It shows that she had relieved on meeting. They spend many hours together.
real love for the bear. So we can say that ‘Love is Mutual.’
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4 The bear, Bruno, was very dear to the author’s wife.
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) They spent many hours together and loved each
1. (i) ‘I’ is the narrator here. other’s company. But when he had grown very big
(ii) Bruno is the tame bear. and heavy, he was dangerous. He was very playful and
mischievous. There were small children of the tenants’
(iii) Bruno drank poison kept in the library for killing
family. So they had to chain him most of the time. The
rats and mice.
author felt that he was depriving Bruno of his natural
(iv) He injected him to decrease the effect of poison. freedom. So he decided to send him to a zoo. But his
2. (i) The zoo was in Mysore. wife could not bear his separation. The author consoled
(ii) Because he was missing the narrator’s wife and her for three months, but at last he took her to the zoo.
his family. On seeing her Baba howled with happiness. They spent
(iii) She requested her husband’s friend to know about many hours together. She wanted to take him back
Bruno. home. She requested the superintendent who allowed
(iv) The narrator himself took her to the zoo. her. It shows that she had real love for the bear.

10. Kathmandu
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 2. (i) There is a peaceful atmosphere inside the shrine,
but the atmosphere in the streets around is noisy.
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
(ii) Most of these shops are owned by Tibetan
1. (i) The fight takes place between the two monkeys.
(ii) A basket of withered flowers and leaves is dropped (iii) He saw it in Kathmandu.
into the river from a balcony. (iv) They are famous for felt bags, Tibetan prints and
(iii) We throw even faded flowers into them. silver jewellery.
(iv) When the temple emerges completely, the goddess Short Answer Questions
inside will escape and the kaliyug will end on the 1. The priests only allow the Hindus to enter the
earth. Pashupatinath temple and the westerners are not

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 47

allowed to enter it. They do struggle for entrance but Short Answer Questions
they are not allowed. They wear saffron clothes but the 1. It is the Buddhist shrine of Kathmandu. There is a sense
shrine is especially for the Hindus. One has to convince of stillness though the shops have a roaring business.
the policemen of being the Hindu. The Tibetans sell their felt bags, silver jewellery and
2. The Pashupatinath temple is a place of great activity. Tibetan prints.
Here flows the holy river Bagmati. One can see the 2. The bazaar of Kathmandu is vivid, religious and
corpse being cremated there. The washermen remain mercenary. There are flower decorated deities in the
busy in their work and the children enjoy bathing. narrow streets. Hawkers, flute sellers, shops having
The worshippers drop flowers and leave as a mark of western cosmetics, film rolls and Nepalese antiques
respect. throng into the place.
Value-Based Long Answer Questions Value-Based Long Answer Questions
Holy rivers are more polluted than common rivers. The author first visits the Pashupatinath Temple. There
These are polluted by human beings as the corpses he notices too much clamour. He sees a number of
are cremated on its bank. People take bath into them priests, hawkers, devotees, tourists, cows, monkeys,
as it is considered ultimate ‘punya’. Children and pigeons and dogs roam through the ground. There are
animals take bath in them and devotees throw flowers so many people at the temple that some people trying
and used garland in it. All these activities pollute the to get the priest’s attention are pushed aside by the
river Bagmati. It is the only holy river in Kathmandu, elbows of others. Besides, he sees Westerners seeking
which is also polluted like holy rivers of India. It is permission from the policeman to enter the temple.
a superstitious belief that cremation on the side of But the policeman does not allow them to enter it by
holy river is the way for salvation. People must be saying to them that only Hindus are allowed to enter
made aware to keep these rivers safe from pollution. the temple. Moreover, a fight breaks out between two
Government must also take some strict steps to save monkeys. One chases the other who jumps onto a
these holy rivers. There must be a blanket ban on shivalinga and then runs screaming around the temples
cremation or throwing dead bodies in these rivers. and down the river Bagmati. Thus, the author finds
Or noisy environment at the temple and that is why he
Thousands of devotees visit the temples every calls the atmosphere febrile confusion.
day. Their devotion attracts them to visit these Or
holy shrines but there remains a lot of confusion Baudhnath stupa has a sense of stillness. It is not
and chaos around the temples. The beggars are a crowded. People don’t make hue and cry there. The
menace. It becomes difficult for a devotee to pass hawkers don’t disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the
the long lines of beggars without giving them some temple. So the author calls it a haven of quietness.
alms. In Kathmandu there was an atmosphere of
The author decided to go home because he was too
utter confusion. At the Pashupatinath temple, there
exhausted and home-sick. He travelled a lot and now,
were large crowds of devotees. The different sounds
he got tired so he entered a Nepal Airlines Office and
were creating bedlam. Besides it, all the beggars
bought a ticket for the next day.
were creating menace and troubling the visitors.
Such type of confusing noise is quiet common in the DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3
surrounding of temples in India.
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 1. (i) ‘I’ is the speaker here.
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) (ii) The author is being so much affected by a few
1. (i) ‘I’ is the speaker here. phrases played on the flute.
(ii) From Kathmandu he decides to come back to (iii) On the previous occasion, the author did not notice
Delhi. any few familiar phrases played on the flute.
(iii) He will travel by bus, train and boat. (iv) He likes tunes of the Hindustani flute very much.
(iv) Because he immediately wanted to come back 2. (i) ‘He’ is the flute seller here.
home. (ii) He looks at the flute seller in a corner of the square.
2. (i) ‘I’ is referred to the speaker. (iii) The flute seller could play flutes easily.
(ii) The writer finds it difficult to turn him away from (iv) He was playing and selling flutes for years.
the square because he is charmed by the flute. Short Answer Questions
(iii) The writer says that the sound of flute music is the 1. Vikram Seth considers the flute music as the most
most universal and most particular. universal and the most particular of sounds. All the
(iv) He found different cultures have their own flutes. cultures of the world have their own flutes which

48 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

weave their own associations. The flute draws us into (iii) The Kaliyug is addressed as the evil period in the
the commonalty of all mankind. above line.
2. The flute seller is standing in a corner near the hotel. (iv) They are old offerings and faded.
In his hand there is a pole with an attachment at the Short Answer Questions
top from which fifty or sixty flutes protrude in all 1. The author notes that the flute seller was not at
directions, like quills of a porcupine. He plays slowly, all bothered about selling his wares. He was more
meditatively without excessive display. He does not engrossed in playing his flutes and sometimes
shout out his wares. talking with fellow vendors. The sale was incidental
Value-Based Long Answer Questions for him.
Holy rivers are more polluted than common rivers. 2. The narrator describes Kathmandu as vivid, mercenary,
These are polluted by human beings as the corpses religious and crowded place. While the temples, bazaars
are cremated on its bank. People take bath into and streets are noisy and in chaos, the Buddhist shrine
them as it is considered ultimate ‘punya’. Children is comparatively peaceful. The hawkers and shops fill
and animals take bath in these and devotees throw the streets. The rivers and temples have been described
flowers and used garland in it. All these activities casually without attaching any religious reverence to
pollute the river Bagmati. It is the only holy river in these.
Kathmandu, which is also polluted like holy rivers Value-Based Long Answer Questions
of India. It is a superstitious belief that cremation The Budhist shrine of Kathmandu is surrounded by the
on the side of holy river is the way for salvation. busy streets. Many Tibetans have opened their shops.
People must be made aware to keep these rivers safe They sell different items in these shops. We can buy
from pollution. Government must also take some felt bags, silver jewellery, antiques, etc. in these road
strict steps to save these holy rivers. There must be side shops. The immense white dome of the shrine is
a blanket ban on cremation or throwing dead bodies encircled by these busy shops. Still the place enjoys the
in these rivers. sense of stillness. The peace of this place is compared
Or to the heaven of quietness. It seems heaven dwells here.
The author says that Kathmandu is vivid, mercenary, On the other hand the half-immersed shrine on the bank
religious, with small shrines to flower-adorned deities of the river Bagmati reveals local belief. According to
along the narrowest and busiest streets. There are fruit some tradition when the shrine emerges completely, the
sellers, flute sellers, hawkers of postcards, shops selling goddess inside will escape completely and evil period
western cosmetics, film rolls and chocolate or copper of Kaliyug on earth will end. Thus, this shrine holds
utensils and Nepalese antiques. Film songs blare out myth of Hindu religion.
from the radios, car horns sound, bicycle bells ring, Or
stray cows roam around, vendors shout out their wares.
Kathmandu is beautiful, simple and religious city.
The author buys a corn-on-the-cob roasted in a charcoal
It is important both as a religious place and a centre
brazier on the pavement. He also buys Coca Cola and
of tourism. It has narrow and busy streets with small
orange drink.
shrines with flower adorned deities. One can see the
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4 streets hawkers of post cards, shop selling western
cosmetics, film rolls and chocolate or copper utensils
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
and Nepalese antiques. Film song blare out from
1. (i) ‘He’ is the flute seller here. radios, car horn sounds, bicycle bells ring, stray cows
(ii) Because the sale of his flute is incidental. roam around, vendors shout out theirs wares. The
(iii) Sometimes he talks with the fruit seller. Pashupatinath temple is meant only for Hindus. Around
(iv) He is leading the same pattern of life. this temple there is atmosphere of chaos. On the other
2. (i) He is standing near the Pashupatinath temple. hand the Buddhist Shrine is a place of serenity. All these
(ii) The goddess dwells in the small shrine. things make it the attraction of tourists.

11. If I Were You

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 him Gerrard read the situation that his life was in
danger. So he told that he lived alone to suit his
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
1. (i) The intruder is a sympathetic audience here. (iii) He wanted to know about Gerrard.
(ii) Gerrard was a playwright. When the Intruder (iv) Because he was not interested in the story.
entered his cottage and wanted to know about 2. (i) ‘You’ is the intruder here.

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 49

(ii) The Intruder has taken the trouble to collect 2. (i) The police is chasing the intruder.
information about Gerrard. (ii) The intruder will be able to escape the police and
(iii) The Intruder has used his brain to break into lead a normal life.
Gerrard’s cottage. (iii) The intruder ’s plan is to kill Gerrard and
(iv) Because he tried to hid his identity. impersonate him to lead a normal life.
Short Answer Questions (iv) He desired to have freedom.
1. When the Intruder got into the cottage Gerrard he Short Answer Questions
was standing near the divan and was packing his 1. The Intruder asked Gerrard to keep his hands up. He
things in a travelling bag. He had just put down the commanded him to keep calm. He also asked Gerrard
telephone receiver. He turned quickly when he heard to answer a few questions. He made Gerrard sit in a
the Intruder’s bumping into the table. chair.
2. He was of medium size. He was just like Gerrard. There 2. The Intruder asked Gerrard about the number of people
was revolver in one of his hands. He was dressed in an visiting the cottage, his complete name, his knowledge
overcoat and a soft hat. His appearance revealed him of driving etc. He wanted to know each and every
to be a thief. aspect of Gerrard’s life.
Value-Based Long Answer Questions Value-Based Long Answer Questions
Cleverness is good feature to live a happy life but over The intruder was a criminal. He had killed a policeman.
cleverness brings endless miseries. So one should avoid Police was chasing him like a hunted rat. Mr. Gerrard
befooling others by over cleverness as in the play the resembled him. He too lived a lonely life and very few
Intruder had killed a policeman. He was chased by the people knew him. Intruder wanted to kill him and take
police like a haunted rat. One day he saw Gerrard who on his identity. He learned his expressions, movement
looked like him. He also heard that he lived a lonely and style. He broke into Gerrard’s lonely cottage. He
life and hardly anybody knew about him. He studied wanted to kill him and live as Gerrand to dodge the
his expressions, movement and style. The Intruder police and others. But Gerrard outwitted the intruder.
broke into Gerrard’s lonely cottage. He wanted to kill He told him that he was also a murderer and the police
him and live as Gerrard to avoid being arrested. He was against him. The intruder was convinced and
wanted to take his identity and dodge the police. But agreed to help Gerrard. But Gerrard cleverly trapped
Gerrard told him that he too was a murderer and the him in a cupboard and handed him to the police.
police was expected soon. The Intruder was convinced
and agreed to escape with Gerrard. But Gerrard cleverly
trapped him in a cupboard and handed him to police. Gerrard is a playwright. He terms the situation
Thus overcleverness of the Intruder brought miseries melodramatic and melodrama is a genre of drama.
for his entire life. Another instance is Gerard’s calling himself a
sympathetic audience. He also points out that in most
melodramas the villain is foolish enough to delay his
We should not lose our calm and pace of mind in crises.
killing long enough to be frustrated and hangs on to
It will support us to overcome our misery. The play ‘If
reminding the intruder that he was luckier than most
I Were You’ clearly shows how Gerrard saved his life.
melodramatic villains. Referring to the contents of his
He also helped the police to arrest the dreaded criminal.
bag, he mentions that they were disguise outfit and false
It was all due to his calm. On seeing the criminal with
a gun pointing at him an ordinary man might have
become completely nervous. But Gerrard behaved as DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3
if nothing had happened. He treated the criminal as if
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
he was a guest. This confidence impressed the criminal.
The Intruder kept talking which gave Gerrard time 1. (i) It is extremely interesting to pose like Gerrard by
to act. He also got valuable information to trap the killing him.
criminal. Therefore, it is important to maintain one’s (ii) The Intruder has not got enough knowledge about
calm in a moment of crisis. Gerrard, so he is not very intelligent.
(iii) If he is not careful, his clothes will let him down.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 (iv) Because they are decorative and similar in size.
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) 2. (i) ‘You’ refer to the Intruder.
1. (i) The Intruder was specialised in jewel robbery. (ii) The big surprise is that Gerrand is also a murderer.
(ii) Gerrard is annoyed to know that the intruder (iii) Because he assured the Intruder that he himself is
intends to stay with him. a criminal and the police is after him.
(iii) Jewels in the wild Essex was rare. (iv) Because he thought that he could take Gerrard’s
(iv) Because he would find some time in the house. identity.

50 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

Short Answer Questions (iii) He will put his dealing with the Intruder in the next
1. The Intruder’s plan was to kill Gerrard and then play.
impersonate him. He wanted to become Vincent (iv) The sergeant is his friend.
Charles Gerrard, live like him and keep his trade of Short Answer Questions
jewels robbery going on behind the mask of a gentle 1. The Intruder’s entry is really highly melodramatic. He
person. enters silently with a revolver in his hand. He is dressed
2. Gerrard was an intelligent person. He immediately in an overcoat and a soft hat. He bumps against the
understood his plan. He told him that his plan would not table. He threatens Gerrard not to be oversmart. He
successful. He would not be able to save himself from would made Gerrard not to be oversmart. He would
the law. He would be arrested even after impersonating make Gerrard crawl. He asks Gerrard to sit down and
as Gerrard because he himself was a criminal and was not to be very funny with him.
being chased by the police. 2. Gerrard thinks that the Intruder has taken a lot of trouble
Value-Based Long Answer Questions in knowing so much about him. Gerrard is right. The
The intruder has murdered a policeman. The police Intruder was a murderer. The policemen were after him.
are after him. He wants to save himself from the He didn’t want himself to be exposed so soon. He aim
clutches of the police. So he needs a safe place for was to kill Gerrard and adopt his identity to deceive
this purpose. He enters Gerrard’s cottage for killing the police.
him. So that his identity can be used. He wants to lead Value-Based Long Answer Questions
his life as Gerrard. So it is essential for him to know The Intruder had made a fool-proof plan. He had a
about the people who visit that place. Gerrard tells criminal past. He was a robber and an expert in jewel-
him that only few people take the trouble to visit him. robbery. He had an encounter with the police. In the
There is the baker and greengrocer and the milkman. encounter he had killed a policeman. The policeman
Gerrard tells him about everyone. He responds was after him. He was hunted like a rat. The cunning
positively because the Intruder has threatened to kill Intruder thought of a unique and smart plan. He
him. He wishes to do everything with meticulous made a forced entry into Gerrard’s cottage. He had
planning and adopt Gerrard’s identity without any already taken a lot of trouble in knowing about him.
problems. He wanted to kill him and take on his identity. By
Or doing so he could gain his freedom. He came to Essex
The intruder enters Gerrard’s cottage and interacts to hide himself from the eyes of the police. Gerrard
proves rather smarter than the Intruder. He cooks
with him. Gerrard talks with him without any fear.
a false story. He tells the Intruder that he himself
The intruder asks him to tell about his car and the
was a murderer. He will gain nothing by murdering
people who visit that place. Gerrard tells him that he
Gerrard as Gerrard himself was a murderer. Taking
has a car and informs him that few people come here
on his identity will serve no purpose. He will be
to see him. Then Gerrard asks him to tell something
hanged to death in either case. He will be hanged to
about him. He tells that he has murdered a cop and
death even as Vincent Charles Gerrard. It confuses
wants a safe place to live in. He also tells that his
the Intruder. Gerrard takes control of the situation.
speciality is jewel robbery. But Gerrard says that
He makes the Intruder step into a cupboard and locks
there are few jewels in the wilds of Essex. They it from outside. The police is called and the Intruder
also talk about clothes and their fittings. Gerrard is arrested.
tells him that he will not get anything after killing
him as he is also wanted. But ultimately Gerrard
The intruder has murdered a policeman. The police are
gets rid of the intruder because of his presence of
after him. He wants to save himself from the clutches
of the police. So he needs a safe place for this purpose.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4 He enters Gerrard’s cottage for killing him. So that
his identity can be used. He wants to lead his life as
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
Gerrard. So it is essential for him to know about the
1. (i) Gerrard is the speaker here. people who visit that place. Gerrard tells him that
(ii) He means that if the Intruder kills him, still he only few people take the trouble to visit him. There is
cannot escape death. the baker and greengrocer and the milkman. Gerrard
(iii) The Intruder took him as a mystery man. tells him about everyone. He responds positively
(iv) The Intruder liked his loneliness. because the intruder threatened to him. He wishes to
2. (i) Gerrard is the speaker here. do everything with meticulous planning and adopt
(ii) He is calling his associates for rehearsal. Gerrard’s identity without any problems.

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 51

1. The Road Not Taken
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 (iv) The poet is doubtful whether he would ever come
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) back to the first road.
1. (i) The road diverged in the old forest. 2. (i) The poet thinks whether his choice is right or
(ii) The poet has feelings of regret. wrong but it would be permanent.
(iii) The poet feels sorry because he could not take both (ii) The poet will say about the decision that he had
the roads. taken and its impact on his life.
(iv) The yellow wood stands for the season of autumn. (iii) He wanted to do something new and challenging
2. (i) The other stands for the road. in his life.
(ii) The poet chose the road less travelled by. (iv) He thinks that in the future he will come to know
whether his choice is right or wrong.
(iii) He chose it because it was covered with grass and
less travelled. Short Answer Questions
(iv) The road was full of grass and very few people 1. The poet uses the simple terms in a symbolic way.
had travelled on it. He uses the ‘roads’ in place of choices or methods or
Short Answer Questions opportunities.
1. He would tell about his exploring the unknown way 2. The poet tells us to be courageous and brave to take up
with a sigh. He wanted to say that it would decide his the unexplored ways. He tells us that our future depends
future. If his future would be below expectations, he on our correct choice. If we choose the right path today
would be unhappy. we would be achiever and if the wrong path is chosen,
2. Choosing the correct way means that the result would we would have to face failure.
also be good. ‘Well begun is half done’. If the choice Value-Based Long Answer Questions
of the road was correct it would make his future good The speaker of this poem is Robert Frost himself.
otherwise it could spoil his future. He is thinking about a career decision he made many
Value-Based Long Answer Questions years ago. He had to make a choice between seeking
Bad decision affects one’s life badly. Actually our a secure profession which would enable him to live in
success depends on the decision which we take at comfort or to devote him to poetry and live a simple
present. If our decision is wrong, we have to repent life close to nature. The same as in the poem many
for it because it ruins the countless happy moments of of us don't know whether to trust our instincts and go
life. Our failure creates disappointment and we forget ahead with the pursuit of our dreams. Frost chose to
the essence of life. In a sense, it can be said that one devote his life to his poetry. The poet does not appear
bad decision spoils our life. to regret the choice he made, but he sounds wistful
Or in the last as if he wishes he knew what his alternate
Good decisions have a great deal of significance. They life would have been like if he had taken the other
bring success, wealth and happiness in our life. A road.
successful person has several friends and they support Or
him/her in every possible manner. Besides, the common One should live in the present and not in the past.
people take a very important lesson with regard to This philosophy of life is the key to attaining success.
how decisions should be taken in life. Therefore, good Life is not a bed of roses. Its hurdles are to be crossed
decisions work as the source of inspiration for those bravely. One must not feel nervous and get dejected
who try to achieve success in life. in the trying circumstances. On some instances, one
needs to be confident about the choice he/she makes
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 to be successful in life. He/she should try to become
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) strong from the very beginning. Only the strong people
1. (i) The first two lines stand for the roads. can take positive decisions like the poet. In the poem
(ii) The poet decided to take the road which was less the poet was strong at heart and took some positive
trodden. decision which made his life successful. The poet
(iii) The poet doubted if he could ever come back to wants us to be successful in our life. He is our well
same road. wisher.

52 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

2. Wind
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
1. (i) The stanza highlights the destructive aspect of the 1. (i) ‘He’ in the first line is referred to the wind.
wind. (ii) It means that we should make ourselves strong to
(ii) The poet asks the wind to blow softly. face the problems of our life.
(iii) Personification (iii) The stanza conveys that if we are weak, problems
(iv) The wind tore the pages of the books. will overpower us.
2. (i) The wind is very clever. (iv) The poem is ‘Wind’ written by Subramania Bharati.
(ii) ‘You’ in the first line refers to the wind. 2. (i) The poet wants us to make ourselves stronger.
(iii) The poet calls the wind clever because it makes (ii) We can make the wind friendly by making
fun of weaklings. ourselves stronger.
(iv) The wind crushes the non-living objects. (iii) Wind is friendly only with the strong ones.
Short Answer Questions (iv) It makes the strong fire roar and flourish.
1. In the poem the poet describes the friendly and calm Short Answer Questions
form of wind. In this form, it helps persons and things. 1. It behaves like a friend with the strong ones. It cannot
It calms and soothes the mankind. destroy them. So it accepts their might and stops
2. The wind does not like the weak things and persons. It troubling them. Rather it increases their strength by
does not behave in a friendly way. It destroys the weak contributing its own.
things as it does with the crumbling houses, doors etc. 2 The poet praises the wind God. Nature is supposed
Value-Based Long Answer Questions to be God and is praised so that it may not bring any
The poem ‘Wind’ is full of moral lessons. The poet destruction or calamity. Therefore, the poet praises the
has poured out his heart in the present poem. He says wind God.
that people must be strong at heart because only the Value-Based Long Answer Questions
weak at heart are troubled by difficulties. Here, wind When we have friendship with the strong, we learn
symbolises difficulties which has power to devastate several new things. We learn that we may become
life on the earth. But if the people are strong at heart, strong when we fight with difficulties. The people
they face the challenges thrown out by difficulties. say that if we are strong, the wind may be our friend.
They struggle and at last, come out with flying colours. Because the wind likes strong friends. So, if we desire
Or to have the strong to be our friends, we have to show
According to the poet, the wind is very powerful. It courage. This is the main reason that the poet talks
has power to break the shutters of the windows, scatter about the steadfast heart in the poem.
the papers and throw the books down the shelf. When Or
it blows violently, it brings the clouds. It mocks at the The poet wants to make people strong at heart. His desire
weak and destroys their homes. The weak persons are is that they should be bold enough to face the challenges
really helpless before the wind. of life. When we have strong houses, we can protect
But the poet is quite hopeful. He thinks that when the ourselves from the angry wind. In the same manner when
people build strong houses, they can challenge the we are strong at heart we can face the challenges of life.
wind. Actually the poet suggests the people that they Only the weak persons are defeated by the problems of
should be strong at heart because the weak persons can life. Similarly the poet wants that people should face the
not face the challenges of life. Only the people with challenges of life and make their life happy. His thought
strong hearts have the courage to face the challenges shows that he is really a great humanist. His heart is filled
of life. with compassion for mankind.

3. Rain on the Roof

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 (iii) The poet is in the mood of happiness.
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) (iv) The darkness weeps in the form of rainy tears.
1. (i) All the stars have become invisible because they 2. (i) Taking rest in his bed in the cottage is a bliss for
have been covered by clouds. the poet.
(ii) The humid shadows stand for rain. (ii) The poet is lying on bed in his cottage.

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 53

(iii) He likes to listen the soft music of the rain. (iii) He remembers from in his childhood his mother
(iv) The sound of raindrops can make him recover from used to look down upon him.
his melancholic mood. (iv) His mother used to look down upon him as he was
Short Answer Questions sleeping and dreaming by late morning
1. While listening to the pattering of the rain, the poet 2. (i) The poet feels his mother’s fond look on him.
dreamed of several fancies. The poet was lost in old (ii) ‘Her’ is referred to poet’s mother here.
recollection. He dreamed of his mother who paid (iii) ‘Refrain’ refers to the sound of rain.
attention to her children before leaving them in the (iv) The repetitive rhythm of the raindrops reminds his
morning. The poet felt as if her mother was looking at old memories.
him in a loving manner. Short Answer Questions
2. The central idea or theme of the poem “Rain on the 1. Old recollections appear in the poet’s mind. The
Roof” is that the pattering of the soft rain on the roof memory of his mother gives him solace. The pattering of
gives the poet solace and he is lost in many fancies. soft rain on the roof echoes dreamy fancies in the poet’s
He dreams of his mother who loved him dearly. The heart like the nature’s sadness in the form of tears of
rain provides him great happiness. rain. The pattering of raindrops causes melody of nature
Value-Based Long Answer Questions which brings feelings of happiness to the poet’s mind.
The sound of rain is pleasing to the ear. When we hear 2. Lying in his bed, the poet likes listening to the music
this sound, we forget everything. We find ourselves in of the rain on the roof of his cottage. The memory of
the world of fancies. We remember the sweet memories his mother pleases the poet most. It gives him inner
of the past in a peaceful heart. Of course, we are unable satisfaction.
to forget such moments of life. We must take this lesson Value-Based Long Answer Questions
from the rain and create peace in the mind of people by When we remember the sweet moments of life, we
our behaviour. forget every pain. Riches have no meaning. We can
Or feel pleasure even in a cottage. In fact, when there is
No, everybody is not so fortunate to have a cosy bed no peace in our heart, we cannot lead a peaceful life.
to lie in when it rains. There are some people who Sweet moments refresh our brain and fill us with new
live at the railway platforms and bus terminal. They energy. So, the sweet moments of life are the treasure
don’t have even bed sheet, what to talk of comfortable of energy for us.
beds. Or
There are so many animals which don’t have any shelter Yes, my mother used to tuck me in when I was a child.
and tremble under the dark sky in the rainy season. Whenever I said that I could not do some work, she
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 embraced me and took me in her lap to get that work
done. She used to feel sad and dejected if I was involved
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) in mischieves. Mothers are great in the world. Their
1. (i) In this stanza the poet describes his first memory. love is immortal because it always charges our life in
(ii) The poet’s mother comes in his memory. their absence.

4. The Lake Isle of Innisfree

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 (ii) The midnight glimmers with glow worms and
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) twinkling stars.
1. (i) The poet wants to go to Innisfree. (iii) The peace will come from the songs sung by
(ii) He is fed with the busy and stressful life in a city
(iv) As per the poet, the noon at the Lake Isle of
and hence he wants to go to Innisfree located near
Innisfree is like a purple glow.
the southern shore of Lough Gill where he can live
Short Answer Questions
his quiet and peaceful life.
1. The poet W.B. Yeats deeply longs for peace in the
(iii) He wants to build a small cabin of clay and wattles
natural surroundings. Innisfree is a lake Isle. The poet
and plant some leaves. He also wants to have a
had spent a lot of time there as a boy. He seems to be fed
up with the hectic and noisy city life. Now he wants to
(iv) The poem is ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’ written go to Innisfree to live in the lap of nature. He will enjoy
by William Butler Yeats. the water playing in the lake. The humming of bees and
2. (i) The poet wants to live in the lap of nature to attain their beehives would please him. The sum and substance
peace and happiness. is that nature provides us peace and happiness.

54 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

2. The poet W.B. Yeats visualises the nature round the (ii) He hears the lapping sound of the lake water day
clock. In the morning, the cricket sings to welcome and night.
him. The noon shines in a purple colour while in the (iii) The poet will stand on the roadway or on the
evenings he enjoys the flying linnets. The midnight pavements to hear the sound of lake water.
has a glimmering effect with the presence of twinkling (iv) ab ab
stars. In this way, the nature completes its circle in four Short Answer Questions
stages. 1. The poet wants to make the surroundings natural. So he
Value-Based Long Answer Questions wants to grow nine rows of ‘beans’ and a ‘hive’ for the
Nature has great healing power. When we sit in the lap of honeybees. The humming of honeybees will provide
nature, we forget our sorrows. Our mind becomes fresh him peace and happiness.
and we start our days with new energy. Besides, nature 2. The poet is actually fed up with the hectic and noisy
fills new hopes in human beings. For this, as human city life. He wants a peaceful place where he can live
beings, our friendship with nature is quite essential. joyfully. He imagines of such a place where he will live
Or according to his dreams and desires. He wants to live
City life is fast and hectic. People can be seen busy near the natural surroundings away from the artificial
with their daily routines. Lots of people live in the city. life of the world. He does not like showy life of the
There are schools, colleges and offices. Students find world. He wants a peaceful and joyful life of his own.
good opportunity of education and make their career. Value-Based Long Answer Questions
When they complete their education they can find ‘Go back to nature’ is the message of this poem. This
jobs in these offices. Besides, people get recreation poem teaches us that we should build a cabin in a
from different sources. There are cinema halls and solitary place and enjoy nature. Nature has magical
theaters in cities. People in great number can be seen power. Obviously, nature unfolds itself in a solitary
at these places. They want to give the same life to their place and allows us to enjoy its music. We must take
children. They get their children married in the cities this immortal lesson from this poem.
and create relatives. They have liking for the showy Or
life of city. So they like to live in these cities with their Frustration kills our life. We forget to enjoy our life.
family. When we feel frustrated, we should go to some picnic
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 spots with our friends or family. We should try to
select some place which may be near or in the lap of
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) nature, and some stream may flow through the place.
1. (i) ‘There’ refers to Innisfree. We should eat, play, walk and sleep in the lap of
(ii) The midnight glimmers with glow worms and nature. Swimming and boating will further enhance our
twinkling stars. happiness. We shall forget frustration and our life will
(iii) A linnet is kind of bird which is pretty small. be full of fresh energy. When we come back home, we
(iv) In the evening the poet watches the flying linnets may start a new innings of life. We should not forget
in the sky. that frustration is our greatest enemy. It can spoil our
2. (i) The poet decides that he will go to Innisfree as life and family. Therefore frustration should not be
soon as possible. allowed to develop in our life.

5. A Legend of the Northland

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 (iii) It means the woman is greedy
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) (iv) Because it looked to her too large.
1. (i) The poetess says that days are short and nights are Short Answer Questions
long in the Northland. 1. A legend is a tale which is told by people to people
for a long time. It is a traditional story. It contains
(ii) The people find it difficult to sleep the whole long
messages. The poem is a legend because it teaches us
to be generous unlike the old woman.
(iii) They like to sledge with their reindeer.
2. A woman was busy baking cakes when St. Peter
(iv) Children look like bear cubs after wearing furry chanced to come to her door. He was hungry and tired.
coats. He asked the woman to give him a cake to eat. The
2. (i) ‘She’ in the stanza stands for a little woman. woman made a small cake but it seemed to be big. She
(ii) She was a greedy woman and did not want to give did not give it to St. Peter. She made another small cake
a big piece to Saint Peter. but again it looked big. So she did not give it too. St.

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 55

Peter became angry. He said that she was not fit to be 2. (i) ‘You’ in the first line is a little woman, who was
human as she was selfish. He changed her into a bird greedy.
who had to search for food whole day. (ii) The listener was punished with a curse to turn into
Value-Based Long Answer Questions a bird.
This poem teaches us that true happiness lies in (iii) Repetition
sharing things with the persons who are in need. If we (iv) After the curse the woman turned into a woodpecker.
are greedy, we cannot have happiness in our life. On Short Answer Questions
the other hand our charitable nature makes us think 1. The woman wanted to give a small cake to the saint.
about pains and sorrows suffered by the other people. All the small cakes looked very big to her. So she did
The charitable people have many friends and they are not give them to the Saint and put them on the shelf.
always connected with one another with a strong bond 2. Saint Peter asks an old lady for a cake. She was
of sentiments. But the greedy people have hardly any selfish and greedy and did not give any cake to the
friends and they often live alone in the world. hungry saint. It made the saint angry. He turned the
Or lady into a bird. It keeps searching for her food the
True satisfaction lies in sharing things with others. whole day.
Peace and satisfaction are the two sides of a coin. If Value-Based Long Answer Questions
there is satisfaction in our life, peace is bound to come Saints are wise people. They have gained heavenly
in our life. However greed spoils both. If we are greedy, power. Riches make no sense for them, for which
we cannot get satisfaction as well as peace in our life. people often hanker. They need only food to survive in
In the poem, the old lady was greedy and she failed to this world. They travel to far-off lands and give people
give cake to the saint. If she had satisfaction, she would moral lessons. They lead a pious life and try not to
certainly have shown honour and regard to the saint. commit any sin. They shower love and affection on
So, in the case of this little lady it can be said that her their fellow human beings. They give up everything
greed had spoiled her peace and satisfaction. in this world and lead a saintly life.
Actually, saints try to create such societies in which all Or
the people shall be treated with equality and greed will A holy man is known for his wisdom. He teaches moral
have no room in them. With the help of teachings, they lessons to the people whether they are liberal or greedy.
desire to bring down heaven on the earth. All are equal in his eyes. In the present story Saint Peter
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 is a holy man. He is also famous for his preaching. He
has preached and travelled a lot. So, he is hungry. He
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) asks the lady for some food but she does not share her
1. (i) She was greedy and she wanted to bake a very food with him. Finally, the saint becomes angry and
small cake. So she took a small scrap of dough. curses her. In fact, he should have shown some mercy
(ii) Her cake was as thin as wafer. and the example of his wisdom with the power of his
(iii) No, she didn’t give this cake to Saint Peter. wisdom he could influence the woman and get some
(iv) She thought it so large that she could not give it to food. Therefore, it is appropriate to say that a holy man
Saint Peter. should not curse the lady.

6. No Men Are Foreign

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 Short Answer Questions
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) 1. The poet suggests that all people on earth are the
1. (i) James Kirkup same. They breathe, eat and walk in the same way.
(ii) We should not distinguish men simply on the basis They all are aware of the sun, air and water. They all
that they hail from separate countries. love peace and hate war. They have similar eyes the
(iii) We will lie in earth after death. poet says.
(iv) A single body breathes beneath all uniforms. No men are foreign and no countries strange;
2. (i) We can win others by love. we all have a common entity of being humans.
(ii) ‘They’ in the stanza refers to foreigners. 2. In the poem ‘No Men Are Foreign’, the poet asks us
(iii) We can win our opponents by love. to remember that under all uniforms, a single body
(iv) It can be recognised and understood that life is breathes like ours. We all walk on the same land. We
common everywhere. all live and work in the same away.

56 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

Value-Based Long Answer Questions (ii) The poet compares wars with hells. There is fire
It is true that many people have been telling us to and smoke in wars as well as in hell.
live harmoniously since long. We never follow their (iii) When wars occur between two countries not only
message. We also know it that our greed to get more soldiers but also many commoner are killed.
wealth and power cannot give us peaceful life. But (iv) No country should wage war on any country
some deep-rooted evils in our society make us draw a because the world is a family.
distinction between people. We know that all customs Short Answer Questions
and conventions have been made by people. God 1. The poet does not believe in narrow patriotism. He says
has made all people equal. But we make differences human beings are equal. All the men are like us. They
between people for our selfish motives. We start to hate wake up and sleep equally. Love is common and can
even our family members due to our ego to be more win all. There is no difference among the nations.
powerful. By doing so, we at last harm ourselves. We 2. The poet says that all live and suffer the same. The
become the objects of hate for society. In society people human body is the same everywhere. All are aware of
dislike selfish people. sun, air and water. All prosper when there is peace. All
So before going to hurt other’s feeling, first of all we starve when there is war. War destroys everyone equally.
should think whether doing such act with others are Value-Based Long Answer Questions
justified by other people or society. We should learn to Everyone is responsible for war. If we start hating our
live with others as brothers. We should learn to tolerate, brethren, we will become the cause of tension. And
forgive and compromise. Only in this way, our life the tension is converted into war one day. So nobody
would be happy and peaceful. should hate and despise anyone. Our biased and
Or impolite behaviour towards the fellow human beings
Sometimes some selfish people instigate the innocent becomes the cause of unnecessary wars.
to harm others. They do it for their own benefit. The Or
common or ordinary man does not understand their tricks We all are alike. We have same body structure. All of us
and starts hating his fellow human beings. They tell them need air to breathe, sun to get sunlight and warmth and
to cause riots. The poet says that one should not follow water for many purposes. Our daily routine is also almost
anybody’s advice without brooding over it. The poet the same. We get up in the morning, take a bathe, have
repeatedly says that there is no difference in them and the breakfast and go to work or school. All of us long for
foreigners. The people of the entire world are the same. love. We all sleep at night and wake up in the morning.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 When our needs and feelings are the same, then we
should treat all people equally. We should not look
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
down upon anybody on the basis of his/her colour,
1. (i) James Kirkup caste, region or gender. We should treat everyone as
(ii) We are often told to hate our fellow beings who our brother and sister.
are like our own brothers. Unfortunately, some self-centred people fight with
(iii) To fight with weapons. others and try to hurt them. They think that others have
(iv) The aftermaths of hatred are violence, communal harmed them. They are also our brothers. If they make
disharmony and inhuman behaviour. any mistake, we should forgive them or compromise
2. (i) We define the earth through hate. with them.

7. The Duck and the Kangaroo

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 (iv) The Duck wants to go to the Dee and the Jelly
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) Bo Lee and over the land and sea sitting on
1. (i) The Duck praises Kangaroo about the way he hops. Kangaroo’s back.
(ii) The Duck found its life boring in the pond. Short Answer Questions
(iii) The Duck wishes to copy the quality of the hopping 1. The Duck lived in a small pond. She wanted to see the
of Kangaroo. world around. She requested the Kangaroo to give her
(iv) The Duck longs to go out in the world to enjoy the a ride on his back.
beauty of nature. 2. The Duck wanted to see the world around. She
2. (i) The Duck asked the Kangaroo to play with her. suggested that she would visit the ‘Dee’ and the ‘Jelly
(ii) Names of places. Bo Lee’. She promised the Kangaroo that she would
(iii) The Duck promises a party to the Kangaroo. sit on the tail and say nothing but quack.

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 57

Value-Based Long Answer Questions Short Answer Questions
It is absolutely true that our politeness and humility 1. The Kangaroo said that he required some thought. He
compels others to accept our request. As we read in the had an objection. The Duck’s feet were wet and cold. He
poem that the Duck politely requests the Kangaroo to might get sick. But he agreed to give her a ride on his tail.
make her visit the beautiful world and the Kangaroo 2. The Duck bought four pairs of worsted socks. She
accepts her request. So, if we want to get our work done also bought a cloak to protect her from the cold. She
by others, we have to be polite and humble to them. promised to smoke a cigar every day. She would follow
We cannot get any work done forcefully. If we force his directions.
someone to do some work, he/she would do that work Value-Based Long Answer Questions
reluctantly and hence the work would not be perfect. My friend Ravi is a poor boy. But he is a brilliant
So, we should always request somebody politely to get student. I have developed good dealings with him. Once
our work done. But remember, if someone does our he decided to go on a historical tour. He selected Agra
work, we should feel grateful to him/her and be ready because he wanted to see the Taj Mahal. He had saved
to help him/her as well. some money but he had no good clothes. Moreover
Or he had no relatives in Agra who could provide him
Mr. Sharma is a clerk in a bank. I call him uncle. His accommodation. As I frequently go on tours, once I
daughter was studying in Class-10. Then I was studying was going to Agra. I decided to take Ravi along with
in Delhi University and had opted for mathematics. me. My uncle lives in Agra and he has built a big
As far as my performance is concerned I have been house in this Taj City. I took Ravi to Agra and stayed
a brilliant student. I have always secured above 90% at my uncle’s house. Ravi visited the Taj Mahal and the
marks. Besides, I have taught a good number of other historical places of importance. He also visited
students and they have performed better in their exams. Fatehpur Sikkri and saw the Punch Mahal. He enjoyed
Now they are studying in some good colleges and some the tour very much. We stayed two days in Agra and
of them have chosen the engineering course. As the came back home. The experiences of Agra and Fatehpur
income of my uncle is meagre he politely requested Sikkri in still fresh in Ravi’s mind.
me to teach his daughter. I became impressed with his Or
manner and assured him that I would teach mathematics Sweetness, politeness and obedience are heavenly
to his daughter. I had taught her for three months and virtues. They give human beings extra-ordinary power
charged nothing. I completed and revised her course. to win the hearts of others. The Duck was a small
Above all I prepared her thoroughly. As a result, she creature. She had little wet and cold feet and body.
secured more than 98% marks in the examination. She was helpless to go round the beautiful world.
But she was sure that the Kangaroo would help him.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 Actually she wanted to go round the world sitting on
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) the Kangaroo’s back. On the other hand the Kangaroo
1. (i) The Duck thought over how to keep his feet dry. had some objections to give her ride on his back. Her
(ii) The Duck planned to keep himself warm by wet and cold feet was the greatest objection. The Duck
smoking a cigar. assured the Kangaroo that she had managed some
(iii) ab ab cc dd worsted socks which would protect his body. She
also said the she would light a cigar for smoking. The
(iv) The Duck wanted to keep himself warm so that he
Kangaroo would get warmth and her cold and wet feet
could enjoy the company of the Kangaroo.
would never create any problems for the Kangaroo. As
2. (i) The Duck sat steady on the Kangaroo while the Duck had sweetness in her behaviour, her politeness
moving round. very much impressed the Kangaroo. As a result the
(ii) The Kangaroo asked Duck to pay a price. Kangaroo gave her a ride on its tail. Therefore with the
(iii) They took three rounds of the whole world. help of sweetness, obedience and politeness the Duck
(iv) They were feeling very happy while moving round. was able to solve her problems.

8. On Killing a Tree
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 (ii) A simple job of knife cannot kill a tree because it
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) has grown and become very strong consuming the
1. (i) The tree’s root becomes firm in the earth and it earth.
rises on the earth very slowly and the roots cannot
(iii) Leprous skin.
be pulled out completely.
(iv) A tree becomes so strong by nourishing itself on

58 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

the nutrients found in the earth with years of water, (iii) By ‘earth-cave’ the poet means the point deep
sunlight and air. inside the earth where the root is attached.
2. (i) The hack of a knife or an axe may inflict pain on (iv) Anchoring earth means the trees get its support
a tree but cannot kill it. and stability from earth.
(ii) Curled and green. 2. (i) On Killing a Tree by Gieve Patel.
(iii) Twigs (ii) Killing of a Tree.
(iv) The skin of a tree from which a juicy substance is (iii) It is scorched and choked after it is pulled out.
coming out. (iv) It is killed after weathering.
Short Answer Questions Short Answer Questions
1. No, a simple jab of the knife cannot kill a tree. It is 1. Anchoring earth implies that the trees are held secure
firmly held by the earth and its roots are safe. The with the help of the roots in the earth. So long as the
tree is too strong to be killed by a simple jab of the roots are firmly held by the earth, the tree is safe and
knife. cannot be killed by a simple jab of a knife.
2. The tree has grown to its full size by consuming 2. There are two stages of killing a tree. First, the tree
the earth, feeding upon its crust, absorbing years of should be pulled out entirely. Its roots are to be
light, air and water. Consuming, rising, feeding and exposed to the sun and the air. Secondly, the roots are
absorbing are the words suggestive of its life and to be scorched in the sun. When the roots are scorched,
activity. these turn brown, hard and withered. The tree is finally
Value-Based Long Answer Questions killed.
Trees go on living for long number of years. There Value-Based Long Answer Questions
are some trees in the Amazon forest which are said
People have several requirements which can be
to be more than five hundred years old. We may
fulfilled by trees. They get wood for fire and furniture
take some lesson from them to spread our roots deep
from trees. They get various kinds of medicine and
inside the earth. There had been some great people
fruits. The tribal people are completely dependent
of yesteryears who still live in our memories. They
on trees, but they never cut them. But the common
had spread their roots inside our consciousness and
as a result refused to die. The hidden root gives people cut trees as they have no alternatives. But they
all the sustenance to a tree. One needs to snap this should not cut down trees and spoil the beauty of
source of life to kill a tree. Like trees, the great men nature. Moreover they should discover other sources
have also built their life. Although they are no more to fulfil their needs. They should be encouraged to
in the world, their deeds are alive. use steel sheets in their doors and windows. The tribal
Or people should be given every support to decrease
their dependence on trees. They should be made
Trees have great importance in our life. They teach
responsible to protect trees in their areas and plant
us that life is made for others. They bear fruits for
others and provide shelter to them. All creatures are more trees. Besides people should be made aware of
equal in their eyes. Besides, trees take several years the environmental problems which is created after
to become fully grown up. When they are full-grown cutting down trees. We have to protect trees at any
trees, they enhance the beauty of nature. But we are cost.
recklessly cutting down trees for our selfish needs. We Or
have to check this useless cutting of trees. We have to Trees are the beauty of nature. They give food and
make strict rules and protect them. The government shelter to wild animals. The various kinds of birds
should also come forward in this regard. The forest make their nests in the trees and trees protect them as
should be declared protected areas and people must be parents. The tribal people are absolutely dependent
encouraged to plant trees. They should be made aware on trees. They get wood for their houses and firewood
how trees are valuable for human beings. On the other from trees. A major part of their food supply also
hand, we should organise ourselves in some groups or comes from trees. Besides, trees hold soil together
associations and catch the people found cutting down and protect it from being washed away by rain
trees. Moreover, everybody should develop love for water. Their leaves make soil fertile. In our time the
trees. importance of trees is increased. We use several parts
of trees in our houses. We are completely dependent
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 on trees for our furniture. We make medicine from the
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) leaves, barks and roots of trees. We also get several
1. (i) To kill a tree its roots must be pulled out. types of fruits from trees. So trees are very important
(ii) Root for us.

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 59

9. The Snake Trying
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions)
1. (i) The stick is to kill the snake. 1. (i) The snake lies on the sand
(ii) He is scared of the stick. (ii) The snake runs away to the reeds because it wanted
(iii) It moves in sudden curves. to save its life.
(iv) The way it curves in the water is quite remarkable. (iii) The snake vanishes in the ripples among the reeds.
2. (i) ‘He’ is here referred to the snake. (iv) The reeds look small and green.
(ii) He is going to hide amongst the reeds. 2. (i) Here ‘he’ refers to the snake.
(iii) The poet does not wish to hurt the snake because (ii) He looks very beautiful and graceful.
the snake is harmless. (iii) It tries to escape from the stroke because it would
(iv) The poet entreats the man with the stick to let the kill him.
snake escape. (iv) The poem is ‘The Snake Trying’ and the poet is
Short Answer Questions William Wrightson Ross.
1. The snake is trying to escape from a stroke. It is being Short Answer Questions
chased by someone with a stick. 1. The snake was lying along the sand when someone
2. The poet sees beauty in the snake. For him, it is not a saw it. The person chased it with a stick. The snake
harmful snake. He wishes that it should not be hurt by glided away through water. It looked beautiful and
the stick. It should go over the water into the reeds to graceful.
hide without being hurt. 2. The poet loves the animals. He conveys the message
Value-Based Long Answer Questions that we should love them. We should not kill the
The man thinks that the snake is poisonous and hence it animals and other creatures of God, especially when
is better to kill it. He chases the snake with a stick. The they are not harmful.
snake is trying to escape at a great pace so that the man Value-Based Long Answer Questions
cannot reach and kill it. The movement of the snake is I agree with this statement that a snake does not bite a
very graceful and elegant. The snake does not stick to man, unless it feels that a man is going to kill it. But
one straight path but winds its way in and out of the people are of the opinion that all snakes are poisonous
path. At last, the snake floats over the water and hides and it is their nature to bite a man. So, they want to kill
itself into the green reeds. Thus, the snake protects itself it.
from being killed by men. Or
Or Some snakes are poisonous and their bites can kill
Generally people think that snakes are poisonous human beings. But all the snakes are not poisonous.
creatures. The snake bite cannot be cured. There There are several kinds of snakes which are free of
are countless people in the world,who met death poison. Their bite has no power to bring any damage
immediately after snake bite. When the earning hand of to human beings. If they bite them it is in their self-
any family is bitten by a poisonous make like a black defence. They feel that people will kill them when
cobra, his entire family is ruined. His little kids are they are seen. Moreover, they have no legs and feet
forced to suffer in the world. In such a situation people for self-defence. Only their poison can save its life
have decided that they must kill the snakes as soon as from the killers. So, it is a matter of life protection —
they are seen. They do not want their children to suffer who kills first? Besides, snakes are very shy. When
in the world after their death. Life is precious. People they see anyone, they immediately want to vacate
never want to meet death by snake bites. Ultimately we the place. Still people run after them with sticks to
have to protect our precious life and for this purpose, kill them. However, the snakes try to save their life
snakes have to be killed at once if they are seen. by biting the person in self-defence.

10. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 (iii) The slumber has sealed poet’s spirit.
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) (iv) Here ‘slumber’ means death of the poet’s beloved.
1. (i) Here ‘I’ refers to the poet. 2. (i) ‘She’ is the poet’s beloved.
(ii) The poem is ‘A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal’ and (ii) She breathed her last and had no motion like a
the poet is William Wordsworth. thing.

60 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

(iii) Because she was dead. (ii) It implies the earth’s daily routine on its axis.
(iv) ‘Earthly years’ here refers to the ‘passage of time’. (iii) She lost her life and has been absorbed into
Short Answer Questions nature.
1. This line has been taken from the poem ‘A Slumber (iv) These things are an important part of the universe
Did My spirit Seal’ written by W. Wordsworth. and nature.
2. The poet was very sad on his beloved’s death. He Short Answer Questions
was shocked. But the sleep brought peace to his 1. The poet wants to convey the idea that death separates
mind. He realised that his beloved had become a our loved ones from us but they always remain around
part of nature and would always remain around us in the form of nature. We should not be grief stricken
him. at the death.
Value-Based Long Answer Questions 2. She is dead and has become a part of nature. Time will
It is true that nothing belongs to us permanently because have no effect on her. She will grow no more. She has
one day we have to leave all the things on the earth. no motion and no force. She has become a part of time
Nevertheless, people crave for more wealth, fame, itself. Time will not affect her.
knowledge, beauty and even commit crime, because Value-Based Long Answer Questions
this is human nature. We cannot separate ourselves My father was an ideal person. He was a true
from such things. If we give up our greed to have more nationalist. He was my source of inspiration, guide
and more, the world would be a much better place to and philosopher. I have learnt good values of life
live in. People would not go to extremes to achieve from him only. Whenever I was in some problem, I
something. often took his suggestion which was very effective.
Or If the age of sixty-five he was full of hopes and
When man dies he only leaves this body and stamina. He could work more than ten hours at a
becomes part of nature. His presence can be felt in stretch. Observing his body structure and character
nature. After death, his soul is merged with nature. I was of the opinion that he was beyond death and
We know that our life is temporary on this earth. time. I know that we are not permanent on this
During our life span we develop love and affection earth. Someday we have to leave this place. With
with our beloved ones. But when they meet pre- regard to my father, my love and deep attachment
mature death, our heart pains a lot. The separation with him never allows me think on this point. But
from the departed one becomes unbearable for everything changed suddenly. His sudden death
us. The moments of happy days passed with them shocked me and I am unable to bear this separation.
rings in our heart and we want to see them again. He has become part of nature because our soul is
Sometimes we dive deep down into mourning immortal. Still, the sweet moments lived with him
because the pain of separation and loss tortures torture our heart.
our heart. We forget the reality of life that human Or
beings are not permanent on the earth. When they I like Dr. Sharma most. He was our class teacher
die, their memory is left behind to pain our heart. and taught English. He also encouraged the students
In this situation, some absolute separation from the for good work. Whenever we had any problems, we
departed soul is impossible. visited him and took his suggestion. Now he has
got his retirement. His wife died around five years
before. Now he is alone in the world. His house is
Reference To Context (Very Short Answer Questions) very big but there is no one to take care of him. I
1. (i) She lacks motion and force because she is no frequently visit his house and make arrangements
longer alive now. for his cooking. I have appointed a male cook who
(ii) Both ideas are associated with positive human cooks for him and washes his clothes. Once in a
action. month I take him to the family doctor for medical
(iii) She is not able to hear because she met her check up. I buy medicines for him and often ask
death. him about his health. I also work with him in the
(iv) She passed away and hence now her sense organs garden. We have developed a good garden in his
do not function. house where he sits in the evening and chat with
2. (i) The poet’s beloved rolled round in earth’s diurnal neighbours. Dr. Sharma never feels alone in my
course. company.

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 61

1. The Lost Child
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 Value-Based Long Answer Questions
Short Answer Questions When the child realised that he had been separated
1. The child was fascinated by the fair. He was attracted from his parents, he started crying. Tears rolled down
towards many things in the fair but he did not insist his his cheeks. His face was full of fear. He was panicked
parents to buy any of them. He followed his parents in and ran here and there. His yellow turban got untied.
the fair like an obedient child. Though he longed for His clothes became muddy. He ran towards the shrine
the things yet he did not express his desire before his in search of his parents. There was a thick crowd.
parents because he knew that his parents would not Before he could be trampled under their feet, a
allow him to get them. kind-hearted person picked him up in his arms. He
2. The child was watching a roundabout in the fair. Men, asked him how he got there and where his parents
women and children were carried away in a whirling were. The child wept more bitterly and cried for his
motion. They shrieked and cried with dizzy laughter. parents.
He also wanted to go on the roundabout. Or
Value-Based Long Answer Questions Initially, I will be under great fear and panic. But I will
Parents are the precious gift of God to a child. Nothing try to find my parents with the help of others. I will
can be more valuable than parents. They mould their try to find a policeman and ask him to give me some
child into a true person with all means, love and advice. He will take me to the control room so that an
strictness. The story ‘Lost Child’ highlights a child’s announcement can be made in a loudspeakers. I will
love for his parents. The Child was very happy when he give my address and the phone number of my parents
was going to the fair with his parents. He wanted to buy so that they can be located.
many things but his parents refused to buy them. He did DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3
not complain for anything but when he was separated
from his parents, he started crying for them. Now all Short Answer Questions
these things lost charm for him. The man who rescued 1. The child was very happy at the fair. He wanted to have
him, offered everything but he refused. Now he wanted a toy. His father perhaps could not afford it. He looked
nothing except his parents. This shows that parents are at him rudely and with anger. The child did not insist
the most precious and valuable in any child’s life. and kept on moving.
Or 2. The Juggler was playing a flute to a snake. The child
Childhood is the most innocent age of life. A child gets was attracted by the music and went towards him. He
fascinated by every attractive thing either that is useful knew that his parents would not like his standing there.
or useless. They feel pleasure on possessing the things So he moved on.
like toys but any sensible parents should deal his or Value-Based Long Answer Questions
her child with love. As in life all the wishes can not Children are the beauty of our house. Without them
be fulfilled so the child must be taught to live without the picture of our house in incomplete. They are the
so many things. On the other hand this is the happiest future of our house. While rearing them, parents have
period of life so their desires should not be ignored. to take every care. There is no limit to the demands
They feel happy and secured when they find their of children, good parents always try to fulfill them as
parents fulfilling their demands. Overall it is the duty of far as possible. Children like to visit fairs very much.
parents to make a balance, so that the child should not They want to enjoy things and go on a roundabout.
feel neglected and should not grow haughty for things. When parents take their children to the fair, they have
to take every care of them, otherwise their children
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 may get lost in the fair. If children are attracted by
Short Answer Questions any snake charmer or some beautiful scenes in the
1. While going to the fair, the child’s parents stopped fair, they should not allow their children to drift
under the shade of a grove. They stopped there to rest away. Instead, they should always hold the hands of
for a while. children tightly in the fair. Moreover, children should
2. His mother was a very kind lady. Her attitude was very be allowed to eat only those things in the fair which
tender. Whenever the child wanted to buy something may not create problems for their health. While in
she tried to divert his attention towards something else. the fair, children should be given every opportunity
She did not scold him. to enjoy it.

62 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

Or child desired to have earlier. He also offered the child

When our parents take us to a fair, we should always try to go on the roundabout. Obviously, such persons
to follow their instructions. We should walk along with are rare and their responsibility gets increased in the
them so that we may not get lost in the fair. Besides, we fair. The stranger showed the love of parents in his
must keep the mobile number and address of our house behaviour towards the lost child. He tried to assure
in the pocket. If we are lost in the fair, we should not the child that he should not be afraid of anything in
eat things or sweets offered by other people because the fair. He will find the parents and handover the
they might belong to some thieves and criminals. If we lost child to him. The stranger also knew that the
are lost in the fair, we should take help from the police. lost child could not live with his parents because he
Our parents have immense love for us. In the fair, we was weeping bitterly for his parents. Still he tried to
should not pressurise our parents to buy unnecessary make the lost child happy. With his kind behaviour
things. Our act my humiliate our parents. It is our duty the stranger proved that everybody has immense love
keep them happy. We should not become a burden on for children.
our parents. We should always keep in mind the hard Or
work they do for us.
When we in the fair, there are many things which may
attract us. We may be attracted to sweets, toys and
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4 several other things. The roundabout and the snake-
Short Answer Questions charmers may also influence us. We may also be
1. They refused the flute’s music to the child because they attracted to the kite shops and the shooting points. As
considered it coarse music. The child suppressed his children, our needs have no limit. When we want to eat
feelings and kept on moving. or buy anything in the fair we should try to make clear
2. He met the kind-hearted person near the shrine. The to our parents its importance. We should give them a
man saw the child in the crowd. He might have been solid reason so that they may not make any excuse. But
trampled underfoot. His shrieks invited the attention of we should often put our demands before our parents
the kind man who lifted him. in a polite manner. Our behaviour may not hurt their
Value-Based Long Answer Questions feelings. Of our demands are meaningless to them, we
The stranger was certainly a kind-hearted man. He should not insist on them. Instead, we should look for
saved the child from being trampled under the feet. some other option. In all cases, we should approach to
He loved children very much. He lifted the lost child our parents with love and affection so that they may
in his lap and offered him all those things which the positively think over our demands.

2. The Adventures of Toto

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 was fond of animals, had many animals in his
Short Answer Questions private zoo and they were living at peace. The
arrival of new member, ‘Toto’ created a chaos not
1. Grandmother usually quarrelled with Grandfather on
only among animals but also in the whole house.
the issue of a pet. Whenever Grandfather brought some Toto was not an ordinary animal. He was a very
new bird or animal Grandmother got furious at the very mischievous monkey. He became headache for the
mention of any new creature. To avoid this situation it family and at last grandfather had to sell it back to
was decided to keep Toto’s presence a secret until she the real owner.
was in a good mood. Or
2. Tot was transferred to a big cage. This cage was kept
Yes, I have a pet. It is a dog. It is also very mischievous
in the servant’s quarters and a number of Grandfather’s as Toto. Its name is Jacky. It was only a month old when
pets live in a friendly manner here. But Toto did not I brought it home. In the beginning it caused a lot of
allow any of his companions to sleep at night. problems for us but gradually it improved. We provided
Value-Based Long Answer Questions him training also. It does not damage the object around
Some animals like dog are good pets and they are him. He plays with his toys only. He is very friendly
sensible in many things but keeping a monkey as a with our guests also. He can differentiate between
pet is not advisable. Monkeys are mischievous by relatives and strangers. It is a faithful and caring animal.
nature so they can create chaos and may harm the When Jacky is there no intruder can dare enter the
children at home. They are fond of damaging the house. He is very powerful. He is quite different from
things around them and it becomes quiet difficult Toto in the story which is not only mischievous but also
to attend a guest. In the story, grandfather who creator of chaos in the family.

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DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 see a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a tame squirrel and pet
Short Answer Questions goats. He took them special care when grandmother had
an aversion for pets. When Toto was brought home, his
1. Toto was kept in a canvas kit-bag. The canvas was too
arrival was kept a secret. Toto was a naughty monkey.
strong for him to bite. Toto wanted to escape. While
All the time he kept creating problems in the family.
making efforts to get out, he occasionally rolled about
or jumped into the air. As he was inside the bag, the Since the very day Toto entered the house, he started
onlookers could not see him. In this way the onlookers damaging the household things. He pulled out the peg,
on the Dehradun platform got attracted. tore wall papers and the authors blazer. Moreover,
he never let other animals live in harmony with the
2. No doubt, Toto was mischievous. He kept creating
other pets. He proved to be an expensive deal. So,
problems not only for animals but for the members
grandfather was not right in keeping Toto in his private
of the family also. The night Toto passed with Nana
was full of disturbance. When Grandfather visited the zoo. Grandfather should also have kept in mind the
stable he found Toto fastened on to Nana’s long ears likes and dislikes of grandmother.
with his sharp little teeth. They could never become Or
Toto was an adventurous and mischievous monkey.
Value-Based Long Answer Questions He enjoyed upsetting everything. He enjoyed a bath.
Monkeys are naughty like a kid. They love to destroy Once a large kettle containing water had been left on
things. They feel pleasure in tearing things. They the fire to prepare tea. Toto removed the lid and got into
are habitual of turning everything into rags. They the kettle. Soon the water began to boil. Grandmother
want to live freely on their will. So if someone tries happened to come into the kitchen. She saw that Toto
to check them, they get annoyed. In general sense stood in the kettle. She hauled him out of the kettle.
monkeys are not faithful animals. As in the story ‘The Actually grandmother saved his life, otherwise Toto
Adventure of Toto’, Toto not only creates chaos in would have burnt himself alive.
the house but also annoys grandmother in different DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4
manners. He breaks things and feels delighted in
teasing grandmother. Over all, he does not like to Short Answer Questions
live in the limitation. So he creates various troubles 1. Grandmother did not like the arrival of any new animal
for the family members. or bird in the house. Grandfather wanted to avoid the
Or fuss. He waited for a favourable time to tell her. So, he
Yes, I have a pet. It is a dog. It is also very mischievous hid him.
but not as mischievous as Toto. Its name is Puffy. It 2. They put Toto in the closet. They came back after a
was only a month old when I brought it home. In few hours and found that Toto had pulled the peg out of
the beginning, it caused a lot of problems for us but the wall. He had also cleared off the wallpaper, which
gradually it improved. We provided him training grandfather had decorated with.
also. It does not damage the objects around him. He Value-Based Long Answer Questions
plays with his toys only. He is very friendly with our Animals and men are the creations of God. They like
guests also. He can differentiate between known and to live free life in the nature. Freedom is loved by
strangers. When Puffy is there, no intruder can dare to all. But these days many animals are kept in cages.
enter the house. He is very powerful. He is nowhere Although they are kept as pets, they lead the life of
similar to Toto. Thus it is true that a dog is a faithful slaves. People keep them as pets for entertainment
animal. but their freedom is restricted. The life of these
animals is confined to the cages when they like to
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3 walk, run and move freely in nature. God has created
Short Answer Questions natural habitats for them. Forests provide them
1. Toto seemed out of place with the tongo-driver. He shelter and the running streams give them water to
looked pretty also. Grandfather wanted to include him drink. But when these animals are caged and given
in his pets. So, he decided to buy him. not sufficient food to eat, sadness develops in their
2. It works as a third hand for the monkey. He can hang life. Their hearts weeps for freedom. Therefore, it is
on to the branches of trees with its help. Moreover with not reasonable to keep animals in cages and restrict
it, he can reach upto a thing which is out of his hand’s their freedom.
reach. Or
Value-Based Long Answer Questions Grandfather was a kind-hearted person. He was an
Grandfather had immense love for animals. He had animal lover by choice. He had his own private zoo
created a private Zoo in the house. In his zoo one could in his house. He kept bringing home new animals that

64 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

he liked. He was a fully determined person. He had from one place to another in order to make Toto adjust
a lot of patience and took all things positively. When with the other animals. He was a man of strong mind
he brought Toto, he felt satisfied. He wanted to keep and body. His taste made him a naturalist. He enjoyed
Toto with other animals. But Toto kept disturbing other his life in the lap of nature. He treated his pet animals
animals. Yet Grandfather transferred him frequently as his family members.

3. Iswaran the Storyteller

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 Value-Based Long Answer Questions
Short Answer Questions Story-telling is an art. The story-teller must have grim
1. Mahendra worked as a junior supervisor in a ‘Supervisors tone, suitable expression of face and dramatic gestures
On Hire Firm’. His job sites kept on changing from of hands and body to leave a long lasting impact on
place to place as ordered by his head office. So, he had listeners. Stories can be made vivid by telling them
to keep moving from place to place. in a unique style. Though stories are a figment of
imagination but a perfect storyteller presents the facts.
2. He was unmarried and had no family. He was simple
A good story has suspense in small things and has a
and led a simple life with no special needs. Thus, he
could adjust to any kind of odd conditions. surprise ending. Iswaran is a good story teller. He used
to read Tamil thrillers; it affected his behaviour. He used
Value-Based Long Answer Questions
to narrate a small incident in a detailed way. He created
A good storyteller has quality to put the readers in thrill. suspense in small things and gave surprise endings. He
He keeps the interest of the listener lively. He must was expert in narrating stories in elaborate way.
have good imagination and good skill. Iswaran had all
the good qualities of a good story teller. Iswaran is a
fascinating storyteller. He seems to be a good dramatist. A well educated and well informed person would not
His story is full of great suspense and surprise. He believe in the existence of the ghost but sometime the
told his story in a dramatic manner. Instead of saying fear of their heart and effect of horror tales and haunted
uprooted tree, he would say that he saw huge bushy beast movies make them realise the existence of the ghost. Due
lying across the road. He had an amazing capacity to to psychological effect, the horrible scene could not get
make stories. He always tried to introduce suspense and out his mind and keeps on thinking about the existence
surprise in the narration of the simplest incident. Thus of ghost. When one is in deep thoughts in a certain field
according to the text, Iswaran was a good story teller. the things related to the scene appear like real before our
Or eyes. The same is the story about ghost. In the story the
skilled story teller, Iswaran, makes his successful effort
Storytelling is an art. Only a person having good
to make Mahendra realise about the ghosts’ world and
imaginative skill and knowledge of changing small
he started to believe that the ghosts were for real and
incidents into a narrative story can be a perfect
decided to leave the place, taking it as haunted.
storyteller. A story should have narrative style and thrill.
Its theme must seem like real. The stories are various DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3
kinds but stories related to common and familiar theme
Short Answer Questions
get popularity. A simple language, good imagination
and an effective plot make the story more interesting. 1. Iswaran controlled the wild elephant. He took a stick in
As in the text, Iswaran who is not much literate has his hand, moved forward and with all his might, whacked
good skill to change small incidents into interesting the elephant’s third toe nail. The elephant looked stunned
stories. So the stories which are vivid and are told in for a minute. Finally, it shivered and collapsed.
unique style gets popularity. Suspense and surprise add 2. One full moon night, Mahendra heard the sound of
interest in the narration of even a story of simple plot. mourning and wailing near the window. He looked out
of his window. He saw a dark cloudy form clutching a
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 bundle. He thought it to be a female ghost. He sweated
Short Answer Questions and fell back on the pillow.
1. He cooked food for Mahendra, washed his clothes, Value-Based Long Answer Questions
cleaned the house and talked to him at nights. He used Iswaran had an inborn skill for story-telling. He would
to tell him interesting stories and anecdotes and thus, add up suspense and surprise even to an ordinary
entertained him. incident. Mahendra had no choice but listen to him
2. Iswaran often left the story unfinished to create a uncritically. Then he would jump to another incredible
curiosity in the listener about its end. He took the plea story. When he was in the junior class, an elephant
that he has to warm and serve the dinner. got mad. It uprooted bushes and trees and caused a

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 65

terrible destruction. When everyone was running helter- Value-Based Long Answer Questions
skelter, he stepped forward with a stick. He hit it hard Iswaran was an obedient person. He was Mahendra’s
on its third toenail. The beast shivered and collapsed. cook. He was very caring and hardworking. He did all
A veterinary doctor had to take a long time to revive the jobs such as cooking meal, washing clothes and
the beast. Iswaran was highly inspired and copied the chatting with Mahendra at night. He obeyed his master
popular Tamil thrillers in this art. with full dedication. So, he was an asset to Mahendra.
Or Any ideal servant should take every care of his master.

Mahendra’s mind was influenced by the ghost story told He should keep his master satisfied in every way. As
by Iswaran. Iswaran told Mahendra that the place was Mahendra was unmarried he was leading a lonely life.
a former burial ground and he had seen a female ghost. There was not anyone in the house who could give
Mahendra was influenced by this story and he too saw a him company. Only Iswaran was in his house. Only
similar female ghost outside his window. This made him he was his guide and friend. He was the source of
leave the present house he was staying. It is very much entertainment for him. Thus, he was really an ideal
horrible that it was only a figment of his imagination servant of his master.
and there was no real ghost. So he must have confirmed Or
himself that he did really saw a ghost before vacating Since our childhood we hear about the stories of ghost.
his place. Mahendra felt frightened and ran to his office. Sometimes we become frightened and fall asleep
Further, he decided to leave the haunted place at once. It quickly. The other time we think about the action of
was his art of telling story which helped him to convince ghosts. As children we believe in the reality of ghosts.
Mahendra that he should believe in the ghosts. We become confident that ghosts exist in the world and
become afraid of dark even and if we see any horrible
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4 sight. Our belief in ghosts deepens further. In the story,
Short Answer Questions Iswaran told Mahendra that he had seen a female ghost
1. Iswaran was a good storyteller. He was fond of reading one day. He further told him that the ghost appeared
books on thrill and mystery. He used to tell various off and on at midnight during the full moon. The ghost
stories to Mahendra. His stories were full of suspense, seemed an ugly creature with thick hair and a shriveled
horror and adventures. He compared things with face and it gave the impression of a skeleton holding a
something imaginative. foetus in its arms. Although Mahendra called Iswaran
2. One day, Mahendra interrupted Iswaran from telling a a crazy fellow, he was frightened inside. However, at
useless story. He scolded him badly. So, he expected night he conjured up the ghost and started shivering.
him to be angry for some days. But Iswaran did not Thus, his belief in ghosts deepened and he decided to
mind that and was before him as usual the next day. leave the place at once.

4. In the Kingdom of Fools

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 disciple did not follow the advice of his guru and was
in trouble. The king, the most foolish creature of the
Short Answer Questions
kingdom, had a unique way of judgment. He did not
1. Everything was upside down in the story “In the
apply his mind when deciding cases. At last with the
Kingdom of Fools”. The guru and his disciple found wisdom of the guru the disciple was saved and the king
that people slept in daytime and worked during the became victim of his own foolishness and died.
nights. Everything, whether rice or banana cost the Or
same. Any disobedience was punished.

A Guru is always a well wisher of his disciple. The
2. The guru knew that the behaviour of fools is disciple who does not obey his guru falls in misery while
unpredictable. They could be in danger anytime. He those who follow the path told by Guru live a happy and
decides to leave the kingdom at once. But the disciple healthy life. In the story the disciple did not obey his
did not realise the danger. He realises his mistake when Guru and so was in trouble. If he had followed his Guru
the king ordered his execution without any reason. and left the kingdom he would not have been in trouble.
Value-Based Long Answer Questions He was greedy and decided to remain in the kingdom
It is always risky to live among the fools as one never because everything was so cheap there. He used to eat
knows what a fool has in his mind. He can create any to his fill and became fat. One day he fell into trouble
trouble for himself as well as for others. The guru in as he was chosen to be executed due to his fatness. The
the story tells his disciple, “They are all fools. They Guru was a wise man. He was right in his predictions.
won’t last very long and you can’t tell what they will And his predictions came true. It was he who came on
do to you next. Their behavior is not predictable”. The his call and saved his life with his wisdom.

66 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 before the other. On seeing this situation the king got
Short Answer Questions confused and could not decide what to do. On being
asked, the Guru told that whoever chose the stake
1. In the story “In the Kingdom of Fools”, the people
first would become the king in the next birth and the
used to work at night and sleep during the sunlight.
second would become the minister. Both the king and
The day was considered to be the night and the night
the minister were tempted and chose the stake one by
was considered to be the day. This was followed not
one. In this way the Guru could save his disciple.
only by the human beings but by the animals too.
2. The guru advised his disciple to leave the kingdom of
fools as soon as possible. He said that one could never
Everything was cheap in the Kingdom of Fools. The
anticipate the next move of the fools. The guru was a disciple had a liking for food. He was tempted by the
wise man. He was right in his prediction. cheap food. So, he decided to stay in that kingdom. It
was not a good idea to stay there for a long time as one
Value-Based Long Answer Questions
could be in danger any time because of the unpredictable
One never knows what a fool has in his mind. The guru
behaviour of fools. The king ordered him to be executed.
tells his disciple, “They are all fools.” They won’t last
But as soon as he was taken to the stake, the stake did
very long and you can’t tell what they’ll do to you next.
not fit him. It was important to test the stake for first
Their behaviour is not predictable. The disciple did not
time. Hence, the king ordered that a person should be
follow the advice of guru and was in trouble. The king, the
found who could fit the stake. The king’s men caught
most foolish creature of the kingdom, had a unique way
the disciple and found him fit for the stake. The disciple
of judgement. He did not apply his mind when deciding
had become healthy due to overeating. The king ordered
cases. He became victim of his own foolishness and died.
him to be executed. But his Guru saved him. It was
The story gives us a lesson we should not be easy going
such a situation which none could imagine in real life.
in our life. The fruit of hard struggle is always sweet.
It becomes quite clear that living in such a kingdom is
Or dangerous. Anything could happen here.
One who removes the darkness of our ignorance and
gives the light of knowledge is called a guru. Guru is DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4
the person who guides us to take right path. So, one who Short Answer Questions
gives us knowledge is sacred and deserves the highest 1. The guru told the king that the stake of God of justice
respect. Those who obey their guru and follow the guided whoever died first would be reborn as the king of that
path face no trouble. The teacher plays the greatest country. And whoever died next would be the minister.
enabling role by helping one to cultivate and refine the
2. After the death of the king and his minister, the people
use of one’s thinking ability. Knowledge provided by the
found guru and his disciple. They were impressed with
teacher helps one to mould one’s character. In the story
their intellectual capacity and wisdom. They made them
“In the Kingdom of Fools” it was the guru who guided
king and minister respectively.
his disciple about impending danger in that kingdom of
fools and when the disciple fell into trouble, he realised Value-Based Long Answer Questions
his mistake and remembered his guru. The guru came In the Kingdom of Fools everything looked odd. The
forward and saved his life with his wit. disciple was arrested in place of the rich merchant. He
was to be executed soon but the disciple started praying.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3 The guru reached there and made a plan to save the
Short Answer Questions disciple’s life. The king and his minister became the
1. The disciple was a food freak. He found the food very victims of this plan and got themselves executed. Now
cheap there. He ate his fill everyday and grew fat like there was no king in the kingdom. The throne was vacant.
a street side bull. The cost of everything was only one People wanted that a wise person should become the king.
daddu. He could buy anything for one daddu. After the death of the king and the disciple the people
2. The trial was made about the death of a thief who were impressed by the wisdom and power of the Guru.
died while coming out of a house. The wall was very They thought that if the Guru and his disciple became the
old and collapsed on him. The king wanted to fix the king and the minister, there would be peace all around.
responsibility on a person responsible for his death. So the people chose to crown the Guru and his disciple.
Value-Based Long Answer Questions Or
The disciple was arrested and was to be executed soon. The owner of the house i.e. the merchant, the bricklayer,
At that moment he recalled the words of his Guru and the dancing girl and the goldsmith were tried in the
prayed to save his life. The Guru was a divine figure king’s court. They all were tried because the thief died
and heard the prayer. He reached there at once and when the wall of merchant’s house had collapsed.
created a drama. They started quarrelling for the stake. The merchant was tried for building a weak wall. The
They expressed their willingness to choose the stake bricklayer was tried for doing his work carelessly. The

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 67

dancing girl was tried for disturbing the concentration the rich merchant was the real culprit because he had
of the bricklayer. The goldsmith was blamed for making inherited both sins and riches of his father. He escaped
the dancing girl walk up and down to his house a dozen the punishment because he was too thin to fit the stake.
times. The merchant’s dead father was held responsible Then, the disciple was brought to the place of execution
for making the wall weak. But according to the king because he had grown too fat.

5. The Happy Prince

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 2. He was a young playwright. He was leaning over a desk
Short Answer Questions covered with papers. His hair was brown and crisp and
his lips were red. He had large and dreamy eyes. He
1. The statue was covered all over with the leaves of fine
was trying to finish a play for the theatre. But he was
gold. Two bright sapphires were fixed in place of eyes,
feeling cold as there was no firewood, and hunger had
and the heart was made of lead. A large ruby was fixed
made him faint. So, he could not finish the play.
in his sword hilt.
Value-Based Long Answer Questions
2. When the Prince was alive, he lived in a palace. The
prince lived happily and knew no sorrow. Even the Goodness is for ever. The happy prince had goodness
courtiers called him the happy prince. So, he did not for all. He was moved by the widespread poverty and
know what tears were. misery. He gave his eyes, his gold and jewels to the
poor. When the swallow died at his feet, his heart was
Value-Based Long Answer Questions
broken into two. The statue of happy prince was no
Righteousness always plays an important role in life. longer useful and beautiful. It was pulled down. When
The case may be individual, a family, a state or a nation. the statue was melted in a furnace, the leaden heart did
The money power and pelf can, of course, provide the not melt because goodness can never be destroyed. The
comforts and luxuries of life. But these can not provide prince and the swallow both were rewarded by the God
mental satisfaction and spiritual contentment. All religious by providing them place in heaven.
and spiritual leaders advise mankind to shun the path of
vice and to follow the right path. It is only when a nation
cares for its poor, nurses its old and feeble, looks after its The two most precious things in the city were the leaden
downtrodden and weaker sections of society. The nation heart of the happy prince and the dead swallow. The
rises to meteoric heights when it follows the right path. happy prince had sacrificed these to serve the suffering
Righteousness bless a man with the heights of satisfaction humanity and help the poor. The swallow fulfilled
and happiness. In the story, “The Happy Prince” the prince the wishes of the happy prince. He sacrificed his self
reaches the heights of heaven with his fellow companion interest of going to Egypt. He carried gold and jewels
swallow by the means of righteousness. to the suffering people. He remained with the prince in
the bad weather also. He died at the prince’s feet. So,
the angel was right when it took the leaden heart of the
Society is the place whose protection is the chief concern prince and the dead swallow to Heaven.
of all individuals. In society we find people suffering from
all kinds of ills like poverty, hunger, starvation, diseases DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3
and natural calamities. The students can play an active Short Answer Questions
role for protecting the society. The students can take up
1. The courtiers call the prince the “Happy Prince” because
such tasks as educating the poor kids and even adults.
he lived in the palace where sorrow was not allowed to
Those deprived of education can be taught basics of
enter. He was brought up in a luxurious surroundings.
learning. The students can be a great help in popularizing
He could now see the reality of life from that height. He
concepts such as hygiene as well as sanitation. People
could see the misery of poor and their pitiable condition.
should be taught significance of cleanliness. Apart from
2. The Happy Prince had become totally blind. The
this, moral values can be imparted. Short stories based on
swallow was impressed with his charity and kindness.
honesty, truth discipline etc. can be popularized through
He had sacrified everything for good cause of helping
them. Thus students can be a great bridge between the
the poor in their needs. The swallow loved the prince
haves and have-nots. Students can make such a society
and could not leave him in that state. He decided not
which may have no sorrow and no misery.
to go to Egypt. He remained there till his last breath.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 Value-Based Long Answer Questions
Short Answer Questions Yes, good deeds are ever rewarding. In other words,
good deeds always pay in one’s life. It is true that
1. The prince wanted the swallow to pick out the ruby
mortal life is meant to decay and death and good deeds
from his sword-hilt and take it to the poor seamstress.
make one immortal. In life we get utmost contentment

68 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

and inner pleasure by doing some charitable act or by forever in the garden of paradise and the happy prince
helping others. In the story ‘The Happy Prince’, both will live in the city of gold.
the happy prince and the swallow were rewarded for Value-Based Long Answer Questions
their good deeds by God. They found a permanent This is a strange world. It presents shocking contrasts.
place in heaven. The swallow will sing forever in the Nothing succeeds like success here. So long you are
garden of paradise and the happy prince will live in powerful and strong you are respected and obeyed.
the city of gold. Thus the story teaches us to live a In this dazzling world of wealth and riches, human
meaningful life by helping those who are in need. feelings have no relevance. The statue of the Happy
Or Prince was installed at the highest column in the most

There is fun, happiness and thrill in buying things important square of the city. It was gilded all over with
for ourselves and enjoying life on your own but the fine gold. His eyes had two bright sapphires and a large
happiness got from making others happy is far greater red ruby glowed on his sword hilt. He was a symbol of
and deeper than any happiness. We can get them by power, beauty and grandeur. The moment he lost his
doing things just for ourselves. There is a Chinese gold, sapphires and the grand ruby, he became very
proverb, “Fragrance clings to the hand that gives ordinary, ugly and useless. He was to be pulled down
roses”. The fragrance of happiness clings to the heart and melted in a furnace. The Mayor and the Town
that spread happiness to others. In the story happy Counsellors are cruel and selfish.
prince could not see the misery of people. He lived a Or
comfortable life inside the palace and never saw the Undoubtedly, the swallow was a nice bird. He wanted
misery and ugliness of the people around him but in the to go to Egypt with his friends. At first when he rests
form of statue when he witnessed the pathetic condition between the feet of the Happy Prince, he had no feeling
of the poor he sacrificed all to serve the suffering of helping others. His quality becomes obvious when
humanity and got an everlasting happiness in heaven. we notice tears in his eyes on seeing the Happy Prince’s
heart aching. He discharges his duty with full loyalty
and obedience. When he starts living with the Prince,
Short Answer Questions he becomes more sympathetic towards others. He has
1. Happy Prince’s leaden heart did not melt in the furnace. a deep sense of service. He helps the seamstress by
It was thrown away. The angels considered the leaden bringing her a ruby and fanned the sick boy with his
heart the most precious thing in the city. They took it wings. He helps the playwright and the match girl too.
to the heaven. He rejected his idea to go to Egypt when the Happy
2. God rewarded the happy prince and the swallow by Prince became blind. In the end he died and fell down
giving them a place in heaven. The swallow will sing at his feet.

6. Weathering the Storm in Ersama

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 inspired the cyclone victims and mobilised the women to
Short Answer Questions work. He tried to resettle the orphans and widows with
the help of government. He became a ray of hope for
1. In the evening when Prashant was at his friend’s house
the grief striken victims of Orissa. As a very resourceful
a dark and menacing storm gathered. Winds started person, he did what he could do for the children, women
blowing with great speed. Heavy and continuous rains and other victims. Such zealous and courageous person
filled the darkness. Ancient trees were uprooted and can help the victims of natural calamity.
crushed to death. The angry water rushed in his friend’s
house, neck deep.

Human is a social animal. Despite food and other common
2. When the super cyclone hit coastal Orissa, Prashant was needs, he cannot live without company and love of his
at his friend’s house with neck deep water. They spent near or dear ones. In adversity or crises, it is noticed
two days on the roof of the house and lived on tender that they come forward to help one another without any
coconuts of those two trees which had fallen on the roof. previous ill-feeling for one another. Adversity or crises
Value-Based Long Answer Questions brings people together. There is a bond of humanity. The
Nature’s fury turns up things down in no time. It is very victims of cyclone in Erasma helped one another. They
destructive. The beautiful houses and gardens turn into a worked together during this resettlement. They took care
virtual graveyard. It makes an irreparable loss of life and of orphans and widows. Prashant managed to unite them
property. During natural calamity, immediate needs are and work for one another. Thus in the hour of grief the
housing, food, shelter and emotional support. During the people of the community joined their hands under the
devastation caused by the super cyclone, Prashant, a boy leadership of Prashant. They came forward to help one
of only nineteen years showed courage and bravery. He another. Prashant brought the survivors together and

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 69

formed a youth task force. The youth took the charge been orphaned. He brought them together and put up
and volunteered themselves for cleaning the shelters of a polythene shelter for them. He organised cricket
filth, urine and vomit. matches for children. Prashant tried to set up their
children in new foster families made up of childless
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 widows and children.
Short Answer Questions 2. A military helicopter dropped some parcels but it didn’t
1. When Prashant reached his village, his heart turned return. The youth task force of the village asked the
cold. Houses had been washed away. Only roofs were children to lie in the sand with empty utensils on their
lying on the ground. The belongings were mixed up and stomach. They were successful in telling the helicopters
twisted. The tree branches appeared above water. His that they were hungry. So the helicopter dropped
maternal grandmother was the first woman Prashant regular food and other supplies to them.
saw in the crowd at the Red Cross shelter. Value-Based Long Answer Questions
2. Prashant had gone to block headquarters of Ersama on Prashant became a leader of the village. He sent a
27th October, 1994. He had gone there to spend a day delegation to the merchant and got the full quota of
with a friend. Ersama is a small town in coastal Orissa. rice for the people taking shelter in the shed. Then he
Value-Based Long Answer Questions organised a team of volunteers to clean the shelter. On
On reaching his village, Prashant found deplorable the fifth day of the camp, one military helicopter dropped
conditions all around him. He had leadership qualities food packets but did not return again. Then the youth
so he took the initiative to rehabilitate people. He task force was set up. The group deputed the children
to lie on the floor. They had the empty utensils on their
made a team of young volunteers and cleaned urine,
stomachs. By that they were able to communicate to the
filth, vomit and floating carcasses. His team was fully
passing helicopters that they were hungry. Finally the
dedicated to serve others. He persuaded grief-stricken
helicopters dropped good quantity of food there.
women to look after children. In this way he became
a ray of hope for all. Undoubtedly, Prashant is a good
leader. He has all the qualities of a leader. He has a After the devastation the shelter was established. It was
special quality of taking initiatives. His vision is quite established at Kalikuda. Around 2500 people were there.
clear. He faces adverse circumstances courageously. The whole atmosphere was grimy. The people survived
on green coconuts. The men, the women and the children
He is a source of energy for others and has great
looked helpless. They were filled with fear and groaning
motivational power. I think that youth is power. This
for the dead. Prashant took the initiative and organised
power can be used to assist society during natural
many groups. They could succeed in their efforts and
disasters. Whatever job is assigned to the youth in such
got rice to eat. They got relief packages sent through
circumstances they perform their duty with full spirit.
helicopters. There was filth, vomit, urine. The floating
Or carcasses could be seen all around. Life seemed slow
The scene after storm and heavy rain was quite tragic. here. The people there passed their time in gossiping
There were dead bodies and uprooted trees all around. and performing several activities. The situation of the
A brown sheet of water covered everything. There shelter showed the clear picture of suffering humanity.
was water everywhere. The rain ceased after two days
but water could be seen as far as the eyes could gaze. DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4
Because of heavy rain there was little hope for the Short Answer Questions
betterment of the flood victims. Prashant tackled all 1. Prashant had deep sympathy for the flood victims.
these problems very carefully. First of all he owned the He could not tolerate the deplorable condition of the
responsibility of a leader of the group. He organized women and children. He decided to get them engaged,
a group of youths and elders that compelled merchant So, he persuaded the women to work in the food for
to part with the good quota of the rice. They collected work programme. He made special arrangement for the
wood, cooked rice and fed the people. Then he arranged children to keep them busy.
a team of youth to clean the surroundings of the shelter. 2. Super cyclone in Orissa in October, 1999 proved
They looked after the wounded. He persuaded women very devastating. Heavy and incessant rain filled the
to look after the orphans. To bring people out of their darkness. Ancient trees were uprooted and crashed to
grief he organized games for the children. For the same the earth. People and houses were washed away.
reason he convinced women to work for food. He Value-Based Long Answer Questions
became the prime example of courage and compassion. After two days when the rain ceased and the rain water
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3 began to recede slowly, Prashant decided to visit his
village. He had to face many difficulties on his way.
Short Answer Questions He equipped himself with a long stick and started his
1. Prashant found that a large number of children had journey. The village was 18 kilometres away from this

70 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

place. He kept moving ahead through the swollen flood houses and huge old trees. Prashant had to spend two
waters. He used his stick to estimate the depth of the days at Ersama. He was worried about his family. He
water. When he reached the village his heart went cold started for his village. He covered eighteen kilometres
on seeing the little pieces of roofs floating in the water. of distance to his village through the waist-deep water,
After a while he could see his grandmother. She rushed he had to push away many human bodies and carcasses
and hugged him. Later on, the other members of his of animals. Eventually, Prashant reached his village.
family were found in the Red Cross Shelter. His heart went cold. He thought his family could not
Or have survived the catastrophe. He was happy to see his

Ersama is a small town in coastal Orissa which is family safe in the Red Cross camp. Prashant decided to
eighteen kilometres from his village. When the cyclone come forward and arrange food and medicine for the
hit the coastal Orissa, Prashant was in Ersama. The victims. He formed a group of youth and elders to help
cyclone continued for 36 hours. It brought down all the the flood victims.

7. The Last Leaf

Short Answer Questions Short Answer Questions
1. Sue and Johnsy were two young artists. Their economic 1. When Behrman came to know about Johnsy’s belief
condition was not good. They were strugglers. They regarding the fall of leaves, he saw the creeper and
lived in the artists colony. They shared a small flat. realised that the last leaf was sure to fall. He said
2. Johnsy was emotionally disturbed. She developed a nothing. He decided to do something to save her life.
belief that she would die with the fall of the last leaf 2. Behrman was an old artist. He knew that the last leaf
on the creeper. She started counting the leaves. In fact, was sure to fall that night. He decided to paint a leaf on
she had an attack of depression too. the wall. It was a stormy night. It was raining heavily.
Value-Based Long Answer Questions But Behrman completed the job. He fell to pneumonia
A friend plays a very important role in one’s life. A and died.
true friend supports one in every step. Friend is the Value-Based Long Answer Questions
person who stands with you in happiness or crises. In The doctor said that she would not recover unless she
the story ‘Last Leaf” when Johnsy was suffering from had a wish to live. It seemed to the doctor that Johnsy
Pneumonia she was not getting well because she was had no willingness to live in the state of depression. In
the victim of negative feeling. She attached her life to such a state no medicine could save her life. So, the
the falling of leaves from a creeper outside the window. doctor advised Sue to try her best to take her friend out
She had thought she would die the moment when the of that state. Behrman had a dream to paint a masterpiece
last leaf of the creeper falls. Sue tried her best to cheer in his life. He kept waiting for the opportunity to give it
her up when she learns Johnsy’s foolish belief. She a practical shape. Yes, he could materialize his dream
shared her concern with Behrman. Behrman went out when he painted the last leaf of the ivy creeper.
on a rainy night and painted a leaf on the ivy, which Or
looked like a real leaf. Sue helped Johnsy to recover. Sue and Johnsy were good friends. Both of them were
She gave her a lot of courage. In real she was a kind artists. They loved each other and shared the same
girl and a friend indeed. room. One day, Johnsy fell ill. She was suffering from
Or pneumonia. She believed that she would die with the
falling of the last leaf on the ivy creeper. Sue looked
Firm determination and strong will power are the tools
after her like a mother. She tried to instill in her a
of success in life. A person who has firm determination desire to live a happy life. She kept whistling in order
and strong will power can never feel depressed on to make her happy and break her calmness. When her
small losses in life and the God blesses such a person condition started deteriorating she became anxious and
with success. In the story, The Last Leaf, it is the informed Behrman about her condition. Behrman took
determination and strong will power that helps a it seriously. He painted the leaf on the wall to save her
patient Johnsy to recover fast. Johnsy who felt dejected life. So, Sue succeeds in saving her life.
and depressed had lost the will to live. Medicine was
ineffective. She thought that she would die with the fall DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3
of the last leaf on the ivy. But Behrman and Sue brought Short Answer Questions
her out of this fanciful idea and convinced her that there 1. Behrman was an old artist of sixty years. While painting
was no relationship between her life and the falling of the leaf on the wall, he was completely drenched. He
leaf. Gradually with the efforts of Sue and Behrman fell to pneumonia and died. But before his death, he was
she regained will power and thus her willingness to successful in fulfilling his dream of making a masterpiece.
live saved her. 2. Johnsy had lost charm in life due to pneumonia. She

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 71

thought that when last leaf fell, she would die. Behrman with the fall of the last leaf. Actually a severe attack of
finally painted the masterpiece. The leaf painted by him pneumonia had left her mind morbid. When she saw
saved Johnsy’s life. As the last leaf did not fall, Johnsy the last leaf surviving the windy wet night, her will to
got the will to live. live revived. It made her realise that it was really a sin
Value-Based Long Answer Questions to want to die.
The story reveals Behrman’s sacrifice. He was a poor 2. Behrman was a sixty years old painter. He lived on the
old artist. He had a dream to paint a masterpiece. Once ground floor of the building. His only dream in life was
Johnsy fell ill and established a bond of her life with the to paint a masterpiece. His dream was fulfilled when
ivy leaves. One day, Sue found her whispering this. Sue he painted the last leaf of the ivy creeper.
looked after Johnsy and she informed Behrman about Value-Based Long Answer Questions
her condition. It was a stormy night and there was a Johnsy was a young girl and lived with one of her
single leaf on the creeper. Behrman thought that the friends. They were artists. She was suffering from
leaf would fall that stormy night. So he decided to paint pneumonia. Her friend Sue looked after her. She loved
the leaf on the wall. He painted the leaf so beautifully her very much. The doctor kept visiting Johnsy and had
that it looked natural. But he got pneumonia that night regular check-up. But there was no improvement in
and died two days after his painting. Hence, this story her condition. Her condition went from bad to worse.
becomes the story of supreme sacrifice.
Both the doctor and Sue were worried. Later on, it was
Or found that she was depressed. In that state of mind she
Johnsy was a young girl and lived with one of her friends. lost her interest in everything. She kept lying calm
They were artists. She was suffering from pneumonia. gazing through the window. She did not like to live
Her friend Sue looked after her. She loved her very much. and suffered from the misconception that she would die
The doctor kept visiting Johnsy and had regular check- with the last leaf of the creeper. They tried to convince
up. But there was no improvement in her condition.
her, but in vain. She had lost her will to live. In this
Her condition went from bad to worse. Both the doctor
mental condition, only God could save her.
and Sue were worried. Later on, it was found that she
was depressed. In that state of mind she lost her interest Or
in everything. She kept lying calm gazing through the Johnsy was seriously ill with pneumonia. She was
window. She did not like to live and suffered from the highly depressed and lay in bed looking vacantly out
misconception that she would die. The doctor said that of the window. She would keep watching for hours the
she would not recover unless she had a wish to live. It creeper up the opposite wall shedding its leaves. She
seemed to the doctor that Johnsy had no willingness to would count the number of leaves left on the creeper.
live in the state of depression. In such a state no medicine She was obssessed with a foolish superstition. She
could save her life. So, the doctor advised Sue to try her would die with the fall of the last leaf. The doctor said
best to take her friend out of that state. that she would not recover unless she had a wish to live.
It seemed to the doctor that Johnsy had no willingness
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4 to live in the state of depression. In such a state no
Short Answer Questions medicine could save her life. So, the doctor advised
1. Johnsy had developed a superstition that she would die Sue to try her best to take her friend out of that state.

8. A House Is Not a Home

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 the sufferer. In the story ‘A House is not a Home’, the
Short Answer Questions author felt uncomfortable in the new school because he
was not familiar with the school environment, teachers
1. It was blowing cold on that Sunday afternoon. And the
author was doing homework at the dining table. His and classmates. When he lost each and everything
mother was fuelling the fire at the fire place to keep in fire, he felt insecure and in this harsh time his
the room warm. schoolmates introduced themselves to him. They all
contributed and gifted him school supplies. As everyone
2. When the fire broke almost the entire house was burnt.
was aware of his plight, all the teachers knew about his
The author realised that cat was nowhere to be found.
hardship. Thus the sympathy and co-operation in school
It was clear that the cat might have been injured due comforted him. Now his opinion changed about his new
to fire or run away due to fear. school and he started making friends.
Value-Based Long Answer Questions Or
People in one’s surroundings are sometimes indifferent
Animals are part and parcel of our life. In many ways
and less co-operative. They keep busy in their own we depend on animals. In many cases we are deeply
business but they are truly known in one’s hardship attached with them. We keep pet which become part of
when they come forward to support whole-heartedly to our life. We feel depressed on their separation. The cat

72 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

and the narrator were very fond of each other. She was 2. The author loved his mother too much. He saw his
never far from him. He had rescued her when she was a mother running into the burning house. He emotionally
kitten. The cat used to play with him every morning. She charged out trying to follow her. The firemen stopped
climbed up the robe and crawled into his pocket to fall him forcefully, otherwise he would have jumped into
asleep. After the fire accident, the cat went missing. The fire. He could have lost his life.
very thought of her death made the narrator cry. He kept Value-Based Long Answer Questions
on searching for her. The author was feeling dejected. Zan is a school boy who moves from Junior school
One day, a woman brought the cat back to him. He held to High School. He finds some initial problems in
her close and cried into that beautiful orange fur. The cat adjusting to the life in the new school. Unfortunately,
also purred happily. Thus we can say that in many cases, his house gets burned down in a fire and he is in deep
we love animals more than our human fellows. trouble. But his schoolmates help him out by providing
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 everything to him. A neighbour also greatly increases
his joy by helping him to find his lost cat. So the
Short Answer Questions narrator manages to become happy again after facing
1. Next day author went to school in an embarrassed lot of troubles. The affection he got from many people
situation. He was not in school uniform. He looked touched him. He was able to get rid of his insecurity
weird in his clothes. He had neither books nor bag. He and open up to others. A new chapter opened in his life.
felt as if he was an outcast and wanted to die. Or
2. When the house caught fire narrator and his mother were Only if happiness, warmth and comfort is present in a
in the house. Zan’s mother ran out of the house carrying house we can call it a home. The house of narrator, a
a small metal box full of important documents. She again
teenage boy, get burned down and the family moves into
ran back to bring back father’s pictures and letters.
another accommodation. There is a great sense of loss
Value-Based Long Answer Questions to the boy. He also loses his pet cat which he loved so
The author’s friends played a vital role in rebuilding his much. So the boy feels the loss of his home. The narrator
life. He was a fatherless boy. His mother looked after still missed his pet cat. After a month when he and his
him. He had a cat with him and he loved her very much. friend were watching his house rebuilt, a lady came with
When his house caught fire, he lost everything. He, in his cat. The noble lady took great pains and found the
his new school, did not feel good. He kept visiting his owner. She brought happiness back to the narrator. Now
old school and teachers. His life had become dull. He the feeling of loss and tragedy had gone. He no longer
had lost all hopes to live. When he visited his new school wanted to die. He was grateful to life, his new friends
the next day, he found the atmosphere strange. His new and the kind lady. He regained interest in life.
friends provided him with all the necessary items. They
invited him to their homes. All this contributed a lot for DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4
the author. He lost the feelings of isolation, dejection
Short Answer Questions
and insecurity. He started leading a happy life again.
1. His new friends in the new school and the kindness
of the lady, who returned his cat, helped the author
The author loved his cat very much. He lost his cat in getting rid of his feelings of loss and tragedy. He
when his house caught fire. He tried to find the cat but regained confidence. Now he wanted to live happily
did not get her. After a month, a woman came to him
in his new home.
with his cat. He could not believe it. He grabbed his cat
and started jumping. The wonderful woman somehow 2. The fire tragedy changed the author’s life. He was so
handed over his cat to him. She tried her best to find depressed that he did not want to grow up and wanted
the owner of the cat. On seeing the collar and the phone to die. But his reunion with his cat, his new friends in
number written on it, she decided that the cat was the school and his new house made his house ‘a home’
loved and missed. She was a good lady. She realized where he could live.
the feeling of the owner of the cat. The author called Value-Based Long Answer Questions
her wonderful as getting his cat back was no less than The author was full of remorse as he was left with
a wonder for him. Really, she did a noble deed. nothing. He didn’t have proper dress and study material.
He had no backpack. He had the feeling of insecurity.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3 All things appeared strange to him. He was shocked
Short Answer Questions deeply and seemed frustrated. The words uttered by
1. He had a pet cat which was his constant companion and him “Was I destined to be an outcast and a geek all my
source of entertainment. He was fond of her and could life? I didn’t want to grow up, change or have to handle
never think of living away from her. He had a special life, if it was to going to be this way. I just wanted to
bond with her because he had rescued her when she curl up and die” reveal his fear and insecurity. His
was a small kitten. schoolmates bought up school supplies, notebooks,

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 73

all kinds of different clothes for the author in order to fatherless boy. He led a satisfactory life with his old
help him. It was a matter of surprise and too difficult to friends and teachers. But when he changed his school,
believe for him. He got emotional satisfaction. People he could not adjust himself in the new environment.
who had never spoken, introduced themselves one by He felt himself alienated. Later on his house caught fire
one. All things seemed new and created his interest in and he lost all the things including his cat. He started
life. Now, he had all the things whatever he used to feeling dejected and isolated. Life had no interest for
have. He started enjoying his life as usual. him any more. He started building a new house. But it
Or was not a home, as a house is a home only when there

Life without love is not life. Human relationship is is love and happiness. The author did not have any
based on love. The title itself indicates it clearly that attachment to the new house. His reunion with his cat,
a house is not a home without love. The author had his new friends and the new house made his house a
to face adverse circumstances in his life. He was a home.

9. The Accidental Tourist

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 shoe laces, he scatters his soft drink on co-passenger. He
Short Answer Questions put the end of his pen into his mouth and begins sucking
and gets his mouth, tongue, teeth and gums strained in
1. The author was going on a weeklong trip to England,
navy blue colour. The author is very intelligent. He is a
with his family by air. When they were checking in at
man of letters. He is a well known and renowned writer
Logan airport in Boston, the author tried to open his
but his tendency of forgetfulness and lack of confidence
bag forcefully. The side of the bag flew open and all
bring him in the situation of embarrassment.
his important items fell out in the open. Newspaper
cuttings, tobacco packet, passport, money, etc. rained DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2
out over an area about the size of a tennis court. Short Answer Questions
2. The author tried to open his carry bag to find out his 1. Bill Bryson leaned over to tie shoe laces. Just at the
discount card. The zip got jammed. He tried to open it moment, someone in the seat ahead of him pushed his
and got a long deep cut in his finger. It started bleeding. seat back into full recline. He was hit badly and found
His wife looked at him with an expression of wonder. himself pinned helplessly in the crash position. He
She remarked, “I can’t believe you do this for a living”. could get out of this position only by clawing the leg
Value-Based Long Answer Questions of the passenger sitting in front of him.
A story without humour seems dull and boring, Humour 2. Bill Bryson was writing some important thoughts in a
gives it popularity. The story ‘Accidental Tourist’ is full notebook. In between he was sucking on the end of his
of humour in which we experience Bill’s acts when he pen. He fell into conversation with an attractive lady.
went looking for laboratory, he landed up in alley. It is a He amused the lady for more than twenty minutes. He
sight to watch all the articles such as newspaper cutting, did not realise that his pen had leaked. When he retired
tin of tobacco, pipe, magazines, passport, English money. to the lavatory, he found his teeth and gums navy blue.
The next moment blood is gushing out of his finger. The Value-Based Long Answer Questions
author’s catastophe is when he spills cold drink on the lap The author had a dream as he always wanted to
of lady, sitting next to him in the aeroplane. It is funny accumulate the frequent flyer miles. But he could not
to find that ink had leaked from his pen and his mouth, succeed because of his carelessness. He had been issued
chin, tongue, teeth and gums were striking navy blue. a card indicating the distance. But he never finds his card
Imagine the whole family putting up hoods up when on time. This frustrated him on many instances. Once he
daddy is opening the lid. So the full story is of humour locked his card in the bag and then he tried to open the
and the readers get full entertainment while reading it. bag his finger stuck in the zip and it started bleeding. All
Or the material from the bag spread here and there. Other
One must be well-behaved, well mannered and full time when he planned to fly one lakh miles a year, he
of confidence to maintain one’s image in gathering. A could accumulate only 212 air miles in the year. When
confusing person due to lack of confidence becomes he was going to Australia he could not use his card as it
laughing stock in many situations. As in the story the has his name ‘W. Bryson’ and ticket was in the name of
author Bill Bryson is always desirous to project himself ‘B. Bryson’. By this way his dream remained unfulfilled.
as a well behaved, well mannered person, a person full Or
of confidence but in doing so, all the time, he commits The author had faced many bad experiences but he did
funny mistakes. He is a frequent flyer but forgets to use not consider them worst. His worst experience was
frequent flyer card issued by airways. He forgets to tie when he tried to write something in a note book. He was

74 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

sucking on the end of his pen. He got involved in talking He could not avoid making mistakes. He stopped eating
with a lady and could not notice the leakage in the pen. or drinking on a plane. He tried to mend his habits. He
He kept amusing her for about 20 minutes. When he wanted to be civilised and polite but God did not allow
visited lavatory, he found his mouth, chin, tongue, teeth him to be so. He was not capable of getting the benefits
and gums navy blue. He became very much confused offered by different airlines. He had to face frustration
and wanted to mend his habits. The author considered many times. He could not find lavatory easily.
it worst as he could not open his mouth even to talk for
many days. One can easily imagine how critical the
condition was. He wanted to do all jobs properly. He Short Answer Questions
took precautions to avoid any accident. 1. While opening the bag, the zip got jammed. He tried to
open it forcefully. His finger got a sharp cut and started
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 3 bleeding. When he saw blood coming out of the finger,
Short Answer Questions he started crying “my finger, my finger”.
1. The author was a confused person. He used to forget 2. The author always does a mischief while eating or
things frequently. While staying in a hotel, he used to drinking in a flight. He had faced many awkward and
forget his room number. He had to return to the hotel embarrassing situations while on flight. So now he does
desk frequently to ask what his room number was. not eat or drink while travelling alone.
2. When the author tried to open his bag, the zip got Value-Based Long Answer Questions
jammed. He pulled it harder. It broke and the bag Bill Bryson, the narrator, is a clumsy man who finds
opened abruptly. It had newspaper cuttings, tin of pipe it hard to do even simple things, especially while he is
tobacco, magazines, passport, money, films, etc. which travelling. He is neither able to zip his bag properly nor
rained down from the bag. he is able to remember the room number of his hotel.
Value-Based Long Answer Questions Once he spilled soft drink on a woman sitting next to
Once he found himself helplessly in the crash position him, in an airplane. He is also not able to use discount
when he leaned over to tie his shoe laces and someone cards. He is constantly filled with wonder at the number
in the seat ahead of him threw his seat back into full of things other people do without any evident difficulty.
recline. On another occasion, he knocked soft drinks The narrator finds it very hard to carry on life in the real
into the lap of a lady sitting beside him. The worst world. To him, travelling is a challenging thing which
experience he had was when he got his mouth, chin, he cannot do smoothly.
gums and tongue blue coloured. He was writing some Or
thoughts on a sheet of paper. He fell into conversation The narrator felt problems while travelling with his
with a lady sitting next to him. He had put his pen in family. He never had a peaceful journey. He shared his
his mouth. It leaked and his mouth was covered with experience in this regard. At Logan Airport in Boston he
ink. He did not realise it until he went to the lavatory. tried to get his card out of the bag. But he found the zip
The narrator was so fed up with his eating habits that jammed. He made every effort to pull it again and again.
he preferred not to eat while on board a plane. At last, the zip gave way and all his things lay scattered
Or on the floor. He got confused. At another time on an
Bill Bryson was an accidental tourist. He tried to do all aeroplane he leaned forward to lace up his shoes. As soon
things properly. But he could not do so and got easily as he moved forward the fellow traveller threw his seat
confused. Whenever he travelled by air he did one or back. He described how he got his teeth navy blue. His
the other mischief. His memory was not sharp. He wife knew his habits so she asked her children to take the
forgot soon and returned to the hotel desk frequently lids off the food for daddy. She knew his particular style.
just to ask his room number. He tried to take precautions So, the narrator thought of not eating or drinking while
while taking meal but it also proved to be a mistake. travelling with his family. So his wife tells him this.

10. The Beggar

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 1 2. Olga knew that Lushkoff won’t work so she felt pity
Short Answer Questions for his sad expression. She sat down opposite to him
and weep. She would rebuke him. Then she would chop
1. Lushkoff was a middle aged poor man. He belonged to
the wood for him. At last, Lushkoff’s heart changed.
the Russian choir but was sacked from his job due to his
He stopped drinking and became a nice man.
drinking habits. To get some money he pretended to be
a school teacher who had lost his job due to conspiracy. Value-Based Long Answer Questions
He also pretended to be a student expelled from the Yes, it is true that compassion and pity can bring
school for no guilt of his. positive changes in human being. Olga came to know

Vol - 2 — Section - C: Literature Textbooks 75

about the condition of Lushkoff. She understood that Or
he was a victim of his bad habits and circumstances.
Sergei is an advocate. He comes across Lushkoff on the
She helped him by working in his place. This brought streets begging for money. Lushkoff asks for money by
a positive change in Lushkoff who became a good and telling lies and Sergei speaks sternly with him. Still, he
successful person in life. In general life, a convict can is ready to give work to the beggar so that the beggar
be made a true human by love and compassion. When can live a respectful life. He agreed to chop wood
he gets love and compassion from others, it arouses because of pride and shame and he had been trapped
a feeling in his heart to improve and become a good by his own words. So he had no other way but to accept
man and this makes him realise his mistakes. By self- Sergei’s offer. Later Sergei provides a better job to
introspection, he finds that the path he has chosen is not Lushkoff. So, we find that he has a very helpful nature.
a path of true human and gradually he starts to modify After a few years he again meets Luchkoff and feels
himself as a true human. A convict who is not improved happy for him as Lushkoff is now in a good position
by harsh punishment can easily be improved by loving in life.
and sympathetic attitude towards him.

Begging is a curse in our society. Giving alms to a Short Answer Questions
young and lazy person is not to help him. By giving 1. The beggar told Sergei when he met him that he was
work than giving alms he can made to lead a decent life. a hungry man. He had nothing to eat. He had been a
In the story, Sergei was a kind and noble man. He found village school teacher for 8 years. He requested him to
Lushkoff begging. He offered him the task of chopping have pity on him.
wood. Sergei did not have any other work to offer him 2. The beggar told Sergei that he had an offer of a job in
at that time. But Lushkoff was not fit for the physical the province of Kaluga. But he had no money to go
labour. His health was very poor. Olga, a kind hearted there. He further said that he felt ashamed of asking.
lady helped Lushkoff much by working in his place. But he did so because of adverse circumstances.
He was deeply inspired by Olga and left drinking. He Sergei had seen him earlier. Then he had told him that
regained his confidence and self-respect. This brought he was an expelled student. So he got angry with him
a positive change in Lushkoff who became a good and and threatened to call the police.
successful person in life. Value-Based Long Answer Questions
Lushkoff was a middle aged man. His way of begging
DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 2 was different from others. He pretended sometimes to
Short Answer Questions be a teacher and sometimes a student. He belonged to
1. Sergei is moved into another house. He asked Lushkoff the Russian Choir. He was single. He had been expelled
to pack and haul the furniture. But Lushkoff hardly from the group due to his drinking habit. He did not like
touched the furniture. He looked sad, silent and gloomy. to work hard as he had lost his strength and stamina. He
He walked behind the wagons hanging his head. became a beggar by choice. He was wearing a tattered
He also shivered in cold. So the carters made fun of overcoat and big shoes. There were red spots on his
Lushkoff for his idleness, weakness and fancy overcoat. cheeks. He told lies in order to fill his empty stomach.
2. Olga treated Lushkoff in the beginning very badly. If he had told the truth, none would have helped him.
She called him drunkard and rebuked him for his He changed his ways and became a notary in the end.
expressions. She would look into his face and weep. Sergei and Olga helped him to improve his condition.
Then she would chop the wood for him. She did this Or
all to set Lushkoff on a right path. Lushkoff was a beggar. He pretended to be a teacher
Value-Based Long Answer Questions and sometimes a student. He used to tell lies and got
Lushkoff was a middle-aged man and belonged to the people’s support. One day Sergei caught his lie and
the Russian choir. He was not a born beggar. He was brought him to his house. He asked him to chop the
sacked from the choir because of his drinking habits. wood. But Lushkoff did not like to do that job. When
He became a beggar by choice as he did not like to Olga saw him she glared at him angrily. She shoved him
work hard at that stage. Sergei played very important aside with her elbow. She was in anger and unlocked
role in improving the condition of the beggar. It was the shed moving ahead. Olga treated Lushkoff like
because of Sergei that Lushkoff could earn thirty five a son. She kept scolding him for his bad habits. She
roubles a month. He offered him the job to chop wood wanted to improve his condition. She did his work
at his home. Later on he sent him to one of his friends and gave him money. Lushkoff started respecting her.
to do the job of copying. Lushkoff was highly obliged He accepted her advice and became a successful man
to Sergei because now he was a notary because of him. again.

76 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

DIAGNOSTIC TEST – 4 aside with her elbow. She was in anger and unlocked
the shed moving ahead. Olga treated Lushkoff like
Short Answer Questions
a son. She kept scolding him for his bad habits. She
1. Lushkoff thanked Sergei greatly. He said that if he
wanted to improve his condition. She did his work
didn’t come to him, he would still have been calling and gave him money. Lushkoff started respecting her.
himself a teacher or a student. He said that by coming He accepted her advice and became a successful man
to him he had taken himself out of the pit. He expressed again.
his sincere thanks to Olga. Or
2. When Sergei met Lushkoff for the first time, Lushkoff
In the story when Sergei threatened the beggar, he
was wearing ragged clothes. Sergei took him to exposed himself. He told the reality about his life. He
Olga who made him work. After two years, Sergei is was neither a teacher nor a student. All that was not true
surprised to find Lushkoff working for a notary for 35 about him. He was a singer in a Russian Choir. He had
roubles a month. This makes Sergei very happy and been expelled from the choir because of his drinking
calls him his ‘god son’. habits. Sergei asks Olga to provide work to the beggar
Value-Based Long Answer Questions Luskoff. She is very kind and affectionate to the beggar.
Lushkoff was a beggar. He pretended to be a teacher Seeing that the beggar is not strong enough to cut wood,
and sometimes a student. He used to tell lies and got she herself cuts the wood for him. She helps Lushkoff to
the people’s support. One day Sergei caught his lie and get payment for it. Though she is outwardly rude to the
brought him to his house. He asked him to chop the beggar, she has much kindness and affection for him.
wood. But Lushkoff did not like to do that job. When She plays an important role in bringing back Lushkoff
Olga saw him she glared at him angrily. She shoved him to mainstream life. She is a very good person.

Unit Assignments
UNIT ASSIGNMENT – 1 No men are foreign and no countries strange;
1. (a) (i) The poet left the first road thinking that he we all have a common entity of being humans.
would use it on some other day. (iv) According to Evelyn, music pours through
every part of her body. It tingles in the skin, her
(ii) The two roads represent two different options
cheekbones and even her hair. When she plays
of life.
the xylophone, she can feel the sound passing up
(iii) The poet was aware how one way leads to
the stick into her fingertips. By leaning against
the drums, she can feel resonances flowing into
(iv) The poet would go so far on the first road that her body. On a wooden platform she removes her
he doubted if he would ever come back to walk shoes so that the vibrations pass through her bare
on another one. feet and up into her body.
Or (v) Jerome tried his best to find the toothbrush. He
(b) (i) ‘I’ is the speaker here. unpacked the bag but could not find it. He put the
(ii) Because the snake might bite him. things back one by one, and held everything up
(iii) Because a thick black cobra was coiled around and shook it. At last, he found it inside a boot.
it. (vi) The County Inspector was a little round man. He
(iv) It is referred to the ‘black cobra’ here. had a box of tools with dials and wires. He was
2. (i) The lost child loses interest in the things he had called to adjust the mechanical teacher to improve
wanted earlier because he got lost in the fair. He Margie’s performance. The geography sector had
is panic-stricken for being lost. Now he first wants been geared a little too quick. And he slowed it
his parents. He is afraid and feels unsafe. down to the average ten-year level.
(ii) Behrman had a dream to paint a masterpiece in 3. (i) The Intruder has murdered a policeman. The police
his life. He kept waiting for the opportunity to are after him. He wants to save himself from the
give it a practical shape. Yes, he could materialize clutches of the police. So he needs a safe place
his dream when he painted the last leaf of the ivy for this purpose. He enters Gerrard’s cottage for
creeper. killing him. So that his identity can be used. He
(iii) The poet suggests that all people on earth are the wants to lead his life as Gerrard. So it is essential
same. They breathe, eat and walk in the same way. for him to know about the people who visit that
They all are aware of the sun, air and water. They place. Gerrard tells him that only few people take
all love peace and hate war. They have similar eyes the trouble to visit him. There is the baker and
that wake up after sleep: greengrocer and the milkman. Gerrard tells him

Vol - 1 & 2 — Unit Assignments 77

about everyone. He responds positively because politely and humbly. He always kept ordering her
the Intruder threatened to kill him. He wishes to to do one thing or the other. He even beat her.
do everything with meticulous planning and adopt (v) Vikram Seth is fascinated by the music of the
Gerrard’s identity without any problems. flute. There is no culture which does not have its
(ii) When we are alive on this earth, we are full of flute. The reed flute of Japan, the deep bansuri
vigour and energy. We are involved in various of Hindustani classical music, breathy flutes of
activities. We are affected by emotions like South America and the high-pitched Chinese flutes
sadness, worries, anger, happiness etc. The poet’s are some of the examples. Each has its specific-
beloved lived a life of vigour when she was alive. fingering and compass. Its motive force is living
But now she is no more and is trapped beneath the breath. Hearing any flute seems to be drawn into
surface of the earth and a part of non-living things the ‘Commonality of all mankind.’
like trees, rocks and stones. She has no sensory (vi) The poet’s beloved is dead and a dead thing
perceptions and rotates along with the earth. becomes immortal. It is a universally accepted
(iii) Bismillah Khan teaches us a very remarkable fact that immortality is not affected by time or the
lesson of life. People make advancement in life physical world. She cannot hear or see. She has
by dint of hard work and devotion. He was very gone beyond the physical world. She is beyond the
interested in music as he was born in the family touch of earthly years now. She has become a part
of musician. He used to sing Chaita in the Biharji of nature’s diurnal course.
temple. When he was in Benaras, he was greatly 3. (i) The author’s wife missed him greatly. She was
influenced by his maternal uncle Ali Bux, who was inconsolable. She wept and fretted. For the first
a great Shehnai player. He copied his uncle in the few days she would not eat a thing. Then she
true spirit and practised Shehnai in the peaceful wrote a number of letters to the curator. For three
environment of the Ganga. His hard work and months the author managed to restrain his wife
devotion brought him good fruits. He was awarded from visiting Mysore. But one day she said that she
the greatest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna. would go to see Baba by bus. So the author took
UNIT ASSIGNMENT – 2 her by car. She nourished the bear like her son. Her
motherly affection forced her to meet Baba. And
1. (a) (i) He feels the fondness of his mother. Baba also reciprocated the same feelings. They kept
(ii) The constant sound of rain. sitting together in the cage for three hours. She gave
(iii) The falling rain drops cause the patter. him eatables and tea. Undoubtedly, she felt sad and
(iv) His mother showed affection. depressed when Baba was transported to the zoo.
Or (ii) The king in the Kingdom of Fools was so foolish
(b) (i) ‘He’ is Albert Einstein here. that he made the people follow an abnormal
(ii) It is referred to Albert Einstein. routine. He made people work during the night and
(iii) He stayed with relatives. sleep during the day. When a crime was brought
(iv) The woman could get degrees from this to his notice, he was not able to solve it. He made
university. the investigation so complicated that he decided
2. (i) Grandmother usually quarrelled with Grandfather to pass the death sentence on himself. He was not
on the issue of a pet. Whenever Grandfather able to properly think for himself and take proper
brought some new bird or animal Grandmother got decisions. The guru, being an intelligent man, was
furious at the very mention of any new creature. To able to easily trick the king and rescue his disciple
avoid this situation it was decided to keep Toto’s who was ordered to be killed by the foolish king.
presence a secret until she was in a good mood. (iii) Einstein was a great man of high caliber. Nobody
(ii) The title is quite significant. After going through can deny his contribution in the scientific field.
the whole story it becomes quite vivid that Bill In the year 1905, his famous theories came with
Bryson is The Accidental Tourist. There are various Special Theory of Relativity. It specified that
such examples which prove the appropriateness of time and distances are not absolute. He also
the title. The title itself suggests about the various established a relation between energy and mass.
strange and accidental experiences of the author. He proved the interchange ability of energy and
(iii) When we take arms against each other, we defile mass that became the basis of use of nuclear
the earth. Wars cause enormous suffering without energy. Unfortunately, some people used this
yielding any result. energy destructively. Mass destruction caused by
(iv) She was afraid of her father because of his rude bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki touched his
and harsh behaviour. He never interacted with her heart. He pioneered to end up the arms buildup.

78 Assignments in English Plus Language and Literature – 9 Teacher’s Handbook

He was against this destruction and atom bombs. remembered God and felt his presence in his heart.
He dedicated rest of his life to fight against this The weight of the snake was draining all strength
enemy of humanity. Because of his tireless efforts from his arm.
for the humanity he was considered both as a 3. (i) During the Second Word War in 1939, India was
visionary and a world citizen. forced to join the Allied Forces. Because of this
a state of emergency was declared and the trains
UNIT ASSIGNMENT – 3 halt at Rameswaram station was suspended. The
1. (a) (i) A tree needs sunlight, water and air to grow newspaper also came by the train. Now their
well. bundles had to be thrown out from the moving
(ii) It gets its food from the crust of the earth. train between Rameswaram and Dhanuskodi.
(iii) The phrase ‘leprous hide’ means disfigured Abdul Kalam’s cousin was a newspaper distributor
and irregular bark of a tree. in Rameswaram. Now he needed a helping hand
(iv) Leaves and branches sprout out of it. to collect the bundles. He found Abdul Kalam
Or suitable hand for this job. Abdul Kalam accepted
the job and earned his ‘First wage’. He felt very
(b) (i) ‘Him’ is Bismillah Khan here.
proud on earning his own money for the first time.
(ii) His uncle Ali Bux was a Shehnai player.
He got lots of encouragement.
(iii) He was motivated to put his best efforts.
(ii) Man is a social animal. One becomes antisocial
(iv) The river Ganga inspired him to improve and when he does not get proper environment.
invent some unique raagas. Sometimes circumstances too compel us to
2. (i) Iswaran did not give proper beginning to his choose a wrong path. Man is part and parcel of
stories. He was also in the habit of leaving the society. In our society, people from all spheres
story incomplete in between. He prepared the of life lead their lives peacefully. In this story it
background of the ghost story by saying ‘he saw is the contribution of the society that improved
a human skull lying on the path’. After this he told the condition of Lushkoff. Good and bad people
the ghost story. are always there. There have been great social
(ii) First of all, he organised a group of people to get reformers. They sacrificed their lives for the
rice from the merchant to help the victims. He betterment of humanity. Even in recent times
organised a team of young volunteers. The team the noble people are involved in the public
did its best to clean the surrounding area and the welfare deeds. They work with the sole motive of
shelter. Prashant proved to be a good leader that reforming those who have deviated from the right
time. path.
(iii) Saint Peter was a holy man. He used to preach (iii) ‘A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend’ is
people. For his preaching he often made long an old saying. Lazy friends most often remain
journey. During the course of his journey, burden as they do not want to do any work and
sometimes, he did not take food and water. one has to do the whole work for the sake of
Besides, he had to observe fasts also. Fasts and one’s friendship. In the story, the author has two
journey were the essential part of his life. Hence, friends—Harris and George. They are lazy. They
he was tired and hungry. irritate the writer who has volunteered to pack for
(iv) Maria’s talent, her unwavering desire to succeed them. This service becomes a headache for him.
and readiness to sacrifice have lifted her to the top George and Harris are not only lazy but worst
of the world. Few would grudge her the riches she packers also. Though Jerome makes a few minor
is now reaping. She says that, money apart, the mistakes while packing. This is the reason why he
most important thing is to become number one in likes to pack and repack many times but ultimately
the world. That’s the dream that kept her going. it is he who has finished packing in a better way.
(v) Gerrard was a playwright. He was clever and quick
witted. During conversation with the Intruder, he UNIT ASSIGNMENT – 4
tried several times to know about the personal life 1. (a) (i) The young woman is now trapped beneath the
of the Intruder. He wanted to know about the name surface of the earth.
and personal life. But the Intruder always kept his (ii) She rolls with earth as the earth keeps on
identity in a secret. moving.
(vi) It happened all of a sudden. A fat snake landed over (iii) The poet lists rocks, stones and trees in the last
his shoulder. He didn’t jump. He didn’t tremble. line.
He didn’t cry out. There was no time to do any (iv) The poet means to say that all living and non-
such thing. He sat there holding his breath. He living things move with the earth.

Vol - 1 & 2 — Unit Assignments 79

Or consented. Before she could change her mind,
(b) (i) ‘I’ is Gerrard here. Baba was packed off to the zoo.
(ii) Because the Intruder shows some sympathy 3. (i) The best deed to do is to serve humanity. The
towards Gerrard. Happy Prince could see the sufferings of the people
(iii) Because they are similar. Nobody will come and wanted to help them. But he was not able to
to know that they are two persons. help others in his immobile condition. In order to
(iv) He is sarcastic here. help the humanity he requests the swallow to stay
2. (i) Sue was a true friend and tried her best to divert with him. The swallow decides to stay with him.
her attention and make her happy. She tried to The Happy Prince and the swallow helped the
create her interest in various things so as to take suffering people as much as they could. The Happy
her friend out of depression. She talked about Prince gave away all precious stones engraved
clothes, fashions and painting and kept whistling on his body to help others. On the other hand the
while working on the drawing board. swallow sacrificed his life in the service of others.
He was obedient to the Happy Prince till his death.
(ii) Sergei played very important role in improving the
It should be our aim to help the suffering people
condition of the beggar. It was because of Sergei
who are in dire need of help.
that Lushkoff could earn thirty five roubles a
month. He offered him the job to chop wood at his (ii) The story is really humorous and funny. Jerome’s
episode of packing, Harris’s and George’s way of
home. Later on he sent him to one of his friends to
packing and Montmorency’s contribution have
do the job of copying. Lushkoff was highly obliged
made the story funny and interesting. Jerome
to Sergei because now he was a notary because of
was confused about his toothbrush and found it
in a boot. The incident of butter makes the reader
(iii) The poet wishes that the snake should be allowed
laugh. George treads on the butter and it sticks to
to go. It should not be killed by man. Someone
his slipper. Later he put it on the chair. Harris sits on
is pursuing the snake with a stick, to hit and kill the chair and it sticks to his coat. They squash the
the snake. The poet wants it to escape as it is a tomatoes by putting the strawberry jam on them.
harmless snake. Montmorency’s pretention for the lemons to be
(iv) Tommy says that the old schools were different. rats is also fascinating and funny. These incidents
They had a special building and all the kids went are described in an orderly and perfect way.
there to study. They laughed and shouted in the (iii) The intruder enters Gerrard’s cottage and interacts
schoolyard. They enjoyed time together and with him. Gerrard talks with him without any fear.
learned lessons together in a classroom. The intruder asks him to tell about his car and the
(v) Although he was a doctor, his earnings were people who visit that place. Gerrard tells him that he
meagre. He was practising medicines. He was has a car and informs him that few people come here
not popular among the people. Besides, he was to see him. Then Gerrard asks him to tell something
unmarried at that time. Therefore he lived in a about him. He tells that he has murdered a cop and
rented room. wants a safe place to live in. He also tells that his
(vi) Baba was getting too big to keep at home. Because specialty is jewel robbery. But Gerrard says that
of the tenants’ children’s safety, poor Baba or there are few jewels in the wilds of Essex. They also
Bruno had to be kept chained most of the time. talk about clothes and their fittings. Gerrard tells him
The narrator, his friends and his son advised the that he will not get anything after killing him as he
narrator’s wife to give Baba to the zoo at Mysore. is also wanted. But ultimately Gerrard gets rid of the
After some weeks of such advice she at last intruder because of his presence of mind.

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