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About the Department

The Department of Anaesthesiology is one of the largest clinical departments in SDMCMSH with
qualified and well trained Anaesthesiologists, Postgraduate students and trained Anaesthesia
Technicians. Apart from the operation theatres, anaesthesia services are provided in all parts of the
hospital round the clock. There are state-of-the-art operation theatres, surgical intensive care units
and advanced anaesthesia work stations which are comparable with the best health care facilities in
India and abroad. Teaching and training is provided to Postgraduate students in Anaesthesiology
and Anaesthesia Technician course. The department has a library with a collection of latest
textbooks on anaesthesiology, intensive care, pain management, procedures, clinical pharmacology
Head of the Department
Department of anaesthesiology is currently headed by Dr. P. Raghavnedra Rao who has a vast
knowledge of the subject and an experience of 35 years in Anaesthesiology. He is a trained Cardiac
Anaesthesiologist with work experience in various Institutes in India, the United Kingdom and Middle
East. He is managing the resources at his disposal to the best possible outcome in the ever
increasing work load.
Patient Care
Doctors in the department of anaesthesiology anaesthetise patients of all age group including pre-
term infants to Geriatric age. Department has facilities for anaesthetising patients coming for
surgeries under various departments like General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Orthopaedics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Urology, Paediatric Surgery,
Cardiac Surgery and Oro-facio-maxillary Surgery. Anaesthesia services outside OT include Pre-
anaesthetic evaluation clinic, Electroconvulsive therapy, and during Endoscopies. Department has a
variety of airway gadgets like Laryngoscopes, Laryngeal Mask Airways, Fibreoptic bronchoscope,
bougie etc. for managing difficult airways. Other facilities include invasive blood pressure
monitoring, Peripheral nerve stimulator for giving nerve blocks etc.
Treatment Facilities
A team of trained Anaesthesiologists is involved in various forms of treatment such as Labour
Analgesia and “Pain clinic” for chronic pain management. They are involved in Intensive Care of
patients admitted in various ICUs. Patients requiring anaesthesia services here are generally sicker,
with multiple co-morbid diseases like diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke,
respiratory diseases, renal failure, deranged liver function etc who require advanced monitoring and
expert handling to ensure safety, faster recovery and better outcome of the patients.
Teaching Program
MBBS students are exposed to the subject of anaesthesiology during their final year. Weekly
lectures covering various relevant aspects anaesthesiology including the history and scope of
anaesthesia are conducted. They also get exposed to various anaesthetic procedures in the
operation theatre during their OT postings. Postgraduates are being trained in pre-anaesthetic
evaluation, all sub-specialities of anaesthesiology, intensive care, pain and palliative care. They
have a structured program of practical training on rotational basis in all sub-specialities of
anaesthesia to make them confident of handling variety of patients. They are also presenting
seminars, journal clubs and clinical cases as per the RGUHS guidelines. They are evaluated
periodically for their proficiency in theory as well as practical work. Postgraduates are also trained to
conduct a scientific clinical research by the way of dissertations. They are allowed to conduct
elective as well as emergency cases under the direct supervision of concerned faculty. Students of
various paramedical courses like Anaesthesia Technician [Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology
(DOTT) are trained here with a thorough exposure to the practical aspects. They are taught about
the principles of asepsis, sterilization of instruments, arranging OT equipment and assisting in
anaesthesia and surgical procedures.

1. Hegade H. All endotracheal tubes that appear endotracheal are not so ! Indian Journal of
Anaesthesia 2014; 58(2): 230.
2. Sameer Desai, Santhosh MCB. A randomised, double blind comparison of pethidine and
ketoprofen as adjuvants to lignocaine in Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia. Rev Bras
Anesthesiol 2014;64(4): 221-226.
3. M.C.B. Santhosh, Rohini Bhat Pai, Roopa Sachidanand, Varun Byrappaa, Raghavendra P.
Rao. Inferior venacaval compression due to excessive abdominal packing. Rev Bras
Anestesiol. 2014. 64 (3): 199-200.
4. Yaliwal VG, Hegde HV, Arunkumar J, Garag SS, Rao PR. Foreign body oesophagus: The
case of a missing second coin. Indian J Anaesth. 2014 May;58(3):364-5.
5. Bidkar VG, Jalisatigi RR, Naik AS, Shanbag RD, Siddappa R, Sharma PV, Hegde HV.
Perioperative only versus extended antimicrobial usage in tympanomastoid surgery: a
randomized trial. Laryngoscope. 2014 Jun;124(6):1459-63
6. Hegde HV, Yaliwal VG, Annigeri RV, Sunilkumar K, Rameshkumar R, Rao PR. Efficacy of
orally disintegrating film of ondansetron versus intravenous ondansetron in prophylaxis of
postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing elective gynaecological
laparoscopic procedures: A prospective randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled
study.Indian J Anaesth. 2014 Jul;58(4):423-9.
7. Hegde HV, Malwa P. Ultrasound guided nerve block in successful anesthetic management of
an achondroplasic dwarf with severe kyphoscoliosis.Saudi J Anaesth 2014; 8: S125-126.
8. Hegde HV. How to achieve optimal position for central neuraxial blocks in patients with lower
limb fractures? Saudi J Anaesth. 2014 Oct;8(4):566-7.
9. Hegde HV, Jagadish N, Rao PR. An ultra-rapid development of tachyphylaxis to
nitroglycerin. Indian J Anaesth. 2014 ;58(6):777-8
10. Bhat Pai RV, Hegde HV, Santhosh M, Roopa S, Deshpande SS, Rao PR. Bilateral brachial
plexus blocks in a patient of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy with hypertensive
crisis. Indian J Anaesth. 2013 Jan;57(1):72-5.
11. Desai S, Torgal SV, Rao R. Breathing circuit obstruction caused by kink in the reinforced
kink-resistant circle system tube. Indian J Anaesth 2013;57(1): 96-7.
12. Pai RB, Desai S, Rao R. Spinal anesthesia for hernia surgery in a child with laryngomalacia.
Saudi J Anaesth. 2013;7(1):163-4.
13. Annigeri VM, Bhat MT, Hegde HV, Annigeri RV, Halgeri AB. Prune belly syndrome with
congenital pouch colon. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2013;18:79-80.
14. Desai S, Kumar R, Torgal SV. Sudden onset severe preclampsia during caesarean section,
unmasked by the bolus dose of ephedrine. Indian J Anaesth 2013 Mar-Apr;57(2):202-3.
15. Desai S, Prashantha PG, Torgal SV, Rao R. Fatal pulmonary embolism subsequent to the
use of Esmarch bandage and tourniquet: A case report and review of literature. Saudi J
Anaesth. 2013;7:331-335.
16. Desai S, Santhosh M, Annigeri R, Santhoshi VB, Rao R. Comparison of the antiemetic effect
of ramosetron with the combination of dexamethasone and ondansetron in middle ear
surgery: A double-blind, randomized clinical study. Saudi J Anaesth. 2013;7:254-258.
17. Santhosh MCB, Pai RB, Rao RP, Byrappa V. Sudden sustained asystole during a
cerebellopontine angle surgery. Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology
18. Santhosh MCB, Pai RB, Roopa S, Rao RP. Study of 0.5% Lidocaine Alone and Combination
of 0.25% Lidocaine with Fentanyl and Vecuronium in Intravenous Regional Anesthesia for
Upper Limb Surgeries. Rev Bras Anestesiol. 2013;63(3):254-257.
19. Santhosh MC, Pai RB, Rao RP. Pourfour Du Petit syndrome after interscalene block. Saudi J
Anaesth 2013;7:203-4.
20. Santhosh MCB, Torgal SV, Pai RB, Roopa S, Santoshi VB, Rao RP. Comparison of tube-
taping versus a tube-holding device for securing endotracheal tubes in adults undergoing
surgery in prone position. Acta Anaesth. Belg 2013; 64:75-79.
21. Bhat MT, Hegde HV, Santhosh M, Rao RP. Orbital exenteration under trigeminal block: An
innovative method of regional anesthesia. Saudi J Anaesth 2013;7:470-3.
22. Hegde HV, Yaddanapudi LN, Prasad KC, Bhat MT, Hegde JS, Cb SM, Yaliwal VG, Rao PR.
Reply: conclusions need to be based on sound data - keep an eye on both bias and
imprecision. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2013 Feb;30(2):94.
23. Hiremath S, Hegde HV, Swamy PR, Pai RB. Tension Pneumothorax and
Pneumomediastinum Caused by a Malpositioned Mediastinal Drain in a Patient Following
Closure of an Atrial Septal Defect. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2012 Feb;26(1):104-5.
24. Hegde HV, Pai RB, Yaliwal VG, Annigeri VM, Halgeri AB, Rao PR. Management of a 10-
month-old child with a rare combination of Bardet-Biedl syndrome and ano-rectal
malformation undergoing anterior sagittal ano-rectoplasty. J Anesth. 2012 Feb;26(1):132-3.
25. Annigeri VM, Hegde HV, Patil PB, Halgeri AB, Rao PR. Pyloroduodenal duplication cyst. J
Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2012; 17:80-1.
26. Hegde HV, Annigeri VM, Pai VV. Anesthetic challenges in lamellar ichthyosis. Paediatr
Anaesth 2012 May; 22(5): 492-4.
27. Hegde HV, Prasad KC, Bhat MT, Hegde JS, Cb SM, Yaliwal VG, Raghavendra Rao P.
Airway difficulty in Mallampati 'class zero' patients: a prospective double-blind observational
study. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2012; 29 (7):338-42.
28. Hegde HV, Bhat RL, Shanbag RD, Bharat M, Rao PR. Unmasking of tracheomalacia
following short-term mechanical ventilation in a patient of adult respiratory distress
syndrome. Indian J Anaesth. 2012 Mar;56(2):171-4.
29. Pai RB, Hegde HV, Srikanth V, Rao PR. Severe unilateral bronchospasm due to inadequate
anesthetic depth: A case report and review of literature. Saudi J Anaesth. 2012 Apr;
30. Annigeri VM, Hegde HV, Patil PB, Halgeri AB, Rao PR. Congenital giant megaureter with
duplex kidney presenting as abdominal lump in a neonate. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg
31. Santhosh MC, Torgal SV, Bhat Pai R, Roopa S, Hegde HV, Rao RP. Intraoperative thyroid
storm in a patient with euthyroid multinodular goiter. Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan. 2012
32. Hegde HV, Mudaraddi RR, Yaliwal VG, Rao PR. Comparison of oscillometric blood pressure
measurement by two clinical monitors: Datex Ohmeda GE S/5 and Criticare 8100E
nGenuity. Indian J Anaesth. 2011 Mar;55(2):199-200
33. Hegde HV, Patil PB, Rameshkumar R, Sunita TH, Bhat MT, Desai RM, Rao PR. A rare case
of antepartum posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2011
34. Hegde HV, Rao PR, Torgal SV. Is central-line guidewire sufficient for retrograde intubation?.
Indian J Anaesth 2011;55:321
35. Hegde HV, Arya VK, Thingam SK, Rana S. Anesthesia for simultaneous bilateral aorto-
axillary and coronary artery bypass grafting in Takayasu's arteritis. Ann Card Anaesth. 2011
36. Puri GD, Mathew PJ, Sethu Madhavan J, Hegde HV, Fiehn A. Bi-spectral index, entropy and
predicted plasma propofol concentrations with target controlled infusions in Indian patients. J
Clin Monit Comput. 2011 Oct;25(5):309-314.
37. Hegde HV, Mudaraddi RR, Yaliwal VG, Rao PR. Authors’ reply. Indian J Anaesth. 2011
38. Harihar V. Hegde, Vijay G. Yaliwal, Shyamsundar K. Joshi, and P. Raghavendra Rao, "The
Sheared Central Venous Catheter?," Case Reports in Anesthesiology, vol. 2011, Article ID
379827, 4 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/379827

Publications (Non-Medline indexed)

1. Harihar V. Hegde,Shanmukh Hiremath,Ashwin S. Kulkarni,M.P. Bharat,Srinivas K.

Kalabhavi, Ravi L. Bhat.Emergency, anaesthetic and intensive care management of a case
of eventration of diaphragm, Bochdalek hernia and an intra-thoracic gastric rupture with
gastric gangrene.Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care 2011; 1: 42-45.
2. Goverdhan D. Puri, Amol Pradhan, Bhupesh Kumar, Harihar V. Hegde, Anju Singh, G.R.V.
Prasad. Anaesthetic management of a patient with Eisenmenger syndrome for lower
abdominal surgery. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care2011; 1: 51-53.
3. Harihar V. Hegde, P. Raghavendra Rao. Beware of administration of methylergometrine prior
to uterine incision and delivery; venous air embolism during caesarean section. Trends in
Anaesthesia and Critical Care 2011; 1: 111-114.
4. Vinod Hosalli, Uday Ambi, Shivanand Hulkund, Harihar V. Hegde Anaesthetic Management
of a Case of Osteogenesis Imperfecta with Bladder Outlet Obstruction: A Case
Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2011 June: 5 (3) : 640 – 642.
5. U. Ambi, V. Hosalli, S. Hulkund & H. Hegde : Noma Neonatorum: An Airway Challenge In
Paediatrics. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 2011 Volume 29 Number 2
6. Bhat Pai RV, Hegde HV, Santosh M, Roopa S. Bronchospasm following supraclavicular
brachial plexus block. Anesth Essays Res 2011 Jul-Dec; 5: 211-3.
7. Shenoy A, Kamath S. Anaesthetic management of a huge mediastinal tumour with
tracheobronchial compression. Ind J Resp Care 2013; 2:328-31.
8. Patil VC, Krishnamurthy NP, Kamath S. Comparison between the use of LMA Proseal and I-
gel as a conduit for fiberoptic bronchoscope guided Aintree Intubation Catheter insertion and
subsequent endotracheal intubation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC
RESEARCH 2013; 2: 290-292.
9. Annigeri V, Desai S. Lumbo costo vertebral syndrome.A case report. Karnataka Paediatric
journal. 2013. 28.101.
10. Swathi Kumari K, Hegde HV. Combined-Spinal-Epidural Anesthesia in a Parturient with
Gestational Hypertension with Acute and Extremely Elevated Blood Pressure Undergoing
Emergency Caesarean Section. J Anesth Crit Care Open Access 2014, 1(5): 00028.

Dissertations/ Research Dissertations:

1. Effect of addition of dexmedetomidine to caudal bupivacaine on post-operative analgesia in

paediatric patients. Authors: Dr. Prashanth P G, Dr. P Raghavendra Rao, Dr. Rajesh
Phatake. Expected month of completion: Oct-12
2. Comparison of three different doses of oxytocin in patients undergoing elective caesarean
sections. Authors: Dr. Guruprasad Shetty, Dr. S. V. Torgal, Dr. Rohini V. Bhat Pai. Expected
month of completion: Dec-12.
3. Comparison of noninvasive and invasive arterial blood pressure measurements by two
clinical monitors. Authors: Dr. Varun Byrappa, Dr. P. Raghavendra Rao, Dr. Harihar V.
Hegde. Expected month of completion: Dec-12.
4. Propofol injection pain: a prospective duble-blind trail of MCT/LCT propofol formulation
versus LCT propofol. Authors: Dr. Supreeth R Shetty, Dr. Raghavendra Rao, Dr. Santhosh
MCB. Expected month of completion: Jun-14.
5. Evaluation of addition of dexmedetomidine to propofol anaesthesia for middle ear surgeries:
A prospective double-blind randomised observational study. Authors: Dr. Swathi Kumari K,
Dr. S V Torgal, Dr. Harihar V Hegde. Expected month of completion: Jun-14.
6. Comparison of accuracy of CVP tip placement by intra-atrial ECG guided technique versus
surface landmark technique. Authors: DR. Kiran B S, Dr. Rajesh Phatake, Dr. Rohini Bhat
Pai. Expected month of completion: Jun-14.


1. Dr. Tejaswini H. S. : A prospective randomised comparative study of incidence of post dural

puncture headache after spinal anaesthesia using 25 g and 27 g whitacre needle in patients
undergoing caesarean section
2. : Comparison of intrathecal dexmeditomedine, buprenorphine and clonidine as adjuvant to
bupivacaine in spinal anaesthesia in elective lower abdominal surgeries: a prospective
randomized observational study.
3. : Comparison between intravenous fentanyl and dexmedetomidine to attenuate sevoflurane
– induced agitation in paediatric patients undergoing lower abdominal surgery: a
prospectiverandomized observational study.
4. Dr. Akshay Uday Shetty: Comparison of the effect of spine flexion on the incidence of post
dural puncture headache: a prospective randomised double – blind observational study.
5. Dr. Devaraj I. C. : Comparison of haemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and
endotracheal intubation following induction of general anaesthesia with propofol or etomidate
6. Efficacy of orally disintegrating film [ODF] of ondansetron versus intravenous ondansetron in
prophylaxis of postoperative elective gynaecological laparoscopic procedures: a prospective
randomised dobule blind placebo controlled study. Authors: Dr. Harihar V Hegde, Dr. Vijay
G Yaliwal, Dr. Rashmi Anngeri. Expected month of completion: Sep-12
7. Comparision of antiemetic efficacyof Ramosetron to the combination of dexamethasone and
ondansetron in middle ear surgeries. Authors: Dr. Sameer Desai, Dr. Santhosh MCB, Dr.
Rashmi Annigeri, Dr. Santoshi Badiger. Expected month of completion: Oct-12
8. Comparative study of ease of nasogastric tube insertion before and after endotracheal
intubation. Authors: Dr. Sameer Desai, Dr. SV Torgal. Expected month of completion: Apr-13
9. Oral clonidine versus oral diazepam as premedication in patients ungergoing septoplasty
with FESS; a double blind randomized study. Authors: Dr. Rohini Bhat Pai, Dr. Roopa S.
Bhat, Dr. Santoshi Badiger, Dr. Santhosh MCB. Expected month of completion: Apr-13.

1 Dr. P. Raghavendra Rao Professor & HOD
2 Dr. Shrirang V. Torgal Professor
3 Dr. Shyamsundeer Kamath K Professor
4 Dr. Sameer N. Desai Professor
5 Dr. Ravi L Bhat Professor
6 Dr. Mahantesh S Mudakanagoudar Associate Professor
7 Dr. Kiran A Honnannavar Associate Professor
8 Dr. SandhyaPavate Assistant Professor
9 Dr. Mohammad Asif Kalas Assistant Professor
10 Dr. Supreeth R Shetty Assistant Professor
11 Dr. Ranjith Kumar R T Assistant Professor
12 Dr. Imran Sholapur Assistant Professor
13 Dr. Shilpa Agnihotri Assistant Professor
14 Dr. Ravikumar M Assistant Professor
15 Dr. Siddesh N Kadur Assistant professor
16 Dr. Archana A Bharadwaj Assistant professor
17 Dr. Latika Dharmashi Assistant Professor
18 Dr. Kiran Nadiger Sr. Resident (MD)
19 Dr. Krishan Sagar S. R Sr. Resident (MD)
20 Dr. Konmani TL Sr. Resident (MD)
21 Dr. Sandhya Rani S V Jr. Resident
22 Dr. Chetna Goel Jr. Resident
23 Dr. Nishanth N. Jr. Resident
24 Dr. Bitson Pazhoor Thomas Jr. Resident
25 Dr. Mithun B Shetty Jr. Resident
26 Dr. Meghna Rao Jr. Resident
27 Dr. Manisha M K Jr. Resident
28 Dr. Vidya K R Jr. Resident
29 Dr. Deepika B D Jr. Resident
30 Dr. Samanvitha K Jr. Resident
31 Dr. Rakshik Vailaya Jr. Resident
32 Dr. Priya Gupta Jr. Resident
33 Dr. Divya G.M Jr. Resident
34 Dr. Keerthi Yogeeswara Gowda Jr. Resident
35 Dr. Chandan Kumar C Jr. Resident
36 Dr. Keerthan G Jr. Resident
37 Dr. Pakkala Navinkumar Ravindranath Jr. Resident
38 Dr. Ram Mohan Maiya G R Jr. Resident
39 Dr. Sumanth K Jr. Resident
40 Dr. AnkithaGundmi Jr. Resident
41 Dr. Vidya Paravathy V V R V Krishnan Jr. Resident


About the Department

Since its establishment the department of dermatology has been keeping up-to-date of the
developments in the field of research and therapeutics, making it one of the most sought-after
departments in SDMCMSH. The department has a comprehensive training programme for post
graduation in dermatology for both diploma (DDVL) and Masters degree (MD). The clinical services
offered by the department include management of patients with dermatological problems, sexually
transmitted diseases and leprosy. Dermatological and cosmetic surgeries including laser therapies
are also performed. In addition to the extensive collection of dermatological books in the Central
Library, the department has the latest international and national dermatological text books and a
good collection of audio-visual teaching aids.
Head of the Department
Dr. Athanikar Sharatchandra Bhimrao, Professor & HOD
Patient Care
The facilities available in the department include-
1. Phototherapy
SDMCMSH Dharwad has very good facilities for proper and scientific investigation and treatment of
patients with vitiligo and psoriasis. In this regard, the Department has the most modern phototherapy

2. Dermatological Procedures
The common day-to-day surgical procedures carried out in the department include skin biopsies for
diagnosis of skin diseases, Electrodessication , Radiofrequency in the treatment of common and
benign skin tumours like common warts and keloids
3. Cosmetic Surgery
This is a rapidly advancing field as the need to look good is universal. The various procedures
offered are chemical peels for pigmentary disorders of the face like melasma, diffuse melanoderma
and acne, Follicular hair extraction for androgenetic alopecia, botulinum toxin injections for wrinkles,
soft tissue augmentation with fillers. Microdermabrasion and collagen microinduction by dermarolling
for acne and chicken pox scars and platelet rich plasma treatment for hair loss.

4. Laser
Laser therapy for diverse cutaneous conditions like hirsuitism, hypertrichosis, acne scar resurfacing
etc, are performed in the department.
5. Contact dermatitis and Patch testing
Contact dermatitis is frequently encountered in day-to-day practice for which patch testing is done.
The department has a standard screening series of 20 allergens obtained from Sweden which are
used for patch testing.
Other procedures performed in the department include-

 Cryosurgery- for warts, benign tumors, keloids etc

 Electrosurgery- electrocautery, epilation, removal of warts, DPN, skin tags
 Snip excision of skin tags
 Trichogram test- in hair disorders
 Punch skin graft for vitiligo
 Split skin graft for vitiligo, leg ulcers
 Blister skin graft for vitiligo
 Follicular hair extraction
 Dermabrasion - for acne scars
 Collagen micro induction by dermarolling for acne and varicella scars
 Phototherapy - PUVA, NB- UVB
 Electrophoresis for Hyperhydrosis

Teaching Program
Clinicals and theory classes for undergraduates seminars, short talks, journal club, case
presentation, theory classes, group discussions and guest lectures for postgraduates regularly held.
Workshop and CMEs

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Sori T, Rai V, Rao RK. Multiple progressive papules on abdomen- A
case report. Cutis 2014; 93(1): E11-E12.

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Raju K. Koebners phenomenon in Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Indian
Dermatol Online J 2014;5:85-6

 Pai VV, Sori T, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Rai V, Shastry DU. Epidermolysis bullosa
pruriginosa: A report of two cases. Indian Dermatol Online J 2014;5:44-7

 Gupta G, Reshme P, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB. Indian signs in dermatology. Medical
Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University 2014; 7(2): 261-262tol Venereol Leprol 2010;76:547-9

 Varadraj. V. Pai,Venkatesh Annigeri, Ajanta G,Ashok Naik, Kikkeri NN, T. Sori. Klebsiella
associated phagedenic ulcers in Infants – a report of two cases. Pediatric dermatology
2013;30(3): 367-369.

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Hegde S, Atnanikar SB, Athanikar VB. Becker’s naevus on the forearm-
A case report. Egyptian dermatology online journal 2013;9(1):9.

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Bagalkot P, Kulkarni V, Reshme P, Athaniker SB. Pellagra in a child – A
rare entity. Nutrition 2013; 29: 1426-1428.

 Pai VV, Kikkeri NN, Athaniker SB, Rao RK. Psoriasis and leprosy- a mystifying coexistence.
Cutis 2013; 92(3): E3-E4.
 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Rai V, Athanikar SB. A retrospective study of SJS-TEN for 5 years in
northern Karnataka. Indian Journal of Pharmacology 2013;45:80-2.

 Narayanasetty NK, Pai VV, Athanikar SB. Annular lesions in dermatology. Indian J Dermatol

 Naveen KN, Kalinga BE, Pai VV, Athanikar SB, Raju K, Sori T, Rao RK. Erythema gyratum
repens like figurate erythema responding to topical steroid in an healthy individual. Indian
Journal of Dermatology 2013:58(4); 329.

 Harihar V. Hegde, Venkatesh M. Annigeri, Varadraj V. Pai. Anesthetic challenges in lamellar

ichthyosis Pediatric Anesthesia 2012;22: 490–507 doi:10.1111/j.1460-9592.2011.03749.

 Varadraj V. Pai, N.N. Kikkeri, S.C. Athanikar, T. Sori, RavikalaRao.Type I Punctate

palmoplantarkeratoderma (Buschke-Fisher-Brauer disease) in a family– a report of two
cases. The Foot;doi:10.1016/j.foot.2012.03.004. PMID:22503127.

 Varadraj V. Pai, Naveen N. Kikkeri, TukaramSori, Udupi D. Shastri. Verrucous carcinoma

over the penis presenting as nail-like cutaneous horn. Clinical cancer investigative journal;
2012: 1(1):33-34.

 Naveen KN, Arunkumar JS, Pai VV, Hanumanthayya K. SJS induced by sodium valproate
monotherapy. International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Sciences 2012;1:17-18

 Naveen KN , Kabbin GM, Kulkarni V, Pai VV, Rao RK. Transfusion induced graft versus host
disease- A case report in a 2 year old girl. Transfusion and apheresis Science 2012;47:17-

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Sori T. non-epidermatolnon-epidermolytic PPK- A case report. Novel
science international journal of medical scienes 2012;1:17-18.

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Sori T. syringoma masquerading as steatocystoma multiplex- A case
report. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2012; 78: 365-366.

 Naveen KN, Shetty PC, Naik AS, Pai VV, Hanumanthayya K, Udupi D.
Chromoblastomycosis presenting as a phagedenic ulcer on face. International J dermatology
2012;51: 576-578.

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Sori T, Kalabhavi S. Erysipelas after breast cancer treatment. The
breast 2012;21:218-219.

 Naveen KN, Arunkumar JS, HanumanthayyaK, Pai VV. Stevens-Johnson syndrome induced
by sodium valproate monotherapy. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci 2012;2:44-5.
 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Divyashree RA, Athaniker SB, Rao RK. Progressive symmetric
erythrokeratoderma with seasonal variation-An unusaual case report. Egyptian dermatology
online journal 2012;8(2):10.

 Pai VV, Kikkeri NN, Athanikar SB, Sori T, Rao RK. Type I punctuate palmoplantar
keratoderma (Buschke-fisher-Brauer disease) in a family – A report of two cases. Foot

 Pai VV, Sori T, Kikkeri NN, Athanikar SB, Dinesh US, Rai V. Childhood bullous pemphigoid
in a four month old child. European journal of Paediatric Dermatology 2012; 22: 193-96.

 Pai VV, Rai V, Kikkeri NN, Sori T. Primary herpetic infection over the bilateral malar areas in
an immunocompetent child. Novus international journal of medical science 2012;1: 16-18

 Naveen KN, Ravindra MS, Pai VV, Rai V, Athanikar SB, Meravanige G. lamotrigine induced
DRESS syndrome. Indian Journal of Pharmacology 2012;44:798-800.

 Pai VV, Bhandari P, Kikkeri NN, Athanikar SB, Sori T. Fixed drug eruption to fluconazole: A
case report and review of literature. Indian J Pharmacol 2012;44:643.

 A study of HIV seropositivity with various clinical manifestation of herpes zoster among
patients from Karnataka, India. Dermatology Online Journal 2011;17 (12): 3

 Pai VV, Kikkeri NN, Sori T, Dinesh US. Graham-Little Piccardi Lassueur syndrome: An
unusual variant of follicular lichen planus. Int J Trichol 2011;3:28-30

 GP Prashanth, Pai VV. A retrospective cohort study of dermatological problems observed in

paediatric intensive care unit. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and
Venereology 2011; DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-3083.2011.04221.x PMID -21899603

 Bhandarkar AP, Kop PB, Pai VV. Nevirapine induced exfoliative dermatitis in an HIV-infected
patient. Indian J Pharmacol 2011;43:738-9.

 Varadraj V Pai,Girdhar BK, Hanumanthayya K, TophakhaneR . Response of patients with

nerve function impairment in leprosy to low dose steroid administration- an outpatient based
study. Indian J DermatolVenereolLeprol 2010; 76:407-409.

 PaiVV,Hanumanthayya K, Naveen KN, Rao R, Dinesh U. Pseudoepitheliomatous, keratotic,

and micaceousbalanitis presenting as cutaneous horn in an adult male. Indian J
DermatolVenereolLeprol 2010;76:547-9

 Pai VV, Rao S, Naveen KN. Sybert'skeratoderma in three siblings. Indian J Dermatol
 Pai VV, Rao S, Naveen KN. Sybert's keratoderma in three siblings. Indian J Dermatol

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Guptha G, Dinesh US. Photo induced classical Sweets
syndrome presenting as haemorrahagic bullae. CUTIS. Accepted for publication.

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athaniker SB, Dinesh US, Reshme P, Divyashree. SCLE presenting as
erythroderma. Accepted in Indian Journal of Dermatology.

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Vijetha R, Dinesh US.Familial Reactive perforating
collagenosis- A report of two cases. Indian journal of dermatology.

 Gaurang gupta, Athaniker SB, Pai VV, Naveen KN. Giant cells in dermatology. Accepted in
Indian journal of dermatology.

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Guptha G, Dhivyashree RA. Clinic-pathological study of
lupus vulgaris. Accepted in Indian dermatology online journal.

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB. Antioxidants in dermatology. Accepted in Indian
dermatology online journal.

 Divyashree RS, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB. Clinical study on cutaneous manifestations in
obesity among patients attending tertiay care centre. Accepted in ijdvl.

 Pai VV, Hanumanthayya K, Naveen KN,Rao R, Dinesh US. Bowen's disease over the
abdomen - A histological pigmented variety. Indian J Cancer 2011;48:121-2

Articles accepted for publication

 Naveen KN, Pai VV. A classical case of Punctate Palmoplantar Keratoderma – A rare entity.
Accepted in Indian dermatology online journal.

 Naveen KN. Pup tent sign. Accepted in Indian dermatology online journal

 Naveen KN, Rai V. Bullous haemorrahagic dermatosis-a case report. Accepted in Indian
Journal of dermatology.

 Naveen KN, Reshme P, Parswanath HA. Naevus comedonicus- a rare site. Accepted in
Indian journal of dermatology.
 Naveen KN, Dinesh US. Dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria with involvement of palms.
Accepted in Indian Dermatology Online Journal.

 Naveen KN. Trichostasis spinulosa- an overlooked entity. Accepted in Indian dermatology

online journal.

 Naveen KN. Linear and whorled hypermelonotic naevus with dermoscopy. Accepted in
Dermatology online journal.

 Naveen KN, Pradeep AV. Chronic granulomatous disease. . Accepted in Indian Dermatology
online journal.

 Pai VV, Naveen KN. Pompholyx unusual presentation. Accepted in Indian dermatology
online journal

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Guptha G, Dinesh US. Photo induced classical Sweets
syndrome presenting as haemorrahagic bullae. CUTIS. Accepted for publication.

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athaniker SB, Dinesh US, Reshme P, Divyashree. SCLE presenting as
erythroderma. Accepted in Indian Journal of Dermatology.

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Vijetha R, Dinesh US.Familial Reactive perforating
collagenosis- A report of two cases. Indian journal of dermatology.

 Gaurang gupta, Athaniker SB, Pai VV, Naveen KN. Giant cells in dermatology. Accepted in
Indian journal of dermatology.

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Guptha G, Dhivyashree RA. Clinic-pathological study of
lupus vulgaris. Accepted in Indian dermatology online journal.

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB. Antioxidants in dermatology. Accepted in Indian
dermatology online journal.

 Divyashree RS, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB. Clinical study on cutaneous manifestations in
obesity among patients attending tertiay care centre. Accepted in ijdvl.

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Athaniker SB, Raja K. Bullous pemphigoid in Rheumatoid arthritis.
Accepted in Indian journal of Medical Sciences.

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Athaniker SB, Raja K. Bullous pemphigoid in Rheumatoid arthritis.
Accepted in Indian journal of Medical Sciences.

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Athaniker SB, Athanikar VS, Rai V. Linear verrucous haemangioma.
Accepted in Cutis.
 Naveen KN, Pradeep AV, Arunkumar JS, Hegde SP, Pai VV, Athanikar SB. Herpes zoster
affecting all 3 divisions of trigeminal nerve in an immunocompetent individual-an unusual
presentation. Accepted in Indian Journal of Dermatology

 Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Hegde S, Athanikar VS. Livedo reticularis in type 2 lepra
reaction. Accepted in Indian Dermatology Online Journal.

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Raja K, Parswanath HA. Remote reverse koebner’s phenomenon in
Generalized Granuloma annulare. Accepted in Indian Dermatology Online Journal. Accepted
for publication

Last Updated on 03-03-2014

<< Back

1. Naveen KN, Pai VV, Sori T, Rai V, Rao RK. Multiple progressive papules on abdomen- A
case report. Cutis 2014; 93(1): E11-E12.
2. Naveen KN, Pai VV, Raju K. Koebners phenomenon in Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Indian
Dermatol Online J 2014;5:85-6
3. Pai VV, Sori T, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Rai V, Shastry DU. Epidermolysis bullosa
pruriginosa: A report of two cases. Indian Dermatol Online J 2014;5:44-7
4. Gupta G, Reshme P, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB. Indian signs in dermatology. Medical
Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University 2014; 7(2): 261-262tol Venereol Leprol 2010;76:547-9
5. Varadraj. V. Pai,Venkatesh Annigeri, Ajanta G,Ashok Naik, Kikkeri NN, T. Sori. Klebsiella
associated phagedenic ulcers in Infants – a report of two cases. Pediatric dermatology
2013;30(3): 367-369.
6. Naveen KN, Pai VV, Hegde S, Atnanikar SB, Athanikar VB. Becker’s naevus on the forearm-
A case report. Egyptian dermatology online journal 2013;9(1):9.
7. Naveen KN, Pai VV, Bagalkot P, Kulkarni V, Reshme P, Athaniker SB. Pellagra in a child – A
rare entity. Nutrition 2013; 29: 1426-1428.
8. Pai VV, Kikkeri NN, Athaniker SB, Rao RK. Psoriasis and leprosy- a mystifying coexistence.
Cutis 2013; 92(3): E3-E4.
9. Naveen KN, Pai VV, Rai V, Athanikar SB. A retrospective study of SJS-TEN for 5 years in
northern Karnataka. Indian Journal of Pharmacology 2013;45:80-2.
10. Narayanasetty NK, Pai VV, Athanikar SB. Annular lesions in dermatology. Indian J Dermatol
11. Naveen KN, Kalinga BE, Pai VV, Athanikar SB, Raju K, Sori T, Rao RK. Erythema gyratum
repens like figurate erythema responding to topical steroid in an healthy individual. Indian
Journal of Dermatology 2013:58(4); 329.
12. Harihar V. Hegde, Venkatesh M. Annigeri, Varadraj V. Pai. Anesthetic challenges in lamellar
ichthyosis Pediatric Anesthesia 2012;22: 490–507 doi:10.1111/j.1460-9592.2011.03749.
13. Varadraj V. Pai, N.N. Kikkeri, S.C. Athanikar, T. Sori, RavikalaRao.Type I Punctate
palmoplantarkeratoderma (Buschke-Fisher-Brauer disease) in a family– a report of two
cases. The Foot;doi:10.1016/j.foot.2012.03.004. PMID:22503127.
14. Varadraj V. Pai, Naveen N. Kikkeri, TukaramSori, Udupi D. Shastri. Verrucous carcinoma
over the penis presenting as nail-like cutaneous horn. Clinical cancer investigative journal;
2012: 1(1):33-34.
15. Naveen KN, Arunkumar JS, Pai VV, Hanumanthayya K. SJS induced by sodium valproate
monotherapy. International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Sciences 2012;1:17-18
16. Naveen KN , Kabbin GM, Kulkarni V, Pai VV, Rao RK. Transfusion induced graft versus host
disease- A case report in a 2 year old girl. Transfusion and apheresis Science 2012;47:17-
17. Naveen KN, Pai VV, Sori T. non-epidermatolnon-epidermolytic PPK- A case report. Novel
science international journal of medical scienes 2012;1:17-18.
18. Naveen KN, Pai VV, Sori T. syringoma masquerading as steatocystoma multiplex- A case
report. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2012; 78: 365-366.
19. Naveen KN, Shetty PC, Naik AS, Pai VV, Hanumanthayya K, Udupi D.
Chromoblastomycosis presenting as a phagedenic ulcer on face. International J dermatology
2012;51: 576-578.
20. Naveen KN, Pai VV, Sori T, Kalabhavi S. Erysipelas after breast cancer treatment. The
breast 2012;21:218-219.
21. Naveen KN, Arunkumar JS, HanumanthayyaK, Pai VV. Stevens-Johnson syndrome induced
by sodium valproate monotherapy. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci 2012;2:44-5.
22. Naveen KN, Pai VV, Divyashree RA, Athaniker SB, Rao RK. Progressive symmetric
erythrokeratoderma with seasonal variation-An unusaual case report. Egyptian dermatology
online journal 2012;8(2):10.
23. Pai VV, Kikkeri NN, Athanikar SB, Sori T, Rao RK. Type I punctuate palmoplantar
keratoderma (Buschke-fisher-Brauer disease) in a family – A report of two cases. Foot
24. Pai VV, Sori T, Kikkeri NN, Athanikar SB, Dinesh US, Rai V. Childhood bullous pemphigoid
in a four month old child. European journal of Paediatric Dermatology 2012; 22: 193-96.
25. Pai VV, Rai V, Kikkeri NN, Sori T. Primary herpetic infection over the bilateral malar areas in
an immunocompetent child. Novus international journal of medical science 2012;1: 16-18
26. Naveen KN, Ravindra MS, Pai VV, Rai V, Athanikar SB, Meravanige G. lamotrigine induced
DRESS syndrome. Indian Journal of Pharmacology 2012;44:798-800.
27. Pai VV, Bhandari P, Kikkeri NN, Athanikar SB, Sori T. Fixed drug eruption to fluconazole: A
case report and review of literature. Indian J Pharmacol 2012;44:643.
28. A study of HIV seropositivity with various clinical manifestation of herpes zoster among
patients from Karnataka, India. Dermatology Online Journal 2011;17 (12): 3
29. Pai VV, Kikkeri NN, Sori T, Dinesh US. Graham-Little Piccardi Lassueur syndrome: An
unusual variant of follicular lichen planus. Int J Trichol 2011;3:28-30
30. GP Prashanth, Pai VV. A retrospective cohort study of dermatological problems observed in
paediatric intensive care unit. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and
Venereology 2011; DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-3083.2011.04221.x PMID -21899603
31. Bhandarkar AP, Kop PB, Pai VV. Nevirapine induced exfoliative dermatitis in an HIV-infected
patient. Indian J Pharmacol 2011;43:738-9.
32. Varadraj V Pai,Girdhar BK, Hanumanthayya K, TophakhaneR . Response of patients with
nerve function impairment in leprosy to low dose steroid administration- an outpatient based
study. Indian J DermatolVenereolLeprol 2010; 76:407-409.
33. PaiVV,Hanumanthayya K, Naveen KN, Rao R, Dinesh U. Pseudoepitheliomatous, keratotic,
and micaceousbalanitis presenting as cutaneous horn in an adult male. Indian J
DermatolVenereolLeprol 2010;76:547-9
34. Pai VV, Rao S, Naveen KN. Sybert'skeratoderma in three siblings. Indian J Dermatol
35. Pai VV, Rao S, Naveen KN. Sybert's keratoderma in three siblings. Indian J Dermatol
36. Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Guptha G, Dinesh US. Photo induced classical Sweets
syndrome presenting as haemorrahagic bullae. CUTIS. Accepted for publication.
37. Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athaniker SB, Dinesh US, Reshme P, Divyashree. SCLE presenting as
erythroderma. Accepted in Indian Journal of Dermatology.
38. Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Vijetha R, Dinesh US.Familial Reactive perforating
collagenosis- A report of two cases. Indian journal of dermatology.
39. Gaurang gupta, Athaniker SB, Pai VV, Naveen KN. Giant cells in dermatology. Accepted in
Indian journal of dermatology.
40. Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Guptha G, Dhivyashree RA. Clinic-pathological study of
lupus vulgaris. Accepted in Indian dermatology online journal.
41. Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB. Antioxidants in dermatology. Accepted in Indian
dermatology online journal.
42. Divyashree RS, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB. Clinical study on cutaneous manifestations in
obesity among patients attending tertiay care centre. Accepted in ijdvl.
43. Pai VV, Hanumanthayya K, Naveen KN, Rao R, Dinesh US. Bowen's disease over the
abdomen - A histological pigmented variety. Indian J Cancer 2011;48:121-2

Articles accepted for publication

 Naveen KN, Pai VV. A classical case of Punctate Palmoplantar Keratoderma – A rare entity.
Accepted in Indian dermatology online journal.

 Naveen KN. Pup tent sign. Accepted in Indian dermatology online journal

 Naveen KN, Rai V. Bullous haemorrahagic dermatosis-a case report. Accepted in Indian
Journal of dermatology.

 Naveen KN, Reshme P, Parswanath HA. Naevus comedonicus- a rare site. Accepted in
Indian journal of dermatology.

 Naveen KN, Dinesh US. Dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria with involvement of palms.
Accepted in Indian Dermatology Online Journal.

 Naveen KN. Trichostasis spinulosa- an overlooked entity. Accepted in Indian dermatology

online journal.

 Naveen KN. Linear and whorled hypermelonotic naevus with dermoscopy. Accepted in
Dermatology online journal.

 Naveen KN, Pradeep AV. Chronic granulomatous disease. . Accepted in Indian Dermatology
online journal.

 Pai VV, Naveen KN. Pompholyx unusual presentation. Accepted in Indian dermatology
online journal

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Guptha G, Dinesh US. Photo induced classical Sweets
syndrome presenting as haemorrahagic bullae. CUTIS. Accepted for publication.

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athaniker SB, Dinesh US, Reshme P, Divyashree. SCLE presenting as
erythroderma. Accepted in Indian Journal of Dermatology.
 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Vijetha R, Dinesh US.Familial Reactive perforating
collagenosis- A report of two cases. Indian journal of dermatology.

 Gaurang gupta, Athaniker SB, Pai VV, Naveen KN. Giant cells in dermatology. Accepted in
Indian journal of dermatology.

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Guptha G, Dhivyashree RA. Clinic-pathological study of
lupus vulgaris. Accepted in Indian dermatology online journal.

 Pai VV, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB. Antioxidants in dermatology. Accepted in Indian
dermatology online journal.

 Divyashree RS, Naveen KN, Athanikar SB. Clinical study on cutaneous manifestations in
obesity among patients attending tertiay care centre. Accepted in ijdvl.

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Athaniker SB, Raja K. Bullous pemphigoid in Rheumatoid arthritis.
Accepted in Indian journal of Medical Sciences.

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Athaniker SB, Raja K. Bullous pemphigoid in Rheumatoid arthritis.
Accepted in Indian journal of Medical Sciences.

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Athaniker SB, Athanikar VS, Rai V. Linear verrucous haemangioma.
Accepted in Cutis.

 Naveen KN, Pradeep AV, Arunkumar JS, Hegde SP, Pai VV, Athanikar SB. Herpes zoster
affecting all 3 divisions of trigeminal nerve in an immunocompetent individual-an unusual
presentation. Accepted in Indian Journal of Dermatology

 Naveen KN, Athanikar SB, Hegde S, Athanikar VS. Livedo reticularis in type 2 lepra
reaction. Accepted in Indian Dermatology Online Journal.

 Naveen KN, Pai VV, Raja K, Parswanath HA. Remote reverse koebner’s phenomenon in
Generalized Granuloma annulare. Accepted in Indian Dermatology Online Journal. Accepted
for publication

1 Dr. Athanikar Sharatchandra Bhimrao Professor & HOD
2 Dr. RaghavendraTopakhane Professor
3 Dr. Naveen K. N. Professor
4 Dr. Swetha R. Prabhu Assistant Professor
5 Dr. Gouramma Huggi Assistant Professor
6 Dr. Asha Panchagavi Sr. Resident
7 Dr. Pushpa M. Sr. Resident
8 Dr. Roshni Ravindra Rai Jr. Resident
9 Dr. Tejashwini S. M. Jr. Resident
10 Dr. Megha R. Jr. Resident
11 Dr. Nikita Johanna Soans Jr. Resident
12 Dr. Deepika Agarwal Jr. Resident
13 Dr. Umamaheshwari G. Chitapur Jr. Resident
14 Dr. Dhunraj Hemchand Kanjire Jr. Resident
15 Dr. Patel Vishvakumari Rajubhai Jr. Resident


About the Department

The department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery caters to the population of north
Karnataka and Part of Maharashtra. It has well equipped OPDs with full fledged Endoscopy unit
comprising of rigid and Flexible endoscopies and well equipped Consultation rooms. There is
attached minor OT and demonstration hall for teaching U.G. and P.G students. OPD is connected by
PACS system, where investigations done on patients can be viewed online, which speeds up the
treatment imparted. The department library comprises of about 150 books related to ENT, Head and
Neck Surgery and Audiology & speech language pathology. The department has a seminar Room
with latest Audio visual aids for conducting teaching Programmes. The Audiology and Speech
language pathology section is well equipped with pure tone Audiometry, Computerized Impedance
audiometer; BERA. It has well trained Audiology and Speech language pathologists. Skill lab of the
department has facilities for cadaveric temporal bone dissection and cadaveric endoscopic
dissection, where post graduate students and staff can hone their surgical skills. Department also
has well furnished classroom with good Audio visual aids which help in imparting quality education to
the students.
Head of the Department
Dr. Ashok S. Naik
Patient Care
The wards are maintained neat and clean and have all facilities required for the better patient care.
The surgical operation theatre complex has two theatres for ENT. Operation theatres are equipped
1. Two Leica operating microscopes, with attached visual & recording facilities
2. Karl Storz endoscopes with camera and recording facilities
3. Karl storz nasal endoscopic instruments
4. Karl storz microlaryngeal instruments
5. Karl storz regid bronchoscopes
6. Karl storz flexible bronchoscopes
7. Rigid Oesophagoscopes
8. Xomed Microdebrider and shaver system
9. Elman Radiofrequency unit
10. Rhinoplasty equipments
Surgeries performed here include micro ear surgeries such as Myringotomy, Tympanoplasties,
Stapedotomies, Mastoidectomies etc. Other surgeries performed are Endoscopic Sinus Surgery,
Endoscopic Skull base Surgeries, Rhinoplasties & Septoplasties, Microlaryngeal Surgeries, and
Head and Neck Surgeries.
Diagnostic Facilities
Following procedures are performed in the department which aid in accurate diagnosis of disease

1. Nasal Endoscopies
2. Flexible Laryngoscopies and Bronchoscopies
3. Audiological investigations like Pure tone Audiometry, Tympanometry, Brain stem evoked
response audiometry, VEMP

Teaching Program
Theory classes and clinical postings for under graduate students are conducted as per R.G.U.H.S.
guidelines. Students get to see large number of patients with variety of presentations. Students are
also encouraged to present seminars. Regular Tutorials are conducted provide healthy discussions
between Students and Staff. For post graduate students regular teaching programmes as per
R.G.U.H.S. Guidelines are conducted. With abundance of clinical material at their disposal, P.G.s
get to improve their clinical skills. For the betterment of surgical kills, they are encouraged to do
regular temporal bone dissection, endoscopic surgeries on cadavers and mannequins. P.G. students
are encouraged to take up research projects.

Workshop and CMEs

1. Dept. has conducted workshop on endoscopic sinus surgery on 21st and 22nd April
2012.The guest faculty was Dr. Renuka Bradoo, Prof and HOD dept. of ENT LTD, Sion
2. Dept. has conducted live surgical workshop on 'Otology and cadaveric temporal bone and
lateral skull base dissection' on 20th and 21st July 2013.The guest faculty was Prof.H.
3. Presently a state level surgical workshop on Head and neck surgery is planned on 28th Feb
and 1st March 2015.
4. State level CME on Vertigo conducted in the year 2010.
5. Department has conducted CME’s on Cochlear implantation, Endoscopic sinus surgery.
Endoscopic skull base surgeries, sleep apnoea syndrome in 2010-2011
6. Presently a State level workshop on Endoscopic Sinus surgery is planned in the month of
April 2012.


1. Shanbag Raghunath,Bidkar Vijay, Naik Ashok, Jalisatgi Roshan.Endoscope assisted

external approach for lateral lesions in frontal sinus. Clinical rhinology:A international journal.
May-Aug 2013,vol.6,issue 2, 72-74.
2. Venkatesh M Annigeri, Raghunath D Shanbag, Vijay Kulkarni, Ashok.Naik, Preetam
Patil.Nasal glioma a case report. Karnataka pediatric journal. Apr - Sept 2013, vol.28, no.2
and 3.
3. Bidkar VG, Jalisatigi RR, Naik AS, Shanbag RD, Siddappa R, Sharma PV, Hegde HV.
Perioperative only versus extended antimicrobial usage in tympanomastoid surgery: a
randomized trial. Laryngoscope. 2014 Jun;124(6):1459-63
4. Vijay Bidkar, Ashok Naik, Roshan J, Anita BS.Myxedema of upper airways:A rare cause of
stridor. Journal of case report. 2013, 3 (2): 249-253.
5. An unusual infection of visceral compartment of the neck following retro pharyngeal space
infection. IOSR Journal of dental and medical sciences (IOSR-JDMS).Mar - Apr 2013,
vol.5,issue 6, 9-13.
6. Globulomaxillary cyst presenting as a nasal massIndian journal of dentistry.Apr-jun 2012,
vol.3 (2):86-88.
7. Lupus vulgaris of external nose a case report.Journal of indian medical association 2013,
Vol.111, 130-134.
8. Pradeep.AV, satish s patil, S.V.Koti, Arunkumar.J.S, santosh Garag, J.S.Hegde.
Clinicobacterial study of chronic dacrocystitis cases in Northern Karnataka, India.Journal of
clinical and diagnostic research. Nov 2013, vol 7 (11):2502-2504.
9. Fat bolus impaction :a case report. IOSR Journal of dental and medical sciences (IOSR-
JDMS).May - Jun 2013, vol.7, issue 12, 2976-2977.
10. Arun kumar.J.S, Santosh.S.Garag, Shibani Anchan. Iatrogenic stenosis of anterior Nares:A
case report. J.Clin Diagn. Res. Apr 2014; 8 (4),doi :10.7860/jcdr/2014/7769.4229.
11. Harihar Hegde, Ravi Bhat, Raghunath Shan bag, MP Bharat, P.Raghavendra
Rao. Unmasking of tracheomalacia following short term mechanical ventilation in a patient of
adult respiratory distress syndrome. Indian journal of Anaesthesia. Mar-Apr , 2012; 56
12. Shibani.V.Anchan,Santosh Garag,Arunkumar .J.S, K.C.Prasad, Poorvi.V.Sharma. An
interesting case of relapsing polychondritis in a young girl.J Clin Diagn Res.Dec
13. Harihar.H.V, Prasad.K.C, Bhat.M.T, Hegde.J.S, Santosh MCB,Yaliwal .V.G, Raghavendra
Rao. Airway difficulty in mallampati cause zero patients:A prospective study. Eur
J.Anaesthesiol jul 2012;29(7):338-42.
14. Naveen.k.N,Shetty.P.C,Naik.A.S,Pai.V.V,Hanumanthayya.K,Udupi.D‘’Chromoblastomycosis
presenting as a phagedenic ulcer on the face’’ International Journal of Dermatology.2012, vol
15. Naveen.K.N, Arunkumar “Steven Johnson syndrome following sodium valproate
monotherapy”Apr 2012.
16. Pai.V.V, Annigeri .V,Ajanta.G, Ashok Naik, Naveen.K.N. “Klebsiella associated phagadenic
ulcer in infection in infants.Report of 2 cases”Indian journal of pediatric
dermatology.published online on 2ndjuly 2012.DOI. 10.1111J1525;1470.2012:01803
17. Ashok Naik, Raghunath.S, vijaybidkar, RoshanRJ, Rashmi
“Phosphaturicmesenchymaltumor(PMT)of the nose and PNS and its unique
management.Odisha journal of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery. Dec 2011,36-39
18. Arunkumar,AshokNaik,K.CPrasad,SanthoshS.G‘’Role of Nasal Endoscopy in Chronic
Osteomyelitis of Maxilla and Zygoma: A Case Report," Case Reports in Medicine, vol.
2011, Article ID 802964, 3 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/802964.

Dissertations/ Research

1. Correlative study of HRCT temporal bones with intraoperative findings in tympanomastoid

2. Correlation between 1mm coronal CT PNS and intraoperative findings in endoscopic sinus
surgery of frontal recess.
3. Bacterial biofilms in chronic rhinosinusitis and their implications for clinical management in
patients attending dept. of ENT.
4. Role of mitomycin-C in prevention of nasal surgeries after FESS.
5. A comparitive study of mastoid cavity obliteration with postauricular soft tissue versus soft
tissue with autologous bone pate in patients underlying canal wall down mastoidectomy.
6. A study on the relevance of concha bullosa in the etiopathogenesis of chronic rhinosinusitis.

1 Dr. Ashok S. Naik Professor & HOD
2 Dr. Arunkumar J. S. Professor
3 Dr. RaghunathDayanandShanbag Professor
4 Dr. SantoshShrikanthGarag Associate Professor
5 Dr. Roshan R. Jalsatgi Associate Professor
6 Dr. Shibani V Anchan Associate Professor
7 Dr. AniketPandurangi Sr. Resident
8 Dr. Rashmi S. Sr. Resident
9 Dr. ShruddhaPai Jr. Resident
10 Dr. Shashank Kotian Jr. Resident
11 Dr. Lekha K A Jr. Resident
12 Dr. Sushan Shetty Jr. Resident
13 Dr. Shah ViditRohit Jr. Resident
14 Dr. Niharika S Shetty Jr. Resident
15 Dr. Rashmi D Jr. Resident

General Medicine

About the Department

The department of Medicine was established in the year 2003. The department consists of four units
and offers advanced care in Internal Medicine & critical care.
The department is proud to have experienced senior faculty who has been working for the last 2 to 3
decades and also young dynamic Associate and Assistant professors. The faculty keep themselves
updated by participating in various CME courses & hands-on workshops regularly. Many of the
faculty has received training in the BLS, ACLS and ventilator course. On the clinical side, the
department has progressed well with more than 25% increase in patient care statistics, both
quantitatively & qualitatively every year.
The department also provides super specialty care like Nephrology, Pulmonology, Cardiology,
Geriatrics, Rheumatology, Physical Medicine & rehabilitation. The department also conducts many
conferences & CMEs both national and state level.
The department runs UG & PG teaching program in Medicine. The postgraduates training program
is well structured and research oriented. Many of the faculties have been lifetime member for
prestigious bodies like API, IMA, IMA-AMS, CSI, RSSDI, IAE. Most of the faculties are university
examiners for both UG and PG.

Head of Department
Prof. B.S. Patil took over as the HOD from 01.07.2006. Apart from being a vastly experienced
undergraduate and postgraduate teacher, he has a charming and dynamic personality.

Patient Care
Department provides following services

 24 hours casualty services

 24 hours ICU & CCU
 24 hours Radiology services
 Well equipped interventional cardiology in association with SDM NH
 Well established Dialysis
 Physical Rehabilitation.

Diagnostic Facilities

 Digital X- RAY.
 HRUSG, colour Doppler
 ECG, 2D ECHO, TMT, Coronary angiogram and revascularization procedures.
 3D CT scan and MRI
 CSF, pleural, ascitic and pericardial fluid aspiration and analysis.
 Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, liver, renal and pleural biopsy.

Treatment Facilities in Acute care settings


 Dialysis
 Geriatric care
 Respiratory & TB ICU
 Endoscopy – upper and lower GIT

Teaching Program
The Department is involved in regular teaching program for MBBS and MD students. Department
has got 10 post graduate seats. PG students are involved in OPD patient’s evaluation and in
patients work up. There is a well structured teaching program both in the class room and at the skill
lab. The department posses a well equipped skill lab where students are given hands on training in

Workshop and CMEs

1. Conducting CME On 08.01.2017 , DRH auditorium, department of Medicine & Haematology

Regarding “Haematology safe Blood Transfusion practices “.
2. Trilogue CME conducting on 13.11.2016 in General Medicine department.

Dissertation/ Research
2018 Batch

 Microalbumineria In Non-Diabetic Acute Ischemic Stroke

o PG Name: Dr. Poojashree
o Guide Name: Dr. Rajendrakumar
 The Prevalence Of Thalassemia Trait In Microcytic Hypochromic Anaemia
o PG Name: Dr. Radhika Acharya
o Guide Name: Dr. Vijayalakshmi
 Psychometric Hepatic Encephalopathy Score For Diagnosis Of Minimal Hepatic
o PG Name: Dr. Shodhan Aithal
o Guide Name: Dr. Kiran Aithal
 Clinico Endoscopic Profile In Acid Peptic Disease And Prevalence Of Pylori In Tertiary
Health Care
o PG Name: Dr. Yogitha Chennupati
o Guide Name: Dr. K. M. Mohsin
 Comparison Of Rifle, Akin And Kidgo Criteria For The Sensitivity And Prediction Of Mortality
In Aki Among Patient Admitted To Medical Intensive Care Unit Of Medical College Hospital
In North Karnataka
o PG Name: Dr. Vrushabhveer
o Guide Name: Dr. Archana Dambal
 Serum Magnesium Levels In Patient With Acute Exacerbation Of Copd
o PG Name: Dr. Raghavendra
o Guide Name: Dr. Mohan D. Kashinkunti
 Co-Relation Study Of Hba1c And Ncv In Mixed Nerve
o PG Name: Dr. Sachin Aurade
o Guide Name: Dr. Hemamalini G.
 Pancytopenia : A Clinico Hematological Study
o PG Name: Dr. Bharath Manakame
o Guide Name: Dr. Kiran Aithal
 Clinical Study Of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
o PG Name: Dr. Sandesh Ajanalli
o Guide Name: Dr. Shilpa Hakki
 Non Diabetic Kidney Diseases In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
o PG Name: Dr. Raju Shirur
o Guide Name: Dr. Vijayalakshmi

2017 Batch

 A Prospective Comparitive Observational Study Of Clinical And Etiological Profile Of

Community Acquired Vs Hospital Acquired Acute Kidney Injury.
o PG Name: Dr. Dushyanth
o Guide : Dr. Archana Dambal
 Study Of Adenosine Deaminase And Lymphocyte / Neutrophil Ratio In Combination As
Diagnostic Tool For Tubercular Pleural Effusion
o PG Name: Dr. Joseph Varghese
o Guide : Dr. Hemamalini
 Serum Uric Acid Level As A Prognostic Marker In Cardiac Failure And Its Correlation With
Ejection Fraction
o PG Name: Dr. Tejal
o Guide : Dr. Kiran Aithal
 Platelet Indices As A Prognostic Marker In Dengue Fever Cases And Its Correlation With
Hospital Stay.
o PG Name: Dr. Vikas Parvatika
o Guide : Dr. Mohan Kashinkunti
 Hypoalbuminaemia-A With A Marker Of Disease Siverity In Acute Febrile Illnessess
o PG Name: Dr. Bharath Shet
o Guide : Dr. K. M. Mohsin
 Mean Platelet Volume As A Supportive Diagnostic Predictor In Patients With Acute Coronary
o PG Name: Dr. Madhusudan
o Guide: Dr. Rajendrakumar Parakh

2016 Batch

 Micro Albuminuria Can Predict Development Of Acute Kidney Injury In Icu Patients
o PG Name: Dr. Bharath G
o Guide: Dr. Mohan Kashinkunti (Professor)
 Predicting Extubation Failure After Successful Completion Of A Spontaneous Breathing Trial
o PG Name: Dr. Anoop K
o Guide: Dr. Kiran Aithal (Professor)
 Study Of Spontaneous Ascitic Fluid Infection In Patients Of Cirrhosis Of Liver. The Changing
Bacteriological Profile And Sensitivity.
o PG Name: Dr. Pooja Dugani
o Guide: Dr. Vijayalakshmi (Professor)
 Study Of Post Stroke Pulmonary Complications And Its Microbiological Profile And Short
Term Outcome
o PG Name: Dr. Jeedigunta Saigunaranjan
o Guide: Dr. K. M. Mohsin (Associate Professor)
 Plasma Lactate Clearance In First 24 Hours For Prediction Of Mortality In Patients With
Sepsis And Septic Shock In Intensive Care Unit
o PG Name: Dr. Smita R Karnik
o Guide: Dr. Amrut Mahabalshetti (Professor)
 Study Of Mortality Predictors Of ARDS In ICU Of Tertiory Care Hospital
o PG Name: Dr. Mohammed Zubair D
o Guide: Dr. Rajendrakumar Parakh (Associate Professor)

2015 Batch

 Non Invasive Predictors Of Portal Hypertension In Cirrhosis (Esophageal Varices).

o PG Name: Dr.Nauman I Mujahid
o Guide: Dr. Kiran Aithal (Professor)
 Correlation Of Serum Ferritin And HBAIC In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
o PG Name: Dr. Dithesh. M
o Guide: Dr. Amrut Mahabalshetti (Professor)
 GGI (Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase In Stroke.
o PG Name: dr. Avinash. Itagi
o Guide: dr. Basavaraj. V. Halakatti (professor)
 Correlation Of Pulmonary Function Test With Duration Of Type 2 Dm In SDM Hospital.
o PG Name: Dr. Prasanna kumar
o Guide: Dr. B. B. Jayashankar, Professor
 Study Of Pulmonary Hypertension In Choronic Kidney Disease
o PG Name: Dr. Bhushan C. Shetty
o Guide: Dr. K. M. Mohsin (Associate Professor)
 Study Of Prevalence Of Vitamin D Deficiency In Patient With Pulmonary TB In Tertiary Care
Hospital (SDM Dharwad)
o PG Name: Dr. Yashaswini M. Amin
o Guide: Dr. Mohan D. Kashinkunti (Professor)

1. A case study of sheehan’s syndrome, Dr.Shilpa Hakki, pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-
2570/ Vol. 5/Issue 42/Oct. 15, 2018, INDEXED- J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc.,
eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 5/Issue 31/July 30, 2018, INDEXED- J. Evid. Based Med.
2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 5/Issue 35/Aug. 27, 2018, INDEXED- J. Evid. Based
Med. Healthc.,
4. Study of Clinical Profile of Organophosphorous Compound poisoning, Dr.Shilpa Hakki, ISSN
2320-6691 (Online) Sept, 2018 Abbreviated Key Title: Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., INDEXED-
Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS)
5. NSAID Induced gastritis & its prevention through education –SJAMS. Dr.Shilpa
Hakki,SJAMS,2017 iSSN 2320-6691(online)ISSN 2347-954(print), INDEXED- Copernicus -
NSAID Induced gastritis & its prevention through education –SJAMS.
6. Study of Pulmonary function test in patient of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and its correlation
with duration of diabetes, Dr.Khwaja M Mohsin, Dr.Prasannakumar, Volume 7,issue 7 July
2018 ISSN No 2277-8160,INDEXED- Copernicus Indian citation index- Study of Pulmonary
function test in patient of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and its correlation with duration of
7. Prevalence of pulmonary hypertension among non-dialysis and dialysis dependent chronic
kidney disease, Dr.Khwaja M Mohsin, Dr.M.V.Kalasurmath, ISSN 2347-954X 30.06.2018
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pulmonary hypertension among non-dialysis and dialysis dependent chronic kidney disease.
8. Study of clinical profile of dengue patients with special reference to hepatic Dysfunction ,
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INDEXED- Copernicus Google Scholar- European Journal of Pharmaceutical and medical
9. Evaluation of clinical profile and diagnostic methods in acute pulmonary embolism 1 year
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Pharmaceutical and medical research
10. Clinical profile and Etiological Evaluation of pancytopenia in a Tertiary Care Hospital,
Dr.Hemamalini, Dr.Sneha Savanur, ISSN 2320-6691 (Online) ISSN 2347-954X (Print) June-
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11. Clinical and biochemical profile of malaria: retrospective observational study from a tertiary
centre, Dr.Kirankumar Meti, pISSN 2349-3925 | eISSN 2349-3933 June-2018, INDEXED-
International Journal of Advances in Medicine
12. Common Opportunistic Infections and their Demographical Information among Human
Immunodeficiency Virus-infected Patients, Archana Dambal(Second Author), Int Res J Cli
Med 2016;1(2):4-7, INDEXED- Index Copernicus
13. Voice of a doct-her, Archana Dambal, (First Author), J. edu. res. med. teach, 2017;5(1):1-2,
INDEXED- Index Copernicus- J. edu. res. med. teach, 2017;5(1):1-2.
14. Study of Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Dr.Naveen
Kulkarni, ISSN: 2319-7064, INDEXED-Copernicus- Impact Factor(2015): 6.391 value(2015)
15. Sudy of Pancytopenia in a Tertiary care hospital in North Karnataka, Dr.Naveen Kulkarni,
ISSN No: 2319-5886, INDEXED- International journal of Medical Research & Health
16. A study of Haematological profile in Alcoholics, Dr.Naveen Kulkarni, ISSN no 2277-8160,
INDEXED- Volume-6, Issue-5 May 2017.
17. A Clinical study of febrile thrombocytopenia at a Tertiary care hospital in North Karnataka,
Dr.Naveen Kulkarni, ISSN :0976-9633, INDEXED- International Journal of Biomedical
Research 2017;8(01):15-19
18. A Case of HIV Associated Nephropathy, Dr.Naveen Kulkarni, Vol:7/Issue-6/June-2018/ISSN
no 2277-8179, INDEXED- International Journal of Scientific Research.
19. D-dimer negative pulmonary embolism. Dhananjaya M., Kirankumar Meti, Rajendrakumar
Parakh. International Journal of Advances in Medicine Dhananjaya M et al. Int J Adv Med.
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20. Clinical profile and outcome of acute respiratory distress syndrome in intensive care unit.
Dhananjaya M, Rajendrakumar Parakh. Scholars journal of applied medical sciences
(SJAMS), vol 6, issue 4, April 2018: ISSN 2320-6691 & ISSN 2347-954X.
21. Viral Fever with Thrombocytopenia. International J Evid based med 2017. Dr Shilpa hakki.
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22. NSAID Induced gastritis & its prevention through education –SJAMS. International,2017.
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23. An experience of handling microbial contamination of product water at a Haemodialysis unit
in north Karnataka of India . Evid. Based Med. Heathc. 2017 , J. Evid. Based Med. Heathc.
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24. Voice of a doct-her. J. edu. res. med. teach, 2017;5(1):1-2. J. edu. res. med. teach,
Archana Dambal,2017;5(1):1-2(First Author) INDEXED- Index Copernicus
25. “Diagnostic Yield of Bronchoscope in Lower Lung Field Tuberculosis”(Original Article),
International Journal of Scientific Study, ISSN- NUMBER e-2321-595X, p-2321-6379,
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26. Awareness of Diabetes Mellitus & its Complications among Patients at Tertiary Care
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28. Factors that affect the severity of Dengue. Ruth Priya Senthiappan. IOSR Journal of dental
and medical sciences. Volume 15, issue 9, sept 2016, 63-65. P ISSN 2279-0861.
29. Common Opportunistic Infections and their Demographical Information among Human
Immunodeficiency Virus-infected Patients, Archana Dambal(Second Author), Int Res J Cli
Med 2016;1(2):4-7, INDEXED- Index Copernicus
30. Study of prevalence of Non alcoholic Fatty liver disease and its association with Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus in a tertiary care hospital.Dr. Mohan D Kashinkunti, Dr.Hemamalini
GEJPMR,2016, 3(2), 361-365
31. A comparison of collaborative learning with individual Learning in retention of knowledge
taught in ethics and Professionalism class of general medicine, Archana Dambal
32. A Study on etiological radiological and clinical profile of patients with non traumatic
myelopathies in a tertiary care hospital, Indexed : Google Scholar, Copernicus, Indian
citation Index, Scholars Journal of Applied medical Sciences, 2016, ISSN No. 2347-954X
(Print) ISSN No. 2320-6691 (Online), Dr. Hemamalini G (First Author).
33. .Prevalence of acute pancreatitis in organophosphate poisoning in correlation with elevated
serum amylase and lipase level in a tertiary care hospital , Indexed : Google Scholar,
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34. Study of prevalence of NAFLD and its association with type 2 diabetes in a tertiary care
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Pharmaceutical and Medical research, ISSN No. 2394-3211, Dr. Hemamalini G (Second
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outcome and etiology ,Indexed : Google Scholar, Copernicus, Indian citation Index European
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical research, 2016 ISSN No. 2394-3211, Dr. Hemamalini
G (Second Author)
36. Popcorn in brain – typical and atypical locations of cavernous angiomas in brain – a case
series, Indexed : Google Scholar, Copernicus, Indian citation Index, European Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Medical research, 2016 ISSN No. 2394-3211, Dr. Hemamalini G (First
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2279-0861 (Print), Dr. Hemamalini G (First Author)
38. Clinical Study of Anthropometry in Diabetes Mellitus: A Prospective Study, Archana Dambal
(Second Author), International Journal of Scientifi c Study, February 2015 | Vol 2 | Issue 11,
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39. Estimation of sr. uric acid level in essential hypertension and its correlation with severity and
duration of hypotension, IJAR 2015; 1(9); 844-848, Dr.KirankumarMeti (First Author),
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; Vol. 4, Issue 84, October 19;
Page: 14622-14628, INDEXED- Index Copernicus
40. Perceptions of Interns towards a Module for Teaching Medical Ethics Using the Android
Smartphone Application Whatsapp, Archana Dambal(First Author), Journal of Evolution of
Medical and Dental Sciences 2015, Vol. 4, Issue 82, October 12; Page: 14270-14276,
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41. Perceptions of Interns and General Medicine Examiners Regarding Cardiovascular Case
Presentation in Practical Exams of General Medicine in Final MBBS Summative
Examinations, Archana Dambal(First Author), Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic
Research,2015 Dec, Vol-9(12): OC21-OC24,2015 Dec, Vol-9(12): OC21-OC24
42. Awareness about prescribed medications and lifestyle modification in patients with type2
diabetes mellitus, Archana Dambal(second Author), Journal of Evidence based Medicine and
Healthcare, Volume 2, Issue 44, November 02, 2015; Page: 7931-7939, INDEXED- Index
43. Obstetric Acute Kidney Injury; A Three Year Experience at a Medical College Hospital in
North Karnataka, India, Archana Dambal (First Author), Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic
Research, 2015 Mar, Vol-9(3): OC01-OC04, INDEXED-Pubmed central & Index Medicus
44. Comparative Study of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Sputum Positive Pulmonary
Tuberculosis Category I & II RNTCP Regimens. Dr.S.SAntin ,Dr.MohanKashinkunti
Schloars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS) Sch J Med Case Sci: April-2014;
2(2B); 580-583.
45. Across Sectional study of fasting serum Magnisium levels in the patients with type 2 diabetic
mellitus and its relation to diabetic complications. Dr.S.SAntin ,Dr.MohanKashinkunti,
Dr.AniketKataria, Dr.Dhananjaya M, Dr.ShruthiAlevoorSch JAMS 2014 2 (2A)502-506 April-
46. Porcorn in Brain Typical and Atypical Locations of Cavernous Angiomas in Brain Case
Series in Tertiary Care Hospital. Dr.Hemamalini G. Dr.Mohan D Kashinkunti, Dr.AnitaKini,
Dr.SmrthiShettyejpmr . December 2014 I(I) 211-220.European Journal of Pharaceutical and
Medical Research.
47. ‘SURE THE GAP’ Exploring New Media As an Effective Tool To Create Awareness on Stis.
(ICMR Sponsered) IJRSS Vol. 4,Issue -3, August 2014 Dr.NandiniLakshmikantha Dr.Mohan
D Kashinkunti , Mr.Prashanth V.
48. Effective Health Communicating Methods Amongst Young Women an Exploratory Study.
ICMR sponsored project, Principal Investigator: Dr.NanadiniLaxmikantha, Co-Investigator:
Dr.Mohan D Kashinkunti (2012-2014).
49. Use of Pleural Fluid Lymphocyte Neutrophil Ratio in Addition to Pleural Fluid. Adenosine
Deaminase for the Diagnosis of Tuberculous Pleural Effusion.
Dr.S.S.Antin,Dr.MohanKashinkunti, Dr.DhananjaySchloars Journal of Applied Medical
sciences (SJAMS) Sch J Med Case Sci; April-2014; 2(2A) :498-501.
50. Across Sectional study of fasting serum Magnisium levels in the patients with type 2
diabetics mellitus and its relation to diabetic complications. .
Dr.S.S.Antin,Dr.MohanKashinkunti, Dr.Dhananjay.2014
51. Megaloblastic anemia secondary to vitamin B12 and foliate deficiency presenting as acute
febrile illness and pyrexia of unknown origin: A prospective study from tertiary care hospital.
Manuscript No: SJAMS-363-2014. . Dr.MohanKashinkunti, Dr.Dhananjay
52. A Study on etiological radiological and clinical profile of patients with non traumatic
myelopathies in a tertiary care hospital, Scholars Journal of Applied medical Sciences, ISSN
No. 2347-954X (Print) ISSN No. 2320-6691 (Online), Dr.Hemamalini G (First Author),
Indexed : Google Scholar, Copernicus, Indian citation Index 2014
53. Mahabalshetti AD, Aithal KR, Dhananjaya M. ‘Lower Lung Field Tuberculosis:AClinical
Study from Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of North Karnataka’. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci.,
2014; 2(5A):1581-1583., ISSN 2320-6691
54. Study of Clinical Profile of Patient with H1N1 Influenza in a teaching hospital of North
Karnataka. Dr.MohanKashinkunti, Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri, Dr.Dhananjay. Indian Journal of
Research and Report in Medical Sciences. 2014
55. Lower lung field tuberculosis : A clinical study on tertiary care teaching hospital of north
Karnataka, Sch.J.App.Med.sci. (SJMS) 2014 : 2(5A):1581 -1583. Dr.KiranAithal, Dr
Dhananjaya M
56. Use of Pleural fluid LYmophocyte Neutrophil ratio in addition to Pleural ADA for
diagnosis of Tuberculous effusion Dr.S.SAntin , Dr.MohanKashinkunti,
Dr.DhananjayaSchloars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS) Sch J Med Case Sci:
April-2014; 2(2A);498-501.
57. Short term heart rate variability for early assessment of autonomic neuropathy in patients
with type-2 diabetes mellitus: A comparative cr0oss –sectional study, Annals of Nigerian
Medicine, Annals of Nigerian Medicine, Jan-Jun2014/Vol 8/issue 1, Dr.KiranAithal
58. Clinical, Hematological and Coagulation Profile in Malaria. Dr.S.SAntin ,
Dr.MohanKashinkunti Schloars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS) Sch J Med
Case Sci: April-2014; 2(2B);584-588
59. AD Mahabalshetti, KR Aithal, BS Patil, SS Kudari, M Dhananjaya. Profile of acute poisoning
cases at a tertiary care hospital. MedicaInnovatica, June 2013, 2(1): 81-86.
60. Clinical Profile of severe Plasmodium Vivax Malaria in tertiary care center of North
Karnataka. Dr.MohanKashinkunti M. D, Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri, Dr.Dhananjaya.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research Vol .issue 7 July 2013.
61. Case series of Brucellosis from a tertiary care hospital of North Karnataka.
Dr.MohanKashinkunti, Dr.Dhananjay. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological
Research Vol 4 issue3rd June – July 2013 ,80-82.
62. Spectrum of G.B. Syndrome in a teaching hospital of North Karnataka.
Dr.MohanKashinkunti, Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri, Dr.Dhananjaya M. International Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Biological Research, Vol 4 issue 4 Aug- Sept 2013, 142-145
63. Clinical Profile and outcome of patients with acute febrile encephalopathy. A prospective
study from tertiary care teaching hospital. Dr.MohanKashinkunti ,Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri,
Dr.Dhananjay.M. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science. 2013 1(4) 269-272
64. A study of Clinical Profile of Dengue fever in a tertiary care teaching hospital.
Dr.MohanKashinkunti ,Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri, Dr.Dhananjay.M. Scholars Journal of Applied
Medical Science. 2013 1(4),280-282.
65. Acute Undifferentiated Febrile illness- Clinical Spectrum and outcome from a Tertiary Care
Teaching Hospital of North Karnataka. Dr.MohanKashinkunti, Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri,
Dr.Dhananjay International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research. 2013 4(2)
66. Clinical Spectrum of Acute Kidney Injury.A study from tertiary care teaching hospital.
Dr.MohanKashinkunti, Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri, Dr.Dhananjay. International Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Biological Research. Vol -4 issue 4 Aug- Sept 2013, 165-169 .
67. A case of Fascioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. Dr.MohanKashinkunti,
Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri, Dr.Dhananjay. International Journal of Contemporary
68. Clinical profile and outcome in patients with ventilator associated pneumonia in ICU at a
tertiary care hospital .Dr.MohanKashinkunti, Dr.Dhananjay, Indian Schloars Journal of
Applied Medical sciences ISSN 2320-6691 Vol 1,Issue 5: 415-418, Sept-Oct 2013 .
69. A Retrosepective study of stroke in Young Adults from Tertiary Care Hospital.
Dr.MohanKashinkunti, NikhitaMantri, Dr.DhananjaySchloars Journal of Applied Medical
sciences ISSN 2320-6691 Vol 1,Issue 5: 506-510, Sept-Oct 2013 .
70. AD Mahabalshetti, KR Aithal, BS Patil, SS Kudari, M Dhananjay. Profile of acute poisoning
cases at a tertiary care hospital. MedicaInnovatica, June 2013, 2(1): 81-86.
71. Clinical Profile of severe Plasmodium Vivax Malaria in tertiary care center of North
Karnataka. Dr.MohanKashinkunti M. D, Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri, Dr.Dhananjaya.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research Vol .issue 7 July 2013.
72. Case series of Brucellosis from a tertiary care hospital of North Karnataka.
Dr.MohanKashinkunti,Dr.Dhananjay. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological
Research Vol 4 issue 3rd June – July 2013,80-82.
73. Spectrum of G.B. Syndrome in a teaching hospital of North Karnataka.
Dr.MohanKashinkunti, Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri, Dr.Dhananjay International Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Biological Research, Vol 4 issue 4 Aug- Sept 2013,142-145
74. Clinical Profile and outcome of patients with acute febrile encephalopathy. A prospective
study from tertiary care teaching hospital. Dr.MohanKashinkunti
,Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri,Dr.Dhananjay.M. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Science.
2013 1(4) 269-272
75. A study of Clinical Profile of Dengue fever in a tertiary care teaching hospital.
Dr.MohanKashinkunti ,Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri,Dr.Dhananjay.M.Scholars Journal of Applied
Medical Science. 2013 1(4),280-282
76. Acute Undifferentiated Febrile illness- Clinical Spectrum and outcome from a Tertiary Care
Teaching Hospital of North Karnataka. Dr.MohanKashinkunti, Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri,
Dr.Dhananjay International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research. 2013 4(2)
77. Clinical Spectrum of Acute Kidney Injury.A study from tertiary care teaching hospital.
Dr.MohanKashinkunti, Dr.ShiddappaGundikeri, Dr.Dhananjay International Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Biological Research. Vol -4 issue 4 Aug- Sept 2013, 165-169 .
78. Clinical profile and outcome in patients with ventilator associated pneumonia in ICU at a
tertiary care hospital .Dr.MohanKashinkunti, Dr.Dhananjay, Indian Schloars Journal of
Applied Medical sciences ISSN 2320-6691 Vol 1,Issue 5: 415-418, Sept-Oct 2013 .
79. A Retrosepective study of stroke in Young Adults from Tertiary Care Hospital
Dr.MohanKashinkunti, NikhitaMantri, Dr.DhananjaySchloars Journal of Applied Medical
sciences ISSN 2320-6691 Vol 1,Issue 5: 506-510, Sept-Oct 2013 .
80. Myasthenia Gravis aggravated by lower lobe Tuberculosis, Indian Journal of Public Health
Research & Development. July-September 2013, 4(3):154-157, Dr.KiranAithal
81. Insulinoma- a misleading neuroendocrine tumour, International Journal of Biological &
Medical Research, 2013; 4(1): 2975-2977, Dr.KiranAithal
82. Kikuchi Fujimoto disease: A case report from a tertiary care hospital of North Karnataka,
Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Dr.KiranAithal
83. Prognostic importance of CRP levels in IHD, Int jBioi Med Res , 2013;4(1);2788 -2791.
84. Profile of acute poisoning cases at a tertiary care hospital, MedicaInnovatica, Medical
Innovatica, June 2013 Volume 2 Issue 1, Dr.KiranAithal
85. The correlation of the duration of Diabetes with Anthropometric Indices in Type-2 Diabetes
Mellitus., Archana Dambal (First Author), Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2011
Apr, Vol-5(2):257-259, INDEXED-Index Copernicus
86. Obstetric Acute Kidney Injury; A Three Year Experience at a Medical College Hospital in
North Karnataka, India, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research2015 Mar, Vol-9(3):
OC01-OC04, Archana Dambal(First Author), INDEXED-Pubmed central & Index Medicus
87. Perceptions of Interns and General Medicine Examiners Regarding Cardiovascular Case
Presentation in Practical Exams of General Medicine in Final MBBS Summative
Examinations, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,2015 Dec, Vol-9(12): OC21-
OC24, Archana Dambal(First Author), INDEXED- Pubmed central & Index Medicus
88. The correlation of the duration of Diabetes with Anthropometric Indices in Type-2 Diabetes
Mellitus. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,2011 Apr, Vol-5(2):257-259, Archana
Dambal,First Author ,INDEXED-Index Copernicus
89. Awareness about prescribed medications and lifestyle modification in patients with type2
diabetes mellitus Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare, Volume 2, Issue 44,
November 02, 2015; Page: 7931-7939, Archana Dambal,(second Author), INDEXED- Index
90. Clinical Study of Anthropometry in Diabetes Mellitus: A Prospective Study International
Journal of Scientifi c Study, February 2015 | Vol 2 | Issue 11, Archana Dambal, Second
Author, INDEXED- Index Copernicus
91. A comparison of collaborative learning with individual Learning in retention of knowledge
taught in ethics and Professionalism class of general medicine, Journal of Evolution of
Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; Vol. 4, Issue 84, October 19; Page: 14622-14628,
Archana Dambal, (First Author) INDEXED- Index Copernicus
92. Perceptions of Interns towards a Module for Teaching Medical Ethics Using the Android
,Smartphone Application Whatsapp, Dental Sciences 2015, Vol. 4, Issue 82, October 12;
Page: 14270-14276 Archana Dambal,(First Author) INDEXED- Index Copernicus
93. Common Opportunistic Infections and their Demographical Information among Human
Immunodeficiency Virus-infected Patients, Int Re (Second Author)s J Cli Med 2016;1(2):4-7,
Archana Dambal, INDEXED- Index Copernicus

1 Dr. Basavangouda S. Patil Professor & HOD.
2 Dr. P. B. Vijayalakshmi Professor
3 Dr. Mohan D. Kashinkunti Professor
4 Dr. Kiran R. Aithal Professor
5 Dr. KhwajaMoinuddinMohsin Associate Professor
6 Dr. Rajendrakumar B. Parakh Associate Professor
7 Dr. Hemamalini Gururaj Associate Professor
8 Dr. ArchanaDambal Associate Professor
9 Dr. ShilpaHakki Associate Professor
10 Dr. Naveen Kulkarni Associate Professor
11 Dr. Dhananjaya M Associate Professor
12 Dr. Kirankumar Meti Associate Professor
13 Dr. Mukayyaswami V Kalasurmath Assistant Professor
14 Dr. Neelakanth S Patil Assistant Professor
15 Dr. Sneha Savanur Assistant Professor
16 Dr. Rahul Bisaralli Assistant Professor
17 Dr. Rikita Mudhol Assistant Professor
18 Dr. Sheela S. Kudari Sr. Resident(MBBS)
19 Dr. Bharati A. Gadad Sr. Resident(MBBS)
20 Dr. Ravindra I. Gudneshwarmath Sr. Resident(MBBS)
21 Dr. MahabaleshwarMamadapur Sr. Resident (MD)
22 Dr. Ruth Priya Senthiappan Sr. Resident (MD)
23 Dr. PavankumarKamagond Sr. Resident (MD)
24 Dr. Siddaganga Sr. Resident (MD)
25 Dr. Bharath G Jr. Resident
26 Dr. Anoop K Jr. Resident
27 Dr. Smita R Karnik Jr. Resident
28 Dr. JeediguntaSaigunaranjan Jr. Resident
29 Dr. Mohammad ZubairDidgur Jr. Resident
30 Dr. Pooja Dugani Jr. Resident
31 Dr. Parvatikar Vikas Bapurao Jr. Resident
32 Dr. Tejal S Kakhandki Jr. Resident
33 Dr. Dushyanth B Jr. Resident
34 Dr. Joseph Varghese Jr. Resident
35 Dr. Madhusudana Rao Nukavarapu Jr. Resident
36 Dr. Bharat Laxman Shet Jr. Resident
37 Dr. ChennupatiYogitha Jr. Resident
38 Dr. Poojashree J Jr. Resident
39 Dr. Bharath Jagadish Manakame Jr. Resident
40 Dr. Raghavendra Chavan Jr. Resident
41 Dr. Raju R. Shirur Jr. Resident
42 Dr. SandeshAjanalli Jr. Resident
43 Dr. Shodhan R Aithal Jr. Resident
44 Dr. Vrushabhveer C P Jr. Resident
45 Dr. Radhika Acharya U Jr. Resident
46 Dr. Sachin Aurade Jr. Resident

General Surgery

About the Department

The Department of Surgery is one of the largest departments in the hospital and provides surgical
care and teaching. The department has four units and provides high quality, affordable, surgical care
in the outpatient, inpatient and emergency surgical settings. Besides patient care, the department
trains undergraduate and postgraduate students in Surgery. The department began providing
services in 2004 and was earlier headed by Dr.M. Manivachagan MS (October 2004 to May 2006)
and Dr. Mukund M. Battal MS (July 2006 to July 2009).
Head of the Department
Dr Mallikarjun V Desai is the Head of the Department of Surgery. Dr Mallikarjun Desai completed his
MBBS from the Mysore Medical College and his MS from the Karnataka Medical College, Hubli. He
has worked at Government Medical College, Bellary, Karnataka Medical College, Hubli, and the
Mysore Medical College, Mysore. He was formerly the Head of Surgery and the Director of the
Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli. He joined SDM College of Medical Sciences and
Hospital in July 2009 as the Head of the Department. Dr.Mallikarjun Desai has 42 years of
experience in teaching undergraduate and post graduate students in Surgery.

Patient care
The department provides outpatient, inpatient and emergency surgical care of patients. Outpatient
consultation and services are available from 8.30 AM to 5.00 PM, Monday to Saturday. Inpatient
facilities are provided round the clock. The operating rooms are state of the art with the latest
equipments and facilities. The department has a 12 bedded, dedicated, surgical intensive care unit
for the management of critically ill surgical patients.

Diagnostic Facilities
The Department provides endoscopic evaluation facilities for the management of Gastro-intestinal
diseases. Both Upper and Lower (ODG scopy, Colonoscopy), diagnostic as well as therapeutic
endoscopy services (dilatation, variceal banding, sclerotherapy) are provided.

Treatment facilities
Surgical procedures performed by the department include

 Upper Gastro-Intestinal (Oesophagectomy, Gastrectomy, Small bowel resection etc)

 Lower Gastro-Intestinal ( Colectomy, Rectopexy etc)
 Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic surgery. (Whipples Procedure , Pancreatico jejunostomy)
 Laparoscopic surgery (Cholecystectomy, Appendicectomy, Fundoplication etc)
 Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery
 Ano-rectal surgeries (Haemorrhoidectomy, Fistulectomy, Rectopexy )
 Endocrine Surgery (Thyroidectomy, Adrenelectomy, Parathyroid surgery)
 Breast Surgery (Mastectomy, Breast Lump Excision , MRM , BCS)
 Head and Neck Surgery (Oral cancers, Parotidectomy, Salivary Gland Tumors))
 General Thoracic & Vascular Surgery (Thoracotomy, VATS, Varicose veins etc)
 Emergency & Trauma care (laparotomy, thoracotomy, splenectomy etc)
 Basic dental procedures
 Diabetic Foot Management

Teaching Program
Undergraduate students undergo clinical training in surgery from the II year onwards. Daily clinical
teaching is done in the hospital wards. Theory classes are conducted in the college lecture halls on
all days. Interns are posted for training in Surgery for two months. They are trained in basic surgical
care and assisting during operations. The department also conducts weekly seminars and surgical
skills training for the interns. Post-graduate surgical trainees pursuing Master of Surgery (MS)
course undergo three years training in the department. Postgraduate clinics and subject seminars
are conducted weekly. Inter-departmental discussions, management oriented discussions in surgery
and grand rounds are conducted once a month. In addition, the department conducts morbidity and
mortality meeting once a month. The department conducts theory teaching for physiotherapy,
nursing and anaesthesia technician’s courses. Oral Maxillofacial Postgraduate students are posted
in our department for the period of one month. The Department also trains the students from abroad
under the GEMX programme.


1. Abhilash Gautham Ramesh, Aditya Godkhindi: A Study of Hollow VISCUS Perforation

Influencing Outcome:Prospective Study , New Indian Journal of Surgery:Volume9 .Number
3: May-June 2018
2. Chandrashekar Reddy J. Madinur , Prashant Tubachi, A. S. Godhi A comparative study of
the effect of piroxicam versus diclofenac on wound healing in clean abdominal wounds , Int
Surg J. 2018 Mar;5(3):1041-1045 : pISSN 2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902
3. Saurabh Agrawal, Srinivas Pai. Evaluation of postoperative pain relief with intra-peritoneal
bupivacaine instillation in laparoscopic cholecystectomy- a randomized control study:
International Surgery Journal Agrawal S et al. Int Surg J.2017 Apr;4(4):1195-1200 pISSN
2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902
4. Sameer Ahmed Mulla, Srinivas Pai. Varicose veins: a clinical study. International Surgery
Journal Mulla SA et al. Int Surg J. 2017 Feb;4(2):xxx-xxx. pISSN 2349-3305 | eISSN
5. Sameer Ahmed Mulla, Srinivas Pai, Prakash Mahalingashetty. Limberg flap for pilonidal
sinus: an institutional study International Surgery Journal Mulla SA et al. Int Surg J. 2017
Feb;4(2):xxx-xxx pISSN 2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902
6. Khamar J. Banu*, Shubhakar C. Bhandary, Aditya D. Godkhindi. Role of vitamin D as a risk
factor in post-thyroidectomy transient hypocalcemia: a prospective study International
Surgery Journal Banu KJ et al. Int Surg J. 2016 Aug;3(3):1173-1175: pISSN 2349-3305 |
eISSN 2349-2902
7. Srinivas Pai- contributor- Mortality of emergency abdominal surgery in high-, middle-and
low-income countries, BJS 2016;103:971-988
8. Benakatti Rajendra , Prashanth Tubachi, Raghunath Prabhu, Rajgopal shenoy. Phyllodes
Tumor - A Clinicopathological Study. Volume 15, Issue No.03 , Version 1 :P.33-37 of Journal
of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)2016 , p ISSN :2279-0861 e ISSN :2279-0853
9. Raghunath Prabhu , Chandni Ravi , Srinivas Pai , Gabriel Rodrigues. The efficacy of topical
phenytoin in the healing of diabetic foot ulcers: a randomized double-blinded trial. Int J
Diabetes Developing Countries 2016 ,ISSN :0973-3930
10. Harihar Vishwanath Hegde, Shivi Maheshwari, B Srinivas Pai, Sameer
Ahmed. Dexmedetomidine in anaesthesia for a high?risk case of pheochromocytoma with
poor left ventricular function. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia : Feb 2016 ISSN:0019-5049
11. Khamar J.Banu , Shubhakar C.Bhandary, Aditya D.Godkhindi : Role of vitamin D as a risk
factor in post-thyroidectomy transient hypocacemia : a prospective study : International
Surgery Journal: May 2016
12. Rajesh Ballal, KhamarJaha Banu & Likith Rai : Laparoscopic Repair of Spigelian Hernia : A
Case Report :Nitte University Journal of Health Science: April 2016
13. Sanjay Koppad, Abhinandan B.Vankudri, Mallikarjun Desai, Harsha Kodliwadmath.
Analysis of Mannheim Peritonitis Index Scoring in Predicting Outcome in Patients with
Peritonitis Secondary to Hollow Viscus Perforation - Volume 3, Issue 3 of ISJ in August
2016, PRINT ISSN : 2349-3305 ONLINE ISSN : 2349-290
14. Sanjay Koppad, Harsha Kodliwadmath, Mallikarjun Desai. Analysis of Application and
Diagnostic Importance of Alvarado Scoring System in Patients with Right Lower Quadrant
Abdominal Pain. Volume 3, Issue 3 of International Surgery Journal in August 2016 PRINT
ISSN : 2349-3305 ONLINE ISSN : 2349-290
15. Suresh Badiger, Sanjay Koppad, Ashwin Kulkarni,Harsha Kodliwadmath. Comparative
analysis of Open Vs laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. International Surgery Journal 2016
,Vol.3,Issue 3 : PRINT ISSN : 2349-3305
16. Sanjay N.koppad, Suresh Badiger, Mallikarjun Desai, Harsha Kodliwadmath.
Comparative Analysis of the efficacy of topical negative pressure dressing with conventional
wound drerssing in wound dressing in wound healing. Volume 3, Issue 3 of ISJ in August
17. Harsha Kodliwadmath, Sanjay Koppad, Mallikarjun Desai, Suresh Badiger. Correlation of
Glassow outcome score to glasgow coma score assessed at admission. Volume 03, Issue
No.04 :P.1-5 of International Surgery Journal -2016. pISSN 2349-3305 /eISSN 2349-2902
18. Dr.Saurabh Agrawal, Dr. Srinivas Pai. Comparative Study of Outcomes of InguinalHernia
Repair under Local and Spinal Anaesthesia. Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 | December-2016 • ISSN
No 2277 - 8179 | IF : 3.508 | IC Value : 78.46
19. Nagalakshmi Vijaykumar, Suresh P Badiger, Sharankumar TM, Shobha C Nallulwar.
Cardiovascular Autonomic Functional Modulation in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – A Cross
Sectional Study Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology 2016;3(1):27-29
20. Abhinandan B.Vankudri, Sanjay Koppad, Dinesh M. Gunasagar, Mallikarjun
Desai. Evaluation of modified Alvarado score in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Volume
4, Issue No.1: of International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences : January 2016.p
ISSN :2320-6071 e ISSN :2320-6012
21. Prashant Tubachi1, K. Rajgopal Shenoy, Raunak Maru, Deepti Pai. Posterior Gastric
Perforation in a Case of Pancreatitis with Pseudocyst IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical
Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 14, Issue 2 Ver. I
(Feb. 2015), PP 103-105
22. Prashanth Tubachi , Ravikiran Naalla, Vijay Koduru, Rajgopal Shenoy. Primary cutaneous
rhinopsoridiosis : an unusual lesion with an unusual presentation, Volume 14, Issue No.02 ,
Version 1 :P.103-105 of Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)2016, p ISSN
:2279-0861 e ISSN :2279-0853
23. Nagalakshmi Vijaykumar* and Suresh Badiger : Effect of acute and chronic nicotine
consumption on reaction time Al Ameen J Med Sc i 2015; 8(3) :179-183 _ US National
Library of Medicine enlisted journal _ ISSN 0974-1143
24. Prashant Tubachi, Ashok Godhi : Antibacterial Effect of Low Level Laser Therapy in
Infective Diabetic Foot Ulcers: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS):
e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 14, Issue 9 Ver. I (Sep. 2015), PP 110-114
25. Varun Laddha, Prashant Tubachi, K. Rajgopal Shenoy: Pseudocyst of Pancreas: Clinical
Study: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-
ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 14, Issue 10 Ver. VI (Oct. 2015), PP 101-105
26. Abhinandan B.Vankudri, Sanjay Koppad,Arunkumar Jeedi, Mallikarjun Desai. A Prospective
Study of Christian Scoring System and its Co-Relation with Ultrasound in diagnosing Acute
Appendicitis. Volume 5, Issue No.1:P.472-477 of International Journal of Basic and Applied
Medical Research: December 2015. p ISSN :2250-284X e ISSN :2250-2858
27. Suresh Badiger, Nagalakshmi V. Clinical Study of Blunt Trauma abdomen. Volume 34,
Issue No.02: 204-206 of IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2014
28. Sundeep Ashokkumar Naik , Srinivas Pai Unusual case of gastro jejuno-colic fistula with
perforation: a rare case report Pan African Medical Journal. 2014; 18:341
29. Dr.Prashant Tubachi, Dr.Annappa Kudva,Dr.Sourabh Agarwal,Dr.Vineet Mannan. Surgical
Excision of a Large Popliteal Varicosity in a Patient with Type 3 Von Willebrand Disease.
Journal of Dental and Medical sciences (IOSR-JDMS)e-ISSN:2279-0853,p-ISSN:2279-
0861,Volume 13,Issue 12 Yer.VII (Dec.2014),PP 84-86
30. Geeta karbeet Radhakrishna , P. R. Bhat , Rajgopal K. Shenoy , Srinivas Pai .Primary
Mesenteric Fibromatosis:A Case Report with Brief Review of Literature & Harpreet Singh
Indian J Surg (June 2013) 75(Suppl 1):S131–S133 .DOI 10.1007/s12262-012-0515-7
31. Bhaskaran A.Vasanthkumar G., Aparna Narsimha, Ambikavathy M,
Basavarajappa M , Harsha Kodliwadmath. Extradural Neurilemmoma of The Lumbosacral
Region. J Clin Biomed Sci 2011 :1 (4)
32. Harsha Kodliwadmath, Bhaskaran A,Prasad CSBR, Basavarajappa M ,Ambikavathy M,
Vasanth Kumar G. Evaluation of modified Alvarado score in the diagnosis of Acute
Appendicitis And It's Correlation With Ultrasonography And Histopathology: J Clin
Biomed Sci 2011 : 1 (4) 2012
33. Harihar V.Hegde, Shanmukh Hiremath, Ashwin Kulkarni, M.P.Bharat. Emergency ,
anaesthetic and intensive care management of a case of eventration of diahragm, Bochdalek
hernia and an intra-thoracic gastic rupture with gastric gangrene. Trends in Anaesthesia and
Critical Care 1 (2011) 42- 45
34. B. Srinivas Pai · Saurabh Agarwal · Srinivasan G. · Lakshmi Rao · Anuradha C. K. Rao.
Metaplastic carcinoma breast (carcinosarcoma variant) Indian Journal of Surgery 2009
(Suppl 1): 357–358 DOI: 10.1007/s12262-010-0104-6
35. S Pai, L Ramachandra, R Shenoy, G Kamath. Bochdalek’s Hernia in Adults – a Report of 4
Cases. The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2008 Volume 18 Number 2.
36. A Dayal, S Pai, K Shenoy, P Kansakar, A Kannan, Y Sharma, G Rodrigues, S Khan. Isolated
Primary Tuberculosis Of Inguinal Lymph Nodes: An Acute Presentation. The Internet Journal
of Surgery. 2007 Volume 14 , Number 1.
37. B Pai, V Anand, K Shenoy. Diagnostic Accuracy Of Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology Versus
Frozen Section In Solitary Thyroid Nodules. The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2006 Volume
12 Number2
38. B Srinivas Pai, N Satyanarayana, M Prakash, R Shanoy, F Alvares. An Unusual Case Of
Gastric Carcinoma Presenting With Only Bone Metastasis As The Site Of Dissemination.
The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2004 Volume 6, Number 1.

Dissertations/ Research

1. Utility of Annex in A 2 as a serum biomarker for predicting triple negative Breast Cancer
2. Hyperglycemia induced alterations and its effect on growth and proliferation of Hepatocellular
3. Intraabdominal hypertension and the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome in patients
with severe Acute Pancreatitis: Analysis of effects and response to interventions
4. Phantom limb sensation in amputees and the utility of mirror box therapy in its treatment
5. A prospective study utilizing a bowel injury prediction score for predicting blunt bowel injury
6. Co-relation between Glasgow Coma score and the Glasgow Outcome Score in patients
with head injury. (ICMR project)
7. Comparative study of outcomes inguinal hernia repair under spinal v/s local anesthesia.
8. Bowel preparation for colonoscopy using monosodium phosphate dihydrate: divided doses
versus single dose regimen.
9. Comparative study of FNAC frozen section and histopathology in a thyroid swelling.
10. Response to neo adjuvant chemotherapy in carcinoma breast.
11. A comparative study of single incision laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with conventional
laparoscopic instruments versus multiple port laparoscopic Cholecystectomy.
12. A comparative study of Glasgow score and contrast enhanced computerized tomography,
correlation of outcomes in patients with acute pancreatitis.
13. Development of new scoring system for grading operative findings during laparoscopic
cholecystectomy and evaluating its effectiveness in predicting difficulty and complication
14. “A Study of Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Patients Presenting With Non Ulcer
15. " Factors Affecting Serum Calcium Levels In Patients Undergoing Total Thyroidectomy “
16. “Comparison of Laparoscopic Vs Open Repair Of Ventral Hernia with Mesh”
17. A Study of morbidity and mortality due to soft tissue infections and a new scoring system for
prediction of complications
18. Evaluation of postoperative pain relief with interaperitonial bupivacaine instillation in
laparoscopic cholecystectomy a Randomized Control study
19. Comparative study of post-operative outcomes of open versus closed hemorrhoidectomy
20. Subcutaneous Negative Pressure versus Simple Closure Of Skin Incision Following An
Emergency Laparotomy
21. Evaluation of Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) for predicting the mortality and morbidity in
patients with peritonitis secondary to hollow viscus perforation.
22. Observational study of clinical presentation and management modalities of varicose veins in
patients treated in SDM College of Medical Sciences & Hospital
23. Observational study comparing conventional haemorrhoidectomy and harmonic scalpel
technique of haemorrhoidectomy .
24. Utility of the " Harmless acute pancreatitis score in predicting the course of Acute

Awards and Achievements

1. Dr. Mallikarjun V Desai Professor & HOD Department of General Surgery Life time
Achievements award KSC – ASICON – 2015 Mysore .
2. Dr. B. Srinivas Pai, Dr. Niranjankumar, Dr. Avinash Prabhu, Department of General
Surgery won the first prize in poster presentation “Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
of thyroid in a background of Hashimoto's thyroiditis” at KSCASCICON Conference, Manipal
held on Feb. 2014.
3. Dr. Sameer Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery awarded as best
poster presentation “Rare Case of Intrahepatic Pseudocyst” at KSCASCICON Conference,
Mysore held on Feb. 2015.

1 Dr. Mallikarjun V. Desai Professor & HOD
2 Dr. Ashwin L. Kulkarni Professor
3 Dr. B. Srinivas Pai Professor
4 Dr. Suresh Badiger Professor
5 Dr. PrashantTubachi Associate Professor
6 Dr. Harsha B Kodliwadmath Associate Professor
7 Dr. Sameer Ahmed Associate Professor
8 Dr. Likith M Rai Assistant Professor
9 Dr. Aditya Godkhindi Assistant Professor
10 Dr. Nagaraj Malladad Assistant Professor
11 Dr. Arjunrao Y S Assistant Professor
12 Dr. Madhusudhan B V Assistant Professor
13 Dr. Sharanbasavaraj C. Javali Assistant Professor
14 Dr. Jayant Moger Assistant Professor
15 Dr. Amit M. Mujumdar Sr. Resident
16 Dr. Surendra C. Wodeyar Sr. Resident
17 Dr. Mohammed Hayat Dakhani Sr. Resident
18 Dr. Rangappa Patil Sr. Resident
19 Dr. Amar A Murgod Sr. Resident
20 Dr. Veerendra Patil Sr. Resident
21 Dr. Pavan S Sr. Resident
22 Dr. Suneelkumar Sanganal Sr. Resident
23 Dr. Mohammedfaziluddin Jr. Resident
24 Dr. Dishitha Shetty Jr. Resident
25 Dr. RakeshKagita Jr. Resident
26 Dr. Veeramachaneni S. Seshendra Jr. Resident
27 Dr. Medha Urval Jr. Resident
28 Dr. K Sphurti Kamath Jr. Resident
29 Dr. Manasa U Jr. Resident
30 Dr. Chandhana Vishal N Jr. Resident
31 Dr. Apoorva Bhat N U Jr. Resident
32 Dr. Disha Shetty Jr. Resident
33 Dr. Jyoti Vadaratti Jr. Resident
34 Dr. Radhika Bhimalli Jr. Resident
35 Dr. Roopashree K R Jr. Resident
36 Dr. Aakarsh G Kini Jr. Resident
37 Dr. Manjunath R Bannur Jr. Resident
38 Dr. Yajnesh C Shetty Jr. Resident

Hospital Administration

SDM College of Medical Sciences & Hospital is the 11th Medical College in India to start MD in
Hospital Administration. Faculties with extensive experience in both teaching & managing best of
hospitals in India, this will be a unique department. Faculties being in the helm of affairs of running
one of the best managed hospitals, students will be industry ready when they complete the course &
they have no problem in placement in best of hospitals including AIIMS Institutions. Apart from
managing large hospitals, avenues are plenty for the graduates in insurance, startups, hospital
planning, consultancy etc.

This is a 3 years fulltime programme and only MBBS graduates are eligible for admission.

It is a good choice for those MBBS graduates who are motivated in shaping their career in managing
large hospitals.

For further enquiries please contact:

+91 836 247 7006 / 7008 / 7130

List of Faculties:
1. Dr. Satyashankar P. - Professor & HOD
2. Dr. Kiran Hegde S. - Associate Professor
3. Dr. Nitinkumar N. Marathe - Assistant Professor
4. Dr. PadminiKumari B - Senior Resident - (MD)
Obstetrics & Gynaecology

About the Department

The department of Obstetrics & Gynecology started functioning in 2004. The department has
progressed rapidly with more than 110 percent bed occupancy, more than 4750 OPD cases per
month, over 300 deliveries per month and more than 300 surgical procedures per month. The Out
Patient Department, the Labour Theatre and the Operation Theatres are all equipped with modern
instruments & gadgets. All the staff members have been instrumental in giving the patients excellent
care with compassion & competence. The department of Obstetrics & Gynecology runs an intensive
teaching program for the undergraduates & the postgraduates. The department conducts
conferences and workshops regularly. All the staff members play an active role in the activities of the
Hubli Dharwad Obstetric & Gynaecolgical society affiliated to the national body FOGSI.

Head of the Department

Dr. Rathnamala M. Desai is the Head of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. She has
graduated from the Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli with six gold medals. She has 33
years of experience in teaching and clinical practice. She is an academician with a passion for
teaching. She has delivered lectures in national and state conferences and has several publications
to her credit.

Teaching Program
The department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology conducts intensive teaching programmes for the
undergraduates & the postgraduates. Undergraduate teaching starts from the third term to the ninth
term. The theory lecture classes are held every day. The students also have clinical postings every
day. Students undergo rigorous training in clinical examination & management in the wards. They
get an opportunity to observe many surgical procedures. The students are also posted to the labour
theatre in small groups for one week where they get a closer look at how the emergencies are
tackled day & night. The undergraduate students also have seminars, tutorials and general clinics
every week, which enhances the students’ knowledge as well as prepares them for the
examinations.The postgraduate teaching includes weekly seminars, case discussions & journal
clubs. There are frequent interdepartmental meetings, clinico-pathological meetings, subject
symposia, perinatal & maternal mortality meetings. The postgraduates get a graded training in the
labour theatre. They get an opportunity to assist all operations including endoscopy & radical
surgery. They also get a chance to perform several major and minor surgical procedures under the
supervision of the staff. The students' performance is assessed periodically by internal assessment.

Community Service
The department conducts Reproductive Health check-up camp and Laparoscopic Sterilization camp
every week at the Family Planning Association of India, Dharwad branch .

Treatment Facilities
Outpatient care includes regular antenatal care, postnatal care & family planning. Speciality clinics
like the infertility clinic, menopause clinic, adolescent clinic and cancer clinic are available every
day. Antenatal cases are evaluated in the OPD by Ultrasonography, Doppler and Non-stress
tests. Antenatal classes for expectant mothers are conducted on the first Friday of every month by
Obstetrician, Dietician, Physiotherapist and Yoga therapist. Screening for gynaecological
malignancies like Pap smears, colposcopy, colposcopy directed biopsies, endometrial biopsies and
transvaginal sonographies are carried out in the OPD. Infertility evaluation like follicular study and
sonosalpingography are done in the OPD. The Labour theatre is an air-conditioned set up with
facilities for Ultrasonography, Cardio-tocography and Epidural analgesia. Specialists, postgraduates
and nursing staff are posted round the clock to attend to normal labours as well as all types of
emergencies. The wards are clean, spacious, well ventilated and well equipped. The staff and
postgraduates are available day and night to attend to the in-patients in the wards.

Diagnostic Facilities
Operative Facilities
All types of surgeries are performed in our department.
Minor Surgeries- D&C, D&E, MTP, Biopsy, Tubectomy
Major surgeries- LSCS, Hysterectomy (Abdominal, Vaginal, Laparoscopy)
Special Surgeries:
All Laparoscopic Surgeries

 Laparoscopic tubectomy
 Lap. Ovarian cystectomy
 Lap. Ectopic pregnancy management
 Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH)
 Diagnostic Hystero-laparoscopy

Pelvic Floor Surgeries

 Mesh repairs
 Site specific repairs
 Vault fixation procedures.

Gynecological Oncology -Surgeries

 Radical Hysterectomy
 Debulking surgery for Carcinoma ovary.
 Vulvectomy

Fertility Enhancing Surgeries

 Myomectomy
 Tuboplasty

Conferences/CME Conducted
Sl.No. Date Conference /CME
1 3/16/2008 Organised Endo Gyn Live Workshop at SDMCMS&H Dharwad.
6th & 7th July Live Workshop for House Surgeons in Association with Ethicon Institute of
2010 Surgical Skills
29/01/2011 &
3 Jointly organised with HODGS & ICOG Endoscopy Workshop & CME
16th October Department of Ob & Gyn. SDMCMS&H jointly with HDOGS Hubli
19th & 20th May
5 Regional Medico Legal conference jointly with HDOGS Hubli
14th & 15th July
6 Urogynaecology Live surgical work shop at SDM with HDOGS Hubli
7 28.04.2013 CME Live workshop on Colposcopy At SDM Medical Collage Dharwad
04 -01-2013 to 06- RCOG Workshop On Basic Practical Skills In OB & GYN - An Intensive
01-2013 Hans On Course
9 12th Jan 2014 Focussed Endoscopy workshop 2014
17-01-2014 to 19- RCOG Workshop On Basic Practical Skills In OB & GYN - An Intensive
01-2014 Hans On Course

1. Sunilkumar KS, Yaliwal LV, Amarnath A, Anchan P. Ruptured rudimentary horn of the
unicornuate uterus at 16 weeks of pregnancy: a case report. International Journal of
Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013; 2(2): 248-250.
2. Sunilkumar KS, Yaliwal LV, Desai RM, Pragna K, Apoorva A. Successful outcomes of
pregnancy with aplastic anaemia: a case report. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental
Sciences. 2013 Mar; 2(12): 1758-1760.
3. Desai RM. Efficacy of levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine system for the treatment of
menorrhagia due to benign uterine lesions in perimenopausal women. Journal of Midlife
Health. 2012 Jan; 3(1): 20-3.
4. Yaliwal LV, Desai RM. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutations, a genetic cause for
familial recurrent neural tube recurrent neural tube defects. Indian Journal of Human
Genetics 2012; 18(1): 122-124.
5. Yaliwal LV, Sunilkumar KS, Desai RM, Joshi SK. Cystic hygroma: a differential diagnosis for
increased nuchal translucency. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical & Health Sciences. 2012
Apr-June; 2(2): 305-307.
6. Yaliwal LV, Desai RM, Sunilkumar KS. Pregnancy outcome of a case with a rare
chromosomal balanced translocation 46XX t(4;13). Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic
Research. 2012 May (Suppl-2); 6(4): 736-737.
7. Sunilkumar KS, Yaliwal LV, Desai RM, Patil AS, Dinesh US. Pre-operatively diagnosed
unruptured primary ovarian ectopic pregnancy. Indian maternal and child health; 2012 Jan–
8. Sunilkumar KS, Yaliwal LV, Desai RM. Successful pregnancies following hormone
replacement therapy in a patient with premature ovarian failure: a case report. Journal
Clinical and Diagnostic Research; 2012 Feb; 6(1): 118-119.
9. Hegde HV, Patil PB, Rameshkumar R, Sunita TH, Bhat MT, Desai RM, Rao PR. A rare case
of antepartum posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. Anaesthesia and Intensive
Care. 2011 May; 39(3): 499-502.
10. Sunitha TH, Desai RM, Premaleela KGM. A rare case of inherited factor-II deficiency causing
life threatening menorrhagia. Annals of medical and health sciences research. 2012 July;
2(2): 202-203.
11. Sunilkumar KS, Suri V, Sharma M. Bacterial vaginosis in preterm labor. International Journal
of Gynecology & Obstetrics. 2006 Oct; 95(1): 40-41.
12. Shyamsundar, Desai RM. Pavitra. A case report on a myomectomy which was done during a
caesarean section. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2013 Apr; 7(4): 729–730.
13. Ferrao SR, Kamath VS, Ramachandra A. A comparative study of tissue adhesive and
absorbable subcuticular suture in skin closure of Pfannenstiel incision in obstetric and
gynecological surgeries. International Journal of Medical Science and clinical inventions.
2014 Dec; 1(9): 439-451.
14. Kodandapani S, Nambiar J, Kamath V, Pai MV, Rao L. Sertoli Leydig cell tumor with unusual
tumor marker: management dilemmas. World Journal of Medical and Surgical Case Reports.
2013; 2: 50-55.
15. Sunilkumar KS, Yaliwal LV, Desai RM, Patil AS, Dinesh US. Pre-operatively diagnosed
unruptured primary ovarian ectopic pregnancy. Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health.
2012 Jan-Mar; 14(1):
16. Sunilkumar KS, Hoblidar S, Rameshkumar R, Desai RM, Yelamali NA. Lymphangioma
involving the foetal lower limb, a rare condition diagnosed on prenatal ultrasound. Journal of
Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Jul; 8(7): 10-11.
17. Hegde HV, Yaliwal VG, Sunilkumar KS, Rameshkumar R, Rao PR. Efficacy of orally
disintegrating film of ondansetron versus intravenous ondasetron in prophylaxis of
postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing elective gynaecological
laparoscopic procedures: A prospective randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study.
Indian Journal of Anaesthesia. 2014; 58(4): 423-9.
18. Sunita TH, Desai RM. Knowledge, attitude and practice of contraception among women
attending a tertiary care hospital in India. International Journal of Reproduction,
Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013 Jun; 2(2): 172-176.
19. Sunita TH, Desai RM. Eclampsia in a teaching hospital: incidence, clinical profile and
response to magnesium sulphate by zuspan’s regimen. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical
Sciences. 2013 Jan-Feb; 4(2): 01-05.
20. Sunita TH, Desai RM, Premaleela K. A rare case of inherited factor-II deficiency causing life-
threatening menorrhagia. Annals of Medical and Health Sciences. 2012 Jul-Dec; 2(2): 202–
21. Shraddha K, Sunitha TH, Saraswati, Desai RM, Hepsibarani S. Case report: adenomatoid
tumor of the uterus. Journal of Medical Sciences and clinical research. 2014; 2(11): 1911-13.
22. Rameshkumar R, Patil M, Shruti SA. The utility of caesarean myomectomy as a safe
procedure: a retrospective analysis of 21 cases with review of literature. Journal of Clinical
diagnosis & research. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Sep; 8(9): 05-08.
23. Rameshkumar, Shruti SA, Saraswathi P. Clear cell carcinoma of cervix in a 60- year- old
woman: a case report. Journal of Clinical Diagnosis & Research. 2014 Aug; 8(8): 1-2.
24. Pradeep AV, Rao S, Rameshkumar R. Partial HELLP syndrome with unilateral exudative
retinal detachment treated conservatively. Soudi Journal of Ophthalmology. 2014 Oct; 28(4):
25. Lingegowda KD, Kulkarni N, Pradeep S, Mamatha P. A live secondary abdominal
pregnancy of 15 weeks gestation following tubal abortion. Biomedicine. 2012 July; 32(3).
26. Kulkarni N, Bhat BS, Lingegowda K, Shailaja N. One year cross sectional study of maternal
and fetal outcome in booked and referred cases Biomedicine. 2012 Jan-Mar; 33(1): 57-64.
27. Srujana R, Shailaja N, Lingegowda K, Kulkarni N, Kaur P, Bhat BS. To compare and
evaluate the efficacy and safety of drotaverine, valethamate bromide and the combination of
both the drugs. Biomedicine. 2012 Jan-Aug; 33(3): 318-324.
28. Lingegowda K, Kulkarni N, Nageshu S, Sangavikar A, Salicheemala B, Swetha C. A rare
case of vaginal myomectomy of huge cervical fibroid. Biomedicine. 2014; 34(2): 264-266.
29. Nageshu S, KulkarniN, Lingegowda K, Vanishree, Bhat BS, Krishna K, Swathi G. Outcome
of a rare case of Fetal Solitary Cardiac Rhabdomyoma not Associated with Tuberous
Sclerosis. Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2014 Apr-
June; 8(2): 226-228.


1. Comparative study of cytology, colposcopy, and colposcopy guided cervical biopsy in

enhancing diagnostic accuracy in preinvasive lesions of uterine cervix - a Prospective study.
2. Role of Uterine artery doppler at 12 to 16 weeks of gestation in prediction of Pre-eclampsia
and its outcome: A case control study.
3. A Prospective randomised control study of carboprost versus oxytocin for active
management of Third stage of labour.
4. Role of Hysterolaparoscopy in evaluation of infertility- A one year prospective study.
5. Clinical outcome in pregnancy of oligohydromnios (AFI < 5mg) and its correlation with
umbilical artery Doppler.
6. Clinical Study of ectopic pregnancy.
7. Trans vaginal USG & HPR findings - correlations in abnormal uterine bleeding
8. Extraamniotic saline infusion Vs cerviprime gel in induction of labour

1 Dr. Rathnamala M. Desai Professor & HOD
2 Dr. Asha D. Neravi Professor
3 Dr. Vidya S Kamath Professor
4 Dr. Sunilkumar K. S. Professor
5 Dr. Sunita T. H. Professor
6 Dr. Rameshkumar R. Professor
7 Dr. SuchithHoblidar Associate Professor
8 Dr. Namrata R Kulkarni Associate Professor
9 Dr. Nishtha Amrut Mahabalshetti Assistant Professor
10 Dr. Leena Kamat Assistant Professor
11 Dr. SahanaNagarajNaik D Assistant Professor
12 Dr. Vrinda K Patil Assistant Professor
13 Dr. VoorkaraUdayashree Assistant Professor
14 Dr. Kiran C Naik Assistant Professor
15 Dr. Sneha G S Assistant Professor
16 Dr. Nathasha H K Assistant Professor
17 Dr. Chaitra Kulkarni Assistant Professor
18 Dr. Saniya S Sheikh Assistant professor
19 Dr. Sudha L. Nagarkatti Sr. Resident
20 Dr .Roopa B S Sr. Resident
21 Dr. Vinuta B Kulkarni Sr. Resident
22 Dr. Seema Chigateri Sr. Resident
23 Dr. Asha Rani Sr. Resident
24 Dr. Apoorva M Hiremath Sr. Resident
25 Dr. Mahalkshmi Gaddi Sr. Resident
26 Dr. Sharath Kumar Sr. Resident
27 Dr. Mahalakshmi Gaddi Sr. Resident
28 Dr. Suma S Moni Jr. Resident
29 Dr. Madhumati G K Jr. Resident
30 Dr. Kirasur Varsha Vijayendra Jr. Resident
31 Dr. Ashika Padival M Jr. Resident
32 Dr. Ashitha A V Jr. Resident
33 Dr. Ektha M Shetty Jr. Resident
34 Dr. Neetha J Poonja Jr. Resident
35 Dr. ShaliniBhat B Jr. Resident
36 Dr. Madhushree N Jr. Resident
37 Dr. Sridevi A S Jr. Resident
38 Dr. Priyanka Jr. Resident
39 Dr. Mokhasunavisu Hiranmaye Jr. Resident
40 Dr. Sahana H Saraf Jr. Resident
41 Dr. Divya Chandrashekhar Jr. Resident
42 Dr. Kripali Rai Jr. Resident
43 Dr. Ramya V R Jr. Resident
44 Dr. Akshatha Jr. Resident
45 Dr. Akshitha K Jr. Resident
46 Dr. Celine Aricatt Jr. Resident
47 Dr. Nyladi Meenakshi Jr. Resident
48 Dr. Pooja H N Jr. Resident
49 Dr. Prajna. K. Mavintop Jr. Resident
50 Dr. Sanchita Hegde Jr. Resident
51 Dr. Sunil C V Jr. Resident
52 Dr. Adithi Jr. Resident
53 Dr. Krithi S Jr. Resident


About the Department

Department of ophthalmology has 3 separate spacious consultation rooms with all necessary
ophthalmic equipments in each room. There are 2 separate well equipped rooms where visual acuity
testing, refractive error measurement with autorefractometer and intra ocular pressure measurement
with non contact tonometer are being done by well trained. There is a separate counsellor to help
patients regarding health insurance such as Yeshaswini, ECHS, ESI, Sampoorna suraksha etc.
OPD has a separate fully equipped minor OT where minor procedures like Lacrimal syringing,
Chalazion excision, Cyst excision, Incision and drainage of abscesses, Subtenons, Sub-conjunctival,
Supratarsal injection , Saline wash for chemical burns, foreign body removal are being done.
Recently eye bankfacility has been started in the department to cater the problems of corneal
blindness in Dharwad district and the surrounding population. Round the clock service is rendered to
retrieve eyes from the deceased.

Head of the Department

Department of Ophthalmology is headed by Dr. Shankargouda H. Patil, a qualified and experienced
professor having more than 13 yrs of teaching experience for Undergraduates and Post-Graduates
in Ophthalmology. He is has done his M.B.B.S from J. J. M. Medical College, Davangere and M. S.
Ophthalmology from Minto Regional Institute of Ophthalmology (MRIO) Bangalore Medical College.
He is fellow of Medical Research Foundation Sankara Netralaya Chennai. He has vast experience
as an internal and external examiner for UGs and PGs in Karnataka and neighboring. He has the
zeal to develop SDMCMSH as a Model Eye Care Centre having high volume, high quality and cost
effective services to eradicate blindness.

Patient Care
Department is fully equipped with Slit lamp, Applanation tonometer and Pachymeter,
Autorefractometer, Humphry’s field analyser. It has 30 bedded ophthalmic wards in two floors, with a
separate five bedded ophthalmic septic ward for treating infective cases. Department runs evening
clinic from 5pm to 7pm for the convenience of working people who cannot come during morning
hours. Subspecialty clinics operate on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These subspecialties
include retina, orbit, glaucoma, neuro-ophthalmology, retina and squint. Round the clock emergency
care service are provided for ocular trauma and other ophthalmic emergencies.

Diagnostic Facilities
Department has Canon Auto Refactometer for checking the refractive errors, Canon non contact
tonometer and Applanation tonometer for measuring intraocular pressure, Pachymetry for Central
Corneal Thickness measurement and Humphry’s perimetry for visual field analysis. It also has a
fundus camera with non mydriatic photography to take fundus photo without dilatation of pupil and
hence save patients’ time. Fundus camera also helps to detect progression of glaucoma by means
of optic disc photography. Fundus fluorescein angiography is also being done here to detect retinal
vascular pathology and macular pathologies.

Treatment Facilities
Small incision sutureless cataract surgery, Phacoemulsification and MICS are done here for
cataract. Phaco is being performed under topical anaesthesia using Geuder phaco machine and
LIECA operating microscope with video recording facility. Department provides keratoplasty service
for people with corneal blindness, along with surgeries for glaucoma and squint. Occuloplasty
surgeries are also done. With Argon green laser all the diabetic retinopathy, retinal vascular
diseases are treated. In association with department of dermatology botox treatment is given to
patients with eye problems.

Teaching Program
Daily clinical classes are taken for under graduate students by one of the consultant. Clinical cases,
minor procedures, ophthalmic instruments are discussed. Clinically seminars of important topics are
done by students under guidance. Post graduate teaching involves wet lab training with microscope
for improving surgical skills. PGs are trained even in rural eye camps. Academically PGs have
subject seminars and case presentation along with journal club presentation every week.

Dissertations/ Research
1. Clinical study of orbital fracture in tertiary care centre - Dr Sharan S
2. Comparative study of topical Bromfenac sodium 0.9% and topical prednisolone acetate 1%
in post operative cataract patients - Dr Neha T

1 Dr. Shankar Gouda H. Patil Professor & HOD
2 Dr. Anupama Kakhandaki Professor
3 Dr. Mridula A. Prabhu Professor
4 Dr. Charushila V. Gajapati Associate Professor
5 Dr. Farhat Fatima Assistant Professor
6 Dr. Roopa Rokhade Sr. Resident
7 Dr. Akash B Jr. Resident
8 Dr. Apoorva Anil Deshpande Jr. Resident
9 Dr. Vaishakha S Shetty Jr. Resident
10 Dr. Jain Deepika Sanjay Jr. Resident
11 Dr. Komal S Shah Jr. Resident
12 Dr. Pooja K V Jr. Resident


About the Department

The department of orthopedics was established in 2003. The department consists of three units and
offers trauma care and advanced surgery.
The department is proud to possess experienced senior faculty who have been working for the last 2
to 3 decades and also young dynamic Associate and Assistant professors. The faculty keep
themselves updated by participating in various courses & hands on workshops regularly. Many of
the faculties have received training in the A.O. Course. On the clinical side, the department has
progressed well with more than 20% increase in patient care statistics, both quantitatively &
qualitatively every year.
The department apart from routine orthopedic work also provides specialty care like poly trauma
management, joint replacement surgery, spine surgeries, deformity correction surgeries and
shoulder, knee and ankle arthroscopy. The department has also conducted many conferences &
The department runs UG & PG teaching program in medicine and physiotherapy. The postgraduates
training program is well structured and research oriented.

Head of Department
Dr. Chidendra M. Shettar
Professor & HOD
MS (Ortho) FRCS(Glasgow), Graduated one of the best of his class from JNMC Belgaum,
Karnataka. He is an astute clinician who rendered his services across multiple hospitals in united
kingdom. Completed his FRCS from Royal Colleges of Physician and Surgeon of Glasgow. He is
dynamic and actively involved in management of complex orthopaedic injuries and polytrauma,
sports injuries including arthroscopy and arthroplasty. His passion in teaching and sharing his
knowledge and experiences engaged him in various PG and UG teaching programmes. His zeel for
research is reflected in various peer reviewed publications in numerous journals.
Patient Care

 24 hour emergency trauma care.

 Well equipped operation theatre with all modern equipments.
 Physiotherapy.
 Well established Artificial limb centre.

Investigation Facility

 Digital X- Ray / PACS

 Joint and soft tissue USG.
 3D CT scan and MRI.

Treatment Facility

 Trauma care
 Poly trauma management
 Shoulder, hip, knee arthroscopy
 Hip and knee arthroplasty
 Pediatric orthopedic surgery
 Deformity correction and ilizarov
 Spine surgery

Teaching Program
The department is involved in regular teaching program for MBBS and physiotherapy students.
Department has got 3 post graduate seats. PG students are involved in OPD patient’s evaluation, in
patients work up and assisting operations. There is a well-structured teaching program both in the
class room and at the skill lab. The department possesses a well-equipped skill lab where the
students are given hands on training in orthopedic procedures.

Awards / Achievements

1. Dr. Santosh S. Jeevannavar Won best case report in KOACON 2007 at Mysore (Karnataka
Orthopaedic Association Conference).
2. Dr. Santosh S. Jeevannavar won best paper in IAS 2008 at Goa.
3. Dr. Santosh S. Jeevannavar won best paper at KOACON 2010 Bangalore – (Karnataka
Orthopaedic Association Conference).
4. Dr. Vishwanath Patil awarded VTI Gold medal for “anthropometric measurements in Indian
Population of Cervical Artificial Disc replacement devices“ at Annual conference of
Association of Spine Surgeons of India (ASSICON 2015) held at Goa.


1. Dr. Santosh S. Jeevannavar completed fellowship course in Joint Replacement and

arthroscopy (OTA AND ZIMMER) under dr hemanth wakankar at DMH pune.from 01-06-
2004 to 06-03-2005.
2. Dr. Manjunath Daragad Completed Ilizarov fellowship from June-2007 to December- 2007 at
Centre for Ilizarov Techniques, Chaudhary Hospital Akola under Dr. Milind Chaudhary.
3. Dr Keshav Shenoy S completed one year Fellowship Course in Arthroplasty in the
Department of Adult Reconstruction, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Centre, Kochi, from 15/03/2010 to 09/03/2011.
4. Sunilkumar P. D completed Observership in Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine from
10.03.2011 to 30.03.2011 at Ortho One, Coimbatore.
5. Dr. Prasanna Baindoor competed ‘IOA WOC SICOT’ Fellowship in arthroscopy and sports
medicine for a period of 6 weeks from 02/04/2012 to 12/05/2012.
6. Dr. Chidendra M. Shettar completed Biomechanics Summer course of the AKADEMIE fur
Wissenchaft, Wirrtschaft und Technik an der Universitaet Ulm e. V. Germany from 22-07-
2014 to 25-07-2014.
7. Dr. Vishwanath M. Patil completed one year fellowship course in Spine Surgery from 26-09-
2014 to 30-10-2015 at Bombay Hospital.
8. Dr. Abhishek Gumaste completed observership in the Department of Arthroscopy & Sports
Medicine from 09.03.2017 to 23.03.2017 at Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore.

Workshop and CMEs

1. Conducted a workshop on Basic fracture stabilization for UG Medical Conference "Antarang

2017" at SDM Specialty Hospital on 06-05-2017.
2. SDM Medical College and hospital associated with KIMS hubballi conducted PG Students
mock practical Examination at KIMS, Hubballi on 29-04-2017.
3. Pre Conference Workshops of 41ST ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF KARNATAKA
ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATION (KOACON) conducted at SDM Specialty Hospital Sattur-
Dharwad & Hotel Denissons Hubballi from 03-02-2017 to 05-02-2017.
1. Basics of Fracture Fixation – Course co-coordinator Dr. C M Shettar Outside faculty ;
Dr. Anand J Thakur, Dr.Navin Thakkar.
2. Basic Arthroscopy -D– Course co-coordinator Dr. Santosh Jeevannavar, Dr. Sachin
3. Basic Spine Fixation – Course co-ordinator Dr. Vishwanath Patil .
4. Dr. Arvind G Kulkarni, Dr. Amruthlal M, Dr. Gourishankar.
5. High Tibia Osteotomy – Course Co-ordinator Dr. Manjunath Daragad Dr. Mangal
Parihar, Dr. Vasudevan
4. One day CME conducted on Management pearls in fractures of the distal humerus on 30-01-
2017. Guest Lecture by Dr. Chaitanya S. Mudgal, MD, MS, M. Ch, Harvard Medical School.
5. CME on TKR was conducted on 01-06-2016. Dr. Anatharama Shetty, was Guest Faculty,
approx. 100 delegates attended the CME.
6. Department of Orthopaedics, SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Sattur,
Dharwad has conducted a Workshop on „Implant Survivorship? at our department on 11th
August, 2012 from 9 am to 12 noon. Mr. Ravi Sarangapani, Vice-president, Sushrut – Adler
Group, Pune, gave a talk on Implant Survivorship- Influence of design, technology & in vitro
testing. It was followed by demonstration of modular bipolar prosthesis, THR & TKR
7. Conducted State level CME/workshop on Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty on 26-07-2009
8. Conducted State level CME/workshop on State level CME/workshop on Trauma Update
2009 on 22-03-2009.
9. Conducted State level Conference and Workshop on Karnataka Orthopaedic Association
Annual Conference (KOACON – 2006) from 03-02-2006 to 05-02-2006.
10. Conducted State level CME/Workshop on SCOPE-II SDM Current Orthopaedic
Education On Arthroscopy on 13-11-2005
11. Conducted State level CME on SCOPE-I SDM Current Orthopedic Education On
“Pediatric Orthopaedics? on 20-03-2005

1. Case Report - Xanthogranulomatous Osteomyelitis Presenting as Swelling in Right

TibiaHindawi Publishing Corporation, Case Reports in Pathology Volume 2011, Article ID
257458, 2 pages doi:10.1155/2011/257458, Revised 20 July 2011, Dr. Girish Kamat,Dr.
Vandana Gramapurohit, Dr. AneelMyageri, and Dr.Chidendra Shettar.
2. ‘Study of femoral rotational axes in navigated Total Knee Arthroplasty comparing with jig
based posterior condylar axis’ - published in 2011, Journal of Orthopaedics Dr Sreesobh KV
MS, DNB, MRCSEd. Dr Keshav Shenoy. MS. DNB. Dr Jai Thilak MS, MCh. Dr. Nileena
Philip MBBS
3. Case Report: ‘Treatment of infected juxtaarticular nonunion of proximal tibia with complex
deformity by Ilizarov technique’ - Published in 2012,Int J Biol Med Res.2012; 3(2): 1851-1853
International journal of Biological and Medical Research (IJBMR) Dr. Manjunath S. Daragad
4. ‘Oblique plane deformity correction with Ilizarov technique in case of malunited tibia’ - case
report , urrms:VOL-2: No.3:JUL:SEP:2012.Indian journal of research and reports in Medical
Sciences (IJRRMS) Dr. Manjunath S. Daragad, Dr. Sapan D S, Dr. Chandrakant D
Nallulwar, Dr. Badiger S V
5. ‘Synovial chondromatosis of the knee’ – A rare case report Indian journal of research and
reports in medical sciences IJRRMS:VOL-2 No.4 OCT-DEC 2012 Dr. Ravi M Daddamani,
Dr. Kotian P
6. Risk factors of Osteoarthritis Knee – A Cross-sectional study IOSR Journal of Dental and
Medical Sciences (JDMS) ISSN: 2279-0853, ISBN: 2279-0861. Volume 2, Issue 5 (Nov.-
Dec 2012), PP 08-10 Dr. Pushpa S Patil, Dr. Umesh R Dixit,Dr.
Chidendra M Shettar
7. Giant osteochondroma lower end of femur- A case report IOSR Journal of Dental and
Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861. Volume 4, Issue 1
(Jan. - Feb. 2013), PP 31-33 31 | Page Dr Santosh S Jeevannavar, Dr
Keshav S Shenoy, Dr Prasanna Baindoor, Dr Chidendra M Shettar
8. Fibrous Cortical Defect (Non Ossifying Fibroma) Lower End Femur with Rheumatoid Arthritis
– Rare Association – Original Artile EJSS European Journal of Surgical Sciences Eur J Surg
Sci 2013;4(2):76-79 Dr. Santosh S Jeevannavar, Dr. Keshav S Shenoy, Dr. Ravi M
Daddimani, Dr. Jyoti S Jeevannavar
9. Corrective osteotomy through fracture site and internal fixation with headless screws for
type I (Hahn-Steinthal) capitellar malunion. BMJ Case Reports, bcr-2013-009230 Dr.
Santosh Somayya Jeevannavar, Dr. Keshav Someshwar Shenoy, Dr. Ravi M Daddimani
10. Recurrent Tuberculosis of Greater Trochanter and its bursa. Keshav S. Shenoy, Dr. Santosh
S Jeevannavar, Dr.Prasanna Baindoor, Dr.Sunil Mannual and Dr.Savith Shetty. Case
Reports in Orthopedics, vol. 2013, Article ID 570956, 4 pages, 2013.
11. Case Report Tuberculosis of Sternoclavicular Joint – A Report of 2 cases Dr. Sunilkumar
P.D., Dr.Ravi Daddimani.
12. Pucker’s Sign’ an Indicator of Irreducible Knee dislocation. Dr. Santosh S Jeevannavar, Dr.
Chidendra Shettar BMJ Case Report 2013, dios10.1136/ber-2013-201279.
13. Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis of Pelvis in a Three year old child. Dr. Manjunath S.
Daragad, Dr. Sapan D S, Dr.Sunil Mannual, Dr. Nallulwar C.D. Indian Journal of Public
Health Research & Development, [S.l.], p. 114-116, sep. 2014. ISSN 0976-5506
14. A study of unstable Distal Radius Fractures treated by percutaneous Techniques. Journal:
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Dr. Ravi M Daddimani, Dr.
Sunilkumar P.D.,
15. Letter to Editor: Exostosis masquerading as a subungual wart. Dr. Manjunath S. Daragad,
Dr. Sapan D S,Vargheese Joe Indian Dermatology online journal – Jan-Mar 2014 Vol. 6 ,
16. Bizarre periosteal osteochodromatous proliferation of the metatarsal – 3 yrs follow-up with no
recurrence. Journal: Indian Journal of Public Health Reasearch & Developments.
Dr.Sunilkumar P.D, Dr.Vijay C
17. Case Report: Fatal blunt cardiac injury: are there any subtle indicators? Dr. Keshav
Someshwar Shenoy, Dr. Santosh Somayya Jeevannavar, Dr. Prasanna Baindoor, Dr. Savith
Shetty. BMJ Case Rep 2014. doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-203149
18. ‘Rice bodies in the knee’: classic tuberculosis of the knee Dr. Santosh Somayya
Jeevannavar, Dr. Prasanna Baindoor.
19. Fracture of the Medial Tibial Sesamoid Bone of the Foot-Case Report Dr. Ravi M Daddimani,
Dr. Srinath K.M.,Dr. Santosh S. Jeevannavar, Dr. Chidendra M. Shettar Journal of Clinical
and Diagnostic Research. 2015 Apr, Vol-9(4): RD03-RD04.
Kumar, Dr Santosh M, Dr Abhishek Gumaste; Karnataka Orthopaedic Journal, February
21. “Surgical release for tennis elbow”-a case series at VIM, Bellary Dr. Krishnagiri Sundaresh,
Dr. Pramod Govindraj, Dr. Venkatesh Krishnappa, Dr. Abhishek Gumaste, Dr. Puneeth
22. A case of pathological fracture shaft of femur in hyperparathyroidism, treatment with
titanium elastic nailing. Journal of biomedical and pharmaceutical research. VOL 4 No
1 (2015). Dr.Sundaresh K., Abhishek Gumaste, Qualid M.D.
23. Titanium Elastic Nailing System (TENS) in paedicatric Shaft femur fractures our experience
in 20 cases. Dr. Manjunath Daragad, Dr. Sunilkumar P D, Dr. C M Shettar, Dr. Santosh
Jeevannavar, Dr. Raviraj Tantry Volume-2 Published in July 2016 , IJOTSS.
24. Medial Opening wedge high tibial osteotomy by hemicallotasis using self-aligning Dynamic
fixator. Volume-2 published in july-2016, IJOTSS. Dr. Manjunath Daragad, Dr. Sunilkumar P
D, Dr. C M Shettar, Dr. Santosh Jeevannavar, Dr. Raviraj Tantry.
25. "llizarov Treatment of Complex Nonunion Tibia" Volume-02, Issue-2, published in Dec 2016,
IJOTSS. Dr. Manjunath Daragad, Dr. Sunilkumar P D, Dr. C M Shettar, Dr. Ponnanna K M.
26. Anatomical ACL reconstruction with femoral sided endobutton versus interferential screw
fixation – A comparison of functional outcome. (ISSN print- 2455-0809, e- 2454-
4167).Volume-02. Published in july-16, IJOTSS. Dr. Sunilkumar P D, Dr. Manjunath
Daragad, Dr. Sapan D S, Dr. Apoorv Agarwal.
27. Clinical study correlating early results of knee range of motion in posterior Cruciate retaining
and stabilizing total knee arthroplasy in a tertiary care hospital.Vol-2, Special Issue releasing
in July-2016. Dr. Srinath K M, Dr. Ravi M Daddimani, Dr. Vishwanath Patil
28. Results of fracture neck of femur treated with modular bipolar hemiarthroplasty in elderly-our
experience in 70 cases.published in Dec-2016, IJOTSS. Dr. Ravi M Daddimani, Dr.
Vishwanath Patil, Dr. Chidendra M Shettar, Dr. Vinay Bableshwar, Dr, Srinath K M
29. Functional Outcome Of Displaced Intra-Articular Fractures Of The Calcaneus Treated
With Minimally Invasive Fixation: A Retrospective Study, Volume-2 Issue-1, June-2016,
IJOTSS. Dr. Prasanna B, Dr. Keshav Shenoy S, Dr. Santosh S Jeevannavar
30. Meyer’s Muscle Pedicle Bone Graft a Novel Procedure in Treatment of Neglected Fracture
Neck of Femur in Pediatric Age Group - A Case Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic
Research. Sep-2016 Vol-10(9): RD03-RD05, Dr. Manjunath Daragad, Dr. K M Ponnanna Dr.
Sunil Mannual
31. Cervical Footprint anthropometry in Indian population. Its implications on design of artificial
disc replacement devices. Asian Spine Journal: July issue:July 20. Dr. Arvind G Kulkarni, Dr.
Vishwanath M Patil, Dr. Abhishek Saraf, Dr. Shashidhar B k.
32. MIS TLIF vs O-TLIF: Is less more?. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics: Sept Issue:Sep 2016.
Dr. Arvind G kulkarni, Dr. Abhilash Druv, Dr. Vishwanath m Patil.
33. Stand alone lateral recess decompression in herniated disc confirmed on MRI: SPINE
Journal: Oct Issue: October 16. Dr. Arvind G Kulkarni, Dr. Ravish Patel,Dr. Shumayou Dutta,
Dr. Vishwanath M Patil.
34. Dr. Vishwanath M Patil: Assistant editor of “Textbook on Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery”:
Contributed three chapters as co-authors: Publised by Jaypee Publications: 2016-17.
35. Functional and radiological outcome of communicated intra-articular Distal Radius Fractrures
trated with Low Profile free-contoured 2.4mm volar locking plate : ratrorespective study”
Volume 2, issue 1, June-2016, IJOTSS. Dr. Keshav Shenoy, Dr. Abhishek Gumaste, Dr.
Santosh Jeevannavar, Dr. Prasanna B.
36. ACL reconstruction with patellar Tendon and hamstring graft witch is batter choice? Volume-
02.Issue, Dec. 2016, IJOTSS. Dr. Sapan D. S, Dr. Sunilkumar P D, Dr. Manjunath Daragad,
Dr. Manjunath Japatti.
37. A clinical study of distal femoral fractures treated by retrograde femoral nailing – Biological
and biomechanical advantages with review of literature. Dr. Shrihari L.K, Dr. Sunil Mannual,
Dr. Sapan D S. International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Sciences.
June-Nov 2016 Vol-2, Issue-2 Page 371-377
38. Exploring outcome determinants in Supracondylar femur fractures treated by Angular-Stable
Locked plating. Dr. Sunil Mannual, Dr. Shrihari L.K, Dr. Sapan D S. International Journal of
Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Sciences. Feb 2017. Vol-3,Special Issue-1 Page
39. Tuberculosis of ankle - A case report. Dr. Shrihari L K, Dr. Sunil Mannual, Dr. Manjunath
Japatti, Dr. Rajath H P. International Journal of Current Advanced Research. Volume 6;
Issue 3; March 2017; Page No. 2500-2502 Available Online at

Dissertation/ Research

1. Dr. Rajath
Thesis topic : Clinical outcome of distal radius fractures fixed with volar plating
Year: 2016
Thesis guide: Dr. Sunilkumar P D.
2. Dr. Shivakumar
Thesis topic : Clinical study of surgical management of Bicolumnar(intraa-articular type C)
Distal radius fracture in adults using plates and screws.
Year: 2016
Thesis guide: Dr. Manjunath Daragad
3. Dr. Manjudev
Thesis topic : Correlation of intercondylar notch width index in patients with or without ACL
Year: 2016
Thesis guide: Dr. Keshav Shenoy.
4. Dr. Pratheeksh
Thesis topic : Clinical outcome of proximal humerus fracture fixed with proximal humerus
locking plate
Year: 2015
Thesis guide: Dr. Manjunath Daragad.
5. Dr. Manjunath J.
Thesis topic : Clinical outcome of Arthroscopic anatomical ACL reconstruction using
hamstring tendon graft
Year: 2015
Thesis guide: Dr. Sunilkumar P. D.
6. Dr. Varun Shetty
Thesis topic : Functional outcome of neck of femur fracture fixation with cannulated
cancellous screws
Year: 2015
Thesis guide: Dr. Santosh S. Jeevannavar.
7. Dr. Apporvkumar
Thesis topic : Clinical study on management of paediatric femoral fractures by TENS.
Year: 2014
Thesis guide: Dr. Manjunath Daragad
8. Dr. Akshath Adapa
Thesis topic : Surgical Management of open tibial fractures with unilateral uniplanar external
Year: 2014
Thesis guide: Dr. Chidendra M. Shettar
9. Dr. Hemanth
Thesis topic : Functional outcome of Proximal tibial fracture treated with 3.5 mm lateral
locking plate.
Year: 2014
Thesis guide: Dr. Santosh S. Jeevannavar.
10. Dr. Sanjeev M. R.
Thesis topic : Locking plate fixation of fractures of distal end of femur
Year: 2013
Thesis guide: Dr. Chandrakant D. Nallulwar
11. Dr. Abhinandan Kotian
Thesis topic : Functional outcome of olecranon fracture treated with pre- contoured locking
compression plate.
Thesis guide: Dr. Santosh S. Jeevannavar.
12. Dr. Prashanth
Thesis topic : Role of fibular fixation in distal third tibia-fibular fracture treated with
intramedullary interlocking nail.
Thesis guide: Dr. Chidendra M. Shettar
13. Dr. Shreesha T.
Thesis topic : Arthroscopic debridement and microfracture for osteochondral defects in a
stable knee-functional results at 1 year followup
Thesis guide: Dr. Santosh S. Jeevannavar.
14. Dr. K. M. Ponnanna
Thesis topic : A Comparative study of proximal femoral nail versus dynamic hip sliding plate
and screw system for the treatment of intertrochanteric femoral fractures.
Thesis guide: Dr. Chandrakant D. Nallulwar
15. Dr. Shivaprasanna G. Vastrad
Thesis topic : Correlation of clinical, arthroscopic and radiological findings of meniscal and
anterior cruciate ligament injuries of knee.
Thesis guide: Dr. Santosh S. Jeevannavar
16. Dr. Raviraj Tantry
Thesis topic : Evaluation of outcome of medial opening wedge high tibial osteotomy with an
external fixator for medial compartment osteoarthritis of knee
Thesis guide: Dr. Chidendra M. Shettar
17. Dr. Varghese Joe C.
Thesis topic : Outcome of distal radial fractures treated with closed reduction and
percutaneous pinning.
Thesis guide: Dr. Chandrakant D. Nallulwar

1 Dr. Chidendra M. Shettar Professor & HOD
2 Dr. Santosh S. Jeevannavar Professor
3 Dr. Manjunath S. Daragad Professor
4 Dr. Keshav Shenoy S. Associate Professor
5 Dr. Ravi M. Daddamani Associate Professor
7 Dr. Prasanna Baindoor Associate Professor
6 Dr. Sunil Mannual Associate Professor
9 Dr. Vishwanath M Patil Assistant Professor
8 Dr. Srinath K M Assistant Professor
10 Dr. Shrihari L K Assistant Professor
11 Dr. Arvind D Patil Assistant Professor
12 Dr. Abhishek Gumaste Assistant Professor
13 Dr. Raviraj H. Patil Sr. Resident
14 Dr. Ranjan G Sr. Resident
15 Dr. Jeffe a Koshy Sr. Resident
16 Dr. Manjunath Sr. Resident
17 Dr. Manjudev S N Jr. Resident
18 Dr. Shivakumar Jr. Resident
19 Dr. Rajath H P Jr. Resident
20 Dr. Sachin Kumar Jr. Resident
21 Dr. H Shatananda Prasad Rao Jr. Resident
22 Dr. Pavith Janardhan T Jr. Resident
23 Dr. Akshay Kumar Jr. Resident
24 Dr. Kiranhari Jr. Resident
25 Dr. Yashwanth Krishna S Jr. Resident


About the department

The department of paediatrics is multifaceted with all well developed subspecialties such as
neonatology, paediatric surgery and pediatric intensive care. The department runs ambulatory
general pediatric OPD services daily except on Sundays. During the year 2014, 29057 children were
seen in our OPD clinics,2200 babies were admitted in Neonatal intensive care unit,700 children were
admitted in pediatric intensive care unit and 3600 children were admitted for the inpatient care.

Head of the Department

Dr. Vijay K. Kulkarni heads the department of paediatrics.
Patient Care
SDM Hospital, department of pediatrics runs OPD clinics, and IPD care, round the clock emergency
services, catering to the needs of the people. Speciality clinics are held on Monday -Haematology/
Thalessemia, Wednesday-Neuorology/Child guidance clinic, Thursday-Immunisation/ Preventive
Pediatrics, and Saturday-Asthma. Emergency services are rendered round the clock, both for
neonatal and pediatric cases. Inpatient care is fully equipped with intensive care unit, intermediate
care unit, neonatal care unit, paediatric general wards and common special wards. There are skilled
doctors and specially trained nurses who give a healing touch to sick children. Department is
equipped with PACS system.

Treatment Facilities
SDM Hospital, department of paediatrics is equipped for the better treatment of patients, from
neonatal and paediatric intensive care to minor and common illness. A team of dedicated doctors
and trained nursing staff are available round the clock for rendering the services for the patients.
Neonatal intensive care unit has facility of artificial ventilation, infusion pumps, centralized oxygen
delivery, multichannel monitors, single surface and double surface phototherapy units and 2:1
nursing care for sick neonates. Intensive care unit is also equipped with trained nurses and excellent
infrastructure including ventilators with nurse: patient ratio of 2:1. Well equipped General wards and
special wards are available for services with good care. We are also giving services to children
admitted in SDM Craniofacial surgery unit.

Teaching Program
Department of paediatrics is actively involved in the teaching and training of undergraduates,
postgraduates and paramedical students. Teaching program for the undergraduates and
paramedical and physiotherapy students are conducted regularly as per the medical council of India.
Intensive teaching and training program are held for the postgraduates with weekly seminars, journal
clubs and case presentations. Bedside clinical case discussions are conducted regularly for the
undergraduates between 10.00AM to 1.00PM and daily for postgraduates.

Workshops and CMEs

Department has conducted numerous CME s and workshops in the past 2 years. More than 20 CME
s and workshops are held in our hospital in association with the Indian Academy of Paediatrics-
Dharwad Branch.Our department hosted 2nd Karnataka state Infectious diseae conference in the
year 2013 with grand success. We had very active involvement in 3rd Karantaka state ID conference
held at Goa during April 2015.


1. Budensab AH, Joshi SN, Prashanth GP. A clinical study of manifestations of Dengue Fever
and their correlation with the laboratory features in children Karnataka Pediatric Journal.
2012 Apr-June; 26(2): 62-66.
2. Budensab AH. Approach to a bleeding child. International Journal of Health Sciences and
Research. 2012 Aug; 2(5): 98-104.
3. Budensab AH, Prashanth GP, Bagalkot PS, Joshi SN. Unusual cause of acute abdominal
pain in a child. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. 2012 Aug; 2(5): 133-
4. Budensab AH, Bagalkot PS, Annigeri VM, Joshi SN. Unusual cause of stridor in a preschool
child. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. 2012 Sept; 2(6): 126-129.
5. Prashanth GP, Maralihalli MB, Bagalkot PS, Joshi SN. Intravenous artesunate for
transfusion-transmitted plasmodium vivax malaria in a preterm neonate. Pediatrics. 2012
6. Prashanth GP, Angadi BH, Joshi SN, Bagalkot PS, Maralihalli MB. Unusual cause of
abdominal pain in pediatric emergency medicine. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2012 Jun;
28(6): 560-1.
7. Gowda PP, Kabbin G, Hegde, DG, Ravindra, MS; Bagalkot, PS. Acropectoral syndrome:
extended spectrum or a new entity?. Clinical Dysmorphology. 2012 Apr; 21-(2): 80-2.
8. Bagalkot PS, Paramar S, Kubasadgoudar R. Comparison of hyper mobility between boys
and girls age 6-12 years. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research.2012 May;
2(2); 54-3.
9. Bagalkot PS. Why need for five anti tubercular drugs in a child with CNS TB? Annals of
Indian Academy of Neurology. 2012 Jul-Sep; 15(3): 234–235
10. Bagalkot PS, Budensaab AH, Joshi SN. Spinal tuberculosis in children. Retrospective
analysis of 124 patients. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. 2012:12.
11. Budebsab AH. Profile of respiration distress among NICU admissions in SDM Medical
College Hospital. Karnataka Pediatric Journal. 2011 July-Dec; 25(3): 102-103.
12. Deeparaj H, Bagalkot PS, Prashanth GP. Hemoglobin–J as a cause of congenital hemolytic
anaemia. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2011 Oct;78(10):1284-6
13. Deeparaj H, Bagalkot PS, Patil PB. Cerebro-costo mandibular syndrome: pierre robbin
sequence with rib dysplasia. Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2011:78 (7):893-3.

Dissertations/ Research

1. Correlation of Thrombocytopenia with neonatal sepsis

2. Incidence of Fungal sepsis in NICU.
3. Sleep patterns in childhood and its relation with the child development.
4. Clinical and investigation profile of dengue.
5. Incidence of respiratory distress in vigorous babies born through meconium stained liquor
6. Evaluation of CKMB and LDH in birth asphyxia
7. Prediction of significant neonatal hyperbilirubinemia using day1 serum bilirubin
8. Clinical profile of hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia in term IUGR babies
9. Etiology, onset and clinical features of neonatal seizures and associated biochemical
10. Risk factors associated with Intracranial cranial hemorrhage in preterm weighing less than
1500 grams


1 Dr. Vijay K. Kulkarni Professor & HOD

2 Dr. Kavita S. Konded Professor
3 Dr. Budensab Professor
4 Dr. Praveen S. Bagalkot Associate Professor
5 Dr. Mahesh B. Maralihalli Associate Professor
6 Dr. Gautam Mohan Kabbin Associate Professor
7 Dr. KulkarniPoornimaPrakash Associate Professor
8 Dr. Mahantesh R Matti Assistant Professor
9 Dr. Bhavana A Koppad Assistant Professor
10 Dr. Vikram R Assistant Professor
11 Dr. Shriharsha L Badiger Assistant Professor
12 Dr. Soumya M Assistant Professor
13 Dr. VinodChavan Assistant Professor
14 Dr. Ashwini S Assistant Professor
15 Dr. PreetiKulhalli Senior Resident
16 Dr. Maheshwari Senior Resident
17 Dr. Jasmine D Kandagal Jr. Resident
18 Dr. Manasa K B Jr. Resident
19 Dr. AnumitaBiswanathChatterjee Jr. Resident
20 Dr. Akshatha A Jr. Resident
21 Dr. Jayashri M N Jr. Resident
22 Dr. AshwiniAnanthaiah A Jr. Resident
23 Dr. Harshith R Shetty Jr. Resident
24 Dr. Sanjay RaoKordcal Jr. Resident
25 Dr. Girijamma S Jr. Resident
26 Dr. AwaisMahaldar Jr. Resident
27 Dr. PranavDeshpande Jr. Resident
28 Dr. Ananya U Shetty Jr. Resident
29 Dr. Anusha S Jr. Resident
30 Dr. Shilpa K Jr. Resident
31 Dr. Mohammed Bilal Kaladgi Jr. Resident
32 Dr. Navya S Hegde Jr. Resident

Our Services
You can find general information about patient care, diagnostic facilities, treatment facilities, as well
as other helpful tips.

PT Orthopaedic and Sports

You can find general information about patient services/facilities, as well as other helpful tips.

PT Cardiorespiratory
You can find general information about patient services/facilities, as well as other helpful tips.

PT Paediatrics
You can find general information about patient services/facilities, as well as other helpful tips.


About the Department

The Department of Psychiatry has faculty trained from various premier institutes of the country. The
Department has adequate infrastructure for consultation and counselling for both outpatient and in-
patient care of patients with mental illness. In- Patient facility includes general ward and acute care
services with continuous monitoring. Apart from providing mental health care facilities, Department is
working towards improvement in mental health awareness and educating public about mental
illness. Manpower training in mental health has been given priority with inputs at undergraduate and
postgraduate level and Department is working towards de-stigmatizing psychiatry and mental illness
among health care providers.

Head of the Department

The department of psychiatry is currently headed by Prof Abhay Matkar, who did his M.D from
AFMC Pune. Dr Matkar is a dedicated postgraduate teacher and has varied interests in research
which include addiction medicine.
Patient Care
The Department of Psychiatry offers both inpatient and outpatient clinical services. The services
provided broadly include assessment and management of severe mental illness (schizophrenia, and
bipolar disorder), common mental illness (depression, neurotic and stress related), various
addictions, consultation liaison psychiatry, epilepsy and related behavioural disorders, dementia and
memory related disorders, child and adolescent services. The department provides Modified
Electroconvulsive therapy, Electro-Encephalogram and Narcoanalysis services. The department is
successfully conducting group therapy, 3 days in a week for all inpatients and outpatients with
alcohol & other drug dependence syndrome. The department provides counselling and
psychotherapy services on both inpatient and outpatients using various techniques like cognitive
behaviour therapy, interpersonal therapy and psychodynamic therapy.
Department runs suicide prevention clinic among which screening for all students in SDM institutions
for suicidal behaviour on yearly basis. Public awareness programs in the form of monthly radio talks,
articles in paper are other activities of the department. The department has launched the suicide
prevention 24 hour helpline (9243260299), which is handled by psychiatry consultants. Counselling
centre managed by the department provides services such as pre and post-surgery counselling,
tobacco cessation services, premarital and sexual clinic, memory clinic, developmental disorder and
stress management. Apart from counselling services, long term psychotherapy services for patients
with mental illness are provided by both psychiatrists and psychologists.

Diagnostic Facilities
The department has an Electroencephalography, neuropsychological and psychodiagnositic
facilities. Neuropsychological testing includes IQ assessments, cognitive assessment and
neuropsychological tests, while psychodiagnostics include Rorschach Ink blot tests, Thematic
Apperception Test and tests for personality assessments. The hospital provides serum lithium level
assessment also.

Treatment Facilities
Treatment provided is pharmacological using medications, Electroconvulsive therapy and non-
pharmacological methods including psychotherapy. The department runs the group counselling for
patients with alcohol dependence syndrome for 4 days in a week for both in-patient and outpatients.

Psychological Interventions
Department of Psychiatry has clinical psychologists and psychiatric social worker who have been
trained in clinical care and teaching. Counselling centre has been started in the Medicine OPD which
runs daily from 9 am to 5 pm, with counselling services provided for tobacco cessation, stress
management, marital and sexual dysfunction, pre and post-surgery counselling. Group therapy for
alcohol dependence syndrome has been successfully conducted on 4 days in a week covering
motivation enhancement to relapse prevention in alcohol and other drug dependence syndromes.
Individual psychotherapy and family therapy for patients is being done including various schools of
psychotherapy from psychoanalysis to Indian system of psychotherapy.

Teaching Program
The training programs for postgraduates in Psychiatry are carried out at the department level and
also interdepartmental level. Training is also imparted to undergraduate and post-graduate trainees
of other departments of the Institute. The departmental activities for postgraduate training include-
Seminar and journal club as per the syllabus prescribed by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health
sciences, Bangalore. Along with these academic programs, more focus is given to bedside teaching
and case discussions. There are teaching programs conducted by the faculty as a series of
introduction to psychiatry – history taking and mental status examination, research methodology,
statistics, basic sciences and psychology. The residents are required to keep a record of details of
their training in the form of a logbook including departmental case presentations, seminars, journal
club and other academic activities, which will be monitored regularly.

Workshops, CME and Conferences

1. Workshop on “Electroencephalography (EEG)” on11th& 12th February, 2006.

2. CME on “Psychosexual Medicine and Parapsychology” on 11th February, 2007.
3. CME on “Psychosomatic Medicine: Mind-Body interface” on 10th February, 2008.
4. Indian Psychiatric Society – South Zone PG CME on “Psychopharmacology Update” on 18th&
19th April, 2009.
5. Indian Psychiatric Society – Karnataka State Branch Annual conference (KANCIPS)on 21st&
22nd August, 2010.
6. Workshop on “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Clinical Practice”on 15th May, 2011.
7. Workshop on “Medico-legal aspects in Psychiatry”on 25thMarch, 2012.
8. Workshop on “Electroencephalography (EEG): Theory and practice”on 26thAugust, 2012.
9. Indian Psychiatric Society – Karnataka State Branch PG CME on “Empowering clinical skills
in Psychiatry” scheduled to be held on 10th February, 2013
10. CME on ‘Psychopharmacology Update – 2014’ by collaborating with department of
Pharmacology, SDMCMSH on
11. Annual Neuropsychiatry CME – “ADDICTION PSYCHIATRY - UPDATE - 2015’ ON
01st February 2015 in DRH Auditorium, SDMCMSH, Dharwad, Karnataka
12. Annual Neuro-Psychiatry CME IPSKC PGCME-2016 on 9th & 10th January-2016 In
Ishaavaasyam Auditorium, Manjushree Block , SDMCMSH, Dharwad
13. CME on ‘Sexual Medicine Update’ 12 February 2017 at Ishaavaasyam Auditorium,
Manjushree Block , SDMCMSH, Dharwad


1. Babu GN, Subbakrishna DK & Chandra PS. Prevalence and correlates of suicidality among
Indian women with post-partum psychosis in an inpatient setting. Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 42:976-980.
2. Desai G, Babu GN, Rajkumar RP& Chandra PS. More questions than answers! Clinical
dilemmas in psychopharmacology in pregnancy and lactation. Indian Journal of Psychiatry,
Jan-Mar 2009, 51(1) 26-33.
3. Prasad CG, Babu GN, Chandra PS &Chaturvedi SK. Chitrachanchala [Movies on Unstable
Mind] Mental Health Themes in Kannada Cinema. International Review of Psychiatry 2010.
4. Prabha S. Chandra &Girish N. Babu.Lithium in drinking water and food, and risk of suicide,
letter to editor. British Journal of Psychiatry.195.3.271a.
5. Girish N. Babu, Geetha Desai, Harish Tippeswamy & Prabha S. Chandra 2010. Birth
Weight and Use of Olanzapine in Pregnancy A Prospective Comparative Study. Journal of
Clinical Psychopharmacology Volume 30, 2010 Number 3, 331-332
6. Babu GN, Desai G & Chaturvedi SK Glutaric Acidemia type II associated with Bipolar
Affective Disorder: A Case Report German J Psychiatry 2011; 14: 48-50.
7. Desai G , Babu GN & Chandra PS. Unplanned pregnancies leading to psychotropic
exposure in women with mental illness - findings from a perinatal psychiatry clinic Indian J
Psychiatry 2012; 54; 59 - 63. (PUBMED INDEXED)
8. Sahoo Saddichha, Ram Kumar, Girish N. Babu and Prabha Chandra. Aripiprazole
Associated With Acute Dystonia, Akathisia, and Parkinsonism in a Single Patient, Journal of
Clinical Psychopharmacology. (Epub ) (PUBMED INDEXED)
9. Sahoo Saddichha, Girish N. Babu and Prabha Chandra. Orthorexia nervosa presenting as
prodrome of schizophrenia. Schizophr. Res. (2011), oi:10.1016/j.schres. 2011 (PUBMED
10. Basavaraj V, Girish N. Babu and Prabha Chandra Mirtazapine induced mania in a woman
with major depression in the absence of features of bipolarity, Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2011
Oct;45(10):901. Epub 2011 Jun 21. (PUBMED INDEXED)
11. Raveendranathan D, Babu GN, Desai G, Chandra PS. Bipolar disorder co-occurring with
periodic paralysis: a case report. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2012 Dec 1;24 (1):E11-2.
12. Babu GN, Harish T, Chandra PS (2013). Use of Electroconvulsive Therapy [ECT] in
Postpartum Psychosis- a naturalistic prospective study". Achieves of Women’s Mental
Health (DOI 10.1007/s00737-013-0342-2) (PUBMED INDEXED)
13. Harish Thippeswamy, Biju Viswanath, Girish N. Babu, V. Senthil K. Reddi, and Santosh K.
Chaturvedi Consultation liaison Approach for the Management of Psychiatric Manifestations
in Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders: A Report from Neuropsychiatric Hospital,
India. Indian J Psychol Med. 2014 AprJun? 36(2): 134–137. (PUBMED INDEXED)
14. Hemendra Singh, Girish Babu N, Senthil Kumar Reddi, Prabha S. Chandra.
Carbamazepine Induced Asterixis with Hyperammonemia: A Case Report with Review of
Literature. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, Jan - Mar 2015, Vol 37, Issue 1.
15. Girish N. Babu, Geetha Desai, Prabha S. Chandra. Antipsychotics in pregnancy and
lactation. Indian J Psychiatry 57 (Supplement 2), July 2015.
16. Raghavendra B N, Ambika L, Patil NM, Chate SS, Lohit S: Rubinstein–Taybi Syndrome with
Psychosis. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, Apr - Jun 2012, Vol 34,Issue 2
17. R.B. Nayak, S. Lohit , S.S. Chate , N.M. Patil and M. Mahesh. Etizolam: Use and safety
profile in children and adolescent. Al Am een J Med Sci 2016; 9(3):206-209
18. Sri Mahavir Agarwal, Sridatta Rajur, Anushree Bose, Sonia Shenoy, Srikanth Miriyala,
Venkataram Shivakumar, Harleen Chhabra, Janardhanan C Narayanaswamy, Palanimuthu
T Sivakumar, Ganesan Venkatasubramanian Use of transcranial direct current stimulation
(tDCS) in a woman with behavioral variant fronto-temporal dementia. Asian journal of
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19. S Rajur, M Varghese, PT Sivakumar, KJ Kumar Clinical and cognitive outcome, course of
late onset depression–A study from geriatric services of a tertiary care center in India -
European Psychiatry, 2016, 33, S221-S222.

Dissertation/ Research

1. Dr. Nitin Shetty- Prevalence and correlates of delirium tremens in patients with alcohol
related disorders in a general hospital setup.
2. Dr. Bhavya K Bairy- Disability assessment, quality of life and caregivers’ burden in patients
with schizophrenia and depressive disorder: a comparative study.
3. Dr Ashwini P – Prevalence and Correlates of Neuropsychiatric comorbidity in patients with
Chronic Kidney Disease on Haemodialysis
4. Dr Harshit H Salian - A study of executive dysfunction in persons with alcohol dependence
5. Dr Sharanya B Shetty – Prevalence and correlates of Psychiatric Comorbidity in children and
adolescents with Epilepsy.

1 Dr. Abhay Matkar Professor & HOD

2 Dr. Girish Babu N Associate Professor
3 Dr. Sachin B S Assistant Professor
4 Dr. Manoj Shettar Assistant Professor
5 Dr. Arun Vijay Gadad Assistant Professor
6 Dr. Sudheendra Huddar Senior Resident
7 Dr. Sharanya B Shetty Jr. Resident
8 Dr. Kavyashree Jr. Resident
9 Dr. Supritha Jr. Resident
10 Dr. Keerthana V Jr. Resident
11 Dr. P Sevanth Jr. Resident
12 Dr. Amit Jr. Resident


About the Department

Department of Pulmonary Medicine is a centre for diagnosis and management of various respiratory
disorders. The department came into exist in the year 2003 & since then has made a steady
progress and now offers state of the art care in dealing with various respiratory diseases. It also has
the backing of a good thoracic surgery service from the dept. of surgery & CTVS unit.

Head of the Department

Dr. H. M. Betageri completed DMRD course in 1982 and then worked as PHC Medical officer in
remote backward area in Gulbarga. He completed post-graduation in 1993. After working for a short
period at Shikharipur, he was posted to Dharwad as District Tuberculosis Officer. He has attended
various training programs on NTI, dengue, HIV, etc. During his government service he was deputed
to state TB institute SDSTB and Rajeev Gandhi institute as HOD of RNTCP and MDR-TB. Joined
SDMCMS&H in 2005 as Assistant Professor and now promoted as Professor and Head of the

Various Facilities Available

 Pulmonary Function Testing

 Fiberoptic video Bronchoscopy
 Florescent Microscopy for diagnosis of AFB under RNTCP
 Well equipped RICU with state of art monitoring facility, advanced ventilators and various
accessories required in the care of critically ill patients.
 Sleep lab for polysomnography study & CPAP titration in the diagnosis of sleep related
 USG facilities in various guided procedures.
 CT Chest facilities including high resolution CT Chest in the diagnosis & various guided
 DOTS Centre & Designated microscopy centre for diagnosis and management of
tuberculosis Patients.
 Pulmonary rehabilitation programs in association with physiotherapy department.
 6 minute walk test.

Patient Care
Patients with pleural effusion, emphyma thoracic, haemoptysis and almost all complications of
tuberculosis are treated in this department. MICUs are well equipped with ventilators and other
necessary life saving equipments. With the help of health workers anti-tubercular drugs are made
avialable at the door-step of tuberculosis patients. For treatment of TB DOTS centre has been
opened which provides TB drugs to inpatients.

 Services daily (Monday to Saturday) 8:30 AM to 5:00PM.

 IPD facilities OPD include high dependency beds, General Beds, TB Isolation Rooms and
Private Beds.
 RICU with well equipped and trained staff for management of critically ill patients.
 Asthma clinic weekly once (Friday).
 Following diseases are Managed
o Asthma and allergic disorders
o Pulmonary Infection (Pneumonia & TB)
o Sleep related breathing disorders like Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
o Interstitial lung diseases and sarcoidosis.
o Lung Cancer.
o Pleural diseases like effusion, empyema & Pneumothorax.
o Other Chronic respiratory diseases.

Teaching Program
Faculties of department of Pulmonology take classes for undergraduates on tuberculosis and other
chest disease like Pneumonia, Bronchial asthma, Air way disease. Students are encouraged to take
active part in integrated teaching and group discussions. Students are taught regarding
interpretation of X rays and sputum microscopy, spirometry, etc.
Departmental Academic Programs

 Weekly Seminars.
 Monthly clinico radiology meet.
 Monthly outpatient & inpatient audit.
 Weekly bedside clinical case discussion.
 Monthly mortality Meet.

Other activities
 Free Pulmonary function test camps yearly during World Asthma, COPD days
 TB awareness programs on World TB day
 Tuberculosis disease sensitization class for Paramedical Students

Dissertation/ Research

1. Diagnostic utility of BAL and Bronchial wash Cytology in Pulmonary lesion .

2. Sleep disorder breathing in COPD patients.
3. Prospective study of correlation between clinical scoring PSG report.
4. Infertility in woman because of TB.
5. Chronic mastoid infection due to TB.
6. Association of TB with type 2 DM.
7. “Prevalence of HIV infection among Tuberculosis patients.”
8. Case reports:

 Isolated Polycystic liver disease with pleural effusion

 Rifampicin induced Thrombocytopenia
 M.abscessus infection at hernioplasty site


1 Dr. Hemareddy M. Betgeri Professor

2 Dr. Sanjay S Assistant Professor
3 Dr. Shrikant Hiremath Sr. Resident
4 Dr. Harsha Hanji Junior Resident

Radio Diagnosis & Imaging

About the Department

The Department of Imaging and Radio-diagnosis in SDMCMS&H is a specialized and a highly
equipped unit providing state of the art services to the patients. The main aim is to practice a good
clinical radiology with the help of various imaging modalities ranging from the very basic
conventional radiography to few of the very advanced techniques like MR spectroscopy, perfusion
MRI, Diffusion TENSOR imaging, MDCT investigations etc, thus helping the clinicians in all possible
ways to reach to accurate diagnosis.
The department is equipped with the recent most version PACS and shortly awaiting tele-radiology.
In spite of all these recent advances, adequate importance is given to the conventional radiology
with a fully functioning dark room available in the department for emergency and teaching purposes.

Head of the Department

The department is headed by Dr. Shyamsundar Joshi, MBBS, MD (PGI), DMRD, Principal,
SDMCMS&H, an excellent clinician and a dedicated academician who is serving in the field of
radiology for over 35 years. Having secured a merit certificate and silver medal in PGI Chandigarh
for being 1st in M.D. exams, he is credited for starting and developing the imaging departments in
many medical colleges during his tenure. His work in ultrasound imaging is extraordinary with an
extensive research in cheek and oral cavity ultrasound. Apart from this, his work in the field of
research and publications makes him a distinguished personality. He has presented papers in
various national and international conferences. He has delivered more than 100 lectures at state,
national and international level.

Diagnostic Facilities
Department is equipped with 3 X-ray units with conventional and video fluoroscopy integrated with
the CR system along with 8 portable X-ray machines.
CR system with 24 CR cassettes, two dry view cameras, two laser printers, and X-ray film
PACS – System: The images captured on CR system are easily made available within a few
minutes, to the clinician on their personal computers, about 75 in number, located in OPD, Wards,
OT and casualty etc.
This has grossly reduced the waiting period for image viewing and hence faster patient disposal. The
reports too are pushed through HIS coupled with RIS.
Additional advantages areno film loss, far better image quality, no need to physically store the
images. Easy to maintain the records on large memory devices and equally easier to archive the
images within a short time of afew seconds.
Whole of this system has made our department as a filmless department. Image prints are given on
request either on CD or laser prints at nominal charges.

The department is equipped with 6 high end ultrasound units with thermal printers and 2 portable
machines and 1 ECHO machine. We have recently added two more portable USG units exclusively
for NICU and theatre.
Investigations are performed at ultrasonography section include

 Conventional utrasonography
 High resolution scan for musculoskeletal system with panoramic imaging wherever required.
 Small part studies including sono-mammography
 Endo cavitatory ultrasound,
 Neonatal ultrasound with specialized probes.
 Colour Doppler studies
 3D/4D ultrasound
 Guided interventions

Mammography: The department is equipped with a high end mammography unit for breast cancer

CT unit.
We have commissioned MDCT ( Multi Detector CT)128 slices, dual energy CT scanner adding
strength to the departmental diagnostic performance.
All the earlier CT investigations like Denta scan, Virtual CT bronchoscopy and colonoscopy, Multi-
planer reconstruction, 3D and VRT, Perfusion scan and guided interventional procedures are
performed with highly improved image quality and lesser scan time.

Added advantages are :

Very short scan time e.g. whole body scan from head to toe, especially in poly trauma cases, can be
covered in 10 to 12 seconds.
MDCT angiographies of any part of the body, MDCT coronary angiography with superb
reconstructed images, is being regularly performed.
Being Dual energy Unit, Stone evaluation, metal artifact removal and other applications are being
regularly performed.
Middle and inner ear studies can be performed utilizing sub-millimeter slice thickness.
All the post-processed images are of high quality produced within short period due to faster
performance with thinner slices.
The department is also equipped with the state of the art 1.5 T MRI with 10 coils including special
coils for wrist, shoulder, ankle and temporo-mandibular joint. Special studies which are done using
this equipment include

 Volumetric brain imaging

 Diffusion, ADC mapping , diffusion TENSOR imaging, tractography
 Perfusion imaging.
 Chemical shift imaging (MR spectroscopy) with low, intermediate and high TE values.
 Motion correction software for brain imaging.
 Angiograms and venograms (2D and 3D TOF, PHASE CONTRAST, FLUORO-TRIGGERED
contrast angiogram),
 3D FIESTA for cranial nerves
 Basic functional imaging
 Cartigrams and gradient imaging
 Whole spine coronal pasted images
 Whole body diffusion imaging
 Multiphasic tissue enhancement for abdomen and pelvis (LAVA)
 Multiphasic contrast angiogram(TRICKS).
 MRCP, MRuroraphy and MR myelography.

Teaching Program
The department is academically comparable with few of the apex departments in India. The
department is equipped with an extensive image library, e-library, and a video library.
It has excellent teaching faculty interested in teaching, conducting all the teaching programs and
guiding the students accordingly.
We have apart from UG training program, PG degree (M.D.) and Diploma, (DMRD)courses are
being conducted.
We have introduced on-line teaching program for PGs, in collaboration with some of the
teaching faculties from overseas Universities.
It has a separate departmental book library and a museum with many interesting radiological
artifacts. The department conducts regular clinical postings for undergraduates and special postings
for dental postgraduates. Regular seminars on interesting topics are conducted in the department.
Specialized training programs and observer ship programs for ultrasound, CT and MRI are also
being conducted in the department. The department conducts certificate and diploma courses in
radiography. Specialized training programs for medical engineers are also conducted in the


1. Patil PB, kamalapur MG, Joshi SK. Isolated tuberculoma of cord: MRI evaluation. Biomedical
Intervention and Imaging Journal
2. Kamalapur MG, Patil PB, Joshi S, Shastri D. Pseudomalignant myositis ossificans involving
multiple masticatory muscles: Imaging evaluation. Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging.
2014 Jan; 24(1):75-9.
3. Kamalapur MG, Patil PB, Joshi S, Shastri D. Nodular fasciitis of the masticatory space:
magnetic resonance imaging evaluation. Hong Kong Journal of Radiology. 2013;16:149-54.
4. Annigeri VM, Shanbhag R, Kulkarni V, Naik AS, Patil PB. Nasal Glioma: a case report.
Karnataka Pediatric Journal. 2012 Sept; 28(2&3):
5. Mahabalshetti AD, Aithal KR, Patil BS, Patil PB. Insulinoma- a misleading neuroendocrine
tumour. International Journal of Biological and Medical Research. 2013; (1): 2975-2977.
6. Hippargi HS, Tonne V. Pitfalls in diagnosing a tension pneumopericardium-a case report.
International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2013, 4, 205-207.
7. Annigeri VM, Desai S, Dasar S, Kulkarni V, Halgeri AB. Lumbo-costo-vertebral syndrome-
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8. Rani H, Kulkarni AV, Rao RV, Patil P. Chiari III Malformation: a rare case with review of
literature. Fetal & Pediatric Pathology. 2013 Jun; 32(3): 169-74.
9. Harihar V. Hegde, Shanmukh Hiremath, Ashwin S. Kulkarni, M.P. Bharat, Srinivas K.
Kalabhavi, Ravi L. Bhat. Emergency, anaesthetic and intensive care management of a case
of eventration of diaphragm, Bochdalek hernia and an intra-thoracic gastric rupture with
gastric gangrene. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care 2011; 1: 42-45.
10. Kamate MR, Tonne V, Babubnale S. “Eye of the Tiger” sign and classic pantothenate Kinase
associated neurodegeneration. Indian Journal of pediatrics. 2011 Jan; 28(1): 121-2.
11. Naikmasur VG, Sattur AP, Joshi SK, Rai A. Congenital syngnathia: case report and review of
literature. The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. 2010 Nov; 47(6): 654-60.
12. Guttal KS, Naikmasur VG, Joshi SK, Bathi RJ. Trigeminal neuralgia secondary to epidermoid
cyst at the cerebellopontine angle: case report and brief overview. Odontology. 2009 Jan;
97(1): 54-6.
13. Neelam, Malik, Joshi SK. Sodhi JS. Renal artery occlusion secondary to blunt abdominal
trauma. Indian Journal of Surgery. 1982 April.
14. Hegde N, Joshi SK, Neelam,Raghu MK, Sharma P. Diagnostic Fibrous Dysplasia: Study of
25 cases. IJR, 1983 Aug; 37(3):
15. Neelam. Malik MD, Sharma SK, Nagi B, Joshi SK, Dhawan S, Jain S, Sodhi JS.
Transcatheter therapeutic arterial embolization of renal tumours. Indian Journal of Cancer.
1981; 18: 218-221.
16. Neelam M, Joshi SK, Lamba GS. Sacral RIB( Report of two cases). IJR, 1981 Feb; 37(1):
17. Dibbad R, Deshmukh M, Merchant H, Shikhare S. Spontaneous intramural hematoma of the
small bowel- a complication of anticoagulant therapy. Internet Scientific Publications.
18. Rahalkar MD, Rahalkar AM, Joshi SK. Case series: congenital insensitivity to pain and
anhidrosis. Indian Journal of Radiol Imaging. 2008; 18(2) 132-134.
19. Patil PB, Kamalapur MG, Sindhur JC, Joshi SK. Hypothalamic cavernous angioma
associated with memory and behavior disturbance attacks: role of imaging in diagnosis. Iran
Journal of Radiology. 2012; 9(1) 42-44.
20. Kulkarni PR, Rao RV, Alur MB, Joshi SK. Iniencephaly clausus: a case report with review of
literature. Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences. 2011; 6() 121-123.
21. Patil PB, Kamalapur MG, Joshi SK, Dasar SK, Rao RV. Lipoma arborescens of knee joint:
role of imaging. Radiology Case. 2011; 5(11) 17-25.
22. Parshawnath HA, Kulkarni PR, Rao RV, Joshi SK, Patil PB. Phosphaturic mesenchymal
tumor of ethmoid sinus. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbilogy. 2010; 53(2) 384-385.
23. Yaliwal LV, Sunilkumar KS, Desai RM, Joshi SK. Cystic hygroma: a differential diagnosis for
increased nuchal translucency. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical & Health Sciences. 2012;
2(2) 305-307.
24. Kamalapur MG, Patil PB, Joshi SK, Melkundi S, Patil SS, Ganavalli GS, Kulkarni RD. Role of
magnetic resonance imaging in distinguishing fungal from nonfungal multiple brain
abscesses. The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. 2011; 42() 397-404.
25. Hegde HV, Yaliwal VG, Joshi SK, Rao RP. The Sheared Central Venous Catheter. Case
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26. Hegde DG, Bagalkot PS, Patil PB. Cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome: pierre robin
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27. Annigeri VM, Hegde HV, Patil PB, Halgeri AB, Rao RP. Congenital giant megaureter with
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28. Annigeri VM, Hegde HV, Patil PB, Halgeri AB, Pyloroduodenal duplication cyst. Joural of
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29. Hegde HV, Patil PB, Rameshkumar R, Sunita TH, Bhat MT, Desai RM, Rao RP. A rare case
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30. Annigeri VM, Pai VV, Dasar SK. Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma with kasabach-merritt
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31. Phosphuturic mesenchymal tumor of ethmoidal sinus. Indian Journal of Pathology and
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34. “Cerebro-costo-mandibular Syndrome: Peirre Robin, Sequence Right Rib Dysplasia”. Indian
Journal of pediatrics - online journal Published on 09/01/2011

Dissertations/ Research

1. HRCT temporal bone non traumatic temporal bone lesion evaluation.

2. HRUSG of shoulder rotator cuff & non neoplastic lesion evaluation .
3. HRCT chest - role in chronic interstitial lung disease .
4. Triplex doppler evaluation of carotid and vertebral system in pateint with cerebro-vascular
5. Diffusion weighted MRI in evaluation of intracranial lesion.
6. Sonographic evaluation of umbilical cord thickness and its perinatal outcome.
7. CSOM versus cholesteatoma, radiological features on HRCT temporal bone.

1 Dr. Narendrakumar M. Shah Professor&-HOD

2 Dr. Shyamsundar K. Joshi Professor & Principal
3 Dr. Moham S Bhavikatti Associate -Professor
4 Dr. Preetam B. Patil Associate Professor
5 Dr. Santosh K. Dasar Associate Professor
6 Dr. Rajeev B. Dibbad Associate- Professor
7 Dr. Devaraja S M Associate Professor
8 Dr. Vinayak Tonne Assistant Professor
9 Dr. Gururaj Bangari Assistant Professor
10 Dr. Hole Basu Sr. Resident
11 Dr. Bapusaheb R. Patil Sr. Resident
12 Dr. Suhas Hanchinmani Sr- Resident
13 Dr. Yogi Datta Sr- Resident
14 Dr. Bharati Sr- Resident
15 Dr. Kiran Biradar Jr. Resident
16 Dr. Arpita Sanikop Jr. Resident
17 Dr. Karthikeya D Hebbar Jr. Resident
18 Dr. Charvi S Patel Lalani Jr. Resident
19 Dr. Tushar Kumar Jr. Resident
20 Dr. Prabhath A N Jr. Resident
21 Dr. Sagar.K Jr. Resident
22 Dr. Elizabeth Joseph Jr. Resident

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