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Book Review:

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning

Submitted by:

Ezra Dennis Miguel M. Magtibay

XII- Tesla

Submitted to:

Mrs. Charisel Jeanne H. Casala

Mrs. Eleonor G. Corullo

Mrs. Lualhati S. Angeles

Title: A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning
Author: Lemony Snicket
Type of Book: Mystery, Drama, Tragedy

Main Characters:
Violet Baudelaire
- She is the eldest in the Baudelaire siblings, an intelligent, well-minded, and
charming young girl. She is an inventor and she always looks out for her siblings.
- I can identify with the character because like Violet, I always look out for
my friends and family.
Klaus Baudelaire
- He is the second child in the Baudelaire siblings and the only boy in the
siblings. A bookworm boy that is smart and well-minded. Always stands beside her
older sister Violet when doing new inventions and doing chores when they were
in Count Olaf’s house.
- I can identify with the character because like him I always tend to stick
with someone who is older than me and I am also familiar when being the only
by in a group.
Sunny Baudelaire
- She is the youngest child in the Baudelaire family and the only baby in the
siblings. A toddler that is always carried by her older sister or brother. She mostly
speaks by making unintelligible shrieks.
- I can identify with the character because like her I am the youngest in my
family and I know the feeling of everyone always watching over me just like Sunny
when watched over by Violet and Klaus.
Other Characters:
Count Olaf
- Count Olaf is the relative that the Baudelaire siblings was left to live after
their parents was perished in the fire in their house. He keeps the children because
they have a big fortune that their parents left and he wants to get it for himself.
Justice Strauss
- Justice Strauss is the neighbor of Count Olaf who is a judge, hence, the
name “Justice.” Her real name is unknown and se is fond of the Baudelaire
children. She always let the kids into her library, and at some point, in the story she
wanted to adopt the children but the law didn’t allow her.
Arthur Poe
- Arthur Poe is a local banker that holds the fortune of the Baudelaire
children. He also let the children in his house when they were still finding a home
for them. Arthur Poe is known for coughing, a lot.
- The story is set in a dirty and a busy city that I think is set during the 1970s,
because of the lack of more modern gadgets. Also, because the time when the
children’s parents died in a fire there weren’t a lot of commotion mentioned, so I
thought that the city was busy.
- I think the setting was perfect for the story, if the setting was too much in
the past or too much in the future it would not have the same essence of the story.

- The author wants to say is that even though everything in life goes
according to your own will there will also be times where you’ll be down and every
miserable thing that might happen to you could happen to you.
- The moral to the story is that we shouldn’t take advantage of someone
else’s fortune and we should always be grateful of what we have because we
don’t know when it might disappear.
- This is a story about three orphaned children that was taken into custody
by a relative that only wants their money. So, the relative treated the children as
little helpers and he made evil schemes to get the money, but by the end of the
story he didn’t achieved his goal and the children was taken to another relative
to stay with.
- This book showed me that we should be thankful of what we have
because anytime it can just disappear from our life.

There are three children, named Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire. They
were walking at the beach one morning when Mr. Arthur Poe approached them.
He said that their parents died in a fire in their house. The children were then
placed with Count Olaf who is said to be a relative, but he only wants the fortune
of the Baudelaire’s. Count Olaf is an actor then one day he asked the
Baudelaire’s to make dinner for his theatre troupe. The children made a pasta
dish instead of a roast beef that Olaf wanted. It made him mad that he lifted
Sunny in the air and hitting Klaus across his face. In amends to what they did, Olaf
made an agreement that the children join a play that they are making wherein
Violet will marry Olaf which is a way of Olaf to get the money. When Klaus knew
that the marriage would be legal he finds a way on how it would be stopped but
Olaf threatened them he would kill Sunny that is in his tower and is in a cage. They
tried to rescue Sunny but they were just captured to until the play started. So, the
play started and when Violet signed the documents, Olaf interrupted the play
and said that the marriage is legally binding and he is in possession of the
Baudelaire fortune, but Violet interrupted Olaf and said the marriage is not legal
because she signed with her left hand rather than her dominant right hand which
validates the marriage. Right before Olaf can be arrested, he and his troupe
escaped. Justice Strauss said that she is willing to adopt the children, but Mr. Poe
said it would be against their parents will so they will be staying with him for a
Evaluation of The Book
- I think the book is great with all the mystery and drama it had despite of
having children as main characters of the story and with all the unexpected turn
of events.
- What I liked about the book is the whole story itself, because it met all my
expectation of the book and it had all the type of emotions I was looking for like
a little bit of comedy, drama, and mystery.
- There is nothing that I didn’t like in the story maybe except the fact that
they won’t give the children to Justice Strauss because of the will of the
Baudelaire’s parents.
- The story is not that confusing because all the details is well delivered in
the story.
- For me, it was not predictable because the story made me focus on what
was happening and I wasn’t able to look into what can happen in the future.
- The story was believable because it can happen to anyone in real life.
- The ending was that Count Olaf failed to get the money and the
Baudelaire’s will get a new home.

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Date: _________________
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