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1. Demonstrate the use of PathFilter interface inHadoopFileSystem and also explain the use of
distcpcommand in Hadoop.

2. Sketch the anatomy of writing data to HDFS.

3. Demonstrate the advantage of FSDataInputStream over the DataInputStream of
4. Explain model of HadoopFileSystem that describes the visibility of data to the readers in
read/write operation.

5. Discuss in detail how the High Availability support solves the single point of failure.

6. Demonstrate the FileStatus and ListStatus methods of FileSystem in HDFS.


7. Demonstrate Hadoop pipes with respect to MapReduce.

8. Differentiate between old and newMapReduce API.

9. Develop a program to find the highest recorded temperature for each year in the weather dataset
using MapReduce.

10. Discuss the configuration API of Hadoop.

11. Demonstrate Hadoop Streaming API for MapReduce.
12. Illustrate the steps involved in running a job on a cluster.

13. Explain model of HadoopFileSystem that describes the visibility of data to the readers in
read/write operation.

14. Illustrate running a MapReduce job in a local job runner.

15. Write the unit test to test the mapper and reducer for maximum temperature in weather dataset.

16. Sketch a neat diagram and explain the logical data flow in MapReduce with
a. Single reduce task
b. Multiple reduce task

17. Demonstrate the use of GenericOptionParser in running the job from commandline. List its

18. Demonstrate the MapReduce Web UI along with Hadoop logs.

19. Discuss in detail how the High Availability support solves the single point of failure.

20. Develop MapReduce program to find the maximum recorded temperature using the weather

21. Demonstrate the FileStatusand ListStatus methods of FileSystem in HDFS.

22. Write the MapReduce program to analyse the weather dataset using old MapReduce API.

23. Develop the Map and Reduce function in Ruby and Python programming languages.

24. Demonstrate using a neat diagram how MapReduce model works with a single reduce task.

25. Demonstrate the Map and Reduce function in C++ programming language.

26. Identify concerns and derive appropriate solutions while analyzing data with unix tools.

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