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Choose the best answer for the following questions below!

1. What do you know about news item passage?

a. The text contains the factual issue which is written from the author’s point of view
b. The text includes the factual sources that shows the news worthy of the event
c. The text listing some currents issues to be presented for the politics’ goal
d. The text which purposively persuade and herd the reader’s assumption into one
e. The text that focuses on the governmental field in order to show the truth to the
2. What is the main goal of the news item?
a. To deliver and present the truth of the current issue to the society
b. To show the news worthy of the current event based on the factual sources
c. To generalized the society’s presumption toward the government and political field
d. To entertain the readers with the amusement and gossip issues
e. To show how something can be done in real life.
3. What do you know about the Application letter?
a. A letter contains a business inquiry from a company to the customers
b. A letter contains the personal information of certain person to be sent to the
c. A letter which is necessary to consider the applicants ability in the needed position
d. A letter shows the capability of the applicants that match with the needed-position
e. A letter written by the applicants to ask for an interview session with the company
4. Why do people send an application letter to the company?
a. In order to persuade the company so they can work in there
b. To get some experiences in getting the job through the application letter
c. To make the company acknowledge their capability and benefit
d. It can make the company to reconsider their position which can be matched with
the applicants
e. It provides the personal information which really important for the company’s future
5. These are the characteristics of a good application letter, except…
a. It should be organized in some proper paragraphs
b. The applicants must put the salutation in some parts include above the signature
c. The personal information can’t be described in more than 2 pages
d. It should be sent in the same day with the written date on the letter
e. The letter must be brief and clear

This picture is for number 6

6. Why does the author put a picture in the caption?

a. To show the relevant of the picture with the meaning of the caption
b. To create the certain atmosphere relate with the caption itself
c. All captions need a picture to represent the meaning of its
d. In order to make the caption more interest and eye-catching
e. To persuade the readers that the picture is the descriptive form of the caption
This text is for number 7-9

7. What marketing field does he/she want to apply?

a. Communication marketing
b. The sales of industry
c. The house ware marketing distribution
d. Clothing sales
e. Public speaker course.
8. How did the applicant get the information about the job vacancy?
a. It was shown on the TV broadcasting program
b. He/she got the information from the written-form information
c. The company’s person called him/her to follow up the vacancy
d. He/she got a recommendation from the university
e. It was advertised through online website
9. The word “behalf” in the third paragraph could be best replaced with..
a. Arrangement
b. Discussion
c. Importance
d. Profit
e. Necessity
This text is for number 10-12

10. What information we can take from the curriculum vitae above?
a. Her past work experiences mostly unrelated with her skills and degree
b. She worked as freelance after she got an internship in PT. Danar Hadi
c. She liked art and acting during her college life
d. She has worked as a staff in APKOMINDO Expo Solo for 5 years.
e. Marketing staff was her latest job experience
11. What is the social function of writing the curriculum vitae?
a. To give the overview of the applicant’s personal info such as education and working
b. To show off the past educational achievement of the applicants
c. To explain in detail about the career objective and achievements of the applicants
d. It can give the brief explanation to the company about the applicant’s biographical
e. Through the CV the applicants can express her/his feeling toward the company
12. What are the good characteristics of the curriculum vitae?
a. It must be done in complex and brief language
b. The career objective is an unnecessary aspect in writing the CV
c. A good CV needs a signature and date
d. A good CV includes a formal and current photo of the applicant
e. We shouldn’t add the personal contact in the CV

This Picture is for number 13-14

13. The sentence in the circle above is…

a. The newsworthy of the news
b. The newspaper’s brand name
c. The news headline
d. The main article of the newspaper
e. The advertisement column
14. What information we can take from the newspaper above?
a. This news just happen during the rainy season in Northwest Herald
b. There were so many victims due to the big flood stroke this area
c. This paper published weekly for the local area only
d. The people can get this newspaper freely from the government
e. The main article discuss the local weather forecast

This text is for number 15-17

Tornado's wrath ruined the city

Tornado that occurred in Russia Moscow city yesterday has devastated the whole town in a
matter of hours. The storm that occurred during the 39 minutes it has swept at least 49 buildings, four
important buildings and swallowed dozens of casualties.
The storm that occurred this time worse than the worst storm ever recorded occurred in Moscow
since 1973, it can be said that this storm is the worst storm that ever occurred in Moscow for 100 years.
To respond to this disaster, the local response agencies have been exerting all his strength to help
evacuate victims of the storm. Although the weather has not improved but aid has been channeled to
the victims. Not only from the Russian government, but in the form of material aid has been granted by
various countries as an expression of their concern.

15. What was the main impact that caused by the tornado in Moscow?
a. There were several important buildings broken and the casualties number getting
b. The casualties trapped in the destroyed-building until they got rescued with the local
c. Some events had been cancelled due to the tornado which attacked the
governmental buildings in Russia
d. The unstable weather changing after the tornado came to destroy Moscow and
some others area
e. It made the connection from Moscow to other countries became blocked due to
several broken buildings and public facility.
16. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
a. The obstacles faced when delivering some aids for the tornado’s casualties.
b. The first action taken under the local agencies to save the victims through sending
the helps and evacuate them
c. Some countries had been sending their help for the casualties as soon as they can.
d. Weather had become the main obstacle in sending the aids for the local victims
e. Russian Government decided to command another country to help the evacuate the
buildings and casualties
17. The word “devastated” has the closest meaning with…
a. Leveled
b. Overthrew
c. Annihilated
d. Mowed down
e. Renovated

Complete the following passage with the suitable verbs!

France fuel protests: Police in Paris fire tear gas
Police in Paris have used tear gas and water cannon to disperse protesters demonstrating for a second
weekend against rising fuel prices.
Clashes _____(18) on the Champs-Elysées despite a police security cordon around sensitive sites
in the centre of the French capital. Some 280,000 people took part in protests at more than 2,000
locations across France last Saturday. Organizers billed the latest protests as "act two" in their rolling
campaign. Known as "yellow jackets" after their distinctive high-visibility attire, the protesters oppose an
increase in fuel duty on diesel.
Several thousand demonstrators _____(19) on Saturday on the Champs-Elysées, where they
came up against a police cordon designed to stop those reaching key buildings such as the prime
minister's official residence. It is part of a large police-enforced perimeter around districts
demonstrators are banned from entering.
The authorities say that so far there is no sign the demonstrators have been able to enter
_____(20) areas. Video posted on social media showed firecrackers being thrown at police as protesters
shouted slogans calling for President Emmanuel Macron to resign. Some 3,000 police have been
deployed in city. Some estimates suggest 30,000 protesters are expected in the capital.

18. What is the best answer for number 18?

a. Ran out
b. Broke out
c. Laid down
d. Got off
e. Tented up
19. What is the best answer for number 19?
a. Assembled
b. Assemble
c. Assembling
d. To assemble
e. Had been assemble
20. What is the best answer for number 20?
a. Authorize
b. Unauthorized
c. Authorization
d. Governmental
e. VIP
Change these sentences below into the indirect speech!
21. The Vice Minister delivers to the reporter, “We should try harder to get rid the corruptors and
repair the Nation’s economy level before the International Conference in Bali.”
a. The Vice Minister delivered to the reporter that they should try harder to get rid the
corruptors and repaired the Nation’s economy level before the International Conference in
b. The Vice Minister has delivered to the reporter that they should tried harder to get rid the
corruptors and repaired the Nation’s economy level before the International Conference in
c. The Vice Minister delivered to the reporter we should try harder to get ridded the
corruptors and repaired the Nation’s economy level after the International Conference in
d. The Vice Minister delivered to the reporter that they shall try harder to get rid the
corruptors and repair the Nation’s economy level after the International Conference in Bali.
e. The Vice Minister deliver to the reporter that they should have been tried harder to get rid
the corruptors and repaired the Nation’s economy level before the International Conference
in Bali.
22. Mr. Clark, the local rescuer agency says, “The victims have been evacuated safely into the safety
zone in order to regain the health and to avoid the traumatic effect due to the tornado.”
a. Mr. Clark, the local rescuer agency said that the victims have evacuated safely into the
safety zone in order to regained the health and to avoided the traumatic effect due to the
b. Mr. Clark, the local rescuer agency said the victims have been evacuated safely into the
safety zone in order to regain the health and to avoid the traumatic effect due to the
c. Mr. Clark, the local rescuer agency said the victims has been evacuated safely into the safety
zone in order to regain the health and to avoid the traumatic effect due to the tornado.
d. Mr. Clark, the local rescuer agency said that the victims had been evacuated safely into the
safety zone in order to regain the health and to avoid the traumatic effect due to the
e. Mr. Clark, the local rescuer agency says, The victims have been evacuated safely into the
safety zone in order to regain the health and to avoid the traumatic effect due to the
23. Johnny asks Rita, ‘Have you been in this apartment before? Because I heard some bad news
regarding to this apartment’s landlord.”
a. Johnny asked Rita whether he had been in this apartment before because she did hear some
bad news regarding to this apartment’s landlord.
b. Johnny asked Rita if she had been in this apartment before because he had heard some bad
news regarding to this apartment’s landlord.
c. Johnny asked Rita whether she had been in that apartment before because he had heard
some bad news regarded to that apartment’s landlord.
d. Johnny asked Rita whether he had been in this apartment before because she did hear some
bad news were regarding to this apartment’s landlord.
e. Johnny asked Rita whether he had been in this apartment before because she hears some
bad news regarding to this apartment’s landlord.
24. The new headmaster commands his teachers, “Please do not let the students borrow the books
from library without bringing their identity card!”
a. The new headmaster commanded his teachers not to let the students borrow the books
from library without brought their identity card.
b. The new headmaster commanded his teachers not to let the students borrowed the books
from library without brought their identity card.
c. The new headmaster commands his teachers to do not let the students borrowed the books
from library without brought their identity card.
d. The new headmaster commanded his teachers to do not let the students had borrowed the
books from library without brought their identity card.
e. The new headmaster commanded his teachers not to let the students borrowed the books
from library without bringing their identity card.
This picture is for number 25-26!

25. What does the phrase “work flexible hours” mean?

a. The employees should be able to work until pass midnight to serve the customers
b. Both employees and manager can negotiate the salary level based on their ability
c. All the employees must be ready with all the possibilities in changing the working period
d. The job position can be changed without any announcement to the related employees
e. The team should provide some proper working time considering their team members.
26. What is the inference about the job vacancy?
a. The applicant will work right after she/he is accepted by the company
b. It requires a past experience related to the surgery or transplant field before
c. The CV must be sent to the Letterkenny Shopping Centre during the weekdays
d. They preferred a fresh graduate applicant than the experience one.
e. All the applicants are not allowed to hand it out to the manager of the branch

This text is for number 27-28!

27. Suppose you want to apply for the job, what does the first thing you should do?
a. Fulfill all the requirements and go to the company to do the in-desk interview
b. Gather all certificates relate to the requirements needed in order to apply the job
c. Sending the covering letter to the company during September 2017
d. Making a proper CV and send it to the showed address of the company in the weekdays
e. Call the general manager for the further information about the vacancy
28. The correct statement about the job vacancy is…
a. The past employee gave birth to a child causing she didn’t able to work for a while
b. The accepted applicant can work directly after she/he finish the interview session
c. After the 1st September the company still tolerant for the applicant who wants to send the
d. The admin assistant position is the fourth needed position in the company as well.
e. The applicant can contact the company’s manager to get detail information about the
29. Why does people/company put a job vacancy in the newspaper rather in the TV?
a. To get the attention only for adults people, not from the children as well
b. Advertising vacancy in the TV is cheaper and more practical than in newspaper
c. Newspaper is the weekly media which people can get it easily
d. It will give more credibility to put the vacancy in newspaper due to the marketing targets
e. Television is a common media which many people have less interested in it.
30. What does the social function of the job vacancy?
a. To attract many people to acknowledge what company’s need
b. To inform the applicants about the needed position in the certain company
c. To advertise the company’s brand through several medias such as TV and newspaper
d. Job vacancy is the way to get people’s attention about the certain company as well.
e. It is the fastest method to get a new employee so that he/she can work right after.

This picture is for numbers 31-32!

31. What kind of caption is it?

a. Summary caption
b. Long-brief caption
c. Persuasive caption
d. Figurative caption
e. Descriptive caption
32. How do probably people feel after seeing the photo include the caption?
a. Astonished
b. Salute
c. Desperate
d. Excitement
e. Amazed

Arrange these jumbled sentences into the correct paragraph!

1. “He just arrived home on May 10 after attending the exhibition. In that city, he collapsed
and lost consciousness and returned home in a wheelchair,” she said.
2. Didi’s niece Muthia Kautsar said that Didi, who starred in a number of comedy and drama
films in the 1980s and 1990s, collapsed and lost consciousness when attending an expo in
Milan, Italy, recently.
3. On Tuesday, Didi was taken to Bandung for treatment. Muthia said no diseases were
detected but he died on Friday.
4. Veteran actor Didi Widiatmoko, popularly known as Didi Petet, died at the age of 58 at
his residence in Sasak Tinggi, Ciputat, South Tangerang, on Friday morning.
5. Didi’s body is laid out in his residence on Jl. Bambu Apus in Sasak Tinggi, Ciputat, South
Tangerang. It has yet to be decided when and where he will be buried.

33. What is the correct arrangement of those sentences?

a. 4-3-2-5-1
b. 4-3-5-2-1
c. 4-2-1-3-5
d. 3-4-2-1-5
e. 3-2-4-1-5
1. Her employers allegedly told her to go for a medical check-up at a hospital, during which she was
placed under anaesthesia with no explanation.
2. DOHA – Sri Rabitah, 25, told the Indonesian press on Monday that she only realized what had
happened before when she returned to her home and went to hospital complaining of constant
back pain.
3. Sri has said that she wants to fight back. “I want the government to sue the perpetrator. My
kidney was stolen,” she said.
4. “Without permission, I got an injection. The doctor said I was so weak, so I was told to relax,” Sri
told the Detik news site.
5. Sri said that she remembered being taken to a room containing medical tools before waking up in
pain with an inexplicable incision scar.
6. To her surprised, doctors told the young mother that one of her kidneys was missing.
7. She claims that she was never given an explanation about what happened in the room at that
time, and was sent back home as her employers deemed her unfit to work.

34. What is the correct arrangement of those sentences?

a. 2-6-1-4-5-7-3
b. 2-6-1-5-4-7-3
c. 5-6-2-1-4-7-3
d. 5-4-2-3-6-7-1
e. 2-1-4-3-6-5-7

Arrange these jumbled words into the correct sentence!

exchange – visitors – expected – Indonesia – is – series – International – US$5 Millions – to earn – sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
from – the – of
11 12 13

35. What is the correct arrangement of those words?

a. 7-10-6-4-5-3-9-8-1-11-12-13-2
b. 7-10-6-4-5-3-8-9-12-11-1-13-2
c. 7-10-6-4-5-3-9-8-1-11-13-12-2
d. 4-5-3-9-8-1-11-12-2-13-7-10-6
e. 4-5-3-9-8-11-1-12-2-13-7-10-6

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