2019 Religious Education Parent Information Night: Year 6 2019

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Religious Education
Parent Information Night
Year 6 2019
Prayer is all about becoming present to God. This means that when
we pray we need to bring an openness in our hearts to more than
just our own thoughts and feelings. In prayer we become aware of
the Holy One, of God. This time with God helps us become more

Let us take a few minutes now to seek God

in the gentle sound of silence; let the silence
of our hearts and minds open us to the
wonder of Jesus’ presence as we walk
through this evening together…

*  It is my aim to create a sense of belonging that will nurture
your child’s growth, and help create a healthy self-esteem, so
necessary for learning.
*  Every child is different. Every child is special, with special
needs, special interests and special characteristics.
*  Your child is important to you, and important to me.
My Belief:
*  Every learner is created in the image and likeness of God.
*  Every learner is a lifelong learner.
*  Every learner brings to the learning experience their own richly
diverse life journey.
*  Every learner seeks to find meaning.
Religious Education
The Religious Education program aims
to help students learn the teachings of the
Gospel as proclaimed by the Catholic
Church. Students develop a sense of the
nature of Christianity and how
Christians live their lives as
part of their learning (CEWA).

*  Your child will be guided to study, research and learn what the Catholic
Church teaches.
*  Within our classroom there will be a strong emphasis on prayer.
Students will pray daily and will have access to a quiet prayer
corner in our room.
*  We also will celebrate Whole School Mass each term and
celebrate special Feast Days.
*  A Prayer Book has been compiled to assist you and your children
in learning the prayers that are expected to be known.
*  If your child is not Catholic, you are encouraged to share your
religious beliefs with them and support them in understanding
how to live according to your faith and when appropriate
discuss the similarities and differences that they might
Curriculum Yearly Planner

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

Religious Prayer Confirmation Eucharist Penance
Lent/Easter Human Vocation Advent/
Sexuality Christmas

²  The teaching of Religious Education is compulsory for all students in Catholic schools in
Western Australia.
²  Daily 30minute Religion lessons based on the Primary Religious Education Units from
the Perth Archdiocese.
²  5 week courses
²  Assessment and reporting
²  Make Jesus Real
Your Expectations?

*  On the sheets provided please brainstorm what you would
like to see achieved this year for your child.
*  What are your hopes, desires and expectations for 2019 for
your child?
*  Please include any ideas or activities you would like to see
*  You have 10 minutes to brainstorm and we will discuss and
share your ideas together as a whole group.
Sacrament of Confirmation

*  The Sacrament of Confirmation is the third Sacrament of

*  Confirmation is intimately linked to Baptism.
*  In Confirmation, your child is now confirming their Christian
faith as their own, and in doing so are sealed with the gift of the
Holy Spirit, anointed with the oil of chrism and sent as
witnesses of God in the world.
*  Your child will learn that when they use the gifts of the Holy
Spirit people are able to think, speak and behave more like
Jesus in their daily lives.

Parental Involvement
Our goal in teaching Religious Education is to assist you, the parent, in
nurturing your child's faith development and Religious literacy

*  Parents are the first faith educators of their children.

*  What happens within the family shapes the child’s appreciation of
God and the Church.
*  We ask parents to make a commitment to this Sacramental
Program by attending a Commitment Mass and the relevant
workshop sessions.

This encouragement and support will enable your child to benefit from
the best preparation possible.

*  Education is an important partnership between the home and the
Important Upcoming Dates

*  Commitment Masses 10th February, 17th February @

5.30pm (church) or 18th February @ 8am (church)
*  Parent & Child Workshop 11th April @ John Hall 6pm
*  Confirmation Rehearsal 10th May 3pm
*  Confirmation 14th May at 6pm
*  Year 6 Assembly 20th August
Contact Information & Additional
*  https://www.cns.catholic.edu.au/the-21st-century-
*  https://www.pray.com.au/
*  http://evangelisationbrisbane.org.au/shop-online/faith-
9621 3521 (School voicemail)

Monday (after school), Tuesday (after school), Wednesday (before &
after bus duty), Thursday (before school) or Friday (before & after bus
Please make an appointment via the office, email or your child’s diary

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