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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events and

incidents are either the products of the authors imagination or used in a
fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or
actual events is purely coincidental.



Sometimes in our life we don’t appreciate those people who are always there for us until
they leave or until we lose them. We are already used to their presence that’s why we don’t
really give importance and tend to not care that much about it. Then at the end, we regret
everything, we regret not cherishing those moments we are with them and now it’s already too
late for us to fix it and bring back everything just like before. Outer beauty doesn’t matter; it’s
the inner one that really counts. It’s better to tell someone how much you love them now rather
than to not tell them and lose them without you confessing what you really feel for them.

Love is when we fight till the very last minute and not having second thoughts in
fighting for it until the last very minute just to show and tell someone how much we love them
to live life without regrets.

Thria and Paul’s parents are close friends making the two of them best friends. They
went to the same school since elementary, high school and even now that they are in college
not to mention that they are taking the same course as an architect. The bond that they had
built is inseparable.

When it comes to academic, Thria is much competitive compare to Paul. Thria always
got the back of Paul if Paul needs help when it comes to school works. She helps him in making
his projects and doing his assignments. In return if Thria needs help Paul is also willing to help
her too.

One day, while the both of them are in school, the teacher enters and makes an

“ good morning class, I want you to met your new classmate”

They all look at the door and a beautiful lady entered.

“please introduce yourself miss--?”

“hi everyone, I’m Yuri Hattori. I’m half Filipino and half Japanese”

Thria caught Paul looking at the new student with an admiring spark of eyes.

The class went on. It’s just one of the scenario every day.
After class, Thria and Paul decided to go to their favourite spot. At the back of their
school building there is a wide space where you can see a grass and a beautiful tiny flowers and
that quadrangle is surrounded by mango trees making a shelter for them to rest and relax.

“You know what Paul, smoking would not bring something good to you, it’s bad for your health.
I always told you to stop smoking and you always say that you will stop it, yet at the end,
nothing happen” said Thria

“ Calm down Aia, it’s just one stick”

“ yeah, whatever! You stubborn child, just don’t blame me at the end, I already did my part”

“yieeeh, concern? Haha, don’t worry, I will stop smoking, just wait. Just one step at a time” said

After staying at that field for almost two hours, both of them decided to go home since
it’s already getting dark.

The next day, Thria came to school late, she run as fast as she could until she’s in their
classroom. She goes to her set and saw Paul and Yuri enjoying talking to each other. They
laugh as they talk. Yuri saw her coming o she stand and moved back to her designated set.

“ Bye, Paul, it’s really nice to meet you. So? See you later okay?” Yuri said to Paul with
matching flying kiss.

“ Okay see yah” replied Paul

Paul notice that Thraia’s aura and mood changed.

“ Hey what’s wrong?” asked paul

“ Nothing” short reply of Thraia

Thraia stayed silent and in bad mood until the break time came. She saw Yuri coming close to

“ hey, paul? Wanna have lunch with me? My treat”

Paul looked at Thraia, she just nodded and the two of them left.

From the very beginning, Thraia knew that Yuri is the kind of girl that Paul wants. White
complexion, sexy and stylish compare to her she’s just an ordinary plain girl.

Starting that day, Paul barely hangout with Thraia, he’s always with Yuri. After a week,
Thraia hear the news that Paul and Yuri are already in a relationship. Paul and Thraia
sometimes see and talk with each other but it has a big difference compare to the kind of
relationship they had before.

One day while Thraia was passing by the library, she is stunned from what see saw. She
saw Yuri with other guy, if she’s not mistaken that guy is one of the famous varsities of their
school. She immediately looked for Paul to tell him that her girlfriend is cheating on her.

“ Paul?”

“ oh Aia, what’s up?”

“ Paul, I know it’s hard for you to believe but please listen to me?”

“ Hey, hey, you’re making me nervous, hahaha”

“ Paul, Yuri is cheating on you. I saw her with another guy at the library, they are holding each
others hand and---“

“ you know what Thraia, it’s not a good joke!”

“ no Paul---“

“sh*t! Stop okay?!”

That is the last conversation they had with each other. After that, Thraia never again
attends school.

Paul saw Yuri with his very bare eye that she’s flirting with other guy. She immediately
break up with her. She regret not listening to Thraia.

Paul cannot take it anymore, she keep on calling the number of Thraia but it can’t be
reach, so he decided to go to their house. She is greeted by Thraia’s mother. Paul can see the
dark circles on Thraia’s mothers eyes. He greeted her good morning and asked if where is
Thraia. She saw her teary eyed, she did not answer him, instead she gave him a letter.

“ Thraia said that if you receive this letter, go to the cemery near the grave of his father and
read that letter”

Thraia’s mother left him confused. But the end he thinks that Thraia is maybe visiting
his Father that’s why he wants him to go there.

She immediately goes to the cemetery, she looked for Thraia but she couldn’t find her.
He goes to the grave of Thraia’s father. He almost faint at what he saw near the grave of his
tito, she saw Thraia’s name carved in one of the grave next to the grave he is standing.

“ Thraia! It’s not a good joke, please come out there, please don’t do this to me” he shoutedas
he fallon his knees and heavy tears came out from his eyes. He rememebered the letter that is
given to him by Thraia’s mother he opened it aand starts reading

Dear Paul,

The moment you read this I’m already with my father in heaven. Paul, you know what, i
really miss you. I feel jealous every time you’re with your girl. I envy her, I’m the one who’s
always there since the beginning but you never notice me, you just see me as a friend. I know i
don’t have that kind of attractive looks but Paul I love you so much since we were in grade
school but I guess I’m just a friend to you. I want you to be happy that’s why I let you be with
Yuri, but the moment i saw her with another guy, i feel hurt for you, i don’t want you to be in
pain Paul.

I didn’t tell you about my situation because I don’t want you to be worried at me, I
already know that you are happy so I don’t want to ruin it. Always remember that I’m always
here for you and please always do remember that I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.


Thraia Velasquez

Paul cried, he couldn’t believe what he had read. He still thinks that it is only a joke.
After while, his phone rang, he saw Thraia’s mother calling.
“ hello tita? Please tita tell me this is just a prank, tell me that you’re still with Aia please”

“ I’m sorry Paul, I know it’s hard for you to accept everything but, she’s gone, she no more with
us. Thraia told me before she died that I should not tell you the cause of her death but I don’t
want you to wonder why. The doctor said that it is due to second hand smoke, her throat swell
until the swelling reaches her heart, due to weak immune system, she couldn’t make it----“

Paul didn’t let her finish. He put down the call and cried again.

“ I’m sorry Aia, it is all to be blamed to me, if only I listened to you, I’m really sorry, please

forgive me Aia, I know it’s too late to say this but I want you to know how much I love you, I

am so sorry Aia”.


Written by,

Jela Joy Aguirre Venus

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