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A) Unit Conversion

1) If one gram of water has a volume of one mL, what would the mass of one L of water be in kg?
2) 0.00832 km = cm
3) 9 m = km
4) 0.0692 m = mm
5) 30.2 dm = dam
6) 98.3 m = hm
7) 0.7620 km = feet
8) 3.2 cc = m3
9) 73.5 km/hr = m/s
10) 4.52 g/mL = kg/L

B) Significant Figures
How many significant figures are there in each of the following measurement !
11) 0.0303 m
12) 2000. cm
13) 13.0 mm
14) 100.0 m

Express the answer to each of the following calculation with the correct numebr of significant
figures and units :
15) 13.80 cm – 6.0741 cm =
16) 30.s – 1.442 s =
17) 106.22 mm + 80.0 mm =

Express the answer to each of the following calculation with the correct number of significant
figures and units !
18) 35.068 km3 ÷ 5.7 km =
19) 0.00457 cm x 8476.7 cm =
20) 20.00 mm x 0.100 mm =

Scientific Notation

Express each of the following number in scientific notation !

21) 0.003 880 908 3
22) 805 000
23) 0.000 000 000 000 015 05

Express each of the following number in long form !

24) 8.900 x 10-8
25) 2.500 x 103

Solve each of the following problems in scientific notation!

26) 25 000 x 16 000 =
27) 57 500 000 x 0.8 =
28) 0.004 54 x 0.008 98 =
29) 3.89 x 108 x 7.5 x 10-4
30) 9.88 x 107 ÷ 7.5 x 10-4 =

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