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Aztec and Inca Technology


The advances demonstrated in Aztec technology are so remarkable that they are still looked upon
adoringly to this day. Just a few of the Aztec accomplishments have been the development of
mathematics, the canoe, the highly specialized Aztec calendar, and remarkably helpful forms of

The Aztecs had no iron or bronze with which to make their tools and weapons. Therefore, the ancient
Aztec people had to develop a means for creating effective tools and weapons without the benefit of
these metals. For this reason, many Aztec tools were made with obsidian and chert. Near the time they
were overcome by Spanish conquistadors, advances in Aztec technology had lead to the experimentation
of making tools with copper. Axe blades, for example, were being made with either stone or copper.
Aztec technology was so advanced that they even made drills, which were made of reed or bone.

The Aztecs also made a variety of weapons. One weapon, the atlatl, made it easier to throw a spear. In
addition, this weapon was used to aid in fishing. The Aztecs also used a macuahuitl, which was a
wooden club containing sharp pieces of volcanic glass, or obsidian. This weapon was used to disable an
enemy or opponent without killing him. In addition, the Aztecs utilized bows and arrows.

Aztec technology had advanced in such a way that they were familiar with the wheel. The wheel was,
however, only used in toys. In addition, the Aztecs did not have horses, mules or other beasts of burden.
Therefore, they developed dugout canoes with which they transported themselves and their goods
throughout the many canals, lakes, and waterways found in the Valley of Mexico.

Aztec education was an important part of their culture. The Aztecs were very advanced scientific
thinkers and mathematicians. The Aztec number system was far more advanced than other cultures at the
time. In addition, Aztec science relied heavily on math, such as the design of their calendar. Aztec
astronomy was also an important component of their calendar, which reflected heavily on their gods.

The Aztecs were also advanced in the development of medicine. In fact, Aztec medicine was found in
many forms, such as ointments, drinks, and salves.


The Incas developed thousands of techniques for metalwork, stonework, and cloth. They were precise
and talented. They developed all sorts of farming and agriculture technologies too. Their roads, too,
were something to marvel at.

The Inca had an amazing system of roads that stretched over 10,000 miles through the empire. There
were two main roads that were linked together by smaller roads. The system of roads even impressed the
invaders from Europe. Roads were paved near cities and had steps up on mountains. They allowed
military to travel quickly and communicate with the capital. Foot messengers, called chaqsuis, were
stationed every mile or two in order to run messages to the next chaqsui. They knew roads so well that
they could run in total darkness. Every twelve miles, places called tampus were setup so that travelers
would have a place to stay, sleep, and eat. The tampus were already stocked with food, blankets, and
supplies. People that lived near a tampu were responsible for taking care of it. Inca roads were only open
to people who worked on the empire's business. The roads were an amazing way for the Inca to
communicate and stay united.

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