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Date Plan of action Evaluation

th Look at the brief for FMP

18 March
Come up with three ideas for FMP
19th March Send out a survey on my ideas
Start typing up the proposal:
Rationale (Approx 100 words),
Project concept (Approx 200 words),
Evaluation. (Approx 50 words
20th March Get the survey responses, upload to
site and type up final idea.
21st March Make my own production schedule
Start my bibliography
22nd March- 5th April Start my Medium research Weekly blogs
6th April- 12th April Finish my Medium research and start Weekly blog
my Genre research
13th April- 19th April Finish my Genre research and start Weekly blog
my content research
20th April- 26th April Finish my Content Weekly blog
Start researching my chosen shots
Do my test shoots
Edit and upload them to my website
27th April – 28th April Character profiles Weekly blog
29th April- 3rd May Start planning Weekly blog
 Script
 Story board
 Location recces
 Crew list
 Actor Confirmation
 Sound list
 Auditions
6th May- 7th May Finish my planning
8th May Film
(Karolina will come to my house to
film some scenes of her and
Michaela and also the scene where
all her mates are together)
9th May Edit the clips that I have
10th May Go to Dylan’s house to film
(I will get Juras, James and Cameron
to go to Dylan’s house and film some
of their scenes where they are in the
house drinking and then they leave
to go to the shops)
11th May- 12th May Film Weekly blog
13th May Edit
14th May Go to Shiplake and film at the
abandoned garden centre with
James and Juras
15th May- 17th May Editing
20th May – 24th May Final evaluation

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