Radio Frequency Identification Sensors: Bstract

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Radio Frequency Identification Sensors

Subramanian NAMBI, Sheshidher NYALAMADUGU, and Stuart M. WENTWORTH

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, 200 Broun Hall
Auburn University, Alabama 36849-5201, USA


Bryan A. CHIN
Department of Mechanical Engineering, 201 Ross Hall
Auburn University, Alabama 36849-5201, USA

there is more know-how due to widespread usage and
RFID systems have been used in numerous applications easier design of antenna and electronics. Inductive
like asset tracking, toll collection and libraries. The coupling and backscatter modulation are used at lower
following paper presents our ongoing research for the frequencies as opposed to systems operating at 2.45 GHz
Auburn University Detection and Food Safety (AUDFS) and higher bands, where true RF communication links
project to use RFID technology combined with sensors are used [2].There are three components in a RFID
for detection of pathogens in food. AUDFS aims to system, a remote device called the tag, a reader and a host
integrate the breakthroughs in the detection of food borne interface. The reader, or scanner, transmits a constant
illnesses with advances in wireless and biosensor amplitude high frequency sine wave. The reader acts as a
technologies. The goal of the research is a system that can transceiver, not only transmitting radiation to the tag, but
keep track of food products from initial production also receiving backscattered radiation from the tag [3]. In
throughout the supply chain thus significantly reducing inductive coupling mode, the reader detects variations in
the mortality rate and lost productivity due to food borne the voltage or current levels when a tag comes in its
bacteria and pathogens like Salmonella and E. Coli. vicinity.

Keywords: RFID, Passive tags, Sensor, Food Safety, If an on-board battery powers the tag, it is termed an
Antennas. active tag. Passive tags draw power from radiation
emitted by the reader and are less expensive and generally
1. INTRODUCTION preferred over active ones. Their only drawback is a
much-reduced reading range compared to an active tag.
Food safety is an important national issue that affects This disadvantage is offset by the very long lifetimes and
everyone. On an annual basis, 76 million Americans durability of passive tags compared to active ones.
become ill due to foodborne pathogens and toxins. The
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) The host interface is normally an application program that
estimates that as many as 5,200 of these individuals will is running on a computer system. The program
die, with another 325,000 being hospitalized as a result of communicates with the reader and makes sense of the
this exposure. Hence our research effort focuses on the data that is obtained from the tag. Tags can be read-only
development of a mobile detection device implementing or read-writable. If the tags can also be written to, then
RFID technology and housing a biosensor on-chip [1]. the application sends out the required data to the reader
through, for instance an RS232C serial port of the
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems have computer [3]. The reader then writes this data to the tag in
found favor over other identification and inventory the field.
techniques chiefly due to their non-line-of-sight operation
and capability to function in adverse environments. The Our ultimate goal is to interface a biosensor with a
frequency of RFID systems can vary from the lower passive tag, which can be interrogated by the reader. The
ranges of the spectrum around 135 kHz to the SHF range objective is to relay the sensory information over a
at 5.875 GHz. The most commonly used frequency which wireless medium to the tag. As a stepping-stone to this
has a whole range of applications associated with it is the goal, our present research is focused on developing an
13.56 MHz ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) band. We RFID temperature tag.
decided to use this frequency band for our research, as
Fig.1. Photo of the reader with antenna and other circuitry. Fig.3. Output waveform of the oscillator.

Fig.2. Crystal-controlled oscillator circuit. Fig.4. Detector followed by an amplifier.

The reader does not include any complex demodulation or

2. READER decoding circuitry but does have a circuit that can detect
the backscatter by filtering out the high frequency carrier
The reader is a series RLC circuit, where the inductance through an envelope detector and low-pass filter. The
is a loop antenna, designed to resonate at 13.56 MHz. schematic of our detector circuit followed by the
When a carrier wave is fed to the reader circuit, a amplifier is shown in Fig. 4.The amplitude-modulated
magnetic field emanates along the plane containing the signal received from the tag is demodulated in the AM
loop according to Amperes’ law. The strength of the detector of the reader using peak (or envelope) detection.
magnetic field depends on various factors like the driving The simple peak detector circuit on the left side of Fig.4
current, the number of turns in the loop, the radius of the consists of a diode, a resistor and a capacitor. This circuit
loop and the distance of the tag from the center of the extracts the envelope of the amplitude modulated signal,
loop. This magnetic field induces a voltage across the which is then boosted by an amplifier circuit. Figure 5
antenna terminals. The tag then rectifies this signal to shows the output of the detector.
generate a DC voltage, which it uses to power the
electronics and send a signal back to the reader [4]. 3. TAG
The tag is an LC circuit with component values chosen
We have built a very basic reader (Fig. 1) that can detect for a resonant frequency of 13.56 MHz. When the tag
the presence of a tag up to 10 cm away. The carrier signal comes in the near field of the reader, a voltage is induced
is generated with a crystal-controlled transistor oscillator in the antenna, which forms the inductance part of the
circuit in the reader circuit. The waveform of this tank circuit. The communication between the reader and
oscillator is shown in Fig. 3. tag is similar to a weakly coupled transformer.
The AC voltage that is generated in the tank circuit is
rectified in further stages to provide a DC voltage to the
rest of the tag. A transistor, termed the modulation
transistor, is connected to the tapped antenna coil of the
tag in such a way that when it turns on, it effectively
lowers the inductance of the coil. When it is in the off
condition, the tag sees an inductance and capacitance in
parallel tuned to 13.56 MHz. When a control signal is
applied to the transistor input, the tank circuit is tuned and
detuned continuously at a rate equal to the frequency of
the controlling signal. This control signal is detected in
the reader circuit as the amplitude-modulated form of the
carrier. The detector circuit is used in the reader to
demodulate this signal and extract the information that is
being sent by the tag. Quality factors of the reader and tag
Fig.5. Output of the reader’s detector circuit (top trace) resonant circuits are very important parameters for system
resulting from the tag’s control signal (bottom trace) performance [5].

Antennas for the reader and the tag are being modeled
using NEC (Numeric Electromagnetic Code) Windows
Professional software. Realistic models of loop antennas
can be obtained using NEC. We have designed a multi
turn rectangular loop antenna for a resonant frequency of
13.56 MHz. Matching networks have to be used to
achieve a low VSWR. Read range is another key factor in
the design. Figure 6 shows the simulated radiation pattern
of the antenna.

The reader and tag circuit are schematically illustrated in

Fig. 7. The reader was realized as a series combination of
resistor, capacitor and antenna. The tag was implemented
as a parallel capacitor and a tapped antenna circuit. In Fig.
4, L1 and L2 represent the reader and tag antennae,
Fig.6. Antenna modeling using NEC Win Pro respectively. L2 and C2 together form the tank circuit in
the tag and are tuned to resonate at 13.56 MHz.

A gating signal that can be generated using a

microcontroller is applied to the base of the transistor so
that the base-emitter voltage goes above and below its
turn-on voltage. When the transistor is switched on, the
output at the collector terminal is near ground potential.
The voltage then rises to the bias voltage when the
transistor turns off. The tap in the antenna coil of the tag
is applied between the collector and the ground. Hence
the switching of the transistor shorts the coil and
effectively reduces its inductance. This tunes and detunes
the coil from the resonance condition [5]. When the
carrier from the reader is on, the repeated switching from
the resonance condition is observed in the form of an
amplitude-modulated carrier at the output of the detector
circuit. This is clearly seen in Fig. 8 where the lower
Fig.7. Schematic of the reader and tag circuits. waveform shows the control signal applied to the
transistor and the upper waveform is the amplitude-
modulated signal obtained at the reader. A one-to-one
correspondence between control signal and detected
signal is thus obtained. After detection, the input square
waveform, which was used to switch the transistor, can be
recovered. So if a variable binary waveform
corresponding to some code in the form of high and low
voltage levels is given as input to the tag, it can be
recovered at the reader.

In the present stage of research, we are trying to realize

the tag as an externally powered saucer-sized device
without rectified power. The designed tag circuit is shown
in Fig.9.

We are supplying external clock to the tag for the

Fig.8. Response at the reader with the tag in vicinity. switching circuit. The signal for the switching circuit is
supplied by an external microcontroller programmed to
output a specific binary or hex code. The modulation of
the carrier from the reader will follow this code as is
evident from the response in Fig. 10. For the next
generation of this tag circuit, the microcontroller will be
on board. This tag would be a proof-of-concept device
that will serve as a precursor to eventual miniaturization
of circuit components.

The passive tag will be designed to go into sleep mode

until it is scanned by a reader. On receiving energy from
the reader, the tag will wake up and start transmitting a
unique identity code for a specific time period. During
this period, a microcontroller in the reader will decode the
identity of the tag. After the specified time, the tag will
then send out the information bits. As we are trying to
implement a temperature tag, a sensor in the tag will
Fig.9. A photo shows the proof-of-concept tag circuit. indicate to the microcontroller if a set temperature value
is exceeded. The controller will process this information
and send a code appropriate for the state of the system.

We are also developing a microwave frequency tag at 5.8

GHz with a reduced antenna size and longer read range.
A simple block diagram illustrating the architecture of
such a tag is shown in Fig. 11.


For the eventual RFID biosensor, the sensor will be

interfaced to the tag circuit using the microcontroller. The
envisioned device will use a generic microcontroller with
on-chip memory and input/output ports. It can be
programmed in software to output a certain bit stream
depending on input that it receives from external sources
like sensors. The program logic can poll the respective
Fig.10. Response of the tag with microcontroller. ports and detect changes in the input from the sensor.

RFID systems are wireless systems in which a remote tag

in the field communicates with a reader interfaced to a
host computer system. The paper discusses an RFID
system to be used for detection of pathogens in food. The
design of the tag circuit is a major component of the
research effort. For proof of concept, the tag circuit will
initially be designed with reduced functionality such as
detection of just temperature and using an externally
powered microcontroller to control the operation of the
tag. Further work will focus on incorporating biosensors
that will use sensitive chemical coatings to detect harmful
bacteria and other toxins, relaying the sensory
information to the reader and miniaturizing the tag.
Fig.11. Architecture of the 5.8 GHz tag circuit.

The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of

Madhurima Maddela and Naveen Soodini, and support of
the Auburn University Detection and Food Safety Center
(DFS) and the Electrical and Computer Engineering
department of the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering,
Auburn University.

[1] R. W. Cernosek, B. A. Chin, J. M. Barbaree, V. Vodyanoy,
D. E. Conner, and Y-H. P. Hsieh, “A Rapid Biosensing
System for Detecting Food-Borne Pathogens,”
Proceedings of the Sensors Expo, 2001, pp. 113-116.
[2] P. Sorrells, Passive RFID basics, Microchip Technology
Inc., 1998.
[3] S.C.Q. Chen and V. Thomas, "Optimization of inductive
Fig.12. Block diagram of the RFID sensor system. RFID technology," Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE
International Symposium on Electronics and the
Environment, 2001, pp. 82-87.
The biosensor will have sensitive biological film coatings [4] K. Finkenzeller, RFID Handbook, New York: John
that will undergo changes in material properties on Wiley, 2000, 2ed.
contact with target pathogens like Salmonella and E. Coli. [5] microIDTM13.56 MHz RFID System Design Guide,
As a pilot experiment, a simple temperature sensor will be Microchip Technology Inc., 2001
interfaced to the controller and changes in temperature
will be monitored. If a specified temperature is exceeded,
then a warning signal would be sent to the reader. Fig. 12
illustrates the diagram of such a system.

This would prove useful in the present context of our

research, as the FDA has specified certain nominal
temperatures during storage and handling of many food
items. Such a system would function as an RFID
temperature sensor, which can detect any breaches in the
system by interfacing complex biosensors that can detect
harmful pathogens.

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