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August 1997

Shop Floor Control

Process Manufacturing


Item # A81CEASP
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Where Do I Look?

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Important Note for Students in
Training Classes

This guide is a source book for

online helps, training classes, and
user reference. Training classes
may not cover all the topics
contained here.

About this Guide

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Section Chapter

What You Should Know

Field Descriptions
Processing Options
Test Yourself

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Conventions Used in this Guide

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 Form     ""

 Table  $   %


  # " 
Table of Contents

System Overview
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($674(5 1) 41&74(/(06                                  
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Process Manufacturing
%176 41&(55 $07)$&674,0*                                  
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4$05$&6,105 ,0 +12 .114 10641.                         

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"+$6 5 +12 $2(4914-                                     

"+$6 5 $&-5&+('7.,0*                                      

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

1+3*/3- /11/3- '3* ')0'-/3-                               

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64)+77/3- %460 6*+67                                      

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(498 422/82+387                                         

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%460/3- ;/8. 48 9'38/8/+7                                   

A8.1 (8/97)
Table of Contents

Working with Lot Activity Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-125

Working With Lot Statuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-131
View Lot Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-135
Viewing Lot Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-135
Printing Trace and Track Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-137
Reviewing Trace and Track Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-138
Processing Options for Lot Tracing Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-140
Setting up Trace and Track Inclusion Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-140
Reclassify Lots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-143
Reclassifying Lots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-143
Example: Types of Reclassifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-144
Processing Options for Reclassifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-148
Test Yourself: Changing Item Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-150
Review Availability and Shortages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-151
Reviewing Availability and Shortages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-151
Defining Availability Calculations for a Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-152
Reviewing Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-153
Processing Options for Ingredient Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-157
Processing Options for Ingredient List Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-157
Managing Shortage Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-157
Processing Options for Shortage Workbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-161
Processing Options for Shortage Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-161
Printing Shortages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-161
What You Should Know About . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-162
Printing Ingredient Shortages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-162
Processing Options for Ingredient Shortages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-163
Printing All Shortages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-163
Test Yourself: Availability and Shortages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-164
Understand Issue Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-165
About Issue Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-165
When Do You Issue Inventory? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-165
How Do You Issue Inventory? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-166
From Where Is Inventory Issued? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-167
What Tables Store Data when Issuing Ingredients? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-168
Where in the Process Do You Issue Inventory? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-169
Issue Ingredients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-171
Issuing Ingredients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-171
Issuing Ingredients by Preflushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-173
Issuing Ingredients Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-174
Processing Options for Work Order Inventory Issues . . . . . . . . . 2-177
Recording Ingredient Scrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-179
Processing Options for Ingredient Scrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-182
Schedule Work Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-183
Scheduling Work Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-183
Where in the Process Do You Schedule Work Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-184
Reviewing Work Order Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-185
Revising Work Order Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-187
Processing Options for Shop Floor Workbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-188
Printing Scheduling Information for a Work Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-190

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

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63(*77.2, 48.327 +36 &2'&2 3279148.32                 

A8.1 (8/97)
Table of Contents

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Repetitive Manufacturing
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A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

System Setup
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A8.1 (8/97)
Table of Contents



A8.1 (8/97)
System Overview
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

–2 A8.1 (8/97)
System Overview

 "     #        #
    "          !#    
  # !    "     
   " #             " 

System Integration

    #   " 

 "  # 
  !             #

Shop Floor Control

Product Data Inventory

Management Management

DRP/MPS/MRP Warehouse

Procurement Sales Order


Quality Payroll Capacity

Management Requirements

DPS = Distribution Requirements Planning

MPS = Master Production Schedule
MRP = Material Requirements Planning

A8.1 (8/97) 1–1

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

  Product Data Management "     

  Inventory Management "   "        
  Sales Order Management "   "     
  Capacity Requirements Planning "      
    "   "        " 
  Payroll "      "  " 

    $   "   "
  Procurement "   "    "     
  Distribution Requirements Planning Master Production Scheduling
 Material Requirements Planning "     
  Warehouse Management "   "     

1–2 A8.1 (8/97)





Hours and Process Routing

Quantities Instructions

Work Order and

Rate Schedules
Reporting Creation

Shop Floor
Control Features

Blending, Filling ,
and Packaging

Material Manufacturing Production

Tracking Accounting Scheduling and

A8.1 (8/97) 1–3

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Hours and Quantities Tracking

 $"  $" $  !%$$#  $  #"  ( '"
""  (  (
 $  $" "#%" %# ( '" $" " " $
 &'  () " "$#  '" ""# '$ $ (  "$ 
#$" &"#%# $% "
 $%  "   $
 %$$(  $  #" 
 " $% %"#  !%$$# $  '" "" #  %$%"
#$ #  $

Process or Routing Instructions

"$  "%$ %$$( '  '" "" # "##
 # #$" "%$# " *#$" "%$# " $#  $ '
$ %#  $
  $ '" $"#  "%"# "   "$  $
 ( $ #!%  #$$%#    "$  $ "%$
  "*$ $# $ "%$# #$"%$#
 # ( !%$$( ""  $  #"  "   "$

Work Order and Rate Creation

 $" '" ""#  "$# %(

 "$ '" ""#  "$# %$$( " $" !%"$#
    ( #'" $ ### " " ## "" $"(
 #$ $# " ##*$*"" &"$#

"$ # "  "'" %$$( % #$" "$#
#$#  "%$ #$"%$#
 "$$ '" ""#  "$# ( $(  ""$(  #$$%#

"% '" ""# (  "$ %"  %#% $%" "  %"#
$$ $ ( '" "" %"#
 %$$( "$ %"# ""# " #%*$"$  "$# 
$ "%$ " '" ""#  "$#

1–4 A8.1 (8/97)

Blending, Filling, and Packaging

 &#) " (& +#& #&&' #& (  " " $" # ) #
"' ##' +"
 "" $&#)(' &%)&' !#& (" #" #- #& ,-$&#)(
 "" "  " #" ( '! +#& #&&

 )'" '($ ' &%)& (( $&#)'  ,-$&#)(
 '" )$  )' (# #!$ ( $&#)(' " '$&( '($'

Production Scheduling and Tracking

 )  +#& "(& $&#)(#" #& &( ') ' +#& #&&' #& #(
 & " #!$& $ "" $&#)(#" ') ' "'( ()
') '
 ' ( #" " ') " +#&" (# &*+ '$( " )$(
$&#)(#" ') " "#&!(#" " & -(!
  ) ( '(&( " #!$ ( (' #&  +#& #&& , #$&(#" &#!
( #$ ##& #"(&# #)(" "'(&)(#"' (   
 "(" ( &( ')  (& )'" &( ' 

Manufacturing Accounting

  " " (& #'(' #& '()$ #& !(&  " #*&
 #!$& $ "" #'(' "'( () #'(' "  ) (  *&"
 ' ()& #'( $&"( #& #-,-$&#)( #'("
 &( #)&" "(&' (# & () " *&" #'(' (#  +#& #&&
#& &( ')  " ( "& &

A8.1 (8/97) 1–5

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Material Tracking

 "$  "$# #$ %$$) ' )% "##  '" ""

 # ) $ !%$$)  ""    & "  "$
 ## $ "$ %$ #% )   !%$$#
  $ &$)  $  $# "!%" $ %$%" 
"$ $  "$  #"$ #$
 ##% $ "$# $  '" "" %#  % "%# " %#
 %# $ !%$$#   $# ##% $  '" ""  $
" (  '$ ) $  "$#
 $"  $"  $# $ &$") ' "$ $# "
 $$ $ "$# #$  "%$ #$"%$# $ $ '" ""  "$
# "  "'"
 " '" $# " %#  # $  $" '" $#  " '$
& $ $"
 $  $" '" ""# "$ " $ %"$
$ #)#$ " %" $#
 "## '" ""# $$ "% * "%$# " )* "%$#  "##
$ ##") $"#$#

"$  &$") #"$ #$ ) '" ""  $
 $" ##% $"#$# " &$") $# ##$ '$  '" ""

"$   "!%#$  $ "%# $ #)#$ $
#$  $  & $ &$") $# %"# $" $
%$%" #)#$ "$#  "$# #$ '$%$  '" $" $$
 # &$)


 % " "$# $$  " $% &%# '$  &%#  $
$ &" $' $ $'
 % #"$ " "$# ) $ " '" "" $ $) $$
%$%" #$"$# % $    &$)  "!%"
 "$ # "  "'" #% # '" ""# "$# #$#  "%$#
" $#
 &' ) # '" #$# $ $"  #$$%# $) !%%
"# $ '" $"#   $" "# #% # "
# " #$ $"

1–6 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Flow


Work Orders


Routing Parts
Instructions List





Record Hours
Payroll and Quantities

Post Super Backflushing

Completion to

A8.1 (8/97) 1–7

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Tables for Shop Floor Control

 & "  "#  # #" $" #!$$# #  ! #!

-+#'++ '#, +,* #" ! # &!$"  $""" $#
  ##( !# "$ " ( "!#
  #!( " "" # ## ##(

'*# ++!, #" " ## !!" #  #'# ""  #

  ! #! "("# #" " $" ! !$# #'# 
 &! !!

(-', +,* 

 #" # $# # ! # ! !

(-', !* 

 #!" # #!"# !!" ! # ! !

(*$ ',* +,* #" # # $#   &! #!"

#%% ( ,*#%+ +,* "  #" &!$" # %

 !# $# "  #!" "$ " $##" 
#" " & " #$!" #"  %" 
# !  

,& (+, (&)('', #" !) "#! "#" ! $! #!( !#
.'+   ! &! !!"

(-,#'! +,*  #!" !$# !# $ !#

" $"  &! #!" " & " !$ "#$ 

( "() '- ,-*#'! #" ! !# !#


'' +,*   #" # "#   !" ""# &#  #

  " # "$( # "$
# $##(  $#  "$!  "("# $""
'# $!" # #! #  ##
$!  # "("# $" # # !  '#!
"$! # "$!" $! " $

(*$ ** *#' #!" # &! !! %! ## "&" # !
  "#" ! & # "#!" &! "# # #
  # $# !

1–8 A8.1 (8/97)

)+% + !+ !+$&  %$ % $ %% %) ( # ## $$$
 (%  % $# &#$

-!'$(! !&-$)(,#$* % #$ % #% $!$ %( %$  !# &% 
,-!+   $  $)$% &$$   % # #$ $ % &%
#% #%  #&

#! .&! .(-$-0  %$ % ) "&%%$  &!  ( # ## # 
!-$&   #%  $)$% &$$ %$   # $& 
$"& !# &%  $  ( # %#$

#)* &))+ )(-+)&  %$ %  ! %$ &$   ( # ##

+-, $,- 

#)* &))+ )(-+)&  %$ % $! $%#&% $  # &%&# ( #

).-$(" (,-+.-$)(, ##$

)+% + !+ $'! % #$ %  # %#$% $ #! #%   ( # ##


#)+-"! $(-!((!  %$  ! % $ #%$  # ( # ##$


 !,,"!  %$ % $ &#  # $$ #"&#%$ %% # ! $%

  % %$ #  !#% %$

)+!,-    %$ %  #$% % %% $ &# "&#%$
  '%$ % $ % &$ $ !&% %

(/!(-)+0 )(,-(-, $ %  %#  )*% *) %#$% $ %% &# (%
  % '% #) % $)$% #%$ % %&# 
#% %#% !#% $ %( '% #)
%  %# $)$%$ $& $ $ ##
% # &#% 
#  &%

-!' ,-!+   % #$ $  #%   &%  %   #
'% #) $& $ $#!%  $#   &%$ 

-!' +(#   $  %$ (# &$ # !% '
 #%  $& $  $%$ "&%%$ % #)  $ 
!)$  % $

-!' )-$)(   !$  '% #)  % $  #  %

A8.1 (8/97) 1–9

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

' %"&& %!

! '# " " " # !   !
 # !

"' &'%   ! " "# "'   "

' %  " ! " " !" !" '   "!

' &'"%)   " ! #! "  "! "  !  
"  !'!" " !"   !

%"(& $(&'& " ! #"%'   !" $"


%"(& (&'"!& "! " % #! #!"! " "' $ 

  !! ' #"%'   !"

"% %% &'% " ! " %     " !# ! " # !
  #""!  "!

"% %% "! "&"  !" #"! ! " %    ! ""
!&'%('"! &#"&'"!   " '  "   "'!

Types of Manufacturing

  " "'   #"   # !"  #"# 
      "% %'!

 ! "

" ! "   !! #"#  #! !  "   #"! 
!  "  " $#  "!  "! !# !  #" "
%  !"  "  "   &  $  #""' #"!  
  % " !#!!! ""  " $ #!   !!!

Enterprise Requirements Planning and Execution System

  "  !   " ' !'!"! ""  # "
"  !
# "!  
& !'!" 
& !'!" !
'# "  " '# $" ' % "    !# ! " $
 #"!   "   !#
& ! #' " "  !# !
""  " ! " # "  # "  !!  '# #!!!

1–10 A8.1 (8/97)

     "         !  


Enterprise Requirements Planning and Execution


Product Data Management

(Systems 30 and 48)
Product Costing (System 30)

Configuration Management
(System 32)

Inventory Management
(System 41)

Sales Order Management Resource Requirements Planning

(Systems 40 and 42) (System 33)

(System 36)

Distribution Requirements
Planning (System 34)
Rough Cut Capacity Planning
(System 33)
Master Production Schedule
(System 34)
Plan Capacity Requirements Planning
Material Requirements Planning (System 33)
(System 34)

(Systems 40 and 43)

Shop Floor Control Execution Finite Scheduler

(System 31)

Manufacturing Accounting
(System 31)

A8.1 (8/97) 1–11

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Sales Order Management System

Order entry is a process of accepting and translating what the customer wants
into terms used by the manufacturer or distributor. Sales order entry is the main
input to tracking the accuracy of the master production schedule.

There are three levels of sales order entry:

 Basic Ċ create shipping documents for makeĆtoĆstock finished goods

 Advanced Ċ create assembly orders for assembleĆtoĆorder products
stocked at lower levels
 Complex Ċ create design project orders to develop, prototype, and test
engineerĆtoĆorder products

Sales order entry has operational guidelines in which it must:

 Produce output corresponding to items in inventory or parents in the bill

of material
 Be used on an asĆoccurring basis in order to properly reflect

Depending on the nature of a business, you might want to generate an actual

manufacturing work order from a sales order. Before you can do this, however,
you need to address some setup issues in sales orders that relate to
manufacturing. These issues are:

 Order Line Types Ċ These are all of the various line types in the Sales
Order Management system. The last column, WO, indicates whether a
work order is to be generated for line type W on the sales order.
 NonĆKit Work Orders Ċ For items that are not kits, you enter the sales
order in the normal manner. If the processing option is not set to enter
line type W, you must do this in the detail form after entering the item
number and quantity but before accepting the data.
 Kit Work Orders Ċ For these items, the stocking type on the
Branch/Plant form must be set to K for Kits.

After you complete these tasks, you can view the manufacturing work order.
The sales order number is entered in the Reference field and associated sales
order fields of the Manufacturing Work Order form. The Sales Order
Management system does not automatically attach the parts list and routing to
the work order. You do this in the Shop Floor Control system.

1–12 A8.1 (8/97)

Features of Sales Order Management

 "# ()&' $ !' && #"#( #  * #($ (&
($&' '"%!(- !,!(- # %(!(-


 )($"( $&& #)"&#

 )($"( ")!(%! $' $ $'(#
 )($"( !,! %&# #!)# '%!' # $#(&('
 )($"( $#!# &(  +( $&& $! $#!#
 #!# $&& ')""&- # ($(! +( (, !)!($#
 #( )'($"& !!#


 ( %&$''# !!' $ "(&!'

 '& # $&& (-%' (&#'($# (-%' # (&#'($# !$+
 '& $#(&$!! $&"( # )#($#' $ $&& #(&- $&"
 ''' $& '%($#' # #'(&)($#'
 )!(%! )'($"& !!.($ # '%.($ &'''
  $&& $#(&$! # $#!#  $&& &!'
 $! $&& %&$''# # $#!# &!'
 #*)! $& ( $&& %&#(#
 #!# $& ( %&#(#
 &! #)"& (& #


 (" ')'(()($#' # &%!"#('

 )!(%! '%"#(' # #*$' %& $&&
 &( %&$''# $& &()&# $$'
 $"%&#'* '!' # (, ( $!!($#

&( '%
 &#'& $&&' ($ &( %)&' # '!' $&&'

&( #(&' ($ &'' $$  $)#(' *! #*#($&-
#"#( # #&! & '-'("'

A8.1 (8/97) 1–13

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Tables for Sales Order Management

 ! #" ! # " !! # "'"# !

 !" #"! #" $# %$" ! $"#!("  %!'

  $ "   " "  ! !" ! %#!' #" !
!$ "  #"

  $ #!" #" "  $"#!" ! $"#! !$ " #

 %#!' ! !$" ! #!# !"

   !""! !%" $"!  "  !" ""&!" !

 !# !  #!  !!  "

 #!"# #" ! # " !! # "'"# !

!    #" #  "#!$#"  !"" 

 %!' !# !  $"#!" !!

!   " #"  # !# !     ""

!   !" $
"#!' # ! # #   "" !! #%#'

   !   #"  # !! ! !!  !  

! # $ !" $ !%" # $"#!  #!' !# $"
  ! "" '"" ! !#

1–14 A8.1 (8/97)

 ')$$#&(" ( ' #& (  ' && "!"( '-'(! &

#$$ ""  #"("' )'(#!& &''" &* ' " (#&-
"#&!(#" ' " #")"(#" +(  " "'(&)(#"'
(# &(   ' && & &#&

&$!$$ !% $%# "(' &" $ "( +&#)' " )'"'' )"(
  "((- "#&!(#" ') ' #!$"- '&$(#"
"! " (#&- #' ''" (# (( "((-

"&!% $%#   "("' ( #)"( ( #& ( "& &

"&!% #   (#&' ( (&"'(#" &#&' #& ( "& &

!# "!$%!%$
"' #!$"- $&#''" #& "& #)"("

&%" % "&!%! ' (# " ( "(&' (+" *&#)' 

!$%#&%"!$ $%# +&' '-'(!' " ( "& #)"(" '-'(!

% $%#  (#&' ' "#&!(#" #)(  (! " #&
"*"(#&- ') ' '&$(#" '& "! " )"(' #

% #! 

"' " !"("' +&#)' #& $ "( *
"#&!(#" ') ' #'(' %)"((' (#&- #' "
$-' #(#"'

 " %#$ $%#

"' " !"("' +&#)' $ "( * 
 "#&!(#" #)(  ' # !(& ' ') ' #'( "
%)"((' # #!$#""(' ' + ' ()&' #$(#"'
" * ' # ( #&   

( #$ 

 (#&' "(#"' # #&$ # ' (& (,"
)(#&(' " (, &('

!'!%"#) "!$%!%$ ' (# #"(&# -.(#.- (&"'(#"' (( #)& +("

 ( "*"(#&- "!"( '-'(!
&(' ( "()& #
&(" "(&( #$&(#"' (+" "*"(#&-
"!"( " #(& '-'(!' ') '  ' &&
"!"( &#)&!"( " "& #)"("

A8.1 (8/97) 1–15

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Procurement System

'$%  % & *'&! ! &  &$  %' &$!' & #'%&! !

&$ !$ %$(% $!  *&$  %!'$ !' '% & $!'$ & %+%& &!
!& & %& #'&+ "$&% & & !%& $%!  $&% & & !$$& &
&$ +!'  &$  "'$% !$$   &% &  !$&!  +!'  $!$ &
$"& !  !$$  

Features of Procurement

  &'$% ! "'$%    (  &! &$ &!$% %"&+

*&+   "&&+


 '&!& !$$ '$ 

 $ &% )& & ( &!$+
  & %+%& !$ '&!&
!%&  ! "'$% !$$% $% '$ ! !$$% " &
  ' & !%&% ' &&% ! !$$ $ $&   ( &!$+  #'$%
   !$$ %'$+   &!&
 & $ !$ !$&% !$  &$+ "$!$% "$!( % ! $  


 !   ( &!$+   ! - ( &!$+ "'$%  % !)% "'$%

!$$  % &! %  $"& !%&% &!  ( &!$+ !$ &!   $ $
!' & !$  "$!&
 '&   !$  $ $ !' & "'$%% !'  '% ! 
! &$ '&   &!%  %& '%$-%& '& $
 #'%&!   & % "$&%  !$$ &! !) &$!'  !  
$#'%&! "$!%% "$!$ &! & &' ""$!( ! & !$$ !$ "'$%
 %$   !$$ &+"% &$ %&! &+"%   &$ %&! !)% %
(% )-$   *&+ !$ %&'"   '%&!,&! )&!'&
"$!$   %
  & !$ *&  $"& !%&   %+%&  '& & !$$&
*&  !' & !$ ' & !%& "   '"! +!'$ '%
 % ! &  % !$ !$$   ($+ !'  %!  &
 % !$ '&" !$$% & & % &

1–16 A8.1 (8/97)


 ('# %#'& "% %#' *'  ! % !! "% "#! "%% !
! "* & %$(%
 (+ !'%' *' "'%  
*%& &+&' & !(! !)!'"%+
! !' "(!'& + !% "(!'! ! %&& ""
&+&' &
  '! (!'"! ! "(!'& + ! %"(% !' %#'&
#%")& "% !& '" #(%& "%% "&' & (#"! (&'" % !)"
 (+%& %#"%'& ! "% & &#+ #(%& "%% $(!''& & "!
' ,&# %"%% #"!' ! "!"  "%% $(!''+
 (%& %% !%'"% '" & #+ #(%& "%% %'"! !(!
"!! )* " "!"  "%% $(!''+ %,"%% #"!' ! +& &'"
 ! "%% "!'%"& * (%!& ' %"%& " !&
 " #(%& "%%& ! !' "%%& #%")! &+ (#'"! !
%& " #%"% "%%& *'"(' '"! "%% !'%+ +!

Tables for Procurement

 "% '& "% ' %"(% !' &+&' %

   !'!& (' )(& "% (&'" %,&# )%+

    ! ! !"% '"!

 !     !& &# #% %& "% !)!'"%+ ' & "%
%"(#& " ' &

 !  '& &# (&'" % "% (&'" % %"(#!& '"

 !)!'"%+ #%! %(& "% "!'%' #%&

   %")& (&% ! "& ! %& #&&*"%& "%
 $(!''+ "& ! ! "%% " "&

A8.1 (8/97) 1–17

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 (&#'($# (!' $& ( &$)&"#( ','(" &

(%& %% % #(#' ( )'($"& #'(&)($#' # &''# #
 !*&, #$&"($# $&  %)&' $&&

(%& %% '! $#(#' $"%!( #$&"($# $&  !# $ 
 %)&' $&&

(%& %% $#(#' $"%!( #$&"($# $&  %)&' $&&

)%  !# &*

(%& %% '! '($&, (! $& %)&' $&& (! !# (*(,

 $&"( #  )'& #

 ')%%$&(# (!' $& ( &$)&"#( ','(" &

%&& $$  $#(#' )'($"& &''# '($&, # ($&,

#$&"($# ' # $# )#($# +( )'($"&
#'(&)($#' ($ &(  )&' && & &$&

(&#&& #' &'% #(' &# %!#( +&$)' # )'#'' )#(
  #((, #$&"($# ') ' $"%#, '&%($#
#" # ($&, $' ''# ($ (( #((,

$(#' &'% 

 $)#( '(& #(#' ( $)#( ( $& (
#&! !&

$(#' % 

 $)#( & ($&' ( (&#'($# &$&' $& (
#&! !&

#%! $#&'#'& #&! $#'(#(' #' $"%#, %&$''# $&

 #&! $)#(#

('$"' $(#'# )($"( $)#(# #'(&)($#' '(& ' ($ #

#&'%('$#& &'% ( #(&' (+# *&$)'  
+&' ','("' #
 ( #&! $)#(# ','("

'" &'%  (" '(& ($&' ' #$&"($# $)(  ("
# $& #*#($&, ') ' '&%($# '& #"
# )#(' $ "')&

1–18 A8.1 (8/97)

    # ! "  #" &!$" ! #
% !# "$ " "#" $##" #!(
"  (" #"

      #!" "#! "  #" &!$"
  # % !# $# "  #!" "$ "
"#  $##"  #" " & " #$!"
#"  %"  # !  

    ' !" #!" #"  ! " #!
#' $#!#"  #' !#"

  %#!( "##" " # #! ()#)(

  #!"#" ## $! &# # %#!( #
"("# !#" # #$!  !# #!# !#"
#& %#!( #  #! "("#" "$
" " !! # !$!# 

Menu Overview

Menu Overview – Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Manufacturing System G3
Shop Floor Control G31

Daily Operations
S Daily Order Preparation – Process G3113
S Daily Order Reporting – Process G3114
S Daily Processing – Repetitive G3115

Periodic Operations
S Periodic Functions – Process G3122

Setup Operations
S Shop Floor Control Setup G3141

Advanced and Technical Operations

S Advanced Shop Floor Control G3131

A8.1 (8/97) 1–19

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Fast Path Commands

 "")! & '%&$&% & %& #& " !% *"' ! '% &" "(
 "! & "# ""$ "!&$" !'% $" !* !' !&$ & %& #&
" ! & & " ! !


(! "# ""$ "!&$"
  $" '!&"!%  $"%%
  * $$ $#$&"!  $"%%
  * $$ #"$&!  $"%%
   & % '!
   "# ""$ "!&$" &'#

1–20 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Manufacturing
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

1–2 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Manufacturing



    &  $&    
      " $ $    $  
    " !  $     
  % "    "   
    "     $   " 

$ $

About Process Manufacturing

        !   $  #  

        $      $ "& 




$&           $    
! $       $



A8.1 (8/97) 2–1

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 # !""  !$# " $"$(    "#! !$ ! # ")
#! ( %"" ")  !#" ! "#! !$ #
#"  #"
&( ! #(( "$  "!# !$# !$" $ # #  (  #
!$# #! #" # ( #" #  !$#" "
" $"  !  !$#" ! #" +!$#"  (+!$#"
#  !# $! # !""

 # #$$" ! & %!# !$# " #((   '#
! $#) #  $# ## !$"  !$# ! !$# 
&# "# %!#" " #  $#$! " !#!) ( #
$#(    #! $##(  $#( ( %!"
( #" #  #!$+" !$#" ! "# " &#!
+!$#"  (+!$#" ! !( ! !%#  #$$"
!"" #  # !""

 # "#!#" "! # "!# $#$! "$ " !##% ! (
 # *#+!!" #  ( # !% # !"" "$( # #
 #$$" !"" #" ! $! '#"% !!  
!!  $#(  #! %$" $! # !"" " & " "#!#
! # # #!  #!

!"" $#$! ""#"  # &

- !"# &! !!"

- !# &! !!"

- !"" &! !!"

- !"# ##"

- ! &# ##"

- !"# !  #(

- !"# # !""

- #! # !#

- ! &# # %#(

- & # #!"#"

- ""( #" #

- %& %#(  "!#" #

- !"# ""$ #!"#"

""$ !#"

2–2 A8.1 (8/97)

- '  )!$ !$$%

- !$  )& !'$%   #' &&%

- !"&  )!$ !$$%

- (%  & %&&'% !  )!$ !$$

- ()   !$&! !"&! 

- $!%%    % !"&! 

- $ &   $ &   !"$&! $"!$&% !"&! 

Blending, FIlling, and Packaging

 )$% %    &  '&'$  %+%&% &!   &
 '&'$  ! '      "$!'&% %    &%
 ' !' &  !$  %   !%%% $!$   &   %& $
#' &&+ ($&! %   & $! &! ! ' "$!'&%  & %

See Also

 Bulk Stock Management Guide

How Are Units of Measure Used?

!&  "$!%%% $ "  %' !$ "$!'  &$ "$$+ ' & !
%'$ ! !!& &% ' ' & ! %'$ "&% $ !)
&$!'!'& & !" !!$ ! &$! %+%&

!%&  &$+ "$!$% (  ' & ! %'$ *& &! & #' &&+ %   &
' & ! %'$ % %&!$  & &% &% !  )& & #' &&% 
%+%& '%% &$ %  &
& %&$ & !"!  &  & ! %'$
$!'&!  & ! %'$   $$+  & ! %'$ &$!'!'& %!"
!!$ % '&%   &$+ !$%  $$+  & ! %'$ must  &
%%& ! & &$ ' &% ! %'$
&!    &$&% *%& !$ 
!"$&!  &  &$&    + ( ' & ! %'$ % !  % &
! ($%! % %& '"

A8.1 (8/97) 2–3

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Transactions in Shop Floor Control


Work Orders


Routing Ingredients
Instructions List





Record Hours
Payroll and Quantities

Post Super Backflushing

Completion to

2–4 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Work Orders

About Work Orders

"% "%%& "!&&' "  *"% "%% % ! !%!'& &' %"('!
!&'%('"!& !  ",+,#%"('& &'  *"% "%% % &#& '
$(!''+ " ' #%"&& "% ' %$(&' ! ' ' ' & %$(% 
!%!'& &' ! %"('! !&'%('"!& &#+ ' !%!'& "#%'"!& !
%&"(%& %$(% '" " #' ' *"% "%%  ",+,#%"('& &'
!'& ' #%"('& #%"( (%! ' #%"&&

"( %'  *"% "%% % (&! "! " '% '"&

 "% %% %" & %%

"( '! '' ' !%!'& &' %"('! !&'%('"!& ! ",+,#%"('& &'
'% !(+ "% (&!  ' #%"%  & ' #%"% &" "*& +"( '"
#%"&& ('# *"% "%%& * !(&

- #'! ' &''(& "  *"% "%%

- (##+! ' ' '" (& "% ')'+ !

- &&(! !)!'"%+

- %!'! &"# ##%*"%

- ('! &'!% "&'& "% "!(% ' &

- "*! &(&''(' !%!'& '"  (&

&(+ +"( !'%  " ' *"% "%% %& ! '! '' ' !%!'&
&' %"('! !&'%('"!& ! ",+,#%"('& '"'% '" %' ' *"% "%%
(&! ' ' #%"%  %% %"&&!
"*)%  +"( ! '" ! !
!%!' "! ' *"% "%% !%!'& &' "% &#+ &(&''('& +"( (&'
'' '& !(+ "% !(+ ! ' '% +"( %(! ' '

! +"( !(+ '' %"('! !&'%('"!& '" +"(% *"% "%% +"( !
!'+ ' #%!' " %(! '   &$(! ! ")%# ' #%)"(& "#%'"!

A8.1 (8/97) 2–5

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing




2–6 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Work Orders

&$ +!' &$  & $%!'$% $#'$ &! "$!' & "$!%% $#'%&
+!'  %' & )!$ !$$    & )!$ % +!' !"& &% !
& )!$ !$$ +!' $"!$&

 &% !"&
 $ &% '%
 ' &&% %$""

!'$% !     "$%!  & *" 

!'  $"!$& !"&! % + !"$&! %! +!'  &$ )!$ !$$ &(&+ %

& "$!$%%% %  & &'$ !%& "$ & !$ ! '$ &%   &
$%!'$ "$ & !$ "$!%% &% +!'  %! '& !%&% + !"$&!  
&$  ( &!$+ &$!'!'& & "$!'&! "$!%%

What Happens When You Attach an Ingredients List?

!' && &  $ &% %& &$ +!'  &$  )!$ !$$ $ 
 $ &% %& %  %& ! &  $ &%   &$ #' &&% $#'$ &!
!"& & )!$ !$$ !'  && &  $ &% %&

 + %&&   "$!%%  !"&!  !$$  &$+ '&!&+ && & &$
& $!'&  % &&
 '&!&+ '%  $$ $!%% 

!' &&   $ &% %& '%  & & "$!$ & % )+ % && 
  $ &% %&  '+  ! -& !$ & %   $!'& % & %+%&
&$ % )  $ &% %& &! '% + &  & )!$ !$$ #' &&+ !$
&  &+" %" ! & )!$ !$$ $  & %+%& !% !&   
& %, && &% & !!%  & !!)  !$$ ' &  & % !' 

 "  &+" )&  ,$! & #' &&+

 +"  )& & %" #' &&+
 +"  )&  ,$! & #' &&+

 ! & % !'  !  $ &% %& % &&   +!' '%& && &
 $ &% %&  '+

$ &% $  '  !$ *' $! &  $ &% %& !$  )!$ !$$
% ! &$ &(&+ &%  #' &&+ !   $ & %  $% +
&% %$" &!$   !"$&! %$"  ""

A8.1 (8/97) 2–7

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

The following table illustrates several scenarios pertaining to shrink, scrap, and
operational yield.


212 424 123 122 121 444 Component

(2) (4) (1) (12) (2) (1) Quantity Per
OP 10 OP 10 OP 10 OP 10 OP 25 OP 30 Operation

Order with no shrink, scrap or yield - quantity = 10:

212 424 123 122 121 444 Component
20 40 10 120 20 10 Quantity Per

Order with 10% shrink on parent 333 - quantity - 10

212 424 123 122 121 444 Component
22 44 11 132 22 11 Quantity Per

Order with 10% scrap on component item 444 - quantity 10

212 424 123 122 121 444 Component
20 40 10 120 20 11 Quantity Per

Intermediate Items

The Material Requirements Planning (MRP) system does not plan to produce
intermediate items, but will take their existence into account. The Shop Floor
Control system includes lowerĆlevel ingredients of intermediates when you attach
an ingredients list. Intermediate items:

 Are not planned by MRP

 Can be any lowerĆlevel ingredient or intermediate within the process for a
coĆproduct (parent item)
 Can be used to define a subĆrecipe within a parent process when the
intermediate item is not stocked in inventory or planned by MRP, but is
consumed into the parent process

In the following example, patties" are shown as intermediate items. Although

patties are not recognized as an item in this data, you could define them as an
intermediate. They are an intermediate item not stocked in inventory, but
consumed into the process for the coĆproduct hash browns, item 2221.

2–8 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Work Orders

Process 22 – Hash Browns

Potato 10 Shred potatoes

20 Form into pattie – pre–cook

Frying 30 Deep fry Intermediate

Oil 52

40 Package 6 patties in a box

50 Freeze Co–Product
Hash Browns 22

 )/)*# "+"*) $($* '+$**) %($ *% * %(( '+$**/ %$

* -%(! %((  */ ( ,(" '+$**/ *#)  /%+ *,* * (%+$$
*+( $ * *# )*( *" 
  * )/)*# (%+$) +& * .*$
'+$**/ ,"+ *%  -%" $+#(  * )  #" ,"+ (*( *$ %( '+"

 )+$* $,$*%(/ ) $%* ,"" *% %,( * $($*) ")* ('+(#$*)

%( * -%(! %(( * )/)*# "*) * +$**/ (( " %( * *#
** ) )%(*

 )/)*# +)) * "*# %)* %(  $($* *% *(#$ **
$($*) ('+)* *  $ $($* %) $%* ,  "*# %)* *)
('+)* * -""  * )*(* * % * -%(! %(( %( * )*(* * % *
))%* %&(*%$ )'+$ %$ * (%+*$ $ $($* $ ,  $*,
"*# %)* $*$ ** * ) ('+( %( * )*(* * % * -%(!
%(( .#&") ( *#) ** $ &(%))$ %( $)&*%$ %( */ $ 
+) $ $ ))#"/  * "+"* ('+)* * %( $ $($* "")
/%$ * %(( %#&"*%$ * * )/)*# $*() * %(( %#&"*%$ *
%( * *# / +"*

 /%+ $  )($! *%( %$ * ($"$* $+*+($ * %(# %(
* *# * )/)*# $()) * %#&%$$* ('+(#$*) / * &($* *%
%,( * "%)) $ )&"/) * $() %(( '+$**/ $ * (( -* ($!
"  )/)*# $"+) )($!  +)*#$*)  &&"" -$ * "+"*)
$($*) ")* '+$**) $ (%+*$ $)*(+*%$) %( * %((

A8.1 (8/97) 2–9

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

When Do You Attach Routing Instructions?

" !! ! "!  !"! ! %" !  $   
"!  !"!    !  ! !   " !!  " !
!   " !  !   "  !! ! "!

 % !!    !   !% ! "!!% !! ! !
! !  !  !!
 "!!% "  

  $! %" "% !! ! "!  !"!  "  !
!  %" " !! ! ! !  ! !! %" !! !
!  !  % ! "  ! "! ! #% ! "! 
!  ! !  !

Outside Operations

" ! # !  %" "! !!  ! % "!  ! 
 !   %"  ! !% !  !  "    ! !
"    ! !   %"  ! !  $$
"!!%  %  %" ! "! ! "! "!!  !!" 

2–10 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Work Orders

%  # $" #$# " $ %$#  "$#   # #$ % $ %$#
 "$ #  $  $ $
#$" ( %# $ ' $ %"
#$"%$%" # $ $ %" " (% "## $ ""


operation number


work order item number

%  $ ##  %$ #$ $ $ $  #$ "&##  %$ #$ '
 %%$ $ $ $$ "$ $ #$ ' (% "% #$ % 

 (%  $ #$ % $ %$#  "$ #  $  $ $

#$" $
#(#$ "$#  $ %" " $  "$ %# $ & #$"%$%"
 $"# $  $ %"# "" (#$*"$ $ %"# " %$#
 "$#  $ & %$ #$#  ""  (%  $ 
%$#  "$# # $# $( ' ""(  )" %$ #$ ' (% "" 
#$ % " $ "$ $

 ' $# !%$$(  %"# ""  $ #% " #$"%$# "
% $ '$ $ %""$ "$

 #(#$ $#   $ $ ""   $ $ "$ 

%"# "" " $ ' "##

#$" " $ " "" '# % " $ "$ $ 
$ "%$ $$ #  %$#  "$
  "##  $#  $ %"# "" $&$( "%# '" $ #$
% "  $(  %$ $(   #$$%#

A8.1 (8/97) 2–11

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

When Do You Attach Co-/By-Products and Intermediates?

(. --" (3 ' 23)+(.-, ' #'-+&#-,  -+ 2(. '-+  0(+$ (++
"+ " (323)+(.-, %#,- #'-# #, -" #-&, -"- +,.%- +(& -" )+(,,
0"-"+ -"2 + )%'' (+ '(- '-+&#-, + #-&, -"- +,.%- +(&  ,-)
#' -" )+(,, ' ., #' -" (%%(0#'! ,-) ( -" ,& )+(,,

(. ' --" (323)+(.-,

 2 ,--#'!  )+(,,#'! ()-#(' #' (++ '-+2 -( .-(&-#%%2 --"
-"&  -+ -" "+ #, '-+
 2 ,--#'!  )+(,,#'! ()-#(' -( .-(&-#%%2 --" -"& .,#'!
-" -+#% *.#+&'-, %''#'!  ,2,-&

(. ' --" #'-+&#-, &'.%%2

How Does the System Calculate the Start Date?

" ,2,-& .,, %/% %-#& (+ %-#& )+ .'#- -( %.%- -" ,-+- -, (
0(+$ (++, +(& -" . -,

Fixed Leadtime

 -" )+(,, (' -" 0(+$ (++ ",  #1 %-#& -" ,2,-& .,, -" %/%
%-#& -( $,".% -( -+&#' -" ,-+- -

(+ 1&)%

 (+$ (++ . -   

 /% %-#&  -"+ 2,
 -+- -  

" ,2,-& %.%-, -" ,-+- - (+ -" 0(+$ (++ 2 ,.-+-#'! -" %/%
%-#& (+ %-#& )+ .'#- )'#'! (' -" #1 (+ /+#% %-#& %!
+(& -" +*.#+ - " ,2,-& #,)%2, ' ++(+ &,,! # (' ( -"
(%%(0#'! (.+,

 " ,-+- - # +, +(& -" - ( -" #+,- ()+-#(' ,*.' (' -"
#-&, +(.-#'!
 " ()+-#(' ,*.' -, (.% '(-  %.%- .,#'!

2–12 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Work Orders

Variable Leadtime

 ,! (*'++ '& ,! /'*# '** !+  .*"$ $,"%, ,! +1+,% -++ ,!
$,"% (* -&", ,' #+!-$ ,' ,*%"& ,! +,*, , ! +1+,% -++
,! '$$'/"& $-$,"'&

,"% (* -&", 0 '** )-&,",1   ",% $&  +,-(  )--
'*# !'-*+ (* 1

'* 0%($

 '*# '** - ,   

 ,"% (* -&", 
 '*# '** )-&,",1  
 ,-(  !'-*
 --   !'-*+

! +1+,% $-$,+ ,! +,*, , 1 '-&,"& # ,/' /'*#"& 1+ '& ,!
+!'( $''* $&* *'% ,! - , ! /'*# '** +,*, , "+   

See Also

 Appendix C Ċ Leadtimes

What Is Shop Paperwork?

!'( ((*/'*# '&+"+,+ ' ,! '$$'/"& (*"&,'-,+

 '*# '**+ /",! '* /",!'-, ,! "& *"&,+ $"+, '* *'-,"& "&'*%,"'&
 !'( (#, +-%%*1
 & *"&,+ $"+, +!'*, +

!'( ((*/'*# &  &*, /!& 1'- (*'++ ,! /'*# '** -+"& ,!
,! (*' *% '* 1 *-&&"& ,! ,! (*' *% "& (*"&, '&$1 %'

A8.1 (8/97) 2–13

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

What Is Backscheduling?

 " " #  "      " 

 "  !'!"
!!!  " "  " %    #" "" !  '   " "
#  "

 " !'!" !!! " !" "  #!" "! "   "  "
#"  " %     !! " !" "  #!" "!  
 " !  !#

!# !# ! "" " "  ! #"   #"  $ 
" #  "
 &  %    #" " " 

 # '  !# ! "" "  !! %  #"   #"  $ 
!  !  " #  " 
 # ' 

2–14 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Work Orders

After you have defined your work order routing, the system:

 Retrieves the resource units for the work center of the routing operation.
Resource units are factored (that is, increased or decreased) by the
resource unit efficiency and utilization percentages.
 Consumes the hours (queue, run, then move hours), using the calculations
for either fixed or variable leadtime.
 Scales the work center's remaining units proportionate to the previous
operation's remaining units. For example, if 25% of the previous work
center's units remain available, the current work center's units available to
schedule for the same day will equal 25% of its daily total. This assumes
that all work centers have consumed 50% of available units by the middle
of the calendar work day.

Blending, Filling, and Packaging

Use Process Manufacturing to produce and track work orders for the following
lube oil manufacturing scenarios:

 When blending products requires more than one coĆ or byĆproduct.

 When blending and filling on the same work order. Since the blend would
produce a bulk product and the fill would produce a finished packaged
 When a flushing step is required that produces a byĆproduct.
 When using Super Backflush to complete products in separate steps.

A8.1 (8/97) 2–15

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

See Also

 Bulk Stock Management Guide

2–16 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

Creating Work Orders

 *"% "%% &  %$(&' '" #%"(  %'! $(!''+ " ! ' +  )!
' %'! *"% "%%& !(& ' ""*! '&&

 !'%! *"% "%% %&

 ''! ' !%!'& &' !'%')+ "#'"!
 ''! ' %"('! !&'%('"!& !'%')+ "#'"!
 ''! ",#%"('& ! +,#%"('& "#'"!
 ''! ' !'% ' ' & "#'"!
 &&!! &% !( %& "#'"!

Entering Work Order Headers

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Enter/Change Order

" !'%  *"% "%% % +"( !'+ ' #%"&& "% '  '& %!#!'
! $(!''+ ! ' %$(&' ' "% ' *"% "%% "( + "#'"!+
!'% "'% !"% '"! !"' %$(% ' "%% !'%+ &( & ' %)&"! )
"% '  " '% "% &&"' && !"% '"!

 &+&' ('& ' &'%' ' & "! ' %$(&' ' '' +"( !'%
 ' %$(&' ' & "% ' (%%!' ' "% & !"' ! &  *"% +
 *%!! && ##%&  &+&' !!"' (' ' &'%' ' "% '
*"% "%%  ' %$(&' ' & ! %%"%

 *%& %" !& '' +"( (& %!' "( !' '+#& '" !'+ '
%!' '+#& " *"% "%%& &( & %*"% %#% "% #%"'"'+#&

& !!%! ! %%   )&"! '" %'  *"% "%% !&' 
#%"% %)&"! ) +

 '!  %)&"! ) '" '' '" ' *"% "%%

 !(+ !'%!  %!' %)&"! )

A8.1 (8/97) 2–17

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

!&$! )"$ "$$ $% !' & "")! &%%

 !&$! !&*! !"$ &"!

 !&$! %'! !"$ &"!
 !&$! %$#&( !"$ &"! "#&"!
 !&$! #!!! !"$ &"! "#&"!
 !&$! $%#"!% #$%"!% "#&"!
 !&$! %" &" !"$ &"! "#&"!
 !&$! "'!&! !"$ &"! "#&"!
 !&$!  $(%"! ( "#&"!

Before You Begin

- % & #$"%%! "#&"!% "$ "$$ !&$* &" "!&$" ") & %*%&
#$"%%% !"$ &"! "! & "$$ ! &" %% %%"& !"$ &"!
%' % & "$$% #$&% %& ! $"'&! !%&$'&"!%

- & '# & %"# ""$ !$ "$ & )"$ *% ! "!&% && &
"$$ &(&* ) %#! !'! & %  Setting Up the Shop Floor

- & '# & "' !& &*#% && *"' '% &" !&* $!& )"$ "$$
&*#% ! & "")! #%

 %$ !
"%   &
 $"%%! "#&"!% " & '##*  ! !'%"! '% #$"$ 
 & !) "' !& &*#% $ &"  '% ! "&$ #$&% " &
!'&'$! %*%&

- !&$ & '!& " %'$ ! & #$"%%! "#&"!% && *"' )!& &
%*%& &" '% "$ %'! & $"'&! "#$&"!% "$ & #$"%%

 & (&* " & !$!&% && $ ! &" " #& 
)"$ "$$ "$ *"' $& & )"$ "$$  Reviewing Availability
and Shortages

- & '# ( )"$ !&$ "&"!%  Setting Up Work Centers

- % & #$"%%! "#&"!% &" !&& $"'% ! !& %*%&
!&$&"!  Advanced Warehouse Management Guide "$ !"$ &"!
"'& %&&! '# $"'% ! !&

2–18 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

What You Should Know About

  $) # '' && &'' #$&"($#  -$) #

   ( &'' $ ( )'($"& $# ( '!' $&& &!( ($
-$)& +$& $&& !# !' %%& +# (& ' #$
'!' $&& ''$( +( -$)& +$& $&&

  $) # '' $& && (!
#(&- ($  (! ($

 ( +$& $&& '&%($#

    -$) )' ')""&. $)&#! #(&' # #)()&#

    $)#(# ( '-'(" &('  #+ +$& $&& #)"&
$& ( ( $ +$& $&&' # ')""&.
$+*& -$) ##$( !$( (' #+ +$& $&& #)"&
#(&# &&

 Reviewing Summarized Work Orders # ( Product

Costing and Manufacturing Accounting Guide

'  %&$''# $%($# $& (
#(&# &&
   %&$&" $& ( !## # !!# %&$''' $)
'%- ( %&$&" $ ( $&")! %(".($#
&$)(# ( '-'(" !!' +# -$) '!( ($ $%(". (
$&")! &$" ( #&#(' !'(

# -$) #&(  +$& $&& #&#(' !'( (

'-'("  ' ( !!$+ %&$)(' "(&, $& #
#$"%(!(- (+# ( #&#(' !'( # (
!## (#   #$"%(!(' %%& ' &&$&'

 Bulk Stock Management Guide

    ' -$) &(  +$& $&& -$) #

 ' %&&# &$!' ($ "#(# ('(' $& (
%&#( ("
 #(# #& (,( ($ #( +# ($ ('(
"(&!' # +( + ('(

#(& ('( &')!(' $& ( ('(' # $& ( %&#(
 Working with Test Results # ( Quality Management
Guide $& "$& #$&"($#

A8.1 (8/97) 2–19

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing




 # # % "

 !"" #


# $!  %  $! ## # "&"# """ #  # #   
!# #! "!#  ! ! # $! !#

2–20 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

,(" ) .". ,*,-(.-  "#!"4&0& /-#(-- /(#. . (
 /- .) , ,(  ,(" ), *&(. .". '#!". "0
*,.'(.- ), $)- 1"#" ,*,-(. &)1,4&0& /-#(--
/(#.- . #.'   -/),#(. .) #. ), 2'*&

/-#(-- /(#. -/,#.3 #- - )( ." "#!",4&0&
/-#(-- /(#.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
), ")* &)), )(.,)& ( (/ ./,#(! )/(.#(!

"#- #& #(.# #- ." ,("*&(. #( 1"#" ." #.'



  -"/&#(! *,)&' 2#-.- )( 3)/, 1),% ),, ( ,,), '--! **,-

"#- '--! #(#.- .". .", #-  # ,( .1( ." 1),% ),, -.,.
. ( )( ), )." ) ." )&&)1#(!

 " -.,. . ) ." #,-. ,)/.#(! )*,.#)(

 " &/&. -.,. . ), ." 1),% ),, 1"#" #(#.-
# #/&.3 #( %-"/&#(!

( (., "(! ,,

)'*&. ." )&&)1#(! #&-

 /(.#.3 ,,

A8.1 (8/97) 2–21

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


'  $(&'  ' '' ! ' & '" %%) "% '' ! '"! & '" 
" #'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"% "# ""% "!'%"
! +"( ! ' %$(&' '
  &+&' ('&  !* &'%' ' & "!
' !* %$(&' '  +"( ' ' ' !
' '%' '  "% +"( !'% ' !*
%$(&' '  +"( " !"' ' ' &'%'
' ' &+&' "& !"' %(' "% ! '
  &+&' %('& ' "#%'"! &'%' !
" #' '& "%! '" ' &(! %(&



&%#') !"% '"! (%'% !'& ' *"% "%% &( & '&
&&'"! #%"%'+ "' !''"! #%!' '  ! ' %)&"! ) " '&
 " '%

!'%! %%

 " #' ' ""*! "#'"! &

 "' ( %
 %!' "% %% ( %
 )&"! )

2–22 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders





A8.1 (8/97) 2–23

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 % &(" (( &( /') &$'#* *  &##&-!% !#) *& !%*!/

+' *& * ( !*!&%# !%) &( *  *!# &($
  &&) &(" (( *&(/ &)

 % &(" (( *&(/ &) &$'#* *  &##&-!% &'*!&%# !#)

  ) *&(/ & 
 *&(/ & 
 *&(/ &
 *&(/ &

 *&(/ &
 (,! /'
 "!## /'
 .'(!% ,#
 *&(/ & 

2–24 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

 +'(, )&(
 *%( )( '* &%
(&)) (%

/' +)(  % &  ** % *) * */'
#))  * &% &  -&(" &(( &( % %( % %
&+ % +) -&(" &(( */' )  )#* &% ( *(  &(
-&(" &(( ''(&,#)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
&( &' #&&(
 /&+ #, * )  # #%" &% &(( %*(/ * )/)*$
+)) * ,#+ )'   % * '(&)) % &'* &%)
( &( */ +)(  % & )/)*$  */'  ** % *)
* (#* , '( &( */ &  -&(" &(( &( % %( %
% &(( % (#* &% *& &*( &(()
'(&)) % &'* &% &( )&$ &($) #*) /&+ %*( 
+#* ,#+ &( * )  #  ,#+ *%  )'#/)
+*&$* ##/ % * ''(&'( *  #) &% %/ -&(" &((
/&+ (* &% *&) &($) % &% * (&!* *+' &($
&+ %  *( '* &( &,((  * +#* ,#+
$(") .*% )( '* &%  # &( -&(" &(( %&($* &%
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
&( &' #&&(
 /&+ #, * )  # #%" * )/)*$  )'#/) *
)( '* &% &( * *$ (&$ * *$ )*( *#
&-,( /&+ % &,((  * ) +#* / % % *
 # &% * -&(" &(( (
&* %+$( ** %*  )  #&* &(  )( # %+$( #&* )
 (&+' & *$) - * ) $ #( (*( )* )

A8.1 (8/97) 2–25

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 0$-2  . '(1 (1 2'$ / 0$-2 5.0* .0#$0 -3,!$0 .3 " - 31$ 2'(1
-3,!$0 2.
 -2$0 #$% 3+2 4 +3$1 %.0 -$5+7 ##$# 5.0*
.0#$01 %.0 $6 ,/+$ 7/$ 0(.0(27 2 231 .0
 - &$0

 0.3/ 5.0* .0#$01 %.0 /0.)$"2 1$23/ -#
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.0 './ +..0 .-20.+
.3 " - , -3 ++7 $-2$0 2'(1 -3,!$0 2.
 #$-2(%7 ,3+2(8+$4$+ ".-%(&30$# (2$,1
 0.4(#$ 2'$ #$% 3+2 %.0 5.0* .0#$01 %.0 2'$ +.5$0
".-%(&30$# (2$, (% 7.3 $-2$0 (2 %.0 2'$ 2./8+$4$+
".-%(&30$# (2$,
 0.3/ 5.0* .0#$01 %.0 /0.)$"2 1$23/ -#
$4(1(.- $4$+ -#(" 2$1 2'$ 0$4(1(.- +$4$+ .% !(++ .% , 2$0( + 2 (1
313 ++7 31$# (- ".-)3-"2(.- 5(2' - $-&(-$$0(-& "' -&$
-.2("$ .0 .0#$0  .0  '$ 0$4(1(.- +$4$+ .% 2'$
!(++ .% , 2$0( + 1'.3+# , 2"' 2'$ 0$4(1(.- +$4$+ .% (21
11."( 2$# 0.32(-& # 2 (2$,  +2'.3&' 2'$ 1712$,
#.$1 -.2 "'$"* 2'(1 '(1 4 +3$ (1 #$%(-$# -# , (-2 (-$#
!7 2'$ 31$0
3!(2+$ $1"0(/2(.-  13!2(2+$ #$1"0(/2(.- 0$, 0* - ,$ .0 ##0$11
'$ 2$62 7.3 27/$ (- 2'(1 %($+# //$ 01 1 ".+3,- '$ #
.- 2'$ .0* 0#$0 $2 (+ -207 %.0, %.0 2'$ 0$".0# 27/$
(-#(" 2$#
' 1$  31$0 #$%(-$# ".#$   2' 2 (-#(" 2$1 2'$ "300$-2
12 &$ .0 /' 1$ .% #$4$+./,$-2 %.0 5.0* .0#$0 .3 " -
11(&- 5.0* .0#$0 2. .-+7 .-$ /' 1$ ".#$ 2 2(,$
 $02 (- %.0,1 ".-2 (- /0."$11(-& ./2(.- 2' 2
++.51 7.3 2. $-2$0 #$% 3+2 4 +3$ %.0 2'(1 %($+# % 7.3
$-2$0 #$% 3+2 4 +3$ .- %.0, %.0 5'("' 7.3 ' 4$ 1$2
2'(1 /0."$11(-& ./2(.- 2'$ 1712$, #(1/+ 71 2'$ 4 +3$ (-
2'$ //0./0( 2$ %($+#1 .- -7 5.0* .0#$01 2' 2 7.3 "0$ 2$
'$ 1712$, +1. #(1/+ 71 2'$ 4 +3$ .- 2'$ 0.)$"2 $23/
%.0, .3 " - $(2'$0 ""$/2 .0 .4$00(#$ 2'$ #$% 3+2 4 +3$
2 231  31$0 #$%(-$# ".#$ 1712$,  27/$   2' 2 (-#(" 2$1
2'$ 12 231 .% 2'$ 5.0* .0#$0
$04("$ 7/$  31$0 #$%(-$# ".#$ 1712$,  27/$   2' 2 (-#(" 2$1
2'$ 1$04("$ 27/$ %.0 2'$ 5.0* .0#$0

2–26 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

Skill Type The type or category of work order.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For Shop Floor Control:
A user defined code (system 00, type W8) that indicates
the skill type for the work order.
Experience Level The type or category of work order.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For Shop Floor Control:
A user defined code (system 00, type W9) that indicates
the experience level for the work order.
Originator The address book number of the person who originated
the change request.
Supervisor The address book number of the supervisor.
Note: A processing option for some forms allows you to
enter a default value for this field based on values for
Category Codes 1 (Phase), 2, and 3. Set up the default
values on the Default Managers & Supervisor form. After
you set up the default values and the processing option,
the information displays automatically on any work
orders you create if the category code criterion is met.
You can either accept or override the default value.
Std. Desc. . . . . BBB A user defined code (system 48, type SN) that is assigned
to a standard note, message, or general narrative
explanation. You can use this code to add instructional
information to a work order. You set up codes for this
field on Standard Description.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For Equipment/Plant Maintenance users:
You can use this code to assign narrative text for a
standard procedure. The information appears on the Item
PM schedule and the work order routing.
Search X-Ref An alphanumeric value used as a crossĆreference or
secondary reference number. Typically, this is the
customer number, supplier number, or job number.

A8.1 (8/97) 2–27

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing



$) # #(- +& ( +$& $&& ' # ( %&$'' #  ( ' #

# #(& # &&

$"%!( ( $!!$+# $%($#! !'

 (()' $""#(
 &. $


(()' $""#(
& '&%($# ($ ,%!# ( '(()' $ ( +$&
)'& # $  (( '&' ( '(()' $ 
+$& $&& $& ##&# # $&&
#- '(()'
# &$"  (&)  )($"(!!- )%(' ( (
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$& $% !$$& $#(&$!

%&$''# $%($# $& $&& #(&- !(' -$) #(& 
)!( *!) $& (' !
&. $
$ (( #('  ( $&& ' &$.#  +!!
#$( %!# $& &$.# $&&'
! $' &
 ' &. ( $&&
 $ $ #$( &. ( $&&  )!(

2–28 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders


(- ' #',# 0 ," )*+('+ ++(#, /#," ," /(*$ (**

' ',*"'! **

(&)%, ," (%%(/#'! (),#('% #%+


*++ -&*  " *++ (($ '-&* (  &'!* (* )%''*
 )*(++#'! (),#(' (* +(& (*&+ %,+ 0(- ',*
  -%, .%- (* ,"#+ #% + (' .%-+ (* ,!(*0
(+  "+  '
 , -) ,"  -%, .%-+ ('
,"  -%, '!*+ ' -)*.#+(*+ (*& ,* 0(- +,
-) ,"  -%, .%-+ ' ," )*(++#'! (),#(' ,"
#' (*&,#(' #+)%0+ -,(&,#%%0 (' '0 /(*$ (**+
0(- *, # ," ,!(*0 ( *#,*#(' #+ &, (- '
#,"* ), (* (.**# ,"  -%, .%-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(* "() %((* (',*(%
 0(- %. ,"#+ #% %'$ ," +0+,& -++ ," )%''*
(* ," #,& #' ," *'"%', ,%
*++ -&* '-&* ,", #',# #+ ' ',*0 #' ," *++ (($
+0+,& + ,"#+ '-&* ,( #',# 0 &)%(0+
))%#',+ )*,##)',+ -+,(&*+ +-))%#*+ ,'',+ '
'0 (,"* *++ (($ &&*+

A8.1 (8/97) 2–29

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


"' ! !&* %% %%"& !"$ &"! "$ & )"$ "$$

! !&$! $$

" #& & "")! "#&"! %

 '%&" $
 %%"& % $$

 % %& "( ) "!&! '& !"$ &"!  &$ %  %%
"$$ %%"& )& &% )"$ "$$

&     !' $ && !&%  %"!$* #'$% "$$
' $ %% "$$ "$ )"$ "$$ %%"& )& & "$!
"$$ % % "$ !"$ &"! "!*


"' ! !&* & '%!%% '!& &"  $ ! &% "'!&

! !&$! $$

" #& & "")! "#&"! %

 $ &" "%& !&$

 "%& "

'%$*  %'(%"! " ! "& "'!& '%$* "'!&%
!' "$ & $"$% " & "'!&! &(&*
"$ ! "& "'!&
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"$ "# ""$ "!&$" ! !'&'$! "'!&!

  (' % !"& !&$ ! & 
& "$ %'%$*
"'!& & %*%& '%% &% (' %  '& ! "'$!

2–30 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders


% %*( % ((

 & &% & * &##&- %

 &$'#* * &##&- %  #

 , ) &% ,#

 )) * # )* & (, ) &% #,#) (&$ -  .&+ % )#* &( *
-&(" &(( . '()) % 

 % , ) &% ,# )#* * (, ) &% #,# *&  '# &% * -&("
&(( (

 ).)*$ #&)) * , ) &% ,# - %&-

 % %*( % ((  * (, ) &% #,# *& * -&(" &(( (
. '()) % %*(


## , ) &% ,# % *) * (, ) &% #,# &   ## & $*( # * )
+)+##. +) % &%!+%* &% - * % % %( % %
%&*  &( &((   &(    (, ) &% #,# & *
 ## & $*( # )&+# $* * (, ) &% #,# & *)
))& * (&+* % * *$  #*&+ * ).)*$
&) %&* " * )  ) ,#+ )  % % $ %* %
. * +)(

Processing Options for Manufacturing Work Order Entry

1. Enter the Unit of Measure Code ____________
2. Enter a ’1’ to automatically ____________
recalculate Parts List and Routing

A8.1 (8/97) 2–31

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

dates, hours and quantities.

3. Enter a ’1’ to validate for ____________
existing Branch/Item record.
4. Enter a ’1’ to protect the lot ____________
number on the parts list.
If left blank, the lot number
will remain input capable.
5. Enter a ’1’ to default the Charge ____________
to Business Unit from the Job
number in the Business Unit Master
file (F0006). If left blank, the
Branch/Plant will be used.
6. Enter the version of Bill ____________
Availability to be called.
Default is ZJDE0001.
7. Enter defaults for the following:
a. Document Type (Default is ’WO’) ____________
b. Type (Optional) ____________
c. Priority (Optional) ____________
d. Beginning Status (Optional) ____________
e. Category Code 1 (Optional) ____________
f. Category Code 2 (Optional) ____________
g. Category Code 3 (Optional) ____________
Or enter Item Branch Class Code
fields to retrieve default values.
h. Category Code 1 (Optional) ____________
i. Category Code 2 (Optional) ____________
j. Category Code 3 (Optional) ____________
8. Enter the Hold Code for the related ____________
sales order if the work order
quantity or date changes. Blanks
will not update the sales order.
9. Enter the Hold Code for the related ____________
purchase order if the work order
quantity or date changes. Blanks
will not update the purchase order.
Note- The purchase order will be
be updated only if the work
order routings are recalculated.
10. Enter a ’1’ by the following fields
to activate them:
a. Bill Type ____________
b. Routing Type ____________
11. Enter a ’1’ to create the Resource ____________
List records for Co-/By-Products
when a process work order is
entered. If left blank, the

2–32 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

Co-/By-Product resource list

records will be created when the
ingredients list is created.
12. Enter a ’1’ to automatically create ____________
the WO Routing Instructions when
creating the WO Parts List on-line.
13. Enter a ’1’ to automatically create ____________
the WO Parts List when creating the
WO Routing Instructions on-line.
14. Enter commitment option for ____________
creating the WO Parts List on-line.
Blank Commit to primary location
1 – Commit per Commitment Control
in Mfg Constants (P3009)
2 – Same as ’1’, but use
substitutes for shortages
3 – Same as ’1’, but display
substitute availability
window when substitute qty
available can cover shortage
15. Enter the version of the ECO ____________
header to call from Revisions
Window (P30BREV). If left blank,
version ZJDE0001 will be used.
16. Enter the version of Assign Serial ____________
Numbers to call. If left blank,
version ZJDE0001 will be used.
17. Enter a ’1’ to permit attaching ____________
parts lists at prior revision
levels. If left blank, prior
revision levels will not be used.
18. Enter the request processing mode ____________
’ ’ = No pick requests
’1’ = Generate requests only
’2’ = Generate requests and process
using the subsystem
19. If processing pick requests using ____________
the subsystem, enter the DREAM
Writer version to use. If blank,
XJDE0002 is used.
(See Form ID P46171)
20. Enter the default staging location ____________
for moving goods out of the
warehouse. The parts picked from
the warehouse are staged at this
location prior to use within
manufacturing. (F1=Location Window)
21. Enter a ’1’ if the default staging ____________
location should be checked for

A8.1 (8/97) 2–33

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

availability. If the part is

available at the staging location
a request will NOT be generated.
This option only applies to parts
without work center locations.
22. Enter a ’1’ to copy component ____________
generic text to the parts list.
23. Enter a ’1’ to copy the operation’s ____________
generic text to the work order
24. Enter the cross reference code for ____________
retrieving item replacements for
obsolete items.
25. Enter the program ID of the Formula ____________
Optimization routine to be called
when the function key to Optimize
the formula is selected from the
Ingredients List Program (P3111).

What You Should Know About Processing Options

    #            !
   # !      #
! #  #     #  

Attaching the Ingredients List Interactively

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Enter/Change Order

 #  # !    #        

   #   #


       # "   #    #   #
   # !         
  #   #

2–34 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

" &# " "$& "" "  "! !" &# 

 &    !#!""#" "  #""!    " "!

 ! !#!""#" "!  " #""!   %   "
! " ! #" 

!   !! " 

"    " !& " !#!""#"
 !! "" &# %" " #!

 " #! " "" "  !"  #"#  !""!

 " #! " "" "  !"  #"#  !""!
#" #! !#!""#"!  ! "!
 " #! " "" "  !"  #"#  !""!
#" #! !#!""#"!  " #""& $  $ " ! "
 " #! " "" "  !"  #"#  !""!
#" !& !#!""#" $"& % !#!""#" #""& $ 
$ " ! "

"" "  "! !" " "$& #! " % "!!

 "" "  "! !"

"  !#!""#"! "
 ! !#!""#" "! "

"  #" "! "

What You Should Know About

   ! " # " "    "  "

   "   ""  " !#!""#"!  &# 
   ! "!  "! " " "$  "

 Processing Work Orders

   ! "  !!     "   "

  !! " " "" "  "! !" " "

 Processing Work Orders

A8.1 (8/97) 2–35

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

       &, % &'0 +  !%)!%+* #!*+ &  ')-!&,*#0 %+)
   .&)" &)) % ++ !+ +&  %. .&)" &)) & & *&
 &+ +  !%)!%+* #!*+ & +  /!*+!% .&)"
 % +  &)) %,$) +& +  %. .&)" &))
  +  )&)

        ** &)" )) &$'&%%+ *+) /+ +& )+ 

  *')+ %)! +/+ %+)0 &)  .&)" &))  !*
.!%&. %#* 0&, +& ')&-! $&) !%&)$+!&% %
*'!! !%*+),+!&%* ') &)) %0 $&!!+!&%* 0&,
$" +& +  +/+ .!## %&+ !$'+ +  +/+ + + .*
&)!!%##0 ++  +& +  !## & $+)!#

&, % #*& ** +  *) %&)$+!&% % /+ &#

#+!&% .!%&.* +& -!. ,*) % + ,'+* * .##
* $&# *#+!&%*

      0&, ,* ) &,* %$%+ % %)+  ')+*
 #!*+ +  *0*+$ *) * &) !%-%+&)0 !% +  *+!% &)
.&)" %+) #&+!&%  0&, ! %&+ !%  *+!% &)
.&)" %+) #&+!&% &) !%-%+&)0 !* %&+ #&+ + 
*0*+$ %)+*  '!" )(,*+   '!" )(,*+ %&+!!*
0&, & +  % &) $+)!#* )&$ +  .) &,*

+) +  *0*+$ )+* +  '!" )(,*+ +  ) &,*

%$%+ *0*+$ ')&*** !%*+),+!&%* % )+*
*,*+!&%* &) 0&, +& &%!)$  % +  *0*+$ ,'+*
+  ')+* #!*+ % !%)** +  (,%+!+0 &% % &) + 
& #&+!&% % )** +  (,%+!+0 &% % &) + 
)&$ #&+!&%

 % 0&, ))+ +  !%)!%+* #!*+ % +  !+$* )

!% .) &,* +.& + !%* % &,)
 )) )&**!%  
 ')!%+* % ) &,* &) ##
!+$* .!+ +  ')&') $+)!# *++,* &
 )) )&**!%   ')!%+*  $**
!%!+!% .) &,* '!" )(,*+ /!*+* !%)!%+*
#!*+ %&+ %)+

2–36 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders


% %*( % ((

 &&) &(" (( %(!%*) !)*

 % &(" (( %(!%*) !)* +) *  ''(&'(!* +%*!&% ". *& &'.
*  !## & $*(!#
  *  !## & $*(!# *& *  !%(!%*) #!)*
 ,!- *  &##&-!% !#)

 +%*!*. ((
 +%*!*. (( %!* & )+(
 !% .'
 )) *  *!# (

A8.1 (8/97) 2–37

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 &' $ ' #

 &# &
 $" $$%#
 "$# !%

##% )  
 " $)
 "% $)
 " "
 "% "
 % "

##%   $#

2–38 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

 !,"# 1&1 !,+1/,)0 &,4 1&# 0601#* -/,!#00#0 )'+#0 ,+ 
1/+0!1',+ 1 !,+1/,)0 1&# 0601#*0 4'1& 4&'!& 1&#
1/+0!1',+ '+1#/$!#0 #+#/) #"%#/ , ,01 !!,2+10
6 )# !!,2+10 #!#'3 )# +" +3#+1,/6
+%#*#+1 1 )0, 0-#!'$'#0 1&# !,+"'1',+0 2+"#/
4&'!&  )'+# -/'+10 ,+ /#-,/10 +" '0 '+!)2"#" '+
!)!2)1',+0 ,"#0 '+!)2"#
 1,!( '1#*
 , !,01
 ,+701,!( '1#*
 #51 '+$,/*1',+
 '0!#))+#,20 !&/%#0 +" !/#"'10
 ,/( ,/"#/
 20#/ "#$'+#" !,"# 0601#* 16-#  1&1 '"#+1'$'#0
1&# 2+'1 ,$ *#02/#*#+1 $,/ + *,2+1 ,/ .2+1'16 ,/
#5*-)# '1 !+ /#-/#0#+1  //#) ,5 !2 '! 6/"
%)),+ + &,2/ +" 0, ,+
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 6,2 )#3# 1&'0 $'#)" )+( $,/ + #5'01'+% !,*-,+#+1
1&# 0601#* 20#0 1&# 3)2# '+ 1&# ')) ,$ 1#/') 01#/
1 )# $ 6,2 )#3# 1&'0 $'#)" )+( $,/  +#4 !,*-,+#+1
1&# 0601#* 20#0 1&# !,*-,+#+1 2+'1 ,$ *#02/# $/,* 1&#
1#* 01#/ 1 )# ,/ ,1& ,$ 1&#0# 0'121',+0 1&# 0601#*
2-"1#0 1&# .2+1'1'#0 '+ 1&# 1#* ,!1',+ 1 )# '+
-/'*/6 2+'1 ,$ *#02/#
,!1',+ !,"# 1&1 '"#+1'$'#0 '+3#+1,/6 ),!1',+0 '+ 
/+!&-)+1 ,2 "#$'+# 1&# $,/*1 ,$ 1&# ),!1',+
'"#+1'$'#/ 6 /+!&-)+1
-#/1',+0 #. + /,21'+%0 1&'0 +2* #/ '0 20#" 1, 0#.2#+!# 1&#
$ /'!1',+ ,/ 00#* )6 01#-0 '+ 1&# *+2$!12/# ,$ +
'1#* ,2 !+ 1/!( !,010 +" !&/%# 1'*# 6 ,-#/1',+
+ '))0 ,$ *1#/') 1&'0 +2* #/ "#0'%+1#0 1&# /,21'+%
01#- '+ 1&# $ /'!1',+ ,/ 00#* )6 -/,!#00 1&1 /#.2'/#0 
0-#!'$'#" !,*-,+#+1 -/1 ,2 "#$'+# 1&# ,-#/1',+
0#.2#+!# $1#/ 6,2 !/#1# 1&# /,21'+% $,/ 1&# '1#* &#
&,- ),,/ ,+1/,) 0601#* 20#0 1&'0 $'#)" '+ 1&#
!($)20&-/#$)20& 6 ,-#/1',+ -/,!#00
+ #+%'+##/'+% !&+%# ,/"#/0 1&'0 +2* #/ '0 20#" 1,
0#.2#+!# 1&# 00#* )6 01#-0 $,/ 1&# #+%'+##/'+% !&+%#
('- , $'#)"0 )),4 6,2 1, #+1#/ + ,-#/1',+ 0#.2#+!#
1&1 6,2 4+1 1, #%'+ 1&# "'0-)6 ,$ '+$,/*1',+
,2 !+ 20# "#!'*)0 1, "" 01#-0 #14##+ #5'01'+%
01#-0 ,/ #5*-)# 20#   1, ""  01#- #14##+ 01#-0

A8.1 (8/97) 2–39

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

'7+4+0/ '7'- *' %633'/5 3'7+4+0/ -'7'- 0( # %0.10/'/5 0/ 5*' $+-- 0(
.#5'3+#- 5 +4 646#--: 64'& 8+5* #/ '/)+/''3+/) %*#/)'
/05+%' 03 03&'3  03 
#5'3+#- 5#564  %0&' 5#$-'
 5*#5 +&'/5+(+'4 5*' %633'/5 45#564 0( #
1#35+%6-#3 %0.10/'/5 0/ 5*' 803, 03&'3
+9'& #3+#$-' /&+%#5'4 +( 5*' 26#/5+5: 1'3 #44'.$-: (03 #/ +5'. 0/ 5*'
$+-- 0( .#5'3+#- 7#3+'4 #%%03&+/) 50 5*' 26#/5+5: 0( 5*'
1#3'/5 +5'. 130&6%'& 03 +4 (+9'& 3')#3&-'44 0( 5*' 1#3'/5
26#/5+5: *+4 7#-6' #-40 &'5'3.+/'4 +( 5*' %0.10/'/5
26#/5+5: +4 # 1'3%'/5 0( 5*' 1#3'/5 26#/5+5: #-+& 7#-6'4
 +9'& 6#/5+5:
#3+#$-' 6#/5+5: '(#6-5
 6#/5+5+'4 #3' '913'44'& #4 # 1'3%'/5#)' #/&
.645 505#-

03 (+9'& 26#/5+5: %0.10/'/54 5*' !03, 3&'3 #/& 
4:45'.4 &0 /05 '95'/& 5*' %0.10/'/54 26#/5+5: 1'3
#44'.$-: 7#-6' $: 5*' 03&'3 26#/5+5:
03 30%'44 #/6(#%563+/) 5*' 4:45'. 4503'4 1'3%'/5
%0.10/'/54 *'3'(03' 5*' 4:45'. 53'#54 ;'30 $#5%* 4+;'4
-+,' 7#3+#$-' 26#/5+5: %0.10/'/54 #/& 53'#54 $#5%* 4+;'4
)3'#5'3 5*#/ ;'30 -+,' (+9'& 26#/5+5: %0.10/'/54
446' :1' 0&'  %0&' 5*#5 &'(+/'4 *08 5*' 4:45'. +446'4 '#%*
%0.10/'/5 +/ 5*' $+-- 0( .#5'3+#- (30. 450%, / 4*01
(-003 %0/530- +5 +/&+%#5'4 *08 5*' 4:45'. +446'4 # 1#35 50
# 803, 03&'3 #-+& %0&'4 #3'
 #/6#- +446' &'(#6-5
 -003 450%, /0 +446'
 #%,(-64* 8*'/ 1#35 +4 3'1035'& #4 %0.1-'5'
 3'(-64* 8*'/ 1#354 -+45 +4 )'/'3#5'&
 61'3 $#%,(-64* #5 1#:<10+/5 01'3#5+0/
 6$<%0/53#%5 +5'. 4'/& 50 4611-+'3
-#/, *+11#$-' '/& +5'.
"06 %#/ +446' # %0.10/'/5 +/ .03' 5*#/ 0/' 8#: 8+5*+/
# 41'%+(+% $3#/%*1-#/5 $: 64+/) # &+(('3'/5 %0&' 0/ 5*'
$+-- 0( .#5'3+#- #/& 803, 03&'3 1#354 -+45 *' $+-- 0(
.#5'3+#- %0&' 07'33+&'4 5*' $3#/%*1-#/5 7#-6'
05'/%:  %0&' 5*#5 +/&+%#5'4 5*' 105'/%: 0( 5*' -05 8*+%* +4
'913'44'& #4 # 1'3%'/5#)' 0( #%5+7' 03 64'(6- .#5'3+#- (03
'9#.1-' 5*' 1'3%'/5#)' 0( #-%0*0- +/ # 40-65+0/ *'
#%56#- 105'/%: 0( # -05 +4 &'(+/'& +/ 5*' 05 #45'3 5#$-'

2–40 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

'  (  ! $#) #( ) ' $  !$) -%'(( ( #
!%#*"'  $  ' ( *( )$ # ) )
&*! ). $ ) !$) $' -"%!
 '" *" '
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'$" $)#.  #*"' )) # )( ) " # "*" %$)#. $'
%'#) $ ) + #' #)( %)! $' # )"
 (.()"  (%!.(  ,'# # "((  .$* )'. )$
%*'( $' ((* )"( )) $ #$) ") ) " # "*"
%)! %$)#.  (.()" $( #$) !!$, .$* )$
(!! )"( )) $ #$) ") ) " # "*" %)!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 '$" $)#.  ! # ) '$* $)#.  !
 # ) !!$,! %'#) $ ) + #' #)( $' #
)"  '$" $)#. +!* ($*!  !(( )# )
'$* $)#. +!* ( +!*( ' !($ *( )$
)'" # ) %$)#. '&* '"#)( $  $"%$##) # 
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$' -"%! ) +!* $ ) '$" $)#. &*!(
 # ) +!* $ ) '$* $)#. &*!(
 # ) ( ( #+#)$'. !!$) $#( $' ) ( )"
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&*! )$  # !(( )# $' &*! )$ 
'$" '  $ (.()"
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' )) ( %)! $' # )"
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%*'( $' ((* )"( , ) '( )) $ #$) ") )
" # "*" ' %)!  (.()" $( #$) !!$,
.$* )$ (!! )"( , ) '( )) $ #$) ") )
" # "*" %)! !+!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 '$" ' # ) '$* '  !(  # )
!!$,! '( $' # )"  '$" ' ($*! 
!(( )# ) '$* ' ( +!*( ' !($ *(
)$ )'" # ) ' '&* '"#)( $  $"%$##) # 
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$' -"%! ) +!* $ ) '$" ' &*!( 
# ) +!* $ ) '$* ' &*!(   # ) (
( #+#)$'. !!$) $#( $' ) ( )" , !!  " $'
!$)( $' ,  ) ' ( ')' )# $' &*! )$ 
# !(( )# $' &*! )$  

A8.1 (8/97) 2–41

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

--/ (   $*. ($. - $! ( $. ' $- /( ,  *3 )( )(-/'*.$)(
", ' (.
&(% /,#- - 1$&&  *$ /*)( ,  $*. )! .# $. '
/,#- - 1$&&  *$ 1# ( $--/  .) .# *&(.
, -- /' ,  (*/. # , -- (/' , 3)/ 1(. .) , .,$ 0  )/ ( /-
) (%()1( .# -#),. !),'. .# &)(" !),'. ), .# .2  *,   
3 .# $($.),- &$-.  $( .# , -- ))% )(-.(.-
* , ,*  # -3-. ' /- - .#$- 0&/ .) $(, - ),  , - .#
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(. , #(" $&& )! . ,$& 1# ( 3)/ ,/( .# &(( 
$ & *. *,)",' # -3-. ' &/&. - .#$- 0&/
3 )'*)/($(" .# 3$ & * , (." - !,)' .# &-.
)* ,.$)( .) .# !$,-. )* ,.$)( -  *,) --$(" )*.$)(
$( (. , #(" )/.$(" .) (& .# -3-. ' .) &/&.
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+/(.$.$ - $( .# )'*)( (. . ' /-.$./.$)(- !),' ! .# , $- () +/(.$.3
0$&&  () $(!),'.$)( ** ,- )( .#$- !),'

( (. , #(" , ,

 #))- ),% , , (", $ (.- $-.

 ( ),% , , (", $ (.- $-. #))- )'*)( (. . ' /-.$./.$)(-

2–42 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

" #!""#"! " " % 
 $% " % #"  "
 #""& #!""#"
 "  !# 

" #
 "  !# 
 ! "
 #""& $

A8.1 (8/97) 2–43

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

-)3 .& %!241% !2 -/43 (% "!2)# ,%!241%,%-3 42%$ 3. $%2)'-!3% 3(% 04!-3)38 .&
!- )-5%-3.18 )3%, 7!,/+%2 !1%




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4!-3)38 .- !-$  (% -4,"%1 .& 4-)32 3(!3 !1% /(82)#!++8 )- 23.#* (%
1),!18 4-)32 04!-3)38 .-:(!-$ $)2/+!82 )- 3(% /1),!18 4-)3 .& ,%!241%


(%- 3(% 2823%, %-#.4-3%12 !- )-'1%$)%-3 2(.13!'% 8.4 #!- #(..2% 3(%
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%04)5!+%-3 04!-3)38 &1., 3(% #.,/.-%-3 .4 #!--.3 !##%22 3()2 &.1, 4-+%22
3(%1% )2 !3 +%!23 .-% 04!-3)38 !5!)+!"+%

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 (..2% .1* 1$%1 -'1%$)%-32 )23

 - .1* 1$%1 -'1%$)%-32 )23 #(..2% 4"23)343% 5!)+!")+)38

2–44 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

 & -+,",-, ."$"$",1 *."/ ,! '$$'/"& "&'*%,"'&

 -&,",1 '& &
 -&,",1 ."$$

 !&  ,! '$$'/"& "$ + &
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,! (*,+ $"+, ,! +1+,% !* '%%",+ ,! ",%

& &,*!&  **

 !''+ '*# ** & *"&,+ "+,

 & '*# ** & *"&,+ "+, !''+ $, -$,"($ ',"'&+

A8.1 (8/97) 2–45

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

  $ %$ 
$#  $ $ ' #


 " $


$   $$ $# &$"( $#  
" $ %  $ "$  $ $
$" ( " $
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 (% #$  $ $$ # $ $ ""( $
#   $ "$# #$ "  #  $ $ #(#$
" $# $$ $
%$$( &  !%$$( &   $ )  %#
$$# "#"&$#  ""# &$( #
%#"     #$ %  " $ #$$#

2–46 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

Attaching the Routing Instructions Interactively

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Enter/Change Order

$" ) % $" ) %" ' " "" " ) % $$ $ " %$ #$"%$ # $ $
 %  $$ $ " %$ #$"%$ #

$"$&) %#  %$  )
 %) $" $ " %$ #$"%$ #

 $   %# $ "" " ## !" "

 %   !) $ " %$ #$"%$ # "   (#$ ' " ""  $$ $
$  $" ' " ""  %  $# %# %$  )#

Before You Begin

- ") $$  " "  " $ !"$ $ (#$#  $
$ #$" 
" $#

- $" $  %$ $)!  $)!  #$$%#    " $ !%"#
""  $ !" ## !$ #  " "" " ##

What You Should Know About

# $ % $  $   #$!  $ !"$ 
    $$ $ "" " ## !" " ### " ) % 
  #$! $" $"$& " $ $$$

 Processing Work Orders

# $ "" " ## !" "  $ !!" !"$
  !" ## !$  $ $$ $ " %$ #$"%$ # $ $
 ' " "" "

 Processing Work Orders

    % %#$ "$  !%"# ""  " ) #$!  $
    " %$ #$"%$ # $$ & &#  #% $"$ " %#
  $ $"  %$ !" " $" ) % $"
!%"# ""  "$  #%!!" $)!  !"$ 
!%"# ""   #$ $)! ) % %#$ "% $ ""
" ## $ !" " $ "$ $ !%"# ""

A8.1 (8/97) 2–47

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

   % 0&, #&+  )&,+!% +  *0*+$ !*'#0* + 
&')+!&%* + + ) +!- + +  *+)+ + & +  .&)"
&)) % + &* + + ) *+%) !%*+),+!&%* &) +/+
#!%*   )&,+!% !* %&+ ++  +& +  .&)" &)) %&
-#,* '') !% +  !#*

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+  &)!!%# *++,* & +  )&,+!% &')+!&% )$!%*
,% %  % +  *0*+$ #+* +  ',) * &))
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+$ )% +#     +  *0*+$ &* %&+ !% + 
)&) !+ )+* &% !% +  +#

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.&)" &))  !* .!%&. %#* 0&, +& ')&-! $&)
!%&)$+!&% % *'!! !%*+),+!&%* ') &)) %0
$&!!+!&%* 0&, $" +& +  +/+ .!## %&+ + +  +/+
+ + .* &)!!%##0 ++  +& +  !+$* )&,+!%

&, % #*& ** +  *) %&)$+!&% % /+ &#

#+!&% .!%&.* +& -!. ,*) % + ,'+* * .##
* $&# *#+!&%*

      0&, *+ ,' +  .&)" %+) *  -#! #&+!&% + 

       *0*+$  "* +  .&)" %+) &) -!#!#!+0 &) 0&,
,* ) &,* %$%+

See Also

 Processing Work Orders 

  &) !%*+),+!&%* &% ),%%!% +  ))
)&**!% + ')&)$

2–48 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders




& &,*!&  **

 !''+ '-,"& ."+"'&+

 & '-,"& ."+"'&+ !''+ ,! +$,"'& '(,"'& ,' '(0 ,! *'-,"& 
  ,! *'-,"& ,' ,! *'-,"& *."+"'&+
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 '*# &,*
 (*,"'& )-& -%*
 !"& -& '-*+
 '* -& '-*+
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 ++ ,! ,"$ *

A8.1 (8/97) 2–49

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 -!. +  &##&.!% !#*

 %*+),+ ,$)
 0' ')+!&%
 0 &!%+
 +,' &,)*
 ,, &,)*
 &- &,)*

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*&% 1 )+) *)!'+!&% )$)" &)
 !%  !* !* +  *+%) $ !% &,)* /'+ +& 
!%,)) !% +  %&)$# ')&,+!&% & + !* !+$

2–50 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

+*/ .+! %&/ #($ &*!& 0"/ 3%"0%". +*/1)"! ."/+1. "/
,.+!1 "! ."/+1. "/ +. +0% ." !"#&*"! #+. 0%"
+,".0&+* +//&(" 2(1"/ ."

(*' + +*/1)"! +. ,.+!1 "! ."/+1. "/ ."

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.+! .+!1 "! ."/+1. "/  +6,.+!1 0/ 56,.+!1 0/
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&*$."!&"*0/ *! ,.+!1 "! ."/+1. "/
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%"* 1/&*$ .+ "// *1# 01.&*$ &# 0%&/ #&"(! &/
%&$%(&$%0"! * &*0".)"!&0" "4&/0/ #+. 0%" +,".0&+*
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%" (**"! &"(! ,!0" ,.+$.) 1/"/ 0%&/ 2(1" 0+
1,!0" 0%" 1)1(0&2" ". "*0 &* 0%" &(( +# )0".&( *!
0%" ,".0&+*  ., ". "*0 &* 0%" .+10&*$ 0".&(/
"-1&.")"*0/ (**&*$ 1/"/ 0%" /0", / ., ,". "*0 *!
0%" "4&/0&*$ +),+*"*0 / ., ,". "*0 0+ ,(* +),+*"*0
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
%&/ #&"(! &/ *+0 &*,106 ,(" %" /5/0") 1/"/ 0%" 2(1"
&* 0%" +10&*$ 0("
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0%" 05," +# +,".0&+* +. "4),("

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." .",+.0"! $&*/0 +,".0&+*/ + 1.&*$ &* 0%" 3+.'
"*0". %" !"#1(0 2(1" #+. 0%&/ +!" &/ 0%" .+10&*$
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0%" *0". %*$" +10&*$ 0("

A8.1 (8/97) 2–51

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

0$5 '$ ,3+!$0 -% .$-.*$ 5'- 5-0) (, 2'$ 1.$"(%($# 5-0)
"$,2$0 -0 0-32(,& -.$0 2(-,
'$ 1712$+ +3*2(.*($1 2'$ 3,  !-0 4 *3$ (, 2'$ -32(,&
 12$0 2 !*$ 

 !7 "0$5 1(8$ #30(,& "-12(,& 2-
&$,$0 2$ 2-2 * * !-0 #-** 01
% 2'$ 0(+$ - # -#$ (1  -0  2'$ 1712$+ 31$1 2'$ 2-2 *
* !-0 '-301 %-0 ! ")1"'$#3*(,& % 2'$ 0(+$ - # -#$ (1
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2' 2 5-0) " , !$&(, -, 2'$ -4$0* ..$# -.$0 2(-, 5'$,
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,2$0 .$0"$,21 1 5'-*$ ,3+!$01  1 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
% 7-3 *$ 4$ 2'(1 %($*# !* ,) 2'$ 1712$+ 31$1 2'$ 4 *3$ (,
2'$ -32(,& 2 !*$
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,-0+ * "-+.*$2(-, -% 2'(1 (2$+

2–52 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

7(7( 1745 +( 616$. 6,/( ,0 +1745 6+$6 $0 14'(4 ,5 (:2(&6(' 61 %(
,0 37(7( $6 914- &(06(45 $0' /18,0* %(69((0 914-
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1..72 241*4$/ 14 ;17 &$0 (06(4 ,6 /$07$..; !+(0 ;17
470 6+( ($'6,/( 1..72 241*4$/ 6+( 5;56(/ 18(44,'(5
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#17 &$0 (06(4 6+( 07/%(4 )14 6+( 5722.,(4 14 ;17 &$0
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(06(45 6+( 5722.,(4 75,0* 241&(55,0* 126,105 )14 06(4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+( 5722.,(4 &$0 %( (06(4(' ,0 6+( ,6(/ %4$0&+ 4(&14' )14
$0 ,6(/ /$07$..; 14 ;17 &$0 &+115( 61 72'$6( 6+,5 ),(.'
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'(),0(' 57//$4; &156 %7&-(65

A8.1 (8/97) 2–53

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Attaching Co-Products and By-Products

'% ,"( !'%  *"% "%% % ,"( '' "-#%"('& ! ,-#%"('& '"
' *"% "%% " '' "-#%"('& ! ,-#%"('& ,"( !

 &  &'"! %" ' !'% ! %% #%"% 

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"( ! '" !', ' #%!' " ' !%!'& '' ' &,&' &&(& '"
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''! ' "-#%"('& ! ,-#%"('& !(& ' ""*! '&&

 ''! ' %&"(% #%!' "% ' "-#%"('& ! ,-#%"('&

''! ' "-#%"('& ! ,-#%"('&

What You Should Know About


   "( ! (& %"&& &"(% )&"!& '" 
!%!'& &&"' *' ! !)( &'# ! 
#%"&&  &,&' "*&  #%!'  '"   '"
 ! '"! $(!''& '" !( + "%
)% !'"!&  &,&' &" )%& ' !!
'!& "%  !& &&"' "* #%"(' '%+ &
" #' *' ' *"% "%%& !%!'& &' !
&#,& !, %%"%&

 Bulk Stock Management Guide

2–54 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

Example: Feature Cost Percent

OP Co-Product & Percent Cost this Co-Product &

By-Product Operation By-Product Cost
10 By 1 10 100.00 10.00
20 Co 1 30 100 + 90 57.00
Co 2 20 38.00
30 ––– 100 + (190–95)
40 Co 1 60 100 + 195 177.00
Co 2 30 88.50
Co 3 10 29.50





A8.1 (8/97) 2–55

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 !"% % !!(  !"%!  

 $!&# # %

)#!&% %# $% &$$ $% # !"!  %$ !#  # %$ #!
% !"#!&%$ )"#!&%$    %#%$  '&$
!"#!&%$ # ! &## %   %$ $ %
#$&% !  "#!$$

)"#!&%$ # %$ %%   "#!& %
 ) $%" !  "#!$$ &% (# !% "  !#
  %#% "#!&%$ # %$ %% #  
$  #$&% !  $%" &% # &%!%)
! $&  % !!(  $%"  #)
 %#%$ # ! $%! %$   # ! )
  $%"$ (%  ")*"! % !# #"!#% 
  % # !"!  %$  $#%  &%&# 
!#  # %$ #!$$ ! $& &#  %
"#!&%! "#!$$

2–56 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

)($)( (-  %)"((- # "' )"(' (( -#) ,$( ('  #
!(& #& &#)(" (# $&#) '    #+' -#) (#
'$- *&-" %)"((' # #!$#""(' ' #" (
!#)"( # "' ##' $&#) #& ,!$  
#)" # '# *"( ' &%)& $& )"( )$ (#  )"(' #
"' $&#)( #+*&   )"(' # "'
$&#)( ' $&#)  #)"' # '# *"( & &%)& $&
"' )"( " (' ,!$  -#) +#)  '( )$ (
%)"((' #&  "  )"(' # "' $&#)(
'$-" ( $&#$& !#)"( # '# *"( $& )"(
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' * ) '$' ( %)"((- #  #.-.$&#)(
(( ( $&#'' $&#)'  -#) )' (  ' (' '
( %)"((- (( ( ( $&#)'
( #'(  $&"( )' - ( !) ( #'( # )$ $&#&!
(#  ) ( ( #'( #  ()& #& #$(#" (! ' 
$&"( # ( (#( #'( # ( $&"(
"(& ( $&"( '  +#  ")!&
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' * ) ' )' " #'( # )$ (#  ) ( +(
$&"( # ( #'( )$ (# " " )" ( #$&(#"
(( ( #.-.$&#)( #!' #)( # ' $$#&(#" (#
( #.-.$&#)(' ( (( '($
 (#( #  $&"(' ( " #$&(#" ""#( ,
  (#( #  $&"(' ( ( '( #$&(#"
!)'( %) 
'#)&   (' #$(#" ' #'" (' * ) "(' +( $&"(
# ( "&"(' '#)   '') '$&( - (#
#.$&#)(' " -.$&#)('
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' ' )' (# '') "&"(' '$&( - (#
#.-.$&#)(' ( +#& #&& #!$ (#" &(& (" 
(#( '') #&  "&"(
#& #.-.$&#)(' ( ( " #$&(#" (& &'#)&
$&"( !)'( %)  (# '')  "&"('

A8.1 (8/97) 2–57

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing



"' ! && & "+#$"'&% ! *+#$"'&% &" & )"$ "$$ ! "! "
&)" )*%

 ! & )"$ "$$ $ % $&  *"' %& & #$"%%!
"#&"! &" " %"
 ! & !$!&% %& % && &" & )"$ "$$ $

! !&$ ! $$


 ! "
* $"'& (%"!% $() & " ")!  %
* $"'&
 '&#'& '!&&*
 !& " %'$
 %% & & $

2–58 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders


#&#)(' ,&#)(' '(")'' '("& #!$#""(' #& "&"(' &#!
"(&!( #$&#)(' ,$&#)(' " "(&!('   * )'

#$&#)(' & #")&&"( " (!' ' (
&') ( #  $&#''
,$&#)(' & (!' (( "  $&#) (
", '($ #  $&#'' )( +& "#( $ "" #&
"(&!( $&#)(' & (!' (( & "
'  &') ( #  '($ )( & )(#!( ,
#"')! " ( # #+" '($ "& ,
"(&!(' & "#"-'(# (!' " & #" ,
" '($' +(  $,-$#"( #& &$#&("
 " ("& #!$#""('  '&( ")()&"
#& "&"(' &#'' #"')! )&" (
$&#)(#" $&#''
"('  &&&"'(#"  %)"((, # )"(' ( , (' (&"'(#"

A8.1 (8/97) 2–59

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Attaching the Intermediate Items

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Enter/Change Order

) $*(# *) *% *(! * '+$* */ % %+*&+* % $/ %&(* %$ $  -%(!
$*( *  )&   * # %+ $  $ $*(# *) $  ($* +$ *) %
#)+( $ '+$* * ) %+ )* +& %$ $*(# * &( %&(* %$ %-,(
/%+ $$%*  $ $ $*(# * %( * ")* %&(* %$

$ .#&" % $ $*(# * ) (#$* " '+   " '+  (#$*) %( $
.*$ &( % % * # %(  $  )* ""  ()+"* $ " '+  ) $%* 
 $ ) &(%+* +* * &(%) *% * $.* %&(* %$ ) # "( *%  &$*%#

%+ $ ** $*(# * (%() $  ,( */ % -/)

 %&/   "" % #*( " -  +*%#* ""/ (*) $*(# * (%()
 %&/  (%+* $ -  +*%#* ""/ (*) $*(# * (%()
 $+""/ $*( * $*(# * *#) %$ * (%+* $ $)*(+* %$) %(
$( $*) " )*
 *  &(%)) $ %&* %$ *% +*%#* ""/ (*  &(*) " )* -$ /%+
(* -%(! %(() / $)-( $ * " #))) $ * *( "
'+ (#$*) "$$ $ )/)*#  $*(# * (%() ( +*%#* ""/
(* ) -""


$ $*( $ ((

 %%) $( $*)  )*

 $ $( $*)  )* %%) $*(# * (%+* , ) %$)

2–60 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders

 ! !'% ' %"(' )&"!& " #' ' ""*! &

 (!'', %%
 !' " &(%

 && ' ' %

!'&  %%%!&'"!  $(!'', " (!'& ' , '& '%!&'"!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 $(!'', " ' !'% ' #%"( ' '&
!' " &(% (&% ! " &,&' ',#  '' !'&
' (!' " &(% !' "% !  "(!' "% $(!'', "%
+ # ' ! %#%&!'  %% "+ ( ,%
"! ! "(% ! &" "!

A8.1 (8/97) 2–61

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Assigning Serial Numbers

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Enter/Change Order

%-+'-#/%2 2(. ' "((, ,,&%2 +#% .&+, +(& -" #%2 ++
+)+-#('  #,+- &'. 
 (0/+ # 2(. ,, ,,&%2 +#%
.&+, +(& -" &'. 2(. ' ., #- ('%2 -( %(- 1#,-#'! ,+#% '.&+,
(. ''(- .)- (+  ,+#% '.&+, 0"' 2(. ,, -"#, )+(!+& +(&
-" &'.

(. ,,#!' ,+#% '.&+, -( 2(.+ 0(+$ (++, -( -+$ ,+#%#3 #-&, 0#-"#'
%(-, (. ' ,,#!' ,+#% '.&+, -( 0(+$ (++, - '2 -#& "' 2(. '-+
,+#% '.&+, -" ,2,-& +-, +#% .&+ ,-+ +(+, , 0%% ,
(+$ ++ (-+#% .&+, , " ,2,-& (, '(- /%#- '2 ,+#%
'.&+ -"- 2(. '-+ .'-#% 2(. (&)%- -" 0(+$ (++  2(. ( '(- ,,#!'
 ,+#% '.&+ -(  ,+#%#3 ,,&%2 -" ,2,-& +*.#+,  '.&+  (+
2(. ' (&)%- -" 0(+$ (++ -+ 2(. (&)%-  0(+$ (++ 2(. ''(-
&(# 2 '2 ,+#% '.&+, -"- + ,,#!' -( -" ,,&%#,

(. ' ,,#!' ,+#% '.&+, -( ,)# # ,,&%#, - '2 -#& )+#(+ -(
(&)%-#'! -" 0(+$ (++ .,#'! ,,#!' (+$ ++  (. ' %,( ,,#!'
,+#% '.&+, -( ,)# # ,,&%#, - -" -#& ( 0(+$ (++ (&)%-#(',
.,#'! ,,(#- ,,. -& , (. ' ,,(#- ,+#%#3 (&)(''-, -( 
,)# # ,,&%2 #-"+ - #'/'-(+2 #,,., (+ 0(+$ (++ (&)%-#(', (.
&.,- #,,. ,+#%#3 (&)(''-, #' -"#+ +,)-#/ )+#&+2 .'#- ( &,.+ -(
%%(0 (+ ,,(#-#('

,,&%2 +#% .&+, ,,.&  *.'-#-2 ( (' #' -" .'#- ( &,.+ ('
-" 0(+$ (++ (+ ,+#%#3 ,,&%#, -"#, 0#%%  -" )+#&+2 .'#- (
&,.+ (. ''(- '-+ &(+ ,+#% '.&+, -"' -" *.'-#-2 (' -" 0(+$

Before You Begin

- - -" (- +(,, 2) ' +#% .&+ *.#+ #%, (' -" -&
,-+ ' (+&-#(' (+& (+ ,+#% '.&+ )+(,,#'!

What You Should Know About

  (. ' ('%2 %- ,+#% '.&+, # -"+ #, '( -#/#-2
-- (+ -" '.&+

2–62 A8.1 (8/97)

Create Work Orders


! !&$ ! $$

 " "& & )"$ "$$ *"' )!& &" %%! %$ !' $% &" " #&
& "")! 

 $$ ' $

 ""% %%! $ ' $%

 ! %%! "$ $$ % ""% !$& $ ' $% &" %%!
%$ !' $% &" *"'$ )"$ "$$
 " () & %$ !' $% && )$ %%! $"& *"'$ "$$
!' $

A8.1 (8/97) 2–63

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

2–64 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Work Orders

Processing Work Orders

$" ) % $"  ' " "" "  $$  "$# #$ " %$
#$"%$ #  +)+!" %$#  $"$# ) % %# $ "" " ##
$ !" " $ "$ # ! !!"' "  "  ' " "" " 
!" "# !" ## !$ #  ' ) % $ !" "  ' "  %$ #

 # $ "$  "$# #$ $ " %$ #$"%$ # 
 +)+!" %$# #$ "  $"
 $ $ $ $ %#  " $&$) 

 $ #$$%#    $ ' " ""# !" ##

 # $ !"$ &" %#  "$   %$ $ ' " "" #% # $
"$# #$ " %$ ## "" $($  #  "$  " $ ' " ""
 "$  # ! !$ #%") $$ #$# !" ## ' " ""#
 $" $ %$  #%"  " #%
 ##% &$ ") %$ $) $" %  $ !" "

 # $ "$  # "$ "! "$  " $ ' " ""#
 $ ' &"# #  ## $ !" "# ) % '$ $ ##
 $" ## ""  "$   " $ !" ##  !"$ $ $($ # 
## ""#

"$ ' " ""# #$ !" " "&#  &#
  " $&$# %# "   !$# ' !"$ $ ! #$ "
$ (!$  "! "$

 %  "*  #!"$ $# %$ # ) #$$ %! #&" "! "$
$%" &"# # '$ "$ $ #$   !" ## !$  &%# $
 !# "$ $## " (! ) %  % #$ %!  &"#  $
"$ $ "$# #$#  " %$#  " ' " ""#  $" &"#  $
!"$ # ! !!"' "   &"#  $ !" " $ &$ ") ##%#

!$ $   ' $##

 % "" !" ##

 "$  #%")  !" ## ""#  !$ 

A8.1 (8/97) 2–65

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Before You Begin

- #! & !"" #" # $" ! !$ #" !!

- # $ % &! #! #"  Setting Up Work Centers

- " # !"" #" # ## !$" # "'"#

#!#  Advanced Warehouse Management Guide ! !#
$# "## $ !$" #

What You Should Know About

    "  !"" # # !#  "# !#" "#

 & !%" '$ &#  " #  %#!'
 ! # $#$! !"" $ ' !""
' &! !!"   " !$

 #" ! "# "  #  #

# $#  "$!  !#  "'"# !#"
 !# $#!   "!#  
!#"  $!!   # ## "   !#
# # ! $#  "$!   "!# 

     '$ !$ !!

!"" # "'"# #" '
 !%$"' !# ! $' #! !#" "#
## " ## # # &! !! $  $' #!
" # # "'"#(!# !#" "#  '$
 !#" # # "# # "'"# #" # !
# !!' #  # # # !!

$ "$ not !!# # !#" "#  '

!#  # "# "  ""$ # # &! !! 
'$ !!# # !#" "# #! !#" %
 ""$ '$ $"# $' $"# # "# # !%#
$#  !# $##"

2–66 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Work Orders

$!) 4*0 -0) - !- -*!..%)# /$! .4./!( !'!/!. )4
  +-!1%*0.'4 #!)!-/! *- ()0''4 !)/!-! -*0/%)# *0
.$*0' )*/ -!#!)!-/! /$! -*0/%)# %)./-0/%*). "*- /$!
2*-& *- !- %" $*0-. ) ,0)/%/%!. -! -!*- ! #%)./
)4 *" %/. *+!-/%*).

*0 ) .!/ /$! +-*!..%)# *+/%*). *" *- !- !)/-4 /*

0+ /! /$! -*0/%)# %" 4*0 $)#! /$! 2*-& *- !- $!
.4./!( -!'0'/!. /$! -0) '*- ) -0) ($%)! $*0-.
.! *) /$! ,0)/%/4 *- !-! *) /$! 2*-& *- !-

" /$! .4./!( "%) . ) !--*- %) '0'/%)# /$! /! "*- )

*+!-/%*) .!,0!)! %/ !)/!-. /$! 2*-& *- !- ./-/ )
-!,0!./! /!. "*- /$/ *+!-/%*)

 .! - !- -*!..%)# /* +-*!.. ..!('4 %)'0.%*) -0'!.
 ) #!)!-/!  +-/. '%./ ) -*0/%)# %" /$!4 * )*/
'-! 4 !3%./

.! -0'! /4+!  "*- *(+*)!)/. /$/ /$! .4./!( 2%'' 2-%/!
*)'4 /* /$! $*+ '**- *)/-*' -/. %./ /'!  
$! .4./!( 0.!. /$! ..0! 4+! * ! ) +!-/%*).
!,0!)! "%!' . "-*( /$! ..!('4 )'0.%*) 0'!. /'!
   %) /$%. +-*!..%)#

.! -0'! /4+!  /*

 -%)/ *(+*)!)/. *) /$! .'!. *- !- . .!+-/! '%)!
 %.+'4 %""!-!)/ '!1!'. "*- *)"%#0-! *(+*)!)/.
0-%)# '!. - !- )/-4
$! .4./!( #!)!-/!.  +-/. '%./ . "*''*2.
 .%)# / "-*( /$! '!. - !- !/%' /'! 

#!)!-/! "-*( /$! +-/. '%./ -0'!. 0-%)# '!. - !-
)/-4 /* -!/! -!*- . %) /$! $*+ '**- *)/-*' -/.
 -*!..%)# -0'! /4+!  "*- *(+*)!)/. /* 2-%/!
 %/%*)' *(+*)!)/. /* /$! +-/. '%./
$! .4./!( #!)!-/!.  -*0/%)# 4 +-*!..%)# /$! -!'/!
-*0/%)# -0'!.

      $! .4./!( $!&. "*- )4 %)*(+/%%'%/4 !/2!!)
  '!) %)# /)&. *- "%'' '%)!. ..*%/! ''*2! +-* 0/
(/-%3 ) /$! 2*-& *- !-. %)#-! %!)/. '%./ ) %.+'4.
)4 !--*-.

!! Bulk Stock Management Guide

A8.1 (8/97) 2–67

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

      &" "  "  !    $
    ! & !  !   #!&  !
! & ! !   " !   " !
! &"  !   !  ! $" 

! ! & ! ! !  " ! ! " 
! & !    !"!  !
" !  &" !   ! & ! "!
! !  !    ! "!!&    ! 
!    ! "!!&    ! 

"  &  !   !  &" $! 

 !  !  "! $  ! 
!  $  ! #"  ! 

    &" !  $    ! "  
 !& ! ! !   "!  ! 
#!& ! &"   ! ! $ 
 & ! "!! ! !  ! '
"!!&  #!& $ &" ! ! $ 
 ! & !  ! ! ! ! ' "!!&
 #!& ! &" ! ! $ 

" " ! &   !&   !  !

  !  !     
 !& " !  ! "   !%! ! # $! "
!   !     #!&  !
! ! ! !   "!     "
!! ! & !  ! "!! ! 
" ! !   "!

 Working with Kits and Configured Items  ! Sales
Order Management Guide

       &"  $   &"  "   
  ! ! ! #"  ! !!"  ! $  
! !  ! ! ! 

 Working with Test Results  ! Quality Management
Guide   !

See Also

 Appendix C Ċ Leadtimes   %!  ! "!  % 

# !

2–68 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Work Orders

Run Order Processing

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Order Processing

 +!' $' $$ $!%%  & %+%& $&% &   $  ($  
& !$ $$ $  & 
   ($  %!)% & $  
!%&% $! ) & %& $% )$ %& & &    ! & !' & 

 +!' '% $$ $!%%  &!  $&  $ &% %&% !$ $!'& 
 %&$'&! % !$ +!'$ )!$ !$$% & %+%& $"%  +  $ &% %&% !$
$!'& % && )$ "$(!'%+ && &! & )!$ !$$%

 +!' $' $$ $!%%  & %+%&  $&%  *"&! $"!$& 

  %+%& "$(!'%+ $& " $#'%&% '&  !& $- $& 
"$&% %&
  %+%&  !& $&  " $#'%& '% ,$!'% ! &$!
)% !& %& &! 

Processing Options for Order Processing

1. Enter one of the following: ____________
1 – Parts List only
2 – Routing only
3 – Both Parts List and Routing
If left blank, neither Parts List
nor Routing will be generated.
2. Enter a ’1’ to use the W.O. Date ____________
for Effectivity checking. (Default
is the W.O. Start Date.)
3. Enter the new Status Code for the ____________
Work Order Header. If left blank,
status will not be changed.
4. Enter a ’1’ to print Work Orders. ____________
If printing Work Orders:
5. Enter a ’1’ to print Parts List ____________
6. Enter a ’1’ to print the 2nd line of ____________
information, which is scrap and
related work center.
7. Enter a ’1’ to print Parts List on a ____________
new page.
8. Enter the DREAM Writer Version of ____________
the Parts List to print. If left
blank, XJDE0001 is used.

A8.1 (8/97) 2–69

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

(See Form ID P31415.)

9. Enter a ’1’ to print a consolidated ____________
Parts List.
10. Enter a ’1’ to print Routing ____________
11. Enter a ’1’ to print Routing on a ____________
new page.
12. Enter the DREAM Writer Version to be ____________
executed for the desired sequencing
of the Routing. If left blank, the
operation sequence is used.
(See Form ID P314151.)
13. Enter the Unit of Measure for ____________
14. Enter a ’1’ to print the Shop ____________
Packet Summary.
15. Enter the DREAM Writer Version of ____________
the Shortage Report to execute. If
left blank, no shortage report will
be printed. (See Form ID P31418.)
16. Enter the DREAM Writer Version to be ____________
executed for the desired print
overrides for Bar Coding.
(See Form ID P31413.)
17. Enter the DREAM Writer Version of ____________
Batch Inventory Issues to execute.
If left blank, the Inventory Issues
program will not be called.
(See Form ID P31420)
(Used for Sub-Contract Routings)
18. Enter the Document Type ____________
19. Enter the Line Type ____________
20. Enter the Beginning Status ____________
21. Enter a ’1’ to default the tax area ____________
from the ’Ship-To’ address book
number. If left blank, the tax area
will default from the Supplier
address book number.
22. Enter the new Line Type for kit ____________
and configured components. This
is used to avoid issuing inventory
from Sales Order processing. The
Line Type used should be inventory
interface ’N’. If left blank, Line
Type will not be changed.
23. Enter the Next Status for Sales ____________
Order kit and configured component
lines. (This is used to bypass
the normal flow of the order, i.e.,

2–70 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Work Orders

Pick Slip.) If left blank, status

will not be changed.
24. Enter a ’1’ to print Sales Order ____________
Text lines.
25. Enter one of the following options ____________
for calculating the standard cost
for configured items in the WO
Variance file (F3102).
1 – Always calculate the standard
2 – Only calculate the standard
cost if it has not already
been done (no variance records
If left blank, standard cost will
not be calculated.
26. Enter ’1’ to allow the use of ____________
Bill of Material substitutes in
case of a shortage.
27. Enter a ’1’ to load the Work Order ____________
Number into the Subledger field of
the purchasing J/E’s.
28. Enter a ’1’ for automatic blanket ____________
order release processing.
29. Enter a ’1’ to permit building ____________
work orders against prior revision
levels. The revision level in the
work order header (F4801) will be
used to select the parts list to
attach to the work order. If left
blank, prior revision level bills
will not be selected.
30. Enter the request processing mode: ____________
1 – Generate requests only
2 – Generate requests and process
using the subsystem.
If left blank, requests will not be
31. If processing pick requests using ____________
the subsystem, enter the DREAM
Writer version to use. If left
blank, XJDE0002 will be used.
(see Form ID P46171)
32. Enter the default staging location ____________
for moving goods out of the
warehouse. The parts picked from
the warehouse are staged at this
location prior to use within
manufacturing. (F1=Location Window)
33. Enter a ’1’ if the default staging ____________

A8.1 (8/97) 2–71

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

location should be checked for

availability. If the part is
available at the staging location
a request will NOT be generated.
This option only applies to parts
without work center locations.
35. Enter a ’1’ to print component ____________
generic text on the Parts List.
36. Enter a ’1’ to print operation ____________
generic text on the Routing.
37. Enter a ’1’ to update parts list ____________
and routing if order quantity or
dates have changed
38. Enter which symbology to use when ____________
using bar codes.
’1’= Code 3 of 9 (Code 39)
’2’= Code 128
’ ’= Not print bar codes
39. Enter a ’1’ to prevent commitments ____________
for rates.

What You Should Know About Processing Options

    -$) '( ( &$)' #"#( % # #(&
     $# ( $& && &#( &(' '( %&$&" %&#(' .#
 &$)' # ( !$($# ! $& !! %&(' +( (
%&$%& "(&! '(()' $

   !( + & $ '-"$!$- ($ %&#(
 $ $ $ 

# -$) )' &%$&(' +( & $' #')& (( #$

%&#(& ! $*&&' ,'( ' # #(!!#( &#(& (
(&" %&#(&

2–72 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Work Orders

Printing a Summary of Process Orders

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Periodic Functions

From Periodic Functions – Process (G3122), choose Process Order Summary

'$" ) '$ *#)$#(  '$(( "#* 

  $$( '$(( ''

 '$(( '' *""'. '%$') !()( (!) ,$' $''( # ) $' ''
()' )!   ( )( '%$') )$ '+, ,$' $''( # .$*' (.()" 
'%$') ($,( ) %!##'   )" #*"' $'' &*#)). $"%!) &*#)).
# ()') # * )(

31400 J.D. Edwards & Company Page – 1

Work Order Summary Date – 4/17/98

W.O . . . .Quantity. . . . . . . . . Dates . . . . .

Number Ty Description T P St Planner Item Number Ordered Completed UM Started Due Last Upd
–––––––– –– –––––––––––––––––––––––– – – –– –––––––– –––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––– ––––––––––––– –– –––––––– –––––––– ––––––––
121419 WO Potato Chip Process 10 6002 777 5792 OZ 02/27/98 03/20/95
120660 WO Potato Chips 99 6002 7771 400 CA 01/12/98 02/25/95
120678 WO Potato Chips 99 6002 7771 450 CA 02/13/98 02/25/95
120694 WO Potato Chips 99 6002 7771 500 CA 03/17/98 02/25/95
120715 WO Potato Chips 99 6002 7771 450 CA 04/04/98 02/25/95
120740 WO Potato Chips 99 6002 7771 600 CA 05/20/98 02/25/95
120766 WO Potato Chips 99 6002 7771 360 CA 06/30/98 02/25/95
120811 WO Potato Chips 99 6002 7771 125 CA 07/14/98 02/27/95
120820 WO Potato Chips 99 6002 7771 220 CA 07/16/98 02/27/95
121427 WO Potatoes 95 6002 845 5000 5000 LB 01/15/98 01/15/98 03/21/95
121435 WO Potatoes 90 6002 845 5000 5000 LB 01/15/98 01/15/98 03/21/95
121443 WO Potatoes 95 6002 845 5000 5000 LB 01/15/98 01/15/98 03/21/95
121451 WO Potatoes 95 6002 845 5000 5000 LB 01/15/98 01/15/98 03/21/95
121460 WO Potatoes 95 6002 845 5000 5000 LB 01/15/98 01/15/98 03/21/95
121478 WO Potatoes 95 6002 845 5000 5000 LB 01/15/98 01/15/98 03/21/95
121486 WO Potatoes 95 6002 845 5000 5000 LB 01/15/98 01/15/98 03/21/95
121494 WO Potatoes 95 6002 845 5000 5000 LB 01/15/98 01/15/98 03/21/95
121507 WO Potatoes 95 6002 845 5000 5000 LB 01/15/98 01/15/98 03/21/95
121515 WO Potatoes 95 6002 845 5000 5000 LB 01/15/98 01/15/98 03/21/95
121523 WO Potatoes 95 6002 845 5000 5000 LB 01/15/98 01/15/98 03/21/95
121531 WO Potatoes 95 6002 845 5000 5000 LB 01/15/98 01/15/98 03/21/95
121540 WO Potatoes 10 6002 845 5000 LB 01/15/98 03/20/95
121558 WO Potatoes 10 6002 845 5000 LB 01/15/98 03/20/95
121566 WO Potatoes 10 6002 845 5000 LB 01/15/98 03/20/95
123713 WO Potatoes 10 6002 845 10 LB 07/07/98 04/12/95
121769 WO Food Grade Potato 95 6002 8451 31980 31980 LB 03/21/95 01/02/98 03/21/95
121777 WO Food Grade Potato 95 6002 8451 717 717 LB 01/06/98 01/06/98 03/21/95
121785 WO Food Grade Potato 95 6002 8451 1728 1728 LB 01/08/98 01/08/98 03/21/95
121793 WO Non–Food Grade Potato 95 6002 8452 44397 44397 LB 01/02/98 01/02/98 03/21/95
121806 WO Non–Food Grade Potato 95 6002 8452 14799 14799 LB 01/07/98 01/07/98 03/21/95
121814 WO Non–Food Grade Potato 95 6002 8452 14799 14799 LB 01/14/98 01/14/98 03/21/95

Ñ Exercises
 ) -'(( $' )( %)'

A8.1 (8/97) 2–73

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

2–74 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Commitments

About Commitments

   !          "

      $    "      

 $       "     $  
!          " 

  "  $ " $       
  "     $     
    " $   "         $ 

  $               $  

!$      $    
$    %   $     

 $     $        
#        $       

     "   $       $
$ "    $    
  !$   $           # 
$  "   $       $

A8.1 (8/97) 2–75

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

  #    $     "    


    #   "       
  " $ 
!  $
  !  !     !     
         !   !  


 !  $
   !   !  # $!   
      # $!    ! 

What Is a Soft Commitment?

    # $!    "$   " $   #
!   !  " $   $$      ! 
  #        $!    
    ! # !   " " $

What Is a Hard Commitment?

    $$   " $       
 ! # 

2–76 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Commitments

Where in the Process Do You Commit Inventory?

Work Orders


Routing Ingredients
Instructions List





Record Hours
Payroll and Quantities

Post Super Backflushing

Completion to

See Also

 Understanding Lot Processing

 Understanding Grade and Potency

A8.1 (8/97) 2–77

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

2–78 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Commitments

Working with Commitments

        "       $ 

       $   $    

 $   $          "

      $     $    
 $    $   " $  

 "     "  


-    "   



-  "  

What You Should Know About

        $       $

        $   !  
  !$     #   
 $      $  

A8.1 (8/97) 2–79

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Defining Commitment Rules

" ,#( %'  #!!'!"' !"( , #% (&" ' ' $%#%! ,#( !(&'
" ' # #*" #!!'!"' %( & #% ' *#% #%%

 "" ' #!!'!"' !'# #% ' '!

 "" ' #!!'!"' #"'%# " ',$ # #!!'!"'


%#! ' ")"'#%, &'%%"&'#"& !"(  ##& '!

%" "' "#%!'#"

#( " " ' !'# '' ' &,&'! (&& *" %'"  #!!'!"'
& !'#& % , #'#" #' "(!% #% #' +$%'#" '

" '!
%" "' "#%!'#"

#!$ ' ' # #*"  

 #!!'!"' '#

2–80 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Commitments

" ' !' '" " '' !'& ' '" '' ' &,&' (&& '"
" ' "' ' & %" !)!'"%,  "& %

  !"%  " ' !' '" "% !)!'"%,

('  &,&' " '& !)!'"%, %"
' #% %, "'"! ! '! %" &"!%,
"'"!&  &,&' " '& !)!'"%, %"
' "'"!& *' ' "&' !)!'"%, "%
" ''! !)!'"%, %" "'"!& *' '
&'  &,&' " '& "%%& '" '
#% %, "'"!
  !)!'"%, " ' !' '" , "'
!( %  &,&' " '& !)!'"%, , "'
!( % &'%'! *' ' "*&' "' !( % !
" ''! "%%& '" ) "'&
  !)!'"%, " ' !' '" , "'
+#%'"! '  &,&' " '& !)!'"%,
%" ' "'"!& *' ' %&' +#%'"!
' %&'  &,&' "!&%& "!, "'"!&
*' +#%'"! '& %'% '! "% $( '"
' && "%% "% #%'& &' %$(&' '


%" ' "# ""% "!'%" '(# !(   ""& !('(%!

"( ! ! ' " ' !' "!'%" '" ! ',# "% ' *"% "%%
 "!'%" '% !& "* ' &,&' " '& !)!'"%, '"  *"% "%% !
 '& ' !)!'"%, "'"! '" * " ' !'& %   ',#
&#& *'% ' " ' !' & &"' % "% &'%'& "(' &"' ! '%
" & %

! !('(%! "!&'!'&

A8.1 (8/97) 2–81

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing



2–82 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Commitments

*((%/(!)/ *)/-*' !/!-(%)!. $*2 /$! .4./!( *((%/. %)1!)/*-4 /*  2*-&
*- !- ) '%(%/. /$! %)1!)/*-4 '*/%*) /* 2$%$
*((%/(!)/. -! ( ! $! .4./!( /%1/!. /$%. "%!'
*)'4 2$!) 4*0 -!/! $- *((%/(!)/. '% * !. -!

 &! *((%/(!)/. /* /$! +-%(-4 '*/%*) %)

/$! -)$+')/ 2$!-! /$! 2*-& *- !-
 +'%/ /$! +-/. '%./ ) *((%/(!)/. /* "%'' )4
*(+*)!)/ .$*-/#!. $! .4./!( ) -*..
-)$ *0) -%!. /* "%'' -!,0%-!(!)/. ) /$%.
.! /$! .4./!( 0.!. /$! )!3/ '+$!/%'
-)$+')/ '%./! %) /$! /'! /$/ *0-. "/!-
/$! -)$+')/ *) /$! 2*-& *- !- $! !- *-

" /$! .4./!( ./-/. *((%//%)# %)1!)/*-4 /
-)$+')/  %/ !..!.  . /$! )!3/
-)$+')/ " %)1!)/*-4 %. '*2 %) '' '*/%*).
/$! .4./!( (&!. /$! -!(%)%)# *((%/(!)/.
/* /$! +-%(-4 '*/%*) *" /$! -)$+')/ *)
/$! 2*-& *- !- $! !-
(! .  0/ /$! .4./!( ))*/ -*.. -)$
*0) -%!.
$!) 4*0 .!/ /$! *((%/(!)/ !/$* "%!' %) /$! /!(
-)$')/ /'! /*  *- '*/ )0(!- *- !3+%-/%*)
/! *)/-*' 4*0 (0./ .!/ /$%. "%!' /* 
- *"/ *((%/ !/!-(%)!. $*2 /$! $*+ '**- *)/-*' .4./!( *((%/.
%)1!)/*-4 '% * !. -!

 $! .4./!( +!-"*-(.  $- *((%/(!)/ / /$!

-!/%*) *" /$! +-/. '%./ $! $- *((%/(!)/
-!(%). %) !""!/ 0)/%' %)1!)/*-4 %. -!'%!1! 
 $! .4./!( +!-"*-(.  .*"/ *((%/(!)/ / /$!
-!/%*) *" /$! +-/. '%./ $)#! /*  $-
*((%/(!)/ 0-%)# /$! +%& '%./ +-%)/ +-*!..
"*- /$! 2*-& *- !- $! $- *((%/(!)/
-!(%). %) !""!/ 0)/%' %)1!)/*-4 %. -!'%!1! 
 $! .4./!( +!-"*-(.  .*"/ *((%/(!)/ /
-!/%*) *" /$! +-/. '%./ $! .*"/ *((%/(!)/
-!(%). %) !""!/ 0)/%' %)1!)/*-4 %. -!'%!1! 
*- *-'
$!) /$! $- .*"/ *((%/ *+/%*) %. .!/ /* 
*-  )4 '%)! %/!( %) /$! +-/. '%./ (4 ! $- *((%//!
+-%*- /* +-%)/%)# *- -!'%!1%)# /$! %)1!)/*-4

$!) 4*0 .!/ /$! *((%/(!)/ !/$* "%!' %)
/$! -)$')/ *)./)/. "*-( /*  *-  4*0 (0./ 0.!
 *-  "*- /$%. "%!' !0.!  $- *((%/(!)/ (0./ !

A8.1 (8/97) 2–83

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Defining Commitments at a Work Center Location

 $ $ %## )#$)( )  ,%'! $)' %$( ()( %

  $ $ ) "%) %$ ) ) ,%'! $)'

  $ $ ) ,%'! $)' $ ) )#( '%*) $
  $ $ ) $' $)( %'  &'%((
  $ $ %, ) (-()# %## )( $+$)%'- *' $ !"*(



'%# )  "-   (') #$* 

 %%( $)' $ %'!


$ $)' $ %'! $)'

%#&") ) %""%, $  "(

 %'! $)'
 %) %$  ((*

2–84 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Commitments


)'% +! "$/  )'** %&, 

  !''* &+) !&  )'**

& &+) !&  )'**

-". +! '$$'."& "$

 ')# &+)
 ($&"*!%&+ '+"'&

'+"'& ' +!+ "&+""* "&-&+')/ $'+"'&* "& 
)&!($&+ ', "& +! ')%+ ' +! $'+"'&
"&+"") / )&!($&+
            Form-specific information . . . . . . . . . . .
!"* "$ '-))"* +! $'+"'& "& "& +! .')#
&+) %*+) .!"! $$'.* ') %,$+"($ .')# &+)


)'% +! "$/  )'** %&, 

  !''* &+) !&  )'**

& &+) !&  )'**

A8.1 (8/97) 2–85

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 " " $ !

  " "
 !! " "  

 " " $ 

  " #
 " !" %"

2–86 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Commitments

#%  $!#% # %)% %#*  #   ! % %  % !#%

$ ( ( $ * & % !# '  #  #%   $!

$%#&% $ !#  ! %  &  $ &$ % $#  #%  
)%  %  ( ($ % '( &$#  % &!%$ $ ( $
  $% $

What You Should Know About

 $$ %  %$ ( ( % #%  $!#% # %)%
%#*  #  !#%  $"&  % # &% $
( ( $ * & % !# '  #  #%  
$! $%#&% $ !# $%!  &  $ $$ %
$# &%  #%   %  %$ !%
( ($ % '( &$#  % &!%$ $ ( $

  $ % %#
 # $$ !# # %  #%$

$$ % (%  &%&# !# &%  $*$%
 ($  !#%  %   %   % 
"&%%$ % & ) # '# % $

 Bulk Stock Management Guide

A8.1 (8/97) 2–87

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


-*( /$! $*+ '**- *)/-*' !/0+ (!)0  

 $**.! )0"/0-%)#

) )0"/0-%)# *)./)/.

*(+'!/! /$! "*''*2%)# "%!'

 &"'0.$ +/%*).

&"'0.$ +/%*). !/!-(%)!. $*2 /$! .3./!( +!-"*-(. *((%/(!)/ )
-!'!.! *" %)1!)/*-3 0-%)# /$! &"'0.$ +-*!.. '%
* !. -!
 -!/!  ./) - +-/. '%./ .! *) /$! 1'0!
%) /$! *((%/(!)/ *)/-*' "%!' %) /$!
)0"/0-%)# *)./)/. /'!   
 -!/!  +-/. '%./ *((%//%)# /* /$! '*/%*)
%) %/! %) /$! *-& !)/!- ./!- /'!
   $! +!-/%*) !,0!)! "%!' %) /$!
%'' *" /!-%' /'!   !/!-(%)!. /$!
2*-& !)/!- /$/ %. 0.! 
 *0 (0./ -!/! /$! 2*-& *- !- -*0/%)# !"*-!
/$! +-/. '%./ " 3*0 -! -0))%)# 2*-& *- !- #!)!-/%*)
/$! 2*-& *- !- -*0/%)# ) /$! +-/. '%./ (0./ ! -!/!
/ /$! .(! /%(!

2–88 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Commitments

Managing Commitments for Grade and Potency Controlled Items

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Enter/Change Order

! !'% ! %% ""& !%!'& &'

% ! #"'!, "!'%" ' & (&'  "' "!'%" ! ' &,&'
%'& " ' !'& "% % ! #"'!, "!'%" ' & ' ")& ' %
! #"'!, %! '" ' !%!'& &' !, '"& "'& *'! ' %! %
 "% " ' !'&

"% + #

Exp. On
Location Date Grade Hand Commit

P 50
S 9406220000 08/31 A01 50 50
S 9406230000 08/15 A02 300 300
S 9406240000 12/12 A03 400 400
S 9406250000 09/01 A04 5
S 9406260000 09/01 A05 5000

! ' ") + # ' *"% "%% $(!'', %$(% &  ! ' %
%! &    &,&' & ' " ' !'& ! ' &$(!

 &,&' " '& ' $(!''& (&! ' #% %, (!' " &(%   "
' " ' !'& !!"'   !&' &# "'& ! ' %! ' &,&'
" '& ' % !% '" ' #% %, "'"! ' &'!% % "% #"'!,

See Also

 Understanding Grade and Potency

A8.1 (8/97) 2–89

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Creating Commitments for Potent Units

When you define a unit of measure as a potent unit of measure, and the system
creates commitments, the system converts the quantity to the primary unit of
measure. For example, if the primary unit of measure is GA (gallons), the
component unit of measure is GP (potent gallons), and the standard potency is
70%, the ingredients list requires 500 GP.

On Potent Commit
location potency hand units at standard & 70%

P 43
S 9406220000 80% 50 40 50
S 9406230000 90% 300 270 300
S 9406240000 40% 400 160 400

In the above ingredients list example, only the equivalent of 470 GPs are
available. The remaining 30 GPs are committed back to primary (30 GP/.7 = 43

Using the above example, if the primary unit of measure was GP, the potency
associated with it in the Lot Master table (F4108) is only for conversion
purposes. Potent units of measure are assumed to be 100% potent.

Also, a lot that consists of 100 potent units with a potency of 75% means that it
is the equivalent of 133.3333... physical gallons (100/75). It is important for
those companies that store in potent units to know the physical size of the

The system issues a warning message when it changes the standard value for
grade or potency on the branch/plant record. Commitments can be brought out
of balance if the primary unit of measure for an item is nonĆpotent and
commitments exist from a sales order or work order in a potent unit of
measure. The reverse is true as well. You can correct this by running a repost
for the sales order and work order. J.D. Edwards recommends that you run
sales order reports, and repost the purchase order, after you repost the work

Creating commitments for potent units consists of:

 Defining potent units

 Setting up a unit of measure conversion


From the General Systems menu (G00), choose General User Defined Codes.

2–90 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Commitments





A8.1 (8/97) 2–91

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


'"# %#"% &  & +!+ "%"+* *'"# ')&**"% )(,")$%+* &)
*)  &* )+"% ,*) "% & -#,* ! ')+",#) -#, 0&,
%+) "% +!"* "# "* ,%"(, &) ! ,*) "% &
)&) +0'
! *0*+$ ,** +! *'"# !%#"% & "% $%0 .0*
&) /$'# *'"# !%#"% &* "% &)
% ,  ))% *'"0 " +! #% ,  "*
&,#20+ &) " +! #% ,  &* %&+ !- ,'')*
!)+)* )& )$$"% "* )(,") +& +"-+ +!"* "#
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  1 "* "% +! *&% '&*"+"&% +! *0*+$ "%+""*
+!+ ,%"+ & $*,) *  '&+%+ ,%"+ & $*,)


)&$ +! %-%+&)0 0*+$ +,' $%,    !&&* +%) %"+* &

&, *+ ,'  ,%"+ & $*,) &%-)*"&% &) '&+%+ ,%"+* *& +!+ +! *0*+$ %

 &%-)+ '&+%+ ,%"+* & $*,) +& '!0*"# ,%"+* & $*,)
 &%-)+ '!0*"# ,%"+* & $*,) +& '&+%+ ,%"+* & $*,)

% +%) %"+* & *,)

2–92 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Commitments

&$'#+ +  &##&.!% !#*

 %!+ & *,)

 %!+ & *,)

Processing Options for User Defined Codes

Enter the desired System Code:
Enter the desired Record Type:

Reposting Work Order Commitments

From Shop Floor Control (G31), enter 27

From Advanced Shop Floor Control (G3131), choose Repost Open Quantities

+) /&, *+ ,' &$$!+$%+* ),% +  '&*+ '% ,%+!+!* + ')&)$

 #) &,++ &) !%-#! &$$!+$%+*

 '&*+ +  &$$!+$%+* % &%0&)) (,%+!+!* *'!! !% /&,) .&)"
&)) +& ,))%+ )(,!)$%+*

)&**!% &'+!&%* ##&. /&, +& #!$!+ +  )'&*+ ')&** +& + &* .&)" &))*
#&.  )+!% *++,*

Before You Begin

- )!/ + + +  +$ )% +#   !* %&+ !* ,*

- %!+ . + ) /&, .%+ !%-%+&)/ ) &) *&+ &$$!++ + 

)%   Defining Commitment Rules

What You Should Know About

   */*+$ &* %&+ )'&*+ ,#" !+$* % #!%* + + &
%&+ - % !%-%+&)/ !%+)

A8.1 (8/97) 2–93

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

  "' 1(. +)(,- ()' ' ('3(++ *.'-#-#, (' 1(.+
   0(+$ (++, -" ,1,-&
 %+, ,-, -( 2+( %% *.'-#-1 ' *.'-#-1
(&&#-- /%., #' -" -& +'" -%

 )(,-, -" *.'-#-1 /%. #' -" -& +'"
-% (+ -" )+'- #-& " ,1,-& .,, -"
#' (+&-#(' +(& -" (+$ ++ ,-+ -%
   ' -" (%%(0#'! %.%-#('
*.'-#-1 (++  *.'-#-1 (&)%- 
*.'-#-1 ,+))
 )(,-, -" *.'-#-1 (&&#-- /%. (+
(&)(''-, #' -" -& +'" -% (+ -"
%(-#(' ,)# # (' -" 0(+$ (++ )+-, %#,- (+
-" #-& " ,1,-& .,, -" #' (+&-#(' +(&
-" "() %((+ ('-+(% +-, #,- -%  
' -" (%%(0#'! %.%-#('
*.'-#-1 +*.#+  *.'-#-1 #,,.

Processing Options for Repost Open Quantities


1. Enter the work order status for ____________
update. Any order with a status
less than the status input, will be
reposted. If left blank, the status
will default to ’99’.

2–94 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Commitments

Test Yourself: Committing Inventory

 %/ &. /%" !&##"-"* " "/2""*  %-! *! .+#/ +))&/)"*/

 &./ /%" /%-"" #&"(!. /%/ +*/-+( %+2 +))&/)"*/. -" ,"-#+-)"! #+- 
-* %

 * 4+0 +))&/ &*1"*/+-4 /+  2+-' "*/"-

 %/ &. /%" ",+./ ,"* 0*/&/&". ,-+$-)

-' /%" #+((+2&*$ .//")"*/. /-0" +- #(." +- /%+." .//")"*/. /%/ -" #(."
%*$" /%") /+ )'" /%") /-0"

 / /%" -* % ("1"( 4+0 * +))&/ &*1"*/+-4 4 (+/ *0)"- +- (+/
"3,&-/&+* !/" -0"  (."
 -! +))&/. -")&* &* "##" / 0*/&( &*1"*/+-4 &. -"(&"1"! -0"  (."
 .&*$ /%" *+-)( &*1"*/+-4 +))&/)"*/ )"/%+! &*1"*/+-4 &. +))&//"!
#-+) /%" ,-&)-4 (+ /&+* +*(4 -0"  (."
 %" +))&/)"*/ +*/-+( #&"(! &. +*(4  /&1" 2%"* 4+0 -" -"/&*$ %-!
+))&/)"*/. -0"  (."
 +0 * %*$" +))&/)"*/. #+-  2+-' +-!"- -0"  (."
 %"* /%" +))&/)"*/ "/%+! #&"(! &. ."/ /+  +-  /%" -!+#/
+))&/ #&"(! )0./ " ."/ /+ "&/%"-  +-  -0"  (."

%" *.2"-. /+ /%&. "./ +0-."(# -" &* Appendix B

A8.1 (8/97) 2–95

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

2–96 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Grade and Potency

About Grade and Potency

%,+,))* !% +  ')&** !%,*+)0 % ,## &%+)&# &-) +  (,#!+0 &

')&,+* + 0 $" &) ,0 /$'#* ) +  &&  $!# %
' )$,+!# !%,*+)!* ) % '&+%0 (,#!!+!&%* ##&. 0&, +&
+&)!1 0&,) ')&,+* $&) *'!!##0 % +) + !) $&-$%+ + )&, + 
$%,+,)!%!*+)!,+!&% ')&**

%  .)* *0*+$* ) % '&+%0 ) $,+,##0 /#,*!- &, %
&%#0 ,* &% &) +  &+ ) +& +&)!1 % !+$ ## !+$* + + ) ) &)
'&+%0 &%+)&## $,*+ #*&  +)" 0 #&+ %,$) )* % '&+%!*
!-! !+$* 0 + !) *'!! $",' &)  )+)!*+!* .!+ &,+  %!% !+$
%,$)* &+* !%+!0  *'!! )&,' & !+$* .!+ +  *$ !+$ %,$)

&) ) % '&+%0 &%+)&## !+$* 0&, % %+)  *+%) ')))
-#, &)  !+$ &, % #*& %+)  )% & '+# -#,* + + ##&.
0&, +& &%+!%, &')+!&%* .!+ )* &) '&+%!* + + ) &,+*! + 
*+%) -#, ,+ *+!## '+# &) 0&,) ,*  !* #'* +& *+#!* %
$!%+!% (,#!+0 #-#* !% 0&,) ')&,+* ,+ !* #/!# %&, +& "' 0&,)
&')+!&%* ),%%!% . % +  *+%) #-# & ')&,+ !* %&+ -!##

  ) &) '&+%0 &)  #&+ !* ,* 0 ')&)$* + + #,#+ &%2 %
% -!## (,%+!+!* ## !+$* + + ) ) &) '&+%0 &%+)&## $,*+ 
#&+ &%+)&##

) !%+!!* % !+$* ')+!,#) *'!!+!&% $",' % ##&.* +  *0*+$

+& *')+ &% #&+ )&$ &+ ) ')&,+!&% #&+* .!+ &,+  %!% +  !+$
%,$) /$'#* ) !$&%* #,$) % ). +,)(,&!*

&, % ,* )* +& #**!0 !+$* 0 + !)  )+)!*+!* *, * (,#!+0
*+)%+  &) !%+)!+0  0&, +!-+ ) &%+)&# )+!% ,%+!&%* !+ &)
)* % .!## %&+ ')&)$ +)%*+!&%* ! +  !+$* !%-&#- & %&+ $+ + 
) ')$+)*

&+%0 ))* +& +  ')%+ & +!- !%)!%+ .!+ !%  *&#,+!&% &)
/$'#  *&#,+!&% & 0)& #&)! ! 
) -)*,* *+%)
')%+* & #& &# % & .!+ -)0!% *+)%+ * & !%

A8.1 (8/97) 2–97

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

!, ' & '' ' ' % "% #"'!, %! %$(% !'& &'' ! ' 
" '% % &&( '" ' &"# ""% "% #%"('"! " #"!!'& "('& '
%! * !"' &"* & ) "% "!-! ! ' "#
""% "!'%" '%

 &,&' %"%& % "% #"'!, ! "' '%!&% '%!&'"!& ! ' '
% ! ' !% % &" '' "(!'! & !"%#"%' !'" '

"( ! "%% "!,  %'! % "% #"'!, " ! '  & "%% !
#(%& "%% &,&' & " "' % ! #"'!, &'!%& ! %!&

Grade and Potency Control

 ""*! % % "% #"'!, "!'%" & "! ' !('(%! '

 %"'!, %! . '% !& "* '" #% % "% #"'!,
"!'%" ' & ! & %% ! !'
 % "!'%" . !'& *'% ' ' & % "!'%"
 "'!, "!'%" . !'& *'% ' ' & #"'!, "!'%"
 '!% % . !'& ' &'!% % " ' '  "% + #
#% ( "% )%  )( !'% % #%")& ' (' "%
&)% "% & ! !('(%!
 '!% "'!, . !'& ' &'!% #%!' " ')
!%!'& !"% , "(! ! ! '   )( !'% % #%")&
' (' "% &)% "% & ! !('(%!  #"'!, &'!% &
(& "% ' #"'!' (!' " &(% "!)%&"! ! %'! &&

%" ! %"( % . !& ' "* % %!& "% !

%" ! %"( "'!, . !& ' "* #"'!, %!& "%
! ' 

 &,&' (&& '& )(& *! ,"( %'  %!#!' %"% "% '

"( ! %& ! ' (&% ! " &'  

! ' (&% ! "& "% ' #"'!' (!'& " &(% ! ' (&%
! " &' 
"%  #"'!' (!' " &(% '' ,"( ! ,"(
(&' !'%  ! ' &"! &# " ' # !! "  "' !
' ' % " ' &% ! " "% 

2–98 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Grade and Potency

Define a conversion for each potent unit of measure to a physical unit of

measure in the Unit of Measure Conversions form. For example, 100 gallons of a
solution at 80% potency = 80 potent gallons, 80 potent gallons of a solution at
80% = 100 gallons.

Lot Control Items

Use the Item Branch/Plant Information form to identify the item as a lot
controlled item. Grade and potency controlled items must be lot controlled.
Define one of the following values as the Lot Process Type:

 Blank = Lot assignment is optional. Numbers must be manually assigned.

Quantity can be greater than one.
 1 = Lot assignment is used. Numbers are assigned by the system using the
system date in YYMMDD format. Quantity can be greater than one.
 2 = Lot assignment is used. Numbers are assigned in ascending sequence
using the next number convention. Quantity can be greater than one.
 3 = Lot assignment is required. Numbers must be manually assigned.
Quantity can be greater than one.

When you attach an ingredients list to a work order header, commitments are
created for the components. How these commitments are created depends on
the parameters of Commitment Method, Commitment Control, and Hard or Soft
Commit. After you set up these parameters, commitments can be created in the
same manner using both the Enter/Change Order or Order Processing programs.

A8.1 (8/97) 2–99

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing








2–100 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Lot Processing

About Lot Processing

"  !! %! '# "   "  " #"  #! 
"!  & '#  $ " !'!" !! " # ! "  #! 
 ! "! !  " "! " "' " "! "" '# #!" !
 !" #  $% # "  " #"  " !# ! " #""' 
$ "!  " " !"! "" $ " " "

" "  !   "'  #!  "! ""   "!  

  #"  &  '# !! " # ! " " ' " ! 
'! !!   " " ! '# 

"' " " #  " " ! "" %  #! " #  !

"'  '! "" %  !!    ! "  " !

 '# "  ""   "# "  " ! ! "$ '#  "'
"'    '! "" %  !!   " "$ " !

 " #!#' "!  "'  " #" '#  !" # !'!" !""! "
%  " "'!  "!  " ! "
  " "!  " "! "
!'!" "! "  "   " #  " #  ! !"
# !'!" !""! " !" "  " "  "'  "  !" % "" " "
&!"  #" % #!!

 #"#  '#  " "! " #" "!  $" '   
! %      '#  " #" " "! " !'!" !
" ! !!# " " %    " " " "! ' " #  '
%    #   ' "
 '#  " " " " #  " 
" " " "  !!# " !'!" ' #!! " %    # "  "
" " " "  "

!! #"#  #!" !  '  "   "(" 
$ "  '  "  "!  #  !# #!"  #!
  " & " "! #!  "! "  #! " "
& " "!  " #! " #!#  ! 
" %" " #  ##!  "! " ' "  "  "!

& "  ! ! " & " "!  "! % #" "
#""' (  !#! " " #""!  "    & "
"! " ! "! %" " !" # " & " "!   !#  !"

A8.1 (8/97) 2–101

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

&'1 '1 2&# $'0128', $'0128-32  +#2&-" -0 #6+.*# 5&#, +'*) '1 "#*'4#0#"
2-  12-0# '2 '1 .*!#" ', 2&# $0-,2 -$ 2&# 1&#*$ ," !-,2',3-31*7 0-22#" 1- 2&2
2&# -*"#12 .0-"3!2 '1 1-*" 2- 2&# !312-+#0 $'012

6.'02'-, .*,,',% '1 '+.-02,2 #!31# 5&-#4#0 ', 2&# !&', &1 2&# .0-"3!2
5&#, '2 #6.'0#1 ',!301 2&# *-11 !!302# .*,,',% $-0#!12',% ," "&#0#,!#
2- 1!&#"3*#1 0# '+.-02,2 2- #6.'02'-, .*,,',% #!31# .0-"3!21 +312 +)# '2
2&0-3%& 2&# #,2'0# !&', $0-+ 2&# 13..*'#0 ," $',**7 2- 2&# !312-+#0 #$-0# 2&#
#6.'02'-, "2# $ ,7 .027 ', 2&# !&', "-#1 ,-2 "&#0# 2- 2&# 1!&#"3*# 2
*#12 -,# .027 ',!301  *-11

&#, 7-3 1#2 2&# ..0-.0'2# .0-!#11',% -.2'-,1  "50"1 +,3$!230',%
.*,,',% 1712#+1

 #"3!2 #6.'0#" /3,2'2'#1 -$ '2#+1 $0-+ 2&# -,8&," 4*3#1

 #,"  50,',% +#11%# 2&2 '1 0#!-0"#" ', 2&#  #11%#
2 *# 

 "(312 2&# 2'+# 1#0'#1 2- 0#$*#!2 2&# #6.'0#" .0-"3!21 #$$#!2

&#0# 0# 1#4#0* +#2&-"1 7-3 !, 31# 2- 11'%, *-2 ,3+ #0 2- '2#+1 -3 !,

 4# 2&# 1712#+ 11'%, *-2 ,3+ #01

 11'%, 7-30 -5, *-2 ,3+ #01
 11'%, 13..*'#0 *-2 ,3+ #01

!& 2'+# 7-3 !0#2#  *-2 2&# 1712#+ ""1  0#!-0" 2- 2&# -2 12#0 2 *#

Creating Lots

-3 !, !0#2# *-21 32-+2'!**7 5&#, 7-3

 0#2# .30!&1# -0"#0 0#!#'.21

 -+.*#2# 5-0) -0"#01
 "(312 ',4#,2-07

-3 !, !0#2# *-21 +,3**7

 , 2&# -2 12#0 #4'1'-,1 $-0+

 30',% 5-0) -0"#0 #,207

&# !23* %0"# ," .-2#,!7 -$  *-2 '1 "#$',#" ', 2&# -2 12#0 2 *#   
-3 *1- 31# 2&# -2 12#0 #4'1'-,1 .0-%0+ 2- 1.#!'$7  0#1-, !-"# $-0 
%0"# -0 .-2#,!7 !&,%# ," 2&0-3%& 2&# .0-!#11',% -.2'-,1 .0-2#!2  %0"#
-0 .-2#,!7 $0-+ 3."2#

2–102 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Lot Processing

)- ',- + $(!)+'-$)( &,) $(&. , -# &)-, ,--., ( 1*$+-$)( -  ). (
,,$"( .* -) - ( - ")+2 ) , -) -# &)- !)+ + *)+-$(" *.+*), , # ,2,- '
,-)+ , && $(!)+'-$)( ).- &)-, $( -# )- ,- + -&   

Lot Status

 &)-, ,--.,  - +'$( , 0# -# + $- $, /$&& -)  *+) ,,  2 -# ,2,- '

# (  &)- $, )( #)& !)+ (2 + ,)( -# ,2,- ' ) , ()- *+) ,, $- .(& ,, 
*+) ,,$(" )*-$)( -) &&)0 *+) ,,$(" )! # & &)-, $, /$&& 

). , - .* &)- ,--., ) , -) $ (-$!2 + ,)(, -#-  &)- (  *.- )( #)&
!- + 2). , - .* -# ) , 2). ( ,,$"( -# ' -) $- ', ( &)-, -#+)."# $- '
',- + $(!)+'-$)( +(#*&(- $(!)+'-$)( *.+#, )+ + +  $*-, ( &)-
',- + + /$,$)(, ). (()- *+) ,, $- ', ).- )! &)-, )( #)&

). ( ,,$"( $!! + (- ,--., ) , -)  ,$("& &)- ,  )( -# $!! + (-
&)-$)(, $( 0#$# -# &)- + ,$ , )+%$(" 0$-# ,--., ) , $(/)&/ ,

  --$(" .* &)- ,--., ) ,

 ,,$"($(" ,--., ) , -) $!! + (- &)- &)-$)(,

). ( +.( )- --., *- -) *& 1*$+  &)-, )( #)& ! 2). +.( -#
*+)"+' $( *+))! ')  2). ( *+).  + *)+- ,#)0$(" && &)-, -#- 0$&& 
*.- )( #)& ! 2). +.( -# *+)"+' $( !$(& ')  2). ( *+).  + *)+-
,#)0$(" && &)-, -#- #/  ( *.- )( #)&  - .* &)- ,--., ) , $( -# ., +
 !$(  ) &$,- 

). ,,$"( &)- ,--., , 0# (

 ). ., -# )- ,- +  /$,$)(, !)+' -) (- +  ( 0 &)- ! 2). ) ()-

(- +  ,--., - -#$, -$'  -# ,2,- ' ., , -# &)- ,--., !+)' -# $- ',
+(# $(!)+'-$)( $( -# - ' +(# -&  

 ). , - .*  ( 0 &)-$)( !)+ ( $- ' .,$(" -# - ' +(#&(-
(!)+'-$)( !)+'

). ,,$"( &)- ,--., , .,$("

 # &)- ,--., ) !+)' -#- &)-, + )+ $( -# )- ,- + -&   
 #  !.&- ,--., !+)' -# - ' +(# -&  
 $! () &)- ,--.,

). ( ,,$"( &)- ,--., , -) $!! + (- &)- &)-$)(, .,$(" -# )-$)( )- --.,
#(" 0$()0 !+)' -# )- ,- +  /$,$)(, *+)"+' # ,2,- ' ,,$"(,
,--., , 0# ( 2). + -  &)- -#+)."# -+(,! + !+)' ()-# + &)-$)( #
,2,- ' ., , -# ,--., ) )! -# +)' &)-$)( ). ( ,,$"( ,--., ) , -)
&)-$)(, 0$-#).- .,$(" &)-, # -# + -# ,2,- ' *+) ,, , $- ', ).- )! &)-$)(,
)( #)&  * (, )( #)0 2). , - -# *+) ,,$(" )*-$)(,

A8.1 (8/97) 2–103

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

# $   ' $# $ $"   $# #$$%#  " ') "$  $ #$"
" "#  $  $  " "#

     ) % $"   $ #$$%#  $  $ #$" &# #  "

$ #)#$ %## $$  $ #$$%#

 ) %   $ $"   $ #$$%# $ #)#$ %## $ %$

 $ #$$%# "  $ $ " $ 

      ) % $"   $ #$$%#  $  $ #$" &# #  "
$ #)#$ %## $$  $ #$$%#

 ) % "  &   $ "   $"  $ 

  #)#$ %## $ %$  $ #$$%# "  $ " 
    $ %" (#$# $ #)#$ %## $  $ #$$%#
"  $  $ #$" " "
    $ %" (#$# $ #)#$ %## $ %$  $
#$$%# "  $ $ " $ 

See Also

 Defining System Constants (P4009W)  $ Inventory Management Guide

 "  "$   %$  ' "$ $)!#  $#  $ #  $

2–104 A8.1 (8/97)

Enter Lot Information

Entering Lot Information

!  !       ! %! " % %  %
      # #    %! ! 


 %!          %! % #    ! 
 % #  %    !      %!  
      %! %  %            




Entering Lot Information for Items

From Inventory Management (G41), choose Inventory Master/Transactions

From Inventory Master/Transactions (G4111), choose Item Master Information

 %!               %!

      !   !     

    %       " %    !

!   %

    % #  !      

  !  %        " %  $

!  !  %   %   !    #    

A8.1 (8/97) 2–105

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing







2–106 A8.1 (8/97)

Enter Lot Information

# ##$"  #" # "##$"  # # "$ "  # # "
 !%  % ! $"  # "##$" ! "
  "'"# "#!" # # "##$" # # # # "#!
  # # # %   "
" ##  #   % # # # % #
"#! &  "  # &! #" # " "#!
  $#   # #  "'"# " #
# "##$" # # # # % ! %#' # #
# # "#! %  # "##$"  # # ! #
  " ! $# $! "" '  "'"# "
# # "##$"  # # "#! & '$ !#  & #
&#$# " ' # # "##$"  "'"# $"" # #
"##$" ! # # "#!  # # # & '$
!# & # # !!" ! # #
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 $# %$ ! # #" # & '$ "" #"

A8.1 (8/97) 2–107

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

&( /2 /4 2/$&33*.(  $/%& 4)"4 *.%*$"4&3 7)&4)&2 ,/4 /2 3&2*", .5-#&2 *3
"33*(.&% /4 ".% 3&2*", .5-#&2 02/$&33&3 53& 4)& /4
"34&2 4"#,& 

",*% $/%&3 "2&
 /4 "33*(.-&.4 *3 /04*/.", !/5 $". -".5",,9
"33*(. .5-#&23 5".4*49 $". #& (2&"4&2 4)".
/.& %&'"5,4
 /4 "33*(.-&.4 *3 2&15*2&% )& 3934&- "33*(.3
.5-#&23 53*.( 4)& 3934&- %"4& *. !!
'/2-"4 5".4*49 $". #& (2&"4&2 4)". /.&
 /4 "33*(.-&.4 *3 2&15*2&% )& 3934&- "33*(.3
.5-#&23 *. "3$&.%*.( /2%&2 53*.( &84
5-#&23 5".4*49 $". #& (2&"4&2 4)". /.&
/4 "33*(.-&.4 *3 2&15*2&% !/5 -534 -".5",,9
"33*(. .5-#&23 5".4*49 $". #& (2&"4&2 4)".

&2*", .5-#&2 "33*(.-&.4 *3 /04*/.", &8$&04
%52*.( 3)*0-&.4 $/.'*2-"4*/. 5".4*49 -534 ./4
&8$&&% /.&
&2*", .5-#&2 "33*(.-&.4 *3 2&15*2&% )&
3934&- "33*(.3 .5-#&23 53*.( 4)& 3934&- %"4& *.
!! '/2-"4 5".4*49 -534 ./4 &8$&&%
&2*", .5-#&2 "33*(.-&.4 *3 2&15*2&% )&
3934&- "33*(.3 .5-#&23 *. "3$&.%*.( /2%&2
53*.( &84 5-#&23 5".4*49 -534 ./4 &8$&&%
&2*", .5-#&2 "33*(.-&.4 *3 2&15*2&% !/5 -534
-".5",,9 "33*(. .5-#&23 5".4*49 -534 ./4
&8$&&% /.&
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3& $/%&3
4)2/5() '/2 "%6".$&% 3&2*", .5-#&2
02/$&33*.( . 52$)"3& "."(&-&.4 9/5 "%% 3&2*",
.5-#&23 53*.( 4)& /4 '*&,% /. 52$)"3& 2%&2 &4"*,
"$) *4&- -534 )"6& " 5.*15& 3&2*", .5-#&2
/2 *4&-3 2&15*2*.( 3&2*", .5-#&23 "3 7&,, "3 ,/4
"33*(.-&.43 53& 4)& /4 2/$&33 90& '*&,% *. $/.+5.$4*/.
7*4) 4)& &2*", / &15*2&% '*&,% /%&3 4)2/5() '/2
4)& &2*", / &15*2&% '*&,% *.%*$"4& 4)& 3&450
2&15*2&-&.43 .&$&33"29 '/2 4)&3& *4&-3

2–108 A8.1 (8/97)

Enter Lot Information

%% % 
  %% %$ % %  %% % $*$% &$$ %
 %  % %$ #  '% #*   $ #
   #  %% %   # '% #*
&%  $*$%  %$ '% #* # 
% !##*  %   % #  $ #*
 % $  $*$%  %$ '% #* # 
%  % $ (% %  $% '% #*  #
 %% '% #* #   % $ (% %
$%  $*$%  %$  ##$ % %
!##*  % 
  '% #*  %% %  *  %
&#  $*$%  %$ '% #* *  %
&# $%#% (% %  ($%  % &# 
 %% ##$ % '  %$
  '% #*  %% %  *  %
)!#%  %  $*$%  %$ '% #*
#  %  % $ (% % #$% )!#% 
% #$%  $*$%  $#$ *  % $
(% )!#%  %$ #%# % # "& % %
$$ ## # !#%$ $% #"&$% %
  *$  &#  *$ %%  %  #  '% #*
 # % )!#$  $*$% $ %$ &# % % %
%% % % $ #' % %# % )!#%  %
 # % %  * &   % %#  '& # * & &$%
%#  )!#%  %  % * & #' %  %

A8.1 (8/97) 2–109

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

)!# & (,!) & + + !%!+* . + ) 0&, $,*+ ++  *)!#
%,$) +& + !* !+$ + +  +!$ & )!'+ &) *# &) *!
*)!# %,$) ')&**!% &) ! $$& #&+ !%&)$+!&% !*
)(,!) &) -% *)!# %,$) ')&**!%
&, % ,* *! *)!# %,$) ')&**!% &)
!%&)$+!&%# ',)'&** &%#0 &) /$'# 0&, %  
*)!# %,$) &) % !+$ % )-!. +  %,$) #+)
&) *! *)!# %,$) ')&**!% -#! -#,* )
 * +  *0*+$ )(,!)*  *)!# %,$) &) ##
+)%*+!&%* ')+!%!% +& + !* !+$ !% )#+
!%-%+&)0 *#* % ',) * &)) ')&)$*
 & +  *0*+$ &* %&+ )(,!)  *)!# %,$)
  *0*+$ &* %&+ ,* + !* !%&)$+!&% ! 0&, ,*
-% *)!# %,$) ')&**!% -% *)!#
%,$) ')&**!% ##&.* 0&, +& +)" % !+$ + )&,
',) *!% % *#* * &%  *)!# %,$) & *'!0
*)!# %,$) )(,!)$%+* 0&, $,*+ ,* +  &+ )&**
0' !# &% +$ *+) %&)$+!&%
#,*  + )&,
!%!+ . + ) #&+ **!%$%+ !*
)(,!) &) !+$* .!+ *)!# %,$)* &, % )(,!)
**!%$%+ & ,' +& + ) #&+ %,$)* !%#,!% ,''#!)
&+ $& &+  % $& &+  & *'!0 #&+* &)
!+$* .!+ *)!# %,$)* 0&, $,*+ ,* +  &##&.!%
 ,''#!) #&+ %,$) )(,!) ',) *!% &%#0
,''#!) #&+ %,$) )(,!) ',) *!% &%#0
% $& &+  )(,!)

,''#!) #&+ %,$) )(,!) ',) *!% &%#0
$& &+  )(,!) % $& &+  )(,!)

Entering Information for Lots

+) 0&, **!%  %. #&+ %,$) +& % !+$ +  *0*+$ )+*  #&+ &, %
%+) !%&)$+!&% &) +  %. #&+ &% &+ *+) -!*!&%*

&, $! + )+  #&+ &) !+$* + + 0&, /'+ +& )!- !% +  ,+,) &, %
)+  #&+ $%,##0 0 %+)!% +  #&+ %,$) % *'!0!% #&+ !%&)$+!&%
&% &+ *+) -!*!&%*

&+ !%&)$+!&% % !%#, +  /'!)+!&% + ) % '&+%0 -#,*
*,''#!) !%&)$+!&% % *& &)+  &, % #*& **!% ,' +& +% +&)0 &*
+&  #&+ &) )'&)+!% ',)'&**

  *0*+$ $!%+!%* *')+ #&+ !%&)$+!&% &)  +0' & !+$ !%  #&+ &)
/$'# ! &+  &%+!%* +$ % +$  0&, % %+) *')+ #&+
!%&)$+!&% &)  !+$ #&+ % &%+!% $,#+!'# !+$* &%#0 ! 0&, *+ ,'
*0*+$ &%*+%+* +& ##&. $&) + % &% +0' & !+$ !%  #&+

2–110 A8.1 (8/97)

Enter Lot Information

&" ,"( ! &' (# &,&' "!&'!'& '" #%"&&  "' '' "!'!& "!, "!
'  ,' '"& $(!''& % "' ! ('# *%"(&& "% + # "'
 "!&&'& " "! '  , '%& ! '"! %"(& %#%&!'& '
( *%"(& *% ' "%', " ' '%& % &'"% "*)%
! %) #%' $(!''& " ' &  ' &" ''
%"(& & $(' &# ! ,"( %) ' '%& ' %"(&&

!  ,"( ! &&! ' '" "'  ! '% ' '%"( ' (!$( "'
!( %

" #' ' ""*! '&&

 %'  "'
 !'% "' "!'%" !"% '"!
 !'% &(##% !"% '"!

What You Should Know About

  "( ! &&! !* "' !( %& '" ' & *! ,"(

 %) #(%& "%% %#'& (&' !)!'"%, !
" #' *"% "%%& "( ! &" &&! !* "'
!( %& "% ' & "! ' "'"! !"% '"!

   ,"( " !"' &#,  % "% #"'!, "% ' & ''

   %$(% '& !"% '"! ' &,&' (&& ' &'!%
% "% #"'!, %" ' &'% !"% '"! "% '

%! !"% '"!


 "( ! '% !& '" "' &''(& % ! #"'!, "!
' ' "' % "% 

See Also

 Working with Item Locations (P41024) ! ' Inventory Management

Guide "% !"% '"! "(' ! !* "'& '" ' "'"!&
 Entering Item Grade and Potency Information (P41013) ! ' Inventory
Management Guide "% !"% '"! "(' ' %& ! #"'!&
 Locating OnĆHand Quantity Information (P4111) ! ' Inventory
Management Guide "% !"% '"! "(' )*! ' ' "' %
 Defining System Constants (P4009W) ! ' Inventory Management Guide
"% !"% '"! "(' "*! (#' "'&

A8.1 (8/97) 2–111

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


)'% +" '+ '&+)'$ %&,   "''* '+ *+) -#*#'&*

& '+ *+) -#*#'&*

'%($+ +" '$$'.#&! #$*

 +% ,%)
 '+ /(#)+#'&

'+ +* & ,&+#+#* (()* .") 0', & &+) -#$#$#+0 #& ')%+#'&

'+)#$ ,%) &,%) +"+ #&+# #*  $'+ ')  *)#$ &,%) $'+ #* 
!)',( ' #+%* .#+" *#%#$) ")+)#*+#*
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  $'+ &,%) "* $#&! 1)'* 0', %,*+ +0( +"% *
()+ ' +" $'+ &,%)

2–112 A8.1 (8/97)

Enter Lot Information


/  4 - 3+$-/$*) # / /#/ /#$. '*/ *! $)1 )/*-4 2$'' 3+$-  ) /# ' .
- - )" ( )/ )0!/0-$)" ) - #*0.
)" ( )/ .4./ (. /#$. / $. 0.  $) *)%0)/$*) 2$/#
/# $)1 )/*-4 *(($/( )/ ( /#* . / $/ ( 
# .4./ ( 2$'' *(($/ /# $)1 )/*-4 0.$)" /# *' ./ '*/
!$-./ .  *) /# - ,0 ./  / *! /# .' . *- 2*-&
*- - 0-$)" /# *(($/( )/ +-* .. $)1 )/*-4 $) /#
'*/ $. *).$ -  "** /#-*0"# /# 3+$-/$*) / 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'/#*0"# 4*0 ) #)" /#$. /  /# .4./ (
0/*(/$''4 0+/ . /#$. !$ ' .  *) #*2 4*0 . / 0+
/# 0. -  !$)  * .4./ (


-*( /# */ *)/-*' ( )0 

  #**. */ ./ -  1$.$*).

) */ ./ -  1$.$*).

*(+' / /# !*''*2$)" !$ '.

 */  .-$+/$*)
 */ //0. *
 */ */ )4
 */ -
 //0. #)"  .*)
 */ )4 #)"  .*)
 - #)"  .*)


*/  .-$+/$*) *0 ) 0. /#$. !$ ' /* !0-/# -  .-$  .+ $!$ '*/ *!
$)1 )/*-4 2$/#$)  ./*&$)" '*/$*)

A8.1 (8/97) 2–113

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

&+ ++,* & %!+* +  *++,* & +  #&+ *, * ! +  #&+ !*
'')&- % -!## &) ,* #%" #&+ *++,* &) !*
#   *0*+$ *+&)* +  #&+ *++,* + &+ +  #&+ $*+)
  % +  !+$ #&+!&% #-# 
$%* + +  #&+ %  -!## + +  #&+ #-# #&+
$*+) . !#  *'!! #&+!&% . ) + !* #&+ !* *+&)
%  ',+ &% &# !+$ #&+!&%   *0*+$  "* + 
#&+ *++,* + +  !+$ #&+!&% #-# &) -!#!#!+0 %&+ +
+  #&+ $*+) #-#   #&+ *++,* !% +  +$ )% +#

  !* &) ,#+ ',)'&** &%#0   *0*+$ '#*
+  #&+ *++,* !% +  #&+ $*+) . % 0&, )+  %. #&+
.!+ &,+ *'!0!% +  #&+ *++,*   *0*+$ ,** +  #&+
*++,* )&$ +  #&+ $*+) !% +  !+$ #&+!&% . % 0&,
)+ %. !+$ #&+!&% )&)* &) +  #&+
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  ,#+ &) + !* !# &$* )&$ +  #&+ *++,* &
!%#,!%  #%" -#, + + 0&, **!% +& +  !+$ &%
+$ *+) %&)$+!&% &) +$ )% #%+ %&)$+!&%
 !* & *)-* * +  #&+ *++,* ,#+ . % 0&, )+
 %. !+$ #&+!&% &) +  #&+
&+ &+%0 & + + !%!+* +  '&+%0 & +  #&+ . ! !*
/')** *  ')%+ & +!- &) ,*,# $+)!# &)
/$'# +  ')%+ & #& &# !%  *&#,+!&%  
+,# '&+%0 &  #&+ !* !% !% +  &+ *+) +#

&+ )  !* !# &%+!%* +  ) &  #&+ /')** * %
#' %,$)! &   ) !* ,* +& !%!+ + 
(,#!+0 & +  #&+ &) /$'#
 )$!,$ )
&%)0 )
  ) &)  #&+ !* *+&) !% &+ *+) +# 
++,*  % *&% & *0*+$
 +0'  + + !%!+* +  )*&% &) 
 % !% +  *++,* &  #&+ *, * &&* + + )
$ !% * !'$%+ &) &&* + + ) '# !%
&+%0  % *&% & *0*+$
 +0'  + + !%!+* +  )*&% &) 
'&+%0  % +&  #&+ &) /$'# 0&, $! +  %
+  #&+ '&+%0 ,* +  +,# '&+%0 & +  !+$*
.* #&.) + % /'+ &) ,* +  '&+%0 .*
+ 0 -'&)+!&%
)  % *&% & *0*+$
 +0'  + + !%!+* +  )*&% &) 
)  % +&  #&+ &) /$'# 0&, $! +  % + 
) ,* !+ ) +  +,# ) .* #&.) + %
/'+ &) +  #&+ .* &.%) ,* & !%

2–114 A8.1 (8/97)

Enter Lot Information


,*( .# *. *).,*' ( )/ 

  #**- *. -. ,  0$-$*)-

) *. -. ,  0$-$*)-

*(+' . .# !*''*1$)" !$ '-

 /++'$ ,
 /++'$ , *.
 , , /( ,

,$(,2  -. /++'$ , # , -- **& )/( , *! .# +, ! ,,  +,*0$ , *!
/( , .#$- $. (
*/ ) ). , .# )/( , !*, .# -/++'$ , *, 2*/ )
#0 .# -2-. ( ). , $. # .$( .#. 2*/ ,  $0 .#
$. ( !,*(  -/++'$ , */ -+ $!2 1# .# , .# -2-. (
). ,- .# -/++'$ , /-$)" +,* --$)" *+.$*)- !*, ). ,
/++'$ , *. /( , # -/++'$ ,- '*. )/( , !*, .# $. (
*/( ). , , * )/( , $ ).$!2$)" .# *,$"$)' */( ). #$- ) 
)0*$  . ) $)0*$ )/( , 1*,& *, , )/( , -' - *, ,
)/( , %*/,)' ).,2 )/( , ) -* *)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# +/,#- *, , )/( , !*, .# '*. $. ( # -2-. (
). ,- .# +/,#- *, , )/( , 1# ) 2*/ ). , 
,  $+. !*, .# $. ( $) /,#- , , )" ( ).

A8.1 (8/97) 2–115

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Processing Options for Lot Master Revisions

1. Enter a ’1’ to update the lot ____________
status for all lot locations when
updating the lot status or a ’2’
to display all lot locations
and indicate for which locations
the lot status needs to be
updated. If left blank, only
the lot master lot status will
be updated.
2. Enter a ’1’ to protect the lot ____________
status from being updated.
3. Enter a ’1’ to protect the lot ____________
grade from being updated.
4. Enter a ’1’ to protect the lot ____________
potency from being updated.
5. Enter the document type to be used ____________
when updating the lot grade.
If left blank, the default
document type ’CG’ will be used.
6. Enter the document type to be used ____________
when updating the lot potency.
If left blank, the default
document type ’CP’ will be used.

2–116 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Lot Availability

Working with Lot Availability















Viewing Lot Availability

From Inventory Management (G41), choose Lot Control

From Lot Control (G4113), choose Lot Availability







A8.1 (8/97) 2–117

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


' (,

 (&)% , ,# !(%%(/$'" !$ %+ !(* ,# $, & (* %(, ,#, 1(- /', ,( .$ /

 * !*(&
 * ,#*-
 (, '1 *(&
 (, '1 #*-
 , & -& *
  .$ / ,# !(%%(/$'" !$ %+
 ,,-+ (, ,,-+ ( 
  +(' ,,-+ #'"  +('
 0)$* + 0)$*,$(' , 
 -',$,1 (' ' %

 * ++  $' ,# (, !$ % ,(  ++ ,# (, '!(*&,$(' !(*&

2–118 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Lot Availability

 * + ( $!!$+ #  !'

 $( '& %( $#
 $( ,% &( $# (
 $( (()' $
 $( $(#-
 $( &

$ (( (&" #' +(& ($  '%!- #$&"( $# $&
!! !$( $#' # !$(' $& $#!- $& ($' + ( $#.#
!#' !  $' &
 '%!- $#!- !$( $#' # !$(' + ( $#.#
 '%!- !! !$( $#' # !$('
$ '-'("  (-%  (( # (' ( " # ")"
& (( ' %(! $& # ("
 '-'("  '%!-'  +&# # "''  -$) (&- ($
%)&' $& '') ("' + ( &' (( $ #$( "( (
" # ")" & %(!  '-'(" $' #$( !!$+
-$) ($ '!! ("' + ( &' (( $ #$( "( (
" # ")" %(! !*!
&) &
$ '-'("  (-%  (( # (' ( ", ")"
& (( ' %(! $& # ("
 '-'("  '%!-'  +&# # "''  -$) (&- ($
%)&' $& '') ("' + ( &' (( , (
", ")" & %(!  '-'(" $' #$( !!$+
-$) ($ '!! ("' + ( &' (( , ( ", ")"
& %(!
#)"& (( # (' ( " # ")" %$(#- $&
%&#( $ ( * #& #(' %(! $& # ("
 '-'("  '%!-'  +&# # "''  -$) (&- ($
%)&' $& '') ("' (( $ #$( "( ( " # ")"
%(! %$(#-  '-'(" $' #$( !!$+ -$) ($ '!!
("' (( $ #$( "( ( " # ")" %(! %$(#-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 ' ' ( " # ")" %$(#- %(! $& ("' # ( '

A8.1 (8/97) 2–119

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing





  ! ! 





. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




! "

. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .







What You Should Know About



See Also

 Locating Detailed Quantity Information (P41023)   Inventory

Management Guide  

 Locating Summary Quantity Information (P41202)   Inventory
Management Guide  



2–120 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Lot Availability

Processing Options for Lot Availability


1. Enter the Version of the ____________
Trace/Track Inquiry to call.
2. Enter the Version of Item Master ____________
Revisions (P4101) to call.
3. Enter the Version of Work Order ____________
Entry (P48013) to call.
4. Enter the Version of Branch/Plant ____________
Item Information (P41026) to call.
5. Enter a ’1’ to protect Lot Status ____________
from being updated.
6. Enter a ’1’ to display the grade ____________
range. If left blank, no range
will be displayed for selection.
7. Enter a ’1’ to display the potency ____________
range. If left blank, no potency
will be displayed for selection.

Working with Lot Quantities

%+ $ ,- * %$0$ '+$**/ * ,"" '+$**/ $ * '+$**/ "
%(  "%* %+ $ ")% ,- +& *% ). %*( '+$**/ */&) - /%+ )* +&
%$ +)( $ % *"  ) '+$**/ */&) #* ("* *
'+$**/ % *#)




%+ )* +& +)( $ % *"  *% $* %( - %+#$* */&)
* )/)*# *(!) "%* '+$**) %+ #+)* ))%*  %+#$* */& -*
%$ % * '+$**/ */& *%() ** &&( %$ %* )*( ,)%$)

%( .#&" /%+ )&/ * , *%(/ %( * %+#$* */& 
&+() %(() $  *# /%+ (, *#) %$  &+() %(( *
)/)*# (%() * '+$**/ *% * , *%(/ %( * "%*

A8.1 (8/97) 2–121

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

*(+' / /# !*''*2$)" /.&.

  1$ 2$)" '*/ ,0)/$/$ .

  //$)" 0+ /# .3./ ( /* /-& '*/ ,0)/$/$ .


-*( /# */ *)/-*' ( )0 

  #**. */ ./ -  1$.$*).

) */ ./ -  1$.$*).

 * 1$ 2 ,0)/$/$ . !*-  +-/$0'- '*/ *(+' / /# !*''*2$)" !$ '.

 / ( 0( -
  1$ 2 /# !*''*2$)" !$ '.
 0)/$/3 *) )
 0)/$/3  '
 0)/$/$ .   $1 
 0)/$/$ . ..0 
 0)/$/$ . %0./ 

2–122 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Lot Availability

 )"((' #!$ (

 )"((' $$&#*
 )"((' # 

* (-$ # %)"((- '   &$&'"(' %)"((- (#&-
 #) '$- ( #)!"( (-$' (( )$( ('
(#&- #" )'& " # ( 

 '-'(! )$(' )'& " %)"((' +" ( +&('
&, "#&!(#" 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 %)"((- # (!' &* " (' #(
'') (-$ # %)"((- '   &$&'"(' %)"((- (#&-
 #) '$- ( #)!"( (-$' (( )$( ('
(#&- #" )'& " # ( 

 '-'(! )$(' )'& " %)"((' +" ( +&('
&, "#&!(#" 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 %)"((- # (!' '') &#! (' #(
)'( (-$ # %)"((- '   &$&'"(' %)"((- (#&-
 #) '$- ( #)!"( (-$' (( )$( ('
(#&- #" )'& " # ( 

 '-'(! )$(' )'& " %)"((' +" ( +&('
&, "#&!(#" 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 %)"((- # (!' )'( (# (' #(
#!$ ( (-$ # %)"((- '   &$&'"(' %)"((- (#&-

 #) '$- ( #)!"( (-$' (( )$( ('
(#&- #" )'& " # ( 

 '-'(! )$(' )'& " %)"((' +" ( +&('
&, "#&!(#" 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 %)"((- # (!' #!$ ( " ''" (# (' #(
$$&#* (-$ # %)"((- '   &$&'"(' %)"((- (#&-
 #) '$- ( #)!"( (-$' (( )$( ('
(#&- #" )'& " # ( 

 '-'(! )$(' )'& " %)"((' +" ( +&('
&, "#&!(#" 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 %)"((- # (!' $$&#* " (' #(

A8.1 (8/97) 2–123

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


(%  -2) ( *.'-#-2 "#, #% +)+,'-, *.'-#-2 -!(+2
 (. ,)# 2 -" (.&'- -2), -"- .)- -"#,
-!(+2 (' .,+  #' ( -% 
" ,2,-& .)-, .,+  #' *.'-#-#, 0"' #- 0+#-,
+1 #' (+&-#('  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
" *.'-#-2 ( #-&, ,(% +(& -"#, %(-


+(& -" (- ('-+(% &'.  

 "((, (- .'-#-#,

' (- .'-#-#,

 (&)%- -" (%%(0#'! #%, (+ " (.&'- -2)

  "+-+ (
 ,,#!' (' ( -" (%%(0#'! -!(+#, -( " (.&'- -2) 2 '-+#'!
-" '.&+ #' )+'-",, #' -" ,+#)-#('3 #%

2–124 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Lot Availability


    1'- ' &', +("1  * '* (',&1 '* ",%+ ,!,

   *)-"* ,!"+ "&'*%,"'& ,! +1+,% -++ ,! +,&*
* '* (',&1 *'% ,% +,* &'*%,"'& '* ,%
*&! &'*%,"'&

Working with Lot Activity Dates

'- & ."/ -( ,' +"0 ,".",1 ,+ '*  $', '- ,*%"& ,! ,".",1 ,+
,!, "+($1 1 +,,"& -( -+* "& ' $"+,  !+ ,".",1 ,+
%" !, *$, ,! $+, ,"% ,!, & ",% /+

 ". '* *,


'- +, -( -+* "& ' ,$  ,' "&", '* /!"! '-%&, ,1(+
,! +1+,% ,*#+ $', ,".",1 ,+ '- %-+, ++'", ! '-%&, ,1( /",!
'& ' ,! , , '*"+ '.

'* 0%($ 1'- +("1 ,! '$ , '*1 '* ,! '-%&, ,1(  +$+
'**+ !& ! ,"% 1'- '&"*% +!"(%&,+ '*  +$+ '** ,! +1+,%
*'*+ ,! , ,' ,! '$ , '*1 '* ,! $',

'- & $+' &,* $', ,".",1 ,+ %&-$$1 "&+, ' !."& ,! +1+,% ,*#
,!% '* 1'-

'%($, ,! '$$'/"& ,+#+

 !&  ,".",1 ,+ '*  +"& $ $',

 !&  ,".",1 ,+ '* %-$,"($ $',+
 , -( ,! +1+,% ,' ,*# $', ,+

A8.1 (8/97) 2–125

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing



)'% +" '+ '&+)'$ %&, 

  "''* '+ *+) -#*#'&*

& '+ *+) -#*#'&*

 ' -#. +* ')  *(# # $'+ '%($+ +" '$$'.#&! #$*
 +% ,%)
 "&! +" '$$'.#&! +* ') +" (()'()#+ $'+* # &**)/
 + #-)+
 + **,
 + $#)+
 + '%($+
 + (()'-
 + '$

2–126 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Lot Availability

( $&  %& & &&  #$&'$ &(&+ "'$$ "'
&$ ! & &+# " &(&+ && & &"$+ $#$%!&%
"$ * # $#&%
%  $#$%!&% & &"$+  "' %#+ &
"' !& &+#% && '#& &% &"$+ ! '%$ !
"% %+%&  &+# 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 %& & && & % )$ $& "$ $( ! &
&"' +"' ! ! &% & & %+%&
'&" &+ '#&% &%  % "! ") +"' %& '#
& '%$ ! " %+%&  &+# 
%%'  %& & &&  #$&'$ &(&+ "'$$ "'
&$ ! & &+# " &(&+ && & &"$+ $#$%!&%
"$ * # %%'% &" )"$ "$$%
%  $#$%!&% & &"$+  "' %#+ &
"' !& &+#% && '#& &% &"$+ ! '%$ !
"% %+%&  &+# 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 %& & && & % $" & "& )$ %%' &" )"$
&"' +"' ! ! &% & & %+%&
'&" &+ '#&% &%  % "! ") +"' %& '#
& '%$ ! " %+%&  &+# 
$&  %& & &&  #$&'$ &(&+ "'$$ "'
&$ ! & &+# " &(&+ && & &"$+ $#$%!&%
"$ * # $$&"! &%
%  $#$%!&% & &"$+
 "' %#+ &
"' !& &+#% && '#& &% &"$+ ! '%$ !
"% %+%&  &+# 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 %& & && !(!&"$+ '%& !&% )$  &" &%
&"' +"' ! ! &% & & %+%&
'&" &+ '#&% &%  % "! ") +"' %& '#
& '%$ ! " %+%&  &+# 

A8.1 (8/97) 2–127

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

!   ! ! !!  !" !#!& " "
! ! !&  !#!& !! ! !&  !
 % #!& ! 
   ! ! !&  " & !
"! !& !! "! ! !&  "  
  & !  !& 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  ! ! !! #!& ! $  ! !

!" &"   ! ! ! & !
"!!& "! !     $ &" ! "
! "     & !  !& 

#   ! ! !!  !" !#!& " "
! ! !&  !#!& !! ! !&  !
 % ! !!" # 
   ! ! !&  " & !
"! !& !! "! ! !&  "  
  & !  !& 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 ! !! ! ! $ #

!" &"   ! ! ! & !
"!!& "! !     $ &" ! "
! "     & !  !& 
   ! ! !!  !" !#!& " "
! ! !&  !#!& !! ! !&  !
   ! ! !&  " & !
"! !& !! "! ! !&  "  
  & !  !& 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  ! ! !! ! $   ! !

!" &"   ! ! ! & !
"!!& "! !     $ &" ! "
! "     & !  !& 

2–128 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Lot Availability



*(& ,# (, (',*(% & '- 

  #((+ )  (, ), 

' )  (, ),

 (&)% , ,# !(%%(/$'" !$ %+

 , & -& *
 -))%$ * (,
 #'" ,# !(%%(/$'" , + !(* ,# ))*()*$, %(,+ $! '  ++*0
 ,   $. 
 , ++- 
 ,  +,  (* * %$*, 
 , (&)% ,

A8.1 (8/97) 2–129

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing



'%# )  %) %$)'%" #$*  

  %%( %) )(

$ %) )(

 %#&") )  %""%,!$ !"( %'  %*#$) )-&

   ')' %
 ((!$ %$ % )  %""%,!$ )%'!( )%  %*#$) )-& - $)'!$
)  $*#' !$ &'$) (( !$ )  ('!&)!%$. !"
 ) !+') 
 ) ((*  
 ) "!') 

 ) %#&")  
 ) &&'%+  
 ) %"  

2–130 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Lot Availability

Working With Lot Statuses

!& $% &" !% $%%&$ !$ %!  %* % #$! $ %%  !% $ ! ! %# *!&
$% &" % !$ *!&  $$ % %! %$   !%$ ! % $%#
!#%!  #  % !#%!  !% $%# '$! $
%# "%$  
$! !#% !&  !% "#!$$ %$ #! !%$ ! !

!&  $$ # % $%%&$ !$ %!  $  !% $ ! % # %
!%! $  ( % !% #$$ !"% % !!(  %$$

 % &" !% $%%&$ !$

 $$ $%%&$ !$ %! # % !%$

!&  #& % !% %%&$ "% 

 #%# "#!# %! " )"# !%$
! ! !&  "#'(  $% !  !%$ %% (  " ! ! * #&  
% "#!#  "#!! !

41082 J.D. Edwards & Company Page No. . . . . . . 3

Hold Expired Lots Date . . . . . . . . 9/10/98

Branch/Plant . . . . 30
Lot Expiration Date. 08/30/98
Mode – Processing. . Proof
Lot Status Code. . . Q

Item Number Description Location Lot Number Date Expires

–––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––

V001 Natureway High Energy Vitamins . . 00000004 05/16/98

V001 Natureway High Energy Vitamins . . 00000005 08/26/98

12829 Parselenium 9309150009 08/14/98

V001 Natureway High Energy Vitamins . . 9310140000 08/15/98

V001 Natureway High Energy Vitamins . . 9310140001 08/16/98

V001 Natureway High Energy Vitamins . . 9310140002 08/26/98

V001 Natureway High Energy Vitamins . . 9310140003 08/26/98

I0006–I Spray Dry Powder 1200 Grams 9503120000 02/19/98

12845 Buffer, inert 9601050000 01/04/98

12845 Buffer, inert 9601110000 01/10/98

A8.1 (8/97) 2–131

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


! # # #! $   " # ##$" "

 # ##$" "

 # # & " !  "##$" 

 "! #


! # # #! $   " # "#! %""

 # "#! %""

 # #  ! !# #  #

# # ##$"   !"

2–132 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Lot Availability

  ! ! !!"  ! ! $   

!  $ %" $! !  ! !!" 

$ ! !!" 
        ! !!" 

What You Should Know About


     "    !!"  ! !  $  ! 
 % ! # !!  !     #%
!! ! !   

 % ! !  ! "!  !  

  !   $ %"  $ 
! $% !!   !  !

A8.1 (8/97) 2–133

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

2–134 A8.1 (8/97)

View Lot Transactions

Viewing Lot Transactions

















A8.1 (8/97) 2–135

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing




 !    " $ "  $     
 # $ $    $   $   
     $ " $ "  !"  
   %  $ $   

 $      $      

$      #  $     
   $       $    

"   !!




2–136 A8.1 (8/97)

View Lot Transactions

Printing Trace and Track Reports

From Inventory Management (G41), choose Lot Control

From Lot Control (G4113), choose Trace/Track Print



41505 Idaho Power Page – 2

Lot Tracing Report Date – 8/08/98

Parent Lot
Lot Number Item Number Branch Level Trans Qty Date Trans Description Order No Ty Customer/Vendor
––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––– ––––– –––––––––– –––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––– –– ––––––––––––––––––
13363 TELEPHONE 10 Lot Grade Lot Potency
51013827 TELEPHONE UNIT 10 1 10– 03/08/98 Inventory Issue 13363 IM
Lot Grade Lot Potency
51013827 TELEPHONE UNIT 10 .2 100 03/08/98 Inventory Receipt 34 OV Edwards, J.D. & Co
Lot Grade Lot Potency
51013828 TELEPHONE CORD 10 1 10– 03/08/98 Inventory Issue 13363 IM
Lot Grade Lot Potency
51013828 TELEPHONE CORD 10 .2 100 03/08/98 Inventory Receipt 34 OV Edwards, J.D. & Co
Lot Grade Lot Potency
51013829 TELEPHONE RECEIVER 10 1 10– 03/08/98 Inventory Issue 13363 IM
Lot Grade Lot Potency
51013829 TELEPHONE RECEIVER 10 .2 100 03/08/98 Inventory Receipt 34 OV Edwards, J.D. & Co
Lot Grade Lot Potency

41505 Idaho Power Page – 2

Lot Tracking Report Date – 8/08/98

Lot Number
Parent Lot Item Number Branch Level Trans Qty Date Trans Description Order No Ty Customer/Vendor
––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––– ––––– –––––––––– –––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––– –– ––––––––––––––––––
13363 TELEPHONE 10 Lot Grade Lot Potency
13363 TELEPHONE 10 1 10 03/08/98 Inventory Complet 13363 IC
Lot Grade Lot Potency

A8.1 (8/97) 2–137

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Reviewing Trace and Track Information

From Inventory Management (G41), choose Lot Control

From Lot Control (G4113), choose Trace/Track Inquiry

!'  $() &$   &$  !$&! !   !' &$  )&$ &

$"!$& %"*% &$  !$ &$   !$&! * '%  "$!%%  !"&! % !$
& $$ #'$* "$!$


 !& $  !$ !& $ 

 !"& & !!)  % !$ & !& && *!' ) & &! &$ !$ &$

"   ! !) *!' ( %& & !)
'"& !&%   %*%&
! %& &% *!' & ( &!  &$  & '$   $ " &

 () & !!)  % % %%$*

 $ '$
 & '$

2–138 A8.1 (8/97)

View Lot Transactions

 ,)-.%*) .!
 2+').%*) ,)-.%*) 2+').%*)
 !-- .$! !.%' ,!

 !0%!1 .$! "*''*1%)# "%!' - - )!!--,3
 , !,
 *. , !
 *. *.!)3
 /+ *. /++'%!, *.

* ! * ! .$. %) %.!- $*1 3*/ 1). .$! -3-.!( .* %-+'3
'*. .,! ) .,& %)"*,(.%*) '% * !- ,!
 %)#'! '!0!' .,!.,&
 * %).!,(! %.! '!0!'-  %-+'3- *)'3 .*+ *,
*..*( '!0!'-
/'.%4'!0!' .,!.,&

/'.%4'!0!' %) !).! .,!.,&
!0!' *" ) !).%*) )/(!, %) %.%)# .$! '!0!' *"  $%' %) .$! ,!'.%*)-$%+
.* %.- +,!). %)  $%!,,$3

A8.1 (8/97) 2–139

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

,  ***'+,#(' " , ,", ' (** /+ ',* #',( ," +1+,& "#+
, ,*&#'+ /"#"  ,#. %.% ,", ," +1+,& -++
(* #'.',(*1 )*##'!
0)%',#('  *'+,#(' "#+ ,0, #',# #+ ," *+(' ,",  ,*'+,#(' (-**

What You Should Know About

         ++ ," (, ' (*&,#(' /#'(/ 1 )*++#'!  #' ,"

  (, #% (' (, *#'! (* (, *$#'! "#+ /#'(/
#+)%1+ ," #,& ,", %('!+ ,( ," %(, ," *'")%',
,( /"#" ," %(, #+ ++#!' ," %(, 0)#*,#(' , ," %(,
+,,-+ ' +( ('

 Viewing Lot Availability (* &(* #' (*&,#('

Processing Options for Lot Tracing Inquiry

Enter a ’1’ to track lot usage. Default ____________

is to trace lot usage.

Setting up Trace and Track Inclusion Rules

 (* 1(- -+ %(, ,*#'! ' %(, ,*$#'! 1(- &-+, +, -) ,* ' ,*$
#'%-+#(' *-%+ "+ *-%+ %, 1(- +)# 1 ," (-&', ,1)+ ,", ," +1+,&
&('#,(*+ ,( ,* ' ,*$ %(,+ (- &-+, +)# 1 /","* " (-&', ,1)
))%#+ ,( %(, ,*#'! %(, ,*$#'! (* (,"

(* 0&)% # 1(- -+ ," -*"+ '!&', +1+,& 1(- /(-% +)# 1
,", (-&', ,1)  )-*"+ (**+ ))%#+ ,( %(, ,*#'! "' " ,#&
1(- *#.  %(, #,& ," *#), ,*'+,#(' #+)%1+ (' (, *#'!


',*  (' ," (&&' %#' *(& '1   /*+ &'-

' '*% +*  #' (+

2–140 A8.1 (8/97)

View Lot Transactions

 (( *(' $ % )" 

 %#&") ) %""%,$ "( %'  %*#$) )-&
  ')' %

 (($ %$ % ) %""%,$ +"*( )%  %*#$) )-& $ )
('&)%$. "
  %' %))%# "+" %' )'$ )'$()%$(
  %' %#&")%$ "+" %' )'!$ )'$()%$(
 "$! %' $)'#) "+" )'$()%$( , &&"- )% %)
)'$ $ )'!$
  %' ((* )'$()%$(
  %' ,%'! %'' %#&")%$(

What You Should Know About

     %* #*() $"* ) ((*( %*#$) )-&  $
$"*(%$ '*"(  -%* &'%'# #*")."+" )'$ $
)'!$ %* #*() "(% (($ ) ((*( %*#$) )-& 
+"* %  ((* )'$()%$(

     &) $  *()#$) )'$()%$( $$%) +  +"*
      %  %#&")%$ %$ ''! $"*(%$ '*"( "(
)'$()%$( $$%) +  +"* %  %))%# "+"
(" ( ) "() )'$()%$ )) $ %*' %' "%) )'!$

A8.1 (8/97) 2–141

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing



2–142 A8.1 (8/97)

Reclassify Lots

Reclassifying Lots

From Inventory Management (G41), choose Inventory Master/Transactions

From Inventory Master/Transactions (G4111), choose Reclassifications

"   &  !  &  ! ! $ ! ! !
  &"  & &" ! $ ! "    !
% ! ! $! ! 

"   &   ! ! $ !  &" # ! ! #!& !
!     ! !  !! ! $ &" !  

 % !&  !! " # !  !  ""
   "!    !!    "  !  $ !  !
 & &  ! !&  

   %  &"  # !  ""  !! 
"! ! $! $! &"  !  $ ! $!  $ !&  

"    !  &  !  ! !  $ 

  ! ! " ! !  ! !!"

 !  $ !   % ! !
  # ! !   !
 !  ! ! # !
  # !  ! # $ !

A8.1 (8/97) 2–143

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Example: Types of Reclassifications

&# $-**-5',% %0.&'! '**31202#1 &-5 6-3 !, !-+ ',# *#," ," 1.*'2 *-21

Combining Lots Lot Blending Lot Splitting

Lot A Lot 1 Lot A Lot A
Lot C Lot C

Lot B Lot 2 Lot B Lot B

$2#0 6-3 0#!*11'$6 , '2#+ ," *-2 2&# 1612#+ "(3121 ',4#,2-06 *,!#1 ,"
.#0$-0+1 0#*2#" 20!)',% ," !!-3,2',% 21)1

&# 1612#+ 3."2#1 2&# $-**-5',% 2 *#1 5'2& '2#+ ," *-2 !&,%# ',$-0+2'-,

 2#+ #"%#0 

 !!-3,2 #"%#0  
 2#+ -!2'-, 
 0#&-31# -!2'-, 
  8 -,*6 '$ 6-3 0# 31',% 2&# "4,!#"
0#&-31# ,%#+#,2 1612#+ 5'2& 2&# ,4#,2-06 ,%#+#,2 1612#+

-3 !, 4'#5 "#2'*#" -0 13++0'7#" (-30,* #,20'#1 $-0 2&#1# 20,1!2'-,1 -,
2&# -30,* ,20'#1 ," 2&# 2#+ #"%#0 ,/3'06 $-0+1

Before You Begin

- #0'$6 2&2 6-3 &4# 1#2 3. 2&# %#,#0* *#"%#0 !!-3,21 ', 2&# !!-3,2
12#0 2 *#  

- #0'$6 2&2 6-3 &4# 1#2 3. 2&# 32-+2'! !!-3,2',% ',1203!2'-,1 1
$-0 "'120' 32'-,

- #4'#5 3,!-++'22#" /3,2'26 ',$-0+2'-, $-0 2&# '2#+ ," 0#*2#" *-2 2&2
6-3 0# 0#!*11'$6',% -, 2#+ 4'* '*'26

1# 2&# 2#+-2 &,%# 0,1!2'-,1 .0-%0+ only $-0 0#!*11'$6',% '2#+1 ,"
*-21 1',% ,6 -$ 2&#1# .0-%0+1 2- 0#!*11'$6 '2#+1 -0 *-21 !, "4#01#*6 $$#!2
',$-0+2'-, 2&0-3%&-32 2&# *#1 0"#0 ,%#+#,2 ," 0-!30#+#,2 1612#+1

2–144 A8.1 (8/97)

Reclassify Lots

What You Should Know About

  %  "&' $  $ "$ "  $ )
  ## $
"$ # " # # )# $ $
( "$ $ $ $ #$$%#  # 

 Viewing Lot Availability " " "$

 %  ""$  "##$   """ )
$"  "&"# $") %# $ #)#$ #$"#
""#   "##$ " %$ %" ##
)% $ $ $ ""  #)#$ "&"## $
$  $ # %$ %"  $ # $
" "##$

 $" )% $"  "##$ $ #)#$ # )# $

 %$ $)  $ %"  %$ %" "
$ $"#$ " $ %$ %" " $
$ $"#$

 $" )% $" #&" "##$# )%  "%

  $ $$" " "##

$" )% "% $"#$# $ #)#$ ### $ #

%" $  $"#$  $ "%  "### 
 $ "   # '$ $ # $"#$
   ' $ "##  $# " #$ $
#)#$ &$# $$ $ "   !%$$# 

  %  "##) ) %$$ !%$$#  $#


 Item and Quantity Information  $ Inventory
Management Guide " "$ %$ ' $
$" %$$ !%$$# "  $

   )% "##) &$") )% $   $

 ## $# '$ %$  $ " #" %"# $ 


 Assigning an Item to a Branch/Plant  $ Inventory

Management Guide " " "$

   % $ %# $
$ $  "#$# ""

 $ "##) % &$")
#$ %# $ % $
&$ "" $ "##) % &$")

A8.1 (8/97) 2–145

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


"  &&'#"&

 # "'% % &&'#" "#%!'#" #!$ ' ' # #)"  &
 %#! %" "'
 # %" "'   #%
#("' ($ '#"
 %"&'#" '
 #(!"' (!%
 #(!"' +$
 *$ "'#"

&& ' ' %

2–146 A8.1 (8/97)

Reclassify Lots

 #!$ ' ' # #)"  & #%  %"$ "' " ) ' '! &
 '! (!%
 "' # &(%
 &#" #
 "' #&'

*'" #&'
 %"&'#" " (!%
 # %'  ") #'#" " %#% #% ' #' #!$ ' ' # #)"
 #' &%$'#"
 #' ''(&

 &+&'! $%#&&& ' '%"&'#" " &$ +&  #(!"' "(!%
#(!"' '+$ " ' ' "(!% #% ' '%"&'#"

A8.1 (8/97) 2–147

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

  !   !! "  "! !! &" $! ! &
"! !
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  !! ! !! &" $! ! #
#!& !
! $! !   ! ! !    
      $ &" !  "!
% ! "! ! !   "!!
 % !       " 
  !  % ! "!! ! # $
"! !   %     !$
    !    ! !  
$& % ! ! ! !
    ! !  "  ! !  
    ! !  % 
"! ! !   !!  ! ! # $
  !! & # ! !  ! ! 
# "  "  !  ! #" !! $ !

Processing Options for Reclassifications

1. Document type for item change. ____________
2. Method for assigning expiration ____________
date to newly created lots.
(If left blank, method 1 will be
1 = Assign manually.
2 = Newest From Expiration Date.
3 = Oldest From Expiration Date.
4 = Transaction date + shelf life.
Enter the version of each program to
be used. If left blank, ZJDE0001
will be used.
3. Journal Entries (P09101) ____________
4. G/L Functional Server (XT0911Z1) ____________
5. Item Search (P41200) ____________
6. Item Ledger (P4111) ____________
7. Warehouse Requests (P46100) ____________
8. Enter a ’1’ to protect costs or ____________
a ’2’ to make costs non-display.
If left blank, the update of costs
is allowed.

2–148 A8.1 (8/97)

Reclassify Lots

9. Enter a ’1’ to protect Lot Number, ____________

Lot Expiration Date, and Lot
Status. If left blank, the fields
will remain input capable.
10. Enter a ’1’ to run in summary mode. ____________
G/L accounts will be summarized
within each document number.
If run in detail, G/L accounts
will be produced for each line.
11. Enter a ’1’ to allow transfers from ____________
held lots.
12. Enter a ’1’ to allow transfers ____________
greater than quantity available.
13. Method of quantity validation for ____________
from and to quantities within a
’ ’ – No validation performed.
’1’ – Warning if out of balance.
’2’ – Error if out of balance.
14. Enter which item search screen ____________
is to be used to return items.
1 = Item Search Window allowing the
return of multiple items.
2 = Full item search screen with
query capability.
(If left blank the item search
screen allowing the return of
multiple items will be used.)

Á Exercises

A8.1 (8/97) 2–149

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Test Yourself: Changing Item Classification



  %     %!   $      ! 

 #  %! "     

  #      $     #%    

 #    !   Appendix B

2–150 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Availability and Shortages

Reviewing Availability and Shortages

 ! # $" # !#  !# 

!# %#' "#$  # %#'  !#! "" " ## 
     # "# "#(#% ! $  $" %#' 
"!# #! !!" # #! &# %#!' '$ %  &#
%#!' '$ 

$ "$  # %#'  # !#"  # #  &!
!! ! '$ !# # &! !! ! & # &! !! " 
!""  " !' ! !" # # " ! $   %#'
"#  &! !! #! # &! !! "  !# $  " 
%#' "#    #! !  !# "$ ! ! !# 
&! !! !  !# $  " # !# "!#" ! "
!#" ! !#  "!#" " &

%& %#'  "!#" $" # & #""

  %#' $#" !  !

 %& %#' #

 "!# !# #
 !# "!#" #

What You Should Know About

 $  " !! # !# # #!  $##'
"!# !  # ""# &#  &! !! $ 
" "' & #  # "!# &%! '$
"$ $" # !#
# !! #
# $##' "!#"

A8.1 (8/97) 2–151

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Defining Availability Calculations for a Branch

From Inventory Management (G41), enter 29

From Inventory System Setup (G4141), choose Branch/Plant Constants

 !'!" #!! " #""!       " $" '
" !'!" " #" $"'    '# " "
#""! '# %" " !'!" "   !#" "   " ( 
% " !'!" #"! $"' " ""    '# $ ' 
 " !'!" &#! "" #""'   " #"



! " $"'

  " $"' " $% " % #"  "


2–152 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Availability and Shortages

 % )+*(*  '+$* */ %#&"* * %""%- $ %&* %$"  ")

 +$* */ %* %## ** *%   

 +$* */ ( %## ** *% 
 +$* */ +*+( %## ** *% 
 +$* */ ( %## ** *% 
 *( +$* */  
 *( +$* */  
 +$* */ %$ %"
 */ *%!
 %   '+$* */ %#&"* * %""%- $ %&* %$"  ")

 +$* */ %$ +() ((  &*)

 +$* */ %$   *( 
 +$* */ %$ %(! ((  &*)
 +$* */ $ ($) *
 +$* */ $ $)&* %$
 +$* */ $ &(* %$ 
 +$* */ $ &(* %$ 

 )/)*# +)) * '+$* * )  $ %(  ($ $ * $,$*%(/
$#$* )/)*# *% "+"* , " " */ (%( /%+ $ * *
'+$* * ) /%+ -$* * )/)*# *%  %( )+*(* (%# * %$0$ "$
-$ * )/)*# "+"*) , " " */ * ** ($  /%+ ", $/  "
"$! * )/)*# ."+) ** '+$* */ (%# * "+"* %$

Reviewing Availability

%+ )%+" ! * , " " */ % * $( $*) ('+ ( *% #!  (* $
'+$* */ %  &($* *# %( /%+ (*  -%(! %(( %( (* )+" %+
$ ! * , " " */ % $ $( $* %( * , " " */ % $ $( $*)
" )*

, - $ , " " */ %$) )*) %

 , - $ $( $* , " " */

 , - $ $( $*) " )* , " " */

A8.1 (8/97) 2–153

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing



(%# *  !"/ (( (&(*!%$  (%)) #$+    %%) $(!$*


$ $(!$* ,!"!"!*/

 %#&"* *  %""%-!$ !")

 ($ "$*

 %#&"* *  %""%-!$ %&*!%$" !"
 '+)* +$*!*/


'+)* +$*!*/   $+#( % &($* !*#) /%+ -$* *% &(%))  
)/)*# "+"*) "%-(0"," ,"+) !$ '+$*!*/ &( * 
$+#( % &($* !*#) ('+)* %( .#&" !
%#&%$$*) ( $ %(  &($* !*# $ * 
('+)* '+$*!*/ !)  *  )/)*# &"$) %( 

2–154 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Availability and Shortages


Required The number of units to which the system applies the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For Shop Floor Control:
The quantity of the component required.
Available The quantity available can be the onĆhand balance minus
commitments, reservations, and backorders. Availability is
user defined and can be set up in branch/plant constants.



From the Daily Order Preparation - Process menu (G3113), choose Ingredient
List Inquiry.

You can review the availability of ingredients required to complete the quantity
of the product indicated on a work order.

If you created a soft commitment for the ingredient, the quantities displayed
indicate the ingredient's availability at all locations. If you created a hard
commitment for the ingredient, only quantities from the hardĆcommitted
locations display. You can also display the quantities of each ingredient that
have hard and soft commitments to work orders and sales orders.

On Ingredient List Inquiry

A8.1 (8/97) 2–155

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

!% %   ' 
 ## &#
 $$ % % #

"&#  % % "&%%( #"&$%
%  &#  &%$ #  %% % ' # ##$ 
% !##( &%  $&#
%  &#  &%$  %% %  $!  %  
%  &#  &%$ %% # $ %) %% % $$
##$ # ' # ##$  % !##( &%$  $&#
&%%(  ##  &#  &%$ $!  % !&#$ ## 
!##( &%$  $&#

2–156 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Availability and Shortages

Processing Options for Ingredient Availability

1. Enter a ’1’ if Safety Stock is to ____________
be subtracted from the Quantity on
2. Enter the default Bill Type. ____________
If left blank, ’M’ will default.
3. Enter a ’1’ to prevent displaying ____________
phantom items when exploding the
Bill of Materials.
4. Enter the default mode for Inquiry: ____________
1- Single Level Bill (All Items)
2- Multi Level Bill (All Items)
3- Single Level Bill (Negative Items)
4- Multi Level Bill (Negative Items)

Processing Options for Ingredient List Inquiry


1. Enter the version of Purchase Order ____________
Inquiry to execute. If blank,
version ’ZJDE0001’ will be used.
2. Enter the version of Supply/Demand ____________
Inquiry to execute. If blank,
version ’ZJDE0001’ will be used.

Managing Shortage Information














A8.1 (8/97) 2–157

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

% ) &(* !%&($*!&% !%#+) *  &##&,!% *)")

 &*!% ) &(*)
 %!% ) &(* !%&($*!&%


(&$ *  !#- (( ('(*!&%  (&)) $%+     &&)  &(*


&+ % #&* ) &(* !%&($*!&% &( % !%(!%* * * !) ))&!* ,!*

&% &( $&( ,&(" &(() +)!% *  ) &(* ,&("%  ) *  ,&("% *&
*($!% *  $&+%* &  ) &(* % &, *  ) &(* ,!##  !## &+
% #&* !%(!%* ) &(*) -

 (% '#%* % !%(!%*

 - (% '#%* !%(!%* &(( %+$( % &(( *-'
 - &(( %+$( % &(( *-'
 (( *-'

%  &(* &("%

&$'#* *  &##&,!% !#)

 (% #%*

2–158 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Availability and Shortages


+)' -# $&1 + + + *+-$)(  +) ,, ' (. 

 #)), #)+-"
$(- (( 

). ( #(" $("+ $ (- ,#)+-" $(!)+'-$)( 1 $("+ $ (- 0)+% )+ +
+(#*&(- ( 0)+% )+ + -1*  )+ (1 )'$(-$)( )! -# ,  ). ( &,)
+ /$ 0 $(!)+'-$)( -#- $($- , #)0 ,#)+-" , 0$&&  !$&&  , 0 && , #("
-#$, $(!)+'-$)(

# + + , / +& !)+', 1). ( ., -) '(" ,#)+-" $(!)+'-$)( ).

,* $!1 $( -# *+) ,,$(" )*-$)(, 0#$# / +,$)(, )! -# ,#)+-" *+)"+', -#-
-# ,1,- ' ., , ( -#  !.&- )+ + -1* -#- -# ,1,- ' $,*&1,

( #)+-" $(- ((

 )'*& - -# !)&&)0$(" !$ &,

 ("+ $ (-
 + + .' +
 )'*& - -# !)&&)0$("  !.&- $(!)+'-$)(
 . -
 #)+- .(-$-1
  &$/ + -) )+%  (- +

  ,, -#  -$& + 

A8.1 (8/97) 2–159

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 '( %   ( &%  #% 

 #  ##



%  "&$%  &  #"&$% %  #  &#$ ## #% %#&

#% ! # #$# ## %#)  ) & ' %$ 
 % $)$% &$$ % )$ % (  
'## % ) %
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 % %% %  ! % $   ) & ' %$
  % $)$% &$$ % %  % ( # ##
!#%$ $%

2–160 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Availability and Shortages

Processing Options for Shortage Workbench


1. Enter the DREAMWriter version of ____________
’Open Work Orders’ to be called. If
blank, ’ZJDE0001’ will be used.
2. Enter the DREAMWriter version of ____________
’Open Purchase Orders’ to be called.
If blank, ’ZJDE0001’ will be used.
3. Enter the DREAMWriter version of ____________
’Shortage Workbench’ to be called.
If blank, ’ZJDE0001’ will be used.
4. Enter the default work order type. ____________
If left blank, ’WO’ will be used

Processing Options for Shortage Maintenance


1. Enter the DREAMWriter version of ____________
’Open Work Orders’ to be called. If
blank, ’ZJDE0001’ will be used.
2. Enter the DREAMWriter version of ____________
’Open Purchase Orders’ to be called.
If blank, ’ZJDE0001’ will be used.
3. Enter the DREAMWriter version of ____________
’Shortage Workbench’ to be called.
If blank, ’ZJDE0001’ will be used.
4. Enter the default work order type. ____________
If left blank, ’WO’ will be used

Printing Shortages





A8.1 (8/97) 2–161

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

What You Should Know About

       -$* ' *(# '$*( #"#) ) (-()"

 $( #$) #!* #'#)( )) +  ())*( $ #
'$*( # ) #'#) $')( '%$')

Printing Ingredient Shortages

'$" ) '$ *#)$#(  '$(( "#*   $$( #'#)


 #'#) $')( '%$') !()( ) #'#)( '&*' )$ $"%!) 

,$' $'' # #)( )' *''#) +!!)-  '%$') #!*(

 *#))( +!!
 *#))( $# $''
 *#))( '&*'
 *#))( ($')

( ) %'$((# $%)$# )$ %'#) $#!- #'#)( )) ' ($')   ($')
#'#) ( $# "$' )# $# $''  ($') $#!- %'#)( ,# ) $#.#
&*#))- %!*( $#.$'' &*#))- "#*( ) '&*' &*#))- ( #)+

$* # !($ #') )( '%$') ( %') $ ) ($% %%',$' ,# -$* '*#
'' '$((#

31418 J.D. Edwards & Company Page – 1

Work Order Component Shortage List Date – 4/17/98

W.O. Start Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity

Number Ty Item Number Item Description Date Planner Available On Order Required Short UM
–––––––– –– –––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––– –––––––– ––––––––––––– ––––––––––––– ––––––––––––– –––––––––––– ––
121419 WO 8459 Potato Slices 02/26/98 6002 24693– 108389 108389– OZ
522 Frying Oil 02/26/98 6002 30 35 5– OZ
303 Potato Chip Seasoning 02/26/98 6002 5954 6097 143– OZ
938 Nitrogen 02/26/98 6002 1737600 1737600– CI

121427 WO 745 Potatoes 01/14/98 6002 145000 LB

Grade A01 – A03

121435 WO 745 Potatoes 01/14/98 6002 145000 LB

Grade A01 – A03

121443 WO 745 Potatoes 01/14/98 6002 145000 LB

Grade A01 – A03

121451 WO 745 Potatoes 01/14/98 6002 145000 LB

Grade A01 – A03

2–162 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Availability and Shortages

Processing Options for Ingredient Shortages


1. Enter a ’1’ to Print only parts ____________
with a shortage. If left blank,
all selected items will be printed.

Printing All Shortages

! # ! $#"  !"" $   "  !#"

  !#" ! !# "#" "!# #" ! !#"  # !#
# "#! #  
 !""  #" #! %#! #
! !# #"  ! #% "  # !# $#  "!#
!# $  "# &$! ! !# #$! "#" # "!#  ## #

3118P J.D. Edwards & Company Page – . . . 1

Shortage Revisions Print Date – . . . 4/18/98

Order Or Due Deliver To Short

Branch/Plant Item Description Number Ty Date Branch/Plant Deliver To Desc. Quantity UM
–––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––– –– –––––––– –––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––– ––
M30 212 OAK SHELF SIDES 65111 WO 09/02/98 200–203 Blister Pack 240 EA
Date Entered 02/23/95 From Order. WO Type . Mfg. Assembly or Sub–Assembly
M30 424 OAK SHELVES 65111 WO 09/02/98 200–203 Blister Pack 400 EA
Date Entered 02/23/95 From Order. WO Type . Mfg. Assembly or Sub–Assembly
M30 444 OAK SHELF CABINET INSE 65111 WO 09/02/98 200–203 Blister Pack 100 EA
Date Entered 02/23/95 From Order. WO Type . Mfg. Assembly or Sub–Assembly
Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . Memphis Mfg. Plant 740 EA
740 EA

A8.1 (8/97) 2–163

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Test Yourself: Availability and Shortages

Short Answers

 $/ %. /$! (%) %""!-!)! !/2!!) /$! %)#-! %!)/ 1%'%'%/4 ) /$!
%)#-! %!)/ '%./ %),0%-%!.

 $!-! * 4*0 !"%)! %/!( 1%'%'%/4

 *2 * 4*0 !3'0 ! .*"/5*((%//! %/!(. "-*( !%)# %)'0 ! %) /$!

,0)/%/4 1%''!

 -*( /$! )#-! %!)/. %./ ),0%-4 $*2 * 4*0 !.. /$! - !- /!(
$*-/#! 2%) *2


-& /$! "*''*2%)# .//!(!)/. /-0! *- "'.! *- /$*.! .//!(!)/. /$/ -! "'.!
$)#! /$!( /* (&! /$!( /-0!

 $! )#-! %!)/ 1%'%'%/4 "*-( ''*2. 4*0 /* $!& 1%'%'%/4 #%)./
/$! %)#-! %!)/. "*-  +-*!.. -0!  '.!

 $! %)#-! %!)/. '%./ %.+'4. /$! %)#-! %!)/. -!,0%-! /* *(+'!/! ''
+-*!..!. "*-  +-* 0/ -0!  '.!
 */$ /$! )#-! %!)/ 1%'%'%/4 "*-( ) )#-! %!)/. %./ "*-( .$*2 /$!
*)5$)  -!,0%-!  ) 1%''! ,0)/%/%!. -0!  '.!
 0)/%/%!. %) ."!/4 ./*& -! '24. *).% !-! *) $)  -0!  '.!
 $! .$*-/#! 2*-&!)$ ''*2. 4*0 /* '*/! .$*-/#! %)"*-(/%*) "*-
%/!(. ..*%/! 2%/$  2*-& *- !- -0!  '.!

$! ).2!-. /* /$%. !./ *0-.!'" -! %) Appendix B

2–164 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Issue Transactions

About Issue Transactions

 !!  %" '# #! %    !  " !#!   !!! '#

 # '# #!" ! " #   "! !" " " !  
 #" # #!" ! #" " #""! ""   !!# " " ! 
  $" ' " #  !!# " !"    "  
#"#  #" !'!"! #! !!# " !"! " "  " "#
#""!   "! ""   #!  "  #"  !!   " "
#" !" #"!  " %     " !#

When Do You Issue Inventory?

#  " $ "  "  !!#! " !"! " " ! " ""
$" ' ! '!' $ 
 % !   "  !'!"
%! '# " ! " %" "  "  #"  !! '# %" "
 " !!# " !"!  " % ! '#  ! % '# %"
'# $" '  ! " " " !!#  "  "! " " %    
" !#

 &  " !   ! "  #" ' '# " %" " #"
" !!# $" '  $ " "  #" " $" ' " "
! " % '#  " # "! !" " %     "
!#    !!! '# "  "  " !!# " !"! "
$ #!  "! %" " #" " ( " ! ! "%
 "! "#'  " !    "!  % " $" '
!"! !   " !  

A8.1 (8/97) 2–165

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

How Do You Issue Inventory?

"' ! ""% !+ " & "")! &"% &" %%' !(!&"$+

   %+%& '&% !$!&% $" !(!&"$+ )! +"'
!&$ & %%' &$!%&"!% "! & %%'% "$ 

 Issuing Ingredients Manually

 %+%& '&" &+ '&% !$!&% $"
!(!&"$+ )! +"' #$"%%  )"$ "$$ '%! & $$
$"%%! #$"$ 

 Issuing Ingredients by Preflushing

 %+%& '&% &$% $" !(!&"$+ )! +"'
$#"$& ", ! +,#$"'&% "! & )"$ "$$ %
" #& % ! "'$ )! +"' $#"$& #$&
" #&"!% & #"!&% &$"'"'& & #$"%% "$ )! +"'
$#"$& ' " #&"!% & & %& $"'&! "#$&"!

 Completing a Work Order through Backflush


 %+%& '&" &+ '&% !$!&% $"
!(!&"$+ & "#$&"!% ! % #+ #"!&% &$"'"'&
& $"'&! '#$ '% ")% +"' &" '%
!$!&% ! "$ "'$% ! $#"$& ", !
+,#$"'&% " #& & & %  & 

 Processing a Work Order through Super Backflush

 " &% &"% $ ( )! +"' '% )"$ "$$%  +"' $ '%!
$& %'% '%! % & "!+ &" && 
 )$% $" !%

 %%' &$!%&"! "$ % $ % $ "$ )"$ "$$% ! $& %'% %%'
&$!%&"!% "$ )"$ "$$% $ "!'& "! & %%'% "$  %%' &$!%&"!%
"$ $& %'% $ "!'& "! & & % !(!&"$+ %%'% "$ 

"  %%' &"% ") +"' &" %%' &$% )&"'& (! &" %#+ &
%%'% "$  &$ &"% %#+ & %%' &$!%&"! "$ +"'$ $() "$
& %+%& $"$% &

"' ! #$"$ #$& %%'% + %&&! '# & $& "$ & ) ! %%'! 
'% + "$ * #  +"'$ $& "$ & ) %  ! +"'$ +
'% %  +"' ! #$"$  #$& %%' "  "$ ( +% ! &
& + +"'$ $& %' % " #&

2–166 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Issue Transactions


     #          #
 #               #   


 " #      #         

From Where Is Inventory Issued?

!#         "        


 #       #       

   #    "      #  #

A8.1 (8/97) 2–167

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

What Tables Store Data when Issuing Ingredients?



Shop Floor Control

Work Order
Inventory Issues

Inventory Management Inventory Management

Relieve Inventory Write Item Ledger Records
Item Location Item Ledger
(F41021) (F4111)

Create Journal Entry Records
Manufacturing Journal Entries

General Accounting
Write G/L Transactions
Account Ledger

2–168 A8.1 (8/97)

Understand Issue Transactions

Where in the Process Do You Issue Inventory?

Work Orders


Routing Ingredients
Instructions List





Record Hours
Payroll and Quantities

Post Super Backflushing

Completion to

A8.1 (8/97) 2–169

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

See Also

 Inventory Management Guide    

 Understanding Lot Processing           


 Understanding Grade and Potency          

2–170 A8.1 (8/97)

Issue Ingredients

Issuing Ingredients

"   " ! $!"!   ! !  $  "
     ! "!!  !    ! 

 %" # ! !  !   !  " !! ! !
" "  !    ""  !   !

! ! $ !  

-  " ! % " 

-  " ! "% !

-  !  !

What You Should Know About

       %"  "  "  !   "

 ! !  $  ! % !  !  " %
! $!  !!"   "  "  ! "!
! !!" !
"!  "  %  !
 ! % !  " ! !

 Advanced Warehouse Management Guide 

!  $ !    " !

A8.1 (8/97) 2–171

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


     ! # %!     !  
 !  !   %   
%  !        !  % 
# %

 %! ! " %     

 %    # !   $  
  %  #  # !  

 %   ! !      ! 

  ! ! 

 %! ! " %  %  # %! 

   ! !   

 Bulk Stock Management Guide

See Also

 Understanding Grade and Potency     !   

 About Work Orders in Accounting   Product Costing and
Manufacturing Accounting Guide

2–172 A8.1 (8/97)

Issue Ingredients

Issuing Ingredients by Preflushing

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Order Processing

"%# # "" ##% $"#$# "  "$# "!%" " 

"## ' )% "## $ '" "" %# $ "" "## $
"" # %# "$# $$ " $ "!%" %$ $ #$  "$
 $ "%$ ' % %" '# " $#  $ %$%" # $#
" ##% $ $ #$"$ $  $ '" "" ' )% %# $ ""
"## "" # '

 '"# "# $$ )%  $ %# $ "%# $ %##
)%" "## ) $ # #"$ % $ #%" $$ "$# " )#)
& $ $ # " '$ $ # ) $$ $ ##% $"#$ #
""  )%" ) $ # " $  )  #" ) '  " 
)%" &$") ""# %# $ "$# &  %$ "
&$") ""# %$ $ )#) "& " &$") #$

Before You Begin

- $ $ ##% $)    $ "$# #$

What You Should Know About

   %  #$  "##  $  $ %$$ $
  ##% "" $ ##% ) "%# $#  )% &
$# "##  $#  $ #)#$ "%## 
"$# ##$ '$ $ '" ""

See Also

 Processing Work Orders " $ "##  $# " "" "##

What You Should Know About Processing Options

   ) $  

"$" &"#  $ &$")
    ##%# $ (%$  )% & $#  $  $
#)#$ # $  $ &$") ##%# ""

A8.1 (8/97) 2–173

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Issuing Ingredients Manually

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Inventory Issues

!'  %%'  $ &%  '* &$ $! !  !&! !$ $! '&"
!&! %  *!' %"*  $ & #' &&% &!  '% $! %($ !&! %
!' '% & ( &!$* %%'% !$ &! %%'  $ &% %%!& ! * )& 
)!$ !$$ ! %%' &$ %%!& )&  $& %' *!' '% & &
% ( &!$* %%'% !$  %&"% !$ )!$  )& !& !$% % & %

!'  %! '% & ( &!$* %%'% "$!$ &!   & !& &% &&
& %*%& $!$  *!'   !& &% & %*%& %"*% 
$$!$ %%  & #' &&% ! !&  '" &! & &!& #' &&* $#'$ &
%! '%&% & (   !$  * !&! %  ) *!'   &
#' &&* !&&

!"& & !!)  &%% &!  '* %%'  $ &%

 %%'  $ &% $!  %  !&!

 %%'  $ &% $! '&" !&! % !"&! 

What You Should Know About


   % & %%' $ &%
!$  &! %%'  $ &% !$

    "$ & #' &&* )  &% !)  * %&% ! "$&%
$   ' &&* %%'   &% &
#' &&* !   $ & && & %*%& '& $!
 ( &!$*

! $($%  %%' &$ %&!    &  $ &
  #' &&* && *!' ) & &! $($% &!  &( '$
 %*%& $%% & !' &  & ' &&* %%'
 !$ &  $ & * & !' & ! & $($%


 ! !% !'&  $ &% && *!' ! ! $   
&  $ & '%  & !% '& %&!  + !%
""$%  & %%'%  !$  *  $ & *!' !%

   *!'  !& %%  %$ '$ &!  * ! &

 %%% ! *!'$ )!$ !$$ & !$$  &$* *!' 
%% & '$   ( &!$* %%'%

2–174 A8.1 (8/97)

Issue Ingredients

    %* $ ((% ) %#&%$$)( )%  (&   (' " .
((#"- *' $ $+$)%'- ((*(  -%* % $%) !$%, )
((#"- $*#' %%( )' + %'! '' ( )%
+ , $*#'( &'+ %*("- (( $ )% ,%'! %''
((#" (


$ $+$)%'- ((*(

 %#&") ) %""%, $  "(

 '' *#'
 %#&") ) %""%, $ %&) %$"  "(
 + , ) %""%, $ *") $%'#) %$
 $ ) % (*'

(( ) ) " '

A8.1 (8/97) 2–175

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 &' $ ' %$ "$


$  #%"
%#"   #)#$ $)   $$ $#
$ %$  #%"$ "  %$ " !%$$) "
(  $  " "#$  "" ( % )"
  %"  # 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 )% & $#   $ #)#$ %## $ &%
" $ "$# #$ $  % $# $ !%$$#  $
$ $ $  $ "") %$  #%"

2–176 A8.1 (8/97)

Issue Ingredients


& '& & "!+ !&&%+ '" &&( !%!'& %" %!' "'"!& '!
*' & &' "! ' !)!'"%+ &&(& "% 

! !)!'"%+ &&(&

 " #' ' ""*! 

 %% ( %
 ""& ' ('# "'"!&

 ! ' ('# "'"!& %)* ' ""*! (' !"% '"!



(!''+ )  $(!''+ ) !  ' "!,! ! !(&
" ' !'& %&%)'"!& ! "%%& )'+ &
(&% ! ! !  &' (# ! %!#!' "!&'!'&

Processing Options for Work Order Inventory Issues

A8.1 (8/97) 2–177

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

1. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Issue.
2. Enter the Status Code for update ____________
to the Work Order Header. If left
blank, the header will not be
3. Enter the default value for the ____________
Material Status Code. If left blank,
Material Status will not be updated.
4. Enter the Status Code beyond ____________
which Issues cannot be made.
5. Enter a ’1’ to display only valid ____________
Issue Type Codes. If left blank,
all Parts List items will be
6. Enter a ’1’ to preload all screen ____________
detail lines with the Process Issue
selection option value.
7. Enter a ’1’ to display operations ____________
that ’Equal’ the entered Operation
Sequence only. If left blank, the
value will be used as a ’Skip To’.
8. Enter a ’1’ to display operations ____________
that ’Equal’ the entered Requested
Date only. If left blank, the
value will be used as a ’Skip To’.
9. Enter a ’1’ to give an error if ____________
the quantity on hand is negative.
(Blanks will not give an error.)
10. Enter a ’1’ to update Item Sales ____________
History (F4115).
11. Enter the lot hold codes (up to 5) ____________
that are acceptable for inventory
issues, or enter a ’*’ to allow
issues to all held lots. Blanks
will not allow issues to held lots.
12. Enter the Version of Shortage ____________
Maintenance to be called. If left
blank, version ’ZJDE0001’ will be
13. Enter ’1’ to allow for unplanned ____________
14. Enter ’1’ to protect the lot number ____________

2–178 A8.1 (8/97)

Issue Ingredients

from entry.
14. Enter the document type for ____________
purchase orders. (Default is ’OP’)
15. Enter the version of the Open ____________
Purchase Order program (P430301)
to call. If left blank, version
’JDE0007’ will be used.
16. Enter the default route type to ____________
be used to search for a receipt
route. (Default is ’OT’)
17. Enter the value of the default ____________
route to be used for items without
a receipt routing.
18. Enter the version of Receipt by ____________
PO/Item/Account to call. If left
blank, version ’ZJDE0008’ will be
19. Enter the version of Move and ____________
Disposition to call. If left
blank, version ’ZJDE0002’ will be

Recording Ingredient Scrap

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Ingredient Scrap

* +  %)!%+ )' ')&)$ +& )&) *)'' (,%+!+!* & !%)!%+*
!% +  +$ )  
  +# % +   &' #&&)
&%+)&# )+* !*+
+#     +$ ) ')&-!* % ,!+ +)!# & +  (,%+!+0 *)''
% +  )*&% &) +  *)' +)%*+!&%

 % 0&, ,* +  %)!%+ )' ')&)$ %&+ +  &##&.!% !$'&)+%+


 &, %%&+ *)' !%)!%+* ,%#** + 0 - % !**, +& 

.&)" &))
   +&+# (,%+!+0 *)'' &) % !%)!%+ %%&+ / + 
+&+# (,%+!+0 !**, +& +  .&)" &))
 +!- +)%*+!&%* ) ##&. ,%#** +  +)%*+!&% (,%+!+0
.&,# ,*  %+!- !**,
 &, % %+) *)' +)%*+!&%* !% %0 ,%!+ & $*,)  
*)'' (,%+!+0 !* &%-)+ +& +  ,%!+ & $*,) & + 

A8.1 (8/97) 2–179

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

#'!*#',+ %#+, ' *(-' ,( (' ."(% -'#, ( &+-* ."'

," +/+,& -),+ ," "() %((* (',*(% *,+ #+, ,%  

What You Should Know About

 " "* #' (*&,#(' #+)%/ #+ *(& ," (*$ **
+,* ,% 
 " +- #% #' (*&,#(' #+)%/ #+
*(& ," "() %((* (',*(% *,+ #+, ,%  

     +  )*(++#'! (),#(' ,( +)# / ."#" (*&, ,"

+/+,& #+)%/+
 ** '-&* (*&, #+)%/+ %% #'!*#',+ (*
," +)# # .(*$ (**
 '!*#', (*&, #+)%/+ %% .(*$ (**+ ,", ,"
#'!*#', #+ ++(#, .#,"


' '!*#', *)

 (&)%, ," (%%(.#'! #%+

 ,& -&*
 ++ ," ,#% *

2–180 A8.1 (8/97)

Issue Ingredients

  $ $ &  $ #
 ' $

#  %#"   #(#$ $(   $$ ' # $
%" # "  $"#$ " '  (%  $
$ "# $$ (% " "$%" $# #% # $
# &"   # $ " $ ( #
&" # 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
%#"   #(#$  $(   $$ $#
$ "# " $ !%$$( #"  $ $#  "$
' $  "#$ # $'$ $# $ "# $$  $"#$ %""

A8.1 (8/97) 2–181

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Processing Options for Ingredient Scrap

1. Enter a ’1’ for Item Number entry. ____________
Blanks will default to Work Order
Number entry.
2. Item Ledger Transaction date. ____________
(Blanks will default to the
current date).
3. Reason Code. ____________
4. Enter the document type associated ____________
with the Component Scrap
5. Enter the Document type used for
Serial Number Issues. If left blank
’IM’ will default.

Ñ Exercises

2–182 A8.1 (8/97)

Schedule Work Orders

Scheduling Work Orders

# "$  (%" #% $&$# (%  $" '" "" ""##
 '" "" "##  % $ $ #$$%#  ( "" $  (%"
$"  #% &  (% '" '$ #%# (% 
# ( %$%" '" ""# ( $ " %#$" "$ '"
"" #$$%# $(   ""$( "  $  $# %  # # (
'" ""# ( #$"$ $ " "!%#$ $  (%   $ #(#$ $
#"$ $ ( $" #$"$ $ " "!%#$ $ %  #$ $# %$# "
$ "  $ "##  $#

"##  $# # $" $ %$ &%# " &"%# # 
$" ' &"##  ##$ ""# " %# ' (% ## $
%  # ## "$ "$ #% # '" ""# ## ""#
%"# ""# "$# #$#  "%$ #$"%$#

$"  '" "" #  $ # " (% %#$ "&' $ ""  
 $( $  '" $" $$ $ "" # #% $  $"% %
$  $   #% $  $ $" !%"$# 
 #$" "%$ % #%# &

% '" ""# %# $ ' $##

 &' '" "" "$

- &# '" "" "$  $

 "$ #% "$ "  '" $"  $

See Also

 Appendix C Ċ Leadtimes " "$  ' $ #(#$ %$#

$ "  '" ""
 Reviewing Ingredient Information  

A8.1 (8/97) 2–183

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Where in the Process Do You Schedule Work Orders

Work Orders


Routing Ingredients
Instructions List





Record Hours and

Payroll Quantities

Post Super Backflushing

Completion to

2–184 A8.1 (8/97)

Schedule Work Orders

Reviewing Work Order Information

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Shop Floor


   #       $! ! "#    
 $   #       !   ! 
$! "#  #  $!      ! $  $   %





A8.1 (8/97) 2–185

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

$"%!( ( $!!$*# $%($#! !'
 $)"#( +%


 $& &&
 $& && &$&(+

 &#( $& && )"&
 (()' &$"
 (()' &$)
&$'' &#
 '' ( (! &

$"%!( ( $!!$*# $%($#! !'
$ '#($#
 +% $ !' ''

2–186 A8.1 (8/97)

Schedule Work Orders

))*( $  '* #)'  ())*( $   )) .$* ,#) ) (.()" )$
*( ( # ## %$#) $' (!)# ,$' $''
' ' )' ,.( )$ #)' ) ())*( $ #$'")$#
 #)'  '# $ ())*(( . #)'# $( #
$) ) '$" # '* !(
 #)' $#!.  '$" $ )$ +, ,$' $''(
### ,)  %')*!' ())*( $' -"%!
# ) '$" ! # !+ ) '$*
! !# )$ (%!. !! ,$' $''( ,)  ())*(
$' "$'
 #)' $#!.  '$* $ )$ +, ,$' $''(
## ,)  %')*!' ())*( $' -"%!
!+ ) '$" ! !# # #)' # )
'$* ! )$ (%!. !! ,$' $''( ,) 
())*( $ $' !((
$' '' !( (( *(' # $ (.()"  ).%  )) #)(
 # # ) ())*( $  ,$' $''  (.()"
#)(  # ,$' $'' ,) # ()'(  # )
%%'$%') '%$') $' #&*'. $'" !  !(
"(( ( !) # ) ('%)$# ! $ )
,$' $''

Revising Work Order Information

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Shop Floor


)' .$* '+, ,$' $'' #$'")$# .$* ") # )$ '+( ($" $ )

A8.1 (8/97) 2–187

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


 !" !!# !# 

 !"% % !!'  !"%!  $

 !# ##  )"
 !# ## #!#%)
 $$ % % #
 !"% % !!'  !"%!  $
 #* !
$ %!
 )" ! $ $$

!&  &$ % $%! (% %! $$ % '!# !##     )
%!   $

Processing Options for Shop Floor Workbench


Enter the Dream Writer version to use
when calling each program listed. If
left blank, version ’ZJDE0001’ will be
1. Sales Order Inquiry (P42045) ____________
2. Purchase Order Inquiry (P430301) ____________
3. Work Order Completions (P31114) ____________
4. Work Order Entry (P48013) ____________
5. Sales Order Entry (P4211) ____________
6. Purchase Order Entry (P43111) ____________
7. Enter a ’1’ to display Requested ____________
Date or enter a ’2’ to display
Start Date. (Default is ’1’).
8. Enter a ’1’ to sequence the records
by Requested date. Enter a ’2’ to
sequence the records by Start date.
If left blank, the sequence will be
based on values for the Customer,
Parent Work Order Number, Cross
Reference, Item or Planner fields. ____________
9. Enter defaults for the following:
a. Category Code 1 ____________
b. Category Code 2 ____________
c. Category Code 3 ____________
d. Type ____________
e. Priority ____________
f. Planner Number ____________
g. From Status ____________
h. Thru Status ____________

2–188 A8.1 (8/97)

Schedule Work Orders

i. Item Number ____________

j. Customer Number ____________
k. Search Cross Reference ____________
l. Document Type ____________
10. Enter a ’1’ to automatically create ____________
the WO Routing Instructions when
creating the WO Parts List on-line.
11. Enter a ’1’ to automatically create ____________
the WO Parts List when creating the
WO Routing Instructions on-line.
12. Enter commitment option for ____________
creating the WO Parts List on-line.
Blank = Commit to Primary location
’1’ = Commit per Commitment Control
in Mfg Constants (P3009)
’2’ = Same as ’1’, but use
substitutes for shortages
’3’ = Same as ’1’, but only use
substitutes if their quantity
available can cover shortages
’4’ = Same as ’1’ but display
substitute availability
window when substitute qty
available can cover shortage

A8.1 (8/97) 2–189

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Printing Scheduling Information for a Work Center

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Periodic Functions

From Periodic Functions – Process (G3122), choose Dispatch List



31435 J.D. Edwards & Company Page – 1

Schedule by Work Center Date – 4/18/98

Work Oper Order WO T Op Related Start Request Remaining Remaining Remaining Quantity
Unit Seq# Number Ty St Y St Order TY Date Date Machine Labor Setup Remaining UM
–––––––––––– ––––––– –––––––– –– –– – –– –––––––– –– –––––––– –––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––––––– ––
––––––––– ––––––––– –––––––––
Requested. . . . . . . . . . .
========= ========= =========
200–4007 10.00 121419 WO 10 02/26/98 02/26/98 3.39 5.792 OZ
200–4007 20.00 121419 WO 10 02/26/98 02/26/98 0.27 5.792 OZ
200–4007 30.00 121419 WO 10 02/26/98 02/26/98 3.39 5.792 OZ
200–4007 40.00 121419 WO 10 02/26/98 02/26/98 0.27 5.792 OZ
––––––––– ––––––––– –––––––––
Requested. . . . . . . . . . . 6.78 0.54
========= ========= =========
––––––––– ––––––––– –––––––––
Washer 6.78 0.54
========= ========= =========

2–190 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Hours and Quantities

Working with Hours and Quantities

- 2)/ 1),% .) *,)/ ." *,)-- )(  1),% ,+/-. 2)/ ( .) ,), ."
")/,- -*(. )( *,)/.#)( ( ." (/', ) )323*,)/.- )'*&. #(
.". .#' "#- &&)1- 2)/ .) ')(#.), *,)!,-- ( ./& )-.- ( )'*,
."' !#(-. ." -.(, ")/,- ( +/(.#.#- 2)/ -.#'. ), ." $)

 2)/, -.#'.- , #,&2 /,. 2)/ ( "0 ." -2-.' /.)'.#&&2 (.,
." -.(, 0&/- ), 2)/ . 0,#)/- *)#(.- #( ." ,)/.#(! , 2)/ ( "0 &&
) 2)/, '*&)2- #(#0#/&&2 (., ."#, .#' ( +/(.#.#- )'*&.

" ")* &)),

)(.,)& -2-.' #(., - 1#." ."   1,- 2,)&& -2-.'
-) .". 2)/ )(&2 "0 .) (., ( '*&)2- ")/,- ( +/(.#.#- *,)/
)( " -#(!& (.,2 -0- .#' ( ,/- ." ,#-% ) . (.,2 ,,), 1"#&
(-/,#(! .". . ,)-- 2)/, -2-.'- #- )(-#-.(.

" #( ),'.#)( #- ,), #( ." 2,)&& -2-.' - 1&& - !#(-.  1),%

),, #( ." (/ ./,#(! -2-.' " ")/,- ( +/(.#.#- (  **&# .) 
-*# # 1),% ),, -) 2)/ ( '#(.#( /,. '(/ ./,#(! )/(.#(! (
)-.#(! . )/ ( ,), ")/,- ( +/(.#.#- *, 1),% ),, ), *,
'*&)2 .) )''). )." *#31),% ( ")/,&2 ,. '*&)2-

" ")* &)),

)(.,)& -2-.' '(!- ")/, ( +/(.#.2 #( ),'.#)( #( ."
-' 1".", 2)/ (., #. )( ." )/,- ( /(.#.#- (.,2 ),' ), ."
2,)&& #' (.,2 ),'  2)/ 1(. .) #(.,  1#." ." 2,)&& -2-.' 2)/
-")/& /- ." 2,)&& #' (.,2 ),' .) (., ")/,- ( +/(.#.#-
#( ),'.#)(

., 2)/ (., ")/,- ( +/(.#.#- #.", '(/&&2 ), .",)/!" *2,)&& .#'
(.,2 2)/ ( ,0#1 ( ,0#- ."'  ), 2)/ *)-. ."' .) ."
(/ ./,#(! -2-.' ), /,.", .,%#(! ( )-. )/(.#(! )/ ( ,0#1
." ")/,- ( +/(.#.#- #.", )(&#( ), /-#(!  ,*),.

),%#(! 1#." ")/,- ( +/(.#.#- #(&/- ." )&&)1#(! .-%-

 (.,#(! ")/,- ( +/(.#.#- '(/&&2

- (.,#(! ")/,- ( +/(.#.#- .",)/!" *2,)&& .#' (.,2 )*.#)(&

 *.#(! ")/,- ( +/(.#.#-

 0#1#(! ")/,- ( +/(.#.#- .,(-.#)(- )*.#)(&

A8.1 (8/97) 2–191

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

What You Should Know About

  "' 1(. "'! -" ,--., (  +(.-#'! ()+-#(' -"
"'! (, '(- -$  - .'-#% 1(. +.' -" (.+, '
.'-#-#, )- -( .)- -" "() %((+ ('-+(%
(.-#'! ',-+.-#(', -%  

 " "+ #' (+&-#(' (&, +(& -" (+$ ++
,-+ -% 
 " -#% #' (+&-#(' #, ,-(+ #'
-" (+$ ++ #& +',-#(', -%  

     , 1(. +(+ -.% "(.+, ' *.'-#-#, -(  /(+$
   (++ 1(. '
 ,, -" ,- ,.%-, '-+1 (+& (+ (&)%-
#-&, -"- +*.#+ -,-#'!
 ,, !'+# -0- (+ -" )+'- #-&
 - )+(,,#'! ()-#(', (+  .%- %(- /(+$ (++ '
()+-#(' ,--.,,
 Working with Test Results #' -" Quality Management
Guide (+ &(+ #' (+&-#('

See Also

 About Work Orders in Accounting #' -" Product Costing and

Manufacturing Accounting Guide

2–192 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Hours and Quantities

Where in the Process Do You Enter Hours and Quantities

Work Orders




Routing Ingredients
Instructions List




Schedule Work

Record Hours
and Quantities

Payroll Post
(optional) Super Backflushing

Completion to

A8.1 (8/97) 2–193

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Entering Hours and Quantities Manually

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Reporting

From Daily Order Reporting – Process (G3114), choose Hours & Quantities Entry

 ! "  "!!  !  !" "  "!! !
 $  "  "  !   ! !  % ! ! 
 " !  % " !  !  ! ! 
!  "!!  %  ! $  "! !  $
 "! !  ! % 

! ! $ !! ! "! ! "  "!! 

 ! ! "!!% ! %   ! " "
! !   !%  " $ "   # "!
 ! ! " "     !   !%  ! !"
" " !    
  #  !   "!! %" # ! ! !
"!!% %" $! ! #    !# "!!%


 "  "!! 
 " !

2–194 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Hours and Quantities

 " #' ' "")! &

 "% '
 %% ( %
 #%'"! $(! ( %
 +# " "(%&
 !' " &(%
 && ' ' %

 " #' ' "")! "#'"! &

 &!"(& "%&

#"+ '

$(# !' '
 &"! "


A8.1 (8/97) 2–195

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

!14- #6'  &#6' 6*#6 +&'06+(+'5 6*' (+0#0%+#. 2'4+1& 61 9*+%* 6*'
64#05#%6+10 +5 61 $' 2156'& *' )'0'4#. #%%1706+0)
%1056#065 52'%+(; 6*' &#6' 4#0)' (14 '#%* (+0#0%+#. 2'4+1&
"17 %#0 *#8' 72 61  2'4+1&5 '0'4#..; 2'4+1&  +5
(14 #7&+6 #&,756/'065
*' 5;56'/ '&+65 6*+5 (+'.& (14  2156'& $'(14'
%761(( " 24+14 ;'#4 '0&+0) $#.#0%' #0& 51 10
2 '3 0 4176+0)5 6*+5 07/$'4 +5 75'& 61 5'37'0%' 6*'
(#$4+%#6+10 14 #55'/$.; 56'25 +0 6*' /#07(#%674' 1( #0
+6'/ "17 %#0 64#%- %1565 #0& %*#4)' 6+/' $; 12'4#6+10
0 $+..5 1( /#6'4+#. 6*+5 07/$'4 &'5+)0#6'5 6*' 4176+0)
56'2 +0 6*' (#$4+%#6+10 14 #55'/$.; 241%'55 6*#6 4'37+4'5 #
52'%+(+'& %1/210'06 2#46 "17 &'(+0' 6*' 12'4#6+10
5'37'0%' #(6'4 ;17 %4'#6' 6*' 4176+0) (14 6*' +6'/ *'
*12 .114 10641. 5;56'/ 75'5 6*+5 (+'.& +0 6*'
$#%-(.75*24'(.75* $; 12'4#6+10 241%'55
0 '0)+0''4+0) %*#0)' 14&'45 6*+5 07/$'4 +5 75'& 61
5'37'0%' 6*' #55'/$.; 56'25 (14 6*' '0)+0''4+0) %*#0)'
-+2 1 (+'.&5 #..19 ;17 61 '06'4 #0 12'4#6+10 5'37'0%'
6*#6 ;17 9#06 61 $')+0 6*' &+52.#; 1( +0(14/#6+10
"17 %#0 75' &'%+/#.5 61 #&& 56'25 $'69''0 ':+56+0)
56'25 14 ':#/2.' 75'   61 #&& # 56'2 $'69''0 56'25

. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
*+5 +5 6*' 5'37'0%' 07/$'4 1( 6*' 4176+0) 56'2 10 6*'
914- 14&'4 "17 /756 '06'4 6*+5 07/$'4
  %1&' 61 +0&+%#6' 6*' 6;2' 1( 6+/' '06'4'& #.+& %1&'5
 70 #$14 1745
'672 #$14 1745

#%*+0' 1745
7#06+6+'5 1/2.'6'&
7#06+6+'5 %4#22'&
+5%'..#0'175 2+'%' 4#6' $1075 #0& 51 (146*
1745 *' 07/$'4 1( *1745 #551%+#6'& 9+6* '#%* 64#05#%6+10
+5% 1..#45 *' #%67#. )4155 2#; #/1706 (14 #0 '/2.1;'' *+5 +5 61
$' &+56+0)7+5*'& (41/ 6*' &+564+$76'& )4155 2#; #/1706
75'& (14 .#$14 &+564+$76+10 '' &#6# +6'/ "
!*'0 75+0) !14- 4&'4 +/' 064; 75' 6*+5 (+'.& 61
4'%14& /+5%'..#0'175 2#; (14 #0 '/2.1;'' 57%* #5 2+'%'
4#6' $1075
*' '/2.1;''5 +0574#$.' )4155 2#; (14 6*' .+56'& 2#;

2–196 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Hours and Quantities

-1%,)!*0 0!  + ! 0$0 .!,.!/!*0/ 0$! )+1*0 5+1 3*0 0+ $.#!
0$! &+ $ ,%!! +" !-1%,)!*0 * $2! *1)!.+1/
%((%*# .0!/ /! +* 0$! .0! + ! $! !-1%,)!*0
%((%*# .0! * ! +),+/! +" 1, 0+ 0!* %""!.!*0 .0!/
+. !4),(!
%((%*# 0! 
 0!  3*!./$%, +),+*!*0
 0!  ,!.0%*# +),+*!*0
 0! %*0!**! +),+*!*0
0$!. +/0/ +),+*!*0
$!* 5+1 ,+/0 0%)! !*0.%!/ 0+ 0$! !*!.( +1*0%*#
/5/0!) 0$! /5/0!) .!+#*%6!/ .! %0/ %* .!2!*1! +1*0/
"+. !$ +" 0$! .0! +),+*!*0/ $%/ ((+3/ 5+1 0+
/!,.0! ,+.0%+*/ +" 0$! !-1%,)!*0 %((%*# 5 05,! +"
 +1 .! *+0 .!-1%.! 0+ 1/! .0! +),+*!*0/
4,(*0%+*  *)! +. .!).' 0$0 !/.%!/ * !(!)!*0 %* 0$! 
 3. / /5/0!)/

Processing Options for Hours & Quantities

1. Enter a ’1’ for the screen to be ____________
displayed in Order Number format.
If left blank, the screen will
be displayed in Employee format.
2. Enter the Document Type associated
with Shop Floor Activity.
3. Enter the Status Code beyond which ____________
Shop Floor Activity cannot be
4. Enter a ’1’ to verify that, for a ____________
given operation, the total of the
quantity completed plus scrapped
does not exceed Quantity At
5. Enter a ’1’ to prevent employee ____________
rate from being written to screen.
6. Enter the version of Test Results ____________
Revisions (P3711) to call. If left
blank, version ZJDE0002 will be

A8.1 (8/97) 2–197

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Entering Hours and Quantities through Payroll Time Entry

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Reporting

From Daily Order Reporting – Process (G3114), choose Payroll Time Entry

$! ()0"/0-%)# %)/!-"! /* /$! 3-*'' %(! )/-3 "*-( '!/. 3*0 !)/!-
+3-*'' %)"*-(/%*) +'0.  %/%*)' ()0"/0-%)# %)"*-(/%*) /$/ ++!-. *)
/$! *0-. ) 0)/%/%!. )/-3 "*-( ) /$! 3-*'' %(! )/-3 "*-( 3*0 )

 !.%#)/! $*0-. . .!/0+ '*- *- ($%)! -!'/!  ) -!*- /$!(

#%)./  .+!%"% -*0/%)# *+!-/%*) "*- /$! +-*!..
 !*- /$! ,0)/%/3 *" +%!!. *(+'!/! ) .-++! 3 /$! !(+'*3!!
#%)./  .+!%"% -*0/%)# *+!-/%*) "*- /$! +-*!..
 + /! /$! .//0. *"  -*0/%)# *+!-/%*) "*-  +-*!..

*0 ) 0.! +-*!..%)# *+/%*). /* !)/!-

2*-& *- !- .//0. * ! !3*) 2$%$ !)/-%!. /* /$! 2*-& *- !- ))*/
! ( !
 $! *0(!)/ /3+! ..*%/! 2%/$ .$*+ "'**- /%1%/3
 $! 1!-.%*) *" /$! *0-. ) 0)/%/%!. "*-( /* !..

$! .3./!( *)0--!)/'3 !)/!-. /$! !)/-%!. 3*0 (&! *) /$! 3-*'' %(! !)/-3
"*-( *) /$! *0-. ) 0)/%/%!. "*-(
"/!- 3*0 $1! !)/!-! /$! / %)/*
/$! 3-*'' .3./!( 3*0 ) +-*!.. %/

Before You Begin

- !-%"3 /$/ 3*0-    2- . 3-*'' .3./!( %. .!/ 0+ ) -0))%)#

What You Should Know About

 * +-*!.. /$! %)"*-(/%*) %)/* /$! )0"/0-%)#

   .3./!( 3*0 (0./ -0) /$! *0-. ) 0)/%/%!. + /!
$%. 0+ /!. /$! $*+ '**- *)/-*' *0/%)# )./-0/%*).
/'!  ) .0++'%!. /$! ()0"/0-%)# *0)/%)#
+-*#-(. 2%/$ /$! 0--!)/ /
"/!- 3*0 -0) /$%.
+-*#-( 3*0 2%'' )*/ ! '! /* '*/! /$! / *) *0-.
) 0)/%/%!. !"*-! /$! / %. 0+ /!  3*0 )
'*/! %/ ) $)#! %/ *) !%/$!- !)/-3 "*-( . )!!..-3

2–198 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Hours and Quantities



 $  !$

! ! #  



! " "
 !   "
 "$ !

Processing Options for Payroll Time Entry

1. Enter ’E’ to use the Employee

Occupational Pay Rate Table or
Enter ’U’ to use the Union Rate
Table. If neither ’E’ nor ’U’ is

A8.1 (8/97) 2–199

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

entered, blank is the default and

the Employee Master hourly rate will
be used. ____________
2. If the Union Table is selected, Enter
the Pay Type to be used for each of
the following categories. If the
Occupational Table is selected, only
enter the Pay Type for “Regular”.
Regular – Blank ____________
Overtime – A ____________
Doubletime – B ____________
Tripletime – C ____________
Holiday – D ____________
3. Enter ’1’ to have batch numbers
automatically assigned. (F13=Invalid) ____________
4. Enter ’1’ to have heading date and
batch to be loaded from the first
subfile record. ____________
5. Enter ’1’ to display batch statistics
on request. ____________
6. Enter ’1’ to prevent changes and
deletes to records locked to another
user. ____________
7. Enter ’1’ to edit Pay Type from
Classification/Pay X-Ref. ____________
8. Enter ’1’ to use Zero Billing Rate. ____________
9. Enter ’1’ to load Pay Type Desc.
into Explanation field (YTEXR). ____________
10. Enter the Document Type associated
with Shop Floor Activity. ____________
11. Enter the Status Code beyond which
Shop Floor Activity cannot be
entered. ____________
12. Enter the Version of Shop Floor
Hours and Quantity Entry to call.
(Default is version ZJDE0001) ____________
13. Enter a ’1’ to use the Employee Pay
Instructions Table – F06106. If left
blank, the Employee Master hourly
rate will be used. ____________
14. Enter a ’1’ for HH:MM:SS format. If
left blank, decimal format will be
used (HH.MM). ____________
------ BILLING RATE SELECTION ----------
15. Leave Blank if special currency
logic is not to be used in the
billing rate retrieval.

2–200 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Hours and Quantities

Enter a ’1’ to use the Cost Plus

Markup Table to retrieve the billing
rate. If no billing rate is found
an error message will be issued.
Enter a ’2’ to use the Cost Plus
Markup Table to retrieve the billing
rate. If no billing rate is found,
for the domestic currency only, use
the Payroll Billing Rate Tables to
retrieve the billing rate. ____________
An error message will be issued if
a billing rate is not found.

Updating Hours and Quantities

& ')&** +  &,)* % (,%+!+!* !%+& +  %,+,)!% */*+$ /&, $,*+
),% +  &,)* % ,%+!+!* '+ + ')&)$  !* ,'+* +   &'
#&&) &%+)&# &,+!% %*+),+!&%* +#  % *,''#!* +  $%,+,)!%
&,%+!% ')&)$* .!+ +  ,))%+ +
+) /&, ),% + !* ')&)$ /&,
%%&+ #&+ +  + &% +  &,)* % ,%+!+!* &)$ &) +  + !*
,'+ /&, % #&+ !+ %  % !+ * %**)/

&, % '&*+ &,)* % (,%+!+!* +)%*+!&%* !% +  %,+,)!% */*+$ /

 ,%%!% +  &,)* % ,%+!+!* '+ + ')&)$ )&$ +  $%,

 #+!% +  &%#!% ,'+ )&$ +  &,)* % ,%+!+!* &)$

  $+ & & '&*+!% /&, ,* '%* &% &. /&, %+) +  +)%*+!&% +

  /&, ,* ,') "#,* +& %+) &,)* % (,%+!+!* +  (,%+!+!*
+)%*+!&%* ) '&*+ )# +!$ &.-) /&, $,*+ ),% +  ,'+ +&
'&*+ +  &,)* ,') "#,* %+)* +  +)%*+!&%* &) /&, + + 
'&!%+ !% +  )&,+!% + + /&, *'!/
  /&, %+) +  + &% +  /)&## !$ %+)/ &)$ &) ),% ,')
"#,*  /&, $,*+ !+ ) ),% +  ,'+ &) #&+ +  + &% +  &,)*
% ,%+!+!* %+)/ &)$ % + % ,* +  &%#!% ,'+ *#+!&%
  /&, %+) +  +)%*+!&% + &% +  &,)* % ,%+!+!* %+)/ &)$
/&, % ,* +  $%, *#+!&% &) +  &%#!% ,'+ *#+!&% +& ),% + 

&$'#+ +  &##&.!% +*"*

 '+ &,)* % (,%+!+!* $%,##/

 '+ &,)* % (,%+!+!* / +

A8.1 (8/97) 2–201

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Before You Begin

- Enter the hours and quantities transaction data

What You Should Know About


  For the Hours and Quantities Update program, when the

  system updates the quantity completed or scrapped for an

 operation in the routing table, the system deducts the
quantity from the operation and adds it to the next
operation. If the next operation has an intermediate, the
system converts the quantity added to the intermediate
unit of measure.



From the Daily Order Reporting - Process menu (G3114), choose Hours &
Quantities Entry.

On Hours and Quantities

Complete the following field:

 Order Number/Employee Number

2–202 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Hours and Quantities

# -3-. ' )(&3 *)-.- .# , ),- .#. , $( .# /,, (. (.,3 - --$)(

# , !),  $! 3)/ 2$.  .# !),' !. , 3)/ (. ,  .# .,(-.$)( . ),
(. ,  $. )( .# 3,)&& $' (.,3 !),' 3)/ '/-. &). .# . )(
.# )/,- ( /(.$.$ - !),' ( #(" .# , ),- .) '% .# '
/,, (. .) .# -3-. '

# /*. .% - .# #)/,- ( +/(.$.$ - , ),  "$(-. 1),% ), ,

)* ,.$)(- ( /*. - .# ' .) .# $, '.#$(" !$ &- $( .# #)* &)),
)(.,)& )/.$(" (-.,/.$)(- .& 
  !. , .# /*.  .# !),'
& ,- ( .# , ),- .#. 1 , *,) --  () &)(" , ** , # -3-. '
(. ,-   $( .# ,) --  ) !$ & !), # (.,3 $. /*. - -) .#.
.# , ), (().  /*.  "$(


,)' .# $&3 , ,  *),.$("  ,) -- ' (/ 

  #))- )/,- 
/(.$.$ - *. 

)/ -#)/& )(&3 /*. .#)- , ),- .#. #0 (). 3 .  ( *)-.   ),-
.#. #0 ().  ( *)-.  #0  &(% ,) --  ) !$ & /( .# , *),.$("
0 ,-$)( .) *)-. .# .,(-.$)(-

A8.1 (8/97) 2–203

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Reviewing Hours and Quantities Transactions

"/!- 3*0 !)/!- $*0-. ) ,0)/%/%!. !%/$!- ()0''3 *- /$-*0#$ +3-*'' /%(!
!)/-3 3*0 ) -!1%!2 ) -!1%.! /$!( !"*-! 3*0 +*./ /$!( /* /$!
)0"/0-%)# .3./!( "*- "0-/$!- /-&%)# ) *./ *0)/%)# 3*0 ) -!1%!2
/$! $*0-. ) ,0)/%/%!. !%/$!- *)'%)! *- 0.%)#  -!+*-/

*(+'!/! /$! "*''*2%)# /.&.

 !1%!2 /$! .//0. *" $*0-. ,0)/%/%!. ) *+!-/%*) ,0)/%/%!.

 !1%!2 /$! $*0-. ) ,0)/%/%!. -!+*-/




-*( /$! %'3 - !- !+*-/%)#  -*!.. (!)0 

  $**.! -* 0/%*)

$! -* 0/%*) //0. +-*#-( ''*2. 3*0 /* -!1%!2 /$! .//0. *" '' 2*-&
*- !-. 3 2*-& !)/!- %/!( )0(!- *- *- !- )0(!- 2%/$%) .//0. ) /!
-)#!. $%. +-*#-( %.+'3. $%./*-%' ) 2*-& -!(%)%)# %)"*-(/%*)

) -* 0/%*) //0.

 *(+'!/! /$! "*''*2%)# "%!' .

 *-& !)/!-%)!
 /!( 0(!-
 *(+'!/! /$! "*''*2%)# *+/%*)' "%!' .
 - !- 0(!-
 /! )#!

 !.. /$! !/%' -!

2–204 A8.1 (8/97)

Work with Hours and Quantities


)&$ +  !#0 )) '&)+!%  )&** $%,  

  &&* &,)* 
,%+!+!* )&&

  &,)* % ,%+!+!* )&& )'&)+ #!*+* ## #&) &,)* % &$'#+
(,%+!+!* )&) !%*+  .&)" &)) &, % +&+# +  &,)* % (,%+!+!*
!% -)!&,* .0* *, * 0 $'#&0 .&)" &)) !+$ &')+!&% % *&

*!% +  &,)* % ,%+!+!* )&& 0&, % ')!%+ +  &,)* % (,%+!+!*
+)%*+!&%* + + - % %+) % )-!. + $ &) 0&, '&*+ + $ +&
+  *0*+$ &) + 0 ) '&*+ +  +)%*+!&%* %   % %
,'+ +) 0&, '&*+ + $ + 0 %%&+   %

31322 J.D. Edwards & Company Page – 4

Hours & Quantities Journal Date – 4/07/98

W.O. Employee Work T Hourly . . . . . . . Hours . . . . . . Quantity

Number Ty W.O. Description Number Employee Name Op Seq Date H Rate Machine Labor Setup Completed UM
–––––––– –– –––––––––––––––– –––––––– –––––––––––––––– –––––– –––––––– – ––––––– ––––––––––– –––––––––––– –––––––––– –––––––––––– ––
––––––––––– –––––––––––– ––––––––––
Order Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00

121339 WO Potato Chip Proc 60.00 01/02/98 1 7.72 .09

60.00 01/02/98 4 4352 OZ
70.00 01/02/98 3 .17
70.00 01/02/98 4 4352 OZ
80.00 01/02/98 3 .04
80.00 01/02/98 4 4352 OZ
––––––––––– –––––––––––– ––––––––––
Order Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 .09

90000717 WO Potato Chip Proc 10.00 04/17/98 1 EA

10.00 04/17/98 2 EA
10.00 04/17/98 3 EA
10.00 04/17/98 4 6400 EA
20.00 04/17/98 1 EA
20.00 04/17/98 4 6400 EA
––––––––––– –––––––––––– ––––––––––
Order Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

––––––––––– –––––––––––– ––––––––––

Allen, Ray .42 .18

852 WO Unit 2 6002 Abbot, Dominique 50.00 06/15/98 1 7.72 10.00 EA

––––––––––– –––––––––––– ––––––––––
Order Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00

ÑÑ Exercises
 +  /)!** &) + !*  '+)

A8.1 (8/97) 2–205

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

2–206 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

Completing Work Orders

 * & $ !# &%    !# $$  % $ !  # * &  % # #

%  !% $ % '% #*  % $*$%   !%  %#$% $ %%
* & %#  %  !  #  %#  $*$% &!% % #% "&%%*
# #$  %
'% #* % $*$%

 & &$ % &!# &$ #  !%  !# #$ % # #  !% $
$ %$ !# #$ % !# #   %( &% $

 ! #%   +!# &%$  *+!# &%$ $  !% %# % %# ( #
## $  !%
 ! #% !#%  !% $ $ %* &# %# & &% % !# &% 
!# $$

 * &  $ % #! #%  !% $ !$  % !# $$ %

 +!# &%$  *+!# &%$ % !# &$  * &# * % ! 
% %&#  % &%&# % * &  #! #% !#%  !% $ #
#! #% % %  !% $   %#$%  ! #% !#%  !% $ $
 % % $% # !# #$$ %% $     ##  !# &% 
 %* * *$  % !# &%  !# $$

 * & &$ %  !% $ !# # %  !%  # % % "&%%*
## % $*$% %$ %  !% &%%*   (#$ * & %%
 !% % "&%%* * & $% ( #%  '# !% 

  !#' &$  !%  )$%$  #  ( # ## % $*$% $!*$
 #%   %  % # # ! %*  $%%&$ $ $   * & %# 
"&%%* % $*$% $ '% #* % %  % % % # # ! %*  %
&##% $%%&$

A8.1 (8/97) 2–207

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing



Shop Floor Control

Work Order Inventory Completion

Inventory Management Inventory Management

Inventory Update Write Item Ledger Records
Item Location Item Ledger
(F41021) (F4111)

Create Journal Entry Records
Manufacturing Journal Entries

General Accounting
Write G/L Transactions
Account Ledger

2–208 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

&$'#+!% .&)" &))* !%#,* +  &##&.!% +*"*

 &$'#+!% .&)" &))* .!+ &,+ "#,* !%

 &$'#+!%  .&)" &)) + )&, "#,* &'+!&%#
 &$'#+!% ')+!# (,%+!+!* &%  .&)" &)) &'+!&%#
 )&**!% .&)" &))* + )&, *,') "#,* &'+!&%#
 )&**!%  .&)" &)) ,*!% (,%+!+0 + &')+!&% &'+!&%#
 &$'#+!%  .&)" &)) .!+ *)!#!1 &$'&%%+* &'+!&%#

What You Should Know About

 #&+ ')&**!% !* ,* +  *0*+$ **!%* +  #&+
%,$) &)!% +& +  ),#* *+ ,' &) #&+ &%+)&#

 Understanding Lot Processing

 ) % '&+%0 !* ,* + !* + !+$ !*'#0* %

+  *+%) )&$ +  +$ )% +#   *+%)
%  &-))!%

   % 0&, &$'#+  .&)" &)) +&  #%!% &#!%

&) *+&) +%" +  *0*+$  "* +  +%" '!+0 %
!*'#0* % ))&) ! +  &$'#+!&% .&,# / + 
+%"* '!+0

 % 0&, &$'#+  .&)" &)) .!+ &202')&,+*

.!+ #, &!# #%!% +  *0*+$ -)!!* +  #%!%
+%" &%+!%* +  &))+ ')&,+ )&,'   *0*+$ ,**
+  &$'#+!&% #&+!&% )&$ +  &)" %+) *+) !#
   *0*+$ #*& !*'#0* +  ,#" !%&)$+!&%
&)$+ *'!! !% +    %)0 $!# 0*+$*

 % 0&, &$'#+ !%-%+&)0 +  *0*+$ ##&.* 0&, +&

** +  !' &#,$ #,#+&)+) !%*
')&)$ +& %+) )!%*

&)" &)) &$'#+!&%* ##&. 0&, +& %+) $!%+

(,%+!+!* % ,))%+ +$')+,) %&) %*!+0
!%&)$+!&%   *0*+$ #,#+* % *+&)* + 
*+%) (,%+!+0 % .! + &)!%#0

 Bulk Stock Management Guide

A8.1 (8/97) 2–209

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

       1'- (*'++ ,*&+,"'&+ '*  *&!($&, ,!, -++

 /*!'-+ '&,*'$ ,! ',"'& ,"$ /"&'/ ((*+
/!& 1'- &,* #$-+! ,*&+,"'&+ &  +'&
$',"'& ,"$ "&'*%,"'& *'* "+ *, & ,!"+ +
1'- +$, ',"'& ,"$ &'*%,"'& *'*+ '*
(*'++"&  ' &+-* ,!, ,! )-&,","+ "& ,! ',"'&
,"$ &'*%,"'& ,$ 
 * '&+"+,&, 1'-
+!'-$ %#  +$,"'& *'% ,! /"&'/

! '*" "&$ )-&,",1 "& (*'++ ,!*'- ! ,!"+

,*&+,"'& (*' *% -+"& ,! ',"'& ,"$ /"&'/
"+($1+ "& ,! ,'( ' ,! -(* #$-+! /"&'/

 ,! ",% "& (*'++ !+  -&", ' %+-*

+,*-,-* '* +,'*  '&,"&*+ ,! +1+,% &,*+ ,!% "&
,! ,"$ * ' ,! ',"'& ,"$ /"&'/ $,!'- !
1'- & '.**" ,!+ .$-+ ,! +1+,% (*'*%+ ,!
'$$'/"& ",+
 ! (*"%*1 -&", ' %+-* "& ,! +,*-,-* &
,! $+, $.$ +("" * .$" + -('& -&",
' %+-* '&.*+"'&+ "& ,% +,*
 ! -&",+ ' %+-* "+($1 *'% $* +, ,'
 ! +,*-,-* %-+, *+-$, "& /!'$ &-%*
'&.*+"'&+ ,/& -&",+ ' %+-*
 ! -&", ' %+-* & '&$1 '&,"& '& (*,"$
)-&,",1 '* ,!, -&", ' %+-*
 '- & '&$1 '.*"$$ ($$, ,1( -&",+ ' %+-*
+ "& "& ,! &", ' +-* "&","'& 1
,% '* 1 ,% *'-(
! +1+,% $/1+ "+($1+ ,!"+ /"&'/ /!& "&
"&.&,'*1 ,' ,! *&!($&, 0(, "& ,! '$$'/"&
 %'.$ ' "&.&,'*1 & '&$1 '& $',"'&
,"$ *'* "+ "& ,! $',"'& ! *%'.$ "+
-,'%,"$$1 (*'*% ,' ,! +"& $ $',"'&

2–210 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

 %!   #    ! !  %
      !  %  %! 
!   %  %   !

"# #   $ 
      !   #  
 %! !       # 
!   %  %    !
 Working with Test Results   Quality Management

See Also

 Understanding Lot Processing

 Quality Management Guide

Completing Work Orders without Backflushing

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Reporting

From Daily Order Reporting – Process (G3114), choose Partial Completion

!  !         !     #
 # ! !       # #%

 !   # %!     !      
     # %!        !  % 

  %     !      

A8.1 (8/97) 2–211

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing



 ! !

 ! ! #  

 "!!$ !
 ! !

! !!"
 ! ! #   $"  ! !  ! !
! ! $ !



 %$% "! !   

2–212 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

 $ % / (%+* %#&"* %$) %#&"* * %""%- $  ")

 %#&"* +$* */
 (&& +$* */

$ * % )+(
+)(  $ % )/)*# */&  ** $*  )
* +$ * % #)+(#$* %( $ #%+$* %( '+$* */ %(
.#&" * $ (&()$*  ((" %. +  /(
""%$ $ %+( $ )% %$
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 /%+ ", * )  " "$! * )/)*# +)) * +$ * %
#)+( (%# * %(! (( ( *" $ +&*)
* '+$* * ) $ * *# %* %$ *" $ &( #(/ +$ *)
% #)+(  * ) ,"+ ) $%* * &( #(/ +$ * %
#)+( * )/)*# %$,(*) * *% * &( #(/ +$ * %

Processing Options for Work Order Inventory Completion

1. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Completion.
2. Enter the Document Type associated
with an Inventory Scrap. ____________
3. Enter a ’1’ to call the Work Order ____________
Issues program after a successful
inventory completion execution.
4. Enter the DREAM Writer version of ____________
Work Order Issues to be called.
If left blank, version ’ZJDE0001’
will be used.
5. Enter the status code for update to ____________

A8.1 (8/97) 2–213

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

the work order header. (optional)

6. Enter the status code beyond which ____________
completions may not be made.
7. Enter the lot hold codes (up to 5) ____________
to allow completions to, or enter
a ’*’ to allow completions to all
held lots. If left blank,
completions will not be allowed to
held lots.
8. Select one of the following: ____________
1 – Sales Order Number will default
to the Work Order Completion Lot.
2 – Sales Order Number will default
to the Work Order Completion
Location and the Sales Order
Line Number will default to the
Work Order Completion Lot.
3 – Work Order Number will Default
to the Work Order Completion Lot.
9. Enter a ’1’ to update the Sales ____________
Detail fields (Lot Number &
Location) as defined in Option 8.
If left blank, Sales Detail will
not be updated.
NOTE: Processing Option 9 must be used
in conjunction with Processing
Option 8. If Option 8 is blank,
Option 9 must also be blank.
10. Enter an override Sales Order Next ____________
Status or leave blank to use the
Sales Order Next Status from the
Order Activity Rules.
11. Enter a ’1’ to update the Sales ____________
Next Status Code on the related
sales order.
12. Enter a ’1’ to display the Back- ____________
Order Release screen for completed
backordered items. If left blank,
backordered sales orders will not
be displayed.
13. Enter the DREAM Writer version of ____________
Backorder Release (P42117) to be
called. If left blank, version
’ZJDE0001’ will be used.
14. Enter the DREAM Writer version of ____________
Shortage Workbench to be called.
If left blank, version ’ZJDE0001’
will be used.
15. Enter a ’1’ to initiate the ____________
receipt routing process. If left
blank, all items will be completed

2–214 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

directly into stock.

16. a. Enter a ’1’ to allow overriding ____________
the Lot/SN upon completion.
b. Enter a ’1’ to protect the Lot/ ____________
SN from entry. If left blank,
the Lot/SN will remain input
17. Enter the DREAM Writer version of ____________
Work Order Entry to be called.
If left blank, version ’ZJDE0001’
will be used.
18. Enter a ’1’ to allow unplanned ____________
co- and by-product completions.
19. Enter ’1’ to issue ingredients ____________
for each co- or by-product
separately. If left blank,
ingredient issues will be
consolidated for the process.
20. Enter the Directed Putaway mode: ____________
Blank – No Directed Putaway Requests
1 – Request Putaway only
2 – Request Putaway and process
using the subsystem
21. If processing putaway requests ____________
through the subsystem, enter the
DREAM Writer version to be used.
If left blank, ZJDE0001 is used.
(See Form ID P46171).
22. Enter a ’1’ to allow a completion ____________
to a serial number that exists in
the system with a zero quantity.
23. Enter a ’1’ to default to multiple
associations format window. If left
blank, single format will default. ____________
24. Enter the Document Type used for ____________
Serial Number Issues. If left blank,
’IM’ will default.
25. Enter the version of Test Results ____________
Revisions (P3711) to call. If left
blank, version ZJDE0002 will be
28. Enter a ’1’ to display the ____________
completion Branch/Plant field.

A8.1 (8/97) 2–215

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Completing a Work Order through Backflush

Use the Completion with Backflush program to record full or partial

completions while backflushing the ingredients. Running this program
completes the quantity to stock.

You use backflushing to report the issue transactions for ingredients you use in
a process after the coĆproducts and byĆproducts of the process are produced.
Therefore, backflush issue transactions occur when you report partial or full
completions of coĆproducts and byĆproducts on a work order.

You must identify the percentage of the ingredients that the system issues to a
specific coĆ/byĆproduct. If there are coĆ/byĆproducts at the final operation, their
resource percent must equal 100 for the system to issue all ingredients.

Example: Feature Cost Percent

In the following example:

 Cumulative cost = cost this operation + cost of previous operation - cost

of the coĆ/byĆproduct produced in the previous operation.
 The total of all percentages at an operation cannot exceed 100%.
 The total of all percentages at the last operation must equal 100%.



10 By 1 10 100.00 100.00 10.00
20 Co 1 30 100.00 100.00 + (100.00 - 10.00) = 190.00 57.00
Co 2 20 38.00
30 100.00 100.00 + (190.00 - 95.00) = 195.00
40 Co 1 60 100.00 100.00 + 195.00 = 295.00 177.00
Co 2 30 88.50
Co 3 10 29.50

Completing a work order through backflush consists of:

 Setting the resource percent for the coĆ and byĆproducts

 Completing a work order
 Releasing sales backorders during completions (optional)
 Managing completions using receipts routing (optional)

2–216 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

Before You Begin

- ( ( %%&$%&( %&$''# $%($#' ($ '' ( #*#($&, '')'

%&$&" # ($ #(, ( *&'$# ($ )'

- $& ,$) &!'  $&&' )&# $"%!($# '( %&$''# $%($#'
($ #! (  $&& '!' $&&' ($ %%& # ($ #(, (
*&'$# $ (  $&& !' %&$&" ($ )'

- $& ,$) # "# $"%!($#' )'# %(' $)(# '( 

%&$''# $%($# ($ #(( ( &%( &$)(# %&$''

- ( ( %%&$%&( %&$''# $%($#' ($ '') #&#(' $& 

$-%&$)( # ,-%&$)( '%&(!, # !!$+ $"%!($# $
)#%!## $-%&$)(' # ,-%&$)('


&$" ( !,   &$'' "#) 

  $$' #(& # &$''

# #(& # &$''

 $$' $ ,-&$)( *'$#'

 # &$'' '$)& *'$#' '' ( (! &

A8.1 (8/97) 2–217

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 !"% % !!(  !"%!  

 $!&# # %

)#!&% %# $% &$$ $% # !"!  %$ !#  # %$ #!
% !"#!&%$ )"#!&%$    %#%$  '&$
!"#!&%$ # ! &## %   %$ $ %
#$&% !  "#!$$

)"#!&%$ # %$ %%   "#!& %
 ) $%" !  "#!$$ &% (# !% "  !#
  %#% "#!&%$ # %$ %% #  
$  #$&% !  $%" &% # &%!%)
! $&  % !!(  $%"  #)
 %#%$ # ! $%! %$   # ! )
  $%"$ (%  ")*"! % !# #"!#% 
  % # !"!  %$  $#%  &%&# 
!#  # %$ #!$$ ! $& &#  %
"#!&%! "#!$$

2–218 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

)($)( (-  %)"((- # "' )"(' (( -#) ,$( ('  #
!(& #& &#)(" (# $&#) '    #+' -#) (#
'$- *&-" %)"((' # #!$#""(' ' #" (
!#)"( # "' ##' $&#) #& ,!$  
#)" # '# *"( ' &%)& $& )"( )$ (#  )"(' #
"' $&#)( #+*&   )"(' # "'
$&#)( ' $&#)  #)"' # '# *"( & &%)& $&
"' )"( " (' ,!$  -#) +#)  '( )$ (
%)"((' #&  "  )"(' # "' $&#)(
'$-" ( $&#$& !#)"( # '# *"( $& )"(
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' * ) '$' ( %)"((- #  #.-.$&#)(
(( ( $&#'' $&#)'  -#) )' (  ' (' '
( %)"((- (( ( ( $&#)'
( #'(  $&"( )' - ( !) ( #'( # )$ $&#&!
(#  ) ( ( #'( #  ()& #& #$(#" (! ' 
$&"( # ( (#( #'( # ( $&"(
"(& ( $&"( '  +#  ")!&
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' * ) ' )' " #'( # )$ (#  ) ( +(
$&"( # ( #'( )$ (# " " )" ( #$&(#"
(( ( #.-.$&#)( #!' #)( # ' $$#&(#" (#
( #.-.$&#)(' ( (( '($
 (#( #  $&"(' ( " #$&(#" ""#( ,
  (#( #  $&"(' ( ( '( #$&(#"
!)'( %) 
'#)&   (' #$(#" ' #'" (' * ) "(' +( $&"(
# ( "&"(' '#)   '') '$&( - (#
#.$&#)(' " -.$&#)('
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' ' )' (# '') "&"(' '$&( - (#
#.-.$&#)(' ( +#& #&& #!$ (#" &(& (" 
(#( '') #&  "&"(
#& #.-.$&#)(' ( ( " #$&(#" (& &'#)&
$&"( !)'( %)  (# '')  "&"('

A8.1 (8/97) 2–219

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


)'% +! "$. )) (')+"&  )'** %&, 

  !''* '%($+"'&
-"+! #$,*!

& '%($+"'& -"+! #$,*!

 '%($+ +! '$$'-"& "$*

 )) ,%)
 ,&+"+. '%($+
 ,&+"+. )((
 + '%($+
 '+ ++,*
 '%($+ +! '$$'-"& "$* " .', ) '%($+"& +'  $'+"'& '+!)
+!& +! ()"%). $'+"'&

! '/ ./)',+* '%($+"'&* ')% (()*

2–220 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

)*#!&% !"%! $   ) $$#)  $  %
!!(  $
 !"% & %%)
 #"" & %%)
 $$ % % #

 '( % !!(  

 $!&# # %

 #$!&# "# % $ % "# % ! %  # %$ %!  $$& %!

% !*)*"#!&% )!&  % ! % #!$$ $!&# '$! $

 )!& # &$  !% "#!$$  % $)$% $$ $ % !% &#
!#  %! % #&$ $% &" !# !% ! %#!  )!& # &$  # !#
"!% ) % $)$% $")$ % % % &$  % $% # #! %
# " % !('# )!&  !'## %$ '& %# )!&  %# %
""#!"#%  $ % $)$% #*$")$ % !# )!&

A8.1 (8/97) 2–221

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing





2–222 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

#) $ (*' *(' # $ (.()" ).%  )) #)(
) *#) $ "(*'"#) $' # "$*#) $' &*#)). $'
-"%! ) # '%'(#)  ''! $- * .'
!!$# # $*' # ($ $#
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 .$* !+ )( ! !#  ) (.()" *(( ) *#) $
"(*' '$" ) $' '' ' )! # *%)(
) &*#))( # ) )" $)$# )! # %'"'. *#)(
$ "(*'  )( +!* ( #$) ) %'"'. *#) $
"(*' ) (.()" $#+')( ) )$ ) %'"'. *#) $
($*' '#)  )( $%)$# ( $(# )( +!* #)( ,) %'#)
$ ) #'#)( ($*!  ((* (%')!. )$
$/%'$*)( # ./%'$*)(
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 (.()" (%!.( ) +!* '$" ) '$(( ($*'
+($#( ,#$, 
   )' ' $/./%'$*)(
) ) #! $%')$# )' '($*' %'#) "*() &*!
 )$ ((* !! #'#)(

A8.1 (8/97) 2–223

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


-*( /$! %'3 - !- !+*-/%)#  -*!.. (!)0  

 $**.! *(+'!/%*)
2%/$ &"'0.$

$!   2- . '!. - !- )#!(!)/ .3./!( % !)/%"%!. %/!(. /$/ -!
!%)# ()0"/0-! . &*- !-! %/!(. $!) 3*0 *(+'!/! /$! %/!(. %) /$!
$*+ '**- *)/-*' .3./!( 0.%)# /$! *(+'!/%*). +-*#-( 3*0 ) -!'!.! /$!
.'!. *- !- &*- !-.

) *(+'!/%*) 2%/$ &"'0.$

 *(+'!/! /$! 2*-& *- !- 3 !+/%)# /$! -!*- . %.+'3! 

$! & - !- !'!.! "*-( ++!-.

 ) & - !- !'!.! -!1%!2 /$! "*''*2%)# !"0'/ %)"*-(/%*)

 - !- 0(!-
 - !- 3+!
 /!( 0(!-
 0)/%/3 &*- !-!
 0)/%/3 * $%+

" /$! 1%''! ,0)/%/3 +'0. /$! (*0)/ !%)# -!!%1! %. !)*0#$ /* "%'' )3 *-
'' *" /$! &*- !-. /$! .3./!( !)/!-. /$! (*0)/ "*- /$/ *- !- %) /$!
0)/%/3 /* $%+ "%!' *) /$! & - !- !'!.! "*-(

2–224 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders


Units - Qty The number of units backordered in Sales Order
Backordered/Held Management or in Work Order Processing, using either
the entered or the primary unit of measure defined for
this item.



From the Receipt Routing menu (G43A14), choose Routing/Analysis Revisions.

You set up a receipt route in the Procurement system by specifying a unique

receipts routing code name in the user defined code table 43/RC and an
operation name in table 43/OC. You enter a Y in any of the update fields on the
Receipt Routing Definition form to have the system update the appropriate field
in the Item Location table when an item arrives at the operation.

The system considers items onĆhand and eligible for payment only at the end of
a receipt route. You must enter a Y (Yes) in the OnĆHand column for the system
to assign the last operation to a route. The system assigns a Y in the Pay field
on the operation to which a Y is assigned in the OnĆHand column.

You enter disposition information for a route in the Procurement system when
you use the Disposition Setup program. This information includes whether
items dispositioned out of a receipt route are eligible for payment. If you
classify a category as eligible for payment, the system creates journal entries
when it dispositions items in the category. The code in the General Ledger
Category field determines which account the system debits. The system credits
the Received Not Vouchered account.

For the system to direct items through a receipt route, you must assign a route
to each item. You assign receipt routes to items based on item/supplier
relationships, using the Supplier/Item Information program.

For manufactured items, the supplier must be *WO.

A8.1 (8/97) 2–225

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 #"'!! $!!

" " % !


 "$  #

What You Should Know About

   # "   !! ' # " 
     " "" #! "  !! "  # "
  " % "  ' %# "  &
" "#   #"' " "   "  !!
"  " "    " % " !'!" "
" "! ( #"!  '( #"!

 "  # " " "  "

#     !# #  "
('( #" "! %%

2–226 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

     %# ) &  !% % ( # ## ) !% %
     # #$ $ (   !%  (% &$  %
 $$ &%! % 
 '  %%$
 $$& % #%$

#  *!# &%$  )*!# &%$ ) &   
 %  ) &$  $%  !%  % $$ &%!
% $ #   *)*# &%$  !% $

   $ % %%&$ "&#)  # %  % % $%%&$  %

     #!%$ # &%  &  $$ % !#%  '%
%  # % '( % %$   $%!  &  $% 
!# $$ !%   %  !% $ !# # % %%
#!%$ # &%

See Also

 Reviewing Manufacturing AAI's (P40950)  % Product Costing and

Manufacturing Accounting Guide
 Working with Items in Receipt Routing  % Procurement Guide

Processing Options for Back Order Release

1. Next Status to Select (Optional) ____________
2. Override Next Status (Optional) ____________
3. If inquiring by Item Number, enter ____________
a ’1’ to only display those
Backorders that can be completely
4. If inquiring by Item Number, enter ____________
a ’1’ to sequence by Priority
Code. If left blank, sequence
will be by Promised Ship Date.
5. Enter a ’1’ to display kit ____________
component lines. If left blank,
kit component lines will not
6. Enter a ’1’ to add back in the ____________
Quantity on Backorder in Quantity
Available calculations. If left
blank, the Quantity on Backorder
will not be added in.
7. Enter a ’1’ to display Customer ____________
Information. If left blank,
Item Information will display.
8. Enter a ’1’ to display orders on ____________

A8.1 (8/97) 2–227

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

hold. If left blank, orders on

hold will not display.
9. Enter a ’1’ to only soft commit ____________
Released Backorders. If left
blank, Released Backorders will
be hard committed.
10. Enter a ’1’ to allow Backorders to ____________
be released when Quantity to Ship
is greater than Quantity on
11. Enter a ’1’ to allow Backorders ____________
to be released when Quantity on
Hand is zero. If left blank,
Backorders will not release when
Quantity on Hand is zero.
12. Enter a ’1’ to update Released ____________
Backorders with the most current
cost of the item. If left blank
the original cost of the item on
the Sales Order will be used.
13. Enter a code for credit checking. ____________
If left blank, no credit checking
will be done.
14. Enter the partial order hold ____________
code that will be released when
an order is completely filled.
15. Enter a ’1’ to print pickslips or ____________
a ’2’ to print invoices through
the subsystem.
Enter the version for each program.
If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.
16. Sales Order Entry (P4211) ____________
17. Customer Service Inquiry (P42045) ____________
18. Item Availability (P41202) ____________
19. Enter the request processing mode: ____________
’ ’ = No pick requests
’1’ = Generate requests only
’2’ = Generate requests and
process using the subsystem
20. If processing pick requests using ____________
the subsystem, enter the DREAM
Writer verison to use. If blank,
XJDE0002 is used.
(See Form ID P46171.)
21. Enter an override next status for ____________
sales order lines for which
requests have been generated.

2–228 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

Completing Partial Quantities on a Work Order

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Reporting

From Daily Order Reporting – Process (G3114), choose Partial Completion

$  $" # !# # !! # !! # !#"  #
$##& !! !  %! !!  ! "&" #  "!
$##"  !# # !# !  %! !!

# # % #""

 # !# $##"   %! !!

 #  %! !! ! $# #" #


 !# #

 # # % "

 # $##"
 ! $##"
 # # % # 
 # #

A8.1 (8/97) 2–229

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 " " $   %#  " !" "  "  !!
 " " $ !  %#   " " " "   %
 " ""#!



  " "

 " " $ !

 " #""!
 " " $ " 

" "
  %#  " !" " !""#!  "  !! "! " "

2–230 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

 !"" #!

 "&"# " &" 

&'!$#  #"

  # # % 

 " # $#  #"

  # $#  #"  # # % "

 $##&  #

A8.1 (8/97) 2–231

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 ."/ ,! '$$'/"& -$, "&'*%,"'&

 *++ &,* ,' (, ,! , & $'+ $, -$,"($ ',"'&+
 *++ &,* ,' (, ,! , & $'+ ' 01*'-, '%($,"'&+

What You Should Know About


  + ,! -$$ '%($,"'& %&- +$,"'& ,' '%($, $$

 )-&,","+ '* $$ "& *"&,+ '&  /'*# '**

Processing Work Orders through Super Backflush

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Reporting

From Daily Order Reporting – Process (G3114), choose Super Backflush

-(* #$-+! "+  

 *",* ,! (*' *% ,!, *,+ #$-+!
,*&+,"'&+  "&+,  /'*# '** '* *, +!-$ , (0 ('"&,+ "& "& ,!
*'-,"&  -(* #$-+!"& $$'/+ 0'- ,' *$". "&.&,'*0 , +,*, " ('"&,+
,!*'- !'-, ,! %&-,-*"& (*'++

'- & &,* '%($, & +*(( )-&,","+ 0 '(*,"'& & %($'0
! +0+,% '%($,+ ,! /'*# '** '* *, +!-$ '* 0'- & *."/ &
*."+ ,! ,*&+,"'&+ ! #$-+! (*'-* & (*'*% ,! '$$'/"&
,*&+,"'&+ 0 '(*,"'&

 ++- "& *"&,+ ,' ,! /'*# '** '* *, +!-$
 '* !'-*+ & )-&,","+  "&+, ,! /'*# '** '* *, +!-$ ,
+,&* .$-+
 '* "&.&,'*0 '%($,"'&+

! +0+,% *'*+ ,! ,*&+,"'&+ *'% ,! (0 ('"&, 0'- "&", "& ,!
*'-,"& # ,' ,! "*+, '(*,"'& '* ,! (*."'-+ (0 ('"&, " '& !+ &

'- & +, ,! (*'++"& '(,"'&+ '* ,! -(* #$-+! (*' *% ,'

 &", ,! .*+"'&+ ' ++'", (*' *%+ ,' ++

 $, '-%&, ,0(+ ,'  -+ /!& *,"& ,*&+,"'&+
 $, -(, +,,-+ '+ '* '(*,"'&+ & ,! /'*# '** '* *,

2–232 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

 &  %&&'% ! +!  )  &$% &! )!$ !$$% !$ $&%
 &!$ !'$%   #' &&%  $& &% !$ &$ "$!%%  +
 '&'$  !' & 

&$ %%  %" ($%! ! & !!)  "$!$% !$
'&!&+ *'& & "$!%% )&!'& & !$ %"+ 
 !'$%   ' &&%
 &$ %%'%
 !$ $$ !"&! %


 '"$ '%

 !"& & !!)  %

 $$ '$
 $ %&! &

 ' &&+ !"&
 %% & & $

A8.1 (8/97) 2–233

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


 $   !

 $% !   ## 



" $

2–234 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

   #!%  "  ! % ! "!!% #

#"  ! $  

   ! !   ! % !   ! !
 ! !  " !%   % ! !%   ! 

  !     % !  ! % !  ! " !

 " !  !  $ ! !   
! ! % !  " ! !  "   
!  !  % ! " ! ! #" % !

A8.1 (8/97) 2–235

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

     !'%+ "% ##%&

 !     !'%+ %)* ' ""*! &

 #"+ ( %
 #%'"! $(! ( %
 +# "

 !' " &(%

+ "!' ''(&  " '' !'& *'% ' "#%'"! &"( 
'! '" " #' "% #%'+ " #' &''(& 
"& %
! "' %#"%'
 %'+ " #'
 " #'

2–236 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders


($. )!  -/,  /- ,  !$(  ) -3-. ' .3*  .#. $ (.$!$ -
.# /($. )! ' -/, ' (. !), ( ')/(. ), +/(.$.3 ),
2'*&  $. ( , *, - (.  ,, & )2 /$ 3,
"&&)( ( #)/, ( -) )(
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
! 3)/ & 0 .#$- !$ & &(% .# -3-. ' /- - .# ),%
, ,   , .& .) /*. .# +/(.$.$ - $( .# . '
).$)( .& $( .# *,$',3 /($. )! ' -/, 
($.-  /(.$.3 . # +/(.$.3 .#. $- *#3-$&&3 . .# -. * . .# 1),%
* ,.$)(  (. , . .#. .$' 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# +/(.$.3 . )* ,.$)( $- $-*&3  $( .# $(. ,' $.
/($. )! ' -/,  $! )( 2$-.- !), .# )* ,.$)( (
$.$)( $! ( )* ,.$)( #- ( $(. ,' $.  .# +/(.$.3
(  (. ,  . (3 0&$ /($. )! ' -/, !), .#
$(. ,' $. $. ' # ( .# +/(.$.3 $- )'*& .  $. $-
 /.  !,)' .# )* ,.$)( (   .) .# ( 2.
)* ,.$)(

What You Should Know About

   # $(!),'.$)( $( .#  .$& ,  )! .# !),' $- !,)' .#

#)* &)), )(.,)& )/.$(" (-.,/.$)(- .& 

# $(!),'.$)( $( .# !),' #  , $- !,)' .# ),%
, , -. , .&   

    * ,.$)( (/' ,-  !$(  - *3 *)$(.- ** , $(

, 0 ,- $'" )( .# !),'

   ! .# , $- ( $(. ,' $. !), .# )* ,.$)( && !),'

   +/(.$.$ - , $-*&3  $( .# /($. )! ' -/,  !$( 
  !), .# $(. ,' $.  # ( .# -3-. ' )'*& . - .#
+/(.$.3 $. $-  /.  !,)' .# )* ,.$)( (   .)
.# ( 2. )* ,.$)(

A8.1 (8/97) 2–237

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing




 Bulk Stock Management Guide

See Also

 Reviewing Hours and Quantities Transactions

Processing Options for Super Backflush


NOTE – Blanks will not update the
Status Code.
1. Enter the default Operation Status ____________
Code for Partial Completions.
2. Enter the default Operation Status ____________
Code for Full Completions.
3. Enter the Status Code for update ____________
to the Work Order Header.
4. Enter the default Material Status ____________
Code for Issues.
5. Enter the Version of the Hours and ____________
Quantity Program to call.
If left blank, a blind Hours and
Quantities execution will be
6. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with Shop Floor Activity.
7. Enter the Version of the Material ____________
Issues Program to call.
If left blank, a blind execution
of Work Order Inventory Issues will
be performed.
8. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with a Work Order Issue.
9. Enter the acceptable lot hold codes ____________
(up to 5) for inventory issues, or

2–238 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

enter ’*’ for issues to all held

lots. Blanks will not allow issues.
10. Enter the Version of the Work Order ____________
Completions Program to call.
If left blank, a blind Work Order
Completions execution will be
11. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Completion.
12. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Scrap.
13. Enter the Status Code beyond which ____________
Backflushing cannot be performed.
14. Enter a ’1’ if you wish blind ____________
issues to effect Item Sales
History (F4115).
15. Enter the Directed Putaway mode. ____________
’ ’ – No Directed Putaway requests
’1’ – Request Putaway only.
’2’ – Request Putaway and process
using the subsystem.
16. If processing putaway requests ____________
through the subsystem, enter the
DREAM Writer version to be used.
If blank, ZJDE0001 is used.
(See Form ID P46171)
17. Enter a ’1’ to verify that, for a
given operation, the total of the
quantity completed plus scrapped
does not exceed the ’Quantity At
Operation.’ If left blank, the
verification is not performed. ____________
18. Enter the version of Test Results ____________
Revisions (P3711) to call. If left
blank, version ZJDE0002 will be

A8.1 (8/97) 2–239

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Processing Options for Hours & Quantities Entry

1. Enter a ’1’ for the screen to be ____________
displayed in Order Number format.
If left blank, the screen will
be displayed in Employee format.
2. Enter the Document Type associated
with Shop Floor Activity.
3. Enter the Status Code beyond which ____________
Shop Floor Activity cannot be
4. Enter a ’1’ to verify that, for a ____________
given operation, the total of the
quantity completed plus scrapped
does not exceed Quantity At
5. Enter a ’1’ to prevent employee ____________
rate from being written to screen.
6. Enter the version of Test Results ____________
Revisions (P3711) to call. If left
blank, version ZJDE0002 will be

Processing a Work Order Using Quantity at Operation

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Reporting

From Daily Order Reporting – Process (G3114), choose Super Backflush

      ! ! "

     ! "   "   ! 

    ! "    "
  "    !          "

2–240 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

"  ! !   "!! & !  &
 & ! ! ! $   !  ! !     &
!  &"  #$  #  ! ! !  $# "!!
! !  # ! ! % ! "!!& ! ! !
 !  % " "  !! ! ! 
"!!& !    ! !   !! ! !
"!!& ! !  ! !! % ! "!!& ! ! ! & !
! !    &    

 &" "  "  "!! !&  ! "!   !
& ! # ! "!!& ! !  !" ! ! ! $
"!  !  
"! !  & ! "  ! #" &
! ! ! #& ! "!!& ! !  & "  !
!  ! "! &  #" ! ! "! &

"  !    !  ! " "   ! !
$! ! & ! #    # ! !! ! !! "!!&
! "   ! % ! "!!& ! !



 " " 

A8.1 (8/97) 2–241

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 ! ! #  

  ! !

 "!!$ !
  ! ! 

 ! ! # 

 $ ! !!"

2–242 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

 " ""  $"( "  "#

 &' $ ' #

 "$ !%
 (   %"#
 $  #%"

What You Should Know About

  % " %# ( '# $"( " ( $# 
 ) ( $# % " %# #"# $
!%$$( $  "$ "  &  "$ $  $ $$
 $ !%$$( $  "$ $ $$  "$ %# $
!%$$( $  "$ "  "&%# ) ( $#
# $ #$ ( $

A8.1 (8/97) 2–243

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Completing a Work Order with Serialized Components

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Reporting

From Daily Order Reporting – Process (G3114), choose Partial Completion

 *!' $!$  !"&! !$ %$+ !"!  &% & %*%& %%%
& %%!& %%' &  % "$!$  %%!&! % !$ % ! *
%%  *!' $ %%!&  %$ '$ ! &$! !"!  &% &! %$
'$ %%%  %*%& %"*% & "$,%%  %$ '$%  
 * ! !&  !$&! 

!'  '% !  ! &)! %"* !% ! & %%!& %%' &  %


 %%!& !"!  &% )&  %  %%*

%"*  !"!  &%   %%!&% &! '&"  %

&$ *!'  $& %$ '$% !$ *!'$ )!$ !$$ *!' %%!& *!'$
%$+ !"!  &% &!  %$+ %%* ! %%!&  %$+
!"!  & &!  %$+ %%*  &$ & %%!&  #' &&*

&!  & !"&! "$!$ !)% *!' &!  &$  ! !& '$
&& % '% ) !& !&   %$ '$% $ $#'$ !$ &$ 
%%%  %*%& ($% & ! !& '$   %$ '$  *!'
%& & $ '$ #'$  ! & & $  & !$&! !$

 *!' %& & ""$!"$& "$!%%  !"&! %  & !"&! "$!$ &
%*%& !)% *!' &! !"& '&" &% '%  & % %$ '$

What You Should Know About

  *!' !"& )!$ !$$% )& ! ,%$+

  !"!  &% *!'  !& %% %$ '$% &! &

 %%% & !"&! 

2–244 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders





A8.1 (8/97) 2–245

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing









2–246 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Work Orders

  & !"%!  "% % #!#

!% &# %%  %$  !% !#  $# &# !% $
 #!&" ! %$ '% $# #%#$%$
! !%  # $$%! !# #!&"  ! $# &# !# !%
"#!$$ %$  %  '% % !% $%#

! !% # $$%! !# #!&"  ! ! !% 
 %  '% % !% $%# 

ÑÑ Exercises
 % (#$$ !# %$ "%#

A8.1 (8/97) 2–247

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

2–248 A8.1 (8/97)

Revise the Status of a Work Order

Revising the Status of a Work Order

%+ # * -$* *% (#%, (%# * ).)*# $. -%(! %(() ** ( $% "%$(
* , %( ** , $ %#&"* $ %(( *% # $* $ (%() % * -%(!
%(() $ *) &(%()) .%+ )%+" "%) * %(( %( .%+ "* *  )
$)+() ** '+$* *. $%(#* %$ $ * $,$*%(. $#$* ).)*# $
#$+*+( $ %+$* $ $%(#* %$ ) *(" *( .%+ "* * -%(!

%+ $ (#%, -%(! %(() ** .%+ $% "%$( +) $ %$ % * %""%- $

$ .%+ $ * )**+) %  -%(! %(( *% 0"%)
      * ).)*# $*  ) * %(( ) $* , +* %) $%*
"* *  ) ) * (%##$ -. *% 1* ,* 
-%(! %((  ) #*% $") .%+ *% !& %#&"*
 )*%( " (%() %$ * -%(! %(( $ *) ))% *
%)* $ $ %+$* $ *($)* %$)

      $ .%+ "*  -%(! %(( * %(( ) (#%,
(%# * ).)*# $* (". %+ )%+" %#&"* * -%(!
%(( %( "* $ * *% $)+( ** #$+*+( $
%+$* $ $ $,$*%(. $%(#* %$ ) +&*  .%+
"* * -%(! %(( %( %#&"* $ * *) (%()
# * $%*  $ &"
 * '+$* *. %#&"* %$ * -%(! %(( ) ")) *$
* '+$* *. %(( * ).)*# (#%,) * (# $ $
'+$* *. (%# * +$* *. %$ %(! ((  " $ *
*# ($ *" 
  -$ .%+ "* * %((

    $ .%+ &+( -%(! %(() * ).)*# "*) *
%(() ) %$ * ( )**+) % %+ $ %%) *%
), * &+( (%() $  )&(*  " , $ &+(
(%() "*) .%+ *(# $ -*( *. %$* $
$%(#* %$ .%+ -$* *% (* $ *( .%+ "* * -%(!

%+ $ ")% "* $ %* ( " +#( #)*( (%(
-$  -%(! %(( %(  )( " / &($* ) &+(

A8.1 (8/97) 2–249

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

, ) $ * )**+) %  -%(! %(( %$) )*) %

 $ $ * )**+) %  -%(! %(( *% /"%)

 +( $  -%(! %((

What You Should Know About

  $ %(( ) $ &(%))  -() (%##$) **
.%+ (&%(* %#&"* $ )(&& '+$* * )  $)* *
%( .%+ "* *

 %( .%+ $ "* $ %(( (%# * ).)*# .%+
#+)*  ()* "* * &(*) " )* $ (%+* $ $)*(+* %$)
** *% * -%(! %((

%+ $$%* "*  -%(! %(( 

  %(( $+#( ) +) )  )+"( $+#(

$ * %+$* ( *"  
  -%(! %(( )  &($* %(( *% %*( -%(!
 $( $*) , $ ))+ *% * -%(! %((
 %( ) $ (&%(*  $)* * -%(! %((

2–250 A8.1 (8/97)

Revise the Status of a Work Order

Changing the Status of a Work Order to “Closed”

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Enter/Change Order







Processing Options for Enter/Change Order

1. Enter the Unit of Measure Code ____________
2. Enter a ’1’ to automatically ____________
recalculate Parts List and Routing
dates, hours and quantities.

A8.1 (8/97) 2–251

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

3. Enter a ’1’ to validate for ____________

existing Branch/Item record.
4. Enter a ’1’ to protect the lot ____________
number on the parts list.
If left blank, the lot number
will remain input capable.
5. Enter a ’1’ to default the Charge ____________
to Business Unit from the Job
number in the Business Unit Master
file (F0006). If left blank, the
Branch/Plant will be used.
6. Enter the version of Bill ____________
Availability to be called.
Default is ZJDE0001.
7. Enter defaults for the following:
a. Document Type (Default is ’WO’) ____________
b. Type (Optional) ____________
c. Priority (Optional) ____________
d. Beginning Status (Optional) ____________
e. Category Code 1 (Optional) ____________
f. Category Code 2 (Optional) ____________
g. Category Code 3 (Optional) ____________
Or enter Item Branch Class Code
fields to retrieve default values.
h. Category Code 1 (Optional) ____________
i. Category Code 2 (Optional) ____________
j. Category Code 3 (Optional) ____________
8. Enter the Hold Code for the related ____________
sales order if the work order
quantity or date changes. Blanks
will not update the sales order.
9. Enter the Hold Code for the related ____________
purchase order if the work order
quantity or date changes. Blanks
will not update the purchase order.
Note- The purchase order will be
be updated only if the work
order routings are recalculated.
10. Enter a ’1’ by the following fields
to activate them:
a. Bill Type ____________
b. Routing Type ____________
11. Enter a ’1’ to create the Resource ____________
List records for Co-/By-Products
when a process work order is
entered. If left blank, the
Co-/By-Product resource list
records will be created when the
ingredients list is created.

2–252 A8.1 (8/97)

Revise the Status of a Work Order


12. Enter a ’1’ to automatically create ____________
the WO Routing Instructions when
creating the WO Parts List on-line.
13. Enter a ’1’ to automatically create ____________
the WO Parts List when creating the
WO Routing Instructions on-line.
14. Enter commitment option for ____________
creating the WO Parts List on-line.
Blank Commit to primary location
1 – Commit per Commitment Control
in Mfg Constants (P3009)
2 – Same as ’1’, but use
substitutes for shortages
3 – Same as ’1’, but display
substitute availability
window when substitute qty
available can cover shortage
15. Enter the version of the ECO ____________
header to call from Revisions
Window (P30BREV). If left blank,
version ZJDE0001 will be used.
16. Enter the version of Assign Serial ____________
Numbers to call. If left blank,
version ZJDE0001 will be used.
17. Enter a ’1’ to permit attaching ____________
parts lists at prior revision
levels. If left blank, prior
revision levels will not be used.
18. Enter the request processing mode ____________
’ ’ = No pick requests
’1’ = Generate requests only
’2’ = Generate requests and process
using the subsystem
19. If processing pick requests using ____________
the subsystem, enter the DREAM
Writer version to use. If blank,
XJDE0002 is used.
(See Form ID P46171)
20. Enter the default staging location ____________
for moving goods out of the
warehouse. The parts picked from
the warehouse are staged at this
location prior to use within
manufacturing. (F1=Location Window)
21. Enter a ’1’ if the default staging ____________
location should be checked for
availability. If the part is
available at the staging location
a request will NOT be generated.

A8.1 (8/97) 2–253

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

This option only applies to parts

without work center locations.
22. Enter a ’1’ to copy component ____________
generic text to the parts list.
23. Enter a ’1’ to copy the operation’s ____________
generic text to the work order
24. Enter the cross reference code for ____________
retrieving item replacements for
obsolete items.
25. Enter the program ID of the Formula ____________
Optimization routine to be called
when the function key to Optimize
the formula is selected from the
Ingredients List Program (P3111).

Purging a Work Order

From Shop Floor Control (G31), enter 27

From Advanced Shop Floor Control (G3131), choose Purge Orders

')# )) ,)  "*  +! ()' )% +!+ $+* *$+ .')# '))* )'%
/',) */*+% ! */*+% (,) * +! *$+ .')# '))* & +!") **'"+
"&')%+"'& )'% +! '$$'."& +$*

 ')# )) *+)  

 ')# )) &*+),+"'&"*('*"+"'&   
 ')# )) )+* "*+ 

 ')# )) ',+"& 

 ')# )) "% )&*+"'&* 

!& /', (,)  .')# '))* /', &

 ,)  ,&$"%"+ .')# '))* * '& +!") *++,* '*

 ,+'%+"$$/ $+ **'"+ ()+* $"*+* & )',+"& *
 - +! .')# ')) "&')%+"'& "&  *("$ (,)  "$

2–254 A8.1 (8/97)

Revise the Status of a Work Order

Before You Begin

&$'#+ + &,%+ % &) + .&)" &))* 0&, %+% +& ',) &)
0&, ',) +$ )&$ + *0*+$  Working with Work Orders in
Accounting % + Product Costing and Manufacturing Accounting Guide
&) %&)$+ &% &% &. +& &$'#+ + &,%+ %

What You Should Know About

  + + ')&** % &'+ &%* +& *- + )&)* 0&, ',)
   %  *' # ',) # ))0  *0*+$ %$* + * # ))0
 &##&. 0 + ,))%+ *0*+$ + . +&,+
*')+&)* &) /$'#  0&, ',) + )&)* &%
%,)0    + ',) # ))0 * %$   
 *0*+$ )+*  '0* #  # . + + *$ %$
. + % ++ # ))0  0&, ',) + *$  # $,#+ '#
+ $* &% + *$ 0 + *0*+$ * + ',)
)&)* +& + )&)* #)0 % + ',)  # &) ++

   + + ')&** % &'+ &%* +& )&)% 1 0&,)  #* +)
+ ',) * &$'#+ &)% 1 % +  #* ) *+) ,+*
+ )$ % % + *& ++ 0&,)  *" *' * $&)
  %+#0 ,*   #* 0&, .%+ +& )&)% 1 %%&+
 % ,* #*.) &% 0&,) *0*+$ ,+ $,*+ 
/#,* -#0 ##&+ +& + !& ')&)$ % + ',)

 0&, *,$ ++  )'&)+ % +,) -)* &% & + ',)
')&)$ ,* %  #& #  # , # )+) +%  
+ #& #  # , #+ &-) + ',)  # * %#, % +
)&)% 1+ &%  * $ + %)* + + $ )(, ) +&
')&)$ +  # )&)% 1+ &%

    0&, ,*  +& *#+ )&)* +&  ',) 0&,
$,*+ *' 0 + #*+ &%  # % + *(,% % % *+
+ #+  # %  + &%# ')$+)* +&  &) +
)'&)+ % +,) -)* &% ++ 0&, ,*

Processing Options for Purge Orders

Enter a ’1’ to save the purged records ____________

to a special purge library. (Default
of blanks will NOT save any purged
Enter a ’1’ to reorganize the purged ____________
file. (Default of blanks will NOT
reorganize the file.)

A8.1 (8/97) 2–255

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Test Yourself: Revising Statuses

 !" " "  %&! " $      " !&!" "" ! " " 

 !" " "  !"! $$  "  %    

  &# "  " !# "" ! "! "  !" "

 %  &# "    " !# ! "! " 

!" "

 %  &# !  " !#

 " ! " !   ' &# ! " " #    

! "

 " " ! %  $" &#   "   

 !% ! " "! !" # !    Appendix B

2–256 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information

Reviewing Information

           !   !
  !  !              




See Also

 Reviewing Availability (P30205)

 Reviewing Availability (P3121)
 Managing Shortage Information (P3118)
 Reviewing Hours and Quantities Transactions

A8.1 (8/97) 2–257

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Reviewing Ingredient Information

%  # " $" "$ ""# $ "&' "$

 "$ #$)
 %") &$)
 % )

# $ "$ #$) "" $ # )  "### $$ %# 
"$  '" $ "$ # %#     $"  #)#$
%$# $ !%$$)  $ "##$ $$   "% #  $
!%$$)  $ "$ %  "$  '" "" "$) " $
"$ #$) " ) $)  $  " "$  $ %" ($ $ $
"##$ $$ )% '$ $ "%

%   "$# $ # ) $   $"  $" #+& "
%$+& "$ %  # # )  "$# " ) $# "$#
'$  $& !%$$) & )  $ # )  %  &'
$ %$ "###  $" "$# #   #  $&$) $ "
&'  "$# ""##  $&$) $

" " & "$# " $# " %  ' "$ )% '$ $ %#
 $ "##  $# # "$# "

  & '" %#

%$+& '" %#
 $ '" %#
  +)+ "%$# "  "##
 "$ #$)

 $# "##  $ # $  $  & " # "$ #
# )

# $ %") &$) "" $  $ &$)   # 

$ %  # ) $ $  $ " #%")   "  "
"   )%" "#

"##  $# ' )% $ $ $ ""# $$ &  *" !%$$)
&  $" ' &"##  ##$ ""# " %# ' )%
## $  $ )%  %# $ "##  $#  "$ #
$ # ) &$) ) " " $) "#

# $ % ) !%") "" $ # ) $  #% ) 
& !%$$# "  $  )%" &$") %$$# " $"* )
+ &$") #$) #$ ## ""# %"# ""# '" ""#
"#$#  "$ #%#

2–258 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information

Use the processing options in this program to:

 Include both supply and demand planned orders from the MPS/MRP/DRP
Message table (F3411).
 Include forecast demand from the Forecast table (F3460).
 Display an Available to Promise line that calculates the units available for
sale or distribution before the arrival of future supplies.
 Display a Cumulative Available to Promise line that calculates the running
total of Available to Promise.
 Specify which version of associated reporting feature programs are used
when you access the programs. You should use the same program
version for each Distribution Requirements Planning generation you run
to ensure that your data is consistent between systems.
 Set up different versions of inclusion rules to include the document type,
line type, and status for each purchase order, sales order, or work order.
This program's processing option for the Supply/Demand Inclusion Rules
must contain a valid version of inclusion rules from the MPS/MRP
Resource Rules table (F34004). You should set this option to use the same
version that you use in your Distribution Requirements Planning
generation in order to facilitate tracking among the systems.

Reviewing ingredient information consists of:

 Reviewing ingredient useability

 Reviewing summary availability
 Reviewing supply and demand information
 Printing supply and demand

Before You Begin

- Set up the Ingredient Useability selection from the processing options

before you review ingredient useability

See Also

 Manufacturing and Distribution Planning Guide for more information

about facilitating the tracking among systems

A8.1 (8/97) 2–259

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


#! % ( ## #"#%!  #!$$  &    !!$  # %


  # % $%(

 !"% % !!'  $

  # %
  # % # 
 $$ % % #

2–260 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information


"  $ ( "" "!"$   " ## %   # %"(



 !$ $   ' 

 $ %"

A8.1 (8/97) 2–261

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 !!#00 1&# "#1') /#

/'*/5 ,!1',+  3)2# 1&1 '+"'!1#0 '$ 1&'0 '0 1&# -/'*/5 ,/ 0#!,+"/5
),!1',+ $,/ 1&'0 '1#* 4'1&'+ 1&'0 01,!('+% ),!1',+ )'"
3)2#0 /#
 /'*/5 01,/%# ),!1',+
 #!,+"/5 01,/%# ),!1',+
 ,2 !+ ,+)5 &3# ,+# 01,/%# /# 4'1&'+ #!&
/+!& ,/ 4/#&,20# */(#" 0 -/'*/5 + 0,*# !0#0
1&# 0501#* 20#0 1&# -/'*/5 01,/%# /# 0 1&# "#$2)1
2+1'15 ,**'11#"  &# 1,1) .2+1'15 !,**'11#" 1,  0-#!'$'! ),!1',+ &#
,1) 1,1) '0 !)!2)1#" $/,* 1&# $,)),4'+% $'#)"0
 ,$1 ,**'11#" 1, )#0 /"#/0
 /" ,**'11#" 1, )#0 /"#/0
 ,$1 ,**'11#" 1, ,/( /"#/0
 /" ,**'11#" 1, ,/( /"#/0

2+1'15 #!#'-10  ,1) &# 1,1) .2+1'15 ,+ /#!#'-1 $,/  0-#!'$'#" ),!1',+ &#
1,1) '0 !)!2)1#" $/,* 1&# $,)),4'+% $'#)"0
 2+1'15 ,+ 2/!&0# /"#/ #!#'-10
 2+1'15 ,+ ,/( /"#/ #!#'-10


/,* 1&# ')5 /"#/ /#-/1',+  /,!#00 *#+2 

2--)5#*+" +.2'/5

2–262 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information


 ! ! #  

 ! "
  ! ! 

A8.1 (8/97) 2–263

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

What You Should Know About

     "# &*#))( ' ($,# - ) # #
#!* ()- ()$  &*#))( $# (!( $''( ,$'
$'' %')( !()( !$,' !+! %!## $'' "# #
#)'%!#) # $'() "#

     (*%%!- &*#))( ' ($,# - ) # # #!*
$#.# #+#)$'- # &*#))( $# %*'( $''(
"#*)*'# ,$' $''( %!## $''( # ')
(*!( *%%!- &*#))( ($,# ,)$*)  ) $'
$'' #$'")$# '%'(#) *''#) +!!)- -
'#%!#) ()$' !$)$#


'$" ) '$ *#)$#(  '$(( "#* 

  $$( *%%!- "#

 *%%!- # "# '%$') ($,( ) (*%%!- "# # +!!
&*#))( $' # #'#)  '%$') # #!* &*#))( $ #'#)( #

 #.# #+#)$'-
 )- ()$
 !( $''(
 *'( $''(
 $' $''(
  %!## $''(
  ') (*!(

 #$'")$# $# )( '%$') # ) %'$((# $%)$#( *( )$ #') )
' ) (" ( $# ) *%%!- "# #&*'- $'"

2–264 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information

4051 J.D. Edwards & Company Page - 1

Supply and Demand Date - 5/08/98

Item Number. . . PAINTBRUSH Finish brush Unit of Measure. . EA

Branch Location Lot Dema Supply Available Date Order No Ty Description / Vendor Name
–––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––– ––––––––––– ––––––––––– ––––––––––– –––––––– –––––––– –– –––––––––––––––––––––––––
10 Available to Promise
10 2 2 03/23/95 2063 OP Acme Drilling
10 4 6 03/23/95 2063 OP Acme Drilling
10 10 16 03/23/95 2063 OP Acme Drilling
10 16 03/23/95 Available to Promise

Processing Options for Ingredient Useability

1. Enter the version of Item Search ____________
(P41200) to execute. If left blank,
version ’ZJDE0001’ will be used.
2. Enter the version of Material ____________
Where Used Print (P30420) to
execute. If left blank, version
’ZJDE0001’ will be used.
3. Select one of the following: ____________
1 = Single Level Where Used
2 = Multi-Level Where Used
3 = Indented Where Used
4 = All Co-/By-Products for a
5 = Part/Ingredient Useability
(If left blank, Single Level Where
Used will default.)
Enter the version to be used for each
program. If left blank, ZJDE0001
is used.
4. Work Order Entry (P48013) ____________
5. Item Availability (P30205) ____________
6. Enter the default Bill Type to be ____________
used. If left blank, ’*’ will be
used for all Bill Types.

A8.1 (8/97) 2–265

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Where Used Detail (P13226)
1. Enter a ’1’ to display the ____________
Equipment screen format. Leave
blank (default) to display the
Work Order format screen.
(NOTE: This option is only valid if
system 13 (Equipment) is available.)

Processing Options for Summary Availability

1. Enter a ’1’ to omit locations with ____________
no quantity available. If left
blank, all locations will
Enter the version for each program.
If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.
2. Item Master (P4101 ) ____________
3. Text Message Code Review (P40010 ) ____________
4. Item Search (P41200 ) ____________
5. Purchase Order Inquiry (P430301) ____________
6. Customer Service Inquiry (P42045 ) ____________
7. Open Work Orders (P31225 ) ____________
8. Supply and Demand (P4021 ) ____________
9. Bill of Materials (P30200 ) ____________
10. Lot Availability (P41280 ) ____________
Enter the version for each program.
If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.
11. Item Ledger (P4111 ) ____________
12. Branch/Plant Item Info. (P41026) ____________
13. Availability by Location (P4190 ) ____________
14. Item / Location Information ____________
15. Enter a ’1’ to display the grade ____________
range. If left blank, no grade
will display for selection.
16. Enter a ’1’ to display the potency ____________
range. If left blank, no potency
will display for selection.

Processing Options for Supply/Demand Inquiry

1. Enter a ’1’ to deduct Safety Stock ____________
from Availability.
2. Enter a ’1’ by the following Routing
Quantities to be considered on hand.
Any quantity not included will be
displayed on the appropriate date.
1 – Quantity in Transit ____________
2 – Quantity in Inspection ____________

2–266 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information

3 – User Defined Quantity 1 ____________

4 – User Defined Quantity 2 ____________
3. Enter a ’1’ to summarize all In ____________
Receipt Routing steps into one line.
4. Enter a ’1’ to summarize Item ____________
Location records.
5. Enter one of the following: ____________
’ ’ = No Available to Promise Line
’1’ = Available to Promise Line
’2’ = Cumulative ATP Line
6. Enter the version of Supply/Demand ____________
Inclusion Rules to be used.
7. Enter a ’1’ to display the window ____________
format if called from another
Enter the Dream Writer version to use
for each program listed. If left
blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.
8. Purchase Order Entry (P4311) ____________
9. Purchase Order Inquiry (P430301) ____________
10. Sales Order Entry (P4211) ____________
11. Sales Order Inquiry (P42045) ____________
12. Scheduling Workbench (P31225) ____________
13. MPS/MRP/DRP Pegging Inq. (P3412) ____________
14. MPS/MRP/DRP Time Series (P3413) ____________
15. MPS/MRP/DRP Message Detail(P3411) ____________
16. Enter a ’1’ to include Planned ____________
Orders from MPS/MRP/DRP generations.
If left blank, Planned Orders will
not be displayed.
17. Enter the Forecast Type to include
a. Forecast Type ____________
b. Forecast Type ____________
c. Forecast Type ____________
d. Forecast Type ____________
e. Forecast Type ____________
18. Enter the number of days (+/-) from ____________
today’s date that you wish to begin
including Forecast records. A blank
will use today’s date to begin
including Forecast records.
19. Enter a ’1’ to omit ’Bulk’ Stocking ____________
Type records from screen. If left
blank, ’Bulk’ items will be
20. Enter the rate based Schedule Type ____________
to use. If left blank, no rate
based schedules will be displayed.

A8.1 (8/97) 2–267

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

21. Enter ’1’ to convert Quantities to ____________
Standard Potency.
22. Enter ’1’ to reduce Quantity ____________
available due to lot expiration.
(Note: This option will not work
with ATP. If you use this option,
option 5 must be set to blank or 2.)

Reviewing Cost Information

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Periodic Functions

From Periodic Functions – Process (G3122), choose Item Ledger

& ' ' % #%"% '" &#+  ' &'"%+ " ' '%!&'"!&
'' ) "(%% "% ! '   '%!&'"!& !(

 !)!'"%+ &&(& (&' !'& ! '%!&%&

 & #"&' '% && (#'
 (%& %#'&
 !('(%! " #'"!& ! &&(&
 +& !)!'"%+ (#'&

"( !  ' ' ' &#+ + !'%! )(& ! !+ " ' % &
"( ! '" '*! '%!&'"! '& %(!!! ! ! !% %
'& "% ' & ! &'  (' &#+ ! ' #%"&&! "#'"!&

(& ' '& ! ' ' % ! %(!!! ! ' % "% !
'  ' )(& &#+ ' &" % &" ' &+&' &#+& !
"%*% $(!''& ! '% #% %+ (!' " &(%

% % ) "% '& "% '& "%  "( ! * "% ' +"( *!' '"
&#+ ! ' #%"&&! "#'"!&  '& #%"&&! "#'"! & ' ! '
&+&' &#+& ' "&' ' % "% '  "% '& %

 (!!! $(!''+ !

 (!!!  "(!' !

"&' ' %
 "'"! ' %
 "' &''(&%#"'!+ ' %

2–268 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information

%!&'"!& %&('! %" !('(%! " #'"!& ! &&(& " !"'
&#, ! ' %(!!! ! "% ' (!&& ', ) ! #%"&& '%"(

%!&'"!& %&('! %" &# !' "!% '"! " !"' &#, ! ' %(!!!
! "% ' (!&& ', ) ! #%"&& '%"( & %% #'

)*! ' % !"% '"! !(& ' ""*! '&&

 )*! "&' !"% '"!

 )*! $(!'', !"% '"! ! %(!!! ! "% '
 )*! "&' !"% '"! ! %(!!! ! "% '

What You Should Know About

 ! ' %(!!! ! "% '
 "( (&' !'%  ) %" '
  ! "%*% &  ( (')  "(!' (#
'" ' %" ' ,"( !'%  &,&' %'%)&
&  %"%& "% ' &# '  %!
"'"! ! "' ,"( !'%
'% ' !
"%*% & (' ' &,&' &#,& '
% %"%& *'  !% % ' %" '
%" ' "%*% ! &!! "%%
 "( ! '" '*! $(!''& ! "&'&
 %!&'"!& %&('! %" !('(%!
" #'"!& ! &&(& " !"' &#, (!&& ',
) ! #%"&& '%"( !('(%!
 ,"( ) !"' %(!
&  !%'"! #%"% '" %'
%"%& ! ' '
&  '   "%  !
"%*% %"% "& !"' +&' "% ,"(% '  ' ' '
'"! '  '" ( (' ' ' % %"%& '"
%'  ! "%*%

A8.1 (8/97) 2–269

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


 $ "  

 !$ $   & #

 $ %"
 $ " 
 $ " %

2–270 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information




A8.1 (8/97) 2–271

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing




Processing Options for Item Ledger Inquiry

1. Enter the format to be displayed: ____________
1 = Running Quantity Balance
2 = Running Dollar Balance
3 = Cost Item Ledger format.
4 = Location Item Ledger format.
5 = Lot Status/Grade/Potency
Item Ledger format.
If left blank, the Cost Item
Ledger format will be displayed.
DEFAULT VALUES: ____________
2. Enter the default document type
upon entering the video. If
left blank, a ’*’ will default
for all document types.
3. Enter a ’1’ to display Item Ledger ____________
entries in ascending date and
time order. If left blank, the
entries will be displayed in
descending date and time order.
(This option does NOT apply to
Running Balance formats.)

2–272 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information

4. Enter a ’1’ to search by Original ____________

Document Type. If left blank,
the search will be done by G/L
Document Type.
Enter a DREAM Writer Version for the
following programs. (ZJDE0001) is the
5. Load & Delivery Ledger Inq P49511 ____________

Reviewing Work Order Status

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Repetitive Daily Processing

From Daily Processing – Repetitive (G3115), choose Production Status





A8.1 (8/97) 2–273

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 " " % !

 " #
  $% " $ #! " !"!  " !"  " !
!" &

2–274 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information

Reviewing Process Orders

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Process Order Inquiry

" # !"" !!  $!( !! # "(  !#  #
!"" # !#" "#" )!$#"  ()!$#"  '"#
#!#"   &! !!  !# #  #

" !! &" ($ #

 "( # # %#( $!( !!

 "(  $# #
#! !! !!
 "( # #!# !  " !# $" # $# 
"$!  ! # #!# "#  # !!( $# 
 "( #!#" !  !#"
 "(  $# #
#!  !!



 !"" !!  $!(

A8.1 (8/97) 2–275

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

&$'#+ +  &##&.!% !#
 )) ,$)
 -!. +  &##&.!% !#*
 ')+!&% (,% ,$)
 ')+!&% ++,*
  !% &,)*
 &) &,)*
 +,' &,)*
 !$ *!*
 ,%+!+/ + ')+!&%

& / )&,+*

Reviewing Ingredient Comparison

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Order Preparation

From Daily Order Preparation – Process (G3113), choose Ingredient


* %)!%+
&$')!*&% +& -!. +  !)%+ !%)!%+* % (,%+!+!* &
+.& !%)!%+* #!*+* &, % !*'#/ ## !%)!%+* &) +.& !%)!%+* #!*+* &)
&%#/ +  !)%* % !+!&% /&, % #!$!+ !*'#/ + +&  *'!!
.&)" %+) &) !*'+ )&,'

Before You Begin

- ++ +  !%)!%+* +& % &')+!&% &% +  )&,+!% +& -!. + *


2–276 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information

What You Should Know About

        "   # #   

 # #  "  "
 # !       #  
 "  "  

# "        "



  "       #  "


A8.1 (8/97) 2–277

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Processing Options for Ingredient Comparison

1. Enter a ’D’ to list records with a ____________
Difference, or ’A’ to list All.
If left blank, ’A’ will be used.
2. Enter the Dream Writer Version for ____________
the Work Order Comparison Report
(P31417). If left blank version
XJDE0001 will be used.

2–278 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Kanbans

Processing Kanbans

 "!  !  # %  #!  ! %

# " "      ! "!! 
! !  !  ! "!  %    !
& $'' #!  $   ! !%
!      " ! $ !  

-     "! % !

-    "% % !

 !  "!  !   !   " ! 
! "%  !   !  "% ! % % 
 % !$  ! $ !



"      !$  


A8.1 (8/97) 2–279

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


&   " ! !  !  ! !  " ! 
   !  $ %" ! ! "!!% !% ! !
 " !   !  !!" ! & 




$&   " ! !  !   ! !% "
! ! "!!% ! ! "% !   !  !!" !
!  ! ! "!!%  % %  # ! !  "
!  !   ! "% ! ! !  " !
"   !  !!"   ! & 

 %"     "!!%  ! " ! % !  !! 
! ! !  !   !   




2–280 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Kanbans

%  "## # " $# $$ "

 %$%" #%*### $#
 ($") #% 

Inventoried Items Processing

 )%  %$   $$ # &$" $  #$$%# # 
 #% ) $ " ## $  !%$$) % $  $ 
  $  ' "#%$#   &$") $"#" $"#$

Manufactured Processing

 )%  %$   $$ # %$%" $ "" $" "$# 
'" "" " # "  (#$ "$ $ ## $# $  $ $# ""
)    $ #)#$ # $   "$ $ "$#   $ #)#$
"$#  "$ $ %$$) $$# $ "$# #$  "%$  )%
  $  )%  $ $ '" "" " "$ ##% "$#
$" %"#  !%$$#  $"#" $ "$ $ $ $ #%

Manufactured Processing — Phantom Item

 )%  %$   #%  )  '" $" "%$  
$ $ #  $  $"#$# %$#  &$") $"#"# %" "
"  '" ""# " "$# $ "## $ $ # # ) " # ) $
"%   $  #  $    # "#%$#  
&$") $"#" $"#$ " $ #% ) $ $ $ #%

Externally Supplied Processing

 )%  %$ # "  ($" #% " $ #)#$ ) "$ 
' %"# "" " %#  (#$  '&" $" %#$    
%"# "" " $ $  $ ' )%  %$ $  $
#)#$ ) # $$  $"
$ $" 
)%   # "  ($" #% " $ #)#$ )  $)
""  " $ #$ $ %"# ""

A8.1 (8/97) 2–281

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Processing Kanban Consumption by Item

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Repetitive Daily Processing

From Daily Processing – Repetitive (G3115), choose Kanban Consumption

  ! $&"%! !($ )!& %! $$    $ %  ' ! $& 

%# )!& !% )!&# %$ "   ! % $%%&$ !  % )!&
  !  ! % !!(  $%%&$  $ %  ! $&  !%!




   ! $&"%!

 !"% % !!(  $

 % &#
 #  %
 !"% % !!(   %! *    %% ($ $&"" )
% "#!&%!      #% !# (!# !## ($ #%
 "!) &#

2–282 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Kanbans





Processing Options for Kanban Consumption


1. Enter the version of rate schedule ____________
revision (P3109) to be used
(Default is ZJDE0001)
2. Document type (Default is ’WO’) ____________
3. Beginning Status ____________
4. Enter a ’1’ to attach part list ____________
and routing
5. Enter the version of for J31410 ____________
(Default is ZJDE0001)
6. Close Status for rate or work order ____________
7. Enter the document type for ____________
purchase order (Default is ’OP’)
8. Enter a ’1’ to trigger EDI862 ____________
9. Enter the version of Purchase ____________
Orders Print (P43500) to be called
to generate EDI 862 transaction
(Default is XJDE0008)

A8.1 (8/97) 2–283

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

10. Enter the version of open purchase ____________

orders (P430301) to be called.
(Default is ZJDE0007)
11. Enter the default route type to ____________
be used to search for a receipt
12. Enter the value of the default rout ____________
to be used for items without a
receipt route setup.
13. Enter the version of Receipt by ____________
PO/Item/Account to call. If left
blank, will default to ’ZJDE0008’.
14. Enter a ’1’ to create purchase ____________
15. Enter the beginning line status ____________
16. Enter the version of the Hours ____________
and Quantity Program to call
If left blank, a blind Hours and
Quantity execution will be
17. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with Shop Floor Activity.
(Default is ’IH’)
18. Enter the Version of the Material ____________
Issues Program to call.
If left blank, a blind execution
of Work Order Inventory Issues will
be performed.
19. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with a Work Order Issue.
20. Enter the Version of the Work Order ____________
Completions Program to call.
If left blank, a blind Work Order
Completions execution will be
21. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Completion.
22. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Scrap.
23. Enter the default Operation Status ____________
Code for Partial Completions.
24. Enter the default Operation Status ____________
Code for Full Completions.

2–284 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Kanbans

25. Enter the Status Code for update ____________

to the Work Order Header.
26. Enter the default Material Status ____________
Code for Issues.
27. Enter the Version of the Inventory ____________
Transfer Program to call.
If left blank, a blind Inventory
Transfer execution will be
28. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Transfer.
29. Enter the default value for Item ____________
30. Enter the default value for ____________
31. Enter the Directed Putaway mode. ____________
’ ’ : No Directed Putaway requests
’1’ : Request Putaway only.
’2’ : Request Putaway and process
using the subsystem.
32. If processing putaway requests ____________
through the subsystem, enter the
DREAM Writer version to be used.
If blank, ZJDE0001 is used.
(See Form ID P46171)
Transaction Confirmation
33. Enter ’1’ to be prompted to ____________
confirm transaction

A8.1 (8/97) 2–285

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Processing Kanban Supply by Item

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Repetitive Daily Processing

From Daily Processing – Repetitive (G3115), choose Kanban Supply

 #& %! &# " !!  ! ""  !" 
"! !"    # "  $ !#& " " &# " &#
"!   " !""#!   " &#     " %
!""#! ! "  !#& "



$" &  !""#!!   " ! %!

 '! ( $" & ! "& $  $ " "

!# "  " !""#! !  " ' 
 %'! ( " "  " !    " ! "&
  #""& ! " " " !#& " " 
!""#! !  "  " 
 " " #""& ! &!&  $ " " !#
"  " ! !      " !#& " " "
!# "  "  !""#! !  " '

2–286 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Kanbans


  $ &

 # # % "
 # $!

 # # %  #     ## %" "$  &
# !$#    !# ! %! !! %" !#
  & $!
 "" # # !

A8.1 (8/97) 2–287

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing



Processing Options for Kanban Supply


1. Enter the version of rate schedule ____________
revision (P3109) to be used
(Default is ZJDE0001)
2. Enter the document type for ____________
work orders (Default is ’WO’)
3. Close Status for rate or work order ____________
4. Enter the document type for ____________
purchase order (Default is ’OP’)
5. Enter the default route type to ____________
be used to search for a receipt
6. Enter the value of the default rout ____________
to be used for items without a
receipt route setup.
7. Enter the version of Receipt by ____________
PO/Item/Account to call. If left
blank, will default to ’ZJDE0008’.

2–288 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Kanbans


8. Enter the version of the Hours ____________
and Quantity Program to call
If left blank, a blind Hours and
Quantity execution will be
9. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with Shop Floor Activity.
(Default is ’IH’)
10. Enter the Version of the Material ____________
Issues Program to call.
If left blank, a blind execution
of Work Order Inventory Issues will
be performed.
11. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with a Work Order Issue.
12. Enter the Version of the Work Order ____________
Completions Program to call.
If left blank, a blind Work Order
Completions execution will be
13. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Completion.
14. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Scrap.
15. Enter the default Operation Status ____________
Code for Partial Completions.
16. Enter the default Operation Status ____________
Code for Full Completions.
17. Enter the Status Code for update ____________
to the Work Order Header.
18. Enter the default Material Status ____________
Code for Issues.
19. Enter the Version of the Inventory ____________
Transfer Program to call.
If left blank, a blind Inventory
Transfer execution will be
20. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Transfer.
21. Enter the default value for Item ____________

A8.1 (8/97) 2–289

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

22. Enter the default value for ____________

23. Enter the Directed Putaway mode. ____________
’ ’ : No Directed Putaway requests
’1’ : Request Putaway only.
’2’ : Request Putaway and process
using the subsystem.
24. If processing putaway requests ____________
through the subsystem, enter the
DREAM Writer version to be used.
If blank, ZJDE0001 is used.
(See Form ID P46171)
Transaction Confirmation
25. Enter ’1’ to be prompted to ____________
confirm transaction

2–290 A8.1 (8/97)

Print Ingredient and Operation Reports

Printing Ingredient and Operation Reports

-%)/ %)#-! %!)/ ) *+!-/%*) -!+*-/. /* !""!/%1!'3 ()#! 3*0- 2*-& *- !-

) -/! .$! 0'! %)"*-(/%*) 2* /3+!. *" +-*!.. ()0"/0-%)# -!+*-/. -!


 -*!.. - !- 0((-3
)#-! %!)/ $*-/#!.
'' $*-/#!.
0++'3 ) !()

 %.+/$ %./
*0-. ) 0)/%/%!. -**"

*0 ) 0.! +-*!.. ()0"/0-%)# -!+*-/. /* % !)/%"3 ''

 *-& *- !-. %) 3*0- .3./!(

 )#-! %!)/. /$/ -! -!,0%-! /* *(+'!/!  2*-& *- !- ) /$!%-
 )#-! %!)/ .$*-/#!.
 0++'3 !()  ) 1%''! ,0)/%/%!. "*- ) %)#-! %!)/

$! .3./!( 0.!. %)"*-(/%*) %) /$! "*''*2%)# /'!. /* +-* 0! -!+*-/.

  *-& - !- ./!- /'! 

 $*-/#! %)/!))! ./!- /'!   

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

What You Should Know About

       !  ! !

 Process Kanbans       

See Also

 Printing a Summary of Work Orders (P31400)

 Printing Component Shortages (P31418)
 Printing All Shortages (P3118P)
 Printing Scheduling Information for Work Centers (P31435)
 Printing Supply and Demand
 Reviewing the Hours and Quantities Report

Repetitive Manufacturing
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Repetitive Manufacturing







About Repetitive Manufacturing
























! ""  

A8.1 (8/97) 3–1

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing








See Also

 Manufacturing and Distribution Planning Guide    

 Electronic Commerce Guide        
 Procurement Guide        

3–2 A8.1 (8/97)

Enter Rates

Entering Rates

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Repetitive Daily Processing

From Daily Processing – Repetitive (G3115), choose Enter/Change Rate


""$ #"#  ! !  "! "" &#  #   "##!

 !!   "  #"   " !# !  #!" " "
 $ #""&   " $     "   !  #" 

" !#! !!"      "! !"  #" !" #"! 
"  !! " #""&  " " #!" " #  " 
"  #"    "! !"  #" !" #"! !& "
 "!  "!  !# ! #  " " " "

! " "  " #    "   " !#  &#
  " " !&!" $ !

  !" " 

" "! !"
 "! !" "   " !  
 "$ " ! !" "   

Before You Begin

- " # "  !! "! " #""& "" "  "! !"
 #" % &# "  "

A8.1 (8/97) 3–3

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


! !&$
! & '

" #& & "")! %
 & ' $
 & '!&&*
 &( $"
 &( $"'

" #& & "")! "#&"! %
 %% & & $

3–4 A8.1 (8/97)

Enter Rates

 +),("0" 0%" #+((+2&*$ +,0&+*( #&"(!/ *! ,."// *0".
 .""4" +!"
 &(( 3,"
 +10&*$ 3,"

&*""(( !"*0&#&". "#&*"/  ,.+!1 0&+* (&*" +. "(( "0&("! 2+.' "*0".
+,".0&+*/ * " !"#&*"! &*/&!" 0%" (&*" +. "((
*&0/  .!"..*/ 0&+* %" -1*0&03 +# 1*&0/ ##" 0"! 3 0%&/ 0.*/ 0&+*
+*0%""'3%&#0 +!" 0%0 !"0".)&*"/ 0%" #."-1"* 3 +# 0%" / %"!1("
(&! +!"/ ."

". %&#0 #+. #101." 1/"

A8.1 (8/97) 3–5

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

'(%2 .#$  31$0 #$%(-$# ".#$  2' 2 (#$-2(%($1 # (+6 5.0*
1'(%21 - / 60.++ 1612$,1 6.3 " - 31$ 1'(%2 ".#$ 2. ##
/$0"$-2 .0 ,.3-2 2. 2'$ '.30+6 0 2$ .- 2(,$" 0#
.0 / 60.++ -# 2(,$ $-206
% - $,/+.6$$ +5 61 5.0*1 1'(%2 %.0 5'("' 1'(%2 0 2$
#(%%$0$-2( + (1 //+(" !+$ $-2$0 2' 2 1'(%2 ".#$ .- 2'$
$,/+.6$$1 , 12$0 0$".0# '$- 6.3 $-2$0 2'$ 1'(%2 .-
2'$ $,/+.6$$1 , 12$0 0$".0# 6.3 #. -.2 -$$# 2. $-2$0
2'$ ".#$ .- 2'$ 2(,$" 0# 5'$- 6.3 $-2$0 2(,$
% - $,/+.6$$ ."" 1(.- ++6 5.0*1 #(%%$0$-2 1'(%2 6.3
$-2$0 2'$ 1'(%2 ".#$ .- $ "' //+(" !+$ 2(,$" 0# 2.
.4$00(#$ 2'$ #$% 3+2
2 231  31$0 #$%(-$# ".#$  2' 2 #$1"0(!$1 2'$ 12 231 .%
5.0* .0#$0 .0 $-&(-$$0(-& "' -&$ .0#$0 -6 12 231
"' -&$ %0.,  2'03 32., 2(" ++6 3/# 2$1 2'$ # 2$
0$$7$ .#$  ".#$ 2' 2 (-#(" 2$1 (% 2'$ .0#$0 (1 %0.7$-  5(++
-.2 /+ - %.0 %0.7$- .0#$01
 +(# ".#$1 0$
 $1 %0$$7$ 2'$ .0#$0
 . #. -.2 %0$$7$ 2'$ .0#$0 $% 3+2
 2$&.06  31$0 #$%(-$# ".#$   2' 2 (-#(" 2$1 2'$ "300$-2
12 &$ .0 /' 1$ .% #$4$+./,$-2 %.0 5.0* .0#$0 .3 " -
11(&- 5.0* .0#$0 2. .-+6 .-$ /' 1$ ".#$ 2 2(,$
 $02 (- %.0,1 ".-2 (- /0."$11(-& ./2(.- 2' 2
++.51 6.3 2. $-2$0 #$% 3+2 4 +3$ %.0 2'(1 %($+# % 6.3
$-2$0 #$% 3+2 4 +3$ .- %.0, %.0 5'("' 6.3 ' 4$ 1$2
2'(1 /0."$11(-& ./2(.- 2'$ 1612$, #(1/+ 61 2'$ 4 +3$ (- 2'$
//0./0( 2$ %($+#1 .- -6 5.0* .0#$01 2' 2 6.3 "0$ 2$ '$
1612$, +1. #(1/+ 61 2'$ 4 +3$ .- 2'$ 0.)$"2 $23/ %.0,
.3 " - $(2'$0 ""$/2 .0 .4$00(#$ 2'$ #$% 3+2 4 +3$
1$0 #$%(-$# ".#$ 1612$,  26/$ 
 5'("' (-#(" 2$1
2'$ 26/$ .0 " 2$&.06 .% 5.0* .0#$0
.2$  /0."$11(-& ./2(.- %.0 1.,$ %.0,1 +$21 6.3 $-2$0
#$% 3+2 4 +3$ %.0 2'(1 %($+# '$ 4 +3$ 2'$- #(1/+ 61
32., 2(" ++6 (- 2'$ //0./0( 2$ %($+#1 .- -6 5.0* .0#$01
6.3 "0$ 2$ .- 2'.1$ %.0,1 -# .- 2'$ 0.)$"2 $23/ %.0,
.3 " - $(2'$0 ""$/2 .0 .4$00(#$ 2'$ #$% 3+2 4 +3$
 2$&.06 1$0 #$%(-$# ".#$ 1612$,  26/$   5'("' (-#(" 2$1
2'$ 26/$ .0 " 2$&.06 .% 5.0* .0#$0
.2$  /0."$11(-& ./2(.- %.0 1.,$ %.0,1 +$21 6.3 $-2$0
#$% 3+2 4 +3$ %.0 2'(1 %($+# '$ 4 +3$ 2'$- #(1/+ 61
32., 2(" ++6 (- 2'$ //0./0( 2$ %($+#1 .- -6 5.0* .0#$01
6.3 "0$ 2$ .- 2'.1$ %.0,1 -# .- 2'$ 0.)$"2 $23/ %.0,
.3 " - $(2'$0 ""$/2 .0 .4$00(#$ 2'$ #$% 3+2 4 +3$

3–6 A8.1 (8/97)

Enter Rates


!## /' ,*) !% & */*+$  +/' 
 + + *!%+*
+  +/' & !## & $+)!# &, % !% !)%+ +/'*
& !##* & $+)!# &) !)%+ ,** &) .$'#
  ,#++%) $%,+,)!% !##
 -&)" !##
 ') ')+* !##
  */*+$ %+)* !## +/'  !% +  -&)" &)) )
- % /&, )+  -&)" &)) ,%#** /&, *'!/ %&+ )
!## +/'   */*+$ )* +  !## +/' & &% +  -&)"
&)) ) +& "%&- - ! !## & $+)!# +& ,* +&
)+ +  -&)" &)) ')+* #!*+  ,** +  !## +/'
& +& !%+!/ +  !## & $+)!# +& ,* - % !+ ++ *
+ !##* & $+)!# $,*+  +/'  &)
* &' #&&) &%+)&# ')&,+ &*+!% %  ')&**!%
&,+!% /' *) !% & */*+$  +/'  + + *!%+* + 
+/' & )&,+!% &, % !% !)%+ +/'* & )&,+!%
!%*+),+!&%* &) !)%+ ,**
&) .$'#
 +%) %,+,)!% &,+!%
 -&)" &,+!%
 ,* &,+!%
&, !% +  )&,+!% +/' &% +  -&)" &)) )
  *'!! +/' & )&,+!% !% -!## + %  ,* !%
+  -&)" &)) )&,+!%
)&,+ &*+!% % '!+/ #%%!% */*+$* ,* &%#/
 +/' )&,+!%*

What You Should Know About

 & !%)* '#%+ '!+/ $%,+,))* ),% ')&,+!&%
#!%* &) $&) + % &% * !+ * -## * ),% !)%+ #!%*
& ')&,+!&% &% !)%+ /* & +  -" &, *'!/
+ * * !+* % #!%* &% +  * &' #&&) #%)

&, % !%+!/ ,' +& *!. * !+* &) +  ')&,+!&% #!%
,*!% %,+,)!% &%*+%+* + % !%+!/ ## * !+* &)
+  ')&,+!&% #!% / -&)" %+) +) /&, *+ ,' + 
* !+ % #!% #%)* +  !%  ,#!% &)"%
% !% (,%!% &)"% ,* + * #%)* +&
* ,# ')&,+!&% &)!%#/

 Setting Up the Shop Floor Calendar

A8.1 (8/97) 3–7

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing





Setting Up Line and Item Relationships

See Also

 Creating Work Orders       



Processing Options for Enter/Change Rate Schedule

1. Enter defaults for the following:
a. Rate Type (Default is ’AC’) ____________
b. Beginning Status (Optional) ____________
c. Period (Optional) ____________
2. Enter a ’1’ to only display open ____________
3. Enter the status code beyond which ____________
the rate is considered closed.
(Default is ’99’)
4. Enter defaults for the following:
a. Category Code 1 (Optional) ____________
b. Category Code 2 (Optional) ____________
c. Category Code 3 (Optional) ____________
OR enter Item Branch Class Code (F4102)
fields to retrieve default values:
d. Category Code 1 (Optional) ____________
e. Category Code 2 (Optional) ____________
f. Category Code 3 (Optional) ____________
Enter the DREAM Writer version to use
for each program listed. If left blank,
version ’ZJDE0001’ will be used.
5. Routing Revisions (P3003) ____________
6. Rate Schedule Workbench (P3119) ____________
7. MPS/MRP/DRP Time Series (P3413) ____________
8. Bill Availability (P30205) ____________
9. ECO Revisions (P48020) ____________
10. Assign Serial Numbers (P3105) ____________
11. Lot Master Revisions (P4108) ____________
12. Bill of Materials Revisions (P3002) ____________
13. Enter the method to attach a Parts ____________
List and Routing:
1 – Interactively
2 – Submit to Batch
NOTE: If left blank, Parts List and
Routing will not be attached.

3–8 A8.1 (8/97)

Enter Rates

14. Enter the DREAM Writer version for ____________

P31410. If left blank, version
ZJDE0001 will be used.
15. Enter the Unit of Measure to use ____________
for scheduling.
16. Enter the DREAM Writer version to
use for P31410, if this program
should update Parts List and Routing
when dates or quantities are
changed in the Rate header. If left
blank, no recalculation will be
17. Commitment option for creating the ____________
Parts List manually.
1 – Commit per Commitment Control
in Manufacturing Constants.
2 – Same as ’1’, but use
substitutes for shortages.
3 – Same as ’1’, but display
substitute availability
window when substitute qty
available can cover shortage.
9 – Do not commit.
NOTE: If left blank, commmitment
will be made to replenishing
location in routing.
18. Enter a ’1’ to allow attaching parts ____________
lists at prior revision levels. If
left blank, prior revision levels
will not be used.
19. Enter a ’1’ to validate for existing ____________
Branch/Item record.
20. Enter the Hold Code for the related ____________
purchase order if the work order
quantity or date changes. If left
blank, purchase order will not be
NOTE: The purchase order will be
updated only if the rate
header is updated manually.
21. Request processing mode for ____________
attached parts list.
1 – Generate requests only.
2 – Generate requests and process
using the subsystem.
NOTE: If left blank, no pick
requests will be created.
22. If processing pick requests using ____________
the subsystem, enter the version
to use. If left blank, XJDE0002

A8.1 (8/97) 3–9

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

will be used. (see Form ID P46171)

23. Enter the default staging location ____________
for moving goods out of the
warehouse. The parts picked from the
warehouse are staged at this
location prior to use within
manufacturing. (F1=Location Window)
24. Enter a ’1’ if the default staging ____________
location should be checked for
availability. If the part is
available at the staging location, a
request will NOT be generated. This
option only applies to parts without
work center locations.
25. Enter a ’1’ to copy component’s ____________
generic text to the Parts List.
26. Enter a ’1’ to copy the operation’s ____________
generic text to the Routing.
27. Enter the Cross Reference code for ____________
retrieving item replacements for
obsolete items.
28. Enter a ’1’ to default the ____________
branch/plant. If left blank, the
production line will be used.

3–10 A8.1 (8/97)

Schedule Rates

Scheduling Rates










What You Should Know About






 Working with Test Results   Quality Management


A8.1 (8/97) 3–11

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Scheduling Items on a Production Line

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Repetitive Daily Processing

From Daily Processing – Repetitive (G3115), choose Line Scheduling Workbench

# $
 % " $ #% "$#  '" ""# " $
)  $# "%   "%$  # '" #'#
"$ %$ $ "   "$#  '" ""#  )
%$# $" )% %)  %$ $ #% !%$$# )%  "
$ #% %#  %$ ) # #$"$  $"% $# $ #' $ '"
)# " $ "%$  '$ $ $ "  )% "$  "$ "
'" "" " $ #)#$ "$#  "$ $"%  $ #)#$ # "#
$ !%$$# &) &" $ '" )# '$ $ #  $ " "
$ '" )%  ##

 "%$ $$%#
 $ &$)
 $ #$" %

#  $ # $ & #% !%$$# "   $ $" )

  $$ "%$  $' # ' ) "$  "$  $ '

 #$ "%$ " $' # $  
 "#"" "%$ "   $ $"

# $"$
 $ $ &'  # " ' $ "$# #
(#$ " $ $

3–12 A8.1 (8/97)

Schedule Rates


" " ) " #&"

 #!$ ( ( # #+"  '


&" "(
 #!$ ( ( # #+" #$(#"  '
 (&( (
 &#) (
 " "- ')  %)"((- ' "

 -#) " ( (#( %)"((- " )$( ( ')  ( '-'(!
'#+'  '#( &&#& " (" '$&' ( "+ %)"((- *" - &#'' (
( &" #) !)'( )$( ( ')  )'"  )"(#" - #& (
'-'(! "' ( &#&

 "(&   ",( (# ( $$&#$&( (!

A8.1 (8/97) 3–13

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

  !!  ! #$ ! $  


!    ! $  %! ! ! ! 

  !   ! ! $  ! # " "!!

   ! !

Processing Options for Line Scheduling Workbench

1. Enter defaults for the following:
a. Status for FIRM Rates and ____________
Work Orders
b. Document Type ____________
c. Shift ____________
2. Enter a ’1’ to display PLANNED ____________
Rates and Work Orders.

3–14 A8.1 (8/97)

Schedule Rates


Enter the Dream Writer version to use
when calling each program listed. If
left blank, version ’ZJDE0001’ will be
3. Production Status (P31226) ____________
4. Line Sequencing Workbench (P3156) ____________
5. Split Lines Window (P3156W) ____________
6. Part Availability (P30205) ____________
7. Rate Header Maintenance (P3109) ____________
8. Supply/Demand Inquiry (P4021) ____________
9. Message File Revisions (P3411) ____________
10. Line Balancing Review (P3152) ____________

Sequencing Rates by Classification Scheme or Manually

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Repetitive Daily Processing

From Daily Processing – Repetitive (G3115), choose Line Sequencing


% &   #'   !$  &! %#'  & $&% &$ +!' %'
"$!'&!  % )!$  ! + %!)%  !$&! !'& &' $&%  +
'&% & & "$!%%  !"&! %  +!' ) & & %+%& &! %#' 
#' &&% $!%% %&% !$ $!%% !& %&%   +% !' '%& '"& &
%' '%   ' &! + !$ & %+%&  % & $!$ !' 
%#'  & $&% '%  ' &! +% +

 &!$+ !
 #'  '$

! %#'  & $&% + & &% &!$+ !% +!' '%  ' &! + 
&!$+ ! ('% $ &$  + & %&'"  & "$!%%  !"&! % !$
& &$   & '
   )& & $%& %&   + +!'
!$)$ %' & #' &&% ) ! %'% & ( "&+ !' '%
& "$!%%  !"&! % &! ! &$! )&$ &% #' &&% $ "' !$)$ !$
"'%   & $!%% %&% ! + !$ !& %&%   +% % "$!%%
"% & %' #' &&% ) * & "&+ ( )& &
& $  %&  & %& %& ! & %& +

! %#'  & $&% + %#'  '$ +!' '%  $ & ' &! +
     )& & $%& %&   + +!' !$)$ %' &
#' &&% ) ! %'% & ( "&+  $&  ) $& %
  & %#'  '$ !   % % '%% & &!  %#'  %& !$
& %& &$!$ "  & &$  + "$(!'%+ %#'  $&% % '&
%#'  + &  !($$  '+  %$ !' ! &% +   
& %#'  '$ (' &$  "'&  & %#'  +!'  '"&
& %' % % !$ '% & ' &! + &! !$)$ %'  

A8.1 (8/97) 3–15

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


   #'   !$ 

!"& & !!(  %

 $  &

!"& & !!(  !"&!  %   "$%% &$
 $! &
 $!' &
 !   & %#'  ! & $& !"& & !!(  % %


3–16 A8.1 (8/97)

Schedule Rates

Processing Options for Line Sequencing Workbench

1. Enter a ’1’ to allow scheduling ____________
across shifts.
2. Enter a ’1’ to allow scheduling ____________
across days. If left blank and
scheduling across shifts is allowed,
remaining hours for a day will be
applied to the last shift for the
NOTE: If option 1 is left blank,
option 2 is set to blank in
the program.
3. Enter a ’1’ to default the From ____________
Date to the current date when the
From Date is left blank.
4. Enter the number of days to add to ____________
the From Date when defaulting the
Thru Date. If left blank, the
From Date value is used as the
default value for the Thru Date.

Reviewing Production Across Lines

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Repetitive Daily Processing

From Daily Processing – Repetitive (G3115), choose Schedule Review


   #         "  "  
    #         "  "

A8.1 (8/97) 3–17

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


 " #$

 ! ! $  

 ! ! $ !    !


! "
 #$ ! !

Processing Options for Schedule Review

1. Enter defaults for the follwing:
a. Document Type (Default is ’AC’) ____________
b. Shift ____________
2. Enter the version of Rate Revisions
(P3109) to call. If left blank,
version ’ZJDE0001’ will be used.

3–18 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Rates

Completing Rates

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Process Daily Processing

From Daily Processing – Process (G3115), choose Completions Workbench

! "!   "   "  %    "! !!#

 "!    # !  #""!  " "  %    
  % &# !" "  !! "! " $" & !!#! 
# ! 
#""!  !  ! &# " "!  %    !

 &#     " " !&!"  ! " $" & ! $
 #"!  #  $" & " !&!" "!  !&!" !
" #""& "" ! " " " #""&    " " "" &#

Before You Begin

- " "  !! "! " !! " !!#!  # ! 

What You Should Know About

  &#  " !  "  "
  #""! " $" & &#  !! !" !#"! " &
 "! "" #  "!"

 Working with Test Results  " Quality Management

Guide     "

A8.1 (8/97) 3–19

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


 !$ #  "

 !$ $   & #


%$ '!
 $ %"
 %$$# !$
 %$$# "!!

$ !$
 ## $ $ "

3–20 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Rates



A8.1 (8/97) 3–21

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 # )%&  !)' # %&'' #(&

 # #*#($&, '')' # %&'' #(&

 # $)&'  )#((' #(&, $"%!( ( $!!$+# !'

 #( $ ')&
 *' ( $!!$+# !' ' #

()! ()%

()! $&

()! #

Processing Options for Completions Workbench

1. Enter defaults for the following:
a. Schedule Type (Default is ’AC’) ____________
b. Employee Number ____________
c. Production Line ____________
d. Effective From ____________
e. Effective Thru ____________
f. Status From ____________
g. Status Thru ____________

3–22 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Rates


Enter the Dream Writer version to use
when calling each program listed. If
left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be
2. Super Backflush (P31123) ____________
3. Hours and Quantities (P311221) ____________
4. Material Issues (P31113) ____________
5. Rate Revisions (P3109) ____________
6. Item Ledger Inquiry (P4111) ____________
7. Line Balancing Review (P3152) ____________
8. Schedule History Inquiry (P31226) ____________
9. Completions (P31114) ____________
10. Lot Master Revisions (P4108) ____________
11. Hours and Quantities Update (P31422) ____________
12. Enter a ’1’ to automatically process ____________
hours & quantities using the dream
writer version for P31422.
If left blank, P31422 should be
submitted manually.
13. Enter the status code to use when ____________
closing rates. (Default is ’99’)
14. Enter ’1’ to protect the lot number ____________
from input.
15. Enter the version of Test Results ____________
Revisions (P3711) to call. If left
blank, version ’ZJDE0002’ will be

Processing Options for Super Backflush


NOTE – Blanks will not update the
Status Code.
1. Enter the default Operation Status ____________
Code for Partial Completions.
2. Enter the default Operation Status ____________
Code for Full Completions.
3. Enter the Status Code for update ____________
to the Work Order Header.
4. Enter the default Material Status ____________
Code for Issues.
5. Enter the Version of the Hours and ____________
Quantity Program to call.
If left blank, a blind Hours and
Quantities execution will be

A8.1 (8/97) 3–23

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

6. Enter the Document Type associated ____________

with Shop Floor Activity.
7. Enter the Version of the Material ____________
Issues Program to call.
If left blank, a blind execution
of Work Order Inventory Issues will
be performed.
8. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with a Work Order Issue.
9. Enter the acceptable lot hold codes ____________
(up to 5) for inventory issues, or
enter ’*’ for issues to all held
lots. Blanks will not allow issues.
10. Enter the Version of the Work Order ____________
Completions Program to call.
If left blank, a blind Work Order
Completions execution will be
11. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Completion.
12. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Scrap.
13. Enter the Status Code beyond which ____________
Backflushing cannot be performed.
14. Enter a ’1’ if you wish blind ____________
issues to effect Item Sales
History (F4115).
15. Enter the Directed Putaway mode. ____________
’ ’ – No Directed Putaway requests
’1’ – Request Putaway only.
’2’ – Request Putaway and process
using the subsystem.
16. If processing putaway requests ____________
through the subsystem, enter the
DREAM Writer version to be used.
If blank, ZJDE0001 is used.
(See Form ID P46171)
17. Enter a ’1’ to verify that, for a
given operation, the total of the
quantity completed plus scrapped
does not exceed the ’Quantity At
Operation.’ If left blank, the
verification is not performed. ____________
18. Enter the version of Test Results ____________
Revisions (P3711) to call. If left

3–24 A8.1 (8/97)

Complete Rates

blank, version ZJDE0002 will be


Processing Options for Hours and Quantities Entry

1. Enter a ’1’ for the screen to be ____________
displayed in Order Number format.
If left blank, the screen will
be displayed in Employee format.
2. Enter the Document Type associated
with Shop Floor Activity.
3. Enter the Status Code beyond which ____________
Shop Floor Activity cannot be
4. Enter a ’1’ to verify that, for a ____________
given operation, the total of the
quantity completed plus scrapped
does not exceed Quantity At
5. Enter a ’1’ to prevent employee ____________
rate from being written to screen.
6. Enter the version of Test Results ____________
Revisions (P3711) to call. If left
blank, version ZJDE0002 will be

A8.1 (8/97) 3–25

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

3–26 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information

Reviewing Information

!  "#    !     #      

   ! !   ! !   "#  

 "# !    !

 "# !   $

Reviewing Production Status

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Repetitive Daily Processing

From Daily Processing – Repetitive (G3115), choose Production Status

 !  "#    !      #  $ #
  #    ! !    !  ! $
   !       #      # 


 ! $!   !     $ #
$!  "#       $       
    $  #      !  

A8.1 (8/97) 3–27

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


 " %$  $$%#

 !$  "   $   ( $'  $   ' #

  " $" 
 "" %"
 !$ $   '   !"##
 &' $  "$ 

Processing Options for Production Status

1. Enter defaults for the following:
a. From Status ____________
b. Thru Status ____________
c. The number of days prior to ____________
today’s date for the From Date.
d. The number of days after ____________
today’s date for the Thru Date.

3–28 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information

Reviewing Production History

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Repetitive Daily Processing

From Daily Processing – Repetitive (G3115), choose Production History


 " %$  #$ "(

 !$  "   $   ( $'  $   ' #

  " $" 
 $ %"
 "" %"
 !$ $   '   !"##
 &' $  "$ 

A8.1 (8/97) 3–29

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Processing Options for Production History

1. Enter defaults for the following:
a. Operation Sequence ____________
b. Shift ____________
c. The number of days prior to ____________
today’s date for the From Date.
d. The number of days after ____________
today’s date for the Thru Date.

Reviewing Line Dispatch List

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Repetitive Daily Processing

From Daily Processing – Repetitive (G3115), choose Line Dispatch List






3–30 A8.1 (8/97)

Review Information



Processing Options for Line Dispatch List

1. Enter defaults for the following:
a. The number of days prior to ____________
today’s date for the From Date.
b. The number of days after ____________
today’s date for the Thru Date.
c. Shift ____________
d. From Status ____________
e. Thru Status ____________

A8.1 (8/97) 3–31

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

3–32 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Kanbans

Processing Kanbans

 "!  !  # %  #!  ! %

# " "      ! "!! 
! !  !  ! "!  %    !
& $'' #!  $   ! !%
!      " ! $ !  

-     "! % !

-    "% % !

 !  "!  !   !   " ! 
! "%  !   !  "% ! % % 
 % !$  ! $ !



"      !$  


A8.1 (8/97) 3–33

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


&   " ! !  !  ! !  " ! 
   !  $ %" ! ! "!!% !% ! !
 " !   !  !!" ! & 




$&   " ! !  !   ! !% "
! ! "!!% ! ! "% !   !  !!" !
!  ! ! "!!%  % %  # ! !  "
!  !   ! "% ! ! !  " !
"   !  !!"   ! & 

 %"     "!!%  ! " ! % !  !! 
! ! !  !   !   




3–34 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Kanbans

%  "## # " $# $$ "

 %$%" #%*### $#
 ($") #% 

Inventoried Items Processing

 )%  %$   $$ # &$" $  #$$%# # 
 #% ) $ " ## $  !%$$) % $  $ 
  $  ' "#%$#   &$") $"#" $"#$

Manufactured Processing

 )%  %$   $$ # %$%" $ "" $" "$# 
'" "" " # "  (#$ "$ $ ## $# $  $ $# ""
)    $ #)#$ # $   "$ $ "$#   $ #)#$
"$#  "$ $ %$$) $$# $ "$# #$  "%$  )%
  $  )%  $ $ '" "" " "$ ##% "$#
$" %"#  !%$$#  $"#" $ "$ $ $ $ #%

Manufactured Processing — Phantom Item

 )%  %$   #%  )  '" $" "%$  
$ $ #  $  $"#$# %$#  &$") $"#"# %" "
"  '" ""# " "$# $ "## $ $ # # ) " # ) $
"%   $  #  $    # "#%$#  
&$") $"#" $"#$ " $ #% ) $ $ $ #%

Externally Supplied Processing

 )%  %$ # "  ($" #% " $ #)#$ ) "$ 
' %"# "" " %#  (#$  '&" $" %#$    
%"# "" " $ $  $ ' )%  %$ $  $
#)#$ ) # $$  $"
$ $" 
)%   # "  ($" #% " $ #)#$ )  $)
""  " $ #$ $ %"# ""

A8.1 (8/97) 3–35

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Processing Kanban Consumption by Item

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Repetitive Daily Processing

From Daily Processing – Repetitive (G3115), choose Kanban Consumption

  ! $&"%! !($ )!& %! $$    $ %  ' ! $& 

%# )!& !% )!&# %$ "   ! % $%%&$ !  % )!&
  !  ! % !!(  $%%&$  $ %  ! $&  !%!




   ! $&"%!

 !"% % !!(  $

 % &#
 #  %
 !"% % !!(  $ %!      %% ($ $&"" )
% "#!&%!      #% !# (!# !## ($ #%
 "!) &#

3–36 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Kanbans





Processing Options for Kanban Consumption


1. Enter the version of rate schedule ____________
revision (P3109) to be used
(Default is ZJDE0001)
2. Document type (Default is ’WO’) ____________
3. Beginning Status ____________
4. Enter a ’1’ to attach part list ____________
and routing
5. Enter the version of for J31410 ____________
(Default is ZJDE0001)
6. Close Status for rate or work order ____________
7. Enter the document type for ____________
purchase order (Default is ’OP’)
8. Enter a ’1’ to trigger EDI862 ____________
9. Enter the version of Purchase ____________
Orders Print (P43500) to be called
to generate EDI 862 transaction
(Default is XJDE0008)

A8.1 (8/97) 3–37

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

10. Enter the version of open purchase ____________

orders (P430301) to be called.
(Default is ZJDE0007)
11. Enter the default route type to ____________
be used to search for a receipt
12. Enter the value of the default rout ____________
to be used for items without a
receipt route setup.
13. Enter the version of Receipt by ____________
PO/Item/Account to call. If left
blank, will default to ’ZJDE0008’.
14. Enter a ’1’ to create purchase ____________
15. Enter the beginning line status ____________
16. Enter the version of the Hours ____________
and Quantity Program to call
If left blank, a blind Hours and
Quantity execution will be
17. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with Shop Floor Activity.
(Default is ’IH’)
18. Enter the Version of the Material ____________
Issues Program to call.
If left blank, a blind execution
of Work Order Inventory Issues will
be performed.
19. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with a Work Order Issue.
20. Enter the Version of the Work Order ____________
Completions Program to call.
If left blank, a blind Work Order
Completions execution will be
21. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Completion.
22. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Scrap.
23. Enter the default Operation Status ____________
Code for Partial Completions.
24. Enter the default Operation Status ____________
Code for Full Completions.

3–38 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Kanbans

25. Enter the Status Code for update ____________

to the Work Order Header.
26. Enter the default Material Status ____________
Code for Issues.
27. Enter the Version of the Inventory ____________
Transfer Program to call.
If left blank, a blind Inventory
Transfer execution will be
28. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Transfer.
29. Enter the default value for Item ____________
30. Enter the default value for ____________
31. Enter the Directed Putaway mode. ____________
’ ’ : No Directed Putaway requests
’1’ : Request Putaway only.
’2’ : Request Putaway and process
using the subsystem.
32. If processing putaway requests ____________
through the subsystem, enter the
DREAM Writer version to be used.
If blank, ZJDE0001 is used.
(See Form ID P46171)
Transaction Confirmation
33. Enter ’1’ to be prompted to ____________
confirm transaction

A8.1 (8/97) 3–39

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Processing Kanban Supply by Item

From Shop Floor Control (G31), choose Repetitive Daily Processing

From Daily Processing – Repetitive (G3115), choose Kanban Supply

 #& %! &# " !!  ! ""  !" 
"! !"    # "  $ !#& " " &# " &#
"!   " !""#!   " &#     " %
!""#! ! "  !#& "



$" &  !""#!!   " ! %!

 '! ( $" & ! "& $  $ " "

!# "  " !""#! !  " ' 
 %'! ( " "  " !    " ! "&
  #""& ! " " " !#& " " 
!""#! !  "  " 
 " " #""& ! &!&  $ " " !#
"  " ! !      " !#& " " "
!# "  "  !""#! ! "  "

3–40 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Kanbans


  $ &

 # # % "
 # $!

 # # % " #     ## %" "$  &
# !$#    !# ! %! !! %" !#
  & $!
 "" # # !

A8.1 (8/97) 3–41

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing



Processing Options for Kanban Supply


1. Enter the version of rate schedule ____________
revision (P3109) to be used
(Default is ZJDE0001)
2. Enter the document type for ____________
work orders (Default is ’WO’)
3. Close Status for rate or work order ____________
4. Enter the document type for ____________
purchase order (Default is ’OP’)
5. Enter the default route type to ____________
be used to search for a receipt
6. Enter the value of the default rout ____________
to be used for items without a
receipt route setup.
7. Enter the version of Receipt by ____________
PO/Item/Account to call. If left
blank, will default to ’ZJDE0008’.

3–42 A8.1 (8/97)

Process Kanbans


8. Enter the version of the Hours ____________
and Quantity Program to call
If left blank, a blind Hours and
Quantity execution will be
9. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with Shop Floor Activity.
(Default is ’IH’)
10. Enter the Version of the Material ____________
Issues Program to call.
If left blank, a blind execution
of Work Order Inventory Issues will
be performed.
11. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with a Work Order Issue.
12. Enter the Version of the Work Order ____________
Completions Program to call.
If left blank, a blind Work Order
Completions execution will be
13. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Completion.
14. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Scrap.
15. Enter the default Operation Status ____________
Code for Partial Completions.
16. Enter the default Operation Status ____________
Code for Full Completions.
17. Enter the Status Code for update ____________
to the Work Order Header.
18. Enter the default Material Status ____________
Code for Issues.
19. Enter the Version of the Inventory ____________
Transfer Program to call.
If left blank, a blind Inventory
Transfer execution will be
20. Enter the Document Type associated ____________
with an Inventory Transfer.
21. Enter the default value for Item ____________

A8.1 (8/97) 3–43

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

22. Enter the default value for ____________

23. Enter the Directed Putaway mode. ____________
’ ’ : No Directed Putaway requests
’1’ : Request Putaway only.
’2’ : Request Putaway and process
using the subsystem.
24. If processing putaway requests ____________
through the subsystem, enter the
DREAM Writer version to be used.
If blank, ZJDE0001 is used.
(See Form ID P46171)
Transaction Confirmation
25. Enter ’1’ to be prompted to ____________
confirm transaction

3–44 A8.1 (8/97)

Close Rates

Closing Rates

From Shop Floor Control (G31), enter 27

From Advanced Shop Floor Control (G3131), choose Close Rates




 !     !


 " !        

See Also

 Purge Work Orders       

Processing Options for Batch Rate Close

1. Enter the date to compare to the ____________
Rate Effective Through date. All
rates for which the Through Date is
less than this date will be closed.
If left blank, no rates will be
2. Enter the status for closed rates. ____________
If left blank, ’99’ will be used.
3. Enter the version of Rate Schedule ____________
Revisions (P3109) to call to
determine whether or not rates are
to be decommitted. If left blank,
version ’ ZJDE0001’ will be used.

A8.1 (8/97) 3–45

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

What You Should Know About Processing Options



3–46 A8.1 (8/97)

System Setup
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

3–2 A8.1 (8/97)

System Setup


  !" # " #  "  "   "  !&!"

  # !" % " !&!" #!! " "

About System Setup

  "  # ! ! !"#   " #! " !&!" "# 
  "  #! !   %    ! !# !   "&
!""#!  " & ! ! % !  "    !! 
""$ #"#  !# ! &  "! !    
%  " !

 !" # &#   "  !&!" " " % "!!

- " # %    !

- " # #"#   "

Before You Begin

- " # " %  !  "

$" & " !&!"

" !"

See Also

 Technical Foundation Guide   "   #! 

 Inventory Management Guide   "  !"" # "
!"    "  " !"  !

A8.1 (8/97) 4–1

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

4–2 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Work Order Codes

Setting Up Work Order Codes

#( " '# " %'" (&% " #& #% +#(% !"('(%" )#%
#%%& #!$ ' ' # #)" '&&

 ' ($ '+$ #&

 ' ($ $%#%'+ #&
 ' ($ &''(& #&
 ' ($ $& #&
 ' ($ '#%+ #&
 ' ($ #$%'#" &''(& #&
 ' ($ #(!"' '+$ #&


%#! ' #$  ##% #"'%# '($ !"(  

 ##& +$

#% #%% '+$ #&  "' ' '+$  &&'#" #  )#% #%%
#% *!$   %)#% #%% !'  '+$  "  &" #%% !'  '+$

" +$

A8.1 (8/97) 4–3

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

" #& & "")! %

 +%& "
 %$ ! "
 $&$ "

+%& " '%$ ! "   && !&%    )$%
%$ ! "% !&% & & && "!&!% '%$ ! "% 
& % %" $$$ &" %  " &+#
" % "' ! "!&!%  %& " ( "% "$  %#
'%$ ! " %&  !' $ " $&$% && 
" ! "!&! ##$% ! & "' ! &&
%$#&"! '%$ ! !  "$ $ $
%$#&"!  &"! &*& && '$&$ %$% "$ $%   !
  )$% %+%& %

4–4 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Work Order Codes


&$" ( $% !$$& $#(&$! ()% "#)  

 $$' &$&(+

$& $&& %&$&(+ $'  #( ( %&$&(+ $  *$& $&& #
&!($# ($ $(& *$& $&&' ' $' & $& &&# $#!+ # $ #$(
( ( ')!# $& %!### $ *$&  + '$)! #$(  )' ' +$)&
$&"! *$& %&$&(+ '+'("

# &$&(+

$"%!( ( $!!$*# !'

 +'(" $
 '& # $
 &(& $

A8.1 (8/97) 4–5

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


&#! ( #$  ##& #"(&# ()$ !")  

 ##' (()'

#& #&& '(()' #'  '& ( '(()' #& ( )&&"( '($ " (
$&#'' # !$ !"("  +#& #&& #) " $&*"( &(" (&"'(#"'
&#! #)&&" ' #" ( '(()' #  +#& #&& #& "'(" ( ','(!
" #  +#& #&&' +#' '(()' "(' (, & $"" $$&#* #&
%) (, "'$(#" " & ' +#& #&&' (( *  '(()' # "("
(, * " $$&#* #& $'' %) (, "'$(#" " (#" ,#) " '(
( ','(! (# )(#!( , )$( ( +#& #&& '(()' # +" ,#) "(&
'') " #!$ (#" (&"'(#"'

" (()'

#!$ ( ( # #+"  '

 ,'(! #
 '& " #
 &(& #

4–6 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Work Order Codes


'$" ) $% !$$' $#)'$! )*% "#*  

 $$( (

$' $'' %( $(  #) ) "%!"#))$# %( $ )
,$' $'' $* # *( %( $( )$ '$*% "!( $ $''( $' %'$)
"#"#) $() $*#)# # #&*'. %*'%$(( $' -"%!  #(%)$#
$# ) #)'#! %')( $  %'$*) ( #$) %$((! .$#  ')# %$#) # )(
%'$*)$# .$* # + ) '$*)# #)$ %(( $* # )# *( ) %(
$ )$ #) +!!). $ ) %'$*) $' ) #-) !+! $ #(%)$#

# (

$"%!) ) $!!$,# !(

 .()" $
 (' # $
 ')' $

A8.1 (8/97) 4–7

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


%" ' "# ""% "!'%" '(# !(  

 ""& '"%+ " 

"% "%% '"%+ "&  !  ! %#%&!' !+ '"%+ "% &%#'"!
+ ) +"( )!' '" %"(# )"% "%%& "% #%"' ! !' "&'
"(!'! "% !$(%& "% * # +"( ! &' (# "! '"%+ " '"
%#%&!' '+#& " #%" & !"(!'% ! ' )"% "%%  # !''"!
&( &  #%"#% &'%'(# "% !$(' !'!! ! !"'% " '"
%#%&!' "'"!& )% ' )"% & '! #

! '"%+ " 

" #' ' "")! &

 +&' "
 &% ! "
 %'% "

4–8 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Work Order Codes



#! % !" !!# ! %#! %&"  &   !!$ "#%! %%&$

!# !## !"#%! $%%&$ !$   % % "#!#$$ !# $%%&$ ! 
!## &#  % $%"$ !!(   "#%&# !"#%!  !# )" *!& 
$% &" !$ %!  %  %#$ '  #' !# (!# & % 
"#%&# !"#%!  $ !($   % %! ! %!# % "#!#$$ !
!"#%! $ %% ' ! # #& %$ !# $!" !!# "#$!  %!  % (
%$ # #* %! !' %! % )% !"#%! 

 "#%! %%&$

!"% % !!(  $

 *$% !
 $#   !
 #%# !

A8.1 (8/97) 4–9

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


,*( )2 #*+ '**, *).,*' ( )/ ). ,  

*/ ) . "*,$3 2*/, 0*,& *, ,- 2 */( ). .2+ /-$)" /- ,  !$) 
* -   *, 1(+'  2*/ )  !$) */( ). .2+ * - .* $)$.
, 0*,& *, ,- +,*.*.2+ *, ,- *, , +$, *, ,- ! 2*/ * )*. -+ $!2 
*/( ). .2+ *)  ) 0 0*,& *, , .# -2-. ( ). ,-  */( ). .2+ *! 
$,( *,& , ,

*/( ). .2+ - , /-  .* . "*,$3 $)!*,(.$*) ,*-- 2*/,   0,-

-2-. (- */ ) -+ $!2 /+ .*  */( ). .2+ - .*  /-  !*, 0*,& *, ,-
) ,. - $) -/++'2 () '/'.$*)- 2 ). ,$)" .# ( $) .# +,* --$)"
*+.$*)- !*, .# /++'2 () )'/-$*) /' - $) .# )/!./,$)" '))$)"
-2-. ( # )/!./,$)" */).$)" -2-. ( /- - .# */( ). .2+ .* (.#
.# */( ). .2+ -  !$)  $) 2*/, /.*(.$ */).$)" $)-.,/.$*)-  -
0# ) 2*/ +*-. %*/,)' ).,$ - .* .# " ) ,' ' " ,

)  ) ,' - , !$)  * -

 *(+' . .# !*''*0$)" !$ '- .* '*. .# */( ). .2+ -

 2-. ( *
 - , !$)  *
 *(+' . .# !*''*0$)" !$ '- .* - . /+ ) 0 */( ). .2+ * -

 #,. , *

4–10 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Work Order Codes

See Also

 Creating Work Orders (P48013)

Processing Options for User Defined Codes

1. Enter the desired Install System ____________
2. Enter the desired Record Type. ____________

A8.1 (8/97) 4–11

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

4–12 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

Setting Up Manufacturing Information

' (# ' !"% '"! '' & ! "% #%"&& ! %#'') !('(%!
&( & (&% ! "& *"% , !%& ! "!&'!'&
" #' '
""*! '&&

 ' (# &'!% #%"(%&

 ' (#  #", "% %'&
 ' (# ' &"# ""% !%
 ' (# !('(%! "!&'!'&
 ' (# *"% !'%&
 ' (# %&"(% (!'&

- ' (# ! ! ' %'"!&#&

- ' (# !! "!'%" ' &

- !%' !!&

Setting Up Standard Procedures

From Shop Floor Control (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Standard Procedures

"( ! &' (# !% &&&   '' %#%&!' #%"(% "% &&
'+' "% ,"(% " #!, & ' '" &%  &'!% #%"(% "%  &'#
!  %"('!

 &%#'"! ,"( ! "% ' " #%!'& "! &"# ""% "( !'& !
##%& ! "!! !$(%& '' && ' "! !'%
! "('!


! '!% %"(%&

A8.1 (8/97) 4–13

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing



4–14 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

     ! ! #  !     !

!  $" !

What You Should Know About


   ! $"  ! "   $"  !
      !  ! !  !  
 "! ! ! ! " ! "    "!

Processing Options for Standard Procedures


1. Enter the desired System Code. ____________
2. Enter the desired Record Type. ____________
3. Enter an ’1’ to display Rate Text or
Enter an ’2’ to display Message Text ____________
4. If displaying Message Text,
Enter an ’1’ for 60 column display or
Enter an ’2’ for 80 column display ____________

A8.1 (8/97) 4–15

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Setting Up Employee Labor Rates

From Shop Floor Control (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Employee Labor Rates

"!( !# #% !$ #  # #%$   %% #"#$ % !&#( !#
#%$ !# (!&# "!($  #% %% (!&   !#  "!( ""#$
 % "!( %  ! % !&#$   & %%$ %#( !# ' %
"!(  %#$ % %# $%! $ !#  ! (!&    %  !#
%(" ! "!( %% % ! #"#$ %$   % !&#( !# #% !# %
"!( !# ! %!#(



 "!( !# %$

!"% % !!'  $


4–16 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

  &$ %  #%  #%   % #
%$$  #$ %   

Processing Options for Employee Labor Rates


1. Enter the desired System Code. ____________
2. Enter the desired Record Type. ____________
3. Enter an ’1’ to display Rate Text or
Enter an ’2’ to display Message Text ____________
4. If displaying Message Text,
Enter an ’1’ for 60 column display or
Enter an ’2’ for 80 column display ____________

Setting Up the Shop Floor Calendar

From Shop Floor Control (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Shop Floor Calendar

 &   % ( # )$ )  %  )#  #  # # 
#$  ) &# $)$%  %  !  # #  $)$% &$$ %$
# % %# &%&# $&$

 &  $  #$ ) $%    $)$% &$$ %$
#$  #  $"& ) $%  #!%%' &%&#

 #$ !% !%) &%&##$ #& !# &%  $  #  # %

 $% $ ( $ #& #% $  !# &%   #% )$  %
(  & $!) %$ $%$  $  %  !  # #

A8.1 (8/97) 4–17

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


$ "# $  ! # ' # # # '!  ! 
#! ' !# ' #'"

! !

# # & "

 ! !
 ! #
 # ! !##% $#$!
  ! !##% $#$!
 '  '

 !  # # "&" # #$ ! '" ! # #
 '! ## '$ ! $"#  !  # !# "&" #
&!'"  (&!'" ## '$ 

4–18 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

-*$  + ! /$/ -!,-!.!*/.  $%#$5(!1!( 0.%*!.. 0*%/ / *
! 0.! /+ -!"!-!*!  -*$ +- ,(*/ /$/ )%#$/ $1!
!,-/)!*/. +- &+. 2$%$ -!,-!.!*/ (+2!-5(!1!( 0.%*!..
0*%/.  / %/!)  .0+- %*/! /+ %/ +- !3),(!

0.%*!.. 0*%/ .!0-%/4 %. .! +* /$! $%#$!-5(!1!(
0.%*!.. 0*%/
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$%. 1(0! % !*/%"%!. /$! -*$ +- ,(*/ %* 2$%$ /$!
(!* - -!.% !. / )0./ !  1(% 0.%*!.. 0*%/
(!* - !- $! (!* - 4!-
(!* - +*/$ $! (!* - )+*/$
$%"/ + !  0.!- !"%*! + !   /$/ % !*/%"%!. %(4 2+-'
.$%"/. * ,4-+(( .4./!). 4+0 * 0.!  .$%"/ + ! /+ 
 ,!-!*/ +- )+0*/ /+ /$! $+0-(4 -/! +*  /%)!- 
+- ,4-+(( * /%)! !*/-4
" * !),(+4!! (24. 2+-'.  .$%"/ "+- 2$%$  .$%"/ -/!
%""!-!*/%( %. ,,(%(! !*/!- /$/ .$%"/ + ! +* /$!
!),(+4!!. )./!- -!+-  $!* 4+0 !*/!- /$! .$%"/ +*
/$! !),(+4!!. )./!- -!+-  4+0 + *+/ *!! /+ !*/!-
/$! + ! +* /$! /%)!- 2$!* 4+0 !*/!- /%)!
" * !),(+4!! +.%+*((4 2+-'.  %""!-!*/ .$%"/ 4+0
!*/!- /$! .$%"/ + ! +* !$ ,,(%(! /%)!- /+
+1!--% ! /$! !"0(/

A8.1 (8/97) 4–19

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

/-#(-- (#. ( &*"(/',# #& .". #(.# #-  -*,. (.#.3
1#."#(  /-#(-- ), 1"#" 3)/ 1(. .) .,% )-.- ),
2'*&  /-#(-- /(#. '#!".   1,")/- &).#)(
$) *,)$. 1),% (., ), ,("*&(.
)/ ( --#!(  /-#(-- /(#. .)  0)/", #(0)#
#2 --. ( -) )( ), */,*)-- ) ,-*)(-##&#.3
,*),.#(! ), 2'*& ." -3-.' *,)0#- ,*),.- )
)*( )/(.- *3& ( )/(.- ,#0& 3
/-#(-- /(#.- .) .,% +/#*'(. 3 ,-*)(-#&
/,#.3 ), ."#- #& ( *,0(. 3)/ ,)' &).#(!
/-#(-- /(#.- ), 1"#" 3)/ "0 () /."),#.3
). " -3-.' /-- ."#- 0&/ ), )/,(& (.,#- # 3)/
) (). (.,  0&/ #( ."  .&
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
), ,*.#.#0 '(/ ./,#(! ."#- #& *,)0#- ." &#(%
.) ." ),%
(., -., 1"#" &&)1- ." -3-.' .)
,. &(,- ), .". *,)/.#)( &#( )/ '/-. &-)
#(.# 3 && -"# .- ), ." *,)/.#)( &#(
" #( "/&#(! ),%(" ( #( +/(#(!
),%(" *,)!,'- /- ."- -"# . ( &#( -*# #
&(,- .) -"/& *,)/.#)( ),#(!&3

What You Should Know About

    3)/ &.  ,(" &(, ),  ')(." ( 3, ."

  &(, ,), () &)(!, 2#-.- )10, # 3)/ &). 
')(." ( 3, .". )- (). 2#-. #. **,- 1#."
 /&. 0&/- )/ ( ."(  ." ,),

  ." -")* &(, ), ." ,(" ')(." ( 3, ,
(). 3.  #( ." -3-.' *,&)-  /&. 1),% 3-
)(3 .",)/!" ,#3 ( 1%(- ./,3 (
/(3 )&#3- , &13- /-,  #(

  "# . &(,- , (). /- ), 

4–20 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

Setting Up Manufacturing Constants

From Shop Floor Control (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Manufacturing Constants

" ! " "!"  !! ! !    !

! !! !   !""! ! "!" % ! "

  #!%  !!  " 

  #  ! "!  " 
 ! $ ! %    $ "! !
 !  "! ! !    !   !
 ! ! % ! #!   !   %" ! !

! !! %"   "!"  !! !    !
 $ "!" % !  %" "  %"  "%

! ! $ !  

 ! "  "!"  !!

 ! " "! "!"  !! !
 ! " "! "!"  !!

A8.1 (8/97) 4–21

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


$ $*)*' $ %$()$)(

 %#&") ) %""%, $  "

 $. $  " ) %$

 %#&") ) %""%, $ %&) %$"  "(

 % "" % )' " $(

 ()' %*) $(
 '$) "" " ) %$

% "" % )' "  (  " )'# $( ,)' $( )% )  "" %
$( #)' " ' '%' $ ) "" % )' " $ )"
  "  +"*( '

 ( "% $(

 % % $%) "% $(
"$! , "" ((*# $ 
$ -%* "%  "" % #)' " $( ) (-()# (+(
) %"  "" % #)' " $ ) $, $  "" %
#)' "

4–22 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

On-Line BOM Validation Determines whether the system performs an online
(Y/N) component/parent validation and lowĆlevel code
assignment when you revise a bill of material.
Valid values are:
Y Yes, validate items online.
N No, do not validate items online.
Note: J.D. Edwards recommends that you validate items
online (enter Y) unless your bills of material are
extremely large.
Important: If you enter N, you must validate the items in
batch. Run the Print Integrity Analysis program (P30601)
after bill of material updates and before you run the
Frozen Cost Update program (P30835) or perform a
DRP/MPS/MRP generation (P3482).
Master Routings (Y/N) This field controls whether the system uses the master
routing for an item or a routing defined for the parent
item. Both routings are retrieved from the Routing Master
table (F3003). Valid values are:
Y Yes, use the master routing for an item, if one
exists. The Shop Floor Control system will
check the Item Cross Reference table (F4104),
Cross Reference Type MR, for the parent item. If
it finds a crossĆreference, the system uses the
master routing from the Routing Master table
(F3003). If it does not find a crossĆreference, the
system uses the routing defined for the parent
N No, do not check for a master routing for the
item. The system will always use the parent
item's routing from the Routing Master table
Percent Bill Validation This flag designates whether percent bills are allowed to
contain fixed or variable components in addition to the
100% formula. If left blank, only percent components will
be allowed and it must total 100%.

A8.1 (8/97) 4–23

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


) )0"/0-%)# *)./)/.

*(+'!/! /$! "*''*2%)# *+/%*)' "%!' .

 &"'0.$ +/%*)
 *((%/(!)/ *)/-*'
 - *"/ *((%/
 $%"/ * !

&"'0.$ +/%*). !/!-(%)!. $*2 /$! .3./!( +!-"*-(. *((%/(!)/ )
-!'!.! *" %)1!)/*-3 0-%)# /$! &"'0.$ +-*!.. '%
* !. -!
 -!/!  ./) - +-/. '%./ .! *) /$! 1'0!
%) /$! *((%/(!)/ *)/-*' "%!' %) /$!
)0"/0-%)# *)./)/. /'! 
-!/!  +-/. '%./ *((%//%)# /* /$! '*/%*)
%) %/! %) /$! *-& !)/!- ./!- /'!

  $! +!-/%*) !,0!)! "%!' %) /$!
%'' *" /!-%' /'! 
  !/!-(%)!. /$!
2*-& !)/!- /$/ %. 0.! 
 *0 (0./ -!/! /$! 2*-& *- !- -*0/%)# !"*-!
/$! +-/. '%./ " 3*0 -! -0))%)# 2*-& *- !- #!)!-/%*)
/$! 2*-& *- !- -*0/%)# ) /$! +-/. '%./ (0./ ! -!/!
/ /$! .(! /%(!

4–24 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

*((%/(!)/ *)/-*' !/!-(%)!. $*2 /$! .4./!( *((%/. %)1!)/*-4 /*  2*-&
*- !- ) '%(%/. /$! %)1!)/*-4 '*/%*) /* 2$%$
*((%/(!)/. -! ( ! $! .4./!( /%1/!. /$%. "%!'
*)'4 2$!) 4*0 -!/! $- *((%/(!)/. '% * !. -!

 &! *((%/(!)/. /* /$! +-%(-4 '*/%*) %)

/$! -)$+')/ 2$!-! /$! 2*-& *- !-
 +'%/ /$! +-/. '%./ ) *((%/(!)/. /* "%'' )4
*(+*)!)/ .$*-/#!. $! .4./!( ) -*..
-)$ *0) -%!. /* "%'' -!,0%-!(!)/. ) /$%.
.! /$! .4./!( 0.!. /$! )!3/ '+$!/%'
-)$+')/ '%./! %) /$! /'! /$/ *0-. "/!-
/$! -)$+')/ *) /$! 2*-& *- !- $! !- *-

" /$! .4./!( ./-/. *((%//%)# %)1!)/*-4 /
-)$+')/  %/ !..!.  . /$! )!3/
-)$+')/ " %)1!)/*-4 %. '*2 %) '' '*/%*).
/$! .4./!( (&!. /$! -!(%)%)# *((%/(!)/.
/* /$! +-%(-4 '*/%*) *" /$! -)$+')/ *)
/$! 2*-& *- !- $! !-
(! .  0/ /$! .4./!( ))*/ -*.. -)$
*0) -%!.
$!) 4*0 .!/ /$! *((%/(!)/ !/$* "%!' %) /$! /!(
-)$')/ /'! /*  *- '*/ )0(!- *- !3+%-/%*)
/! *)/-*' 4*0 (0./ .!/ /$%. "%!' /* 
- *"/ *((%/ !/!-(%)!. $*2 /$! $*+ '**- *)/-*' .4./!( *((%/.
%)1!)/*-4 '% * !. -!

 $! .4./!( +!-"*-(.  $- *((%/(!)/ / /$!

-!/%*) *" /$! +-/. '%./ $! $- *((%/(!)/
-!(%). %) !""!/ 0)/%' %)1!)/*-4 %. -!'%!1! 
 $! .4./!( +!-"*-(.  .*"/ *((%/(!)/ / /$!
-!/%*) *" /$! +-/. '%./ $)#! /*  $-
*((%/(!)/ 0-%)# /$! +%& '%./ +-%)/ +-*!..
"*- /$! 2*-& *- !- $! $- *((%/(!)/
-!(%). %) !""!/ 0)/%' %)1!)/*-4 %. -!'%!1! 
 $! .4./!( +!-"*-(.  .*"/ *((%/(!)/ /
-!/%*) *" /$! +-/. '%./ $! .*"/ *((%/(!)/
-!(%). %) !""!/ 0)/%' %)1!)/*-4 %. -!'%!1! 
*- *-'
$!) /$! $- .*"/ *((%/ *+/%*) %. .!/ /* 
*-  )4 '%)! %/!( %) /$! +-/. '%./ (4 ! $- *((%//!
+-%*- /* +-%)/%)# *- -!'%!1%)# /$! %)1!)/*-4

$!) 4*0 .!/ /$! *((%/(!)/ !/$* "%!' %)
/$! -)$')/ *)./)/. "*-( /*  *-  4*0 (0./ 0.!
 *-  "*- /$%. "%!' !0.!  $- *((%/(!)/ (0./ !

A8.1 (8/97) 4–25

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

%*'(  %'! %*'( '  $*#' % ,%'! %*'( )) ) #$*)*' $ &"$)
. %&')( &' .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
%' '&) ) + #$*)*' $ $) . ) $*#' % ,%'!
%*'( &' ( ) %' ) (&   '$  (%*'
$') %$ &'%'# *(( ) %''(&%$ $ ( ) %*'( )%
"*") ) + "" '(%*' *$ )( %'  ( ) $
) )%)" %' ) .
 $ ) ( ) %*'( #. &&". )%  '$) .( % )
,! ) (.()# *(( ) )%)" % )  '() )' %*'( )%
 $ ) ,%'! %*'( &' . +"*
 ) % *('  $ % 
 )) $)  (  ". ,%'!
( )( $ &.'%"" (.()#( .%* $ *(  ( ) % )% 
 &'$) %' #%*$) )% ) %*'". ') %$  ) #'
%' &.'%"" $ ) # $)'.
 $ #&"%. ",.( ,%'!(  ( ) %' ,   ( ) ')
 '$) " ( &&" " $)' )) ( ) % %$ )
#&"%.( #()' '%' $ .%* $)' ) ( ) %$
) #&"%.( #()' '%' .%* % $%) $ )% $)'
) % %$ ) ) #' ,$ .%* $)' ) #
 $ #&"%. %( %$"". ,%'!(   '$) ( ) .%*
$)' ) ( ) % %$  &&" " ) #' )%
%+''  ) *")
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
%' '&) ) + #$*)*' $ *( ) ( - %''(&%$ $
( )  "( )% $) . "" &'%*) %$ " $ ( )( %' )
(&   '$  (%*' $') %$ &'%'# *((
) %''(&%$ $ ( ) %*'( )% "*") ) + ""
'(%*' *$ )( %'  ( ) $ ) )%)" %' ) .

4–26 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information


* *0# /0-&*$ +*./*/.

 +),("/" /%" #+((+2&*$ #&"(!.

 +!&#4 +./ 4 +-' "*/"- ##& &"* 4
 * (0!" ##& &"* 4 &* 1"-%"!
 * (0!" -&(" +- 1"-%"! &* +./
 ( 0(/" -&(" +* &-" / +-
 ( 0(/" -&(" +* "/0, +-
 * (0!" &3"! +- 1"-%"! &* +./
 ( 0(/" &3"! +* &-" / +-
 ( 0(/" &3"! +* "/0, +-
 * (0!" -&("  %&*" 1"-%"! &* +./
 * (0!" &3"!  %&*" 1"-%"! &* +./
 +),("/" /%" #+((+2&*$ +,/&+*( #&"(!
 1"-%"!. . "- "*/. +- /".

1"-%"!. . "- "*/. +- "/"-)&*". %+2 1(0". #+- +1"-%"! #&"(!.  +./
/". +),+*"*/.  /%-+0$% 
 &* /%" +-' "*/"- /"
"1&.&+*. /("    -" "3,-".."! (&! +!". -"
 3,-".. +1"-%"! 1(0". . -/".  0--"* 4
1(0". +- "3),(" "*/"- #&1" !+((-. . 
 3,-".. +1"-%"! 1(0". . ,"- "*/. */"-
,"- "*/. . 2%+(" *0)"-. +- "3),(" "*/"-
#&1" ,"- "*/ . 
+!&#4 +./ 4 +-' +*/-+(. 2%"/%"- /%" +./ -+((0, -"/". +./ +),+*"*/
"*/"- ## 
#+- (+- "##& &"* 4 ."! +* /%" !&-" / (+- 1(0"
 +./ +),+*"*/  *! /%" +-' "*/"- ##& &"* 4
,"- "*/ #-+) /%" +-' "*/"- "1&.&+*. /("   
(&! 1(0". -"
 ". -"/" +./ +),+*"*/ 

 + + *+/ -"/" +./ +),+*"*/ 

* (0!" ##& &"* 4 &* # 4+0 .," &#&"! /%/ 4+0 2*/ /+ )+!&#4 +./. 4 2+-'
1"-%"! "*/"- "##& &"* 4 /%&. #&"(! !"/"-)&*". 2%"/%"- /%" +./
-+((0, &* (0!". 2+-' "*/"- "##& &"* 4 2%"* ( 0(/&*$
+1"-%"! 1(0". (&! 1(0". -"
 * (0!" 2+-' "*/"- "##& &"* 4
 3 (0!" 2+-' "*/"- "##& &"* 4

A8.1 (8/97) 4–27

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

#!) & $& $#(&$!' +(& ( $'( &$!!)% &(' $'( $"%$##(
*& # $'(  $& *& ! !$& $*& # ( $'( $"%$##('
 !  *!)' &
 ' &( $'( $"%$##( 
 $ $ #$( &( $'( $"%$##( 
!)!( & $#  &( (&" #' +(& ( $'( &$!!)% #!)'  &( !$&
$& ,%#'' $'( $"%$##(  # ( ($(! )' ($
!)!( *& ! !$& $*& $'( $"%$##( 
!  *!)' &
 #!)  &( !$& ,%#''
 ,!)  &( !$& ,%#''
!)!( & $# ()% (&" #' +(& ( $'( &$!!)% #!)' '()% !$&
$& ,%#'' $'( $"%$##(  # ( ($(! )' ($
!)!( *& ! '()% $*& $'( $"%$##( 
!  *!)' &
 #!) '()% !$& ,%#''
 ,!) '()% !$& ,%#''
#!)  , $& $#(&$!' +(& ( $'( &$!!)% &(' $'( $"%$##(
*& # $'( $&  , !$& $*& # ( $'( $"%$##('
 !  *!)' &
 ' &( $'( $"%$##( 
 $ $ #$( &( $'( $"%$##( 
!)!(  , $#  &( (&" #' +(& ( $'( &$!!)% #!)'  &( !$&
$& ,%#'' $'( $"%$##(  # ( ($(! )' ($
!)!(  , !$& $*& $'( $"%$##(  ! 
*!)' &
 #!)  &( !$& ,%#''
 ,!)  &( !$& ,%#''
!)!(  , $# ()% (&" #' +(& ( $'( &$!!)% #!)' '()% !$&
$& ,%#'' $'( $"%$##(  # ( ($(! )' ($
!)!(  , '()% $*& $'( $"%$##( 
!  *!)' &
 #!) '()% !$& ,%#''
 ,!) '()% !$& ,%#''
#!) &  # $#(&$!' +(& ( $'( &$!!)% &(' $'( $"%$##(
*& # $'(  $& *& ! " # $*& # ( $'(
$"%$##(' (! 
 !  *!)' &
 ' &( $'( $"%$##( 
 $ $ #$( &( $'( $"%$##( 
#!)  ,  # $#(&$!' +(& ( $'( &$!!)% &(' $'( $"%$##(
*& # $'(  $&  , " # $*& # ( $'( $"%$##('
 !  *!)' &
 ' &( $'( $"%$##( 
 $ $ #$( &( $'( $"%$##( 

4–28 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

See Also

 Setting Up Manufacturing Constants  Product Data Management Process

Manufacturing Guide

Setting Up Work Centers

From Shop Floor Control (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Enter/Change Work Centers

#  "    " #"  %  "  !# ! & "!
   ! #  !  %  !  % !'  #!

Before You Begin

- " # &# %  " !  !"  #! ! $ #!!! #"! 

"  #!!! " $!!  


 "    "

  " &# %  "   " " % 


A8.1 (8/97) 4–29

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

2. Complete the following optional fields:

 Dispatch Group
 Work Center Type (for repetitive manufacturing)
 Calendar (for repetitive manufacturing)
 Crew Size
 Queue Hours
 Move Hours
 Replenishment Hours
 Location - Issue
 Location Branch
 Capacity Standard (for repetitive manufacturing)
 Capacity Unit of Measure (for repetitive manufacturing)
 Capacity Minimum (for repetitive manufacturing)
 Capacity Maximum (for repetitive manufacturing)
 Hours (for repetitive manufacturing)

Work Center An alphanumeric field that identifies a separate entity
within a business for which you want to track costs. For
example, a business unit might be a warehouse location,
job, project, work center, or branch/plant.
You can assign a business unit to a voucher, invoice,
fixed asset, and so on, for purposes of responsibility
reporting. For example, the system provides reports of
open accounts payable and accounts receivable by
business units to track equipment by responsible
Security for this field can prevent you from locating
business units for which you have no authority.
Note: The system uses this value for Journal Entries if you
do not enter a value in the AAI table.
Dispatch Group A super category code to group work centers within an
overall business unit. For example, you can group like
machines operating out of several work centers that
report to one business unit under a dispatch group.

4–30 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

."3 &6" %" *1)". +# ,"+,(" 3%+ 3+.' &* 0%" /," &#&"! 3+.'
"*0". +. .+10&*$ +,".0&+*
%" /5/0") )1(0&,(&"/ 0%" 1* +. 2(1" &* 0%" +10&*$
/0". 0("    5 ."3 /&6" !1.&*$ +/0&*$ 0+
$"*".0" 0+0( (+. !+((./
# 0%" .&)" +! +!" &/  +.  0%" /5/0") 1/"/ 0%" 0+0(
(+. %+1./ #+.  '/ %"!1(&*$ # 0%" .&)" +! +!" &/
+.  0%" /5/0") 1/"/ 0%" 0+0( ) %&*" %+1./ #+.
 '/ %"!1(&*$ 3&0%+10 )+!&#& 0&+* 5 ."3 /&6"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+. %+, (++. +*0.+(

# 5+1 ("2" 0%" +1./ #&"(! +* 0%" +10&*$ "2&/&+*/

#+.) (*' 0%" /5/0") 1/"/ 0%" 2(1" "*0"."! &* 0%&/ #&"(!
#+. ("!0&)" *! / %"!1(&*$ ( 1(0&+*/
+2" +1./ %" ,(**"! 0&)" &* %+1./ 0%0 &/ ."-1&."! 0+ )+2" 0%"
+.!". #.+) 0%&/ +,".0&+* 0+ 0%" *"40 +,".0&+* &* 0%"
/)" 3+.' "*0".
# 0%" +10&*$ /0". 2(1"/ ." (*' 0%" !"#1(0 2(1"
+)"/ #.+) 0%" 3+.' +.!". .+10&*$ +3"2". 0%" /5/0")
1/"/ 0%"/" 2(1"/ +*(5 #+.  '/ %"!1(&*$ 2.&("
("!0&)" &0")/
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# 5+1 ("2" 0%" +1./ #&"(! +* 0%" +10&*$ "2&/&+*/
#+.) (*' 0%" /5/0") 1/"/ 0%" 2(1" "*0"."! &* 0%&/ #&"(!
#+. ("!0&)" *! / %"!1(&*$ ( 1(0&+*/
",("*&/%)"*0 +1./ %" 0&)" ."-1&."! "#+."  +*/1)&*$ 3+.' "*0". 3&((
%2"  .",( ")"*0 +*0&*". +# $++!/ 2&((" #.+) 0%&/
/1,,(5&*$ 3+.' "*0".
%&/ 2(1" &/ 1/"! +*(5 #+.    .! ,.+ "//&*$ &*
%+, (++. +*0.+(
+.' "*0". 5," "#&*"/ 0%" 05," +# 3+.' "*0". +//&(" 2(1"/ ."

(*' 0*! (+*" 3+.' "*0".

 .+!1 0&+* (&*" &*  .","0&0&2" "*2&.+*)"*0
 ",+.0&*$ 3+.' /00&+* 3&0%&*  ,.+!1 0&+* (&*"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+. .","0&0&2" )*1# 01.&*$ 0%" /5/0") 2".&#&"/ 0%" 2(1"
&/ *+0 2(&! /  3+.' "*0". #+. * +,".0&+* #.+) 0%"
("*!. *0". 0%" 2(1" +# 0%" ("*!. 3%& % +.."/,+*!/ 0+ 0%"
("*!. 05," +. "4),(" &# 0%" ("*!. 05," &/
 "*0".  2(&! .+10" +!" 0+ !&/,(5 0%" ("*!.
#+.  ,.0& 1(. .+10"

A8.1 (8/97) 4–31

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

&,)*  %,$) & .&)" &,)* ++ + $%,+,) % '#%+
&')+* ') 0
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
&) )'+ + - $%,+,) % %+ 0 + %,$) & .&)"
&,)* ') * + &) + *'   .&)" %+) * + * /
&))*'&% % * +  #* +& %+ 0 ## ')&,+ &% # %
* +* &) + *'   .&)" %+)

' +0 +  *+%) ' +0 #-# + .   ')&,+ &% # %
,*,##0 &')+*

' +0  )&,+ &% ,% + & $*,) ,* +& /')** + ' +0
&  ')&,+ &% # % &) /$'# +$'* %!+ &%* +

' +0  %  #&.) # $ + ' +0 0&% .  + ')&,+ &%
# % *&,# %&+ &')+  * -#, *   0
$%$%+ * &%   % * &*+* +

' +0 /  ,'') # $ + ' +0 0&% .   ')&,+ &% # %
% %&+ ')&,
&  *) '+ &%  %,$) & .&)" &,)* ++ + $%,+,) % '#%+
&')+* ') 0
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
&) )'+ + - $%,+,) % %+ 0 + %,$) & .&)"
&,)* ') * + &) + *'   .&)" %+) * + * /
&))*'&% % * +  #* +& %+ 0 ## ')&,+ &% # %
* +* &) + *'   .&)" %+)

What You Should Know About

   0&, *+ + & 0
&*+ 0 &)"
%+)   %0  #
+&  &% %,+,) %
&%*+%+* + *0*+$ $,#+ '# *
+   %0  # -#, 0 +  )+ #&) &*+ +& )+
  &*+ +0' #&)   %0 % + +$

&$'&%%+ 1%* +#

  0&, ,* )&,* %$%+ % & %&+ *+ ,'

-#  .&)" %+) #&+ &%* + *0*+$ %+)* . +
)&,* %$%+ .% 0&, ++ % %) %+*
# *+ +&  .&)" &))  0&, & *+ ,' -#  .&)" %+)
#&+ &%* &) 0&, ++ % %) %+* # *+ ,+ +
(,%+ +0 /* + (,%+ +0 0&, - % + .&)"
%+) + *0*+$ ,** )&,* %$%+ +& )+
 ' " )(,*+ &) + )$ % % (,%+ +0 +&  ## + .&)"
&)) )(,*+

4–32 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

   #!  %#  !#  %# )!&  $$ !#
       %# % '$! $ %!  % !% $&%  
#!* '&$ !#     !# !&#$ !& 
&"% % $&% #%$ &% !% % #!* '&$ 
$)$% &"%$ #!* '&$ ( )!& #& % #!*
!$% "% "#!#

%#  (#$  &%&#  "#!#$ &$ %$

'&$  &  !$% !&% $ !# % # 
#"!#%$ #% !#  ) #"!#%$   !$% !&"

 #!  %#  !#  %# )!&  $$ &$ $$

!#%! %!  % &$ $$ & %$   %#

Setting Up Resource Units

From Shop Floor Control (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Enter/Change Resource Units

$!&# & %  !#%!  %$ % "%) !  (!#  %# !  '

)  $)$% &$$ %$  !#%! %! $& (!# !##$  $!"
!!# ! %#!   %! &% ' !&#$ !# "%) "  

Before You Begin

-   (!#)$ !# % #  !# " %  % $!" !!#  #

A8.1 (8/97) 4–33

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


 %(!  * )%+( $ *) %(# )%-) * -%(! %+() , ""  /
%  )&   #%$* %(  -%(! $*(

$ $*( $ )%+( $ *)

 %#&"* * %""%- $  ")

 $ * % )+(
 %(! $*(
 "$( %$*(
 )%+( $ *
 %#&"* * %""%- $ %&* %$"  ")

  * %( (&* * , #$+*+( $

 * " 0* %$

$ * % )+( +)(  $ % )/)*# */&  ** $*  )
* +$ * % #)+(#$* %( $ #%+$* %( '+$* */ %(
.#&" * $ (&()$*  ((" %. +  /(
""%$ $ %+( $ )% %$

4–34 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

Work Center An alphanumeric field that identifies a separate entity
within a business for which you want to track costs. For
example, a business unit might be a warehouse location,
job, project, work center, or branch/plant.
You can assign a business unit to a voucher, invoice,
fixed asset, and so on, for purposes of responsibility
reporting. For example, the system provides reports of
open accounts payable and accounts receivable by
business units to track equipment by responsible
Security for this field can prevent you from locating
business units for which you have no authority.
Note: The system uses this value for Journal Entries if you
do not enter a value in the AAI table.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This value identifies the available capacity for the work
Efficiency A user defined value that indicates how efficiently a work
center operates. This value usually refers to people
efficiency. When you enter a value in this field, and the
Modify Cost by Work Center Efficiency field in the Job
Shop Manufacturing Constants table (F3009) is set to Y,
the system creates a new cost component (B4) from the
cost calculated from the direct labor cost (B1). The system
also uses this value to calculate rated capacity.
Example: If the constant is set to Y, the value of this field
is 80%, and the direct labor cost is 10, the system creates
a B4 cost component for 2 in the Item Cost Component
AddĆOns table (F30026).
Enter percents as whole numbers, for example, enter 80%
as 80.00.
Total Resource Units The total resource units for the month.
Utilization A percentage that indicates how intensively a work center
is being used. This value usually refers to machine use. It
is the ratio of the direct time charged for production
activities to the planned hours. This value is also used to
calculate rated capacity.
Enter percents as whole numbers, for example, enter 80%
as 80.00.

A8.1 (8/97) 4–35

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


"# , (  -+*  #' ( 
 ,", #',# #+ #%0 /(*$
+"# ,+ ' )0*(%% +0+,&+ 0(- ' -+  +"# , ( ,( 
 )*', (* &(-', ,( ," "(-*%0 *, ('  ,#&*
(* )0*(%% ' ,#& ',*0
 ' &)%(0 %/0+ /(*$+  +"# , (* /"#"  +"# , *,
# *',#% #+ ))%#% ',* ,", +"# , ( (' ,"
&)%(0+ &+,* *(* "' 0(- ',* ," +"# , ('
," &)%(0+ &+,* *(* 0(- ( '(, ' ,( ',*
," ( (' ," ,#&* /"' 0(- ',* ,#&
 ' &)%(0 (+#('%%0 /(*$+  # *', +"# , 0(-
',* ," +"# , ( (' " ))%#% ,#&* ,(
(.**# ,"  -%,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . FormĆspecific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(- ' .#/ ," ,(,% *+(-*+ .#%% (*  !#.' 0
0 ',*#'! ' +,*#+$  #' ,"#+ #%
(* *),#,#. &'- ,-*#'! ',*   ,( %%(/ ,"
+0+,& ,( #+)%0  +)# # +"# ,+ -'#,+ (* ',*   ,(
.#/ ," ,(,% *+(-* .#%#%#,0 (* ," +)# # ,#&
)*#( "#% ,"#+ )*(!*& #+)%0+ ," ,(,% -'#,+ (* ,"
+"# , 0 (* /(*$ ',*+  #' /#,"  +,'*
)#,0 ' -'#, ( &+-* #' ,"(+ -'#,+ ," +0+,&
+,(*+ ," , #' "(-*+

What You Should Know About

  (- ' &'-%%0 "'! ," .%-+ ,( (-', (*

 +"-% (* -'+"-% (/',#& #,#('% +"# ,+ (*
.,#(' ,#& (/.* " ,#& 0(- *-'  *+"
+(-* '#,+ ," +0+,& *%-%,+ ," (*& .%-+
+ (' #' (*&,#(' #' ," (*$ ',* .#+#('+ "()
%((* %'* ' '- ,-*#'! ('+,',+ ,%+ '
(.*/*#,+ 0(-* &'-% "'!+

(- ''(, &'-%%0 "'! ," .%-+ # ," +"# , .%-

#+ '  ,( +"(/ ,(,% "(-*+ (' ',* "'! (*$

4–36 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

  )*! *',) &"+* "*    )"+) ()' )% +!+
)$,$+* +! .')# &+) !',)* & ,(+* +!% '&
+! &+) !&  *',) &"+* ')% ! */*+%
)$,$+* +! )*',) ,&"+* ')  .')# &+) * '&
"&')%+"'& "& +! &+) !&  ')# &+) ')% !'(
$'') $&) ')% & ' !'( &,+,)"&
'&*+&+* +$ ', & )+ -)*"'&* +' )$,$+ +!
$') *+,( ') %!"& !',)* & *+ +! ()'**"&
'(+"'&* +' ,(+ ")&+ +* & )&!* &/
%&,$ !& * +!+ /', %# +' +! !',)* '& +!
&+) !&  *',) &"+* ')% "* '-).)"++& .!&
/', ),& +! ))*! ()'**

! */*+% %,$+"($"* +! &,%) ' %!"&* ')

%($'/* )'% +! &+) !&  ')# &+)* ')% /
+! .')# !',)* () / )'% +! ' !'( &,+,)"&
'&*+&+* +$ ') ! .')# / "& '& +! !'(
$'') $&) ') +! )&!

*',) ,&"+ $,$+"'&* ') %!"& & $') )$+

!',)* )

      ()"% $' '  ') 

,%) ' %!"&*  ')# !',)* () /
     ()"% $' '   ')

,%) ' %($'/*  ')# !',)* () /

See Also

 Setting Up the Shop Floor Calendar

 Product Data Management Discrete Manufacturing Guide

Processing Options for Work Center Resource Units Revisions

1. Unit of Measure ____________

A8.1 (8/97) 4–37

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Setting Up Line and Item Relationships

From Shop Floor Control (G31), enter 29

From Shop Floor Control Setup (G3141), choose Line Item Relationships




4–38 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

,*-)#1# 1&# $,)),4'+% $'#)"0

 1#* 2* #/
 -!'15 +'10

'+##)) "#+1'$'#/ #$'+#0  -/,"2!1',+ )'+# ,/ !#)) #1')#" 4,/( !#+1#/
,-#/1',+0 !+ # "#$'+#" '+0'"# 1&# )'+# ,/ !#)) ,/ /1#
0#" *+2$!12/'+% 1, 20# 1&'0 3)2# $,/ /#-,/1'+% 1&'0
3)2# *201 *1!& 1&# )'+# !#)) '+ 1&# &#"#/
#0,2/!# 2+'10 !,+02*#" +"'!1#0 &,4 *+5 ,$ 1&# )'+#0 /#0,2/!# 2+'10 /#
+##"#" 1, -/,"2!# ,+# '1#*
&'$1 ,"#  20#/ "#$'+#" !,"#   1&1 '"#+1'$'#0 "')5 4,/(
0&'$10 + -5/,)) 0501#*0 5,2 !+ 20#  0&'$1 !,"# 1, ""
 -#/!#+1 ,/ *,2+1 1, 1&# &,2/)5 /1# ,+  1'*#!/"
,/ -5/,)) +" 1'*# #+1/5
$ + #*-),5## )450 4,/(0  0&'$1 $,/ 4&'!&  0&'$1 /1#
"'$$#/#+1') '0 --)'! )# #+1#/ 1&1 0&'$1 !,"# ,+ 1&#
#*-),5##0 *01#/ /#!,/" &#+ 5,2 #+1#/ 1&# 0&'$1 ,+
1&# #*-),5##0 *01#/ /#!,/" 5,2 ", +,1 +##" 1, #+1#/
1&# !,"# ,+ 1&# 1'*#!/" 4&#+ 5,2 #+1#/ 1'*#
$ + #*-),5## ,!!0',+))5 4,/(0  "'$$#/#+1 0&'$1 5,2
#+1#/ 1&# 0&'$1 !,"# ,+ #!& --)'! )# 1'*#!/" 1,
,3#//'"# 1&# "#$2)1
,+1&##(5&'$1  !,"# 1&1 "#1#/*'+#0 1&# $/#.2#+!5 ,$ 1&# 0!&#"2)#
)'" !,"#0 /#

#/ &'$1

A8.1 (8/97) 4–39

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Set Up Kanban Controlled Items

From Product Data Management (G30), enter 29

From Product Data Management Setup (G3041), choose Kanban Master


!& &$% $% &"  % ! %   $%# '$! $ "#!# !# % $
  ! %#! !&     $ % % % # " %  
! $&  !%! ' %# )!&     ! %#! %$ &$  
&%! %! $* %    "   ! % !& % !  ' %!#) '

!('#  )!& $% % !'##  !  % $)$% !$ !% &"% % #!#
( )!& #& % &%! "#!#



   $%# '$! $

 !"% % !!(  $

 #  %
 ! $&  !%!
 &"")  !%!

4–40 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

 $"%!( ( $!!$+ # $%( $#!  !'

 ## )#( (,
 %!# '"#(   "
 $)& ,%
 '' ( ( ! &

 $"%!( ( $!!$+ # $%( $#!  !'

 )%%! &
 )%%!, # $( $#
  # !!
 $#( #& )#( (,
 )"& $ &'
 *&&  !

A8.1 (8/97) 4–41

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

&-%* ,!, "&,""+ & &,*1 "& ,!
*++ ''#
+1+,% + ,!"+ &-%* ,' "&,"1 %($'1+
(($"&,+ (*,""(&,+ -+,'%*+ +-(($"*+ ,&&,+ &
&1 ',!*
*++ ''# %%*+
($&"+!  "% ! ,"% *)-"* '*  '&+-%"& /'*# &,* /"$$
!.  *($%&, #&& ."$$ *'% ",+ +-(($1"&
!"+ .$- "+ -+ '&$1 '* #&& * (*'++"& "&
!'( $''* '&,*'$
'&,"&* -&,",1 ! (",1 '  '&,"&* "&  #&& '&,*'$$
.**" $ !"+ $ &  -+ ,' $'# ,! #&& +"2 &
)-&,",1 ,' (*.&, !& + 1 ,! && $-$,"'&
(*' *%
-&,",1 ! ,',$ +"2 ' ,! #&&
"(,+ $ -+ ,' "&", ,! *"(,+ (*'++ /"$$ 
0-, , #&& !# "& ,"%
!+ !"+ "$ "&",+ ,! %,!' -+ ,' ,*&+*
'%($, -&",+ *'% ,! +-(($1"& ,' ,! '&+-%"&
 & (!+ ,*&+* ! '%($,"'& "+ '&
"*,$1 ,' ,! '&+-%"& $',"'&
 /' (!+ ,*&+* ! '%($,"'& "+
(*'*%  "&+, ,! +-(($1"& $',"'&

+-+)-&, *"(, ' "&.&,'*1 "+ & , ,!

'&+-%"& $',"'&
&&  &")- "&,""* '* ,! "*+, #&& ++" & ,' & ",%
"&  +("" *&!($&, '&+-%"& $',"'& '*
+-(($1"& $',"'&
&&   &")- "&,""* '* ,! +'& #&& ++" & ,' &
",% "&  +("" *&!($&, '&+-%"& $',"'& '*
+-(($1"& $',"'&
"& $$ "&+  (*'-,"'& $"& '* $$ ,"$ /'*# &,*
'(*,"'&+ &  "& "&+" ,! $"& '* $$ '* *,
+ %&-,-*"& ,' -+ ,!"+ .$- '* *('*,"& 
              FormĆSpecific Information         
!& ,! +'-* ,1( "+   /'*# &,* ,!"+ "$
"&,""+ ,! (*'-,"'& $"& (*'-"& ,! #&& ",%
-(($1"& ',"'&
' ,!, "&,""+ ,! $',"'& "&  *&!($&, *'%
/!"! "&.&,'*1 "+ +-(($"

4–42 A8.1 (8/97)

Set Up Manufacturing Information

%*' -& $ )( ) )-& % (*&&"- $ "%) %$ %'  !$$
"  +"*( '
 %'! $)'
 *&&" '
%$(*# $ %) %$ % )) $)  ( ) "%) %$ $  '$&"$) )%
,  $+$)%'- ( ' +
)# $*#' )) ) (-()# (( $( )% $ )# ) $  $
(%') "%$ %' ' )# $*#' %'#)

Generating Kanbans

From Product Data Management (G30), enter 29

From Product Data Management Setup (G3041), choose Kanban Calculation

)' -%* () *& ) )# %$ $$ ()' + ( %$( -%* $ *( ) $$
"*") %$ &'%'# )% $') $ &' $)  !$$ &' )# %,+' -%*
$ () ) %+''  " %$ $$ ()' + ( %$( )% &'+$) ) (-()#
'%# *&) $ ) #()' '%'

( ) &'%(( $ %&) %$( )%

 *$ ) &'%'# $ &'%% #%

 ' $) ) "*") %$ '&%')
 &) ) $$ ()'
 & -  ()- ()%! %)' )$ ,) (  $ $ ) )#
 %$)'%" ,) &'$) ) (-()# $ $ ) ( . % ) !$$
 & - ) (%*' %' ) #$
 & -  *()%# . "*") %$ &'%'#

A8.1 (8/97) 4–43

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Processing Options for Kanban Size Calculation

1. Enter ’1’ to print KANBAN cards ____________
2. Enter ’1’ to print the calculation ____________
3. Enter ’1’ to create/update ____________
Kanban Master records.
4. Enter the desired safety stock ____________
expressed as a percentage of
daily production. (’15’ = 15%)
5. Enter the range, expressed as a ____________
percentage, above or below which
the Kanban should not be changed.
(’15’ = plus or minus 15%)
6. Enter a ’1’ to select summation of
the MPS/MRP demands desired, or
enter a ’2’ to select greater of
of MPS/MRP demands desired. If no
demands are selected, the Planning
Time Fence Rule for the item will
be used.
a. Forecasts ____________
b. Sales Orders ____________
c. Firm Work Orders ____________
d. Planned Work Orders ____________
e. Rate Schedule ____________
f. Purchase Orders ____________
7. Enter number of hours equivalent ____________
to one day. (Default is 8)
8. Enter the date range to use for the
average daily demand calculation.
a. Beginning Date (Required) ____________
b. Ending Date (Required) ____________
9. Enter a ’1’ to call external ____________
kanban size calculation program
10. Enter version for P304501. ____________
(Default is ZJDE0001)

4–44 A8.1 (8/97)

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

4–46 A8.1 (8/97)

Appendix A — Test Yourself Answers


Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Committing Inventory

1. A hard commitment physically ties inventory to an order or rate schedule.

A soft commitment is a tentative commitment of inventory and can be
issued to another order or rate schedule.
2. - Commitment Method
- Commitment Control
- Hard/Soft Commit
3. Yes, you can set the system to commit inventory from a location related
to a work center.
4. A program that clears outdated or invalid commitments and reposts the
commitments and onĆorder quantities on your process orders to current
5. False - At the item level, you can commit inventory by lot number or lot
expiration date.
6. True
7. False - Using the normal inventory commitment method, inventory is
committed from the primary location, then secondary locations using those
locations with the greatest quantity first.
8. True
9. True
10. True

Changing Item Classification

1. - Reclassify Items
- Group Reclassifications
- Reverse Reclassifications
2. No - This is just one option.
3. Locate the transaction you want to reverse, change the action code to C,
and enter a 2 in the Option field of the line to be reversed.
4. - Assign Manually
- Newest From Expiration Date
- Oldest From Expiration Date
- Transaction Date Plus Shelf Life

A–2 A8.1 (8/97)

Availability and Shortages

1. Ingredient Availability is for a process and Ingredient List is for an order.

2. In the Branch/Plant Constants.
3. Place a minus sign (-) next to quantity that is soft committed to SO &
4. Enter a 3 in the Option field next to the ingredient you are entering the
shortage for.
5. True
6. False - The ingredients list displays the ingredients required to complete
the quantity of the product indicated on a work order.
7. True
8. False - Quantities in safety stock can be considered on hand.
9. True

Revising Statuses

1. - Close it out
- Delete it
- Purge it
2. - Delete the ingredients list
- Delete the routing
- Delete the header
3. No.
4. A number is displayed in the Document field.
5. Inquire on it, then enter a 9 in the Option field.
6. Redistributes the remaining data so that your disk space is used more
7. - Order number is used as a subledger number in the Account Ledger
table (F0911).
- The order is a parent to the other orders.
- Parts or ingredients have been issued to the order.

A8.1 (8/97) A–3

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Appendix B — Leadtimes

&$   & %  %% & "$& !  +  '&'$  !$ %' 

!$  + "$!'& && +!' "'$% !$  '&'$ +!'  !' &$ 
&  &) ) +!' !$$ !$ %&$& &   ) +!' $( !$  % &
! !' & !$ &  +!' '%& %&& & *&$ &   !) !$ &  +!'$

''&( & % & &!& !' & ! & && % $#'$ &! "$!' 
"$!'& "$!%%  '&'$  & % & & $#'$ &! !"&   &$
"$!%%  !"
!!$ ! &$! %+%& '%% & $#'%& & ! & !$$
  % ! & ( & !$ & "$!'& '&% & ""$!"$&
!$$ %&$& &

&%  '

 !$ !$$ %&$& &%

 "$&! %&$&   ' &%
 ($""  !"$&! %
 ($""    ! '$$ & !"$&! %
 '&  &%

 + &!$%   '  +!'$ !" +% & "!+  ' 

  '&'$   ($!  & %%,&!,!$$ ,&!,!$$

* !$ ($ #' &&%
 $ !$ !($" !"$&! %

* !$ ($ &
 '$ ! %&%   !"$&!$%

&!$  +  +

A8.1 (8/97) B–1

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

%( $/ #$+*+( &(%+* * )/)*# "+"*) %+( */&) % "*#

 ( +$*

"%%( %$*(%" )/)*# +)) * %""%-$ * $ *) "+"*%$ %

 (" %( %,("& %&(*%$)

. %( ,(" "*# $*%(
 %+*$ "%( )*+& '++ #%, $ #$ (+$ %+()
 %(! $*( &(# "% %
 +#( % #&"%/) %( #$) &( -%(! $*(
 %+() &( -%(! /


 )) * $%(#*%$ ** /%+ )* +& %(  *# %$ "$* $+*+($
* $ * $,$*%(/ $#$* )/)*#
 %%($*) * $%(#*%$ -* (%+*$ $ -%(! $*( $%(#*%$ /%+
$*( $ * (%+* * $#$*   )/)*#
 *(#$) "*#) %( "" &($* $ %#&%$$* *#)

* $/ &%$* $ /%+( &"$$$ $ )+"$ &(%)) /%+ $ $ "*#
,"+) #$+""/ *(%+ $+*+($ *

%+ $ +) . %( ,(" "*#) %( $($*)  )/)*# )+*(*)
. "*#) (*"/ (%# * ('+)* * %$ * -%(! ('+)* *% "+"*
* )*(* * % &(%+*%$
. "*# (#$) * )# ((")) % *
'+$**/ &(%+ %-,( ,(" "*#  +)*) %($ *% * '+$**/

 %""%-$ .&"$) #&%(*$* "*# %$&*) /%+ $ *% +$()*$

    $+#( % #$ %+() ('+( *% &(%+ *
#%+$* (%# * *# )) %

    $+#( % "%( %+() ('+( *% &(%+ *

#%+$* (%# * *# )) %

B–2 A8.1 (8/97)

   " (/', ) ")/,- ,+/#, .) *,*, '"#(,3 .)
,/(  -*# # #.' ,!,&-- ) +/(.#.3

  " (/', ) ")/,- .".  '(/ ./,#(! 1),% ),, #-
#( .,(-#. ,)' ." )'*&.#)( ) )( )*,.#)( .) ."
!#((#(! ) ." (2.

   " (/', ) ")/,- .".  $) 1#.- .  1),% (.,

 ), -./* ), 1),% #- *, ),' )( ." $) "#- 0&/
#- ." -/' ) ." ')0 ")/,- ( ." +// ")/,-

 (#.- ")1 '"#( ), &), ")/,- , 2*,-- ), 
*,)/. #' -#- )- #(.# 3 ." .#' -#- ), ,. .)
 /- ), '"#( ), &), ")/,- (., ), 0,3
,)/.#(! -.* ), 2'*& ")/,- *,  *#- ), 
")/,- *,  *#- )/ ( '#(.#( ." .#' -#-
)- )( #' -#- )- #' -#- )- , /-,
 #( )- 

 ")1- ." 0#&& ')/(. ) *#.3 #(  1),% (.,
), ." ')(."- #( ." &(, ), &.#' */,*)-- -
." -3-.' &/&.- ." )*,.#)( -.,. ( / .-
." -3-.' /-- ." 0#&& ")/,- .) &/&. ."
)*,.#)( -.,. .- )/ ( '#(.#( ." ,-)/, /(#.-
#( ),% (., -)/, (#.-

 .,'#(- 1".",  1),% (., #- &), ), '"#(
#(.(-#0 " *,#' &) ) &-) .,'#(- 1".",
." -3-.' /-- ." (/', ) '*&)3- ), (/', )
'"#(- .) .,'#( ." #&3 ,-)/, /(#.- #( ."
-)/, (#.- .& )/ ( '#(.#( ." *,#' &)
)- )( ),% (., 0#-#)(- ), &/&.#(!
&.#'- ." )&&)1#(! *,#' &) ) 0&/- ,
  ,/( &), ")/,-
  '"#( &), ")/,-
  ,/( ( -./* ")/,-
  '"#( ( -./* ")/,-

  )/ -*# 3 ." &0& &.#' 1"#" #- +/& .) ."
/'/&.#0 &.#' 3  /&. ." '(/ ./,#(!
&.#' &.#' *, /(#. .).& +//')0 ")/,- (
-./* .#'- ), */,"- *,.- , 4,)

A8.1 (8/97) B–3

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Work Order Start Dates

The system uses the level leadtime or leadtime per unit for an item defined on
the Manufacturing Data form to calculate the start date of a work order based on
the order's due date.

Fixed Leadtime

When an item has a fixed leadtime, the system uses its level leadtime value in
backscheduling to find the work order start date.

For example, the system generates a planned order for product 101 with a
requested date of 10/15/98. The level leadtime is 3 days for this product, so the
system calculates the start date by counting back 3 working days on the shop
floor calendar from (but not including) the requested date. The system assigns
the order a start date of 10/12/98.

Fixed Leadtime

10/12 10/13 10/14 10/15

Start Date Due Date
Level LT 3 days

Variable Leadtime

When an item has a variable leadtime, the system uses the following calculation
to determine the leadtime days:

(Leadtime per unit x order quantity / TIMB*) + setup + total queue/move

Work hours per day
* The system reads the Time Basis Code from the Item Branch file (F4102).

For example, to determine the start date, the system counts back the leadtime
days from the due date of planned orders. The system backschedules the due
date, 10/15, 2 days to determine the start date of 10/13.

(32 x 1000/ 10,000) + 1 + 9) / 8

(3.2 + 10) / 8 = 2 days

B–4 A8.1 (8/97)

" )&&)1#(! .& -")1- ." 0&/- /- #( ."#- 2'*&

/ . 

.#' *, /(#.  ")/,-

,, +/(.#.3 
./*  ")/,
).& +//')0 ")/,-

Operation Start and Due Dates

" -3-.' &/&.- ." )*,.#)( -.,. ( / .- 1#." ." 0,! (/',
) ")/,- *, )*,.#)(

Fixed Leadtime

" -3-.' &/&.- ." )*,.#)( ")/,- ),  #2 &.#' /-#(! ."
)&&)1#(! #( ),'.#)(

 0& &.#'
 )/,- *, 1),% 3
 /', ) '*&)3- *, '"#(
 /', ) )*,.#)(-

)/ '/-. -"/& ." ")/,- *, )*,.#)( ),#(! .) ." ,-)/, /(#.-
1#."#( ." (.#, &0& &.#' "#- (-/,- .". ." -.,. . ) ." #,-.
)*,.#)( #- ." -' - ." -.,. . ) ." 1),% ),, "( ." $) ')0- .)
 # ,(. 1),% (., #( ." -' 3 ." -3-.' ,-- ." ,-)/, /(#.-
0#&& 3 ." *,(.! ) ." 1),% 3 ,'#(#(! " -3-.' )-(. /-
,-)/, /(#.- )( ." / . ) ." 1),% ),, (-. #. --/'- ." ),,
1- )'*&. . ." ( ) ." *,0#)/- 3

), " )*,.#)( ." -3-.' ."( -"/&- ."#- 0,! .#' #(.) ."
**,)*,#. 1),% (., - )( ." 0#&& ")/,- ,)' ." ),% (.,
-)/, (#.- .&

" -3-.' -"/&- ." &-. )*,.#)( / . )( ." 3  ), ." 1),%
),, / .

A8.1 (8/97) B–5

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


" ,2,-& .,, -" (%%(0#'! (+&.% -( %.%- /+! -#& )+ ()+-#('

%-#& %/% 2, 1 0(+$ "(.+, )+ 2 

 1 &)%(2, (+ &"#'
 /+! -#&
'.&+ ( ()+-#(' ,*.', %'$ ()+-#(' ,*.' (, ('%2 )+ ()+-#('

" (%%(0#'! -% ,"(0, -" /%., ., #' -"#, 1&)%

(+$ (++ . -  

/+! -#& )+ ()+-#(' "(.+,
)+-#(', #' -" +(.-#'!    3  . 

  3 .  ,-+- 
   3  .  ,-+-  
  3 .   ,-+- 
 ,(.+ '#-, 3  
 ,(.+ '#-, 3 

Variable Leadtime

( -+&#' /+#% %-#&, -" ,2,-& ,".%, -" -.% "(.+, +(& -"
0(+$ (++ +(.-#'! #',-+.-#(', (+#'! -( -" ,& +,(.+ .'#-, +.%, (+
/+#% %-#&

" ,2,-& .,, -" )+#& %( ( -( -+&#' 0"- "(.+, -( ., " "(.+,
+ -"' ))%# -( -" +,(.+ .'#-, -% ,#&#%+ -( #1 %-#& " ,2,-&
))%#, *.. -#& +(& -" 0(+$ (++ +(.-#'! - -" !#''#'! ( '
()+-#(' ' ))%#, &(/ -#& - -" ' ( ' ()+-#('

B–6 A8.1 (8/97)

Overlapping Operations

         "   "

   #       !      
    "   !       
 ! % !    #      
         !   ! "  !!
   ! "  !         "

  # $       "   
 "  % "

Operation A
is 20% (Run)
Run Time for Operation A

80% of Overlap (Run)


Queue Run Time for Operation B



Actual Start
Date for
Operation B

    " !            
  !   %  !        # 

A8.1 (8/97) B–7

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Overlapping and Concurrent Operations

  )*',! ( (.*%) #+ +)# # #' ," (-,#'! ,#% * ," /(*$ (**
*(-,#'! #'%-+ +)# # ()*,#('+ ,", (.*%) (* 0&)% ' (.*%)
)*',! (  (* ' ()*,#(' &'+ ,", ," '0, ()*,#(' ' +,*,
 ( ," )*.#(-+ ()*,#(' #+ (&)%,

(*$ (** (&)%, ,   

+, ()*,#('

#*+, ()*,#(' 
+(-* "(-*+ )* 12)* /(*$  "(-*+
)*,#(' (.*%) ('







+#'! ," , *(& ," (. ,%+ ," +1+,& .'+ ," (&)%, , (
," )*.#(-+ ()*,#(' 1   (
(*  "(-*+ " +1+,& ,"' *%-%,+
," +,*, , -+#'! ," '(*&% $+"-%#'! *-%+ +  *+-%, ()*,#('+ 
 (.*%) ' /#%% ,$
"(-*+ ,( (&)%, " (%%(/#'! #!*&
#%%-+,*,+ ,"#+ ('),

+(-* "(-*+      

/( (.*%)
/ (.*%)

/ (.*%)

B–8 A8.1 (8/97)

Calculating Leadtimes

 # $ !! $# $#" # & &# # #
$#$! # !!

 % #  $" $#$! # $##'

 $#$! #
 $$#% #
 ! $# #
 # $$% $!"
 #$ $!"

Level Leadtime

!  $#$! !$# % # " # $!  &!'" ! $!
# # # !$#   #" ! % % # ! 
$!" # " # $!  ! '" ! $! ! '$ # !% #
# #! # "$! !%" '$! $!" !!

Level leadtime for manufactured items

All component Product complete

material is available
Level leadtime for purchased items

Supplier receives Manufacturer

order receives Item


 "'"# $"" # & !$ # $# % #

( {(M or L) / (E or M)} x MLQ )

∑ + setup + total queue/move hours

Work hours per day from Constants table

* The system reads the Time Basis Code from the Routing Master file (F3003).

A8.1 (8/97) B–9

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 %""%- $ *"  $) * ,"+) +) $ * %(#+"

 %(   $ %( "%( %+() ) %$ * &( # "% %

 %( %( %+()
 $ %+()
 +# % "" %&(* %$)
   # ) )
 $+*+( $ "* # '+$* */
+#( % #&"%/) $ * -%(! $*(
 +#( % # $) $ * -%(! $*(

%( .#&"

{(8)/(1)} x 2,000 {(12)/(1)} x 2,000 {(12)/(1)} x 2,000

+ + 1+9
10,000 10,000 10,000

(1.6 + 2.4 + 2.4 + 1 + 9) / 8 = 16.4 / 8 

3 days level leadtime

Manufacturing Leadtime

$+*+( $ "* # ) * *%*" $+#( % -%(!/) ('+ ( *% %#&"* 

&(%+* (%# *) "%-)*0"," *#) *% *  $" *# ))+# $ "" &+()
*#) ( $ %+) -  $"+)

 (( &(&(* %$ * #
 ++ * #
 *+& * #
 +$ * #
 %, * #
 $)&* %$ * #
 +*-/ * #

$ * ) * *%*" % * "," "* # %(  &(%+* &"+) * "%$)*
#$+*+( $ "* # % $/ % *) *#)

B–10 A8.1 (8/97)


Manufacturing leadtime for manufactured items

Start product Final Item



Item F Item G
Level LT = 1 Level LT = 3

Item D Item E
Level LT = 4 Level LT = 3
Mfg LT = 4 + 0 = 4 Mfg LT = 3 + 0 = 3

Item B Item C
Level LT = 7 Level LT = 4
Mfg LT = 7 + 0 = 7 Mfg LT = 4 + 4 = 8

Item A
Level LT = 2
Mfg LT = 2 + 8 = 10

Items A, B, C, D, and E are manufactured items.

Items F and G are purchased items.

A8.1 (8/97) B–11

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Cumulative Leadtime






Cumulative leadtime

Supplier receives Complete product

order Manufacturer Start product




Item F Item G
Level LT = 1 Level LT = 3

Item D Item E
Level LT = 4 Level LT = 3
Cume LT = 4 + 1 = 5 Cume LT = 3 + 3 = 6

Item B Item C
Level LT = 7 Level LT = 4
Cume LT = 7 + 0 = 7 Cume LT = 4 + 6 = 10

Item A
Level LT = 2
Cume LT = 2 + 10 = 12

Items A, B, C, D, and E are manufactured items.

Items F and G are purchased items.

B–12 A8.1 (8/97)

Per Unit Leadtime

" %$ $ # $ #%  $ "% $# #  ( $ "  #
" $ '" $"# $" ( $ "%$ $ ##  &"$ $ $
$ " %$  " %$ $ #$# & #$"$ $# " ""# 
 $" $ "  "" !%$$(  (% "% $ $ "%
"" $ #(#$ #%"# $ " %$ $  %"#


 #(#$ %## $ ' "% $ %$ " %$ $

∑ ( {(M or L) / (E or M)} x TIMB )


For example:

(8 / 1) x 10,000 (12 / 1) x 10,000 (12 / 1) x 10,000


8 + 12 + 12 
32 hours per unit leadtime

* The system reads the Time Basis Code from the Routing Master file (F3003).

 ' $ # $ &%# %#  $ "%

 " " %"# #  $ "  
"  " %"#


%    "$#


%$%" $ !%$$(
 %"   (#  $ '" $"

%"  #  '" $"

A8.1 (8/97) B–13

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Total Queue/Move Hours

!& #''!( !'$% % & %' ! & !( !'$% "$ $!'&    &
#'' !'$% "$ $!'& 



Setup Hours

&'" !'$% % & %' ! & %&'" !'$% !$  $!'&  ( * &
"!*% !$  % %  %'$% ! %%& * '$  & %' 
$!'&  '% & $%!'$ ' &% !$ & )!$  &$ $ $& % !
&!% '$%



B–14 A8.1 (8/97)

Appendix C — Functional Servers

!2!.(   3. / ,.+#.)/ !// "1*0%+*( /!.2!./ $! ,1.,+/! +"
"1*0%+*( /!.2!./ %/ 0+ ,.+2% !  !*0.( (+0%+* "+. /0* . 1/%*!// .1(!/
+10 !*0!.%*# +1)!*0/ /1$ / 2+1$!./ %*2+%!/ * &+1.*( !*0.%!/ $!/!
1/%*!// .1(!/ !/0(%/$ 0$! "+((+3%*#

 0 %0%+*.5 !"1(0 2(1!/

 %!( ! %0/ * 2(% 2(1!/
 ..+. ,.+!//%*#
 !(0%+*/$%,/ !03!!* "%!( / +. ,,(%0%+*/

$!  2*0#!/ +"  "1*0%+*( /!.2!. .!

 0 .! 1!/ )%*0!**! +" !*0.5 ,.+#.)/ !1/! ! %0 .1(!/ .!/% ! %* +*!

!*0.( (+0%+*
 +1 * /0* . %6! +1)!*0/ .+// (( ,,(%0%+*/ !1/! 5+1 .!0!
0$!) 1/%*# 0$! /)! 1/%*!// .1(!/
 !*!.((5 0$! 1/!. %*0!."! ,,!.*! * %*0!.0%+* +"  "+.) %/
*+3 /!,.0! ".+) $+3  ,.+#.) 3+.'/

$! /0!,/ "+. /!00%*# 1, 1/%*!// .1(!/ "+. * !*0.5 ,.+#.) .!

 .!0!    .%0!. 2!./%+* "+.  /,!%"% "1*0%+*( /!.2!. ,.+#.)

"+. !4),(! 
 "+. 2+1$!. !*0.5
 !0 0$! ,.+!//%*# +,0%+*/ 3%0$%* 0$! 2!./%+* +. %*# 0+ 5+1. +),*5
 ,!%"5 0$! 2!./%+* 5+1 3*0 0$! !*0.5 ,.+#.) 0+ 1/! %* 0$! ,.+!//%*#
+,0%+*/ "+. 0$0 !*0.5 ,.+#.)

+1 * $2! (( 5+1. !*0.5 ,.+#.)/ 1/! 0$! /)!   .%0!. 2!./%+* *
0$1/ 1/! 0$! /)! .1(!/ +. 5+1 * /!0 1, %""!.!*0   .%0!. 2!./%+*/ 
 3. / ,.+2% !/   .%0!. 2!./%+*  / 0$! !"1(0 "1*0%+*(
/!.2!. 2!./%+* "+. 5+1. !*0.5 ,.+#.)/

*(5 0$! ,!./+* .!/,+*/%(! "+. /5/0!)73% ! /!01, /$+1( )'! $*#!/ 0+ 0$!
"1*0%+*( /!.2!. 2!./%+* +. )+.! %*"+.)0%+* +10 $+3 0+ /!0 1,  
.%0!. 2!./%+*/ /!! 0$! Technical Foundation Guide.

A8.1 (8/97) C–1

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Example: Voucher Processing Functional Server


Speed Standard Void Credit Multi– Calculate

voucher voucher payment tied to debit voucher with–
entry entry entry B.U. P041017 holding
P041015 P04105 P04103 P041016 P04580

Versions List


C–2 A8.1 (8/97)

Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

A8.1 (8/97)

This glossary defines terms in the context of       A logic
your use of J.D. Edwards systems and the statement that specifies under which
accompanying documentation. conditions to use a part, adjust the price or
cost, perform a calculation, or use a routing
 See automatic accounting instruction.
operation for configured items.
  To locate the information or
    See linked service
functions provided by the system through
menus, forms, and reports.

  The detailed, verifiable history
  See cumulative
of a processed transaction. The history
typically shows all additions, changes, and
     Represents data by deletions of records.
using letters and other symbols from the
keyboard (such as *, &, and #). Contrast
A code that refers to an account in the chart
with alphanumeric character and numeric
of accounts. AAIs define rules for programs
that automatically generate journal entries.
     Represents data This includes interfaces between Accounts
in a combination of letters, numbers, and Payable, Accounts Receivable, Financial
other symbols (such as *, &, and #). Reporting, and the General Accounting
Contrast with alphabetic character. system. Each system that interfaces with the
    Replacement for a General Accounting system has AAIs. For
normal operation in the manufacturing example, AAIs can direct the Post General
process or routing for an item. Journal program to post a debit to a specific
expense account and an automatic credit to
    A routing, usually less a specific accounts payable account.
preferred than the primary routing, but
resulting in an identical item.    The deduction from inventory
records of the components or ingredients as
 A product for which a result of the production process. See also
key components (bulk, semiĆfinished, super backflush.
intermediate, subassembly, fabricated,
purchased, packaging, and so on) used in   
  A technique for
the assembly or finishing process are calculating operation start dates and due
planned and stocked in anticipation of a dates. The schedule is computed starting
customer order. Receipt of an order initiates with the due date for the order and working
assembly of the finished product. This is backward to determine the required start
useful when a large number of finished date and due dates for each operation.
products can be assembled from common   A group of like records or
components. Contrast with makeĆtoĆorder. transactions that the computer treats as a
  A group of items or single unit during processing. For
subassemblies that are put together and identification purposes, the system usually
constitute an end item. assigns each batch a unique identifier,
known as a batch number."

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

       ,#* ), ),'/&  6). +/& )

#( 1"#" ." -..'(. ) +/(.#.3 *, #-  6). -- "(
- )( ." -.(, ." +/(.#.3 ) ."  6). ,., "(
    (   ), ).",
    ( ),'.#)( ." -3-.' /-- .#'7*"- -3-.' #( 1"#" &&
- #(.# #.#)( ( )(.,)& ),  !,)/* ) .#'7*"- . #- /'/&. #(.) .#'
.,(-.#)(- ), ,),- #(  ." *,#)- ), 5/%.-  ." *,#) )
/'/&.#)( #- )( 1% ."( ." -3-.'
 !  .-% ), !,)/* ) .-%- 3)/
#- -# .) "0 1%&3 /%.-
-/'#. ), *,)--#(! .". ." -3-.' .,.-
-  -#(!& /(#. /,#(! *,)--#(! ),     (   ), ).",
2'*& *,#(.#(! ,*),.- ( */,!#(! #&- .#'7*"- -3-.' #( 1"#" &&
" -3-.' *, ),'- ."- .-%- 1#." &#..& .#'7*"- . #- *,)-- -.), (
), () /-, #(.,.#)( /-/&&3 #-*&3 /-#(! . ,),- ,.",
."(  #( .#' *,#)- ), 5/%.-
    '.") 3 1"#" ."
-3-.' -&.- $)- ,)' ." $) +//   .'- #--/ ,)' -.),- .)
*,)--- ."' ( -(- )/.*/. .) ." 1),%7#(7*,)-- #(0(.),3 /. (). -
)/.+// )(  $) ),, -/" - '#-&&()/-
-.(,- "3 , #--/ #( +/(.#.#-
    ) .". -#!(.- .)
-.#'. .) )0, ,+/#,'(.- )
1"#"   1,- -3-.' ." --)#.
#(#0#/& 1),% (.,- ( *,)/.#)(
.,(-.#)(- *,.#( ."/- )(.,)&&#(! 1"#"
&#(- " #--/ '3  /- .) )0, 
,),- , -&. ), *,)--#(! ),
*,#) ) .#' ), .) #&&  #27-#4
2'*& ." )-. (,& )/,(& *,)!,'
-&.- ), *)-.#(! )(&3 /(*)-.
.,(-.#)( ."- 1#."  ." .3* )     facility.
      &#-.#(! ) && ." "  '.,#& ) *)-#.#0 ),
-/--'&#- ( ,1 '.,#&- .". !) (!.#0 0&/ *,)/ -  ,-#/& ) ),
#(.)  *,(. --'&3 -")1#(! ." +/(.#.3 #(#(.& .) ." *,)/.#)( *,)-- "
) " ,+/#, .) '% ." --'&3 " ,.#) ) 37*,)/. .) *,#',3 *,)/. #-

 #- /- 1#." ." '-., *,)/.#)( /-/&&3 *,#.&

37*,)/.- '3 
-"/& .) .,'#( ." #.'- ), 1"#" #-, -)& - #- ), /- ), ).",
*/,"- ,+/#-#.#)(- ( *,)/.#)( ),,- */,*)--
'/-.  ,&- ", ,  0,#.3 )

#-*&3 ),'.- ), #&&- ) '.,#&
" /(.#)( ) -.&#-"#(! '-/,#(!
#(&/#(! -#(!& &0& '/&.#7&0& #((.
( $/-.#(! &#'#.- ), &0&- ) *#.3 .
*&((#(! ( )-.
#- ." *,)-- ) .,'#(#(! #( .#& ")1
     (   1,- '/" &), ( '"#( ,-)/,- ,
,*),.#(! *,)!,' ." *,'., ) ." ,+/#, .) )'*&#-" ." .-%- )
&.#)(-"#* #& "
))&( &)!# *,)/.#)( *( -")* ),,- ( *&((
)*,( .&&- ." -3-.' .) *, ),'  ),,- #( ."  -3-.' , #(*/. .) 
)'*,#-)( .1( ,.#( ,),- ), 1"#" 5.,(-&.- ."- ),,- #(.) ")/,- )
*,'.,- 0#&& )*,(- , 1),% 3 1),% (., ( 3 .#' *,#)
 6 +/& )
  ( /-,  #( )- 
 6-- "(
.'*),,3 .#.& ), ( /( #( .!),3
 6-- "( ), +/& )
), 2'*& # 3)/ , #(!  ) .".
 6,., "(
-#!(.- # ,(. -&- ,!#)(- 3)/ )/&
 6,., "( ), +/& )

A8.1 (8/97)
change category code 4 to Sales Region, and 
  The availability
define E (East), W (West), N (North), and S of component inventory for the
(South) as the valid codes. Syn: reporting manufacture of a specific parent order or
code. group of orders or schedules.

  A document which 
 See component
includes all of the tests performed and swap.
resulting test data for an item lot sold to a

  In Equipment/Plant
Management, the substitution of an
 Any letter, number, or other operable component for one that requires
symbol that a computer can read, write, and maintenance. Typically, you swap
store. See also alphabetic character, components to minimize equipment
alphanumeric character, numeric downtime while servicing one of the
character. components. When you perform a
component swap, you can update the

  A system built around
parent and component relationship for each
material planning that includes the
component, as well as the status of each
additional planning functions of sales and
operations (production planning, master
production scheduling, and capacity 

 See cumulative
requirements planning). After this planning leadtime.
phase is complete and the plans have been

accepted as realistic and attainable, the
rulesĆbased method of ordering
execution functions come into play. These
assembleĆtoĆorder or makeĆtoĆorder
include the manufacturing control functions
products. Characteristics of the product are
of inputĆoutput (capacity) measurement,
defined as part of the Sales Order Entry
detailed scheduling and dispatching, as well
process. Characteristics are edited using
as anticipated delay reports from both the
Boolean logic and then translated into the
plant and supplier. The term closedĆloop"
required components and routing steps.
implies that not only are each of these
The resulting configuration is also priced
elements included in the overall system, but
and costed based on characteristics defined.
also that feedback is provided by the
execution functions so that the planning   


 A conceptual
can be kept valid at all times. characteristic of a configured item defined
during sales order entry. For example,

 Material on hand or
when ordering a configured personal
on order that is assigned to specific future
computer, the customer may specify what
production or customer orders. Syn:
type of hard drive is required by simply
reserved material.
stating the number of megabytes of
  An end item produced as the capacity, rather than a part number for the
result of a process. There are usually two or hard drive.
more coĆproducts. See also end item.
 Parameters or codes that rarely

 Raw material, ingredient or change. The system uses constants to
subassembly that goes into a higher level standardize information processing by an
assembly, process, or other item. This term associated system. Some examples of
may also include packaging materials for constants are: validating bills of material
finished items. online and including fixed labor overhead
in costing.

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

   %$#) $# )  

 !$ ())"#) ))
%'$*)$# !# ,'  $"%$##) $' ()!(( ) '!)$#(% ),#
(*(("!. ( *( # ) %'$*)$# $#*' )" ("#)( ( )( '
%'$(( ( # ## %'$((# *( )$ %'+#) $''# $ $#*')$#(
, ##$)  %'$*

"#)## ,$' )) !!( $*)( )   capacity requirements planning.
($% $ %'+#)+ $' %')+

  !$#() %!##
$'')+ "#)## #
!#) $ )" #+$!+ )$ $"%!( )
 %!## *#%!## $' "'#.
)+). # &*()$# $' #. )" %!##
-"%!( $ $'')+ "#)## #!*
)'$*  *"*!)+ !)" ( $*#
"'#. '%'( # "#)##
. '+,# ) !)" $'  !! $
%'$'" )$ '(%$# )$ &*%"#) !*'
")'! %) !$, ) )" +'

$#)'() ,) preventive maintenance #

%) ( *% )$ ) ')() #*"' #(
predictive maintenance
*"*!)+ !)" .# aggregate

 # leadtime, composite leadtime, # critical
&*%"#)!#) #"#)  ,$' path leadtime.
$'' )) ( *( )$ $'"!!. '&*() #

   $() (($) ,) #
(*! $'')+ "#)## # $)'
)" ) ) )"  %')( !() # '$*)# '
*#(*! "#)## (* (
)) )$  ,$' $'' $' ')
$() (
"'#. '%'(
$'')+ ,$' $''(
( $# ) !)() !! $ ")'! #
' #$) #') . ) %'+#)+
'$*)# $' ) )"
"#)## (.()" $* *( $'')+
,$' $''( )$ '$' # $""*#) !!   )( )!
)!( %')## )$ ) $'')+ $#(()# $ ) #)$#( ()'*)*'( #
"#)## )(  *!#( $' ) *( $ !( "(((
# !% )-)  ) )$#'. )!
 # !"#) $ # )"(
$( #$) $#)# ) )*! ) )(!
$() $' -"%! ")'! !$' $'

 %'$ $ )" () $' 
%'$ # ()#' # /%'$

 ).% $ !! $
")'! )) -)#( ) &*#)). %' $
+'. $"%$##) # ) !! . ) $() $
  # $'  %')*!' %'$*) $'
) $"%$##)(  !($ bill of material. $"%$##)  "# $*! $" '$"
#. #*"' $ ($*'( (* ( *()$"'
  ("*!) (#'$ # ,
$'' $'() # #)'%!#) '&*'"#) $'
,$' #)' ')( ")'! # !$' $()( '
 '&*() '$"  '# ,'$*( $' 
*( )$ )'"# ) )$)! $() $ # )"
('+ )"

  #*"' $ %$%! '&*'

  "# )) (
)$ %'$'" # $%')$#  (($)
')!. '!) )$ $' '+ '$" ) !! $
()#' )" ($*! '%'(#) ) )$)!
")'! ()'*)*' $' $)' )"( $' #
)" $' !! ', ""'( )$ %'$'" )
%'$*)( * "#( ' !*!) #
($*! #$)  $'() +# #+#)$'.
  cumulative )" ". + $) %##) #
leadtime. #%##) "# ) #. +# )" $'
-"%! # )" ". ("*!)#$*(!. 
) $"%$##) $ # (("!. # !($
($! (  ('+ )"

A8.1 (8/97)
  Labor that is specifically      The
applied to the product being manufactured. paperless (electronic) exchange of trading
documents, such as purchase orders,
  Material that becomes a
shipment authorizations, advanced
part of the final product in measurable
shipment notices, and invoices, using
standardized document formats. Syn:
    Production of electronic commerce.
distinct items such as cars, appliances, or
  A product sold as a completed
item or repair item. Any item subject to a
  A list of sequenced customer order or sales forecast. Syn:
manufacturing orders or rates. The dispatch parent item, finished good, and coĆproduct.
list contains detailed information on
     A work
location, quantity, and capacity
order used to implement and track a
requirements. Dispatch lists are usually
change in a manufactured product. This can
generated daily and are oriented by work
be a change in design, quantity of items
center or line.
required, assembly or production process,
 Data Record Extraction and so forth.
And Management Writer. A flexible data
$$ Products whose
manipulator and cataloging tool. You use
customer specifications require unique
this tool to select and sequence the data
engineering design or significant
that is to appear on a programmed report.
customization. Each customer order results
!  See effectivity date. in a unique set of item numbers, bills of
!#  The date on which a material, and routings.
component or an operation is to be added       A
or removed from a bill of material or an closedĆloop, integrated system that enables
assembly process. Effectivity dates are used manufactures and distributors to coordinate
in the explosion process to create demands all of the activities necessary to ultimately
for the correct items. Normally, bills of fulfill customer demand. This includes
material and routings provide for an activities associated with suppliers,
effectivity start date" (from) and stop date" customer, inventory, shop floor, product
(through), signifying the beginning and end costing and accounting, forecasting, and
of a particular relationship. Syn: effective planning and scheduling.
" To rush production or purchase
# A measure (as a percentage) of orders that are needed in less than the
the actual output to the standard output normal leadtime. To take extraordinary
expected. Efficiency measures how well action because of an increase in relative
something is performing relative to priority.
expectations; it does not measure output
" The process of calculating the
relative to any input. For example, if there
demand for the components of a parent
is a standard of 100 pieces per hour and
item by multiplying the parent item
780 units are produced in one eightĆhour
requirements by the quantity per specified
shift, the efficiency is 780 divided by 800,
in the bill of material. Syn: requirements
then multiplied by 100% or 97.5%.
explosion. Contrast with implosion.
  See electronic data
" ! See lowĆlevel code.
interchange (EDI).

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

   */& % '+$**/ %( #+"*&") *(%  $*

-* #%,$ ,( %()*$ ('+(#$*) %( * &(% . *
*$'+ $ - &)* %)(,*%$) ( . %(( '+$**/
%#*(""/ )%+$* %($ *% *(
   $*) ** * #%+$*
  ,)* -* ) ))$ *% *
%  %#&%$$* %( $($* +) $ *
#%)* ($* *  )#%%*$ ) *(#
#$+*+($ &(%)) % $ $ *#
1.&%$$*" +) * &%$*) (
(#$) * )# ((")) % * '+$**/
-* $ %($ -* $ .&%$$*"
% * $ *# &(%+ %$*()* -*
+$*%$ % *( 
variable quantity
  $*)  )&(* $**/ -*$ 
   $+*+($ %)*) %*(
+)$)) %( - /%+ -$* *% *(! %)*)
*$ (* "%( $ (* #*(") **
%( .#&"  "*/ #*  
%$*$+ ,$  &(%+*) ( $%* &(%+
-(%+) "%*%$ % &(% * -%(!
"*%+ . %,( ) $))(/ *%
$*( %( ($&"$* /$ business unit.
&(%+ * &(%+* * $$%*  (*"/
   master planning family. *( *% * $" &(%+*
  (*()* %  &(%+* %(   $ )*#* % +*+( #$
)(, )+ ) $ %&*%$ ))%(/ %( %()* $  *(#$ / 
**#$* #*#*" #$) +)$ )*%(" * 
)+ *, )*#*) (%# $%(#" )%+()
   first in, first out.
  %#$*%$ % %* *$'+)
    end item
   $ $+*+($
 &"$$ $ )*(+*%$ "$$$ %()*
%(( ** $  (%0$ $ '+$**/ $ %$)+#&*%$ %+() -$ %()* #$
*#  )/)*# ) $%* ""%- *% ) (+ / *+" )") %(() (,
+*%#*""/ $ * *) ) * %( )&& +& *% * %()* '+$**/
()&%$)"*/ % * &"$$( $ ( %

  firm planned order.
* *# ** ) $ &"$$ )
*$'+ $ "& &"$$() ()&%$ *%    *(  (%0$ +&* * %)*
#*(" $ &*/ &(%"#) / (#$ % $ *# %&(*%$ %( &(%)) ) +)
+& )"* &"$$ %(() *%$""/ / * $+*+($ %+$*$ )/)*#
(# &"$$ %(() ( * $%(#" #*%     &(%(# ** (0) *
% )**$ * #)*( &(%+*%$ )+" +(($* )#+"* %)*) *(/ $"0$
      #*% % *# %( +) / * $+*+($
$,$*%(/ ,"+*%$ %( %+$*$ %+$*$ )/)*#
&+(&%)) ) %$ * ))+#&*%$ **     %$*(%" (* )$ *%
%")* $,$*%(/ ()* $ ) * ()* *%  )%- (&""/ * ("*%$)& *-$
+) ()* %+* ( ) $% ("*%$)& &"$$ &(%(#$ $ *+"
-* * *+" &/)" #%,#$* % &(%(#$
)& *#)
  $*)  (*$ %( $ *# -
  $ .&$) ** %) $%* ,(/ ) ) %$ %- -"" * *# #*)
-* * &(%+*%$ ,%"+# %( .#&" ('+( )&*%$)
)*+& %)*
  $%(#*%$ * * $$$ % 
     "%*2)0$ *" ) $%(#*%$ ) +) *% $*/ %(
*$'+ $  %( $,$*%(/ #$#$* &(%, %$*(%" $%(#*%$ %( * (%+& %
** "-/) +)) &"$$ %( *+" %(() (%() ** %""%-)
*%  $(* %(  &(*(#$ .

A8.1 (8/97)
 (/ -&.#)(- 3)/  
   .'- .". )' *,.
((). - /(.#& 3)/ (.,  #(  '(/- ) ." #(& *,)/. ), -/-.(- .". ,
&.#)( #& "3 #(&/ #.'- -/" - )(-/' #( ." '(/ ./, )  *,)/.
#-*&3 /'#.. )-  #-*&3 -, .". "0  (!&#!#& 0&/ ,&.#0 .) ."
) //   ( #-*&3 -, ,#(. 0&/ ) ." #(& *,)/. ), ." /- )
//   " #( &.#)(- 1#()1 1"#" (().  .#0&3  .,'#(
#-*&3- .", .!),#- ) -&.#)(-
/-, 2'*&- ) #(#,. '.,#&- #(&/
.))&- )*,.), .))&- ( *,)!,'', .))&- '-%#(! .* ,!- ( )#&- "-
)'*)((.- '#!". ), '#!". ().  #(&/
 " *,)-- ) .,'#(#(! ."
#( ." #&& ) '.,#&
1",5/- ,&.#)(-"#* ),  !#0(
)'*)((. '*&)-#)( (  -#(!& &0&    ( *,)-- '(/ ./,#(!
-")1#(! )(&3 ." *,(.- )( ." (2. #(/-.,#- ." ,1 '.,#& ), )'*)((.
"#!", &0& ), '/&.#5&0& -")1#(! ." )  ,#* ), ),'/&
/&.#'. .)*5&0& *,(. 3(

)(.,-. 1#." explosion.
      ),' )
    .,#& *,)-- 3)(
'/&.#5&0& #&& ) '.,#& .". &#-.- ."
,1 '.,#& ( /- #( "#!", &0& #.'-
"#!"-. &0& *,(. #.'- . ." & . ',!#(
(.,'#.- , (). -.)% #( #(0(.),3
( && ." )'*)((.- !)#(! #(.) ."-
-)& .) /-.)',- ), *&(( 3 
*,(.- #((. .) ." ,#!". ) ." ',!#(
&& -/-+/(. &0&- ) )'*)((.- ,   " *"3-#& ')0'(. ) #.'-
#((. ,.", .) ." ,#!".   )'*)((. ,)'  -.)%#(! &).#)( ( ) .( ."
#- /- #( '), ."( )( *,(. 1#."#(  .,(-.#)( ,*),.#(! ) ."#- .#0#.3
!#0( *,)/. -.,/./, #. 1#&& **, /(,   (3 /(#+/ '(/ ./, ),
0,3 -/--'&3 #( 1"#" #. #- /- */,"- *,. '.,#& #(.,'#.
      .3* ) #&& ) -/--'&3 ), *,)/. - )( ),' #.
'.,#& &#-.#(! ), )( )'*)((. 0,3 ), /(.#)(
*,(. #.' ( -/--'&3 ( ."     ,), ), ( #.' "#-
,-*.#0 +/(.#.#- ,+/#, " ) ."- ,), )(.#(- -,#*.#0 . ( )(.,)&
*,(. #.'- &&- ), ." !#0( )'*)((. 0&/- &.#'- &). -#4- ( -) )( (
#.' #(  #&& ) '.,#& .& " '#!". )(.#( . )( #(0(.),3 -../-
)'*)((. #.' #- -")1( &)--. .) ." & . ,+/#,'(.- *&(( ),,- ( )-.-
',!#( ) ." &#-.#(! #( ." #&& 1#." " .' ,),- , &#(% .)!.", 3 *,)/.
*,(. #((. .) ." ,#!". ( " ) -.,/./, ,),- .".  #( ." #&& )
."#, ,-*.#0 *,(.- #((. 0( '.,#& ), ( #.'
/,.", .) ." ,#!".
  .3* )

 )-.- .". , (). #,.&3 '(/ ./,#(! - )( *&((
#(/,, 3  *,.#/&, $) ), )*,.#)( &#'#(.#)( ) && 1-. ( )(.#(/)/-
,.#( /.#&#.3 )-.- -/" - *&(. ".#(! #'*,)0'(. ) *,)/.#0#.3 " *,#',3
, ) .( #(#,. ( #(#,. )-. #- &'(.- ) /-.5#(5#' '(/ ./,#(! ,
.3*#&&3 #-.,#/. .) ." *,)/. .",)/!" .) "0 )(&3 ." ,+/#, #(0(.),3 1"(
." )0," ,.- ( .) #'*,)0 +/&#.3 .) 4,)  .-
   ),% ,+/#, .) -/**),. .) ,/ &.#'- 3 ,/#(! -./*
*,)/.#)( #( !(,& 1#.")/. #(! ,&. .#'- +// &(!."- ( &). -#4- .) ,0#-
.)  -*# # *,)/. ), 2'*& #(,'(.&&3 ." )*,.#)(- ."'-&0-
'#(#-.,.#0 1),% ( .) %* )-.- .)  '#(#'/'

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

 %&)$+!&% )* ++  +&   -)0 !+$ &) **$#0 !%  ')&,+
)&,' &) !% & !+$* + + +)-# !% % &,+ *+),+,) !* **!%  & *!%!0!% + 
&  .&)" %+) %%* !%!+ +& )#+!- #-# !% . ! + + !+$ &) **$#0
')&,!% .&)" %+)* . + * % !* ,* .!+ !% +  ')&,+ *+),+,)
&%*,$ % . + %* +&  ')&, &)$##0 +  % !+$* ) **!% +&
%/+ &$ &$'%!* ,* -)!&,* * '* #-#  .!+ +  &$'&%%+* %
*!1* % &#&)* & )* &)  *,**$#!* & +  !+$ **!% +& #-#
)&%!+!&% % +& !%!+ % !+$*  % *& &)+     /'#&*!&% ')&**
')!&)!+0 *+)+* )&$ #-#  % ')&* &.%.)
&% #-# +  +!$
   &$'&%%+* &  ')%+ !+$ + +
- % ',## )&$ *+&" % )!    last in, first out.
&) $&-$%+ +&  ')&,+!&% )
    *)-! +0' + + !*

    &##) $&,%+ &  **&!+ .!+  ')!$)0 *)-! +0'
-#, , +& #&) ')&)$ ,)!% !%" *)-! +0'* ) %## % + 
$%,+,)!% $!%+%% +*"* ) ')&)$ . % + 
')!$)0 *)-! +0' +& . ! + 0 )

      + & &
#!%" &$* , &, % *'!0 . + )
!%-%+&)0 -#,+!&% &) &,%+!%
+  *0*+$ %)+* .&)" &))* &) #!%"
',)'&** * &% +  **,$'+!&% + + + 
*)-! +0'* * .## * +  *++,* + 
$&*+ )%+#0 )!- #*+ !% !* +  !)*+ +&
*0*+$ **!%* +& .&)" &))* + + -
 ,* &) *&# !)*+ &,+  ) !* %&
#)0 % %)+ 0%
)#+!&%* !' .!+ +  +,# ' 0*!#
service type  #*& primary service type,
$&-$%+ & *'!! !+$*
service type

  *'% & +!$ )(,!) +&

   $&,%+ & '#%% .&)"
')&)$  ')&** &) *)!* & &')+!&%*
* ,# % +,# .&)" )#* &) 
 %  !*+)!,+!&% &%+/+ +  +!$
.&)" %+) &) &')+!&% &)  *'!!
+.% )&%!+!&% & +  % &) %
*'% & +!$ + !* ,*,##0 /')** !%
&)) % +  )!'+ & &&* %!-!,#
+)$* & *+%) &,)* & .&)" &) . %
&$'&%%+* & #+!$ % !%#, &))
!+$* &%*,$ *!$!#) )*&,)* + +  *$
')')+!&% +!$ (,, +!$ $&- &)
)+ ,%!+* & ')&,+!&%
+)%*'&)++!&% +!$ % )!-!% %
!%*'+!&% +!$ 
  work center.

  + %!(, ,* !%   &%+)&# (,%+!+0 ')&, +&+ )
. )  '#%% &)) )!'+ !% &% +!$ + + * )* +  *$ ')&,+!&%
')!& )(,!)* +  )#* & + + &)) !% &$'&%%+* &+* ) ,%!(,#0 !%+!! +&
% )#!) +!$ ')!& * &% +  ##&. &) +)!#!+0
#+!$ &) +  !+$
    **!%$%+ & ,%!(,
   #) ,* 0 +  *0*+$ %,$)* +&  !%*+% & )!'+  !*
&)  ')+!,#) ',)'&* &) /$'# ## %,$) ))!* &)+ !%+& *,*(,%+
+)%*+!&%* ) )&) !% +  +,# $%,+,)!% ')&***  ,* !% )-!. &
$&,%+* #) +0' !% + !) &$*+! % % !+$ #&+  #&+ &%*,$ % 
,))%0   *$ +)%*+!&%* $0 #*& !%+!! * -!% % ,* &) + 
 *+&) !% +  &)!% ,))%0 $%,+,) & + !* *'!! % !+$ #&+
#) +0'
   %,$) + + !%+!!*
+  #&.*+ #-# !% %0 !## & $+)!# +
. !  ')+!,#) &$'&%%+ '')* +

A8.1 (8/97)
requirements for a given component are not        A product that is
calculated until all the gross requirements shipped from finished goods offĆtheĆshelf,"
have been calculated down to that level. and is finished prior to a customer order
LowĆlevel codes are calculated and arriving. Master scheduling and final
maintained automatically. Syn: explosion assembly scheduling are conducted at the
level. finished goods level.
   The amount of time, in       See work day
hours, that a machine is required to calendar.
produce a product. Machine hours, rather

than labor hours, may be used for planning
  Consists of Resource and
capacity and scheduling, and for allocating
Capacity Planning and Material Planning
Operations. Resource and Capacity Planning
     See maintenance allow you to prepare a feasible production
route. schedule that reflects your demand forecasts
and production capability. Material Planning
      A method of
Operations provides a shortĆrange plan to
performing PMs for multiple pieces of
cover material requirements that are needed
equipment from a single preventive
to make a product.
maintenance work order. A maintenance
route includes pieces of equipment that       The total time
share one or more identical maintenance required to manufacture an item, exclusive
tasks that can be performed at the same of lower level purchasing leadtime. It
time for each piece of equipment. includes the time for queue, setup, run, and
Maintenance routes eliminate the need to move.
create separate maintenance work orders
     A classification scheme
for each piece of equipment, yet still
that includes the following activities:
accommodate all of the features of the
forecasting and order servicing (which
preventive maintenance cycle. Syn:
together constitute demand management);
maintenance loop.
production and resource planning; and
       A term used to master scheduling (which includes the final
distinguish work orders created for the assembly schedule, the master schedule,
performance of equipment and plant and the rough cut capacity plan).
maintenance from other work orders within
       A group of
J.D. Edwards systems, such as
products used in material planning that
manufacturing work orders, utility work
have similar characteristics.
orders, engineering change orders, and so
on.           A
detailed statement of how many items are
    A product that is produced
planned to be produced and when. The
after receipt of a customer's order. The final
MPS focuses on products to be made and,
product is usually a combination of
through the detailed planning system,
standard purchased items and items
identifies the resources (materials, work
customĆdesigned to meet the special needs
force, plant equipment, and capital) needed
of the customer. Frequently, long leadtime
and the timing of the need. See also
components are planned prior to the order
material requirements planning.
arriving to reduce the delivery time to the
customer. Contrast with assembleĆtoĆorder.           
A set of techniques that uses bill of material,
inventory data, and the master production

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

schedule to calculate the timeĆphased net     

 The sequential steps
material requirements for every component for an item to follow in its flow through the
item and subassembly. MRP suggests a plant. For instance, operation 10: cut bar
replenishment plan to support the stock; operation 20: grind bar stock;
production of the quantities that are operation 30: shape; operation 40: polish;
specified in the Master Production Schedule. operation 50: inspect and send to stock.
See also master production schedule. This information is maintained in the
routing table.
     In Equipment and
Plant Maintenance, a work order that     Costs incurred in the operation
functions as a template for the creation of of a business that cannot be directly related
other work orders. You can assign model to the individual products or services
work orders to service types. When the produced. These costs, such as light, heat,
service type comes due, the system supervision, and maintenance, are grouped
automatically generates a work order based into department overhead, factory
on information from the model work order. overhead, and general overhead. They are
distributed to units of product or service by
 See master production schedule.
some standard allocation method.
 See material requirements planning.
  The percentage by which an
 The net added cost operation overlaps the previous operation
represents the cost to manufacture an item in the sequence. For example, a 20%
at the current level in the bill of material. overlap means that a step can begin when
Thus for manufactured parts, the net added the previous step is 80% complete.
cost includes labor, outside operations, and
cost extras applicable to this level in the bill
parent/component relationship.
of material, but not materials (lowerĆlevel
items). For purchased parts, the net added  
    1) In
cost also includes the cost of materials. Equipment/Plant Management, a
hierarchical relationship of the components
 A facility used to
of a piece of equipment to the parent
control the automatic numbering of such
equipment. For example, a manufacturing
items as new purchase orders, sales orders,
line could be a parent and the machinery
and work orders. The next number facility
on the line could be components of the
provides a method to increment numbers to
line. In addition, each piece of machinery
reduce transposition and typing errors.
could be a parent of still more components.

 Items which do 2) In Product Data Management, a
not meet the requirements of a relevant hierarchical relationship of the components
specification, contract, regulation, or quality and subassemblies of a parent item to that
test. parent item. For example, an automobile is
     Item a parent item and its components and
numbers that are assigned to each item but subassemblies include: engine, frame, seats,
do not convey any information about the and windows. Syn: parent/child
item. They are identifiers, not descriptors. relationship.
Contrast with significant item numbers.     See end item.

  Represents data using  
 The concept of not
the numbers 0 through 9. Contrast with incurring a liability for items received from
alphabetic character and alphanumeric a supplier until the material is used in the
character. production process.
   See Boolean logic operand.

A8.1 (8/97)
   '  -! "%"-2 -( "'-"2 (+  .&.%-"/ %-"& )%., -"& (+ %(- ,"3"'
"/' "-& -! ,(.+, ( "-, +(,, %(05%/% (&)(''-, ' (+ )"-2
+*."+&'-, %%(-"(', (+ (-!  "' !' , ( )+"&+2 0(+$ '-+,
'  -!(. !- ( , 4%"/ 0!+5.,
 +, -( (' (+ &(+ ,+/" -2),
-!- + . -(  )+(+& (+  )" (
    "%% ( *.")&'- , (' -! ,+/" "'-+/%,
&-+"% ., )+"&+"%2 (+ '(',-($ (+ ! ,+/" -2) !' 2(. (&)%- 
"-&,  )!'-(& "%% ( &-+"% +)+,'-,   '0  2%  "', (+ -! ,+/"
' "-& -!- ", )!2,"%%2 ."%- .- ++%2 -2), "'%. "' -! 
,-($ - ", "',- ., "' -! '1- ,-)
  '-"", -! )+'- (  )+(,,
(+ %/% ( &'.-.+"'   .,, -! "%%
"-& "' ,(%.-"(' (+ 1&)%  ,(%.-"('
-( +"/ -! +*."+&'-, -!+(. ! -!
(.%  ., "'  )+(,, 0!"! %% (+
)!'-(& "-& -( "-, (&)(''-,

 .- 0(.% +*."+  &(+ "' -+&,
    ! )+(,, ( 0"-!+0"' +(& ( *.'-"-2 -( &- -! +*."+&'- 

,-($ -! (&)(''-, -( &$ -! )+(.-, 
(+ -! "'",! ((, -(  ,!")) -( 
,-+- 2 -!- .,, (&).-+"3 -
     (.&'- -!- %",-, -! &-+"% (%%-"(' ' '%2,", ( *.")&'-
-(  )"$ (+ &'.-.+"' (+ ,!"))"' ()+-"' )+&-+, -( )+"- -! )("'- -
(++, 0!"! *.")&'- ", 1)- -( "% '
-!' ,!.%, -! ))+()+"- )+(.+,
     work day
#.,- (+ -! 1)- *.")&'- "%.+
+"-"/ &"'-'' ' ," '""'-%2
     ,. ,- (++ +. (,-, ' *.")&'- (0'-"& 2
*.'-"-2 +%, - ' . - +- %"&"'-"' .'',,+2 )+/'-"/
2  )+(,,"' 0!' "- '(.'-+, '- &"'-'' )+(.+, ' "-"(' 2
+*."+&'-, %'' (++, - (' %/% )+"-"' ' /+-"' -,-+()!"
+ 1)%( "'-( +(,, +*."+&'-, (+ *.")&'- "%.+ )+"-"/ &"'-''
(&)(''-, - -! '1- %(0+ %/% +., (/+%% &"'-'' (,-, '
%'' (++, %(' 0"-! +%, (++, %%(0, (+ *.")&'- -(  ()+- (+ "-,
,+/ , "').- -( )"-2 +*."+&'-, .%% ,+/" %" ('-+,- 0"-! corrective
)%''"' -( ,!(0 -! -(-% )"-2 maintenance ' preventive maintenance
+*."+&'-, 2 0(+$ '-+ "' .-.+ -"&

  ! "%"-2 -( "'
)+"(,  %,( firm planned order.
.%- /%., (+ ,)"" "%, (+  .,+
   ' +-"""% "' !"++!2 ( "-&, "-& +(.),
+(.)"' ( "-&, (+ /'-, "' "%% ( .,-(&+, ' .,-(&+ +(.),
&-+"% (+&- ., -( "%"-- &,-+

  ' .-(&-" .-"(' 2 -!
,!.%"' (+ &-+"% )%''"'  '
,2,-& ( &-+"%, +(& "'/'-(+2 0!'
(+,-"'  2' pseudo bill of material
-! )+-, %",- ' +(.-"' + --!
   &', ( +(.)"'
' "-&, 0!(, ,"&"%+"-2 ( ," ' '
-,$, ' )+(.+, -!- + +(.-"' '
&'.-.+ "%"--, "' )%'' "'
+)-"-"/ ,.! , )+"(" %.+"-"(', '
 + -
"%-+ +)%&'-, +/'-"/ &"'-''
    ! &(.'- ( -"& -! )+(.+, + ," ' -( %"&"'-
&,-+ ,!.% 1-', "'-( -! .-.+ +$(0', ' -! ' (+ (++-"/
!", ", '(+&%%2 ,- -( (/+  &"'"&.& ( &"'-'' ('-+,- 0"-! corrective
maintenance ' predictive maintenance

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing


  () *% )/)*#) $"+$ $+*+($
* )'+$ % ,$*) ** #! +&  %+$*$ %& "%%( %$*(%" $
&(,$*, #$*$$ *)! (%# *) $+*+($ $ )*(+*%$ "$$$
$*%$ *% *) %#&"*%$ +) #%)*
   #)*( &"$$$
&(,$*, #$*$$ *)!) ( %##%$"/
&(%(# * )+" $*(,") &(*) %
* &(,$*, #$*$$ /" (&*  
   )() % -%(! $*()
) %$ *%) $*(,") %( #$) ""%* *% * &(%+*%$ %
 "#* $+#( % *#) -* )#"(

$) * )(, */&) ** &&"/ *% 
)& & % '+&#$* ) -"" ) *         planning bill
$*(,") * -  )(, */& ) of material.
)+" *%  &(%(# 
  $ *# %+* (%# 
  )$*%$ %  )+&&"(
(*$ )*%( "%*%$ ) * )*$( 
  &(%)) % #)+($
&((( "%*%$ %( $ *# '+"*/ %$%(#$ / %#&($ *
  )(, */& *% *+" -*  )*$( %( * (*()*
- /%+ $ "$! ("* )(, */&) $ *$ %$ * ($
%( .#&" %(  &(*+"( & %     )/)*# ** ""%-)
'+&#$* /%+ #* )* +&  &(#(/ *)*$ % &(%+*) ) %$ +)( $
)(, */& %(  1%+( $)&*%$ $ *)*) $ &*" ()+"* ,"+) )*
 "$! )(, */& %(  1%+( ()+"*) $  $*( $  %$))*$*
$)&*%$  1%+( $)&*%$ )%$ * $/ *# $ * )") &+()$
$"+) "" *)!) &(%(# *  %+() &(%+*%$ %( )&&$ &(%))
$  &(#(/ )(, */& ) )+"
*%  &(%(# * )/)*# )+") *     '+$**/ %  %#&%$$*
"$! )(, */&  ")% linked service *%  +) $ * &(%+*%$ % *) &($*
type. ) ,"+ ) )*%( $ * "" % #*("
$ ) +) *% "+"* * (%))
   ("*, #&%(*$ % %) ('+(#$*) %( %#&%$$*) +($ *
$  '++   )'+$ $ - %) .&"%)%$ &(%)) %  $ *% "+"*
)%+"  %#&"* * '+$**/ %$ * &(*) ")* %(  -%(!

 (%+*%$ ** %((
) ,"+ / #.$ )&(*$ %(#$     %) -*$ *%  &(%)) *
%( &(%(#$ #" (*%$) * #/   ,$ -%(! $*(  ) '++) $()
%$ $ *( * %( %$*$+%+) #% )% % ,( '++ *# $
       -%(!1$1&(%)) $,$*%(/
(%+* * $#$*  )/)*# 

$")  +)$)) *% %($0 $ #$*$ &"*/ %  )/)*# &*/ ) "+"*
$%(#*%$ %+*  *# * (%# )+ * ) &"$$ %+() $/
#$+*+() *+() % *) )/)*# )+ $ +*"0*%$  (* &*/

) "") % #*(" -%(! $*() $ ,"" %+() . $/ . +*"0*%$

(%+*$) $ * ("*%$)&) *-$
%#&%$$*) $ %- */ $     +() *#) %( .*(*
%#$ *% #$+*+( $ *#  #*(") ** ( %$,(* *(%+ *
")% &(%,) * %( %*( #$+*+($ #$+*+($ &(%)) $*% %#&%$$*) %(

A8.1 (8/97)

   "+% "&  !  

&  &!  %&!  !&!    "$!%% ! ! ($&  & %&$ "$!'&!
&$ %&! $"!$&  ! &% &(&+ %'  &! "&+ % !$ +
$%!'$% )!$!$  $+

!&! ! $& ! %'&(
)$!'% %" %'""$% "&%
% ! & & %+%& &$&% %  % 
   %! %% ! + !"$%! !
' & !  !$&!  !$ *"  %'""$
"&+ $#'$ ! &%  &  &!
$!$ ! %%&% !  !$&! %' % &
( "&+ % '%'+ !  !$ 
%'""$%  $%%   &"! 
+ $%!'$
 !$&! &  & &!
'&!$,&! &! "$!' !$ %"
!  '&'$ !$  &   ! 
&$ && % $+  !$$
"$&'$ & &  '% & !"$&! % &!
 $!'   "$!$ &$ %#'  & ($!'%
&%  -(!' !  &$&!  !& )!$  &$%  (!(   & %& $%
)&  &$ "$!'&!  % & &!  !$ %&'"   $'  %! !" % &
+ ! "$!'&% $!'&  %!  '%  !$&! !
   $&% &&   '% &!!  !"$&!$ % (%  %"&!
% %'%&&'&% + $ $! !"&+ !"$&! % &%&  $#'$ &%   %! ! 
 &$  %$( "$&%  && &+     standard batch quantity.
$#'$ %! "+% !&!  %' %
   $  #' &&+ !
'&&  $    %! !$& !$ &+
%&! "  &!    ( &!$+ &! "$!&&
 $" & !$  "$&
 %& '&'&! %    !$ %'""+ 
      !&! ! !$ & ! &*& ! %&$ "$!'&!
$  "$!'&!   )$ $#'%&% !$ %'  & &!   ( &!$+ !$
&!  !"!  &% !$ %'%%% $ "&+ "  % "$!&&!  %&
&!  ($ !$%& $$!$% !$ %!$&-&$  %  &
   category code. ! ($"     '% &!
$& %&+ %&!


      committed '&"-' &! "$!$ ) !)% &
material. %#'   ! )!$ !$$%  !$ $&% !
       "$!'&!   #'    
 "$!%% ! ! ($&  & "$!'&! '&!& % ! '%$   &!$+
"  &! "&+ % !$ + $%!'$% !  &! !$  ' #'  
)!$!$  $+ )$!'% %"  '% !$)$  & %' 
%'""$% "&%    %! %%  '  & !"&! &! $!%% %&% !$ +%
! + !"$%! ! "&+ $#'$ ! 
  '% &$ && $%'&% $!
&%  &  &! ( "&+ % & "$!'&! "$!%% & % &$
'%'+ !  !$  + $%!'$ !'&% ! %"&! %   ! %'
'$ !$ &&$ $&$%&% && $)!$ % "$&
$"$% &  & '$ ! &%  

"$ & &!$  &
!' & !$ & %    "$!'& %&$'&'$ '% &!  $% $!%%
 '&'$  !$$ &! $#'$ &% &! !' & !$  &"& !%%
$)!$   %( &( "$&% !$ )& &  '&'$ !  "$&'$
"$!'&% "$!'& + scrap rate.

  cost rollup. 

    scrap factor.

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

   )/( )(  1,- '(/- ( )''/(#. -../- )( -")* ),,-
-&.#)(- ,*,-(. /(.#)(- .". 3)/ ( 1),% ),,- " '$), -/ /(.#)(- )
-- ,)'  !#0( '(/ ) '%  -")* &)), )(.,)& ,  --#!(#(! *,#),#.3
-&.#)( 3)/ .3* #.- --)#. (/', #( ) " -")* ),,  '#(.#(#(!
." &.#)( #& ( *,-- (., 1),%5#(5*,)-- +/(.#.3 #( ),'.#)( 
)(03#(! -")* ),, -../- #( ),'.#)( .)
   .,'#(#(! ." ),, #(
." ) #  *,)0##(! ./& )/.*/. .
1"#"  #&#.3 *,)--- # ,(. $)-
), *#.3 )(.,)& */,*)--
   /(#+/ (/', --#!( +/(.#.3 3 &).#)( 3 -")* ),, ),
.) #(.# 3  -*# # #.' 1#."  &). -#4 ) 1),%5#(5*,)-- #(0(.),3 ( )/(.#(!
)( */,*)-- (  *,)0##(! '-/,'(. )
     ,- .) ." ,+/(3 .  ##(3 /.#&#4.#)( ( *,)/.#0#.3 )
1"#"  -,0# .3* #- .)  *, ),' '"#(- ( &), ,-)/,-
,0# #(.,0&- (  - )( .- 
    /.#)(- ) ./& +/(.#.#-
*,#)- ), -..#-.#& /(#.- .". , /-, ) #.'- #( -.)% #( *,)-- ), #( .,(-#.
 #( 2'*&- ) -..#-.#& /(#.- , " &)-- '#!".  /- 3 -,* ." .
")/,- '#&- ( /& )(-/'*.#)( .,#),.#)( 0*),.#)( ( -) ),."
   ( #(#0#/& *,0(.#0 
   *,(.! .), #( ."
'#(.(( .-% ), *,)/, -/" - ( #.' '-., ,), .". )'*(-.- ),
#(-*.#)( &/,#.#)( ), )0,"/& ,0# 2*. &)-- /,#(! ." '(/ ./,#(!
.3*- ( **&3 .)  -*# # *# ) 3& #.", 3 #(,-#(! ." !,)--
+/#*'(. ), .)  &-- ) +/#*'(. )/ ,+/#,'(.- ), 3 ,/#(! ." 2*.
( -*# 3 .". -,0# .3*- )' / )'*&.#)( +/(.#.3 ) *&(( ( )*(
- )(  *,.,'#( -,0# #(.,0& ),,- " -",#(% .), # ,- ,)' ."
), 1"(0, ." .-% ,*,-(. 3 ." -,* .), #( .". ." ),',  .- &&
-,0# .3* )'- (--,3 /-- ) ." *,. ( #.- )'*)((.- ( ."
  " 1),% ,+/#, .) "(!  -,* .), ,&.- .)  -#(!& )'*)((.
-*# # '"#( ,-)/, 1),% (., ), 3( shrinkage rate.
&#( ,)' '%#(! ." &-. !)) *# ) /(#. 
      shrink factor
.) ." #,-. !)) *# ) /(#.  
      .' (/',-
,)1( ) ." $/-. )'*&. *,)/.#)(
.". , #(.( .) )(03 ,.#(
( *,*,.#)( ) ." +/#*'(. ),
#( ),'.#)( -/" - ." -)/, ) ." *,.
*,)/.#)( ) ." (2. -"/& #.'
." '.,#& #( ." *,. ." -"* ) ."
  " &), )-.- --)#. 1#." *,. ( -) ),." )(.,-. 1#."
-..#(! /* ( )*,.#)( ), ." (2. nonsignificant item numbers.
    .,  )-. ,)&&/* ." )-.

   " ')/(. ) .#' ( #.' '3 ) ( #.' )*,.#)( ), *,)-- ),#(!
 "& #( #(0(.),3  ), #. )'- .) ." /,,(. )-. -(,#) "#- )-. (
/(/-&  #(&#4 3 *, ),'#(!  ,)4( /*.

    work day calendar )/ ( ,. -#'/&. )-.- ), 
(/', ) )-. '.")- ), 2'*&

      work day -.(, /./, ( -#'/&. /,,(.
calendar. )-.-  &-) cost rollup.

     -3-.' .". /--      " ."(#+/ ) /-#(!
. ,)' ,)/. . (!'(. ,*,-(..#0 ), ,.# ##& . .) ,*,)/
-., ,)/.#)( "/& ( .,#&  ')& ) 0,#)/- )(#.#)(- .". , &#%&3
+/#,'(.- &((#(! .) ,. '#(.#( .) )/, #( ." ./& *, ),'( ) 

A8.1 (8/97)
.4./ ( / $. !- ,0 )/'4 0.  /* / ./ /# - ,0$- ( )/. / $. '.* !- ,0 )/'4 0.  . 
 #1$*- *!  .4./ ( 0) - $!! - )/ .$. !*- $) )/$1 +4 .4./ (. ) . 
*+ -/$)" +*'$$ .
 $/#$)  0.$)" /# .$. !*- ''*/$)" *1 -#  $) *./
*+ -/$*)' / /* + -!*-( 62#/ $! *0)/$)" .4./ (.
1'0/$*). *! '/ -)/$1 +'). /*  / -($)
  ) .. ('4 /#/ $. 0.  / 
/# ! .$$'$/4 *! /# (* '
#$"# - ' 1 ' /* (& 0+ )*/# - .. ('4
         $.+'4 *!
   .$)" '/ -)/ *(+*) )/.
/#*. *(+*) )/. /#/ - $- /'4 0.  $)
$) +-*0/$*) 2# ) /# +-$(-4 $/ ( $. )*/
 +- )/ $/ ( / .#*2. *)'4 /#
- '/$*).#$+. *) ' 1 ' *2)
 - / . &!'0.#
 /4+ *! $'' *!
/-)./$*). "$)./  2*-& *- - / +4
(/ -$' '$./$)" # +- )/ $) 2#$# 
+*$)/.  !$)  $) /# -*0/$)" #$. ''*2.
.+ $!$ *(+*) )/ $. $- /'4 0.  ) $)
4*0 /* - '$ 1 $)1 )/*-4 / ./-/ "$ +*$)/.
2#/ ,0)/$/4
/#-*0"#*0/ /# ()0!/0-$)" +-* .. 
    .// ( )/ *! /# / #)$' '.* backflush.
- ,0$- ( )/. *! ) ++'$/$*) *- $/ ( )
   -*1$ . .0++'$ -.
/# +-* .. $)1*'1  /* ).0- /#
2$/# *).$./ )/ .#$++$)" $)!*-(/$*) )
- ,0$- ( )/. - ( /
1)   () +-*!$' . /* .0++*-/
  # ,0)/$/4 *! %0./7$)7/$( +-*0/$*) )  '$1 -4 #
 +- )/ /#/ $. 0.  . /# .$. !*- .0++'$ - .# 0'$)" .4./ ( $)'0 . 
.+ $!4$)" /# (/ -$' - ,0$- ( )/. !*- 0.$) .. "- ( )/ )  '$1 -4 .# 0'
+-*0/$*) # 6,0)/$/4 + - $. 3+- ..  !*- # .0++'$ - 0++'$ - .# 0'$)"
. /# ,0)/$/4 )   /* (& /# $)'0 .  !*-(' +-$*-$/4 +'))$)" .4./ (
./)- /# ,0)/$/4 )*/ /* (& *)'4 )  !0)/$*)'$/4 /* +-*1$ /#
*) *! /# +- )/ / $. *!/ ) 0.  4 .0++'$ - 2$/# 1'$ 0 / .
()0!/0- -. /#/ 0. .*( *(+*) )/. $)
  # '$)& !-*( /# $)$/$' -2
1 -4 .('' ,0)/$/$ . *- 4 +-* ..7- '/ 
(/ -$'. /* /# *).0(+/$*) *! /# !$)$.# 
()0!/0- -. 4) run size.
  # 3+ /  *- /-" / *./
     # '*/$*) !-*(
*! ) $/ ( *+ -/$*) *- +-* .. /)-
2#$# $)1 )/*-4 $. /-).! --  *)
*./. - +- . )/ *)'4 *) *./ ( /#* $) /#
,0)/$/$ . *! /# $/ ( *) /# +-*0/$*) '$)
-*0/ *./$)" .4./ ( *0 ) '.*
#1  )  +' /  .  $) &))
'0'/  !*- 3(+'  !0/0- *./. *-
+-* ..$)"
0-- )/ *./. *2 1 - /# )0!/0-$)"
*0)/$)" .4./ ( 0. . *)'4 ./)- 

    ) ,0$+( )/')/
!-*5 ) *./. )" ( )/ /# + - )/" *!  . -1$
$)/ -1' /#/ 4*0  !$) . /# /-$"" - !*-
    *./ .4./ ( /#/ 0. .
($)/ )) /*  .# 0'  *- 3(+' 
*./ 0)$/.  / -($)   !*- +-*0/$*)
4*0 ($"#/ . / 0+  . -1$ /4+ /* 
*- ()" ( )/ *)/-*' +0-+*. . /#
.# 0'  1 -4  #*0-. 2$/#  /#- .#*'
.4./ ( *(+- . ./)-. /* /0' *./.
+ - )/" *!  + - )/ # ) /#
) *(+0/ . 1-$) .
,0$+( )/ 0(0'/ .  #*0-. /#

 # ' )"/# *! /$( /#/ .4./ ( .# 0' . /# ($)/ )) 
.#*0'  - ,0$-  /*  . / 0+  "$1 )

 # /*/' 1*'0( *!
(#$) *- *+ -/$*) )
 -0) *) +-/
+-*0/$*) /#-*0"#  !$'$/4 (#$) 
.. ('4 /# *- ) +-*0/ /#-*0"#
2*-&  )/ -  +-/( )/ +')/ *- ) /2*-&
/#/ *+ -/$*) #$. /$( $. 0.  $)
*! +')/.
 / -($)$)" (#$) ) '*-

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

    &' " ' '' & &'%('     &'! " )%, #%!' '
")% '  &( &  ! ' ! "!', '' & "%  )! " #"!!' ! '
'  #%"& %&#') $(!'', %$(% %"   "
'%  ,! implosion.

   ', '" '% '
#%"('"! &'"%, "  #%"(' "% $(', 
  &# #%"('"! ',
"% *%%!', #(%#"&& & & (&(, "! *' !' #'& "!&&'! " "!
'%"( ' (& " "' "% &% !( %& '" "% "% #"# !& "% "' *"%
! %* '%& %" ' &(##% '" ' !'% !  "!&% & "! (!' "%
! #%"(' "' '%', !   #(%#"&& " #', %$(% !'& #!!!
")%! !' %$(% !' ! %'! ! ' &(! ,! load center.
%(' !(&'%& &( & '
   !% (& !
#% (' "% ('" "') !(&'%&
#!!! (!'"!& '' "!&('), &'&
 &" lot.
"!, ' *"%! ,& &" '' " #"!!'

 "' "% '% ! ! *"% "%% &(! !  "!
")% "&' "% "! (!' " #%"('"! & "! ' '( !( % " *"% ,&
) ,! planning calendar,
      (!' , * '
manufacturing calendar, ! shop floor
$(!'', " ! ' & ! &( & ,
*'  "+ # & ! &"
  #%"(' "%
#%"('& ! )%"(& &'& " " #'"!
       !('(%! "&'&
'%"("(' ' #!' !(!  '%
'' )%, %', *' #%"('"! )"( 
%" %* '% '' & ! %& "%
"'% '! %' "% ! %' '%&
!' #%"&&! (# '" " #',
% ")% & !&&%, '" #%"(
#%"&& '% *'! ! !&#'"!
' #%"(' (' !!"'  %', &&!
! #'! & !& #%"(' ,!
'"  &# #%"('
inĆprocess inventory.
   ! !('(%! 

  ! $(# !'!'
)% $(!'', "  " #"!!' "%
! !' %%& '" ' &$(! "
!%!' !'& '' '  "(!'
)!'& '%"( *  *"% "%% (&'
%$(% )%& & "! ' $(!'', " '
#&& '" (%', " (!' '
! #%"(' #%"(
"!'%&' *' fixed
#%"%&& " ' !'!! '&& '

  ! %"('
"&'! !
!('(%! "(!'! ' %!
'*! '*" '"& " "&'! ' & 
'  "% + # ' %! '*!
' %"-! &'!% "&' ! ' (%%!'
"&' & ! !!%! )%! %"-!
&'!% "&'& "  %" '

" #"!!'& ' ! ' (%%!' "&'& %

(' (&! ' (%%!'  " '%
%"('! ! ")% %'&  !
$(# !'!' ! !' '
%! '*! %)!( !%' , 
# " $(# !' ! "&'& !(%% ,
' $(# !'

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

A8.1 (8/97)

A Assign Issued Component LSN's (P3107),

form, 2-245, 2-246
Assign Work Order LSN's (P3105), form,
A8.1 2-63
Configuration Management, processing Assigning serial numbers, 2-62
work orders, 2-67 Attaching the coĆ/byĆproducts, 2-54
Engineering Change Orders Attaching the ingredients list interactively,
Enter/Change Order, 2-31 2-34
Order Processing, 2-65 Attaching the intermediate items, 2-60
Generic Text Attaching the routing instructions
Enter/Change Bill, 2-86 interactively, 2-47
Enter/Change Routing, 2-87 Availability
Routing Revisions, 2-48 reviewing, 2-151
Work Order Ingredients List, 2-36 test yourself, 2-164
Ingredient Comparison, 2-276 Availability and shortages, test yourself
Quantity at Operation, Super Backflush, answers, A-3
Serial Number Tracking, 2-62, 2-174
Completions, 2-244 B
Substitute Availability, Enter/Change
Order, 2-44
Summarized Journal Entries, Back Order Release, processing options,
Enter/Change Order, 2-19 2-227
Warehouse Picking Interface Back Order Release (P42117), form, 2-224
Enter/Change Order, 2-18 Backscheduling, overview, 2-14
Enter/Change Work Center, 4-32 Batch Rate Close, processing options, 3-45
features, 1-6 BOM Component Master Text (P0016),
Ingredient Shortages, 2-162 window, 2-86
Inventory Issues, 2-171
Order Processing, 2-66, 2-68, 2-69,
2-72 C
Routing Instructions, 2-48
system integration, 1-2 Category Code 02 (P00051), form, 4-8
table, 1-10 Category Code 03 (P00051), form, 4-8
Work Order Ingredients List, 2-36 Category codes, setting up, 4-8
All Shortages, report, 2-163 Changing item classification, test yourself
All Shortages report answers, A-2
generating, 2-163 Changing the status of a work order to
sample, 2-163 closed, 2-251
Alternate Line Selection form, scheduling Closing rates, overview, 3-45
items on a production line, 3-14 Co/By Product Completions (P31115)
Assembly inclusion rules, processing, 2-67 fold area, 2-221
form, 2-220

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Co/By Product Completions (P3111P), work orders without backflushing, 2-211,

form, 2-212 2-216
Co/By Product Revisions (P3111P) Completions Workbench, processing
fold area, 2-58 options, 3-22
window, 2-58 Completions Workbench form, completing
CoĆ/byĆproducts, overview, 2-12 rates, 3-20
Commitments Component Item Substitutions (P31042),
activating substitution checking, 2-79 form, 2-43
create for potent units, 2-90 Creating commitments for potent units,
define at a work center, 2-84 2-90
define rules for work orders, 2-80 Creating lots, 2-102
hard, 2-76 Creating work orders, 2-17
inventory interfaces when reposting,
manage for grade and potency, 2-89 D
overview, 2-75
process, 2-77
Defining availability calculations for a
reposting, 2-93
branch, 2-152
reposting open and onĆorder quantities,
Defining commitment rules, 2-80
Defining commitments at a work center
soft, 2-76
location, 2-84
test yourself, 2-95
Dispatch List, report, 2-190
work with, 2-79
Dispatch List report
Committing inventory, test yourself
generating, 2-190
answers, A-2
sample, 2-190
Completing a work order through
Document type codes, setting up, 4-10
backflush, 2-216
Duplicate lot processing. See Lot processing
Completing a work order with serialized
components, 2-244
Completing a work order without
backflushing, 2-211
Completing partial quantities on a work
order, 2-229 Employee Labor Rates, processing options,
Completing rates 4-17
Completions Workbench form, 3-20 Employee Labor Rates (P00191), form, 4-16
Inventory Issues form, 3-22 Enter Receipts by PO (P4312), form, 2-11
overview, 3-19 Enter/Change Bill (P3002), fold area, 2-86
quality management test results, 3-19 Enter/Change Order, processing options,
Super Backflush form, 3-21 2-251
Completing work orders, 2-207 Enter/Change Order (P48013), form, 2-18,
Completion with Backflush (P31114), form, 2-251
2-220 Enter/Change Process (P3003), form, 2-55,
Completions 2-85, 2-217
lot processing, 2-209 Enter/Change Rate Schedule, processing
partial quantities, 2-229 options, 3-8
updated tables, 2-208 Enter/Change Rate Schedule form, sample,
Warehouse Management system 3-4
interface, 2-210 Enter/Change Resource Units (P3007)
work orders, 2-207 form, 4-34
work orders through backflush, 2-216 generating, 4-36

A8.1 (8/97)
refreshing information, 4-37 Employee Labor Rates, 4-16
Enter/Change Routing (P3003), using Enter Receipts by PO, 2-11
generic text, 2-87 Enter/Change Order, 2-18, 2-251
Enter/Change Work Center (P3006) Enter/Change Process, 2-55, 2-85, 2-217
form, 4-29 Enter/Change Rate Schedule, 3-4
maintaining business units and tracking Enter/Change Resource Units, 4-34
costs, 4-32 Enter/Change Work Center, 4-29
maintaining rates, 4-32 General Message, 4-14
system calculations, 4-32 General User Defined Codes, 2-91, 4-10
Warehouse Management interface, 4-32 Hours and Quantities Entry, 2-194,
Entering hours and quantities manually, 2-202, 2-236
2-194 Ingredient Availability, 2-154
Entering hours and quantities through Ingredient Comparison, 2-277
payroll time entry, 2-198 Ingredient List Inquiry, 2-155
Entering rates Ingredient Scrap, 2-180
Enter/Change Rate Schedule form, 3-4 Ingredient Useability, 2-260
line/item relationship, 3-8 Intermediate Product Revisions, 2-60
overview, 3-3 Inventory Issues, 2-175, 2-222, 2-235,
production lines, 3-7 3-22
Entering work order headers, 2-17 Item Availability Definition, 2-152
Item Branch/Plant Information, 2-80,
F Item Ledger, 2-270
Item Ledger - amount/quantity format,
Fast path commands, 1-20
Item Ledger - running balance format,
hours and quantities tracking, 1-4
Item Master Information, 2-106
manufacturing accounting, 1-5
Kanban Consumption, 2-282, 3-36
material tracking, 1-6
Kanban Supply, 2-287, 3-41
process/routing instructions, 1-4
Line Dispatch List, 3-30
production scheduling and tracking, 1-5
Line Scheduling Workbench, 3-13
reporting, 1-6
Line Sequencing Workbench, 3-16
work order and rate creation, 1-4
Location Lot Status Change, 2-132
Fixed leadtime, example, B-4
Lot Availability, 2-118
Lot Dates, 2-130
Alternate Line Selection, 3-14
Lot Master Revisions, 2-112
Assign Issued Component LSN's (P3107),
Lot Status Codes, 2-132
2-245, 2-246
Lot Tracing, 2-138
Assign Work Order LSN's (P3105), 2-63
Manufacturing Constants, 2-82, 2-88,
Back Order Release, 2-224
BOM Component Master Text, 2-86
Operation Status, 4-9
Category Code 02, 4-8
Partail Completion, 2-212
Category Code 03, 4-8
Partial Completion, 2-229
Co/By Product Completions, 2-212,
Payroll Time Entry, 2-199
Phase, 4-7
Co/By Product Revisions, 2-58
Priority, 4-5
Completion with Backflush, 2-220
Process Order Inquiry, 2-276
Completions Workbench, 3-20
Process Resource Revisions, 2-55, 2-217
Component Item Substitutions, 2-43
Production History, 3-29

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Production Status, 3-28 Hours & Quantities, processing options,

Reclassifications, 2-146 2-197
Revision Level, 2-31 Hours & Quantities Entry, processing
Routing Quantities and Status, 2-11 options, 2-240
Routing Revisions, 2-14, 2-49 Hours and Quantities Entry, processing
Routing/Analysis Revisions, 2-226 options, 3-25
Schedule Review, 3-18 Hours and Quantities Entry (P311221)
Select Multiple Locations, 2-46, 2-177 fold area, 2-195
Shop Floor Calendar, 4-18 form, 2-194, 2-202, 2-236
Shop Floor Workbench, 2-185 Hours and Quantities Proof report
Shortage Maintenance, 2-159 generating, 2-204
Shortage Workbench, 2-158 sample, 2-205
Speed Lot Update, 2-129
Split Lines, 3-14
Standard Procedures, 4-13 I
Standard Units of Measure, 2-93
Status, 4-6
Inclusion rules, lot tracing/tracking, 2-140
Substitute Availability, 2-45
Ingredient Availability, processing options,
Summary Availability, 2-261
Super Backflush, 2-233, 2-241, 3-21
Ingredient Availability (P30205), form,
Supply/Demand Inquiry, 2-263
Track/Track Inclusion Rules, 2-140
Ingredient Comparison, processing options,
Type, 4-3
Work Order Category Codes, 2-24
Ingredient Comparison (P31117), form,
Work Order Detail Entry, 2-23
Work Order Ingredients List, 2-37
Ingredient List Inquiry, processing options,
Work Order Record Types, 2-23
Work Order Time Entry, 2-243
Ingredient List Inquiry (P3121)
fold area, 2-156
form, 2-155
G Ingredient Scrap, processing options, 2-182
Ingredient Scrap (P31116)
General Message (P00192), form, 4-14 display formats, 2-180
General User Defined Codes (P00051) fold area, 2-181
fold area, 2-91 form, 2-180
form, 2-91, 4-10 Ingredient Shortages, processing options,
Grade control, 2-98 2-163
Ingredient Shortages report
generating, 2-162
H sample, 2-162
Ingredient Useability, processing options,
Ingredient Useability (P30201)
enter manually, 2-194
fold area, 2-260
enter through Payroll Time Entry, 2-198
form, 2-260
overview, 2-191
overview, 2-258
process, 2-198
Ingredients list
review transactions, 2-204
assign interactively, 2-34
update, 2-201
attaching by batch, 2-35

A8.1 (8/97)
11!&'+% *+2))6 
1#* 3') ')'16 #$'+'1',+   $,/*
!,-6'+% $/,* ,+# 4,/( ,/"#/ 1, +,1&#/ 

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+" 5#!21',+  20'+% 1&# /2++'+% )+!# $,/*1  
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+ + 2--)6 $,/* 0*-)#  
$,/  -/,!#00 .2+1'16 

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00'%+'+% 0#/') +2* #/0  $'5#"   
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"#$'+# 3') ')'16 !)!2)1',+ $,/  
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1#01 6,2/0#)$  

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Line Dispatch List form, reviewing line viewing lot transactions

dispatch list, 3-30 Lot Tracing form, 2-138
Line Scheduling Workbench, processing Lot Tracing report, 2-137
options, 3-14 Lot Tracking report, 2-137
Line Scheduling Workbench form, setting up trace/track inclusions rules,
scheduling items on a production line, 3-13 2-140
Line Sequencing Workbench, processing Trace/Track Inclusion Rules form,
options, 3-17 2-140
Line Sequencing Workbench form, working with lot activity dates, 2-125
scheduling rates by classification scheme or changing activity dates for a single lot,
manually, 3-16 2-126
Location Lot Status Change form, sample, changing activity dates for multiple
2-132 lots, 2-129
Lot. See Lot processing Lot Dates form, 2-130
Lot Availability, processing options, 2-121 Lot Master Revisions form, 2-126
Lot Availability form, sample, 2-118 Speed Lot Update form, 2-129
Lot control tracking lot dates, 2-130
grade and potency overview, 2-97 working with lot quantities, 2-121
identifying items, 2-99 Lot Master Revisions form, 2-122
lot control items, 2-99 reviewing lot quantities, 2-122
Lot Dates form, sample, 2-130 tracking lot quantities, 2-124
Lot Dates program (P00051), 2-130 working with lot statuses
Lot Master Revisions, processing options, assigning status codes to different lot
2-116 locations, 2-132
Lot Master Revisions form, sample, 2-112, Location Lot Status Change form,
2-122 2-132
Lot Master Revisions program (P4108), Lot Status Codes form, 2-132
2-112, 2-122 setting up lot status codes, 2-132
Lot processing Lot Status Codes form, sample, 2-132
entering lot information Lot Status Codes program (P00051), 2-132
creating a lot, 2-112 Lot Tracing form, sample, 2-138
duplicate lots, 2-111 Lot Tracing Inquiry, processing options,
entering lot control information, 2-113 2-140
entering lot information for items, Lot Tracing report, sample, 2-137
2-105 Lot Tracing/Tracking program (P41203),
entering supplier information, 2-115 2-138
Item Master Information form, 2-106 Lot Tracking report, sample, 2-137
Lot Master Revisions form, 2-112 Lots
overview, 2-101 overview of creating, 2-102
reclassifying lots overview of status, 2-103
bulk inventory, 2-145
correcting errors, 2-145
document numbers, 2-145 M
example, 2-144
grouping reclassifications, 2-145
Machine hours, leadtime concepts, B-2
Reclassifications form, 2-146
Managing commitments for grade and
uncommitted quantities, 2-145
potency controlled items, 2-89
viewing lot availability, 2-117
Managing shortage information, 2-157
Lot Availability form, 2-118

A8.1 (8/97)
Manufacturing Accounting, summarized sample, 2-73
work orders, 2-19 Process Resource Revisions (P3002P)
Manufacturing Constants (P3009), form, fold area, 2-55, 2-217
2-82, 2-88, 4-22 form, 2-55, 2-217
Manufacturing Work Order Entry, Processing a work order through super
processing options, 2-31 backflush, 2-232
Move hours, leadtime concepts, B-3 Processing a work order using quantity at
operation, 2-240
Processing kanban consumption by item
O Kanban Consumption form, 2-282, 3-36
overview, 2-282, 3-36
Processing kanban supply by item, 2-286,
Operation start and due dates
fixed leadtime, B-5
Kanban Supply form, 2-287, 3-41
variable leadtime, B-6
Processing kanbans
Operation Status (P00051), form, 4-9
consumption by item, 2-282, 3-36
Operation status codes, setting up, 4-9
oneĆphase mode, 2-280, 3-34
Operations, overlapping, B-7
overview, 2-279, 3-33
Order Processing, processing options, 2-69
supply by item, 2-286, 3-40
Outside operations, usage, 2-10
twoĆphase mode, 2-280, 3-34
Processing options
Back Order Release, 2-227
P Batch Rate Close, 3-45
Completions Workbench, 3-22
Partial Completion (P31114), form, 2-212, Employee Labor Rates, 4-17
2-229 Enter/Change Order, 2-251
Payroll Time Entry, processing options, Enter/Change Rate Schedule, 3-8
2-199 Hours & Quantities, 2-197
Payroll Time Entry (P061181), form, 2-199 Hours & Quantities Entry, 2-240
Phase (P00051), form, 4-7 Hours and Quantities Entry, 3-25
Phase codes, setting up, 4-7 Ingredient Availability, 2-157
Prime load code, leadtime concepts, B-3 Ingredient Comparison, 2-278
Printing a summary of process orders, 2-73 Ingredient List Inquiry, 2-157
Printing all shortages, 2-163 Ingredient Scrap, 2-182
Printing ingredient shortages, 2-162 Ingredient Shortages, 2-163
Printing process manufacturing reports, Ingredient Useability, 2-265
2-291 Item Ledger Inquiry, 2-272
Printing scheduling information for a work Kanban Consumption, 2-283, 3-37
center, 2-190 Kanban Size Calculation, 4-44
printing shortages, 2-161 Kanban Supply, 2-288, 3-42
Printing the supply and demand report, Line Dispatch List, 3-31
2-264 Line Scheduling Workbench, 3-14
Priority (P00051), form, 4-5 Line Sequencing Workbench, 3-17
Priority codes, setting up, 4-5 Lot Availability, 2-121
Process manufacturing, overview, 2-1 Lot Master Revisions, 2-116
Process Order Inquiry (P31240) Lot Tracing Inquiry, 2-140
form, 2-276 Manufacturing Work Order Entry, 2-31
overview, 2-275 Order Processing, 2-69
Process Order Summary report Payroll Time Entry, 2-199
generating, 2-73 Production History, 3-30

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

Production Status, 3-28 P3003 (enter/change process), 2-55,

Purge Orders, 2-255 2-85, 2-217
Reclassifications, 2-148 P3006 (enter/change work center), 4-29
Repost Open Quantities, 2-94 P3007 (enter/change resource units),
Schedule Review, 3-18 4-34
Shop Floor Workbench, 2-188 P3009 (manufacturing constants), 2-82,
Shortage Maintenance, 2-161 2-88, 4-22
Shortage Workbench, 2-161 P30201 (ingredient useability), 2-260
Standard Procedures, 4-15 P30205 (ingredient availability), 2-154
Summary Availability, 2-266 P30BREV (revision level), 2-31
Super Backflush, 2-238, 3-23 P3103 (routing quantities and status),
Supply/Demand Inquiry, 2-266 2-11
User Defined Codes, 2-93, 4-11 P31042 (component item substitutions),
Work Center Resource Units Revisions, 2-43
4-37 P3105 (assign work order LSN's), 2-63
Work Order Inventory Completion, P3107 (assign issued component LSN's),
2-213 2-245, 2-246
Work Order Inventory Issues, 2-177 P3109 (enter/change rate schedule), 3-4
Processing work orders, 2-65 P3111 (work order ingredients list), 2-37
Production History, processing options, P31113 (inventory issues), 2-175, 2-222,
3-30 2-235, 3-22
Production History form, reviewing P31114 (completion with backflush),
production history, 3-29 2-220
Production Status, processing options, 3-28 P31114 (partial completion), 2-212,
Production Status form, reviewing 2-229
production status, 3-28 P31116 (ingredient scrap), 2-180
Programs and IDs P31117 (ingredient comparison), 2-277
P00051 (category code 02), 4-8 P3111I (intermediate product revisions),
P00051 (category code 03), 4-8 2-60
P00051 (general user defined codes), P3111P (co/by product completions),
2-91, 4-10 2-212, 2-220
P00051 (lot dates), 2-130 P3111P (co/by product revisions), 2-58
P00051 (lot status codes), 2-132 P3111S (substitute availability), 2-45
P00051 (operation status), 4-9 P3112 (routing revisions), 2-14, 2-49
P00051 (phase), 4-7 P311221 (hours and quantities entry,
P00051 (priority), 4-5 2-194
P00051 (status), 4-6 P311221 (hours and quantities entry),
P00051 (trace/track inclusion rules), 2-202, 2-236
2-140 P311221 (work order time entry), 2-243
P00051 (type), 4-3 P31123 (super backflush), 2-233, 2-241,
P00071 (shop floor calendar), 4-18 3-21
P00121 (standard procedures), 4-13 P3118 (shortage maintenance), 2-159
P0016 (bom component master text), P3119 (completions workbench), 3-20
2-86 P3121 (ingredient list inquiry), 2-155
P00191 (employee labor rates), 4-16 P31225 (shop floor workbench), 2-185
P00192 (general message), 4-14 P31226 (production status), 3-28
P061181 (payroll time entry), 2-199 P31227 (production history), 3-29
P3002P (process resource revisions), P31240 (process order inquiry), 2-276
2-55, 2-217 P3128 (shortage workbench), 2-158
P3152 (schedule review), 3-18

A8.1 (8/97)

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A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

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A8.1 (8/97)
transactions, 2-4 using quantity at operation for
types of manufacturing, 1-10 intermediates, 2-237
using units of measure, 2-3 Super Backflush form, completing rates,
Shop Floor Workbench, processing options, 3-21
2-188 Supply and demand, overview, 2-264
Shop Floor Workbench (P31225) Supply and Demand report
fold area, 2-186 generating, 2-264
form, 2-185 sample, 2-264
Shop paperwork, overview, 2-14 Supply/Demand Inquiry, processing
Shortage Maintenance, processing options, options, 2-266
2-161 Supply/Demand Inquiry (P4021)
Shortage Maintenance (P3118), form, 2-159 fold area, 2-263
Shortage Workbench, processing options, form, 2-263
2-161 overview, 2-258
Shortage Workbench (P3128) System integration. See Integration
fold area, 2-159 System overview, tables, 1-8
form, 2-158 System setup
Shortages category codes, 4-8
entering, 2-151 document type codes, 4-10
print ingredient shortages, 2-162 employee labor rates, 4-16
report, 2-163 manufacturing constants, 4-21
reviewing, 2-151 objectives, 4-1
test yourself, 2-164 operation status codes, 4-9
Warehouse Management interface, 2-162 phase codes, 4-7
Speed Lot Update form, sample, 2-129 priority codes, 4-5
Speed Lot Update program (P41080), 2-129 resource units, 4-33
Split Lines form, scheduling items on a shop floor calendar, 4-17
production line, 3-14 standard procedures, 4-13
Standard Procedures, processing options, status codes, 4-6
4-15 type codes, 4-3
Standard Procedures (P00191), form, 4-13 work centers, 4-29
Standard Units of Measure (P41003), form, work order codes, 4-3
Start date, calculations, 2-13
Status (P00051), form, 4-6 T
Status codes, setting up, 4-6
Substitute Availability (P3111S), form, 2-45
Test yourself
Summary Availability, processing options,
availability and shortages, 2-164
change item classification, 2-150
Summary Availability (P41202)
committing inventory, 2-95
fold area, 2-262
revising statuses, 2-256
form, 2-261
Test yourself answers
overview, 2-258
availability and shortages, A-3
Super Backflush, processing options, 2-238,
changing item classification, A-2
committing inventory, A-2
Super Backflush (P31123)
revising statuses, A-3
fold area, 2-233, 2-242
Time basis code, leadtime concepts, B-3
form, 2-233, 2-241
Trace/Track Inclusion Rules form, sample,
operation numbers, 2-237

A8.1 (8/97)
Shop Floor Control Process Manufacturing

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A8.1 (8/97)

A8.1 (8/97)

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