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You can use this simple and reliable security system as a watch- day by installing the
sensing loops around your building. You have to stretch the loop wires two feet above
the ground to sense the mises. Wire loop 1,2 and 4 are connected to the A, B and C in-
put of 7- segment decoder 4511(1C1), respectively while the D input of IC 1 is grounded
permanently. The loops are also connected to a dual 3- input NOR- Gate and inverter
CD4000 (1C2), to activate the alarm. Show F1 the circuit of the digital security system
while fig-2. Show that proposed wiring diagram for the loops around the premises be-
fore using this security.
Security system make sure that loops shown in fig.-2 are connected as shown in fig.-1.
If you don’t want to use the buzzer, switch it off by opening switch the circuit works of a
9V regulate. A common cathode, 7- Segment display (LTS340) is used for displaying
whether the loops are intact or not.
If loop 1 is broken the display will show’s it few of all the three loops are broken, the dis-
play will show the sum of the respective broken loops numbers, the display show 5 (it4)
when all the three loops are intact the display will show 0. All the three input gate M 1 re-
mains low to give a high output. This high output is further given to gate M2 and is fur-
ther result, its output remain low. Teeps transtior T 1 out off position and the piezebuzzer
Dees not sound when any loop is broken. The output of NOR gate M1 goes low.
While the output of gate M2 goes high Transtior T1 (on-ducts and buzzer sounds to alert
you). You can mute the buzzer by switching off power to circuit trough switch S 1.

Here is simple digital security system which can protect you from the burgers of the in-
trude errs into your house. How the logic in the circuit is the name led copper wire which
has to be installed as will be then connected to the circuit. The seven segment display,
which is art of your house has been entered by the intruder according to the numbering
given by you to the circuit the buzzer also provides alarm when any of the loop is bro-
ken by the intruders with approximate number in the display. Totally there are 3 loops 1,
2 and 4 are the three loops. Suppose loop 1 is broken it display and if loop 2 is broken it
display 2 and for the last one it display 4. Suppose if two or all the loop are broken it dis-
play the sum of the broken loops.

Why this Particular circuit?
Seven segment display to display the broken loop and the buzzer to provide alarm
sound where the loop is broken explained working of the circuit. The circuit so simple to
understand has a 7 segment decoder which has 4 input totals. The input D is grounded
and remaining inputs are connected to S loops so, whenever 2 particular loops is bro-
ken for exloop, the display will display 1 for loop and sum of the other loop it more than
one loop is broken for ex 7 for loop 2 and loop 4. The display will be of none of the loops
are broken. The three input NOR gate for the purpose of the buzzer. Unless the loop is
broken the output of the NOR gate is high which in turn inverted will be NOT gate such
that the input to the transtior will be lows the buzzer will not sound.

How to build
First off all feed the given manual through and study the circuit give in figure. Also have
a look at PCB and component supplied along the kit watch component has to be solder
in its position of PCB.
Color- coding Dees identification of resistor correspond to its exact value.
There are different methods in which value are defined on capacitor but value are usu-
ally specified numerically on then reter basic electronics section of manual for details of
resistor and capacitor identification methods.
Can you make out the while working on circuit and you are able to identify each compo-
nent separately as to where each of them has to placed?
If yes, only them proceed further to actually the pars refer suddening instruction section.
NOT ics but their sockets are to be soldered on PCB this is to make mounted and dis-
mounting of IC while trouble shooting

Testing of the kit

All the component on PCB press the push to on switch S 1 when all the loops are intact
the loops will display
0 with no buzzer sound
Now break loop 1 and see the display will show with buzzer sound
Break all the loops the display all the to will show with buzzer sound.

The ics used here are CD 4511, CD4000 and A7 segment common cathode display LT

Parts list
1C1 - CD5411
1C2 – CD4000
Resistors (all - wall ± %)

(Arooh, unless stated other-wise

R1 R2 R3 -47k
R4 - 470-OHM
R5 - KK
S1 S2 – OM/ OFF switch 9V battery SNAPER
DIS - LT543 (CC)
PCB VK 576

Wire Loop 1, 2:-

Wire loops 1, 2 are connected to the A, B and C input of the 7- segment decoder
4511(ICI) respectively. The loops are also connected to a dual 3- input NOR gate and
inverter CD400 (IC2) to activate the alarm. The loops are to be connected as shown in
figure before using this security system. Make sure that the loops shown in fig.-2 ar3e
connected as shown in fig. If you don’t want to use to buzzer switch it off 99V regulated
power supply. However battery backup IX recommended. A common cathode 7-seg-
ment display
(LTS 340) is used for display weather the loop are intact or hot.

Pin configuration:-


1, 2, 6, 7 B,C,D,A BCD input of the IC

3 Display list/ lamp test To test the display LEDs

4 Blank input To turh- Off the LEDs of the


5 Store Store or stgope a b c d


8 GND Ground

9,10,11,12,13,14,14 e, d, e, b, a, g, f 7- segment output

16 VCC Positive supply input

 Lamping text and planking capability.
 Low logic circuit power dissipation.
 Input latches for BCD code storage.
 Balanced propagation delays and transistor time.
 High output sourcing capability.
 Lamp increasing modulation capability rigid structure.

Where to use CD4511 IC:-

This IC combines the quiescent power dissipation and high noise immunity feature of
cmos with NPN bipolar transistor which is capable of giving output current of 25MA,
mainly this IC is used for lighting up of driving various types of display like 7-segment
low voltage fluorescent display and incandescent display but this IC is mainly used for
driving 7-segment display.


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