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Department of Education Studies

EDUC 3035 Development of Children and Adolescents (2,2,0)


Course Description:
The course provides an introduction to different aspects of child and adolescent development.
It includes topics on cognitive, personal, social, physical, sexual, moral, and career
development. Reference is made to whole-person education in the local school context.

Specifically, this course aims
 To provide students with knowledge the characteristics of child and adolescent
development in the physical, cognitive, emotional, moral, and social domains;
 To increase their awareness of current issues relevant to the development of children
and adolescents in Hong Kong;
 To develop in students competence in analyzing current issues relevant to the
development of children and adolescents in Hong Kong; and
 To provide opportunities for students to reflect on the role of education in promoting
whole-person development

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):

CILO 1 Explain the characteristics of child and adolescent development in the physical, cognitive,
emotional, moral, and social domains;
CILO 2 Identify the role of education in promoting whole-person development;
CILO 3 Interpret various forms of information related to the characteristics of child and adolescent
development in a wide range of domains;
CILO 4 Analyze current issues relevant to the development of children and adolescents in Hong
CILO 5 Develop awareness of current issues relevant to the development of children and
adolescents in Hong Kong
CILO 6 Develop a positive attitude towards the professional role of teachers in enhancing whole
person development

Course Content:

Topics Teaching & CILOs

Activities (TLAs)
Introduction Lecture-discussion, CILO 2,
Videos CILO 4,
A. Nature and themes of child and adolescent

development CILO 5,
B. Whole-person development and whole-person
C. The role of education in promoting child and adolescent
Cognitive development Lecture-discussion, CILO 1,
Videos CILO 3,
A. Piaget's cognitive development theory CILO 4,
B. Intelligence, creativity and giftedness CILO 5,
C. Language development CILO 6
Personal and social development Lecture-discussion, CILO 1,
Seminar, CILO 3,
A. Erikson’s psychosocial development theory Active learning CILO 4,
B. Self-concept and self-esteem CILO 5,
C. Identity CILO 6
D. Peer relationship
Physical and sexuality development Lecture-discussion, CILO 1,
Seminar, CILO 3,
A. Puberty Active learning CILO 4,
B. Gender role CILO 5,
C. Adolescent sexuality CILO 6
Moral development Lecture-discussion, CILO 1,
Seminar, CILO 3,
A. Kohlberg's moral development theory Active learning CILO 4,
B. Empathy CILO 5,
Career Development Lecture-discussion, CILO 1,
Seminar, CILO 3,
A. Occupational choice Active learning CILO 4,
B. Vocational identity and career maturity CILO 5,
Emotional and Social Adjustment Lecture-discussion, CILO 1,
Seminar, CILO 3,
A. Stress and coping Active learning CILO 4,
B. Psychological disorders CILO 5,

Teaching & Learning Activities (TLAs):

Teaching & CILOs Descriptions

Learning Activities
Active Learning CILO 1, Students engage in a cyclical process of planning, action,
CILO 2 observation and reflection of their teaching practice. Their
CILO 3, experiences are shared among peers with the purpose of

CILO 4, developing reflective abilities so as to enhance teaching and
CILO 5, learning.
Group discussion CILO 1, This mode aims at facilitating interaction and providing
CILO 2 opportunities for immediate comments and feedback to students.
CILO 3, Students are involved in discussing various issues both in small
CILO 4, groups and the whole class. The quality of participation is
assessed with reference to the questions, suggestions and
comments students make, as well as their contribution to the
CILO 6 exchange of ideas in the classroom.
Lecture CILO 1, A lecture is now multimodal in its presentation – where an
CILO 2 instructor’s input is supplemented by video clips and interactive
CILO 3, websites. With the growing use of interactive mode of teaching
CILO 4, and learning, the straight lecture method is used less frequently
than other strategies.
Seminar CILO 2 This refers to a presentation of a selected educational issue. An
CILO 3, outline of presentation including the major findings and key
CILO 4, references has to be distributed to fellow classmates at least a
week prior to the date of presentation.
Videos CILO 1, The video provides visual representations of the major issues
CILO 3, connected to concepts being learned.

Assessment Methods (AMs):

Type of Assessment Weighting CILOs Descriptions

Project work 50% CILO 1, CILO 2, Project work involves students in
CILO 3, CILO 4, investigating a chosen topic or area either
CILO 6 individually or in groups. It requires them to
construct knowledge through a variety of
learning experiences. The project outcome
may consist of one or more products, such as
an oral or video presentation, a written report,
or an exhibition.
Examination 50% CILO 1, CILO 3, It is part of the summative assessment of a
CILO5 course. The examination may comprise
multiple choice and/or essay questions.


Meece, J. L., & Daniels, D. H. (2008). Child and adolescent development for educators (3rd
ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.


Adams, G., & Berzonsky, M. (Eds.) (2003). Blackwell handbook of adolescent development.
Oxford: Blackwell.
Bee, H., & Boyd, D.R. (2003). The developing child (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson Allyn &
Berk, L.E. (2006). Child development (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon.
Craig, W. (2000). Childhood social development: The essential readings. London: Blackwell.
Damon, W. (2006). Handbook of child psychology Vols 1-4 (6th ed.). New York: John Wiley.
Feldman, R. S. (2007). Child development (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.:
Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Hetherington, E.M., & Parke, R.D. (2006). Child psychology: A contemporary viewpoint (6th
ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Lau, S. (Ed.) (1996). Growing up the Chinese way: Chinese child and adolescent
development. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
Rice, F.P., & Dolgin, K.G. (2008). The adolescent: Development, relationships, and culture
(12th ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon.
Shaffer, D.R., & Kipp, K. (2007). Developmental psychology: Childhood and adolescence
(7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.
Siegler, R.S., & Alibali, M.W. (2005). Children's thinking (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
林瑞芳主編 (2004)。《教育心理學實用手冊》。香港:香港心理學會教育學部。
林瑞芳、譚肖芸 (2004)。《教子心經》。香港:智能教育出版社。
施顯烇 (1998)。《情緒與行為問題:兒童與青少年所面臨與呈現的挑戰》。台北:五
馬慶強、譚家強、黃美儀編 (2001)。全人敎育愉快成長:初中生活及道德敎育敎材(中
馬慶強、譚家強、黃美儀編 (2001)。全人敎育愉快成長:初小生活及道德敎育敎材(小
謝琇玲 (2000)。《青少年心理學》。高雄:義守大學。


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